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mhk-87 · 1 year ago
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She's cute!
i want to cosplay her!!!
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aadu Aaedamurea Aaede Aaenar Aaene Aaeni Aaenreca Aaenz Aalanu Aalga Aalgu Aallmota Aalmot Aalmota Aanre Aanreatta Aarbart Aarmena Aarmun Aarmunn Aarvá Aarweg Adeta Admond Aelaurd Aelda Aeldagurd Aeldu Aelmu Ailgar Airst Akkaaurd Alfreada Alka Almur Alsu Amel Amelea Amelu Ammareca Ammu Ammunoal Ammunoalla Anzi Aobart Aogi Aogoatta Aontar Araurd Arec Areku Astaar Astalla Aunna Aunnalira Aunnua Auns Aurild Auruld Avu Awuld Aálàna Banadekt Baniêt Banjumen Barnd Barnudatta Barnurd Bartrum Bartrund Baut Bautu Beunku Bidi Bregetta Broni Buptesta Burburu Busteun Báutreca Caliá Carestal Carestalla Carestena Caresteun Caresteuna Carestif Carestipaa Carestu Cauntul Caurlas Caurlitta Cilatta Cilbu Ciltin Cirau Cirenna Cirenu Cirulea Cluera Cluoda Cluodena Cluodeu Cluru Clámanca Clámant Cumella Curel Curila Curilena Curilenu Curl Cussundru Cutaarena Cácela Cádrec Cálena Dalpaena Danes Danesa Deadreca Deatar Deatareca Deatreca Dedear Deunu Dimeneqoa Dinuld Dosten Dugibart Dugmur Dulun Dumean Duneal Dunealla Duneàla Duved Elinu Emaldu Engi Engred Enàs Ermu Eràna Esu Esuballa Esuballu Falex Fardenund Fliranca Flirant Flireun Fradareck Fradrek Freadamunn Freadreca Fretz Fruncena Frunces Fruncies Frunciesa Frunck Frunk Frunz Fruoka Frádárec Fubean Fubeanna Fubreca Funnu Gabaurd Gaesluena Gairg Gairgas Gairgatta Ganaveàva Garaurdt Gard Garmuena Garmur Garnit Gart Gartroda Garuld Garurd Gelbart Gellas Genatta Gesalaar Gesalu Gesàla Gittfread Gittleab Gittscaulk Goedi Goelluoma Gontaar Gou Grata Gratal Gratcaan Gratu Grágiru Gubreal Gubreala Guátun Guälla Gárurd Gïtz Göntaar Icáuna Idatta Idela Ilevear Ileveu Ilgu Iluf Irtrod Iscur Itamur Itti Ittimur Jannefar Jarima Jarmuena Jassecu Jaun Jauncluoda Jaunfruncies Jaunlioes Jaunloc Jaunmecaal Jaunmurc Jaunmurea Jaunna Jaunnena Jaunpearra Jaunpuol Jiaunn Jiaunnas Jiaunnu Jicaluna Jinus Jinutaun Jisapa Jisatta Jist Jisá Jiucaem Jiäl Jiälla Jolea Jolean Joleatta Joleu Jopp Jostena Jottu Jucib Jucqoalena Jucqoas Junena Junu Járîma Jïrg Jörgan Karsten Kaven Kinrud Kluos Kluos-patar Kort Kuren Kurena Kurl Kurlaaenz Kurstan Kutju Kutren Kutuu Lanu Laven Leasl Leinal Leleuna Lenu Lesbata Leunu Lioallu Lioes Lioesa Lirantz Litaur Liëc Loc Locea Locean Loceanna Locus Lodivec Lodweg Lokus Lotz Luateteu Ludea Ludesluos Ludeu Luora Luoranca Luorant Luoru Lurs Láu Lötild
Madurd Maenrud Malven Mecaal Mecaalena Mecaalla Mecaualu Mecauäl Mecaàla Meckuäl Meli Mennu Meraella Merci Mereum Merki Merundu Miaumad Mineku Mineqoa Minu Miretz Mirguna Moreal Mudalaena Mugdulanu Mugule Multa Mulvenu Munin Munoal Muoreca Murc Murcal Murcalla Murcos Murea Mureacarestena Mureacluoda Mureataáràsa Murei Murein Murena Murenu Mureos Mureu Mureum Mureunna Murgoareta Murgurata Murlana Murten Murtena Murtu Mutaeao Mutaelda Muttaeao Muttaeus Muxema Muxemeleun Málessu Málunea Necila Neciluos Necilus Nekilu Nenu Nevuldi Niámea Nudena Nudeu Nunna Nutaulea Nutulea Odi Olreca Olreka Orsolu Ota Otti Owa Paelep Paelepp Paeleppa Paeleppu Patar Pearra Pearratta Puol Puolatta Puolena Puscul Puscula Putreca Putreceu Putreck Qoanten Raenaild Raenaurd Raná Ranáa Recaanzu Recaurd Ribart Ribartu Riben Rigar Rilf Rilund Rimuen Rimun Rinuld Risenu Rodilpa Rot Rucaal Ruenar Rulpa Ruminu Rundull Rupauäl Ruumind Ruuminda Rágena Ráges Ráme Rámu Saarul Sabusteun Salmu Sarga Savaren Seagfread Segesmond Segmond Semin Semina Silunga Sineu Sipaea Sosunna Sozunna Stafuneu Stapaan Stápauna Stápaunea Subena Subrenu Sulvastar Sulvea Sulvuen Sumoal Sundar Sundrena Sundru Surua Svan Svanju Sábustean Sávarena Taearru Taimus Taái Taáràsa Temi Tenu Tibeus Tim Tumuru Udala Udalaaed Udilf Udrean Udreun Ugnas Ugnàs Ulaxes Ulaxundra Ulaxundru Ulbart Uleca Ulena Ulenu Ulfrad Ulies Ulmot Uluen Ulven Ulwen Umaleu Umuleu Umundena Umálea Undrau Undraus Undrá Undráa Ungaleku Ungáleqoa Unna Unnaleasa Unnalesa Unnamurea Unnea Unneck Unnu Unnuleasa Unsgur Untiena Untin Uodrau Uogost Uoreck Uorira Uorálea Uorálean Urlatta Urmen Urndt Urnild Urnuod Urtaor Ustred Uunn Uunneck Uvas Uvatta Uvinna Uxal Varinecu Vectir Vectireu Veilu Vencant Vergenea Villruta Vulanten Vultar Vulárea Vunassu Várineqoa Wanzal Warnaar Warnar Weabka Welaalm Welaalmenu Welleum Weltrod Wenfread Wilf Wilfgung Wultar Xaneu Xuvear Álesa Álesubata Áleuna Álidea Ámelea Árec Áteanna Ávalunaucaem
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calined · 7 years ago
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was thinking about the clothing and especially the shoes for the Shawam =)
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thehistoricalgods · 6 years ago
NDC Day 3
The Thunderer
Cloud-compelling Zeus
Sire of Gods
Sire of Gods and men
Majesty of heaven
Austere Kronios
Supreme of Gods
Omnipotence of heaven
Avenging God
Involiable king
Eternal Zeus
Monarch of the sky
He who shakes Olympus with His nod
The almighty power
Imperial Zeus
Heaven's great Father
Panomphæen Zeus
The Olympian sire
Ethereal king
Eternal Energy
Ækáleios - an epithet of Zeus from Ækáli, an old woman who had treated Theseus kindly and given him shelter on his quest to capture the Cretan bull. If he was successful in his task, she promised to sacrifice to Zeus, but when Theseus returned from a successful mission, the woman was dead. Because the people of the surrounding districts knew the story, they would make sacrifices to Zeus Ækáleios at a festival named in the woman's honour, Ækalísia.
Ækatómvaios - He to whom ækatómvai (hecatombs) were offered
Ælefsínios - epithet of Zeus in Ionia
Æleftháerios - the deliverer, the liberator
Ællanían - O shining star of Hellenic Zefs
Ællínios - of the Greeks
ÁEndændros - in the trees, epithet from Viôtîa, probably from His temples often being surrounded by thick groves of trees
Æpháptôr - by whose touch He begets a man
Ærivræmáetis - loud-thundering
Ærkeios - of the front court, Zeus invoked as a household god under this title
Ærmônthítîs - name of Zeus in ÁErmônthis, Egypt
ÁErros - Zeus
Æxakæstírios - alleviating evil
Æpidóhtis - the bountiful one
Æpiphanís - illustrious, appearing
Æpístios - He who presides over hearths and hospitality
Ærígdoypos - thundering
Afxitís - increaser
Agoraios - guardian of public assemblies and public places
Agnós - pure, chaste, holy
Ainysiós - name if Zeus from His temple on Mount Ainos in Kæphallinía
Aiolómorphos - capable of changing His form
Aithióps - name of Zeus in Ethiopia
Aithír - poetic name for Zeus: 'Zeus is Aithír, Zeus is earth, Zeus is the sky: Zeus, mark you, is all that and mightier yet.'
Aitnaios - Zeus of Mount Aitni
Aiyíokhos - beating the aegis
Aiyúptios - name of Zeus in the Egyptian cultus
Akraios - He who dwells on the heights
Áltios - named after Áltis, the sacred grove of Olympus
Amarios - epithet from Ahkaia, Arkadía
Ámmohn - Zeus is syncretized with the Egyptian deity Ámmohn
Ánax - king of all
Anxurus - name of Zeus from His temple in a grove at Anxur in Campania, Italy, where the god was worshipped as a youth
Apæsándios - name of Zeus from His temple on Mt. Apáesas, a mountain of the Peloponnesus, near Nemea, where Perseus first offered a sacrifice to Him
Apháesios - Releaser. During the reign of King Aiakós, the Greeks were afflicted with terrible drought. The king received an oracle telling him to sacrifice his father to Zeus. When he did so, Zeus allowed rain and ended the drought.
Áphthitos - imperishable, immortal
Apímios - averter of evil
Apómios - averter of flies
Apovatírios - protector of marineers landing from ships
Arbitrator - a name of Zeus from Rome
Aryikáeravnos - bearer of bright lightning
Astrapaios - weilding lightning
Ayítohr - name of Zeus in Sparta
Capitolinus - name of Zeus from His temple on the Capitoline, one of the seven hills of Rome
Conservator - preserver, defender
Dapalis - Latin name for Zeus from His presiding over sacred feasts
Depulsor - averter of evil, from depello, to push, to defend
Diespitar - father of the day
Éflkeios - of good repute, glorious
Elicius - from elicio, I draw down; Zeus being drawn down by prayer
Evánæmos - invoked to appease the winds
Evrôpaios - name of Zeus from his flight with Europa
Expiator - the expiator of mankind
Fidius - god of truth and faith
Gamílios - presiding over marriages
Fulgens/Fulgur - from His celestial splendour
Hospes - He who protects hospitality
Idaios - worshipped on Mt. Ida
Ikáesios - protector of supplients
Ikmaios - the deity who brings rain
Imperator - ruler, commander
Invictus - unconquerable, invincible
Kærávnios - weilder of the thunderbolt
Kataivátis - He who decends in thunder and lightning
Kathársios - the purifying one
Khamaizilos Diós - He who likes to be on the earth
Kharidótis - joy-giver
Khyrsaoréfs - with sword of gold
Klídonios - giving an omen
Kozmîtís - orderer, legislator
Krataivátis - walking in strength
Kronídis - son of Kronos
Ktísios - protector of home and property, giver of riches
Lefkéfs - shining, clear, white
Lucetius - light-bringer
Mælissaios - of bees
Maimáktîs - furious
Maximus - greatest of all the gods
Mîkhanéfs - the contriver or imaginative one: Zeus is considered to be the patron of all undertakings
Milíkios - protector of those who invoked Him with propitiatory offerings
Mirayáetîs - ruler of the Morai
Mórios - protector of the olive tree
Næphælîyæráeta - cloud-gatherer
Nemétôr - avenger, administer of justice
Nicêphorus - who carries victory
Nikaios - the victorious
Nómios - He who distributes, the generous one, implying Zeus distributes both good and bad
Olýmpios - Zeus at Olympus
Omayúrios - presiding over public assemblies
Omvrimóthymos - doughty, indomitable
Órios - guardian of boundaries and landmarks
Optimus Maximus - the best and greatest
Órkios - presides over the solemnity of oaths
Ouránios - dwelling in the heavens
Paián - physician, healer, savior, deliverer
Panællínios - chief God and protector of all the Greeks/His worshippers
Pandotináktis - all-shaker
Pandoyáenæthlos - all-generating, father of all
Panomphaios - He who is source of all prophecy
Panóptîs - all-seeing
Papaeus - all-Father
Pasiánax - universal king
Patír - father
Phanaios - bringing or giving light
Phílios - protector of friendship
Phytálios - the nourishing one
Pístios - god of truth and faith
Pistor - Baker
Plousios - opulent
Ploutodótis - giver of riches
Pluvius - of the rain
Poliéfs - protector of the city
Polytímîtos - the highly honoured one
Propátôr - first father, primordial father, grandfather
Regnator - king, sovereign
Rex - king, sovereign
Ruminus - nourisher of all things
Salutaris - giver of health and safety
Sancus - He ratifies laws
Saotas - the preserver
Sator - the father of the universe
Saturnigena - son if Saturn
Scotios - obscure, mysterious
Secretus - apart, seperate from gods in general
Serenus - clear, bright, calm, serene
Skiptoukhos - He who bears the sceptor
Sohtír - savior, deliverer
Sosipolis - defender of towns
Sponsor - surety
Stabilitor - supporter of the world
Stæropîyærǽtîs - He who rouses or gathers lightning
Sthǽnios - the mighty one
Stratíos - of the armies
Synǽstios - guardian of the hearth
Tælæsiourgós - He who brings all things to perfection and completion
Tǽleios - perfect, all-powerful
Thæmístios - patron of right
Tropaios - He who turns, changes events, bestowing victory
Tropaioukhos - to whom trophies are dedicated
Varýktypos - loud-thundering
Victor - conqueror, victorious one
Voulaios - of the council
Vrondaios - thundering
Xǽnios - He who protects strangers; presiding over hospitality, the hospitable one
Yænǽthlios - father of one's family
Ÿǽtios - bringing rain
Ypærphærǽtis - the supreme one
Ýpatos - highest, supreme of all the gods
Ypsízygos - throned on high
I myself normally call Him Zeus, the Lord of the Skies, Sky Father (or, alternatively, Sky Dad/Sky Papa) or, most often and most simply, Father.
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hellenismlove · 6 years ago
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I sing praises to the mighty Iupiter Maximus, king of all. Guard over our lives and watch over us powerful and awesome Iupiter Ruminus, He who nurishes all life, keep our lives fruitful and filled with plenty. Iupiter Invictus, protect us all.
Ave! Ave! Iupiter!
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svenson777 · 6 years ago
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Silver cup inscribed to Jupiter Ruminus Optimus Maximus (Jupiter Highest and Greatest); depicts a pair of chimerae with a trident separating them.
ca. first Century CE
Private collection, United Kingdom.
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
Kjötætur eru sagðar ÖMURLEGAR í rúminu…MYNDBAND
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mhk-87 · 7 months ago
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"I love you!"
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mhk-87 · 3 years ago
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She is the most beautiful of all vampires! (^_^)
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mhk-87 · 3 years ago
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I will definitely cosplay these characters! #1
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frettanetid · 6 years ago
Kjötætur eru sagðar ÖMURLEGAR í rúminu…MYNDBAND
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
ALLS EKKI… sofa með símann í rúminu… það er STÓRHÆTTULEGT – MYND
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
Hann hringir óvart í kærustuna FACETIME … auðvitað sést að hann er ekki ALEINN í rúminu – MYNDBAND
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
TVÍKYNHNEIGÐAR konur svara stóru spurningunni… hvort eru KARLAR… eða KONUR… betri í rúminu? – MYNDBAND
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
Hann hringir óvart í kærustuna FACETIME … auðvitað sést að hann er ekki ALEINN í rúminu – MYNDBAND
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frettanetid · 7 years ago
Hann situr á rúminu silkislakur… þangað til hann hnerrar… sjáðu þetta snilldar MYNDBAND
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