#rp: Clearbrook Academy
eva-writes · 6 years
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For @ashlaaaywrites
APRIL 12TH, 2018 - Thais & Gerard’s 3rd Anniversary
“I think the future has good things in store for us, Mrs. Linden”.
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// Any rp'ers out there from Clearbrook Academy c. 2015? Or from any time? I used to play Jasper Underwood and, honestly, I miss him dearly. Would love to get back to him again and I would love it even more if he could find some peeps from Clearbrook xxo
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•   NAME : Jackie •   PRONOUNS : She/her •   SEXUALITY : Panromantic Gray Asexual •   TAKEN OR SINGLE : Single
I am a published scientist (well baby scientist. I don’t even have my B.S. yet but I do have a small note published in a scientific journal but I am also about to maybe publish a paper on my undergrad research, fingers crossed).
There are people who have never seen me with a natural hair color. & my hair has been blue, green, purple, silver-ish & yellow/orange so far.
I love cats. Especially my cat. She’s gr8. Both the icon & header of this blog are my cat (Momo is her name, she’s the best cat ever).
– EXPERIENCE. •   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?) : I think I started rping on gaia back in like 2007 or 2008, holy shit. On tumblr I started in like 2014? •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED :  Gaia online and then tumblr (I prefer tumblr) •   BEST EXPERIENCE : Clearbrook Academy because it was my first tumblr rp where I met a ton of awesome people and probably the longest rp I’ve been in (and was super active in)
– MUSE PREFERENCES. •   FEMALE OR MALE : I tended to do female more first, but honestly, I prefer non-binary most because I (downlow) identify as somewhat agender. •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT :  Fluff & angst. I love angst but like, I can be really bad at writing it. Same with fluff. But I like them both a lot. •   PLOTS OR MEMES : Plots. I am shit at getting back to memes sometimes (looks at inbox w/ memes from years ago) Yeaaah.... •   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both. Both are good. I think I like short long replies cause sometimes I get overwhelmed with long replies, but a good mid sized reply is perfect •   BEST TIME TO WRITE : I think I do my best writing in the morning. But I tend to write more at night haha. •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Some of them. A lot of them are what I’d like to be. Some of them have aspects of my insecurities that I try to work out. They all have pieces of me, but they’re different too in many aspects.
TAGGED BY : @ashlaaaywrites , @eva-writes & @danwritestuff, ya cuties
TAGGING: @hannahbalwrites, @jediiwrites, @kenziecarrion, @azianxpersuasionwrites, @nyxmuses, @wiscowrites, @eridawrites & whoever else wants to do the thing (sorry if some of y’all have been tagged 10000 times)
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ashlaaaywrites · 9 years
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THAISTINA: The Future is Big and Scary Series
“Alright Thais, you’re all set.” “I still don’t get why you’re doing this. I’m a werewolf, I’ll heal on my own.” “It’s better to be safe than sorry, besides my wife and your mother would kill me if I didn’t go through standard protocol. On top of that, you’re pregnant Thais. Anyways, we’re still on for later tonight?” “Alright Doc, you’re the boss and does she know?” “Nope. Didn’t suspect a thing, how about on your end?”
“All I had to do was mention one on one time with Gerard and she didn’t want to hear any of it. So yeah, I’m good on my end.” replied the she-wolf with a cheeky smile as she got up from the infirmary bed. “Anyways, I have some reports to fill out before I leave. I’ll just wait for you in the parking lot and we can head out then mmkays?” Lucas grinned and began prepping for his next patient as he gave Thais a nod, “Sounds good. See you in a bit.”
The pair began making their way down the streets of France discussing about work, life, and anything that came to mind. The reason as to why they were out was that Lucas needed help in getting Christina a gift for their anniversary and decided to ask her best friend for help. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, Thais glanced over at the waterbender and asked, “So did you figure out the gift yet or are we winging it here?” Lucas shrugged, “Roses? That gourmet mint chocolate chip ice cream she likes and then something valuable…Which is why you’re here.” Giving him a look, the older man raised a brow at Thais and asked, “What? She practically has everything and isn’t really needy. I might as well just shower her with my love and affe—” 
Thais immediately waved her hands in front of his face in order to interrupt him. “Don’t go there. Those gifts, they’re cute, but not anniversary material. It has to come through here and here.” She then tapped his head and then chest with slight force, ignoring the glare he was giving her. “A balisong is what you need to get her.” The doctor flashed her a strange look, before showing signs of confusion as he shook his head. “A what?” She didn’t blame him for not knowing much about weapons, he was like Gerard, staying on the neutrality of things and not really resorting to violence. However, she was certain that Christina would want this. It was something to add in her collection of many things that she could be lethal with.
“A butterfly or fan knife, it’s this advanced type of pocket knife that’s commonly used in the Philippines for self-defense. Luckily for us, it’s legal here. I got it handcrafted for you and engraved with both your initials and date like you’ve requested.” explained Thais with a proud tone. Lucas stopped in his tracks and gave the werewolf a disbelief look, “So this whole time I gave you permission to engrave a knife? She’s going to slaughter me with that thing if I ever get her mad.” The brunette nodded with a sheepish smile on her lips. “You’ll thank me later, I just know it. Anyways it arrived yesterday, we just have to head over to the weaponry shop that Christina and I usually go t—” 
Suddenly coming to a stop, Thais held her hand out, motioning Lucas to do the same as she sensed company coming their way. Reaching for her gun, the doctor mirrored her actions and gave the wolf a look that meant he was following her lead. With swift hand motions, she gave a signal that two were approaching to the left of him, while another pair were to her right. Therefore, they both held up their guns and began approaching them cautiously. 
“Arrêtez là! Qui est votre patron? Qu’est-ce que vous voulez de nous?” called out Lucas as he loaded his gun. “Oh like that’s gonna work, this is why you’re barely out on the field in the first place.” muttered the she-wolf as her eyes began to glow and her canines sticking out.   “Do you have any better idea?” “Simple, kick their asses.”
Thais immediately shot the two assailants on the leg, before speeding over to their side to disassemble their firearms. She looked over at Lucas, who had clearly done the same, but seemed to be struggling with one who was able to fight on his two feet. Just as she was about help him out, she felt multiple shots on her legs leading all the way up to her mid-back of what felt like wolfsbane. Falling flat on her face, Thais cried out in pain as the stinging sensation began to hurt like a bitch. “Thais!” Lucas yelled out as he ran over to her side. Helping her sit up, he looked around them, before assessing the damage that was done to her. 
“Wolf’s bane.” she said to him through gritted teeth. “There’s more where they came from…This whole time we were being followed.” The waterbender knew that the shots weakened the werewolf to the point where she was unable to move or get up. “You’re going to be okay…” he reassured her as he began to carry her bridal style. Thais hissed out in pain, before letting out a grim smile, “You mean we. You, me, and the baby.” she whispered. Glancing down at the woman, he realized what was at stake here and as much as he would prefer that they were all safe, Lucas’ top priority was Thais and her unborn child.
“Lucas put me down. You’re doing that face which literally screams that you’re gonna play hero. I’m my own hero and I’m not gonna make you risk your life for me. I can stand, I just need you to take cover behind that wall and remove these bullets. They were shot from a long distance and they’re heading this way. We need to hide!” Without a second to spare, the man did what he was told and began removing the wolfsbane from her body. Once they were done, they began heading back to the main intersection of the city and as they were about to approach their vehicle - bullets went off.
“Merde!! exclaimed the two in unison. Taking cover, Thais gripped onto Lucas’ hand to get his attention and said, "Go call for back up! I’ll distract them! I’ll shift into wolf form!” He shook his head, “Are you crazy? They have wolfsbane! What if they have silver bullets? You’ll be done for!” Thais stood up as she began to shift, “Then it’s a risk I’m willing to take. We can’t run away from them! They’ll just come after the people we love. We need them gone now.” With her claws, fangs, and eyes all glowed up, the she-wolf didn’t fully go into full shift as she opted to stay in her half human form and engage in hand to hand combat. She was rabid, violent, and messy when it came to fighting, but after realizing that she was outnumbered, the group of assailants threw her up against the wall, as the others went for Lucas.
“NO!” pleaded Thais as she slumped onto the ground. The group injected her with wolfsbane once more as she desperately tried to crawl over to Lucas, like it would do any good. Thais was indefinitely scared, but she knew that it would only make the situation worse. She’s been in many near death situations, but this one had to be the worse. She could die next to her best friend’s husband and no one would know. Maintaining her shift, the she-wolf forced out a howl, hoping that her kind can pick up on her distress signal. It was the least she could from her current state. 
Knowing that Thais had heightened senses, Lucas whispered out, “We’re gonna be okay Thais...We’ll get through this. We just have to hang on. You hear me? This should be a piece of cake, we’ve been through many missions like this.” A grin appeared on his lips as he gasped out, “This whole time, I thought Christina would be the death of me. Funny how things turn out.” The she-wolf rolled her eyes as she attempted to kick and claw off her attackers. They were outnumbered, so no they haven’t been through any sort of mission like this. However, Thais didn’t want to burst his optimistic bubble. “You’re so fucking dramatic.” she hissed out as she looked straight at him. The pair made eye contact with each other, not knowing what could happen to them. Their eyes said it all—they couldn’t give up; they had a family to fight for, friends, an agency with a cause...With one last look, the two gave it their all before everything faded to black.
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eva-writes · 6 years
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“They offered me immortality and a chance to help special people like you. And I never once ever doubted that I didn’t make the right choice till I met you. Ever since, all I can think is how I’d give it up to have a mortal life again, to have a family and grow old with you”.
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eva-writes · 7 years
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Depeche Mode, “Cover Me” - (x)
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eva-writes · 7 years
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@ashlaaaywrites, @danwritestuff, @theichthyostegawrites, @montaguew, @valeria-ortiz, @judgywxtch, @proserpinewrites, @loeswrites, @rjwrites, @roshwrites, @viirgowrites & @trishywishy
All my love!
- Eva
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eva-writes · 7 years
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RP MEME: SIX characters of mine [5/6] ↳ Gerard Linden
“Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being”
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eva-writes · 7 years
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RP MEME: SIX characters of mine [4/6] ↳ Ginevra Barnes
“Never give up without a fight”
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eva-writes · 8 years
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Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, @eridawrites! ♥
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eva-writes · 8 years
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Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, @theichthyostegawrites! ♥
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eva-writes · 8 years
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Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, @azianxpersuasionwrites! ♥
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eva-writes · 8 years
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Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, @ashlaaaywrites! ♥
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eva-writes · 8 years
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HARVEY & GINEVRA AU: “Love, Rosie”
Harvey and Ginevra have been best friends since since childhood, so they couldn't possibly be right for one another... or could they? When it comes to love, life and making the right choices, these two are their own worst enemies. Missed opportunities and life taking them in different directions over the course of several years threaten to permanently break their bond, but ultimately the two friends always find their way back to each other. Perhaps, one day, they will get it right and let their friendship become something more.
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eva-writes · 8 years
♔ ♕ ♠
Send me a ♔ for me to describe a favorite rp character of mine.
Damn, this is like asking which child a mother loves more… Let me start by saying that I’ve loved every single one of my characters a lot, but there are some that have stuck with me even long after I stopped playing them because I played them for the longest time, or they were new experiences for me (writing that type of character), or the bonds that were created with someone else’s characters were just fucking epic. Now, having said that, my favorites would probably be Jon Wolfe, Aryadna Slezák and Tristan Tillstrom. The SMP saga is what really got me into roleplaying, so I guess it makes sense it would be because of those three. Ginevra Barnes and Gerard Linden are close second, I love them to death as well because Clearbrook Academy was (and luckily continues to be, even if more sporadically) a great experience.
Send me a ♕ for me to describe favorite rp character of someone else’s.
Ugh, another impossible question… I’m going to go in chronological order of how I met those wonderful characters. Sebastien Woodsen and the duality of character he had, being the perfect gentleman, so polite and disciplined, who had a side to him that was freer and passionate. Quinn Taylor, the actual heroine of the SMP saga. Seriously, she’s what real heroes are made of, there was just so much goodness in her and she didn’t own shit to humanity and still she cared so deeply about them. Lukas Richmond, the one and only asshole that I will forever love. There were just too many layers to him and all those masks he wore, it was a treat having gotten to know his more intimate and genuine side through Arya. Greg Booker, the best friend Arya had that I sometimes wish I had lol. He was so rough around the edges, but deep down he was a good guy. He was a stale cinnamon roll. Harvey Faulkner, the actual angel of Clearbook Academy. He is all duty and responsibility, but he truly cared about those around him. There’s something about him that always kind of broke my heart, probably the fact that he’s “doomed” to live on while he keeps losing people… Thais Alves, the badass and infinitely loving werewolf that my little airbender couldn’t help but love. I swear I’m in love with her too, she’s such a wonderful person and I adore the rebelious side of her. Having two characters that got close to her was amazing, because I got to meet Thais through romance with Gerard and Thais through friendship with Jules. Allison Watts, I love that things kind of came out nowhere with her, which is the beauty of rp, when unexpected but meaningful stuff happens between your character and someone else’s. She’s such a mystery to me still, but I love what I’ve gotten to see of her, her intellect, her insecurities, her kindness. And last but not least, Carter Zimmerman. He’s funny, he’s sarcastic, he’s caring, he’s trouble. It’s always fun to write plots with him, and surprisingly some get feelsy as fuck in no time (yes, I mean the one of Jules’ fear of getting back into the water).
Send me a ♠ for me to describe a favorite rp I’ve been in.
I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences in the majority of roleplays I’ve been in. They all have certainly been memorable for one reason or another. I think they have all been my favorite while I was in those groups, but St. Mary’s will probably always stand out for being my first truly immersive rp experience. (Technically Heatherfield was the first, but it died little after I joined). With SMP I got to explore multiple characters (I ended up having 12 FUCKING CHARACTERS AT ONE POINT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!). And I also got to explore them through various chapters of their life because the roleplay extended into three arcs (St. Mary’s Project, The S Council and Continuum). And if that wasn’t enough we ended up going for a prequel and a sequel, with our character’s parents and their children respectively. It was insane and it was beautiful, and having spent three years with that story and those characters made me be very attached to them and the players who wrote them
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eva-writes · 7 years
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For @ashlaaaywrites
APRIL 12TH, 2017 - Thais & Gerard’s 2nd Anniversary
“You are my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, you’re the love of my life, you’re my one and only, you’re my everything” [x]
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