#royce x v
fritzi2405 · 1 year
Incorrect Oc quotes (plus canon characters)
Malphas : Why is it so hard for you to believe me?!
V: ...
Malphas : Oh, right. The lying.
Malphas : My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look.
Malphas : What's this?
V, hugging Malphas : Affection!
Malphas : Disgusting.
Malphas : ...Do it again.
Dum Dum: What are amphetamines?
Malphas : Drugs that can go on land and water.
Dum Dum: Ohhhh.
Malphas: Am I in trouble?
V: Take a guess.
Malphas: No?
V: Take another guess.
V: I need life advice.
Malphas, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Malphas: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Dum Dum: But are you shuffling?
Malphas: Everyday.
Royce: What language are you two speaking??
Malphas: You... you saved me. You're not a beast at all. YOU'RE A HERO, AN UGLY UGLY UGLY HERO!
Royce: Call me ugly again, and maybe I will eat you.
Malphas: How is spring not everyone’s favorite season? The trees are PINK, guys!
Royce: Allergies are also a problem, y'know.
Malphas: But pink.
Dum Dum: And it's hot.
Malphas: PINK!
Malphas: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Malphas: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
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earth4angels · 2 months
𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫
modern!jacaerys x ballerina reader ─── first clumsy kisses on the bleachers, fluff, MAJOR FLUFF, jace is a little piece of shit in the beginning, aegon is the best friend we all need sometimes, blind date, jace acts possessive - major simp too.
summary: it takes a very braggy best friend who says he is the best cupid to ever exist for you to finally accept a blind date. however, you did not expect to cross paths with the one male who everyone wanted, a reputation of a lady-man but what could be worse? right?
a/n: this one i do want to make a series but i'll see how it's treated first so pls lemme know. listen to lovesick by laufey as you read (trust me)
jace tag list: @jacaerysgf @star611, @jules420, @gracexthoughts, @astrxq, @reyndaisy , @hxtd , @smurfelle , @nanaldy @valdezthg @littleblackcatinwonderland @nixtape-foryou @starrgurl46 @ethereal-athalia @stelleduarte @canyonmoon-2 @ambrosia-v-black
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"Y/n, again. You are not lifting your leg high enough!"
You turned your head to look at your dance teacher who stood behind you, with a scolding face. You sighed, already irritated that you had to skip your friend's home welcoming party for practice.
As the music started playing again, you twirled. Your feet glided through the marble floor, the music becoming you, and for a while, you created a storyline with every bounce, and twirl you made. The final note was played as your body twirled then bent upward with your hands elegantly stretched outwards.
You looked like a painting and the few lookers that were in the room with you stared in awe. You breathed heavily through your nose as you remained in the final position until your instructor spoke.
"Amazing y/n! I feel like you hit the emotion straight in the face! I think we're done here," your instructor said, "Get out of here, enjoy the weekend off, I will see you Tuesday morning for the last rehearsals. Your audition will be on Saturday, do not forget!"
You smiled giddy that you could go early as you missed your best friend. He was finally home after visiting his grandparents, and though you and he stayed connected through Facetime, you longed to hug him.
"Thank you, Miss Royce, I will be there!" You scrambled to grab your bag; you bounced in your ballet shoes as you fell onto the floor untying the laces at a rapid pace. Your phone rang then, and you sighed in annoyance yet still picked up the phone.
"I cannot believe the one person that I wanted to see the most is not here. What do you take me as?" Aegon whined making you smile widely.
"Aegon!!!! I promise! I finished practice early! I'm heading over to you as fast as I can!" You slipped on your ballet slippers moaning softly at the difference between your pointe shoes and your soft slippers that relieved the pain on your feet.
"You better! Helaena and Aemond are bitching off my ear how you're not here!"
At that, you heard the voices of his siblings yelling over the phone asking about your whereabouts. You laughed at Aegon yelling, "that's MY best friend you idiots! Quit bothering!"
"Hurry! You don't have to call or anything when you arrive, the door is opened, just come to the back!"
You laughed again, hanging up after saying your goodbyes. Your velvety nude sling bag bounced with every running step you took as you ran to your car.
The house was lit up in pretty lights, you figured it was Helaena's doing along with Rhaena's, they were always the decorators when it came to parties. As you parked your car in front, you moved towards the door finding yourself hit with strong alcohol and loud music.
A scream was heard and then you were suddenly surrounded by long limbs. You huffed as the breath was taken from you, "Ooof!"
"I can't believe you are here! I have missed you so much!"
You moved your head back to see who had hugged you and when you saw their face you squealed. Both of you now bouncing, squealing together like young girls.
"Oh my gosh! Hels! You look so beautiful!"
Helaena rolled her eyes, "You are so much more beautiful! I have missed you so much, I will never leave longer than 2 months I promise!"
You hugged her tightly again muttering into her chest as she was taller than you were - how much you missed her.
"Come, the boys would want to see you!"
As you were taken to the backyard of the house you found yourself with a large crowd of people, you realized this was no longer a small gathering but rather a party. You scoffed, ah Aegon. You arrived at a ping pong table where Aegon was playing against Aemond, cheers were thrown left and right every single time they landed a shot.
You quietly stood in the middle of the table, eyeing the brothers' match, grinning softly at them throwing insults at each other. You knew it was all child's play as you knew they loved each other, but they were competitive.
"Fuck! Seven hells! You cheated!" Aegon exclaimed as he missed the shot, Aemond smirked shrugging his shoulders.
"Tough luck brother, now are you taking the shots or are you too wuss to?"
Aegon sneered, yet he never backed down, he leaned forward and grabbed all six shots, one by one they went down his throat. He shook his head and lifted his arms up as the crowd went wild. Aegon screamed with them as he was smiling boastfully.
You cleared your throat, "It's come to my attention that the jackass has not left you."
Aegon turned towards you, his soft uniquely lilac, with green-tinted eyes glimmered with joy, "Oh how much I missed you!"
You laughed as he swung you around in a tight hug, Aemond ran towards you as you were now wrapped in a group hug.
"I missed both of you idiots."
Aemond clicked his tongue, "You missed me more though, right?"
Aegon scoffed, "Shut your big chin up, again, she is MY best friend."
Your head moved from his face to Aemond as they bickered, your smile never faltering, "I missed both of you, I can't believe you guys left me for so long... I hate your mom for sending you to Oldtown."
Aegon huffed as he stuck a tongue out to his brother who did it back, "Careful babe, mom will punish you by denying you any sweet treats she bought you from home."
You gasped, "No way?" Aegon smiled as he nodded, "She bought me back treats? Why!? She didn't have to!"
Helaena who snuck her way into the group with a shot glass in her hand shoving it to your hand and nudging you to drink, "Mom loves you. I think she still wants to hook you up with Aegon."
You swallowed the tequila down, feeling the burning sensation for a few seconds before you and Aegon exclaimed together, "EW."
"She's like my sister."
"He's like my gay best friend I can never!"
Aegon stopped, before he looked at you in shock, "WHAT?"
You smiled teasingly, "Kidding," you whispered to Helaena who was grinning from the playful jabs both of you were making at each other, "Maybe."
"Okay, enough of that, let's have fun and we will catch up later, y/n sweetie, you will stay over tonight! No exceptions!"
You groaned as you got pulled into the crowd towards the homemade bar by Helaena. You did not remember much from that night besides maybe dancing too much, and accepting a body shot from some guy named Jake, or perhaps it was Jace? All you remember was how soft his lips were and how his arms held your thighs as he held you against the ping-pong table.
You groaned sitting up from the soft pillows, your head spinning in endless swirls, "Oh god... I am never drinking again."
"Sure, you're not."
You blinked, your head in your hands as you spotted Helaena next to you smiling at you teasingly. You groaned again falling back into the softness of the bed, scooting closer to her, making yourself in a small ball.
"Tell me how much of an idiot I was last night."
Helaena softly patted your hair, her finger combing through the rough tangles of your hair, "Ay. You didn't do much, you kind of deserved to have some fun. You are always practicing or studying."
"You know how badly I want to be a professional ballet dancer, I can't be a complete mess," you muttered into her chest where she continued combing your hair.
"You are perfect, not being a biased person here because you know, we're almost like sisters but I think you will be the best ballerina to ever exist, everyone will love you."
You kissed her cheek, muttering a soft thank you as you groaned again, hot flashes appearing, "Really though... how much of a clown was I?"
Helaena laughed then, "You practically made out with my nephew."
You shot up from her hold, your head spun again but paid no mind to the swirls, "Huh?! When?! I don't remember..." You trailed off mid-sentence as you forced your brain to remember said situation. You scrambled your hazy memories until it finally hit you.
You moaned in embarrassment as your hand gathered your forehead, "Oh... I remember... this is so embarrassing..."
Helaena laughed, "Relax, I think he won't remember either, both of you were pretty locked in though, until you..." She started laughing harder, "You vomited on his shoes."
You stared at her as she laughed, she was clutching her stomach from the ache that began to grow from the hard laughter she released. You sat in embarrassment, all the while you moaned from the pain and the shame that came to you.
You slapped your friend on the shoulder as she was heaving from laughing too much, "Hels! That's not funny!"
Wheezing she replied, "Relaaaax. I don't think you will ever see him again; my sister does not come around too much, she's busy running the family's business. So, chances of you ever crossing his path are 1 out of 10."
You hid in the pillow as the moaning came from the headache you were going through. What you did not expect was how quick you saw him again.
The library was calming, if there was any other place anyone would find you that was not the dance studio, you would be found in the library, reading. You slurped on your smoothie silently as your eyes scanned the words of the book, intrigued.
A rough bounce beside you made you gasp out loud, dropping your book onto the floor, your interruption grinning at you teasingly.
"Call me the best cupid to ever exist, I just got you a date!"
You rolled your eyes, picking up your book and settling back into the couch, your legs tucking under your behind, "No one asked, and no I am not going."
Aegon clicked his tongue, "I was not asking, I was informing you."
You looked up from your book, finding your best friend looking at you with mischief in his eyes, "Why would I do that? I am too busy anyways."
Aegon removed your book from your hands, putting it up in the air out of reach from your grabby hands that began to fight him.
"Exactly why! You are always practicing! You need a little spice, some drama in your life!"
You huffed as you gave up trying to get your book back, falling back to the couch and crossing your arms, "I am fine, thank you very much! I am fine being on my own, it does not interfere with my dance rehearsals, you know how much I need to nail this audition to be accepted to the ballet academy."
Aegon smiled softly, his blonde curls falling over his hazel, lilac eyes.
"I love you, y/n, I really do. But you need to get out there, you never know what you can come across with. Maybe it will be the best decision, maybe it will not. But the fact that you went through something new, is exciting. So please, enlighten yourself, go on one date."
Both of you stared at each other before you sighed, "Just one date? Then you'll leave me alone?"
He nodded rapidly, "Just one. Promise."
You leaned your head back, closing your eyes in thought, you figured, it wouldn't hurt to try having fun.
"Okay? Okay as in I will do it?"
You peeked an eye open finding Aegon bouncing on the couch in excitement, "Yes. I will do it."
He did a fist bump in the air as he cheered quietly, "I promise you won't regret it."
"Hopefully so."
Maybe it was a bad idea. The person who sat in the booth was in fact the person who you thought you were never going to see again. He sat with a sly smile. You were clenching your hands together in irritation, you found him incredibly annoying, yet he was so beautiful.
"Ah. I am so glad I came instead of Cregan."
You snapped your eyes up in anger, "What?!"
"Cregan was your blind date. Not me. He was just occupied sucking face with his ex-girl again that he did not come here, so I came. I wanted to see what prize I would get for being a best friend. I admit it is quite a treat for me."
Your hands itched to slap him but held back the anger that was filling your stomach, you almost wanted to cry but again, you held back. The male sitting in front of you crossed his arms, he was lean but muscular at the same time, he had very nice curls, and small but bright brown eyes that were easy to get lost in.
You were too into the drinks the night of Aegon's party to remember him but his lips... that you did remember. You blushed.
"Well," you cleared your throat, your eyes darting to the exit door of the restaurant, "this was fun, but I got to go for practice." You stood up, grabbing your bag and phone before a hand stopped you.
"Don't go. Look, I am sorry for being an ass. We can make use of the time and chat a little. If you don't want to stay after 10 minutes, I won't hold it against you. But I want to know you, I have seen you around."
You had two choices. Stay and get to know this guy or leave and swim in the shame of being stood up. You decided to hell with it, as you sat back down the booth slowly.
He smiled widely, his slight bunny teeth showing making you grin.
"My name is Jacaerys Velaryon, but you can call me Jace, everyone does anyways," he rambled, your lips quirked at the personality seeping out of him slowly. You introduced yourself, feeling a little flutter when he repeated your name softly.
The waiter came by to take your orders, Jacaerys was kind to ask what you wanted, recommending you the best choices. You felt more relaxed in his presence, he made it easy for you to open up. The food came in then, but the conversation never stopped.
He talked to you about his games, and his connection to your best friend. You found out he was in fact the co-captain of the soccer team. You heard a lot about the soccer team, how they hosted parties just to hook up with girls, or the famous captains that every girl wanted to make their boyfriends.
You grimaced at the thought you were now on the list of girls who he had dated. Shaking your head you continued to listen as you took small bites into your food, replying when asked a question.
"I have seen you. You dance very... pretty."
You choked on your pasta. His eyes widened as he reached out with a napkin whispering 'Oh shit, are you okay?' Your eyes watered but you gave a thumbs up.
"You've seen me dance?" You asked shyly.
"Have I seen you? Y/n, you are all they talk about in the halls. The next big performer of Westeros? You do not realize how much popularity you actually have do you? I have seen you once, practicing. You quite literally took my breath away."
Jacaerys muttered the last bit, he scratched his neck in shyness. You were practically red-faced; you did not dare to face him. His hand was placed on your right hand that was placed on the table, "I believe it though. You will make it big."
The flutters in your stomach made your toes curl, you wanted to hide and scream by the way he was staring at you. Jacaerys was grinning, his dimples showing slightly. He was beautiful.
"Thank... you?" you whispered, holding his hand now, watching him smile his hand now holding yours fully.
"You're welcome."
You did not want to admit it, but the date was in fact fun. You got to know him better as did he, you. You laughed at his attempt at making a whipped cream beard only for it to fall into his shirt and as he groaned, your heart fluttered. Jace, like he begged you to call him, was in fact the prime example of not judging a book by its cover.
When the check came, he quickly paid offering to take you home. In the car you sat listening to the radio in comfortable silence, you did not realize how much his hand twitched to hold yours.
"Well, we're here now."
You glanced at your home, silently cursing the time for going too quick. "Thank you for the ride, Jace. I had a lot of fun."
He smiled before it started to fade, you unbuckled your seatbelt slowly hoping that maybe... he would beg you to stay longer. He hesitated, your hand going for the door handle losing hope he was going to say something.
"Wait... y/n."
You reacted too fast for your liking, "Yes?"
"Meet me after the game? I'd like to take you somewhere."
You sat stunned before you stuttered, "As in... another date?"
His lips quirked to the side, the frat boy side slipping, "No. Just to hook up." That caused you to open your mouth to tell him off when he rolled his eyes, "Yes a date y/n."
You blushed; you did not know how much of his teasing you could take, "okay." You giggled into your hands as you closed your door, your cheek on fire holding a soft kiss made by the guy you never expected to make you feel so giddy inside. You hoped to see him again soon, and as you slept you dreamt of a curly, tall male with pretty freckles and brown eyes that looked like gems in the light.
You found yourself sitting in the bleachers surrounded by hordes of people. You had your ballet slippers on, your silk ballerina jumpsuit being covered by a skirt and a hoodie. You rushed after practice, sighing in relief when you only missed the first twenty minutes of the game.
Your classmates began looking at you not expecting to see you at a game. You never did come, Aegon begged you many times to go, to support Daeron who was also on the team. You always put practice as an excuse, but this time was different, Jace was playing, and he invited you.
You cheered whenever Jace scored, and as if he heard you, he would always throw his celebratory victories to you. Whether it was a wink or lame gun fingers. You jumped up and down as the team won their home game.
You waited by the bleachers, your feet dangling enjoying the chill of the night until you felt a jacket be dropped onto your shoulders. Jace sat next to you, his hair damped indicating his rushed shower. You sat in silence, his hands holding yours, with his thumbs caressing the front of your hands.
"Did you enjoy the game?"
You nodded, feeling too overwhelmed to speak.
"Let's make a deal yeah?" He leaned forward bending his head to face you clearly, your face growing hot when you spotted his bright brown eyes, from this angle you saw his freckles more clearly.
"Come to every single game of mine, and I will come to every dance recital, and rehearsal of yours. We will be each other's cheer squad."
Your heart grew warm, the appreciation and growing adoration for him becoming more intense. You only nodded, muttering a sincere promise as your hand reached towards his curls, brushing it to the side to avoid the droplets of water from his hair falling into his eyes. He grabbed your hand pulling you closer to him, your noses brushing.
You did not move as you did not want to seem desperate. You felt the minty breath of his, his hand holding yours as the other reached to cradle your face. You closed your eyes the moment you felt him move, your lips were wrapped with warmth, melting away every worry, growing the mass of butterflies that flew in your stomach. You met every movement of his lips, pressing yourself closer to him.
"Yo Jace! Quit making out! Are you coming to the party or not?" Cregan yelled from beneath the bleachers
You felt mutter a curse as you giggled. He pulled away still holding your hand, now intertwined with his. "Not tonight, I will be with my girl."
Cregan stopped, his jaw slacking, "Wh-at?" You even looked at him shocked. Jace only shrugged when he faced you before he looked towards his best friend, "Oh, and tell jack-ass Lannister that if I catch him sexualizing Y/n, I will beat his ass so bad he won't be able to play the playoffs."
Cregan only stood with his mouth open, shocked to see the one playboy who never wanted to commit to serious relationships in a deep make-out with a girl who he was serious about. Jace pulled you who was also stunned to his car, as both of you passed the still shocked Cregan, Jace patted him on the shoulder.
"Thanks man."
That night you sat in the back seat of his car, deep in make-out sessions, going over ice cream cones and listening to both of your favorite bands. As you sat wrapped in his strong arms you decided to question him your doubts.
"Why did you tell Cregan that?"
Jace hummed and if like he said nothing wrong, he responded lightly, "That we were together?"
You nodded, "And Lannister? What's that about?"
You felt him tense before he let out a big breath, "I plan to make you, my girlfriend. I can't stop thinking about you since I've met you. Lannister..." he huffed, "... is a jackass. A douche with no respect for anyone, if you ever cross paths with him or any of his goonies, turn the other way, and let me know if he ever does anything, promise me."
You swore you felt your heart wanting to explode, you wanted to confess your true feelings as well but felt too cowardly to do so, you only responded with a soft 'okay.' He pressed a kiss on your head, pressing you closer to his chest, you closed your eyes, hearing the soft thumps of his heart.
You fell harder for Jacaerys Velaryon that night, but you will never know how much he already loved you from afar. How when he saw you the night of Aegon's party he was shocked to see you there with a pretty light floral dress - he just did not expect to get so hammered like you were. And you definitely will never find out how Aegon texted Cregan the night after to meet you for a date when Jacaerys himself was using Cregan's phone.
You will never find out how quickly he deleted the message and went to meet you instead because this was finally his chance to talk to you, since you never turned your eye to him every time, he tried on purposely to catch your eye. You will not find out how he always stood by the door of your dance rehearsals seeing you twirl, and bounce as if you were flying in the air so prettily.
Jacaerys Velaryon has loved you deeply for a long time and he planned to love you always, you were the person he wanted to take to his mother and proudly say he wanted to marry you.
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checosbluespring · 2 months
secrets we keep (pt2) → mv1
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max verstappen x perez!fem reader
genre: teammates sister, pregnancy
cw: 18+ MDNI, smut, oral (female receiving), p in v, slight possessiveness, dirty talk, pregnancy, childbirth (brief), slight angst?, pls let me know if i am forgetting anything
word count: 6.4k
song: coraźon sin cara-prince royce
sidenote: omg!! finally after 2 monthes i am finally done with part 2 of secrets we keep. this is the last part of the series but if you guys want i could do an epilogue, let me know what yall think. also thank you so so so much for all the positive feedback on this story, you are all amazing. please send in requests and i will do them to the best of my ability! also like true me fastion this is not beta read. hope you all enjoy <3
you can read part one here
It's been three months since you first found out about the baby. You haven't told anyone. Trying your best to hide your newly growing bump. Even though you were scared, you knew you wanted to keep the baby. Even if you had to pack up and leave everything behind, this baby was yours and you were going to be their mom. 
It wasn't hard keeping this a secret from your brother, he was halfway across the world but your mom and dad on the other hand were difficult. As time went on you felt as if you couldn't keep it a secret from anyone. You felt alone, you had to go to all your doctors appointments by yourself and it was scary. 
You wanted to showcase your pregnancy, wanted a baby shower, to wear long flowy dresses that pronounced your bump. You wanted to start decorating a nursery for the baby. You couldn't do that alone, you needed to tell someone. You needed to tell your mom. But that meant telling them that you would be a single parent. Not that there's anything wrong with that but you know that's not what your family envisioned for you. You couldn't keep doing this alone though. You are about to find out the sex of the baby and you want your whole family to be there.
Making your way to your parents house, you see your brother's car in the driveway. You don't panic right away because you assume it's carola bringing the kids over to visit. When you walked in you shouted “mamá estoy en casa” mom I'm home. You miss living with them but you visit almost every other day, so really it's like you never left. 
Walking through the house you hear no-one, but as you make your way through the kitchen to the back patio you see your brother. “Ay dios mio” oh my god, you scream and practically run into Sergio’s arms. 
“Hola hermanita” hi baby sister, he says while hugging you back. You blame it on the pregnancy hormones but you start crying. “Hey, qué pasa?” What's wrong? He asked in a worried tone. You don’t know what overcame you but you felt the sudden urge to tell them. 
“¿Puedes sentarte con mamá y papá?” Can you sit with mom and dad? It’s just the four of you at the house. The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can start living life. Your mom and dad look worried, you don’t want to scare them so you just blurt it out.
“Mamá, papá, sergio, estoy embarazada” mom, dad, sergio, I’m pregnant. Nothing would prepare you for the looks on their face. Your mom and dads jaw on the floor, your brother's jaw clenched.
“Hablas en serio” are you serious, your dad spoke up. All you can do is nod. “Who’s the dad? How did this happen” your mom said in English. You knew she was shocked because she hardly ever used English when it was just the 4 of you. It’s not like you weren’t expecting them to ask who the father was. But you hadn’t quite thought of who you were going to tell them. Because there is no way you are going to tell them about Max, they would kill you. Sergio would look at you differently. 
“I-i-i, I can’t tell you who it is because he doesn’t matter, he doesn’t want to be a father right now and I won’t put him in the position to do so. I want this baby because I know I have you guys to help support and love me. This baby is going to be so loved, it doesn’t need a dad because they are going to have sergio and dad being a great role models for them. Mom, I need your love and guidance right now more than anything in the world. I am still your daughter, I want you to love this baby no matter what, no matter who their dad is, or how they were conceived” you said while big tears rolled down your face. 
Segio was the first to move and give you a hug, whispering “I always got you”. He leans back and places a hand on your stomach, “seré un tío” I am going to be an uncle. 
You nod and smile. Your mom and dad look perplexed but they make their way to you and both give you a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “No puedo esperar para conocerte bebé''  I can’t wait to meet you baby,  your mom said while holding your stomach. You know it’s going to take some time for your dad to come around to the idea but he’s supportive and that’s all that matters. 
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
Over the next couple of weeks you finally start getting stuff ready for the baby. Buying stuff for the nursery and clothes for yourself. Right after your brother found out about the pregnancy he took you to the store and had you pick out a crib you liked. You were forever grateful to have him. 
It’s Friday morning and you are patiently waiting for your mom and carola to pick you up for your ultrasound appointment, where you would be finding out if you are having a boy or girl. You are beyond excited. You don’t care what you have, as long as the baby is healthy and happy. 
Getting up to put your shoes on, you hear your phone ring, assuming it’s your mom and sister in law telling you that they are ready for you to come out. You look at your phone and see it’s a text from a random number. Something in the universe is telling you not to open it, but you do. 
Hey y/n. It’s max. I just wanted to text you and see how you are. I know it’s been a couple of months since we last talked, but I feel like you are avoiding me. I take part of the blame too. I should have reached out but I was expecting to see you in Miami but you weren’t there. Is it because of me? I promise I’ll leave you alone if it is. I just want to make sure you are okay. I hope to see you at the Mexico GP in the next few months. Please text me if you ever need anything. I’m here for you. 
You don’t realize the way your eyes are stinging with tears until after you are done reading the text. A pang of guilt and sadness washes over you. You want to be so mad at max for texting you, but you know he has no idea, and he’s just trying to be nice. Your heart physically hurts, it’s like your baby knows it’s missing a piece of something. You remind yourself though that you are strong, so is this baby, and max is just getting started with his career. He does not need you or a baby weighing him down. 
Jolting you out of your thoughts, you hear the car horn signaling you to walk out the door. You can’t dwell on max, he’s a distant memory. All you should be focusing on is this baby. No matter how bad it hurts not having the father of your child around. 
Once at the doctors office, you are laying down with your belly exposed and cold gel covering every inch. “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” You nod eagerly and hold your moms hand. 
“Ooo they are hiding from me, come on baby let’s see what you are” finally finding a good position, the doctor takes a few pictures and says “congratulations mama, it looks like you are having a girl”. You look over to see your mom crying and Carola recording everything. “I’m having a baby girl” you kept repeating to yourself. You have never felt more happy. 
When you are home alone, you start to think of the life you and your daughter will have. How you are going to homeschool her, and travel everywhere together. But your mind drifts to what could have been if max was involved. You had no doubt that max would be the best dad. He would be devoted and loving. A good father. He would take your daughter all over, putting her in karting right away but ultimately letting her choose her own path. Stop y/n, you tell yourself, those are dreams that won’t be coming true but you and your family will provide the best life for your baby girl. 
All you can do is be thankful and happy, you want to embrace pregnancy in the next 5 months. You ultimately decide it’s best not to text max back, not to add fuel to the fire. You hope as time goes on you are able to accept the fact that max won’t be a part of this journey. 
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Months have passed, leaving you in your third trimester with little under eight weeks until you meet your precious baby. Pregnancy has been tough but also so rewarding, you can finally feel her little kicks, especially when you are watching your brother race on tv, subconsciously you wonder if she gets so excited because she sees her dad but then you tell yourself to stop being so delusional and she doesn't even know who her father is.
The Mexico GP is today and you have already told your entire family you aren't going. It would be too risky for the baby, but in reality it's too risky for max to see you. There was no more hiding your pregnancy. No matter how big the shirt or hoodie is, you can still see your bump. It’s better you stay home and just wait for everyone to come back. 
Kicking your feet up, you turn on the tv and watch the start of the race. You see the crowds filled with your brother's face, and his number along with max’s. Sergio had a great start, pushing to the front of the grid, having him leading the race. Max followed closely behind him. 
The race after the start was uneventful. Your brother won and you were extremely sad you didn't get to be there to congratulate him in person. Max was second and then Oscar, it was a good podium in your eyes. 
You patiently wait for your entire family to come home including your brother. You knew that would be hours though, so you decided to take a nap on the couch. That nap ended up being a five hour nap and when you opened your eyes you saw it was dark out. Something woke you up though and it was the sound of the front door of your parents house unlocking. Sitting up you get ready to jump into your brother's arms to congratulate him. One by one your family walks in, mom, dad, carola, the kids, sergio, and then max. 
You feel your heart drop to your stomach, you have to think quickly. He may find out you are pregnant but your family doesn't need to know that. Walking confidently over to your brother you pull him into a hug and say “felicidades hermano estoy muy feliz por ti” congrats brother I am so happy for you. You have yet to acknowledge that max is even standing in your familys living room with his mouth agape. Sergio hugs you back and says a quiet thank you. 
“¿Por qué está Max en la casa?” Why is max at the house? You say to your brother hoping max did not catch any of that. But your brother had a different idea. 
“Max wanted to come see the house and the city so we offered to let him stay the night and we can take him sightseeing tomorrow!” 
You nod your head and walk over to him, extending your hand out for him to shake. “Welcome max, and congrats on the podium” you say. There was no way he didn't see your stomach. You were wearing a tiny tank top that you practically spilled out of. You know he's not going to say anything to you in front of your family. So maybe if you went to your room and ignored him this whole thing would blow over. 
You should know better than that though. Because your family loved to bring up the fact that you are pregnant. You couldn't blame them, they had no idea that the father of the baby was 2 feet away from them.
Your mom was the first to speak up. “How is the baby Amor, did you get to rest or did she keep you up”. Well now he knows it's a girl. A part of you wanted to go cry in a corner but another part wanted to dote on your daughter no matter what. “No she has been really content today, during the race when she saw you sergio she got so happy, she was moving all over the place”.
A big smile formed on your brother's face, “that's my niece, she couldn't wait to see her uncle win”. You take a sneakily look over to max and he looks confused, hurt, and tired. You can't deal with this, you have to excuse yourself. You are going to tell them you have to go back to your house, even though you have been spending the last week sleeping over at your parents. 
“Guys I think I am going to drive back to my apartment, that way max can sleep in my room” you say hoping you came off as convincing 
“Nonsense, I can sleep on the couch” max is quick to reply.
Your dad is next to reply “you can't leave in the middle of the night, you are 8 months pregnant, you can't be alone”.
You don't have the energy to fight them so you bid them a goodnight and head to your room, hoping you don't get a visitor late in the night. Oh how could you be so wrong. 
Tossing and turning in your bed you can't fall asleep, maybe it was the nap, maybe it was because your baby's father was 10 feet away from you. You don't know if it's the hormones but you want him, it's like a primal urge. Like you have been separated for so long and he just suddenly came back and he looked good. His hair is long, a tiny bit of stubble growing on his cheeks. 
You have to sleep but you can't. You look at your phone and it's 3 in the morning, max has to be asleep right, it was an exhausting race. He wouldn't wake up right? If you go out to make yourself some tea. 
You hate yourself for it but part of your subconscious wants him to ask, but you know deep down that would be the worst possible idea. Throwing your feet off the bed you stand up unsteadily and start to slowly walk out of your room. Max looks like he’s asleep as you pass the couch. Once in the kitchen you turn on the small light next to the oven and start to make yourself some tea. 
Once done with putting everything away you turn around to grab your drink but see a sleepy looking max walk over to you. You don't mean to sound hostile but you do when you say “why are you up”. This was the man you loved, the father of your baby, but you were angry, at yourself or at him, you didn't know. 
“I could ask you the same question” he responded. “I couldn't sleep, so I needed to get myself some tea, goodnight max”. You begin to walk away and as you walk past him he grabs your arm and says “wait, we need to talk”. Shit you've been caught, you think to yourself.
“About what?” Maybe if you play dumb he will also and ignore everything. 
“You know about what y/n, don't play dumb, it's not a good look on you” max says with a snarl and strong grip on your forearm. The authoritativeness of his voice and demeanor sends chills down your spine. 
“Okay, but not here” you whisper. Grabbing his hand you wander outside to the patio where no one can hear you from inside the house. You sit down and let max talk. 
“So. You're pregnant?” 
“Yes” is all you can say
“Your dad said you're eight months pregnant, so either you were pregnant when we slept together, or that baby is mine. Which is it y/n?” 
“I - I, it's none of your business max, this baby and I were fine before this and we will be fine long after you leave” you stutter out.
“So she is mine, god damnit y/n, why didn't you tell me? I've lost 8 months of your pregnancy. Were you ever going to tell me?” 
Guilt is eating away at you and you feel tears burning your eyes.
“I didn't think you would want anything to do with the baby max, you and I live completely different lives. You are you max, having a baby is a big responsibility. Do you know how hard it is for carola? She has four babies. She has to take them on planes all over the world so they can see their dad. How could I raise a baby with you, when we hardly know each other? When you don't even want to be with me? Tell me max, how would that work?”
“That's not your decision to decide on your own. How could you hide this from me? I could have been there for you, I could have been the one taking you to doctors appointments. Who knows?”
“Who knows what?”
“Who knows I’m the dad?”
“No one, I told them it doesn’t matter who the father is”
“I can’t believe you y/n, now everyone is going to think I’m some deadbeat dad who doesn’t want to be a part of their baby’s life. Well to hell with that, no more secrets. I am going to raise this baby and we are going to do it together” he said.
All you can do is nod your head and whisper out an “okay max, no more secrets”
“And who said I didn’t want to be with you?” 
This catches your attention, because you hoped he would have ignored you when you said that. But of course he didn’t, max is the most observant person you've ever met.
“Max you have no idea how long I’ve been in love with you. Long before you and segio even became teammates, I yearned for you. But I refuse to trap you into staying with me just because I am having your baby”
“Again y/n that’s not your decision to make, do you think I would have slept with you if I didn’t have feelings for you. What kind of guy do you think I am? Y/n I don’t know where we stand on us being together but we are both the parents and I know we care for eachother. I will move to Mexico if I have to, but you are not going to keep this baby out of my life”
“I understand max, but what are we going to do when the press find out? Do you really want your daughter under that scrutiny? How are we going to tell our families? I’m sure my brother and your father are gonna be really fond of the idea of us having a baby together”
“Y/n you are not listening to me, none of that matters, who cares what anyone says. If your brother decides to punch me so be it, but that’s not going to stop me from being a loving and present dad, I’m not going to be like my father”
Something snaps inside of you, a need to reassure him and be close to him. You stand up and grab both his hands.
“Of course you aren’t going to be like your father, you are an amazing person, I didn’t keep this pregnancy a secret because I thought you would be a bad dad, I did it because I was scared of everything else. You don’t know how much I wished you were at the doctors appointments with me holding my hand. Going shopping to buy clothes and bottles. Some nights I would cry myself to sleep knowing our daughter would grow up not having you in her life. Taking her karting, protecting her, chasing her around that paddock. So don't ever think I hid her from you because I thought you were going to be a bad dad. It was me who was scared of how everyone would react and what they would say when they found out their precious max verstappen would have a child out of wedlock”. 
Max pulls you into a hug, and for once in these past 7 months of pregnancy you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I’m going to protect you guys no matter what” he muttered into your hair.
The baby was excited, maybe because she knew her dad was finally with us. She was kicking up a storm. 
“Max feel, she’s so happy you are here” you say as you grab his hand and place it on your tummy. 
“She’s strong, maybe she will want to play football one day” he says with a smile. 
“Let’s go to bed, we can talk more tomorrow” grabbing his hand you lead him to your bedroom.
Laying down on your side, max lays behind you and places a hand over your stomach. You sleep the best you have in a very long time. 
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Telling your family that max was the father of your baby went as well as you would think. No glasses were broken, no bleeding, there were some strong words shared but honestly you expected that. 
As max was taking a shower, you sat in the living room waiting for everyone to come out to leave. Your brother plops down next to you and says “you know you could have told me”
“I couldn’t sergio, I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me”
“Y/n you are my sister, you always come first before my career, I could never be disappointed in you. Grossed out a little? Yeah. But never disappointed.”
You find yourself laughing and laying your head on his shoulder. You don’t know how you got so lucky to have a family so supportive. 
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Being with max is like a breath of fresh air. You didn’t know how bad you actually needed him, and now that you actually have him, you aren’t sure you can let go.
He jumped into his role of father to be fast and efficiently, much like he does with everything else. Before he left back to Monaco, he asked if he could go to a doctor's appointment with you and of course you said yes. You did make him wear a mask and hoodie to help disguise him. 
Your doctor was surprised to see you come with a man, as you thought she probably assumed you were doing this alone. 
“Who is this?” She asks with a smile and extends her hand out for max to shake.
Just as you were about to say a friend. He beats you to the punchline. 
“Hello, I am the father of the baby, sorry it’s taken so long for us to meet, my work schedule keeps me busy” You smiled and grabbed his hand. 
The rest of the appointment was smooth, the exciting part was the ultrasound. Max was by your head, watching tentatively at the screen.
“Baby girl looks good, has a fast little heart beat, height and weight are all in range, let’s take a listen to her” the doctor says as she allows us to hear the echoes of the baby’s heartbeat. This wasn’t new to you, but you never got over the fact that you were growing another life in you. You look over and see max in absolute awe. If you look close enough you actually think you see a tear in his eye. He grips your hand tight and says “her heart beat is so fast and strong, oh my god I can’t believe we are actually seeing her, doctor can I please have an ultrasound picture”. You are shocked he asked her for one, but for some reason his asking really reassured you that he was in this for the long haul, even if you guys weren’t a couple. 
The appointment wraps up with the doctor giving us a couple ultrasound pictures and instructions to not travel, as you might actually deliver within the next couple of weeks if not sooner. 
As you are driving home with max you ask what he thought. “Y/n that was amazing, I can’t believe we are having a little girl. She’s so big and strong already, do you have any names you think? I know we have a lot of stuff to discuss but after seeing her, everything seems like it’s going to work out. I will do whatever I have to, to keep you and her safe”.
You feel the words get stuck in your throat, all you can do is nod and say “it’s going to be the greatest experience you and I have ever accomplished. As for names, I have a couple in mind but I want your input. I have always really liked the name Alejandra or Catalina. but I want her to have a part of your culture in her name as well”. You look over to him to see a satisfied smile resting upon his face. 
“I think those are great names, she will have a part of me in her last name, so whatever first name you want, I am happy to go along with it”. 
Life feels really good right now. The sun is shining, and even though you and max are not together in the way you want, you will both work together to provide your daughter a happy life.
Max takes you back to your place. As you both walk in, you wash your hands and proceed to plop down on the couch, not bothering to take off your shoes. Max notices and kneels in front of you to unlace your laces, slowly taking them off. You don’t know if it’s the hormones but the tiniest of touch was leaving you with butterflies in your stomach. 
“Thank you max” you muttered. 
“What kind of partner would I be if I wasn’t able to do this for you” your heart skips a beat when he says the word partner. 
Once finished he stands to look down at you. “You know y/n, pregnancy suits you. You look so pretty with our baby growing in you”. You can’t help but blush at the compliment. Starting to feel a heat overtake your body. You wanted him, but you couldn’t let him know that.
It’s like he could read your mind though. “Do you know I think about our night together often, every time before bed I touch myself thinking about your body and how it felt. Ever since being in Mexico, everytime I shower I get myself off thinking of you. Seeing you so domestic, barefooted, pregnant, not a care in the world, It makes me feral for you. I crave you y/n, do you feel the same?”
If it was easy for you to get up from the couch you would have pounced on him in a second. But instead he understands and grabs both of your arms, hoisting you up so you are standing in front of him. “Max, do you know how difficult it has been for me to not kiss you, grab you, love you this past week, I want you so bad, I want to be yours forever and always”
That's all max needs to hear before he grabs your face leading you into a kiss. It's a little awkward because of your big belly but you guys make it work. You can't stop kissing him. Things get heated very fast, teeth clashing, lips being bitten, hair being pulled. Max leads you to your bedroom where he takes off his shirt then yours. You hadn't worn a bra that day so he immediately went to grab your tits, worshiping them.
“God, your tits are amazing, they are so massive, presented to me, ready for me to take and devour”
You moan in response when you look down to see max leaving feather-like kisses around your nipples. When he hears your moan he pops one of your nipples into his mouth and begins to suck. While it all felt so good, you wanted him in you and he could tell you were growing impatient.
Popping off, he leads you to the bed and makes you sit. Your face now level with his crotch. You take this opportunity to start to unbuckle his belt and shimmy his pants and underwear off. Just as you are about to take him into your mouth, he stops you. 
“Not today darling, today is about you, and I want to taste you, I've been dreaming about it for months”
He lays you back gently, pulling off your pants and underwear you feel the slightest insecure at being so exposed. In response you try and close your legs but he doesn't let that stop him. He separates them open with his hands, kneeling in front of you. 
“Don't hide from me baby, let me make you feel good” max says as he looks up at you for confirmation.
You nod, and prop yourself up on your elbows so you can see what he's doing. Quite honestly you can't really see him because your belly is in the way but you do make eye contact with him as he makes his way down. 
He licks a fat stripe right on your heat, it sends shocks of pleasure coursing through you. Max proceeds to kiss along the sides of your thighs, teasing you.
“Max, babe, please” you beg out.
“Is my girl needy for me? You're mine right? No one else, just mine. Say it y/n, tell me you are mine” 
He has barely touched you and you already feel so fucked out. You manage to get the words out though “yes max I'm yours, only yours, I only have ever wanted you”. That seems to satisfy him because his mouth is on your clit in seconds. Taking his time between licking and sucking the bundle of nerves. It felt euphoric, max didn't get a chance to go down on you the first time you guys had sex, but now that you've got a taste of what his mouth could do, you don't know how you could ever let it go. 
Sucking hard on your clit, he takes the opportunity to stick his middle finger in you. Slowly working you open, not that you need it, you are dripping in arousal. Your moans are filling up the room, max adds a second finger in you, curling up, creating something you have never felt before. The way his fingers moved inside of you, the way his mouth devoured you. It felt so good, you felt bad because you were pulling his hair, practically moving his face. 
“Fuck, max your mouth feels so good”.
Max takes his mouth off of you and says “you taste so good y/n, I could eat you out for hours on end” 
You never pegged max to be a man practically starved for pussy but here you are, and you are grateful that he is. You needed him in you though. 
“Amor (love), please come fuck me, I need it so bad” 
“How can I say no to my pretty girl, lay on your side” 
You shimmy yourself up the bed, laying on your side. Max makes his way beside you, laying down. You take the opportunity to turn your head back and look at him. You see him slowly pumping his cock, about to slide it in you he asks, “Shit, do you want me to wear a condom”
Quite literally you couldn’t want anything less. “No no no, please I want to feel you fill me up. I want to be dripping with your cum” 
“Fuck you drive me crazy y/n, you have such a dirty mouth on you.”
You reach back and grab his hip, helping him line himself up with your entrance. He trusts into you in one swift motion, the burn is just like you remember. The stretch is unlike anything you’ve ever felt. Max takes his hand and reaches over to interlock his fingers with yours. No words have been exchanged but you have never felt closer to him than in this moment. 
You can’t reach back to kiss him, but he does leave a trail of wet, sloppy, kisses down your neck. You can already tell you aren’t going to last much longer, you have had so much bottled up, you needed a release. Max can tell by the way you are clenching down on him. 
“Are you close? Play with your pretty clit for me, I’m right there with you”
You nod vigorously, taking your hand and rubbing between your legs. The next thing you know you feel your climax reach an all time high, and you are cumming all over his cock. You let out the biggest moan and feel your legs shaking. You can feel yourself throbbing, basically begging Max to cum inside you. He grabs your hip hard, you look down and see his knuckles are white, he slams into not once, not twice, but three times and suddenly you feel a warm liquid filling you up. Max groans, placing his face in your neck. 
You guys lie there in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the closeness and comfort, because tomorrow he will be leaving back home and you don’t know how you are going to handle it.
Max slowly slides out of you and you feel his seed leaking out of you down your thighs. He kisses your cheek and mutters something about cleaning you up. He comes back in with a wipe and spreads your legs to clean you up. This feels extremely intimate but you allow yourself to be comfortable with it because you deserve to be taken care of. 
After everything is sorted, you are both laying down and it’s you who speaks first. “Max, what does this mean”
He takes a deep breath before speaking. “I was mad at you for not telling me, I needed time to process everything, which is why I told you I needed time, but don't ever for a second doubt I didn't want you or the baby. I'm in it for the long run y/n. I’ll follow you both anywhere.”
“I’m sorry max, I can't imagine a life where you and I aren't together” 
“You shouldn't be due until the end of the season, so right after the last race i'll pack a couple of bags and stay down here. I was thinking we would spend the first 6 months in Mexico and the next 6 in Monaco. I'll keep paying the house so we can go whenever. When racing starts back up we will figure it out then but im looking forward to having a couple of months with you guys disturbance free”
Your heart warms at the idea of him finding compromises for the both of you. And he was right, we would figure the logistics out as time went on, all that mattered was that you both were on the same page. 
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Max and Sergio finished the season off strong, and max stayed true to his word. Right after the last race he was on the first plane out to Mexico to join you for the birth. 
Quite honestly he came in just enough time because not even two days after his arrival, your water broke. 
“Do we have everything packed in the car max” you ask while pacing around the room.
“Yes sweetheart, let's get going” 
As you expected max was completely calm and collected, acting as a support system. When the doctor came in and told you, we were ready to push, you got scared and max could sense that. He grabbed your hand and whispered “hey look at me. everything is going to be okay, do you think I would ever let anything happen to you guys? you are so strong and I can’t wait to see our beautiful daughter”
His words of encouragement helped you during the delivery process and before you knew it, your baby girl’s cry’s entered the room. 
“Dad, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” the doctor asked. The sheer look of awe was all over max’s face. You watch as he gently cuts the cord and makes his way back to you. After she is cleaned up they plop her down on your chest and you just take her in. She is the perfect mix of both of you, she has max’s pretty turquoise eyes and your dark hair. 
You look up at max and see that he has tears in his eyes. 
“She’s so beautiful, she’s perfect y/n and she’s all ours”
You nod because you are at a loss for words at how special this moment is.To think what this would look like right now if you never told him. Looking at both max and the baby, you begin to wonder how lucky you got. This baby started as a secret but ended up being the best thing that could happen to either of you. And you can’t wait to see the life that you and max build together. 
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catsteeth · 21 days
The Caged Bird & The Leashed Dog
Sandor Clegane x reader
+:✿ Chapter - 18 ✿:+ Life, Death, and War. 
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: You are the daughter of Jon Arryn, you and your father travel to King's Landing with the intention of arranging a marriage for you. You catch a glimpse of The Hound during your first night in Kings Landing and it creates a mutual fascination even if he won't admit it. 
CW: MDNI, SMUT, p in v unprotected sex, pregnancy, doggy style, mention of oral, spanking, hair pulling, WAR, character death, labor, mention of forced abortion, NSFW themes, Sandor “my wife” Clegane, misogyny, angst, VIOLENCE, emotional unavailability, emotional vulnerability, The Hound being abrasive, mention of death, blood, threats of violence, 
Word Count: 7.3K 
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The days were long preceding the war. Perhaps it was the pregnancy, or perhaps it was the anxiety of the coming war. Most likely the pregnancy. You were mostly confined to your chambers if not seated at the council table to set forth plans of war. A task not many pregnant women have done. Your belly was so swollen you could not see your toes as you looked down. Sleep was a rare thing for you to find, and nothing could satisfy your hunger. Hunger for plum cake, sisters stew, roast goose, and even dirt once or twice. As well as an unsatisfiable hunger for sex, it made you irritable and short tempered. You loathed that you’d have to suffer the discomfort another thirty days. But you would have the Eyrie in less than ten. You would birth in the Eyrie, just as your mother did. Such a bittersweetness. 
You began to feel more and more bonded with the little falcon that grew in your belly. Feeling them kick, and turn, even hiccup in your belly. Sandor tried to be by your side as much as he could. However he was the only man you trusted to ready your men for battle, so he took his position with the greatest seriousness. Though not as serious as he took his position as your husband, and father to your child. Any moment he was given he was bringing you meals of any kind you desired. 
However this afternoon was one where his duties drove him to the training yards. Lord Royce often did your bidding, sending as many ravens as the North had to as many Eastern houses as he could. 
Today, you got a response unlike the others you had gotten. It was from Lady Anya Waynwood. With your growing support against Baelish. Baelish blockaded the Vales resources, sending wheat, grains, fish, meat, and bread only to his supporting households. The smallfolk, and common born people starved with the Highborn houses that supported you. Lady Waynwood was urgently seeking your aid. 
“Mhphm.” You groaned and placed a hand on your belly as you felt a kick in your ribs. “I cannot believe it either.” You mumbled to the babe, before shrugging, “Well actually I can. Still it upsets me so.” You said narrowing your brows as you continuously rubbed your belly, pacing your room. 
You looked over your shoulder as the door to your chambers opened. Your husband hunched down as he entered through the door, too short for his stature. 
You placed the piece of parchment over an open flame, letting it burn away, “He has allowed the small folk of the Vale to starve whilst he feasts.” You said with an annoyance turning towards him. “And I have been asked to assist somehow.” 
“You slept?” He huffed stepping towards you, this scene was all too familiar now.
You looked up at him, “I did.” hardly, but you did sleep. Between the constant tending to the babe and the constant tending to the war that nipped at your heels  you found little time for such luxuries. 
“How long?” He placed a large hand on the back of your neck, halting your steps and guiding you back to your bed. 
“Long enough.” You sighed as you laid back down. You groaned in discomfort as you attempted to make yourself comfortable “Maester said-”
“Maester? You let that old greasy cunt-” He interrupted you, and you interrupted him.
“He knows best. Unless you can tell me how well my child grows in me– I am forced to allow that old greasy cunt to poke around my insides.” The thought did not please Sandor, but he chuckled lowly to himself. You rarely swore without his cock in you. But he always liked it when you did. He removed his boots, muddied from the training yards. You continued your previous remark, “Maester says that the babe strong, says it’s strong and progressing well.” You smiled softly running your fingertips along your stomach. Sandor turned away to remove his clothing. You could not see it, but the corner of his mouth slightly twitched upwards in what some would call a smile. Happy to hear the steady and healthy progression of your babe. Perhaps this one would be different from the one his mother suffered, or yours. 
As his last bit of clothing hit the cold stone floor, he was left in his small clothes. The sight made your hunger for sex rise. “Says it‘s all thanks to their father, strongest man in the seven Kingdoms.” You reached for the hand of your husband. 
As you squeezed it, he gripped firmly onto yours. Turning towards you, and laying in bed beside you. Though only late afternoon, he knew you’d only truly sleep in his presence. The weight of him entering your bed, made your body roll into him. 
He groaned softly, placing his free hand a top your stomach. “Let’s hope that’s all they get from me.” His eyes trailed down to your thighs, made more plump and lovely from your pregnancy. He grabbed hold of your inner thigh, running his hand up and down them.
It was strange. You wanted him, wanted him to touch you this way, wanted him to fuck you good and well enough that you’d not have to think of the war and the discomfort that sat on your bladder. But a bit of you, a large bit, could not allow yourself to feel desirable. Your thighs now had scars, not of battle but from your skin stretching to prepare for your baby. Your body had changed. You grabbed ahold of his hand, “Stop it.” You said with annoyance. 
He knew by your tone, it was not a tone of disgust, or unwilling, but of insecurity. “Never had an issue with it before.” He grumbled, losing his grasp on you and gently rubbing your thigh. 
You shifted uncomfortably, “I didn’t look like this before.” You looked into his deep brown eyes, as they gazed down at you.
He bit his lip, his eyes ravaging your plump form, “I like it.” 
You turned onto your side away from him, “Liar.” you rasped. 
He sighed at your unwillingness to see how beautiful you were. But seeing you in that chemise, he found himself hardening. The thin white fabric covered hardly anything at all. He admired the curves of your body, the new  “That feel like a lie?” He asked, pressing his hardened cock into your ass making him groan, and making you tighten around nothing. He grasped your chin in his large hand, forcing you to turn your head to look at him, “Don’t give a fuck what you look like. I’ll never tire of you.” he rasped into your lips. His tongue darted against your bottom lip. He pulled away from you, and his teeth grazed your ear as he whispered, “Get on top of me.” 
You felt heat rise in your body with his breath against your ear. You reached behind you, your hand roaming his hard stomach, getting closer and closer to his cock but never touching it. You knew just how to innocently tease him, “You always say a man is meant to fuck his woman.” You whispered as his mouth began to roam your neck. 
He sucked onto your sensitive skin, and it made an audible noise when he pulled away from you. “Aye. I’ll be fucking you. I just want to see you. All of you.” He kissed the skin of your shoulder as he pulled your chemise down. 
You turned towards him, “Sandor-“ you whined as you grasped hold of his wrist. 
His motions stopped, he looked at you “You don’t want it?” He was not angry, annoyed, or disappointed, simply wanted to know how to please you best in that moment. 
“I do.” You whispered, still insecure despite the encouragement your husband was eagerly bestowing onto you. 
He took your hand that held his wrist, and intertwined his fingers with yours. “Then let me serve you.”
You looked into his eyes deeply as he pressed his forehead against yours. “My body…” 
“Yes, your body.” He groaned, kissing your lips once more, he kissed you like he were drinking the finest and rarest of wine. As he pulled away he rasped, “That’s the fucking point, it’s yours. That’s all that matters. That it’s yours.” His hands grasped ahold of the pathetically thin fabric of your chemise, 
Your eyes never left his face as he tore it off your body with ease. As your breasts became exposed, his rough calloused hands grasped them without mercy. His mouth sucked onto the tender skin of your neck as his fingers pinched at your sensitive nipples.
He began to grind his clothed throbbing cock into your ass. He grabbed hold of your thigh, lifting it to give his cock better access to your cunt. You could feel the tip of his cock, warm and already leaking for you, pressing against the hot and swollen lips of your cunt. As if his cock were kissing the lips of your cunt. 
“I want it.” You moaned as you arched back into him, his lips still attached to your neck.  “I want it so badly.” You squirmed against his touch, lost in the ecstasy of your heightened sensitivity. 
“I want your cunt in my mouth,” He groaned into the hot flesh of your neck, 
You shook your head, tearing away from his grasp, and turning to face him, “Fuck I want you, Sandor.” You said as you held his face in your hands and tried so hard for your lips to catch his, desperate for any touch he’d give you. “I need you inside of me.” 
He liked to tease you, “Not sure I can give you that yet.” He said with a smirk, “I want to taste my wife first.” He rasped. 
You panted pathetically. You finally pressed your lips into his own, as you inserted two fingers into your own cunt, moaning into his mouth. He watched you in awe as you pulled your fingers out of your cunt, and presented them to him. He took your fingers into his mouth, taking in your taste. “Please,” You whimpered. 
He moaned as you pulled your fingers away from his mouth. “Fuck me,” You whispered sweetly. 
His mouth ravished yours as you practically clawed his underclothes off of his body. He pulled you off of him by your hair, “Get on top of me. I like to see your face when I sink into you.” And so you obeyed. Though you were unsure of how you’d support your weight under your weak knees long enough to ride him. But he’d thought of that, “I’ve got you,” you whispered as his large hands grasped your hips. He took you in for a moment as you straddled him, in awe of your beauty. His cock twitched beneath you as he took you in, you felt it tap at your core for just a second. You smiled at him as you lined his cock up with your wet cunt, “I’ve got you.” He whispered once more. 
You began to lower yourself, pressing his length into you. Your face contorted with pleasure and you threw your head back as you felt him pulsing inside of you. Sandor groaned in pleasure, and he ran his large hand from your throat, to your breasts, then your sides, then finally gripping your ass. “Fucking hells, woman.” He moaned through gritted teeth, his eyes unable to close for even a moment as he watched you bounce on his cock. He gripped onto your ass even harder as you clenched around him. He landed a firm slap against your ass, making you squeeze around him even harder and your eyes widened as you looked at him with surprise. “You liked that before.” 
“Again.” You moaned with a smirk, 
He smirked back at you, “There she is.” he groaned as he spanked you again, making you clench around him again, he hissed through gritted teeth. The pleasure your cunt gave was better than anything. This was sweeter than killing, this was sweeter than any wine or ale, sweeter than any whore he’d paid for. The best thing he’d ever had. 
Also uncontrollably he began to buck up into you, the head of his cock hitting your soft spot deep inside your cunt at an unforgiving speed. He looked up at your sweet face, eyes shut and face contorted from the pleasure, “Say those words again.” SPANK, “You know the ones.” he commanded through gritted teeth.
You opened your eyes, “I love you.” You moaned, “I -Ah!- Love you!” You could hardly speak a full sentence with his speed ever increasing, thrusting in and out of you. 
SPANK, “Again!” he commanded, SPANK, 
Your eyes rolled back, and you smiled as you moaned from the euphoria. “I love you,” you steadied your eyes and looked at him deeply, “Sandor Clegane-“ 
That was his breaking point, he pushed you off of him. You looked confused as he made you stand. 
Sandor walked you over to a chair in the room, but not to sit. No, Sandor began to position you, “Kneel.” Sandor commanded, and you obeyed. Kneeling in front of the cushioned seat. “Hold onto it.” He rasped into your ear as he took a hold of your hair. 
You leaned forward, laying your head against the cushioned seat, and your hands holding onto the arm rests. 
Sandor spread your legs, and you arched your back in response. Taking it a sign of your eager desire, he plunged himself back into you. This time thrusting himself in and out of you even harder, and faster. You now understood why he told you to hold on. 
One hand of his gripped at the plushness of your hip whilst the other kept a firm hold on your hair. His grip would tighten pulling your hair just the right amount. “My woman likes it hard,” he groaned as your cunt tightened around him, “I’ll give it to her hard.” He said with another firm spank. “Because she can fucking take it-“ he moaned, cunt drunk. His hand snaked around your thigh, and found your needy and neglected clit. His fingers toyed with it, pinching and circling it, finding just the right rhythm you needed. 
You moaned out louder and louder, not caring who heard you. 
You felt yourself release only this time it was different, somehow you released so much so quickly it was as if your water had broken. Only you knew it was that. 
The wetness splashed around Sandor cock making a vulgar noise as his cock continued to sink in and out of you. He’d never made a woman release like this before. He’d heard men in the kingsguard, or in brothels and taverns gloat about making a woman do what you’d just done. But he’d always believed they’d lied. 
But fuck, you did it, and for him. 
He hunched over as he felt himself cumming into you, kissing your shoulder in an attempt to mask his pathetic moans. 
“Was that wrong?” You whimpered into the cushion of the chair, too tired to get up. 
Sandor kissed your cheek, and plucked you up from the ground, carrying you to bed. “You’re perfect.” He grumped softly as he laid you into your warm sheets. 
As the both of you laid there. He held you close to his chest. You were nearly asleep when all of the sudden it came to you, 
“I’ve an idea.” You shot up in bed, no longer tired or worn out. “Write to my uncle Edmure Tully. Request his aid in feeding the small folk of the Vale. And Write to each of the largest houses in the Vale, I wish to speak to them in person.” 
Sandor covered his eyes and groaned. Even a good fucking couldn’t put you to sleep. 
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But he did as you asked. And so your uncle agreed to aid your cause as it was what honor demanded of him, and with such a great ally in such a seat of power as yourself he would do all he could to ensure your alliance was strong. Edmure sent Tully knights to deliver packages of food to the small folk of the Vale, and the many houses who supported you. All in your name. 
The people of the Vale now only furthered their support of you, and so did the great houses. Most were eager for the feast Lord Royce had created in your name. It was held in Runestone. You tried your best to wear something other than a robe and with Sansa’s sewing you managed to wear a gorgeous blue gown. 
At the table of the feast, you sat at the head of the table. Beside you, your husband, and to your other side, your brother. Lord Royce sat at the other end of the table and seated on either side of the table were heads of some of the largest houses of the Vale. Houses Belmore, Corbray, Egen, Grafton, Heresy, Hunter, Melcolm, Redfort, and Templeton. And of course houses Torrent, Longthorpe, and Borrell of the three sisters. 
You stood, raising a cup towards the heads of the great houses in front of you, “I thank Lord Royce for hosting such a feast in his home, and offering us all guestright. And I thank you all for coming here. I understand it is an uncertain time. And uncertainty can breed mistrust, paranoia, and unsteady judgment. So allow me to set your uncertainties right.” You said graciously, placing your cup down, “I am the Lady of the Vale. The King's command died with him, but my fathers did not. I am heir to the Vale, as declared by the North, Lord Royce, most of the Vales people, and my own brother Robin.” You said looking over to Robin, he smiled and nodded to you. Your voice turned slightly sterner, “I do not need any of your blessings to take these titles; however I understand and respect how long your houses have sat on this land. I want you all to know a war will be fought on these lands.” You said wanting them to know war was coming, and it was time for them to decide where they fell, “You’ve been starved. Smallfolk have been starved. I have brought you food, brought the smallfolk food, not Littlefinger, but I.” You reminded them as they ate the very food that you graced them with, “I ask for you to not forget your oaths.” You finished as you sat in your seat.
You looked around the table, waiting for someone to say something. 
Lady Waynwood stood, “Your rations have fed our people, saved some from death itself. You have come to our side, offering aid in a time of need and without us begging for it.” She raised her cup towards you, “We shall come to yours.” She said with a nod. 
Lord Belmore stood as well raising his cup to you, “Woman or no, you are the blood of Jon Arryn.” 
You looked over to Sandor, exchanging glances at the Lord's thinly veiled prejudice. Then turning your gaze back to the Lord, and smiling with a nod of gratitude, taking any support given. 
“Fuck Littlefinger.” Ser Symond Templeton grumbled as he stood holding a cup towards you, “We’ve not forgotten.” 
Lord Horton Redford stood holding up his cup, “To Lady Arryn, the mother of the Vale!” 
“Nay, the defender of the Vale!” Lord Eon Hunter interjected, as he raised his cup as well. 
And with that each of the Lords at the table stood, cups rose in honor of you. Even Lords Longthorpe, and Borrell of the three sisters stood. You felt for a moment, a wave of relief, Tyrion was wrong. You would not need to send the Hill tribes to do your bidding and perhaps you’d created peace, a new generation of unity by House Arryn and the Three Sisters. Something your father was never interested in doing. 
However, as your own brother stood for you, you looked over to Sandor who was glaring at a man down the table. Lord Torrent, Lord of Little Sister. The man sat not cheering and celebrating like the other Lords and Lady did. He frowned and ate from the food your family gave to him.
“Lords and Ladies.” You said, making them all halt their celebration, “Lord Torrent, clearly has something to say. By all means, my Lord Express it.” You said with a calm and gentle tone. However the grimace on your husband's face set a much more tense feeling in the room. 
The lords all looked towards Lord Torrent, who scoffed as he spoke, refusing to look at you, “I have something on my mind. I speak of this perversion done to this land.” He said angrily, his eyes settled onto you angry and piercing, “Never hand a wench a-” 
“Sword when she has her blood.” You finished his sentence, unafraid of him “I have heard the joke.” You said with dark eyes, your husband beside you clenched his fist. 
“Shut your mouth, you drunken oaf!” Lord Royce demanded, 
“Why should I?” Lord Torrent snapped back at him, 
“The Arryns saved you from the Starks long ago. The rape of the Three Sisters, you swore felty to her house!” Lord Borrell shouted.
Torrent looked towards you, “Your house’ done nothin’ for us.” 
“She’s fed you!” Lady Waynwood attempted to defend you.
Torrent's eyes didn’t leave you, “One meal after a generation.” 
You leaned forward, “Your house sits upon my land, if I find you are unworthy of its soil… I will shake the ground it sits on until the vermin shatter out of it.” Your eyes narrowed.
“You wouldn’t dare-“ Lord Torrent stood, 
“But I have. Did you not hear me? I have dared.” You smirked and nearly hissed at him, 
Lord Torrent, sat reluctantly, huffing to himself like a spoiled child. 
You did not release him from your violent gaze until he let out a final sigh and nodded. Silently agreeing to aid your cause. 
Now you would be able to tell Tyrion you were right, you would not need the aid of anyone to gain the sisters allegiance.  
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You did not relish in such a victory for very long however. You were soon back and seated at the council table in Winterfell.
You stared intensely out the window, unsure of the future and uneasy by the many possibilities of it. “War shall be fought on the marrow. At day break.” You declared. 
Tyrion nodded, “We’ve the support of nearly each house within the Land. The others, though few, remain neutral.” 
You contemplated as you asked, “What is our standing?” 
“We greatly outnumber the pretenders.” Lord Royce said proudly, 
“How great?” You pushed the question further.
“Greatly.” Tyrion said before continuing  “Though we set forth to accomplish a supposed impossible challenge. And one that if accomplished allows for speculation of how invulnerable the Eyrie might be.” He said cautioning you.
You raised an eyebrow at Tyrion, “Though that might be. It is a necessity.”
“But perhaps,” Tyrion attempted to continue, 
“I was right about the hill tribes, Tyrion. Allow me to handle the well being of the Vale.” You said calmly but sternly. Setting him in his place. You then pulled out a scroll of parchment, “I’ve written this. This is the plan of battle you and your men will follow.” You held out the scroll towards your husband but pulled it away before Sandor could grab it, “None of you can open it until you’ve left for battle.” They looked at you with confusion, “The element of surprise is key. If it were to be exposed all would be lost.” Sandor nodded and took the scroll from you. “I shall see you off on the Marrow then.” You said to the rest of the men in the room. 
As you and your husband walked out of the council chambers your brother caught up to you,
“I want to fight. Fight for you, and your child. For my mother. For our father.” Robin said as he walked alongside you.
You nearly rolled your eyes, and smirked at him “You believe you’re cut for it?” you asked, not halting your steps. 
“I know that I am.” Robin said confidently, 
“Or you’re young and arrogant.” You said, not meaning to be mean but meaning to convince him to stay away from the fight.
“Or I’m not.” Robin retorted, 
“Or you are.” The two of you were arguing like brother and sister. It was a new role you played being a sister, but you enjoyed it. You smiled as you placed a hand on his cheek, “You’re the last living male Arryn. It is a heavy burden you hold.” 
Robin felt himself wanting to cling to the nurturing embrace you gave him but he was no longer a child. He sighed, “Your child could be a boy-“
“A Clegane.” You corrected, “As honored as I am to bear it, they will not be an Arryn.” You said knowing your husband was there to hear it.
Robin stepped closer to you, “There is precedence for noble ladies keeping their own name and giving it to their children in order to keep their families line. Whatever child inherits your titles would remain an Arryn.”  
Sick of circling the subject, you said plainly, “I have mourned all the family I can, Robin. Do not challenge me.” You said placing a hand on his cheek once more.
“Do not coddle me like my mother did.” He said removing your hand, and looking at your husband. Sandor, the Hound, a man who was quite clearly the complete opposite of Robin,  “Your husband fights for you, so I shall fight beside him.” He said with a confident and determined nod.
Your steps halted once you reached your chambers. You looked at Robin defeated, “I cannot keep the sword from your hand either?” Robin shook his head, and you sighed  “Fine then.” 
“I will not disappoint you, sister.” Robin vowed with confidence, 
You shook your head, “You couldn’t.” You said with a smile that thinly veiled your worry.
WIth that, Robin smiled somberly and left you as you and your husband entered your shared chambers.
As Sandor closed and locked the door behind you he contemplated speaking his mind on this topic, but did anyway. “He’s not ready.” Sandor said with a sigh, knowing it would be a bad idea. 
You huffed in frustration as you threw your hands up, “He’s nearly a grown man. I cannot stop him Just as I cannot stop you.” 
Sandor stepped closer to you, placing his large hands on your sides. “Someone should be here, with you.” 
You smiled softly as his concern, “I have my cousin. I have the maester, and all the midwives a woman would care to have. Besides, it is too early for laboring.” You ran your hands down his arms, “I don’t want you to fight.” 
He shook his head, placing a hand on your stomach, “I told you I would get you that castle.”
“I release you from that promise.” You said, knowing your words would change nothing.
“I don’t. What husband doesn’t fight for his woman, for his family?” He rasped
You held onto sandors wrist, “You must come back to us.” 
Sandor nodded, knowing he could not promise that he would. 
He looked at your face, wanting to memorize every bit of you. Tomorrow war may take him from you, and he was determined to keep your image with him. He wanted to memorize every bit of you, “Take this off.” He said as his eyes trailed over your body with a lascivious gaze.
You held back a giggle as you smirked, “You want my favor before you go to battle?”
He leaned in closer to you, making you tilt your head, “I want to taste your cunt before I go to battle.” He groaned against you.
“That shall serve nicely as my favor.” You said looking up at Sandor with half lidded eyes. 
You let out a small yelp and squeal as Sandor picked you up and carried you to the bed. He would make sure that night you slept.
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Sandor had left you in your bed, naked, and sound asleep. 
He was not going to wake you no matter how many times you told him to wake you before you finally fell asleep. He watched you as long as he could before it was time for him to set off.
He believed you to be in a deep sleep, but without the warmth of your husband you woke.
So you could imagine Sandor’s surprise to see you walking towards him in the courtyard of Winterfell.
“What are you doing?” Sandor asked frustratedly, 
You responded with a matching frustration, “You know what I am doing.” 
He stepped closer to you, “You need to be in bed-” 
“I am staying here, as you have insisted once again. I cannot send men into battle without offering them my words.” You interrupted him, and leaned in closer to him, “I won’t be seen as weak again.” You told him in a whisper. He understood no matter how reluctant he might have been. 
He turned away from you and looked towards the crowds of soldiers that readied to depart for war. “Your Lady has words for you all. So fucking listen!” He shouted. 
You hid your nerves by holding your head high, “Northernmen, you march forth to fight for house Arryn. A house that has meant nothing to any of you for generations. But I have fought for your lands, your lords, and your lives. You now fight for loyalty and honor.” You knew Northerns had much less reason to aid your cause than the Valemen did, so you clung to honor. “Valemen, you march forth to fight for House Arryn. Ancient blood, of an ancient house. You fight for a rightful succession. Though none of it matters really. What matters is that your land is held hostage by a usurper. A man who drove the crown into debt, a man whose success was built upon the foundations of brothels and secrets, a man who has seen no battles, a man who has allowed your families to starve.” The Valemen began to murmur, and shout words of support, “A man who killed your Lord and Lady.” You said somberly, “You fight for liberation of your people.” You said confidently, “You set forth to succeed an impossibility. No one has ever done what we set forth to do. But the Eyrie is weakened without you all. After today, the realm will know our wrath, and will come to fear the color blue.” As you finished the men pointed their swords in the air and they railed in support. 
“Sister.” Robin said sweetly as he approached you,
You placed a hand on his cheek as you said, “Be vigilant, brother.” 
Robin hugged you quickly, too scared to let the other knights see. Once he released you he nodded and took his place on his horse. 
Your attention turned as Sandor took your hand. 
“Wife.” Sandor said, his way of saying goodbye in front of other men. 
You however would not allow him to leave without a bit of you. “My favor.” You said as you handed him a handkerchief that was embroiled with your initials. 
He took the cloth from you, looked at the initials embroidered onto it, “You already gave it-” He said, teasing you.
“Another.” You interrupted him as you took him by his cheek. You and he kissed one last time before he rode off. 
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Though your armies greatly outnumbered Baelish’s, he held the advantage. The Eyrie held high ground and archers. 
You knew this, and if they did not open their gates willingly, even with climbing spokes it may take a mountain of dead men to climb the walls.
Tens miles out from the battle, Jon, Royce, Sandor, and Robin opened your highly secretive plan. 
Royce looked it over, “She wants us to fake a surrender.” Lord Royce scoffed, “Is she mad?”
“Easy.” Sandor said with hard eyes, warning Royce.
Robin nodded, “We will need to take the Eyrie from the inside.” He said confidently that you knew what you were talking about, “This is the only way inside. She knows we will need an offering of flesh.” He thought for a moment and then said, “I’ll do it.”
“No.” Sandor snapped, knowing if something were to happen to Robin, you would only blame yourself. 
“Yes.” Robin said, making Sandor huffed at him, making Robin’s confidence dwindle, “I-I mean it is only that he would only believe a surrender from an Arryn.” 
“The young Lord is right.” Jon said with reluctance.
Sandor knew he could not stop it, so with a sigh, he continued “I’ll lead the men inside.” 
“We’ll be behind you.” Jon said with a nod.
Royce, though not thrilled with your plan, committed himself, “Our men will use the climbing spokes once you’ve overwhelmed them inside. Then we will open the gates.”
And with that, the plan was in motion. The battle of the Mockingbirds and Falcons began. As your men arrived at the Vale, they hid themselves behind the natural advantages of the landscape. Hiding behind large rocks on the edges of cliffs.
Only allowing Robin to move in. However your men were not far behind.
The arches at the top of the gate aimed as Robin walked towards the Bloody Gate, holding a crude white flag. Robin waved it desperately. 
“The Lady Arryn asks for mercy for her and her child!” Waving a white flag of surrender, Robin fooled Baelish’s commanding knight and several soldiers. 
They opened the gates, the commanding knight stepped out with several soldiers beside him. . The commanding knight looked at the horizon seeing no sign of an ambush, he sent his men out to investigate if they had truly surrendered. Robin bent the knee as he drew his sword and offered it. His distraction allowed for your forces to approach unnoticed. One soldier takes up the sword and inspects it, only for your own arches to ambush the soldiers. Drawing and releasing their arrows killing the commanding knight and the soldiers that accompanied him. This offered some time for Sandor and Jon to rush the gates with their men. 
Sandor and Jon along with their men proceeded to kill all of the approaching soldiers as Sandor made his way closer and closer to the gates of the moon, causing them to send out more men. As the battle continued, the archers were overwhelmed. Lord Royce’s men took it as an opportunity to climb the walls of the gates. Killing all the remaining archers. Royce’s men then opened the gates allowing the Eastern forces to charge in and cut down the remaining soldiers. 
The battle raged on, though Baelish’s forces dwindled quickly once your forces passed the gates. As the Eastern houses fight off the last of the Baelish’s soldiers, Sandor pursues the Eyrie. Cutting down each man in his path. 
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You looked out your window, waiting impatiently for a raven to arrive with news, any news at all. But all you saw was snow. How terrible you felt watching snow fall, knowing miles away your family fought for you.
As Sansa enters the chamber you began, “I feel like a coddled child by both my Husband, Lord Royce, and somehow SweetRobin of all… Even you.” You looked at her with slight contempt.
“All people who hold fondness for you.” Sansa said coldly as she stepped towards you. “None of us desire to see you or your child harmed.” 
You shook your head softly, “I’d not fight. Gods knows I can hardly see my feet anymore.” You said, making Sansa chuckle softly. “But I am left here, to worry, and pray that those men I entrusted with such plans do not disregard my orders and take their own.” 
“Your husband would not allow it.” She said, and you knew it was true. 
“Left here to worry for who will fall.” You said solemnly. You worried once again that you would leave without your husband, and now you worried for your brother, and your cousin. 
Sansa took your hand, “Then we shall worry together.” 
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As your forces laid a successful siege to the Eyrie, Baelish knew his reign was over. He opened the doors to the Eyrie, stepping out of it he looked at Sandor. “I surrender.” Baelish said with a smug sigh, as if he expected to be untouched if he surrendered willingly. 
He was however wrong. Sandor marched over to Baelish. Sandor pummeled his fist into Baelish’s face. Amazed he didn’t break his jaw on impact, Sandor grabbed hold of him by his throat, 
“I take it you want to crush my skull, break my bones? Is this how Clegane’s define justice?” Baelish attempted to ask as his windpipe was being crushed. 
“Aye.” He said roughly, he relished seeing the fear in his eyes. The eyes of the man who kissed you without your say, the eyes of the man who held you against your will, the eyes of a man who forced you to drink moon tea, the eyes of a man who attempted to marry you off to the Boltons. He knew that he wasn’t his to kill. Sandor let him go, “But that’s not how your Lady defines it.” Sandor turned to the knights around him, “Put him in a cell. Do nothing until my wife takes her place here.” 
“My Lord,” Ser Leon said with some urgency, “It is your brother by law.” 
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Sandor and Ser Leon made their way to the gates of the moon. As he arrived he saw many soldiers mortally wounded from the battle. But the one that caught his eye was your brother. Robin lay with an arrow through his chest. 
Sandor looked to the healer that was standing over the boy's body, “The boy is dead.” The young healer said plainly. 
Sandor looked upon the boy, he did not know him well. But when he looked at the boy's face all he could think of was you, and how your heart would break. “Seven fucking hells.” 
“Send a Raven to our Lady.” Ser Leon said to a young squire somberly with a sigh. 
“No.” Sandor commanded, grabbing the squire by the collar, “Speak nothing of it.” He said with intensity in his eyes. If you were to know, it would be told to your own ears with him by your side.
The squire swallowed nervously, then squeeked, “My Lord-“
Sandor’s grip on the boys collar tightened as he pulled him closer, “If my wife- Your Lady hears of this from a piece of fucking parchment it’ll kill her.” His tone was raspy, dark and deep. 
The squire, though terrified, blurted out, “My Lord, a raven has already been sent.”
Sandor let go of the squire's collar, stepping away for a moment. He knew his time was running thin, he knew this news would break you. If he left now on horseback, and did not stop until he reached Winterfell perhaps he could get there before the raven did. “Give me my fucking horse!” Sandor barked as he turned back to squire.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
You and Sansa sat in the council room. Waiting for news, a sign, anything. Just as you did days before. 
The wait was horrid. The uncertainty was worse. You could only hope and pray that you were not a widow. 
What you did not know was that your husband was only a few miles away on a horse charging towards you, and you also did not know that a raven had just arrived. 
As you stared out the window of the chamber, Sansa looked to you. 
“What is it like?” Sansa asked. Looking at your swollen belly. 
“Like carrying a child in your body. A child that kicks at your ribs and makes you sick in the mornings.” You said in a blunt and snarky tone, it made Sansa smile slightly. “It is wonderful.” You said more genuinely as you ran a hand along the side of your belly.
“You carry it well.” Tyrion said as he and a guard entered the room,
Sansa helped you as you stood from your seat, walking towards the council table, “Has there been any word?” You asked with furrowed brows, desperate for any knowledge. 
Tyrion and the Guard looked pensive as the Guard began to speak. “My Lady, the Eyrie has been taken in your name. Littlefinger was taken alive, he is being held as a prisoner awaiting your judgment in the Eyrie.” Sansa breathed a sigh of relief for you as she grabbed hold of your hand. You looked to her, in disbelief as a wave of relief washed over you, “My Lady, there is more.” You looked back at the guard with terror in your eyes, not wishing to hear the words you knew you were about to hear.  “Your half brother Robin Arryn was struck down by an arrow-“ Your knees felt weak as the guard continued to talk, “whilst your armies laid siege.” 
You grasped your throat, and felt yourself become breathless. “Are you alright?” Sansa asked you, placing a hand onto your back,
You ignored her question, “What of his condition?” Your voice was strained as a pain in your back began.
The man paused briefly, unsure of how to phrase his words best, “He is dead, my Lady.” the man said softly.
Your tears came, you grasped onto the table and hunched over in pain as the pain grew and grew, “Fuck,” You hissed exasperated through your tears. You grasped onto your stomach as you felt a warm liquid trickling down your leg, “The babe, the babe is coming.”
Tyrion stepped closer to you, concerned, “Are you certain? It is too soon.” 
“Fuck!” You struggled to say the words as your water broke, falling onto the floor. 
Sansa tried to take hold of you, to prevent your knees from buckling and falling to the floor. 
Tyrion turned to the guard and shouted, “Get the Maester, and as many midwives as Winterfell has!” 
꒰ ୨୧ ─
Once Sandor reached the Gates of Winterfell his horse was near death from exhaustion. He looked to the Guards at the top of the gates.
“Open the fucking gates!” Sandor barked, 
The guards knew who he was immediately. A man like the hound is not one that you would ever forget. 
As the gates opened Sandor grabbed a hold of the nearest guard, 
“My Lord-” The guard nearly squeeked, 
“Where is my wife?” Sandor growled, 
The guard, frightened, began “S-she has begun her labors, my Lord.” 
Sandor felt his heart drop to his stomach, and his stomach drop to his feet. He didn’t know this feeling very well, was it excitement? Fear? He did not know. 
“How long?” Sandor questioned. 
The man shook his head, “Not even an hour, my Lord… She began when she heard of her brother's death.” 
Sandor groaned, angry that he was not faster, “Fucking hells, bring me to her, NOW!” 
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HI- i’m literally so sorry this took so long. if you girls knew what was going on in my life….. omg. anyways please enjoy !!! again i’m so sorry lol. but that isn’t stopping me from blue balling yall with the baby AND Baelish getting canned.
K love you, xoxo
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authorhjk1 · 2 months
Aloha! Since I hardly find any of her fics here, here's hoping Krystal can make the cut so here are some choices if you may:
For the first outfit was hoping it could make the cut the most since if you look at it closely it is a one piece dress but buttoned up, for the second outfit I mean, look at that body sheesh and for the third a simple one.
(Krystal Jung X Male Reader)
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You're smiling from ear to ear as you walk through the building. You can't believe this is happening.
"It seems like you really want one of these."
Krystal's teasing tone makes you turn around to her. But before you can, her hands sneak around your waist and she presses her body up against yours from behind. Her chin landing on your shoulder.
"Y-Yes. This one."
You point at the car at the far end of the dealership. You've always wanted this car. Ever since you saw it online for the first time. You can't believe you're about to own it. You're barely nineteen years old and you just got your driver's license. But now you're walking to a midnight black Lamborghini Aventador.
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You never checked out the price, because you expected to never be able to have enough money to buy one of these. But now it almost feels like you won the lottery.
"Are you sure you want this one?"
Krystal isn't as much into cars as you are, so she usually goes for classy and expansive over horse power and speed. The silver Rolls Royce parked outside is proof enough of that.
"This is my dream car."
"Then get in and try it out."
Krystal gives you a kiss on the cheek, before you hear heels klick on the floor as she walks away.
You carefully reach out to touch the hood. Six months ago, you would've been too afraid to even touch this car. But you don't have to worry about breaking anything. Krystal could buy every single car in this building, if she wanted to. You don't know how much money she really does have, but the first thing you did after coming home that fateful day, was researching the name Krystal Jung. The richest person in Korea. The fifth wealthiest person in Asia and maybe even one of the richest women on this planet.
Sitting down in the driver's seat, you let your hands wander over the steering wheel. It feels comfortable. It feels perfect. It feels better than you thought it would.
You tear your eyes off the car's dashboard as you hear Krystal approaching again. Her black dress matches the car and shows off her slim waist. It hugs her body like it was only designed for her and nobody else. Which is what probably happened. You doubt anyone else owns this exact dress. Maybe a cheap copy of it.
You hold your breath as Krystal stops in front of you, a car key in her hand.
"Do you want to take your new car for a drive?"
"Oh my god. Thank you so much."
You don't even dare to reach for the key. How much did Krystal just spent on you?
"Like I already said, you don't have to thank me for the stuff I buy you. It's just money."
She puts the key into your hand, before walking around to the passenger side.
Once she is seated, her arm sneaks around your shoulders, her lips right next to your ear.
"Let's take your new car for a drive along the coast."
Her free hand glides over your thigh as she reaches for your crotch.
"You can repay me by making use of that hood."
She nods towards the front of the car.
The cold midnight air hits your face as you test out the car's limits. Krystal's hair flies after her in the wind. The roaring of the engine almost makes it impossible to talk. You glance at the dashboard. 300 kph. The road doesn't have any corners in it right now, so you can drive as fast as you want. No one else is around.
You let the Lamborghini come to a hold as you reach the top of the cliff. It's not yet time for the sunrise, but the stars make the night sky bright enough. You have to peel your shaking hands off the wheel. You've never gone that fast in your life.
"That big smile on your face says a lot."
Krystal's hair is messy, but that might make her even more attractive.
"Show me how much you really enjoyed it."
You lean over and capture her lips with yours. The two of you make out in the car as your and her hands explore each other's bodies. You feel her naked waist under your fingertips, while Krystal lets her fingers graze your abs underneath your shirt.
You don't have to work and earn money or anything. Krystal has only two basic requirements for you to make this relationship work. Stay as healthy and fit as possible and make her cum more often then she can count. You work out every single day, eat healthy and go for a lot of runs. You already did it before you met her, but the amount of time you are know putting into your body makes it impossible for Krystal to keep her hands off you.
After your make out session in the car, you now kneel in front of it, after having Krystal bend over the hood. Just like she wanted.
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Her dress is still occupying the passenger seat, while her naked body is pressed against the black surface.
"That's a good boy."
Krystal moans into the hood as your tongue invades her slick pussy again and again. You knead her cheeks as you hold onto them. She loves it when you worship her body just as much as when she worships yours.
"Oh, fuck! Almost!"
After six months of almost three times a day, you have Krystal completely figured out. It doesn't take much effort anymore to make her cum.
And you can tell how close she is, if you read the signs well enough. Her thighs begin to shake. Her moans become just a little higher. More swear words leave her lips. And more of her juices would run down her thighs, if it wasn't for you, eagerly licking every inch of her skin.
Your name leaves her lips in a deep moan, right before a high pitched cry echoes through the night. Krystal orgasms on top of the car. Her naked body pressed against the hood. Most of her squirt lands inside your mouth, but some finds it's way onto the car, staining the black materials.
While she recovers, you stand up and align your cock with her pussy. You're still hard and wet from her blowjob in the car mere minutes ago. You can't even keep track anymore on how often Krystal sucked you off, sitting in the passenger seat or at the back.
"That's right. Fill me with that cock of yours."
Krystal sighs as you push into her. Slow love making is a rare sight in your relationship. Mainly because it isn't a relationship based on love. Krystal is pleasant to be around, but she sometimes feels like she is from another world. Her money, her influence, her age. None of it matches your own personality. And yet, here you are, taking Krystal's pussy from behind.
"You're such a good boy. A good little toy."
Her endless praises fuel your desire to fuck her harder and harder. As much as you like Krystal dominating you, it doesn't compare to the feeling of being in control yourself. To have this beautiful woman bend over in front of you. How she takes your cock so well. How she moans your name and praises your cock.
You eventually start to grow tired. The small sex marathon on board of her plane two hours ago still lingering inside your muscles. Krystal usually isn't the type to have a lot of sex at once, due to her busy schedule. But a four hour flight in her private jet makes you work overtime.
You finally sink down on top of her, your face buried in her naked back as your cock rests deep inside her pussy. Krystal's tits and the rest of her body are being pressed against the hood of the car due to your weight.
"Yes, baby."
She sighs, enjoying the unusually slow fucking you now give her. Her snug pussy is enough to make you cum. It doesn't matter how fast you fuck her. Even if you only move at a slow pace, it manages to make you fill her up.
You kiss and lick her sweaty neck as you close your eyes. The cold midnight air roams your naked body on top of hers as you release your cum into her pussy.
Hi, everyone!
I hope you a had a good time reading. After deciding on this concept, I cose the black dress, because I think it fits the most. If you want me to write her in the blue one, feel free to request again, I will put it on my list.
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marihoneywk · 10 months
A dragon's ambition
Jacaerys Velaryon x older stepsister - one shot
Summary: Growing up under her father's influence in the Red Keep, Alysanne becomes determined to claim the Iron Throne. Feeling the sting of being overlooked and fuelled by ambition, Alysanne hatches a plan that involves the seduction of the heir to throne, her stepbrother Jacaerys, who also happens to be her half-sister's betrothed.
Warnings: incest (stepsiblings that are cousins), sexual content, p in v, tiddy succin, breeding kink, some fluff, third person narrative, oc is manipulative.
Word count: 3.8 k
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Alysanne Targaryen was the oldest daughter of Daemon Targaryen. Conceived in the only night Lady Rhea Royce and Daemon spent together, Alysanne wasn’t a desired child, as her mother secretly tried to end the pregnancy.
However, Alysanne was tough and stubborn since the womb and came into the world crying so loud, the whole Vale could hear her. 
Daemon welcomed his daughter to live with him in the Red Keep upon her third name day, raising her in his own ways, educating her to be cunning and fearless.
Alysanne had grown up to be her father’s female version, a thing that scared Daemon. Her sharp mind aligned with her ethereal looks, made a dangerous combination that didn’t let any man escape. With her sweet eyes and big eyelashes, not even the guards were able to refuse a single request she made, crumbling immediately to her pleads. 
Alysanne liked her sisters, Baela and Rhaena, but didn’t love them. They were nice and fun to be around, but she couldn’t stop wandering if perhaps her life would be better, if they weren’t around. 
She also liked to believe she was her father’s favourite daughter, even if she wasn’t sure. It was only fair right? Baela and Rhaena had their own mother to favour them, while Alysanne only had Daemon. Her mother had a brief presence in her life, dying in a tragic accident with her horse three moons before Alysanne moved to Kings Landing. 
Alysanne’s life was pleasant enough, but then, Lady Laena Velaryon died and Baela and Rhaena were also left with only one parent.
They just seemed to want everything Alysanne had.
First, they played dress up with her gowns, then they ate all her honey cakes at breakfast and then finally got her father’s attention to themselves, as Daemon focused more on the twins, supporting then through their grief. 
Then, Rhaenyra came and married her father. 
Alysanne liked Rhaenyra though. She let the girl use her earrings and necklaces, and even gifted her some dresses from her younger years. But what Alysanne liked the most about her new stepmother was the fact that she was set to be next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, making Alysanne feel like she could just touch the Iron Throne
As a result of being raised in the Red Keep until moving to Pentos, Alysanne quickly learned the power of that seat. 
Even if she didn’t understand how Viserys got there, as an ant and him had the same skills to be king, every time he passed by her in the halls, she could not divert her eyes from the shining crown on top of his balding head. Suddenly her dreams were filled with images of her sitting in the Iron Trone, wearing long bright dresses and matching jewels. 
Alysanne and her family had just come back from the capital, landing victoriously in Dragonstone after securing Lucerys’ inheritance of Driftmark.
However, Alysanne couldn’t be madder. It had been announced to everyone the official betrothal of Lucerys and Rhaena, and Jacaerys and Baela.
How could her father and stepmother do this to her? She was the first Daemon’s daughter to become of age to wed, and they had just putted her aside, betrothing her younger sister to the future king of the Seven Kingdoms. 
Jacaerys and Alysanne weren’t very close, as the two-year age gap between them didn’t align their interests with each other. It was a small difference of age, but Jace was a typically childish boy, which contrasted with the more mature personally of the girl.
Of all her siblings, she preferred the younger ones, Joffrey and little Aegon and Viserys. 
Their small age made it easier to shape their small minds into Alysanne’s likings. The girl quickly became their favourite sister as she would be the one that spent more time with them, playing, reading, and teaching them everything that she valued. Joffrey became so attached to the girl’s presence in his daily activities, that sometimes he would cry in his bed for her, and as a good sister, Alysanne would leave her chambers and put the boy to sleep with kisses on the forehead and loving lullabies.
Daemon had called Alysanne into his study , noticing the annoyed expression that hadn’t left his daughter’s face the whole trip to Dragonstone.  
“What’s wrong with you? You are acting different since last night.” Daemon asked looking directly into Alysanne’s eyes.
Alysanne wondered if she should tell her father what she was thinking exactly. Daemon liked honesty but she wasn’t sure if honesty was the right path to follow in this conversation.
“Why are Baela and Rhaena getting married before me?” Not exactly the centre of the matter that was bothering her, but it was close. 
Daemon laughed, not believing his daughter’s bad mood was caused by her sisters betrothals.
“Do you want a wedding for yourself, daughter? I didn’t know you were so eager to be attached to a man and to be popping out heirs.” Alysanne only rolled her eyes, not having the patience to her father’s typical comments. “I don’t understand your little tantrum Alysanne, if anything you should be thankful you don’t have to marry yet. But if you really are that desperate to get wed, Cregan Stark’s wife just passed away. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a Targaryen beauty like you being given to him.”
Alysanne immediately laughed in her father’s face, letting the anger that was slowing boiling beneath her skin finally snap.
“No!” She yelled, slamming her hands down on the wodden desk that stood in the middle of the room.
“No?” Daemon repeated, not expecting her outburst.
“How is that fair? Baela gets to be queen, and I get send away to freeze in the North?” Her loud voice echoed through the chambers, as Alysanne couldn’t believe her father’s suggestion.”I’m the oldest girl! I’m your oldest daughter, I should be the one getting my ass cozy in the throne! Not Baela!” She screamed and pointed her indicator finger to her father in an accusing manner. 
Daemon was shocked but without hesitation jumped in defence of his other daugther.
“You’re not going to speak about Baela like that again! Do you hear me Alysanne?!” Daemon’s shook her shoulders, letting his temper take the best of him.
Alysanne felt her eyes water and her throat itch, as she tried to contain the sobs she was holding back. Her father had never screamed at her, and not once he had directed his anger towards her like that.
The feeling of injustice settled once again on Alysanne’s chest, hurting like the sobs in her throat. 
“You’re going to inherit Runestone, isn’t that great already?” Daemon asked rhetorically and left the room they had entered, slamming the door on his way making Alysanne shudder. 
“Why have only Runestone when you can have all the Seven Kingdoms…” She whispered to the empty office as the tears finally fell from her eyes. 
Alysanne had one goal: be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And to accomplish that goal, she traced a plan that involved betraying her half-sister and her father. 
It would hurt, because she loved her father very much, but lately Daemon had been so distant from Alysanne and so close to Baela, that she didn’t feel that terrible doing it. 
Jacaerys was sitting in the beach of Dragonstone playing with little Viserys in the sand. Alysanne got closer and started an innocent conversation.
“Hello Jace.” She smiled gracefully at him. 
“Hi Aly.” He returned the jest, turning his attention to young boy next to him as he tried to stand to the sight of Alysanne.
“Hello to you too my love.” Viserys immediately put his little chubby arms in the air, begging for his sister to pick him up, showing his small teeth in a smile.
Alysanne bended over to pick up the babe, making sure she aligned the low neckline of her dress with Jacaerys’ eyesight. 
She turned to the older boy, now with the younger one on her right hip, and notice his red cheeks and the bobbing of his throat.
“How are you feeling brother?” Alysanne asked.
“A-, what-… what do you mean?” He was nervous. Like she had caught him doing something bad.
“About the betrothal, Jace. How are you feeling now that you are about the be a married man?”
“I’m content Aly, Baela is a kind and nice girl. It could be a lot worse.“ 
Alysanne knew he was being honest. Baela and Jacaerys were really good friends, and considering the Westerosi history in arranged marriages, she agreed that he definitely could have gotten worse.
“Do you think she will make a fine Queen?” She questioned him while sitting on the sand next to him, putting Viserys in her lap.
“With Daemon and my mother educating her, I don’t see how she could ever do wrong.” 
Alysanne started playing innocently with a curl on the side of Jacaerys' head, twirling it on her fingers. She pretended to not notice the chill on his neck and moved her hand to massage the curls on the top of his hair. 
“I agree with you brother, Baela would be a nice Queen. But would she be a nice Queen to you?” 
“I don’t understand Aly.” Jacaerys was getting flustered, getting distracted from the conversation as the girl's hands played so smoothly with his hair and her breasts were sitting so prettily in a pink dress. 
“A Queen should not only serve the realm, but should also serve her husband, the King. You know that right?” From his expression, it was clear that Jacaerys still wasn’t getting Alysanne’s point. “The marital bed is how Queens serve their Kings, brother. By giving them pleasure.” Alysanne smirked seeing Jacaerys’ blushed cheeks, laughing lightly when he avoided looking at her eyes. 
It was the middle of the night, and the castle was sleeping peacefully, except for Alysanne, who was just leaving her chambers, wearing nothing but her thin nightgown. Tiptoeing carefully on the stone floors to not alert any guards, she made her way to a room she had been very few times. 
Opening and closing the door quietly, she let her eyes wander through the dark chambers, stopping on the big bed and on the dark tuff of hair resting on the pillows. Jacaerys was sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of his sister’s presence in his room.
Alysanne made her way to the bed, seating behind Jacaerys’ back, leaning carefully in his ear. 
“Jace…” She whispered while letting her index finger wander through his neck. 
The boy started to wake up, opening his eyes slowly trying to adjust to the lack of light. 
“Alysanne?” He interrogated turning his body to face her. 
“I think I saw a spider in my room. Can I sleep with you tonight Jace?” Alysanne pouted, batting her eyelashes the best she could, but the doubt in Jacaerys’ eyes was still visible.
“Aly, I don’t think it’s appropriate. If somebody catches you, we might get in trouble.” 
As much as his words were denying her, Alysanne noticed how his eyes went down to her nipples, that had perked due to coldness of the space, and were now very visible through her white nightgown. 
“Please Jace.” She pleaded, putting her hands his shoulders. “The spider was very big, and you know how scared I am of bugs.” 
“Fine, but you have to leave before the morning comes.” 
“Thank you Jace, you the best brother.” Alysanne kissed his cheek, making her breasts collide with his chest, and even in the dark atmosphere of the room, she could very much recognize his blushing look. 
Alysanne got under the covers, making herself comfortable on the second pillow of the bed. At first, she gave Jacaerys some distance, but as the minutes passed, she slowly began to move herself close to the boy. She was facing him, observing his closed eyes, and almost laughed at his failed attempt to pretend to sleep. 
Alysanne once again, let her fingers wander through his chest, following the patterns of his garment. 
“Aly…go to sleep” Jacaerys mumbled with his eyes still closed.
“I’m trying Jacey…” 
Alysanne lifted her right foot, making a gentle path up and down in his leg, not going up above the knee. 
Jacaerys stopped her foot from continuing to move, holding it tightly with his hand. 
“What are you doing Alysanne?” He said as he finally opened his eyes, giving her a serious look.
“I’m just caressing my brother. I like to make you feel good.” She muttered, now rubbing his leg with the foot that wasn’t trapped in his hand. 
Jacaerys closed his eyes once again, but this time doing it as mechanism to calm himself. Alysanne moved her eyes down the covers, espying the bulge on the boy’s breeches. She bitted her lip and drawn her face close to his, letting their noses touch slightly.
Alysanne could feel his warm but shaky breath, also smelling the scent of lavender in his hair.
“Jace, let me make you feel good tonight…” Jacaerys whole body got chills, as the girl whispered and started to kiss his neck, making a trail to his jaw. 
“Aly-, I- “He hummed, moving his hand from her foot, tightening his grip on her ankle.” I’m betrothed do Baela, and I can’t let yourself be ruined for your future husband.” 
“I appreciate your concern for my reputation brother, but I’m not a maiden anymore.” 
Alysanne didn’t let Jacaerys make any questions, biting his neck roughly which led to a loud grunt echoing through the room. 
“Carefully Jacey, you don’t mommy Rhaenyra to catch us don’t you? Or worse, my father and my sister. Can you imagine?” She said licking the spot behind his ear. 
Jacaerys just shook his head and surrendered to whatever Alysanne planned to do with him. 
Alysanne switched positions, straddling him with her legs, seating right on top of his erect cock. Jacaerys moaned and the girl took his hands putting them across her hips.
“Do you want to see me bare brother? Do you wish to see and touch my soft skin?” 
“Yes, Aly…yes.” His hands tensed around her hips, and Alysanne moved them again, letting them rest against her rear. Jacaerys immediately groaned, hardening his grip, possibly leaving bruises on her skin.
Alysanne rubbed herself against Jacaerys’ bulge, and because her only piece of clothing was a nightgown, the only thing separating them was his breeches, causing both to moan at the contact. 
The room was getting hotter, with the heavy breathing and sweat that started to glisten in their bodies warming up the atmosphere.
Jacaerys’ eyes were close, and his head empty of thoughts, the mere feeling of his stepsister’s cunt making him dumb.
Alysanne´s hands moved to the straps of her nightgown, pushing them down just enough to show her tits.
“Jacey, open your eyes my love.” She whispered in his ear and the boy followed her request, coming to immediate disbelief, not expecting Alysanne’s bust to be right in front his face.
“Can I?” He asked nervously, not having the courage to express in full words what he wanted to say exactly.
The girl nodded, and carefully, Jace moved his hands touching Alysanne’s tits like they were a fragile piece of glass. She chuckled teasingly as his index fingers made round movements around her nipples.
“You can go harder you know? I’m not a doll.”
Jacaerys, hearing her words, gripped both of her breasts roughly, and as a moan left his stepsister’s mouth, he got even harder, felling like the fabric of his breeches was about to rip.
Alysanne grabbed his hair, pushing his head close to her chest. “Suck them brother.”
He widened his eyes, taking some seconds to fully process her words, and Alysanne, with her lack of patience, pulled his hair harder with her fingers, moving his head forcefully in the direction her tits.
If Jacaerys got uncomfortable with the sudden lack of delicacy of his stepsister, he didn’t show it, as he immediately opened his mouth and sucked on Alysanne’s left breast like a hungry babe.
“Fuck…You are so good Jace. Can´t believe I only discovered you now.” The Targaryen girl opened her mouth in silent moans, never once stopping her hips from moving against her stepbrother’s lap.
Jacaerys felt like his cock was going to explode. Never once in his life he had been this hard.
He had noticed Alysanne’s looks before, always having to look away when the siblings would go for a swim in the beach of Dragonstone, and her shift would stick to her body, giving him a perfect view of her bottom and chest. He was still in disbelief, but the feeling of guilt or treason had vanished from his head since he felt her bare cunt against him.
Alysanne moved Jace’s head again, withdrawing his mouth from her breast, making a thin thread of spit connect to her nipple. His eyebrows raised in a frown, as he didn’t like that he got stopped, until the girl carefully raised her hips, and slowly started to unlace his breaches.
“Are you ready brother?” She questioned and the boy nodded without hesitation, eager to finally feel her pussy fully around him.
Alysanne was pleasantly surprised upon the sight of her stepbrother’s cock. With only a handful of sexual experiences with one of the knights of the Dragonstone, Jacaerys’ manhood was big in length and width. Alysanne debuted her hand could fully close around it.
Before pushing her hips down again, the girl took her nightgown off, throwing it to some corner of the room.
Her cunt was glistening with wetness, making Jacaerys grunt at the sight.
Alysanne pushed one finger inside of her, whining at the feeling, only to pull it out and slowly press her wet and shiny digit to Jace’s lips.
The boy didn’t expect this action, but quickly let the surprise get away and instead allowed the curiosity to take hold of him. Opening his mouth carefully, he licked the wet substance that was touching his lips, being interrupted as Alysanne shoved her wet finger inside in mouth. Just like he did with her nipple, Jacaerys sucked like his life depended on it, loving the sweet taste of his stepsister in his mouth. It was sweater than any dessert he had ever tasted, and more addicting than any wine in the Seven Kingdoms.
The Targaryen girl chuckled amused with this moment, proceeding to leave delicate kisses on his neck.
Taking her finger of Jacaerys’ mouth, Alysanne connected her gaze with his, as she aligned his cock with her cunt, finally sinking down.
Both moaned loudly at the sensation. Alysanne felt full to a point of pain, and Jacaerys felt a tight and warm embrace in his manhood, that it was close enough to make him come.
“Fuck Jacey.” Alysanne pulled their lips together in a lustful and passionate kiss. It was hungry and desperate, both chasing each other’s tongue, not worrying about syncing the movements.
Alysanne started to move her hips, first at a slow pace, wanting to adjust to her stepbrother large cock, but Jacaerys was already impatient and wanted more. Groaning, he took hold of her hips, and pressed her down more on him. Alysanne felt like she could sob from pleasure, and moved her hips faster, making herself and Jace see stars.
“Aly you feel so good.” He moaned breathy, pressing small kisses on her tits.
The bed moved against the stone wall, making a noise that echoed through the room, but not high enough that could silence their sounds of pleasure.
Alysanne, feeling her leg muscles starting to get tired, slowed down a little, and Jace, sensing that, began to move his own hips upwards, thrusting into Alysanne´s pussy without mercy.
The girl’s eyes watered as his cock touched that spot, forcing her to bite into Jacaerys’ shoulder to prevent the scream that was about to leave her mouth from waking their family up.
They exchange gazes, and Jacaerys thought he was seeing an angle, upon the sight of Alysanne´s face. Her silver long hair was a mess, and her cheeks were flustered and red, but what really mesmerised him were her teary violet eyes and swollen lips. If he was meant to go to one of the seven heavens, he was sure they would never be more beautiful than this view.
Seeing his deep stare, Alysanne smiled softly and pressed a small kiss on Jacaerys’ lips.
“I’m close Aly.” He said making a low sound that rattled in his throat.
“Come inside me Jacey. Please brother.” She begged and the boy was quick to nod in agreement, but Alysanne could still see the hesitation in his eyes. She pushed Jace against the mattress, taking command of the pace again, and with all her strength, she rode Jace like the dragonrider she was.
“Gods...” He whispered, one hand on her back and the other on her ass, squeezing it tightly.
Fire burned in Alysanne’s belly, as her climax was also approaching. She moved her hand down, reaching for her cunt and toyed with her clit, wanting to reach the orgasm together with Jace.
Alysanne pressed her forehead with his, the sweat sticking their hair together, and Jacaerys’ brown eyes widen with adoration.
He felt like this was meant to be, Alysanne’s deep violet eyes looking into his and his hands worshiping every piece of her skin. He wasn´t sure if should be thanking the gods for her existence, as in the moment she was a goddess herself.
“Come on brother, let me give you a sweet babe with dark hair.” As this sentence left Alysanne´s mouth, Jacaerys’ was unable to hold it anymore and with a trembling heart, he lifted his large palm, and slapped the girl’s ass forcefully, immediately leaving a red bruise. Alysanne gasped, and finally, together, both reached their release. Alysanne clung to him, coming with a loud cry, and Jacaerys buried his face on her neck, muffling a deep moan into her skin.
Alysanne felt the warm release of her stepbrother filling her, and smiled, allowing her hips to continue moving, wanting to prolong both of their pleasure.
“Fuck...” Jace’s tired voice spoke as he carefully withdrawn her from his lap.
Alysanne moved to his side, putting her head in his chest and looked directly into his eyes.
“Did you enjoy it?” She questioned teasingly.
“What do you think?” The boy laughed and pressed a light kiss to her forehead.
The silence that now filled the room was an extreme contrast to the loud atmosphere that was bursting moments before.
Alysanne got what she wanted, and the happiness of being able to accomplish her goal, mixed with the pleasure she had felt, had brought her to a state of bliss.
Jacaerys on the other hand, was now contemplating his future. If his betrothal to Baela wasn´t important some minutes ago, now it was a screaming thought in his head.
When the betrothal was announced, he never for once got sad about it, with Baela being a kind and beautiful girl. But now, after having Alysanne in his arms, he knew that entire years of a marriage with Baela wouldn’t bring him the happiness he felt in a single night with Alysanne.
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A collection of all my writing. ♡
My Fic Recs
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12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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Aemond Targaryen x OC
Series Masterlist (ONGOING) (18+)
Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, Lady of Runestone, was not born of love. Nor passion. Nor even a sense of duty. She was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge. But even a child born of such darkness can find her way to the light. With her mother dead, and father flown across the Narrow Sea with a new wife, the girl is taken in by her Aunt, the Queen Alicent Hightower, to be raised among the little family she has left. There, she finds her cousin, Prince Aemond Targaryen. As they grow, the two find themselves indelibly bonded. The two spend long nights in the palace library together, studying the histories of both Old Valyria and the First Men, seeking to understand who they are and where they fit in the world. But finding that place proves more difficult than in the fairy tales they read. The seeds of disaster were laid long before they were born, and as tensions in the family rise, it seems as though their places may begin to diverge. Will they let themselves be pulled apart as the dragons dance?
Warnings: Mentions of rape, m/f smut, violence
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Studious (Completed) (18+) Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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Moodboard by @sapphirehearteyes
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Your marriage to the One-Eyed Prince is not as romantic as you hoped. The wedding night is beyond awkward and confusing, and afterward, your husband seems more than content to ignore you. But you keep finding yourself drawn to him, and the strange way he makes you feel. And though you don't know it, he is drawn to you as well.
Warnings: SMUT, p in v sex, masturbation (m and f) bad sex (these kids have no idea what they're doing), Aegon saying Aegon things, all the awkwardness in the world
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What is Broken (Completed) Aemond Targaryen x Pregnant Sister-wife!Reader
Series Masterlist
The war, the "Dance of the Dragons," as they have come to call it, is over. And yet, you are not celebrating. You have just learned that your husband, Prince Aemond, spent the last months of the war with another woman in his bed. Not only that, but his mistress is pregnant. Just like you...
Warnings: Angst, pregnancy and related symptoms, infidelity, childbirth
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Inconceivable (WIP) Aemond Targaryen x Sister!Reader
Part I - Part II
Westeros has been at peace for nearly a year, and a wedding has been planned to celebrate the anniversary. King Jacaerys will marry his aunt, the only surviving child of the Greens, and unite both Targaryen bloodlines at last. It is a fairy tale ending, but this is no ordinary fairy tale...
Warnings: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles... Angst, grief, forced marriage, more to be added
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My Fair Lady's Maid (WIP) (18+) Prince Aemond Targaryen x Lady's Maid!Reader
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X
Frustrated with his grandsire's tedious and thorough process of choosing him a "suitable" bride, Aemond makes a declaration that a lady's maid could be indistinguishable from a true noblewoman so long as she was sufficiently dressed and educated in embroidery, conversation, and the like. Otto takes this as a challenge, and gives Aemond four months to turn one of Helaena's lady's maids into a noblewoman.
Warnings: Aemond being an entire cunt
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The Girl at the Table (WIP) (18+) Michael Gavey x Reader
Michael has a plan for Oxford: complete his degree at the top of the class, avoid the wealthy, spoiled pricks that make up the majority of the student body, and stay focused. The plan begins well, until a girl begins sitting at his study table.
Warnings: Smut, math
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Monsters in the Garden (ONGOING) (DDDNE) (18+) Ettore x Reader
Part I - Part II - Part III
No one comes to your garden but you, not even Dr. Dibs. So what is the most dangerous man on the ship doing leaning against your doorway and watching you work?
Warnings: SMUT; hand job; kissing; blood; mentions of rape, murder, and violence; female genital mutilation; vague mentions of corpse mutilation
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Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape (WIP) Osferth x Reader
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Series Masterlist
When he arrives in Coccham to join with Lord Uhtred Ragnarsson's band of righteous warrior, Osferth does not get the greeting he expected. Uhtred himself is very clear that he has only accepted the young monk to irritate his father, and the few warriors he is introduced to delight in picking fun at him. Still, it is better than the monastery, the Lady of the estate is kind to him, and the servant girl who leads him to his new chambers is... something entirely new to Osferth. Something that, perhaps, will help him understand what the Bible means when it speaks of love.
Note: This is a series of inter-connected oneshots that can be read together or on their own.
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That Pointy-Eared Blond Bastard (WIP) (18+) Half-Vulcan!Aemond x Human(?)Reader
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Graduation - Away Team - Red Alert - Holodeck - Pon Farr
You are Aemond's greatest rival at Starfleet Academy. Or you would be, if he cared enough to have rivals. Vulcans don't care that much. But Aemond is only half Vulcan. And you... you bring out something decidedly non-Vulcan in him.
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A Companion (WIP) Otto Hightower x Young Widow!Reader
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Series Masterlist
At the suggestion of Princess Rhaenyra, King Viserys Targaryen had commanded that his Hand, Otto Hightower, find a new bride. Preferably at the King's own wedding to Otto's daughter Alicent. While the Princess intended the suggestion as a form of revenge for Otto's machinations which led to the royal engagement, he intends to make the best of it. While he has always known that his late wife, Madelyn, is the great love of his life, he welcomes the idea of finding a tolerable companion. What he doesn't expect is you, a lady widowed far too young, who begins to spark feelings within him he thought long extinguished.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ 1
ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ 2
NEW AU Blueprint 
Monthly Works
Home of the Visuals
Deliciously Dark December
🄲🄷🄰🅁🄰🄲🅃🄴🅁 🅁🄾🄾🄼🅂 If you are desiring a certain character 
AU Characters Supernatural  GIF Imagines
Daemon Targaryen ---- Aemond Targaryen ---- Jace V ---- Corlys ---- Viserys ---- Robb Stark -- Jon Snow -- Criston Cole
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---- Iron Doe (Tywin x Stev Baratheon) ---- Iron Doe HOTD (Otto x Stev Baratheon) ---- Iron Doe Tywin/Otto ---- Wildling Doe (Mance x Stev) ---- Teacher Doe (Tywin x Stev Modern Teacher AU) ---- A dragon’s Doe (Stev x Daemon)
---- Cam girl!Reader x Multi 
---- Slutty Modern Robyn ---- Professor Tywin ---- Taking her place
---- Modern Universe  ---- HOTD Universe 
---- Slutty Modern Alicent
---- Dragon Taboo 
---- Pleasure of a Princess 
---- A Costly Mistake
---- Wolf & Lion
---- Viserys’ Obsession
---- The Other Hightower  
---- Aphrodisiac AU
---- Omega of Dragons
---- Free Use Maid
---- A strong wife
---- Garden Girl
---- Royal AU
---- Secret Dragon 
---- Celeb Doe + Celeb AU
---- A Court of Supernatural 
---- Sand Dragon
---- Flowers Around Her Heart + Modern Version
---- Caught Red Handed  
---- What is honour to a woman’s love
---- Victory is his
---- Hightower in between Waves
---- The lions devours
---- the love for the history books
---- Pick Me
---- Taking a wife
---- Mistaken Identity 
---- His Royce Bride
---- Winter Flower
---- Three Headed Dragon
---- Cregan ----  Euron ---- Jace ---- Harwin ---- Daemon ---- Alicent ---- Criston Ned
---- His Princess
---- A strong Lioness
---- Brat Tamer
---- Taking his Wolf 
---- His Hightower
---- Unknowingly trapped
---- Learning Curve
---- Running to him
---- Party Boy
Hades & Persephone AU
--- General Tag
--- The characters as Myths 
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Costume Series 
NSFW Quarters 
Visual Inspiration 
Face Claim -- Name Tag
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theurgists · 9 months
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⋆。‧₊°♱༺ WHEN ANGER
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daemon targaryen x fem!reader
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summary: tensions rise between house targaryen and house royce after the death of your sister, lady rhea. the night of princess rhaenyra's wedding feast, accusations come to light, a finger pointing to the brother of the king  — who just so happens to be your lover.
warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, loose enemies to lovers trope, scratching kink (??), graphic descriptions of violence, mentions of loss of virtue, daemon being daemon, the usual hotd shenanigans
a/n: yet another installment of 'birth of violence' that has me fanning myself silly. bear with me if there are any mistakes or if you find anything to be incorrect, as i am still slowly easing my way into the fandom. enjoy friends <3
“I am making an accusation.” 
The moment those words were spat out of your cousin's lips with the utmost venom he could muster, you had suddenly wished you were hidden behind the thick walls Runestone provided; mourning the loss of your older sister. 
Gerold Royce should have bit down harshly on his tongue the second his heart burst in flames with overwhelming heat — hatred for the man before him, eyes narrowed with murderous intentions he so desperately wished to act on. 
This occasion was anything but the correct time to address such serious matters, especially under the scrutinous eyes of the King, his heir, and his Hand who had watched with such caution that you had opted to distract yourself by digging your fingernails in the wax-coated skin of an apple you had plucked from the vast array of foods. 
The rhythm of your breathing had grown uneven, breasts squeezing uncomfortable against the upper trim of your dress, pillowed lips pressed in a thin line.
 Daemon Targaryen leaned back in the finely carved wood that made up his seat, nodding in faux understanding at your cousin's bold choice of words. Craning his head slightly to scan his violet eyes across his elder brother and Lord Lyonel Strong, his lips jutted before parting to speak. 
“In King’s Landing, men are made to answer for their slanders. Even old bronze cunts like you.” 
There it was. The infamous insult that sharpened the blade — stabbing it into the already agonized heart of your relative, as well as your own through the sonorous music pouring in the canals of your ears. 
You had known this so-called slander to be true; knowing his profound hatred for the Lady of the Vale had finally been acted upon in the treachery of her brutal murder. It was an unfortunate occurrence you had trampled upon. 
Her skull was bashed to bits, remnants of brain matter scattered about in thick clots of crimson that had decorated the grass and watered the dirt. You had touched with the pads of your fingers, still slightly warm to the touch. Deep within the pits of your stomach, weaved in your intestines, you had known the silver-haired man before you were to take the blame for her untimely demise.
However, you were in no position to come to such a decision, and nor would you ever be. Therefore, Daemon Targaryen would walk away with every limb intact, and you would continue to suppress your fury, forever scarred by the loss.
It was only then that you had sharply stood from your seat, apple long forgotten as it dropped onto the table with a quiet thud, momentarily attracting the curious gazes of those across from you, the others none-the-wiser as they continued to prance about. 
Piercing, violet eyes caught yours for a fraction of a millisecond and if you weren’t as aware as you were now, it was something you were sure to miss. 
Destastation never consumed you so… barbarically.
Gerold stepped forward, chubby fists clenched and shaking with contained wrath. 
Daemon took it as no threat, offering an amused smile as if to mock his feeble attempt at intimidation and defense of his house, his name, and his cousin.
“The truth is, I’m glad you’ve come. I wish to speak to you about my inheritance.” 
“What inheritance?”
“Lady Rhea and I had no heirs. As her husband whatever she was due now passes to me.”
His words to you became a jumbled nonsensical mess.
Surely he had too much wine to drink before he had strutted through the thick doors of the feast hall, all mighty and proud of his feats and dirty achievements.
Before you could stop your actions, you strutted up the four short steps, forcing position next to Gerold whose jaw had grown taut with anger, teeth grinding against each other, practically shaking in place. 
“It seems you’ve forgotten that Lady Rhea has a sister,” Your sharp words cut through the pause of uncomfortable silence that had settled despite music still echoing in the expanse of space, dimly lit, cozy yet unnerving at the same time. “and truth that no heirs have been brought forth, I have a right to claim. As long as I continue to breathe, you will take nothing.” 
The finality of your statement seemed to have temporarily embedded itself in some part of Daemon that wasn’t as rot-ridden as he was, as he had nodded curtly at you, taking longer than necessary.
His lingering stares had never failed to send a chill down your spine, numbing you at the very core of your existence whenever you’d catch his gaze. He had preferred your presence over your sisters, despite the little time you two had spent together. Though he quickly figured that since you and the eldest bronze bitch had come from the same cunt, you were bound to have the same irritating little quirks — he just found you more tolerable, more sheltered than Rhea.
After all, the eve he had flown on the back of Caraxes back to King’s Landing, he had filled you — had given you something to remember him by. It showed when hues of purples and blues decorated the expanse of your stomach, under your ribcage, everywhere he could reach until you could no longer take everything he had to offer.  
Daemon loved to ruin pretty things. And even though he had stated that the sheep were much prettier than any of the women in the Vale, he had not thought of you. 
Roughly circling your arm around Gerold’s bicep, you tugged him away, and back to your designated seats, pulling him down to sit with as much strength as you could. 
“Do not ever make such accusations in front of other lords and ladies of the realm.” You seethe, feeling him stiffen under your near-suffocating grasp, lips pressed together tightly before he nods. 
“Good. Now eat, you’ve been neglecting your needs.” 
And without a word, Gerold obeys. 
There’s moonlight casting shadows over the gargantuan towers of the Red Keep, basking certain spaces with a luster so gentle, it almost felt as if you were on your homeland, feeling the grass between your bare toes, inhaling as much fresh air as your lungs could home. 
You could not do that here. 
You could not taint your body with such putrid, toxic air as what loomed over in King’s Landing in thick clouds, dusting over the already sinful streets, waiting to discreetly make its way down your throat until it attacked every single cell in your body. Refuge from the disastrous occurrence of tonight's feast was not to be found here. 
That was something you had quickly come to realize when you had picked at your fingernails draped over the ornate decoration of one of the many balcony railings that riddled the large fortress, mind wandering to other things that developed a small bubble of guilt. 
You wouldn’t feed the monster. No. You couldn’t feed it the small handful of ill-at-ease altercations you’ve had with your brother bound by marriage, and the way he looked at you only intensified it to the point where you were sure it was to burst open, spilling your intestines and long-kept secrets. 
“There you are. You know, you’re very hard to find.” 
Clutching at the fabric of your dress, you rubbed it between your thumb and pointer fingers, spine straightening with such haste that it cracked slightly, back still turned to him. 
That voice had haunted you in your dreams once, maybe twice if you could recall correctly despite your enthusiasm to find a way to rid them from the tissue of your brain. It had chosen to gather in the outer fluid of your skull instead, sloshing around the forefront from to time whenever Rhea had mentioned her cunt of a husband. They had not consummated their marriage, as he had no interest in sticking his cock in the likes of your sister, an eagle with wings far too big for her body. 
That was something he despised about her, amongst many other things. Yet, he couldn’t find it in his dull, black heart to take any of it out on you, a vision among many; a person in his dreams he wishes he could call a stranger.
You had robbed him of something, and although Daemon wasn’t quite sure of what exactly it was, he’d figure it out in time.  As he always did, no matter how rash. 
“Should I be honored to be in your presence after you’ve sought me out, then?” 
A brush of wind passes, seeping through the thin material of your clothing, through your skin, and wrapping itself around your bones. 
“I think I should be … lady of the Vale.” 
Turning your head in his direction, you narrow your eyes into slits as he makes his way toward you, hands clasped together firmly behind his back, hair slightly disheveled. 
There’s a lump in your throat that you swallow with difficulty, heaving out a large, dramatic sigh, keeping your eyes locked on the side of his face, the slope of his nose. His brows were furrowed, the lines of age even more visible on the face you’ve only had the pleasure of touching once when he had thrust into you. 
The mere thought of it calls upon the guilt again. So, you resist.
“I am in no mood for jesting, I only wish for a moment of peace. That is all I ask.” As tired as you had sounded, you had felt even more defeated knowing that no matter how much tea you’d ingest when you reached your temporary chambers, it would not be enough to keep your rumination at bay. 
There’s a whistle somewhere nearby, a momentary distraction from how close he’s standing to you, shoulder to shoulder, body heat practically radiating like the fires you’d set deep within thick branches and high grass. 
“You have a sly little tongue on you, don’t you?”
“Only when one claims what is to be mine.” 
“Hm,” He hums, turning his head slightly to stare you directly in the eyes. “So eager to replace that dear sister of yours. Tell me, how did she so tragically pass again?
Daemon was trying to get under your skin. It was a skill he was best suited at, especially in a time of vulnerability such as this, with no one else around to diffuse the fire sparking between the both of you as your chest expanded so wide, that your lungs burned, 
Grinding your teeth together, you could taste nothing but wine on your tongue as you pressed it against the roof of your mouth.
“A snapped neck and a crushed skull.” He tutts, “Such a shame.”
“Do not speak of my sister in ill manners when she has no way to defend her honor.” You spat, hand shaking at your sides, nails digging into your clammy palms – leaving crescent indents in their wake. 
“Is that not why she has a sister to take her place when it suits her, to fuck her husband without remorse.” The smirk that appears at the corner of his lips has your chin wobbling in anger, a hand outstretched to clasp at the lining of his blood-red sleeve; the same blood-red that painted your sister's head when it laid cracked open on blades of grass. 
“Laying with you was an insult to my virtue.” 
Slowly, as if you were to strike him at any moment, Daemon raised a hand, gently pressing it against the pillowed flesh of your bottom lip, wet with saliva and ready for him to devour all over again; the taste of citrus coating his taste-buds. 
“I rather enjoyed our time together.” He admits with amusement as if the agony written on your face was purely a source of entertainment. 
With unshed tears burning behind your irises, you blink, wrinkling your nose in mild disgust at the man in front of you. “Fuck you.” 
And with that, he presses his lips against yours, teeth clashing against teeth as the heat of his mouth overpowers your will to resist. You’re putty in his arms and he knows it by the way his free hand grips your hipbone, gripping as if you keep you in place. 
It’s messy, yet delectable all the same as his tongue mingles with yours, hot and needy as they dance, heads growing hazy from lack of breathing. A quiet moan escapes you when Daemon tugs your bottom lip between his teeth as if he were starving, pulling you as close to his chest as he can manage.
You’d burn for this, surely; for fitting in the arms of your sister's husband as if you’d belong there — for feeling some sort of desire — lust all for the man who had taken her from you. It had become all too real to you when he had brought you into his chambers and unclothed you slowly as if you were a sight to behold, drinking you in like the most expensive wine he’d ever sought out in all of the Seven Kingdoms. 
It had all become too real when his hands had greedily palmed at your breasts, taking a nipple in his mouth with such enthusiasm, that you were positive this was an entirely different man from the one you had come to know. His cheeks were hollow as he sucked, nipped, and swirled his tongue around your hard bud, an arch in your back only encouraging his movements.
The organ in your chest was beating erratically, practically pounding on your ribs, hoping to crack them one by one and leave you a shell of yourself before you were to return home. 
Just for tonight. 
You’d feel his touch one last time before you’d beg for forgiveness for the rest of your life. 
When Daemon removes his mouth from your chest, he finds himself sucking the skin at the base of your neck, paying attention to a particular spot you had reacted to, bruising all he could to claim you just like he told you he would the first, and only night he bedded you.
The sensation of the bare skin of your legs wrapped around his waist sends him into a frenzy as he inhales sharply, slapping his hands at the meat of your thighs before trailing one between your legs to palm at his hard cock, dripping with pre-cum and ready to bury you to the hilt.
“One last time.”  You whisper, letting it mix in the heavy air, watching the way his brows furrow before the only emotion in his dark eyes dissipates. 
He wastes no time, gathering your arousal on his tip before he’s sheathing himself into you, groaning lowly in the crook of your neck as your walls shape around him. Your insides are on fire with the way he’s stretching you, left hand gripping at the sheets near your head.
“I’ll never grow tired of this.” He says it as if he’d have you for the rest of his life, a soft lilt to words that you’d find praising if they weren’t coming from him, a Targaryen — a dragon conqueror.
Biting down on the soft flesh of your lower lip, you stared at his features, clouded with a certain haze of carnal desire. The feeling of your heart beating quickly against the bones of your ribcage subsided when a flow of arousal made itself known at the burning intimacy of the action, causing you to clench around his cock buried within you, your nails dancing down the nape of his neck to the expanse of his back.
A groan left his throat when that not-so-innocent sound he relished reached his ears, and it was hard not to pound you into the satin sheets right then and there. Instead, he pressed his bare chest against yours, skin hot and flushed, his wet lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. 
As the muscles in his back flexed, the light sting of where your sharp nails had once been clawing desperately reminded him just how much he loved the feeling of your nails breaking the skin there the first time. The sadistic action secretly becomes one of his favorites as you do it now. It was physical proof that he could please you in a way no one else could touch you in all the right places, and watch your pretty eyes roll into the back of your head. 
Every single reaction you had to even the slightest touch  — was all because of him. He’d want his touch to be all you’d ever know. 
“So good, sweetling,” He drawled lowly. A quiet but adequate praise before he removed one of his hands from your side, producing a sharp hiss from you as his palm slapped against the outside of the fat of your left thigh once more.
You whined, the pulse between your legs aching with arousal, your slick pooling at the base of his cock when he’d fully unsheathe himself only to ram, back into you again. “Such a tight little cunt, huh?”
Wrapping your legs around his unclothed torso as much as you could manage, you crossed your ankles, pushing him in until he touched a spot so deep within you that you choked on your breath, the air seemingly knocked out of your lungs by his harsh movements as he continued to stretch you.
With closed eyes, you let your eyebrows furrow in concentration at the euphoric feeling he brought to you, a relentless pace that sent your toes to curl involuntarily. 
The air was hot and the sheen of sweet blooming between the both of you did little to quell the intense heat. Skin slapping against skin and your lewd moans echoing off the thin walls and right back into your ears was all that could be heard aside from his panting.
It was only when his hand had slipped near your neck to cup your jaw, that you had let out a sob so pathetic that he had chuckled right into your skin, tears distorting your once clear vision of him as he continued to pump himself in and out of out.
 “Look at you.” He cooed, “So pretty with those tears in your eyes.” 
Your fingers had flexed uncomfortably near the top of his spine, nails scratching against the expanse, and moving toward his scalp, twirling wisps of loose silver hair around your finger as the frame squeaked beneath your bodies. 
His guttural groan vibrated throughout your chest, rattling your body.  The burning sting that seeped through the minor, raw wounds encouraged him to hold your hips down, ramming so deep into you, that you had started to writhe beneath him.
Daemon could tell you were close. 
How could you not be with the way he was abusing your cunt; rocking you through your orgasm.
The slow, deep breaths he took to steady his breathing helped you focus on calming your own as he rubbed the pad of his thumb against your cheekbone, thrusting one, two, three more times before emptying himself in you, painting your walls with his seed, filling you to the brim before swiftly pulling out of you.
Your gaze never left his fit, naked figure as he ran a hand through his hair, shuffling toward the end of the bed, back hunched and toward you as the silence and realization of what you had done ate at you. 
Never again. That was a promise you intended to keep. 
Never again.
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saintmurd0ck · 1 year
cherry red
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pairing: frank castle x f!reader
summary: you and frank break into a vintage car dealership to scope something out for agent madani, and it turns out that you have a little time to spare before the drop happens
warnings: mentions of cocaine (no drug use), breaking and entering, the FBI lmao, shameless flirting, calling frank big boy, pain kink if you squint, (very little) spit because how else do you up frank's pleasure *gunshot*, unprotected p in v, creampie, goodbye i'm going to bed
a/n: for everyone who agrees that frank should be called 'big boy', this is for you!!! also this is my first full length frank fic lets fucking go
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There’s not a sound but the rustle of your clothes as you case the dealership, Frank following closely behind you. He looks over his shoulders—a cautionary measure, despite the fact that the owners are on the other side of the world—before thumbing at the light switch on the wall.
Fluorescent lights flicker on in stages, a steady, low hum of electricity filling the space. Your eyes squint as you adjust to the brightness.
Frank looses a bated breath. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit,” you affirm, casting your gaze across the almost-cavernous, windowless room. Rows and rows of vintage cars stare back, their timeless, luxurious finishes glinting in the white light.
“That’s gotta be worth more than…” you trail off, looking down at your hands.
“Twenty-two million dollars. This room alone,” Frank finishes.
You swear, stepping forwards to skim your fingers along a chromed side mirror, then bending down to check your reflection. “So what are we looking for again?”
Frank sets his duffel bag down onto the reception desk, careful not to disturb the fanned business cards adorning the surface. “Guns, coke, contraband,” he lists. “Whatever we can find.”
“What?” Frank asks, bewildered. His attention snaps to you.
“Is there a car in particular we’re looking for?”
“Honestly sweetheart, I dunno. If we gotta sweep every single one, that’s what we gotta do.”
You push up off your knees, weaving in and out of the cars. “Before the auction, yeah?”
“S’right,” he grunts, pulling out a silver crowbar. “Smart girl.”
Ignoring the heat now searing your face, you focus on trying to name the cars, although you really only recognise a few of them.
Your eyes warily glaze over a black 1962 Chevrolet Corvette, its headlights polished to perfection. Next to it there are a number of vintage Ferraris, one Aston Martin, and a newer model Rolls Royce in the corner.
But one car in particular snags your eye, knocking the breath from you.
Frank whistles. “She’s pretty.”
You shoot him an incredulous glare, slightly offended he’d say that about the car and not you.
He’s not wrong, though.
It’s an old Mercedes. A 1961 Roadster, you think, marvelling at the almost pearlescent ivory paint restoration, the perfectly polished hubcaps, and the smooth leather interior of the deepest cherry red. You’re transfixed as you hear the engine in your mind, the revving beneath your feet, feeling the phantom breeze ruffling your hair as you speed down the highway with no destination in mind.
“You know what I think?” Frank says, clearing his throat, but you’re caught in your fever dream, music blaring from a shut-off radio that’s only active in your head. “I think…” he trails off, voice dropping to a bare whisper.
You whirl around as a loud clang drags you back to the present, one of the gleaming Mercedes-Benz hubcaps laying flat on the ground.
“What the hell, Frank?” you glower, eyes widening.
He responds with a grunt as he moves to the driver’s side, leaning his bodyweight into the crowbar as the next hubcap pops off.
Your hands fly to your face as he continues to move around the car, vandalising it beyond—
The corners of Frank’s mouth curl into a wry smirk. “Fuckin’ knew it.”
He motions for you to come over, using his crowbar to pry out several small, duct-tape-wrapped packages from inside the wheel. “Dumbest fuckin’ hiding place I’ve ever seen.”
He pats the passenger door. “Gotta give it to ‘em, though. Moving drugs through cars at an auction? It’s a Ponzi scheme, but a goddamn good one.”
“This what I think it is?” you ask, crouching down next to him, irresolutely turning one of the bricks over.
He nods, pulling a knife tucked into his boot before sticking it into one of the packages. He dips his hand into the opening, rubbing what looks to be a white powder in between his fingers.
“Time to call Madani,” he grits, placing the brick back on the ground. “Could you do that f’me, sweetheart?”
Biting your lip, you pull out your phone to dial Madani’s number, wincing as Frank digs out the rest of the cocaine from your beloved Roadster. In eager anticipation, she picks up after the first ring, and the drop is arranged for 2.30 AM.
That leaves you thirty minutes to spare.
“So, Frank,” you remark, tucking your phone back in your pocket, “do we need to check any of the other cars?”
He sets the crowbar on the ground, getting up to lean against the front passenger side door. “Nah,” he replies, folding his arms across his chest, “FBI’s problem now.”
The growing smile on your face turns suggestive. “Guess we have time to kill before they show up, hm?”
Frank cocks his head. “And what’s that supposed to mean, sweetheart?”
You stride towards him, reaching out your hands to uncross his arms so they lay straight at his sides. Trailing the tip of your index finger up his chest, you circle the outline of his mouth. It catches on his bottom lip as you drag it back down, and he shudders at the lightness of your touch.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, big boy?” you grin.
He moves off the car, rolling his eyes as you saunter to the driver’s side, brows furrowing as you go to unlatch the door. The red leather is cool beneath you as you slide in, hands instinctively going to grip the wheel. Imagining the engine roaring to life, you press your foot down on the accelerator, as far as it’ll go.
“You’re playing with me, aren’t you?” Frank chuckles, running a hand through his hair.
“Maybe,” you muse, aware of the mischievous glint in your eyes. “If that’s something you want.”
“You haven’t had any of the white stuff, have ‘ya? ‘Cause you’re sure acting like it.”
“Dick,” you swear. “We’re surrounded by nice cars, Frank. How do you expect me to behave?” Taking your hands off the wheel, you twist in your seat to face him. “Surely they’d have the keys here somewhere, right?”
He scoffs. “Yeah, like they’d keep the keys to a four hundred thousand dollar car here.”
“Awww,” you pout, “but I wanna go for a ride.”
Frank’s ears perk up. “S’that so?”
You lean back against the seat, running your tongue over your lips. “In this car.”
“What, and you think I can help with that?”
You bat your eyes at him. “Don’t get too flattered, but I think you’re the only person in the world who can help with that right now.”
“Right now?” he shoots back. “Just right now, huh?”
“Shut up and get over here before I rescind my request, Castle.”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him move that fast, because he climbs into the passenger side, scrambling to get you on his lap.
“C’mere,” he murmurs, hands finding your waist, guiding you back and forth over his hardening cock. His breath fans your neck as he nips at your pulse, spreading his legs apart on the seat.
You tip your chin downwards, your lips messily crashing into his, his mouth—his body—warm and supple against yours. He shifts his hips, slotting himself between your thighs and into the one place you need him most. At this rate, the friction of your clothing is almost too much to bear, but you’ve always been one to toe the line between pain and pleasure.
Especially when Frank’s involved.
Your body clenches as he palms your clit, groaning your name into your skin, etching kisses along the curve of your jaw. He skirts the hem of your top, slipping his tongue into your mouth before lifting it over your head, leaving it in a scandalous pile on the driver’s side.
“Naughty girl,” he laughs dryly, adding your bra to the pile along with his own shirt. “Tell me this isn’t what you thought of first when you saw the car.” He stiffens as you catch his bottom lip with your teeth.
“Don’t tell me you aren’t enjoying it,” you croon, the jovial note of your amusement diffusing itself into the vast space of the dealership. Your fingers roam along the plane of his stomach, feeling his abs contort underneath your touch. “Pretty boy.”
Resting his hands on either side of your spine, Frank swipes his thumbs over your nipples, intently staring as you throw your head back, rolling your hips into his. You squeeze your thighs into his sides as he seals his mouth over one of your breasts, flicking his tongue over the pebbled flesh.
“Bruise—“ he groans, his voice caught in a hoarse whisper. Oh, right, you remember, looking down at the purple splotch stretching across the ribs on his right side.
But you don’t let up, not when he’s driving you mad and touching you like this. You dig your knee into the bruise lightly, waiting for his body to seize, for his panting to echo before putting it back down on the seat.
“You’re a fuckin’— animal—“
Something compels you to do it again, but he slaps your leg away, retaliating by sinking his teeth into your shoulder. You cry out his name, the echo of it thundering in your ears.
“Dick,” you gasp, slamming your palms into his chest. You gripe at the fact that he loses himself in a quiet sort of laughter, and that he’s all chiseled muscle and not putty in your hands.
“You insulting me or s’that what you want?”
The mirthful gleam in his eyes flicker as he looks you up and down, waiting for your next move.
“Fine,” you say, a little too scornful considering the situation you’ve found yourself in, moving to undo his belt. Pausing once to take your own pants off, your fingers move deftly to unbutton his jeans before you tug them down and off his legs. Not taking your gaze off of him, you brace one hand on his shoulder while the other slowly creeps up his thigh.
Frank squirms beneath you, his lips pressing into a thin line as you cup his balls. Your breathing turns shallow as you wrap your hand around his shaft, running your thumb over the precum glistening on the head of his cock.
“Fuckin’— shit—,“ he hisses as you squeeze him. You hinge forward to nip his earlobe, to whisper filthy nothings in his ear, but he bucks his hips upwards, almost reflexively.
And that is something too good to pass up.
“Feel good, Frankie?” you ask, moving to stroke him up and down, ensuring your pace is just shy of what he likes on himself.
“I think this’ll feel better,” you interject, pausing to spit on his cock.
Frank’s mouth parts in a wide groan at the added lubrication, and the way you’ve so brazenly spat on him, narrowly missing the priceless cherry red leather. Not that having sex in this car isn’t already brazen to begin with.
Clambering back onto his lap, you nudge his cock into your opening, coating him in the slick of your arousal. You press your face against his cheek as he pushes himself inside you, moaning into his mouth at the sensation of his thick head stretching you out. It burns, but it burns so fucking good.
He grits his teeth as he eases you down on him, guiding you inch-by-inch until you're so full you can barely breathe, your core tightening to the point where you wonder if he can feel pleasure at all.
He reminds you that yes, in fact he can, because he's cursing under his breath, gripping the dashboard so goddamn hard you think he might leave half-moon marks in the shape of his nails. He jerks his hips into yours, driving himself so deep you see stars for a second, whispering into the trance of your intimacy that you're his girl and that you feel so fuckin' tight he might burst at any given moment.
Now accommodated to his size, you fling your arms around his neck as you begin to move, resting your forehead against his. You roll your hips in languid, circular motions, fingers curling in the short hair at the nape of his neck.
"God fucking damn, Frank," you whimper, switching to bounce on his lap, holding onto the top of the seat for extra support. He sends you into a catatonic state of delirium as his thick cock hits deeper in this position, and soon you're squeezing around him, crying his name and falling over the edge of satisfaction.
Frank buries his face in your tits as you collapse onto his chest, your body still moving to the rhythm pounding inside your head.
"Hey, hey sweetheart," he says gently, moving to caress your jaw. "You okay?"
You flash him a weak smile, holding out a thumbs-up. "Keep going, Frank. M'not done yet."
"You sure?"
Raising your hips only to slam them back down on his seems to give him the reassurance he's seeking. Thrill shoots up your spine as he pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
His tone is nothing short of wicked. "I do as I'm told, yeah?"
He drills himself into you, setting a ruthless pace, mouth roving over every accessible inch of bare skin. You thank every god you can think of for making this place soundproof, because the two of you would be so incredibly dead if anyone could hear the sounds coming from your mouth.
You fall apart on his cock more times than you can count, burying your face in his neck as Frank's thrusts become more erratic and sloppy, his strokes faltering with every passing second.
"M'gonna cum for you," he groans, throwing his head back against the seat and lurching his arm towards the top of the windscreen. He presses one last open-mouthed kiss to your collarbone as his hips stutter, spilling every last drop inside you.
"Fuck," he whispers, his cock twitching as you finally muster the energy to get off of him. He looks down at himself, horrified, and you follow his eye line to the mess on the seat between his thighs.
You choke, caught between a laugh and a gasp, equally panicking at how you're going to clean it up and possibly more importantly, how Madani isn't going to figure out what you've just done.
"Guess we can call this hard evidence for the FBI?" you sputter, trying your best to swallow your growing smirk.
Frank's cheeks turn red as he blows out a breath. "S'alright. This belonged to an asshole and it was gonna be bought by an even bigger one." He shrugs. "If I can't put 'em down, this is the least they owe me."
"You know Frankie, sometimes your logic is flawed, but I think you're right on this one."
He goes to smack your ass, but as you pull your panties on, your phone lights up in the footwell of the car, its shrill ringtone deafening to your ears.
You glance at Frank, a humorous expression dancing across your face. "Good timing, huh?"
"Ain't that right."
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tags {x} for all my frank girlies!!! <3 (I'M SORRY IF I FORGOT SOMEONE I'M SO NOT OK RIGHT NOW)
@marvelswh0re @murdock-and-the-sea @itwasthereaminuteago @munsonownsmyass @reborn-rekall @castlesnchurches @chellestrash @darlingshane @chvoswxtch @stress--relief @pedrito-friskito
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drakoneve · 2 years
The Poisoned Cup
request: Hey, dear! if you are taking requests could i get an angst imagine/oneshot Daemon x Martell fem!reader where she and Daemon are married (they really love each other) and she is pregnant and they are beaming, but reader ends up being poisoned and consequently loses the baby, feeling guilty she ends up running away, but before she leaves a letter for viserys asking for an annulment, before making any decision he talks to Daemon who is furious that she ran away and asks for an annulment + so he goes to Dorne after his wife, she doesn't want to see him at first but he doesn't give up, eventually they talk and reader expresses everything she is feeling just like he does, they cry together and he assures her that everything will be fine and asks her to come back with him, which she agrees to, please? (with a lot of angst, fluffy and happy ending)
pairing: daemon targaryen x y/n martell
word count: 3k (#oops)
warnings: fem bodied!reader, miscarriage, poisoning, reader’s feeling guilty and v depressed
a/n: i apologize if there are any mistakes regarding house martell, i don’t know much abt them. i also didn’t describe much of the reader besides longer hair 
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When your older brother Qoren Martell told you he’d arranged a marriage between yourself and Prince Daemon Targaryen with King Viserys, you were unbelievably angry with him that you wouldn’t speak to him for days. But eventually you came to accept that marrying the prince was your duty to keep peace between Dorne and the rest of Westeros following the war in the Stepstones. 
Daemon talked to you before the wedding about how he wanted to wed you in the traditions of Old Valyria, and you agreed even though you were quite hesitant. In the end it was a beautiful ceremony and you felt undoubtedly connected to your new husband.
It wasn’t but three months after your wedding that your lady in waiting, Elaena, pointed out to you that you hadn’t had your monthly bleed. You visited the maester that morning and he confirmed you were indeed with child.
Everything was going smoothly until two months later, when Rhaenyra ended her search for a husband ended and King Viserys announced a marriage between his daughter and Ser Laenor Velaryon, son of Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark. The feast of celebrations had begun and you sat at the end of the royal table in between Daemon and Lord Lyonel Strong, Hand of the King. 
“Everything to your liking, my love?” Daemon asks, then sips on his wine. 
You grin at him, pulling apart the sweet roll in front of you to get to the soft, warm center. “Mhm,” you hum. “We’re quite satisfied, dear husband.”
He reaches his free hand to rub your growing belly. You cover his hand with yours and continue on to dine on the fine food presented before you.
Unbeknownst to you, Ser Gerold Royce approaches the royal table.
“Your Grace, Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order,” Ser Gerold greets the king and princess.
“We are honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold,” the king says graciously. “I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss.” “Lady Rhea was a unique character. Her kind... is not soon to be seen again,” Ser Gerold says before turning to glare at Daemon. “In the Vale, men are made to answer for their crimes. Even Targaryens.”
“If there is anything the crown might do to aid House Royce...” Viserys tries to deflect, but Daemon doesn’t allow the show of disrespect.
“Who are you?” Daemon quips as if he hadn’t paid the man the slightest bit of attention until now. 
“Ser Gerold Royce of Runestone,” he announces proudly with a puff of his chest.
“I am cousin to your late lady wife, Rhea Royce.”
Your stomach clenches at the mention of Daemon’s first wife. You not only knew the truth of what happened, but you helped Daemon plan it out with the help of some of your spies in the Vale. They were married at the time Daemon proposed to you, and there was no way you believed Viserys would allow his rebellious brother an annulment or a second wife in the traditions of Old Valyria. The only solution either of you could come up with to open the negotiations for your hand in marriage was to rid Daemon of is bronze wife completely.
Daemon’s lilac eyes harden as he clenches his jaw before eyeing the man. “Ahh, yes,” he says finally. “Terrible thing. I was positively bereft. Such a tragic accident.”
“You know better than anyone, it was no accident,” Ser Gerold spits.
You gasp lightly, placing both hands on your stomach as if you were in shocked by the accusation. Daemon caught on and sat up in his seat, feigning concern on his features.
He turns back to Ser Gerold with fire in his eyes. “Are you confessing some guilt, Ser Gerold?”
“I am making an accusation.”
“You know, in King's Landing,” Daemon all but growls, “men are made to answer for their slanders. Even old bronze cսոts like you.”
Before Ser Gerold has the chance to come up with a rebuttal, chaos breaks out amongst those on the dancefloor. You can’t see exactly who, but a Kingsguard has overpowered someone you cannot see at all, and is pummeling down with a hard right fist. 
Knights from behind the royal table rush forward upon the king’s command, furthering the tension in the room. At this point you’ve risen from your seat and secured a place behind Daemon, who has now drawn Dark Sister from her sheath.
The chaos lasts for a few more minutes but eventually the Kingsguard take control of the room, and the knight who began the fight in the first place was escorted from the throne room. Maids immediately begin working on cleaning the mess (minus the body removed by knights), and party goers resume dancing on the remaining dance floor.
Daemon pulls out your seat out for you and you kiss his cheek before taking your seat. You reach for your wine first before Daemon begins feeding you off his own fork and plate. After a few bites, alternating between the pork your husband was feeding you and the roll you were still tearing apart, a feeling of nausea began to overtake you.
You motion for Daemon to stop, at the same time placing your left hand over your stomach. “Daem, I don’t-“
You don’t even get to finish your sentence before you jump from your chair and turn around just in time to throw up behind the table and not in front of the entirety of the throne room. Daemon is at your side instantly as is Lyonel, and who is already yelling for the maesters. Before you can even really catch your breath, you get sick again.
Muscles in your abdomen tighten as a cramp shoots through you. You cry out in pain and Daemon can’t stand it anymore as he picks you up bridal style out of the throne room and to the privacy of your chambers where the maesters can take care of you properly.
Long after the throne room had emptied and Rhaenyra and Laenor were wed the maesters came looking for Daemon. Despite fighting to stay by your side, Viserys convinced his brother to step away from you and allow maester Orwyle to do his work. 
Orwyle approached Daemon, accompanied by his brother and Lord Lyonel, with his hand laced together in front of him, a grim look upon his face. “Prince Daemon,” the maester begins solemnly. “I come with grave news. I’m afraid your lady wife has lost the babe, my prince.”
The news hits Daemon like a punch to the gut, but he swallows his grief for the moment. “And what of my wife? Is she alive?”
“Yes, my prince. She’s asleep now, I gave her milk of the poppy to ease her pains.”
Lyonel steps forward, “What’s the cause of such illness? The princess seemed fine all evening.”
Maester Orwyle nods grimly, “I believe the princess’s illness to be a direct result of greycap poisoning. How the princess ingested such a thing is yet to be discovered, but I will not stop until I’ve discovered it. Thankfully this is not the first time I’ve encountered such a thing.”
Viserys reached out a grateful hand and squeezed his trusted maester’s shoulder. “Thank you, Orwyle. Your services do not go unnoticed.”
Daemon turns away from the group of men and begins down the hall for your shared chambers.
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Two weeks after the attempted assassination and you finally began to feel healthy again. Daemon hardly left your side during your healing process like he no longer trusted anyone else in the world with your care. Maester Orwyle was still giving regular updates to Viserys which you advised him was unnecessary. 
It wasn’t the poisoning that had been plaguing you the past couple weeks, it was the loss of your unborn babe. This was your first pregnancy, and neither you or Daemon could’ve been happier to receive the official word from the maester. Everything was going well in terms of the pregnancy until the attempt on your life. 
You couldn’t help but spend your time recovering riddled with the guilt of the idea that you could’ve- should’ve done more to protect your baby. Your one job for nine months was to home and protect your baby and you felt you’d failed completely. As a wife, especially to someone of Daemon’s status- the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, your job was to give your husband as many heirs as possible, and you couldn’t even do that. 
The guilt had been eating away at the strong resolve you’d built over the years of being an outspoken woman in court. You’d failed your husband, your one true love. Now, even weeks later and after everything he’d done to support you, you found it difficult more now than ever to meet Daemon’s eyes. 
When you first learned you were with child you were beyond ecstatic as was Daemon. Despite his previous union, Daemon had yet to become a father and was looking forward to becoming one. You hadn’t any children either and the two of you spoke often of various names for your unborn babe, and began to pick out some of Westeros’s finest silks and fabrics for clothes to be sewn. Now there was no need.
How he didn’t revolt away in disgust, you had no idea. You couldn’t understand why Daemon would stay so loyally by your side when you’d been so unprepared to give him a healthy child. Daemon’s own loyalty did nothing ut remind you just how majorly you’d failed him, and this worked as the straw that finally broke down all the fight you’d had left.
So, you wrote the king a letter.
King Viserys I Targaryen,
I must first apologize to you for the chaos my circumstances has caused the Red Keep as it was never my intentions to cause such disruptions within your court. My brother Qoren stressed the importance of my union with your brother Daemon, and the past year I’ve spent as his wife has been the happiest year of them all. 
So it is with a broken heart, and the purest of intentions, that I graciously ask you to annul my marriage to Daemon so such tragedies do not continue to plague your court. 
I leave for Dorne as soon as I hand off this letter, where I will be awaiting your word in Dorne alongside Qoren. I thank you for the kindness and generosity you have shared with me this past year, your Grace. I wish you good health and fortune.
Lady Y/n Targaryen of House Martell.
And true to your word, you along with your lady in waiting Sylva, whom you’d known from before your marriage to Daemon, snuck out of the Red Keep from under the guards’ noses and set out for Dorne. 
Viserys received the letter hours after your departure, just as you’d instructed the maid to do, after Daemon had taken off on Caraxes for Dragonstone on crown business. In the time that he’d known you, the king had never known you to be one to hide away in a dark corner when trials and tribulations came your way. The king knows Martells to live honorably by their words “unbowed, unbroken, unbent,” a sentiment that had been proven when he met you.
Unfortunately for the king, Daemon would not return for another day or so, and therefore would be delayed in receiving the news of your departure for Dorne. Viserys wanted to keep the matter close at hand as he hadn’t wished for yet another set of rumors to go swirling about about Daemon. He feared his brother’s reaction should he have sent a messenger to Dragonstone to inform the rogue prince, so Viserys decided to wait until Daemon’s return to deliver the news himself. 
That’s exactly how Viserys met Daemon two days later in the Dragonpit. Daemon had just barely slid from the saddle strapped to Caraxes when approached by the king.
Before wither man has the chance to utter a word, Viserys extends his hand out to his brother, your letter in hand. “This was delivered to me two days ago, brother. I was hoping to have the matters resolved before your return, but I’m afraid I have been unsuccessful in reaching Y/n.”
Daemon snatches the letter from Viserys’ hand at the mention of your name and he wastes no time in reading it. His first reaction is anger- how dare you leave King’s Landing? How dare you leave him, your husband? The parchment of your letter crumples in his closing fist as Daemon turns away from his brother and back to Caraxes.
“Daemon!” Viserys lurches forward, trying to reason with his temperamental younger brother. “you must proceed with caution, Daemon! Your actions are sure to have dreadful consequences should you not think before you act.”
Daemon whips back around to face the king, shoving him hard once in the chest with both hands. “I do not need you to govern how I act, brother. Much less in the matters involving my wife.” 
With that, Daemon mounted the great blood wyrm and set out for Dorne just as he had the first time.
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Qoren wasn’t exactly pleased with you upon your return, moreso afraid of what Daemon might do to Dorne as a result of your abandonment. Though you confidently assured your brother King Viserys would handle the matters, you weren’t entirely convinced yourself.
Daemon was as unpredictable as any man, though twice as dangerous on the back of a fire breathing dragon. Even the time the two of you spent together would not ensure your safety should the wrath of House Targaryen turn its ugly head towards Dorne. 
Despite the circumstances, you were happy to be home. Before your marriage you had never left Dorne before, and you’d missed the familiar comforts of your homeland while you were away. You spent time with your brother and some of his friends, catching up on all the Dornish things you’d missed while you were away.
After the second round of wine began to be poured, a member of the Martell Guard steps forward towards Qoren. “My prince, a dragon has been spotted circling overhead.”
Qoren looks to you first as if telling you to deal with the problem yourself. You sigh and reluctantly stand from your seat. “I shall take care of it,” you announce. 
Daemon has landed outside the gates of Sunspear and already dismounted from Caraxes. The moment the gates opened and he first caught a glimpse of you, he began making his way to you. You met him halfway despite the tightening knots of nausea twisting in your stomach.
Still you don’t meet Daemon’s eyes as he approaches you, afraid of his fury. Daemon is but two steps from you now and he finally plants his feet. “Imagine my dismay,” he begins. “upon returning home to King’s Landing only to be informed my lovely wife had fled back to the sun scorched sands of her homeland after asking my own brother to free her from our marriage. Tell me, wife, did you intentionally wait until I had departed from the Keep to make your escape? Or was it purely circumstance?”
His lilac eyes are furious. Daemon is no doubt holding his tongue to keep from saying something he might truly regret. A part of you wishes he wouldn’t, however. You wish he would let go and take out his anger on you, as you believed you deserved it.
Tears began to well in your eyes as you finally met your husband’s gaze. “I only meant to rid you of your burdens, my prince. A man of such status as you musn’t be burdened by the troubles of a wife who cannot provide..” 
Somehow you don’t have it in yourself to finish your sentence before erupting into uncontrollable sobs. Daemon reaches out for you and pulls you into a tight embrace despite your desperate pleas. He allows you to cry into his chest for a moment before grasping your face in his large hands and forces you to look at him. 
It’s only then you notice his eyes are red and wet with tears as well. “You had nothing to do with the poison, or with the death of our babe, dear wife. Had it been up to us, our dragon would still be in your belly, would it not?”
“Yes,” you cried pitifully, reaching one hand down to caress your stomach where you once felt the growing of your babe. “I want my baby, Daem. I want my baby.” You all but collapsed in your husband’s arms, using his large stature as support.
“I know,” he replies, voice thick with emotion. “and I swear to you, Y/n, that I will not stop until I have Ser Gerold’s head on a spike. Until then, my love, we can always try for another if you so wish.”
You pulled away, sobs ceased for the moment. “Ser Gerold? Of Runestone? What does he have to do with these matters?”
Daemon clenches his jaw before relenting. “I believe, as does Maester Orwyle, Ser Gerold is behind the attempt on your life and the murder of our babe. I planned to make way for Runestone upon my return to the Keep, but I’m afraid I’ve been side tracked.” 
In that moment the guilt that had settled itself in your gut quickly turned to a bright hot rage. “Take me with you,” you demand forcefully. “and we shall show Ser Gerold, and the rest of the realm, just what happens when you scorn the house of dragons.”
A wicked grin spreads across Daemon’s face before he offers you his hand. “Come, dear wife, and we shall show them all.”
You grasped his hand in yours before beginning towards Caraxes, but not before Daemon pulls you to a stop and leans down to bring you into a kiss. Daemon has never been one to kiss you slowly, typically opting for quick kisses in the eyes of others, and more passionate kisses for the bedroom.
But now as the two of you stand wrapped around each other in the Dornish heat, he kisses you softly, slowly. As if he’s trying to tell you he loves you in the only way he knows how. 
When the two of you finally part, you smile up at him. Your first genuinely happy smile in nearly a month. Perhaps Viserys knew just what he was doing in delaying your request for that annulment.
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Recovery - Chapter 23
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em gets a little jealous when Y/N catches the attention of a new beat maker he works with.
Tags : Angst, Comfort, Fluff, Smut (P in V, oral)
Y/N’s POV 
Telling Talia the truth about your relationship with Marshall definitely made your life easier. As it was to be expected, she told Jamal, but the two of them actually promised to keep it a secret from everyone else. You spent a lot of your time at Marshall’s but, on occasions, he would spend the night at your place too, and the four of you would hang out. You would spend as much time as possible with your boyfriend, even though the two of you were drowning in work, you with uni, him at the studio. However, you made it work. You spent every night together, except for one night a week. He usually had his family over for brunch on Sundays, so he would sleep alone at his place on Saturday night. The rest of the time, though, you had a little routine. Whether it was at his place or yours, both of you left stuff at each other’s house. By usual relationship standards, it was moving pretty fast, but it felt right for the two of you. After all, before even getting together, you were hanging out all the time so it wasn’t like you were just getting to know each other. 
At that point, you had been together for about two months and your relationship was still a secret. Everyone at the studio had really enjoyed meeting Josh at Talia’s birthday dinner and they seemed disappointed when you announced that the two had broken up, a couple of weeks afterwards. Obviously, they didn’t know the reason why and you were officially single. One of the drawbacks of no one knowing that you were spoken for is that they tried to get you to date and set you up with some people they knew. You tried to tell them that you weren’t really looking for a relationship, but they didn’t seem to care too much. It had sort of become a running joke in your household. 
Come on, Talia said during dinner, Royce’s cousin is pretty hot. If you’d been single, you should totally have gone to dinner with him ! 
Well I’m not single, you giggled. I feel bad for Royce and Porter though. It’s the third time they are trying to set me up with someone and I end up refusing all the time. I hope they don't take it personally ! 
Especially when they come up with such fine choices, she replied. The men they want to set you up with are total snacks !!! 
Yeah, they’re pretty attractive, you agreed. 
I’m right here, Marshall said with a chuckle. Do you remember me ? You know, your boyfriend ??? 
Feeling threatened, Em ? Jamal asked with a grin. 
Not at all, Marshall replied sternly. 
Not that we’d blame you, Em, Talia said playfully. I mean, that basketball was like half your age and twice your height ? Not to mention that he was buff… 
Remind me why we’re eating with them and not at my place, babe ? He asked you with a faux-exasperated face. 
Because we want to spend time with Y/N ! Talia shrieked. You’re basically stealing our bestie, Em. 
I’m not stealing her, he said as he rolled his eyes.
After dinner, the two of you were cuddling on your bed, watching a movie and talking about outfits for an appearance Marshall was supposed to make on some documentary. 
You can’t have me wear the Saint Laurent jacket all the time, he chuckled. People are going to think I only have one outfit. 
But you look so good in it, you said. Plus, it really shows off your muscles. Like, your broad shoulders and everything… 
Not enough, apparently, he muttered under his breath. 
What ? You asked. 
Nothing, he sighed before getting up. 
Suddenly, he seemed a little bothered. You paused the movie and looked at him. He was standing in front of your mirror, inspecting himself, looking displeased at what he saw. You got up and hugged him from behind. 
You look handsome, you whispered in his back. 
I don’t, he groaned. I look like one of the seven dwarves. 
You don’t, you giggled. What’s up with you ? Are you stressed out about this documentary ? 
Not really, he said. I mean, I couldn’t care less. 
What is it then ? You asked as you ran your hands on his stomach. 
Don’t do that, he grumbled before removing your hands. 
You looked at him, not really understanding. One minute you were cuddling and the next he didn’t seem to want you touching him. Plus, his snapping was sort of unusual. You sat on the bed and patted the mattress so that he would sit next to you. 
Want to talk about it ? You asked softly. 
Do you agree with Talia ? He asked. 
About what ? 
About those guys. he said. Do you think they’re better than me ? 
You stared at him in disbelief. To you, it seemed like a stupid question. Of course they weren’t better than him. 
You know she was just kidding, right ? You asked. 
Yeah but… Are they ? He asked. 
Of course not, you said. Why would you even worry about that ? 
I think it’s pretty obvious why, he sighed. Just… forget it alright ? 
He groaned again and got undressed. You thought he’d stay in his boxers, as he usually did when you went to bed, but he put on sweatpants he had left in your room a while ago and a tee-shirt, as well as a hoodie. He got under the covers while you stared at him.
What ? He asked in an annoyed tone. Why are you staring at me like that ? 
Nothing, you said timidly. Are you… cold ? I can adjust the room’s temperature if you want. 
I’m good, he said. Let’s go to bed, ok ? I have a big day tomorrow. 
Sure, you said in a sad voice. Good night. 
You quickly got into Marshall’s discarded tee-shirt, using it as a nightgown and got into bed. After turning the lights off, you got into your usual position, expecting him to cuddle with you as he always did, but he didn’t. It made you a little sad, although you knew it probably wasn’t a big deal. You were spending almost every night together and he was entitled to some distance if he wanted. This was your first night without cuddling and, without being overly dramatic, it felt like the end of an era. Even though the temperature of the room was perfectly fine, it felt cold. You grabbed a hoodie of his and put it on. When you got back in bed, he had turned and you could only see his back. 
I love you, you whispered shyly. 
Love you too, he mumbled. 
You didn’t sleep too well that night. You ended up tossing and turning a lot, wondering what was on his mind and what you could do to make it better and if you were the one to blame. You hated that kind of mood. Back when you were with Simon, he would often be grumpy over small stuff and give you the silent treatment. This had led to you second-guessing everything and overthinking every time someone’s mood changed. Your heart sank a little as you fell asleep. 
Fortunately, in the morning, Marshall’s mood seemed to have improved. You woke up to him kissing your forehead. 
Hey you, you whispered in a sleepy voice. 
Hey, you little hoodie thief, he chuckled. 
Slept well ? You asked. 
Yeah, I needed that, he said with a smile. Mind giving that hoodie back ? I have to get ready for the day. 
There’s another of your hoodies in the closet. 
I want this one, he chuckled. 
It’s going to reek of me, you pointed out. 
Maybe that’s what I want, he chuckled. I’m going to miss you today. 
I’m going to miss you too, you said with a pout. How about we both blow off work and sleep in ? 
I’d love to but I can’t, he chuckled. We’re having a session with a beatmaker I’m really excited to work with. Why don’t you come by after uni ? You’d really like his work. 
Sure, you said. 
He seemed genuinely excited and it made you happy. He often smiled, but his happiness radiated even more when it came to music, the thing he was born to do. You loved that he shared that with you. Of course, you cherished the moments when it was just the two of you, because it allowed for more intimacy, but you just loved watching him work. 
When you were done with your day, you joined everyone at the studio. They had just finished recording a track with Chris, the beatmaker Marshall had told you about. Apparently, he had reached out through Porter and everyone on the team seemed to really like his stuff. You greeted everyone and they played the track for you. You immediately understood what all the fuss was about : Chris was insanely talented. What he did was different, but also in line with the vibe Marshall had chosen for the album. You complimented him and he ended up playing some of his beats for you while the others took a break. You also talked for a bit. The two of you were roughly the same age, making you the youngest in the room, and you had a lot of common cultural references, seeing as his mother was french. You even talked about french rap music and joked around. He seemed to take a liking towards you but you didn’t pay much attention to it. You were spoken for anyway. Plus, he was clearly the type to flirt with anyone and everyone so you knew it was nothing special here. When they got back to work, you watched them and you couldn’t take your eyes off Marshall. However, the session ran long. Not that it bothered you too much. You always enjoyed hanging out at the studio, getting a preview of what they were working on. Plus, Chris kept on joking with you, either in English or French. Whenever they couldn’t understand, the others threw a side-eye at you, so you tried to stick to English. When the session came to an end, Chris came to see you. 
So, what did you think ? He asked. 
I love your beats, you said earnestly. You’re super talented and I just can’t believe that you started a few months ago. 
I have collabs with a bunch of other people, he said. They won’t be released for a few weeks, but maybe I can get your e-mail and send them to you ? 
I’d like that, you said with a smile. 
And then, maybe you can tell me what you think about them over dinner, a movie, that sort of stuff ? He added with a wink. 
You were a bit taken aback. You quickly glanced at the others in the room. Porter and Royce were excited, Jamal was staring sternly and Marshall’s eyed seemed to have turned a shade darker. He was pursing his lips. 
I’m sorry, you said, I’m not interested in dating right now. 
Can’t blame me for trying, he said with a smile before kissing your hand. 
He took a piece of paper and wrote his number on it before giving it to you. 
I really enjoyed meeting you, Y/N. Maybe you can give me a call when you change your mind about dating ? 
You blushed a little and mumbled before he left. His confidence was a bit unsettling. As soon as he was gone, Royce and Porter started groaning. 
What was wrong with this one ? Royce asked as he crossed his arms. 
Nothing, you said. I just said I’m not interested in dating. 
Will you guys just stop pushing people on her ? Jamal asked with a frown. I don’t need a thousand suitors coming to my house trying to woo her. 
Hey we didn’t plan for this one, Porter chuckled. But I think there’s something wrong with you, Y/N. This one was attractive, funny, french and more talented than any of us were at his age. 
Told you, I’m not looking for anything right now, you said. 
Well when that changes, you might want to give this one a call, though, Royce said. That’s the kind of guy you should be with. 
You shook your head and changed the conversation subject, going back to music. After everyone left, you got in Marshall’s car to go to his place. You were happy to finally be alone with him. Plus, it was a Friday night, meaning that the two would be able to spend the next morning lounging in bed. As soon as he got into the car, you grabbed his hand but he pushed it away angrily. 
Care to explain why you were flirting with that jackass right in front of me, Y/N ?! 
What ?! You asked defensively. 
Oh, please. “Oh my God, you’re so talented. I can’t believe you just started a few months ago”, he said, imitating your voice and vocalizing fake french words. You were practically riding his dick !!! 
I was complimenting him ! I also complimented you when we first met, if you recall, you pointed out sternly. 
He literally asked you out ! Marshall blurted. 
And I said no ! Why are you making a big deal out of it ? I like his beats, so what ? I like a lot of stuff. 
Yeah, you like him, he scoffed. 
I don’t even know him, you said. You like his work as much as I do, so what’s the big deal ? 
Yeah well I don’t think I’m going to use these beats anymore, he groaned. 
You looked at him and let out an involuntary laugh. 
He hit on me so you’re not going to work with him ? You asked in disbelief. 
Well I don’t want to work with anyone who wants to fuck my girlfriend, he said. It’s a matter of respect. 
Marshall… He doesn’t even know I’m your girlfriend, you said softly. Everyone thinks I’m single. 
Well maybe that’s the fucking problem ! He screamed. 
You stared at him in confusion. You took a deep breath and tried to keep your composure, even though you were startled by his outburst of anger. 
I’m lost here, you said. Walk me through it, because it doesn’t make much sense… 
You’re not here all the time. You don’t hear everyone commenting on how cute and sweet you are. On how they love you and anyone would be lucky to date you because you’re a goddamn catch. And how “That’s too bad for that dude Josh, he seemed great”. You don’t see everyone looking at you because you’re the brightest person in every room you enter. I do. 
He took a deep breath and avoided your gaze. 
And I know it makes sense to keep it on the low, right now, he added. We agreed to it and shit but then, I see you with that dude who is like half my age and talented as fuck and I’m like… It gets to me. That’s it. You heard Royce. That’s the kind of dude you should be with. 
You smiled shyly and took his hand that was balled in a fist. You kissed his knuckles and caressed his cheek as he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. 
So you’re… insecure ? You asked softly. 
If you want to call it that, yeah, he admitted with a groan. 
You really shouldn’t be, you said. You are the brightest person in every room, my love. Especially when you’re in the studio. You’re great and everyone reveres you.  Same goes for me. I only have eyes for you and every time I hang out here, I am amazed at how great and talented you are. And yes, I complimented that guy, because he is talented. But his talent and his beats, they make you shine even more because you are the one putting them to good use. You’re the one writing incredible lyrics and rapping them. No one does it like you. 
You think ? He asked. 
Of course, you said with a smile. And as for me practically riding his dick, don’t you dare say that to me again. Because yours is the only one I want to ride and I will prove it to you right now if I have to. 
He let out a laugh and kissed you. 
I’m sorry for losing my temper, baby, he said gently. And I’d love to take you on that offer but we’re in a public parking lot. 
Then let’s drive to your place and I’ll get on my knees to show you how much I appreciate you, you offered with a devilish grin. 
He laughed, kissed you again and wasted no time before starting the car. During the short drive to his place, you strategically placed your hand on his thigh, tracing circles on it, gently teasing him. When you got to his house, as soon as the front door was closed, you immediately jumped on him and removed his jacket and tee-shirt. Now that the two of you were alone, there was no reason why you should keep your hands off each other. You shoved him against the wall and immediately dropped to your knees. You undid his pants, letting his cock spring free and began licking the head. He closed his eyes and let you work your magic. You stroked him as you licked, taking as much of him in your mouth as you could. His fingers were in your hair, slightly pulling and encouraging you. 
I’m not going to last long, he warned. 
You shrugged to show it didn’t really matter to you. All you wanted was to pleasure him and for him to enjoy the moment. But he stopped you and made you get up. 
What are you… ? You began asking. 
I want to be inside of you, baby. 
He quickly undressed you and pinned you against the wall as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He immediately picked up a fast pace, wasting no time. He was thrusting into you harder than ever, kissing you sloppily. 
Say you’re mine, he whispered in your ear. 
Of course I am, you chuckled softly. 
Say it. I want to hear it. 
I’m… Yours, you said as he slammed into you. Yours only, Marshall. 
Right when you thought it wasn’t possible, he thrusted into you harder and made you come, taking the both of you to climax. You came at the same time and ended up panting on the floor. You were both sweaty, dripping messes, but as far as you were concerned, you were too stunned and exhausted to move. Your eyes were closed and you felt Marshall’s fingers stroking your cheeks. 
You’re a goddess, he said before kissing your forehead. 
You simply hummed in response. You were so tired you could fall asleep right then and there. 
Up, he said. Let’s shower. 
Bath ? You tried to negotiate. I don’t feel like standing up. 
Bath it is, princess, he said as he picked you up and carried you. 
I’m going to be so sore, you complained with a small laugh. 
Good, he said with a hint of pride. That’ll remind you of me. Of who you belong to. 
Territorial much ? You teased. 
He didn’t bother responding. He drew a bath and you settled in his arms and between his legs as he looked at you intensely before starting to wash your back. 
You don’t need to worry about anyone else, you said softly. There’s only you. You are the only one I want to be with. The only one I want to sleep with. 
I know, he said as he interlocked his fingers with yours. But… 
He stopped and sighed. 
What’s wrong, my love ? 
You don’t have to agree, and I know it’s early but… What if we went public ? Like, not “public” public, obviously, but… People we know ? He asked. 
You took a second before responding. You were a little stunned that he even suggested that. Plus, you didn’t feel ready, as you were scared that it might change the group dynamic. You didn’t want to suddenly become “Em’s girl”. 
I don’t know, you said. Do you think it would make you feel better ? 
I guess, he said. But you know, it’s not just a territorial thing. I mean, I want to claim you as mine so that the guys stop suggesting that you date and that these other dudes know that they should back off, don’t get me wrong but… Being with you feels natural. Pretending I’m not feels like lying. 
I’m not ready for people to know about us, you said. 
Are you ashamed of me ? He asked bluntly, his behavior suddenly changing. 
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh. The idea that you might be ashamed of him seemed preposterous to you. He was the hottest man you knew, the wet dream of millions of people around the world, insanely smart and talented. If anything, you thought he might be the one ashamed of being with someone as bland as you. 
Ashamed of you ? Why would I be ashamed of you, Marsh ? 
You tell me, he groaned. 
That’s stupid, you said as you shook your head. 
Now I’m stupid ? Great, he said before getting up and leaving you alone in the bathtub. 
Marshall, don’t…, you began to say, but he left and went to his bedroom. 
You groaned as you got up as well, your body still sore from your earlier exertions. You grabbed a robe and joined him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist, looking pissed off. 
What’s with you, lately ? You asked. 
Clearly, there’s something, you said. Yesterday, you got distant out of the blue, then you acted jealous before claiming me as yours and now you think I’m ashamed of you ? Where is all that coming from ? You asked calmly. 
I never thought a girl would be reluctant to tell anyone she’s dating me, he said. 
So, that’s ego, you pointed out. 
No, it’s not fucking ego ! If it was, I could easily get anyone else and it would be a done deal, he said as he rolled his eyes. 
Way to make me feel good and convince me to go public with you, you said sarcastically. 
He looked at you and sighed before taking your hand. 
I didn’t mean it like that, he said apologetically. All I’m saying is… I don’t understand why you want to hide our relationship, he said. I thought it was going great. 
It is going great, you said softly. 
So what is it ? He asked. Is it because I’m old ? Because of how I look ? What makes you so ashamed of me ? 
You looked at him in disbelief. He seemed sad and genuinely thought you were ashamed of him. It broke your heart. 
I don’t think fifty qualifies as old, Marshall, you said. 
Fifty-one, he bitterly corrected. 
You could be ten years younger or older, it wouldn’t matter to me, you know ? You said. And it's not how you look either. You look great. I mean… Have you seen yourself in a mirror ? 
I have, that’s the problem, he groaned. I’ve also seen the last two guys you dated and the men Royce and Porter keep on trying to set you up with. I know I’m not your type. 
Of course, you’re my type, you said softly. 
Come on, have you seen them ? They’re all at least 6”5, most of them are super buff… 
Yeah, well, I have dated tall men, you shrugged. But you’re muscular too. 
I’m not tall, he sighed. And I haven’t worked out too much lately. I think I’ve put on a few, actually…, he added as he touched his stomach. 
Marshall, I’m 4”9, you chuckled. You might not be as tall as other guys I have dated, but you’re still a freaking giant to me ! And I like your body the way it is. It’s freaking perfect. You might not hit the gym as much as you used to, but with all the time you spend fucking me in those weird positions, I think you work out just as much, if not more… 
True, he chuckled. But I don’t know, Talia said…
Talia was just teasing you, you said softly. You know how she is. She loves being mean to you. 
She’s a fucking bully, he said. 
But she’s like that because she likes you, you said. 
I know, it’s just… I’m a bit sensitive about that, I guess ? He shrugged. Like, I’m aware that you have a lot of options. And that some of them are literally half my age. 
Ok, you said calmly. I think we should address this because it seems like you’re obsessing over it, at this point. What’s up with your age ? You seem to make a big deal out of it. You have always pointed out our age difference, but it seems to bother you more, these days. 
Royce made a joke the other day, he admitted. Or a… comment. I don’t know. 
What did he say ? 
That if I wasn’t too old for you, maybe I would have had a chance to put you in my bed, he said. 
Well joke’s on him, you chuckled. Because we’re in bed together almost every night. And I love your age. 
You love my age ? He asked in disbelief. 
Well, I do love that you are experienced, you said with a wink. You’re the best sex I’ve ever had. Like, no one makes me come like you. And I had never even squirted before you. 
Really ? 
Yes, you giggled. And, the sex thing aside, I like the fact that you’re more mature than guys my age. So you don’t have to worry : I am not ashamed of you or anything. If we were the same age, we wouldn’t even be together. 
What do you mean ? 
Well, if I had met you twenty years ago, I would probably have thought you were an asshole, from what I gathered, you explained. And right now, I wouldn’t be as attractive. I’d be… older. You men age like fine wine but what you see of me right now is my prime. 
The asshole thing is true, he chuckled. But I’m not fucking DiCaprio, you know ? I’m not only into girls who are in their twenties. And for the record, you’d be beautiful at any age. I’ll still love you when you’re 51. I’ll be an old man by then and you will have put me in a retirement home, but I’ll still be crazy about you. 
You swooned at how sweet it was that he thought about loving you almost twenty-five years from now. It implied that things were serious between the two of you and that he thought your relationship might be going somewhere. You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck before kissing him softly. 
I love you, he said. 
I love you too, you whispered. I’m so happy and proud to be your girlfriend. 
You are ? He mused. 
Of course, you giggled. 
So… Can I ask why you don’t want people to know about us ? He asked carefully. 
I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea, you admitted. 
What idea ? 
That I’m dating you because you’re this famous rapper. I like the Eminem, talented dude part for sure. But I’m not dating him. I’m dating Marshall Mathers. I’m with you because you are the most caring, funny, nice and good-looking man I know. I’m more interested in your comic book collection than your career anyway. And I don’t want people to see me as just your girlfriend. I like being their friend too, you know ? 
I see, he said. That makes sense, actually. 
He kissed your cheek and played with your hair. 
Sorry for being a dick, he apologized. 
It’s fine, you said. There’s something else, too… 
Mmmh ? 
People knowing about us would include your family, right ? You asked. 
Well… yeah, he said. I guess I hadn’t really thought about that. But yeah, I guess. 
Now you might be the one ashamed of me, you giggled. 
Not at all, he said reassuringly. You’re right, it might be too early for that. But I am in love with you and I’m serious about us. So, at some point, I’d like to tell them about you. 
Aren’t you scared of what they will think ? You asked nervously. 
Not really, he said. They will love you. You have no idea how long they have been pestering me about dating, so you’re probably going to come across as some sort of savior. 
They won’t think it’s weird ? You asked. 
I don’t think so, he said. I haven’t really thought about that, I guess. I never thought I’d want to introduce anyone to my family anyway, you know ? But I know that they’re going to like you. You already get along with Hailie and I know that Lainey and Stevie will love you. But we’ll see how it goes when you meet them as my friend anyway.
You really want us to meet ? You asked in shock, suddenly nervous. 
Chill, he chuckled. It’s not going to be any sort of proper introduction or anything like that. But they usually come and watch football games with me, either here or at the stadium. There’s always a bunch of friends too. So I might invite you, Talia and Jamal. What do you think ? 
As long as I don’t have to wear stupid Lions apparel, you chuckled. 
You don’t get to disrespect my team under my roof, he said with a faux frown. 
It’s not the team, it’s the outfit, you corrected with a smile. I don’t even understand the rules anyway. 
Now I’m ashamed of you, he joked. 
You chuckled and kissed him. 
Be ashamed of me all you want, but I’m starting to get cold and I want my bath, you said as you got up. Care to join ? 
Sure, he replied with a smile. I’ll explain the rules to you, once again. 
No, you begged - fully knowing that he could be unstoppable when it came to talking about football. 
Come on, it’s easy, he began. 
I didn’t ask for it, you said sheepishly. 
But you just said you don’t know the rules of football, he said. 
Doesn’t mean I care, you giggled. I swear, if you start talking about football, I will rap some Benzino. 
Do that under my roof and you’re dead, woman, he said before tickling you. 
You tried to push him away but he was too strong for you. He pushed you onto the bed and buried his face in your neck, gently nipping at the sweet spot he knew you had. You couldn’t control your moans as he started sucking on it and untying your robe, exploring your body with his hands. You were sore but clearly ready for another round. After some sweet love making, you got back to the bathroom to draw another bath - the water being too cold now and saw your reflection in the mirror. You let out a gasp. Your neck was full of hickies. Marshall arrived behind you with a shit-eating grin. 
I’m going to kill you, you sighed. 
What ? Just because we’re not going public doesn’t mean I’m letting people think you’re single, he chuckled. 
They're going to think I’m dating a freak, you commented as you inspected the hickies and figured out they’d be hard to hide. 
I should have done that earlier, he said with a smile. Now maybe Royce and Porter will stop. 
If I have to walk around like this, I’m going to start leaving hickies too, you threatened. 
Don’t you dare, he chuckled. My kids are going to freak out if they see that. 
You owe me, then, you said sternly. 
Anything you want, princess, he said lovingly.
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wackyharpy · 9 months
Eventually (Part 2)
Modern! Aemond x Fem! Reader
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Summary: Aemond has been in love with Helaena's best friend but hasn't confessed yet. Everything changes when he meets her at Dragonstone.
Part 1
Part 3 (maybe, not sure)
A/N: English isn't my native language. I'd be very glad for your comments and reblogs. Thank you in advance! Enjoy the story :)
For the atmosphere: Hante — Burning
Warnings ⚠️
NSFW 18+, swearing, p in v sex, oral sex (f receiving), in this story Helaena is the youngest, she/her pronouns.
Consuming of media is your own responsibility
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Aemond sits till the end of the meeting on his own. Aegon leaves it upon the request of Rheanyra who unexpectedly has appeared to discuss current matters.
Her uncle Daemon and his obsession with Laena are small troubles that can be solved. Aemond tries his best not to scoff and roll the eye. Yes, they are "small troubles". Does anybody care that all shit that is going to happen at the financial department will be his duty? He will be obliged to regulate all disputes that may occur with the Royce family.
Being the second one in everything — that's Aemond's burden.
Corlys Velaryon only smiles attentively watching Aemond's reactions. Sure, he's satisfied to intermarry with Targaryens one more time. Who wouldn't be? Except, it's a bit redundant for Aemond.
He leaves the office straight after the meeting is over. On the way to his allocated room, he runs into a servant who informs that dinner is ready. His siblings are waiting for him downstairs at the open veranda.
"Has Halaena arrived already?"
"Yes, Mr Targaryen, with a guest."
A guest. She is here.
Aemond only nods his head and the servant goes further. The feeling as if something heavy stuck in his chest comes instantly. He reaches the bedroom and comes into the bathroom at once turning on cold water. He collects it in his palms and washes his face several times. Aemond feels how his heart rate speeds. Faster and faster. As though it is going to break out of the chest. He raises his head and looks at himself in the big mirror that takes almost all the space on the wall. Licks his lips.
Aemond ties his hair in the low ponytail and takes out round silver cufflinks decorated with black stone. He rolls up the sleeves revealing his muscular forearms with several veins running on it.
With a cold expression on his face, he arrives at the veranda with an already laid table. One seat is untouched and it's directly opposite hers.
"And here's my favorite brother!" Daeron comes up to Aemond and hugs him.
"I'm offended," scoffs Aegon taking a sip from a glass.
"Aemond!" Halaena's cheerful voice can be heard next to him and in a second her petite arms embrace the large body of his.
"How's life?" asks Daeron taking his seat at the oak table. The most beloved Aemond's siblings are Daeron and his little sister. They have never asked about the work straight after they see him.
"Yeah, how's it going?" Halaena sends the most generous smile towards him.
"You're so sweet I'm gonna vomit," Aegon grimaces.
Aemond successfully ignores the elder brother's banters and sits at the table noticing a figure coming up to them.
"Hey, everyone," she wears a light sundress with thin straps. No bra.
Holly shit.
Aemond feels how his dick is becoming firm slowly. Grips the jaw.
"We're so glad you decided to join us here," Aegon starts cunningly casting glances at pale face of his brother, "it's cool you're staying overnight."
Then, he looks pointedly at Aemond that just gulps and extrudes a greeting. Aegon catches an irritated look of the smallest of brothers — Daeron does his best to make it clear that Aegon has the best face for smacking. What a pity that the only obstacle is the table between them.
"When will you tell him?" Halaena rolls on her abdomen on the deck chair. Pleasant breeze plays with her white locks.
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"Seriously?" her friend asks exhaling heavily, "actually, I dunno."
"Today," Halaena answers firmly.
"What?! No! I..."
"You can."
"No, you know I can't do that. He is... He is... You know, he's Aemond Targaryen himself!"
"Mhm," Halaena flips the page of the magazine, "he's my brother. Just chill."
She throws a quick look at Aemond who sits with his brothers drinking something.
"Hey, look at me," her friend sits upwards and takes off her panama hat; she ties one part of her long white locks in a hairstyle that's so preferred by her brother.
"So, imagine I'm Aemond," Halaena tries to make the same cold expression on her face, but it seems only he possesses this talent.
"What? No, Hal! It won't work!"
Halaena just tsks and rolls her eyes.
"Oh, dear gods! Say it!"
She starts laughing watching how the little Targaryens' sister tries to pretend she's Aemond.
"Okay, okay, wait. I can't concentrate when you're grimacing like that," she calms down at last and takes a deep breath looking straight into her friend's eyes imagining it's Aemond's one.
"I love you." she whispers out.
"Exactly! Then go and say it to my brother!"
"No, I can't!"
"You little coward!"
Halaena starts chasing the running away friend. Ultimately, the girls stumble and fall on the wet sand bursting out laughing. The perplexed Targaryen brothers just look at them. And Aemond feels that the bulk in his trousers is unendurable.
Late in the evening they make a little party with dancing. As always, Aemond sits humbly just sipping a drink from the glass gathering all his strength to invite her for a dance. He plunges deeply into his thoughts that doesn't notice how she comes up and sits next to him.
"Hey," warm smile on the face, "we've already greeted each other today but haven't spoken properly, actually."
"Yes. Hello. How's studying?"
Bad beginning. Very bad beginning, Aemond.
He has turned into such a workaholic and got used to being asked about the business that hasn't even noticed how he has become exactly as those people who surround him at work.
"Studying is good. I chose what I was really interested in so I'm satisfied."
Then, there is awkward silence between them two. Neither of them has an idea how to save this conversation.
"Daeron, hey, hey, quickly, switch on any slow dance," Halaena runs up to her brother shoving him with her elbow, then points to where her friend and Aemond sit.
"I know none," Daeron wants to add something else but Aegon appears unexpectedly near them and interrupts him.
"Calm down, babes. I'm gonna save the situation."
"You'll only spoil it, idiot," Daeron hisses and doesn't let Aegon to take control upon the laptop and the playlist which is on.
"Believe me, I had enough dances with girls to get laid with them after all."
After several minutes of disputes between two brothers, Aegon finally finds a slow dance and plays it on.
Last sunbeams are hiding behind the horizon coloring it into pink and orange. Outdoors lights and festoons, which decorate the veranda, illuminate the open space for dancing. Eventually, Aemond and her can be seen touching each other and slowly moving in rhythm of the song.
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"I was starting to think you wouldn't invite me," she smiles shyly at Aemond and her cheeks become pinkish.
"I thought you would refuse," he mirrors her smiling and embraces her tightly with the hand which he keeps on her back.
She closes her eyes smelling his shirt brushing with the tip of her nose.
"No, I wouldn't refuse even to dance one more time," breathes out.
"Only one more?" Aemond leans his head and touches her ear feeling an immediate shudder of her body.
"Two, three, four more," she raises her head desiring to look directly into his eye. Aemond chuckles starting to stroke her back gently. She bites her lower lip feeling the hardness in his trousers. Yes, she wants him too, although, she's very afraid to make the first move. Her thighs clench. She catches her breath and squeezes the fabric of his shirt.
"Do you feel unwell?" Aemond notices these actions and looks at her with the concern.
She just shakes her head. Closing her eyes, she humbly reaches Aemond's face standing on her tiptoes and brushes his thin line of lips with hers. She feels the ragged breathing out and how his large arms embrace her little figure fully.
"Sorry, Aemond, I... I didn't mean to..."
"It's okay," he interrupts her calmly looking into her eyes, "we can kiss if you want."
"Maybe not here." she looks at others briefly.
Aemond takes her hand gently and leads her back into the mansion. They go anxiously along the poor lighted corridor and then turn round the corner.
Aemond catches her waist and pins her to the wall with one swift move covering her mouth with his. He hears only a short groan and then feels how her small arms embrace his shoulders. She sighs into his mouth between small interruptions they make to catch breathes. And then Aemond pulls her face towards him and kisses again.
His tongue asks for the permission to enter her mouth. She throws one leg on his hip and he immediately catches it pressing his groin closer to her center. She opens her mouth allowing him access to her tongue and he instantly slides his into.
It feels suffocating finally kissing the guy she has seen only in her dreams, at times she has been imagining how Aemond will touch her, pin to the wall, press his lips and will stop until he devours all her moans and sighs. Now, it is happening. With her. And Aemond Targaryen is pressing his hard shaft between her legs seeking for friction.
He has been picturing her the same she is currently in front of him: hair is a mess, pink cheeks, ragged breathing, fogged gaze of the eyes, and small palms clenching on his shirt. He wants to take it off. And then to rip this pretty sundress off of her.
Aemond strokes gently her thigh alternating it with rough rubbing against her soft panties. She feels something tugs in her lower abdomen, how pleasant heat flows directly to her center. Her pussy is wet, hot and needy. It responds to the rubbing movements of Aemond.
"Let's go to my room," he says breathing heavily after the long make out session. She just nods silently unable to produce a word.
He leads her to the bedroom. The moment they're in the room, he locks the door and then throws her on the fresh linen of the bed.
Aemond runs the tip of his nose on her neck feeling the shudder of her body. His gentle touch tickles a bit and adrenalizes at the same time. She throws her head back revealing her neck fully for his soft kisses. He wants to try and smell every inch of her. Aemond leaves silky kisses on her skin, licks it, bites it. She breathes rapidly grasping the linen under her. His platinum long hair brushes lightly her petite body, and she quivers because of it. Aemond reaches her collarbone sucking the skin there, and goes down, down, and down...
She bulges out her back and releases a quiet and soft moan. On hearing that, Aemond grips her tighter, and presses her body to his keeping on torturing her with hot kisses.
"Can I take off your dress?" he asks rising on his elbows and looming over her.
"Yes," she breathes out heavily.
Aemond smiles and takes one strip off her dress pulling it off her shoulder, then another. He takes off her dress slowly marveling how her breasts get revealed in front of him. The nipples are shamelessly hard. Finally, she lies almost nude, only in her black panties, in his bed and looks at him with foggy curtain on her eyes.
"You are beautiful," he says smiling and opens her legs leaving a light kiss on her inner thigh. She moans quietly. Aemond close his eye with satisfaction and goes down on her slowly, tasting every inch of the skin. He doesn't leave without any attention another leg — squeezes it tightly and sucks the softness of her body.
Aemond notices that her panties are wet. She is needy. She is waiting for the major part of their interaction. Aemond hooks up the edge of the black fabric with his fingers, and pulls them off of her. Now, she lies completely nude in front of him.
He could only imagine this. But it's not his dreams anymore, she is real, alive, looking at him in anticipation.
Aemond clings to her hot drenched pussy licking it and hears true loud groan. He embraces her hips, pulls her sex right next to his mouth, and starts devouring her exactly how he has been imagining. He circles his tongue on her clit. Her body is a shaking mess, the hands grips the duvet. Aemond moans himself sending pleasant vibrations right into her core that make her to shudder more and more releasing ragged breathes and groans. Her pussy is dripping drenching his face but he doesn't care at all clinging at it closer and closer. More and more. He licks her inner labia, then sucks it gently, kisses them.
"Oh, my God..." she breathes heavily. Her legs shake and she feels hot tugging in the lower abdomen and inside her vagina. Pleasant chill wafts on her face and then all over her whole body. Her insides clench, she closes her eyes, exhales through her nose, grips the duvet.
Aemond continues sucking and licking her inner labia and the area between them where it's very hot and wet. Her clit pulsates demanding his attention and he gives it covering the clitoris with his lips. She moans again. Loud long moaning.
The smell of sex and Aemond's beloved perfume fills the room. The velvet darkness embraces both of them covering from the world outside these walls. At present, they're completely alone being in the hands of each other.
Aemond can't endure longer. He has already been waiting for too long. His cock screams desiring to be buried deep within her walls. He recoils from her pussy and starts hastily to unbutton his shirt revealing lean muscular chest with the line of fine white hair on his lower abdomen that goes further hiding in the boxers.
"Aemond, wait," she suddenly rises on her elbows closing her legs, "I'm not on birth control."
He looks at her for some seconds just blinking and then unbuckles his trousers pulling them off. Aemond is searching all the shelves and drawers for a condom while she's patiently lying on the bed watching him. Her cheeks are red because of the arousal, her heart is pounding like a desperate bird that tries to break out of the cage.
"Finally!" he finds one in the bathroom and comes up to her taking off his boxers revealing the firm girthy dick.
"Are you sure?" he looks at her expectantly. She nods.
"If it hurts, just tell me," he states, and she nods again.
Aemond rips the small package and rolls the sticky condom on his cock positioning himself between her thighs. He takes the base and rubs the tip against her wet entrance. She watches attentively gripping the duvet tightly that her knuckles turns almost white.
Aemond starts trying to get into her, to infiltrate through her fleshy moist entry to reach the insides and pull the walls apart. She moans as she feels her vagina is getting used to his shaft breaking through her. Aemond groans as well closing the eye just for seconds. Eventually, he is inside and he starts thrusting into her slowly watching her reaction.
She half opens her mouth, licks the lips and releases soft moans that have become as honey for Aemond. He kisses her. Demanding and possessing. The movements become faster, two young bodies slap at each other releasing sticky juicy sounds. Aemond breathes heavily looming over her, can't stop, can't control himself. She is so coveted that he buries his dick deeper, grasps her wrists and pins her hands on either side of her head. Thrusting, thrusting and thrusting.
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Halaena sits on the deck chair next to her two brothers at times looking at the doorway which Aemond and her friend have disappeared behind.
"Don't even look that way. They won't come back tonight," chuckles Aegon.
Daeron and Halaena turn their heads towards the elder brother who has that Cheshire cat's grin on his face.
"I said you I'm pro in such issues."
@toodlesxcuddles @bluerskiees @zenka69 @blackswxnn
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raatart · 5 months
a complete boycott list in alphabetical order
a complete list of companies / brands / franchises to boycott in support of palestine that i have been working on putting together for a while now.
remember to support your local businesses
stand with palestine against genocide
(Food & Beverages)
Acqua Panna
Absolute Vodka
Burger King
Baskin Robbins
Ben & Jerry's
Betty Crocker
Coca Cola
Costa Coffee
Dunkin' Donuts
Dr Pepper
Fruit by the Foot Roll Ups
Haagen Dazs
Heinz Ketchup
Hard Rock Cafe
Israeli Fruits & Vegetables
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Marks & Spencers
Mountain Dew
Minute Maid
Milk Bar
Magnum Ice Cream
Milka Chocolates
Nestle Cereals
Nature Valley
Nestle Milo
Nestle Carnation
Nestle Coffee Mate
Nestle Nestum
Original Shredded Wheat
Papa John's
Pizza Hut
Pretty a Manager
Pure Life
Popup Bagels
Quality Street
Sara Lee
America Eagle
Adina Eden Jewelry
Calvin Klein
Good American
River Island
Skinny Dip
St. Mark
Style Nadia
Victoria's Secret
We Wore That
Bobbi Brown
Bath & Body Works
Britney Spears Fragrance
Beauty Blender
Christina Aguilera Perfumes
Clean & Clear
Dr. Jart+
Darphin Paris
Dark & Lovely
Fenty Beauty
Fair & Lovely
Glam Glow
Honest Beauty
Haci Sakir
Herbal Essences
Head & Shoulders
Hugo Boss
Jo Malone
Johnson & Johnsom
Kylie Cosmetics
Kylie Skin
La Roche-Posey
Moroccan Oil
Max Factor
Nature's Beauty
Summer Fridays
Skin Better Science
The Body Shop
Too Faced Cosmetics
The Ordinary
Tom Ford Beauty
Urban Decay
Ulta Beauty
Yes to
Estee Lauder
Georgio Armani
Louis Vuitton
La Mer
Le Labo
Maison Margiela
Raplh Lauren
Tiffany & Co.
Tom Ford
Tommy Hilfiger
Yves Saint Laurent
(Tech & Entertainment)
National Geographic
Rolls Royce
Toys R Us
Ambi Pur
Ace Hardware
American Express
Black & Decker
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Better Help
Citi Bank
Capital One
Little Swimmers
Mr Muscle
Purina Felix
Paramount Pictures
Us Cellular
Ashley Tisdale
Amy Schumer
Andy Beshear
Ben Savage
Bella Thorne
Chris Evans
Claire Holt
Chris Rock
Chris Pine
Demi Lovato
Dwayne Johnson
DJ Khaled
Eva Longoria
Gal Gadot
Ian Somerhalder
Jamie Lee Curtis
James Maslow
Justin Bieber
Jennifer Aniston
Jaclyn Hill
Jack Harlow
Jordan Peele
Joseph Quinn
Jack Black
Kylie Jenner
Kim Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Kerry Washington
Katie Perry
Karlie Kloss
Khloe Kardashian
Kat Graham
Kendall Jenner
Kourtney Kardashian
Lebron James
Lana Condor
Lana Del Rey
Millie Bobby Brown
Mindy Kaling
Mark Hamill
Nina Dobrev
Natalie Portman
Nicole Richie
Noah Schnapp
Octovia Spencer
Perez Hilton
Paul Wesley
Phoebe Tonkin
Pia Mia
Sofia Richie
Shaquir O'neal
Selena Gomez
Tara Strong
Taika Waititi
Taylor Swift
Tyler Perry
Vanessa Hudgens
Viola Davis
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Hello my darling! If you don't mind, I'd like to ask for something similar to "For a Better Future", but for the prince Daemon. Maybe even a little more tragic... Thank you very much! Love you!
AN- Took me some time but here it is... set after Rhaenyra's wedding to Laenor; with the assumption of Rhea still being alive and Daemon not marrying Laena (My fearless love ❤)...
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
For Them
Daemon Targaryen x Sister!Reader
Summary- The ghost of past never leaves; it comes back to haunt, in a way or the other...
Tag List- @minaxcarter, @eliseline, @blackhoodlea, @little-moonbeam-666, @neenieweenie, @omgsuperstarg, @avalyaaa, @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @krokietinio, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @thekayarlene, @narcy, @helloitsshitzulover, @muushwrites, @daringboba, @bi2simps, @issybee0611, @yariany02, @agathe, @5moremin, @candypurplebutterfly, @saraelizabeth26, @moon-light1415, @targaryenmoony, @stargaryenxshelby, @instabul, @shine101, @hyacinthus007, @mcam623, @eudximoniakr, @carissa_griffin7777, @marvelescvpe, @severewobblerlightdragon, @deltamoon666, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @ultrav0lence, @savagemickey03, @sunmoon-01, @literishdegree99, @watercolorskyy, @Lady-Juliettes, @cherryaemond, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @nats-whore
Warnings- Quite Angsty and Daemon v/s Otto
GIF Credits to @leave-me-colourless
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Life has been a living imprison of hell for Daemon in the last few weeks. His claim on the throne is gone and now, his niece becomes the claimant of the Iron Throne and his brother's titles once he leaves the world to join their ancestors in fire.
His bronze bitch has written to him; threatening that if something is to come to their daughter than she shall have his head for it. The audacity she possessed to write those words to the Lord Commander of the Gold Clocks.
His daughter. The sole good thing in his life, is busy dancing and laughing at something amusing; lively and happy in her own little world, with her selfless cousin.
(Y/N)'s eldest son.
He and his little sister have always been close, since her birth honestly. Their parents always content with how Daemon would stick to her side; protecting her from everything. Viserys found it amusing but who cared?
The closeness turned into a sweet relation between them where love manifested underneath sarcastic comments and eye rolls. But then, Daemon found out of the pleasures he could experience in the Flea Bottom. The pleasure houses and taverns became his second home; and (Y/N) grew distant to him.
It was to no surprise that she wished to protect her dignity and reputation in the court of Jaehaerys, their dear grandfather. She was his favourite, also their grandmother's. And why would she not be? She was a great lady, with sharp features of Old Valyria and wits to match them.
After the Old King dies and Viserys ascends the throne, Daemon proposes to marry his sister in the traditions of their house and of Old Valyria and continue their bloodline as a man and wife should; but he was far too late.
Otto Hightower, the cunt of man and the Hand of the new King, had already asked for the princess' hand in marriage; unifying their houses with a holy union.
Daemon had almost murdered that son of a bit h that day, if only the King's Guard hadn't restrained him and (Y/N) hadn't asked him to stop. Tears slipped past her cheeks as she assured him that all was fine; that she was fine, everything was.
And soon after that night, he found himself marrying Rhea Royce and consummating their marriage in a drunken haze; moaning his sister's name instead of his lady wife's. That night was enough to make her bear his child; his daughter.
He had watched silently from the shadows as the Hand married his sweet sister; consummated the deed on their first night and impregnated her with his seed. Three children, he counted, and fourth on the way.
The eldest of them, a boy bearing the name of their father, had took an interest in his daughter, Alyssa. They made a beautiful couple together, Daemon had to admit, but they resembled them in the worst way.
Alyssa had took after her father, inheriting nothing from her mother but her sharp wits and bold statements. On the other hand, Baelon had nothing of his father; everything in him was his mother's, everything (Y/N)'s.
"They look beautiful together."
Tears brim up as he turned to the serene face of his sister, heavy with the Shittower's child... again. Daemon had noticed that the Hand wasn't as blind as his brother; letting (Y/N) recover fully from her previous pregnancy before moving on to another.
At least something isn't bad about him.
"They resemble us." The grunt was loud, capturing the attention of all who sat on the table. Alicent. Otto. (Y/N)'s third child, Saera and Viserys. But all the lady did was dismiss them with a smile as she turned to her dear brother; a protective hand on her bump as she spoke.
"Isn't it the beauty of it?" She queried, wisdom lining each word of hers, just as their grandmother. Daemon had always loved that about her; how she took a small piece from their dead ancestors. May it be their mother's rebellious nature; or Alyssane's wisdom.
"I see no beauty in it; but only tragedy," he whispers, reaching for his cup of wine which he gulped down in three huge sums. Turning back to his sister, he only focused on her face; one which was turning much identical as their mother's as she aged.
"We can change their fates, Dae. We only need to fix our broken relationship," she replied calmly, placing a hand on his shoulder as he rolled his eyes. From his peripheral view, he saw Alyssa grab Baelon's collar, leaning up to place a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips.
"How can we? Your husband won't let his son marry Alyssa," he growled, watching as Otto kept a vigilant eye on their children. "Baelon isn't just his son. He is equally mine and he will marry whosoever he wishes to."
A silence fell upon them and Daemon was catapulted back in the times when they would ride their dragons together; acting to be Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wife Visenya. Those were the times of delight; where they were just themselves.
"For them, Daemon."
"Fine," he grunted, his eyes burning into hers as she smiled brightly at him. Her fingers squeezing his hands reassuringly, before standing up with a slight groan.
"I would have loved to go riding with you, but this little one has made walking hard for me," he hears her say, which only made him laugh as he shook his head. His hand hovered over her enlarge stomach, eyes glancing up in a silent permission.
"Go ahead."
Caressing her bump softly, he felt the baby move inside her; a light sensation of it kicking just beneath his hand had him tear up as he smiled. During the time Rhea was with Alyssa, she never let him come near her, lest touch her bump. To feel the sensation father's expect to feel the most; it filled him with ecstasy.
Standing up, he turned to watch their sweet children together. His eyes softening as he saw the reflection of young Daemon and (Y/N) dancing in front of him; happy and beside them, was a Lord and Lady. Both old and happy.
The scene was almost metaphorical; a past they had and a future they could have had if he had been quick in front of him. And while he would forever mourn the future he didn't have, Daemon was grateful for the moments spent in her arms; of peace and solace and love.
"For them."
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aegor-bamfsteel · 3 months
In your opinion, is Catelyn Stark a warm person? Or, at least to people who she isn’t particularly close with, do you think she comes across as cold in many of her interactions? Genuinely curious what you think
Instances of Catelyn being warm to strangers/people she doesn’t know well:
Wanted to bury/put under a cairn the men killed in her service from an attack by the mountain clans, saying they deserved better than to be carrion, and wanted the gods to forgive her when told they had to keep moving. —AGOT Tyrion IV
Personally gave each of the oarsmen on the Storm Dancer a silver stag (and a copper to those who carried her to the inn) because she feared Captain Tumitis might want to keep the money for himself. —AGOT Catelyn IV
Asked Mya Stone about “her love” Mychel Redfort, and smiled at her dream of marrying him even though she knows the class difference makes it impossible. —AGOT Catelyn VI
Tried to talk down armored knights from killing Brienne, helped distract Emmon by braining him with a brazier during the duel, taking her with her escort to Riverrun to avoid being killed by Renly’s men, then convincing Brienne not to throw her life away to seek Stannis immediately. This was after one conversation and just feeling Brienne was innocent of Renly’s death. —ACOK Catelyn IV&V
Making sure the Silent Sisters are provided with fresh horses and guards to escort Ned’s bones to Winterfell. —ACOK Catelyn V
Despite her own sadness and misgivings on them being there, allowed Desmond Grell to break open wine casks and for the smallfolk to have a party following the victory at Stone Mill. —ACOK Catelyn VI
Tried to comfort Jeyne Westerling as Robb is getting more distant, telling her about how the Starks belong to the Old Gods, despite not approving of the marriage. —ASOS Catelyn III
Tried to comfort Lynesse Hightower’s despair at how out-of-place she felt at Bear Island by relating her own experience as a southerner with a Northern husband. —ASOS Catelyn V
Strangers to whom Catelyn is courteous (not necessarily warm, but not rude either):
Ser Donnel Waynwood, asking for Maester Colemon to treat Rodrik’s wounds —AGOT Catelyn VI
Ser Vardis Egen, trying to prevent the Vale lords from executing Tyrion —AGOT Catelyn VII
Lord Walder Frey, asking to open the gates for Robb’s men to cross— AGOT Catelyn IX
Margaery Tyrell, saying she was kind to console her for Ned’s death—ACOK Catelyn II
Robar Royce, for escorting her to and from a Bitterbridge Sept —ACOK Catelyn IV
Times when Catelyn was cold/sharp/snappish to people she doesn’t know well:
When Petyr Baelish has her summoned to a tower in the middle of the night by the City Watch, after not seeing her for years —AGOT Catelyn IV
When Tyrion insinuated she had slept with Petyr Baelish. —AGOT Tyrion IV
When Tyrion boasts of Lannister pride, considering she thinks he killed her son at the time. —AGOT Catelyn VI
When Jaime snarks that he doesn’t have her brother, father, and daughters (all in Lannister hands at the time) around, after he’s been captured —AGOT Catelyn X
When Randall Tarly insinuates Robb is less than a man for not coming to parley himself, she sharply protests that Robb is fighting in a war and not a tourney —ACOK Catelyn II
When Stannis and Renly refuse to put their quarrel aside and fight the Lannisters together. —ACOK Catelyn II
When Martyn Rivers tells her that Robb fed Stafford Lannister’s heart to Grey Wind. —ACOK Catelyn V
When Jaime admits to pushing Bran out of a window and insults Ned’s honor. —ACOK Catelyn VII
When she tells Roose about the accusations (rape, murder) against Ramsay. —ASOS Catelyn VI
From these instances I’ve collected, I can conclude that Catelyn is warm to strangers who have helped her, who she sees herself/her family in, or who are innocent and need comfort. She is courteous to strange lords in their own territories when she needs something from them (crossing bridges, medical care), or out of common politeness when they haven’t been rude before. She is cold to people she doesn’t know well who insult her family or have done them harm, gloss over atrocities they/their underlings have committed, or when courtesy has failed and she’s trying to remind them of the larger picture. The interactions with those she does know well (Edmure, Ned, Rodrik, Blackfish, Hoster, Lysa, Robb, Theon) have more dimensions, ranging from affectionate to disappointed to appalled; and she admits she might be too harsh with Edmure or Robb at times, which causes them to freeze her out (ASOS Catelyn V), or that since they’re kings/lords now, she can’t be as openly affectionate (AGOT Catelyn VIII). But I don’t think she comes across any colder than most people when interacting with strangers: she’s kind to those who help/need comfort, polite but reserved according to normal circumstances, and cold when a person is actively hostile to her/her family.
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