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harshr · 6 months ago
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Many thanks to DJ Sharlese for playing Harsh R on her show. Listen online: https://www.kexp.org/shows/mechanical-breakdown/
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444names · 1 year ago
finnish names BUT with all double letters reduced to one
Adetunen Adola Ahtiko Ahtimula Ahtine Ahtinen Ahtorti Aikalo Aimanen Ainen Ainenpänen Aingasa Airjuvinen Aisko Alaukari Alehtio Alonen Altola Anaina Aniempala Anumi Apartuli Arana Aranen Areli Arholonen Arkosto Artani Artapavi Arvalminen Arvonen Asala Asamäki Asvila Atala Ataraja Atinen Auvolainen Beikaino Beikinen Beimo Beinen Conen Coutineva Eimola Einen Elainen Elavi Elnaino Emeli Eminent Emäki Erala Erjalo Erkili Erkinen Eseli Eskauvio Eskivi Esmari Esonen Etonen Evahtia Evalehti Evama Eveikusto Evirjö Fictinen Finen Hakarhone Hakonen Halma Halporto Halvi Hanen Hanenpasa Hantri Hanurna Harmi Harminen Harvirja Haupi Havio Heikina Heiko Heikovas Heimäkinen Heinen Heini Heinika Heltapaja Hetina Hiela Hiemuneno Hieta Hietuninen Hilinen Histen Hiukosto Honen Hunen Huomi Hytilehto Hyvärven Hyvärvi Ikeikainen Ikinen Ilainen Ilaitva Ilaunen Ilikoski Iriki Irvonen Iskiainen Jalaimo Jamatva Janen Jervo Jirjunen Jiroski Jokala Jokelikila Jokoski Jonen Jorhunen Jorki Juhapari Juhava Juhavo Juhti Juhto Juneven Juraninen Jäläinen Jänen Järveinen Järvoil Järvonen Jäskalmana Jäsänto Kaikanina Kainen Kainena Kalakarvo Kalekohto Kalkopieto Kalona Kalto Kamelapa Kameskinen Kanen Kansonen Kanta Karis Karja Karku Karsi Kartepäntu Kasari Kauhta Kaukani Kaula Kaunen Kauneven Kaunotio Kauntu Kautapang Keinen Keinheiki Kelehtio Kelito Keläino Kerki Kerku Kervari Kervio Kesepänen Ketila Kinen Kinene Kivila Kivonen Knutunen Koila Koivoinen Kolarinla Kolvinen Konen Konena Koneuvonen Korpiemima Kunen Kurkari Kurna Kusimo Kusipanen Kuski Kuskoski Kylinen Kyliukimi Kyliukonen Lahtola Lainamonen Lainen Laula Launen Lehtakonen Lehtila Lehtoma Lehtono Leija Leinen Lemoivonen Leski Levio Likeimo Linen Lumäkilä Lumäkio Lumänen Luokoki Luoren Luoti Luoto Lutanterti Lydinen Macti Maikerko Mainen Maitia Mantina Manurki Marami Maraukoko Marinen Marpanumi Marten Matuoma Matvansi Melainen Milma Milponi Minen Minio Myninotola Mynjalo Mytinen Mänenien Naitinen Nasisto Naurmi Nisalainen Nisonen Norhonen Noutiemäki Nunen Nurants Nurunen Nutinen Nyrjanen Oinen Oivarkanen Oivio Ojakuko Ojansela Ojasala Okarlehto Olakarvo Otsola Ovaskari Pajamo Pakanie Pakielila Pakivaijo Panamerti Panena Parhuko Paritala Pavil Pekonen Pelainen Pelilahti Pelimo Pelälä Perjö Pervaija Pervalpu Pervonen Pesmäkinen Pestilmi Piakatio Piela Pihirku Pilpo Pinen Piosonen Pirlevinen Ponen Poronen Poylä Pudasvi Pulainanso Pupelvi Pusara Rahto Raika Raikalato Rainen Ranen Ranpana Ransant Rants Raula Raupio Rautamarmi Rauti Rekonen Relanen Rikonen Rinieto Rokivi Romaini Ronen Runen Runoti Ruori Ruotio Rutajalo Sahti Sahvi Saijanietu Saikiukari Sainen Sainenkan Sakonen Salainentu Salinla Salomi Samesonen Sanikani Sarki Sarmanisto Sarmo Sartunievi Sasepä Satsota Saupianen Savahti Savonen Sereka Sikala Sikasaula Sikokoski Simila Simäkinen Sinen Sipiema Sirjona Sirkos Sirls Sivilauli Soinen Sokarja Sokati Sonen Suoruhoni Suotervi Suoti Surinen Surkilto Suruti Suviosmäki Syrja Takanen Talainen Taleksopa Talepälä Talerkinen Talmela Taltianext Tanen Tanta Tarkaila Telinen Telvi Temänen Terelälälä Terjö Ternotinen Theikane Theikonen Theinen Thela Tilälä Tinen Tonen Tormi Tukoski Tunen Tuokoilä Tuomone Tylio Tynen Tähtio Uitihavola Uliminen Uoksanen Urhiljanen Urkane Urmine Uskesoma Vaimo Vainen Vaisto Valonen Valopi Valtiainen Vanen Vartinen Vartio Varvi Veinen Veldont Velilto Velvi Vervi Vihla Vilaininen Vilinen Vinen Viola Vitkänen Vonen Vuomi Walakonen Walantomi Wirpeliala Wirpiainen Witamo Wuoko Ylirko Yliukas Yläinhonen Yrjärvo
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adalheidismimisbrunnr · 5 years ago
Runes are the letters in a set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets, which were used to write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialised purposes thereafter. The Scandinavian variants are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived from their first six letters of the alphabet: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K); the Anglo-Saxon variant is futhorc or fuþorc (due to sound-changes undergone in Old English by the names of those six letters). Runology is the study of the runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, runestones, and their history. Runology forms a specialised branch of Germanic linguistics. The earliest runic inscriptions date from around 150 AD. The characters were generally replaced by the Latin alphabet as the cultures that had used runes underwent Christianisation, by approximately 700 AD in central Europe and 1100 AD in northern Europe. However, the use of runes persisted for specialized purposes in northern Europe. Until the early 20th century, runes were used in rural Sweden for decorative purposes in Dalarna and on Runic calendars. The three best-known runic alphabets are the Elder Futhark (around 150–800 AD), the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (400–1100 AD), and the Younger Futhark (800–1100 AD). The Younger Futhark is divided further into the long-branch runes (also called Danish, although they were also used in Norway, Sweden and Frisia); short-branch or Rök runes (also called Swedish-Norwegian, although they were also used in Denmark); and the stavlösa or Hälsinge runes (staveless runes). The Younger Futhark developed further into the Medieval runes (1100–1500 AD), and the Dalecarlian runes (c. 1500–1800 AD). Historically, the runic alphabet is a derivation of the Old Italic scripts of antiquity, with the addition of some innovations. Which variant of the Old Italic family gave rise to the runes is uncertain. Suggestions include Raetic, Venetic, Etruscan, or Old Latin as candidates. At the time, all these scripts had the same angular letter shapes suited for epigraphy, which would become characteristic of the runes. The process of transmission of the script is unknown. The oldest inscriptions are found in Denmark and northern Germany. A "West Germanic hypothesis" suggests transmission via Elbe Germanic groups, while a "Gothic hypothesis" presumes transmission via East Germanic expansion.
History and use
The runes were in use among the Germanic peoples from the 1st or 2nd century AD.[a] This period corresponds to the late Common Germanic stage linguistically, with a continuum of dialects not yet clearly separated into the three branches of later centuries: North Germanic, West Germanic, and East Germanic. No distinction is made in surviving runic inscriptions between long and short vowels, although such a distinction was certainly present phonologically in the spoken languages of the time. Similarly, there are no signs for labiovelars in the Elder Futhark (such signs were introduced in both the Anglo-Saxon futhorc and the Gothic alphabet as variants of p; see peorð.) The term runes is used to distinguish these symbols from Latin and Greek letters. It is attested on a 6th-century Alamannic runestaff as runa and possibly as runo on the 4th-century Einang stone. The name comes from the Germanic root run- (Gothic: 𐍂𐌿𐌽𐌰, runa), meaning "secret" or "whisper". In Old Irish Gaelic, the word rún means "mystery", "secret", "intention" or "affectionate love." Similarly, in Welsh and Old English, the word rhin and rūn respectively means "mystery", "secret", "secret writing", or sometimes in the extreme sense of the word, "miracle" (gwyrth). Ogham is a Celtic script, similarly, carved in the Norse manner. The root run- can also be found in the Baltic languages, meaning "speech". In Lithuanian, runoti means both "to cut (with a knife)" and "to speak". According to another theory, the Germanic root comes from the Indo-European root *reuə- "dig". The Finnish term for rune, riimukirjain, means "scratched letter". The Finnish word runo means "poem" and comes from the same source as the English word "rune"; it is a very old loan of the Proto-Germanic *rūnō ("letter, literature, secret").
The runes developed centuries after the Old Italic alphabets from which they are probably historically derived. The debate on the development of the runic script concerns the question regarding which of the Italic alphabets should be taken as their point of origin and which, if any, signs should be considered original innovations added to the letters found in the Italic scripts. The historical context of the script's origin is the cultural contact between Germanic people, who often served as mercenaries in the Roman army, and the Italian peninsula during the Roman imperial period (1st century BC to 5th century AD).[citation needed] The formation of the Elder Futhark was complete by the early 5th century, with the Kylver Stone being the first evidence of the futhark ordering as well as of the p rune.
The alphabets of Este (Venetic), Magrè and Bolzano/Bozen-Sanzeno (Raetic), Sondrio (Camunic), Lugano (Lepontic) Specifically, the Raetic alphabet of Bolzano is often advanced as a candidate for the origin of the runes, with only five Elder Futhark runes (ᛖ e, ᛇ ï, ᛃ j, ᛜ ŋ, ᛈ p) having no counterpart in the Bolzano alphabet. Scandinavian scholars tend to favor derivation from the Latin alphabet itself over Raetic candidates.A "North Etruscan" thesis is supported by the inscription on the Negau helmet dating to the 2nd century BC. This is in a northern Etruscan alphabet but features a Germanic name, Harigast. Giuliano and Larissa Bonfante suggest that runes derived from some North Italic alphabet, specifically Venetic: but since Romans conquered Veneto after 200 BC, and then the Latin alphabet became prominent and Venetic culture diminished in importance, Germanic people could have adopted the Venetic alphabet within the 3rd century BC or even earlier. The angular shapes of the runes are shared with most contemporary alphabets of the period that were used for carving in wood or stone. There are no horizontal strokes: when carving a message on a flat staff or stick, it would be along the grain, thus both less legible and more likely to split the wood. This characteristic is also shared by other alphabets, such as the early form of the Latin alphabet used for the Duenos inscription, but it is not universal, especially among early runic inscriptions, which frequently have variant rune shapes, including horizontal strokes. Runic manuscripts (that is written rather than carved runes, such as Codex Runicus) also show horizontal strokes. The "West Germanic hypothesis" speculates on an introduction by West Germanic tribes. This hypothesis is based on claiming that the earliest inscriptions of the 2nd and 3rd centuries, found in bogs and graves around Jutland (the Vimose inscriptions), exhibit word endings that, being interpreted by Scandinavian scholars to be Proto-Norse, are considered unresolved and long having been the subject of discussion. Inscriptions such as wagnija, niþijo, and harija are supposed to represent tribe names, tentatively proposed to be Vangiones, the Nidensis, and the Harii tribes located in the Rhineland. Since names ending in -io reflect Germanic morphology representing the Latin ending -ius, and the suffix -inius was reflected by Germanic -inio-, the question of the problematic ending -ijo in masculine Proto-Norse would be resolved by assuming Roman (Rhineland) influences, while "the awkward ending -a of laguþewa may be solved by accepting the fact that the name may indeed be West Germanic". In the early Runic period differences between Germanic languages are generally presumed to be small. Another theory presumes a Northwest Germanic unity preceding the emergence of Proto-Norse proper from roughly the 5th century. An alternative suggestion explaining the impossibility of classifying the earliest inscriptions as either North or West Germanic is forwarded by È. A. Makaev, who presumes a "special runic koine", an early "literary Germanic" employed by the entire Late Common Germanic linguistic community after the separation of Gothic (2nd to 5th centuries), while the spoken dialects may already have been more diverse.
Early inscriptions
Ring of Pietroassa (c. 250–400 AD) by Henri Trenk, 1875
Runic inscriptions from the 400-year period 150–550 AD is described as "Period I". These inscriptions are generally in Elder Futhark, but the set of letter shapes and bindrunes employed is far from standardized. Notably the j, s, and ŋ runes undergo considerable modifications, while others, such as p and ï, remain unattested altogether prior to the first full futhark row on the Kylver Stone (c. 400 AD). Artifacts such as spear heads or shield mounts have been found that bear runic marking that may be dated to 200 AD, as evidenced by artifacts found across northern Europe in Schleswig (North Germany), Fyn, Sjælland, Jylland (Denmark), and Skåne (Sweden). Earlier—but less reliable—artifacts have been found in Meldorf, Süderdithmarschen, northern Germany; these include brooches and combs found in graves, most notably the Meldorf fibula, and are supposed to have the earliest markings resembling runic inscriptions. Theories of the existence of separate Gothic runes have been advanced, even identifying them as the original alphabet from which the Futhark were derived, but these have little support in archaeological findings (mainly the spearhead of Kovel, with its right-to-left inscription, its T-shaped tiwaz, and its rectangular dagaz). If there ever were genuinely Gothic runes, they were soon replaced by the Gothic alphabet. The letters of the Gothic alphabet, however, as given by the Alcuin manuscript (9th century), are obviously related to the names of the Futhark. The names are clearly Gothic, but it is impossible to say whether they are as old as the letters themselves. A handful of Elder Futhark inscriptions were found in Gothic territory, such as the 3rd- to 5th-century Ring of Pietroassa. The Encyclopædia Britannica even suggests the original development of the runes may have been due to the Goths.
It is the first one out of twenty-four runes of the magic Nordic alphabet. The sound which it represents is F, and its name means “Cattle” or “Wealth”. In the past, cattle were associated with wealth, the ownership of a large herd showed the place of an individual in the community, his wealth and the prosperity of his household, but also the silence and calmness of a happy, worry free lifestyle. Its form represents the principle of good, and we can interpret it in different ways. Its resemblances the silhouette of a man who has his arms raised to the Sky, like he was praying and also thanking. This reminds us that regardless of what we need, we can ask The Father for it, with the certainty that we will get as much as we can carry, but we also must show the afferent appreciation when we receive it. Fehu rune meaning The Fehu’s form also represents the young, fruitful branch dashing intertwined from the trunk, or from a thicker branch. This represents the fructification of work and the success achieved naturally with effort and perseverance. And finally, two tributary streams of water which effuse in a river, meaning enhanced forces, successes, wealth and harmony. It should be noted that the two elements, whether we see in them the arms of a priest, a tree’s branches or tributary rivers, are placed on the right side of the central line, namely in the positive side. In normal position, Fehu signifies wealth, gain, wellbeing, but also harmony and serenity. It is an especially good rune while in a draught because it announces a period of abundance and profit. Depending on the question, the profit or abundance can manifest in different forms. Socially, it foretells success, fame and even advancement. The person’s fame can increase, enjoy kind words, favorable critique or even elegies, which always must be welcomed in absolute modesty. Financially, Fehu announces rightful gain, profit after conscious work, a well-deserved reward or the appreciation of those for whom we work, whether they are our heads or clients. As for love, Fehu shows mutual understanding between partners and accomplishment and joy in general. The partners are open, sincere with each other, working together to bring harmony overall. When speaking of health, this rune brings good health and a general positive state, good immunity and recovery in case of disease. The recovery is a little rough, although long lasting and certain. Fehu doesn’t announce overnight miracles or sudden recoveries, but rather solid and gradual ones, for which the patient has to fight and work. Reversely, Fehu signifies loss, diminution, bad luck, lack of harmony and conflict. Depending on the question, the loss or the bad luck can manifest in different ways. Socially, the reversed Fehu announces loss of benefits and attributions. It may be the aftermath of wrong actions or attitude against those around. We can lose fame, respect, and the positive reputation previously developed can easily fall apart. Financially, this rune shows loss. Whether they are virtual losses, like blocked accounts or stock market ones, or physical loss of goods, including money, we deal with roving or alienation of our assets or money. In the erotic area, it shows lack of harmony in a couple, conflict and even separation. Put in a certain context next to the other runes it appears next it can signify temporal apathy, suspicion of the partner, or even losing said partner due to petty and frivolous reasons. On the matter of health, it can point towards decreased vitality and endangered immunity. We are at risk of disease, and our systems are lacking harmony.
It is the second rune of the magic Nordic alphabet. The sound it represents is U, and its name means “Aurochs” or “Wild bull”. The aurochs was a wild ancestor of domestic cattle, which dominated Europe’s plains up until the Dark Ages. It was the symbol of primary force, beastly power and freedom. Uruz is the token of free, unchained and often hard to suppress forces, but also of brute energy and vitality. The graphic symbol represents the silhouette of an aurochs or its horns, although the parts lack equilibrium. The power is present, with feet strongly fixed in the ground, but it too has an unequal manifestation. The lack of equilibrium can easily lead to excess and then, to extremes, if the individual isn’t careful at the way power, strength and authority manifest themselves in. In normal position, Uruz signifies strength, control, self-control, dominion as well as advantage, but also sudden changes. Being an oscillating rune while in a draught, it brings with itself a dynamism and greatly enhances all of the runes it finds itself next to, be them good or bad. Depending on the question, the changes brought about by Uruz may manifest in different ways. Socially, it foretells a never before seen leap, a flashing ascension and a sharp change regarding assets. Financially, Uruz announces a substantial and unexpected gain, as a result of a risk previously taken which now pays off, but only for a short while. The aforementioned gain must be wisely taken into consideration and administered because other risks, motivated by the wish for even greater profit, may bring about losses equally great to the gain, as quickly as before. In the erotic domain, this rune signifies the primary attraction between two people, beast like attraction and the purest form of sexuality. When speaking of a single person, it shows rich adventures filled with passion, which quickly consume themselves. In the life of a couple, it brings a share of sexual harmony, a lot of passion and complete satisfaction, maybe even revitalizing a struggling couple. Healthwise, this rune represents strength, vitality and endurance. Uruz is the token of physical strength and vitality, energy and adrenaline, coupled with a will of life which can entirely refresh a man. In case of disease, the recovery is swift and sudden, coming in a surprising manner. Reversed, it signifies all of the vices and weaknesses deducted from the aforementioned virtues. Socially, the man is dominated by those around him, lacking in power, and other make decisions in his name. The mental strength is minimal, as is the will of doing anything. If Uruz signifies the all-conquering force, in reverse position, the exact opposite is true, namely the conquered one. Financially, it brings about major, fast losses and uninspired risk taking. Every gain has its time, as does every loss. In the erotic area, it can resemble ignorance, lack of sensibility, even brutality, but also an erroneous use of energy which can lead to sexual problems, both for men and for women. As for health, it can indicate poor vitality, disease or depression, a total lack of will to live, sadness or anguish.
It is the third of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet. It represents the sound “TH”, a distinctive sound of Germanic languages, including English. The “T” is pronounced with the tongue touching the upper teeth, sounding very much like “S”. In English, this sound occurs in words as thing, think, thorn, or thunder, but is very different from the sound “TH” we hear in words as the, there, this, which sounds more similar to the sound “Z”. The name Thurs means “giant, titan” and Thorn means “spine”. In the Scandinavian tradition, the Thurs were ice giants, primordial beings with tremendous power, which lived in the frozen lands. Thurisaz is the symbol of their destructive force, brutal power and reactive violence. In the same time, the rune is associated with the thunder god, Thor, a force of good and defense. The Thurisaz rune can have extremely different significations, but they are always drastic.
The symbol has the shape of a vertical line, in the right side of which it forms a triangle. Its shape is the representation of a thorn or a spine, but it could also represent a weapon. We can interpret it as beneficial or malefic. The beneficial force is represented by Thor’s hammer, named Mjolnir, which helped him generate thunders and defend the humans and the gods from evil forces. The malefic force is represented by the battle-ax, the sharp halberd of the ice giants with its scathing edge feared by all. Depending on the orientation of the rune, the force can be interpreted in many ways. In normal position, Thurisaz symbolizes brutal force, the unexpected, the change and needed suffering. It is an unfavorable rune when extracted, predicting a time of perturbation, fast and relatively unpleasant changes, battles, conflicts and restlessness. Depending on the asked question, this violent force can take different forms. Socially, it foretells quarrels, unfavorable changes of situation and trouble. It is the indicator of the fight for survival, for supremacy and rebellion. The situation demands us to fight for what we want, to animate the inner hero and bring forth its force, courage and warlike enthusiasm. Financially, Thurisaz represents the great risk based on instinct, which can lead to substantial earnings or ruin. Usually, this rune warns about impetuosity and lack of reasoning and it is a good thing to pay attention to it when it occurs. An appeasement of character, a mollification and greater patience are required. Health wise, this rune brings a lot of vital force, intense activity and energy. Excesses and exhaustion may exist. Reversed Thurisaz shows frustrations, guilt, remorse, but also accusations, reproaches and threats. It is the indicator of revenge and hate between two former partners. In terms of health, it may indicate excess, overstraining fallowed by exhaustion or sickness. An activity sustained in an unhealthy manner can lead to major disorders at a physical and hormonal level, as well as mentally and energetically. The individual is susceptible to any kind of attacks, pathogen factors and even violent acts from other people. Physical injuries may occur as a result of fights or even attacks.
It is the third of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet. It represents the sound “TH”, a distinctive sound of Germanic languages, including English. The “T” is pronounced with the tongue touching the upper teeth, sounding very much like “S”. In English, this sound occurs in words as thing, think, thorn, or thunder, but is very different from the sound “TH” we hear in words as the, there, this, which sounds more similar to the sound “Z”. The name Thurs means “giant, titan” and Thorn means “spine”. In the Scandinavian tradition, the Thurs were ice giants, primordial beings with tremendous power, which lived in the frozen lands. Thurisaz is the symbol of their destructive force, brutal power and reactive violence. In the same time, the rune is associated with the thunder god, Thor, a force of good and defense. The Thurisaz rune can have extremely different significations, but they are always drastic. The symbol has the shape of a vertical line, in the right side of which it forms a triangle. Its shape is the representation of a thorn or a spine, but it could also represent a weapon. We can interpret it as beneficial or malefic. The beneficial force is represented by Thor’s hammer, named Mjolnir, which helped him generate thunders and defend the humans and the gods from evil forces. The malefic force is represented by the battle-ax, the sharp halberd of the ice giants with its scathing edge feared by all. Depending on the orientation of the rune, the force can be interpreted in many ways. In normal position, Thurisaz symbolizes brutal force, the unexpected, the change and needed suffering. It is an unfavorable rune when extracted, predicting a time of perturbation, fast and relatively unpleasant changes, battles, conflicts and restlessness. Depending on the asked question, this violent force can take different forms. Socially, it foretells quarrels, unfavorable changes of situation and trouble. It is the indicator of the fight for survival, for supremacy and rebellion. The situation demands us to fight for what we want, to animate the inner hero and bring forth its force, courage and warlike enthusiasm. Financially, Thurisaz represents the great risk based on instinct, which can lead to substantial earnings or ruin. Usually, this rune warns about impetuosity and lack of reasoning and it is a good thing to pay attention to it when it occurs. An appeasement of character, a mollification and greater patience are required. Health wise, this rune brings a lot of vital force, intense activity and energy. Excesses and exhaustion may exist. In reversed position, Thurisaz is extremely negative. Socially, reversed Thurisaz predicts disaster, scandal, lost battles, betrayed causes and fast decline from a position of authority. Financially, this rune shows the unexpected loss of goods or assets, fraud, bankruptcy, prejudice and sometimes even theft. It is not recommended to take any financial action when this sign occurs, because it is an excellent indicator of disaster. Erotically, it shows extreme strife, impetuous breakups accompanied or perhaps even caused by the violent or brutal behavior of one of the partners, especially of the male.
It is the fifth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet. It represents the sound “R” and its name means “wagon” or “cart”. It belongs to the same family of the Indo-European RADH root. In the past, the horses and the wagon were the most common form of transportation, the wagon meaning a major travel, in which all the personal belongings of the owner were involved, a temporary or permanent relocation. Its shape represents, much to our dismay, not a chariot, but the silhouette of a man who is advancing, with one leg firmly standing on the ground and the other stepping forward. Raidho’s significance is movement, travel and we can interpret it in many ways. In normal position, Raidho represents all the beneficial changes of situation, progress, achievements and accelerations. When extracted, it is a very favorable rune, foretelling a period of unexpected precipitations, synchronicities, coincidences meant to make life easier. Depending on the asked question, the travels, either literal or symbolic, can manifest under different forms. Socially, it predicts significant progress. We will be able to easily overcome any obstacle and we will do it with amazing skill. We will advance in our social circle and we will evolve for the better. Also, changes will occur, which might appear sudden or surprising, but they will all work in our favor. Financially, Raidho foretells changes and fluidity. It is time to act, to put our instinct to work. We can lose as fast as we can win. Erotically, Raidho is beneficial and denotes that all things go well, going with fast steps towards an ideal relationship. Things are happening fast, but naturally, and couple life is full of energy and completely satisfying. In terms of health, this rune brings health, but also, many changes. Raidho indicates evolution and progress and, in our case, recovery, energy and resistance. In reversed position, Raidho personifies not only obstacles or setbacks, but also the wrong paths we sometimes follow. Depending on the asked question, trouble can manifest under different aspect. Socially, reversed Raidho announces crises, delays, procrastinations, unfulfilled promises. It is time to set aside the big plans and to focus on personal improvement. Financially, this rune displays significant income depreciation, overdue payments, inactivity and lack of profit. Under any circumstances, it is not the time for new investments, it is rather the time to show more patience and to reappraise the available opportunities, avoiding radical decisions as much as possible. In terms of health, reversed Raidho may indicate crises, rigidity and immobility. A poor state of health can limit our mobility or can literally lock us inside the house. It is possible to get critically ill, and in terms of mental and emotional health, there is a predisposition for melancholy, depression and pathological introversion.
It is the sixth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and of the first set of 8, Frey’s aett. It represents the sound “C” or “K” and its name means “torch” or “flambeau”. Its significance is closely related to the previous rune: Kenaz is the torch that lights the road, the lighthouse or the fire that guides the traveler or the navigator. If Raidho is an astronomical allusion to the Big Dipper, Kenaz is its torch, Polaris, pointing the north for sailors and travelers. According to the common significance, it is the “light at the end of the tunnel” in all its meanings. Its form represents the stylized flame, the tongue of fire. In normal position, Kenaz represents the active, strong and expansive element, the engine of movement, and the reason. It is the spark that starts everything, the original impulse that triggers the process we have in mind. It is a very good rune when extracted, foretelling a period on intense activity and increased energy. Depending of the asked question, the dynamism and creative energy of Kenaz can manifest in different forms. Socially, it predicts the discovery of many aspects that seemed forgotten until now, the unveiling of hidden things that will help us. We will have executive power, significant freedom of action and decision, but also more responsibility. In financial matters, it indicates a sudden growth and considerable profit. It can also signify the risk that must be assumes with temerity in order to achieve the targeted income. In terms of health, this rune brings a lot of vitality and energy. For those who are sick, it predicts fast and certain recovery in reversed position, Kenaz represents the wild energy, the out of control mind and the unrestrained vice. Depending on the asked question, the instability and negativism of reversed Kenaz can manifest under different aspects. Socially, reversed Kenaz predicts disaster, disillusion, deceived expectations and compromise. Unpleasant truths, weaknesses and hidden vices can unfold. Our vulnerability is our own fault and our own lack of wisdom and we must pay the price of caution. Financially, this rune shows loss caused by foolish risks, haste and lack of judgement. Especially in the financial sector, reversed Kenaz is the rune of imprudence, haste and lack of judgement. It can also signify the victory of our opponent or the gain of our rival. Erotically, it shows weakness. The couple experiences routine, lack of creativity and activity. In terms of procreation or plans for having a baby, reversed Kenaz can indicate sterility for one of the partners. The relationship is instable, full of misunderstandings and quarrels. Communication is lacking. For those who are looking for new relationships, it warns about foolish haste and irrational passions, which will only lead to very unpleasant situations. In terms of health, it can indicate physical weakness and a poor immune system. The hope for recovery is weak, emphasized by the negative expectations of the patient himself. Usually, these are short-termed sufferings, vitality crises and lack of zest for life, which can get better in few days, but it depends on the associated runes in order to determine a more precise reading.
It is the seventh of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and the penultimate rune of the first set of eight. It represents the sound “G” and its name (Gifu or Gebo) means “gift, present” or “generosity”. In the past, any new relationship was sealed with a gift from each partner, therefore the gift is the symbol of any kind of relationship. Its form is expressing the idea of fair trade, evoking the stylized shape of arms that offer each other a gift. Gifu represents the meeting between two equal forces, which are opposed in gender, but coincide in nature. Each line of the two lines that forms the rune has its own length, tilt and orientation, but the middle point unifies them, being a part of each. In the same way, in any human relationship, each partner has his own qualities, defects, characteristics and attributes, but what each offers to the other is the link between the two of them or their common point. So far, we’ve studied the position of the runes in two hypostases: positive and negative, which means normal and reversed orientation. But what shall we do with Gifu, which looks the same from any position? Gifu, along with six other runes, which we are going to study at the right time, belongs to the group of symmetrical runes from the alphabet, which looks the same regardless of their position. They signify general things and depending on the other runes they get extracted with, they gain a more profound meaning. When extracted, Gifu is an auspicious rune, announcing a period of happiness, fulfilment and prosperity. Depending on the asked question, Gifu’s force can take different forms. Socially, it foretells an outstanding success and a great personal charisma. An important partnership, a friendship that brings along many benefits are in sight. Financially, Gifu predicts an unexpected gift, a recompense. We can gain profit from the undertaken activities or, we simply receive the sign of someone’s friendship in the form of an unexpected generosity. Erotically, it is always the sign of love, of relationships and good understanding. For those who are single, it announces a relationship that hardly can wait to manifest itself, a connection soon or a confirmation of hidden feelings for a loved person. For couples, this rune signifies reconciliation, understanding, harmony and rekindling love. The partners are especially satisfied and happy with each other and they do not seek anything outside their relationship to ensure their emotional needs. In an extraction with the purpose of finding out the necessary thing in the life of the couple, that ensures happiness, Gifu can signify both gift and sacrifice: let us not forget that the most beautiful gift for the person you love is to scarify your own interests, wishes and whims in order to maintain the happiness of both. In terms of health, this rune brings vitality, health, optimism and joy. The exception is for the cases when the cause for an affection is sought in this case, Gifu can indicate the source of the affection from the contact with other person, and in specific cases, it can signify sexually transmitted diseases, due to its relational symbolism.
It is the eight of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the last rune from the first set, Frey’s aett. It represents the sound “W”, a kind of closed vowel, somewhere between the sound of “U” and “W”, as in the English words what – uat, want – uant etc. It is rarely pronounced „V”. Its name, Wunjo (pronounced Wunya or Unyo) means „ joy, rapture” or „glory”. In the past, this rune was associated with victory, peace, lack of worries and suffering. It was even associated with Walhalla, the ancestral citadel where the souls of the warriors went after death to find peace, a kind of temporary Viking Heaven. Its form is easy to confuse with Thurisaz; therefore, we have to keep in mind the differences between the two: basically, Wunjo looks like letter „P”, just as Raidho looks like letter „R”. It has a mysterious form, but the silhouette of a stylized cup made from horn can be noticed, which is the symbol of rest and drinking after prolonged effort. Wunjo is the expression of joy, happiness, peace, harmony, but also the brief success, the illusion of momentary fulfilment and we can interpret it in many ways, depending on the position it is extracted and the field of interest. In normal position, Wunjo is a very good rune when extracted, predicting a period of rest, peace, comfort and happiness. Depending on the asked question, happiness and contentment can manifest in different forms. Socially, it foretells plenty of luck and the fulfilment of all the plans we have in the present. We are satisfied with ourselves and with what we have accomplished, and we have very good and harmonious relationships with everyone around us. Financially, Wunjo announces cheerfulness and earnings, but the best way to describe it is with no worries and no risks. The couple life is balanced, harmonious, and happy, without quarrels or worries. In terms of health, this rune brings general health, optimism and zest for life. For those who are sick, it represents recovery, and for those who are terminally ill, going through a lot of suffering, Wunjo can signify the end, which comes as a release for the dying person and therefore, as a joy. In reversed position, Wunjo’s benefits are yet to appear and can often be illusory, if not quite actual trouble. Depending on the asked question, the problems foretold by this rune can take different aspects. Socially, reversed Wunjo announces the decline from a pretty comfortable position, in which we got used to. Increased attention is required for those who are taking the benefits of other people work and those who are “working” by doing nothing, because the good days are coming to an end. Financially, this rune shows loss of money, funds or opportunities of earnings which we believed certain. Risks must be avoided, and we should not get very excited at the first sign of success, because everything can turn at the last moment due to our own exaggerate eagerness and confidence. Erotically, the rune shows that things in the couple’s life are astray, upside down, there are quarrels, frequent misunderstands and lack of communication. Appearances are deceiving. In terms of health, it can indicate a declining immune system and affections associated with the vices we nurture. The principal idea of reversed Wunjo in the medical domain is that not everything that we like is harmful, but especially, not everything that we like is good for us. We indulge in bad and unhealthy habits that slowly bring us down.
It is the ninth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the first rune of the second set, the Heimdall’s aett. It represents the sound “H” and its name means “stone” or “hailstone”. In the past, hailstone represented the destructive aspect of nature, the weather’s manifestation that spoiled the crops and the seedlings. Thinking better, we cannot regret the destruction, since nature takes what nature gives. Hagalaz is the first symmetrical rune, with the characteristic of having the same aspect, regardless of the position it gets extracted. This rune has two forms, one belonging to the old runes, the other one to the new runes. The new rune has the aspect of a snowflake, three overlapping lines at 60 degrees angles, but we will discuss about the old rune. The ancient form of Hagalaz rune is also represented by three lines, of which two vertical parallel lines are united by a third oblique line. Its form would have remained a mystery if it wouldn’t have been associated with the cave paintings dating from the Bronze Age, which depicted it lying on a side, with its middle line doubled. It signifies the sky and the earth, united by a violent hailstone rain or a snowstorm, bent by the wind, the distinctive aspects of harsh autumns and northern winters. It is a negative rune when extracted, predicting a period of balance between the positive parts and the less pleasant elements. Looking from another perspective, the negativity is just the way we can perceive the alarm signals. We often find ourselves in situations that we interpret as bad or as punishing, without realizing their true nature. These are signalizing lessons we need to learn, erroneous models we must get rid of and necessary things that we are not aware of. Depending on the asked question, the unpleasantness foretold by Hagalaz can take different forms. Socially, it foretells a crisis, a loss or a tribulation. If we take advantage of the kindness of our fellow human beings or if we are not attentive to share our welfare with the ones less unfortunate, we are vulnerable to corrections. We can lose our status, fame, luck or wealth. Hagalaz is here the symbol of frustration, obstacle, hardship and poverty. Financially, it indicates uninspired risks and loss. In the best case, it might signify legal problems, delays, postponements and stagnations and in the worst case, it implies important and hard to recover losses. Erotically, this rune is quite inauspicious, showing stagnation, routine, detachment, crisis and quarrel. It is, par excellence, the sign of incompatibility between partners. During life, many relationships can be classified as bad, because we are blind to the fact that we attract exactly the kind of people who must wean us. The attachment of a certain type of partner will be broken only by multiple relationships with this type of person, in order to experience all possible scenarios. In the erotic life, Hagalaz signifies the suffering and the alienation, but it can also be the signal to break a relationship in order to start from zero, the destruction that is making way for a new beginning. In terms of health, this rune brings sickness, suffering and convalescence. We are often the victims of our own ignorance and the health is the first domain where our subconscious mind is warning us. Each sickness or suffering has a spiritual cause and it is our duty to study that cause, to understand it and to assimilate its teachings, before we aspire for an undeserved healing.
It is tenth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the second rune of the Heimdall’s aett. It represents the sound “N” and its name means “need” or “necessity”. Its form indicates an imbalanced scale, a disharmonious balance. This rune is as negative as Hagalaz when extracted, announcing a period of poverty, both figuratively and literally. Nauthiz represents the need to have, to obtain, whether it is something we truly need, or something we believe we need in order to be happy. Nauthiz is the void, the inner emptiness that many try to fill with either material possessions, money or celebrity, or with ephemeral pleasures. It is the need of something unutterable that we fill, out of cowardice, with something that we shouldn’t. Nauthiz teaches us the courage to look deep into ourselves to find what we truly need. It is a signal rune that warns us that we do not act properly. Through our actions we either cause disparity in our life or in other people lives, or we facilitate its manifestation. Depending on the asked question, the need, the poverty or the strait can manifest in different forms. Socially, it predicts a significant reduction of personal status. We lose ground against our enemies, we lose the trust of our friends or relatives, and we are constantly placed in the second place. It is time to resume work and earn through honest effort all the things we’ve been enjoying until that moment. Financially, Nauthiz announces, same as Hagalaz, losses, poverty, impasse and necessity. We lead a life with no luxuries, and we cannot afford more than what it’s necessary for survival. In a strictly financial extraction, this rune warns us about selfishness, craves and decadence, guiding us to take the path of modesty and of what is strictly necessary. In terms of health, this rune announces a period of weakness, vulnerability and low immune system. We must be careful with our own body and provide it with what it needs, without indulging ourselves in excess. What is beyond absolute necessity can be harmful and can exposes us to dangers. Erotically, this rune draws attention that there is a pregnant imbalance between what we want and what we need. We set too rigid and unrealistic standards for our partner, without considering things from their perspective. Our thoughts are not matching our acts and the tensions are soon to appear. We are dishonest or we are the target of injustice. Nauthiz brings discomfort, dissatisfaction, whims, but also a time to reflect on our true priorities.
It is the eleventh of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the third rune of Heimdall’s aett. In the past, in the Scandinavian countries, the ice was the omnipresent element of winter, the symbol of stagnation. Although there is no way of knowing how the old were seeing the ice, whether feminine or masculine, ice is the opposite of fire. Without a frost period, nature would not rest, and the life cycles would be perturbed, without rest, there would be no harvest. The ice is the symbol of matter, the inert and lifeless mass that Fire gives the vital impulse. If fire would not exist, ice would always remain solid, and if ice would not exist, fire would have nothing to melt and thus, spring would not exist. It is one of the nine symmetrical runes, having the same aspect regardless of its position, whether normal or reversed. Its form is the expression of the greatest simplicity: a vertical line with no other element and we can interpret it in many ways, precisely because it is so simple. Principally, most of the runes contain at least one vertical line, so it is fair to say that those runes contain the static potential of Isa or that they originate from the action of some forces against matter. The vertical line is the symbol of ice also because it seems straight, idle, solidified – the principal ideas of this rune. It is a neutral rune when extracted, which tends to emphasize the significance of the adjacent runes it gets extracted with. Depending on the asked question, the stagnation, the pause or “frozen” state can manifest under different forms. Socially, it predicts a stoppage of plans, a delay that occurs naturally and predictably. Although it can be associated to the inner frustrations and worries caused by these delays, Isa represents the static, quiet and calm point, when it’s a good time to redirect the course of our actions, reevaluate the situation and search for the inner clarity and wisdom. If we are not called by our family or friends, it doesn’t mean they forsake us or that they don’t care about us, they are rather giving us the space to be alone with our thoughts. Financially, Isa is as neutral as in the social domain. Our finances are stagnant, regardless of their state. A stagnant and precarious financial condition is something apparently negative, while a stagnant high income is considered mere constant. We must move beyond the subjective judgements and see the frozen state of the economic flux as a sign of change. Erotically, things are the same, but with a slight negative nuance. The couple life is monotonous, replete with routine and it seems as unsatisfying for both partners. Communication is deficient and the behavior between partners is cold and distant. The rune announces major changes in the perspective of each partner, but the nature of these changes can be determined only by analyzing the adjoining runes Isa gets extracted with. In terms of health, this rune brings an excess of cold, affections that occur in winter (regardless of season) or convalescence. We might be immobilized in bed or forced to a temporary exile in our own domicile. More severe cases imply hospitalization in a medical institution for few days or, at least, a limitation of the freedoms we have become accustomed to. The state of health is precarious, there is a lack of vitality, of appetite and even a severe depression. Isa brings along everything in terms of retreat, isolation, reclusion, any situation that makes us become strongly aware of our solitude. This might be at a physical, real level, as in the case of hospitalization or isolation, or at a mental or psychological level, as in the depression cases, when a person feels lonely, regardless of how many close people are around.
It is the twelfth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the fourth rune of the second aett. The represented sound is marked with “J” in the northern countries and it is a rather closed “I, more similar “Y” sound, than to “J”. In the past, and especially in the Scandinavian countries, progress, abundance and light were associated with warmer seasons – spring and summer – which were following winter, just as Jera follows Isa. After the stagnation announced by Isa, harvest, warmth, joy and the rewards of labor are following.  It is one of the nine symmetrical runes that has the same aspect, regardless of their position, whether normal or reversed. Its form is the representation of the natural cycles, the two northern seasons that succeed one another. From a hermetical standpoint, Jera’s form is extremely important, symbolizing the two eternal forces: Masculine and Feminine, Warm and Cold, Static and Dynamic etc. It is important because they are not in a perfect equilibrium, one of them is always above the other. When this is happening, The Law of Vibration determines the switching of places, the predominant element becoming dominant and thus, movement occurs. Having the climatic cycles as example, in the cold season the cold weather and the feminine side are predominant, and warmth and the masculine side are dominant. During the warm season is exactly the opposite, the two rarely being in balance. This run also represents successions as patriarchate following matriarch, which in turn was preceded by another patriarchate etc. Even the couple life has this type of accents, one of the partners being in charge sooner or later and opposite. Jera has a multitude of significances and depending on the asked question, we can interpret in the many ways. It is a beneficial rune when extracted, foretelling a period of abundancy, wealth, fertility and satisfactions, but also of turnings of the proverbial table. Socially, it predicts major and usually beneficial changes. The loved ones see us in a new light, our work colleagues notice our efforts and success and congratulate us, and our leaders observe, in a critical but pleasantly surprised manner, our evolution at the workplace. We enjoy the fruits of our labor and we are on the “wave”, so we must be happy. The social success brings prosperity and satisfaction, both in our personal and family life. Financially, the rewards of our efforts and the fruits of our labor are in sight. There might be changes in income, like a salary raise or a bonus, unexpected income as inheritances, lottery jackpots, success on the stock market or simply a favorable and satisfying financial standing. Erotically, things are going from good to excellent. The tensions between partners disappear and little charming mouse and cat games occur, teasing between lovers and those character inequalities that make a relationship unique. Albeit a partner can dominate at home, in society the roles can change, same as in other domains of the couple’s life: when one partner is detrimental, the other will soon take turn to be dominated. Things are going well, the partners are understanding and complementing each other, and all inequalities and imbalances transform in a diverse mosaic of emotions and feelings. In terms of health, this rune brings healing, recovery and victory against sickness. In extreme cases, it can be an alarm signal, announcing the relapse of an affection.
It is the thirteenth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the fifth rune of the second set, the Heimdall’s aett. In the past, the symbolism of the Yew tree was closely linked with both death and immortality and it has a special connection with the afterlife. Its shape depicts the duality of the worlds as seen by the old ones: the upper hook is our world and the lower hook is the other world. The two are the same world, they are part of the same divine creation, but they have different degrees of manifestation and solidity, thus making us believe they are separated. Eiwaz is a problematic rune, same as the thirteenth Tarot’s arcana, having the same signification: Death, Change, Initiation, and we can interpret it in many different ways. Eiwaz doesn’t have a negative form, is one of those special runes, symmetrical, that has the same aspect, regardless of its position. It is a very powerful rune when extracted, strengthening the signification of the adjoining runes and announcing major changes. Depending on the asked question, the force, the motivation, the tenacity and the trust offered by Eiwaz can manifest under different forms. Socially, it foretells a sudden isolation or exile. Our acquaintances don’t get in touch with us anymore and we are left alone from all sides. This is not in the least a negative thing, it is the signal that something within us has to change and now we have the chance to meditate on it and the retreat to achieve it. It’s the moment when we can make the most drastic changes in our life and the most daring choices. We can suddenly reunite with distant relatives or long-lost friends, people we thought we would never meet again. We must pay attention to the circumstances of these meetings, because they can reveal elements from our lives that we forgot or marginalized. Financially, we will face a period of privation, poverty or simply put, a major blockage of money and income. This is not, in any way, something meant to punish us or to create us discomfort, but rather something we should see as the inner blockage of any normal flow. We need to assess our situation very well, be content with what we own and return to the humbleness and humility that are necessary to every human being. The financial problems appear in order to draw our attention to our values and our value systems, forcing us to turn our attention towards spirit and soul, but also to the daily needs. Our attitude towards money must be right, because the more we will try to gather and save, the bigger the blockage is going to be. Erotically, the rune shows a quite difficult period, though very important and full of wisdom. The single ones will face a period of a more prominent loneliness, having to reappraise their standards in order to find a partner. We often want too much from people, who are, after all, as imperfect as we are, or to focus on superfluous details (“to have money, to be handsome, to be in that zodiac sign etc.”), things that are detrimental to an effective, spiritual knowledge of the people we get involved with. For couples, it announces a period of quarrels or heated arguments, when everyone is expressing their repressed feelings, ignored vexations and the problems “swept under the rug”. The aim of these arguments is not, in any way, a breakup, but a more profound knowledge between partners. When too many things are left under the key, in silence and oblivion, they don’t stay there forever, but burst out when the last drop makes the cup of endurance run over. In terms of health, this rune brings a period of suffering or convalescence. It rarely signifies death, and only if the asked question directly refers to this aspect.
It is the fourteenth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the sixth rune of the second Aett. In the past, destiny was associated with a mysterious dice game played by gods. Luck seemed as random for those who didn’t know the laws of Universe as the dice game, but the old wizards had the knowledge of all the possibilities and all the combinations of possibilities of the dices. If the dice is the good luck or bad luck of the human being, the cup used by the old ones to mix the dices is the supreme unknown in which the destiny of the world is mixed, decanted and decided. Its shape depicts a cavity, an opening and we can interpret it in many ways. The glass or the cup are representing, from the oldest times, the depths of interpretation, the knowledge. Socially, it foretells a rebirth, a rebinding of some connections we thought long lost. We return with new forces, we have a lot of things to do and we feel reborn, reinvigorated. We have fresh energy and a capacity of work that suits very well the new responsibilities, which are coming to test our devotion and dedication. Financially, beneficial and sometimes unexpected changes take place. After periods of financial stress and stagnation, money is starting to flow again, the comfort is increasing, our debtors remember us and honor their promises, sometimes with unexpected interest, to reward our kindness and patience. The little that we have becomes substantially richer and we recover the joy of work. Erotically, things are going great, harmony, understanding and peace are prevailing. The couples are rediscovering themselves, falling in love again, and discovering something new every time they look at each other. The ones that are single or the adventurers have new love conquests and a sexual life extremely active. In terms of health, this rune brings healing and recovering from a long-term sickness. We have our hopes up for better and we regain our optimism. We get back on our feet and we regain our strength, zest for life and we are grateful for our recovery. In reversed position, Perthro announces muddy situations in which, most often, we sink from our own fault. Depending on the asked question, the changes and the teachings can manifest under different aspects. Socially, reversed Perthro predicts loneliness and obscurity. We are not as memorable as we would like to believe, we are pushed, from one reason or another, in the shadows, our opinions are overlooked, and we get the feeling that we are not even noticed by the people around us. This can lead to melancholic, depressive states of mind, from which we can escape only if we self-evaluate our priorities and goals. Financially, this rune shows periods of stagnation, problems and obstacles. We are aware of the future and we know what to expect. Also, this reversed rune indicates that, unfortunately, we can cast our own negative expectation over the future. The mechanism is not predictive, but projective. We don’t know the negative results of our actions, but rather we attract it though negative thoughts and mental scenarios. Erotically, it shows a bad mood and, most often, secret adventures. In a couple, reversed Perthro usually indicates adultery or the woman’s infidelity, or fights caused by it. In terms of health, it can indicate sickness. Whether is about venereal diseases or reproductive system’s diseases in general, or typically feminine affections, Perthro shows the hidden nature of the sickness. It’s recommended to run a complete set of medical tests in order to make sure everything is all right.
It is the fifteenth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and the seventh of Heimdall’s aett. Algiz (pronounced Al-ghiz) represents the sound “Z” or an intermediate sound between “Z” and “R” and the meaning of its name is “elk” or “stag”. In the past, this rune was associated with Heimdall, the tutelary deity of the set, the god of crossroads and the guardian of entrances. Heimdall is the permanent watchful warder, never asleep, the one who can hear even the grass growing and the leaves falling. He is the god of protection and of any kind of tests. Its shape is the representation of a man with his arms raised or a hand with the fingers parted, but also a stylized tree or even the elk’s horns. The horns are the symbol of protection and ownership and the hand with the parted fingers is a sign as old as the world, encountered in most of the cultures, of protection against evil and negative influences. The silhouette of the man with his arms raised towards the sky can be interpreted as a priest or oracle that is in direct connection with the afterlife, the guardian who knows everything that passes on each side of the Gate of Life. In normal position, Algiz represents balance, wisdom, caution and protection. It is a good rune when extracted, announcing a period of stability in the progress that has been made, but also a rune that warns about any possible oversights. Depending on the asked question, Algiz’s protection and prudence can manifest in different forms. Socially, it foretells the certainty of the obtained situation. Any asset earned through honest work is well deserved and the fruits of the labor contain within the seeds of success and future projects. We keep our function or position and we can breathe a sigh of relief if we had worries about this domain. We are the beneficiaries of divine protection and we will continue to be, if we honor morality, rightness and practical wisdom. Financially, this rune signifies the safety and the certainty of wellbeing. We are doing well, and we should be satisfied with what we have. Luxury is not a necessary condition for survival, nor happiness, it is just an illusion. We mustn’t compare our financial situation with those who have more, so we don’t become jealous, nor with the ones who have less, so we don’t become proud. We must strictly relate to the necessities of our own life and the place we are right now. Erotically, the rune shows a good understanding between partners and the ideal dynamic in couple life. The partners complement each other, they know each other’s needs, desires and expectations and they try to fulfill them in the most harmonious way possible. One of the partners, most often the man, is more protective and he has the tendency to take care of his partner, while the woman fulfills the man’s need to protect. In terms of health, this rune brings health, balance and serenity. In extremely rare cases, as life-threatening accidents or prolonged comas, this rune signifies the link between the one endangered with the afterlife. It may be considered the rune of clinical deaths or extracorporeal experiences. Other than that, Algiz is the sign of a balanced health, with minor affections, without which we wouldn’t be human beings, as sparse migraines or passing colds. Vitality is at a good level: there are no major shortcomings in terms on energy supplies, nor overflows or bursts of energy with a sudden or unhealthy manifestation. In reversed position, Algiz is always the sign of warning, the alarm signal that we should pay attention to. Depending on the asked question, the danger that Alzir warns us about can manifest under different aspects. Socially, reversed Algiz announces a precarious situation. We are doing something wrong, we are somehow hurting the people around us, thus becoming vulnerable. Our position can change, and adaptation problems are in sight. We are not happy with the new changes, but they are a necessity that will make us see what we did wrong. We must be extremely careful with the way we talk, think, act and behave, in order to not break the laws of decency. We are at risk of losing the divine protection that we reveled in so far and we must reevaluate our actions in order to ask forgiveness in a concrete manner for the things we committed. Financially, this rune shows loss or abatement. If until now we had a stroke of luck, we must be cautious in actions and wise in deeds, because what comes fast can disappear just as fast. We must make life provisions, pay our overdue debts and, mainly, restrain from making new loans. Any personal or bank credits and loans made under Algiz’s sign are discouraged, because they will only lead to very unpleasant situations. As discouraged are the ambitious projects, risky businesses and gambling games. During this period, we’ll only lose. Erotically, this rune shows unfavorable circumstances, disputes and disagreement. The couple doesn’t communicate very well, taboos, which one of the partners doesn’t want to address, to the detriment of the other partner, can occur in the relationship. The communication, in this case, is affected and things become distant. The partners stop protecting each other, stop working on their relationship to please one another, they rather tend to their own needs and whims, at the cost of arguments and disagreements. In terms of health, the rune can indicate a bad flow of vital energy in the whole body. A medical examination is recommended in order to determine if something is wrong. Our general tonus can be increased when our entire being is aligned with those around us, with the nature and, not least, with the spiritual side. Reversed Algiz is the classic sign of the estrangement from God, of rebellion and of forgetting the celestial and superhuman origin of the human spirit – the root of many diseases.
It is the sixteenth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and the rune that closes the Heimdall’s cycle, the second set of eight. It represents the sound “S” and its name, Sowilo (related with the Latin “Sol”), means “Sun”. Another name of this rune is “Sig” or “Sigel” (Siegel). In the past, the Sun was one of the focal points of veneration, the brightest visible celestial object, on which both natural and human cycles were based on. Its form is the expression of power and light, the blaze, but it is withal a simplification of the oldest solar symbol: the swastika. Sowilo is a symmetrical rune and thus, it cannot have a reversed position. When extracted, it is a profoundly positive rune, often amplifying the force of other runes, which are extracted alongside. Depending on the asked question, the success, the power and the energy foretold by Sowilo can take different forms. Socially, it predicts the achievement of goals and social ascension. We benefit from great success, we are valued by our leaders, liked by our colleagues and we gain authority and power of decision. Sowilo is a rune of leaders, which means that an advancement in rank or a promotion in a leading position are possible. However, we must be careful with the way we act in such a position and make sure we handle all the responsibilities that come with it. Financially, we are successful and wealthy. There will be a period of growth and profit, in which we can invest, and we can make investments, even the riskiest ones. We are on the “wave” and luck found its home. We might have pleasant surprises, unexpected gains and unforeseen benefactions. The money that we lent are paid back and we recover financially from a period of loss and stagnation, which has a positive impact on our mood. Erotically, the Sun’s rune is quite beneficial. Things are going great, the relationship evolves, the taboos are eliminated, and any preexisting asperities are leveled out. There is good understanding in the couple life and plenty of optimism for the future. Family plans can be made and even a child can occur. The sexual dynamic is very good, both partners are satisfied. In terms of health, this rune brings a lot of vitality, zest for life, energy and balance. The positive changes from our life are automatically reflected in our health and vice versa. We are in full swing, we have good energy, work capacity, optimism and a rare joviality which, fortunately for those around us, is contagious. These are those times when we simply shine, and nothing can stand against us.
The rune Tiwaz literally represents the God Tyr – the god of justice and law. This rune sends messages of strength that comes through proper and rational balance, and the good of the whole instead of the good of the one. It is honor, righteousness and correct action. It is warrior strength forging ahead calm, cool and collected – knowing that the path chosen is the right path of action. Like a spearhead, it leads the way. The one right way. Tyr is a heroic god of war, and if a Norse warrior carved Tiwaz on his weapon it was believed that the weapon would be strengthened.
Tiwaz Study Tip: The arrowhead points the way and the warrior follows. It is the strength that gives the warrior his righteous courage, the knowing that what he is doing is just, right and correct.
Tiwaz Rune Meaning in Divination, Tiwaz signifies sacrifice as well as success. Often, in order to gain the success, you desire, a sacrifice is needed. It may be the time needed to invest in your dream, and It may be financial risk, or money needed to invest in education, or time away from those you love. Meaning in career or in prosperity goals: Tiwaz is the run of success when things are right and just. the arrow points to the strong focus that’s needed to reach your success. Concentrate positive energy in one direction. Tiwaz rune meaning in love: Tiwaz is a rune of emotional happiness. It signifies a growing passion that is meant to last the test of time. It is bravery in love and knowing someone is right for you.
It is justice, and proper action, and respect along with the courage to act. This rune reversed can hint at injustices, dishonesty and defeat. It can also speak to us about over-analyzing a situation to death. We can analyze the magic right out of a situation by sitting and festering and letting it fizzle. Sometimes it indicates a possible problem with the law.
Are you being just and loyal?
Are you balanced in your approach?
Are you over-sacrificing yourself?
Teiwaz/ Tiwaz Rune Magickal Uses
You can work with Tewaz in your life to manifest warrior strength and courage, and to help propel you forward with cause and passion – and knowledge that you have chosen well., Ways to work with Teiwaz/ tewaz are:
to call for justice
to find victory
to help find the strength and force of faith (highly useful when setting intentions for manifestation work, especially if you are having trouble allowing spirit to lead the way)
to separate unnecessary martyrdom from positive self-sacrifice
to build sound judgement and seeing the truth, and “right”
to find your spiritual warrior strength, will and courage
As with all magical symbols, there are numerous ways to add this rune to your daily practice. Wear it as a talisman, use it on your altar, draw it on paper or in the air to activate it or use it in healing… don’t be afraid to mix up your magic.
Obtaining just victory and success in battle, litigation or legal matters
Building spiritual will and development of sound judgement
Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice
Develops the “force of faith” in magic and religion
About Berkano (Berkano, Berkanan, Berkana, Baircan, Beorc, Bjarkan)
Literally translating, Berkano means “birch twig”. Birch was the first tree that grew on Earth after the ice age stepped back. Beautiful birch trees with white trunks and pleasantly refreshing aroma of leaves naturally grow in the North and birch twigs are widely used for healing and strengthening health. Birch forests for our ancestors in Northern Europe were sacred places, sanctuaries that hold the wisdom and healing powers. The literal translation use and symbolic meaning of birch tree pretty clearly tell what Berkano rune stands for. It is a sign of new beginnings, healing, renewal and regeneration, growth, profit, beauty and new life. It is associated with dark green color, Earth element, feminine energy and Freya – goddess in Norse mythology related to Earth, love, beauty and fertility.       Study Tip The “B” of Berkano stands for Birth Berkano Rune Meaning in Divination, if you are asking about new ventures, health and development, this rune in divination definitely brings good news. It doesn’t promise immediate results but invites to get on a journey because it’s the right time for that! Berkano is the rune of birth and can mean both – physical birth of a child or a symbolic birth and rebirth. It predicts success, yet you must accept challenges to get rewards and enjoy your success. Meaning in Career or Prosperity goals: Plant a seed! It will take time for that seed to grow, maybe it won’t be easy, but Berkano tells that it’s a good time to plant that seed and get on a journey. Pay attention to the opportunities of development and growth that come in your way. Some challenges might not be easy, but we must overcome them in order to grow. Don’t fear of difficulties, because Berkano says – you can grow through them and your prosperity, career goals and success are achievable. Profits will come if you start working on your idea, focus your attention or direct your energy into new beginnings or renewal of something you’ve previously abandoned. Meaning in Love: This rune that radiates feminine energy is also the rune of home, family, building and growing family. It might mean that it’s time for a baby to come in the family, but it also can point to the right time to start building a family, move in together or propose, buy a family house or start a new adventure – plant a seed for a new project together with your family members. This rune of new beginnings can also indicate that falling in love waits for you around the corner, the springtime for your heart is coming to awaken love inside of you, so, why don’t you help yourself to open up for the positive, healing energy of love inviting it in your life! Meaning in Health: Berkano points to health improvements and healing. This rune reminds that not always mental and physical health are healed fast and easily, sometimes even right before being fully healed we experience exacerbation – it’s a part of the way to healing. Just like with childbirth – carrying a child and giving birth is not easy, it’s mentally and physically challenging process, yet it’s not something to fear of, it is possible and it creates a new life – at the end the result is much bigger than the struggle on the way. Those difficulties we experience are a natural part to healing – releasing what is no longer needed to let the health into our bodies. Ask yourself are you doing whatever is good for your health? Maybe some specific habit change is really needed to experience health improvements in your life. Habit changes usually aren’t easy, but often, that’s the only challenge we must accept to see our health returning and thriving. Meaning in Spirituality: To avoid stagnation you must direct your attention to growth. If you feel you haven’t really followed your spiritual path lately, come back to it. Don’t abandon your path or something you really want to learn or achieve spiritually just because you can’t achieve what you want right now. Practice be patient and give it some time because every seed needs time before it turns into a flower. Berkano reversed: Reversed Berkano warns about stagnation, lack of development or lack of action taken to promote growth and development. Positive outcome and success are the results of acting and doing what is needed to promote growth and develop your ideas turning them into reality. Do not just sit and wait for the good times to come! Patience is a good thing, but you also need to act and accept challenges, overcome difficulties and grow in order to achieve something more, something better or different than what you have now. In a reverse position it also can indicate that not events, but your own character traits are standing on the way between you and success and that you might be the one who slows down your own development. Are you stubbornly refusing the opportunity of growth? Or maybe you are holding on to beliefs and habits that aren’t beneficial to you?
Berkano Rune Magickal Uses: This rune represents feminine energy, motherhood and healing and it has some magical properties that it offers specifically to women, yet it’s not for women only as all of us has both – feminine and masculine energies inside, and we need both of them.
You can use this rune in your life to
• Promote growth and development
• Get out of feeling stuck in life, escape stagnation
• Build your stress resistance
• Attract love and start new relationships
• Find support while carrying a child and comfort getting ready for a childbirth
• Deal with challenges and find your stability while going through these challenges
• Heal infections, fertility and female health issues
• Promote conceiving a baby and safety in childbirth
You can work with Berkano in many ways:
• Use it in meditation for finding stability through challenges – imagine the strong, balancing Earth energy coming through the symbol of Berkano.
• Draw this sign on papers where you describe your ideas, goals, new plans and new beginnings of something in your life to find your way to success and profit through challenges.
• Decorate your home or your altar with Berkano to promote growth and fertility.
• Use it as your talisman to attract health, spiritual growth and strengthen your stress resistance.
• Use this sign for healing infections, recovering from trauma or solving fertility or female health issues – awaken the energy of this sign through meditation, lighting a candle with this sign engraved on it or placing a candle in front of a drawing that depicts Berkano.
Birth, rebirth and renewal new beginnings
Healing from traumas and manifesting health improvements
Building and growing family
Promoting growth and development
Courageously accepting challenges to experience growth
Staying strong and stable overcoming challenges
Blessings for motherhood and reproduction
Putting the knowledge and skills in practice, taking action to promote growth
It is the nineteenth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and the third of the Tyr’s aett. It represents the sound “E” and the meaning of its name is “horse” or “stallions”. In the past, the horse was not only a transportation, but also an extremely important asset of the household. It represented not only the speed its owner could travel, but also his social standing. Its form depicts duality, communication and partnership. We can see it as a sketched silhouette of a horse, two horses harnessed at a war or hunting chariot, or two men shaking hands. It is the rune of communication and collaboration, because a horse with no owner is an unbridled force, and a man with no horse is not a rider. The rider must love and know his horse very well in order to train him, and the horse must listen to his owner in order to get fed and cared for properly. In normal position, Ehwaz represents the contact, the harmony, the flow and the coherency. It is a very good rune when extracted, foretelling a period of fluidity in everything we do. Also, it strengthens and emphasizes the significance of the adjacent runes it gets extracted with. Depending on the asked question, the mediating forces of Ehwaz can manifest under different forms. Socially, it signifies success and popularity. We are constantly sought; our fame is increasing in important social circles with people that matter, and people start to communicate with us and around us more than they did before. We work in team and we are part of an adequate collective, which we can perceive as a second family. Outstanding gratifications, many coincidences, synchronicities and congruities are in sight. Financially, we can benefit from productive partnerships or the support of other people for what we are trying to accomplish and obtain. Erotically, there is harmony and a great compatibility in the couple’s life. The partner is content and happy, the communication is very open, which is an extremely healthy aspect in any relationship, and things are going smooth. The relationship can reach moments when words are redundant, the two partners understanding each other just from small gestures, looks and, inexplicably, by instinct. In terms of health, this rune brings a major balance of all body’s systems. We improve our lifestyle and our maintenance; we are in good shape and we enjoy an incredible easiness that helps us perform even the most difficult tasks. In reversed position, it is hard to say this is a negative sign. Depending on the asked question, reversed Ehwaz can manifest under different dissonant aspects or limitations that can lead to frustration. Socially, this tune predicts lack of cohesion and communication. We lose touch with most of our acquaintances and the interpersonal relationships fall now in obscurity. Unpleasant synchronicities can occur, we can “suddenly” meet people we hoped we would never meet again, and certain situation can surprise us off guard. Things are uncertain, stagnant, but not compromised. Financially, this tune shows frustration or dissatisfaction. Regardless of how much we earn or what vital necessities are satisfied by our current financial status, we have the feeling that we still need something, that what we have is not enough, that we are lacking something very important. Often, these frustrations have their roots in an unhealthy concept regarding the standards of living, inexistent needs and personal whims. Comparing ourselves with others and envy can play a very important role in this erroneous concept of having more, of being in step with others Erotically, it shows incompatibility between partners. It might be a physical, emotional or mental incompatibility. The physical incompatibility is connected both to the sexual relationship and the living conditions of both partners, for example the distance that separates them. The emotional incompatibility implies major differences in the character, temperament and goals of each partner and the mental incompatibility refers to the concepts the two partners live by. The couple can face a bad period, coldness, indifference, lack of understanding and stubbornness.
In terms of health, it can indicate lack of harmony and vitality. Our lifestyle, our habits and our routine can go head-to-head with our health condition. Affections that limit our capacity of movement can occur, from simple colds that force us to be confined in the house, to accidents of the locomotor system.
It is the twentieth of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and the fourth of the last set, Tyr’s aett. It represents the sound “M” and its name means “human” or “humanity”. Its shape is mysterious to you, but we can discern two people offering their arms in an embracement. In normal position, Mannaz signifies all the people we are connected to, everyone we touched in our life, both literally and figuratively speaking. Between every person and us (the two vertical lines) there is a permanent exchange of goods, information, emotions and energies (the two oblique lines). Every time we receive something, we must know we are becoming indebted, and every time we offer something, we must know that, one way or another, that thing will come back to us. Everything we do, either good or bad, has an effect, not only on the other person, but also on us. It is a positive rune when extracted, symbolizing not only the human being and humanity, but also kindness. Depending on the asked question, the prowess, the compatibility and the help foretold by Mannaz can manifest under different forms. Socially, it predicts a lot of activity and plenty of communication. It can be either active or passive, express or implied. We are the centre of attention, we have quite a few responsibilities and we must prove we are able to do what it’s required, not only what we wish to do. Financially, we use the relationships we established to advance our own business, or we obtain the help of a group or of a well-intentioned person. We enjoy a good stability and we are engaged in a very healthy financial flow. Erotically, Mannaz represents an outstanding partnership and a mature relationship that went beyond the initial crises. Things are going well on all levels, communication is very good, and the partners are supporting each other, regardless of the severity of the situation. The quote “for better or worse” applies perfectly, even if no marital vows were made. In terms of health, this rune brings health, immunity and vitality. We are in balance with both our inner and outer selves and we can say everything is in harmony. We are enjoying our lives and we evolve in the right direction. In reversed position, depending on the asked question, reversed Mannaz can have different manifestations. Socially, reversed Mannaz announces frustration, dissatisfaction, gossip, defamation, humiliation one way or another. Our actions are selfish, and we must look at the way we act from another people’s perspective. Financially, this rune shows useless risks and bad choices. We’ve proved ourselves impolite and selfish, so we are not benefiting from the partnerships we used to have, nor from the help of other people. We pay for what we ruined, and we sleep in a bed we were too lazy to make properly. Erotically, this rune shows lack of sensibility. Things are getting distant, the shortcomings are becoming evident, even the small and until now, insignificant ones. Everyone is on his own and the life of the couple is reduced to a masquerade, for another people’s sake. Each side thinks it’s in the right and they justify their actions, even the hidden ones, by their own standards of justice, according to their own opinions. In terms of health, it can indicate a low immune system, psychosomatic illnesses and personality crisis. We have no faith in ourselves and, in consequence, we don’t believe in the idea of balance or in the divine justification of sickness. Anyone (especially God) is responsible for our suffering, but us.
It is the twenty-first of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and the fifth of Tyr’s aett. It represents the sound “L” and its name has the meaning of “lake” or “water”. Usually, when the modern man thinks of water, especially at the non-flowing bodies of water, he has in mind the image of a peaceful lake or of a tropical azure sea. Water means life, beauty and the peace we associate it with. The Scandinavian people, however, have known the water under the most threatening conditions: the sea, in the northern tradition, is an irrepressible force, hard to subdue. It can offer work, refuge and food, but in the same time, it can make adventures wander, it can sink ships and it can demand innocent lives. In normal position, Laguz signifies the intuition, the instinct, the unknown, the dream, the hidden and the truth that initiates. It is a good rune when extracted, foretelling a period of emphasis of the spiritual experiences. Depending on the asked question, Laguz’s sensibility and instinct can manifest under different forms. Socially, it foretells a pleasant anonymity, in which we can take refuge when we desire peace. If everything around us is rumbling like a hurricane, we can take shelter in the eye of the storm and enjoy the calmness, whether we circumvent the events or not. We are left alone, and it is good to take the time off for a vacation or a retreat, even if it’s only for a few days. Financially, this rune brings the success gained after some inspired acquisitions. Following our instinct, rather than our judgement, we will make ten times better choices regarding personal and professional economy and it is recommended to make acquisitions or, where appropriate, to invest liquidity, in order to make profit later. Erotically, Lagus shows dreaming, mystery and charm. The partners fall in love with aspects they just discover in the other one. Romance, dreams, a sensation of easiness and unreal are predominant.
In terms of health, this rune brings an increased sensibility to everything that implies external factors and a pronounced perceptiveness to internal factors. In regard to the affections we already suffer from, relief, withdrawal, gradual healing and, finally, health are in sight. In reversed position, Laguz predicts imbalance, lack of harmony, confusion, ignorance and lack of perspective. Depending of the asked question, the sickness, the boredom or the anxiety foretold by this rune can manifest under different aspects. Socially, reversed Laguz announces oblivion and confusion. We are dull, we are no different from those around us and we become a mere cog in a bigger gearwheel. Routine, boredom, lack of perspective and the annoyance to interact with other people are the predominant aspects. We are not able to interact with joyous and positive people, because their success is depressing, nor with sad people, because it makes us sink even further in despair. We pity ourselves, even if the situation is only stagnant, not tragic. Financially, this rune shows numbness, lack of strength and vision. We shouldn’t invest in anything and it is recommended to skimp well our money, being prone to minor, but many losses, which could destabilize and jeopardize our economic comfort. Erotically, it shows doubt regarding our own forces and qualities, lack of self-respect and self-confidence, image or vision problems concerning both ourselves and our partner. There are things passed into silence that the couple should talk about. There are hidden feelings, desires, needs, fantasies and thoughts, which lead to a decline in communication and to a distant relationship. In the worst case, adultery, infidelity and, implicitly, deceitfulness, hypocrisy and lies can occur. In terms of health, reversed Laguz can indicate mental, psychiatric problems, originating, mainly, from repressed feelings and emotions. Everything we repress and all the issues we refuse to face are “swept under the rug”, superficially hidden, out of laziness or cowardice, until the moment when they set off anxieties, worries and noticeable psychiatric disorders.
Rune Ingwaz meaning It is the twenty-second of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the sixth of the Tyr’s aett. It represents the sound “Ng”, a specific sound to the norther’s languages. It is a somewhat silent sound, more of an echo, rather than pronounced, as in the English words’ “king” or “ring”, with a silent “N” and no audible “G”. Its name is a variant of Yng or Inwe, a god identical with Freyr, the ancestor and the genitor of the Ingvaeones and the Swedish dynasty that bears its name, the Yngling dynasty. It is the penultimate symmetrical rune of the Futhark alphabet. Its shape is the expression of duality, balance, the opposite sign forces that intertwine, but also the harmony between the human being with the nature and with everything around. It is a relatively neutral rune when extracted, emphasizing the significance of the adjacent runes and making their vibrations to manifest. Ingwaz symbolizes the ancestor, the father, the origin, the masculine fertility, the virility (being the masculine correspondence of Perthro in terms of sexual symbolism), the harmony and understanding, but also the labour, the effort and the peace of mind derived from fulfilling your duties.  Ingwuz is the rune of the New Moon. It’s related to the Norse gods Ing and Frey, apple tree, amber and moonstone, water and earth elements, the seed – fertility, creativity and cyclic nature of life. It’s a rune of strong family, safety, protection, healthy sexuality and inspiration that comes from within. The depiction of the rune points to wholeness, harmony and protection – it’s like a seed – everything is safe inside there, but in order to grow the seed must sprout, and inside it already has everything that’s needed. Ingwuz Rune Meaning in Divination, As the rune of inner potential, creation and completion Ingwuz in divination can indicate the end of a cycle or new beginnings, it is also a positive sign of harmony and love in relationships, of your strength and beneficial factors in your life here and now. This rune has no reverse, and as that it is always here to bring the good news. It also invites to spend more time in nature where you can learn from the natural processes by observing them. Meaning in Career or Prosperity goals: Feed your creativity, strengthen your mind and don’t fear of making your ideas reality – you have the potential to grow your ideas. If you are worried about outer obstacles, you must remember that the only thing that matters is your inner potential and Ingwuz says you have it. The sense of safety comes from within just like any other feeling, so, work on developing the belief in yourself and your ideas – the road is open. Don’t sit passively waiting for prosperity and success – you are the creator of it. Realize your potential and don’t fear of stepping out of your comfort zone – in order to grow, become big, strong and fertile the seed jacket must slit to open the way for the sprout. In order to live happily in the house, you’ve built, you have to start building it, but before that – gather the knowledge and materials – it’s already a start to making your dreams reality. Meaning in Love: This rune points to strong family bonds and affectionate relationships. It reminds to nurture your relationships and feel the gratitude for what you already have. Coherence, mutual respect and support of the potential your spouse, children or relatives possess make family strong and turn it into a safe place for every family member. Make sure you are the one who strengthens the family or other relationships through your attitude and actions towards people around you. Outdoor activities for the whole family might be the right way to bonding. This rune predicts fertile, harmonious relationships and draws attention the powerful energy of sexuality. Do not neglect your sexuality, develop and enjoy it and it will also strengthen your relationships. Meaning in Health: As the rune of the cyclic nature, creation and concentrated potential Ingwuz points to pregnancy and sexual health. It’s time to pay attention to them, strengthen your sexual health and probably get ready for family growth. It can also assist in healing reproductive system of both – men and women. It also tells that everything in nature needs a gestation period before sprouting – the time when the change can’t be seen, but it’s happening. Without this seemingly inactive period the change is impossible. If you have any health concerns, remember that your health depends on how you nurture it on a regular basis. Illnesses and disorders will step back if you take a good care of your body and believe in healing and your recovery. Both – your mind and body – have a potential to keep your health in a good shape, do not neglect any of them because both are your strength or your weakness. Make them your strength and positive changes will start sprouting! Meaning in Spirituality: Harmony is the key to balance, and through balance spirituality grows and becomes stronger. Pay attention to balancing different sides of your life or different energies within you. As the rune of fertility, natural cycles and agriculture, it reminds of the importance and unity of perseverance and patience and invites to spend more time in nature. Simply observing natural processes, we can learn a lot to grow spiritually. Remember that you can’t grow spiritually neglecting your physical being as well. Activities in nature help balancing and work on all levels – physical, mental and spiritual – at the same time. As the rune of inner growth, it reminds to not turn away just because something doesn’t happen right now or seems in a standstill. Growth isn’t immediate, but to happen just like seeds it needs time to rest and germinate before active growth. Everything is well set, so, keep working and remember that harmony comes from within you. Ingwuz Rune Magickal Uses Ingwuz is the rune to use as your talisman, meditate with, honor and keep in mind to ensure fertility and wholeness in all fields of life.
You can use this rune in your life to: Manifest your dreams, Attract fertility and rich growth in your garden, Ensure healthy pregnancy, cure reproductive issues, Reinforce the power of healing tools and methods, Find harmony, the sense of safety and inner-connectedness, Deal with self-doubt and lack of confidence in your plans and ideas, Develop perseverance and patience on your way to building your dream life, Strengthen your spiritual growth and find the balance, Gather and store energy for magickal and ritual use
You can work with Ingwuz in many ways:
Use it in meditation to reach wholeness, balance energies and realize your potential.
Decorate your home or your altar with Ingwuz to attract fertility, strengthen your family and invite harmony.
Use it as your talisman to remind about your inner potential, dissolve self-doubt and enhance your creativity.
Use Ingwuz in the garden, for example, in geometric planting, to ensure fertility and harmony.
Use this sign for healing to balance energies and reinforce the healing powers of your methods and tools.
Use it in spells and magickal rituals to enhance the power of released personal energy.
Overcoming self-doubts and realizing your potential
Connecting with nature and natural cycles of living
Manifesting your dreams
Attracting fertility and healthy growth
Blessings for pregnancy and harmony within family/relationships
Creativity, accumulating and releasing energy
Awakening your dormant skills and abilities
It is the twenty-third of the twenty-four runes of the magical Norse alphabet and, in the same time, the seventh rune of the Tyr’s set. The meaning of its name is “day” or “dawn”. It represents a sound that is often marked as “D”, but it represents a specific sound. This sound can be found in the Germanic languages, transcribed as “Dh”, and in English is the “TH” sound from words as “this”, “that”, “the”. Its shape is the expression of balanced forces, equality, the communication between Earth and Sky, and we can interpret it in many ways. Dagaz is very similar to Gifu, the rune of grace and love, the X in which the equilibrium can be foreseen. However, Dagaz has two additional lines that connects the upper points with the lower ones, in other words, things are in balance in nature and in the human being, as well as in Heaven. Outlined, the circularity of Dagaz is astonishing: it can be drawn endlessly. This aspect signifies the eternal equilibrium, the infinity, the genuineness of changes. If we take the time to consider, it is a runic variant of lemniscate, the infinity symbol similar to a laid down 8. Out of the four lines that forms it, two are ascending and two are descending, in an unequal, but wise rhythm. Starting from the left upper side, things are rapidly and suddenly descending (the dark), then they are slowly ascending (the light), after which they are again suddenly descending, followed by yet another careful ascending. Starting on the oblique direction, we can slowly descend and rapidly ascend. These all are part of our choices. Dagaz is the last symmetrical rune and, as we’ve become accustomed, we will present its aspects in a general manner, because it can be influenced for better or worse by the other runes it gets extracted with. Socially, Dagaz foretells a lot of success, happiness and growth. We are at the end of a road, at the end of a task or at the end of a period of intellectual or emotional investment and we are duly rewarded. Our work is finally appreciated at its true value and we are glad that we sacrificed so many resources, having nothing but hope. We are in a developmentally auspicious environment and, moreover, we have the power to decide and change things as we wish. Financially, this rune is extremely beneficial, announcing the overcome of the crisis, the payment or the removal of debt, regained prosperity and general abundance. Things look quite optimistic and we can enjoy the fruits of our labour. Our income is good, and our financial plans are concretizing well. It’s time to conclude old scores and to start new projects, and the investments made under the auspices of this rune will always have good results. Erotically, we are content and satisfied. Those who are solitary find inner peace and balance and they can become wiser by understanding the necessity and the usefulness of solitude, and those who are part of a couple are happy together and discover new depth of their relationship. Communication is conducted with clarity, there is a lot of mutual understanding, empathy and spirit of self-sacrifice, aspects that not only make the relationship stable, but they also help it flourish. In terms of health, Dagaz brings relief and recovery in case of suffering, but above all else, it brings harmony and balance. A healthy person, inside and outside, who is in harmony with the surrounding energy fields is the significance of this rune of light. In case of treatment, light, heliotherapy, bioenergotherapy or reiki are recommended, but it can often signify the repeated exposure to a specific category of rays.
It is the last of the twenty-four runes that have been the subject of our study and the eighth rune of the Tyr’s set. It represents the vowel “O” and its name can be either a proper name or a reference to ancestral heritage. In the past, although the cattle, symbolized by the first rune – Fehu, was the most visible sign of wealth, the real wealth was the land. Anonymous, unseen, rarely taken into consideration, the yard’s dust or the mud after rain, the land was the man’s most important asset. Without property, there was no point in owning cattle, if a man was unable to feed or care for them. There was no point in having riches, if a man didn’t raise a household. There was no point in having fame, if a man didn’t know his ancestors. All these are characteristics of Othila: the earth, the land, the property, the inheritance, the dowry, and the ancestors. The shape of the rune can depict many things: the beams and the roof of a house, the face and the shoulders of an ancestor or the crossed weapons on the chest of a passed ancestor, along with his helmet. In normal position, Othila is an auspicious rune when extracted, foretelling a period of stability, certainty and gain. Depending on the asked question, the heritage and the values signified by Othila can manifest under different forms. Socially, it foretells the foundation, the understructure, the base of our situation. It is a very strong rune for those interested in social position, indicating the rightful place in a hierarchy or lineage. We are someone’s descendants and we must prove we are worthy of it by also amassing pertinent values in order to bequeath to our heirs. Othila reveals sustainable, long-term projects that at least few generations will benefit from, as opposed to small and petty things people usually occupy their lives with. Even if they are not genetic heirs, the things we start will be inherited by suitable people, which we must choose carefully. Financially, Othila signifies a strong condition, the prosperity that comes from sustainable enterprises and wise investments. This is not a rune that represent luck, risk or undeserved gain, but a rune of capitalizing labor, of certain and well thought investments. It is time to put our money to work for us in a correct manner, implicitly, helping to the development of other people. Blind savings are equally unhealthy in this case, only a solidification of the future projects is recommended. Erotically, this rune shows intimacy and good understanding in the couple’s life. Those emotionally involved can now decide if they can make brave moves, as a joint house or starting a family. The families of those involved are supportive and even eager in this regard, but the ones with the power to decide are the two members of the couple. Othila represents the solid, durable, mature or in process to become mature relationship. In terms of health, this rune brings resistance, immunity and an impeccable health, most likely genetically inherited. It can signify that the health is the most precious thing for the person who makes the rune extraction, and it must be respected and maintained as it is. In reversed position, Othila is the rune of debts and wanderings, but also of bad habits and inherited defects. Socially, the unpleasant inheritance of those before us is giving us trouble. We are facing biases against us, especially in terms of gender, race, nationality or origin. We must work more in order to raise above all negative expectations that we involuntary provoke. Financially, this rune indicates deprivation, blight, poverty and general austerity. We are put in difficult situation, inheriting the debt of those before us. We are forced to settle the things our ancestors did, pay their debts and withstand those who are asking for retributions. Erotically, this rune shows either oppression, or routine. One of the partners is abusively imposing on the other, depriving the latter of choices and freedoms. It might also signify that the relationship is stagnant, the routine reached an alarming level for the relationship to be fresh and there are communication issues. Extracted along a financial rune, reversed Othila can indicate problems caused by a house, an inheritance or money. In rare cases, along with runes associated with magic, it signifies sexual relationships or spells. In terms of health, it can indicate lack of vitality and a poor health. This can be a family medical heritage: hereditary diseases are often associated with this rune. Additional runes can be extracted in order to investigate from which part of the family they originate, where from, for what reason and what treatment should be administrated in order to eliminate them.
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forgottenbones · 6 years ago
The term runes is used to distinguish these symbols from Latin and Greek letters. It is attested on a 6th-century Alamannic runestaff as runa and possibly as runo on the 4th-century Einang stone. The name comes from the Germanic root run- (Gothic: 𐍂𐌿𐌽𐌰, runa), meaning "secret" or "whisper". In Old Irish Gaelic, the word rún means "mystery", "secret", "intention" or "affectionate love." Similarly in Welsh and Old English, the word rhin and rūn respectively means "mystery", "secret", "secret writing", or sometimes in the extreme sense of the word, "miracle" (gwyrth). Ogham is a Celtic script, similarly carved in the Norse manner. The root run- can also be found in the Baltic languages, meaning "speech". In Lithuanian, runoti means both "to cut (with a knife)" and "to speak". According to another theory, the Germanic root comes from the Indo-Europan root *reuə- "dig". The Finnish term for rune, riimukirjain, means "scratched letter". The Finnish word runo means "poem" and comes from the same source as the English word "rune"; it is a very old loan of the Proto-Germanic *rūnō ("letter, literature, secret").
The runes developed centuries after the Old Italic alphabets from which they are probably historically derived.
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fallen-gravity · 8 years ago
Moana Fanfiction Recommendation List
Since it’s been over 6 months since the movie came out, and since so many amazing authors have produced such amazing works for this incredible movie, I decided to go through and recommend my absolute favorites I’ve read so far. 
Now, bear in mind that almost every relationship in these stories are platonic. There may be a few “up to your interpretation” stories here and there, but any relationship that isn’t canonically romantic (Tui and Sina, for example) is pretty much guarenteed to be platonic on this list. Not your cup of tea? That’s fine! Looking for a platonic story? Not picky, but you could go with something new to read? Look no further!
A few things to know: 
- The difference between a story being labled as “In-Progress” and “Incomplete” is that stories labled “Incomplete” were discontinued by the author, and stories labled “In-Progress” are mutli-chapter stories I’ve seen updated recently. Luckily, I’m only recommending one scrapped story, but its incomplete status shouldn’t at all stop you from reading it if you haven’t, because it’s still a really great story either way!
- Unfortunately, Fanfiction.net has yet to include a tagging system for their stories to label a relationship in a story that isn’t romantic. (Archive, on the other hand, uses the “&” and “/” tags as ways to seperate romantic and non-romantic ships). Two of the stories on the list are only posted to Fanfiction.net, and therefore neither can be tagged as having any relationships. However, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t focus on any relationships at all for either story. There’s just no proper way to tag them.
So without further ado, in no particular order, here are some of my favorite stories written by the Moana fandom:
Heart of the Moon
Author: @thornvale
Relationship (if applicable): N/A (No Relationship Listed on Archive)
Word Count: 34,581
Chapters: 7
Status: In-Progress
Summary: When a corrupted goddess steals the Moon away to the Underworld, Moana and Maui are forced to traverse the ocean and the Realm of Monsters to bring back the fire stolen from the realm beneath the waves long ago. Lalotai is vast and the entrance to the Underworld shrouded, and so they will need help from unexpected allies if they are to restore the Moon to the night sky.
Where We Are
Author: Mighty Dreamfinder
Relationship (if applicable): -
Word Count: 14,985
Chapters: 5
Status: In-Progress
Summary: Moana sends a message by Ocean to find Maui. But when the demigod arrives, he faces the consequences of his carelessness when he finds Moana now an old woman who wishes to journey across the ocean one last time. How far will anyone go for their family?
Kama’aina - Child of the Land
Author: Child of Mars
Relationship (if applicable): -
Word Count: 4,999
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete
Summary: Maui's fists clenched. "Why…" the word hurt. It was thick, guttural. He felt as if his heart was bleeding. If he stopped now, he might cry in front of this old dead lady. He choked and tried again. "Why did they… forget me?" 
The Stars Are Ours
Author: JadedSyklark
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui
Word Count: 10,143
Chapters: 2
Status: Complete
Summary:  Moana has grown and has learnt the way of life for her people, and she is Chief. Sometimes she tries to explain to Maui that means she can't go on adventures with him, but sometimes... the adventure calls to her still.
i’ll be there
Author: Madelinedear
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui
Word Count: 4,491
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete
Summary: “My help?” She asks blankly. “Why would you need my help?”
He answers her without missing a beat."You're the bravest mortal I know." Maui coughs hurriedly, avoiding her eyes. He swings his fishhook onto his shoulders, adding hastily. "I mean, I figure you could make great bait again."
For a moment Moana simply stares at him, arms folded with a frown lacing her features."
Maui, demigod of the wind and sea," she says slowly. "are you inviting me to come with you on a quest?"
He rolls his eyes."Don't make this into a thing, kid."
Moana grins at him."I missed you too, you know."
she grows on you
Author: Serendipity1
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui
Word Count: 7,864
Chapters: 2
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Bits of Moana and Maui’s journey, from his perspective
How Far They’ll Go
Author: @inkedinserendipity
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui
Word Count: 22,760
Chapters: 8
Status: Complete
Summary:  The Chief of Motunui has been struck down. Her demigod seeks answers on the island of Te Fiti. There, he is faced with a question: for Moana, for the mortal who has made herself a home in his heart, how far will he go?
Where You Are (series)
Author: @distractibledingo
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui, Moana & Tala, Moana & Original Characters
Word Count: 46,091
# of Works in Series: 5
Status: In-Progress
Summary: Alternatively, Big Bro Maui is in Denial He Will Outlive Lil Sis Moana.
There's no denying that Maui and Moana have become lifelong friends, but there's also no denying that the shorter life here is Moana's. As a mortal with no desire to live longer than she normally would, this means she grows up, grows old, and grows to understand she's not the first person Maui had to lose to the ravages of time.
Author: runoti
Relationship (if applicable): N/A (No Relationship listed on Archive)
Word Count: 2,721
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete
Summary: Or the alternate title, “a Bad Thing happens and Maui struggles to cope with human emotions and the reality of things”
“I thought it was a dream.”
Author: refectory
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui, Moana & Ocean
Word Count: 10,338
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete
Summary: Moana and the ocean have a...complicated relationship.
when something ends, something else begins
Author: TFLatte 
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui, Moana & Tui, Moana & Sina
Word Count: 10,001
Chapters: 3
Status: Complete
Summary:  Moana meets Maui again six months after restoring the Heart of Te Fiti. Apparently "he followed me home" is good enough reason for Motonui to keep him.
Author: Fablegate
Relationship (if applicable): Moana & Maui
Word Count: 3,997
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete
Summary: They have a fight. Reconciliation and forgiveness follows.
The Wandering Years
Author: @leradny
Relationship (if applicable): N/A
Word Count: 29,624
Chapters: 7
Status: Complete
Summary:  Moana goes home instead of fighting Te Ka on her own, and takes her people in search of a new island. After ten years, they do not find one, but Maui finds them, and begs her to take him to Te Fiti one more time.
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danielpico · 8 years ago
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1928 Manuscrito Islandés “Runas y otras cosas” Por: Magnus Steingrímsson Hecho a mano. Estudio detallado de códigos y clases de runas.
Runa: Lengua original americana: Hombre Alraún: voz nórdica: Mandrágora; planta cuya raíz tiene forma humanoide. Emparentada con Raunen: cuchichear, murmurar, susurrar. Rune: signo Mandrak: Lengua original americana; “Dragón humano”, Mandrágora. Run: báltico; hablar Runoti, lituano: cortar con cuchillo, hablar. Runo: finlandés, canción, poema. Cantante
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that1hippiechic · 8 years ago
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The term #runes is used to distinguish these symbols from Latin and Greek letters. The name comes from the Germanic root run- (Gothic runa), meaning "secret" or "whisper". In Old Irish Gaelic, the word rún means "mystery," "secret," "intention" or "affectionate love." Similarly in Welsh and Old English, the word rhin and rūn respectively means "mystery", "secret", "secret writing", or sometimes in the extreme sense of the word, "miracle" (gwyrth). Ogham is a Celtic script, similarly carved in the Norse manner. The root run- can also be found in the Baltic languages, meaning "speech". In Lithuanian, runoti means both "to cut (with a knife)" and "to speak". According to another theory, the Germanic root comes from the Indoeuropean root *reuə- "dig". The Finnish term for rune, riimukirjain, means "scratched letter". The Finnish word runo means "poem" and comes from the same source as the English word "rune"; it is a very old loan of the Proto-Germanic *rūnō ("letter, literature, secret"). Handcarved #ElderFuthark sets available at www.wanderwearshop.com #pagan #wicca #metaphysical #spiritualdivination #crystals #crystalhealing #spirituality #hippie #rune #handmade #maker #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #wanderlust #wanderwear #smallbusiness
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harshr · 2 years ago
The new RUNOTI ep that I helped mix is out now! I'm very pleased with how well it turned out and all of the physical media that Jet put together to accompany the release looks fantastic as well. Full support!
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harshr · 2 years ago
New single from RUNOTI featuring an EBM b-side remix by yours truly.
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harshr · 2 years ago
SEEK INSPIRATION: a playlist of various songs that inspired me during the creation of "Seek Comfort". Yes, this is deeply indebted to the ID:YD feature with Male Tears breaking down their influences, but I've long kept extensive notes on my songwriting process and am always excited to talk about the various ways my music comes together.
SEEK COMFORT // 40 Watt Sun - Reveal Patrick Walker is a brilliant songwriter, especially when it comes to his use of negative space and slow, subtle melodic shifts. As you're probably aware, I'm generally allergic to songs of this length, yet somehow he enables 9 minutes to pass almost effortlessly and then that final lift at the end is absolute magic. Needless to say, I take copious influence from Walker's craftmanship, but nowhere more evident than on "Seek Comfort".
DEVOTIONAL // Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American Hate to break it to you: "Devotional" is a pop-punk song and "Bleed American" is top-tier pop-punk. I'm not really borrowing anything specific from this particular track, but I've listened to this album so much that there's no doubt it has greatly influenced on my songwriting. To be fair though, I've also been writing/playing pop-punk since the mid-90s; I just don't usually allow those elements to creep into Harsh R material.
ARE YOU MY PEOPLE? // Distel - Majestik Distel's music is inherently unsettling and that's a feeling I often seek to emulate. Sparse rhythms + discordant tones is always the way.
HIDING PLACE // Die Kreuzen - Gone Away I celebrate the entire Die Kreuzen catalog, from their USHC classic self-titled debut all the way through to their proto-grunge/glam ends, but it's the quieter songs that have always been my favorite. In this particular instance, I'm referencing their mix of aggressiveness and vulnerability for my lyrics and performance -- readily apparent here on "Gone Away", but a common theme across their entire discography.
I WAS NEVER THERE // Kowloon Walled City - Backlit Ok, this one is a straight-up KWC rip. Much like 40 Watt Sun, KWC are another fine example of a band with a masterful approach to space and dynamics. There's a very good reason I had Scott Evans mix my earlier material.
INSTAGRAM WITCH // Trepaneringsritualen - Black Egg The music on this one is essentially my attempt at "P_rnogr_phy"-era Cure, but TRP was a direct reference for the vocal, especially for the timbre on the loud part. Otherwise: magic and darkness, secrets and light.
EMPTY SHELL (ft. RUNOTI) // Years of Denial - Human You Scare Me I've long been a huge fan of European-style darkwave and I think my record shows a marked shift towards that style, but it's most apparent on "Empty Shell". Years of Denial are easily my current favorite genre stalwarts, though they go further by incorporating elements of techno, noise, and beyond; I spend a lot of time picking apart their songwriting and production choices and do my best to incorporate some of those ideas into my own music.
REMEMBER DEATH // Merle Haggard - If We Make It Through December If you want to learn how to write a song then you learn from the best, and there is no one better than Merle Haggard. The chord changes and phrasing in "If We Make It Through December" are subtle and sublime; you'd probably never notice the intricacies until you try to play it yourself and that's exactly what I did. Or at least tried to do - this one goes a fair bit beyond my skill level and it's that challenge that pushes me to strive harder.
WAVE GOODBYE // Sevdaliza - Darkest Hour I've spent a solid amount of time with Sevdaliza's masterpiece "Shabrang" over the past few years (massive thanks to Terror Apart for the tip!) and there are so many ways it has affected me, but it's definitely the emotional tone that hits hardest, like a dark force pressing down on your soul. Also: it's not employed so much on "Darkest Hour", but I absolutely love the way the Sevdaliza manipulates her vocals and that's definitely something I'll be carrying forward into whatever I do next.
For non-Spotify users, check out the BNDCMPR playlist below. It's missing the major-label tracks, but you can always find those on youtube or elsewhere.
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harshr · 2 years ago
Thanks to White Light / White Heat for including "Seek Comfort" in their weekly picks.
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harshr · 3 years ago
I've been a fan of Jet's work ever since I first did a show with their previous act Dire Trine and have consistently impressed with everything they've done thereafter. So much so, that we're collaborating on a track! In the meantime, check out the new Runoti single "Pleasure Spell".
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