#royal council creek
moofy117 · 8 months
Royal Council AU - Molly’s Pod/Deep in the Neverglade Forest - “Deals and Promises”
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Okay so you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to obvi but can you write a thing for today’s (7/7) figuwhump drawing with Cerus? i’d like that very much 🖤
ooh yes! pairs with this image
Umbra: Cold Spell
cw: environmental whump, cold whump, referenced torture, slight drowning
Penumbra Masterlist
Cerus had never realized how chilling summer could be.
He'd never experienced the so-called cold days. He'd heard of them certainly, but such things took place high in the mountains, in villages the royal family could never be bothered to visit.
The mines he'd been condemned to, however, allowed him to feel the chill firsthand.
A cool morning soon after midsummer wasn't unheard of, even at lower altitudes, but the mountains gave a combination of height and summer storms that led to days where the sun rose on a lightly-frosted wood. Cerus learned quickly that the cold didn't sit well with his poorly-healed bones, and walking and working became so much more difficult than normal. Fortunately, he'd overhead some of the miners talking amongst themselves about how the cooler weather wouldn't last, and that the men should take it as a reprieve from the final heatwave that was to come.
Rather than a reprieve, Cerus viewed it as a prelude. A glimpse of what would befall him in the winter. Mornings spent shivering, sharp pain echoing footsteps, fingers that would hardly bend at all.
But then, he wasn't meant to survive til winter, was he?
That epiphany was made all the sharper when he was dragged out of his bed the eve before seventh day, dragged down a craggy trail, into the trees, not asking where they were taking him, or what he'd done wrong, knowing that knowing the answers wouldn't matter.
They would do what they would do, and they would think themselves righteous.
Cerus didn't struggle or offer protest as he was shoved into the icy waters of a creek, his breath stolen by the freezing temperature as the water struck him. He pushed himself up on arms that shook terribly, only to be forced back into the murk with a boot to the back of his shoulders.
It didn't let up.
Though in his mind, Cerus knew it would be better to drown now, to spare himself from what tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next would bring, the surging human panic that came with a lack of air flooded his senses, driving reason from his body as he thrashed uselessly against the weight of the man who pinned him. Numb fingers sank into soft mud that offered him no purchase, but his stupid body scrambled and fought anyway, his lungs burning white with a lack of air until at last, the pressure let up, and a hand tangled in his hair, yanking him back above the surface.
Back where he could breathe.
And in that moment, nothing else mattered. He sucked down air, not even sparing the miners a wary look as they wrapped his wrists in rope that was thin enough to cut, and pulled his arms wide, immobilizing him knee-deep in the muddy waters.
The feeling of having his arms splayed open was a familiar one, an echo from his time spent prisoner in his own dungeons, tormented by rebels who now dared to call themselves a council, and Cerus shuddered more from the memory than the cold.
He could still feel the crunch of his bones, hear the taunting of the rebel general, the tremor in his voice that had begun that night and never truly gone away.
So when the miners left him there, shaking in the cold mud of the creek, all he could feel was grateful that they hadn't sought to do worse before abandoning him.
No whip came down to meet taut flesh, no fists or sticks or boots to bruise his skin. Only the chill. It lazily drained away the heat that remained within him as the last of the daylight slipped past the surrounding trees.
In the dark, what little portion of Cerus's mind that was unoccupied with the thought of how cold he was listened to the croaking of the creek frogs, a choir that didn't seem to care about the freeze.
After all, it was still summer.
tag list:
@whumpwillow @rabbitdrabbles @kixngiggles @honeycollectswhump @chiswhumpcorner @whatwhumpcomments , @dont-look-me-in-the-eye , @turn-the-tables-on-them , @pigeonwhumps , @itsmyworld23 , @andromeda-liske , @starlit-hopes-and-dreams , @haro-whumps , @kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpedydump , @mannerofwhump
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xstrawmari · 1 year
tagged by: @humanbra (thanks 🩷🩷) Rules: Tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better!
Relationship status: single
Favorite colour: green
Song stuck in my head: am i wrong - cinderella soundtrack
Dream trip: scotland
Last googled: city council term limits in mi
Anything I want now: a long vacation
Last song listened to: hard out here by lily allen
Currently watching: new girl (rewatch), jane the virgin (s1)
Currently reading: heartless by marissa meyer & fics
Current obsession: red white & royal blue, bottoms & good girls
10 of your comfort shows: good girls, new girl, schitts creek, superstore, hart of dixie, melissa & joey, the office, prison break, raising hope & crazy ex-girlfriend
tagging: @saraspeaksblog @faceless-inthecrowd @lily-blue-blue-lily (if you want to) & anyone else who sees this and wants to answer
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niaswish · 1 year
Planning the Future
This is based on an au I introduced in 2020 for the NyxNoct week (Chapter 7 of the Heroic Start by Shiary on AO3).
Rating: Teen +
Warnings: Slightly graphic violence near the end. Implied character deaths.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, implied character deaths, Nyx Ulric/ Noctis Lucis Caleum, eventual fluff, no major character deaths, Dark-ish Nyx, Royalty AU.
Chapter summary: A much needed conversation between 2 princes offers them clarity and a path towards their future.
Nyx brought Prince Noctis to a nearby creek, far enough that they would be able to talk without being overheard but close enough that Nyx would hear if anyone needed him. When he finally turned to look at the man who had once been his prisoner, Nyx found himself unsure as to where to begin.
Thankfully, Noctis spoke first. "I'm sorry."
"I was supposed to stay at the Temple last night." Noctis bowed apologetically towards Nyx. "I know you saw me with Unc... Marshall Leonis and I'm sure you were furious, rightfully so, at my presence with those responsible for the injuries your mother suffered."
Nyx scowled and crossed his arms. "If you're sorry then why did you do it?"
"To get them to leave." When Nyx raised a brow, Noctis continued explaining. "When I was brought here, it was against my will. But instead of being treated as a prisoner like I expected, I was allowed to move around and given a job that I actually liked." Noctis chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've never liked being royalty. Too much attention and pressure to be this perfect person."
Nyx scoffed, "What a stupid expectation."
"Ya, I was surprised by how relaxed you all are about royalty stuff."
Nyx shrugged, "The only reason the Ulrics still have royal titles is due to Lucis being annoying assholes about who can negotiate with them. At this point, being the Ruler of Galahd just means we get a vote in decisions and pretend we make them in front of other nations."
That got Noctis to laugh and something warm and fuzzy replaced the anxiety that Nyx had been feeling. Oh he was smitten alright, and apparently Ramuh approuved? He'd have to check with his mom later. 
For now Nyx still had something they needed to discuss. "Thank you for the apology and keeping Niflheim back until your friend could warn us. However, the Council has elected to wage war on Lucis because Marshall Leonis and your retinue broke the Oath King Regis made about respecting the payment due."
Noctis winced, "I figured that might happen." He turned to look at Nyx, "You don't agree do you? Otherwise why tell me?"
Nyx inclined his head, a slight appreciative smile on his lips. "Before the attack? I did but now... It seems like the wrong target for our Hunters. The only one who would benefit from such a war would be Niflheim. Not exactly what either of us want."
Noctis nodded in agreement for a moment before he frowned, head tilting to one side thoughtfully. "Wait. How did Lucis break that Oath thing in the first place? We've been losing against Niflheim for centuries and Galahd didn't do much when the Wall was reduced so... What happened?"
Nyx was surprised by the change in topic. "You never asked my mom that while you were at the Temple?"
Noctia glanced away, "I was too angry to ask when I was brought there initially then kinda...forgot?"
Nyx couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. "Ramuh's staff! How on Eos have you been able to remember all those orders but forget to ask the reason why you were brought here?"
"Oh shut up!" Noctis hissed in embarrassed anger. "Just tell me already. It's not like Lucis could have sent enough soldiers to make a difference. We also don't have a lot in terms of supplies to share with how isolated Insomnia has become."
Nyx wiped the tears from his eyes even as he answered. "Information. We didn't need soldiers, weapons, or supplies -Galahd provides us with all that- but our abilities are limited to Galahd and the Storm. The Oath has always been about sharing information and trade, that's all."
Nyx nodded and leaned back against a warm rock, tilting his head towards the sun. "Lucis knew that Niflheim was gathering an army near Galahd, had caught wind of a plan to attack us. And yet your father and council made the decision to not share that with us. Then after the attack, they had the galls to deny ever knowing any of it."
Noctis frowned. "How did Galahd find proof of this?"
"Ramuh." Nyx shrugged. "An Oath with his blessing means he is aware of anything and everything related to it. If the information had been delayed or ignored by only a few then the Oath wouldn't have broken. Its destruction was proof enough."
Noctis stayed silent for a while, Nyx echoing it as he allowed the prince to process that knowledge. He took that time to take a good look at the man he'd come to love. Even with a thoughtful frown, Noctis was beautiful. Long lashes framed gorgeous eyes that seemed to shine with emotions, a veritable gate to how his princeling truly felt.
His body was that of a lithe but trained fighter, born from years of training. With an amused smile, Nyx noted that Noctis' muscles had changed in the months since Nyx had first seen it. Still healthy and fit, there was a new roundness to his figure, a lessening of the muscle definition that made Nyx wonder what kinds of meals his princeling had been getting in Insomnia.
Noctis' voice broke through his admiration. "My eyes are up here, Boss." Thankfully, Noctis' tone was amused and playful.
"And they're as gorgeous as the rest of you." Nyx spoke before his brain had caught up. With a hiss, Nyx hurried to apologize. "Sorry that was inappropriate. What did you want to say?" Lifting his eyes, Nyx noticed the blush on his princeling's cheeks. -and he wasn't going to think about how being called boss made his inside twitch.-
"Umm..." Noctis stumbled over his words for a moment before he managed to speak properly. "I have a plan to help you convince your Elders to not go to war with Lucis."
"Oh? Well, I'm all ears. What do you have in mind?" Nyx straightened and leaned closer.
Nyx greeted his mom with a hug and a question. "Did Ramuh know I'd fall in love with the princeling?" His mother laughed at him and he frowned. "I'm being serious, mom."
"I know, Nyx." She took a step back, a hand cupping his cheek as she answered. "No, Ramuh did not know you would fall in love. However, he had been keeping watch over Prince Noctis due to a stupid prophecy that Bahamut insists should come to pass. No, I will not explain that yet. It is neither the time nor of any importance now."
"When King Regis failed to warn Galahd of the impending attack by Niflheim, Ramuh saw it as a chance to give Prince Noctis a happier life. One free of the burden of royalty that he wilted under in Insomnia. The Oath initially specified that the Ruler would become the sacrifice but Ramuh decided otherwise. In his own words, Noctis has the making of a Galahdian and should be allowed to make his own path in life."
Nyx relaxed at that, relieved that Ramuh hadn't predicted his love for his princeling. He placed his own hand over his mom's with a soft smile. "Then can you help us with the Elders? We have a plan."
"I'm listening."
"A war between Lucis and Galahd would benefit Niflheim and open us up to further attacks. Prince Noctis proposes that instead, Lucis hires Galahd's Hunters to help them repel Niflheim from Lucis, with the price being twice what is ours to claim as well as all of (location). And... He's agreed to let me court him."
His mom raised a brow, "A Galahdian or Lucian courtship?"
"Galahdian Hunter's courtship, of course."
"And the offering?"
"Aldercapt's head."
His mother's eyes flashed bright white as thunder mixed with her delighted laughter. "Galahd's path is a war indeed! Just not the one the Elders envisioned. Very well, I'll deal with the Elders and your father. You, on the other hand, will have to deal with the Lucians."
"Mom!" But it was too late as his mom kissed his forehead and left, leaving him alone with a monumental task.
Ifrit's ass, how was he supposed to explain to a bunch of overprotective Lucians the concept of courtship Hunts?
A/N: Thank you for the great week! Feel free to ask me about this au whenever :)
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
This summer, DreamWorks Animation dives into the turbulent waters of high school with a hilarious, heartfelt action comedy about a shy teenager who discovers that she’s part of a legendary royal lineage of mythical sea krakens and that her destiny, in the depths of the oceans, is bigger than she ever dreamed.
Sweet, awkward 16-year-old Ruby Gillman (Lana Condor, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before franchise) is desperate to fit in at Oceanside High, but she mostly just feels invisible.
She’s math-tutoring her skater-boy crush (Jaboukie Young-White, Ralph Breaks the Internet), who only seems to admire her for her fractals, and she’s prevented from hanging out with the cool kids at the beach because her over-protective supermom (Oscar® nominee Toni Collette, Knives Out), has forbade Ruby from ever getting in the water.
But when she breaks her mom’s #1 rule, Ruby will discover that she is a direct descendant of the warrior Kraken queens and is destined to inherit the throne from her commanding grandmother (Academy Award® winner Jane Fonda), the Warrior Queen of the Seven Seas.
The Kraken are sworn to protect the oceans of the world against the vain, power-hungry mermaids who have been battling with the Kraken for eons. There’s one major, and immediate, problem with that: The school’s beautiful, popular new girl, Chelsea (Emmy winner Annie Murphy, Schitt’s Creek) just happens to be a mermaid. Ruby will ultimately need to embrace who she is and go big to protect those she loves most.
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken stars an extraordinary cast that includes Emmy winner Colman Domingo (Fear the Walking Dead) as Ruby’s supportive dad, Emmy nominee Sam Richardson (Veep) as Ruby’s enthusiastic uncle and Blue Chapman (Council of Dads) as Ruby’s cool little brother.
Directed by Academy Award® nominated filmmaker Kirk DeMicco (Vivo, The Croods) and produced by Kelly Cooney Cilella (Trolls World Tour, Trolls), with Faryn Pearl (The Croods: A New Age, Trolls World Tour) serving as co-director, the film features a comedic powerhouse supporting cast, including Emmy nominee Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth), Emmy nominee Nicole Byer (Nailed It!), YouTube Diamond creator Liza Koshy (Liza on Demand), Ramona Young (Never Have I Ever), Eduardo Franco (Stranger Things) and Echo Kellum (Arrow).
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brookstonalmanac · 20 days
Events 9.6 (before 1940)
394 – Battle of the Frigidus: Roman emperor Theodosius I defeats and kills Eugenius the usurper. His Frankish magister militum Arbogast escapes but commits suicide two days later. 1492 – Christopher Columbus sails from La Gomera in the Canary Islands, his final port of call before crossing the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. 1522 – The Victoria returns to Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain, the only surviving ship of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition and the first known ship to circumnavigate the world. 1620 – The Pilgrims sail from Plymouth, England on the Mayflower to settle in North America. (Old Style date; September 16 per New Style date.) 1628 – Puritans settle Salem, which became part of Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1634 – Thirty Years' War: In the Battle of Nördlingen, the Catholic Imperial army defeats Swedish and German Protestant forces. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Groton Heights takes place, resulting in a British victory. 1803 – British scientist John Dalton begins using symbols to represent the atoms of different elements. 1861 – American Civil War: Forces under Union General Ulysses S. Grant bloodlessly capture Paducah, Kentucky, giving the Union control of the Tennessee River's mouth. 1863 – American Civil War: Confederate forces evacuate Battery Wagner and Morris Island in South Carolina. 1870 – Louisa Ann Swain of Laramie, Wyoming becomes the first woman in the United States to cast a vote legally after 1807. 1885 – Eastern Rumelia declares its union with Bulgaria, thus accomplishing Bulgarian unification. 394 – Battle of the Frigidus: Roman emperor Theodosius I defeats and kills Eugenius the usurper. His Frankish magister militum Arbogast escapes but commits suicide two days later. 1492 – Christopher Columbus sails from La Gomera in the Canary Islands, his final port of call before crossing the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. 1522 – The Victoria returns to Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain, the only surviving ship of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition and the first known ship to circumnavigate the world. 1620 – The Pilgrims sail from Plymouth, England on the Mayflower to settle in North America. (Old Style date; September 16 per New Style date.) 1628 – Puritans settle Salem, which became part of Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1634 – Thirty Years' War: In the Battle of Nördlingen, the Catholic Imperial army defeats Swedish and German Protestant forces. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Groton Heights takes place, resulting in a British victory. 1803 – British scientist John Dalton begins using symbols to represent the atoms of different elements. 1861 – American Civil War: Forces under Union General Ulysses S. Grant bloodlessly capture Paducah, Kentucky, giving the Union control of the Tennessee River's mouth. 1863 – American Civil War: Confederate forces evacuate Battery Wagner and Morris Island in South Carolina. 1870 – Louisa Ann Swain of Laramie, Wyoming becomes the first woman in the United States to cast a vote legally after 1807. 1885 – Eastern Rumelia declares its union with Bulgaria, thus accomplishing Bulgarian unification. 1901 – Leon Czolgosz, an unemployed anarchist, shoots and fatally wounds US President William McKinley at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. 1914 – World War I: The First Battle of the Marne, which would halt the Imperial German Army's advance into France, begins. 1915 – World War I: The first tank prototype, developed by William Foster & Co. for the British army, was completed and given its first test drive. 1930 – Democratically elected Argentine president Hipólito Yrigoyen is deposed in a military coup. 1936 – Spanish Civil War: The Interprovincial Council of Asturias and León is established. 1939 – World War II: The British Royal Air Force suffers its first fighter pilot casualty of the Second World War at the Battle of Barking Creek as a result of friendly fire. 1939 – World War II: Union of South Africa declares war on Germany.
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keithsawdy-arch · 3 months
Keith Sawdy
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Keith Sawdy Fellow Royal Australian Institute of Architects Honours Diploma in Architecture, Sydney Technical College Master of Architecture, University of New South Wales Date of birth: 24 June, 1930. Current address: Arncliffe. N.S.W. 2205
GENERAL EXPERIENCE: Employed by Architects in Private Practice during Diploma Course in Architecture Awarded Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship by Board of Architects 1955 – 1957 Overseas travel to Great Britain and European Countries and work in Architect’s Office in London. Lectured in Design and Construction in School of Architecture, University of NSW to 1970 Obtained Degree, Master of Architecture, 1970 ACROD Design for Access and Mobility Award ACROD President’s Service Award in recognition of outstanding honorary service to disabled people in New South Wales City of Sydney Australia Day Community Award for access for people with disabilities Port Stephen’s Council Certificate of Appreciation for Tanilba Bay Hostel Project Standards Australia: Member of Committee – Facilities in Lifts for People with Disabilities Member/Chairperson of Committees – AS 1428 Access for People with Disabilities Honorary Architect, Member Management Committee Australian Inland Mission and Frontiers Services, Uniting Church in Australia Member/Chairperson ACROD NSW Access Committee Member ACROD National Access Committee on Transportation for the Disabled Member Ministers Joint Committee on Transportation for the Disabled. Member NSW Council on the Aging Building Advisory Committee Study Tour of Aged Care Facilities in Queensland, with Architects from NSW, Queensland, Victoria and WA involved with Churches of Christ Work Conference Aged Care American Health Care Association, Nashville, USA Conference American Association of Homes and Servies for the Ageing, Los Angeles, USA Private Practice Sawdy and Black Pty Ltd. Architects 1971 to 2010
Publications: Architecture in Australia Member of Committee for early publications History of Architecture in New South Wales Part 1 All buildings with drawings Part 2 Overseas examples of latest trends Department of Prisons – Article on History of Prison Architecture in Australia
Aged Care Projects Nursing Homes 60 bed home for Harbourside Haven Village at Shoal Bay, NSW
31 bed home for Northern Coalfields Community Care Association at Cessnock NSW
20 bed extension for the Castellorizian Society at Kensington NSW
60 bed home for the Churches of Christ at Maitland NSW
80 bed home for The Uniting Church and Marco Polo Association at Unanderra NSW
40 bed home for the Uniting Church at Springwood
Redevelopment of existing home for the Little Sisters of China at Peakhurst NSW
Redevelopment of Old Timers for the Uniting Church at Alice Springs NT
Nursing home and Hostel for the Uniting Church at Tennant Creek NSW
130 bed redevelopment for Our Lady of Consolation Homes at Rooty Hill NSW
50 bed home for Christian Brethren Community Services Pty Ltd at Cherrybrook NSW
10 bed extension and alterations for Scone District Nursing Home at Scone NSW
34 bed home for Thomas Holt Memorial Village at Sutherland NSW
 Hostels 41 bed hostel for Harbourside Haven Village at Shoal Bay NSW
30 bed hostel for Northern Coalfields Community Care Association at Cessnock NSW
32 bed hostel for Northern Coalfields Community Care Association at Cessnock NSW
30 bed hostel for The Royal Blind Society at Beverly Hills NSW
40 bed hostel for the G.U.O.O.F. at Toongabbie NSW
30 bed hostel for The Thomas Holt Memorial Village at Sutherland NSW
40 bed hostel for Port Stephens Council at Tanilba Bay NSW
50 bed hostel for Churches of Christ at Maitland NSW
40 bed hostel for Churches of Christ at Albury NSW
40 bed hostel for Churches of Christ at Pendle Hill NSW
40 bed hostel for Churches of Christ at Nowra NSW
40 bed hostel for Uniting Church at Unanderra NSW
26 bed hostel for Uniting Church at Springwood NSW
40 bed hostel for Uniting Church at Marrickville NSW
66 bed hostel for Our Lady of Consolation Homes at Rooty Hill NSW
40 bed hostel for Woy Woy Community Aged Care Ltd at Woy Woy NSW
10 bed extension for Presbyterian Church at Gosford NSW
17 bed hostel for Thomas Holt Memorial Village at Sutherland NSW
40 bed hostel and units at Thirroul NSW
Hostel extension and Day Care for Presbyterian Church, Stockton NSW

Self Care Villas 52 villas for Harbourside Haven Village at Fingal Bay NSW
20 villas for Thomas Holt Memorial Village Sutherland NSW
80 villas for Churches of Christ at Maitland NSW
80 villas for Churches of Christ at Pendle Hill NSW
12 villas for Presbyterian Church at Bowral NSW
54 villas for Uniting Church at Unanderra NSW
8 villas for Northern Coalfields Community Care at Cessnock NSW
40 villas for Harbourside Haven Village at Fingal Bay NSW
Aged Care Units for Presbyterian Church, Bowral NSW
Community Centres Indoor Pool, Recreation and Community Centre for Harbourside Haven Village at Shoal Bay NSW
Indoor Pool, Recreation and Community Centre for Harbourside Haven Village at Fingal Bay NSW
Nursing Home Upgrading and Additions Uniting Church Tennant Creek NT
Cessnock House for Northern Coalfields Community Care Association at Cessnock NSW
Pendle Hill Village Nursing Home for Churches of Christ
Woodlands Nursing Home for Churches of Christ at Cherrybrook NSW
Wynleigh Nursing Home at Strathfield NSW
Bass Hill Nursing Home
Windermere Nursing Home at Summer Hill NSW
Pendle Hill Nursing Home at Pendle Hill NSW
Hume Nursing Home at Greenacre NSW
Kaloola Nursing Home at Granville NSW
Pittwater Nursing Home at Pittwater NSW
Gardenview Nursing Home at Merrylands NSW 
Health Care Projects

Quirindi (Public) Hospital – New Wards, Kitchen refurbishment and support services Poplars Community Hospital – New Ward Block and refurbishment of existing Hospital Day Surgery Theatre and Recovery Area St. Edmunds Private Hospital – New Ward Block and general refurbishment of existing Hospital Frontier Services, Uniting Church – Outpost hospital upgrades in various States and projects for aboriginal people
Health clinic at Finke NT
Health clinic at Mintabie SA
Community Buildings Churches of Christ – Conference Centre at Stanwell Tops NSW Sydney City Mission – Refurbishment of Hostel for homeless men at Surry Hills
 Various Mission Employment Projects in Sydney Scots School – New Dormitory building at Bathurst NSW
Church Buildings Churches of Christ – Rockdale, Auburn, Turramurra, Mayfield, Green Hills, Wollongong
 Additions to Epping Church Baptist Church – Additions to Epping Church
 Major redevelopment at Gordon Anglican Church – Churches at Minto, St Johns Park, Cranebrook and Eaglevale
 Parish Centres at Carlingford and Dural
 Commercial Buildings Davids Holding / Campbells Cash and Carry
Warehouse and Warehouse extension at Coffs Harbour NSW
Major Coolroom extension at Hexham NSW
Cash and Carry Warehouse at Richmond VIC
Cash and Carry Warehouse extension at Bendigo VIC
Cash and Carry Warehouse extension at Tamworth NSW
Distribution Warehouse extension at Loganlea QLD
Major Coolroom extension at Silverwater NSW NGR International
Office building at Arncliffe Presbyterian Church
Office Building, Surry Hills, Sydney NSW Newmans Rockdale
Car Showroom and Service Centre
 Cultural Projects Forrest Community Centre and Glen Street Theatre at Frenchs Forest NSW
380 seat raked floor auditorium and fully equipped professional theatre and 8 court squash and fitness centre for Warringah Council Griffith Regional Theatre at Griffith NSW
500 seat raked floor auditorium and fully equipped theatre with provision for future Art Gallery / Library for Griffith City Council
Manning Entertainment Centre at Taree NSW
500 seat raked floor auditorium and fully equipped theatre with downstage flying facility, designed for future fly tower with double-purchase lines for Greater Taree City Council Marian Street Theatre at Killara NSW
Refurbishment and total air conditioning for Kuring-gai Council Theatre and Multi-Purpose Centre at Salamander NSW
Design work for enhancement of buildings in Department of Public Works and Services Education Centre and drafting management agreement for Port Stephens Council
Government BuildingsThe Royal Australian Mint Building in Canberra ACT The Sydney Mail Handling Building and Landscape Work in Cleveland Street, Sydney NSW The Transport Depot in Cleveland Street, Sydney NSW The Court House at Coonabarabran NSW
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Church of Christ Rockdale 1959
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Private home Albert Dr Killara 1968
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masqsims4 · 3 months
Royal News Roundup
As the ninth generation becomes old enough for their first day of school, and the world waits with baited, paranoid breath for the next Mother Plant Invasion, we now turn to the world's royal families for hope and distractons.
Willow Creek
The Royal Summit to meet over world events and discuss future policies just ended. It was determined that a new kingdom and royal family would not be realized unless it was owned for three generations. Which means that the new Henford Kingdom and New Windenburg would not be recognized by the Council of Kings, until the grandchildren of King Blair Yoshikawa and King Kolt Seindu V can prove ownership of their respective lands.
Another policy discussed was potential heirs and the process of officially naming them publicly in succession. This policy was drafted by Vengeance Ando Strangreix, who famously was put into a foster home known for erasing royal titles upon enrollment when he was a young child. This was also to curb the now constant stream of royal children coming from New Sixam Empire constantly being named the new heir upon birth.
Upon conclusion of the summit, each ruler publicly declared an heir to the throne and rate of succession for other children:
Braieforma Alliance: Crown Prince Caden Braieforma, first born of King Samson and Queen Samantha Braieforma
New Sixam Empire: Crown Prince Kolt Seindu "Jericho" Beerloith VI, seventh born child to King Kolt Seindu "Caesar" Beerloith V, and fourth born to his second wife Queen-herald Aragonta Faltal-Beerloith.
Seindu Kingdom: Crown Princess Winter Seindu II, second born to King Ari Seindu and King Mamoru Yamaguchi-Seindu
WhiteTree Coven: High Apprentice Celestine WhiteTree, only child of late High Witch Samara WhiteTree
Eighth Bastion: Countess Athena Lamia, only child of Grand Count Nicolai Lami and Grand Countess Fuyuko Kiraseindu
Komorebi Empire: First Prince Ohara Yoshi, first born child of Empress Ohara Nadeshiko and Emperor-consort Kiraseindu Isamu
Tartosa Duchy: Archduchess Minervina Vakki, first born daughter of Duke Coriolano Vakki and Duchess Cleo Aoki-Faltal-Vakki
Maximus Corp: Granville Maximus, first born son of CEO Clementia Bongrin-Strangreix-Maximus and COO Xzav Maximus
Faltal Industries: Tarquin Faltal Uchibayashi, fifth born son of CEO Balor Faltal and first born son to one of his two mistresses, Veloronia Uchibayashi
Strangreix Syndicated States: Vindi-retribute Petra Strangreix, first born daughter of Vengeance Ando Strangriex and Vindicate Aarom Fid-Drodhoth-Strangreix
Strangerville Military State votes on the next Ruling General based on military school performance, combat skills, and leadership capabilities, and has declined to name a next in line
The position of Head of Entertainment has been officially disbanded, leaving a free market of possible entertainment moguls in Del Sol Valley
The Island Divine of Sulani were not recognized as a ruling power, nor were any representatives present at the summit
Another royal summit would be called after the next Invasion to discuss other matters that came up within the meeting.
Syndiated States of Strangreix
Vengeance Ando Strangreix has not only cemented his Blinddeaf daughter as next in line, but has also proposed dismantling the current royal titles as the age of revenge is long left behind in the Strangreix royal family. The changes will begin with the rule of Vindi-retribute Petra Strangreix, and the family would privately convene and vote on the best titles to use.
Within the next generation, the Syndicated States of Strangreix would be changed to the Strangreix Republic.
The public is giving mixed reactions, with some agreeing to leave the past in the past and the country could benefit from change. While other opposed are very used to the system and titles as they are, having been used for generations despite no longer respecting their origins.
Eighth Bastion
As the Lamia family have announced their heir to the Bastion, they have also announced the arranged marriage of their little countess.
When they are grown, Countess Athenia Lamia will be wed to Barnabus Thornwing, son to the royal advisor, Hesparia Thorne.
The news has been met with positive reception, as not only is there a clear line of succession to the throne but old traditions of combining last names to children have resurfaced after more than a thousand years.
The people of Sulani are slowly gaining back their islands from the Island Divine as the infamous cult begins to crumble from the inside. Many members are fleeing the cult mansion to distant islands, seeking refuge where they can. Only the most outspoken or those born into the cult have opted to stay. The current leader of the Island Divine, Divine Kiraseindu Megumi, has been increasingly hostile against those outside the cult speaking about it, positively or negatively. There are talks with local conservation groups looking to take back the McClure-Hidu Conservation Society and keep it from cult control. Talks are currently underway.
Meanwhile, on Lani St. Taz, a new and popular resort has started to buy up land and give proceeds back to Sulani locals. The resort, Sapphire Shores Resort & Spa, was situated far enough away from Divine lodging and meeting spaces and has been slowly encroaching onto other islands for several years now. The owner of the resort, Princess Narni Strangreix, has been very vocal against the Island Divine and has offered lodging and safety to those wishing to flee and leave. Many other activists who are against the Divine have backed up her cause, and many prominent members, including influential mermaid leader, Kishi McClure, have left the cult.
Despite the many setbacks the cult is facing, the vocal minority of the Divine have promised that they are not going away, that their core values are to the preservation of Sulani's nature and fragile ecosystem, and will defend themselves while defending their home.
The moment the Strangerville Armed Forces declared the foundation of Britechester stable and safe to return to, reconstruction of the two prominent universities has begun. Overseen by educational entrepreneur Garrett Ircids, the universities will also be adding their own virtual classrooms to campus for those who do not wish to set foot on campus.
Ircids has also invited many professors and teachers from around the world to back the two universities and provide the world with the higher education they missed out on for a full generation. Many high schools around the world had created their own virtual academies to provide higher education, and some places starting smaller local colleges of their own, but the allure of a prestigious school is too hard to ignore. The first round of students have already signed up and are ready to earn their degrees and make a place in the world again.
Ruling General Phoenix Hakzar held a press conference confirming that the new wave of vaccines has been the strongest so far against Mother Plant Infection, and has dismissed claims that the vaccines are causing some to turn into plant people. They strongly urge others to do their proper research and make informed decisions going foreword.
On the subject of Infected, Ruling General Hakzar has also mentioned a successful treatment clinic on one of Sulani's distant islands. They urge anyone deemed Infected to be shipped to said clinic immediately for treatment.
They also mention that research into the Mother Plant has been going well and soon there should be mention of a Permanent Solution. They regret to mention that this Solution will not be ready when the Mother Plant reemerges, but it has always been defeated and with each defeat comes new information and advancements, bringing the world one step closer to ridding the planet of the Mother Plant once and for all.
The former High Witch Rhomani WhiteTree, and her wife, the High Witch regent Yuna Okada, not only formally announced the heir to the WhiteTree Coven, but also announced the birth of their daughter, Amari.
They also announced changes to membership of the coven due to wavering loyalties. With some deciding to become "royal wizards" to other royal families, the White Tree decreed that those who leave the coven are not welcomed back. This move had been highly controversial, creating some splits between the born family of the White Tree and those who had joined over the years.
The White Tree had also announced a strong separation between themselves and a member called Imari Xesuvixes. Xesuvixes had been a long participating member of the coven, with constant research into magic and other occults, but had a reputation of being eccentric, promiscuous, and neglectful as a friend and mother. She also was an anarchist, anti-monarchist, and radical movement leader, calling for all the world's royalty to disband and give the earth back to the people. Because of her harsh criticisms, the coven revoked her membership and many around the world have dismissed her as an unnecessarily loud voice screaming into the void.
New Windenburg/New Sixam Empire
With the Windenburg Divide, many people had taken sides and in-fighting has started to happen. Among these divides were the laws that the new King Kolt Seindu V put on his kingdom of New Windenburg. Bigamy was no longer allowed, all households were to have one spouse in his rule. And the heirs to his kingdom could be any gender, as long as they were the first born in their family, ending the generations of King Kolts on his side of the family. That being said, despite not being recognized by the Council of Kings, he named his only son, Prince Kolt Seindu VI, as his heir to his kingdom. The people of New Windenburg are very passionate about their new King and are eager to see change and common sense in this new era.
However, the New Sixam Empire has become isolated on the Crumbling Isle, and those who noticed King Kolt "Caesar" Seindu-Beerloith V using his power to abuse those below him. The people of New Sixam are clinging to their only known ways of life of isolation and luxury, denouncing those who decided to leave for the "weaker" kingdom. But those who did not agree with New Sixam at all have fled the island for greener pastures, leaving mostly members of the royal family and their very loyal staff and followers.
King Kolt "Caesar" Seindu-Beerloith V also had his third wedding recently to former White Tree witch Edassaem Payne, making her Queen-herald of the New Sixam Empire and his third wife. She has also become the new royal wizard of the New Sixam Empire, promising to keep the island and its inhabitants safe.
The jungle nation continues to recover after the last Mother Plant Invasion destroyed much of the natural habitat and the old Omiscan temple. Many families were displaced and remote villages were either destroyed or deemed too unsafe to return to.
Like many after an invasion, some have decided to move further inland and form a home somewhere the Mother Plant can't put her roots. Vista Hermosa, an old settlement of five hundred people quickly found itself the place where Selvadoradans put down their own roots and quickly started to build larger settlements to accommodate. The Seindu Kingdom offered to help with setting up the area with the latest technology and sound architectural design to make the small town a bustling city for all to flock to.
The new city in Selvadorada is quickly becoming a place to bump elbows romantically and find what the heart wants. The locals have started to call the new city paradise, Ciudad Enamorada, the City of Love.
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usmaradiomagazine · 1 year
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🔴 ON AIR - Today Tuesday 9 May 2023 at 7:00 pm (CEST) - usmaradio.org USMA for Radioart106 #𝟭𝟯𝟵_𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗹 𝗯𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽 & 𝗔𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀 [60 min] Reveil is a project, initiated and produced by Soundcamp and the Acoustic Commons network. It tracks the sounds of sunrise from travelling West on live audio feeds from streamers around the world. It tunes to the sounds of weather, machines, migrating birds, air traffic and more - creating a collective soundwork lasting one earth day.
This show is a rebroadcast of Reveil 8 from 2021, to highlight the 10th edition of the project which will take place from 5AM London time on Saturday 6 MAY to 6AM on Sunday 7 MAY 2023. radioart106 will stream from the port of Haifa, in collaboration with Ithaca music, Mezo gallery and Radio Rikavon, in Palestine, Israel.
We will stream nonstop (UTC+3) in parallel to the main (global) stream. Mezo will be open to public during the entire loop as a listening space, and Radio Rikavon will relay the main stream.
This show is Introduced by the Acoustic Commons network members/project producers Grant Smith, Maria Papadomanolaki and Dawn Scarfe. For complete information visit: https://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html
Supported by Arts Council England and the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Streams: Pomègue, Frioul Archipelago By Locus Sonus and the Parc National des Calanques Stave Hill Ecological Park, London By Michael Speers and Public Works Puerto del Carmen, Canary Islands By Lanzarote Webcam Surface Creek Road, Cedaredge, Colorado By John Hopkins Batuco Wetlands, Chile By Cristián Pinto Hydrophones at Bush Point and Port Townsend, Puget Sound off Seattle By Orcasound.net Maroochy River, Sunshine Coast, Queensland By Leah Barclay (Biosphere Soundscapes) and Arts Front Northern Royal Albatross nestcam, Taiaroa Head Nature Reserve, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand By the Cornell Laboratory for Ornithology Closeup birds in lofi, gyeonggi province, Korea feeder cam Chittaranjan Colony, Kolkata By Sukanta Majumdar Varessaare forest hut, Alutaguse National Park, Estonia By John Grzinich, Taavi Suisalu and Veljo Runnel MBARI deep sea cabled observatory hydrophone, Monterey Bay, California By Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
https://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html https://www.rikavon.co.il >>  Radioart106 explores radiophonic works of worldwide radio artists. Radio art is a subset of Sound art where radio art is produced for the medium of radio and is specifically intended for broadcast. A new radio work is aired every first (or second) Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm CET on usmaradio.org
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thecastingcircle · 2 years
Sometimes the hero you are meant to be lies just beneath the surface.
This summer, DreamWorks Animation dives into the turbulent waters of high school with a hilarious, heartfelt action comedy about a shy teenager who discovers that she’s part of a legendary royal lineage of mythical sea krakens and that her destiny, in the depths of the oceans, is bigger than she ever dreamed. Sweet, awkward 16-year-old Ruby Gillman (Lana Condor, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before franchise) is desperate to fit in at Oceanside High, but she mostly just feels invisible. She’s math-tutoring her skater-boy crush (Jaboukie Young-White, Ralph Breaks the Internet), who only seems to admire her for her fractals, and she’s prevented from hanging out with the cool kids at the beach because her over-protective supermom (Oscar® nominee Toni Collette, Knives Out), has forbade Ruby from ever getting in the water. 
 But when she breaks her mom’s #1 rule, Ruby will discover that she is a direct descendant of the warrior Kraken queens and is destined to inherit the throne from her commanding grandmother (Academy Award® winner Jane Fonda), the Warrior Queen of the Seven Seas. The Kraken are sworn to protect the oceans of the world against the vain, power-hungry mermaids who have been battling with the Kraken for eons. 
There’s one major, and immediate, problem with that: The school’s beautiful, popular new girl, Chelsea (Emmy winner Annie Murphy, Schitt’s Creek) just happens to be a mermaid. Ruby will ultimately need to embrace who she is and go big to protect those she loves most. Ruby Gillman, 
Teenage Kraken stars an extraordinary cast that includes Emmy winner Colman Domingo (Fear the Walking Dead) as Ruby’s supportive dad, Emmy nominee Sam Richardson (Veep) as Ruby’s enthusiastic uncle and Blue Chapman (Council of Dads) as Ruby’s cool little brother. 
Directed by Academy Award® nominated filmmaker Kirk DeMicco (Vivo, The Croods) and produced by Kelly Cooney Cilella (Trolls World Tour, Trolls), with Faryn Pearl (The Croods: A New Age, Trolls World Tour) serving as co-director, the film features a comedic powerhouse supporting cast, including Emmy nominee Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth), Emmy nominee Nicole Byer (Nailed It!), YouTube Diamond creator Liza Koshy (Liza on Demand), Ramona Young (Never Have I Ever), Eduardo Franc
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kappavision · 2 years
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Whitehall Mansions is a five storey building located on the western shore of Msida Creek in Ta’ Xbiex, #Malta. The building is used as diplomatic offices by several countries including the British High Commission, embassies of Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria and Spain. IX-XATT TA’ TA’ XBIEX Ix-Xatt ta’ Ta’ Xbiex circumvents a hill where handsome villas overlook Marsamxett Harbour. When Napoleon’s French forces locked themselves inside the capital in 1798, Ta’ Xbiex was one of the sites from where the Maltese would keep their eyes and ears on the French invaders.   HMS GREGALE & THE WRNS On th 29th of September 2007 the Coastal Forces Heritage Trust, in co-ordination with the Ta’ Xbiex Local Council, remembered the men and women of the Royal Navy and Allied Coastal Forces who were based at HMS Gregale during the Second World War.   HMS Gregale consisted of Four Villas on the Ta’ Xbiex Terrace, one of which served as Headquarters for Captain Coastal Forces. The garages under the ramp served as workshops and the Whitehall Mansions was the base for the WRNS (Women's Royal Navy Auxiliary) after WWII to 1972. PILATUS BANK Infamously involved in a series of European money-laundering cases, the now defunct Pilatus Bank was located in the second floor of the Whitehall Mansions. The bank’s license to operate was withdrawn by the European Central Bank in 2018 over money laundering allegations.  Pilatus Bank was launched in 2014 by, Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad (Ali Sadr). Ali Sadr was arrested by the FBI on charges of breaching sanctions against Iran. Sadr was indicted in the U.S., but finally, the charges were dropped. However, the money-laundering charges in Malta continue. (at Ta' Xbiex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmvYHDvIJjo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moofy117 · 8 months
Royal Council AU - Deep in the Neverglade Forest - “A new friend…”
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Malone runs into a new face in the woods after allowing John Dory and Branch to stay in their bunker…
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xpertjust · 2 years
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Chapter 08 - The secret
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: each Friday on (link)
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks. It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting.
It was just before dawn when Mattias rode off to meet his companions. There was hardly anyone on the streets and he greeted friendly when he came past someone. After he passed the last house and took the path to the upper rock gate, he saw in the distance a vehicle with a canvas-covered body standing at the side of the road. When his companions noticed him, they waved at him.
When he reached them, he did not dismount but bent down and gave each of them a hand as a greeting. Both wore unobtrusive civil clothing.
“Good morning Trygve, good morning Kristina,” he said, sat up again and put both hands on top of each other on the pommel. “Ready for another trip to the Enchanted Forest?” he asked jokingly.
Trygve pulled a face, “Not really. It cost me almost my whole life.”
Kristina agreed and said, “Yes, I feel the same way. But you know, General Mattias, that we will always stand by your side faithfully. I hope we'll be away from there as soon as possible and I can enjoy my retirement on my little houseboat. The fjord is always better than that dreadful forest.”
Mattias nodded seriously, “I can understand that very well and I'm thankful for your willing to help me on this, hopefully very short mission, to get Elsa back to Arendelle incognito. I also want to return to Arendelle as soon as possible, to my dearest Halima. How have you been doing since you came back? We haven't had much of a chance to talk about it.”
“Well, I am back with my family and we are all doing very well. The financial support from the royal family, respectively from Queen Anna, has helped us all a lot and it makes life more comfortable,” answered Trygve.
Kristina looked far less satisfied and hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Unfortunately I have no one else. My relatives died three and four years ago. I visited their grave only last week. But I have made new friends and we do a lot together. I was also able to buy a houseboat and a small sloop with my severance pay. I sail out with it very often on the fjord.” After a little while, she added, “Over all, I'm doing quite well and I can be happy to spend my retirement in Arendelle this way.”
“I'm happy for you,” said Mattias and smiled, but then, turning to Kristina with a sad expression on his face, he added, “I'm sorry for you, Kristina, that you were not able to see your relatives again. My deepest condolences.”
She nodded sadly, "Thank you."
Trygve had looked at her with concern during her narration and now put a hand on her shoulder. “Sorry for you, Kristina, I didn't know.” They looked at each other. “Let's do something together when we get back ... and hey, if you don't mind I'd like to go for a sail on your sloop with you. I'll bring the food too.”
She laughed and nodded. “I'd love to, Trygve.” But then they both lapsed into thoughtful silence.
“All right, folks, the sun's coming up over the horizon. We should slowly set off,” Mattias interrupted their thoughts and took the reins in his hand.
The two nodded and got on the wagon side by side. Trygve had the draught horse trotted, Mattias rode after them. When they had passed the rock gate, Mattias looked back. The first sunrays had already reached the upper part of the castle and bathed the top in a warm light.
It was of course Olaf who was the first to notice that something was different than usual. While Kristoff and Anna were still enjoying their togetherness in bed, he had already gone outside in the early morning hours and looked around the camp. Since he had been able to read and write, had read all the books he found in the castle for the last two years, and was now even a regular guest in the Arendelle library, he had developed a new view of the world around him. He was curious and liked to combine contexts that no one else saw as he did. Where others took many things for granted, he questioned everything and was the only one who noticed that the Northuldra camp was unusually empty this morning. Apart from women and children, not a single one of the men was to be seen.
“Tell me, guys, isn't it curious that there are barely any men around the camp today? All I see are some women and their little ones.”
Anna and Kristoff sat together with him still a bit sleepy at the fireplace and looked now first at him, but then also peered around surprised.
“You are right, Olaf,” Anna said and raised her eyebrows. “Where did they all go?”
“Maybe they have heavy work to do and need all the strong men for it?” Kristoff surmised and shrugged his shoulders.
“Or maybe they are doing what they often do in Arendelle Castle in the morning when one of those council meetings is taking place,” Olaf replied. Anna and Kristoff looked at him in amazement.
“Might well be,” Anna pondered and nodded thoughtfully, but what could be so important and why didn't they tell me about it; she asked herself. It certainly has something to do with Elsa, but I am her sister and Queen of Arendelle after all, so I should also be informed about everything that concerns her. She made a thoughtful face.
“Let’s gonna find it out,” Kristoff said and stood up. Then he went straight to the next Northuldra woman who was repairing the tunic of one of her children. “Excuse me, but we were just wondering where all your men went. It's so empty in the camp today.”
“They have important things to do today,” she said with a smile and returned to her work. Kristoff turned to Anna, pursed his lips and, with his shoulders raised, spread his arms wide to communicate the disappointing answer.
Anna frowned and now also stood up to ask the next woman the same question. She headed for a young woman who was cutting vegetables for the morning soup in front of her kota. But Anna did not receive a satisfactory answer either, as her expression indicated, when she turned around again and looked at her companions helplessly.
Shaking her head, she went back. “I guess we won't get an answer from anyone else either, by the looks of it.” They both sat down again and looked at one another questioningly.
What have they got to hide; Anna asked herself, and above all why? She put her head in her hands and pondered.
Two Northuldra men waded through a shallow part of a quietly flowing wide creek and started to run faster once they reached the other side. The forest was slowly getting denser and man-sized bushes seemed to block the way. But the men knew exactly where a hidden path led through the undergrowth, and shortly afterwards they were no longer to be seen.
When they came out on the other side they stepped into a wide clearing. In the center was a large, elongated building, the upper part of which consisted of a tower-like construction, with skilfully timbered beams that protruded from the symmetrically built roof and ended at the upper end under a pyramid-shaped, open spire. Inside, a narrow wooden staircase led to the top, ending in a small platform. The lower part of the building had some narrow window openings placed remarkably high below the long roof boards, designed exclusively to let light into the interior.
Besides from the central entrance no windows were visible. Instead, at regular intervals long white birch branches were attached to the house in such a way that it almost looked as if they would support the whole structure. The branches protruded through the overhanging roof and then branched filigree upwards. Around the house, large birch trees grew at regular intervals, which were conspicuously straight and with their foliage formed a natural roof over the entire clearing and the building. This place looked impressive and almost magical.
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The men rushed through the open double door and one of them pulled it shut behind him.
“Oh man, there you are at last, you're late! You must have been up against a big fish again, Joná?” joked one of the men standing near the entrance, laughing at the fisherman. It was the same one who had been on the beach the day before with a few others to interrogate Joná. Behind him, the hall was filled with Northuldra men, who seemed to be waiting for something, and some of them were talking animatedly.
Joná pulled a face, “Of course not, Völund, but the catch has to be brought to the camp by somebody, or do you want to have stinking fish on your plate later?” Völund waved off bored and turned around again.
The two fishermen looked at each other for a moment, nodded suspiciously and sneaked to the right side of the hall, where there was a second, smaller entrance. This door was wide open. Joná looked around and had to admit to himself that they had apparently really been the last, all the men from the camp were already present. Then he looked up in amazement. The room was very high with an open beam construction. Daylight flooded through the narrow windows. Torch holders were placed under each opening, and underneath them ran a balustrade around the entire interior. At the front, opposite the double doorway, a narrow staircase wound upwards, part of which led inwards in a semicircle and ended in a small opening at the top leading to the tower they had seen from the outside.
Joná had never been here, but of course he knew about the place and the purpose of it. In earlier days there was always a big kota in their camp, with a second entrance remarkably similar to the one he was standing next to now. This access was usually reserved for the shaman, the Noaidi of their people and this kota was used exclusively for rituals and the Norting, a grand assembly of his people. But this was long before his time and on recent decades, as he knew, there was no need of calling out a Great Ting. The last time was before the dam was built and the diplomatic negotiations with the foreigners from Arendelle were started. On these days, their elder had called for a meeting, but was shortly after murdered by this king behind his back. Today Yelana was their unspoken leader, and now it fell to her to proclaim a Norting if neccessary.
Joná was too young back then to attend such a meeting, but his father had told him all about it. Every man in his tribe ought to attend it as they came of age. At least when the opportunity arose. Today was apparently such a day, and Yelana, although not a Noaidi, just came in through the side door. She glanced around the hall for a moment and nodded at him briefly when she noticed him. Joná raised an eyebrow in surprise. Then she circled the waiting men and stood on one of the lower stairs to be heard well everywhere. It became quiet among those present.
She cleared her throat. “Traditionally, I am obliged to call a Norting when an important decision is about to be made and its consequence affect all of us. There are disturbing news related to recent events.”
In the hall there was a low murmur and many looked at each other with concern.
“However, I must first point out that my conclusions are based on suppositions, some of which have not yet been confirmed. Highly plausible assumptions, however. Our fifth spirit Elsa was probably attacked on purpose and there is possibly a certain person behind all this, someone who might have a good reason for it. That someone is also most likely behind the disappearance of the other four nature spirits.”
The worried murmurings in the hall abruptly increased.
“Hear me. I had a hunch, so I went to see Gyda yesterday.”
From the ranks of those present, someone shouted out loud and clear, “Gyda? What does this old witch have to do with it?”
Yelana's gaze swept around, angrily fixating on the one who presumed to disturb her speech and pointing at him with an admonishing index finger. “Be quiet and don't interrupt me! You have no idea what you are talking about. Gyda is not who many of us think she is. She is a solitary person, I admit, but she has been through a lot in her life, and if you would let me finish, you would understand.”
Yelana took a deep breath and outlined in short, rough words what Gyda had told her and how much it had burdened her. However, she left out the climax for now. Yelana was known for her seriousness, but there was one thing she did not miss out on, and that was to bring certain things to the point at the right time. Some of the younger men opened their eyes in surprise when she ended, but didn't dare say anything. Yelana noticed it, of course.
“Yes, those of you who were born under the mist may not have known it yet, but before Elsa, we had another fifth spirit. The older ones among you, including me, still knew him. He was difficult to deal with him, to say the least.”
Some nodded affirmatively.
“It was Gyda's own decision that she lived in seclusion ever since, and many of us have supported it. We have all, in our gullibility, judged her prematurely.”
One could see how many of the heads were lowered and it became quiet as a mouse.
And then Yelana got to the point, and somehow she enjoyed that moment, “Gyda had a son!”
It was quiet for a second, and everyone remained motionless to process what they had heard, but in the next second a wave of excited, loud word fragments burst onto Yelana, when most people suddenly realized what it meant. Yelana let them go for a few moments, but then struck several times hard with her gnarled birch cane on one of the steps above her. The whole construction vibrated and boomed and it became instantly quiet again in the hall.
“We do not know what he is capable of. But the fact that he apparently has the spirits under control and tried to kill Elsa and almost succeeded tells me that he is not to be underestimated by no means. He is different from his father in one crucial respect. He's out for revenge. Revenge on all those who were partly responsible for his father's death. Revenge on all those who came from Arendelle, home of that murderer Runeard.” She let the words sink in, then continued in a softer, but insistent voice.
“I deliberately did not invite Queen Anna and her companions, for as long as they are among us, we too may be the target of Kolgrimr, the name Gyda gave to him. For the time being, none of them may know our secret of the old fifth spirit and his son, and if they had not already planned to leave tomorrow and take Elsa with them, I would have arranged for it myself. Both Anna and Elsa are half Northuldra and half Arendellian and are descended from one of our oldest families. We owe them both so much when they freed us last year and we have made a new peace between us and Arendelle. But I admonish you all anyway. All this is something that we cannot control and we all have to decide this way, because unfortunately there is still something you do not know.”
Yelana paused in the silence and then looked over to Joná. “Come here, Joná,” she said forcefully and waved him over.
All heads turned and looked into the corner where he was standing. Völund's jaw dropped and Joná didn't know what was happening to him. He hesitated and looked around him nervously.
“You need not be afraid. Come...,” Yelana added reassuringly. Slowly he moved towards her, his head lowered and he wished he could hide now, it was clearly visible on his face. Finally he stood next to her and she put her hand on his shoulder.
“Because we had just talked about the fact that many of us have many prejudices and show a lack of respect for one of our own. Here stands Joná and he has done something that showed a lot of courage and conviction to want to help us all. He dared to approach Ahtohallan with his boat despite the ban, because he wanted to find out what was behind all these events. I don't mean to say that I approve, but he found out something that we otherwise wouldn’t know and which was ultimately decisive in convening this Norting.” She whispered to him that he could go back, and Joná hurried to comply.
“Ahtohallan lies beneath a magical fog wall, identical to the one that trapped most of us here for over 34 years. This is probably also the reason why Ahtohallan no longer has a connection to the nature spirits and can no longer help us. There is only one person who can be responsible for this and I hope you now understand why we are all in great danger if this kind of threat should come upon us.”
The ensuing turmoil was indescribable and Yelana had a hard time bringing everyone back to their senses. In the end, she raised both arms and moved her hands up and down to appease them.
“Please calm down again! I can understand your concern, but we are not his main target, please be aware of that. Kolgrimr survived somewhere under the mist completely alone for over 35 years since he was a seven year old kid and he never turned against us once. I guess none of us can even imagine the hatred and despise he has for Arendelle. That is also the reason why none of them can stay among us here. He has only recently started to put his plans into action and I can only hope that Elsa will very soon remember who she was before and what powers she once had. Keep your eyes and ears open and tell me immediately if you discover anything unusual. But please, stay away from him. He may be Northuldra, but no one can say what has become of him in all this time.”
Yelana took a deep breath and finally dissolved the assembly. “That's all for now. You can go back to camp now.”
As the last of them had streamed out of the hall, she sat down on the stairs, a little exhausted. “I don't want to be in the shoes of the Arendellians and I hope that Elsa still has her magic,” she muttered softly to herself and it sounded almost like a prayer.
I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know.
Remarks: Back when I was writing this chapter, I dreamed of this hidden building and always wished that someone might be able to draw it for me or that I would be able to do it myself. It wasn't until recently that I dared to do an edit and took Disney's concept art of the Northuldra-style Arendelle Castle as a basis for my story and modified it accordingly. I wish I had better quality imagery for the two Northuldra fishermen there, it took me quite a bit of effort. Hope you like the result.
Tagging: @karma26 @whether-near-to-me-or-far @annaofthenorthernlights @igotelsapregnanthelp
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schittfacedpod · 4 years
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All episodes of Getting Schittfaced in order(ish) by Schitt’s Creek Season: 
Since we recorded the seasons out of order, here is a breakdown of the podcast in order of season. 
Season 1
Episode 16: Nothing's Coming Up Roses: "Our Cup Runneth Over," "The Drip," and "Don't Worry, It's His Sister"
Episode 17: Don’t Invite Us to Games Night: "Bad Parents," "The Cabin," and "Wine and Roses”
Episode 18: The Journey to Friendship: "Turkey Shoot," "Allez-Vous," "Carl's Funeral," and "Honeymoon"
Episode 19: The Word of the Day Is Asshole: "Little Sister," "Surprise Party," and "Town for Sale”
Season 2
Episode 20: Somebody Please Just Love Him Tender: "Finding David' and "Family Dinner"
Episode 21: We Have Lots of Questions: "Jazzagals," "Estate Sale," "Bob's Bagels," and "Moira vs. Town Council"
Episode 22: Let's Put a Pin in It: "The Candidate," "Milk Money," and "Moira's Nudes"
Episode 23: The Start of Something Good: "Ronnie's Party," "The Motel Guest," and "Lawn Signs."
Episode 24: The George Clooney of Canadian Comedy: "Happy Anniversary"
Season 3
Episode 25: The Scenic Barns of Elmdale: "Opening Night," "The Throuple," and "New Car"
Episode 26: Ready to Launch: "Driving Test," "Rooms by the Hour," "Murder Mystery," and "General Store"
Episode 27: Mid-Range Denim: "Motel Review" and "The Affair"
Episode 28: The Most Punchable Face in Schitt's Creek: "Sebastien Raine," "Stop Saying Lice!" and "Friends & Family."
Episode 29: Lightning Strikes: “Grad Night” 
Season 4
Episode 30: A Small Amount of Class: "Dead Guy in Room 4" and "Pregnancy Test"
Episode 31: Schitt's Creek Casual: "Asbestos Fest," "Girls' Night," and "RIP Moira Rose"
Episode 32: Putting It in Writing: "Open Mic" and "The Barbecue"
Episode 33: Schittwood: "The Jazzaguy" and "The Olive Branch"
Episode 34: How Many Cults Can One Town Have?: "Baby Sprinkle" and "The Rollout"
Episode 35: The Circle of Courage: "Singles Week" and "Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose"
Season 5
Episode 36: The Royal We: "The Crowening," "Love Letters," and "The Plant"
Episode 37: A Whole Lotta Love: "The Dress," "Housewarming," and "Rock On!"
Episode 38: The Baseball Day: "A Whisper of Desire," "The Hospies," "The M.V.P.," and "Roadkill"
Episode 39: Full of Surprises: “Meet the Parents”
Episode 40: Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome!: "The Roast," "The Hike," and "Life Is a Cabaret"
Episode 1: Prosecco Wishes and Cabaret Dreams: A recap of Seasons 1 through 5
Season 6
Episode 2: Wigs and Wiggles: “Smoke Signals” 
Episode 3: Business on the Top, Party on the Bottom: “The Incident” 
Episode 4: Is There Anything Classier Than a Leather Suit?: “The Job Interview”
Episode 5: The Crows Have Eyes (And Headbands Too): “Maid of Honour”
Episode 6: Loud Eyes, Loud Hearts, Can't Lose: “The Premiere”
Episode 7: You Do You: “The Wingman”
Episode 8: Designated Grapes: "Moira Rosé"
Episode 9: A Bittersweet Fare-whale: “The Presidential Suite” 
Episode 10: Bea Gets Banned: “Rebound” 
Episode 11: Mo Tels Mo Problems: “Sunrise, Sunset”
Episode 12: A Much Needed Escape: “The Bachelor Party” 
Episode 13: Pitch Perfect: “The Pitch” 
Episode 14: Hearts on Fire: "Start Spreading the News“
Episode 15: Always Be My Bébé: “Happy Ending” 
Episode 41: Another Happy Ending: “Best Wishes, Warmest Regards: A Schitt's Creek Farewell” 
Bonus Episodes: 
Episode 12.5: We'll Always Have Schitt's Creek: EW Photoshoot
Episode 22.5: And Then the Roses Come Along: Dear Class of 2020 Schitt’s Creek Reunion with Mariah Carey
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royalpain16 · 3 years
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It’s no surprise that Prince Harry and Meghan want to give the gardens at their new Californian pad the royal treatment — but using Native American “holy water” may be taking it too far.
The couple’s $20 million mansion in exclusive Montecito used to belong to the Barbareno-Chumash tribe — and they’re not happy with the water consumption of the Sussexes!
Tribe leader Eleanor Fishburn said Harry and Meghan were beautifying their gardens with water from Hot Spring Creek, which is considered sacred.
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“They water their lawn with holy water,” the 60-year-old said. “For us this water is a pure water, a holy water and a ceremonial water.
“As a native population, it is sacred for us and the idea that people in the area are using water from springs to water their gardens is something that doesn’t sit well with us.”
Eleanor invited Harry and Meghan, who live in the mansion with their children Archie and Lilibet, to meet with the tribe to discuss alternative water sources.
“What do Harry and Meghan know about the history of the land they live on? I would like to invite them to our monthly council meeting so that they can see what’s going on in your garden,” she said.
“It would be great if they came so we could explain our history and culture and let them know about how sacred the water is to us.
“It would be good to explain to them that if they are using the water to irrigate their garden, they have an alternative choice.”
The Barbareno-Chumash tribe once lived along the coast of California and the centuries-old remains of a man, believed to be from the tribe, was found close to the Sussexes mansion recently.
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