#route 63 rp
route63rp · 6 years
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#1- the whitey needed, important parental figure. high school football coach, acted like a surrogate parent. gives sage advice. age range 40-80. potential faces: whoopi goldberg, kyle chandler, jennifer connelly, clint eastwood, and viola davis.
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#2- the first born & the second born needed, important children for horse trainer mother. the first born was a son she had when she was 17, gave up for adoption. the second born is her current 16-17 year old daughter. semi-strong relationship with daughter. doesn’t know about her older brother. age range for son: 20-22. age range for daughter: 16-17. potential faces: cole sprouse, cameron boyce, tom holland. lili reinhart, katherine langford, and danielle rose russell.
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#3- the karen needed, important mother for mixed 20 year old. had her son out of wedlock and caught a lot of crap from a lot of people. is a business owner. fiery, yet steady. age range: 38-40. potential faces: jordana brewster, vanessa ferlito, and dascha polanco.
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#4- the youngest storms needed. youngest sibling. very open personality, gender, name. age range: 32-35. potential faces: scott eastwood, elizabeth olsen, katee sackhoff, and ben barnes.
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thepictureyear · 6 years
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aimee magnolia morris
           37  |  open-minded - passionate - eccentric
                                    tw: cancer, infertility, babyloss
sort of a hippie. from a backwood appalachian family; lived in the mountains and had somewhat strange and archaic traditions. a little paganism, a little occultism, lots of naturopathy and living off of the land. grew up with her mother, siblings, and grandmother - who everyone in town thought was a witch. first generation in her family to go to college, come out of the mountains.
very outdoorsy, very “one with nature”, lives on a smallish farm and grows edible flowers and herbs and veggies. into clean living, holistic medicine, foraging, herbalism, the power of crystals, and burning sage. among other things. makes soap and candles and teas and syrups/sodas/jams to use and sell - some with alleged healing properties - paints with natural pigments, teaches art classes in a small shed on her land.
graduated with dual degrees in psychology and art and worked as an elementary art teacher in stackhouse as a bright eyed twenty something. married soon after graduation, moved into a small apartment with her hubby and was generally living the dream.
was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in her mid twenties, did lots of chemo and radiation and ended up post double mastectomy, no reconstruction. after remission had several miscarriages and a stillbirth (or v late-term miscarriage) and has struggled with infertility since. left her job in the midst.
marriage fell apart from the stress and she was divorced by 28. still feels very connected with her ex. omnisexual. believes strongly in ‘free love’. 
came out of everything with a ‘seize the day’ ‘live while you can’ mentality. takes all sorts of adventures and spontaneous trips. very passionate and gregarious and spontaneous. all about experiencing everything. super into self care and self-awareness, spiritual /total health and doing you.
has always wanted a big, chaotic family, and has been a foster parent for five or six years. currently has two young foster children, and a teenage foster son on the way. big on free range parenting, treating her children like equals, and encouraging their individuality. 
very protective of her children and family and friends, will one hundred percent support them and go to bat for them. fierce and emotional, feels strongly about most everything but tries her best to live and let live. has few expectations of people, and is very understanding and accepting of most anything. 
tends to ~adopt people.
                “ do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail ”
looking for
family - three siblings, open genders - older (early-ish 40′s), middle (late 20′s to early 30s), baby (19 to 22)
ex-husband - starry eyed young couple that grew apart through their struggles, still have an intense connection. potential for future romance?
troubled foster son - (16)  newest addition to the family, last chance before a group home / juvie, distrusting, gets in trouble frequently, always thinks she’s gonna kick him out, eventually will gain his trust????
adult foster children - (18 to 21-ish) stayed with her at some point in the last five years (probably in their adolescence / early teens), still welcome, will always be considered family, probably on good terms.
rainbow baby - not sure exactly how to get there, but eventually aimee gets to have a baby. ideas plz?
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jcinktinder · 3 years
❝ Welcome to Route 63! A premium small town RP based in the fictional town of Stackhouse, North Carolina. With a short, shipper-oriented application, an extremely lax activity requirement of one post every six months, and a board set in its own static time, this is a place for writers who love character-driven, deeply rich plots done in a small but passionate community.
We are a community that strives for acceptance, support, and encouragement. We are minority characters friendly and welcome characters and writers from all aspects of life, and from all levels. We won’t discriminate between advanced to beginner writers, as we want Route 63 to be a safe haven for everyone to find a place to call home and enjoy writing.
We have a stack of wanted ads and interest checks that offer a plethora of plotting potential, and we’d love for you to stop by and check us out! ❞
               home • claims • wanted ads • advertising • site discord
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rpings · 3 years
❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in the fictional stackhouse county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, we boast a board of prevalent southern culture that is over 3 years old and going strong! 
we are a community that strives for acceptance, support, and building excitement for writing. we are poc + lgbtq+ friendly and welcome characters and writers from all aspects of life, and from all levels. we won’t discriminate between advanced to beginner writers; we want route 63 to be a safe haven for everyone to find a place to call home and enjoy writing.
we have a lot of wanted ads that offer a plethora and myriad of plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out! ❞
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dailyjcink · 3 years
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just a couple miles down i-26 east of asheville in north carolina you'll find old route 63, a well worn highway that leads to madison county. madison county resides in the heart of the appalachian mountains and is well known for its southern charm and culture. come partake in some real southern hospitality, witness the appalachian culture at its finest, and it's worst in some cases, and enjoy a good ol' glass of sweet tea in the process. welcome to route 63, a small town rp based in the fictitious town of stackhouse, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and welcomes people from all walks of life.
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therpsource · 3 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and that is over 3 years old and going strong! 
we are a community that strives for acceptance, support, and building excitement for writing. we are poc & lgbtq+ friendly and welcome characters and writers from all aspects of life, and from all levels. we won’t discriminate between advanced to beginner writers. we want route 63 to be a safe haven for everyone to find a place to call home and enjoy writing.
we have a lot of wanted ads that offer a plethora and myriad of plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out! ❞
               home • claims • wanted ads • advertising • site discord
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allthingsroleplay · 3 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and that is over 3 years old and going strong! 
we are a community that strives for acceptance, support, and building excitement for writing. we are poc & lgbtq+ friendly and welcome characters and writers from all aspects of life, and from all levels. we won’t discriminate between advanced to beginner writers. we want route 63 to be a safe haven for everyone to find a place to call home and enjoy writing.
we have a lot of wanted ads that offer a plethora and myriad of plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out! ❞
               home • claims • wanted ads • advertising • site discord
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jcinknetwork · 3 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and that is over 2 years old and going strong! 
we are a community that strives for acceptance, support, and building excitement for writing. we are poc + lgbtq+ friendly and welcome characters and writers from all aspects of life, and from all levels. we won’t discriminate between advanced to beginner writers. we want route 63 to be a safe haven for everyone to find a place to call home and enjoy writing.
we have a lot of wanted ads that offer a plethora and myriad of plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out! ❞
               home • claims • wanted ads • advertising • site discord
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forumfilters · 3 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and welcomes people from all walks of life. we’re officially 2 years old and going strong! we have a lot of wanted ads and plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out!❞
               home • claims • wanted ads • advertising
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rpgadverts · 4 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and welcomes people from all walks of life. we’re officially 2 years old and going strong! we have a lot of wanted ads and plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out!❞
               home • claims • wanted ads • advertising
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Bariloche et la route des sept lacs
Vendredi 13 : What could go wrong ?
Après un vol assez tumultueux, nous apprenons à notre arrivée à Bariloche que, suite à l’épidémie de Covid, le gouvernement argentin commence à appliquer des mesures restrictives à l’égard des touristes européens… Nous réservons dans un air bnb pas trop regardant et louons une voiture (la gérante nous fais un prix car on paye en euros, valeur refuge au vu de l’inflation subie par le pays) afin de pouvoir explorer les environs.
Située à côté d’un lac, entourée de montagnes, spécialisée dans les chocolats et les fondues, Bariloche n’est pas située dans les Alpes suisses, mais bien dans les Andes argentines ! Sur la place centrale, une statue du général Roca, tristement célèbre pour ses massacres d’indigènes, est quotidiennement vandalisée (graffitis, drap posé sur le visage) ; et quotidiennement nettoyée par les services de la mairie. À se demander pourquoi ils la conservent…
Samedi 14 mars :
Nous prenons notre magnifique voiture, une golf tusan, et parcourons la péninsule Llao Llao à l’ouest de la ville. La route longe le (grand) lac Nahuel Huapi et nous mène au point de vue du mont Campanario, d’où nous pouvons voir l’ensemble de la péninsule ; sa forme se dessine dans les eaux bleues, plus loin des sommets rocheux émergent des flots. Très joli !
Nous avançons plus loin, et c’est une succession de petites plages (où nous ferons la sieste) et de points de vue. Une petite randonnée dans la forêt du parc municipal nous permettra d'admirer des arrayáns, arbres très rares à l'écorce couleur cannelle dorée et au tronc noueux. Pour finir, nous nous arrêtons dans un petit cimetière à flanc de montagne.
Dimanche 15 mars :
Nous quittons Bariloche en direction de San Martin de los Andes en empruntant la route des sept lacs. Elle est plutôt bien entretenue, bitumée, des virages. Elle offre surtout de nombreux points de vue sur les sommets alentours, les belles eaux des lacs, petites plages et cascades, le tout sur une distance de presque 200 kilomètres. Le trajet vaut le coup ! Quelques contrôles de police a la sortie de la ville, mais ceux-ci nous laisserons tranquille (ne pas oublier d’allumer ses feux de croisement hors zone urbaine ! )
La route nous conduit à San Martin de los Andes, petit village assez touristique et lieu de villégiature assez prisé des argentins. C’est sympathique, pas mal de maison en bois, des hôtels et des résidences secondaires. Notre logement, quand à lui, est carrément excentré : il nous faut emprunter un chemin de piste caillouteuse, puis grimper une pente assez raide avec quelques virages en tête d’épingle, avant de l’atteindre. C’est une petite cabane, à flanc de pente, dans les bois. On est vraiment isolé, au calme. Pas de télé : en guise d’écran géant, une grande fenêtre qui donne sur les arbres. La lumière éteinte, on discerne la voie lactée.
Lundi 16 mars :
Pour le retour sur Bariloche, et sur conseil de la loueuse de voiture, nous empruntons un chemin un peu différend, et passons par la RP 63 : une route de piste carrossable, caillouteuse, pleine de bosses, sur 80 kilomètres. Après avoir longé le lac meliquina, c’est un paysage totalement différent qui s’offre à nous : des collines, de la pampa, et des rochers aux formes intrigantes, qui semblent surgir de terre, rongés par l’érosion. Un décor digne d’un western !
Après plus de trois heures de route, nous rejoignons la nationale bitumée et retournons à Bariloche, laver la voiture (très poussiéreuse !) avant de la rendre, les images des magnifiques paysages plein la tête.
Nous apprenons aussi que l’Argentine a durci ses restrictions à l’égard des voyageurs au vu de l’épidémie : Tous les touristes venant de zones touchées, arrivés à partir du premier mars, doivent observer une période de quarantaine de quatorze jours à l’hôtel, à leurs frais. Nous sommes arrivés le quatre mars…
Plusieurs hôtels refusent de nous accueillir au vu de notre situation, nous finirons par nous rabattre sur le Las Amapolas. Un peu cher pour ce que c’est, mais ils veulent bien nous laisser une chambre, on va pas faire les difficiles…
Mardi 17 mars :
En quarantaine. Nous discutons de nos options, et au vu des fermetures de lieux publics qui commencent à concerner l’Argentine, la fermeture des frontières des pays voisins, ainsi qu’au fait de ne pas pouvoir quitter notre chambre pendant deux semaines, le rapatriement semble l’option la plus judicieuse…
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route63rp · 6 years
sebastian diego north
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20 | athletic - articulate - retrospective
    trigger warning - fatherly abandonment, hazing, and racial discrimination.
a madison county native born out of wedlock and often made to feel like an outsider in his home town. there isn’t a soul that doesn’t know his story. a big shot football player and a cheerleader mother, high school sweethearts got pregnant their senior year. his father, the younger north ditched his mother when he went to college and met another woman and got her pregnant before sebastian was born. six months after he was born he got a half-brother out of the picture and a step-mother, though still to this day his father doesn’t claim him. 
because of his past, bast tends to be a very reserved individual. he doesn’t trust people easily and often wants to pull back and avoid them all together. he was teased mercilessly through school because of his mixed heritage, an aryan father and a hispanic mother, he was to white to be hispanic, but to dark to be white. it was a curse. he rarely shows anyone what he’s really thinking outside of his small and intimate circle of people. otherwise, he keeps a fairly passable pokerface. it’s a defense mechanism because growing up in madison county wasn’t easy, at least for him just because of his surname, north. 
bast is an athlete and an academic. he’s talented in football (family genes) and he’s an exquisite writer. he has a good ability at channeling his life challenges into his writing. he’s currently at stackhouse university on a football scholarship majoring in creative writing. he wants to change the world with his words one day in the far away future. he works as a part-time mechanic at his uncle norths mechanic shop too. so despite his complicated family dynamics, he manages to keep his head somewhat up and go about his business trying to live life the best that he can. 
“what’s more important? what we become or how we became it?”
-lucas scott, one tree hill. 
looking for:
“the karen”- a.k.a. his mother. she raised him by herself with the help of his paternal uncle. she’s a business owner of some sort, very fiery and independent. resentful towards the dan and his new family. her age range would be 37-38. open name. potential face claims: jordana brewster, vanessa ferlito, and dascha polanco.
“the keith”- a.k.a. his uncle. has been the sole leading father figure in bast’s life and taught him everything he knows about vehicles. he has a soft spot romantically for the karen. his age range is 39-41. oepn first name, last name has to be north. owner of north automotive shop. potential face claims: chad michael murray, james franco, and joel kinnaman.
“the dan”- a.k.a. his father. has been absent and neglectful to bast. ignores him in public and pretends bast doesn’t exist. very harsh on the nathan his second son pushing him to be the best. his age range is 37-38. a business owner or political figure in madison county. open first name, last name has to be north. potential face claims: dave franco, henry cavill, and chris evans.
“the deb”- a.k.a. the step-mother he doesn’t know. he’s never spoke to her and she’d distant at best. she knows of the karen and bast, but doesn’t interact with them. eventually will snap under her husbands abusive nature and get close to the karen and be friends with her, but until then she’s a distant figure. open occupation. open first name, last name has to be north. age range is 37-38. potential face claims are natalie dormer, scarlett johansson, and taylor schilling.
“the nathan”- a.k.a. the half-brother. put bast through hell in high school football. hazing, bullying, and racial slurs. is super dismissive to his brother and will try to get to him in college through the haley. he plays college ball with bast now and it’s not a friendly environment at all. open first name, last name has to be north. open occupation. potential face claims: dylan sprayberry, cameron dallas, and brent rivera.
“the peyton”- a.k.a. the ex-love  and old flame. big into music and art, very intellectual and loves to debate. her and bast dated from sophomore year to the end of their senior year. they split up when she left for college or to pursue something far from madison county. he still loves her and pines for her. she’ll return to town in a whirlwind and turn him on his head once more. age range is 19-21. open name and occupation. potential face claims: lana condor (#1 choice for pic spam), alisha roe, and hailee steinfield.
“the haley”- a.k.a. the best friend and sister he never had. she’s bast’s absolute best friend and they’ve known each other for years and she’s always coming around for their family gatherings. she’s from a founding family in madison and known as “royalty” and is often made fun of for hanging with bast.  she’s really smart and is majoring in something super intense at college. she’s 20-21. open name (founding family last name) and occupation. potential face claims: maia mitchell, danielle campbell, and camila mendes.
“the jake”- a.k.a. the other best friend. he’s played football with bast for years and is super relaxed and laid back. he’s always had bast’s back and he’s essentially the brother that bast should have had. somewhat academically inclined and very athletic. he gives bast a lot of sage advice, very worldly. his name is open and so is his occupation. age range is 20-21. potential face claims: jake t. austin, shawn mendes, and christian cody.
“the whitey”- a.k.a. the coach. they were the first non-family influence in bast’s life that made him believe in himself and not care about what the county thought of him and his mother. they’ve always championed both his athletic and academic ability. they’re a steadying influence in his life and he uses them for a sounding board and they often give him much needed advice, even if he doesn’t ask them for it. they know his parents well either having taught them or went to school with them. they’re gender, name, and history is completely open. their age range can be from 40-85. potential face claims: russell crowe, clint eastwood, kyle chandler, whoopi goldberg, viola davis, and jennifer connelly. 
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thepictureyear · 6 years
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grace raina joshi
           25  |  intuitive - intelligent - neurotic
                                  trigger warning: familial death, war violence, ptsd
born and raised in a house in the valley. second-generation indian american  - mother and father, who moved to stackhouse after they got married to get away from the big city hustle and bustle. can cook delicious food and celebrates major holidays, but not all that in touch with her culture otherwise. was a baby sister until a month ago, now not sure what she is now.
wicked smart, hard working, kinda intense tbh. pushes herself to excel and tends to define herself by her academic prowess. graduated valedictorian in 2010, attended harvard on a partial scholarship for undergrad and then harvard med after that. spent most summers and breaks working on internships or taking classes or doing research, but always came home when her brother did.
introvert. prone to over-analyzing and over-thinking everything. shy, but very loyal. loves color coding, alphabetizing, and labeling. has a low tolerance for visual disorder. hyper-organized, likes to control her environment especially when she can’t control other aspects of her life. comes out of her shell with the people she’s close to, and in her professional life. 
feels things strongly despite her somewhat analytical nature. gets her thoughts out better on paper than in words. letter writer. care package sender. skype aficionado. tea drinker. cat lover.
no longer a baby sister. big brother danny was pretty much her best friend, he enlisted in the army at eighteen (grace was fourteen) and spent most of his time deployed. always came home to spend time with her on leaves. was her first military pen pal and recipient of many baked goods and other presents. unit was decimated in a mission that went bad in late august. is absolutely devastated.
dropped out of school a week after his funeral - despite having just started her final year of med school. feels like a failure but just couldn’t handle it. showed up crying at her best friend’s door with a suitcase and a broken heart, begging for a place to stay. knew her parents would welcome her back but can’t imagine living in the house where she grew up with danny.
wrote many soldiers in danny’s units; including a young man named “luke”. has always refused to define what they are, but he’s probably the only boy she’s ever loved. assumes he died in the attack. hasn’t allowed herself to think about losing him too. danny takes up too much room. involved in the local va and advocates for vets.
holds herself to her word. doesn’t do well with problems without solutions. considers friendships sacred. grief makes her selfish so she’s isn’t the easiest to be around right now. slowly putting herself back together. hoping coming home will help her get her life back together. 
                                “ light up, light up, as if you have a choice even if you cannot hear my voice “
looking for:
best friend / sister from another mister - (25 ish) the yin to grace’s yang - outgoing, vivacious, carefree, somewhat rebellious. grace lives vicariously through. her person. roomie! 
“luke” - (25-28 ish) soldier grace has been writing / is kind of in love with. surprise!not!dead! comes to stackhouse to come back to grace. ptsd and angst. 
danny’s girl - (late 20′s) dead brother’s significant other, seriousness and degree pending. dealing with his death as well, but difficult to be around / conflicting. 
danny’s friends - (mid/late 20′s to early 30′s) approx four years older, possibly look after grace like danny would have. 
emts / first responders / medical professionals - give me a dysfunctional workplace plot please, i’m begging you! 
unofficial uso - local military and ex-military peeps, their family members and other supporters. probably will try to organize benefits and such.
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jcinktinder · 4 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and welcomes people from all walks of life. we’re officially 2 years old and going strong! we have a lot of wanted ads and plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out!❞
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rpings · 3 years
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just a couple miles down i-26 east of asheville in north carolina you'll find old route 63, a well worn highway that leads to madison county. madison county resides in the heart of the appalachian mountains and is well known for its southern charm and culture. come partake in some real southern hospitality, witness the appalachian culture at its finest, and it's worst in some cases, and enjoy a good ol' glass of sweet tea in the process. welcome to route 63, a small town rp based in the fictitious town of stackhouse, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and welcomes people from all walks of life.
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dailyjcink · 3 years
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❝ welcome to route 63! a premium small town rp based in madison county, north carolina. set in current fluid time, and a board of prevalent southern culture and that is over 3 years old and going strong! 
we are a community that strives for acceptance, support, and building excitement for writing. we are poc & lgbtq+ friendly and welcome characters and writers from all aspects of life, and from all levels. we won’t discriminate between advanced to beginner writers. we want route 63 to be a safe haven for everyone to find a place to call home and enjoy writing.
we have a lot of wanted ads that offer a plethora and myriad of plotting potential; we’re a friendly group and we love making connections, so please stop by and check us out! ❞
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