#rune hermansen
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anotherscrappile · 1 year ago
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Quick doodle of Mittens & Rune :D👍
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a-model-of-propriety · 2 years ago
(steps onto a soap box)
More Nikolai & Rune moments, please
If you have the time & energy of course :D👍
finally got around to answering this! :D
“Rune!” Nikolai called out as they dashed across the ship to catch up with her. “You’re not on duty right now, are you?”
Rune shook their head. “Not for another couple hours,” he signed.
“Perfect,” Nik said, grinning from ear to ear as he dragged Rune along behind him, “because there is something belowdeck you have to see.”
Luckily for Nik, Rune followed without a single protestation. The pair of them descended belowdeck and wove through the small bunches of people until they reached Nik’s destination: Lynx.
Was the ship’s chief mouser doing anything out of the ordinary? Certainly not. Nik at least had seen her making biscuits in this very spot dozens of times before. But that was irrelevant, and Rune clearly agreed. In unison, Nik and Rune sat down next to Lynx to silently (or not so silently, in Nik’s case) watch her. When Lynx was finished with her extremely important task of making biscuits, she yawned widely and shifted into a more comfortable napping position, and Nik had to physically restrain himself from disturbing her with any unwanted petting.
“Antonov, Hermansen!” Andrey called from down the hall. “Are you two all right? You’ve barely moved in the past hour.”
Nik immediately shushed him, pointing to the still very sleepy Lynx.
“Ah,” he said. “I should have guessed, seeing how focused you were.”  Andrey crouched down between Nik and Rune. “Did you know I used to have a cat?” he asked.
“You did?” Nik asked, to which Andrey nodded in reply. Immediately, both Nik and Rune launched into a barrage of questions about this mysterious cat’s appearance, name, age, personality, and anything else under the sun. But chatter and sign as they might, neither could get another word out of Andrey about his cat. Unfortunately, that information would have to come another day.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year ago
Bushman's Revenge - All the Better for Seeing You - Norwegian fusion trio's latest
Even Helte Hermansen - guitars Rune Nergaard - bass Gard Nilssen - drums, percussion, vibraphone All songs written by Even Helte Hermansen Cover art by Per Spjøtvold
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metalshockfinland · 1 year ago
BUSHMAN'S REVENGE Reveal New Video 'Last Cup of Zorro' from Upcoming Album
Jazz Veterans BUSHMAN’S REVENGE are in celebratory mood this year as they  celebrate their twenty Year Anniversary with a new album and a tour. But with their appearance at the Oslo Jazzfestival coming up, they are giving everyone who cannot be there to see them play live, an insight into the new album with a video for the track “Last Cup of Zorro”. When Even Helte Hermansen on Guitar,  Rune…
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Norwegian Jazz trio, BUSHMAN’S REVENGE, whose music mixes the energy of Rock with the freedom of Jazz in a way that is exciting and exhilarating, have inked a deal with Is it Jazz? Records for the release of their eleventh full-length album. Formed in 2003, BUSHMAN’S REVENGE’s lineup of Even Helte Hermansen on Guitar,  Rune Nergaard on  Bass, and Gard Nilssen on Drums, have had two decades in…
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vvintagerose · 2 years ago
Valentine Meets Mittens
When Valentine joined a two-year expedition to the Arctic, they didn’t much know what to expect. Hell, they’d only taken it because Corbin, the man who’d taken them and a dozen others into his home in London after fleeing France, was going on it aswell, and they’d follow that man anywhere if he seemed confident in his decisions.
They spent the first few weeks not talking much to anyone, always a bit overwhelmed by new people and large crowds. Everyone was polite if at least not openly hostile, so that would something. As always they received a few questions about their hand, but nothing they hadn’t heard before.
“What happened to your hand?”
“Not sure, I was born like this.”
“Does it still work?”
“3/5ths as well as a normal hand, I guess.”
“Is it contagious?”
“Yes, and fatal. Once my last finger falls off I’m a goner.”
After that last answer, they’d give a fake cough and smile behind their hand at the look of panic the asker would give before making some excuse to scurry off, shooting them furtive looks from a ways away and checking their own hands to ensure they still had all their fingers. Unfortunately, it seemed fun wasn’t allowed on this ship, as only a few passes at the bit had landed them in front of the Captain with a warning to “cut that out before there’s a full-blown panic onboard.”
The next few weeks were spent in relative quiet. They were on their way to Bergen to gather more sailors, and when they set foot in port they stayed a short distance from the crowd, not talking to anyone.
At least, until they caught the eye- er, fringe- of a short, stocky blonde man and gave an awkward wave. Bad move decision, they realized, he noticed the strange shape of their hand and his face lit up in surprise.
“Du er som meg!”
“Er, what?”
He held up his own hands, the smile growing bigger on his face. The man’s fingers were fused, giving him only three fingers plus a thumb on each hand. Valentine tilted their head in curiosity.
“Ah! I see what you’re saying!” They held their hand out, wiggling the only two fingers on it.
His smile grew impossibly bigger before he skipped off to the crowd gathering before Robert and the other officers. Oh, it looked like he was going on the voyage as well? Silently they were glad to have someone who didn’t immediately balk at their deformity onboard
They turned to venture further into the city, intending to see more of Bergen before they departed, and walked face first into the chest of a tall, intimidating man staring daggers down at them.
Gulping down the fear rising in their throat, they stuttered out a hello to the terrifying figure.
“M-May I help you?”
Without saying a word, they brought two fingers to their eyes before jabbing them towards Val. A clear gesture of “I’m watching you.” before stalking away, also towards the crowd. The man they’d talked to moments before struck up a conversation with them. Val still couldn’t understand what they were saying, but could tell from the tone that he was familiar with this goliath.
Christ, this would be a strange voyage.
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pixelmuppet · 3 years ago
Sasha is definitely one of my favs bc who doesn't love Russian Santa Grandpa? Hes perfect! Also I have too have a lazy eye and I love the rep!
Elias! Ret soggy trash man♡ also his gay panic over Finn is adorable.
Rune! I'm a sucker for beefed up badasses who are actually sweethearts. And like- her friendship with Mittens is amazing, shes such a good friend and would do anything to protect/defend him.
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sigurdytrearne · 4 years ago
Bushman’s Revenge feat. Per “Texas” Johansson & Anja Lauvdal Oslo, 2019
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thoregil · 5 years ago
Bassisten Rune Nergaard brakk armen like før Bushman’s Revenge skulle ut på Europaturné med sin nye plate ‘Et hån mot overklassen’. Men aldri galt at det ikke er bra for noe. Tangent-trollmann Ståle Storløkken steppa inn med et par kvadratmeter tangenter og sørga for at det ble konsert på Lokal Scene likevel sammen med Gard Nilssen og Even Helte Hermansen. Og for en konsert det ble! –Det ble en sånn ‘Tre-mer-eller-mindre-hårete-musikere-fra-nabolaget-leverer-en-konsert-i-verdensklasse-på-en-lokal-klubb-en-mørk-onsdagskveld-i-oktober’-konsert. Herlig!
Og trommis Gard Nilssen har blitt litt av et favorittmotiv. Han slår trommer og mener det. Intenst. Han ser ut som om det er like før han skal få orgasme på halvparten av bildene – har lagt ved noen eksempler.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
2019-10-30 Bushman’s Revenge – Lokal Scene Bassisten Rune Nergaard brakk armen like før Bushman's Revenge skulle ut på Europaturné med sin nye plate 'Et hån mot overklassen'.
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nakedsides · 7 years ago
Needless presents Prins Thomas
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Needless w/ Prins Thomas + NTEIBINT, Chevy, Mr.Z Σάββατο 17 Μαρτίου, μετά τα μεσάνυχτα 10 ευρώ προπώληση, 12 ευρώ ταμείο To Needless επιστρέφει στο six d.o.g.s μετά το επικό party των Χριστουγέννων, προσκαλώντας έναν από τους πιο αγαπημένους του DJs, τον Νορβηγό Prins Thomas. Με έδρα το Όσλο και τους περίφημους κατά καιρούς συνεργάτες του Lindstrom, Todd Terje και Rune Lindbaek, καθιερωσαν τον περίφημο Νορβηγικό nu/space - disco ήχο στα μέσα της προηγούμενης δεκαετίας. Ειδικά η συνεργασία του με τον Lindstrom εισήγαγε το κοινό σε έναν ρετροφουτουριστικό ήχο που βρήκε άπειρους μιμητες μετά το ντεμπούτο άλμπουμ τους στην Eskimo το 2005. Με τo label του Full Pupp κυκλοφορεί φοβερούς δίσκους αποκλειστικά Νορβηγών παραγ��γών με άξονα την leftfield house και τη nu-disco, ενώ μέσω του sub-label Internasjonal, συνεργάζεται με παραγωγούς απ’ όλο τον κόσμο. Πέρα από όλα αυτά όμως ο Thomas Moan Hermansen, όπως είναι το πραγματικό του όνομα, είναι ένας τρομερός DJ. Έχει φοβερά τεχνικά skills, δικές του παραγωγές και edits που ‘σκοτώνουν’, ευρία δισκοθήκη διαφορετικών επιρροών και στυλ και εξαιρετικό γούστο. Στον κόσμο του Prins Thomas disco, house, electro ακόμα και techno μπλέκουν με μοναδικό τρόπο με στοιχεία kraut, acid, folk, dub και ψυχεδέλειας δημιουργώντας ένα μοναδικό χαρμάνι. Μαζί του στο booth του six d.o.g.s θα βρεθεί ένας από τους καλύτερους Έλληνες παραγωγούς ηλεκτρονικής χορευτικής μουσικής, ο NTEIBINT ή αλλιώς Γιώργος Μπακαλάκος, ραδιοφωνικός παραγωγός του En Lefko 87.7 και μέλος της Βελγικής δισκογραφικής ετικέτας Eskimo Recordings, στην οποία δίσκογραφεί και ο Prins Thomas. Το line up συμπληρώνουν οι resident Djs του Needless, Chevy και Mr.Z. https://www.facebook.com/Prins-Thomas-66565233112/ https://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/prinsthomas https://www.facebook.com/NTEIBINT/ https://www.facebook.com/needless.athens/ Χορηγοί Επικοινωνίας: RISE, Cannibal Radio, Clubber.gr, propaganda six d.o.g.s Αβραμιώτου 6-8 Μοναστηράκι Αθήνα T: +30 210 3210510 W: http://sixdogs.gr/
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stormyrecords-blog · 7 years ago
new arrivals sept 8th 2017
stormy records13306 michigan avedearborn, mi 48126313-581-9322 always paying cash for used records - always putting great new titles onto the shelves - stop by and see what we have for you! also - new stereo eqpt on the shelvesmarantz receiver model 25 from the 1970s $250technics receiver / amplifier model sa-919 from the 1980s $40ten band sound shaper stereo equalizer ss-115 $100fisher studio standard turn table mt-6360 $100pair of never used jensen cd310 speakers $150 (like new) new arrivals for Sept 8th, 2017items will be in by the early afternoon on friday CULTIVATION First Edition double lp $24.99Featuring tracks by Arthur Colvin, Blair French, Mazri/Imzra, and Windy & Carl. "Cultivation is the brainchild of Jay Rowe and Ross Westerbur. The idea was to have a day in the outdoors to enjoy fresh air, friends, music, meditation, and good food. The day-long event would happen on or around the autumn equinox and feature live music and special musical artifacts released on that day. Past events have included performances and cassette releases by Warren Defever, and Dave Shettler, along with special mixes for Dub Lab Radio. This is the first in a series of vinyl releases that will combine like-minded artists working in the fields of ambient, electronica, and new age musics. All four groups are from the Detroit area and have long histories within the music scene, both locally and globally. Each side represents one artist and a single piece of musical output clocking in at approximately 20 minutes per side. Music for relaxing/healing created by modern sound sculptors. Beautiful gatefold sleeve with a double LP on black vinyl. Comes with download code. One time pressing of 500 copies." AFGHAN WHIGS - Up In It LP (Loser Edition * Color Vinyl w/ Download)   $22.99      * 180 Gram cut from the original master tapes. AFGHAN WHIGS - Uptown Avondale 'MINI-LP' (Loser Edition * Color Vinyl w/ Download)   $22.99       * 1st time on vinyl in the US.  45 rpm 180 gram pressing. AFGHAN WHIGS - Congregation DOUBLE LP (Loser Edition * Color Vinyl w/ Download)   $29.99      * 180 gram 45 rpm pressing cut from the original masters ALICE COLTRANE - World Spirituality Classics 1: The Ecstatic Music of Turiya Al        * DOUBLE LP $31.99  / CD $16.99  / CASSETTE $15.99 BEACHES - Second Of Spring DOUBLE LP  $20.99       * Epic New Double Album from Australian Psych-Rock Icons.   Download included. DEERHOOF - Movntain Moves LP  $19.99       * BLUE SWIRL Color Vinyl.   Download included EMA - Exile In The Outer Ring  LP   $21.99       * RED VINYL Indie Exclusive *   RAFAEL ANTON IRISARRI - Hope And Past Desires 12" EP   $11.99reissue on red vinyl Kirchin, BasilBasil Kirchin Is My Friend LP $29.99An awe-inspiring sampler of the late, great musical polymath's music. From pop punk pop to field recordings, jazz, horror film music, ambient sounds, experimental ideas and all points in between. Many tracks have not been released before. Basil Kirchin was a unique talent. A man brought up as a drummer in the post-war big band era, he soon shunned the sounds of London ballrooms for world travel, marijuana, and spiritual enlightenment. On his return to London in the mid-1960s, he started work on experimental "sound picture music", a direction that led him into horror film music, library music, and eventually, to field recordings. He then developed the idea of slowing down the sounds of bird, insects, animals, autistic children -- anything he recorded in fact -- to reveal the hidden particles of sound that made them up. Mixing this with free jazz improvisation in 1969, he developed a new, peculiar sound that is now known as "ambient". Here, in this unique Trunk Record's sampler, the label offers a fascinating musical glimpse into his world, bringing together work from three decades, plus parts of a long conversation between Jonny Trunk and Basil Kirchin, recorded a few months before Kirchin died. There is unreleased film music, field recordings including autistic children from Schurmatt, music for advertising, the opening of Quantum (JBH 003CD), brilliant mixes of jazz and birds ("Charcoal Sketches"), the newly discovered digital post punk classic "Silicon Chip", plus brilliant and moving homages to his life with Esther, his wife. Together it makes extraordinary listening. All cues mastered and sequenced by Jon Brooks, AKA The Advisory Circle. LARAAJI - Sun Gong LP * CLEAR VINYL Indie Exclusive  $24.99 LARAAJI - Essence/Universe LP  $24.99 LARAAJI - Celestial Music 1978 - 2011 LP  $29.99 MOGWAI - Every Country's Sun  CD    $12.99        Brand New EXCELLENT Mogwai full length!      * LP version delayed until September 22nd PATRICK AND THE BARITONE SAXOPHONE RETINUE, PATSound Advice (2017 Repress) LP  $24.992017 repress of Art Yard's 2015 reissue. Originally released in 1977 by Sun Ra's El Saturn label. Includes printed inner sleeve. As composer, bandleader, and full-time member of the Sun Ra Arkestra, Pat Patrick was a visionary musician whose singular contribution to the jazz tradition has not yet been fully recognized. As well as holding down the baritone spot in the Arkestra for 35 years, Patrick played flute and alto, composed in both jazz and popular idioms, and was a widely respected musician, playing with Duke Ellington, Eric Dolphy, Thelonious Monk, and John Coltrane, with whom he appeared on Africa/Brass (1961). But he is best known for his crucial contributions to key Sun Ra recordings including Angels and Demons at Play (1967), Jazz in Silhouette (1959), and The Nubians of Plutonia (1967), among dozens of others. But as a bandleader, Patrick only released one LP -- the almost mythical Sound Advice, recorded with his Baritone Saxophone Retinue, a unique gathering of baritone saxophone masters including Charles Davis and René McLean. Sound Advice is a deep-hued exploration of this special instrument, a lost masterpiece of Arkestrally-minded Ellingtonia on which higher adepts of the lower cosmic tones are heard in rare conference. Unissued since original release, this unique jazz masterpiece now returns to the limelight. Released in collaboration with the Pat Patrick estate. Remastered and restored sound. Liner notes by scholar and musician Bill Banfield. PHARMAKON - Bestial Burden  $18.99      * Sacred Bones 10 Year Anniversary BRUISE COLORED Vinyl Pressing  Edition of 500. Benoit PioulardLignin Poise LP $23.99After the sold-out cassette release of Stanza / Stanza II on Beacon Sound in 2015 (a co-release with Baro) and 2016's The Benoit Pioulard Listening Matter on Kranky, Seattle's Thomas Meluch returns with a brand new Benoit Pioulard album of ambient bliss. Floating on a plume of pure shoegaze, Lignin Poise conjures nature, specifically the waters and forests of the Cascadia bioregion, as ecstatic reverie. It is a work of deliberate renewal in a time of global tumult. A golden oasis of deep memory open to all seekers; hallucinogenic, like stumbling into one of the verdant. highly-oxygenated upper canyons of the Columbia River Gorge on a late spring morning, soaking in the warm humidity and cool mist. In Tom's own words: "I recorded this album during the fall and winter of last year, and it's thematically meant to trace a path through decay, death, and regeneration over the course of the tracks. My flat/studio is surrounded by deciduous trees (a huge deal for me especially since I live in the heart of the city) so those patterns were right in my face every day while I was recording. Lignin forms the support systems of vascular plants, so the title is intended to convey the posture and temporariness of life in full bloom." PROTOMARTYR - Under Color Of Official Light LP  $16.99       * Restock of their fantastic Hardly Art Debut.  Download Included.    New Album (COLOR VINYL) forthcoming at the end of September PROTOMARTYR - The Agent Intelect LP  $16.99      * Restock of their awesome 2nd album on Hardly Art.   Download Included.   TY SEGAL - Fried Shallots 12" EP   $17.99      * a litle late getting his new EP, but here it is. SHABAZZ PALACES - Quazarz: Born On A Ganster Star LP  $19.99       * SUB POP "LOSER EDITION" Color Vinyl!   Download Included. cd also available $13.99 SHABAZZ PALACES - Quazarz Vs. The Jealous Machines LP  $19.99      * SUB POP "LOSER EDITION" Color Vinyl!   Download Included. cd also available $13.99 Sky Music A Tribute V2 LP+CD $27.99A vinyl-only release of two epic outtakes that didn't make the main album, Sky Music: A Tribute To Terje Rypdal (RCD 2194CD/RLP 3194LP), due to lack of space. Guitarist and composer Terje Rypdal (1947) is probably as close as one gets to a living legend in Norwegian music. Sky Music is a heartfelt celebration of an inspirational artist and truly unique guitarist who hasn't fully received the due credit and recognition he deserves for over 50 years of music making. Initiated by the experimental US guitarist and lifelong Rypdal fan Henry Kaiser, Rune Grammofon put together an all-star band including keyboardist and long-time Rypdal side-kick Ståle Storløkken (Elephant9, Supersilent), bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (Scorch Trio, The Thing), drummer Gard Nilssen (Bushman's Revenge), guitarists Even H. Hermansen (Bushman´s Revenge) and Hedvig Mollestad, Finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim (Scorch Trio), and Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske (Dungen). Kaiser also played and produced. The Sky Music project also includes additional contributions from Hans Magnus Ryan (Motorpsycho), Jim O'Rourke, Bill Frisell, Nels Cline, David Torn, and Erik Friedlander. Includes CD. SKY MUSICSky Music: A Tribute To Terje Rypdal 2LP  $33.99Double LP version. Guitarist and composer Terje Rypdal (1947) is probably as close as one gets to a living legend in Norwegian music. He has received a number of awards, including three Norwegian Grammies (Spellemannpris), the last being the honorary award in 2005. Sky Music is a heartfelt celebration of an inspirational artist and truly unique guitarist who hasn't fully received the due credit and recognition he deserves for over 50 years of music making. Initiated by the experimental US guitarist and lifelong Rypdal fan Henry Kaiser, Rune Grammofon put together an all-star band including keyboardist and long-time Rypdal side-kick Ståle Storløkken (Elephant9, Supersilent), bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (Scorch Trio, The Thing), drummer Gard Nilssen (Bushman's Revenge), guitarists Even H. Hermansen (Bushman´s Revenge) and Hedvig Mollestad, Finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim (Scorch Trio), and Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske (Dungen). Kaiser also played and produced while Hans Magnus Ryan (Motorpsycho) added bits and pieces and Jim O'Rourke beamed in his exquisite contributions to "Sunrise" from Tokyo. Bill Frisell, Nels Cline, and David Torn delivered their solo interpretations, Cline with the aid of cellist Erik Friedlander. SLOWDIVE - Slowdive LP  $18.99        * Re-stock of their excellent 2017 full length release.   Download included. CHAD VANGAALEN - Light Information LP (Loser Edition * Color Vinyl w/ Download)   $19.99      * POSTER and STICKER included. CHAD VANGAALEN - Infiniheart DOUBLE LP (Color Vinyl w/ Download)   $23.99       * 1st time re-issue of his 2005 release. JOSEF VAN WISSEM & JIM JARMUSCH - The Mystery Of Heaven LP  $18.99        * Sacred Bones 10 Year Anniversary GOLD VINYL Pressing.  Edition of 350. VARIOUS ARTISTS - Secao Ritmica: Instrumental Funk from '70s Brazil CD  $18.99 ZOLA JESUS - Okovi LP  $19.99        * Limited Edition RUST-COLORED Vinyl Pressing.   Download included.   ZOLA JESUS - Stridulum LP  $19.99       * collects the early Zola Jesus EP's 'Stridulum' and 'Valusia' for the first time.   Limited Edition of 500 on ICE VINYL ZOLA JESUS - The Spois LP  $18.99      * Sacred Bones 10 Year Anniversary SMOKE VINYL Pressing.   Limited Edition of 500. cool local detroit happenings!! DETROITSOUND4: Detroit Sound DesignSaturday, September 9th, 8am-6pmA single day conference including panels, presentations, workshops, and an exclusive performance on the Blue Bird Stage. cost is $15 per person    tickets can be purchased through a link on the detroit sound conservancy websitedetroitsound.orgevent taking place at the  CCS Taubman Center, 460 W. Baltimore, Detroit, MI 48202 Upcoming events at Trinosophes Thursday, Sept.7: Friends & Neighbors  (Norway)Friends & Neighbors represents a new generation of bands from the Norwegian jazz-scene. The music can be described as energetic and melodic free jazz inspired by musicians like Ornette Coleman, Archie Shepp, Pharoah Sanders and John Carter. On their debut album ”No Beat Policy” (2011), Friends & Neighbors created an authentic and acoustic atmosphere that refers back to the political roots of free jazz. Through original and strong compositions, this has resulted in a band sound with strong identity, crystal clear presence and personality. The quintets members can also be heard in bands like Paal Nilssen-Love Large Unit, Frode Gjerstad trio, Albatrosh and Cortex. Their second release «Hymn for a Hungry Nation» was received with  4 1/2 out of 5 stars in DownBeat Magazine.   "The spirit behind the phrase suits the quintet beautifully, and in terms of both historical stylistic precedent and a certain, strong and palpable ensemble identity… Call it a neo-"New Thing" sensation" -(Joseph Woodard/DownBeat Magazine) André Roligheten - reeds,  Thomas Johansson - trumpet,  Jon Rune Strøm - double bass,  Tollef Østvang - drums Doors at 8pm; $10 min. Coming Soon9/9: Keir Nueringer9/16: Swell, Gjerstadt, Strom, Nilssen-Love9/19: Hans-Joachim ROEDELIUS! with Hydro Park and Dave Shettler9/22: New Music Detroit's Strange and Beautiful Music opening night with m usic by  Khemia Ensemble,  Juxtatonal: Jocelyn Zelasko and Bryan Hayslett,  YAK,  Joel Peterson (with Lisa Raschiatore clarinet, James Greer viola, Abby Alwin cello),  New Music Detroit (featuring  cellist Una O’Riordan) and  Rebecca Goldberg 10/10: Circuits Des Yeux 10/14: Grails Related 9/23: Trinosophes present Ryan Jewell Duo at night two of Strange and Beautiful Music at The Max M Fisher Music Center . 10/26: Joel Peterson original score to silent classic   Der Golem  at Toledo Museum of Art   EL CLUB UPCOMING SHOWS  (most shows all ages - ticket will say all ages or not)remember - tickets are cash only. this saves us all the service charges!! the spits, screaming females  sat sept 30th $15cold cave sun oct 1st $18joyner lucas mon oct 2nd $12touche amore fri oct 6th $25tokimonsta sat oct 7th $15the bronx tues oct 10th $17algiers fri oct 20th $13giraffage sun nov 5th $17kelela tues nov 7th $20parquet courts thurs nov 16th $17daniel ceasar sun nov 19th $15 MARBLE BAR (all shows 18 and over) tops fri sept 22nd $10nude party tues oct 10th $5pickwick thurs oct 12th $12grails sat oct 14th $13cults sat oct 21st $19hoop sun oct 22nd $5bully wed nov 8th $15shy girls thur nov 9th $13cold specks wed nov 29th $10 ASSEMBLE SOUND (18 and over) the blow, ema fri nov 17th $13
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anotherscrappile · 2 years ago
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@severedfeetpics Here’s Rune & Bell (Mittens in D4 is in the previous post) :)
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a-model-of-propriety · 2 years ago
I am indecisive, but you may have any of my sailors for a writing prompt :)
hey, first time i've written anything with Rune! :D
“Oh, hello Rune!” Nikolai said. “I didn’t know anyone else was in here.” He plopped down on the floor next to Rune. “Is Mittens around here somewhere too?”
Rune picked up his chalkboard. “He’s on duty,” she wrote.
“Oh, that makes sense. So you’re just hanging out in here for a while?”
Rune nodded.
“You know,” Nikolai said, absentmindedly starting to drum on the floor, “I don’t get why everyone seems to think you’re so scary.”
Rune shrugged. They started drumming on their seat, falling into rhythm with Nikolai’s drumming. Nikolai smiled, closed his eyes, and lost himself in the beat, every now and then mixing things up with a more complicated rhythm. Once in a while, they glanced up at Rune, who also seemed to be enjoying herself.
Nikolai didn’t know how long their drumming went on for, but eventually the song wound down.
“You’ve got a good ear for rhythm,” Nikolai said.
“Thank you,” Rune wrote, “That was fun.”
“Yeah! We should do it again sometime.” Nikolai grinned as he pushed himself to his feet. It was a shame he was on the next shift, they would have liked to keep messing around with Rune.
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burlveneer-music · 2 years ago
Gisle Røen Johansen - Morrasol - high-octane fusion sandwiched between heavy doomjazz intro & outro (Jazzaggression)
Heaven and earth are in motion with the debut album from composer and saxophonist Gisle Røen Johansen (b. 1968) an active voice on the Norwegian jazz scene since the mid-nineties. Known for his expressive tone in groups like Element and Jazzmob, Kveldsragg is the first release under his own name. The album features top players from the nordic jazz currents including members from Bushman’s Revenge and Element; Even Hermansen on guitars, Rune Nergaard on Electric Bass and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten on Acoustic Bass and ECM signed Gard Nilssen on drums. With special guests Bob Hoffnar on pedal steel, wordless vocals by Mona Julsrud and vocals, lyrics by Harald Tusberg Jr.
The melodic tour-de-force of Kveldsragg that occupies the whole first side showcases Johansen’s post-bop background, in a multi-layered harmonical approach. While the B-side Morrasol is a new dawn, the album finishes with the haunting and beautiful voice of Harald Tusberg Jr. who’s lyrical tribute to the deciesed fellow musicianJon Klette will leave you mesmerized.
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metalshockfinland · 2 years ago
BUSHMAN'S REVENGE Join Is It Jazz? Records, New Album Coming
Norwegian Jazz trio, BUSHMAN’S REVENGE, whose music mixes the energy of Rock with the freedom of Jazz in a way that is exciting and exhilarating, have inked a deal with Is it Jazz? Records for the release of their eleventh full-length album. Formed in 2003, BUSHMAN’S REVENGE’s lineup of Even Helte Hermansen on Guitar,  Rune Nergaard on Bass, and Gard Nilssen on Drums, have had two decades in…
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jazzworldquest-blog · 7 years ago
NORWAY: Sky Music: A Tribute To Terje Rypdal (CD/2LP)
The ordinary 2LP edition includes a CD with all the tracks. The very limited 3LP edition includes the 2LP edition as well as Vol. 2 (RLP2195), but with both on white vinyl. Also included is the original CD edition in its digipack sleeve, as well as the free CD that comes with RLP2195. You also get a 61 x 61cm poster with design by Kim Hiorthøy, exclusive to this box set. It all comes in a solid cardboard flap lid box, hand numbered in an edition of only 150 copies! Needless to say, this is probably our most desirable and collectible edition ever. Please note, we can only accept one 3LP edition for each customer. Sky Music is a humble and heartfelt celebration of an inspirational artist and truly unique guitarist that hasn´t fully received the due credit and recognition he deserves for over 50 years of excellent music making. Initiated by the experimental US guitarist and lifelong Rypdal fan Henry Kaiser, we put together a Rune Grammofon allstar band including keyboardist and long time Rypdal side-kick Ståle Storløkken (Elephant9, Supersilent), bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (Scorch Trio, The Thing), drummer Gard Nilssen (Bushman´s Revenge), guitarists Even Helte Hermansen (Bushman´s Revenge) and Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen, Finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim (Scorch Trio) and Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske (Dungen). Kaiser also played and produced while Hans Magnus Ryan (Motorpsycho) added bits and pieces and Jim O´Rourke beamed in his exquisite contributions to "Sunrise" from Tokyo. Bill Frisell, Nels Cline and David Torn delivered solo interpretations, Cline with the aid of cellist Erik Friedlander. Sky Music is their birthday present to Terje Rypdal at 70. Guitarist and composer Terje Rypdal (1947) is probably as close as one gets to a living legend in Norwegian music. First making a name for himself as a teenager with pop-rock group The Vanguards, this was followed by the inevitable passage through psychedelia with The Dream, releasing their only album, Get Dreamy, in 1967. The following year Rypdal released the extraordinary Bleak House, the first album in his own name. Then followed the self-titled album from Min Bul - his trio with Bjørnar Andresen and Espen Rud - before a lifelong and fruitful relation with ECM would see the release of a large number of great albums, taking in jazz, rock oriented albums, symphonies, large ensemble works and various collaborations. The last few years he has also played live with Elephant9 on several occasions. Liner notes by Rolling Stone senior editor David Fricke. Tracks 1. Ørnen (5:53) 2. Over Birkerot/Silver Bird Heads For The Sun (14:51) 3. Chaser (6:17) 4. What Comes After (6:31) 5. Warning: Electric Guitars (5:18) 6. Though Enough/Rolling Stone/Tough Enough (19:15) 7. Avskjed (6:58) 8. Dream Song/Into The Wilderness/Out Of This World (6:05) 9. Sunrise (8:47) rune grammofon via Blogger http://ift.tt/2wbJHIY
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