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marypicken · 2 years ago
From Now Until Forever by Rowan Coleman @rowancoleman @HodderBooks
This is an unashamedly dazzling, magical, romantic story that sweeps you up and carries you with it
Source: Review copyPublication: 3 August 2023 from Hodder & StoughtonPP: 336ISBN-13: 978-1529376500 My thanks to Hodder Books for an advance copy for review He’s running out of time. Ben Church has never done anything extraordinary in his life – until now. Now, he needs to fulfil as many of his dreams as possible while he still can. Time is all she has. Vita Ambrose’s life of parties and

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bibliobethblog · 5 years ago
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I’ve seen a few #orangebookstack posts going around namely from the fabulous accounts @babbageandsweetcorn and @nicki_mags and I thought it was time to share my own. Who knew I had so many orange spines? If you’ve read any of these, please let me know as shamefully I’ve only read Mockingjay from this pile! 🙈🙊 I’ve paired my books with a Citrus Crush Candle from Lily-Flame Ltd, it smells divine! #bookstagram #bookworm #bookstagramchallenges #colourfulbooks #themermaidandmrshancock #imogenhermesgowar #thesummerofimpossiblethings #rowancoleman #allamongthebarley #melissaharrison #thehungergamesmockingjay #suzannecollins #girlup #laurabates #thedarkcircle #lindagrant #thegirlwhotakesaneyeforaneye #davidlagercrantz #everythinginevertoldyou #celesteng #thepapermenagerieandotherstories #kenliu #thestoriedlifeofajfikry #gabriellezevin #lilyflamecandles #citruscrush https://www.instagram.com/p/CAAx8-mAFgK/?igshid=k35i4qrt7tko
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tinmorah · 2 years ago
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Lo disimulo muy bien bajo esta fachada de infinita desdicha.
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lizfielding99 · 5 years ago
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The Romantic Novelists' Association was founded 60 years ago to raise the prestige of romantic fiction and exists today to champion the quality and diversity of that genre. It is primarily for published authors - and numbers many Sunday Times best selling authors amongst it's members - but its outstanding New Writers' Scheme has helped a huge number of writers over the publishing threshold. The RNA also gives seven Diversity and Inclusion Bursaries annually to support writers on this scheme. I have been a member for 27 years, go the lunches and talks with my local chapter and to its wonderful annual conference. We don't care about gender, sexual orientation or colour. We only care that you write about love. Find out more at #romanticnovelistsassociation.org #romanticnovelistsassociation #rna #writingromance #litloop #newwritersscheme #romanticfiction #katenash #jeanfullerton ##racheldove #katiefforde #suemoorcroft #millyjohnson #caroltownend #rowancoleman #MBAliteraryagency #romanticfiction #diamondjubilee #februaryisreadaromancemonth #readaromancemonth #writingcraft #diversity (at East Grinstead) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dKqgBgnSR/?igshid=32cxovjz551h
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wordsofbooksblog · 7 years ago
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Esce oggi in libreria “Mirror, Mirror” di Cara Delevigne edito da DeA Young Adult e sono felicissima di parlarvene oggi sul blog (il link cliccando QUI). Una lettura coinvolgente che mi ha incuriosita fin da subito!
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calturnerreviews · 6 years ago
#BlogTour - #BookReview of #TheGirlAtTheWindow by Rowan Coleman @rowancoleman @EburyPublishing @elliecrisp @TessHenderson1 @annecater #RandomThingsTours
#BlogTour - #BookReview of hauntingly beautiful #TheGirlAtTheWindow by Rowan Coleman @rowancoleman. Thanks to @EburyPublishing, @elliecrisp, @TessHenderson1 and @annecater for the opportunity. #RandomThingsTours #bookrec #bookblogger
I’m beyond excited to welcome you today to my stop on the blog tour for the hauntingly beautiful The Girl at the Window by the incredible Rowan Coleman. Thank you to Anne Cater for the invitation and to Ellie Crisp from Ebury Publishing for my copy of this spine tingling and atmospheric book.
About the book:
A beautiful new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Memory Book and The

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elizabethcustodio · 7 years ago
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"Quando vocĂȘ se olha no espelho, o que vocĂȘ vĂȘ?" . . Dei 7 motivos para vocĂȘs lerem "Mirror, Mirror" (Jogo de Espelhos), o livro thriller YA da @caradelevingne em parceria com a @rowanmcoleman lĂĄ no canal! corre lĂĄ, aproveita e se inscreve pra receber prĂłximos vĂ­deos! . . Cara Delevingne foi chamada de "a voz da nova geração" depois do lançamento desse livro, onde ela retrata de bullying, assĂ©dio sexual, idĂȘntidade, gĂȘnero e todo o drama de ser um adolescente. E eu amei esse livro. Virou um favorito. . . . . . . . . #bookaholic #mirrormirror #caradelevingne #rowancoleman #harpercollinsbooks #thriller #ya #contemporaneo #uk #british #red #naomi #leo #rose #jogodeespelhos #booktube #bookworm #bookish #instalivros #instabooks #picoftheday #drama #representatividade #genero #identidade
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bouncingtigger10 · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on The Bouncing Tigger Reads
New Post has been published on http://www.tiggerreviews.com/when-went-backwards-or-did-it/
When time went backwards - or did it?
A slow burn story where you are taken into the esoteric world of physics gently so that you understand the concept of the multiverse and what happens when you kill your grandmother!
A multiverse is, apparently, a hypothetical collection of identical or diverse universes, including our own.
And of course there is Schrodinger’s cat to help us understand it – when you open he box he is there and dead, there and not dead, or not there at all and you don’t know which until you open the box.

. the question commonly asked about your grandfather also apparently has many different answers –maybe as many the multiverses themselves!
You may have prevented yourself from being born and thus when you return to your own timeline you are an anomaly with no previous existence.
You can’t return as you no longer exist anywhere.
You haven’t made any difference as you killed your grandfather in a different universe
and so on

In this book a different concept is proposed, that you can go not only to a different universe but also  to one that it is running at a different time, and thus the connection between the two keeps throwing you into a different universe with different  histories. In each universe you enter with your old memories but you gradually lose them and remember a new history.
So as you go back and forward between these universes you affect the one in which you end up until you are in one where the history you want is the correct one for that universe.
I just wish I knew more about theoretical physics before reading this book but I am fairly sure that time travel is less likely than universe hopping so I am doubtful that she really affected the timeline, merely that she ended up in the universe where she liked the timeline and family history.
I have to give this a 5 for stretching my brain uncomfortably!
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frenchie26 · 8 years ago
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When @theworksstores has these beauties in the 3 for ÂŁ5 offer, it would be rude not to buy them! #fridayreads #bookbuy #bookblogger #bargain #bookstagram #tbr #lizfenwick @liz_fenwick #rowancoleman @rowanmcoleman #juliewassmer #maryrosemaccoll
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nicolenaicker · 8 years ago
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Recently I've been having bad luck with my choice of library books. I'd search and search and find a book that I hope will spark an interest in me once I get into it only to be sorely disappointed. The last time I visited the library however, I was in a rush. So I didn't have the time so study the synopsis and pick and choose. I just randomly glanced around and chose the titles that stood out the most. It was only once I sat down and started reading did I know what the book was about. And my luck, it was a book I couldn't put down. "The Memory Book" is amazing. It's so well written and sparks such great emotion. It also gives you the perspective of an insider and an onlooker of what it's like dealing with a disease. Definitely a good read. #thememorybook #rowancoleman #librarybook #readinggoals #recycledbooks #readerslove #readingstyle #bookstagram #bookish #booknerd #bookphotography #bookaholic #instareads #bibliophile #book #bookthings #prettybookish #happymonday #igers #samsung #samsunggalaxy #nofilter
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mjdees · 5 years ago
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(via #112 Reading The Memory Book by Rowan Coleman) Read my review of The Memory Book by @rowancoleman 
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bibliobethblog · 3 years ago
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Hello everyone! Hope you’re all well and enjoying the weekend. Today’s #stacksaturday was inspired by the #heatwavestack post that’s been going around IG then it migrated and took a life of its own into the #summerstack I’ve also just realised that I’ve forgotten to include Summer by Ali Smith in this stack so humour me and pretend it’s there? 😉😂 The Invincible Summer Of Juniper Jones - Daven McQueen (read and loved) Sunburn - Laura Lippman (TBR) Prodigal Summer - Barbara Kingsolver (TBR) Milk Blood Heat - Dantiel W. Moniz (TBR) The Summer Of Impossible Things - Rowan Coleman (TBR) Summer House With Swimming Pool - Herman Koch (TBR) The Summer That Melted Everything - Tiffany McDaniel (read and loved) I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors. Let’s have a chat in the comments. Have a lovely weekend everyone đŸ€—đŸ˜˜ #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #scottishbookstagrammer #bookstackforsummer #theinvinciblesummerofjuniperjones #davenmcqueen #sunburn #lauralippman #theprodigalsummer #barbarakingsolver #milkbloodheat #dantielwmoniz #thesummerofimpossiblethings #rowancoleman #summerhousewithswimmingpool #hermankoch #thesummerthatmeltedeverything #tiffanymcdaniel https://www.instagram.com/p/CgpVDIHrBO1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marypicken · 6 years ago
The Girl at the Window by Rowan Coleman @rowancoleman @eburypublishing @annecater #TheGirlattheWindow #blogtour
Source: Review copy Publication: 8th August 2019 from Ebury Press PP: 464 ISBN-13:  978-1785032462
A house full of history is bound to have secrets

Ponden Hall is a centuries-old house on the Yorkshire moors, a magical place full of stories. It’s also where Trudy Heaton grew up. And where she ran away from

Now, after the devastating loss of her husband, she is returning home with her

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mgconstantinom · 7 years ago
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RED, LEO, ROSE, AND NAOMI ARE MISFITS #MirrorMirror a novel @caradelevingne with @rowancoleman
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asinglepath7 · 9 years ago
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Currently đŸ’« #thememorybook #book #books #rowancoleman @rowancoleman #reading #like4like #relaxing ...
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bibliobethblog · 8 years ago
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Cheer Myself Up Book Haul #2! I clearly have issues...I need to STOP buying books now! 😂 #bookstagram #bookblogger #bookworm #bookhaul #curtissittenfeld #eligible #deborahlevy #hotmilk #thesellout #paulbeatty #theundergroundrailroad #colsonwhitehead #intothewater #paulahawkins #thesummerofimpossiblethings #rowancoleman #howtostoptime #matthaig #realbooks
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