Drabble Requests Closed
Hi guys! I'm going to close the drabble game requests so that I can actually get some one shot requests done now. Thanks for your great requests! I'm looking forward to more amazing one shot and imagine requests in the future. I am so touched by your response to my (and Samantha's) writing and that you're even interested in me as a person. Here's to the future of this blog! - Castielle
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My favourite thing is to get permission to use other people’s imagines because they have amazing ideas. the-super-in-supernatural has kindly allowed me to do so... so look out for some more imagines in the next two weeks. I’m trying to start writing up some one shots and imagines and put them in queue because I volunteer at camp next week and I’m gone the week after that, too. There are no more requests waiting, so feel free to send those in, too!
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Hi everyone,
I just found out that my work partner for this camp I’m working at in two weeks is not going to be able to split up the work with me. Therefore, I’m left with a massive amount of work just at the same time when I need to be writing my paper and studying for my final. So the blog is going to go on an extended hiatus until the beginning of August. I’ll try to post some one shots and imagines in between now and then (because I’ll be writing something to give me a mental break so I don’t become more insane than I already am), but it’s going to be much, much slower.
Love you all!
- Castielle
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I’m going to be away for most of this week, but I’m going to try to schedule a few things to keep blog activity. I recently discovered this really amazing spn imagine blog called souffles-and-sarcasm. The girl who runs this has really creative gif imagines, and she has given me permission to write some imagines on them. So definitely check out her blog, and if you see any imagines you’d specifically like me to write, let me know!
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