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hey hey, i recently watched fmab for the first time (literally last week haha) and am now in fma and edwin hell and have no intention of leaving B) you were the first fma blog i followed bc someone recommended you, so now im wondering if you could point me to more blogs i shouldnt miss out on in the fandom? :3 bc i know nothing but am ready to soak it all up like a hungry sponge
*ahem* WELCOME TO THE FANDOM!!! And edwin hell is a great place with super cool people, free coffee, and comfy chairs, so SETTLE IN :D Here’s some (but PLEASE MENTION THOSE WHO I FORGET I AM SORRY) fma blogs to get you started!! They are all awesome people and too sweet
@bubblegumboomerrang @mustangtaisa
@agoldentimelover @dailymaeshughes
@riza-hawkqueen @everygreed
@rhokuai @ladywiltshire
@everyriza @themusicalbookworm
@everymei-chang @fullmetalmadeheart
@fmab-eyecatch-cards @thesilentwatcher
@basedgreed @steampouda
@homun-clueless @totallycorrectfmaquotes
@greedfma @hawkeyedflame
@consuisbored @jouissezduprintemps
@fullmetalswife @everyroymustang
@voremetal-alchemist @shegs
@fma2003-fmab-stuff @princ3ssf33t
@fmamangacaps @wrongnote
@freakmustang @majorzeldageek
@appledappleuniverse @lonepiper5758
@persnickety-doodles @ruinsofxerxes
@alwaysfullmetal @meiosis2
@almei @waddiwasiwitch
@dailyroymustang @thetruthofyourdespair
@fmacity @rizahawkstang
@intoxicatedeuphoria @fullmetalbaby
@danalovesfma @oceanflowerblueandgreen
@edcanons @allfullmetal
@hoomin-transnootation @thestaffofra
@rebbi-sonnenhell @paybackraid
@fullmetal-fuckmylife @sofiakkuma
@vanbrohenheim @rizascupcakes
@thelittlestalchemist @mustangsgloves
@rockbelric @gaypaninya
@filledwithfullmetal @mylieutenant
@queen-riza @corporategreed-fma
@edftwinry @theysangastheyslew
@baschool @xennariel
@mustang-and-hawkeye @mustangssquad
@nothalfsocurious @rizahawkebi
@a-heart-made-forever-fullmetal @nerbert
@elrictricityy @halfbakedbagel
@lieutenant-hawkaye @shethinkswithportals
@fullmetal-gaychemist @alexiadraws
@i-am-mother-universe @theishvalanalchemist
@winryofresembool @bleedingcoffee42
@royaiperfection @the-musical-alchemist
@rush-valley @hagane-no-loitering
@fullmetal-tfln @the-flame-and-hawks-eye
@fuckyeahrizahawkeye @follow-royai-into-hell
@fmaauweek @aheartmadefullmetal16
@budgefma @fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood
@fma-fanbase @gomboc123
@fairytail-fma-fan @fmabrotherhoodscreencaps
@pokemon-alchemist @lieutenanthawkeyeofficial
@roy-dadstang @doyouevenhavetoask
@queen-elenya-hawk @the-feels-alchemist
@briggswatch @alwaysfullmetalheart
@winrirockbell @amestris
@shiriartz @edwinrys
@last-children-of-xerxes @queen-rizahawkeye
@rckbell @fuckyeafma
@everyalphonseelric @edwardrockbells
@shijaeger @fullmetal-al-chemist
@olixmira @equivalent-exchanger
@queenwinry @fma-facts
@alchemicstars @royandriza
@royairoyzaroyeye-blog-blog @fma-forever
@tsaritsa @keep-moving-dammit
@bloodyalphonse @roymaes
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royairoyzaroyeye-blog-blog replied to your post “themusicalbookworm replied to your post “royai playlist” ...”
I know one, The Lady in Red - Chris de Burgh
oh my goodness i haven’t heard this song in YEARS ahaha
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