Rowena x Reader English Masterlist
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Complete English Masterlist (Rowena masterlist under the cut)
( * means this one has been translated into Spanish)
*12x11: Regarding Dean – Rowena and you work together to save Dean and get The Black Grimoire
Long Live The Queen – You run a business, selling magic experiences to clients and Rowena tries to get you to use your powers to fit into her view of a powerful witch
Fucking Blessing – The reader is Sam and Dean’s younger sister and they tease her about her crush on Rowena
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lucile-carter · 7 years
Let me help
Prompt: Could you write a RowenaxReader where Rowena is badly injured and reader takes care of her? They have an established relationship, and reader is also a witch. And Rowena is being her stubborn self, refusing help until she eventually gives in because it hurts too much. @marril96 hope this is kinda what you were looking for!
It never should have gotten this bad. You had prepared ahead of time, done all the necessary research, planned everything down to the littlest detail, but somehow thing had still gotten out of hand. You never saw the second demon coming, and neither did Rowena.
“Look out!” You cried, but it was too late. The demon slashed his knife across Rowena’s back and she went down with a painful cry. Enraged you finished the spell and sent the demon to a painful death. The demon screamed as it’s essence burned and was sent to the void.
“Row!” You cried running to her side. Rowena tried to sit up but let out a pained noise, “I’ll be fine dearie,” She said with a wince. You shook your head, “You won’t be fine Row, let me help you.”
“No, I’ll be fine,” She insisted, “I just need a little time to situate myself that’s all.”
“Rowena,” You urged, “Let me help you. You’re not fine. You’re bleeding profusely, I can heal you but i’ll need time to set the spell.”
“I don’t need a healing spell!” Rowena scoffed, “I just need to get back home. A little rest and food would do me fine.” You groaned, “Why can’t you just let me help you? You don’t have to be so tough all the time you know? Row, in know you’ve had a difficult life but I’m not them. I love you, and I want to help you. Please let me help.”
“Nothing I can’t fix myself dearie,” Rowena whispered as shed grimaced in pain. You rolled your eyes, “Quit being so stubborn and let me help.” Rowena sighed, “Fine, do your healing spell or whatever.”
“Thank you,” You gently pushed against the knife wound. Rowena inhaled a sharp breath, “I’ll feel that one tomorrow.”
“Sorry,” You apologized removing your hands, “I just need to get a few things from the car. I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t move.” Rowena rolled her eyes, “Yes mother.” You ignored her snarky comment and quickly ran out to the car. You opened the trunk and grabbed some sage, lavender, a mixing bowl, matches, a press, and honey.
Once you had everything you needed you returned to the abandoned warehouse. Rowena was still lying on the floor, hands resting under her chin. She grinned as you walked towards her, “Remember the first time we met my love?”
“Of course,” You replied as you sat next to her, “You had invited me to lunch to try and convince me to join your ‘mega coven’.” You set the bowl on her back and started mixing together the sage and lavender. “I remember seeing your hair first. It was so vibrant and beautiful. All those long curls cascading down your back, just beautiful.” You added the honey before lighting a match and setting the spell on fire.
“Then when you turned around, I lost my breath.” You continued as the spell set, “Your eyes so green, like emeralds. Your beautiful face just so enchanting, like more beautiful than the first time I saw a fairy, then you smiled and I knew I was done for.” You picked up the bowl, reciting the final part of the spell, then poured the liquid on Rowena’s back.
She hissed in pain as you massaged it into the wound making sure it was applied liberally. Once you were finished you wiped what was remaining on your dirty shirt. It would take a couple minutes for the spell to work so you sat there and ran your fingers through Rowena’s hair.
“You know,” Rowena said, “I didn’t think I would ever find love again in my lifetime. I spent so long running from it after Fergus’ father, and with what happened with Oskar.” Rowena took a deep breath, “Well, I was afraid to let anyone too close, but I’m glad I let myself love you dear.”
You leaned down and pressed a kiss to Rowena’s temple, “I’m glad you let me love you Row. I don’t think I could live without you once I saw you. I love you.” Rowena smiled and sat up to kiss you properly. The spell had run its course and the wound was as good as it was going to get. Rowena cupped your face in her hands and placed a chaste kiss to your mouth, “I love you too dear. What say we head home and I can thoroughly express my appreciation for you?”
“Sounds good to me babe,” You said with a grin, stealing another kiss from your lover before getting your stuff and heading home. Yeah maybe you hadn’t been able to plan for everything, and maybe things did get a little messy, but going home with Rowena alive and by your side, was really all that mattered.
“I told you to take that exit,” Rowena snarked from the passenger seat.
“Maybe if you would stop passenger seat driving, we would be home already.” You irritably replied. Rowena rolled her eyes, “If you would have listened to me we would already be home.”
“I told you that exit is going to take us the opposite direction of where we need to be going.”
“And I told you, that exit is a shortcut.”
“Rowena please, let me drive.”
“We’ll never get home at this rate.” Rowena huffed. You rolled your eyes and continued to drive, turning up the radio. Maybe a few days without Rowena, wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
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huntertales · 8 years
Let's talk about girl dynamics: charliexreader, jodyxreader, rowenaxreader. I smell possible besties
Um, HELL YEAH. Charlie and the reader are instant besties, there’s no doubt about it, and it’s gonna be amazing. Jody and the reader are totally gonna get along, both of them are probably gonna bond a lot, because of sad stuff, mostly. And Jody’s a BAMF, so what’s not to love about her. Rowena and the reader…she might hate Rowena at first, but with some time, she’ll probably ask questions about how Crowley was as a child to piss him off. And, with a bit of time, she might just sympathize for the woman, because  there’s a reason why she’s a cold hearted witch. 
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pertenebris-adastra · 6 years
Day 10: A Quiet Walk In The Snow
Pairing: Mentor!RowenaxApprentice!Reader
Word Count: 387
Warnings: none
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You watched as Rowena pulled on her coat, fastening the bow in the front before turning in your direction. “You going to come along poppet or just watch me go?” She asked, her smile tangible in her voice.
Blushing you stood up and hurried to get your coat on, trailing after her up the stairs and out of the bunker. You couldn’t help but smile, like Rowena you were a witch. You weren’t nearly as skilled as she was, but you were inspired by her. You wanted to learn from her, train with her. You looked up to her more than anyone else in your life. In your eyes she was perfect.
As you got outside, Rowena delicately hooked her arm through yours as you strolled along the snowy path through the forest. The air was still as you walked arm and arm, the only noise being the crunch of snow under your feet. As you wandered the trees grew thicker, their emerald color shining like a jewel as the sunlight peeked through their branches and reflected off the snow. You could smell pine and ice in the air, along with something floral that had to be Rowena’s perfume. Everything seemed so timeless like you were walking through the picture you find on a postcard. The wind blew softly, caressing your body as you wandered along the trail.
“Rowena?” You asked softly, your voice harmonizing with the breeze. “Why did you choose me?” After years of traveling with the Winchesters, after fighting against Rowena and other witches, after doing everything you could to make the world a better place, Rowena had agreed to let you apprentice under her.
Rowena turned to you and smiled softly. “Well dear, you remind me of myself. I too wanted to learn from more powerful than I, and although we aimed to get power for very different reasons.” She patted your arm softly as the two of you rounded the path coming upon the pond that lay beyond the bunker. “You want power for a reason love, not just personal gain.”
You smiled softly, looking down at your feet as you stopped at the edge of the water. “Thank you.” You whispered, your gratitude falling softly around you like the snow that fell from the clouds that layered the pale blue sky.
Honeybees 🐝: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @our-jensen-ackles-love @mymysosa @lilousmustaches @adoptdontshoppets @pie-with-hunters @hiraethclaire @bobbiebabewinchester @tatertot1097 @familybusinesswritingbro @mlovesstories @blue-moon-writing @caswinchester2000 @dreamchester67 @tumbler-tidbits @dean-winchesters-bacon @bobasheebaby @sammyimpala-67 @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @spnmightkillme @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @supernaturalsammy01 @lunarboycas @ruthieconnells @fangirl-forevers-world @dammitsammy @themeganappeltjie @curly-haired-disaster @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @its-a-spn-thing @maddiepants
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Imagine practicing witchcraft and Rowena being proud of you. Original imagine by souffles-and-sarcasm. Written by Castielle.
Your name: submit What is this?
“You said you had something to show me?” Rowena asked in that lilting voice of hers that send shivers up your arms. 
Ever since you had met Rowena, she had basically become your hero. The way she practice magic... she was a master of the art! And that sass. Man, she could really flip Sam and Dean off and you enjoyed seeing that more than anything. Nah, you were totally heterosexual, but you had to admit that you had a girl crush on the red-headed witch.
“Well...” Now that it was time, you were a little reluctant. Not only would Sam and Dean be super pissed, but you didn’t want to show yourself as a complete imbecile in the matters of magic before Rowena. You wanted to impress her. If only you had given yourself a little more time...
“Now, don’t be shy, darling,” Rowena crooned. “I’m dying to see what you’ve got to show me.”
So you gulped, clenched your fist, shut your eyes, whispered a few words... and then opened your hand and your eyes at the same time. 
A little prancing horse made out of fire danced upon your palm.
“Marvellous!” Rowena clapped her hands. “Such skill! Y/N, I had no idea that you possessed such talent! It’s only been the matter of a few weeks and you are already performing magic of such a level? I am going to take you under my care right away.”
Your eyes opened wide. “B...but that was only the simplest of magic,” you stammered to your idol.
Rowena shook her head and clucked her tongue. “Darling, even the greats, such as myself, took months to take small steps.”
You glowed with pride at the witch’s praise. And suddenly, you didn’t care what Sam and Dean might think.
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Long Live The Queen
My entry for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing‘s SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge 2017 - Week 2
Prompt: “Are we completely sure that’s how it’s supposed to look?” 
Summary: The reader has a business marketing magical drug experiences to customers and Rowena doesn’t understand why she would use her talents on something like that.
Word Count: 984
Warnings: Drug use, kinda?
A/N: I was bored at work and as soon as I saw this week’s challenge I just had to write this one. I based the reader off of one that I used for episode 11 of my Season 12 Challenge because I just loved her and there was so much potential with a reader like her! Also, one of my drabble requests was for a Rowena drabble, so here’s a Rowena drabble!
"You, my dear, are going to get your wee self killed one of these days."
"But it'll be fun," you grinned up at Rowena. "Besides, you'll just find a way to bring me back because you know that I'm too adorable to be dead for too long."
With a petite huff, Rowena turned and strolled around the room. While she carefully examined the sigils you'd painted on the walls, you finished mixing the paint for the last round of symbols.
"And what are you going to call this scam?"
Scam. Please. You were providing a service. "I haven't quite decided yet. Something about a carnival fun house, probably.  I'll know more once I test it."
So many witches used magic to get more power or exact revenge on enemies. They didn't know how many different options there were. Especially in America. Capitalism, rebellious teenagers, and the need for an escape from the demanding lifestyle of corporate rule were the perfect recipe for the success of your business.
After all, normal drugs ran a profitable business. But drugs laced with magic? Talk about making bank!
And you weren't hurting anyone, so hunters had no reason to come after you. It was all under the table, so the IRS didn't know they had reason to come after you. It was the perfect setup
"It's a waste of your talents," Rowena said, coming to sit by you. "You could be one of the greatest witches of all time, dearie."
"I am. Just not in the traditional sense." You took a break from the spell for a minute to explain yourself to Rowena. "I am American. I grew up where money is King. And in the last two months since I started this, I made over six hundred thousand dollars. I've made the American dollar my bitch. Which makes me the Queen of the King."
You turned back to your bowl of slightly luminescent, globous ooze and smiled widely. "Long live the Queen."
Rowena took a closer look at the ooze and wrinkled her nose. "Are we completely sure that's how it's supposed to look?"
"I'm not completely sure of anything. I'm making this up as I go. That's why I'm testing it before I introduce it to the market."
But with your natural talent and Rowena's teachings, you knew that this would work. You were a natural witch, so all that you needed to test out were the small tweaks to each spell you used in order to ensure the best possible service to your clients.
"You probably wanna take off right now. I'm going to start the final stage of the spell and you don't want to be caught here if it's stronger than I thought."
She sighed. "I'll go so I can save you if you accidentally kill yourself."
"You're the best, Row," you cooed grabbing her hand for a moment. She was your mentor and had been since you were orphaned at the age of eight. Hell, Rowena was practically your mother. But, like, a cool mother. The kind that let you do drugs and sell drugs and make drugs and stuff. "If I don't call you in two days, come looking for me. I might still be in the fun house. We'll see how long this spell lasts."
"You're sticking with that name? The Fun House?"
"Why not?" You shrugged. "This spell should make this entire room some psychedelic mash up of all the good parts of carnivals and the seventies. It’s gonna be a hit."
"And if it changes when there are more people here? Like your attempt at recreating scenes from famous movies?"
"I stand by that one," you said defensively. "The orgy that turned into was phenomenal. In fact, it's in my work in progress folder. I want to be able to recreate that one on purpose. Take it down to L.A. You know how well a Magic Orgy would sell down there? I could bang a dozen celebrities in one night."
Rowena shook her head fondly. "You're a strange one, aren't you?"
"Your life would be so boring without me and you know it. Now get outta here so I can get high."
She left and you made your rounds, painting the last layer of symbols. While you did that, your mind drifted to the theatrics you could use in order to completely sell the show. People tended to like when you put on a show while performing the spell rather than just lighting a match and dropping it into a bowl of herbs. After all, they were paying a pretty penny for you to get them high and relaxed. They wanted to milk that for all it was worth.
And you wanted to milk them for all they were worth. Happy customers came back. And happier customers brought richer friends.
Finally the walls were painted how you planned. You sat in the middle of the floor with the rest of the ingredients and mixed them. When you had an audience, you would definitely be much more theatrical. But until then, you had to focus on the science of it. Once all of the ingredients were mixed in the bowl, you took an excited breath and started the chant.
Lights started flickering and the shadows elongated. Out of the darkness, the sigils you'd drawn on the wall started glowing and a rush of power rushed through you like a turbine in a dam. This was the rush you lived for.
The end of your chant grew near and you closed your eyes, raising your voice. A gentle breeze quickly picked up into a roaring wind that shook the very foundation of the house.
Then there was silence.
Slowly you opened your eyes and a grin overtook your face. This was it. This was exactly what it was supposed to look like. This was your Queendom.
Long live the Queen.
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12x11: Regarding Dean
Aubrey’s Challenge: Write a fic about each episode in season 12.
Word Count: 1082
Version en Español  –  PREVIOUS EPISODE
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“Oh, shit!” Your exclamation rang through the room just as the bowl in front of you caught on fire and your phone started ringing. The walls of your house started melting away and all of the hard edges softened as your new test-drug started taking effect.
You nearly ignored the phone, but a glance at the screen showed all of the letters of Rowena’s name floating around. Maybe she could help you fine-tune this spell. “Row! Look, I may have just made a mistake.”
“What kind of mistake?” Her lilting, sing song voice asked cautiously.
“The kind where in about thirty seconds I’ll either be high as a kite or passed out until next Tuesday.”
Her sigh seemed to curl out of the speaker on your phone and wrap itself around you like a knitted snake. “Y/N…”
“I think I’m gonna be high, though. ‘Cause I’m starting to feel really good.”
“Where are you, dearie?”
You told her, and in the next second, she’d hung up on you. It was probably just as well. Trying to focus on Rowena while all of these animal ghosts started dancing around you would have just been too much to handle. A wisp of an antelope bounced past, and you followed, giggling.
Time passed. Well, you assumed it did. You didn’t actually have any concept of time. All that you knew was that one minute you were playing fetch with a misty gopher in the middle of a lake, and the next minute Rowena was shaking your shoulder to wake you up in the middle of your living room. A splitting headache cracked your skull open and your pained groan just made it worse.
“Y/N, you are a strange wee one, aren’t you?” Rowena handed you a vial and you drank it without a second thought. The tonic slicked down your throat and the headache cleared almost immediately.
“I need the spell for that. I think I finally got the right spell for the high. If you give me that amazing hangover cure, then I’ll make bank. Set myself up in some city, charge a pretty penny for the best high of your life… those parties would be magical. Literally.”
“Your business venture will have to wait. The Winchesters need you.”
Their name was like a cold bucket of water being dumped on your head. “Then why aren’t they here asking for my help?”
“Because they don’t know that they need it. The Loughlins are still alive, Y/N. That means the Black Grimoire is still in play.”
Now that caught your attention.
You waited just outside of view of the room while Rowena knocked. The door opened quickly, which surprised you. Usually the Winchesters were more cautious than that.
“Who are you?” Dean asked.
“Spell’s progressed, I see,” Rowena said to someone inside the room. Sam, you assumed. “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought along a friend.”
And that was your cue. So you straightened your shoulders and followed her into the room. “Hello Sam. Dean.”
Sam’s face immediately rearranged itself into a flat expression. Dean, however, just looked confused and closed the door after you were inside.
“I wanted intel, Rowena. Not a house call.”
“And definitely not from me, right, Sam?” You broke in, setting your bag on the table. “Well suck it up. I saved your life in Ohio and I’m about to save Dean’s life right now.”
“You nearly got us killed.”
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t really dispute that fact. “Okay, so my methods were a little unconventional. But they worked.”
Rowena pulled Dean in front of her and started examining him. He seemed completely oblivious to the animosity that he was supposed to be feeling towards you. Instead, he reached out to touch Rowena’s hair. “Your hair. It’s all so bouncy!”
“Why, thank you!” She turned to Sam. “Do we have to fix him?”
“Rowena,” Sam sighed.
“Samuel,” Rowena shot back, before returning her attention to Dean.
At least he was still coherent. And from the way he smiled at Sam, he seemed to know who his brother was. That was good. “We don’t have a lot of time. The glyphs you sent to Row are an archaic form of Celtic. Ogham Chraobh. There’s only one family of witches who knows how to use them.”
“I thought them all dead for years,” Rowena cut in. “But when I saw those glyphs…”
Sam showed you two a picture of the dead witch and you couldn’t help you smirk. Finally, that douchebag was dead. Both you and Rowena said his name at the same time, Rowena’s voice nostalgic, yours triumphant. “Gideon Loughlin.”
“You two knew him?”
“We both studied with their family for a few years. Different times in history, but still. Gideon was an ass.”
“I thought he was charming,” Rowena countered.
“Mm, well you also thought Conrad Yesleton was charming,” you murmured, using the new information about Gideon’s death to form a plan to save Dean. “And look where that got you.”
“Conrad was charming. He just also had a knack for killing witches. He was very good at his job, you have to hand it to him.”
“Cool motive, still murder,” you quoted Brooklyn Nine-Nine even as you were planning the murder of the last of the Loughlins. Rowena started explaining the history of the Loughlins and how you needed the book.
“Wait a second, so you can’t break it?” Sam asked.
“Of course I could,” Rowena said haughtily. She glanced at you. “But you don’t like Y/N’s method of breaking curses.”
“Besides, it would take time to come up with something that powerful, and Dean doesn’t have time.”
Sam looked over at his brother, the worry present on his face intensifying “What do you mean?”
Despite the bad blood between you and the Winchesters, you felt genuinely bad for the man sitting in front of you. “Dean’s already begun to forget himself. He’s forgotten me and Rowena. Everyone he’s known and loved. Soon he’ll forget you. Then how to speak and swallow and breathe and… Dean Winchester will die.”
“Sucks for that guy,” Dean piped in from across the room. When Sam looked back to you, you just raised your eyebrow in an I told you so look.
“So, we need the book. And quickly.”
The Black Grimoire had featured in your dreams ever since you first laid eyes on it. In your hands, and with Rowena’s help, you could change the world.
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Aubrey’s Challenge: Season 12 Masterlist
The Challenge: Write a fic about each episode in season 12
Spanish Masterlist
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12x01: Keep Calm and Carry On   (SamxReader)
12x02: Mamma Mia   (DeanxReader)
12x03: The Foundry   (DeanxReader)
12x04: American Nightmare   (WinchestersxReader)
12x05: The One You’ve Been Waiting For   (WinchestersxReader)
12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox   (SamxReader)
12x07: Rock Never Dies   (Bi/Lesbian!Reader)
12x08: LOTUS   (WinchestersxReader)
12x09: First Blood   (WinchestersxReader)
12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets   (CasxReader)
12x11: Regarding Dean   (RowenaxReader)
12x12: Stuck In The Middle (With You)   (CrowleyxReader)
12x13: Family Feud (DeanxReader)
12x14: The Raid   (Sister!Reader)
12x15: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell   (CasxReader)
12x16: Ladies Drink Free (ClairexReader, WinchestersxReader)
12x17: The British Invasion (DeanxReader)
12x18: The Memory Remains (SamxReader)
12x19: The Future (WinchestersxReader)
12x20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes (DeanxReader)
12x21: There’s Something About Mary (WinchestersxReader)
12x22: Who We Are
12x23: All Along The Watchtower
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12x11: Regarding Dean
Inglés autor: @imagining-supernatural Traducido por: @kclaire1
Reto de la Autora: Escribir un fic de cada capitulo de la temporada 12.
Recuento de palabras: 1.136
English Version
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“!Oh, mierda!” tu exclamación resonó por la habitación, justo cuando el bowl que tenías en frente se encendía en llamas y tu teléfono empezaba a sonar. Las paredes de la casa empezaron a derretirse y los bordes se fueron suavizando mientras la nueva droga que estabas probando te iba haciendo efecto.
Casi ignoraste el teléfono, pero un vistazo a la pantalla te mostró las letras del nombre de Rowena flotando por encima. Quizás podría ayudarte a afinar este hechizo. “¡Row! Mira, puede que haya cometido un error.”
“¿Qué clase de error?” su voz cadenciosa y cantarina te preguntó con cautela.
“La clase en la que en menos de treinta segundos voy a estar volando tan alto como una cometa o desmayada una semana entera.”
El suspiro que emitió pareció curvarse por el altavoz de tu teléfono y enredarse en ti como una serpiente de lana. “T/N…”
“Aunque, creo que voy a estar de subidón. Porque me estoy empezando a sentir realmente bien.”
“¿Dónde estás, querida?”
Se lo dijiste y al segundo siguiente te había colgado el teléfono. Era probablemente lo mejor. Tratar de centrarte en Rowena mientras todos esos animales fantasma empezaban a bailar a tu alrededor habría sido difícil de manejar. Un jirón de antílope pasó a tu lado y lo seguiste, soltando una risilla.
El tiempo pasó. Bueno, asumiste que lo  hizo. Aunque lo cierto es que no tenías conciencia del tiempo. Todo lo que sabías era que en un minuto estabas jugando al escondite con una ardilla hecha de niebla en el medio de un lago y al siguiente minuto Rowena estaba sacudiéndote del hombro para que te despertaras en el medio del cuarto de estar. Un terrible dolor de cabeza amenazaba con romperte el cerebro y tu gruñido de dolor sólo logró empeorarlo.
“T/N, eres una pequeña muy rara, ¿verdad?” Rowena te tendió un vial y tú lo bebiste sin pensarlo un segundo. El tónico se deslizó por tu garganta y el dolor de cabeza desapareció casi inmediatamente.
“Necesito ese hechizo. Creo que finalmente tengo el hechizo adecuado para el subidón. Si me das el de ese remedio tan alucinante para la resaca, me haré rica. Me asentaré en alguna ciudad, cobraré unos lindos euros por el mejor subidón de tu vida… serían unas fiestas mágicas. Literalmente.”
“Tu aventura empresarial va a tener que esperar. Los Winchester te necesitan.”
Oír su nombre fue como recibir un cubo de agua helada sobre la cabeza. “Entonces, ¿por qué no me la piden ellos?”
“Porque aún no saben que la necesitan. Los Loughlins aun están vivos, T/N. Eso significa que el Black Grimoire aun esta operativo.”
Y eso, sí que captó tu atención.
Esperaste apartada, fuera de la vista de la habitación mientras Rowena llamaba a la puerta. Se abrió al instante, lo que te sorprendió. Generalmente los Winchester eran mucho más cautelosos.
“¿Quién eres tú?” Dean preguntó.
“El hechizo sigue avanzando, según veo,” dijo Rowena al que estaba dentro de la habitación. Sam, asumiste. “Espero que no os importe, pero he traído una amiga.”
Y esa era tu señal, así que enderezaste los hombros y la seguiste dentro de la habitación. “Hola, Sam. Dean.”
El rostro de Sam inmediatamente cambió para poner una expresión plana. Dean, sin embargo, sólo parecía confuso cuando cerraba la puerta detrás de ti.
“Quiero información, Rowena. No un tratamiento en casa.”
“Y desde luego no quieres que sea conmigo, ¿verdad, Sam?” le interrumpiste, dejando tu bolso en la mesa. “Bueno, tendrás que aguantarte. Os salvé la vida en Ohio y estoy a punto de salvarle la vida a Dean ahora mismo.”
“Casi hiciste que nos mataran.”
Hiciste girar los ojos, aunque no podías negar esa acusación. “Vale, mis métodos puede que sean poco convencionales. Pero funcionan.”
Rowena tiró de Dean hasta ponerlo frente a ella y empezó a examinarlo. Parecía ignorar por completo la animosidad que se suponía que debía sentir hacia ti. En cambio estiró el brazo para tocar el pelo de Rowena. “Tu pelo. ¡Está tan esponjoso!“
“Vaya, ¡Gracias!” se giró para mirar a Sam “¿Tenemos que arreglarlo?”
“Rowena,” Sam suspiró.
“Samuel,” Rowena suspiró, antes de volver a fijar la atención en Dean.
Al menos lo que decía aún era coherente. Y por la manera en la que le sonreía a Sam, parecía saber quién era su hermano. Eso era bueno. “No tenemos mucho tiempo. Los glifos que le enviaste a Row eran arcaicos, de los Celtas. Ogham Chraobh. Sólo hay una familia de brujos que sepa como usarlos.”
“Pensaba que habían muerto todos hace años.” Te interrumpió Rowena. “Pero cuando vi esos glifos…”
Sam te enseñó una foto del  brujo muerto y no pudiste esconder una sonrisa. Finalmente ese gilipollas estaba muerto. Ambas, Rowena y tú, dijiste a la vez su nombre. La voz de Rowena sonaba nostálgica, la tuya triunfante. “Gideon Loughlin.”
“¿Las dos le conocíais?”
“Las dos estudiamos con su familia durante unos cuantos años. En diferentes épocas de la historia, pero aún así. Gideon era un idiota.”
“Yo pensaba que era encantador.” Comentó Rowena.
“Mm, bueno, tu también pensabas que Conrad Yesleton era encantador.” Murmuraste usando la información de que Gideon estaba muerto para idear un plan para salvar a Dean. “Y mira a donde te llevó pensar así.”
“Conrad era encantador. Sólo tenía buena maña para matar brujas. Era muy bueno en su trabajo, eso tienes que concedérselo.”
“Buena motivación, pero aún así es un asesinato.” Usaste la frase de Brooklyn Nine-Nine como respuesta aunque tú también habías planeado la muerte del último de los Loughlins. Rowena comenzó a explicar la historia de los Loughlins y que necesitabas el libro para romper el maleficio.
“Espera un momento, entonces, ¿tú no puedes romperlo?” preguntó Sam.
“Por supuesto que puedo,” Rowena dijo con altivez. Después te miró. “Pero no te gustaría el método de T/N para romper maleficios.”
“Además, se tardaría mucho en hacer algo tan poderoso y Dean no tiene tanto tiempo.”
Sam miró a su hermano, la preocupación presente en su rostro se estaba intensificando. “¿Qué quieres decir?”
A pesar del mal rollo que había entre los Winchesters y tú, te sentías genuinamente mal por el hombre sentado frente a ti. “Dean ya ha empezado a olvidar quien es. Nos ha olvidado a mi y a Rowena. A todos los que ha conocido y amado. Y pronto te olvidará a ti. Después se olvidará como hablar, tragar y respirar… y Dean Winchester habrá muerto.”
“Qué mierda ser ese tio.” Dean dijo desde el otro lado de la habitación. Cuando Sam se volvió para mirarte, levantaste una ceja como diciendo te lo dije.
“Así que necesitamos el libro. Y pronto.”
El Black Grimoire se te había aparecido en sueños desde que le habías puesto los ojos encima. Con él en tus manos, y con la ayuda de Rowena, podríais cambiar el mundo.
Spanish Tag: @starswirlblitz
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