#rpdr 9 winner
tampire · 11 days
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#Good for Angie
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viceandmature · 1 year
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Rose Petals for the Goddess
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mxmercury · 2 months
all stars spoiler 🌟
i'll never be upset with a black queen winning, but i thought for sure roxxxy had it. and that top 2 was. interesting.
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thewestfling · 1 year
i am almost done rewatching/catching up on rpdr and i wish i still had my old tumblr cause 15 year old me had absolutely delusional opinions. anyways here are the highlights (that i can remember)
adore was robbed and her outfits were good
violet was the best winner (please this is so embarrassing)
before violet i stanned sh*ron and thought she was the best winner
alaska was robbed
and i was a roxxxy apologist (tbh i still am)
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congregamus · 2 months
RPDR Spoiler warning
The "Golden Age" of RuPaul's Drag Race, such as it is described, did not happen simultaneous with clock time, as can be confirmed by the people who were present for it. The described "Golden Age" as it was directly experienced during clock time, is found quite wanting.
The undisputed "Golden Age" of RPDR spans a very specific period of time to include Seasons 4, 5, and 6, airing between 2012 - 2014. However, some might be willing to expand the category (or perhaps, if prompted, agree to admit a least a "Silver Age") that extends through Season 9, the finale of which provided us with the iconic, series-defining lipsync win by Sasha Velour. It aired on June 23, 2017, officially closing the category at least as far as "orthodox" opinion, such as it may exist, goes. This period also includes the fan-favorite iterations of All Stars 2 (2016), which, at least anecdotally including everyone I know at all invested in the show, is necessary for inclusion in any "Golden Age" discussion of the franchise.
2017 was a long time ago. As such, we are deep into the decadence (decline) of RPDR, even though it is still pretty enjoyable as an ongoing media franchise in multiple international spin-offs, with All Stars 7 (2022) being a particular pinnacle.
Last night, Angeria Paris van Michaels was crowned winner of All Stars 9. Angeria offered so many incredible looks, characters, and jokes, enough and in such high quality, that her entry into this parade could have easily deposed Sharon Needles, the first queen of the "Golden Age".
And yet, Angeria, who absolutely deserves her win — (any of the contestants deserved to win, except, in my extremely subjective opinion, Jorgeous, and no do not @ me) — is getting dragged for not being Plastique Tiara. Which is to say, light skinned, more "traditionally" beautiful, and who has passing realness, even if Plastique does not ID (so far as I know) as trans.
I bow to Plastique. She is worthy of all the accolades heaped upon her. But she did not win, and her fans (and Roxxxy's fans too, to a lesser degree), are showing once again why the RPDR fandom cannot have nice things.
To be fair, it is not just RPDR; it is anything in which all levels of the society participate. Anything unlucky enough to garner the attention of most of the (American) public, we rend to fleshy pieces in a great, decadent feast and revel in such unholy festival as renders the remains unrecognizable, fit only for refuse. Because this is the national character of the American citizen, and we are a decadent people.
Surprisingly, at least to long-time visitors of this padded cell, I offer no judgement upon us, no prophetic call to repentance. How could I, when to do so would be in some ways to negate the decadence of drag itself? Never I.
I do urge us to remember that the "Golden Age" never existed, will never exist; however, in paying attention to what is now, what is real, we will find where the actual gold is, and as shitty and as cliché as it might be to admit, it is nowhere but here.
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Season 2 (2010)
This was the first Drag Race season I ever watched, which was about 2.5 years ago. I remembered Season 2 as this high-drama trainwreck. On second viewing, it's not as crazy as I remembered it being, but there is a fair amount of drama still. I called it a trainwreck because of the final 2. The edit does not shy away from showing how obnoxious Tyra is, while Raven seemed like she was going to be an early boot. But this isn't an underdog F2 either. Actually, I'd go as far as to say this is the most unlikeable F2 in the show's history. Moreover, Tyra's win has aged pretty poorly and it casts a dark shadow over the season. Otherwise, this is the first season that actually feels like I'm watching RPDR. Say goodbye to the Vaseline filter and the tiny Werk Room! However, the early seasons have an underwhelming feeling to them? There's very few acting or comedy challenges (there's only 2 of them here), and when there is an acting challenge, the queens are only given like 2 lines of dialogue each. This season also has the first Snatch Game, but it's clear that most of them didn't know they had to be funny in it. Additionally, the runway looks are just so... basic by today's standards. Untucked was on fire back then though. Season 2 definitely peaks in the wedding dress episode. Them all calling out Tyra on the main stage is one iconic moment. Challenge-wise, the Burlesque show is something they'd never do today lol, and it's so strange to see the queens in a different venue from where the show is filmed. The dancing was fun, but selling pies in the streets was pretty cringe. The book covers were mostly blah too. The Makeover continues to have the worst judging.  And the finale music video dance scene got pretty violent. Jujubee's eye got poked!
Queens Ranking: 12. Tyra Sanchez I have to put Tyra last for her problematic behaviour after the show. But even if that never happened, she'd probably be around 9th for me?, so it's not like she was one of my favourite winners anyways. She had the most impressive runways this season, and she was funny in the Disco Shorting ad, but her attitude is AWFUL. It's so odd to see someone this negative actually win. She acted overconfident and bratty. She annoyed everybody with her singing. She took a nap in the Werk Room. She put in 0 effort when she had immunity. But it's not just that. While I do think her 3 wins are justified, I actually think she could've been bottom 3 in 4 other challenges, including both her immunities (her Beyonce sucked, her Rocker Chick wasn't rock, her book title was wordy and she forgot the drink name, and her partner's make-up in the Makeover was bad). But she knew exactly what the judges wanted from her on the runway and she delivered there. Although it did feel like pandering at times. Still, the kind of drama she brought isn't the kind I stan someone for. 11. Raven And the runner-up is right down with her. Raven is the mean and cold-hearted one of season 2. She looked down on her competition and she just seemed so... unpleasant to be around. Her sour attitude is what landed her in the bottom 2 twice at the beginning of the season. She did not want to play that chicken, and it showed during her performance. And she could've been bottom 3 (again) for the Snatch Game with that boring Paris impersonation. Granted, she had some of the more polished runways, and she improved in the latter half of the season. But I'd enjoy Raven a lot more if she didn't have a stick up her ass for the entire season. She just kept talking s**t about Mystique or Nicole or Tatiana about how they didn't deserve to be there. 10. (Kylie) Sonique (Love) Lip sync gymnastics aside, Kylie is pretty invisible on this season. I would never expect her to win a future All Stars season based off her original run. 9. Morgan McMichaels Maybe a controversial ranking. Morgan was the initial frontrunner who crashed and burned mid-season. She had one of the more famous lip syncs too, but I did not like her in Untucked. Yeah, she deserved the curtain design challenge win, but that's mostly because... I disliked most of the outfits from that challenge. Otherwise, she totally bombed the Snatch Game as P!nk, and then got outshined by Sahara in the episode 5 lip sync. 8. Nicole Paige Brooks She's so aloof. It feels like she's playing a character the entire time. I laughed during her Werk Room entrance, but she didn't deliver much after that! 7. Pandora Boxx Pandora was one of the best performing queens this season. She was in the "tops" for many of the challenges, but she always got overshowed by someone else and she could never get a challenge win. I liked her Carol Channing in Snatch Game though. But the issue with Pandora is that she comes off... dry? I don't know, there was just something missing with her. She might be my least fave Miss C winner - I'll have to wait and see. That said, I did feel emotional when she talked about her attempted suicide. And I didn't agree with her being in the bottom for the Makeover challenge. 6. Sahara Davenport (R.I.P.) Maybe she was a bit forgettable on this season, but she seemed so sweet, warm, and down-to-Earth. She shouldn't have been bottom 2 in the first episode either, but it lead to an energetic (albeit messy) lip sync to kick off the season. She was decent in the Disco Shortening ad too. And then she did a ballet performance in her Swan Lake outfit for that episode 5 lip sync. 5. Mystique Summers Madison Mystique got picked on and she gave us "BITCH I AM FROM CHICAGO" but she was so out of her element in the competition. Her runways were pretty bad, especially the Curtain Couture one with the headpiece and the Country Realness one that was sooo plain. But the way she did the splits during the first runway was a LOLWTF moment. And then she won an eating challenge, which the other girls immaturely laughed about. 4. Shangela Her inexperience really showed in that first runway (why was there corn?!), but I wanted to see more of her, and I'm glad we did! She left the first ever lipstick mirror message which is iconic. And what she lacked in experience, she made up for in charisma. It felt like there was missed protentional when she went out first. I'll have more to say in her future appearances. 3. Jessica Wild I wasn't expecting to rank Jessica this highly, but she really gave her best effort despite the language barrier. She did a much better job than Raven as the chicken. I think she should've been top 3 in the Snatch Game as Ru. And her hairflips during the Rocker Chicks challenge was fun. The thing about Jessica is that she felt isolated from the rest of the queens; as if she existed in her own space. I don't think she was ever involved in the drama? Ultimately, she went home for not speaking well in a speaking challenge when she's ESL... but I didn't like the cover anyways. 2. Tatianna She was so good as Britney in Snatch Game and she called out Tyra on the main stage during wedding dress episode ("I don't think that you're seeing that Tyra is a complete bitch"). In other words, Tatiana is responsible for my two favourite moments of the season. She was constantly picked on, mostly notably by Raven, and she still held her own. She stood up for Mystique. And she stood against Tyra at Tyra's peak annoyance. Sure Tatiana also had some un-confident moments... like how she flopped the Reading challenge... and her runways were usually not that great. But I loved her just the same. Maybe she was better suited for a later season that relied less on runways. 1. Jujubee Jujubee was my favourite the first time I watched this season, and that hasn't changed on my second viewing. I just wish she had a better challenge track record. It's hard to argue that she should've won because she had to win THREE lip syncs to make finale. Still, I love her aesthetic and she truly earns the title of lip sync assassin. She sold the hell out of "Black Velvet"; while "Shake Your Love" was camp. She didn't win any main challenges, but she did win the Reading mini-challenge! And I think she should've won the book cover too ("Memoirs of a Gay-Sha" is a great title and she was fun in the interview.) I thought her 1st and 3rd Ball looks were good as well. Her Makeover was the worst, but I kinda hate the Makeover challenges anyway. Favourite entrance: Jessica Wild Challenge ranking: 1. Wedding dress (Design) 2. Diva Awards Ball 3. Snatch Game 4. "Jealous Of My Boogie" Music Video 5. Disco Shortening (Acting) 6. Rocker Chicks (Singing) 7. Gone with the Windows (Design) 8. Burlesque show (Choreo) 9. "Golden Gals" Makeover 10. Autobiography (Branding) Lip Sync ranking: 1. Morgan McMichaels vs Sonique ("Two of Hearts") 2. Jujubee vs Sahara Davenport ("Black Velvet") 3. Morgan McMichaels vs Sahara Davenport ("Carry On") 4. Nicole Paige Brooks vs Raven ("My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)") 5. Raven vs Tyra Sanchez ("Jealous Of My Boogie") 6. Jujubee vs Pandora Boxx ("Shake Your Love") 7. Jujubee vs Tatiana ("Something He Can Feel") 8. Sahara Davenport vs Shangela ("Cover Girl (Put the Bass in Your Walk)") 9. Jessica Wild vs Tatiana ("He's the Greatest Dancer") 10. Mystique Summers Madison vs Raven ("I Hear You Knocking") Season ranking so far: 2 > 1
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rachel-rebellio · 4 years
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tell me why i almost started crying 😂
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hausofzamo · 2 years
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Raja & Shea Coulee in RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 7 E1, “ Legends ”.
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theluxmethyd · 3 years
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alltherestisdrag · 4 years
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“I thought they were gonna save the best for the last and I was the opposite of right!”
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shesthesapphicqueen · 5 years
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redlyncentral · 5 years
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Who wore this best; Sasha Velour (left) or a random girl on an advertisement for an Israeli supermarket (right)?
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sheaquaria · 6 years
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sasha velour by cesar mansilla
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© alaskatf
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tampire · 6 years
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“Beauty Be Damned, Let Monsters Reign!” Bonus Untucked Moment:
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☆  superstar snatch game   ☆
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