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fetchen · 2 months ago
skye riley? more like GAY riley- an analysis
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so, i’m a very hyperfixated autistic lesbian with a weird gender and that definitely influenced how i thought of and perceived skye’s dialogue and actions as a character. regardless, i feel like my analysis is pretty okay. i’ve spent at least the past month thinking about smile 2 and i never miss a chance to drive home how important it is that a character can be read as queer in a canonical sense. maybe this is just me being that one friend that too woke but that is what i do best! i want to talk about it. :3
i think the people i’ve seen drawing and talking about skye in a more “queer” way are mostly just…headcanoning with no reason behind it. now, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. it’s a thing i do pretty often. there is, after all, a beautiful kind of fun in being able to see yourself or your community in a character you love. with this analysis, what i want to do is give some insight as to why i personally have taken to the idea of skye riley as a queer coded character. i want to take note of skye’s traits, dialogue, inspirations, etc. i want to show that media can be interpreted in different ways and that my own interpretation is just one of many that can be seen in skye riley and smile 2 as a whole. here, i’m giving my headcanons reasons- citing my sources, i guess. so here’s what’s up.
to start with, the most obvious example, i would say, of skye’s queerness is her relationship with the character named gemma, her ex-best friend. to me, their relationship is just like…super gay. there’s really no other way to describe it. gemma is the person that’s emotionally closest to skye throughout the entire movie. skye values her relationship with gemma over her relationships with quite literally anyone and everyone else. skye has no pictures of herself with anyone else but gemma in her apartment, she has no other contacts with an emoji in their name (excluding those for business reasons), and she feels incredibly comfortable hugging and kissing gemma; things that all may seem small but, really, show how close skye considers gemma to be. she doesn’t give anyone the grace or consideration she gives gemma. skye hurts the most when she realises that the gemma she’d been interacting with wasn’t real. she wants gemma back in her life more than anyone else she’d lost. she cares about gemma the most, she thinks about gemma the most, and she loves gemma the most. skye doesn’t show any desire to have paul, her dead ex-boyfriend, back in her life. no- she only shows guilt over the car crash that she caused and that killed him. in all of her interactions with paul, at least with the visions of him she has in her head, she doesn’t like him, let alone love him. she had no passion nor intimacy with him and the movie is clear about that. she doesn’t want him back, she just wishes what happened hadn’t happened. she just feels an immense amount of guilt over her actions that night. truly, we see that she pays very little attention to the men in her life which is a mindset i think a lot of lesbians (including myself) have.
not only that but gemma and paul have some parallels as well. i don’t think many people notice how gemma and paul both haunt the narrative of the movie- meaning that they themselves are barely present but they have quite a large effect on the story and/or the story’s characters. skye lost gemma and paul at similar times- in fact, skye’s falling out with gemma occurred only around two weeks before the car crash that killed paul. both gemma and paul were people that skye kept close to her and they were also people that skye hadn’t seen in at least a year during the time when the movie took place. let’s not forget that the gemma we see skye interact with in the movie isn’t real. we only see the real gemma having a real interaction with skye once- twice if you count their text messages. i cannot hammer it in enough that the gemma we see in the movie is not real. and once you really understand that, you also begin to understand the difference between how skye viewed gemma and how skye viewed paul. now. the curse uses skye’s grief against her, generating hallucinations of both paul and gemma to manipulate her. what’s the difference between these two hallucinations? only one speaks. when skye begins to see paul, she sees him bloodied and bruised, a reminder of his death. but he remains silent. the entity doesn’t bother trying to give skye hope when it comes to paul. but when it comes to gemma…it’s a much different story. the fake gemma is more than skye’s memories of their fight. the fake gemma is made up of skye’s memories and thoughts about gemma as a whole. the fake gemma speaks directly to skye and gives her everything she wants. it makes skye think that gemma has forgiven her with no questions asked and that gemma believes skye when she says that something isn’t right. given that the entity is like a parasite, relying on only its hosts thoughts, emotions, and memories to generate these hallucinations, what we can gather from fake gemma vs. fake paul is that, ultimately, skye valued her relationship with gemma far more than she did her relationship with paul. in the present, she told the fake gemma that she loved her and meant it about the real gemma. in the past, she’d told the real paul that she hated him and meant it about the real paul. i find it telling that the movie chooses to show us the ways in which gemma is similar to paul, someone skye supposedly loved romantically, and when we see the ways they’re different in their relationship with skye, we see that it’s mainly about how much more willing skye was to love gemma the way she was supposed to have loved paul.
furthermore, she’s also surprisingly gender non conforming in a sense. in the movie, it’s not as obvious as her disregard for men but in my opinion, it’s shown through her costuming and some of her dialogue. to me, her most interesting line in this case is what she says after she finds her dressing room trashed. she argues with her mom and says, “i am not in the headspace to put on a fucking dress and play dancing monkey in front of a room full of strangers!” and i’ve not really seen anyone talk about this line even though i think it’s actually very telling about how skye perceives her own identity. consider what it means to skye to “play dancing monkey.” using what we know about her, i would say that playing dancing monkey means being inauthentic solely to entertain others, something that skye finds stifling. she does not want to be used. with her wording, she compares herself to an animal. now, i think that’s something of a different conversation but the takeaway in this case is that skye does not want to be someone she’s not or do things she hates in order to please others. and what is it that she specifically says here? that she’s not in the headspace to put on a dress and play dancing monkey. and so, i want to point out that she specifically says that she has to be in the right headspace to put on a dress- that is, to perform femininity and to be a spectacle. this line shows us that femininity is not generally something skye enjoys expressing for herself. rather, it’s something she has to psych herself up for and that doesn’t come incredibly naturally to her. and that brings me to what does seem to come naturally to skye.
when skye has control over her own image- that is, her own makeup, her hair, and her outfits, she often chooses to dress in clothes that give her a bulkier silhouette and are less form-fitting. she chooses to wear little to no makeup. there’s never a moment when skye chooses to wear a dress or wear noticeable makeup if she’s not under scrutiny. she chooses to be androgynous and with that one line we looked at earlier, we see that it’s about more than just physical comfort.
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i also want to talk about one of her most glaring traits that indicate her queer gender identity: her hair. i’ve seen other people talk about skye hypothetically liking women and one of the main responses i’ve seen was “just because her hair is short?” combined with a type of facetious tone. and while i’ve surprisingly never had that response to my endless weird gender skyeposting, i want to say that yeah, skye’s hair is part of her queerness…but not in the way you might think. no, i don’t think that skye is gay because she has short hair. but…i do think her hair is part of a queer reading of skye as a character. hair is kind of a big thing in this movie. skye goes through a big hair transformation: from long and black to short and blonde. skye tugs at her hair when she’s anxious and as her anxiety worsens, she pulls more and more of it out. hair is important. and in the cultural context of the movie’s production, skye being a woman with short hair is kind of just…inherently queer. by cutting her hair short, skye defies a patriarchal beauty standard. by that metric, skye inherently becomes a little bit more queer. as far as we know, skye wasn’t told by anyone to cut her hair short. she very well could have kept it much longer but she didn’t. she chose to go through with this radical change. so not only is the cutting of hair typically symbolic of letting go, something skye was desperate to do, but her new hairstyle can also be seen as her effort to be a little more masculine while keeping her safe enough to not arouse any real suspicion.
so no. i don’t think skye having short hair makes her gay but i do think that her hair being short is definitely supplemental to her being read as queer.
it’s also not at all lost on me how common it is for queer celebrities to struggle with their sexuality/gender identity, how common it is for there to be stories about it, and how often closeted queer celebrities turn to poor coping mechanisms like drug abuse. skye’s character and story is so deeply rooted in the pressures of the music industry and how they can affect a person. her struggle with inauthenticity and feeling stifled by an image she’s been forced into but doesn’t enjoy is one that a lot of queer people know and can relate to heavily. while i’m sure smile 2 wasn’t written with a queer skye riley in mind, skye’s story and its themes can surely feel so familiar to queer fans. not only that but a very important part of skye’s character is the fact that she feels that there is something deeply wrong with her. she’s surrounded by people who don’t see her, don’t understand her, and make no effort to do so which leads to her always feeling out of place and like she is broken on a fundamental level. she has nobody on her side and, as a queer person in a cisheteronormative society, that is often how it feels when you have no support system. skye is a person who is under constant scrutiny and pressure to conform to what the people around her want from her without considering what she might want for herself. she goes on a short rant in which she essentially calls herself a “deeply broken person” and expresses that she’d thought success would fix the things that were wrong with her before coming to find that that just wasn’t the case. and guess what: so many celebrities who came out later in life express feelings of entrapment by their industry. so many queer people express feelings of somehow being “wrong” just for existing as queer. i know that as a queer person that struggles with mental illness, i feel incredibly seen by the character of skye riley. i feel like that’s the best part.
i would say, broadly, that smile 2 is really a story of poor mental health that’s been left to marinate too long. it’s a cautionary tale about the dangers of not asking for help and having no support. but it’s also a story of feeling trapped by the expectations of others. i think there’s something a little beautiful in that, as odd as that sounds. like i said, skye’s story can certainly feel incredibly relatable to queer fans when watching the movie through the lens of a queer reading. the movie’s themes aren’t exclusive to queer people and queer characters but they certainly can be meaningful in that way.
it personally makes me really happy to know that i can say that skye riley, this character i love, is queer and have genuine textual reasons for why i think that. it somehow feels so right. and i hope with with this analysis, i’ve made my reasons clear.
basically, i love skye riley a lot. and if you’ve gotten this far, i’m sure you do too. thanks for reading :-)
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mortaswriting · 11 months ago
Chapter 1: First Meeting
this is a #ghoulcy au with the plot of silence of the lambs
Lucy MacLean is standing in front of an office. As she enters, she comes face to face with Davey, the agent in charge of the unit she has been assigned to. Upon looking at him, she notices that he has a haunted and restless expression.
Lucy: Good morning, Mr. Ruey.
Davey: I apologize for pulling you out of your training so early... there's a job that came up, and I thought of you. It's not exactly a job, it can be seen as a special assignment...
He hands Lucy a stack of papers (a dossier). Upon opening the dossier, she is confronted with a horrifying image: the brutalized body of a flayed woman.
Davey: We're trying to interview all the serial killers currently in custody for a psychocomp behavioral profile. Most of them were happy to do it... they enjoy boasting about their "works of art." Are you easily frightened, Lucy?
Lucy: Not yet. She said lightheartedly, trying to dispel the heavy atmosphere that had settled in the room.
Davey: I want you to go after someone who hasn't been cooperating much. I need you to go back to the asylum and find him.
Lucy remains silent. For a few seconds, her features appear clouded, and then her face is taken over by a haunted expression.
"The Ghoul, The Cannibal?"
Lucy quickly tries to calm herself down and push away the horror.
"Okay, I can do this."
Davey: I don't expect him to talk to you. We've tested it for a long time, but we couldn't get anything out of him. Howard was a brilliant psychiatrist, he knows all the tricks, he can manipulate you without you even realizing it. So you must be very careful with him.
After finishing giving all the instructions, Lucy headed to the Vault State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
There, she had a far from admirable conversation with Dr. Chet, who was flirting with her the whole time. He was an extremely unpleasant individual. In the end, he explained all the rules to her, about staying away from the glass, not taking anything Cooper tries to pass, and most importantly, not falling for his tricks.
Dr. Chet and Lucy went through several corridors and descended several stairs until they reached a hallway. Chet said his goodbyes and let her go alone to the psychiatrist's cell.
She walked through a hostile corridor, where several deranged killers lived, a few cells before reaching Cooper Howard's.
Suddenly, a strange figure rushes towards her in the second-to-last cell, their face grotesquely pressing against the bars as they hiss,
"I c-can smell your cunt."
Lucy shudders for a moment but quickly resumes walking down the dark hallway.
Gradually, she reaches Cooper Howard's cell. He starts to appear slowly. The cell is protected by a glass that seems difficult to break (she hopes that's true). Lucy stops at a comfortable distance and introduces herself.
"Dr. Howard, my name is Lucy MacLean. May I speak with you?"
Howard is leaning against his bunk, wearing white pajamas and holding an Italian Vogue magazine. A face long deprived of sunlight, almost faded, except for the bright eyes and the moist, red mouth. He gently rises, crossing over to stand before her: the gracious host. His voice is cultured and soft.
"Good Morning," he said, with a warm smile.
LUCY: "I want to ask for your help with a questionnaire."
DR. HOWARD: You're one of Davey's, I presume.
LUCY: Yes, I am.
DR. HOWARD: May I see your credentials?
Lucy is surprised but takes her ID card out of her bag and shows it to him for inspection. He smiles gently.
DR. HOWARD: Closer, please... closer.
She complies each time, trying to hide her fear. Dr. Howard's nostrils flare as he gently, like an animal, tests the air. Then he smiles, looking at her card.
"Agent MacLean. Please, have a seat."
She sits on the folding metal chair. He politely waits until she settles, then takes a seat and gazes at her with delight.
DR. HOWARD: Now, then. What did Hueys say to you?
(She is intrigued) "Multiple Hueys," in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?
LUCY: He said, "I can smell your cunt."
DR. HOWARD: I see. I myself cannot. You use Evyan skin cream and sometimes wear L'Air du Temps, but not today. You brought your best handbag, didn't you?
A pause, then Lucy takes the questionnaire out of her briefcase.
LUCY: Dr. Howard, please consider--
DR. HOWARD: No, no, no. You were doing well, Sweetheart. You were polite and receptive to courtesy, established trust with the embarrassing truth about Hueys, and now this...
"I'm just asking you to take a look at it, doctor."
She hands him the questionnaire on the sliding food tray. He stands up, looks at it, flipping through a page or two dismissively.
DR. HOWARD: Oh, Sweetie... do you think you can dissect me with this little blunt tool?
"No. I just hoped for your expertise."
Suddenly, he throws the tray back at her with a metallic CLANG. It startles her. His voice continues to be a pleasant purr.
DR. HOWARD: You're so ambitious, aren't you...? Do you know how you come across to me, with your fancy handbag and cheap shoes? You look like a hick. A well-groomed, restless hick, with a taste... Good nutrition has given you some bones, but you're not more than a generation away from poor white trash, Agent MacLean...? That accent you tried so desperately to shed from pure West Virginia.
Each of his words hits her like a small, precise dart.
"You see a lot, Dr. Howard. But are you strong enough to point that powerful perception towards yourself? How about this...? Look at yourself and write the truth."
(She throws the tray back at him) Or maybe you're just afraid.
DR. HOWARD: You're tough, aren't you?
DR. HOWARD: Well, you're far from ordinary, Lucy MacLean. All you have is the fear of it.
Now, please excuse me. Good day.
LUCY: And the questionnaire...?
DR. HOWARD: Once, a census taker tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Go back to school, little MacLean.
He takes a step back and then returns to his bed, becoming still and distant like a statue. Frustrated, Lucy hesitates, finally puts her bag on her shoulder, and walks away, leaving the questionnaire on the tray. But after just a few steps, as she passes by Hueys' cell, she sees that creature in his bars again, hissing at her.
HUEYS: I bit my wrist to make it bleeeddd!
S-see how it bleeedddss?
The dark figure suddenly throws the palm of his hand towards her, and it splatters on her face and neck, not with blood, but with pale droplets of semen. She lets out a small cry, touching her fingers to the wetness. Stunned, almost in tears, she forces herself to straighten up and move forward, searching for a tissue. From behind her, Dr. Howard shouts, very agitated.
"Agent MacLean... Agent MacLean!"
Lucy slows down, stops. She trembles but makes the difficult choice to turn around, go back, stand in front of someone again.
Dr. Howard, who is trembling with anger. For a moment, his face opens up, and we catch a glimpse of hell itself. Then he composes himself again.
"The discourtesy is unimaginably ugly to me."
Lucy: "So please, take this test for me."
"No. But I will make you happy... Lucy MacLean."
"What is this, Dr. Howard?"
Before Cooper can say anything, the guards flood the room to separate Lucy from the glass.
"Approach that glass, and your visitation authorization will be revoked, Agent MacLean."
Lucy storms out through the doors of the sanatorium, and just as she arrived, she leaves, without answers. She decides she will drive to her hotel room where she intends to sleep for the next few hours.
But instead, she spends the rest of the night thinking about Cooper Howard.
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fayewonglibrary · 5 months ago
Actor Tony Leung and singer Faye Wong appear in rare photo together (2023)
The post sparked nostalgia among many movie fans. Lim Ruey Yan HONG KONG – Hong Kong actress Carina Lau has posted on social media a rare photo of her husband, movie star Tony Leung Chiu Wai, with Mandopop diva Faye Wong.
Sharing the post on Instagram on Wednesday, Lau, 57, wrote in Chinese: “Long time no see”, likely referring to the fact that Leung and Wong have not seen each other for some time.
The post sparked nostalgia among many movie fans, with some sharing stills of the films in which Leung and Wong have acted together. Some noted that Wong has hardly aged, while others urged Lau to post more photos of Leung and Wong.
Leung, 61, and Wong, 54, have acted in three movies together – Chungking Express (1994), Chinese Odyssey 2002 (2002) and 2046 (2004).
They have several memorable scenes in Chungking Express, with Leung playing a lovelorn policeman who has several romantic encounters with a shop assistant played by Wong.
The two artistes are known to be low-profile people who do not speak much, but they developed a deep chemistry in the movie, although it was their first time acting together.
The movie, directed by Hong Kong film-maker Wong Kar Wai, won Leung the Best Actor prize at Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards in 1994 and the Hong Kong Film Awards in 1995.
Director Wong also said that Leung’s acting was different after Chungking Express.
Lau and Faye Wong are close friends who play mahjong together, according to the Nownews website.
The Hong Kong singer has rarely appeared in public in recent years. Photos of her with her friends or with her boyfriend, Hong Kong singer-actor Nicholas Tse, circulate online only occasionally.
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halliescomut · 1 year ago
I now want to rewatch both to actually look at the parallels as far as how they are filmed. But I feel like a lot of it really does boil down to honesty. Jhe Ruei and Zong Yi aren't afraid of speaking their minds, because they've already gone through the worst. And this was true even pre-timejump. They both have a bit of a romantic's heart, and so while they weren't able to get to the 'I Love You' easily, they had more trust in it. Likely because they had a bit of an understanding of love. They both had one loving parent. They're not afraid of anything more than being apart when the opportunity to be together is still present.
But Ai Di and Chen Yi are full of fear. They care deeply for each other, but weren't able to say it and so the 'act' created distance instead of closeness. But the distance between Chen Yi and Ai Di is never going to be overcome until one of them takes the leap and actually says the words. Because the problem is that the show each other consistently how they feel, but the NEVER say it. And since they've been showing each other love for years, since a time when it was solely platonic, they get caught up in this idea that what the other feels now couldn't be romantic, because their actions haven't really changed. Especially when looking at the pre-time jump stuff. We're definitely seeing something different from Chen-Yi post time jump, but it's kinda just not obvious enough. Like they really both need the words.
I am kind of expecting a this situation...
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...as far as the actual resolution of their story.
Somebody please figure out how to put into words the parallels between Chen Yi and Ai Di’s nc scene from ep9 and Zong Yi and Ze Rui’s nc scene from this episode because I can’t figure how other than to say that they are there! They exist!
The way Chen Yi/Ze Rui were able to tell it was Ai Di/Zong Yi through the hazy and realize that they want what the other is offering. Ze Rui knowing that they can’t keep going until they talk while Chen Yi not having the ability nor the words to express what is happening to him, but he can give Ai Di what he seems to want.
It ends so happily for Zong Yi and Ze Rui but it ends in tragedy for Chen Yi and Ai Di. It is getting better for one couple while worse for the other because they do not have the skills to communicate effectively with each other because they know each other too well. There is so much history between both couples and while one is able to bridge the gap, the other can’t because there is just too much to figure out.
The distance between Chen Yi and Ai Di seems to continue to grow larger despite the fact that neither wants that to happen while Zong Yi and Ze Rui finally have what they’ve wanted to so long, which is to be together again.
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reliquumtheseries · 4 years ago
Reliquum Chapter One
                                             Sleeping God
“Can you believe that it's already been six years since that night? It doesn’t feel as though time has passed us by so quickly but there is no mistaking it they’ve grown so big it makes me a bit emotional?”
“You’re right sister, it feels like it was yesterday that night still plays in my mind but you’re supposed to be preparing for the Adolescentem Ceremony you are one of the presiding Praecepter after all.”
“I know I just wanted to watch them from this perspective one more time before they become my disciples. After today their lives will change forever they’ll see this world for what it truly is they’ll become completely different……”
“They’ll become completely different people. Adults, is that what you were about to say?”
“No, it’s just..…Do you remember our Adol Ceremony?” “We were nothing like them.” “We'd already seen the truth by their age. We were already tainted by the sins of the elders.”
“We had no other choice. We were forced to take the weight of the world upon our shoulders. We didn’t have the time or the privilege they’ve been allotted.” 
“True but isn’t that why we did everything we did. To give them the gift that we never had.  An actual childhood and genuine innocence.” 
A booming voice Interrupted their conversation and suddenly a dark-skinned man with long black hair and adorned in the white, and gold uniform of the I.M.A appeared in the Armchair to the left of them.  
“Don’t….dodon’t yell at me like that. You never raise your voice so when you do it’s terrifying.”
“I apologize Eve but I……..We all need you to be clear-headed from here on out.”
As he continued to speak his voice began to soften but maintained its air of seriousness. 
 “You will be their guide through this coming turbulence, you'll be the one who will answer the many questions they’ll certainly have and you are not wrong for wanting to maintain their Innocence it is after all the very reason we took the actions we have up until now but the time has come to prepare them for what lies ahead and both you and Ryu are right we were not afforded the opportunity to stay asleep for as long as they have. We were forced awake by the truth of this world and then given the choice to live in a nightmare masked as a dream or stay awake.” 
“We chose to stay awake and write the dream for the next generation.” “It was unfortunate for us but fortunate for them.” “That’s why your role is so integral to everything we've worked for.” “You will be their bridge to the truth, a way of easing them into it all.” “I believe you’d both agree that it’s better than being thrown out of the “dream” with no guide to show them the way.” “Once they’re ready we can finally bring an end to this Era of Lies.” 
“So please Eve calm your mind, clear away the fog and set your eyes towards the task at hand, one that only you can do as only you can.”
The Man looked at Biyana and Ryu then nodded and as fast as he’d appeared he vanished. 
“Sadly that’s the most he’s spoken in months the only other times he wakes from his slumber is during emergencies of the highest order or when he needs to give directives and even then it’s only his Astral Projections.”
“I wish he would finally wake up. I know that he needs to be in that state to access The Records but It just doesn’t feel the same...….he doesn’t feel the same.”   
The Mood in the room turns Melancholic.
“I know Yana it doesn’t feel the same but you know how he is when it comes to achieving his goals. That determination and conviction to see whatever challenge that he faces through to the end is the very reason I decided to follow him all those years ago.”
“When he finally does awaken I’m going to slug him for leaving us alone for so long.” 
“You sure it isn’t the fact that he left you alone for so long It seems that you miss him more than anyone.”
“Hmph, I don’t know what you're talking about I don’t miss him in the slightest.”
“Yana you can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me.”
 “SHUT UP RUEY!” Now blushing from his teasing she proceeds to punch Ryu. 
“Ouch, you're so violent……I think you broke my arm.”
“No way your body is made of steel, you remember when you punched that mountain and cracked it in half you didn’t even flinch afterward.”
“Yeah, not even a flinch you know me Ha ha ha.” Laughing nervously he thinks about the pain he felt after shattering every bone in his hand that day. 
“Anyway, I hear you finally found number seven was it another child from the Noble House’s or a Branch Family?”
“No in fact until recently she wasn’t even a Magi.”
“Ho..how is that possible at the very least she must be a descendant of an exiled line that’s the only way she could have broken her Sigillum.”
“I thought the same thing at first but I checked every living member of her family and their Sigillums are still in place.”
“The chances of a normal human not only breaking their seal but surviving the resulting influx of mana is one in a billion.”
“Your right she’s an actual anomaly and the incident that caused her power to manifest was odd in and of itself.”
“For you to say that after everything we’ve seen scares me what happened?” 
“There was an accident that nearly killed her no it should have killed her but somehow her body instinctively started healing itself I would say she unknowing used an Incantation from the second school but it was passive almost similar to the abilities of an Armis Magi.”
“Breaking her seal then surviving the resulting mana overload, and possessing the ability to passively heal you have to let me train this girl.”
“No none of my disciples are ready for that level of training though three of them probably think they are.”
“So not only do you have the boy whose set to become the next head of House Guidry that everyone’s been calling a prodigy but also the Armis Magi from the Ito Clan who trying to learn Incantations then there’s the kid that descends from the House of Rauch and I hear he can already use commands and of course the two candidates for the title of “Rose” it honestly doesn’t shock me that Riona’s little sister would be considered for such a role but the girl with the powerful Illusions from The House of Wright is surprising and now this girl that’s a…...rarity…...oddity…...miracle I don’t even know how to describe her.
“Amazing that’s the word you’re looking for Beau Guidry, Kenji Ito, Ryker Lehman, Aoibhinn (Ivy) Reid, Piper Wright, and Aurora Gola there all amazing.”
“Hmm……to be completely honest with you I never thought I’d regret becoming Praefectus of the I.M.A’s Military Forces but I’m a little jealous that you get to take these kids under your wing. It's going to be one hell of a show.”
“I know they all have the potential to become incredible Magi’s and with the right guidance they’ll even surpass us one day.”
“Ohh and how could you forget about your first pick?”
“Very funny Ruey you know none of us could ever forget about him.” “I'll be personally bringing him to the ceremony I was going to pay him a visit anyway so why not.”
“Already showing your bias huh Isn’t that favoritism.”
“No you know today is special for him in more than one way or did you forget.”
“Special day……….Oh crap it’s his birthday damn I’m a terrible big brother”
“Hmhm you tried to make me feel guilty and look at you now.”
“Tell him that I’ll make it up to him later.”
“Sure sure sure.”
“I SWEAR I will make it up to him somehow. I've been so busy lately that I let it slip from my mind.”
“Fine I’ll tell him you have something big planned for later”
“You’re the best sis”
“Well I’d better get going I’ll contact you after the Ceremony.”
“May the lux bless your path sister.”
“May the lux bless your path brother.”
In the blink of an eye she vanishes leaving Ryu alone he sighs as a sullen look falls over his face thinking to himself that he’s a terrible brother for forgetting such an important day.
“Happy Birthday Arcades I promise you I’ll make it up to you and I’m positive he’s thinking the same thing right now.” He walks out of the meeting hall and descends to the second-lowest level of the Tower. 
In front of him is a massive door engraved with the Sigils of the Thirteen Bloodlines arranged in a circle with the Sigil of the first bloodline in the center surrounded by runes. 
He channels mana into his fingertip and rearranges the runes into a specific pattern once the last rune was placed in the correct order the door began to glow opening in segments as it did revealing a large room with bookshelves spanning the walls to the left and the right of him in the center of the room sat an oval-shaped table with a map of the world etched into the ancient wood.
He directed his gaze towards the furthest end of the room where a gigantic mana crystal was imbued in the wall.  
Inside of it was a man with long black hair the roots of which were as white as snow itself. Placing his hand on the crystal the thoughts racing through his mind came to a head as he spoke to the sleeping man.
“She’s right you know it doesn't feel the same. We’ve done our part now it’s your turn it’s time to wake up.” 
“Please wake up Aniki.”
                                                               Chapter 1
                                         From 4,000 Miles Away
“Big Brother Big Brother BIG BROTHER PLEASE WAKE UP” Tears Streaming Down His Face. 
“Cades I’m…...I’m fine wipe your eyes there nothing to worry about I was just resting my eyes”
“But you were moaning in your sleep like you were in pain and……and your Doves they’ve turned black all of them but one”
“They turned because of the overflow of Nox they’ll be fine after a while”
“But doesn’t that mean it’s my fault that……”
 Lucien thumps Arcades on his forehead.
“Ouch why’d you do that Lulu” 
Lucien rest’s his forehead on Arcades forehead like a parent checking a child’s temperature.
“Calm down and stop trying to blame yourself.” “Do you remember the promise I made to you” 
“That no matter what happens or how far away we are from each other that you’ll always be there for me but……”
“But nothing Cades, I meant what I meant no matter what happens I’ll always be there for you even after I’ve left this world whenever you need me all you have to do is call my name Understand”
“Okay ‘ Big brother I understand”
Arcades heard a voice piercing this Melancholic Memory that manifested itself as a dream.
“Arcades, Arcades, YOUNG MASTER ARCADES.” A flutter of her pure white wings sends a wave of wind throughout the boy’s room.
“Lady Minerva I knew it was your voice I was hearing.” I'm sorry I should have woken up the second I heard it but I just wanted to watch a little longer.”
“It’s perfectly fine Young Master Arcades you are a growing boy after all you need your sleep in order to do so.” Minerva sighs she knew what Arcades did while he slept. Unlike most humans or even most Magi who fall into REM Sleep and manifest subconscious Fears, Hopes, Regrets, Desires and everything else the Human Mind can think of Arcades was different. 
Since the age of three, he could actively control his Dream State often using it to replay Memories to such a high degree that to an Outside Observer like her it was as if this boy could turn back time to that exact moment. 
This was an extremely rare type of Lost Magic known as “Dreamwalking” and while Arcades used this ability for Nostalgic Purposes she knew that this was the lesser scope of his power.
And she often thought of what he’d be capable of when he finally realized his true potential. 
But in truth, she knew this was just a side note compared to the innate power the boy was born with and the so-called destiny attached to that very power.
Minerva then thought about the vast amount of sheer power that he and his siblings were imbued with. 
To think that the children of “The Belmont Boy” and “The Rose of House Vivant” were this gifted the fact that not one not two but three once in a generation Magi were born into the same line and all within 7 years of each other.
This was highly improbable and thought to be virtually impossible especially in this age. But perhaps it was indeed that word Humans called destiny.
“But that being said it is your birthday and……..You Have A Visitor” She laughs mischievously.  
“A visitor, who would visit me so early Lady Minerva who is it?”
“I was explicitly told not to tell you who it is.”
“Why not?”
"Because it’s a surprise Young Master now Up, Up, Up” She flapped her wings sending a blast of wind at Arcades powerful enough to throw him out of bed.
“Wait, Lady Minerva, I’m still naked” 
Minerva laughs knowing that he’d slept in the buff since he was a little boy just like his brother. 
As he stood up to cover himself when his bedroom door burst open.
“What is taking you soooo long Cades I came all this way to wish you a Happy Birthday and this is………”
Biyana’s jaw dropped when she realized what was in front of her. She looked down then looked up then looked down again then looked up once more.
“Yana what are you doing here….I...I...I” His body went stiff and his face glowed red and as he looked at Biyana his eyes wandered towards her bust suddenly feeling a tingle in his groan he covers his private parts with his hands instantly knowing that he had an erection. 
“CADES……You just turned 13 and you’ve already become a PERV”
“I’m not this just a misunderstanding that all”-
“A misunderstanding eh well explain THAT!” Pointing towards the erection sparsely covered by his hands.
“This this isn’t for you I mean this wasn’t for you I mean it’s just because I just woke up” He stuttered trying to explain it away knowing that he was just digging a bigger hole for himself.
“So why did you scan my body with eyes…..”
“No that was just an accident I didn’t know who It was at first” 
“AND MY BOOBS ARE WHAT HELPED YOU RECOGNIZE ME” Growing angry at the implication.     
“No that’s not what I meant It’s not like I stare at your chest all the time. It’s just the Dress your wearing shows off a lot of Cleav…….” He stops himself realizing that he shouldn’t have brought up her dress”
“CADES” Her anger peaks as she raises her index finger readying it to strike him with a spell.
“I can’t believe my little Cades grew up to be like every other PERVERTED Man” Tears welling up in her eyes as Mana crackles around her raised finger. 
“Yana please I didn’t mean it like that you have to understand I just woke up and then Lady Minerva blasted me out of bed and then you burst in before I could cover myself I would never do something like that to you” Realizing that his explanations aren’t working he results to cuteness.
“Please Big sister you have to understand it was a mistake” Using the Infamous Puppy Dog Eyes Technique that his brother taught him.
Now disarmed by the boy’s cuteness she disarms her spell and lowered her finger and enveloped him in a bear hug completely forgetting his transgression and…….the fact that he was naked.
“Oh Cades I could never stay mad at you”
A wave of relief washes over Arcades knowing that he made it through this situation by the skin of his teeth. 
“Oh No Oh No Oh No” He then realizes that his face was now buried in Biyana chest and he immediately knew that this was the worst possible place to be especially while naked and he tried to force himself to think of something other than being smothered by breasts but Puberty overtakes his mind.
“What wrong Cades…….” Slowly realizing the situation when suddenly something poked her in the thigh. Glancing down she focuses in on the hard object poking her in the thigh she faints from the shock.
“Crap crap okay I just have to wake her somehow” As Biyana drops to the floor he goes to catch her but as he tries to pull her up he looks towards the broken door and notices the head maid of the manor standing there with a ghost-white face.
“Miss Mio I was just trying to help Yana….” He then thinks about how this must look standing over a passed-out woman completely naked with an erection.
“Lux’s Grace this isn’t my day” 
“Lady Mio” Minerva, who has been laughing the entire time, realizes that Arcades has had enough torment for one day and begins to explain the situation for him.
“This is not what it seems Young Master Arcades simply rushed to his feet after Lady Biyana passed out from exhaustion I can certainly understand how this situation could be misinterpreted as something rather obscene considering that the Young Master sleeps in the buff and his “little sword” is unsheathed but a woman blessed such as Lady Biyana is would likely light a fire in any boy’s loins and especially one as inexperienced as the Young Master”
“Ahh now that makes sense for a minute there I thought my lord had grown into a ravenous pervert”
“Hey! I’m not a perv I swear” 
“Yes I know but your “sword” tells a different story.
His embarrassment at its peak and wanting the moment to be over he rushes to grab for his bed sheet to cover himself forgetting that he was holding up Biyana. Dropping her but before she could hit the ground Mio had already stopped her fall.
“Thank you, Miss Mio!”
“You're welcome now wash up PUT SOME CLOTHES ON and when your ready come downstairs Lord Belmont and Lady Yvonne have prepared something special for your birthday” Mio easily lifts Biyana and carefully shepherds her out the door and closes it behind her.
“Okay I’ll be down in a moment”
“You could have done that at the beginning it would have saved me a lot of trouble or better yet you could have been a little bit more gentle with the Wind Blast.” 
“Sometimes I think you do things just to torment me, Lady Minerva.” He Sighed.
“No Young Master I would never do anything that would cause you undue trouble” This was true Minerva’s loyalty lay solely with Arcades and everything that she does is in his best interest even if he doesn’t know it. 
She knew that Biyana was on her way up the stairs and she knew that him being blown out of bed would line up perfectly with Biyana bursting through his door and set up the situation as a way of distracting Arcades from the memory he was replaying inside of his dream. 
Even after he’d awakened, it was still on his mind and she knew that if she didn’t stop it now, he would continue to think about it throughout the day and she didn’t want him to be stuck in a state of melancholy especially on such an important day. 
It wasn’t just his 13th birthday it was also the day of his “Adolescentem Ceremony” and she wanted him to be able to look back on this day as one of Joy and Celebration, not one clouded by memories of the past. 
“Alright time to get ready” He started his morning hygiene routine. The whole process took around 15 minutes after which he rushes down the stairs, hook’s left runs down the hallway, and walks into the Great Hall of Aldavastum, the estate of House Vivant.
“Looks like you're ready for your big day but I heard you had a little trouble getting out of bed” He laughs knowingly.
“I don’t even want to talk about it” 
“It’s fine trust me I understand you're becoming a man so of course, you’d try to make your move”
“DAD It was a misunderstanding” 
“That’s what we all say son that’s what we all say”
“Umm, I don’t even want to know what that means” Deadpan Face. “Anyway, Miss Mio said you and mom had something for me?”
“Ahh yes your Birthday Gifts” Lucas gets up from his armchair and grabs an ornate box off of the Antique Side Table he sits the box down in front of Arcades
“Open it” 
“Okay,” Inside it sat three items. 
The first was a Pendant with the Sigil of House Belmont engraved into the metal. 
The second was a white Peignoir “Robe” with the Crest of House Vivant emblazoned in gold on the lower left side of it. 
The third and final gift was what appears to be an Ivory Pen etched into it is a tree with 13 limbs and 13 stars at the tip of each limb.
“One from me One from your mother and One from your grandfather” 
“All three are Heirlooms of both the House of Belmont and the House Vivant” 
Arcades stared at them with amazement. 
“The Belmont Pendant think of it as a battery.” 
“Magi from the House of Belmont are often born with immense almost overpowering amounts of mana and they’d use this Heirloom to store the excess.” 
“All you have to do is enter a meditative state and allow your mana to flow into The Pendant and it will be stored there until it is needed.” 
“It also allows its owner to temporarily mask their presence from an enemy who may be targeting them by storing its owner’s entire “Mana Well” but only for a short amount of time.” 
“For a normal Magi, it could hide their presence for about 5-6 hours for a Belmont that time is reduced to 1 hour and 30 minutes but for someone like you it may last for 30 minutes at the most.” Lucas takes a small chain out of his pocket and loops it through the Pendant and puts it around Arcades neck.
“It’s amazing dad” Arcades could immediately feel The Pendant passively siphoning his mana and storing it inside of itself he could also feel what seemed to be the mana of the previous owners.
“Hmm Interesting” 
“It seems you can already feel the remnants of the former wearers. It’s an interesting perk of The Pendant each new owner can feel small remnants of mana from the previous members of the House of Belmont. A way of always keeping the connection with our Forefathers alive”
Arcades put on The Peignoir and it instantly begins to resize itself to perfectly fit him and to his shock changes into a hoodie.
“Wow this is AWESOME”
“The Peignoir of House Vivant gives its wearer a boost in their Overall Speed, Elemental, Restoration and Alteration Magic it also changes its appearance and size to fit the wearer style and body type” 
Arcades marvels at how comfortable it is to him it feels like it was meant for him to wear to it.
“What does the pen do?”
“That’s no Pen son in fact out of all of these items it is the most sacred and certainly the most powerful” 
“That is the Baculus wielded by the very first Grand Magus it’s been passed down through the generations and is only gifted to a Magus with the potential to become one of the most powerful Magi who has ever lived.” 
Only those with massive amounts of mana can even hold it let alone wield it. Like The Belmont Pendant, it siphons off the mana of the wielder but instead of storing the mana it channels and amplifies every Incantation, Commandment, or Declaration making them ten times stronger and like The Peignoir it will also alter itself to match the needs and personality of its current wielder.” 
It has transformed into everything from a Wand to a Ring and it’s said that some of its previous owners could manifest a set of extremely powerful weapons known as “The Armory of Ashanti” the historians state that it consists of a pair of Destructive Gauntlet’s, a Great Bow, a War Hammer, a Deadly Scythe and even a Legendary Sword”
“Ohh I used to read about those in Grandpa’s dusty old books supposedly Great Grandpa Maxim and the third Grand Covenant used them to end the Great Armis Rebellion but never Imagined that they were all one weapon” He picked it up and like the pendant, he feels it passively siphoning his mana with a noticeable difference with the Pendant it felt as if his mana was being poured into a sealable container but this felt as if his mana was flowing through a pipe.  
He ran his finger along the top and it began to expand in length and width the top then split open almost like a flower blossoming and when the transformation stopped the staff stood 7 feet tall. 
He began pouring mana into it and an orb forms at the top of the staff he pours even more into it and the orb grows in size as the tree etched into it began to glow and the stars atop each of the 13 limbs shined brighter he points the staff towards the fireplace in the Great Hall and speaks an Incantation.
“Fax”  The orb shot from the staff at breakneck speed sucking the residual mana out of the staff as it left.
 The orb made contact with the brick lining the back of the fireplace and bursts with a massive shockwave that rattles the great hall and scorches the walls around the fireplace.
“Oh shii...I mean crap”  
“I didn’t mean to do that, I'm sorry dad” Shocked at how powerful the amplified spell was he used a rudimentary flame spell, one that should have only been able to light the wood inside the fireplace at most.
“Your fine son I’m honestly surprised that you were able to cast even a simple spell so easily again it takes a massive amount of mana just to wield it let alone cast a spell but I suppose you are the exception to most rules and don’t worry about the fireplace and the wall’s” Lucas waves his index towards the fireplace and it began to repair itself he then does the same to the wall surrounding it within a minute the area was completely fixed.
“Now your mother is expecting you, she's on the Patio don’t keep her waiting”. 
“Yes sir” Arcades turns toward the arch of the Great Hall and begins to leave. 
“Oh and son…...Happy Birthday”
“Thanks, Dad” Arcades walks out the Great Hall and sprints down the long corridors of Aldavastum finally reaching the double doors leading to Manor’s Jardin and steps onto the patio. 
“I DON’T CARE WHAT LUCIEN SAYS HE’S NOT READY YET” Yvonne and Biyana were sitting in summer chairs across from each other mid-conversation.              
“Lady Yvonne you know Laz he would never give him a task he couldn’t accomplish or put him in a situation where his life would be in danger”  
“Your right I do know him I know him better than he knows himself and I know the expectations he has for Arcades and it's too much for him to handle at such a young age” 
“Lady Yvonne trust me I understand I brought up that exact point and he won’t budge the timescale doesn’t allow for leeway” Grinding her teeth trying to contain her rage.
“DAMN THE TIMESCALE I will not let my son shoulder the weight of this world like his broth….”
“Like his brother like we had to at such a young age due to no fault of our own” 
“Eve you both know how I felt about that night you both know how much I protested what The Nobles and The Elder’s were doing you both know much I fought for you all”
“But in the end, it still led to nothing” They stared at each other, and the glass table between them started to shatter.
“If it has to come this then so be it but you should remember who held that title of yours Rose of House Maxwell”
“And you should remember how I gained that title Former Rose of House Vivant”    
“Is everything okay?” The Tension was palpable. Arcades stepped out to stop the argument but they instantly stopped talking, confusing him.
 “Of course, Cades everything’s fine!” Repairing the cracked table as he walks towards them.
“Yes…..everything's fine my son” Her face still red from pure anger.  
“Okay…....good Dad said that you wanted me for something 
“Actually someone else wanted you I’m just their proxy”
“Who is it, Uncle Yves or Uncle Henri”
“Henri is not your uncle he’s a cousin from the branch family how many times do I have to tell you that”
“Uncle, Cousin what’s the difference” 
“There’s a big difference Idiot” Yvonne and Biyana speak in unison. The boy’s denseness lightens the mood a bit. 
“Okay okay geez”
“No it’s not Yves or Beau you’ll just have to find out for yourself there’s a box in the Jardin with your name on it”
“HMM…...A random box for me Hmmm it might be a declaration of love from my secret admirer or maybe…….IT’S A TRAP”
“Really” Deadpan Face. Speaking in unison again.   
“Yep it’s definitely a trap I’ve seen enough movies to know that
‘BOY Go open the box” 
“Go ahead son don’t keep us waiting for much longer and stop watching those 80’s Movies there rotting your brain” 
“Okay, I guess I’ll open the box” He walked down the steps of the Patio and towards the small box in the middle of the estates luscious Jardin as he squatted down to examine the box he wondered what could possibly be inside was too small to even hold a wristwatch let alone anything bigger.
It was made of Ashwood with thirteen lines running along the sides of the box leading to the top where they met in a spiral pattern that resembled a whirlpool inside the spiral was a small circle with the initials A.A.B  carved into the wood. 
“Someone put a lot of work into whatever inside if the box is this fancy” He pulls a small purple tab from a corner of the box and the side panels fall to the ground but the top of the box descended slowly as if someone was personally placing a puzzle piece. 
When it reached the ground the initials carved into the top began glowing with mana quickly looped around the spiral then traced along the thirteen lines adorning the side panels the lines which now expanded out from the deconstructed box met each other in a circle then branched off into more lines that once again met in a circle which spawned more lines this process repeated itself thirteen times. 
“What the he….” Arcades mesmerized by the display didn’t even notice that these concentric circles and the lines connecting them surrounded him when he realized what was happening. It was too late. 
“Is this…..Am I in a….” He was inside of a gigantic Spell Circle that spanned the entirety of Aldavastum’s massive garden.
“The box was just an activation key and I…..was the target” He worried that perhaps he was right and this was an elaborate trap but he couldn’t have been more wrong. Once again distracted by this turn of events he didn’t notice that his feet were no longer touching the ground.
He’d begun to float as he did the spell circle spawned Lesser Spirits that followed him on his ascent. 
They were Birds of every feather Eagles, Parrots, Robins, Blue Jays, Hummingbirds, and Land Animals of every kind Rabbits, Foxes, Dogs, Cats, Mice, Pika’s, Gophers and Chipmunks there were too many of them for him to count.
The circle then began summoning Great Spirits some of which he had only read about in books like the Dryad’s, Oceanids, Meliads, and Sirens all flying around him as he continued his ascent.
The Dryad’s put a crown of Alder Wood on his head.
The Oceanids created elaborate shows of Water Magic.
The  Meliads fed him rare fruits, berries, and candies that appear to be made of honey and milk but to him, they tasted like heaven.
The Sirens transformed into beautiful women and flirted with him. 
One took the appearance of Biyana then winked making him blush.  
Another took the form of a blonde woman with deep blue eyes that entranced him and sent chills up his spine at the same. 
And the last seemed different somehow. She was a red-haired woman with freckles covering her face and bright green eyes that shined like emeralds. She flew towards him and whispered, “Protect Each Other”  in his ear. She then kissed his forehead and disappeared.
This filled him with a sense of comfort and longing while flooding his mind with questions.
“Who was she and What did she mean?” But before he could sink into deep contemplation he noticed something through the menagerie of Spirit’s.
It was a Pillar of Flames spewing from the furthest edge of the Spell Circle and as he looked around he counted thirteen of them each in a different color rising into the sky and converging inside of a cloud bursting it open and creating a fireworks show that filled the sky with colors that spelled out the words.
Happy Birthday Cades  
As he began descending the Spirits that were summoned flew above him and dispersed their corporeal forms into Pure Mana combining in one massive orb that burst forth releasing thousands of Cherry Blossom Petals that surrounded him as he finally reached the ground. 
“WOAH someone went all out” As he tried to take in everything that had just occurred he saw a dove familiar flying towards him it was carrying a piece of parchment in its beak. 
The dove landed on his stomach tilted its head as Arcades took the letter from its beak. 
It flapped its wings and lifted off back into the sky. 
He unraveled the gold ribbon tied around the letter and he noticed that it was blank. 
As he rubs his thumbs on the edge of the parchment writing begins to appear in the top left-hand corner. 
It says. 
 Blood of Blood 
It doesn’t matter how far away we are from each other I’ll always be there for you wherever or whenever that may be no matter how long it takes to reach you or the trials I may face on my way there I’ll always come all you have to do is call my name. If you do remember then I hope my absence on such an important day for you doesn’t undermine that promise I hold it as scared as one does an Oath and I hope that you know that if it wasn’t for my role and the Duties and Responsibilities that come with it that I would be there right beside you but know that You are always on my mind and I’m always watching over you and I couldn’t be prouder of the man your growing into I can’t wait to see where the journey your about to embark upon takes you just know that wherever it does I’ll be there even in death. I hope you enjoyed your gifts, they were my way of showing my love even from 4,000 miles away.                
“Idiot” Arcades looked up at the sky still soaked with colors watching the Cherry Blossoms as they continued to fall and he began to cry.
“Of course, I remember” Choking on his words with tears streaming down his face.
“So that’s what he was planning I was wondering how he would make up for not being here but he certainly pulled it off” Yvonne and Biyana watch Arcades as he begins to cry and they become emotional as well.
“He’s always known how to put on a Good Show and a Beautiful One at that” 
“So can I take that as your……”
“Yes Eve you have my blessing to become his Praeceptor I think he knew that I would have reservations about anyone taking Cades as a student due to the nature of his powers that’s why he chose you out of everyone he could have picked he knew that I’d be the most comfortable with you and I believe that he believes you would be the perfect person for this role”
“Thank you Mother Yvonne I love you.”  
“I love you too Eve but..…..Mother Yvonne, I didn’t know that you and Lucien were in a relationship?”
“Ohh neither does he.”
“Ummm” Deadpan Face. 
Lucas watched the show from the window of the Grand Hall with contempt and envy of his eldest son’s Magical Prowess.
“So even from 4,000 miles away you still found a way to spite me”
Lucas breathes out sharply the veins in his forehead bulge and at that moment all the glass in the Great Hall shatters and the marble floor beneath his feet crack open.
“I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you”
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fetchen · 11 months ago
Do you have any Janis headcanons?
yasssss :3 janis so silly :3
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~ janis has multiple stick and poke tattoos in various places, most of which she did herself.
~ she has a lot more piercings than just a septum but doesn’t wear jewelry in them as often (right eyebrow, various ear piercings)
~ she has synesthesia!!! the way she connects her art to her worldview is supa cool
~ most people call her she but she wouldn’t be upset if someone used they or he either
~ she bruises very easily . many bruises on her arms and legs literally all the time
~ she’s the biggest couple hater of all time. she will hate on every happy couple she sees . fetchen are her biggest victims unfortunately
~ she gets a buzzcut the summer before senior year and dyes it with fun patterns . she’s done melting smiley faces, cheetah spots, and purple flowers.
~ she and damian are absolutely goated at fortnite. they match skins and everything
~ her favourite tattoo she has is of a crow . it was very tedious do to herself and she’s really proud of it
~ she is irritatingly good at chemistry. it’s like second nature to her
~ she sketches her friends so often. damian is her top model of course but she likes drawing gretchen and cady too
~ karen put her on to kpop and she will never ever admit that she listens to it. she listens to a lot of dreamcatcher
~ she picks up drumming after junior spring fling and she gretchen and damian entertain the thought of starting a band together
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fetchen · 11 months ago
sometimes i see lake and lucy and scream into my pillow . they are so so cute it makes me genuinely insane
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fetchen · 11 months ago
saw someone else ask on another blog, what’s your mean girls middle name headcanons!
~ gretchen: i think her middle name is beatrice!!! my friend wrote that in one of her fics and i think it fits her so well!!! plus it’s a reference to bebe wood since beatrice is her full name :3
~ regina: alexandra . Now let me explain . it sounds like a stuck up little princess name . and i think that fits regina really well. also “regina alexandra george” sounds pretty sick
~ cady: her canon middle name is jane and i think it fits her really well ^__^ i have nothing to add
~ aaron: barbara. i think his middle name is his grandmother’s name and he never introduces himself with his middle name
~ karen: jane. karen doesn’t actually have a middle name but she always wanted to have one so she picked jane for herself :3
~ damian: selene. just like karen, damian doesn’t actually have a middle name so he picked selene for himself. he just wanted something that made him sound nice and fancy.
~ janis: she doesn’t have a middle name and she doesn’t want one . she’s completely fine with just being janis 'imi'ike.
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fetchen · 11 months ago
i am begging you to yap about autistic gretchen because she’s literally me and we need all the gretchen content we can get
sigh shes also literally me !!!
a lot of people talk about cady being autistic and ykw she definitely is. but also. gretchen is right there
she resonates with me as an autistic person so deeply . to me she represents being a “high functioning” autistic person so perfectly
now let me explain . she is popular . she’s one of the plastics man she’s one of the most popular, highly desired people in the entire school and yet she still feels so out of place no matter what she does . why???? because she’s autistic.
she constantly wonders what’s wrong with her and what she’s doing wrong . not to mention she feels that way While also being part of the plastics .
i relate to her so hard in the sense that she constantly feels so alien despite the fact that she is in the top three most popular girls in all of north shore. she is, by all means, “normal” but she still feels constantly out of place
so that’s why i think she’s most definitely autistic (among other reasons)
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fetchen · 11 months ago
idk if you guys know this. but i love fetchen and they’re one of the only things i think about at this point. they’re the sapphic ship ever. just know that even when i’m not posting about them, i’m thinking about them
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fetchen · 11 months ago
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me thinking about fetchen
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fetchen · 11 months ago
Hey!! How do you think Karen and Gretchen got together?
oh boy i’m about to YAP.
i think karen and gretchen had both had mutual feelings for each other for YEARS but dealt with their feelings in different ways.
gretchen had had feelings for karen since at least eighth grade/freshman year. the majority of this time was spent in denial of her feelings. for a long time, gretchen struggled to even acknowledge the fact that she liked girls, both because of insane internalised homophobia and the fact that she saw what had happened to janis after she came out. she never wanted the same thing to happen to her. she tried for a long time to convince herself that the love she felt for karen was normal for any straight girl to feel for her best friend. never mind the fact that she sometimes caught herself imagining karen in jason's place when she was with him.
karen, on the other hand, had always been a lot more open with her sexuality. in a way, being the “slut” of the group afforded karen a lot more room to experiment and explore herself than gretchen or regina had. unlike gretchen, karen often thought about her feelings for the other. it was insanely simple for karen to understand that she had romantic feelings for her best friend. her attitude toward it was what would happen, would happen. she didn’t go out of her way to make her feelings known. karen knew she was happy just staying friends with gretchen because all she wanted was for her to be in her life.
fast forward to their junior year and everything changes so fast. cady moves to north shore and joins the plastics. her arrival is, in a way, the catalyst for karen and gretchen confronting their feelings for each other.
gretchen breaks up with jason (maybe dumps is a better term after the way she ate him up) during junior spring fling and karen truly could not have been happier that her friend is finally breaking things off with this guy that clearly didn’t care about her. after a little while, the lights and the music get a little overwhelming for gretchen so karen goes with her when she goes outside to get some fresh air.
they talk and talk and talk, so much longer than they expected to and, somehow, their conversation shifts to jason. to gretchen and his breakup that had just taken place and for a while, gretchen doesnt speak. instead, while they’re sitting together on the steps outside the gymnasium, gretchen kisses karen. and karen kisses her back.
they reenter the dance unsure of the state of their relationship but so, so happy. now, they know for sure that they have each other and that’s more than enough.
that night, karen sleeps over at gretchen’s place.
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fetchen · 11 months ago
can you please make fetchen group dynamic headcannons? how the group interacts with/reacts to them 😍
~ janis and regina are bitter haters through and through. they’ll gag when fetchen kiss in front of them and comment stuff like “break up” or “delete this” when they post each other. it’s all in good fun of course but rejanis are the biggest haters ever.
~ MEANWHILE cady and damian absolutely love karen and gretchen’s relationship. if there was a fetchen fanclub they’d be co-presidents.
~ when cady first met the plastics, she thought karen and gretchen were already in a relationship. cady’s arrival was, in part, the catalyst for them getting together for real.
~ pretty much nobody in the friend group was surprised when they started dating . nobody except for aaron . he doesn’t see it coming at all
~ aaron is very supportive tho . he’s new to all this gay stuff be nice to him
~ they have movie nights as a group and karen and gretchen always get the couch to themselves no matter whose house they’re at . regina’s advocated for a rotating system but it hasn’t stuck .
~ they made a promise to exchange gifts for valentine’s day every year in a secret santa-type fashion. they have two rules. price limit is $25 and karen and gretchen cannot be paired up . they’re simply too insufferable
~ when they go on group trips of any sort, damian is the resident fetchen photographer he captures their cutest moments and does it damn well
~ every year, gretchen commissions the whole friend group to plan karen’s birthday party and every year, the parties are absolute hits
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fetchen · 1 year ago
while i’m writing i just want to share my opinion. i know you guys love that
i find it so unfortunate that fetchen wasn’t made canon </3 avantika and bebe are both queer actresses who are willing to play queer characters so it’s such a missed opportunity in my opinion. maybe it’s just the massive fetchen shipper in me but i feel like it seriously would’ve been really really cool if there was a canon sapphic ship in the movie between two named characters. this is a thing i will think about for a really long time.
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fetchen · 4 months ago
maybe nobody else will get it but i LOVE stories about fictional celebrities. the ones i can think of right now are skye riley in smile 2, ashley o in black mirror, and jocelyn in the idol. now…i’m not necessarily saying that those stories were good. they were okay in smile 2 and black mirror’s case. the idol was…pretty bad but i still loved it despite that fact. the one common thread between all three was that they were all stories about fictional celebrities. i can guarantee if they were about anything else i would’ve liked them much less.
my girls ⬇️ :3
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fetchen · 11 months ago
this isn’t fetchenposting but every time i see lake and lucy i actually scream into my pillow briefly i forgot how cute they are
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