#round 545
cai-tan · 11 months
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: ocean sunfish
Everybody knows ocean sunfish, right? Those giant, slow, silly-looking, parasite-ridden morons that eat jellyfish and can't defend themselves from predators really are the worst fish right?
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(GIF: Lex Luthor screaming "WRONG!" from the movie Superman Returns)
First of all there's no such thing as a "best" or "worst" animal and judging animals by human standards of what is cool or successful is silly because our standards are not even universal among humans, let along other species. Secondly, the closest thing we have to a way to judge a species is how successful it is in its niche and sunfish are doing pretty good, thank you very much. Today I'll be talking about sunfish and how they are not bad fish at all.
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(Image: a Mola mola located near the surface of the ocean, with the tip of its dorsal fin and part of its head breaching the surface. It is a round fish with no tail, only a wrinkly region of its body. Its dorsal and anal fins are long and slender The eyes and mouth are proportionately small. It is a pale white with light grey spots. A SCUBA diver is visible in the background. End ID)
Ocean sunfish, or molas, are members of the family Molidae, which is divided into five known species across three genuses. Im mostly going to be talking about members of the genus Mola, but I'll mention the other two as well. Molas are known for their size and odd appearances, looking like someone chopped a fish in half and the front half went swimming off on its own. They are members of the order Tetraodontiformes, making them cousins to pufferfish, triggerfish, boxfish, and others. While many members of that order are known to be highly poisonous, molas are not. They also lack several other common traits. Despite being bony fish, most of the mola skeleton is made of cartilage and they do not have swim bladders, forcing them to actively swim to maintain their position in the water column. Instead of a tail and caudal fin, sunfish have a structure called the clavus. The clavus is formed mostly from connective tissue and is used as a rudder. Because the clavus is mostly made of connective tissue, damage to it is not particularly harmful to the fish. There have been molas found alive and well that have had portions of their clavus eaten by predators. Because of their shortened stature, molas have the fewest vertebrae of all fish. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated and are used to provide propulsion by flapping back and fourth similarly to how birds wings move, albeit slower. Minute alterations in the angle each fin moves through the water help with steering, while more sharp turns are aided with jets of water ejected through the mouth and gills. Like their other Tetraodintid relatives, mola teeth are fused together into a beak-like structure that prevents them from closing their mouths. They also have some more regular pharyngeal teeth in the backs of their mouths. Some reports say that the fish can make noises by grinding the pharyngeal teeth together. Mola skin is thick and rough, described as being similar to sandpaper in texture. Like most fish, the skin is covered in a layer of protective mucus.
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(Image: a mola sunbathing. It is positioned with one side of its body facing the surface. Its body is just under the water's surface. End ID)
The three species in the genus Mola are Mola mola, the ocean sunfish and most well-known of the molas, Mola alexandrini, the giant, southern, or bumphead mola, and Mola tecta, the hoodwinker sunfish. Mola mola has an average weight of 247 to 1000 kg (545 to 2205 lbs), mouth to clavus length of 1.8 m (5.9 ft) and dorsal to anal fin length of 2.5 m (8.2 ft), though some individuals can get much large. The largest individual on record had a length of 3.3 m (10.8 ft), height of 3.2 m (10.5 ft) and weighed 2300 kg (5100 lbs). M. alexandrini is the largest of the species. The largest known southern sunfish measured in at 2744 kg (6049 lbs) and 3.25 m (10.66 ft) from mouth to clavus, making it the largest known bony fish in the world. They can be distinguished from M. mola by the presence of bumps on the forehead and chin, a more rounded clavus, and differently-shaped scales. M. tecta is known as the hoodwinker sunfish because it was long mistaken for one of the other two species and was only identified as a separate species in 2015 after the body of one washed up in Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand and was examined by scientists. Because it has only recently been discovered, little is known about this species. They appear to have the same range of sizes and weights of the other two species and can be distinguished by a slimmer body shape and a smooth clavus. All three species are found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, though M. alexandrini and M. tecta are more commonly found in the southern hemisphere.
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(Image: a Mola alexandrini underwater. It is distinguishable from Mola mola by the two bumps above and below its facial region, making it look lumpy. It is surrounded by striped cleaner fish. A SCUBA diver is in the background. End ID)
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(Image: a Mola tecta seen from the side. It is smoother than the other two species. More of its body is grey with white spots. End ID)
Molas are open-ocean dwellers that live life in the slow lane. For a long time, it was believed they were moved around by ocean currents they could not swim against, making them plankton. We now know they not only can swim against the current, they are capable of bursts of speed fast enough to breach the water's surface and briefly go airborne. Sunfish are named for their habit of basking at the surface of the water. It was formerly believed they spent most of their time at the surface, but thanks to tagging, we know they make frequent dives into the deep ocean. They likely bask at the surface to warm up between dives. You may not expect something as slow as a sunfish to be a predator, but they are. Much of their diet consists of gelatinous animals including jellyfish, siphonophores, ctenophores, and salps, though they will also eat small fish, fish larvae, squids, crustaceans, and even seagrass. Because they can't chew, sunfish move prey into and out of their mouth by rapidly switching between sucking water in and spitting it out in order to shred the prey into pieces small enough to swallow. Special mucus lining the digestive system may protect the molas from the stinging tentacles of their prey. Molas and other jellyfish-eaters like the leatherback sea turtle play an important role in the ecosystem by keeping jellyfish populations down. Jellyfish are not particularly nutritious, so the sunfish need to eat a lot of them to survive, something they seem to be pretty good at. Being slow and having a very low-energy lifestyle helps the fish survive on a less-nutritious diet, making them very energy efficient. One thing molas get a lot of flack for online is having lots of parasites (with up to 40 known species). This doesn't really make sense. Every species has parasites. An animal in the wild that doesn't have parasites is vanishingly rare. Having parasites doesn't make an animal suck, it makes them ordinary. Because of their parasite load, molas are frequent visitors to cleaner fish, who will eat their parasites. Molas will also let seabirds land on them and eat their parasites while they rest on the surface. The molas attract birds by splashing at the surface. Adult molas have few natural predators, but are hunted by sharks, sea lions, and orcas. Interestingly, sea lions have been known to kill molas apparently for sport, ripping off the fins and then leaving the mola to die.
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(Image: a mola seen from the front. Multiple smaller fish are picking parasites off of its skin. End ID)
Molas are broadcast spawners who release their gametes into the water alongside each other. A female mola can release 300 million eggs at a time, more than any other vertebrate. Newly hatched sunfish are 2.5 millimeters long and are often cited as having the largest discrepancy in size between juvenile and adult of any vertebrate. An adult mola can be 60 millions times the weight of a larva. The larvae look very different than adult, lacking their dorsal and anal fins but having pufferfish-like spines. Juveniles school together for protection and become solitary as they age. The diet of the fish varies as they age, with younger fish feeding more on squid, worms, crustaceans, and fish but becoming more reliant on jellyfish and other gelatinous prey as they age. We don't know the growth rate of molas, but a juvenile in the Monterey Bay Aquarium grew from 26 to 339 kg (57 to 880 lbs) in 15 months, suggesting they grow rapidly. The maximum age of molas is unknown, though individuals in captivity have lives for up to 10 years.
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(Image: a mola larva. It is a brown ball with large, black eyes and no visible fins. It is covered in transparent, conical spines. End ID)
The two non-Mola sunfish are Ranzania laevis, the slender sunfish and Masturus lanceolatus, the sharptail sunfish. Both are alone in the genuses, but other species are suspected. I also found references to other species in Masturus, but could find literally no information about them other than that Masturus oxyuropterus is listed in some records. The sharptail sunfish looks very similar to Mola mola and reaches similar sizes, but its clavus has an extension that looks like a short tail. They were initially believed to be deformed molas before being recognized as a separate species. Unlike molas, sharptail sunfish are rarely seen at the surface, preferring to stay in deeper water. The slender sunfish is the smallest of the family, reaching up to a meter long. While we don't know much about them, we know their diet includes a lot of fast-moving squid, indicating they can move faster than their much larger relatives.
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(Image: a sharptail sunfish lying on a blue tarp. It looks similar to a Mola mola , but with black clavus and fins. At the back of the clavus is a triangular extension. End ID)
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(Image: a person holding a slender sunfish. The fish is small enough to be held and has a longer and skinnier body than other sunfish. Its body is a shiny silver with blue lines. End ID)
Mola mola is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN while the other species are classed as either data deficient or least concern. Molas are vulnerable to strikes by boats and bycatch. Another danger to them is plastic bags, which can easily be ingested after being mistaken for a jellyfish. The bags can suffocate the fish or block their digestive tracts. Despite their size, molas are docile and not dangerous to humans. I found one example of a mola harming a human and it happened when the fish jumped out of the water and landed on a boat. Allegedly, some fish have learned to recognize and approach SCUBA divers. Molas are difficult to keep in captivity due to their size, the amount of space the need, and special feeding needs, so only a few aquariums have them. Molas are captured for food, with the biggest markets being in Taiwan and Japan, where they are often called mambos.
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(Image: a SCUBA diver attempting to hand feed a small mola. End ID)
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faeriichaii · 9 months
It’s so cold and I’m already over it and crave summer! Could you do lotr/hobbit boys (specifically fili but I’m open to others) with a mermaid!reader who’s just so curious about the land above like Ariel and loves to share her collection of land walker trinkets she found? Thanks muah 🫶
Part of Your World ~ Line of Durin x Mermaid!Reader
A/N: Honestly same, I miss spring and summer :( It just started snowing again and I'm like hello?? It's too cold?? I really really love that idea omg and I'm so happy to get a request for Fili <33!! I just think I will do like the line of Durin kinda thing so each of them get a short story with a mermaid!reader~ Ngl I really struggled to come up with things that the reader could find and what she thinks it could be used for- But in the end I think it turned alright :) I hope you will like the story! Also I'm sorry that Thorins and Kilis are a little bit shorter😔😔
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Fluff, fluff and fluff :) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.8k (Thorin: 472, Fili: 843, Kili: 545) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ
⇢ ˗ˏˋAmrâlimé ~ My Love ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ‘lbinê ~ My Jewel ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋHalw Kurdu ~ Sweet Heart ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋGaihith ~ Little Dove ࿐ྂ
Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
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You waved at Balin with a wide smile on your face, as you were walking through the palace to find your soon-to-be-husband. You just came back from a wonderful swim by the riverbank, where you found a little trinket that you can’t wait to show him. You have been enjoying yourself earlier, splashing around and swimming with various different fish, as something very shiny caught your interest. You swam down towards it and carefully pulled it out of the sand. It was a big round silver band, that almost looked like an enormous ring. You smiled down at your find as you returned to the riverbank and let yourself dry off. While waiting for you to completely dry and get your fish tail exchanged for your legs, your eyes focused on the intricate thing in your hands.
The big round thing was formed with immaculate detail, various different flourishes made up the entire silver ring. In the middle of all the silver designs, was a white jewel. The same jewels were also placed a little more on the left, as well as on the right side. A smile spread across your face at the beauty of the item you found. Now you were walking through the castle, mysterious item in hand and trying to find Thorin. You opened the door of the library. Thorins back was facing you, as he looked through several scrolls that were scattered around the table. “Amrâlimé, I have found a new treasure! It is the most beautiful thing I have ever found, but I don’t know what it is used for.” The endearment that passed your lips was the first word Thorin ever taught you. And ever since then, you have been calling him by that. The king stopped working his hands through the scrolls and instead focused all of his attention on you. “What did you find my Queen?”
He approached you, giving you a gentle smile. You put the item in your hands in his outstretched one. Letting one of his thumbs run over the details, he slowly placed it on top of your head. His finger ran over one of the braids he did, until they laid softly against your cheek. “Do you know what it is?” Shaking your head no, you leaned into the touch of his warm palm on your face. “It is a tiara Amrâlimé. It is very similar to the crown I am wearing. And the one you will be wearing very soon.” A smile spread across your lips. Leaning in towards Thorin you gave him a kiss, which he quickly reciprocated. “I think this is one of the most beautiful treasures I have found yet.” At that, the king shook his head, still holding you close to him. “You are the greatest treasure to walk this earth ‘lbinê.”
Water dripped down your tail, as you sat on a stone in the middle of the lake. It has been days since you had the chance to take a quick dive into the waters, craving to feel the waves and ripples all over your body as you take a dive. Plus, the constant walking on your newly attained feet and legs was exhausting. You begged and pleaded with Fili to talk his uncle into finding a stream and taking a break close by. After around the tenth time of Fili approaching Thorin, the king had enough and took upon searching for some kind of water source. It didn’t take long until they found a river and decided to put up camp close by. The first thing you did of course was take a swim and now you are perched on top of a stone, combing through your hair with your hands. Letting out a few soft tunes of a song you have learned long ago, your eyes locked onto something that was glistening in the water. Tilting your head, you squinted your eyes at it to take a better look.
Not being able to figure out what it was you decided to jump off of the stone and into the water. Gently flicking your tail around, you quickly approached the unidentified item. Your hair was floating around you as your fingers gently took a hold of the long gold string that was stuck between some stones. Pushing them aside, you freed the item. Tilting your head in curiosity, you gave the item you freed a quick look before breaking through the water and sitting down on the riverbank. Your fingers softly brushed against it. It felt cold and smooth beneath the pads of your fingers. Footsteps approached you, as you sat there with your tail still pacing from side to side in the water, creating some tiny waves.
“I see, I need to redo your braid once you’re out of the water.” Fili said as he sat down beside you, letting his feet also dangle into the water. “Fili look what I have found!” You exclaimed with glee, shoving the string with a gold heart attached to it into his face. His gaze flickered from your capturing eyes to the item in your hand that you proudly held out for him to look at. “Ah, do you know what it is Halw Kurdu?” He asked you with a smile on his lips. “Mhh not yet… I’m still trying to figure it out.” A design of a flower with swirls was etched into the golden heart that hung loose on the chain. “Is it maybe… something for the braids you teach me all the time?” You smile at him while trying to weave the item into your semi dry hair.  A chuckle left Filis lips. “No, it definitely does not belong into your hair. What else could it be?” You pondered for a moment after Fili revealed to you that you were wrong. Seconds pass as you look at the shiny thing in your hand. “Ah! It could be a weapon! Like the slingshot you once showed me!” Taking a pebble that was laying by your side, you put it on the heart and tried to shoot Fili, however the small stone just fell out of your hand and into the water with a little 'plop'.
Laughing heartedly, the man beside you clung onto his stomach, making you pout sadly. After a few seconds he composed himself and stood up. “Don’t worry Amrâlimê, I will show you what this is.” He took the thing from your hands and kneeled behind you. “Lift your hair up for me.” You did what he asked for. His hands snaked to the front of your neck, laying down the golden heart you fished out. “All done.” Fili sat down once more, looking at the golden heart that shone in the sun. You put your fingers over it softly. “It is a necklace. And it really looks beautiful on you.” His gentle smiled made your heart fill with warmth. “I think you can even…” He grabbed onto the locket and opened it. A soft gasp escaped you. “I can store things in this tiny necklace?” You asked him excitedly. Fili put a hand atop of your head, before letting it travel to the back of your neck. “I mean you could store like a drawing of me in there. Or maybe even a tiny drawing of the both of us together.” A smile graced your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “I love that idea. And I love you Fili. Thank you for showing me another new thing from your world.” A chuckle left his lips as he gave you a soft peck on the top of your head, his beard tickling you gently. “It’s not just my world anymore. It is our world now Amrâlimê.”
Awful sounds were coming from your shared room within the palace. A hollow wooden item was laying on your lap. Four thick silver strings were attached from the bottom of the wood, over to the top of it. Silver round nubs were securely screwed into the strangely formed top, keeping the strings in place. The middle of the wooden box had two flourishes, one on each side. You pulled on one of the strings, realizing that a strange sound came from the item. A bright smile spread over your face, as you pulled on the string once more. Turning the nubs, you noticed that the strings suddenly produced a different sound. You softly giggled as you continued to run your fingers over the strings.
“Gaihith, what is this awful melody?” Kili asks, as he walks into the room, his hands covering his ears. His gaze was locked onto your mesmerizing eyes until he heard that he apparently got closer to the source of his disdain. “So, you are the source for the awful music? And I thought mermaids were supposed to be exceptional when it comes to singing.” You pouted at his words as you lifted the wooden item from your lap. “I went for a swim earlier this morning and I found this in the waters. I thought that maybe if I pull on the strings it opens up or something.” Kili sat down beside you on the bed and gently took the item from your hand. “You really don’t have a clue what this is?” “Well, if I would know what it is, I would probably know how to properly use it now, wouldn’t I?” He chuckled at your snippy remark, laying his hand on your thigh.
“Should I show you what it is?”  You nodded softly, as you got lost in his loving gaze. Kili pulled the item towards his shoulder and lay his head somewhat on top of it. “Did you perhaps also find something else with the violin?” “Violin?” You asked, tilting your head to the side at the strange word. “This is a violin Amrâlimê. Normally you would use a violin bow to properly play any tunes on it.” A soft ‘ah’ escaped your lips. “No, I just found the violin.” Kili nodded at that, stood up and got the violin bow from his own instrument. He once pulled the bow over the silver strings and shuddered at the god-awful sound he just produced. Strumming the instrument, he played a few wonderful sounds.
Your smile widened at the beautiful melodies as you softly hummed to the tune. “Wow this sounds so beautiful Kili! I really love it!” You hugged him tightly, after he finished his little ministration with the instrument. He put the item beside you on the bed and reciprocated the loving embrace. A soft kiss was placed on the top of your head, that made you look up. You returned the gesture by giving him a quick peck on the lips. “We could start performing together. You play the violin and I will sing my mermaid songs to the people of Erebor.” A chuckle left his lips as he put a hand on your cheek and kissed you once more. “I think that is a wonderful idea.”
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mocakitsune · 1 month
Healthy Skinny Girl Diet - Day 1 (food log and update)
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(Note - I over round up calories)
Cucumber - 45 cals
Olive Garden Dressing - 80 cals
Nectarine - 70 cals
Premier Protein Shake Chocolate - 160 cals
Sweet Martha Cookie - 545 (leftover from fair yesterday)
Total: 900 (at calorie max for the day)
I go to work soon and will fast the rest of the day after I eat this, but otherwise, it's going well, through in the cookies, so I don't binge later!
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deathmoth-blog · 3 months
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The ocean sunfish or common mola (Mola mola) is one of the largest bony fish in the world. It is the type species of the genus Mola, and one of five extant species in the family Molidae. It was once misidentified as the heaviest bony fish, which was actually a different and closely related species of sunfish, Mola alexandrini. Adults typically weigh between 247 and 1,000 kg (545 and 2,205 lb). It is native to tropical and temperate waters around the world. It resembles a fish head without a tail, and its main body is flattened laterally. Sunfish can be as tall as they are long when their dorsal and ventral fins are extended.
Its common English name, sunfish, refers to the animal's habit of sunbathing at the surface of the sea.[citation needed] Its common names in Dutch, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Russian, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, and German (maanvis, peixe lua, Poisson lune, pez luna, peix lluna, Pesce luna, рыба-луна, φεγγαρόψαρο, holdhal, månefisk and Mondfisch, respectively) mean "moon fish", in reference to its rounded shape. In German, the fish is also known as Schwimmender Kopf, or "swimming head". In Polish, it is named samogłów, meaning "head alone" or "only head", because it has no true tail. In Swedish and Danish it is known as klumpfisk, in Dutch klompvis, in Finnish möhkökala, all of which mean "lump fish". The Chinese translation of its academic name is 翻車魚; fān chē yú, meaning "toppled wheel fish". Many of the sunfish's various names allude to its flattened shape.
It was originally classified in the pufferfish family as Tetraodon mola, its epithet mola is Latin for "millstone", which the fish resembles because of its gray color, rough texture, and rounded body. It is now placed in its own genus Mola and family name Molidae as the type species with two other species: Mola tecta and M. alexandrini (previously known as Mola ramsayi). Extinct relatives of Mola mola lived in the Oligocene and Miocene epochs. However, the earliest known fossil remains of Mola mola itself were found in archaeological middens dating to the Holocene epoch.
The common name "sunfish" without qualifier is used to describe the marine family Molidae and the freshwater sunfish in the family Centrarchidae, which is unrelated to Molidae. On the other hand, the name "ocean sunfish" and "mola" refer only to the family Molidae.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 35, 27 août 1882, Paris. Ustensiles de table, modèles de chez Testevuide, Maison de l'Aluminium, boulevard Poissonnière, 21. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Le no. 187 est une pince à sucre en bronze d'aluminium (aluminum bronze sugar tongs), du prix de 6 fr. 50 c.
No. 526. Cuillère à confiture et fruits à l'eau-de-vie (Spoon for jam and fruit brandy): 3 fr.
No. 530. Cuillère à thé (forme russe) (Teaspoon (Russian form)): 2 fr. 25 c.
No. 171. Cuillère à sucre repercée à jours (Sugar spoon pierced with holes): 7 fr. 50 c.
No. 560. Ciseau à raisin (Grape scissors): 10 fr.
No. 214. Cuillère à punch avec manche d'ébène (Punch ladle with ebony handle): 7 fr.
No. 402. Couteau à fruits, avec manche japonais et lame en bronze d'aluminium (Fruit knife, with Japanese handle and aluminum bronze blade): 3 fr. 75 c.
No. 159. Même couteau entièrement en bronze d'aluminium (Fruit knife entirely in aluminum bronze): 3 fr. 75 c.
No. 158. Couvert à dessert en même métal (Dessert cutlery in in aluminum bronze): 5 fr.
No. 186. Pelle à tartre repercée à jours (Spatula pierced with holes): 15 fr. 55 c.
No. 173. Cuillère à verre d'eau (Glass of water spoon): 3 fr. 75 c.
No. 525. Cuillère à fraises (Strawberry spoon): 12 fr.
No. 399. Couteau à fromage avec manche d'ivoire (Cheese knife with ivory handle): 10 fr.
No. 170. Cuillère à compote (Compote spoon): 7 fr.
No. 192. Casse-noix simple ou double (Single or double nutcracker): 9 fr.
No. 185. Pelle à glace (Ice shovel): 10 fr.
No. 164. Cuillère à café grand modèle uni (Coffee spoon, large plain model): 1 fr. 50 c.
No. 676. Cuillère, à glace (Ice cream spoon): 1 fr. 75.
No. 520. Cuillère à café de forme russe (Coffee spoon, Russian form): 2 fr.
No. 720. Compotier guilloché à perle et cristal gravé (Guilloche dish with pearl and engraved crystal): 30 fr.
No. 545. Passe-thé repercé à jours (Perforated tea strainer): 3 fr.
No. 424. Surtout de table argenté avec cornet en cristal taillé (Silver table centerpiece with cut crystal cornet): 75 fr.
Nos. 410 à 413. Service à bonbons (Candy service): 15 fr.
No. 675. Sucrier de table, à pied rond avec cuillère repercée (Table sugar bowl, round foot with pierced spoon): 37 fr. 75 c.
No. 561. Pince à sucre en forme d'oiseau (très-commodé) (Bird-shaped sugar tongs (very convenient)): 7 à 9 fr.
No. 735. Cafetière Louis XVI guillochée avec deux écussons (Louis XVI guilloché coffee pot with two escutcheons): 55 à 60 fr.
No. 478. Tasse à café avec soucoupe (Coffee cup with saucer): 20 fr.
Corbeille pour milieu de table (Basket for middle of table): 200 fr.
Le luxe et l'élégance dans le service de la table ont marché d'un pas égal avec le luxe de la toilette et de l'habillement. Il serait choquant, en effet, de voir des maîtresses de maison vêtues de beaux atours, assises devant une table dressée avec incurie ou négligence. Quand on ne peut posséder des services en argent très-complet, on y supplée en employant des métaux moins coûteux. Ce que l'on recherche avant tout, c'est l'aspect soigné de la table, c'est aussi l'emploi d'objets spéciaux pour chaque usage: servir du thé ou du café dans une théière ou dans une cafetière de porcelaine est une hérésie en matière de confort élégant. On a porté cette recherche dans tous les détails. Pour les fruits à l'eau-de-vie et pour les confitures, on a fabriqué des petites louches microscopiques, cuillères rondes pareilles à celles que l'on emploie pour servir le potage. On a des cuillères à compotes, des pelles à tartes, des cuillères à sucre, à punch, à verre d'eau, etc., et beaucoup d'etc., ainsi que nos abonnées pourront s'en convaincre en examinant la collection d'ustensiles de table que nous plaçons sous leurs yeux. Les numéros du catalogue de la Maison de l'Aluminium accompagnent chaque objet, ce qui abrège les recherches et résout les doutes quant aux prix.
Luxury and elegance in the service of the table have gone hand in hand with the luxury of toilet and clothing. It would indeed be shocking to see hostesses dressed in finery, seated before a table set carelessly or negligently. When one cannot possess very complete silver services, one makes up for it by employing less costly metals. What we are looking for above all is the neat appearance of the table, it is also the use of special objects for each use: serving tea or coffee in a teapot or in a porcelain coffee maker is heresy when it comes to stylish comfort. We carried out this research in all the details. For fruits in eau-de-vie and for jams, small microscopic ladles were made, round spoons similar to those used to serve soup. We have compote spoons, pie scoops, sugar spoons, punch spoons, glass of water spoons, etc., and a lot of etc., as our subscribers will be able to convince themselves of by examining the collection of utensils that we place before their eyes. The catalog numbers of the Maison de l'Aluminium accompany each object, which shortens searches and resolves doubts about prices.
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ORV Quotes Tournament Round 1
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Plain text under the cut:
Ch 186: The 73rd Demon King, V: I overcame all the tragedies in my life with a single story. It was the story of a person who never gave up, no matter what. That story made me. I could survive to reach here.
Ch 545: The Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, X: She believed that she worked hard to endure. She believed that a lot of time had passed by now, as much as all the sentences she had written down. She breathed, she ate, and she slumbered – Han Sooyoung survived in that manner. ⸢You are not a regressor because you regress.⸥
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loakstahni · 8 months
Good job, mamas
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Recom! Lyle Wainfleet X RecomOc! Colten Little
Warning ⚠; pregnant oral sex, tail pulling kink, lactation kink, female orgasm, cursing.
A/N; thank you to @quicktosimp for the idea!💙
Word count; 545
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Summary; The past 7 months had gone by like a blur, the first 4 were long and hard, but now that Colten was 7 months along she was fine, extremely horny and pent up, but fine.
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Lyle had refused yet again to get intimate, mainly because he feared he would hurt Colten and their unborn baby. Leaving Colten upset and sexually frustrated.
Colten isn't sure how she ended up like this, on her back, legs and lower body pulled up as Lyle was sat back on his haunches, His face buried between her thighs. She felt a bit awkward in this position, her lower body completely lifted off the bed while her upper back and shoulders laid against the bed.
Lyle refused to fuck her with his thick cock, but that didn't stop him from tongue fucking her. Colten let out needy whimpers and whines below him, her tail curled tightly around his forearm. “L-Lyle-” she gasps out a moan, the feeling of his rough, cat lick tongue between her neglected folds felt like heaven. She lifts her head, looking up at lyle’s face, only met by his heated amber gaze. She groans, dropping her head back down against the pillows propped up behind her.
“Taste so fuckin’ sweet for me, mama.” Lyle groans, completely lost in the taste of her arousal. His right arm was hooked under her ass, keeping her lower body supported while his left hand rested in her rounded stomach. His slid his hand up, kneading at one of her full breasts, drawing a strangled grown from her. Lyle’s nose bumps into Colten’s over sensitive clit, making her sob in pleasure. “Fuck.. D-do that again..” She begs, reaching a hand up, pressing down on the back of his head.
Lyle hums, nosing at her clit again before sucking in the little nub. Slipping his hand back down to her core parting her folds with his pointer finger and middle finger, exposing her clit a bit more. “L-ly!” Colten whimpers, her hips jerking upwards towards his mouth. “Hold still, bug, don't want you to hurt yourself.” Lyle growls, tugging at the base of her tail. Colten whimpers softly, looking up at the ceiling as she held still like she was told.
Lyle started sucking on her clit again, licking at the sensitive nub in between his suckling. “Fuck..” Colten breaths out, feeling heat curl in her lower belly and core. “I'm gonna cum, ly..” She whines, her hips bucking up into his face again. Lyle groans against her clit, tugging at her tail again, making Colten moan loudly.
Her body tenses up as her core tightens around nothing, her clear release dripping out of her core and onto lyle’s face. Which he happily laps it all up before gently laying her hips down, ignoring his raging boner underneath his boxers. “Good job, mamas.” Lyle hums, leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to her bump before kissing Colten’s forehead. “Thank you, I needed that..” she chuckles softly, gently cupping his face. “Looks like you need a bit more,” he hums, dropping his head down to her chest, lapping up some little droplets of milk from her right nipple before switching to the other. “Mhm.. You goofball.” Colten hums, rubbing at his neck.
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Una celebración diferente
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Título: Una celebración diferente.
Pareja: Wanda Maximoff y Clint Barton (Amistad).
Palabras: 545 palabras.
Rating: B.
Square: B1 “Noche de todos los santos”.
Sinopsis: Wanda descubre como se celebra la noche de todos los santos con ayuda de Clint.
Advertencias: Celebración de la noche de todos los santos, dulces, disfraces, dulce o truco.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para el bingo de Marvel Rare Pair Round 2 2023. Annie MRP-066.
También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Tags: @sinceimetyou​ @black23​  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @azulatodoryuga​
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Wanda veía confundida todo lo que Clint había comprado para celebrar la noche de brujas, era la primera vez que ella celebraría dicha festividad en aquel país. Le causaba muchísima curiosidad ver todos aquellos dulces alusivos, no tenían nada de eso en Sokovia.
—¿Ya decidiste de qué te vas a disfrazar? —Clint le preguntó.
—¿Disfrazar? ¿Para qué? ¿Para qué necesitas tantos dulces? —Wanda cuestionó completamente confundida, realmente le gustaría que su mellizo estuviera ahí con ella, pero él estaba en una misión.
—Los dulces son para los niños —Clint respondió como si fuera demasiado obvio.
—¿Para tus hijos? ¿No es mucha azúcar? —ella empezó a asustarse porque al menos eran quince bolsas de dulces, pero estaba segura de que habría más.
—No, son para los niños que vienen a pedir “dulce o truco” —Clint comenzaba a sentirse desconcertado.
—¿Dulce o truco?
—¿No hacían eso en Sokovia? —Clint finalmente preguntó.
—Nunca salimos en noche de brujas, los espíritus malignos salen a la calle y se llevan a todo aquel que esté, sé que se llegaron a llevar a algunas personas —Wanda comenzó a explicar, recordaba que especialmente los padres evitaban que los niños salieran esa noche especialmente, las calles siempre eran solitarias en dicha fecha.
—Probablemente eran tan solo leyendas —Clint dijo, había escuchado muchísimas historias en el pasado.
—No, no lo eran, una vez, cuando yo era niña, me asomé por la ventana y los vi, esa noche le supliqué a mis padres que me dejaran dormirme con ellos, estaba tan aterrada —Wanda aseguró.
—Te aseguro que nada malo pasará —Clint le dijo con un tono paternal.— Aquí los niños se disfrazan y salen a pedir dulces, incluso a veces compiten por quien obtendrá más.
Clint realmente creía que eran rumores y probablemente algunas personas aprovechaban las leyendas.
—¿Qué pasa si no les dan dulces? —Wanda inquirió.
—Los niños hacen alguna travesura como cubrir el frente de la casa con papel higiénico, o lanzar huevos o algo por el estilo —Clint explicó.
—Eso es algo… grosero.
Clint alzó los hombros, nunca lo había pensado. Cuando él era niño siempre obtuvo dulces, entonces nunca hizo nada de lo otro, al igual, siempre que sus hijos salían a pedir dulces, obtenían demasiados. Al terminar la conversación fue a la tienda de disfraces, tal vez era buena idea que ella lo celebrara como lo hacían en Estados Unidos, probablemente los demás se encargarían de que Pietro tuviera la misma experiencia.
En cuanto regresó, él le dio el disfraz, después de que ella se lo pusiera, salió y miró confundida a Clint cuando éste estaba sosteniendo un bol con los dulces.
—Y entonces, ¿qué se supone que debo de hacer? —Wanda no dejaba de mirar el recipiente con dulces.
—Cuando los niños toquen la puerta y digan la frase, abres y les ofreces el tazón con dulces, ellos tomarán algunos, solo fíjate porque a veces uno solo quiere tomar todos los dulces y les haces unos comentarios lindos sobre sus disfraces —Clint explicó y ella asintió.
Wanda caminaba nerviosa frente a la puerta, no sabía si tenían una hora exacta o cómo funcionaba realmente, brincó cuando escuchó el primer timbrazo.
—¿Te divertiste? —Clint le preguntó a Wanda después de que el último niño se fue.
—Fue interesante.
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Here’s who won:
Aragorn vs. Éowyn
Boromir vs. Peregrin “Pippin” Took
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The rematch between Aragorn and Éowyn was DECISIVE this time. You guys didn’t fool around. And unfortunately, our dear Boromir, who is SO blorbo, could not stand against the weight of Peregrin Took (I also voted for Pippin). I was not joking when I said I would love to see art of Pippin standing victorious over a pile of bodies of the people he has defeated in this bracket. It would be so funny.
We say goodbye to the following blorbos for good this round:
We’re really getting to the end now. You guys, the way this bracket is turning out, you are going to cry the day after tomorrow.
Round Four is still going on now! Cast your vote for Legolas vs. Frodo and Samwise vs. Faramir now. Unless there is a MASSIVE effort, I already know how this is going to go. Round Seven (Second Chance Bracket) will commence Sunday, May 7th at 12 PM EDT (GMT -4). Who will Éowyn and Pippin face off against?
And now, for some analytics…
Who got the most votes?
Guess. No, I want you to guess.
You’re right. It was Pippin. He gathered 1,169 votes this round. He is literally the only character in this entire bracket, INCLUDING Samwise Gamgee, who has managed to get over a thousand votes in every single poll he's been a part of. Hmmm...
Who got the least votes?
Poor Boromir got left behind with 545 votes—just a little over half what he got last round (1,043). Another casualty against Peregrin Took.
Which races were the most contentious?
There were only two races this time around. In Round One, Aragorn and Éowyn were locked in a heated battle, from which Éowyn emerged with a 1.8% margin of victory. This time, while it was still close, she expanded that gap to 8.4%. Looks like some of you guys really locked down on who is actually your blorbo.
Which races were the least contentious?
Rest in pieces, Boromir. (Too soon?) Pippin won this round by a whopping 36.4%. That means that roughly, for every one person who voted for Boromir, two people voted for Pippin. I’m really starting to feel validated in how in love 13-year-old me was with this Hobbit.
The next poll is gonna be bonkers. Enjoy!
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lettucebee17 · 1 year
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gretchensinister · 8 months
Daily Fic Highlight: Don't Know How To Be Cruel
The fic that won the highlight from today's kudos email is:
"Don't Know How To Be Cruel" is a Jack/Pitch ficlet that I wrote for a prompt in Round 1 of the Rise of the Guardians Dreamwidth Kinkmeme. Jack feels sorry for Pitch after movie events and visits him in his lair, and Pitch can't bear to try to send him away. 545 words, T, M/M.
The prompt I responded to this time is interesting because it reveals a lot about the trends in blackice at the time.
Also interesting is that the prompt specifically asks for no biting and I still wrote Jack biting Pitch. Prompt: No biting. Me: Very gentle biting, got it 👍. Like, girl...
His breath hitches as Jack gently bites the point where his neck meets his shoulder, then licks the spot almost before Pitch has time to realize that there were teeth involved. “Thought you’d like that,” Jack says, and Pitch can feel his smile against his skin.
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ajokeformur-ray · 6 months
I hope your assignment is going well! I'm proud of you and I hope you're proud of yourself.
I tried to watch Hannibal a few years ago, and I just didn't really 'click' with it, but you're slowly convincing me I might need to give it another go
Thank you!! It's only 1500 words but there's so much content to squeeze into that word count, which is where my difficulty is coming in. It's due at noon and I'm only 545 words in, so I... gotta get a move on and do my best not to let the fear get to me.😅It always does, and it gets so bad that it'll make me freeze up if I don't keep myself centred.
Which is where Hannibal comes in, both as a TV show and as a character, because it's been my comfort horror franchise since I was 11.
YOU'RE PROUD OF ME?! HASDFGHJK don't omg I'll cry.🥺🥺🥺I don't feel like I'm doing anything to earn pride, but thank you so much, that means a lot. I'm trying my hardest.🥺🫂💗I'm proud of you!!🫂💗
That's understandable! The first time round, I had to watch Hannibal through twice before I fully understood what I was watching; it gets more and more batshit!!! Another go might do it for you... my inbox is open...👀
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Tumblr's Favorite Pokémon Round 1 Matchup 545
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Septon Eustace (who had no love for the queen) tells us Rhaenyra laughed when she beheld the ruin of Sunfyre the Golden. “Whose work is this?” he has her saying. “We must thank him.” Mushroom (who had much love for the queen) tells a different tale. In his account, Rhaenyra says, “How has it come to this?” Both accounts agree that the next words were spoken by the king. “Sister,” he called down from a balcony. Unable to walk, or even stand, he had been carried there in a chair. The hip shattered at Rook’s Rest had left Aegon bent and twisted, his once-handsome features had grown puffy from milk of the poppy, and burn scars covered half his body. Yet Rhaenyra knew him at once, and said, “Dear brother. I had hoped that you were dead.” “After you,” Aegon answered. “You are the elder.” “I am pleased to know that you remember that,” Rhaenyra answered. “It would seem we are your prisoners...but do not think that you will hold us long. My leal lords will find me.” “If they search the seven hells, mayhaps,” the king made answer, as his men tore Rhaenyra from her son’s arms. Some accounts say it was Ser Alfred Broome who had hold of her arm, others name the two Toms, Tanglebeard the father and Tangletongue the son. Ser Marston Waters stood witness as well, clad in a white cloak, for King Aegon had named him to his Kingsguard for his valor. Yet neither Waters nor any of the other knights and lords present in the yard spoke a word of protest as King Aegon II delivered his half sister to his dragon. Sunfyre, it is said, did not seem at first to take any interest in the offering, until Broome pricked the queen’s breast with his dagger. The smell of blood roused the dragon, who sniffed at Her Grace, then bathed her in a blast of flame, so suddenly that Ser Alfred’s cloak caught fire as he leapt away. Rhaenyra Targaryen had time to raise her head toward the sky and shriek out one last curse upon her half-brother before Sunfyre’s jaws closed round her, tearing off her arm and shoulder. Septon Eustace tells us that the golden dragon devoured the queen in six bites, leaving only her left leg below the shin “for the Stranger.” Elinda Massey, youngest and gentlest of Rhaenyra’s ladies-in-waiting, supposedly gouged out her own eyes at the sight, whilst the queen’s son Aegon the Younger watched in horror, unable to move. Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Realm’s Delight and Half-Year Queen, passed from this veil of tears upon the twenty-second day of the tenth moon of the 130th year after Aegon’s Conquest. She was thirty-three years of age.
Fire and Blood, by George R.R. Martin, pg 545-546
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