#rp thread tracker
tblrthreadtracker · 6 months
RPThreadTracker SSL Certificate Update
Hullo, folks - ty to those who reached out and let me know that RPThreadTracker is currently displaying a certificate error. My SSL certificate expired and the new one hasn't kicked in yet; should be resolved soon. Nothing's wrong with the site itself and you should still be able to use it if your browser allows you to bypass the error.
The issue should be fully taken care of soon. Thanks for your patience.
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sakurajjam · 1 year
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Clicando aqui ou no sourcelink, você vai encontrar uma planilha para organizar todas as suas pendências de rpg, de forma simples e compacta! Com duas opções, use a que achar mais confortável. Assim você nunca mais vai se perder em seus jogos, podendo se organizar ainda mais na hora de jogar. Para salvar, basta estar logado em sua conta, ir em arquivo (file) > fazer uma cópia (make a copy) > salvar onde desejar em seu drive. Por favor, não reposte essa planilha como se fosse de sua autoria. Para personalizar conforme sua preferência, por favor, acesse o manual de instruções.
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//Updated my RP Thread Tracker for all current rp threads with Lucid.
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coconvtfm · 1 year
anyone else having issues with RP Thread Tracker? or is it just me?
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adoramita · 2 years
꒰  💌  ꒱  INTRODUCING : notion thread tracker !!
by clicking the source link, you will be directed to a notion task page designed to help you organize and keep track of your threads . included in the tracker are : 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃 a section to label when a thread was last replied to 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃 whether it is your or your partner’s turn to answer ( as well as if a starter is owed ) 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃 whether the post requires the beta or legacy editor 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃your partner’s url to better see how many threads you have with someone 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃a place to note which muse your are writing and which your parter has 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃the last post’s url for quick access 𓈒 𓇬  𓂃and a place for any additional notes ( thread topic, pre plotted out points, etc ) !!
to create your own version of this tracker, you must have a notion account ( it’s free !! ) . simply click the link, go to the top right corner and select duplicate . this should allow you to have your own tracker than you can now edit . this tracker is aimed to be helpful and best suit you, so please feel free to edit and add to it as needed !! any questions can be directed towards my ask or ims, and I’m more than happy to help you customize !! happy writing !!
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fangsofdestruction · 6 months
Continued from: ( ☾ )   || @lured-into-wonderland Verse: Human Modern
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Seth arrived at the café as he would on the days he had some free time and wanted to be away from his work. He settles down at the table he normally sat at, intent to fish out a book for him to casually read in peace when he hears a voice of a young woman speaking to him. Golden eyes glance up to a young woman.
At first, he’s a bit confused, but he notes that she looked vaguely familiar. The woman takes a seat at the table without waiting to listen to his answer, and he mentally muses that an answer may not have mattered to her anyways. She was bold, he’d give her that. At the joke (he assumes it to be one) that they should leave small treats for the other from time to time, he finally recalls who she was.
A month prior she had given him an extra treat for the promotion they were doing at the café. To return the favor, he’d assed the owner of the shop to return the favor a month later. He does recall that today was the exact month after Valentine’s day, so it must be correct.
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He may have recalled seeing her a few times in the café, but he could sometimes be slow to recognizing people that he didn’t know very well on a personal basis. As a CEO, the number of people he meets on even a weekly basis would astound a regular person, so it sometimes took him a moment to connect the face to the acquaintance.
The man didn’t feel the need to answer a few of her questions, such as how he knew she’d be coming here—he didn’t, he just knew that she comes around sometimes. It was only a matter of time. Did he also like this place? If he didn’t, he wouldn’t visit somewhat frequently when he had the time. The sketch of him in her notebook was impressive to say the least, especially given that it was done by memory. He nods his head at her question that she did well with the sketch.
With the way she only gave a first name, he would do the same. He may be a CEO, but it wasn’t as though he was a celebrity personality, so many common folk didn’t know who he was. He did try to keep as low profile as he could, after all. “My name is Seth.”
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themcst · 11 days
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When the drafts count lies to you about how many drafts you currently have... And also you keep loosing threads as well and have to go hunting for them thanks to Tumblrs shitty activity system
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magicalheirponsol · 2 months
Continued from: [x] @lured-into-wonderland For some reasons I don't get notifications when you reply to this, so i'm going to try to move to another post to see if it fixes it.
[✧・゚ *♚*・゚✧ ]
He simply nods his head. It would seem that Nunnally didn’t know about it and she hadn’t run some kind of background check on Ponsol and his family yet. Perhaps she was just that trusting of first impressions and her gut instinct. Ponsol was usually the sort who ran a bit of a background check on people before and after he met influential or famous people. Mostly, he looked into scandals and any shady business the other party was involved in. It was important to know so he knew to weigh the pros and cons between ‘befriending’ someone.
Nunnally was being polite about not wanting to push him into recounting the business of his family if he didn’t want to speak about it. It wasn’t a family secret, and it wouldn’t be too difficult to find out if anyone went looking. Though some of the press was silenced during that time, there are still records that can be unearthed if anyone had any lick of talent in investigations.
“It wouldn’t be difficult to look into it for the details, but in simple terms, my brother was witness to an incident that involved a family of three, where only the young daughter survived. The perpetrator had pinned the incident on her parents through his connections, slandering the parents as irresponsible people to endangered their daughter. My brother aimed to stand as witness to clear their name for the sake of the little girl he pulled out of the burning car.”
A small sigh. A lot happened in their family after this one event. You could call it a catalyst of the family breaking apart, so it was a sore spot to think about, but the past was to stay in the past. He had to move on and look to the future.
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       ❝Obviously, the perpetrator didn’t want him to tell the truth of what happened and tried to pressure him into stepping down from attesting at the witness stand. When he refused, they later found him at school and shot him. He survived, obviously. Grandfather found out and got involved, and the rest is history. The school found out our connections to the DD Corp and couldn’t live our regular peaceful lives anymore.❞ 
That increased interest from the paparazzi is what caught his father’s infidelity and caused both his mother and brother undue stress. That was likely what ultimately killed her, the heartbreak, the stress, and the pressure.
That was as far as he was willing to divulge about his family history, so he stopped there.
At Nunnally’s seemingly nervous stammering, he sighs, shrugging his shoulders casually. He could fathom a few guesses as to why she was acting the way she was.
       ❝You don’t need to explain yourself excessively to me. Even if you were trying to use us for whatever reason, I personally wouldn’t hold it against you. Business is business and friendship is friendship. Both can co-mingle or be kept separate. You could benefit off our names or talent just as much as we could benefit from your family name. It’s not anything to be ashamed of.❞ 
In the world of the upper class, that’s just how it was. You can fair much better when you learn to not take everything too seriously, nor too personally. Did he believe she made the suggestions because she wanted to profit off of them? No, not really. He could tell that she genuinely enjoyed art. His comment was mostly to say that even if it was her reasoning, he wouldn’t care either way.
       ❝If either of us cared to showcase our work in a professional setting, we surely could pull some of our connections to see it through, but we don’t care for that. Only way we’d curate any of our art for a showing would be for a personal reason or as a request from a friend.❞ 
Which was to say, that neither of them would care much for how professional the setting was. Shugarl didn’t like to be in the public eye and it was their grandfather that disapproved of either of them dabbling too much in the artistic fields because it would be a ‘waste’ of their talents and a ‘waste of time’ when they should be focusing on making money instead. What an insufferable old man.
       ❝Assuming you didn’t retract your invitation, I don’t see why I wouldn’t attend.❞
He says this in jest, cracking a small joke. He’d agreed to attend with her earlier, so there wasn’t a reason for him to go back on his word and say otherwise.
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       ❝Perhaps you can meet my brother, if you’d like to extend the invitation by one. He’d make himself sparse after introductions.❞ 
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Okay, there we go! :D I think I have all of the threads either in the tracker, or in my drafts now!
I have 9 Asks still in my Inbox at this moment, 10 starters/replies in my Drafts, and 12 threads logged in the tracker!
While I work on getting caught up with them, if you'd like to toss around plot ideas, please feel free to hit me up!
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theallblue · 1 year
The crew was quick to learn about the dangers that lingered inside the Grand Line, it was easy to stay that everything could change with the snap of one’s fingers. It could change from the weather to the other pirates that are traveling across these very same waters, everyone had to be careful because of what could be waiting for them. The stories of the Grand Line could only give so much while this was something that they could have to experience on their own, an experience that all of them were looking forward to even with all the lingering dangers.
Sanji had been hesitant to join the crew at first, but eventually he found himself standing on the Going Merry as the cook that they desperately needed for the journey ahead. Besides, he would help fight against any threats that might decide to make an appearance which tended to happen quite often since they were pirates. Pirates who had bounties on their heads because of the havoc that they have caused already, they were the reason why Enies Lobby was no longer standing.
They most likely would have brought it crashing down if a buster call hadn’t been accidentally summoned, a buster call that they were able to thankfully escape from. They were quick to hit the seas once more to deal with whatever struggles were going to appear next, there was still much for them to do. Plus getting supplies to replace what had been lost and to deal with the bottomless pit of Luffy’s stomach, that was apart of his job though when it came to anything for the crew to eat. He needed to make a list of what they would need before the next adventure was going to come crashing at their feet. Hopefully, an island would appear soon for the sake of being able to stock up what was missing from storage.
Things seemed to be going well until one of that outrageous storms decided to make an appearance, a storm that they hadn’t expected to appear this soon even with Nami's ability to predict that one was coming. There was no choice, but to try and keep the ship from being swallowed by the waves that threatened to overpower them. Waves that unfortunately caught Sanji off guard as it came crashing down onto the deck of their ship, waves that dragged them blonde into the unforgiven sea.
The plea for help was unable to escape his lips before everything was swallowed by a sudden darkness leaving him to those dangerous waves.
That’s how he ended up on a possible stranded island, missing a shoe while sitting among the white-colored sand. Blood stained the side of his head from something. Had he hit his head against something? Sanji really didn’t know, but that wasn’t his concern right now. He needed to figure out where he was. He needed to figure out what happened to the rest of his crewmates.
Once he’s able to get the world to stop spinning.
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tblrthreadtracker · 1 year
RPThreadTracker currently down due to infrastructure issues
Hello, all! Super sorry for the inconvenience; I've been looking into the errors currently manifesting in RPThreadTracker and it seems to be some sort of issue with the hosting provider. I've reached out to their support and hope to have an answer and resolution soon, but for now, I appreciate your patience during the downtime.
Thanks to everyone who reached out to me to let me know about the issue! I appreciate you. :)
Sorry again for any inconvenience this causes.
ETA: It is currently a holiday in the US, and I unfortunately cannot afford corporate-level 24x7 tech support, so it's possible I won't get in contact with anyone until tomorrow and it may take some time on back-and-forth. I ask for your continued patience while I get this sorted out. <3
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itscvill · 1 year
It's an anime, so I'm not sure if you're into that. But, it's really good and I would recommend it to anyone. I guess though there is always a new movie or show that we can sink our teeth into and experience for the first time. How far has he gotten now? Have you had any good texts yet where he's gotten to the good bits? // @comerfms
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holyguardian · 1 year
General post for here and Anja, I will try to actually get to plotted stuff in the coming week! I started to play videogames again and I have been yeehawing around with that and heavily neglected any writing, but I do miss my hobby here so. Next week~
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belovedcethleann · 2 years
Fishy Business || OPEN THREAD
"No! How could this happen-!" Flayn was devastated, the cook patted her back as she wept over what exactly? Fish; how there wasn't any left to be exact. "I-Im so sorry Flayn. No one has caught any fish today, maybe try again tomorrow.." The chef stated before stepping away, leaving the girl in shambles.
Yet all hope wasn't lost, She could fish for herself! All she had to do was take a fishing rod and some bait, should be as easy as pie, no? Wrong. That is how she finds her in her current situation- she has picked her fingers on the fish hook so many times that Flayn was ready to give up and to make matters worse she accidentally kicked her pale of fish bait into the water.
"That's it, I cannot do this, how unbelievably-! Frustrating!" Flayn mumbles to herself as she watches the fish eat her bait "I might as well say goodbye to the perfect lunch..." Is she being slightly over dramatic? perhaps, but she truly wanted some fish to eat and no one gets in the way of Flayn and her fish.
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queenharumiura · 2 years
Continued from: [x] @dyingresolve​
She grins, “We all will die eventually, but my time isn’t coming that soon. You’ll have to be subjected to my teasing for a while longer yet.” Was there a reason for her saying what she did? Was she dying? No. Did she accidentally throw him under the bus and now a certain Prince had a hit on his head? Maybe. Was she in a sentimental mood and therefore she just felt like saying so? Ding ding! It really is just that simple.
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“Hey hey, I may be less skilled than you, but I can hold my own. I don’t need you babysitting me.” Give her some more credit, will you? “I just felt like saying it, that’s all.” There comes a time when Haru randomly feels all sentimental, and this may have been Fran’s first time witnessing it. “Sounds like you like me more than you let on, hm~?” It’s that or he’s ready to push her into the fray because she teased him one too many times.  
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rpschtuff · 11 months
If you've been waiting for an update on the Discord Thread Tracker Bot (Titi), good news -- she's up and running again! And she can be added to new servers. Her commands work a little differently than before, so you may need to relearn how she works. Feel free to add her to your server and try her out!
As a reminder, Titi is a bot that lets you track your threads within a Discord server, to see everything at a glance. You can even sort them into categories. It also bolds when a thread is currently your turn so you can tell at a glance. It even works with Tupperbox, provided you register the names of your tuppers with it so it knows which ones are you.
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If you're interested, I also strongly encourage you to join the Titi support server for updates, and for assistance with troubleshooting.
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