helenapsent · 5 months
SO!!! I passed the second game in the "Dark Parables" series, it's called "The Exiled Prince"
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And, about the expert mode: it's not worth it. I'll explain why, but first let's go over the pros and cons:
Plusside: I've already said that the plots of the line are just fucking great, and in this part the developers have bored so that our KERMIT (actually it's a bum from rublevka, you should have seen how overgrown he is, and he lives in a ruined hovel, atas ig) IS DAMNED TWO TIMES. That is, it would seem, everything was okay, there is a princess, there is a frog, there is a smack and a happy ending? NO! No happy ending, the prince goes through a frog-transformation-death-of-lover cycle. How the fuck he didn't go so fucking crazy, and he turns out of desperation. And then BAM! all of a sudden he is cursed again, but now he has suffered the fate of King Midas: turning all living/dead things into frogs (pity it's not gold). Interesting stuff! Very fresh; saving works; YOU HAVE A MAP OF THE AREA AT YOUR FINGERTIPS THAT TELLS YOU WHERE TO GO, so you get less braindeadness and it's very cool; the puzzles are also good, really cool, there are some that break your brain, but that's okay; there are a lot of items to find, but the main cimis of collecting is vessels with frogs, flowers, crowns and… something else, I forget what
Downside: EXPERT MODE. Why? Because the whole point of it is that as soon as you get the key to the bonus room you get to an empty but cool place, you find another key there, you think it opens, and what's your surprise when this key leads not to an additional quest, but TO A ROOM WITH CONCEPT-ARTS! Like, expert mode for the sake of a room with pictures, are you serious??? No, on the one hand it's a cool feature, but, THIS IS KILLING. For starters, the entire game is downloaded along with all the game file folders, which contains EVERYTHING, INCLUDING BACKGROUNDS AND CONCEPT-ARTS. You can just go into the game folder at any time and browse through all the content folders. So guys Expert mode for the sake of concept-arts is not worth the candle :^)
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mariacallous · 2 years
Alexey Navalny’s investigative team has published a new exposé of corruption in the upper echelons of Russian power. This time, the story revolves around Svetlana Ivanova — a well-known lioness of the Russian beau monde since the turn of the millennium, who left her first husband to marry, back in 2009, Russia’s now Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov. In the years since, Ivanov has distinguished himself by overseeing the Defense Ministry’s construction contracts and, it turns out, converting profits from projects like the Russia’s “reconstruction” of Mariupol into a spectacular lifestyle for Svetlana. Last summer, in advance of the EU sanctions against Ivanov, Timur and Svetlana divorced. The only practical consequence of the divorce, however, is that she continues to travel freely around Europe, while her “ex-husband” cannot.
Navalny’s Team based its investigation on a cache of 8,000 leaked emails, sent and received by Svetlana Ivanova over 12 years, and containing a rich (in every sense) record of her social life, her purchases, construction projects and real estate transactions, yacht rentals, antiquing, and her jewelry collecting. The emails contain blueprints, bills, and thousands of photos.
It’s a bonanza.
Svetlana Zakharova married Timur Ivanov in 2009, right after divorcing the wealthy businessman Mikhail Maniovich. No later than 2010, the couple began to spend every August on the French Riviera, renting luxury villas and yachts. Team Navalny’s investigators studied Svetlana Ivanova’s correspondence from 2013–2018, realizing that the family spent no less than 850,000 euros (now about $900,840) on their Saint-Tropez rentals alone. Another 250,000 euros ($265,000) was spent on renting yachts.
In 2011, the Ivanovs bought a 2001 Rolls-Royce Corniche, placing a Luxemburg corporation on the title. The car came with a 120,000-euro ($127,175) price tag. Refurbishing it cost an additional 75,000 euros ($79,500). The investigators point out that, in 2011’s money, 120,000 euro would have been about five million rubles — while Timur Ivanov’s court affidavit, filed for the purpose of determining child support for his ex-wife, stated that his monthly income was 112,000 rubles a month, or 1.3 million a year — that is, about a quarter of the Rolls-Royce.
Ivanova liked expensive clothes, it appears, buying, for example, Dolce & Gabbana gowns priced between 52,000 and 94,000 euros (a ceiling of nearly $100,000). She liked jewelry, too: one of the rings she bought cost $104,000. She pursued antiques, once paying 7,000 euros ($7,415) for a set of ornamental glass birds. Her 2018 Istanbul birthday party cost 178,000 euros ($188,600). In 2021, she celebrated her birthday at her home in a ritzy neighborhood outside Moscow. (Even Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov attended!) The same year, the Ivanovs vacationed in the Altay mountains, together with Peskov and his wife, Tatiana Navka.
According to Team Navalny, Ivanova spent more than 109 million rubles (roughly $1.5 million) in 2020 alone. Ninety million went towards buying out her ex-husband’s share in their apartment on Moscow’s iconic Povarskaya Street. The couple’s real estate holdings don’t end here, however. In addition to this apartment (and the birthday-bash home outside Moscow), the Ivanovs also own a 19th-century mansion on Moscow’s Prechistenka Street. It’s true that, on paper, the Rublevka home belongs to the “Russian Federation,” and the mansion to a company owned by Ivanov’s personal driver. The same helpful driver also “owns” the Ivanovs’ Rolls-Royce Ghost and a G-class Mercedes.
Svetlana Ivanova’s bills, be it for jewelry or home renovations, are often paid by other people and corporations. One notable entity in their midst is Olimpsitistroy — a major contractor for the Defense Ministry, currently involved in constructing new apartment buildings in Mariupol, the once-thriving Ukrainian urban center demolished by the Russian army. One of the companies connected to Olimpsitistroy and also paying Ivanova’s bills happens to own a riverside home of close to 3,000 square meters (32,000 square feet) in the Tver region. It was Ivanova herself, however, who approved the architect’s plans for its construction.
In the past, Ivanova had Israeli citizenship (it’s unknown if this is still true). Together with her first husband, she owned an apartment in Tel-Aviv, but she never declared this property while married to Timur Ivanov — a violation of Russia’s rules on financial disclosures for state officials. None of her grown children live in Russia. In March 2022, shortly after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Ivanova traveled to France to visit her daughter and then her son in the UK. On the way, she picked up some jewelry from Joel Arthur Rosenthal, and some new clothes at Prada.
Last summer, the Ivanovs divorced, but only on paper, since Ivanova’s emails show no evidence of the couple’s actual separation. The move proved to be a shrewd one: in October, Timur Ivanov came under the EU sanctions, but his “former” spouse did not.
In December, just a few weeks ago, she apparently visited her daughter, once again.
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registerednoirgaming · 2 months
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📍 moscow, russia🇷🇺
russian model polina petrova and american socialite noir bendel photographed at petrova's epic housewarming soiree in rublevka🥂
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mountphoenixrp · 1 year
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
           Karina, a 23 year old daughter of Wadjet.            She is a yoga instructor at Zero to Hero.
FC NAME/GROUP: Karina/ Yu Jimin of Aespa CHARACTER NAME: Karina AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 23/ April 11, 2000 PLACE OF BIRTH: Rublevka, Moscow OCCUPATION: Yoga Instructor at Zero to Hero HEIGHT: 5”5 WEIGHT: 45kg DEFINING FEATURES: A star-burst scar at one shoulder-blade from a bullet shot in Budapest, as well as various scars from other "activities"
PERSONALITY: At surface level, Karina might look like your typical spoiled brat. With her delicate features, it seems she would not be expected to do much work. But in reality, Karina is not one to shy away from getting her hands dirty. She is extremely manipulative, with hardly any empathy with regards to people who are too emotional.  With a sharp tongue and even sharper wit, Karina believes that everybody serves a purpose to her own advantage. Having been forced to survive on her own at a young age, Karina lives by the code “eat or be eaten”.  And with the criminal underbelly of Russia as her oyster, she was very used to eating and striking all those in her path.
HISTORY:   A veritable princess, Karina was born to a socialite Russian father and an unknown mother. From an early age she knew that she looked different from others, if not her physical features that set her apart, it would be her upbringing. Her father, despite being an heir, had grown with an interest in biochemistry. To Karina’s grandfather’s chagrin, he had shied away from the legacy and empire he had created in hotels and transportation and had put up his own pharmaceutical company, meant to advance medicine and help the less fortunate. He had hoped Karina would also follow his vision and get away from the shadow that was the Koschei (The Immortal), a moniker Karina’s grandfather ended up adopting as he was Moscow’s biggest crime lord.
Karina had no knowledge of her grandfather’s illegal activities until the age of 6 when a car accident that involved her and her father revealed that they were targeted by one of her grandfather’s ruthless international rivals. With the death of his only son, Koschei absorbed his pharmaceutical company and used it as a front for him to further his product of drugs and other substances. With Karina, he started a stricter upbringing, limiting her exposure to the outside world beyond school and other lessons.
By the age of 12, Karina was already nipping at the leash, and had done tiny rebellions, such as petty theft and hacking. All the while she had picked up her father’s interest in biochemistry. When her abilities started to surface, Karina said nothing to her grandfather, knowing he was highly superstitious. By the time she was 15, she managed to gain some semblance of her powers and was able to use her shifting to escape her bodyguards. All the while, she was finding a way to discover the truth about her mother’s death. It didn’t take her that long to realize that her grandfather’s legacy was tainted with blood and unlike her mother, she expressed to Koschei that she would like to be the heir to him that he had lost. Her grandfather welcomed this easily and began lessons of a different kind.
By 18, she had established her own little branch of the Immortal’s empire. Karina used her father’s knowledge of biochemistry, with her own secret abilities and developed an interrogation substance that was unique to their clan: Luka’s Tears. So potent and unique, Karina used profits from these sales to put up her own nest egg. On the surface, she was very much still a hotel and pharma heiress, while beneath, she was Koschei’s fangs ready to smite his enemies with her venom.
At age 20, through a combination of her connection and use of Luka’s Tears, she was able to discover the real reason behind her father’s death. Koschei himself had his son targeted, as a way to teach her a lesson about abandoning the family business. With Karina’s decision to be his heir, she had played right into his hands.
Angry and distraught, it was one of the rare times Karina lost control of her powers. Shifting into an animal so large and dangerous she tried to lay waste to her grandfather retinue and had managed to reach all the way to her grandfather’s bedroom and almost succeeded in avenging her father. But not called the Immortal for nothing, her grandfather had been ready for her. Thankfully he had not known about her powers, at least not to its extent and she had managed to barely escape thanks to a tip from a source also intent on defeating Koschei.
Barely alive, Karina fled to one of the few safe houses she knew was out of her grandfather’s eye. She couldn’t stay in Moscow forever, and she knew that she needed a safe place to regroup and recover and plan her revenge. She stayed in hiding and underground for at least two years, running with different groups she had connected prior to her fall from grace. Going by the moniker Orlov, Karina used her abilities to get by until a near brush with an assassin sent by her grandfather forced her to rethink her current lifestyle choices.
Finally opening her father’s letter on her 23rd birthday, one that was sent to her on her 16th birthday, Karina discovered the truth about her parentage. In the letter, Luka referred to a place that she would be able to learn more about her mother.
Curious and without much to lose, Karina reached out to the same source who warned her of her grandfather’s deceit and got directions to Mount Phoenix.
PANTHEON: Egyptian CHILD OF: Wadjet POWERS: Karina has the ability to shift into a few species of snakes. Her favored form is an Orlov viper, one of the world’s rarest snakes, and thus producing a unique venom that she blends with her poisons. While her father might have studied biochemistry, Karina’s godly heritage allows for her to pick up on knowledge of poisons and venoms much faster. She also can speak to snakes, however she can only do so when she is in snake form. Due to Wadjet’s blood in her veins, she also gets really sleepy during the winter, not to the point of needing to hibernate, but she prefers being indoors during these times and has difficulty moving. STRENGTHS: Calculating, Patient, Adaptive WEAKNESSES: Opportunistic, Apathetic, Judgmental
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pulhaber · 2 years
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teknohaber · 2 years
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habernumber · 2 years
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sahafhaber · 2 years
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haber1 · 2 years
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mehdi-ebrahimi-vafa · 7 years
Друзья, подробная информация о возможности посещения тренинга и медитации со мной и с доктором и специалистом по медитации Хамедом @armaworld по телефону: +79091623777 Первое занятие состоится уже в это воскресение 14.01.2018 в 15-00! Необходима предварительная запись! Звоните по указанному телефону, узнавайте у��ловия , записываетесь! До встречи ! // Dear friends, you can get detailed information about the chance to participate in the training and in the meditation with me and with the doctor and meditation specialist Hamed @armaworld on the phone: 89091623777 The first lesson will take place this Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 3 p.m.! Preliminary booking is required! Call the abovementioned phone number, find out the conditions and sign up for it! See you!
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catwalk-exotique · 5 years
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Muse & Hebe clutch/wallet in Kakadu Orange leather with Mintabie Opal Black Crocodile... Designed and made in Australia from finest crocodile skin and full grain calf leather..... . http://www.catwalkexotique.com/item.php?id=37 . #pandora #muse #hebe #kakadu #orange #leather #mintabie #rublevka #Рублёвка #moscow #hermes #kakadu #byronbay #gold #leatherwallet #triabeca #ny #crocodilewallet #australia #croc #blackandgold #luxury #amazon #catwalkexotique #finance #accessories #woman #russia #details #sydney #melbourne (at Byron Bay, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3g2L4YAHWF/?igshid=ej1k2928uf8w
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mariacallous · 2 years
The former Olympic gymnast Alina Kabaeva never made public claims of being in a relationship with Vladimir Putin. And yet, in 2008, their forthcoming “wedding of the century” was announced by the Moscow Correspondent — a tabloid that was instantly rebuked by Putin personally, and completely shuttered all of 10 days after the offending publication. All the same, for the next 15 years, Kabaeva has been receiving ample gifts and all kinds of costly support from the president’s inner circle. The relationship is, of course, widely believed to be real. Earlier, the Wall Street Journal cited sources claiming that Kabaeva has “at least three” children by Putin. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kabaeva came under Western sanctions, for the same reason of being generally believed to be Putin’s, well, consort. Now, Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s investigative project Dossier has a lot more to say about Kabaeva’s curious biography, her astonishing rise, and the generosity lavished on Kabaeva by Putin’s closest associates — or rather, by proxy, Putin himself.
Real estate
That Kabaeva and her family received real estate from Putin’s friends is something that was reported time and again by the media. Putin’s childhood friend Peter Kolbin gave Kabaeva’s grandmother Anna Zatsepilina not one, but two apartments on Moscow’s legendary Arbat Street. Gennady Timchenko (who knows Putin since the 1990s and is considered to be one of his human “wallets”) gave her an apartment in St. Petersburg. Grigory Bayevsky (“realtor to Putin’s friends” and partner to Arkady Rotenberg) gave her a plot on the highly sought-after Rublevka tract, and an apartment in Moscow. Dossier explains that all of these real estate deals were gifts from Putin himself, delivered by different proxies.
Citing official Rosreestr data, Dossier shows that Kabaeva, her grandmother, her mother, and her sister own a total of ten apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as land and cottages in the Moscow region and Sochi. Dossier calculates that the total combined market value of this real estate reaches 2.5 billion rubles — that is, more than $39 million.
A mansion in Switzerland — and the Scheherazade
Kabaeva also has access to assets that formally belong to other people. Last April, for example, The Wall Street Journal wrote, citing both US and EU officials, that the former athlete spent long stretches of time in a helipad-outfitted villa in the Cologny municipality on Lake Geneva. The area’s historic mansions have a typical value of $70–80 million — but the helipad is the only one across all of Cologny. Its location is close to the grand house owned by Gennady Timchenko, on the historic property called Villa Hauterive. Part of Villa Hauterive was up for sale in the spring of 2022 — for $75.5 million.
When contacted by Dossier, the realtor who handled the sale confirmed that the property does have a helipad. According to the flight-tracking service ADS-B Exchange, five private helicopters have landed at or near the site since 2016. Four of them were associated with Swift Copters — a company servicing clients from Russia. A source who knows Kabaeva personally told the publication that the ex-athlete takes a helicopter “literally to the doorstep of Timchenko’s house.”
In addition to Timchenko’s Swiss villa, Kabaeva has probably used the Scheherazade — the yacht given to Putin by a group of Russian businessmen once again led by Timchenko. According to another Dossier investigation, at the end of 2020, Kabaeva came to Milan — at the same time with members of the Federal Guard Service, who, according to Alexey Navalny’s investigative team, were part of the Scheherazade’s crew. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the luxury yacht was impounded by the Italian government.
A 12-billion-ruble loan to buy a TV channel
Since 2014, Kabaeva has chaired the board of directors of the National Media Group (NMG) holding. The NMG owns stakes in Channel One, the Russian version of Discovery, as well as the REN TV channel and the Izvestia newspaper. In 2018, the NMG, together with the VTB bank, bought the STS TV channel for 18 billion rubles (or close to $282 million). Later the bank sold its share of the channel to the media holding.
Dossier notes that neither VTB nor NMG were spending their own money in that deal: both of them were using loans. One of the lenders was the STS itself; the other was an individual, a certain “V. Kolbin.” The day before the purchase-and-sale agreement was signed, that Kolbin gave the VTB and the National Media Group a loan of 12.3 billion rubles, at 16 percent annual interest. The lender is none other than Vladimir Petrovich Kolbin, the son of Putin’s old friend Peter Kolbin, who was in turn the nominal owner of a number of the president’s private assets. When Peter Kolbin died in early 2018, his “business” was inherited by his son. Until then, Kolbin, Jr., had worked in law enforcement and security.
In 2018, Vladimir Kolbin acted as a proxy in a transaction with shares of Sogaz — Russia’s largest insurance company. He first bought the securities from the firm owned by Timchenko’s daughter, for 23 billion rubles. Then, he sold them to Sogaz itself, for 55 billion rubles. Shortly thereafter, Kolbin Jr. gave the National Media Group a 12.3 billion-ruble loan to buy the STS.
Bonus: How Kabaeva became a media executive
A source close to the Russian President’s Office told Dossier that the question of “what to do with Kabaeva” came up sometime around 2007. This led to the creation of the National Media Group in 2008 — with Kabaeva instantly appointed to the advisory board. At the time, Kabaeva also had a seat in the State Duma — but in her seven years of service, she only put her hand to five bills. In 2014, she left the Duma to be come the head of the NMG’s board of directors. (The group’s ownership structure has not been officially reported. Some sources have claimed that, before the war, the NMG’s largest shareholders included Sogaz, the businessman Alexey Mordashov, and Surgutneftegaz.)
But Kabaeva rarely comments on the holding’s work. A trusted source told Dossier that she doesn’t participate in its current activities, either. Clearly, the post is simply “a sinecure that provides a solid income and leaves plenty of time for her to devote to charity, sports, and the children.” In 2018, the former athlete’s official income at NMG was 785 million rubles — or $12.3 million.
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Normal people going to psychologist cuz: “i want to die” “i feel like no one loves me” “i hear voices” Me: “is shipping a hitman from USHighQuality action with a policeman from  russian TV series normal?”
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pulhaber · 2 years
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teknohaber · 2 years
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habernumber · 2 years
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