nonbinaricorpse · 11 months
All right!
I wasn't expecting this to motivate me enough to actually post on my Tumblr again, considering that I haven't in years.
If anything, expect a lot of miscellaneous stuff including rambles, ideas and world building. For a bit I've just been reblogging stuff.
But now I want to talk about UrbanSpook.
I like to watch the video essays about analog horror but I'm not really deep in the community? I still like Local 58 and I hope that it uploads again one day, But a lot of the series I started to watch I quickly stopped and fell behind with each new upload.
For a bit, "The Painter" series was one that I actually kept up to date with.
I'm no longer subscribed to UrbanSpook, But surprisingly it isn't for the reason that you might think.
I deal with psychosis and as a result can often fall into delusions. Currently trying to find a medication that works, but as of right now the identity of the painter is one such attachment that I made, and why I had to abstain from the series. If anything, the controversy surrounding Corey, along with the creators behavior is what keeps me from delving back into any of their social medias or platforms. But it's because of the art and the morbid curiosity that I finally watched the most recent upload featuring camera footage of the two killers.
I'm no stranger to pushing it when it comes to what I can handle and what is safe for me, and I'm well aware that if this ends up being a bad move that I can just as quickly pull the plug and stop again.
Looking on the posts under the tag #urbanspook I'm definitely seeing two opposing sides. For all I know in discussing this I could be pissing a lot of people off.
But maybe it's not that serious, so let's get into the real meat and potatoes of why I decided to post something on this account again.
I want to try and rewrite the series. I want to be careful and make sure that I don't use any past visuals created by Slug themselves, but for the most part I'll just be spitting up some ideas. It would be nice to actually try and find a way to convert this into a series complete with twists and world building but I don't know if I would be excited enough about it to put that much effort and time in.
For this idea, anything related to it is going to fall under the new tag "RuralSlug". Basically a parallel to the initial analog horror story.
This does mean that I will have to rewatch the series as it stands so far, and better understand the inconsistencies and plot holes so that I can patch things up.
Things I want to address or rework, or remove:
-contradictions in location addresses etc
-The horse incident
-The baby deaths
-the pets
-The involvement of the police force
-The fact that the painter knows the names of every single victim
-Who are the tapes made for, given their format?
And overall, I want to build more of a plot.
Please keep in mind that this isn't really organized, as I again, genuinely don't know if I'm going to actually piece things together and put out a cohesive story somewhere. However, if you've had your own ideas for a take on Urban's universe, you are more than welcome to use the tag for your own thoughts and musings.
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