#rude I say 😤😤
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rosicheeks · 10 months ago
Sometimes what I'm jacking off to just doesn't cut it, so I imagine it's you in the video or audio instead and it always makes me cum harder. Like yes that is Rosie I'm fucking against the window where anyone can look up and see. Yes indeed I'm covering Rosie in cum so I can have an excuse to fuck her in the shower.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
You're version of Elizabeth is really sassy lol
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At the end of the day, she’s still Michael’s little sister
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
New Käärijä tik tok 🤭
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myheadgoesaround · 12 days ago
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Am I supposed to excuse your offensiveness because you say you meant none?
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s0ft-karina · 28 days ago
just had three people bully me on roblox… i’m CRYING 😭😭😭 pls just let me play my barbie dreamhouse in peace 😔
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the-kipsabian · 16 days ago
tfw they call them the patriarchy on the match graphic but then the roster page still looks like this lmao
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hellishvxbes · 2 months ago
People will judge a reaction and not the reason for the reaction. Plain and simple if you can’t handle the clapback, maybe don’t fucking clap.
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electric-plants · 2 months ago
i’ve been busy since the last banner announcement but as it gets more and more likely i am once again saying that i will be attacking and biting hoyo if they run wrio with venti AGAIN
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rosicheeks · 1 year ago
💚 You’re cute
🦄  you’re adorable
🎨  you’re artistically talented
🔥 you’re hot
💋 I wanna make out with you
😊 Your blog makes me smile
😘 I’d date you
🐶 let’s get a dog
🛫 You live far away and it sucks because I want to meet you
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tkbrokkoli · 1 year ago
foaming from the mouth.
this nurse was like you're too late for your appointment we have already called in the next patient, meanwhile I was literally three fucking minutes (3!!!!) too late bc i struggled 5 min to lock up my stupid ass bike and also.
during previous appointments i had to wait a quarter of an hour to be called in despite being on time. like. they've made me wait on purpose before.
like. what. I'm too late? I'm too late? tell me about being too late. you tell me about it. you tell me about it alright
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jaxi-the-dragonborn · 2 years ago
DELETE that fucking online argument brothers post. the creator of the second version of the ipod brothers post, the one who named them, has disavowed. the ipod brothers were born of peace and love.
come off anon coward say it to my face
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dreamytrashdoe · 2 years ago
Overwatch games went surprisingly well today, I've been working hard on my Mercy play 😤✌️ Tho had a match where the enemy mercy said "ew mercy" to me playing mercy, then her and her dps duo started accusing me of pocketing and like calling me gross 😂 Anyway guess using Mercy's kit is still considered bad to people, because I was in fact doing the cursed damage boost. Horrible truly lol Shoutout to my wife playing Moira for doing such a badass job at healing that i can basically play dps power boost the whole match and just top off as needed!!
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sordidmusings · 4 months ago
jealousy headcanons and scenarios r my kryptonite! especially for emotionally constipated characters lol. for shanks, mihawk, and crocodile seeing their crush interacting with someone that turns out to be said crush's ex? there's chemistry between the exes and are those lingering looks he's seeing?! 🫢
OOOOOOOO GOOD CHOICES GOOD CHOICES 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I must say I am weak for some jealousy too 💀 why does it have to be so hot in fiction huh??? Or make me feel wanted????? Rude 😤
Three jealous DILFs coming right up 🫡
Jealousy from Shanks, Mihawk, and Sir Crocodile
Your ex comes back into your life and stirs up some feelings - How are these men taking it?
Form this took: started as a bulleted headcanons but then became a scenario/ficlet for each ahsdjajskdajs
Word count: Shanks - 1.1 k, Mihawk - 1.2 k, Croc - 1.2 k
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The clinging and diverting type
This mf tries to be sneaky about it
Key word: tries
It’s no secret that Shanks is the jovial sort and that his welcome and cheer extend easily to newcomers. However, something curious happens when the next one joins your large table.
You always have at least a part of Shanks’ attention, so the way you shift uncomfortably and curl slightly in on yourself is not going to go unnoticed. You catch yourself and relax back into your usual posture, but Shanks knows you well enough to see there’s a posed touch to all your expressions. It tames them from the genuine displays of your thoughts and emotions that Shanks so loves into something more suited to a diplomat seeking favor. Now that had him wary.
It took no genius to notice that each time a great laugh broke out your eyes would sweep to that newcomer to take them in, or how your would flicker your gaze over to them every time you had the spotlight, as if seeking approval.
Gods Shanks hopes that isn’t the case
Driven to seek comfort in your presence, Shanks leans into his affectionate nature to keep close to you. You can’t think too long on someone else with him constantly leaning into your space to whisper dumb jokes and silly observations. He made those laughs and he gets to enjoy them up close and personal. You may look to others but you always look back to him when he ventures to lay his hand on your shoulder or hand or thigh and give a happy, hearty squeeze before retreating. He relishes in the fact that you had been uncertain of his touch when you first met yet now you trust and even welcome his hand on you.
Shanks is burst right out of his bubble of avoidance when you suddenly jolt and sit straight, separating yourself from his side.
The cause of his sudden and very dire lack of you is that very same newcomer. The newcomer, who is leaning in so close to you. The newcomer, who now has all of your attention. The newcomer, who is giving you a smile that Shanks very much does not like. It’s very charming and holds a twinge of remorse that Shanks knows from experience would strike straight and true right to your heart
“I’m glad to see you in happier times. You look good,” they have the audacity to say, the words even seeping with honesty. Shanks isn't sure he focused on anything in his life as hard as he does on your reaction in this moment.
Your smile is breathtaking, one he isn't sure he’s seen before, all affection and understanding and a dusting of yearning. It turns his heart to goo right before it clamps it tight and squeezes, because that smile isn't for him. He needs that smile to be for him. His mouth is moving before the thought even sinks in.
“We do like to keep things cheerful here!” Shanks chuckles to the newcomer. He turns to you, making sure to catch your eye. “Life’s too short to anchor yourself to your sorrows.” Now back to the newcomer. “And this one-” an arm slips around your shoulders, hugging you to his warm side, “-helps keep it that way.”
The smile you give him isn’t quite as overflowing with emotion as the one you gave the newcomer, but he loves it all the same.
Unfortunately, that’s not the end of it and the newcomer actually sits down on your other side and insists on catching up. Shanks is a damn charmer though, and he knows it, so he’s not one to give up on keeping your attention through the night.
He stays in the conversation easily, not deterred by the newcomer outsider bringing up shared memories with you, even though they squeeze at his heart and lungs tighter and tighter. He uses it to get to know more of you, a part of him truly enjoying the new insights. However, a much larger part is simply set on keeping the reminiscing light instead of romantically charged.
As the time and drinks flow, his and the outsider's tactics get more obvious yet you get more oblivious, simply cruising on the comfy fuzz everything had taken on and enjoying the company. Your unintentional refusal to pick a favorite has both of them getting desperate and daring.
Try as they might, the outsider is clearly outmatched
By the end of the night you’re wearing Shanks like a perfume, he’s stuck to your skin at the heart of your body, chest always tight to your back or side, chin often hooked over your shoulder or on top of your head. His slight scruff tickling at your ear when he moves and talks is exceedingly distracting. So is the softness of his hair on your neck when he turns his head to bed his cheek into your shoulder and pull you a little tighter to him, saying its just 'cause he's a little sleepy and trying to get comfy. He unearths himself from his resting place only to seek it again every few minutes.
His arm is always around you when he wasn’t using it to drink (of course) or toy with you - tugging at your clothes for attention, tickling your sides to interrupt you, sweetly scratching your scalp to derail your train of thought, teasingly rubbing a thumb into your hip or thigh to feel you squirm.
Shanks is a handsy motherfucker (ironic right-), so you don’t take any of this as a proclamation of his love. The most you think is that it has just hit that point in your journey together where his vast appetite for partners has finally swept its way to focus on you.
You end the night giggling the whole stumbling way back to the ship, tucked into Shanks’ side. You manage to stay there despite being at the mercy of both of your swaying, constantly blending who’s supporting and who’s slipping. Your ex is far from your mind when Shanks tucks you in sweetly (well… sweetly to a drunk; in all reality you kinda flopped in, but he did make sure you were shoeless and properly under the blankets, and he even shuffled back in to put water, crackers, and medicine where you could reach).
Shanks does however have a flash of your ex in his mind when he's happily gloating to himself that he had won.
His last blurry thoughts are of how to make sure you and everyone else unquestionably knows that you are off limits. The unspoken claim understood by the crew while he works at winning you over doesn't seem to be enough anymore. Especially if that pesky ex comes sniffing around again. Maybe they just need a lesson in what staring down Conqueror’s Haki truly feels like.
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The intimidating and biting type
Mihawk would likely be the most covert of these three, at least as far as your notice goes
Your ex has no questions about Mihawk’s dislike for them. With his reputation as emotionless and solitary, it’s not guaranteed that your ex will put two and two together to realize that Mihawk's dislike stems from their previous relationship with you. Even if Mihawk hints at it, they'll tell themselves that they're imagining things. It’s much more likely that they’ll think it’s because Mihawk is that way with all but the Few Exceptions, and they have definitely not made the cut.
It definitely didn’t help that they were a marine
Mihawk is already unhappy to see a marine on his doorstep, no doubt sent to yip at him about some nonsense or other that the admirals were in a twist over. That unhappiness quadruples when he hears you tentatively call to this marine by name, and then it multiplies again when the marine responds by breathing out your own name with shock and hope
This pest needs to be out of his castle quickly
Yet he can't bring himself to simply throw them out when you come over so disgustingly happy to see them. There were a few times where he'd interrupted or snuffed out your joy while adjusting to you joining his home, and he found the feeling it gave him insufferable. That's what forces him to let the pest in and guide them with you to the smaller dining room.
He’d simply have to find what the pest needs fast and expedite whatever catching up you two apparently must do.
That's easier said than done; you and the pest are insistent on taking time between flustered pleasantries to share uncertain smiles and lingering looks of longing in charged silence.
It's giving him the worst mood he'd had in years.
At first he tries to discourage this lingering with his mere presence. He knows he's capable of pumping out enough sheer displeasure into the air to knock out a squadron, so he keeps it to his other tools: body language that makes him feel larger than the room and a glare sharp enough to split hair. Both make the pest cringe and shy away, but the chance to gain your favor makes them push through it. Even though he hates it, Mihawk can't blame them.
Mihawk can tell that his mood is setting you on edge too - almost anyone would with the perturbed looks you've been sending his way - but that isn't technically taking your joy, so he doesn't back off.
In fact, he decides it's time to push even more.
He begins interjecting in your conversation, mostly with little insults to take the wind out of the pest's sails.
You aren't yet tipped off that there's something hiding behind his mood; he was never fond of braggarts so it isn't so out of the ordinary for him to humble someone. Of course, you wouldn't exactly call what your ex is doing "bragging" so much as filling you in on their growing career. They are actually relatively humble about it, clearly just excited to fill you in and not phrasing things to seek your praise.
Then Mihawk starts complimenting you.
Mihawk is not one to dish out praise. You've had to fight tooth and nail to get the mere drops of it you'd tasted so far, so his sudden highlighting of your positive traits trips your sensors. It isn't exactly alarm bells ringing, more it makes you feel like there's something you're missing. You figure it's the sudden disruption and old instincts from his Marine Hunter days cropping up.
You would have never guessed that his aim with his nitpicking and praising is to make sure your ex knows for a fact that you are out of their league. They don't deserve you. But he could.
No matter the reason though, you certainly relish in Mihawk calling you things such as "necessary for [his] castle", "smarter than those inane marine trials", "finally proficient and needing no distractions to ruin that", and "better company than a bunch of sea monkeys". Sure, from most anyone else they'd feel slightly insulting, but from everything you've so far seen of Mihawk that's a glowing review.
The uncanny nature of this whole interaction, from Mihawk's tank in mood to the sudden praise, keeps your focus away from your ever shrinking ex.
Mihawk is simply delighted to see your attention going to its rightful place, on him. You should be looking at him with such interest and joy. You should be seeking his approval; not some simpering swine's.
He figures he's been patient enough (it's been almost a whole ten minutes after all) and it is time to end this farce.
Mihawk stands from his spot and goes to sift through the wine rack. He returns with an above average vintage (even by his tastes) and two glasses. He sets them at the corner of the table so he can deftly open the wine. The silence as you both watch him work elates him.
The first glass is placed in front of his seat and swiftly filled. You watch the action with admiration for his fluid and confident motions. The pest watches with growing envy.
The second glass is filled while still sat in the corner, keeping its owner ambiguous.
The bottle leaves one hand and that glass enters the other, coming with Mihawk as he moves to stand behind your chair.
His full height set strongly in sharp shoulders and straight spine cuts a devilish figure behind you. Your ex's first impression was that he is haunting you, but there's some little whisper in their mind that, no, Mihawk is protecting you.
That whisper gets stronger as Mihawk leans forward over you, getting much too close to be polite while he places the wine glass down directly in front of you. His eyes hold the pest's with an air of warning the whole time.
Mihawk settles back upright, placing a hand on both carved corners decorating the back of your chair. The act seems clearly possessive. But surely Mihawk couldn't have found some special fondness for you?
You are none the wiser to Mihawk's antics behind you, too enraptured by the closeness of his reaching arm then too distracted checking out the color and aroma of your gifted wine.
Having at least enough pieces of a functional brain to pick up on that cue, the pest begins rushing out some excuses and makes to leave.
Kind as you are, you tell them they don't have to rush off, but they're adamant. You're a bit sad to see this chance meeting end so quickly, but your mind quickly settles on thinking it's for the best. Your memories of them are distant enough to be cherry picked and seeing them scamper off so easily reminds you that there are reasons you parted.
Mihawk chases escorts them out and returns to you looking much less belligerent and much more at ease. You figure it best to not risk ruining the positive turn by questioning it, yet you can't help but ask one thing.
"I usually have to pour my own wine from the kitchen's rack. What's the occasion?"
Mihawk takes a sip and the comfort of one of his favored wines coming over his senses coerces him into loosening his tongue.
"You've been good." Another sip and he thoughtfully adds, "I could give you more rewards."
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Sir Crocodile
The assertive and analytical type
Despite Croc being a plotter, I see him as being quite direct in this situation
Ok yeah maybe he insists it’s because you can do better and you’re definitely above crawling back to an ex (“you broke up for a reason didn’t you?”)
But maybe he also takes this as his opportune moment to get you into his clutches.
Who could blame him when he feels the threat of such an unworthy little nobody working so hard to catch your eye.
Croc always keeps an eye on you, no matter what else demands his attention. Sure, there's an obsessive edge to it, but he just needs to know what you're up to - has to know you're safe near for when he needs you. You are the best assistant he's ever seen after all, and he's been through an army's worth. He's sure his new organization would've crumbled if you weren't there to balance out the clown and his circus monkeys constantly shooting themselves in the foot (sometimes literally).
Many of those circus monkeys were even stupid enough to try and approach you themselves. Luckily for him, you seem about as enthused on the idea of you having a partner as he is.
Which brings us back to his irritation that you haven't swatted that bug away from you. No, instead you seem to be rather tolerant of their buzzing. Maybe even fond.
That just won't do.
The crowds at this schmooze-fest, thrown to entice more pirates and criminals alike, part easily for his beeline to you.
It only irritates him even more that you don't notice him until you're swallowed by his shadow. You even have the audacity to look surprised when you turn to him.
And you truly are surprised - as far as you know there's no reason for Croc's usual grimace to turn into something so stormy, especially directed at you. It quickly jumps to your ex however and focuses that torrent there.
"I don't know you," Croc states gruffly.
"Your name doesn't matter," Croc interrupts. "What do you do? Why are you here?"
And thus begins the interrogation. You can only watch perplexed as Sir Croc tugs every bit of information he could want out of your ex, making sure to cut off anything he didn't care to hear. That frustrated look and tone become more bored by the second. Every tone tells your ex that they're barely worth the breath to speak, causing them to shrink even faster than Sir Croc's anger did.
You catch their eye and send them a sympathetic smile, and then Croc moves on to you.
"And you," he starts roughly. He lets you sit in suspense while he drags those hooded purple eyes from the crown of your head to the toes of your shoes and back. "Why are you here?"
You're taken absolutely aback by the question, mouth flapping from a mix of shock and offense. You have quite a list of things you keep your eye on at these parties; did he want you to go down the whole thing? After a deep breath, you try, "To gather informationof and from possible allies and help build relationships?"
Well, at least he let you finish your sentence. Time to try again.
"To make sure the night runs smoothly," you say much more surely. It's an apt description of your overall job.
"Wrong again." Yep, that grimace is now definitely a smirk. One that only widens when you purse your lips and stare him down. You notice the genuine amusement shining in Croc's eyes and relax a touch, content to let him guide this to whatever destination he has planned.
"Then please, Sir, tell me," you relent. "Why am I here?"
He takes a deep puff of his cigar before pulling it from his lips and watching the smoke swirl out with his exhale. You watch it too - admire how handsome he looks reappearing through the haze. Enjoying how small you feel as he leans over you through its last remnants.
He rarely touches you with his golden hook, always using his hand (you've yet to realize it's because he prefers to feel you on his skin). Now, though, he raises it towards you. You're surprised yet again when the curve touches beneath your chin to tilt your face just a little higher; the metal isn't cold like you thought it would be. It must be warmed from resting on his thigh. You shake away the thought of warming it further.
He takes his time assessing you, giving you your own time to look over his breathtakingly chiseled face, admire his striking scar, forget everything else but his eyes on you.
Without intention, you gravitate towards him, leaning forward enough into him and that golden hook drawing you that you have to catch yourself with a stumbling step. The fond chuckle he gives in response resonates deep and rich and feels like a reward flowing over you.
"You, my dear," Sir Crocodile says with unfamiliar mirth, "are here to keep me happy."
"And how would you like me to do that, Sir?" you whisper back.
At first, that just earns you a smile. Then he's drawing his hook along your jaw, tickling the tip around your ear, drawing it gently across your cheek. It ends its journey on your lips, ever so gently pulling your bottom lip down before letting it flick back up when he draws his arm away. You watch the glimmering gold retreat. He's greedy for more of the longing he sees in your eyes. He leans slightly lower and gives you back that hook, this time in the form of an offered arm.
"With your company, of course," He finally answers. The warmth you hear in the drawl of his voice is beautiful.
You slip your hand into the crook of his arm, happy you can feel his body heat through the soft fabric of his shirt.
Halfway back to his previous spot, you realize that you'd become so distracted that you hadn't even said goodbye to your ex. You had wanted to exchange numbers, maybe truly get back in touch and feel out if things would be better this time. Noting how deep your draw to Croc is, you already feel that that would be a dead end. Well, maybe some time rekindling things would help your daydreaming and wishing for Sir Croc finally start ebbing away.
"Did you see where they went?"
Croc has to hold in his smile at your question. "They scurried off on you. It's for the best though; they were exceedingly unimpressive."
You couldn't help but snort at his assessment.
After guiding you to your chair and pushing it in, Croc settles down himself. When he reaches for his awaiting drink, he notices Daz Bonez come back into the room, wiping his hands off on his pants. Their eyes meet and Daz Bones gives a firm nod before heading back to his other duties for the night.
Sir Croc smirks and takes a heavy sip of scotch.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
There you are sweet anon, I hope you enjoyed and that it properly scratched the itch❣️ Thank you for the ask 🤍 Sending much love!!!
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Part of a little celebration
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solifloris · 1 year ago
Thinking about messing with the boys. About how when we say we want to give them a blowjob, and they're excitedly anticipating it, cocks eager and hard and just twitching for us, we do stupid shit like literally blow air on their cockhead or into their bellybutton. But we make up for it well after they give us the silliest pouts/sulky faces at our antics 👀 (nonnie here is 31yo I promise 😭)
── no omg anonie... i GET YOU ??? SO FUCKING MUCH ??? this triggered a brainrot in me because messing around with them would be SO FUN... what with all the teasing they do to us, they should get their own kind of payback! 😤
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caleb would have likely been surprised you'd mention it at all. he's more of a giver, than anything else—but the mere thought of having you suck him off would appeal to him the moment you suggested it. it's only unfortunate that you're a tease about it, but he probably expected it, anyway—you always teased each other, after all, whether out of bed or not. of course, not that expecting it could stop the impatient curses from falling from his lips, a telltale sign of how affected he was by it. maybe, if you teased him a little too much, he'd probably snap—fuck your mouth like he intends to, and perhaps, teach you a lesson for making him wait. but, whatever the case... he will use your pretty mouth to get off. i mean, you offered, right? it would be rude if he didn't make the most of it! "haah, you're a tease, pipsqueak. should'a just—fuck—taken it in when i told you to—"
rafayel? he would be so FLUSTERED but also so. fucking. pissed. you wouldn't hear the end of it! he'd be sulking, alright—complaining to no end, straight up accusatory in his tone the more you tease him... except, unfortunately for him, it would only make you tease him more. more than whatever silly antics you'd started with, you'd have a mission make him so sensitive under the slightest of your touches, and he'd be shuddering. it wouldn't take long after that for him to begrudgingly start begging you, and then, god, the moan he'd let out when you finally take him in would be so heavenly. he'd immediately lose all restraint and start rutting into your mouth, moaning your name, singing praises lf how good it feels and how well you take him... "f-fuck, princess—plea—please, 's so good—"
xavier would be a mess. it wouldn't even be the teasing, he'd get hard the minute you suggest giving him a blowjob at all. it's almost like he's waited for the moment you'd offer one, and you could almost giggle at the way he would draw in a breath, eyes wide and attentive when you slowly pull down his pants. his cock would already be leaking when you take it out—so responsive. he would twitch at every little touch, letting out soft, quiet whimpers when you'd tease him, only looking at you pleadingly... but he wouldn't complain, and he'd be patient, and then you'd reward him for it. his head would be thrown back with a shaky gasp when you finally wrap your lips around him, his fingers threading through your locks to guide you into a comfortable pace. the tips of his ears would be red, his eyes shut, mouth falling open in breathless pants—and boy, it'd be a sight. it'd be an experience—for you, just as much as it would be for him. "a-ah... just like that, angel... s-so good... so good for me..."
zayne, in the first place, always enjoyed watching you take him, and you knew that offering to suck him off would excite him. but how you got the courage to dare tease him at a was beyond the both of you. his gaze would remain steely into your own, eyebrows quirked up in a silent dare... it would be inevitable to have this courage of yours falter, and you'd allow him to massage his fingers into your scalp, guiding you into the rhythm that he wanted. low grunts would fall from his lips, and even if this had started with you offering to make him cum, you'd find yourself completely at his mercy. his words and his hands would coax you to take him all the way into your mouth, soothing you through the rocking of his hips and the feeling of having him press deep into your throat. "mmm. that's a good girl, sweetheart. so nice and deep, just the way i like it."
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⁺₊ / an: AUGH... thoughts of giving them head... suddenly i want it so BADLY
© rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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squiddy-god · 7 months ago
dorm leaders and a chubby s/o
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As a chubby guy my self I absolutely love Chubby readers, this was written in the early days when I wasn't writing all my readers implied to be chubby- dark times I know- since I am almost done with restoration ⚠︎REQUEST ARE OPEN⚠︎ please send in request, my navigation post has links to anything you would need! And if you don't wanna request you can always just chat! Anon is always open
CW : fluff, chubby readers supremacy
Riddle lives you no matter what! 
You being chubby does not affect him at all, besides your super soft and good for cuddles
Will not tolerate slander on your name weather from yourself or others 
Gets really angry when people comment rude things about you 
Isn't one for PDA but he'll hold your hand, especially when your insecure 
Lowkey loves your hugs sm because gosh your just so amazing 
You make him so red in the face aksbsosndhskebje like how can you be so cute 
You can always tell who was talking smack because they will have riddles collar thing and will avoid your gaze 
And the screaming from riddle 
Very soft with you 
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He knows exactly how you feel when you feel insecure
Azul is very understanding because he also used to be chubby
Loves your hugs so much because your warm and soft ✨ 
If you let him lay his head on your thighs he would probably die on the spot 
Seriously he loves to rest his head on your nice plush thighs 
Talk shit get hit, or in this case, hunted for sport by two very tall eel Bois
Actually gets angry when people mermer about you because oof that shit hits close to home
Really good at comforting you because he says all the things he wishes he was told
Always compliments you ❤
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Literally not a fuck in sight 👀 he gives no shits
You are good for naps tho
Loves to lay on your tummy and sleep for hours 
Thinks your such a cute little herbivore
Ur a snack ❤
When your down and sad he'll legit just pull you into his lap and cuddle tf out of you ✨ 
Has heard people talk smack about your weight and it always irks him 
Probably gave someone a black eye about it
Not the best at comforting you but he'll tell you that those people are just assholes and not worth your time 
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Aksnakamdbsks 𝕐𝔼𝕊 𝕐𝔼𝕊 𝕐𝔼𝕊
Loves you so much!! Everything, from your cute cheeks to your soft hugs and adorable tummy
Am I biased? Extremely. Does that change the fact that I think kalim would ADORE a chubby s/O?? Not at all
Always wants hugs from you because your soft and warm and make his heart go brrrrrrr
Always gives you the most heartfelt compliments 
If your insecure about the close you were then he'll let you know just how much he loves anything you put on 
Gets legitimately confused and mad when someone talks bad about you and has no shame in asking what there problem is
Really good at comforting you and will cuddle you while calling you cute pet names 🥺
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😤👏body👏positive 👏vil 👏
Vil firmly believes that just because your chubby doesn't mean that your not beautiful and adorable 
👏all bodys are gorgeous 👏 
Always seems to pick clothes that look fabulous on you and also make you feel comfortable
Won't admit it out loud but he loves your plump cheeks and tummy 
Pitches your cheeks Affectionately 
Someone : *talks shit about you* 
Vil : rook hold my teira 
Literally has 0 patience for someone slandering your name and putting you down 
Will fight 
Probably likes to trace any stretch marks you may have and tell you your beautiful/handsome/gorgeous
Also won't let you put yourself down 
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Your so cute he couldn't even look at you without blushing, even from behind his tablet, seeing your chubby cheeks in HD was a 1 hit k.o 
Once your together he's pretty comfy around you (and probably only you lmao) and oh boy does he want ✨cuddles ✨
Your like perfect for cuddles, your soft, warm, plush, adorable, don't fight him on this you can't change his stubborn mind, and yes he has a PowerPoint on why he's right
You'll be cuddling and suddenly he'll get the wildest, toothy grin and squish your tummy or pitch your cheeks 
Immediately blushes and shys away 
Sometimes he'll just rant/ramble about how cute you are as if he's talking about one of his hobbies (a.k.a talking at light speed and info dumping for hours) 
Someone : *talks shit about you* 
Idia : *about to roast them both figuratively and literally* 
Ortho : * pulls out magic laser* 
Idia knows what it's like to be bullied and it makes him angry to see people treat you like that 
Get you your favorite snacks and has you sit in his lap and game with him to comfort you (and lets u win Mario kart) 
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Oh absolutely
Something about you, his chubby little human, makes his heart go brrrrr
He's so curious and he likes to poke and squish your tummy and thighs (lovingly) 
Takes any and all opportunities to lay his head on your lap 
Behind closed doors he's a cuddle feind 
Stairs at you lovingly from across the room 
Gives you lots of small complements because they just came to him and he's like "haha gotta tell y/n that! " 
I'd recommend not talking shit about you because malleus is not having ✨any of it✨ 
Legit gets so angry when people badmouth you because he just doesn't understand why they would 
But they won't be talking for long that's for sure
꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚ ꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚
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meowzfordayz · 9 months ago
how they speak up for you — mitsuri, shinobu, kyojuro, sanemi, muichiro
Author’s Note: short and sweet, and hopefully a lil funny too. 😆
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how they speak up for you — mitsuri, shinobu, kyojuro, sanemi, muichiro
Kanroji Mitsuri x Reader, Kocho Shinobu x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tokito Muichiro x Reader
Word Count: ~800
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: could you write comfort for when Their S/o like absolutely hates speaking up for themselves, like someone could be walking all over them and they'd be like "Oh, its fine" bc conflict= worst enemy? I would like to request Muichiro (love him sm) and Sanemi if that's okay, and the rest you can decide (-if you want to add more.)
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Mitsuri will be all over the situation (in a good way, ofc 😌)
“Baby, didn’t you want your drink hot?” —> she’s already staring daggers at the barista who made your drink 😒
You do your best to conceal the pinch of your eyebrows, as well as the goosebumps raising on your arms 🥶
“I thought cold drinks made you cold, and you don’t like being cold?”
… “Hm?”
She’s not buying your nonchalance 🙃
“That’s it.” Uh oh. “I’m getting you your drink made right.”
“Nonono, Mitsuri, it’s fiiine.” 😭
Arms crossed, her lips purse, eyes narrowed as you weakly grin and take a big sip 😄
“If you won’t let me get you another one, then at least wear my sweater?”
🤯 “Okay!” 🤭
So maybe she’s wearing a cropped tank top underneath — you’re only a mere mortal after all 
— #oops my thirst made an appearance 😅
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Short girlfriend = scary girlfriend
And that’s a compliment 😎
Shinobu doesn’t need height, bulk, or a dick to defend you
Her scathing tongue and unnerving stare are plenty
Not to mention, she’ll go full Karen if need be, but the more eloquent, calculating, deceptively sweet version 😌
She can make anyone feel like a complete idiot in 2-3 sentences, give or take 
Which does include you, but you don’t argue too often 😅
It’s highkey hot when she speaks up for you 🤭
But it may or may not make you cry when her sharpness is directed toward you 🥲
Fortunately, you in distress is also one of few things that immediately softens her — at least, when she’s the reason for it 🥺
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Kyojuro always tries to solve your problems for you
Not bc he thinks you’re incapable, and not w/o your expressed consent/prior communication
But he just hates seeing you unhappy, uncomfortable, unsafe — really anything that isn’t grinning and laughing
He understands there’s a time and place for more difficult and painful emotions, but why on earth wouldn’t he go out of his way to ensure those times and places are as few and far between as possible????? 🤨
So, obvi, he more than willingly goes out of his way ☺️
“Do you want me to say something?” his quiet breath warms your ear, softening the frustration growing in your chest
“I dunno,” you sigh, gesturing hopelessly at the person who’d just cut you in line, “We’re all going to the same place anyway.”
“True,” he shrugs, “But that was quite rude and noticeable of them.”
“Do you want to say something?” you tease, elbowing his side with amused fondness
“Not if it discomforts you.”
“It wouldn’t discomfort me,” you mumble, cheeks darkening nonetheless, “You’re so cute.”
Albeit, you aren’t sure whether to feel proud or embarrassed when he somehow intimidates the person who cut you into leaving altogether 😅
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On one hand, you know Sanemi has your back ☺️
On the other hand, you aren’t 100% positive that that’s a good thing 😬
“I swear, does that bitch even know I exist?!” 😤
… 🫣
“I bet she doesn’t! Otherwise she wouldn’t dare treat you like-” 😤
“And this is why she doesn’t know you exist.” 🥲
“Pardon?” 😐
“Sanemi, I love you, and I so appreciate how ready to go to war you are for me, but-”
“Ooh darling, you have no idea. Go to war? I will be the war for you.” 😤
“So sweet,” your eyes roll, “How about you just let me handle it?”
“And how are you handling it?” he scoffs, “With smiley face emojis?” 🙄
“You deserve kindness and honesty. Not her manipulative bitch shit.”
“I’ll block her.”
“You what?!” 😳
“Would that suffice?” 😅
“Actually… yeah.” Sanemi is very surprised. Gushing now, “I’m so fucking proud of you.” 🥰
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It’s kind of alarming when Muichiro speaks up for you
Bc you get a faint taste of what he was like before he’d really opened up to love 😕
And that Tokito Muichiro is sharp and cold as steel w/ a -139% tolerance for bullshit
Impossible to impress 😬
But your Muichiro hugs you when you’re feeling low, rests his chin on your shoulder while you do your best to draft a stern, confident text msg to your asshole “friend”, and is more than happy to tell you what he would do were he in your shoes
… you usually ignore his advice 😅
Buuut sometimes he reaches over and hits SEND before you can stop him 🫠
“MUI! I was going to delete some of that!” 😭
“Nah, it’s great as is.” 😎
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