#rude customers
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batty4her · 3 months ago
What is it with working food service and expecting you to be robotic and grey-rock your way through an entire 8+ hour shift? I also don’t understand why your job is at risk if you don’t.
No, I’m not going to continue being kind to you if you are continuously rude to me.
No, I’m not going to sit there and let you berate and verbally abuse me over food - you can buy and cook yourself - without saying sum back.
No, I’m not going to exhaust myself after doing 17.5 different things in the span of under 2 minutes because we are being timed by saying hello and goodbye to every single person that comes to my window — I’m in the middle of taking back to back orders, please for the love of god stop taking it personal.
No, I’m not going to kill myself running an entire station (or 3) by myself only to lick and kiss the top and bottom of your shoes bc you feel you’re entitled to free food and labor bc your fries weren’t fresh enough to your liking.
I’m tired AF of working for a public that will never respect me bc they have literally been taught since grade school to disrespect me. Im tired AF of that being the normal.
It’s 2024. Tip your fucking waitress. Be kind to your fast food cashier, who probably never gets to leave the window, and doesn’t touch your food on most occasions. Stop bitching bc you think you’re owed something by being there. Stop bitching bc you’ve been programmed to consume and think you’re correct in doing so. Stop bitching bc you got your food in five minutes when you should have got it in one - cook at home.
I’m sick of serving rude ass entitled ass people who think they know sum because they think my job is easy and they think they are too good to work it.
Literally if you’re rude and malicious to service workers for any reason outside of they were rude or malicious to you first, you can actually go fuck yourself, disrespectfully. You don’t deserve the convenience of our job, and you and your parent/guardian should be ashamed of yourselves.
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atths--twice · 1 year ago
Adding to the Fund
Working in a restaurant can be stressful and tiring, but it can also lead to a relationship that was not expected.
Fictober Day 14
Prompt- That's all? Easy.
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Sunrise and Sunset, the restaurant on Baker Street was packed. Sundays were always busy, and sometimes stressful, but thankfully the patrons tipped better on those days. 
Well, some of them, Dana Scully thought, rolling her eyes as she picked up the tip from table nineteen. 
It had been a group of older women who had complained about nearly everything: the amount of ice in their glasses of water, the lack of a butter substitute, the temperature of the coffee, and their meals- all for different reasons. 
“Young lady,” one of the women had said, crooking her finger at Dana to come closer. “This bread is far too toasted. I can’t eat this. Take it back and bring me a new sandwich.” 
She had taken the sandwich to the back, swearing as she replaced only the top slice of toasted bread. Waiting a minute to calm down, she had smiled as she brought it back to the woman. 
“Hope this is okay,” she had said and the woman only hummed in reply, her eyebrows raised. 
But she ate everything on the plate, didn’t she? Dana thought, shaking her head. 
Bringing the dishes to the back, she sighed as she added the receipt to the paperwork for the day. 
“Any tip from that party?” a voice asked and she turned to look at Fox Mulder, a fellow worker, his arms laden with plates. 
“Yeah. Two whole dollars. On a sixty eight dollar tab, I might add. Oh, and they also left me a note.” 
“To join them at their church?” he asked, shuddering as he set the plates down. 
“Not this time, no,” she laughed, knowing how often it did happen on a Sunday. “Here.” She handed him the note and he read it out loud. 
“My grandson works in a law firm. He’s very busy and finds looking for a girlfriend to be tedious. I’m sure he would enjoy your company, once he got to know you. 574-1296.” He looked at her, his eyes wide. “Oh, well this one deserves to go up on the board.” 
“No, Fox,” she said, trying to take it from him. 
“Why not?” he asked, holding it out of her reach. “You're not going to call him are you?” His mouth dropped open in mock horror and she shook her head. 
“Not for many reasons, but especially because with that many red flags, you know he’s a douchebag of a person.” 
“Then why? You have others up there. And so do I.” He pointed to the bulletin board on the wall where notes from patrons were kept, especially when they were particularly cringy or funny. “I think this one could make it to the top.” 
“No,” she said, stepping closer to him to take the note out of his hand. “This one just… it makes me feel… I don’t like it. I don’t like thinking that they could treat me shitty the entire time they were here and then suggest I call their grandson, who finds dating tedious. Like I deserve less than from a man who is apparently better than me. It’s gross.” 
“It is. I’m sorry I joked about it,” he said and she nodded as she tore up the obnoxious note and threw it away. 
“There. Gone. Reset,” she said, letting out a deep breath. “Their two dollars will gladly join the Dana Scully eats tonight fund.” He smiled and she smiled back. 
“Fox! Tables twelve and fifteen, orders up. Look alive,” Raul, the head cook called out. 
“Coming,” Fox called back and Dana walked with him. He gave her a confused look and she smiled. 
“I’m heading back out. I’ll help you then see to my tables.” 
“Thanks. I appreciate it,” he said, picking up the plates and lining them up his arm. “I’ve got fifteen. You’ll like twelve better.” 
“Okay,” she laughed, setting the plates along her arm as well and carrying the last plate in her hand. 
At the door, he nodded for her to go first and she smiled her thanks. 
When she was walking to table twelve, she saw why he had given it to her. There was a chubby, bald headed baby sitting in a high chair biting on a plastic toy and a little boy who was drawing on the back of the kids menu. 
“Hello, I’m Dana,” she said as she stood at the table. “Fox was busy so I offered to help him out. Who had the ham and cheese omelet?” 
“Right here,” the husband said, reaching for the plate. “My wife has the French toast and Davy here has the pancakes and bacon.” 
“Perfect. Here you all go,” she said, setting their plates down. She smiled at the boy who looked up at her and kept staring, his green eyes wide. 
“You look like Ariel,” he said in awe. 
“Oh!” she said in surprise. 
“I’m so sorry,” his dad said quickly. “Davy, you don’t just-”
“That’s okay,” Dana said, smiling at Davy. 
“But Ariel’s hair is down, not up,” Davy said. “But it’s red like yours. Do you have blue eyes?” 
“Davy!” his mom admonished him, but Dana only laughed. She squatted down beside him, smiling as she looked at him. 
“Well?” she asked and he leaned forward, looking into her eyes and smiling. 
“You do,” he whispered. “Are you a mermaid?” 
“Not at the moment, because I’m in a restaurant,” she whispered back. “But when I get into the water…” Her eyes widened and then she winked. 
“Like magic?” 
“Like magic,” she nodded and Davy’s smile grew. “But you can’t tell anyone except your mom and dad, promise?” 
“Promise,” he said, nodding emphatically. 
“Will you do the special mermaid handshake to bind the promise and keep my secret safe?” 
“Yes! Yes, I will!” He clapped excitedly and Dana smiled. 
“Okay. So, we do it like this.” 
She took his hand and shook it, then locked their fingers together, thumbs pointing up, then released his hand, waving her fingers up and down like a mermaid tail swimming away. 
“Show me again,” he whispered and she smiled, taking his small hand into hers again, perfecting the handshake before leaving their table to check on her own section. 
Back in the kitchen with her next set of orders, she smiled at Fox who nodded with a wink. 
At her break, she stepped outside behind the restaurant, needing a moment of fresh air. Standing in the sunshine, her head tilted back and her eyes closed, she heard the door open and close. 
“Hey yourself,” she said and Fox chuckled as he came to stand beside her. She opened her eyes and he smiled at her. “Thank you for giving me that table earlier. It’s just what I needed after-”
“Two bucks, Betty?” 
“Exactly,” she said with a laugh. 
“Good. I’m glad it helped.” 
“The little boy thought I looked like Ariel.” 
“Hmm,” Fox hummed, staring into her eyes. “He’s not wrong. But you’re much prettier.” 
“Because I’m not an animated drawing?” she teased and he laughed, his fingers brushing against hers before locking together loosely, causing her heart rate to increase. 
“That and you just are.” 
“I really wanna kiss you,” he whispered, his grip on her fingers tightening slightly. 
“After you didn’t last night, which was a huge mistake by the way-” 
“I agree completely,” he said, nodding his head vigorously. “I… I hesitated too long.” 
“You did,” she agreed. 
“I was nervous. I thought maybe it was just me who was feeling…” He stopped talking when she smiled and shook her head. She squeezed his fingers, interlocking their hands further. 
“It’s not just you,” she admitted and he exhaled as he nodded. “I thought being in a group setting like we were, would help me loosen up enough to at least ask you to dance.”
“Which it did.” 
“Well, the alcohol definitely helped with that,” she said with a laugh. 
“That’s all it takes?” he teased. 
“Easy,” she warned and he laughed, both of them then falling silent. 
“I thought you said you wanted to kiss me,” she said quietly and he drew in a deep breath. 
“I do. Very much.” 
“Well, my break will be over soon and so will yours. You might-”
His lips touched hers softly, then more firmly as their kiss deepened. He let go of her hand and placed it onto the back of her neck, holding her close. She moaned as she wound her arms around his neck, her heart pounding. 
“Hmm,” she hummed when they broke from the kiss, his forehead pressed gently against hers. “That was good.” 
“It was,” he said with a quiet chuckle and she smiled. 
They sat down at the picnic table bench provided for employees to use during their breaks, talking and kissing until their break was over. 
Taking her hand, he pulled her to her feet, kissed her one more time, and walked to the door. 
“Oh,” he said, reaching into his pocket. “The family with the little boy asked me to give this to you.” He handed her the kids menu that had been folded into a small square. “I’m sure this one will be better than the one you got earlier.” 
She smiled as she opened it and then gasped when she found ten dollars inside. 
“Oh,” he said in delighted surprise as she began to read the note that was written in blue crayon. 
“Thank you for showing me the special mermaid handshake. I won’t tell anyone your secret. I hope I can see you again some time. Love, Davy. P.S. I’m four and a half. Oh, isn’t that just…?” She sniffled, blinking back tears as she read it to herself again. 
“A much better note,” he said and she laughed softly, tracing her fingers over the drawing of a mermaid that Davy had made. She had big blue eyes and red hair drawn in a similar style to Dana’s. 
“An incredibly kind note,” she replied, folding it back up, with the money inside, and placing it into her pocket. 
“And the money adds to the Dana Scully eats tonight fund,” he said and she shook her head. 
“No, this money will go into a different fund.” 
“Which fund is that?” he asked as they walked inside and put on their aprons. 
“The… Dating Fox Mulder fund?” she asked tentatively and he paused as he was tying the strings of the apron behind his back. Grinning, he nodded as he finished the task. 
“Only if it can be combined with the one I already have.” 
“Which is that?” she asked, tying her own strings. 
“The Just ask her out already fund,” he said with a grin. 
She laughed loudly, covering her mouth and looking around, but no one had noticed. 
“Yes,” she agreed, stepping close and squeezing his hand. “We can combine them.” 
“Good,” he said, squeezing back. “And it will be my treat tonight because I’ve got quite a bit in there. It pays to be somewhat of a nervous coward.” 
She laughed and shook her head, walking beside him to the kitchen, as his hand rubbed gently at the small of her back. 
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givemecunttaletmeserve · 7 months ago
I love when certain older customers who are rude, demanding and entitled think they have power over you by threatening to leave because you’re not helping them when you’re busy assisting with another customer. So they leave to the front desk where my manager is and tell them that I don’t know what I’m doing and I was rude. Ok buddy, my manager knows Im competent in the area I work around and knows that it can get very busy and chaotic. And he knows that but still act like a dick. People like this need to work in retail for a week to see what its like and maybe itll open their selfish narrow minded minds to see that we are humans too and deserve respect.
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maryjaneszombies-blog · 7 months ago
Trying to tell me how to do MY job
Get tf out of here
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itsstillsweetiebythealtar · 9 months ago
I really don't understand the point or purpose of having a nasty attitude when someone who is trying to help you out with a problem that you created...like...why??
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baggy-holmes · 1 year ago
i’m annoyed. i’m annoyed. i’m annoyed. i’m annoyed.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 1 year ago
I should be able to strangle rude customers
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antvnger · 2 years ago
Continuing the insane customers talk: one time I was getting lunch at kokoro, I ordered hot food and the woman behind me wanted to buy a pack of sushi from the fridge. This grown woman threw an absolute tantrum that I was served before her and that she couldn’t just buy her sushi without waiting minutes for me to get my food, yelling at the poor people behind the counter that “I’M JUST TRYING TO GET SUSHI FOR MY SON!!” – eventually after a long time of arguing, she very dramatically told her son to put the sushi down and stormed out with her nose in the air
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You’ve gotta be kidding me. Wow…
Like the entitlement of some people is insane. Genuinely insane. The fact she couldn’t wait three minutes for her sushi is just stupid. Just plain damn stupid. 🙄
I’m sorry you had to witness such ridiculousness.
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hotelhyena · 2 years ago
Did I neglect to mention that my country deciding to ban Tiktok is just fucking stupid?
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misssas · 12 days ago
This except I work in a tourist attraction
forced to say “it’s ok” instead of throwing a chair at them
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sorryisleptwithyourmum · 2 hours ago
By the end of this shift i’m either going to hell or jail.
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tj-aint-right · 5 days ago
I be feeling this in my SOUL some days but then I remember I have a wife and kids to support and that keeps me in professional mode, lol!
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faveyoutok · 8 days ago
Wish I could do this 🤣
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bluediva · 1 year ago
I literally had a lady try to cut the self checkout line yesterday, and when I said that she can't and that there is a line, she tried to say "oh well I came from all the way over there". I'm guessing she meant other side of store, but who knows... meanwhile she's stopped her cart right behind a girl checking out, trying to claim the register.
"OK, but I do still have a line." She didn't like that response because she gave me the, "then I'm leaving" line, brought her cart to the closed register beside me, dumped all the stuff out of the cart onto said register, grabbed her purse and walked out without the empty cart.
"OK, have a nice day," I called behind her.
I work at a restaurant and nothing will ever beat the time this woman threw an absolute hissy fit at brunch because we ran out of home fries and all we had were french fries, she yelled at me, she demanded to speak to my manager, and when she’s in the middle of complaining, my manager just stopped her and went “hey do you want a hug?” and this woman went “what?” and my manager was like “you just seem super upset about the shape of these potatoes and I thought maybe you needed a hug” fucking hysterical, I got to watch a human blue screen in real life, absolutely the best way to shame someone for their nonsense I’ve ever seen
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ch-postal-company · 5 months ago
Imagine walking into businesses and thinking you know more than trained staff with years of experience.
Could never be me.
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antvnger · 1 year ago
She seems to be alright now, yeah
Sir Anon
Good! I’m glad to hear that. Rude customers piss me off.
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