#rubbing my hands together like shaq
lordsardine · 1 month
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shreyamistry · 6 years
IX. Vacation
AME Jury House
Summary: The night of the double elimination, Bianca and Jamie wind up in the Jury House with all the previously booted out cast. Together in the living room, Teagan helps set up a movie as everyone argues about Han’s pick mainly Lina. Can they survive the night together or will there be hell to pay?
A/N: Check out my masterlist here! See my specific Choices September Creates mastelist here! Requests are open, find my rules here! Don’t know what to request? See my prompt list 200 Prompts here, OTP here, Angst here!
Tagging: @choicesaholic @choices-september-challenge
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Thanks for reading it! I hope you like it!
“This is pathetic.” Lina shakes her head but accepts the drink Teagan’s outstretched hand. Bringing the fruity liquids to her lips savoring the taste with a satisfied sigh glancing in Jamie’s direction sitting beside her leaning half on her. “But I guess the booze isn’t so bad, or most of the company.” A few eyerolls follow after her words, no one quite saying much before Han leans forward to look at her.
“Can you chill for one night?” Han blurts out shaking his head from Jamie’s opposite side. Han falls back into his seat crossing his arms over his chest, Lina moving to reply only to be cut off by Bianca’s voice.
“Honestly, we're all losers now,” Bianca replies from behind them, resting her hands on Jamie’s shoulders leaning down to whisper in their ear. Han and Lina exchanging a few words that no one’s quiet paying attention to in the silence. “So, what movie are we watching?” Bianca asks after a few seconds of whispers, everyone’s attention averting towards them.
“Pity party or not, just shut up and pick a movie.” Ryder barks from his recliner, pulling out the seat as he sips on his drink beside him. “The chicks on the road dig a good passion flick before we get busy.”
“Gross, no one here is going to fuck you, Ryder.” Teagan sighs, sitting on the floor in front of the couch, her hand leaning back against Jamie’s leg, as she flips through movie channels on screen. “I can sense only four of us will agree to one movie.”
“Your aura shit is starting to genuinely freak me out and we’ve only been here a whole day.” Bianca grimaces falling into the seat between Han and Jamie, resting her head on Jamie’s shoulder.
“I think it’s cool!” Han smiles at Teagan, who gratefully returns his smile. Han looks up to the TV, reading a few titles before his face widens in excitement, his hand moving to grab onto Bianca’s in the excitement getting a confused sound from Bianca. “Oh my god let’s watch Legally Blonde.”
“Oh dear god no.” Lina shakes her head leaning down to try and snatch the remote out of Teagan’s hand who expertly dodges her shooting her a glare. “Teagan, I swear-” She begins to threaten, moving to ready herself to pounce on top of Teagan, Jamie’s arm moving to hold her back much to Ryder’s protests.
“Legally Blonde!” Bianca shouts afterward, smirking at Lina, as she and Han high five with their free hand. Han looking down to notice he’s still holding Bianca’s other hand, and quickly drops it, rubbing his hand awkwardly with a shy smile at Bianca.
“Alright, I’m down.” Jamie shrugs.
“You too? I-” Lina yells, shifting in her seat to face Jamie, her hand pushing on their chest with a huff before settling back into her spot.
“Just so she yells more, I’m in.” Ryder agrees.
“Legally Blonde it is. I have a good feeling about this.” Teagan grins as she clicks the movie channel, navigating the channel button to buy the movie on Piper’s dime. “You know-” Teagan begins.
“OH MY GOD, shut up and put on the movie. I can’t do this much longer.” Lina shouts as she hits Teagan in the side with her foot getting a glare from the woman who shrugs it off confirming their purchase.
“This is basically a vacation.” Jamie laughs, nudging Lina. “Come on, you’re excited don’t lie.”
“Please shut the fuck up.” Lina shakes her head, burying her face in her hands.
“Yeah, the movie is starting!” Han asserts, resting his arm on top of Bianca looking over at her with a grin. “Have you seen this movie, Bianca? It’s amazing. Elle Woods is like my hero.” He smiles as he glances back at the TV. “I know what you’re thinking, Han you play sports, you’re not a lawyer, why is Elle Woods you’re hero and not Shaq?”
“Again, exactly what I’m thinking.” Bianca agrees, shaking her head with a soft smile despite herself.
“That’s my point. No one thought she could be a lawyer and look at her now. Or well not now, she’s not a lawyer yet, but at the end!” He smiles to himself thinking on his memories of watching the movies an amused smile on Jamie’s lips as the others look a little confused. “Do you think I could pay for her to come to my birthday party?”
“As a stripper?”  Jamie asks with a laugh.
“No! She’s a lawyer, not a stripper Jamie.” Han shakes his head in disgust, “I thought you were supposed to be cool.”
“Wow, way to crush my ego.” Jamie laughs softly, as Lina bursts out laughing spitting her drink all over the coffee table in front of them, Bianca grimacing at the surface coated in her spit and liquor.
“Oooooh, burned!” Lina continued to laugh holding onto the sofa for support, sloshing part of her drink on her dress. “Ah fuck, this is your fault.” She glares pointedly at Han.
“I can’t hear you over Elle Woods talking!” Han shouts holding his hand up to her his eyes glued to the screen still playing a commercial before the film starts. “She’s amazing, someone back me up here!”
“I must admit, I already get big dick energy from her.” Teagan nods making a point to ignore the pair namely Lina, “What an aura.”
“I can’t even accurately express what that sentence made me feel.” Ryder scoffs, covering his face in his hands. “Can the peanut gallery shut up, so we can watch this chick flick.”
“It’s more than a chick flick Ryder, it’s a way of life.” Han nods, crossing his arms with a huff, before sinking further into the couch with his drink watching the movie with wide-eyed excitement. Bianca gives his shoulder a reaffirming squeeze before turning back to the start of the movie.
“God how much longer.” Lina groans watching the screen with a huff, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. “I can’t believe you’re enjoying this.” She pointedly glares at the trio on the couch, Jamie watching the film lazily before glancing back at her with a stop complaining glance, she rolls her eyes but silences herself.
“Mrs. Windham you’re free to go.”
They watch on screen as the Elle wins the case, Lina groaning loudly as Han watches intensely, even Bianca and Teagan caught in the storyline playing out on screen. Lina glancing around to take in Ryder disheveled sleeping form.
“Elle, how did you know Chutney was lying?”
“‘Cause she’s brilliant of course.”
“The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known.” Han repeats with her his hand squeezing Bianca’s in excitement again, this time Bianca squeezing his back shaking his hand with a laugh.
“Oh my god, she’s brilliant.” Bianca beams, “Why haven’t I seen this movie before?”
“I won’t lie, that was surprisingly heart touching.” Teagan chuckles, taking the last sip of her drink before placing it onto the table. “And I will reaffirm, that she does indeed have big dick energy.”
“Best movie ever!” Han cheers excitedly, jumping up from the couch. “I’m hitting the gym, who’s with me?” Han looks around at the group not quite reaching his enthusiastic glances, his smile flattering slightly before he shakes it off with a grin. “COME ON!”
Everyone glances at one another looking away thinking of excuses. “Fine,’I’ll go.” Jamie huffs standing from the couch. “What else are we going to do? It’s not late enough to sleep yet, and I’m a little tipsy so I can embarrass myself.”
Bianca shrugs standing next stretching her arms above her head, “Do they have yoga balls? I could go for some yoga.” She turns towards Han for an answer who grins in response.
“In every color. Come on guys, who else is coming?” He turns his attention to Lina and Teagan hopeful for their compliance. Energetically rolling on the balls of his heels.
“No ones allowed to repeat what happens, but I know a little ballet.” Lina admits standing from the couch, where she helps pull Teagan to her feet, “And only if Teagan embarrasses herself with some hippie bs.”
“It’s not hippie bullshit, Lina.” Teagan shakes her head, “But I will go.”
“Alright, Lina and Teagan!” Han shouts, quickly grabbing Lina’s wrist leading her out of the room a slight grimace on her face, everyone following closely behind. Excluding Ryder who’s snoring away with drool rolling down his chin.
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