#ruby cutlass
pink-pone · 1 year
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"Name's Ruby Cutlass, and I hereby declare that whatever yer ship's hauling belongs to me & my crew as of...right now. Brave enough to disagree? Well now, I wasn't planning on feeding the sharks today but it seems I have no other choice, now do I?"
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wingedwilloww · 8 months
Two commission’s of @cloudthehusky ‘s characters, Captain Cross and Ruby! They also have a comic, which can be found here! @rubyofthegoldencutlasscomics 🦊🐱🏴‍☠️
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cloudthehusky · 1 year
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A poster for my upcoming webcomic, 'Ruby of the Golden Cutlass'! Experience the adventure of swashbuckling pirate cat, Ruby, alongside her mighty captain, Captain Cross, and the rest of the crew as they search for a missing ruby to Captain Cross' famous sword known as the Golden Cutlass. But on the horizon danger lurks, as Captain Cross' rival, Captain Skull, seeks his precious cutlass, for when both the ruby and cutlass unite a very special treasure will be revealed. But who will get to the treasure first? Find out in this epic tale, coming soon!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
Siren!Pyrrha: Oh no! I've been injured and am in peril! I need a hero to save me, comfort me, and be my friend!
Jaune: *Rowing with all his might* DON'T! PANIC! HELP IS- *Huff* ON THE WAY
Siren!Weiss: Chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven with Fresh, Whole milk to dip them in! Fully-Functional Assault Carbine/Jack Cutlass!
Ruby: *Swiming at full tilt* Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
Yang: *Sprinting across the top of the water* HOCHI MAMA!
Siren!Ren: ...
Nora: Wow this is a really cool Rock! I bet Storms look amazing from here! oh- can you breathe air, or do you need to be in water? Is it "Moisture" thing? Can you see shrimp colors?
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Meeting Pirate!Ateez (Female Reader)
This is an old request I'm so sorry OMG! But thank you @matzbear for giving me inspiration to get (semi) historical 🏴‍☠️😁 I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY HELP 💀😂
Warnings: hints of violence/death mentions, fire in one, suggestive at times, depiction of poverty/homelessness in one, LONG POST! lmao the way I’d write a part 2 to this at the drop of a (pirate) hat
☠ Hongjoong ☠
He smirked as he strode into the tavern, satisfied, evidently. Even if you had yet to see the wanted posters, shivering in anticipation-and maybe even something else-at even the depiction’s intense stare, you would have been able to recognize the man as a pirate. It was the way he walked, tilted slightly, legs used to a sailing surface. The confidence with which he moved, swagger suggesting he’d gained control of many a situation and lived to tell about it to anyone who’d listen. The long, roguish coat swirling at his booted feet, the single hoop earring dangling from his left ear, ruby stud adorning the right. Cutlass at his hip.
Outlawed, this man was. Bountied by the crown for what they claimed egregious theft, an epithet you found laughable. They got their knickers twisted over art, artifacts, riches they had stolen from countless around the world. Thieves righting the work of thieves, that was the crew they called the Eightfold.
And the man seating himself boldly before you was the captain. Kim Hongjoong, according to the posters. A face more beautiful than criminal, he glanced around the room with a look of anticipation. Waiting on the rest of his crew, you imagined. Your tavern was one of few that turned a blind eye to piracy, so it was a safe bet the other seven would arrive.
As it was, you made your way to Hongjoong’s table. “A drink while you wait?”
His eyes slid over to you, smile spreading across his face as they met yours- for all the talk, all the images, he looked upon you kindly. “That would be great, thank you, Madam. Nothing too strong, just a light ale if you have it.”
You liked the way he called you Madam. Liked it very much, in fact. “I do indeed. If I was running a tavern without ale, we would be in trouble, wouldn’t we?” You teased, heading back to the bar to grab and fill one of the pewter tankards lined atop the wood.
Foam rose rapidly to the top as you carried it over, setting it gingerly in front of the captain, who fixed you with another look.
“You knew I was waiting for someone,” he said.
You nodded. “The other seven are on their way, I imagine,” you replied matter-of-factly.
Hongjoong grinned, message well-received. “I love this place.”
“I try,” you answer with a smirk, “there is fresh bread in the oven and meat on the stove for when the crew lands.”
He raised his tankard, intense eyes positively glinting in the firelight. “You’re a goddess!” He called out before taking a sip, honeyed words sliding right to the core of your chest.
Smoke choked your lungs, wracking your chest with coughs. With a massive crack, a beam crashed from your tavern’s ceiling behind you, sending you jumping as you pulled your shawl tighter over your face. The torch had almost struck you, but thank the stars, it missed your skirt, leaving your clothing and skin intact for the time being. The heat was closing in on you, though, as panic shot through your steadily pumping limbs.
All you could think of was your next motion, of escape, even as laughter rang out. They’d taken everything from you.
Pirates, the lot of them. Not the Eightfold, but a band of sorry thieves that killed without reason or care. The kind who kept every cent of it, that should have been wanted by the crown, but they pillaged ordinary villages, not crown jewels. Their goal was a slow domination of your country, your home and business their latest target.
Another beam fell, this time closer, and you jumped, arms flailing uselessly above your head in a weak defense. Unlike the torch, this one did connect with your dress. Sweating beneath your layers, you strained, trying fecklessly to free your hem from the fallen, burning wood. For the first time, you risked the shooting pain to your chest to scream for help, scream for someone in your desperation. The fabric of your dress strained also, not giving yet but threatening to rip as your body heaved, almost falling to the wood planks that once rang out with dancing boots. Tears streamed down your face at the mere thought, a sob escaping you with a heavy breath.
But then, you heard it: a voice. “They didn’t.”
You didn’t bother a direct answer. “Help! Help, please,” you called out, voice weak and vision blackening.
And that had been the last you remembered until you woke up in an unfamiliar room, the floor rocking beneath you and a hand closed around your wrist, feeling your pulse as your eyelids fluttered open.
“I knew you’d make it. You’re a goddess.”
You didn’t even have to see clearly to know the voice’s owner was none other than Hongjoong, the pirate captain you’d served numerous times. The one who always threw troublemakers out for you, especially the ones that tried carousing with you. There were times you’d even suspected you’d seen him pull out a knife once he got outside with them, assuring you upon his return you’d never be troubled again, but you could never be sure. You smiled weakly, but your eyes sought a window, the motions feeling awfully like…
“We are still docked. I would hardly whisk you off to sea yet,” he chuckled, the sound a bit uncertain, “Please, please Madam (y/n), stay still.”
Everything you knew had changed in the blink of an eye, but one thing was certain, it hit you as you sat up, coughing and feeling a rasping burn in your fluttering chest: whether by debt or by initiation you would see, but your life was now inexplicably bound to the Eightfold.
☠ Seonghwa ☠
The market was bustling, shoulders knocking yours almost every moment. Flutes and fiddles filled the air from performers hoping for a coin, and the scent of sea breeze wafted through the sunny air. Shouldering your sack, you wound between a fishmonger’s table and a farmer’s honey, wandering closer to the woodworkers and painters.
That day, you were not seeking the necessities, rather preferring something fanciful, indulging the brushes of your fingers over blown glass and thickly-spread paint. A woman’s weaving caught your eye, cords tied into ceiling hangings and finely shaped tapestries of interlaced color. But somehow, there among it all, your eyes fell upon a man with an inkwell.
He sat alone, at a table too small to really be selling much, quill moving deftly, carefully. His dark eyes never moved once from the parchment he bent over, revealing a handsome, serene profile.
“What are you drawing?” You asked, stepping carefully to his side.
Flinching, the man moved his arms to hover over the parchment, his eyes finally leaving it to meet yours widely. “Why?”
You stepped away slightly, taken aback by the startlement in the man’s sparkling eyes. Your hand drifted to your chest and back out as if unsure what to do. “You just looked so focused, that was all. I meant no offense, truly.” Bowing your head, you made to leave again, but his voice beckoned you back.
“It’s a map,” he said, raising his spread arms back from his work.
Gazing over the parchment, you found a detailed representation of your town’s coastline, down even to the groves of trees, all rendered in thin ink swirls quite gorgeous to your eyes.
So many words rose to the front of your brain, then died at your lips. “You are…not from here, then?”
“No,” he shook his head, smiling sadly, “this is only a stop. At least for now. The map will help us remember our way back.”
“So you’re sailing,” your eyes lit up as you gushed, bringing an eager smile to the cartographer’s face, too, “oh, the beauty you must see! How I’ve dreamed of the works of faraway lands, the amazing art!”
“You sound like my captain,” he chuckled, “quite an art lover as well. His vow is to contribute somehow every place we go.”
“That is wonderful,” you continued, a hand resting on the table near the map, “but be warned: I have heard talk of the Eightfold approaching our waters. That their skeleton crew drifts into towns, pillaging, even killing!”
The man’s smile fell into something more thoughtful as he lowered his quill at last, tilting his head as his gaze fixed you. “What if I told you the truth was more complicated than a townsfolk tale? Perhaps not even so bad?”
“What would a man like you know of pirates?” You gaped at the gentle artist. “Unless…you are one of them! Someone like you, and yet you stand with the Eight?”
“I do, and I shall until death.” He rose from his seat, voice dropping lower, tone intent as he stiffened, bracing himself for the descent of his words. “Park Seonghwa, First Mate of the Eight at your service. I think my captain would like to speak with you.”
You gasped, stepping back from the table. “With me? Forgive me, I am but an apprentice. Surely you want my master, or-”
Seonghwa’s eyes saddened slightly. “I beg your pardon, ma’am, but the secret is out. Our faces are being plastered around town squares as we speak. It would hardly be safe for either of us if I let you return to town now.”
Your face fell. This elegant man was taking you as a pirate’s hostage? “But- But I- The market,” your words flopped hastily, clumsily out like freshly netted fish upon a deck. As if the market was your greatest concern.
“I know,” the man whispered, soothing tone of his voice almost infuriatingly calm, “have you a handkerchief, by chance?”
“Why?” You bit out.
“If you have one, let me see it.” He didn’t sound angry, in fact this adoptive tone was more akin to that of a disappointed parent.
Sighing, you reached into a fold in your sack, handing off a wad of cloth. Tying it over half his face, Seonghwa motioned out to the stalls you’d just wandered. “As long as nobody questions me, ask it and it is yours. That is the least I can do.”
“You’re going to rob this whole-”
“Buy you what you want before we go,” you heard him chuckle beneath his makeshift veil, “I don’t do it often, but I will remind you that I am in something of a lucrative business. Have you seen the blown-glass figurines yet?”
Something about the upward tilt of his tone clued you in- he was just as excited as you were. Perhaps he’s been looking for an excuse to do more than carry out orders. Shaking your head, you moved back to his side. Telling yourself you were only doing it because the man was likely armed, you agreed to go shopping with the first mate of one of the most famed, feared pirate crews in the seven seas.
He bought you each five little glass animals before ushering you onto his ship, one of which contained a silvery effect because that was his favorite color. Maybe you really did need to learn the truth behind the tales.
☠ Yunho ☠
The sky was bluer than the sea that day. Shifting your grip on your parasol, you made your leisurely way down the wooden steps, careful not to step on your skirts. The beach was your happy place, the spot you sought to quiet unwelcome thoughts beneath the roar of waves.
Inheritance was not supposed to be so lonely. Being the only heir to a fortune was the dream of many, but you’d have far preferred not being the final member of your family, the only one alive to receive the estate. Take all the fine furniture, every painting on your walls, if you could give back your loneliness in exchange. Certainly you’d receive marriage proposals soon enough once the word got out, but why would anyone marry a suitor who only sought your hand for the money they thought it held? Would marriage to a stranger not be simply a small plaster over a larger, bloodier wound? You wanted nothing more than to fall in love, but until then solitude was the finest, nay, the only, solution.
Instead of dwelling on it, you tried to use your newfound fortunes for good and calmed those thoughts that flitted like troublesome mosquitoes at the sea’s edge.
The wind whipped about your head, whistling in your ears as your bare feet fell upon warm, dry sand, ground shifting beneath their gentle weight. Taking step after step further, uncaring of the grains sticking to your feet and clinging to the hem of your skirt, you soon approached the powerful waters. It was low tide. Small waves formed wide crests some distance out from where you stood just out of the water’s reach. Stooping, you picked up a sand dollar, rubbing rough sand off between your fingers. It would go in your shell jar with other pretty seaside offerings.
The sea kept you company, dulling your desire for a conversational partner. Restlessness took over your feet, carrying you toward a gathering of rocks near the raised hills. As a child, you loved squeezing into little hollows and pretending you’d found a new home.
Nostalgia propelled you toward the hill, where you found your lips parting in surprise. A hollow you had found, yet this one looked quite a bit deeper than a divot to crouch in. This was truly a cave.
It was dim, curtained with dangling dried seaweed you timidly parted with the back of your hand, heartbeat picking up as you realized you could have stumbled upon a makeshift home on the sea built beneath the hilltop houses.
You jumped as your foot struck something cold, lifting it at once with aversion before you realized it wasn’t wet, it was…gold?
Gold coins covered the cave floor as if sprayed upon it. Kicking them aside, you squinted into the dim space, moving toward the rocky edge and sliding along that wall toward the center. There, a chest sat, a padlocked box opened to overflow with riches like in every tale of pirates you’d heard.
Your next breath was interrupted by a hand clapping across your mouth, suppressing your shout of alarm. The cold steel of a knife’s edge rested against your throat. Straining, you fought to sink your teeth into the large hand, which released your lips and whirled you around as your body struggled against your captor’s.
“Wait, you’re a woman?”
Your captor was tall, younger than you’d have imagined- near your age, it seemed. His wide-eyed expression was surprisingly innocent for one pressing a blade to your jugular. Clad in a loose-sleeved, open black tunic, high boots, and a much larger blade sheathed at his side, it was little wonder what you’ve stumbled upon.
This was the hiding place of a pirate.
“Yes, I am,” you whispered, fear rising as heat to your face with each small motion of your neck, “why? What do you want with me?”
“I don’t know yet,” he admitted, deflating slightly, “what brings you here?”
“I- I used to like pretending to explore caves as a child.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it. Let me go and I leave. I return home and never speak a word. I wish no further fortune. Please,” you begged.
The pirate lowered his knife, a different look in his eyes. Sympathy? Calculation? Then, it fell in favor of a smile.
“That is refreshing. Your…your husband is waiting, isn’t he?”
You shook your head. “I have none. Who but a lonely fool would go running off into a cave?” You joked weakly, a hand waving at the dim expanse. “Truly, I want no trouble. Just admiring the sea.”
“I understand,” the pirate replied, look softening still, “guilty myself, quite frequently. Come, let us leave this hole, huh?”
Not that you had any choice, you thought grimly, glancing one more time at the pair of sheathed blades the man carried as you stepped carefully back out of the rocky hollow and into the sun. With a breath of relief, you looked out upon the calm blue-grey waves again.
“I love looking at the clouds, too,” the pirate told you, pointing a surprisingly fair hand, one which bore a single silver ring upon the little finger, at one fat shape drifting across the sky, “like that one there. Reminds me of a snail!”
Reminds me of a snail? However you thought pirates behaved, this was not it. You chanced another laugh and the man smiled.
“What?” He fixed you with a smile of surprise.
“Not what I expected, that is all.”
“I’m sorry about the knife. That chest, we- This land is very affluent. My friend’s hometown? They have nothing. These riches could rebuild the whole thing from the ground up.”
“Oh, is that what pirates do?” You asked with an arch of your brow and a sardonic smile.
Guilt flashed across the tall man’s face, then steel returned to his eyes. “Not all of it, no. You would not believe what happens unpunished on other shores, though.”
“And you give that to them?” You asked.
“Sometimes,” he nodded, “and that is why I need the comfort of the sea, of my companions at my side. The sea quiets many a memory.”
“I understand that,” you reply, “perhaps both of us are lonely fools, then.”
“You needn’t be,” he shrugged, glancing out along the water again, “care to take a walk? I suppose I owe you.”
“All you pirates deal in is favors,” you tutted, but you still followed him.
You strolled in oddly comfortable silence for some time, feet caked then with sand they sunk into every time the man stooped, plucking something from the sand he never revealed. He looked down at his hands a great deal, occasionally nodding at fallen jellyfish or clouds to show you and once bursting into a run, chasing a squawking seagull and bringing another smile to your lips. You two had entered the shallow edge of the sea, feet submerged and rocks housing the cave were specks on your eyes’ horizon when he finally held out his busy hands. Dangling from them was a string of dainty orange shells. Your head tilted in surprise, you extended your right wrist when he nodded at it, letting him fasten the shells there. This time, his grin was wide, childlike, and he was a new man.
“So,” he asked proudly, “are we even now?”
“For threatening my life? Not yet,” you replied, shaking your head, “not until I meet the whole crew.”
Baffled, the pirate spoke again. “You seek an audience with my captain and crew?”
You crossed your arms, stealing his prior look of victory with pride lifting your chest. “Do you want a safe house on these waters or not?”
☠ Yeosang ☠
“Well, what say you, handsome?”
The man in question’s eyes bugged, tavern torchlight reflected in the shine of their deep irises. “What say me?”
“Yes, you,” you teased, a hand raising to rest on his shoulder, “care for a dance or not? If no, well, I suppose I-”
“I do,” he blurted out, glancing at your hand, “I definitely do. Let us dance.”
And as if he were a different man he stood up from the stone bench and took you in his arms, holding you like you were made of glass and yet turning you effortlessly in time with the crowd’s other couples.
You’d been sat across from him, sipping your drink and listening to him tell a stupid joke about two fish when you decided you had to be his. Something about the dreamy smile, the way he said he wrote a few poems out at sea, the way he was the last to laugh in the little group and how his eyes so clearly lit up with late recognition. So you’d asked him to dance, not even knowing he’d been blessed with that, too.
Soon the raucous tune was melting into a softer shanty, something begging for a slower sway, and you took the opportunity to slide the man’s hands about your waist.
“The moon is full. Why are you not sailing?” You asked him.
“We have business in town here.”
You quirked a brow, head jerking towards the group of three men he’d been sat with. “Like singing and drinking?”
“You may not see it, but I am conducting it.” He smiled cheekily.
“Much like writing your poems, I imagine,” you replied, “it is always on your mind.”
He nodded, then burst into a giggle, eyes falling from yours. “Something like that. And what fine work do you find yourself in?”
“Me? I am a jeweler’s daughter. Unconventional, perhaps, but I am learning the trade.”
“Good at identifying stones, then? And putting all the pieces together? Not to mention the beautiful designs- a valuable skill set indeed,” your dance partner flushed, pulling you that much closer, and something in it sent an ache through your beating heart.
“Thank you,” your eyelashes fluttered, “I try. Say, shall we go where we can see the stars?”
Your bodies stilled, the man nodding and taking your arm, leading you out to the surprisingly solitary patio. As you tapped across the wood, you saw him stealing glances, lips breaking into a wide, involuntary smile.
“Beautiful, just beautiful.” He glanced very fleetingly between the sky and you, as if your chest hadn’t turned enough somersaults for one evening.
You told him your name. He told you his- Yeosang, it was. And that, that and the way he muttered about his favorite constellation being visible, was enough. The two of you had stood about peering widely into each other’s eyes, frozen, waiting on a word- a word you had no need for. Surging forward like the waves you could hear crashing on the shore below, you cupped Yeosang’s cheeks, pulling his lips into yours and smiling at the hum of surprise he gave into the kiss before responding.
Soon, your tongues had resumed the night’s prior dance, each of you pulling back just enough to get a breath in, never daring end the kiss. His lips were soft, never once challenging yours, just savoring the feeling of them, the taste mingled with the salty breeze as he clutched your waist for dear life.
Finally, though, you parted, lips swollen and smiling as you stared into those wide eyes, his hands still resting firmly on you.
“Wow. And here I thought pickpocketing a solid gold watch was my highlight for the evening,” he chuckled, shaking his head, “but I’d turn on my heel and give it back if it meant you’d run off, come with me.”
This time, it was your eyes that bugged, forgetting briefly the starlight reflected in his. “You’re a thief?”
“A pirate,” he corrected, “one who loves shiny things as much as you, I daresay.”
“Ah,” you laughed the shock away, “now I see why my skills are so valuable.”
“I appreciate the craftsmanship too!” He shot back indignantly, hand that wasn’t on your waist rising to rest above his heart. “For pirates, we all love beautiful things, us eight. Building them, taking them apart, sharing them, stealing them. You would be a natural. And even if you weren't I would have you anyway. So, what say you?”
☠ San ☠
Inhaling deeply, you breathed in the warm, comforting aroma of the stew being ladled into the bowl you held out, barely suppressing a sigh. Thanks fell from your lips again and again, yet the old woman just smiled.
“You remind me of my daughter when she was your age. Can you tell me what happened? If you wish it, if you wish not to speak of it, I understand.”
Shaking your head as you took a spoonful of stew, its warmth radiating through you, you spike when you were ready. “I was orphaned some years ago. My family’s landlord had no pity on a young girl, so my meager income was not nearly enough to satisfy him.”
In your hometown, you’d been known as the shoe-shine girl, for that was how you made your money. But years of your former neighbors, people who knew your name and acted as friends, barely doing more to help you than dropping a coin in passing ached nearly worse than homelessness or hunger. A lot of the help came as just enough for them to feel better.
So you found a town with a boardinghouse welcoming enough to let you stay, your first night there heaven as you fell upon a feathered mattress for the first time in what felt like an aeon. Your new home’s proprietor even prepared you a hot meal, and it took everything you had not to yank her into an embrace. No one had hugged you in so long- not that you’d entirely blame them. This was your first day with a full bath in quite some time, too.
After you told the landlady this, she nodded, and without speaking pulled you into her arms just like you’d imagined. Leaning into the warm embrace, you smiled, energized for the first time in quite a while.
You’d shined three pairs of shoes when he sat down. The sound of boots hitting the plank of your makeshift seat alerted you to another presence as you prepared a new rag. As soon as you turned around the man smiled, and you were taken by how handsome he was. Around your age, the man had sharp features, but the kindest face to greet you upon traveling beside your landlady’s. Black hair fell upon his forehead and his dark eyes lit up when you met them. His clothes were nothing formal, in fact you took him to be a worker despite his regal features and the elegant, sweeping bow he gave you from his seated position. Maybe a docker, judging by the muscle his tucked, sleeveless white tunic revealed.
“Might I shine?”
“I daresay you already do,” you replied with a smile, pleased at the flush of his face- did he not receive many compliments? “Few in this area have been so polite or kind to me.”
His mouth fell open in genuine shock. “Even the townsfolk?”
“This one has proven more friendly than my former home,” you replied as you began working on his boots, alternating between looking up to meet the man’s eyes and cleaning the leather as best as you could.
“The people seem good here,” the man agreed, “fair.”
Smiling at the way he glanced at you with the final word, you found yourself torn between drawing out your work and giving the man the most efficient shining you could. He distracted you from your duties enough, pointing out birds that flew overhead and gleefully calling a cat over to stroke while you worked, making sure you took a break to pet her, too. He told you stories of the sea, too- a sailor, it seemed, not just a docker. It made you long for the glittering expanse yourself, the sound of the waves even louder than it could be heard a bit inland at town’s center. The sight of water lapping upon wood, your hands dangling down to greet it, you could almost see it as your customer spoke and scrawled with charcoal on a little pad.
In the shine of it all, the glow of all the kindness you’d suddenly come to enjoy in a day, you forgot to push your coin hat forward when he left, but caught the glint if him dropping something into it regardless as he left, shaking your hand warmly. It was as if life was making up for lost time, apologizing for your wanderings. Good things coming to those who waited.
After watching your latest customer’s trim figure disappear around the corner, sparing you one more glance and wave that fluttered your heart, you turned around, picking up the old hat of your father’s off the cobblestone to peer inside.
Your jaw dropped. Rather than coin, the sailor had placed within the battered band the most gorgeous necklace you had ever laid eyes upon. Dripping with soft pink and yellow topaz, the gold chain sparkled in your hand. The number of gems shocked you, too- its wearer’s neck would be entirely ringed with the oval-cut gems, the largest of which hung on the bottom row. You began rising, ready to chase after the man and tell him you couldn’t accept something like that. How on Earth could a simple sailor even afford something like-
A torn piece of parchment tumbled into your lap, bouncing of your unfolding knee as you stood. Holding the necklace gingerly with your left hand, you smoothed it and picked it up from the ground between your thumb and forefinger. As you walked, hat and necklace clutched tightly in hand, you scanned the note.
‘Miss (y/n),
The way your eyes lit up when I spoke of the sea sparked hope in me- hope for you, hope for the people of this town. Even more now do I wish to give back to them. If you care not to join me and my crew, I will still smile at your beautiful memory, hoping to be met with it again someday. And of course that my gift has helped you earn your deserved lot (though it would look very nice too!).
Choi San (don’t tell anyone this though on account of the wanted thing- I trust the shoe shine girl!)’
Rounding a corner, you picked up speed, taking your skirt in hand and feeling a flood of relief that the lane was not crowded. Soles thudded against stone as you wound past the baker’s stall, catching a glimpse of black hair and white tunic. As if playing a child’s game, you tapped his shoulder as he caught up, relishing in his jump of shock as it melted into a smile. Words failed you as his head tilted, ready to listen; all you could do was hold up the note, nodding.
☠ Mingi ☠
The moment the sound of the windows shattering pierced you, you were on your feet, scurrying towards the nearest doorway. Clanging metal and gunshots rang out behind you as you crawled as close to the ground as you could.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” a deep voice rang out from behind you.
With a shudder, you turned around, seeing a tall, hatted silhouette surrounded by the chandeliers’ light. “You don’t?” You asked, shuffling to a half-seated position, legs folded at your side.
“These people aren’t your friends, are they?
“What makes you say that?” You shot back, arms crossing defiantly in spite of the way your eyes avoided the pistols slung at each of the man’s hips.
“You were willing to leave them for dead,” he chuckled, “you were only interested in saving yourself. Something about that told me these people haven’t exactly shown you much kindness.”
Posture softening, you sighed. “You are, unfortunately, correct. I’m all but being sold into a marriage to a man who’s been nothing but horrible to me.”
The man in the hat glanced beyond the counter you’d been ducked behind. “Er, fellow with a purple jacket? Ponytail?”
You nodded.
“I suspect you will no longer have to marry him. Will you show me up to this house’s main chambers?”
“I will,” you nodded again, wondering if you had much of a choice, “but what are you saying?”
“I’m saying you’re free,” the man stepped forward once more, this time revealing the kindest smile you’d seen in a long time. Quite a contrast to the guns. “Free, just like me.” He extends a hand, helps you up. “You could even join us on the ship if you find no happiness here.”
As you left the room, making for the stairs, you glanced down at the stiff, fine clothes you hated being yanked into every day. Clothes someone else’s money bought to fabricate a standing, a life for you. You were silent as the tall man, grinning like a charming, eager young boy, shot the lock out of the estate owners’ vault, and filled a sack with jewels.
“What do you want?”
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
He waved his revolver over an array of fine rings, necklaces, bracelets, furs. “I offer you your pick. Even if it is to be your last, this is your first plunder, isn’t it? We always keep a sign of it.”
Eyes drifting across the glittering spoils, one standing out to you immediately, your hand darted out with speed surprising even to you. An onyx seal ring, the shining black surface stamped with the crest of the family you would now never join. You strung it on a chain and fastened it around your neck.
As you looked up to the hatted stranger, your eyes hardened. “I’ll join you on the trip, pirate.”
The pirate with the pistols grinned at you proudly, though a good percentage of it seemed to be self-satisfaction, that he knew you would. “On one condition.”
Your fingers curled into a fist instinctively, used to strings being tied around your actions. “What?”
And then the smirk melted back to the boyish smile as he patted your shoulder gently, reassuringly. “Call me Mingi.”
And as he led you out of the foyer, trying his best to distract you from the handful of bodies laying about the room with sea stories, somehow all you could feel was your numbness fading away, turning to excitement.
☠ Wooyoung ☠
“Hey, now what is a beauty like you doing in a place like this?”
Your eyes practically got sprains from how hard they rolled. As if such words had not been spit at you five times already that very evening. Badly as you wanted to ignore the man, you were serving him. In title of vocation only.
Swiveling on your heels, you bit out, “Making the best bit of coin I can without selling myself.”
At that, the man winced, black hair flowing back as his head bowed slightly. You smirked. Half the men that came through the tavern were all bark, no bite, and that was fine by you. You had enough bite for two after a few years there. Several bruised patrons would have been able to attest to that.
“You’re trying to survive too, aren’t you?” His voice, boisterous moments before, softened to just above a whisper.
Eyeing him suspiciously, you remained where you stood, tugging up the far-too-open-for-your-liking bodice of your dress. “What do you mean?”
“That this world isn’t kind to orphans and outcasts,” he shrugged, running a hand through his hair. He was handsome in a roguish sort of way- clearly not high society, you could tell that much. But you’d have been able to say the same for any clientele of a tavern such as that which employed you. “You are far too beautiful to be cast to the fringes. You should be sailing the high seas, your name inspiring fear, terror, and arou- er, well, anyway, you do not deserve this drudgery.”
You crossed your arms, but leaned closer to where he reclined, boots on the table. “And what would you have me do? Risk whatever the ruffians on the nearest pirate ship would do to a woman?”
He shook his head. “You have that wrong, my dear. Have you hear no tales of the pirate queens? We have much greater respect for women than you’ll find here.”
“Cute words for the man whose first line was the cheapest flirt I’ve ever heard,” you countered.
“I’ll get you a sword as sharp as your words,” he shot back, leaning closer, your noses almost touching. You could feel his breath on your face.
He didn’t back down, so you didn’t either, eyes steeling further.
“I can’t believe you are not a pirate already,” he chuckled, smiling widely, giddily, as he leaned back again, “if you join us, you can smack around all the deserving scoundrels you want. Like those horrible officers you put in their place earlier.”
You’d seen them grab women and throw innocents in their carriage enough times, not to mention not tipping you. Trying their old routine on your coworker was the final straw, and you knew just how to make a tipped tray look like an accident. So did the young, roguish pirate that grinned from your table, apparently. You couldn’t help a proud smirk, one he gladly returned.
Your fingers twitched. The part of you that had been on edge for so long, tired of being grabbed by rowdy patrons and ordered around, wanted nothing more than to land a solid punch upon this man, and yet your heart fluttered with excitement. Perhaps your fighting spirit was in need of a vessel. Seafaring pun intended.
“You take me to your ship tonight,” you told the man, “and I speak to your captain. Anything goes wrong, I will not hesitate to make the seas run red.”
“Oh, I doubt it not,” the man purred, leaning his elbow on the table, chin upon a gloved hand, “well, to celebrate, how’s about a dance?”
Curse the fool, you loved dancing. Well, at least he looked quite fit for it, you reflected as he stood up, movements graceful as he took your hand and whirled you off toward the tavern’s music. And judging by his earnest smile, the pirate loved it as much as you did. He spun you dizzy until you couldn’t help but laugh.
“There we go, now we’re smiling! Can I have a name, then, or do we save that for the captain?”
“Only if you tell me yours,” you chuckled, grip on his firm shoulder tightening a bit when you careened close to an open stool.
“Wooyoung. I sail with the Eightfold- though perhaps we have room for a ninth after all.”
“Don’t push it,” you told him, but the smile you shared as you bobbed about the room said otherwise.
Fortuitous had your father's connections become, it was said, that you had been invited to such a ball. Couples danced in sweeping circles, women's skirts opening like blooming flowers as they whirled around, and you hoped to join them soon. A new dress had even been purchased for the occasion, so you were decked out in a winsome cut of your favorite color as you crossed the glittering ballroom with your drink.
Your opportunity came in the form of a young man you had never seen before approaching you, serious expression melting into a small, handsome smile as he carefully extended a hand, asking if you'd like to dance.
"Certainly," you agreed, and as he led you to the floor you couldn't help staring into the allure of his deep brown eyes.
His hands held you firmly as you waltzed a few songs through, his expression careful and calm as you eventually introduced yourself, asking his name in return.
"Choi Jongho," he replied quietly, as if it were a secret. You hadn’t heard it before, you were certain.
"Well, it truly is a pleasure. Is this your first of such occasions?"
"It is."
You lit up. "Mine too! And who are you acquainted with here-”
A loud smashing of wood resounded behind you, killing your sentence on your lips as you cried out in alarm. Turning you away from the sound, Jongho kept a hand on your shoulder, scanning the room with such calm on his face, you could hardly help but wonder if he expected destruction wherever he went. Leaning into the warm point of contact, you watched awestruck as he launched into the ballroom, meeting a blow by another far more roughly dressed man.
Your hands flew to your face as your dance partner landed a punch himself, the other man attempting to shove him into the drink table in retaliation. He stood his ground, though, as couples scurried across the dance floor, some screaming and some simply muttering indignance, thinking them drunkards. You watched as Jongho lifted the ruffian like he was but a sack of flour, flipping him onto his back and pinning him beneath the heel of his shoe.
“You think I had no cover? The others had you running, it seems,” he shook his head, expression still as if it was a casual conversation, “fight with honor next time. This is our bounty.”
Wide-eyed, you watched as Jongho stood the man up, wiping off the front of his dirty tunic, and hauled him out the door. Half his words were lost upon your ears, but you couldn’t help flushing a bit at his strength. You gaped as he made his way back over to you, bowing his head in apology.
“I am sorry you had to see that,” he told you, smiling earnestly, looking only slightly ruffled for the first time as several ball-goers crowded him, shaking his hand in thanks.
“You have no reason to be, that was amazing!” You gushed, laughingly pulling him free of the crowd to sit at a table. “It was like you knew that man would come crashing in! In fact, it was almost as if…you knew each other.” Your eyes narrowed.
Talks of thieves had drifted through the city of late. Robberies during a dinner or ball, right under the cover of pandemonium. Had that fight been staged?
Jongho sighed. “I was hoping you hadn’t heard that. Believe me or not, that man was no one I care to associate with. Murderous thieves, all they want is gold to line their pockets.”
You frowned slightly, tugging on the sleeve of your fine gown as you searched his eyes. “And you and your…others? What do they want if not that, then? What is your bounty?”
“I won’t lie to you- we steal,” Jongho replied bluntly, straightening his jacket as well, “have you heard the tale of Robin Hood? Think of our crew as the Merry Men, then.”
Cocking a brow, you stepped back and forth. “Robbing the rich to give to the poor?”
Jongho nodded. “The aristocracy has gotten out of hand. Er, no offense.”
“None taken. I am only here for a rare bit of fun. Call my family middle class,” you answered, biting your lip as you processed your dance partner’s admission, catching his stately reflection in one of the estate walls’ looking glasses, “though we are working our way up. Station is the only way to succeed in this world, after all.”
“We want to change that,” Jongho shot back, crossing his arms, gaze lighting as a newly-oiled lamp.
“I cannot blame you. My only task in this world is to marry well and hope I enjoy it. These balls are quite nice, though.”
Jongho snickered at your words before his gaze softened again. “And are you enjoying it?”
“I have no suitors,” you replied, “dancing tonight was my opportunity. All I could hope for was to fall in love tonight.”
“Well, sorry I derailed that. I’ll let you get back to it, then.”
Your chest sunk as he started to walk away, though, every tap of his shoes against marble echoing louder even than the orchestra to you. Without thinking, you reached out, catching his elbow. “No.”
He arched a brow, sending it all but disappearing beneath his shining black bangs. “No?”
“I cannot in good conscience turn back to this all. You are right. Let me help you. I can pretend to lead you out to the garden for a stroll. Meet there with your others.”
And for the first time, Jongho grinned widely at you, an expression joyous enough to send your already jittery heart leaping straight out of your chest. He nodded.
“The Merry Men were never complete without Marion.”
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Celebrating Arno's Birthday
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Her sneaking out of bed to fix him some breakfast and bringing it to him in bed. He woke up and worried about where she was, instantly reaching over to her place in the bed to hold her but finding an empty and vaguely warm spot. His panic was eased when she came through the doors and smiled at him, instantly making him happy.
His love learning how to sing 'Happy Birthday' in French to him to help wake him up the morning of his birthday. It brings a ridiculously adorable sleepy and happy smile from the French assassin, and he hugs her tightly pulling her down to his chest in affectionate thanks.
Baking this man a cake! I think he would like chocolate (or honestly, he would be so flattered if his love baked him an entire cake that he wouldn't care what flavor it was he would love it!)
Idk why but I'm into knitting so I'm going with it...knitting Arno some socks haha. He deserves them! But with how France tends to have rainfall on the high side throughout the year, personally I worry about him getting his boots wet, and having cold, wet feet which will lead to him getting sick. Soooo NOT happening! He needs lots of socks so when he comes home, those socks get changed and he gets warm!
Repairing his weapons if they need it. Sharpening his cutlass sword (not like that ya dirty minded nasties), cleaning his pistol (oh my gosh...I'm setting myself up with these lol) and sewing any buttons that have been lost back onto his coat/replacing them. Stocking the Phantom Blade with poison darts so he's ready to kick bahookie when fighting time comes.
Write him a love letter and he's the kind of man who will carry it in his coat pocket right over his heart. Just tell him how much you love and appreciate him, how you'll always be there for him, and how though you worry about him as an assassin you trust that he'll always come back to her.
Choosing a flattering colors of fabric to turn into numerous new cravats for him (he looks VERY dashing in red and blue we already know). Perhaps a green one to compliment his Pantene commercial hair 😂 and chocolate brown eyes. A cream one that goes well with his dark blue coat.
I love the idea of a personalized cravat pin for him. Perhaps something with his initials carved into it, or a loving saying from her in French 🥺🥹🥺, with a stone that compliments his eyes (like amber, emerald or ruby).
Giving him a portrait of lover's eyes (legit what they sound like - back then they carried small portraits of their lover's eyes with them). Including the little beauty mark under her right eye just on her cheekbone, which he loves to kiss and stroke with his thumb.
Giving him a massage either on his shoulders and back or his head. Or both. He loves it when she plays with his hair, whether it's carding her fingers through his hair or braiding it lol. He loves the time she spends touching him and how much her touch relaxes him as he just lays there like a lazy cat on her lap, soaking her attention up.
Believe that he would enjoy lying in bed with her as they drink hot chocolate just having a lazy day together. He also particularly enjoys her presence next to him in just a chemise...extra points if she has her stockings on because she's cold. They'll talk about anything and everything or just lay together in comfortable silence, holding hands as he holds her legs in his lap rubbing her shins and calves.
Highly believe that he would enjoy her reading to him. Perhaps Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xuequin (pub. 1761) aka the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet. Camilla by France Burney (pub. 1796) or Celestina by Charlotte Smith (pub. 1791).
This lovely man does not require birthday sex. He's just happy to have her with him and in his life because he could be completely alone. He's more than content to hold you in his arms and spend the day with her talking, kissing, and enjoying her company.
If she does however decide to give him a little something 'extra' expect a lot of blushing and giggling coming from the bedroom until the wee hours of the morning 😉😏😳.
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panda-writes-kpop · 9 months
Oh Captain, My Captain ~ Pirate!Winter
a/n: I recently watched the one piece live action while suffering from red-haired winter brain rot... thus this fic was created. @foolish-sparrow, my pirate queen and favorite mother figure, this one's for you. ❤️ also last fic of 2023, so I hope the new year treats you all well!
tw: possible ooc aespa girlies (I have never written for them before), violence (guns, swords, and death, oh my!), alcohol mentions, one suggestive mention
word count ~ 2.9k
summary: as a first mate to the captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, your job is simple. 1.) keep everyone in line, 2.) keep the ship running above water, and most importantly, 3.) remind your captain and lover that she needs to take a break every once in a while (after you plunder some enemy pirates, of course!)
♡ Masterlist ♡
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"Come here, my love." Winter's voice rings out over the hustle and bustle of her crew as you slip past a few of them to head up the stairs, towards the helm of the ship.
Every great captain needed a reliable first mate. Someone they could trust when shit went sideways - as it often did as a pirate sailing the seas.
As luck would have it, you were the first mate to Winter's adventures as a captain, but your relationship quickly grew beyond what was conventional for a captain and a crew mate.
It's not like anyone's opinions mattered - if someone was out of line, a few days strung to the front of the ship set them straight. Winter was less harsh on her crew then most pirates, and had a semi-stable moral compass, but she couldn't let everything slide.
"I'm here, Minjeong, do you need something?" You ask as she backs away from the wheel to fish something out of her pocket.
"If I didn't know you better, I'd take that as a form of disrespect," She teases before tossing you a small necklace, "You should respect your captain, especially if they're pickpocketing necklaces off of dead rival pirates."
"I'm sorry, Captain Winter," You catch the necklace before mockingly bowing, "should I kiss your feet next time as a form of respect?"
"I'd prefer you started with my mouth-"
You scoff before admiring the necklace.
The rubies hanging along the necklace shine right in comparison to the gold chain it hangs on. There's a bit of rust on the necklace - from old money, you assume - but you know Winter means well. She often doesn't have much left over to spend on the two of you - she likes to reward her crew for a job well done when she's not fixing cannonball-sized holes in her ship.
You don't hesitate to put it on before answering her.
"Darling, if you want to kiss me, you don't have to grandstand. I'd do it for you anyways."
You lean in to kiss her, as she does the same, before a cannonball hits the left side of the ship. Winter grabs the nearest bolted-down object before catching you in her arms.
"You good?" She asks as you nod in response. "Way to ruin a moment."
"You'll really earn a kiss after this one, Captain." You look back to see a massive ship coming from the distance as your crew scrambles to be on the offensive.
Winter quickly goes to her feet before unsheathing her cutlass from her side.
"I've got this side covered. Go find Karina, Giselle, and Ningning. They're on strict orders to fire whatever they can find until we get close enough to invade their ship."
You're quick to your feet as well as you scan the crew members below you for the three girls you're looking for.
"I'm on it, Captain," You smile before backing away and blowing her a kiss, "but don't kick their asses too hard, alright?"
"If everything goes to plan, they'll regret setting sights on our ship." Winter swings her sword in the air as fellow pirates rally to her side and prepare for the incoming battle.
You scurry away on your mission with a sickeningly sweet smile on your face.
It's never a dull day on the seas with you, is it, Minjeong?
You catch Ningning on your way below deck, and you toss her your extra knife - she'll need it, given that hers find their way into the enemy's neck.
Below deck, Giselle is giving strict instructions to a few new recruits on how to fire the cannons. She spots you and waves as your eyes scan around the room.
"We're guns ablazing down here. How are we upstairs?" Giselle asks before tossing a cannonball into a nearby cannon.
"Everyone's ready, but I'm on the captain's orders to find Karina. Where's our head marksman?" 
"Check the gunroom. I think she snuck off with a girl - another marksman, perhaps?" 
"Damn you, Karina." You grumble before placing a hand on Giselle's back. "We're still up for drinks?"
"As long as I kick your ass at poker afterwards, then yes."
"You got lucky," You scowl for a moment as Giselle lights a match to set off the cannon, "but keep things running smoothly down here. I have a lovesick puppy to chase."
Giselle softly laughs as you plug your ears and move past the cannons. A few cannons fire off before you make your way to the gunroom. You try to open the door, but it's locked.
"Karina!" You loudly pound on the door before you hear two women squeal.
"Don't come in!" Karina yells.
"Wasn't planning on it, but we need you upstairs in the crow's nest. We're under attack from another ship." You announce before pounding on the door. "You can answer to me, or answer to your Captain. Either way-"
The door quickly unlocks and reveals a disheveled Karina along with another girl behind her in a similar state. 
"Don't tell Winter about this, please-"
"Get moving and I won't say another word." You step out of her way, and Karina scurries to above deck after grabbing her gun. "You too, c'mon!"
The other girl makes a noise resembling a cross between a shriek and a squeal before hurrying out of the room. You quickly close the door, but not before grabbing your favorite toy - a musket you lovingly called Killjoy.
With your specialists ready for battle, it was time to head back upstairs and see how much closer the other ship had gotten.
"Nice of you to join us, Karina," Winter jests as you join her at the side of the ship, "get up in that crow's nest and start shooting!"
"Got it." She nods before giving you a pleading look.
You wink at Karina, who deeply sighs before heading off.
"Which girl was she caught with this time?" Winter pinches the bridge of her nose in annoyance as you eye the rapidly approaching sea vessel.
"One of her marksmen. A new recruit, if I'm not mistaken." You ready Killjoy in your arms as the two ships are nearly about to collide.
Although Winter's ship has taken some damage, the other ship is about two more cannon blasts from going under. It makes sense that they'd try to get close, but they didn't know the talent of her crew.
With a skilled marksman, a masterful assassin, a crafty navigator who likes to play with fire, and the best swordsman to sail the coast, you had little to fear with your crew. You could hold your own, as could the rest of the crew, but you did like to let them show off - it gave you a clear reputation in the seas.
The two ships collide, causing you to grab the railing along with Winter.
"Charge!" She yells as a few members of your crew, including Ningning, swing across to jump aboard the other ship.
Karina quickly shoots down most of the pirates who swing towards your ship. In your arms, Killjoy is a deadly weapon, so you're able to down the last two pirates on your left. 
Before you can check your other side, Winter slices through a pirate that was headed your direction.
"Check both sides next time." She teases as you aim behind her shoulder and shoot down another enemy pirate.
"You watch the front, I've got your back." You say with a smile as Winter charges in front of you to take down another set of pirates who have just swung in.
You aim your musket at a pirate who swings in towards you, but you miss the shot due to a large explosion on the enemy ship that kicks up smoke and debris.
"Giselle, can you aim the grenades a little farther next time?" You scold the girl who appears next to you before she hands you a nearby trident.
"Accounting for distance and smoke, throw this ten degrees portside." Giselle, albeit a little too willing for your liking, takes Killjoy from your hands as you follow her instructions.
"I can't see anything-"
"-just trust me!" She yells as you throw the trident.
Sure enough, a pirate comes charging your way out of the smoke, but your trident pierces through his heart and lungs before he can reach you.
"How did you do that?" You're in shock as you grab the trident from the dead pirate.
"I'm the navigator. I'm supposed to know where everything is," Giselle aims your musket at the sky and shoots a pirate that neither of you could see, "but I did guess that they would charge you head on instead of moving to the side."
"Remind me to fish you out of the captain's cabin more often, mapmaker. You've got some serious talent." You compliment Giselle as the smoke finally clears and you can see who is coming your way.
"I like to make myself useful." She shrugs before easily downing another pirate that tries and fails to swing across to your boat. "I'll return her back to you in one piece."
"You better, or so help me God-" You grumble as Giselle heads to the quarterdeck to fend off more enemy pirates.
On the other ship, Ningning stabs two pirates at once before they both fall to the ground. Another tries to charge her, but a casual knife throw backwards ends their pursuit before it has a chance to start.
You've made enough of a dent in their crew that most fights are two versus one, and your trident stabs two pirates like a kabob before hitting the mainmast. 
You grab a sword from a long-deceased pirate as you jump into the fray. You parry an oncoming blow before pushing the other pirate back. Another tries to swing at your feet, but you're quick to jump out of the way and land a blow to their side.
Winter jumps in and kicks one of the pirates to the ground before stabbing her cutlass through their neck. The pirate you injured tries to move away from you while holding their side, but you rush forward and send them overboard with one push.
A gentle hand grabs yours as a sword comes right in front of your eyes. With two swords in their hands and a flamboyant hat on their head, you're certain that the foe in front of you is the enemy Captain.
Winter pulls you into one of her arms before pointing her cutlass directly at the other captain's chest.
"Surrender now, and we may let you live." She raises an eyebrow at the other captain, who takes a defensive posture.
"My crew and I will rip you to shreds."
"You might want to take a look around, then." Winter lets go of you before gesturing around her with her free hand.
The other captain looks around, panicked, as they notice that most of their crew is dead, overboard, or badly hurt.
Ningning waves her hand from the other ship, along with her remaining frontline fighters.
Karina jumps down from the last rung leading up to the crow's nest as she joins the rest of her marksman on the main deck.
Giselle stands to your left with a single grenade that she menacingly tosses up and down every few seconds.
You and Winter stand side-by-side with both of your swords pointed towards the nervous captain who immediately drops their swords.
"I surrender! Drop your weapons!" The captain barks as the rest of their crew raises their hands and drops their weapons.
With guns and swords drawn, you corral their crew into the corner as Ningning steers the enemy ship close enough that everyone can cross safely to plunder their treasures.
You cross your arms as two of your pirates lower the planks on both ships.
"You first, my dear Captain." You bow to Winter, who scoffs before sheathing her cutlass and offering you her hand.
"The captain and her first mate go together, you know." She smirks as you set aside your sword and take her hand. "Let's hope we find enough treasure to fix the ship."
The ship you plundered was full of treasures, including a fully stocked wine cellar that you and Giselle called dibs on. You found a pearl bracelet that you could probably pawn off for a pretty penny, but it'd look much better on your dearest than a stack of coins.
You're able to slip it into your pocket before anyone notices, and you help the crew members take some ammunition and supplies for yourself as Ningning counts up all of the gold, rubies, and other assorted treasures.
"How much are we looking at?" You ask before sitting next to her.
"More than enough to fix the ship, if that's what you're asking. We might even be able to afford the top-shelf rum." She jokes as you fish a small leather bag from your pocket.
You fill it full of gold coins before tossing it at Ningning.
"What is this for?"
"I know Winter hasn't been able to pay you for a while, so consider our debt settled. You're free to leave when you make it to the next island, if you want." You tell Ningning, who stares at the bag of money for a moment before emptying it back out.
"Months ago, I would've taken this money and ran off. I don't tend to like pirate crews, as a bounty hunter, but your crew is different." 
"Good different or bad different?" You ask.
"Depends on the day." She shrugs as you lightly push her aside.
"C'mon, we're not that bad-"
"I've watched you and Giselle drink a barrel of wine by yourselves-" 
"That was one time, and Karina still owes us money for that." You scoff at the thought as Ningning laughs to herself.
"I think I belong here, at least for now." She softly says after a moment of silence.
"Well, we're always glad to have you aboard." You rub her shoulders before standing up. "We've done enough talking. Let's get this treasure to our ship so we can make it to land before nightfall, which means Giselle and I can get wasted at the first land bar we see."
You roll your shoulders back after taking your second round of shots.
"Ningning's right, the top shelf rum really is the good shit!" Giselle yells over the live band that's playing to entertain the bar guests tonight.
"Who cares if it's top shelf or from the bottom of the barrel, if it'll get me drunk, it's good enough for me." You yell back as Giselle grabs her goblet of wine.
"I'll cheers to that." She says as your goblets smack together before you take a drink of wine.
"Excuse me," A tap on your shoulder causes you to turn around as a smaller member of your crew lightly taps your shoulder, "the captain's looking for you."
"Heading in for an early night?" Giselle teases before you casually flip her off.
"You know how Winter gets, it's all business all the time with her. I'll see if I can get her to relax for a bit." You stand up off of your barstool before nodding to the crew member. "Lead the way."
"If you're not back before the next song ends, I'm finishing your wine!" Giselle yells over the crowd as you roll your eyes.
"You better not!" You loudly respond before you weave through the crowd while watching the crew member in front of you.
Before you know it, you've made it to the back of the bar. Winter lightly traces the rim of her goblet with her pointer finger before her eyes meet yours.
"Thank you, Hana." Winter dismisses the girl with a wave as you slide right next to her in the private booth.
"How's the ship faring?"
"The contractor won't be able to fix all of the damages in a day, so we're stuck on land today and tomorrow." She wistfully says before taking a sip of wine. "Are you keeping an eye on everyone?"
"Love, you need to let everyone relax." You softly say while gently grabbing her arm. "They worked their asses off today, so they deserve a night off."
"The ship-"
"-will be fine. We paid a couple of locals good money to keep thieves off of it. Now, can the captain go off duty so I can speak to my lover?" You pleadingly ask as Winter sighs and removes her captain's hat.
Her beautiful red hair falls down past her shoulder as she hangs her hat on a nearby coat hook.
"Better?" She asks as you admire her hair.
"Better." You say before carefully brushing her hair with your hand. "You should put your hair down more often. It makes you look absolutely divine."
Her hand quickly grabs yours as you're halfway through combing her hair. Careful eyes meet yours as she tilts her head at you.
"Do you really mean that?" Vulnerability slips into her words as you watch her cringe at how child-like she sounds.
"I do," You smile before placing her hand in yours, "but I think I owe my captain a very special reward."
"You do, my first mate." Winter leans in to kiss you, and without the threat of pirate ships, certain death, or nosy crew members, you passionately kiss her back.
I'd spend everyday fighting off enemy pirates if I knew my day would end like this with you.
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kittells · 4 months
If there was a way,
to make the days pay,
and Aquamarine tear
and a ruby eye lay near
a wilting willow tree
and there you will see
a bluebird fly
Over the dawn sky
As the two red and blue consume
Bluebird with resume
Over a vast of valleys
The mountains scratches and tallies
a Fusion will be till the end
and say hello to a new begin
as an ice cutlass makes a mark
the two lovers will together at heart
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howlingday · 1 year
Can you do the self-defense with fruit sketch from Monty Python please?
Yang: So you've done it, right? With a boy?
Ruby: Mhm.
Yang: ...What's it like?
Saphron: I think it's overrated.
Winter: SHUT UP, YOU!
Winter: Good evening, class!
JNRO: Good evening...
Winter: Where's Pyrrha Nikos?!
JNRO: She's not here.
Winter: I can see that! What's the matter with her?!
Jaune: I don't know.
Nora: She's probably sick.
Winter: SICK?! She should eat more fresh fruit! (Cracks neck)
Winter: Okay! Self-defense! Tonight, we'll be carrying on from last week, when I taught you all how to defend yourselves when attacked by someone armed with a piece of fresh fruit! (Cracks neck)
JNRO: (Groan)
Jaune: You did fruit last week!
Ren: And the week before.
Nora: For the past nine weeks!
Winter: OH! So you think you know it all then, huh?!
Oscar: W-Well, why don't we try something new? Like if someone attacks us with a stick?
Winter: WITH A STICK?! OH, OH, OH, so we want to learn how to defend ourselves from a stick, do we?! Aren't we getting all high and mighty?! Fresh fruit not good enough for you, is it?! OH, OH, OH! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, LITTLE LAD! WHENEVER YOU WALK HOME TONIGHT AND SOME CREEP TRIES TO ATTACK YOU WITH HOMICIDAL INTENT, USING A BUNCH OF GOOSEBERRIES, DON'T COME CRYING TO ME!
Winter: Right! Now, let us begin with the passion fruit!
JNRO: We already done the passion fruit.
Winter: What?
Ren: We already did passion fruit.
Nora: We did oranges, apples, grapefruits-
Jaune: Whole and segmented.
Nora: Passion fruits, durians, tomatoes, plums, pineapples, and magoes in syrup!
Winter: ...What about bananas? We haven't done bananas, have we?
JNRO: No...
Winter: RIGHT! Now, how to defend yourself from a madman armed with a banana! It's quite simple! Catch!
Jaune: (Catches)
Winter: First, force him to drop the banana. Then, you eat the banana, rendering him unarmed! He is now helpless!
Ren: What if he's carrying a bushel?
Winter: SHUT UP!
Oscar: What if he has a stick?
Winter: SHUT UP! Now, you, Mister Artichoke!
Jaune: Arc.
Winter: Arc! Right, sorry. Come at me, and mean it this time, for Brother's sake.
Jaune: (Raises banana, Charges, Screaming)
Winter: (Drives cutlass into him, Takes banana)
Jaune: (Falls to the ground)
Winter: Next! You eat the banana! (Eats banana)
Jaune: (Isn't moving)
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pink-pone · 1 year
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pirate crew is complete 😎 let's go!!!
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
Okay, I've been working on this one for a bit
Equal Lady is a weaponsmithing prodigy, right? This is why I see her crafting a very powerful & high-quality weapon(s) for him. To gift to him on their wedding night.
Because, remember, she is extremely protective of her family's legacy, so she honors him greatly by gifting him a weapon of such incredible quality & use.
For WW, she'd gift him a Hwībàkta (IRL Hwi or Hui cutlass of Dahomey) with a design that curls back at the tip like a wave & a depiction of a scene from his favorite Gerudàn tale engraved on the blade (specifically, one he’s confessed to her as giving him strength when he needs it most). It is a one-handed weapon, but the blade itself is wide. This, plus a Parrying Dagger to be kept in the robe sleeve of his non-dominant hand in case someone ever comes at him from that side. (She knows that he has an old injury on that side & she hates the idea of it acting up when he needs to defend himself; this way, he merely has to pull the drawstring inside to cause the dagger to slide into his hand. Though, she's careful not to mention the injury itself as she wishes to respect his pride, which he's likely aware of.)
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For OoT, I specifically see her forging & gifting him with a Dātàrrshik (the Konda-type Claymore he uses in Smash Ultimate. Which, keep in mind that she's much smaller than him, yet she's able to lift it fairly easily even if with a bit of effort.) It is designed to utilize his male-endowed physical strength & to channel his magic, thus allowing for dark magic & lightning magic slashes. Its swings are heavy & brutal.
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For TP, she'd forge a pair of Shōtàrren (Shotels) which are closely associated with the moon in Gerudàn culture much the same way that Moonlight Scimitars are. She'd create the blades themselves out of sterling silver (a silver-copper alloy) & steel. She'd then add the Monster Horn & Moonstones by melting them down then folding it into the metal which would keep the sterling silver-steel alloy from separating. Then, she'd add a Moonstone to the guard & use Twilight Lizalfos (Silver Lizalfos with a Twilight element) leather to wrap the handles. Thus, giving them the Twilight (both Light & Shadow) element. My thoughts for the names could be Laashàméda Tàrr (Waxing Crescent) & Laawàltéda Tàrr (Waning Crescent). This allows him to channel Light, Shadow, or Twilight.
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For HW, she gifts him a Gib'balubéïr'jï Kshuraf (Executioner's Blade; inspired by the Ngombe Ngulu blade of Africa) & a Ràsattàr (Head King; inspired by both a Yoruba & an Omozo, made to kill with a single slash). Both are one-handed & are meant to be used together. One deals exorbitant pain & the other puts them out of that misery respectively. Named Qrāsra Sāqsha & Dayraīs Gib (Cruel Life & Merciful Death) respectively.
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For TotK, she forged a Sham'shïr. Which is if a Scimitar were 2-handed. Basically, it's a Dadao in the style of a Moonlight Scimitar. An ancient & long-forgotten Gerudo weapon that she discovered the design for in her exploration of the Gerudo Desert. (In this way, she's somewhat returning a bit of the Gerudo's own culture to them.) She melted down the Monster Horns (Lynel Saber Horn & Fire Gleeok Horn) & Rubies, folding them into Dawasaaq steel (equivalent of Damascus steel) from the Highlands. The handle is wrapped in stripes of Shadow Lizalfos leather (which are basically just Black Lizalfos with a Shadow element that I made up). She then affixed a Black Pearl to the pommel, then engraved “Fa’gáron” in Gerudo (meaning hellfire) & an image of a great dragon upon the blade. By running his fingers along the edge & speaking that word, the sword will be engulfed in black flames fueled by his On’nen or Malice. He names it Fa'gáron'jï Bojaqàr, “Hellfire's Shadow.” It has 176 damage potential.
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Regardless of what she makes, though, she'd melt down the only Golden Lynel Saber Horn that she has & fold it into the blade for each of the Dorfs. Training with him had allowed her to finally manage to take a Golden Lynel down, so she used the first Saber Horn she obtained from one to make a weapon for him as a show of her gratitude.
And no matter what, the weapon(s) is always the perfect size & weight in his hands.
Reaction if that's okay?
Thank you for supplying pictures with the weapon descriptions as well! I was able to visualize them very well thanks to your thoughtfulness.
The Equal Lady’s gesture of gifting Ganondorf a finely crafted weapon, personalized and embedded with significant elements from their culture and her efforts, would deeply affect each iteration of Ganondorf in different but equally profound ways. Here are their reactions:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Weapon: Hwībàkta Cutlass and Parrying Dagger
Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf would be deeply touched by the thoughtfulness and craftsmanship of the weapons. The cutlass, with its wave-like design and the engraved scene from his favorite Gerudàn tale, would remind him of the sea and his heritage. The parrying dagger, designed to accommodate his old injury, would show her deep understanding and respect for his pride.
Ganondorf: "You honor me greatly with these gifts. The craftsmanship is unparalleled, and the thought behind them even more so. I will carry these with pride and think of you with every swing."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Weapon: Dātàrrshik Claymore
Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would admire the sheer power and magical capability of the claymore. The fact that it channels dark and lightning magic would appeal to his affinity for powerful sorcery. He would be impressed by her strength and skill in creating such a formidable weapon.
Ganondorf: "This blade is a testament to your skill and our bond. With it, I will carve a new future for us. You have my gratitude and my heart."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Weapon: Pair of Shōtàrren (Shotels)
Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would appreciate the symbolic connection to the moon and the intricate crafting involving precious materials and elements. The dual blades, capable of channeling light, shadow, and twilight, would resonate with his complex nature and the twilight realm.
Ganondorf: "These blades are as beautiful as they are deadly. You have given me a weapon that embodies our connection to the twilight. I will wield them with honor and protect what is ours."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Weapon: Gib'balubéïr'jï Kshuraf (Executioner's Blade) and Ràsattàr (Head King)
Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would be thrilled by the brutality and elegance of the paired weapons. The Executioner’s Blade and Head King would suit his formidable combat style perfectly. He would appreciate the dual nature of inflicting pain and mercy, a reflection of his own complex personality.
Ganondorf: "Cruel Life and Merciful Death, fitting names for these magnificent weapons. Your craftsmanship and thoughtfulness are unmatched. Together, we will dominate all who stand before us."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Weapon: Sham'shïr
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be profoundly moved by the ancient Gerudo weapon, rediscovered and crafted with such powerful materials. The Hellfire's Shadow, with its ability to channel black flames, would symbolize his connection to ancient power and his malice.
Ganondorf: "Fa'gáron'jï Bojaqàr... A blade worthy of a king. You have given me not just a weapon, but a piece of our history. With this, we will reign over Hyrule and restore our legacy."
General Sentiment Across All Iterations:
Across all iterations, Ganondorf would feel a deep sense of connection and appreciation for his Equal Lady. The effort and thought put into each weapon, combined with her mastery in crafting, would strengthen their bond. He would treasure the weapon not just for its combat utility, but as a symbol of her love and support.
Ganondorf (General Sentiment): "You have given me a weapon that is more than metal and magic. It is a symbol of our bond, our shared strength, and our future. With this, I will fight for us, for our people, and for the destiny we will carve together."
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Ruby phone wallpaper!
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cloudthehusky · 1 year
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"Ahoy there! Have you come to hear a shanty? Or how about a cup of grog?" -Captain Cross
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marionedde · 3 months
sonic tag team new entry: team EVOLVE
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Zero Infinite: "I miss my squad, Shadow. I miss them a lot. I'll be back."
Skill: Specialty (Intelligence)
Talent: Illusion
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/they/it
Race: Jackal
Weapon: Ruby Cutlass
Null Petroleus: "I fucking hate Mephiles the Dark. I hat him. I hat him soooo much. Don't you hate him? I sure do. He's the bane of my existense. I'm so glad he's gone. GOne for good. DO you hate him too? answer me. ANSWER ME-"
Skill: Speed
Talent: Shadow teleport
Age: 20
Pronouns: he/they
Race: Frog?
Weapon: Coal Pendant
Eclipse Doom Robotnik: "Where the hell is Shadow Robotnik. I need to kick his ass right now."
Skill: Power
Talent: Black Arms Command
Age: 19
Pronouns: he/she
Race: Black Arms
Weapon: Black Arms Soldiers (works for me)
Hazard Robotnik: "hhhghghhh...I am....happy...happy to...be here. Here."
Skill: Swim
Talent: Biopower
Age: 18 (68)
Pronouns: She/it
Race: Lizard?
Weapon: Ummm toxic waste thingy?
Chunk Gaia: "Yeah no I'm Chip's uhhhhhhhhh Brother. I am not...no. Stop that. Stop thinking that. I am not dark gaia. Chaos. I'm CHUNK. NOT DARK GAIA."
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mikus-coining-blog · 2 years
Names and Pronouns request~! (long post!)
Weapon Themed Names:
Magnum, Caliber, Shooter, Gunner, Hunter, Trigger, Pistol, Arrow, Bowie, Remington, Archer, Chimalli, Ammo, Boomer, Bomb, Pow, Swordia, Blade, Spear, Dagger, Stabber, Sniper, Katana, Axe, Grenade, Javelin, Star, Pernach, Falchion, Rapier, Saber, Bill, Fork, Pike, Sovnya, Spetum, Scythe, Hammer, Daikyu, Skane, Musket, Ram, Cannon, Mortar, Trebuchet, Cog, Mail, Chain, Claw, Brass, Katar, Cutlass, Scimitar, Talwar, Claymore, Bilbo, Bolo, Sickle, Pick, Mattock, Labrys, Ono, Club, Sai, Sledge, Scepter, Dory, Glaive, Dart, Harpoon, Pipe, Vel, Boomerang, Wallace, Flintlock, Whipper, Bullwhip, Knout, Urumi, Lasso, Buckler, Parma, Scuta, Bayonet, Revolver, Browning, Rast, Roth, Pieper, Steyr, Flammen, Colt, Nagant, Ruby, Lewis, Maxim, Mills, Saint, Machete, Webley, Lee, Speed, Marlin, Martini, Madsen, Vickers, Hales, Jam, Torpedo, Hay, Morriss, Livens, Sauterelle, Beholla, Frommer, Smith, Peabody, Savage, Winchester, Hotchkiss, Tank, Barbed, Bayard, Krupp, Beretta, Perino, Guntō, Nambu, Arisaka, Trench, Carl, Chauchat, Gatling, Auto, Semi, Viven, Newton, Puteaux, Nail, Stiletto, Buckle, Thompson, Perosa, Cei, Thornycroft, Caldwell, Darne, DeKnight, Sia, and Dayton
Weapon Themed Pronouns:
REQ BY: @de-rune!
Hope this helps! I spent a week collecting names and pronouns for this! Teehee!!
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