#running late to work for this
moonmeg · 7 months
A little addition to "Curious"
“D’aw and yet here ye are unable to live wi’out me”
Robyn rolled his eyes as a smile began tugging on the corners of his mouth. There was some truth to it. Micah was his best friend, the person he’d trust with his life and imagining a life without those red curls, trilled Rs and filthy tongue was impossible. At the very least, Robyn thought, it would be a rather unhappy life without Micah.
As he stared at the ceiling of the barn the thoughts came rushing back. Endless trains of thoughts pulling him from one question to the next. That was nothing new. His mind was always restless and always made it difficult for him to concentrate on something fully for a longer amount of time. It’s been this way since his childhood but this train of thoughts was different somehow. Vivan’s words didn’t let him go. Who was his “somebody else”? What does Vivian know that he doesn’t? And instead of sitting and thinking of who it is, all his thoughts could be stilled with a little glimpse into a crystal ball. The solution is right there. And Robyn certainly didn’t care much for rules. He could ask someone else to take a look but…
Micah was right. Oracle magic is not to be underestimated and knowing your future may be more dangerous than one might think at first. And what if he does suddenly know who he’s going to be with? Wouldn’t it feel forced? Like it didn’t naturally develop but because “it must happen”. That would affect the whole relationship, no? Isn’t that the nice part about romance? That you yourself don’t know what will happen. That your unknowing will make the little things and the firsts of a relationship so much more meaningful? Even the kiss with Vivian has a meaning now that it wouldn’t have had in a case of knowing how she felt and that she will kiss him.
A bunch of hay suddenly poking his face ripped him out of his deep thoughts.
“Ey!”, he exclaimed disgusted. “Ew, Mike, what the heck?!”
“Oh, sorry, was that not the wheelbarrow? Oopsies.”, Micah grinned.
“You bastard-”, Robyn started grinning himself and stood up from the hay seat, gently pushing Eilidh’s (the unicorn) head off his laps, “-I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“Come and try, Shorty.”
“Alright that’s it!”
Robyn picked up small piles of hay and threw them at Micah, who dodged them without throwing anything back. Laughing and with another pile in his hands, Robyn approached Micah. The freckled boy however, held out the pitchfork to his attacker.
“Put the pitchfork down.”, Robyn halted smiling.
“Put the hay down.”, Micah replied, “Then we’ll talk ‘bouta pitchfork.”
“You’re a very unfair opponent, good Sir. You attacked me first! Now you’re using weapons I don’t have. Make it fair. Hay against hay.”
“Only if there’s ceasefire while I put it away.”
“You have my word.”
A moment of delay. Nothing happened as they both smirked at each other. Micah placed the tool on the ground and kicked it behind him, never once breaking the eye contact with the brunet.
“Good.”, Robyn tried to suppress his smile and be fully in the role of a dueling opponent, who would ensure to be on the winning side, “Now eat hay!”.
Micah dodged the hay attacks once again, still not throwing anything back. He instead attempted to flee, running around in the barn with Robyn right behind him. Both laughing heartily in this game of chase. Robyn chased after Micah for a good minute until Micah’s reflexes were too slow and gave Robyn the opportunity to pin him to the wooden wall by the shoulders.
“Where to now, Freckles?”, he smirked up at Micah.
Micah smiled, panting and catching his breath, trying to still his heart beat along with it.
“Alright, alright!”, he laughed, “I surrender.”.
Robyn didn’t give a response. He tried to catch his own breath and only managed to stare at Micah. Stare at his face as if he’s never seen the light brown freckles all over it or the reddish brown of his eyebrows and eyelashes. As if he looked at those golden eyes for the first time and as if he first notices the chunks of red hair falling into that pale face. As if this was the first time he noticed how beautiful all those traits were together. His breath calmed.
“Rob? Ye- uh… ye can let me go now.”.
Robyn blinked rapidly a few times and pulled himself out of his thoughts.
“Oh, yes, right. Sorry.”, he let go of Micah’s shoulders and backed away, “I uh.. I spaced out for a little there.”.
Micah chuckled. “I noticed. It’s alright.”.
The redhead looked around the hay-covered barn with a long uttered “Well”.
“We better get this cleaned up again before ma dad notices.”, he rubbed his neck.
“Yeeeaah”, Robyn chuckled, “Sorry about that too.”.
“Nonsense, I got myself into this literal mess. It was fun though.”, Micah turned and smiled at Robyn.
“It was.”.
Robyn picked up a broom from the corner of the barn. He better forget about whatever that intense stare of him just was. He wasn’t staring in that sense.
Micah was attractive to him. But that’s nothing new.
There wasn’t more to it.
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ruvigapo · 3 months
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Run boy run!! The sex monsters eat salmon!!
In which i arrive Fashionably Late to the fishssek party
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emacrow · 4 months
Alfred's new ward making sure everyone is having great day during their day off from crime whether they want to or not.
Previous original post
Damian knew from day one of meeting alfred's new ward that he was going to be trouble..
He may have been stalking the kid doing alfred's work while alfred sat down in a comfy couch with a plate of fresh jasmine tea, his prescription medince bottle at ready and a raspberry strudel to nibble on.
He ain't going to replace his favorite Butler, not now, not ever. So Damian got Tim and Dick to help sabotage this heathen from taking over...Not knowing this kid was expecting their over the top sabotages. They tried scaring him with Titus but the little traitor lay there on his back getting belly rubs like it was heaven itself.
Changing the plumbing in his shower to freezing cold, but he walk out there refreshed. Tim trying to look of anything to blackmail him only for the batcomputer to go off the frizz with a virus.
Alfred did make sure to have his work sort out alphabetical because he is the Glue that keep these Wayne Manor going and everyone living in it not because caveman style creatures of the night.
Danny made sure Bruce didn't escape to his batcave on his supposed day off after 96 hours without sleep and spite driven nature, and don't even come with Justice never sleep excuses is going to run by him. He got Alfred's speical Bruce's tranquilizer gun at ready and he is not hesitating to shot you Bruce.
He does kept Tim from overdoing with the coffee addiction, giving him a better offer of coffee as long as he goes to sleep. Dick will still talk about Saturday night when Tim tries to sneak out to do some more investigating in the batcave only to see Danny dragged a unconscious Tim back to his room, a two tranquilizers to the back and one of his arm, though he didn't mention the Danny's glowing cat light green eyes that shine in the dark.
Danny's funny puns neon ghost stickers made dick's days, every morning as he goes to get his lunch, and he really want to know where he get them from.
Danny did actually helped a lot with the Wayne Manor as it never been cleaner before, Jason visited one time even mentioned that the chandelier never feel so clean to hang on from, not a speck of dust on it.
Damian getting a new animals book/documentaries, a new knifes for the collection or art supplies that match his demands in a way that keep his stabby nature at sate and bay for now.
Barb, Cass and Duke are amused by the fact that Bruce, Tim and Damian are having a little mid crisis that danny making them have day off on certain days such as holidays.
All this free time actually had alfred's going back to old hobbies that were nearly long forgotten such as conversations with old dear friends, practicing his old shooting skills, and having well deserved rest. Once his arm was healed, he stil did his duty along side with Danny as it was much quicker to do together as two people at hand.
What they will probably find out later on in the future that danny is actually Bruce's great grand uncle from his older sister side, and that he had disappeared when he was 20 years old in a old spooky town that vanished and still on today uneXplained series after his great grandmother moved to gotham. (But that another story for next post)
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squeakadeeks · 5 months
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hello cookierun nation here are all of the cookie cosplays i humbly offer to ye that ive done so far. love those lil dudes
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mermaidstede · 11 months
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rhys + taika pulling some of the most embarrassing dad moves of all time
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
ohhh the change from the game. that joel doesn't find her. that joel doesn't pull her off david whilst she's still attacking him. that she's actually allowed to fully release all her rage and her fear and rightfully brutalise this man who violated her and only after she escapes using her own wits and strength does joel find her..... THAT'S giving ellie agency baby!!!!
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starshipheartofg-erti · 8 months
honestly the amount of Harry Potter tat i see in Edinburgh every day makes me understand why Voldemort wanted the specky cunt dead so badly
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starryyskies · 22 hours
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calbeeko · 13 days
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modern au gyjo except it's just my roommates interacting idk
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orpheusilver · 2 years
somewhere in the multiverse kim is revachols most unhinged bus driver
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ricky-mortis · 3 months
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Curtwen Week Day 7: First Meeting/Last Words
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s1e16 shadow (w. eric kripke)
I want us to be together again.
be still my beating heart part 2 of ∞ || will he stay or will he go part 1 of ?
(aka the first time i had a full-tilt meltdown over this show)
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rainbow-femme · 5 months
I love reading definitions of Quiet Quitting
“An employee who is quiet quitting will come into work at their allotted start time, do tasks within their job description, leave at their allotted time, take their full lunch break, and fully use their paid time off and sick leave”
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applecore6 · 2 months
cw: use of she/her, mention of gun, slight manga spoilers, fluff(?)
Kenma stares as his girlfriend languidly drapes herself on top of the sofa he’s currently sat on.
“You need to buy a gun and shoot me,” she groans out, slightly muffled in the plush of the cushions.
“Thank you.”
There was a beat of silence before either of them said anything.
“Okay… what’s up. You know normal people start off with “Hi” or “How are you?””
She plants her arms on the surface to lift her face off the sofa, and turns her head to the overgrown blonde. “Well you dated me for my charm and charisma so don’t take it back now,” she quips. “And I am normal.” He stares blankly at her, blinking.
“..Anyways, I have to go to work in like 5 minutes. I think I’d rather die than have to deal with these customers. I need you to hurry and get a billion subscribers on your channel so you get rich, and I can quit my job. Dating you was an investment, you know?”
“Feeling the love, dude..”
She giggles as she plants a peck on her boyfriend’s cheek, feeling the stretch on her torso as her body contorts to reach him.
“I’m kiddiiinng. I’m also very into loser gamer boys.” Her giggles transition into a full blown laugh at the sight of his disgusted expression. He rolls his eyes as he pries her arms off him so she can fall on the cushion below her.
“Okaayy, I hope you have the worst day at work, and a customer yells at you for something out of your control.”
“Hey—wait. C’mon that’s not gonna happen.. Kenma stop I’m gonna have a good, easy day—Tell me I will… PLEASE,” she stammers out.
Kenma watches as she struggles to stand back up to move to the spot in front of him.
“Kenma I’m going to have such a good day today, but it’s only going to happen if you say I’ll have a good day.”
Her pleading face comes into his view, she knows he can’t resist her.
“…I guess you’ll have an okay day.”
“Good enough. Gonna be late. Bye! I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispers as she rushes out the door, keys jangling in her hand. He looks down, cheeks lightly flushed, with a hint of a smile on his face. He thinks he always wants to hear those words come out her mouth.
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squidcandy · 2 months
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more android etho but it’s his build for s9
you can find build 1.0 here
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