ch4mb3r-blog · 7 years
❂ for a text about another character (Jubilee)
3:54 PM: Sorry to message you out of the blue, but it seems like Jubes is having a bit of a rough go of things today. Might could do with some encouragement, if the two of you cross paths. Thanks.
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youbutfaster · 8 years
First Day on the Job || Rogue and Tommy
Delivering pizzas was hardly the most glamorous work Tommy had ever done—it would never measure up to punching bad guys, but punching bad guys didn’t pay the bills, and bills were something that Tommy had in abundance. At least it was work that put his powers to use; he didn’t even need a car and he was still, like, a bazillion times faster than anyone else. He was looking forward to getting his first actual paycheque, but until then, there was another benefit to working here he hadn’t anticipated. At the end of each day, there were usually a few extra pizzas that never got picked up, or that people had ordered before calling back to cancel. Normally, this excess got thrown in the bin, but Tommy’s new boss had given him permission to take them himself when he asked her. He’d gone hungry way too many times for him to throw out that much food in good conscience.
So that was how Tommy ended up standing on the footpath with nine full pizza boxes when his shift ended at midnight. Honestly, he was starving, but even he doubted he’d be able to finish them all in one night. He ended up zipping over to Central Park. This late, it was fairly quiet; he found a small group of homeless folk clustered together in a circle and left them with five of the pizzas before settling down at an empty bench on the other side of the park.
He had just finished devouring his first piece when he suddenly became aware that there was somebody approaching along the nearby path. More importantly, the footsteps seemed to be approaching very quickly. Like, normal speed, but his idea of normal speed as opposed to everyone else’s which was agonisingly slow. Tommy looked up sharply, turning his head in the direction of the footsteps and seeing a young woman. He didn’t recognise her—and he thought he knew all the people in New York with super-speed, but maybe he was wrong. Realising she was about to pass right by him, Tommy panicked and did the first thing he could think of, which was to stand up and say, “Hey, you there, do you want some pizza?”
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Send ♣ for a drunk message[1:06 am] u live wit like at least 3 furries ur lviin the life 
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Wine and Whine || Rogue & Billy
Billy’s apartment was never clean.  He was never really in the apartment in the first place, and the people who did come to his place were used to it by now.  So every time that he had a new person come over, he had to furiously find new creative ways to hide the mess of his studio apartment.  
It looked pretty okay, and Billy was proud of himself for getting his shit together just in time.  The pizza was there and ready, a bottle of wine sitting next to the box, and Kate’s Netflix account was set up on the television.  He heard the buzz indicating that Marie was there and let her up, making sure everything was good before opening the door and peering down the hall to the elevator.
“Hey!  Welcome!” he said with a smile and held the door open for her.  “This is my apartment.  It’s small but... yeah.  Welcome” he said excitedly.
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NAME: Worst Person EverRINGTONE: Jaws ThemePICTURE: 
Tumblr media
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Did you train your cat to shit in my shoes!?LAST TEXT SENT: I can neither confirm nor deny.
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metal-and-magnetism · 8 years
NAME: Anna Marie
RINGTONE:  Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
PICTURE: A picture of Rogue rolling her eyes
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: It was great to see you and talk like we used to. We should get together again soon!
LAST TEXT SENT: Charles asked me how to get through to you. He’s still frustrated at your mental shields. I laughed and told him good luck. But don’t be too hard on the old chrome dome, alright?
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Do Not Believe Everything You Hear || Rogue & Laufeyson
It had been a boring day to Loki. Wandering around this city was starting to get uninteresting and despite being able to cause mischief here and there, he kind of wanted to go somewhere else already. Maybe Norway, or Europe in general. Just somewhere else.
So he wasn’t exactly paying attention at first when there came some quite loud and nasty words from a shop he was walking past of. When a middle-aged woman came rushing out of the place, actually colliding with Loki’s shoulder before with quick “sorry” heading to another direction with hurried steps, only then the sorcerer stopped. He frowned as he looked after the retreating back. 
Then there came some shouting again, this time catching his attention. “Some heroes you have!” came a young man’s voice and after that a small crash sound, telling that something had been dropped and broken. Loki raised one eyebrow. “Really? That sounded like a group of three year-olds,” he thought. But nevertheless, it was something that had gotten his attention, might be worth seeing even. So he walked into the shop, expectations not really high.
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youbutfaster · 8 years
honey: would you be open to ordering a pizza together sometime. like are we friends in that wayIM ALWAYS DOWN FOR PIZZA
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Every Time We Touch II Rogue and Jubilee
Jubilee has done at least three dumb things since waking up this morning, though none of them have been dumber than this. She’d sitting across from Rogue on the floor, her chin resting on one palm, her elbows resting on her knees. The lights are dim and there is generically relaxing music playing that is probably offensive to some culture, but it’s vague enough that she can’t decide which.
There are fucking candles burning.
“When you asked if you could touch me I didn’t think it was anything dirty, but now I’m not so sure.” She grinned. Maybe that was inappropriate, but  she’s been sitting here watching Rogue try to ‘center’ for at least fifteen minutes or so now and she can’t help it if her mind keeps going to the idea of what a different x-person would look like in flickering candle light. 
Not what she should be focusing on.
“I think you’re really going to just have to go for it.” She said, offering her hand.
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youbutfaster · 8 years
Send ♣ for a drunk message
[sent at 2:02AM] ddude yes lmao I will get my grandpa to joint hat will be hilarius
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