acciondevista · 1 year
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Food & Beverages
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Baba - Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek
Request: She meets her boyfriend’s family for the first time after dating for six months. Brian Zvonecek x fem pretty pls nobody writes for him anymore 😔
Summary: reader prepares to meet Otis' baba for the first time.
A/N: Thought about making this like...reader meeting 51 for the first time cause...family...but I feel like that's been done. And this isn't actually like meeting baba it's just, the frantic feelings of inadequacy beforehand.
One Chicago Masterlist
Despite all efforts on your behalf to 'play it cool', you'd been internally freaking out about today since Otis mentioned it, casually, over breakfast before a shift, as if meeting the matriarch of his family was no big deal at all. 
"Baba doesn't even speak English," Otis said, reminding you for what was possibly the seventeenth time in an hour that his grandmother wouldn't even know what you were saying when she eventually met you, "you could drop the f-bomb and she'd have no idea."
"Did you just say f-bomb Brian?" You laughed, turning away from your closet to actually look at your boyfriend. "You know you're like, a grown adult who can curse, who I've heard curse, right?"
He stuck his tongue out at you once your back was to him again. He knew you had been nervous about today, and not just because you had made a point of telling him how nervous you were. He'd been filled to the brim with anxiety the first time he met your parents, separately because they were divorced. Despite your dad being the more awkward and uncomfortable of the two dinners, something you had prepared him for, as much as someone could possibly be prepared for, he'd been more nervous about your mom. So, he understood why you were so worried, you wanted to make a good impression on someone who was important to him. It'd been that way the first time you met 51. 
"Hey," Otis mentioned, having just thought about it and figuring it was worth mentioning, "you've met all of 51 and they love you. Even Herrmann's kids like you." 
"Yeah but that's different," you sighed, finally settling on a shirt and pulling it over your head. You were going with Otis to pick his baba up at the airport and then go to dinner. There was a Russian rrestaurant down the street from your work and she'd mentioned wanting to try it out when she came to town. Apparently she wanted to test 'how these Americans do with home cooking' or however she said it to Otis in Russian. He'd suggested stopping at the apartment to drop off her belongings before dinner but she insisted they could go right out. "51 didn't move into our apartment afterward."
"I know it'll be an adjustment-"
"Yeah, and if she hates me the adjustment will be me, finding a new apartment," you replied. 
"She's not gonna hate you!" Otis insisted, "besides, she loves everyone...pretty much."
"Promising Bri," you huffed. 
Otis grabbed your phone off the nightstand and held it out to you, "look, it's not like I haven't talked about you before...I mean it's been six months."
"Doesn't mean she'll like me!" You grabbed your phone and stuffed it in your pocket before heading out of the bedroom, Otis following after you. 
Joe was watching tv in the living room and he looked up when the two of you entered the room. "Ooo, is this the official 'baba meeting outfit'?" He teased. 
You nodded, gesturing to your clothing, "what do you think?" You had tried to dress conservatively, neutral colors and nothing she might find inappropriate. 
"You look great, baba will love you." Otis stressed, grabbing your hips from behind and pushing you toward the door.
"And when she doesn't?" 
"She will!" Joe called from the couch, giving you a double thumbs up. 
You didn't get an opportunity to answer because Otis had pushed you out the door and pulled it shut behind you after grabbing your sneakers. He pushed them into your hands and pointed to your feet, "put on your shoes, let's go."
"These are totally reasonable concerns Brian," you complained, pulling your shoes on and following him to the stairs. 
"I know, I know. I was totally freaked out when I met your parents and, hey, it went great...with your mom. Baba will love you, I know she will. I get that its a big ask, having her move in-"
"I don't care about that. I mean obviously, I want her to have the best care possible and if that means moving in, I'm on board. I just mean...that's not the issue. I don't want her to move in and think I'm annoying or pushy or whatever and tell you I'm a bad fit and then you think maybe she's right and then we break up-"
"Whoa, hey...none of that is going to happen," Otis promised, grabbing your upper arms to stop you from walking toward the front door of the apartment building. He gave a gentle squeeze to reassure you, "Baba has practically already met you, I talk about you all the time. She's not going to hate you, I wouldn't have proposed this if I thought she would hate you or that you wouldn't be onboard. It'll be okay, okay?"
"Yeah, okay. Okay." You nodded. 
Otis let go of you, giving your arms one more squeeze before he did, "ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." You agreed, though if you were being honest you were feeling remarkably better than you had been only moments earlier. You knew Otis was right, he'd never make you uncomfortable and, knowing him, he'd probably talked you up to his baba so much that she recite back your coffee order.  When you'd met 51 for the first time, Sylvie had even given you some contraband Starbucks pumpkin spice sauce that she found on eBay as a 'welcome to the family' gift. Though, you knew you bragged about Otis to your family just as heavily, if not more. While there was probably nothing that could truly prepare you for meeting his baba, Otis had done a good job of getting you out of your head. 
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cordycepsbian · 6 months
seafood rrestaurant for dinner (smiles sealishly)
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2023年1月15日(日) 出張旅行記その36 【1月10日】 一度ホテルへ戻り,洗濯物を出します。Google Mapsさまに教えてもらった近所のランドリーサービスへ向かいます。装飾は少なく,しかし堅実な仕事をしてくれそうな店内。おじさんが対応してくれて,1kgあたり20,000キープだと言います。昔は10,000キープ,安いところだと8,000キープもあったことを思えば、物価上昇を改めて感じます。 おじさんが,ラオ語ができるんだな,と言うので,昔青年海外協力隊としてパクセーで活動していたんだと答えると,なんとおじさん,かつてJICAのドライバーをしていたと言います。シニア隊員か専門家の担当だったそうです。 分かります。口数は少ないですが,ものすごく誠実な人柄が伝わってきますもん。JICAに採用されるほど信頼があるのも頷けます。たとえちょっとした関わりであっても,こうして共有できるものがあると嬉しくなります。ではおじさん,洗濯物たちをくれぐれもよろしくお願いします。明日の朝,出発前に取りにきますから。 The 2nd Missionは,元協力隊員が経営するCafeで昼食を取ること。 その前にまだ時間があったので,近所をうろうろ散策します。 ວັດຈັນ(ワッチャン; チャン寺)前のメコン川沿いの道(ຖະໜົນເຈົ້າຟ້າງຸ່ມ; Quai Fa Ngum)も,整備されてからかなり経ちます。夕方になると露店が出店するのは今も変わりませんが,昔はもっと雑然としていました。 その通りに面したRoof Top Bar Bor Pen Nyang(ບໍ່ເປັນຫຍັງ; ボーペンニャン)は、移転したのか閉鎖してしまったのか。4階まで階段で上がらなければならないのが少々億劫ではあるものの,なかなか洒落たBARができて,喜んだものです。後に個人的な売春の場となっていたと知り,驚きました。しかし,そんな空気をちっとも感じなかったのは店主が鈍かったのか,訪れた時間帯が違ったのか,それとも店主が行った頃はまだ健全なBARだったのか。経営している身としては,そのような使われ方をしてBARが可哀想に思います。 かつての協力隊員用のドミトリーは,今はもう誰かの家になってい���ようでした。建物そのものは変わっていないので,懐かしさを感じます。上京時はここに泊まりました。歴代隊員たちによって集められた書籍も多く,ゲッツ板谷氏著の「怪人紀行」シリーズは,ここで出会いました。馬鹿馬鹿しくて,でも面白くて,時折ちょっぴり切ない旅行記です。 さらに歩いていると,ステキなサイドバッグを吊るしたマウンテンバイクに出会いました。なるほど,ランドセルもここまで使ってもらえると本望ですよね。確かにたくさん入るし,丈夫だし,見事なチョイスです。ただ,どうしても小学生のカバンというイメージが拭えなくて,違和感を覚えてしまいます。固定観念に捉われていてはいけませんね,反省します。 元隊員のCafeに着くと,開店時間の15分前でした。ここは隣のジュース屋さんで時間を潰すことにします。ビアラオをチョイスしないところに,酒を飲まなくなった本気度を感じます。 Noy’s Fruit Heaven Rrestaurant and Bike Rental なんと!ジュース屋さんではなくて,レストランだったんですね,失礼しました。 店主が注文したのは,マンゴーとパッションフルーツと唐辛子のスムージー。え?唐辛子?辛いの?とスタッフのお姉さんに聞いたら,ちょっとね。でも美味しいよというので,即決。 いや,本当に美味しいです。唐辛子の絡みがちょっぴり刺激的で,暑さでやられそうな身体に喝を入れてくれます。この時期は,まだそこまで暑くないですけど。辛味があるのに,さっぱりとした甘さがメインを張る。これは,クセになる美味さです。 ステキな空間で投稿記事を書き上げます。自称’仕事の鬼’ 【お知らせ】 ベトナム,ラオスへの買い付け旅行のため,しばらくの間休業いたします。ご迷惑おかけしまして申し訳ありません。 2023年1月28日(土) 19時からの営業再開を予定しています。 ご来店,お待ちしております。 【身体のセルフケア】 2023年2月4日(土),3月11日(土)の開催を予定しております。 16:30~18:30 上福島コミュニティーセンターにて 詳細、お申込みはメッセージにてご連絡ください。 カフェ #バー #東南アジア料理 Cafe & Bar ສະບາຍດີ(#サバイディー ) 大阪府大阪市福島区鷺洲2-10-26 📞06-6136-7474 #osaka #fukushimaku #cafe #bar #福島区グルメ #福島区ランチ #福島区バー #ラオス #ベトナム #チキンライス #ラオスの旅 #カフェ巡り #ビエンチャン #変わろう日本 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnaRomXSNOP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
my dreams were all overlapping.
1. new house!  2. dragon from above the clouds is my friend! but we accidentally freed an angel from outer space and it’s mad. 3. retelling of dragon from the clouds 4. ghost in the basement of the bbq rrestaurant
1. moving into a new house on the corner of a busy area that had a very acute triangle shaped yard. i think folden was there. we were building a fence around the yard.so people wouldn't go in..my dad was there.to help? i don’t really remember. it was a cool house! wish folden wasn’t there. 
2. a small town that was always cloudy. i was in waffle house and it was warm inside, but cold and dreary outside. there was something in the clouds, some kind of shrieking dragon alien thing. people were afraid of this, wrongfully, accused it of all the disappearances. I managed to befriend it. something else happened - there were 3 things that we needed to defeat.to protect the town. and we did! 
but. those things were in turn stopping the wheel. the town was built on an ancient UFO and the angel named thedos had come here in that & wasn't able to get back in bc the other 3 had fended it off. the 3 were. thedos was the size of the entire sky, & had 7 eyes and was on fire. it opened the bay doors of its ship. the ship was really really really big.
3. i had a dream I was telling my friend about the last dream. it was different though. there was an invisible dragon whose shape you could only see from how hard it was raining, and a lightning dragon that was smaller. things were more manageable
4. my dad took me out to dinner at some BBQ place to celebrate something but I was psychic like mob from psycho. there were a bunch of teens lying around in the lobby that apparently lived here when it was a house, & we had to wait for them to move. there was something in the basement. it was small & spindly and its face was all covered in dirty bandages. it looked up at the ceiling all the time.
it was now mob psycho dream. I was mob.reigen was there & dimple was also there. dimple possessed reigen briefly to also genuinely congratulate me! but no sooner had he offered his real thoughts than the hand of the spindly thing (now huge) reached up through the floor, I heard its voice "you were there on that night, weren't you?" & crushed him into a bloodstain. doesnt something like that happen in mp100 actually. anyway i know the celebrratory dinner and the night the thing was talking about were all related to something I'd done, but I didn't remember what it was.
I cast my brain downstairs..the spindly ghost was bigger now as if crammed into the entire basement rather than being the size of like a 6 year old. and I read its thoughts through these little flagellae it had. it was all flashbacks to the childhood of those teens, but something felt off. there was the classic spunky asian goth girl named Jenny, a girl named Cornelia who had like reddish blond hair, a kid named Eric who was literally just a normal guy, & one more dude I think named Jim?. in all of these flashbacks they were getting into trouble, or yelling at each other about trouble (Cornelia had thrown a rock in the eye of a crocodile, Eric had stepped on a hummingbird) & something still wasn't right. I kept flipping through again and again until there was a sketch of them in a very classic 2011 anime style. and there were 6 people in that picture. a pair of twins, one of whom had a lot of moles & one who only had 2. the one with a lot of moles name was written on the page super smudged & I thought "cancer??? no..... c...whats that say...cuni"
& I'd said Cuni out loud. the teens all looked at me, and the girl with 2 moles who was sitting in the opposite area from the teens also looked at me with her face full of hope. and the huge bandaged thing in the basement stood up. and came upstairs. it got very dark. and then....
some kind of musical-like music video started to play. it started off in the style of opti's mvs & those are scary, but ended up just being like real actors in costumes walking around and singing.
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saniaworldreview · 4 years
The robot restaurant and cafe, the yellow in Jaipur. It is located in Cscheme, near Raj Mandir Cinema. Name of the gorgeous robot is Ruby. She is very attractive. I really love there concept, the Robot herself serves the food to the customers. It’s video is also attached scroll down. The food taste is also […]
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japanart2world · 5 years
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#品川 #お薦め #ランチ #TRATTORIA #ItaLia #Pasta #Pizza #Beer #Shinagawa #Recommended #Bistro #Rrestaurant #Lunch #Minato-ku #Tokyo #パスタ #ピザ #ビール #トラットリア #イタリア 品川店 大江戸ビール祭りに行きましたが 準備中だったので 品川インターシティで 一杯ww Don't stop believing 人生は、素晴らしい‼ Life is #Wonderful I #Love Hometown Tokyo (品川インターシティホール) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3jRDvkjmzl/?igshid=pk4a0rm51c4x
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filliteapot · 4 years
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chesswiththemoon · 8 years
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P'tite soirée tranquille 👌🍷#SherlockPub #Restau #Drinks #Rrestaurant #Evening #Friends #RueSolfé #Lille #France (à Sherlock Pub Lille)
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daughterthethird · 2 years
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jammuasha-blog · 5 years
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We at Hotel Thiruvizha is Best  Buffet Restaurant in Ambattur OT, Chennai, Tamil Nadu are a leading eating place imparting wide variety of 35 dishes. Each dish in our Menu is of the greatest flavor and is served to the table after a nice paintings positioned by way of our chefs. The real elements and wealthy gravy practice might Fulfill your taste buds. We're one of the maximum desired location with the aid of the non veg food fanatics. We have a huge type of north Indian, south Indian and Chinese language cuisines available to fit your starvation cravings. We use the first-rate substances viable with good quality meat and spices, at an top notch price and Quantity a good way to leave you more than satisfied.We look forward to ignite your senses thru the aromas, presentation and flavor of any & each dish Whipped up in our kitchen. We are looking for to serve all our guests with the appropriate dining enjoy. We make certain that every aspect that is tossed in your dish is first-class and each delicacy cooked is served with perfection. Order on line or e book a desk now to dive into the genuine taste of north India, south India and China
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Idle Time to Strengthen Our Brain
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Our brain is a true hard-worker, its working from the day we are born and it works till our last breath. Our brain is working even when we are sleeping, because we see dreams and wake up on nature calls, this is all possible because our Brain is working 24/7. But, have you noticed that whenever you want to learn, do or watch something important, you always prefer to take a break to freshen your mind. Why? This break is required.
A Break to Increase Memory
These small breaks increase memory or rather refreshes our brain to concentrate better. The students are given breaks to relax their mind and body and prepare them to concentrate again. This break is very necessary for balanced working of our brain.
Sometimes, wasting time is the most important medicine for our brain. Children who sleep tight and deeply are the ones with remarkable memory and creativity.
5 to 15 minutes Break is Enough for Relaxing Brain
Human Brain easily gets relaxed within a time of 5-15 minutes or even a small puzzle or chit-chat can relax the brain. We understand and remember better after taking a break. But, this break should not be more than 15 minutes because then the Brain takes it as activity. So, this break in continuous activity for 15 minutes is accepted as break by Brain.
Idle Time Helps in Taking Bold Decisions
This idle time not only relaxes brain but also enhances the chances of taking bold and strong decisions. We feel more targeted and sure after a break. Even people with long working hours are seen to forget small things and their concentration levels decreases. So, a small break after every four hours of working should be encouraged to increase the work efficiency of employees. Several IT Organizations have opened their gym and restaurants in their office to maintain the work efficiency of their staff.
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Best Restaurant With Bar In Puri
 The end of the year is always the time for holidays and coupled with that there is an excitement and hope that people generally associate with a New Year. Most of the tourists look forward to visit the sea beach during this period as the weather remains moderate and it’s warm, cosy and an antithesis to the chill and biting cold of the northern regions. Puri in Odisha is one of these places where the winters are at its best. Being a major tour destination as well as a well-known pilgrimage there is a constant flow of tourists all throughout the year but the number of footfalls are much more during this period. You can visit the city not only to enjoy the golden beaches and the calm blue waters of the sea; you will also learn a lot about the rich culture and heritage of this historic city and get a chance to see some awesome places which are in the vicinity. As tourism contributes greatly towards the economy the hospitality sector is well developed and you will come across a lot of hotels and resorts which cater to the needs of people coming here from all walks of life. Though the number of modest and affordable hotels are more there are also some luxury hotels which will offer you all the luxury amenities of any world class resort.
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 Hotel Holiday Resorts in Puri can be the ideal place for those who want to stay in a high end hotel without burning a hole in their pockets as this happens to be the most affordable luxury hotel in the city. Highly recommended by trip advisor this hotel can be compared to any other luxury Hotels in Puri but the package they offer is highly competitive and on top of it if you opt for their privilege membership card then you will be getting some attractive discounts and make the package all the more pocket friendly.  The guests coming here love the relaxed ambience, elegant décor and the extremely courteous staff members. Though there are a variety of options when it comes to rooms you can always take a virtual tour, check out the website and book the one that meets your requirement. Online booking of the rooms is easy and saves you from any last minute hassles. The resort has plenty of rooms for the guests which include some standard, deluxe and family rooms along with a number of beach cottages and two fantastic presidential suites which are absolutely top notch and amply justifies the name. Most of the rooms here overlook the sea but to be sure of getting one you should book well in advance and ask for one while you are at it.
 The hotel is known for fine dining and apart from those staying here there are others who come here to sample the delicious Indian, Chinese Restaurant in Puri and Continental dishes and seafood. The bar is well stocked up and apart from your favourite drink you can order one of their cocktails and mock tails made by the expert bartenders. Here you will enjoy browsing through the gift shops, take tour package through the travel desk and hit the gym to burn those extra calories. For the fun and excitement of the guests there are swimming pool, Jacuzzi and a wellness spa where you can get a relaxing massage done after a tiring day. Apart from all these there is also a bakery shop and a play zone where the children can have a smashing time. Not just a place where the tourists can stay comfortably this resort is also a fabulous party place. There are Banquet Halls which are of varied sizes, a well-equipped Conference Room, a huge garden area to accommodate as many as 3000 guests and a private beach which can be an ideal venue for a romantic wedding. With so many options as far as party venues are concerned one can easily choose one to host weddings, reception, birthdays, anniversaries and also organise meetings, seminar and conduct workshops. So plan an event or book a room in this beautiful beach resort in Puri to have a really enjoyable time with your friends, family members or all by yourself.
 For more details about Restaurant with Bar in Puri just move on www.puriholidayresort.com
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howdyfellas · 7 years
ughhh i wanna eat asian food
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Been to ten dove street confectionery and the food was so amazing :)
Youtube Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Mo7ARmiQU
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japanart2world · 5 years
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#Salt #roast #Ginkgo #Nuts #塩煎り #銀杏 ( #ぎんなん ) [ #幡ヶ谷の #らんぽう ] 幡ヶ谷 #笹塚 #渋谷 #ビストロ #レストラン [ #Hatagaya no #Ranpou ] Hatagaya #Sasazuka #Shibuya #Bistro #Rrestaurant 秋は銀杏!! 今年の夏は長かったです Don't stop believing 人生は、素晴らしい‼ Life is #Wonderful I #Love Hometown #Tokyo (幡が谷のらんぽう) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3RNS-Tj4yd/?igshid=1i16yymh1e9w5
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