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Stone Saga Runecards
Posted a few times I'm working on my third game, this time a solo rpg exploring a world of my favourite fantasy peoples, Dwarves! It uses runestones for character and prompt generation and D6's for resolving the hazards on your journey. I've done 9 cards so far which I'll maybe do hard copies off in place of runes.

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Mercury in Pisces! Mars in Gemini! • Just when you thought things couldn’t get trippier after that New Moon… Mercury is in Pisces, Venus in in Pisces and so is the Sun; so make sure your words match your actions! Mars is in Gemini so be mindful of feeling scatterbrained and all over the place. • Pisces is all about dreams and intuition, while Mercury is communication and hard facts, so yes, while it may be frustrating that people can’t just READ your mind and intuit what you actually mean, you need to remember to use your words and articulate. • Intuition is at all time high, so trust your gut! That being said, take care of said gut. Do a cleanse (if that’s your thing), eat clean(er), more fruits and veggies, etc *green green green* is the theme. • The crazy dreams we’ve been having during the Pisces New Moon will continue throughout this transit so buckle up and keep that dream journal handy! Astral projection, dream communications/downloads, difficulty focusing… all that good stuff will be happening until the beginning of April when Mercury finally moves out of Pisces. • Pisces is empathetic so be mindful of over-sensitivity at this time. Emotional conversations and reactions can occur so allow yourself and others to be HEARD. If you find that you can’t communicate properly though words, try a more creative approach to get your point across. It’s ok if you feel a bit off, just try to talk it out and LISTEN. • Possible tension headaches, high sensitivity/ low rationality Focus on spirit and creative outlets Stay grounded • Astrology Cards by @thelivingwheel Rune Cards by @thewhitewitchoracle • • • #thebalkanwitch #witch #shtriga #yshtese #mercuryinpisces #marsingemini #pisces #tarot #astrologycards #runecards #astrology #zodiac #witchesofinstagram #witchessociety #witchblr #witchy #witchyart #witchcraft #magick #magji #magjik #thirdeyechakra #crownchakra #intuition #astralprojection https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfTjtInW9l/?igshid=1e8q1u1zbcml8
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#christmas#etsyshop#home decor#wooden jewelry box#housewarming#tarot#runecards#norse runes#tarot card box
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Today’s cards are about how to get your dreams and manifestations in motion. The cards used are from The Soul Reflection’s: Norse Magick Divination Cards and Twin Flame Messenger Oracle 2 - both by Nadine Swiger. Please take only what resonates with you and leave the rest. . It’s time for a balance check! Some self-Reflection is needed. What is serving your highest good and what are you holding on to that does not align with your higher purpose. It’s time to surrender control and allow the balance to be restored. Holding on to certain thoughts and expecting certain outcomes are not the way forward! When you can release and find peace & contentment in your mind, you will begin to see growth and opportunities. You do have luck on your side. Connect into your higher self and listen to what your higherself has been trying to tell you. There is a cosmic connection that is manifesting. Communication will be coming in one shape or form. (A song, dream, email or for some a phone call). This is bringing you a grand opportunity that will open new doors. Allow this to flow into your life, and be open to receive the blessings that are aligned with only your highest purpose. . . . #oracleoftheday #oraclereading #connectingtoyourhigherself #releasecontrol #comingintoalignment #releasewhatisnotservingyou #goodluckcomingourway #change #changeyourthoughtschangeyourworld #runes #runecardsoracledeck #runecards #twinflamemessagesdeck #twinflameoracle #twinflamemessenger #soulreflectionoracle #norsemagickdivinationcards #norsemagick #norsemagickoracle #norseoraclecards #twinflamemessenger2 #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoraclecards https://www.instagram.com/p/ClyZ7wJuue-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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うわーこれも好きだなー😍 前にポストしたことがあったかも #タロットアート #油絵 #タロット好きな人と繋がりたい #タロット占い師 #占い師 #スピリチュアル #スタジオビーウィッチ Reposted from @paintingthetarot The Painted Runes and The Painted Tarot work really well together- although you can work with them individually of course 😊 This was my draw this morning - Runes say ‘The Link’ and Tarot says ‘Knight of Swords’ . Looks to be an interesting day ahead !! The Link is an extra card within the Painted Runes deck and is my homage to all the runecasters and seers of the world - who have, for centuries, tried to make sense of things and help the people around them. #thepaintedtarot #thepaintedrunes #knightofswords #runecards #tarotandrunes #sophiemckayknight #seer #runecastersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CRdOaN8BQsU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The First Rune: Ios - True Power The first Rune card of 30! Ios represents one's true potential and the aims to reach it. A truly unique Rune that stands apart from the other 29! Stay tuned for the rest of this month for the other Rune Cards!
#art#artist#occult#mystic#power#sorcery#rune#runes#runecard#magick#divination#tarot#tarot cards#magic#design#sketch#spiritual#traditional
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It looks like some of you have been experiencing conflict in your family (Othala reversed) and/or household (this could just as likely to be a roommate or house mate as a significant other and/or kids or relatives you're living with). Information should be surfacing that will shed some light (Kenaz) on the source of the conflict and bring answers and resolution. In the meantime, it would be wise not allow hostilities to escalate (Nauthiz (restraint)).
Cards: Viking Oracle: Wisdom of the Ancient Norse
Artist: Jimmy Manton
#loki #runes #divination #divinelove #hailloki #lokean #godspouse #runecards #vikingoracle #othala #nauthiz #kenaz #lokabrenna #oraclemessage #oraclereading
#northern tradition#pagan#northern tradition pagan#heathen#norse paganism#loki#lokabrenna#lokean#rune#divination#rune cards#viking oracle#oracle message#oracle reading#godspouse#nauthiz#othala#kenaz#hail loki
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Rune Art:
The Blum / Salerno Runecards 2001
Part 1
Runecards: Sacred Play for Self Discovery was a set of rune cards designed by Jancis Salerno and written by Ralph Blum. The deck and book were published by Connections Book Publishing in 2001. The images are shown for rune art content though the rune order used by Blum has been retained.
The attractive and interesting images combine various images to facilitate stages of self-counselling. The version shown was published in Germany.
The following synposis was provided from Amazon though it appeared out of print from them:
“The RuneCards is an ideal introduction to the Runes which can be used as a tool for self-counselling. The 25 cards which accompany the book represent the Runes themselves and can be used to guide you on a journey beyond the material to the creative and spiritual - a journey to wholeness. This new edition also features techniques including methods for using the Runes in dreaming, healing and in sacred games. The RuneCards can also be used as a companion to the bestselling The Book of Runes.”
Image Source:

#Runes#futhark#futhark runes#elder futhark#elder futhark runes#norse runes#rune art#rune designs#ralph blum#jancis salerno#self-counselling#rune cards#gifts of heimdall runes#gifts of heimdall
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My new project now LIVE on #indigogo #runes #runedice #runecards #divination #divinationdice #oracledeck #oracle #oraclecards . . . https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/f-uthark-rune-cards#/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CP13yZ1pyQu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Tarot and Oracle Cards Monday to Monday June 22 29 2020
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#journaling #journal #runes #oraclecards #runecards Just a little rune pull before bedtime. I hope it adresses all the worries i have at the moment because tomorrow could use a little sun. And i dont mean literal although that would be nice too😊
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It's Labor Day in the U.S. - #RuneCard
It’s Labor Day in the U.S. – #RuneCard
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Great news! Just heard Thom Pham is doing a special reprint of his @heart_of_stars_tarot this December! It's of my favorite decks because that synthesis of Tarot and tv/movie references is right in my intuition wheelhouse. If runes are your jam the he's got you covered with the Runecards of Mannaz deck & app. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtC5EwrsMh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#RuneSets from Soothing Crystals are high-quality runic gemstone sets consisting of 25 stones, 24 with inscriptions, and 1 blank in a black velvet pouch with a rune card. For more information on Rune Sets, visit us at https://www.soothingcrystals.com/collections/rune-sets
#soothingcrystals #gemstoneset #runecard
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...#runecard #gebo #thegift What I cannot do separately, I do when you unite with me! #union #retaininguniquenessevenaftermerging #together #happiness #love #higherpower #loveyou ❤️💜‼️
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新作 #フラワーラブソングオラクルカード 週末からの恋花&ルーンカード 週末からの恋花はカモミール❤️ ❤️ 花のテーマ 「Relaxation-癒やしと安らぎの時間」 花詩(花のリリック) 「あなたと何をして過ごそう 待ちきれなくて 淹れたてハーブティー1杯分の空想が踊る」 花言葉-あなたを癒す,逆境で生まれる強さ,清楚,親交,仲直り 今日はふっと思い立って、ルーンカードを引いてみると、「ラド」のルーン文字が出ました。 車輪の意味を持ち、タロットの戦車に相当するカード。 カモミール(カミツレ)と併せて読むと、週末は片思いでも両思いでも友人や知人との交流にしても、 何かしら好転、前進する兆しに、心も体もリラックスして羽を伸ばせそうな予感が。 一人で過ごす休日であっても、メールやラインやSINSでほっこりする会話が展開するとか、 目に見えなくても相手も気にかけてくれていたり、 自分が気になる人間関係は思っているよりも良い方向へ向かっていくから大丈夫、ということかなと。 以前、何となくその時の気分としてはカーネリアンやアメジストが創作活動にパ��ーをくれるような気がして、 ルーンストーンもカーネリアンを購入したんですけど(写真2枚目) 彫られた文字の形状が石によっては薄くて見づらいものも混ざっていたので、 神秘性はあるけれど実用的にはちょっと読みづらいなあと感じて。 また、作詞力を鍛える意味では絵からイマジネーションを膨らませられるカードの方が私には合っているのかもと思い、先日お迎えしてみたのが左のカードです。 「パワーオブルーン」というデッキで、サイズは大きめ。 自作カードは通常の��ラクルカードよりラミネート分2~3ミリ大きいのですが、それよりも大きいです。が、 ルーンカードは24枚なので比較的シャッフルしやすそう。 「戦車」が空に架かる虹を渡っていてとてもポジティブな絵柄で上手く事が運びそうな感じ。 どのカードも全体的に力強いタッチで、元は木片にナイフで刻まれていたことが由来というイメージにも合っている気がします。 右のカモミール(別名・カミツレ)のカードは、カモミールティーや花言葉のイメージから、写真でリラクセーションを感じてもらえたら嬉しいなと思い、制作しました。 花粉症や鼻詰まりの緩和、不眠症にも効果が期待できるということで、私もたまに飲んでいます🍀 心が温まる素敵な週末をお過ごしくださいね💕 #オラクルカード #フラワーセラピー #タロットカード #ガーデニング #花言葉 #RuneCard #カード占い #リーディング #カモミール #ルーンカード #ルーンストーン #パワーストーン #歌詞 #リリック #ポエトリー #カードリーディング https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt55_r-nFKg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u3getqi4tru2
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