#rp: royally flushed
aventurine-official · 3 months
"Beep beep beep... Searching for potential user...
Beep beep beep... Voiceprint detected. Looking for corresponding identity information... Oh em gee. It's Aventurine."
(hi mod... its me snekkey/kitty-meowskers....)
*The gambler's eyes widen slightly at the sight of the floating IPC device.*
"Oh, a Findie...? Did you follow me to Penacony?" *Aventurine smirks, giving the device a once-over to make sure it isn't a malfunction.* "Is there anything I can do for you, friend~?"
(Ooc: Omggggg user snekkey!!!! You're iconic ksgdkasgsag
Let's try and ignore the fact that I clearly missed this ask lol ~ Mod Minie)
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Royal Flush [Zoya]
"How about this? I'll play you for it. A game of poker." It wasn't a common sort of thing for a princess to know, but the royal guards taught her how to play when she was younger, in an effort to distract her, keep her still.
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hyliascommonwealth · 2 years
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I posted 294 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 134 characters
#bro today has felt like it lasted three weeks and that journey culminated in recording these asks right next to eachother and garnered
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Ok so.. I’ve been at work today and listening to my music an 80s song called me to draw Uli, with the disco colors from earlier, but @cardverse-royality-and-rouges suggested him on a motorcycle, then i picked specifically a 1984 Kawasaki Ninja, which i relied on this a lot haha.
But yea 80’s Uli on an international trip riding a motorcycle accidentally becoming a muse for artists or whatever, it’s a silly idea but it’s mine now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway it’s here now so have fun with that idea
14 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
((Okay I am so unbelievably curious to see what you have to say about Oliver. 👀💕))
Sexuality Headcanon: I see him as being homosexual, in the way that a homosexual neighborhood mom adopts every queer child within a 14 block radius. He’s got the pins, the flags, and so so proud! Monogamous, he’s very VERY devoted to the one he loves, and it would take no less than the world ending to jeopardize that loyalty.
Gender Headcanon: He/him fluid
A ship I have with said character: can’t help but ship him with Arthur, your muses just have such great chemistry! Plus i see those simping hours
A BROTP I have with said character: I’ve enjoyed a lot for interactions I’ve seen with Oliver! I think it’s a tie for Alfred and Francis? They just seem to mesh well in a playful way while still feeling well flushed out and comfortable
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm, i can’t say i have one as of yet? Honestly he’s got such a vibe i think it would be hard to find a real NOTP for me
A random headcanon: I’m not sure if it has any basis in reality, but i feel like he loves to teach others how to bake, and might do weekly baking lessons at any given senior center / community He just seems so patient and bubbly, I love to imagine him just gladly teaching those who are disadvantaged how to bake?? It just vibes so hard in my brainspace.
General Opinion over said character: I have only had Oliver for 15 minutes and if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. He’s so smol! But he’s also got a great wit and sass! Like, he’s such a well balanced muse, i love how you portray him!! It is always a pleasure to see how he interacts with those around him. There’s just a really powerful charm, and warmth to him, like even when he seems a bit exasperated, there’s no sense that he’s going to snap, or break over it, but like he’s genuinely considering what brought any given encounter to this point.
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14 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Oliver disco fever
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He was such fun! I feel like he had a good time in the 80s.
The Disco Fever Paint brush has a solid Variety of colors, but I used the Palette for Kacheek
15 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
((Cause they’re buddies and based off the garden RP. Uli and Oliver with the woodland paint brush? 🥺💕))
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//aaaaaaa! I hope you like it!!!
I used the Palette of the Woodland Uni for this set! It had the most diverse and appealing look! I'd like to think that they would hang out and pick herbs and forage for fun.
16 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay okay okay here me out. Captain Oliver Kirkland with the pirate brush.
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//this implies that you wanna paint an already pirate themed pirate with the pirate paint brush?? does it duplicate his clothes? or just apply the PB color palette?
Pirate Oliver Pallete
22 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
// Genuinely feel like mine is embarrassing lol
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hellizens · 4 months
Alias / name: Sunny/Sunni/Suni
Birthday: January 19th
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Hobbies: RP, drawing, listening to music, video games
Favorite color: Green
Favorite book: Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
Last song: Royal Flush by Silva Hound
Last film/show: Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (started, haven't finished)
Recent reads. Roleplays
Fun fact about me: I love the horror genre. Games, movies, stories...the darker and more unsettling, the better.
Tagged by: @cervidae-demon (thank you!!)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it and use me as their tagger!
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hartrps · 5 years
! HP
Who was the one to propose: Isabelle. Since she’s a princess and heir to the throne, it kinda had to be her. It wasn’t anything fancy or elaborate though. She just turned to Manny when they were playing Mario Kart and was like, “We should totally just get married.” Manny swears she only asked because she wanted to distract him. (The world may never know.)
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Clarice. It had to be a huge giant state affair and Isabelle and Manny aren’t so much into that. They just wanted to be married so they said she could plan whatever she wanted, and they’ll just show up. They did have a small private ceremony just for them that was much more their speed involving really dumb vows filled with their dumb names for each other.
Who decorated the house: For a portion of the year they live in the palace grounds and as much as they’d like to decorate it, they can’t. But for the rest of the year, they live in an apartment that’s actually theirs. They haven’t really decorated it so much… More like they’ve just filled it with random pieces and collectibles they like and absolutely nothing matches.
Who is more organized: I don’t think either of them is particularly organized? Isabelle is always trying to be more organized though, considering she’s going to be a freakin’ queen one day.
Who initiates bedroom fun: The vast majority of the time, it’s Manny.
Who suggested kids first: The conversation has come up a lot because heirs and “maintaining the bloodline of the throne” but they don’t really want kids. They don’t feel right to be parents and Isabelle finds the idea of pregnancy to be horrifying. Fat Link can be King instead~
Who’s more dominant: Isabelle. She bossy and Manny likes it.
Who’s the cuddler: They both are, but more so Manny. He’s constantly sitting on her and Isabelle only likes it when she likes it. If not, it’s an elbow to the stomach for him.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Playing video games. Or coming up with new dumb nicknames for each other.
Who kills the spiders: Isabelle will not hesitate to slam a shoe on them.
Who falls asleep first: They both stay up until the wee hours of the morning
Who is louder? Manny. Isabelle is constantly elbowing him and hitting his side to get him to shut up before any bodyguards come storming in the room.
Who is more experimental? Manny for sure. He’s a kinky little thing. Isabelle is too and she’ll go along with some of the stuff he’s into (she draws the line at roleplaying an alien probing), but she’s got nothing on him.
Do they fuck or make love? Somewhere in the middle.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? Manny, without a doubt. Even before they were dating, Isabelle was constantly walking in on him.
Who comes first? It depends what they’re doing??? It’s often Isabelle though.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? Manny has a gifted tongue and Isabelle loves nothing more than when he puts it to good use.
Who usually initiates things? Again, Manny.
Who is more sensitive? Probably Isabelle by a small amount? Not that she’d willingly let on.
Who has the most patience? Manny. Isabelle has zero patience in her.
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askaceandflushgang · 4 years
An Accidental Recording
*Static plays from a tape recorder, almost obscuring the distant conversation*
(From the Mun, the character key is thusly: Ace, Queen, King, Jack, Ten)
…why not?
We stick together and work it out ourselves. It’s how we’ve always done it. 
Except for the clown bustin’ us out from the feds.
Shut up, Jack.
I don’t know about you, King, but I’m tired of scrounging for junk food every day. 
It’s just for now. Once we pull of a proper heist we’ll be able to buy whatever we want and not rely on a stranger’s charity.
Mr. Chris is not a stranger.
You met in a chatroom; he’s still a stranger.
But he got us food.
Because you gave him a sob story and whined about the hot dogs I burned.
I don’t see the problem.
The problem, Ten, is if we let this guy come to our hideout we'll have to move again. No one can know where we are. We'll get arrested and there's no way we can afford that.
Can't we?
Don't get smart with me. You knew what kind of life you were signing up for when we decided to stick together.
I did. And yet this is a clear opportunity for improvement.
I still don't see why we need any kind of "improvement".
...we don't wanna get scurvy. It's gross.
We're not pirates. You've been watching too much TV.
...it's why Mr. Chris gave us oranges.
I'll admit he did a nice thing helping us out, but we don't need him or his help.
...but I want his help. I wanna learn how to do real-life things. I don't wanna be useless.
You need to stay safe!
Don't yell at me!
*a door slams shut*
Geez dude. Way to be a leader.
Ten, go after her.
*footsteps and another door closing*
Now you listen to me, "King". You have no right to tell her what she can and can't do. If you're going to keep her locked away from the world, you might as well take her back to the suits and their controller bands.
*static overwhelms the recording*
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craniumsquirrel · 7 years
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So a good friend of mine ( @osheamobile ) recruited me to play in one of their D&D games. They pitched it to me as “a gothic horror thing” and me being me, I immediately went “that needs a drunken master monk” - which, for some insane reason, they agreed with fully and are now encouraging. 
So meet Eleni of the Order of the Radiant Drake, a halfling with swagger three times her size and a booze bottle to match. I wish you good luck, Royal Flush. You may well need it. 
Art by Onstamonsta of Twitter!
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“I miss them still, you know? The old gang... My family...”
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Odds and Probabilities- Leo x Isabella (N*FW, 🍋)
This fic is for Day 25 of the CFWC Kinktober Challenge
Day 25: Role Play | Talk Dirty | Scratching
The words used in bold are included in this fanfic. Please only read if you are comfortable with the subject matter and also you are 18+. PSA completed.
TW: In this fic we will be discussing teacher/student RP, if this is not something you are into, please do not read ☺️
Tagging: @drakewalkerfantasy @itslaniquelove @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @mom2000aggie @lorirwritesfanfic @lorircreates @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @texaskitten30 @rainbowsinthestorm @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @liam-rhys @choicesficwriterscreations
All under the jump!! ❤️❤️
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“Come on...” Isabella bit down onto her plump lower lip nervously waiting for Leo to pick up. The Crown Prince of Cordonia was sat in the Palace’s theatre room watching his beloved Sports Center. Portavira FC were in the playoffs and Leo had more than just glory and bragging rights at play; the next goal would determine everything. He placed a €200,000 bet on 50/2 odds that Portavira scoring three goals in the first half of the game. He edged closer and closer to the end of his seat as the midfielder pushed past the defence ignoring his phone as it vibrated beside him. As that ball crossed the goal line, Leo thought he had just came, leaning back the blonde Cordonian ran his fingers through his hair with a groan, Portavira was in the championship game and he had a nice payout of €5.2 million to collect. The Crown Prince was well known to have an addictive personality, that also included the art of gambling and he was good at it. Finally picking up his phone, Leo took a deep breath to calm himself down before calling Isabella back, “What’s up kitten?”, hearing the petite brunette sigh, Leo’s brow furrowed, “Is everything ok?” Isabella’s shoulders lowered, “Not really... I need your help with something if you’re not busy...” Leo’s sea green eyes briefly checked how long was left of the match but shaking his head, he couldn’t let her down, “Yeah, yeah... come on over...”
Leo leaned against the doorframe in his dark navy waistcoat and tight bootcut jeans as Isabella was formally announced with a mischievous grin plastered across his face, “And Crown Princess... what can I do for you this wonderful evening?” she was quiet which puzzled him before quietly whispering to her out of earshot of the staff. “Kitten... what’s the matter?” Rolling her eyes to the left to meet his, she looked slightly ashamed as she asked, “Can you teach me how to play poker?” Leo bit down on his lip trying so hard not to chuckle as Isabella slapped his arm, “Leo... it’s not funny! It’s unbecoming! But... I have an idea of what I have to do...” The Crown Prince began to shake his head, “Why the hell do you want to know how to gamble?” Isabella awkwardly scratched her arm, her glistening dark chocolate brown eyes sparkled as she spoke, “It’s a poker tournament for a Laurentian Charity and...” her voice went a little more quiet, “I don’t want to look like a fucking idiot.... plus...” she began to sigh, “Max will be there so I don’t want to give him the satisfaction...” Leo raised his brow with interest, he hated Max Rodríguez even more than Isabella did and to wipe the smug look off of his face, he’d be more than happy to teach the Laurentian Crown Princess, “Follow me...” he winked, “I have an idea...”
Isabella expected Leo to bring her to one of the men’s drawing rooms where decks of cards were stashed away but, taken aback, her brow furrowed, “the governess’ room?” Leo chuckled as he walked forward, taking off the dust sheets from the blackboard, “Sit down and learn kitten... it’s not always just about the cards in the deck” picking up a piece of chalk he began to write up equations on the blackboard, Isabella sat back mesmerised as he spoke, “There are three basic principles of Poker... definite probabilities, expected value and volatility index... poker is dependent on sample spaces or the total number of outcomes...” the chalk tapped the board as he continued, “Four of a kind will have a potential probability of 0.000240 but to have a royal flush, the probably drops further to around 0.00000154...” Crossing her toned legs, the Laurentian Princess pulled on the hem of her Chanel mini dress to straighten it’s material as she stared ahead, Leo had her full attention as he turned to her, throwing up the little piece of chalk and catching it as he grinned enthusiastically, “Simple combinatorial calculus kitten...” quietly Isabella sighed to herself, trying desperately to hide the blush across her cheeks and pulling on the hem of her dress awkwardly feeling her core beginning to yearn for his touch. How the hell was she so turned on right now? 
Isabella walked up towards the board as Leo pulled out the chair on the edge of the governess’ desk sitting back and putting his feet up on the table. Her head tilted as the Crown Princess tried to make sense of everything in front of her, taking the chalk, she began to modify the equation. Leo licked his lower lip watching her ass jiggle as Isabella walked side by side in her mini dress. Playfully he teased her, “I really hope beautiful you don’t dress like that to go to class...” Isabella immediately turned to glare at the chuckling Crown Prince, “The last time I checked, what I wear is none of your concern...” raising his brow, Leo pursed his lips slightly, “No complaints here kitten from where I’m sitting... if anything, I just feel sorry for everyone else there...” he cooed lowering his legs from the table, “I’d never let you leave the classroom...” Isabella handed Leo back the chalk, “Ohh... is that right Professor Rys? You show me how to do one thing and you think you know everything?” Seductively the Crown Prince winked at the petite brunette, “Ohhh just for that I should give you a detention...” Bending down to his level, Isabella met Leo’s sparkling sea green eyes that stared up at her, “Is that a promise?” she purred, teasing him back.
Leo began to chuckle, smugly smiling up towards the Laurentian Princess, his fingers began to twist around her long chestnut hair that cascaded down Isabella’s shoulders, “I can’t believe you kept this dirty little secret from me beautiful... and to think...” he playfully huffed, “I’ve taught you many... many...” his fingers let go of her hair, moving gently across to her lips, “...things...” as Leo’s index finger danced upon her plump lower lip, Isabella’s breath hitched at the sheer thought, sighing breathlessly in response to his touch. “What am I going to have to do with you kitten, huh?” Leo pouted before he lessened the space between them, his lips caressing the side of her elegant neck as he mumbled into her skin, “Let’s see what else I can teach you...” his fingers began to trace over the goosebumps appearing on her arms before holding onto her curved waist, his fingers slowly and sensually dragging up the hem of her dress, “Gambling isn’t just probabilities though...” his hand began to caress her thigh, slowly moving up to her wetness, “You need to use all of your senses...” his fingers barely touched her already wet sensitive clit through her lace panties before Isabella elicited a wanting moan. Leo continued with a devilish grin spreading across his face, “smell, sight, hearing, touch... and...” he placed his finger that rested against Isabella’s lip, “taste...”
Allowing his bottom lip to pass through his teeth, Leo groaned as the petite Princess did as she was told, licking his finger dutifully tasting herself  “That’s it kitten...” he growled, “Come here!” immediately his arms wrapped around her thighs pulling the Laurentian beauty onto his lap to face him. He looked into her wanton eyes with a smirk and slowly exaggerated his speech, “Show me how much you want me to fuck you...” Isabella didn’t speak as her hips began to rock back and forth, grinding against the Crown Prince. Her arms crossed over as she caught either side of her dress, pulling the Chanel outfit over her head and dropping it to the ground exposing her ample bosom, still held inside a black, lace bra. Leo’s kisses were urgent as his lips grazed across her décolletage before nestling his face between her breasts. Greedily, the Crown Prince pulled down the cup of her bra, exposing her nipple as he took it into his mouth, teasing her as he dragged it past his teeth, his sea green eyes flickered to a shade of emerald as he caught the Princess sighing, his lips puckered, slowly letting her nipple out of his mouth as Leo tilted Isabella’s chin towards him, “Watching someone closely... you can sense what’s going to happen next...” his left hand caught her panties, pulling them to the side as Isabella continued to rock her hips back and forth, “The slightest change in someone’s expression...” he began to caress her aching clit as his low, gravelly, commanding voice continued, “... will let you know everything about your opponent... may that be a fucking amazing hand at poker, or watching you nearly riding my fingers wanting that extra little bit of...” Leo plunged his finger deep instead of Isabella, “attention...”
Isabella reached out to hold the back of the chair as Leo continued to thrust his fingers inside of her, “That’s it kitten... bounce up and down for me...” with his spare hand, Leo fixed his glasses relishing the sight before him, “It’s about getting what we want...” he sighed, “ascertaining strengths and weaknesses... and yours my darling is...” Leo took his fingers from the Crown Princess’ soaking wet pussy immediately stopping her pleasure, “...being my little kitten...” Leo beckoned her closer with a menacing smile, “... and you are mine... now...” he groaned picking up the chalk towards Isabella’s face as he raised his brow “... Since you were rude earlier... Teacher is going to make you do a detention...” Isabella stared at the chalk, then towards Leo slightly confused, “Go over to that chalkboard...” he growled at her, watching as Isabella shimmied herself from his lap and made her way towards the farthest chalkboard as Leo commanded, it was a little lower than the rest of the boards Quickly, the Crown Prince stripped his clothing grinning as Isabella stood in nothing but her lace panties and louboutin heels patiently waiting for his next instruction, dutifully holding the chalk in her left hand.
Leo’s tall, broad muscular body towered over the Crown Princess as he finally stood behind her, his hard length pressing against her back. Taking the chalk from her, Leo wrote out two probability calculations in front of the Crown Princess before this thumbs spelt began to pull her panties down, “Play a little game with your teacher Beautiful...” he cooed, “You got to answer both of those before you can cum...” helping her step out of her panties, Leo perched himself between her legs. Whilst Isabella picked up the chalk, Leo began to kiss her stomach, moving lower until he slowly kissed her aching core. Flattening his tongue, he teased her sensitive nub. Isabella bit down on her lip instantly, trying her hardest not to cry out and to concentrate on the first problem as Leo slowly sucked her throbbing clit into his mouth. The Laurentian beauty’s hand shook, quivering to the Crown Prince’s touch jumping slightly as he pushed a finger past her entrance. Isabella could feel her balance going as she stood tall in her five inch heels, when trying to write the number nine, it squiggled a little nearly looking like an eight. Leo looked up at her grinning whilst his spare hand gripped around his hard, thick, uncut cock, slowly stroking himself before he pushed into her another finger and picked up the pace.
Isabella cried out, the feeling of being full whilst Leo flicked his tongue against her sensitive nerve endings nearly pushed her over the edge, “Remember Miss Sánchez...” Leo mumbled, “You can only cum when I say so...” The Crown Princess’ dark chocolate brown eyes rolled into the back of her head as she reached out, grabbing onto Leo’s sandy blonde hair, “2,598,960...” she cried out finishing the first calculation to work out how many distinct hands there were in poker, almost panting as Leo slowly removed his mouth and fingers from her soaking wet core. Crawling from between her legs, Leo caressed her exposed thighs,  kissing up her stomach, between her breasts before they met the petite brunette’s lips, “You taste like honey kitten...” he groaned smiling, “Now why don’t you try to answer the other one...” Isabella’s eyes rolled to the left, studying what was written in front of her until she felt Leo pull her hips backward slightly as he manoeuvred behind her, “I think the first one was too easy...” he pressed the tip of his cock against her wetness, slowly pushing his length inside, growling at how tight her entrance was. Bucking his hips back and forth, Leo clenched his teeth. With each thrust he could feel the Crown Princess tightening around his engorged member. Isabella reached out, gripping onto the side of the board to keep herself balanced as she tried to write down the answer, the standard deviation was the square root of the variance; Isabella moaned out loudly calling out the Crown Prince by name, “Leo...” she cried, her breathing heavy. Leo twisted her hair in his hand, pulling Isabella back up slightly as his broad, muscular frame towered over the petite brunette, “Nearly there kitten...” he groaned, “You know you want to please your teacher and cum all over his cock, don’t you?”
Isabella felt the urge surging through her body, quickly finishing the answer Sqr(5496) = 74.135bb/100. The Laurentian Crown Princess barely was able to finish the last zero as the chalk fell out of her hand, Leo growled loudly, thrusting as hard as he could into her, the sound of their two bodies coming together echoed through the empty room with Leo’s strong arms wrapping around the tiny Princess holding her tightly as she fell forward with exhaustion. Isabella barely could manage a giggle as Leo’s beard titled her with each peppered kiss against her neck, “Well that was a fun lesson...” he winked at her, “If my classes were like that, I probably would have turned up...” Shimmying back on her dress Isabella rolled her eyes, “Any excuse...” she coyly smiled, “Did you see where my...” Leo held up his hand, her panties dangling from his index finger, “You looking for these?” with a chuckle. “Hey!” Isabella tried to snatch them back, “Give them back...” Leo’s eyes narrowed filled with mischief as he put her panties into his jeans pocket, “Last lesson of tonight... you always gotta remember, the house always wins in the long run kitten....” Weeks later, Isabella was in one of her economics lectures, “Miss Sánchez...”her professor roughly barked at her, “Are you paying attention?!” Isabella shook her head from her daydream, “Get up here and finish this problem...” he pointed the whiteboard marker towards the equation as she reached out taking the marker in her hand, her whole body began to tingle from head to toe immediately feeling her panties get wet as she complied with her Professor’s request, craving Leo’s head between her legs once more. Maybe she had to find another excuse for Leo to help teach her something...
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aventurine-official · 3 months
Hello, Aventurine!
I believe our Team's auto-messaging system has sent you an advertisement for something that does not quite fit your tastes. For that, I apologize. The explanation is that the system had picked a mention of jazz on your page and did not recognize that you were not speaking so strongly in favour of it.
And excuse me for such a sudden personal question. How has your trip to Penacony been? I have heard some concerning rumours about some people impersonating you. Are those rumours true? There have been no official announcements from Diamond, or anyone else of higher ranks, for that matter.
I understand, if you do not wish to answer this message.
Best regards,
Pavel Zhimolostin (@ipcadteam-pavel)
Greetings, Mr. Zhimolostin,
Oh, there’s no need to fret! As I’m not particularly opposed to jazz, the advertisement seemed to be recruiting jazz players for some sort of musical group. I was only a tad confused, and it didn’t cause a particularly large incident, so there is no cause for concern.
Penacony is quite nice, actually! Very festive, very flashy… I blend right in~ The Dreamscapes really are just as beautiful as advertised, and there are more than enough thrills here to keep me busy for the remainder of my occupancy.
There was, in fact, an incident where a member of the Astral Express could not successfully be checked in to the Reverie, and so I gave them my room out of the kindness of my heart. I have a new room now, of course, and this was no bother, but I’m only informing you in case my room number details were important in tracking my location.
Impersonating me? Oh, I’d like to say it isn’t true… but such things happen. I am one of the Stonehearts, after all~ There have been incidents here in Penacony where certain Masked Fools are running around impersonating others in a flawless disguise, so I’m glad you were able to figure out that I am exactly who I say I am.
Of course I’ll reply to your message, friend! You are just as worthy of my time as anybody else, if not more.
I do hope you’re well, and do not hesitate to inform me if anything else needing my attention should arise.
Aventurine of Stratagems
(Ooc: Omg moddie I love your oc's concept so much!!!! ~ Mod Minie)
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cawcawp · 4 years
My Muses! An ever updating and changing  masterlist
Just a warning this will constantly be edited and updated so make sure to check back often! I rp on discord only.
Canon Characters
**If a character has two asterisks it means I’m looking forwards to playing them
Sabrina-  Sabrina the Teenage witch/The chilling adventures of Sabrina Ambrose- The chilling adventures of sabrina **Chuck- Pushing daisies Ned- Pushing daisies
**Lena Duchannes- Beautiful Creatures
**Marceline-Adventure Time
PB-Adventure time
**Sirens-Pirates of the Carribbean 
Hermione Granger-HP
Ron Weasley-HP
**Weasley Twins-HP
Violet- AHS Murder House
Black Cat-Marvel Kamala Khan-Marvel
(I play more Marvel characters but they are unlisted) Superman-DC Flash-DC
Poison Ivy-DC
Harley Quinn-DC
Terra- DC Caitlin Snow- DC
Jinx- DC **Ace of clubs (Royal Flush gang)-DC
Raven-DC Zee-DC (I play more dc characters but they are unlisted)
Blake Belladonna- RWBY Yang Xiao Long-Rwby
Ruby Rose-RWBY
**Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim
Kim Pine-Scott Pilgrim
**Wallace Wells-Scott Pilgrim
Literally any character from The Magicians Literally anyone from stranger things Nathan- Misfits Kelly-Misfits Mei Hatsume- BNHA **Eri (Aged up) -BNHA Jiro-BNHA Denki-BNHA Uraraka-BNHA Ibara-BNHA Nejire-BNHA Tamaki-BNHA Saiko-BNHA Enigma-BNHA **Entrapta- She-Ra
**Catra-She-Ra Perfuma- She-Ra Frosta-She-Ra Double Trouble She-Ra **Jett-Valorant Killjoy-Valorant Phoenix-Valorant Killjoy-Valorant Sage-Valorant Viper-Valorant Raze-Valorant **Five- The Umbrella Academy
Klaus- The Umbrella Academy
Ben- The Umbrella Academy
***Joan of Arc -Clone High
Cleo -Clone High
**Suzie- DBD Julie-DBD Meg-DBD Rin (The Spirit)- DBD Nea-DBD The Huntress-DBD Ghostface-Scream Steve- Stranger Things Mike-Stranger Things Nancy- Stranger Things Eleven-Stranger things **Literally anyone from Julie and the Phantoms
Fandom Ocs
**Noelle Greenbaum-Murphy
**Darwin Blake
**Tamashi Mortus-Yurei **Gamari Tsukino Suzui Kitari **Cheshire Otokyu Shiamasu Assorted BNHA ocs
Assorted BNHA ocs part two
Mars Erivas Devon Aeroni Justin Fletcher (TRIGGER WARNING DEATH)
Star Wars Pele Elidi, A young engineer with a sparky attitude and a thirst for knowledge.
**Huo, pre-war a fire bender who takes the place of avatar Roku in canon Harry Potter Anasi Percy Jackson
Espina Tierra
Kassandra Pythia Assorted Ocs Julie and the Phantoms **Carly Kane- A medium and guitarist who got a weird feeling watching Julie and the phantoms perform. Historicals Victorian Pirate: Lyria (mermaid) 80s: Thomas Eris Saturn
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hartrps · 5 years
❛❛ wait , did you just say you love me? ❜❜ HP
Isabelle’s eyes instantly widened as she realized what she’d let slip. Sure, she was planning on telling Manny someday, but that day was way way way into the future. Preferably when she wasn’t a hot mess of a princess just about to get on a stage to formally accept her title with thousands of people watching. She didn’t need any more stress at that moment and she needed to fix it stat.
“What? No. Why would I say that, Mandolin? I was just… thinking about Zelda and how much I really admire Urbosa, y’know? I mean, being a champion and wanting to incinerate Ganon… What’s not to love?” Isabelle rambled.
She was sure that had to be convincing enough but all she had to do was look at Manny’s face to see that it was anything but convincing. Dammit. Probably because he knows that she’s normally thinking about Link, Zelda or Tetra but Isabelle couldn’t think of any other character whose name started with a ‘you’ sound at that moment. With a huge sigh, Isabelle gave up and figured if she was already going to do one giant scary thing today, she might as well go on and do another too.
“Okay. Yeah, I said I love you, and not in a “you’re my dumb best friend and I gotta love you” kinda way. I love you, like actually love you, Manny. More than anything in the world and I have done for years, but I didn’t want to tell you ‘cause I didn’t wanna risk losing you,” Isabelle admitted. “And I know this is really bad timing but if you’re gonna reject me and do the whole “I love you too but just as a friend” thing, can you wait until after my speech? Because people already don’t believe in me doing the whole princess thing, and they definitely won’t if I’m up there all heartbroken and crying.”
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Shattered Reflections {3}
[Helsa RP- Fanfic]
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Post-Frozen/ Canon Divergence
- Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Pairing(s): Hans/Elsa, Kristoff/Anna
Prince Hans is a mirror at heart, but wishes to shatter his reflections and correct his past mistakes. He returns to Arendelle, willingly surrendering himself to Queen Elsa’s judgement. Uncovering truths, unforeseen circumstances and a bit of je ne sais quoi, bring the Ice Queen and the Mirror Prince together in a way neither of them would have imagined.
(( This is a collaborative RP Fic written by lovely fellow Helsa shipper FOW and myself. We RP for fun and just wanted wanted to share this story with fellow shippers, especially all my lovely shipper buddies over in the Helsa Discord Server. Long live the Province of Helsa! Thank you, Beta Reader Friends, your help is much appreciated. Hope you enjoy~ ))
Previous Chapter: Chapter 2. Burn After Reading 
Readers Discretion is Advised. There is mild mention of bodily harm from corporal punishment this chapter, it’s nothing too graphic, but I thought I’d warn anyway, better to be safe. If the subject makes you uncomfortable please refrain from reading.
Chapter 3. Bear Your Burdens
Hans rested on his stomach on his bed, arms crossed under his chin and eyes closed. At the sound of approach, however, he pushed himself up slowly, with a bit of a stretch, and waited to be addressed. In the corner under his bed were his dirty clothes, the ones he wanted to wash for himself. "Her Majesty graces me with her presence? I wonder what I've done to deserve such an honor." He remarked idly, though he didn't seem to focus too immediately. He seemed tired. Perhaps a little flushed.
Elsa thought she’d been prepared to face Hans again, but actually standing there in the dungeon, she realized she was not. The journals were one thing, but something about being in his presence again made her feel uneasy.
Yet it was not just Hans that had made her anxious, it was the dungeon itself as well. Elsa had not visited the dungeons since the coronation incident, and being back gave her a feeling of déjà vu, that made her chest compress and took her breath away. But maybe it was something more than the déjà vu that was making her restless.
It took her a moment to speak, after regaining enough air.
“ The Captain told me you weren’t acting like yourself today, ” maybe those weren’t the right words. “And that you wish to wash your own clothes? Which is a bit odd in and of itself.”
Hans seemed to think about it. “Not like myself? Curious, that I should have a ‘myself’ to act like.” He observed, seeming to find that by itself intriguing.
“I would like that, yes. The two questions may be related, but they are unfortunately tied to a secret I hold very dear. I would rather keep them to myself.” He paused to think a moment. “Does the good Captain have any elder siblings?”
The Captain seemed perplexed, and looked to Elsa briefly, perplexed, before answering. “No, I do not.”
“Ah, well. You aren’t likely to understand, then. Nor would the Queen or her Highness, they are too close and too friendly. No, there are some lessons one, only learns with brothers, I think. But I suppose prisoners are not entitled to secrets. A shame.” He looked between the two, but his gaze wavered somewhat. He seemed unfocused, and almost as if he had forgotten what he was saying, as he didn’t continue to explain himself.
Elsa did not like secrets. Secrets were what had kept her away from her dear Anna for so many years.
Yes, she was curious of his secret, Yet she did not plan prying it out of him, if he had his reservations she was going to let him be, for his aloofness had worried her. The way he spoke of his brothers was so grim and it seemed to affect him deeply.
“You’re right I don’t understand,” she paused. “ I wish I could understand… but if you wish not to share your secret I will not force it from you.”
Hans seemed deeply thoughtful a moment.
“Her Majesty is far too kind. And too gentle a soul for these things.” He mused. His words seemed less carefully chosen, and his manner even less so.
“Too bad, I feel in a talkative mood. My secret is, you could stab me and my last intelligible words would be 'I am fine’. I’d sooner die than admit to being in pain in most cases. However, I rather don’t like not being able to focus my eyes -or my tongue.” He ignored his usual protocol and leaned over his bed again to lie on his stomach and seemingly ignored them. It was the most unlike himself that he had been.
“No, don’t ask, you know how I’ll answer. If you’re so curious, call for a doctor and let him find out. Or let me die in peace with my dignity, whatever, I’m quite neutral on the subject. But it’s all much too grim for a lady.” He wouldn’t tolerate any if this 'are you well’ guff. He clearly -so far as he could tell- was not.
“I think he might actually be dying.” The Captain admitted. He never thought someone could be so blazè about the subject, but Hans was most certainly not himself at that moment.
“Yes, the Navy’s opinion on treasoners is much different from the Isles’ royal family. At least one has a spine.” Hans mused, eyes closed on his folded-over pillow. He looked more like a large and lazy cat than a man in the dungeons.
Dying? He was dying? Elsa was frozen, she didn’t know how else to react. Frost formed at her fingertips. Her breath lost yet again. It perturbed her, how he could seem so nonchalant about his own demise.
Yes, she had resentment towards this man, for what he had done to her sister (more than what he had done to her), yet she did not wish him dead. She had wished never to lay eyes on him again, certainly, but by death, that was never how she wanted her wish to be fulfilled.
His return to Arendelle had made more sense to her now; he wanted to make amends before perishing. Having a dying man wait for his imminent death in the dungeon did not sit right with her.
So he had also been brutally punished by his navy. In her queenly studies she had read up on Naval Law and just remembering some of their harsh punishments she’d come across in her readings, made wince just thinking about them.
He was right her soul was too gentle, for she felt sorrow even for this Accursed Prince.
She felt helpless, trapped inside her mind like she was once trapped inside her room, with the walls slowly closing in around her.
Still frozen, lost in the maze of her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the layer of ice she unconsciously created across the dungeon floor, and was now quickly creeping up the walls.
“Your Majesty, breathe.” The Captain spoke gently, but knew better than to touch her in such a state. “If he’s talking about what I suspect, a skilled doctor could yet help, but we’d want to get them quickly. Damn fool didn’t think to tell us to change bandages.” The Captain seemed somehow both annoyed and pitying.
“Didn’t want to be a bother. I never do. Much easier to die than admit weakness. But…” Hans seemed to lose track of what he was saying. He perhaps noticed the cold and rolled a bit to lean his back against the wall where the frost crept.
The Captain’s voice snapped her out of her trance. Breathe, she had to remember how to breathe. Her respiration was uneven as air started to fill her lungs again.
If there was a chance of saving him she was going to take it, even if protested against it. She had reached her limit listening to his self-depreciation, it started to exasperate her.
In her vexation she responded to his words a second thought.
“ Weakness?” She huffed. “Just letting oneself die is the ultimate form of weakness.” She believed that, for in her weakest moment she had wished for death herself.
The frost continued to engulf the dungeon wall.
“I believe it takes real strength to admit pain and continue living.”
Hans seemed to hardly be listening.
“Yes, I have heard that.” He sounded unimpressed. But he seemed calmer.
“Your Majesty, I propose we call a doctor. Now.” The Captain proposed, shifting warily. “The clothes- Hiding blood, I suspect.” He didn’t like what this sounded like. Hans seemed unlike himself. He shifted a bit. “I think it’s his back. A bit more ice might help stay conscious. Or at least to dampen the fever.”
Elsa nodded in agreement. “Yes, please go call a doctor.”
She stepped closer to Hans. She looked down at her hand and realized she still held the note wrote earlier and brought with her, she had a strange idea. The note was no damp rag, but thought it could work as a makeshift one, if she chilled it and placed on his forehead.
“I’ll provide the ice, in the meantime.”
The Captain hesitated a moment, but he nodded, deciding Hans wouldn’t be a big problem as he fled from the scene to find a doctor.
Hans seemed to blink a bit, but he closed his eyes again. He was unreasonably warm.
“Too kind by far.” He muttered, without much context. He didn’t pull away, if anything, he relaxed somewhat.
“I didn’t do this intentionally. 'Thought that had healed.” He muttered.
Elsa was grateful that Hans had not been stubborn enough to protest her help. She had not touched him directly, but the heat emanating from his body even at the distance was worrisome.
She didn’t respond to him, instead she took a deep breath and tried to control the flurry she created over his back. She was intently focused on creating a light frost over his shirt. Elsa had been extra cautious when her ice powers touched someone, she did not want to risk what happened to Anna happen to anyone else.
Hans seemed more comfortable with the slight chill, really.
There was an odd smell closer to him. Bad, but unrecognizable without an expert there. It was on his old shirts, as well, but to a lesser extent, along with spots of blood in strange hatching patterns.
It didn’t take long for a doctor to arrive with the guard, and a medical bag.
“Good afternoon, your Majesty.” He bustled right in to get to work, sniffed the air, and wrinkled his nose. “Whatever it is, it’s infected. Would you be opposed to him being moved to a more sterile environment?” He didn’t even have to look at Hans to know it.
“You might not want to be here when the dressings come off. It could be a very upsetting sight. And smell. But your ice does help.” He assured. “I see we have the Prince for a patient. Didn’t know he was in Arendelle.” The Doctor may have been slightly uneasy about that fact, but it didn’t change that Hans was his patient, and he would do what he could.
The Doctor’s bombardment of words barely gave her time to process them all.
“ Not at all, feel free to transfer him, there are ample rooms you can use.” There were many empty servant and guest rooms in the Arendelle Castle that were not in use, and hadn’t been vacant for years. Elsa hesitated only for a brief moment, but looking back down at feverish fool in front of her, she found her resolve. “ If my ice can serve useful in any way, I’m willing to oblige.”
The Doctor seemed uncertain, but gave a bit of a sigh and nodded. “The clearest room you have, and a cot, I’ll need a lot of light, a lot of clean water, clear spirits. Got that? And somebody to help transfer him, he’s clearly not in any walking condition.” He spoke to the Captain of the guard, who nodded and went out to look.
“I’ve walked in worse.” Hans muttered from his cot.
“Then congratulations on not dying, but if you get up I’m asking the Queen to ice you to that bed.” The Doctor didn’t even pause to snap at him. Hans couldn’t help but smile a bit.
Hans muttered something about 'the best doctors’ but he seemed only semi-conscious at best.
While the guard was off, the doctor knelt down and checked under Hans’ collar to look at his back, prying him away from the wall. Hans didn’t even seem to notice the intrusion on his personal space or the touch. The doctor drew air between his teeth in an expression of sympathy pain. “Well the good news is, it doesn’t look like the infection will kill him today. He might’ve even lasted into tomorrow before being critical. The other good news is, he would be very difficult to kill if he’s lived this long. That or the Isles have better doctors.”
It was not a Queen’s duty to assist a doctor, Elsa was not bound by anything really, yet there she was regardless.
The Captain had sent a few of his men to help transfer Hans over from the dungeon to the new room. It was no easy feat, but it was done.
The Captain had found everything the Doctor required as quickly as possible and now they were almost done preparing for the Doctor to start working.
The time arrived shortly after, the Doctor carefully peeled off Hans shirt to uncover the secret he hid behind it. The Doctor had been right, it was a very unpleasant sight. Elsa had tried to mentally prepare herself, but it was far worse than she could have imagined. Her immediate response was to avert her gaze, it was too much for her to take in.
In the brief moment she had seen his back, she was overwhelmed with emotions. She shivered and could almost feel the ache upon her own back, that was probably nothing but an insignificant fraction of what he was actually feeling.
How long had he been living with these scars, if he said he thought they had healed already? He had arrived to Arendelle standing so tall, doing so well to hide his burden, that she never would have deduced it. Tears began to well up in her eyes.
The stench was nothing compared to the sight of his lacerations.
She felt herself freezing up again, but she couldn’t allow herself that luxury, she had to snap out of it. She took a deep breath, reminding herself she had volunteered herself to be useful during the operation, not pity him. No amount of pity can help a dying man.
The wounds had, for the most part, healed. The problem was, 'most’ was not 'completely’. Some had kept their scabs and were yet still too fresh, and the rope-like scar tissue was nearly indistinguishable from an infection below the skin. The Doctor had to do what he could to discover all the lingering wounds, get rid of the pus, clean the wounds, and re-bandage. Antibiotics were given, of course, something to stop the damage. In spite of how bad it looked, and how bad the infections smelled, the process wasn’t nearly as long or difficult as it appeared on the surface. That didn’t change the doctor’s perplexity as he finished up the surgery.
“I’ll change the bandages twice daily and keep an eye on him. He should be up and chatting again in a day or two, once the fever breaks. The infection itself isn’t as bad as the rest of it looks, but the surprising thing is that he got that many lacerations to begin with. Generally one isn’t supposed to survive that many.” It was true what Hans said, then. He would sooner die than show weakness, if he never mentioned that.
“Thank you, Doctor,” Elsa said with a nod. The Doctor then walked himself out.
The room had been emptied out other then Hans and herself. She had lingered behind and gazed at him and at in his fresh bandages and winced again knowing what was concealed behind them. Elsa approached the bedside, she hovered her hand over him, the heat emanating from him had lessened from before, but was still intense.
Hans would have hated this, if he were conscious. To be seen injured, by so many. Unable to snap at them or reassure them he was fine. Now his secret was out, that he could hide discomfort and pain, so now he would have to be watched for anyone to be certain.
Yet, he had told her, in his own way. The odd scratching on his note, reminiscent of the hash marks across his back; the admission of his secret in spite of her reassurance that he didn’t need to tell, the way he argued with words, but didn’t actually try to push anyone away. He tried not to be an inconvenience, but he accepted it when he was treated with care.
In spite of what pain they had caused him, he only ever spoke well of the Navy. So far as he was concerned, it seemed, he deserved them.
He sighed a little at the comfort of her natural chill around him. Ordinarily Hans enjoyed the warmth, but in this particular case, the chill helped him feel more at peace, and eased the pain.
It had been a long day for Elsa. What was supposed to be a simple verdict, had spiraled into a small frenzy. She was grateful the worst had passed, at least she hoped. She would not easily forget what transpired in that room.
She was ready to call it a day, when she heard the pitter-patter of someone running in the halls, it could only be one person, Anna.
“Elsa! Finally, it’s been so quiet around here. The guards told me you were busy all day, what’s on your mind?” She could tell Elsa was stressed, but since when was that new? Anna was always there to offer sisterly support- as long as Elsa would actually take it. Some days that seemed like a struggle.
Normally Elsa would indulge her younger sister with her chit-chat, but she really wasn’t in the mood to talk. Instead she did something that she didn’t generally do, and would definitely raise more questions from her, but she didn’t care she needed it more than anything right now. Without saying a word Elsa wrapped her sister in a tight hug.
Anna knew that had to be bad. Like 'oh god who’s dying’ bad. She wrapped her sister up in her arms as much as she could and squeezed her tight.
“Okay, whatever it is, is pretty bad. Just tell me you’re not dying and we can have some cocoa or something and… I dunno, sit quietly together?” Anna liked to chat to decompress, Elsa didn’t. Elsa needed the decompressing. So if they needed to just bundle up in blankets in silence for a while, they could do that. In the meanwhile, lots of warm hugs -and a little bit of worrying from Anna.
“I promise, I’m not dying Anna,” Elsa said softly nuzzled in her sisters embrace. She let out a sigh. “I would love some chocolate.”
“Alright. Girl time? Maybe we need to bundle up in bed with hot chocolate and talk. Or not talk. Whatever you need. You start bundling and I’ll get the cocoa?” It wasn’t about the warmth -obviously- but the blankets made for a nice calming weight. And they both loved chocolate.
“Yes, Thank you.” Elsa gave her little sister one last squeeze before letting her go.
The two sisters had bundled up like promised, drinking hot chocolate in silence.
After a while, the silence was too much even for Elsa to bear.
“Anna…” she began but didn’t know how to continue.
Anna perked up. She thrived on conversation, but she knew whatever was wrong had to be bothering Elsa like, a lot.
“Whatever it is, I’m here for you.” She assured, reaching over to rest a hand on Elsa’s arm. She hoped that whatever it was, that everything would be okay.
She hadn’t missed the emphasis from earlier, but she had a bad feeling about what Elsa meant when she said 'I’m not dying.’ That meant someone was, right? Who? Not Kristoff, at least, she was spending a lot of time with him and he probably would have told her about that… right?
Elsa let out a soft involuntary groan. “I know.” she answered reaching her other arm over to touch her sisters hand.
Elsa let out a deep sigh. “Today was just… a very hard day.” She tried to give her sister a smile, but it was visibly forced.
Anna copied the look. She smiled, but she could see the strain and worry on Elsa.
“Do you want to tell me about it or not? You look like you’re dying inside. Pick whichever is easier. Or have a little breakdown. It’s okay.” Anna offered her arms. What were sisters for, if not completely necessary familial cuddles?
Elsa was at the verge of tears, she took a deep breath to try to calm herself down. “… I saw something very bad happen to someone…” her voice was quavery. “And it’s really been affecting me.” her breath staggered. “I wish I could tell you more, but it’s really hard.” she finished her voice cracked.
Anna set down her cocoa and shifted behind Elsa to hold her tight. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. In Arendelle something bad happened? You don’t have to tell me right now if you can’t, just feel how you need to feel for a bit, okay? It’s okay.” She stroked Elsa’s hair and hoped for the best. Anything to make things a little more okay. Anna didn’t know it, but she was the kind of person who did her damnedest to heal hearts and make things better.
Anna’s embrace was so warm. Elsa readjusted in her arms. Elsa couldn’t hold it in anymore and began to softly weep, letting all the sadness she had built up throughout the day. She felt safe in her younger sister’s hold.
Anna almost flinched, she never saw Elsa cry. But she held Elsa tight and hummed the lullaby their mother used, just to try and calm Elsa’s spirits.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” She cooed between verses, and just let Elsa cry it out while she could. Whatever this was, it was clearly awful.
Everything her little sister did, helped to comfort her. The weeping had aided in easing her heavy heart. As her tears became subdued Elsa thanked her sister. She leaned her head against her and closed her eyes.
“It’s okay.” Anna assured again, continuing to pet Elsa’s hair.
“Wow, whatever it was really affected you, huh? Are you feeling a little better?” She asked softly, just hoping to talk through some of her fears, if Elsa was up to it. Or she could rest. Whatever Elsa was ready for.
“Yes…Thank you Anna, for everything, ” she said faintly. “… it’s just, seeing someone hurt like that was too much to bear.” “What was it? You seem so freaked out and… and heartbroken. Are you going to be okay? Are they?”
“I don’t know if I- …it’s hard for me to say,” Elsa sniffled. She shifted, rubbing her eyes with her hand and turning to look at her sister. “But, I’m going to be okay,” Elsa said with a soft smile, more genuine than the last, and a nod. She paused. Her heart pounded. Her gaze drifting from her sister. Her tone was hushed. “ I don’t know if they’ll be alright, but I really hope they will be.”
“Okay, well, in this kingdom good things happen, and we’re going to make sure to do everything a person can do. That’s all we can do, right?” Anna suggested sweetly. Kristoff had a saying of 'nothing is permanent’, and his philosophy was very much that things would happen, and sometimes they weren’t controllable. It helped Anna understand that she couldn’t fix everything, but that that wasn’t always a bad thing.
“It’ll be okay, one way or another.” She assured. She hoped she was right. Kristoff was better at these things.
“ Your right, ” Elsa said reverting her gaze back to her sister. She found one of her sister’s hands with her own and clasped it.
“Alright.” Anna felt a little better, hearing that maybe she had said the right thing. “Why don’t you sleep? I’ll stay right here. Just like when we were kids.” Anything to help her feel better, after all this mess that scared Elsa so.
Anna just wished she knew what had shaken Elsa so badly. She wasn’t sure she had seen this in person, but she knew it had to be like what she had felt when their parents had passed. Even outside of her room the castle had chilled after that.
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
Suspicious Natures
[An Ongoing RP with the amazing @fandomrp ] 
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Castiel pulled his cloak tighter around him to try and ward off the chill from the night air. It seemed that these late nights seemed to grow colder and colder. He paused just briefly to glance over the rolling hills before him before continuing his patrol of the armaments. It was late but it wasn’t as if he had anywhere else to be; he was the Knight Commander of the King’s Arms, he took pride in his work and nothing could pull him from it. He paused to nod at one of the guards as they passed each other but said nothing. How long had he served until King John? It had to have been the better part of a decade and now that he had passed his son was due to take over. Cas had only met the man briefly, but it was enough to notice the Alpha’s reckless nature. He obviously had his reservations about the boy’s ability to rule but it would not interfere in his duties. That is… if the newly appointed Monarch allowed him to keep his position.
No, Castiel would be fine. Even if he were demoted, he would take pride in training his replacement. Though there was no real worry that he’d be replaced, not unless… Well, not unless someone discovered what he really was… He was sure the younger Prince had figured it out long ago. Sam was far too intelligent for his own good, it worried him some time… But as far as he knew the boy never told anyone Castiel’s secret and for that the Knight Commander would be forever grateful. He had worked far too hard to gain his title. Of course, he couldn’t take all the credit; if it wasn’t for Hannah, he would have never discovered how to hide his scent so effectively.
He offered another murmur of greeting as another guard bowed in respect as Castiel passed, a bit too lost in his own head to really pay attention where he was heading.
King Dean was a strong Alpha, he considered himself to be fair and just, just like how he runs the Kingdom. Though if it wasn’t for his brother Sammy, he would be lost. He much preferred to be out with the King’s Cavalry actively protecting his Kingdom. He was walking through the fields above the Kingdom, looking down on what he ruled. As he walked he noticed the Knight Commander walking towards him. King Dean jogged up to him. “Castiel isn’t in? I’ve been meaning to have a discussion with you. How about we have it now?” He asked, as he held his hand out to the Commander.
Cas glanced up as his name was called, intense gaze falling on the man in question. He straightened immediately, tension obvious in his shoulder. “Your Majesty.” Castiel greeted quickly, fist pressing against the thin metal covering his chest as he bowed deeply. “I was not aware you were out for a stroll. I apologize for not sending an escort.” He hurried before the man’s words sank, causing him to frown, thankful that his low bow hid the expression. The King wished to have a discussion this late… it did not bode well.
“Oh no, no. I did not tell anyone.” King Dean smiled. “I prefer coming out here alone. You can straighten, Castiel. Unless you enjoy the reflection of your face in my boots.” Dean chuckled warmly. “There is no need to worry about this chat, it’s just a formality. We may as well do it now when we are both free, then try to find time in our schedules.”
The teasing had the Knight Commander flushing slightly as he did as he was instructed, lips still pursed in apprehension. “I… Understand your desire to be alone, Your Majesty, however, I do not think its wise for you to venture the grounds alone, especially with your recent rise to the throne.” He protested gently, unsure of Dean’s temperament when it came to question his actions in such a manner; King John certainly wasn’t too fond of it. Still, he fell in step next to the King. “I will be happy to discuss whatever you wish, My King, if you will allow me to walk with you.”
“If I was not born the eldest child, I would have joined the quests to search for far off lands. I feel the safest out here.” He explained. “But now I have you, to ensure my safest. That if you are loyal to me.” King Dean asked, raising an eyebrow. “You would never conceal your true actions, nor lie to the King would you?” He asked.
Castiel glanced at him once more, intense gaze narrowing at the implications. “I am loyal to the Throne, Your Majesty. You sit upon it. I am loyal to you just as I was loyal to your father. If I have given you any reason for doubt or concern, I will do what it takes to make things right. All you need do is name the task.” Castiel reassured, avoiding a direct answer in regard to his ‘true actions’ and ‘lies’. “It is my honor to serve this kingdom and the royal family.”
“Do not be so offended, Commander, or one could read into it. These are just formal questions, I am asking of the staff surrounding me.” King Dean hummed. He knew that Castiel was keeping something from him, but he wasn’t sure what it was. He decided to change tack and continue on with the formal questioning. “Throughout this transition period, I’m hoping you’ll take some slack, that I may cause, I am still trying to juggle many things, and as such, I may not answer your queries as quickly as my father.” He explained. “During this time I wish for you to follow your gut, or think back to what my father would have asked you to do. Will you do this?”
Cas blinked at the request, unsure of what to make of it. “Of course, Sire.” He mumbled after a moment’s hesitation. “I will do my duty with honor, have no doubt in that.” He encouraged with a nod. “I have a request, however, if you will hear me?” He offered, gaze shifting back in the direction they walked leisurely.
“Of course, Commander. But I do reserve the right to waiver the request if it is not suitable for a King to do.” King Dean smiled warmly, he watched Castiel walk, noting the softest of the cheekbones and narrower shoulder’s usually adorning Omega men.
"Of course, Sire." Castiel nodded, unaware of the King's attention to detail. "Ruling is a difficult job, one that I am certain you are already of aware of. But a King is only a great as his people. You are not alone in your power, Your Majesty. We are all here to help lighten the burdens of the crown. Forgive my brash nature, but this includes your brother. He may be young but he is wise beyond his years perhaps he could be of use in your transition to the throne." He offered, tensing slightly as he waited for the backlash the was undoubtedly coming. Castiel had a tendency to toe the line of insubordination but it had served him well on occasion.
I speak with my brother often.” King Dean hummed, he stopped walking and turned to Castiel. “He is helping with more... mundane matters at the moment. Is there a reason you wish for me to use my brother more frequently? He has a job of his own, that we both wish for him to attend to, and a good wife.” Dean hummed. “I do not wish to take too much of him time away from either of those matters.”
Castiel paused when Dean did, turning to face him as was proper. “Of course, Your Majesty, I would not wish to imply that you would.” He rushed, obviously worried he had offended the Monarch. “It is just that I have watched the two of you for the better part of ten years now. King John, God rest his soul, ensured that your brother remain on a very strict path and while I must respect his wishes, I fear that your brother’s talents and intelligence may not be utilized to their fullest. If allowed, I believe your brother would gain immeasurable honor in a more productive role. While a scholar is an honorable trade I feel his talents may be wasted scribing others’ words.” He explained before flushing deeply as he realized how it sound. “Though I, of course, would not presume to know anyone in the Royal Family with such familiarity.” He rushed. “I am merely making assumptions off a few rare observations of the boy.” When had he become so easily embarrassed? Perhaps it was just how warm it had suddenly gotten. The thought had him tensing as he realized that that couldn’t be right, the night had been chilled just a moment ago. No, it had to be the way the Alpha’s scent seemed to swirled around them in the evening air that seemed to heat him, making him realize that they were particularly close and causing him to take a step back.
King Dean eyed Castiel as he took a step back, as his cheeks flustered with warmth. “As you are so keen to hand out unwarranted advice, how about you give me advice. You are the Knight Commander of the King’s Arms. These following days, I wish to receive a full report on one of the men directly under you. Each day, until you have reported on each of them. Their strengths, their weaknesses, and where you would advise to place them.” Dean stated. “At dusk every night. Or, of course, you can explain why you refused to answer my question about whether you’re lying and telling me the entire truth of your actions.” Dean offered, with a wry smile.
Castiel’s stomach twisted almost painful at the words, eyes growing a bit wide in surprise. He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs noticeable as he quickly bent low at the waist once more. “Of course, Your Grace!” He rushed perhaps a bit too loudly. “I will have those reports ready and waiting just as you request.” He offered eagerly, pausing in his bow the action helping to conceal his worried look. “Forgive me for stepping out of line.” He added. “I meant no disrespect. It was wrong of me to assume you were in need of any such advice from someone such as myself. Though I fear I do not understand what actions you refer to, Sire. I try and conduct myself as honestly as possible.” ‘As possible’ being the key words. He had never lied to the man… Merely, provided a lack of information.
“Honesty. Yes, I agree. Yet you are not honesty about your entirety. You are keeping something from me. And as your King. If you do not wish to be demoted out of the Army, then I suggest, very wisely, that you provide all the information about yourself to me, right now.” Dean’s eyes narrowed, as he tried to piece together what Castiel’s secret could be. All he could imagine was that the Commander was an Omega, but that was surely untrue, his father would have noticed.
Cas’s brows furrowed as if confused as he straightened. “Of course, Your Grace. Whatever you wish.” He offered. “I was born Castiel Novak in a neighboring Kingdom, though I could not say which, to Charles Novak. My Mother died giving birth to myself and I do not know her name. I have too many siblings to name, most of which I couldn’t even if I tried fore I was very young when I was sold to a labor camp outside the walls of the city. After a few years among the slaves I presented and managed to escape by killing my direct caretaker and made a run for it. After a fortnight of scrounging for food I was collected by a small merchant train who cared for me until they reached your Father’s territory. I was left to care for myself with no money nor skills and thus began to gravitate towards the page boys who taught me to spar. Sir Metatron took notice of my willful nature and took me under his wing, educating me and guiding me towards knighthood. When the war broke out I served as a foot soldier beneath him, quickly rising in rank and glory on the battlefield. Until, of course, Metatron proved to be a traitor and fought against your father, may he rest in peace. Discovering this I led the rebellion against my mentor, ultimately slaying him and gaining great renown. Upon returning victorious in both the battle and the war I was given the title of Knight Commander and have served your father and your kingdom faithfully since.” He explained almost as if he had rehearsed the whole thing. He managed to keep an emotionless expression during the explanation aside from the small flash of pain that tainted his icy blues at the mention of his mentor’s death. “I hand pick each of the men in your service to ensure that history does not repeat itself and that the Kingdom’s integrity remains at its utmost strength. I wake early each morning to make my rounds, ensure my men are in peak physical and mental condition and assess any security issue that may pose itself. I eat my meals among my soldiers to boost moral and end my evening far past dusk after my final inspections. I find pride and satisfaction in my work which is why I have committed myself wholly to it. I have not, nor do I plan on marrying or having cubs for that reason. I am and will remain a faithful servant to the crown and while I hope this satisfies your curiosity, Sire, I respect your decision and have a list of men that I feel would excel as your new Knight Commander should you wish to replace me.” He offered with another bow.
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