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Still relying really heavily on references. Hoping to wean myself off once I get better at the whole digital thing… but for now, some more chamberlee. Reference: https://goo.gl/images/9hW3R5
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Jubilee barely turned her head to snarl at him, too focused on her hurt friend. "I'm not doing nothing! I'm trying to keep him from bleeding anymore and I have a call to the team. What else do you want me to do?!" Jake was still listing numbers though the ordered strings were getting shorter.
Now she had to look at him. "What?!" A transfusion. "Do you even know how to do that?" She bit her lip, trying to decide if it was even worth considering. She didn't want to throw out an idea that could save Jake's life just because it came from Magneto. "Ok. Ok...Shay! Look in Jake's file! See if his blood type is listed!" She looked around for another staff member, "Nia! Go to the closet and get me a couple of the blood draw kits!" They might be able to rig something up with those, though she couldn't be sure. The kits were usually used for taking samples for genetic testing, a couple of tubes at most, one for the X gene, one for inhuman markers and one for gamma exposure or chemical contamination. "I'm O+, what are you, magnet man?"
First Responder II Erik and Jubilee
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Jubilee peaked an eye out before resting her chin on her crossed arms and looking up at Remy a little sulkily. "'M not a drama queen. That's Emma's title. I'm like...drama dutchess or something. Totally different." She pulled the barista's number out of her pocket and toyed with it for a moment. "And what if his heart doesn't want what mine does? How do I even know it's my heart talking?" She let the silence hang for minute until he broke it. "It's...you know him, everyone does...Promise you won't say anything to him?"
"You weren't dumb!" She grumped, nudging him with her foot. "You acted on what you knew at the time. You know more now so you act different. That's just life." Her face softened at Remy's blush. She couldn't even tease him just then, not now that she might be getting an idea of what wanting that was like. "You love him. You might be right about it going fast, but that doesn't mean it isn't real....I'm happy for you." She gave him her brightest smile. "He on the same page? Or you guys gotta have a talk?"
Family of Choice(ish) II Jubilee and Remy
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For the next five asks, my muse cannot tell a lie.
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💬 a memory they wish to share
A lot of Jubilee's childhood memories have gone fuzzy and rose colored over the years. She remembers her mom being kind and smart, her dad being a hard worker and supportive. But a lot of the details have faded and she worries that someday she won't remember them at all. One thing stands out though. The last Christmas before they died, maybe it's just her mind playing tricks on her, or maybe it really was as perfect as she remembers it. They stayed in, skipped her dad's big work party and her mom's smaller one. They rented movies and stocked up on popcorn and spent a three day weekend eating breakfast for every meal. She remembers the sound of her dad singing while flipping pancakes, off key, but enthusiastic. Her mom rolling her eyes, but humming right along. She can still see them leaning in for a kiss and while it embarrassed her at the time, it makes her a strange sort of happy-sad combo now.
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Send a symbol for my muse to talk about...
…💓 their crush/partner. … ☠- a near death experience. … 😳 one of their most embarrassing experiences. … 👀 their guilty pleasures. … 💲 their ambition. … 👿 a pet peeve. … 💬 a memory they wish to share. … 👍 their best friend. … ☹  something that scares them. … �� what makes them feel peaceful. … 🖋 their hobby.
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Jubilee's New Year's Resolutions:
1. Stop wasting time painting my nails. It never lasts more than a day. It's not worth it.
2. Study harder.
3. Go to at least three concerts.
4. Get Jono to say something nice about himself.
5. Parkour?
6. Cook something without burning it.
Meme Monday
For today’s meme, write a list of your characters resolutions for the new year.
Or if they don’t believe in resolutions, what do they hope for in the next year.
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Family—> Jubilee and Shogo (616)
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She gave a frustrated huff that sent her bangs flying. She saw the look Alison was giving her and sighed, "Ok, Emma's not all bad. And yeah, she and Scott...they work." That was as much as she was willing to concede because even if she liked Emma, which sometimes she almost did, she didn't really trust her.
"He's not nearly as bad as he was back in Mass." she said with a little giggle, comparing that image with that of him this morning with his eyes all soft and smiling when she'd kissed him goodbye.
The next part had her chewing her lip thoughtfully. It was so new that she was second guessing herself, making it more complicated than it was. She stopped with a wry sort of smile. "It's awesome. Like, my heart is going like a million miles an hour all the time and and my stomach is doing backflips and handsprings and-" she sucked in a breath, her cheeks going pink and her smile going wide. "I just really like him and I don't want to fuuuuu-" she went wide eyed and looked down at Shaz. "Fudge this up." She gave a shrug and a helpless look.
Your Own Light || Jubilee & Alison
Jubilee shot a nasty look at a woman who was staring at Shaz before turning back to their conversation. “EMMA?!” She shook her head, sending her hair into disarray, “You did NOT just use the word ‘stable’ to describe Emma. And-” she jabbed a finger at Alison accusingly, “She can read minds, that doesn’t mean she’s good at relationships, she cheats!” She moved along with the line as it crawled forward. “Kurt’s a good idea, but I just…”
She didn’t tend to find herself surrounded by female role models. Rogue was almost as young and inexperienced as her, Emma was Emma (enough said), Ororo would tell Logan or at least Jubilee would worry that she would and Jean…Jean had been gone for a while now. Even if all of these people had been available, she’d always felt a bit of an affinity for Alison, maybe it was because they were both bright and loud and well, she admired her.
She gave a shrug. “I guess I jus’ wanted to talk about it. It’s new and…a lot. And I wanted to know what you thought.”
Alison smirked at Jubilee. She was still young and she supposed Jubilee, like many of the X-Men, had her fair share of bad experiences with Emma. But Alison knew a solid relationship when she saw it. Emma and Scott supported each other in better ways than the boy scout ever had with Jean or Maddie. Was telepathy her trick to a lasting relationship? She didn’t have it in her to let a relationship be so one-sided. And while Scott was a tactician on the battlefield, but he was anything but a mind reader. 
“An important thing to keep in mind is that no one has any real say in whether your relationship is good aside from you, but if you really want my opinion, then I think it’s great. God knows Jono needs a girl who can balance out his frustrated, emo moments. All that really matters in the end is if you’re happy. Judging from the spunk in your step, I’d guess you’re just fine,” Alison said. She gave Jubilee a nudge. “But I’m no mind reader like Emma, so tell me: how do you feel?”
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Jubilee growled under her breath, her temper (something she was born with but wasn't exactly helped by Logan) flaring at the argument. "Sometimes we lose people. It's a worst case, but that's what training's about, right? Preparing for the worst?"
She looked down the two halls, adding a little more juice to the plasmoid hovering above her hand to light the way. "Ummm. Right? At least that way has some electricity? Might lead to a functioning part of the building? Or maybe we should go left? Big bads are less likely to go that way?" Fuck. This is why she's not a leader. What would Logan do?
Scowling (because the scowl was key) she made her way to the fork and stood at the mouth of the left, paused briefly and moved to the right. After a second she pointed down the flickering hall, "This way. There's a bit of a breeze and the air is fresher." She gave a decisive nod and led the way, plasmoids in hand to defend them and to light the way.
Red Dawn || Jubilee, Kurt, & Bobby
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Jubilee and Jono
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j u b i l a t i o n lee
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Ugh these two. Pen on bristol, crap camera.
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I started gymnastics when I was really little. Like, I don’t even remember my first coach kind of little. I used to have pictures from back then. A little stack of them I managed to hang onto through foster care and the mall and the first few years at Xavier’s. One of them showed me on a balance beam. The back said ‘Jubilee, Age 5’ in my mom’s handwriting. I lost the pictures in the fire at the Massachusetts Academy. I had medals, I wasn’t exactly thinking when packed and ran. The ribbons burned up but the metal made it and we were able to find them in the rubble. I still have them. I don’t know if the Olympics were my dream or my parents or some combination, but after they were gone I didn’t really feel it anymore. I still train every day, but it’s been a long time since I cared about how my movements looked. Sometimes though…I’ll go into one of the training rooms and do one of the floor routines I used to practice. Or get the danger room to drum up some uneven bars for the fun of it. I’m sure someone knows about it, the computer keep records but they’ve never brought it up. Kinda grateful for that.
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♠: the riskiest thing my muse has ever done
Probably waking up Logan an hour after landing from a three days mission without coffee in hand. To be fair, she needed tampons, everyone else was out and she only had her learner’s permit at the time.
He told her to use toilet paper.
She threatened to bleed on his motorcycle.
He said that if he were afraid of blood he wouldn’t be in this line of work. And fell back asleep.
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"So I....um...the day my parents died... I was eleven and...I thought I was so mature, you know? I really thought I knew so much. I went to the mall after school with some friends. I can still remember everything we talked about and it all seemed so important, so BIG. I guess that was my world back then. So six thirty rolls around and I'm waiting outside the mall and my mom doesn't show. That's never happened before. Not once. My mom was never even late. I try to call but nobody picks up, but that's normal. Mom wasn't used to her cell phone yet and forgot it all the time. So seven thirty comes and I know something's wrong but I think it's gotta be, like, a flat tire or something. Something normal. My friend Aimee's mom shows up and offers to give me a ride. We uh....we could see the flashing lights from down the street. Even when we were in front of my house I still didn't think they could have anything to do with me. How fucking stupid was that? Protective. That's what the shrink said. My brain was trying to protect me as long as it could. But that doesn't last long. A lady from social services and a cop meet me at the door and...Is it dumb that I'm still mad that Aimee and her mom didn't offer to stay? That they just left me? I was ELEVEN! ...Anyway, they told me that something happened. That my parents were gone...I spent the night at to social services lady's apartment. The next day they had me in foster care....that didn't last long either."
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For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
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