#rottmnt q.b.
rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
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I've got art block, and should be packing
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sugarmarbles21 · 3 months
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My own fanart of the fanfic “Honey and the bea” by Arco111.
I kinda imagined what Q.B’s Sci-fi outfit would look like, and since Arco hadn’t drawn one yet, so I decided to take a crack at it. Let me present Princess Pollen of the Tambi people of planet Apinae. I kinda rushed with the character backstory if you couldn’t tell😅
If you’re familiar with the works of Anand “Ana” Duncan, then you should be able to tell that the design of the dress is heavily based on her work. You can find her on twitter if you want to check it out.
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rottmnt-honeybea · 4 months
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Guess what's coming
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
Did anyone ask for 2003 Quintello? No? Too bad
This is nowhere near close to their relationship in the 2003 universe, but I figured 03 Donnie would be the only one brave enough to call his Bea Baby Girl, so here we are. And this was an excuse to draw something that wasnt Rise 😂
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
Bayverse Tmnt won the IG vote
Which is no surprise because as of editing this, that last Bayverse video has +12.8k likes
IG saw it first, you guys say it second, so tik tok gets last game this time 😝
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
Has Bea ever broken into angry Portuguese when she was really really mad?
So, short answer: I'm trying to use her Portuguese-speaking moments as realistically as possible
Long answer under the cut
I'm TRYING to avoid the "only speaks their 'native language' when angry" trope that is...let's be honest, rampant and overused in fanfiction
I think I've done it once in the span of the fic?
Q.B.'s use of Portuguese is (not going to lie) BASED off of an ex's older sisters use of Tagalog.
His older sisters could speak and understand Tagalog, but they really only used it when talking to their parents or any uncles or aunties.
Q.B. will respond to her parents in whatever language they talk to her in.
For example, when Antonio and Beatrice talk to Q.B. in english, she responds in english.
But if they were to talk to her in Portuguese, she'd respond in Portuguese.
Now, does this mean I'm only writing her so she speaks Portuguese with her parents? No. Q.B. also speaks Portuguese to herself whenever she is working on something.
Donnie's heard it first hand whenever they've worked on S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. together (spoiler for S2ep4, S2ep7, and S2ep8 🤭)
Or if I've ever written that she is struggling for words, can't think of what to say, or has a confused look on her face before she speaks, it's likely I wrote it with the intention that she is trying to translate the words in her head or struggling to find the words she needs in either language.
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rottmnt-honeybea · 9 days
Barry found tiny, freshly mutated Bea in the gutter on a rainy night. He is protective of her, and has done everything he can to keep her safe. He's tried to be supportive of her befriending April and the boys, but he cannot let her put herself in danger any longer.
Oh loooook it's Mutant Mayhem! Drax and Bea 🙃
Life be life-ing real hard rn soooooo
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
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Finally got around to drawing Q.B. in those @mochipanofficial-blog 's Bee themed outfits/swimsuit
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rottmnt-honeybea · 2 months
Cause why not? 🥴
I am...so tired 😂
No story/prompt/idea for this one. Just two dweebs being dancing dweebs. IG and Tumblr saw it first!
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
I have never worked on something so fast in my entire life lmao
How're we holdin up after hearing the Thunder Saga
This is not canon to the bad future au, I just really liked the idea of Donnie being possed by a Kraang and being fed happy memories (kinda like how Raph's memories were searched/invaded by the Kraang in an attempt to get information) but seeing through their bullshit and breaking free of their control on his own.
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
Guess I'm just goin through the multiverse with Quintello 😂
I already did 87 and 03 now we're at Bayverse, which is hard to draaaawww 😭
What's funny is, Bayverse Bea doesn't enjoy talking, so it figures when she finally has the confidence to talk, she says something like this, just her luck 😂😂😂
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rottmnt-honeybea · 1 month
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It's been so long since I've drawn traditionally. Probably a year.
Anyways, I really wanted to draw Roxo as a picture frame, if that makes sense.
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rottmnt-honeybea · 5 months
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I've got 2
screenshot edits from the same episode
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rottmnt-honeybea · 2 months
I guess Bea’s parents are going to be, for lack of better terms, shocked that their daughter is a mutant and that’s why she went into hiding? Also she is dating a turtle mutant who is a genius too and have two kids with him, one robot-son and a daughter who traveled from the future.
If ya want spoilers...
Read below
In, what I've been calling Season 2 of the fic, we will see Bea's family...*looks at notes* 3 more times, in Episode(chapter):
22-Gourd Almighty - A scrapped episode that I am taking using
32-Project Purple - An idea of my own if I recall/marked correctly
42-Battle Nexus New York - The lead up to the end of the series
As I am rewriting The Bad Future AU fic "Doomed", I am making her father, Antonio Santos, a more...present(?) character.
He, more or less, has to quickly come to accept Mutants/Yokai, and since the Hamato boys are defacto leaders, he gets to see a lot of the positive (and some negative) traits in his future son-in-law.
And he approves.
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rottmnt-honeybea · 2 months
I can't believe I never posted this 💀
I'd even written a short one-shot to go with it and it's just been sitting in my notes app for A YEAR.
He was doom scrolling. He knew he was and he just kept going. Leo had come by with one of his neck pillows, but having anything on his neck right now was too stimulating, so the offending pillow had been tossed to the floor.
He was mad.
And just thinking about why he was so mad made his hands shake which made him even more mad.
They'd had another fight. He wasn't even sure how it had started, but it had ended with yelling and saying things Donnie knew (now that his head was mostly clear) weren't true.
Donnie's lip twitched back and a growl was forced from his throat.
He glanced at the clock.
3:38 AM
That mad him even madder!
He hated that he couldn't sleep. Wasn't even tired, really, but he knew he should at least stop scrolling and try.
Stop scrolling and try.
Stop scrolling.
And try.
His door opened with a quiet hiss. Donnie stared at his screen, unmoving. A hand pressed to the back of his shoulder and shoved him once. Donnie twisted his upper body around and saw Q.B. standing beside his bed. Both pairs of arms were tightly crossed and her brows were knitted tightly together.
She looked mad.
And that softened Donnie a little.
Still, his eyes widened in shock when her lower arms unfolded and she began to push him back from the center of his bed. Q.B. crawled into bed with him, hugging him in place so his head was level with the neck cuff of her sweater.
Donnie blinked a few times, then shuffled their bodies so his forehead was resting on her breastbone and her legs were up under his arms. Then looped his arms around her waist and he was careful not to crush her wings. Q.B. wrapped one pair of arms around his head and rested her chin on his forehead, her other arms rested on her thighs. A few minor adjustments and they finally settled into stillness.
Neither of them spoke, and Donnie could feel Q.B. trembling in his arms. He nuzzled her and squeezed her body to his. Still shaking, Q.B. turned her head and nuzzled her cheek on his forehead.
He debated on his next course of action and ultimately decided to rub a small circle between her shoulder blades as comfortingly as he could.
Q.B. responded by sighing tiredly and contentedly.
The room fell silent.
Donnie couldn't bring himself to say 'I'm sorry'. Not yet. But he was finally able to relax a little, the tension in his shoulders and jaw finally letting up. Q.B. relaxed a little as well, and he tried to match up their breathing.
Before either of them knew it, they were drifting off to sleep.
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rottmnt-honeybea · 7 days
It's (more or less) Q.B.'s mutation day!!
Today she was mutated into the charming little bee mutant we all know and love.
So get ready because here's an unnecessarily long list of Quinn Bea Santos hc's, not limited to Rise:
• Q.B. has suffered from chronic migraines since she was 8. Hence why the mystic migraines she has as a mutant can incapacitate her.
• She absolutely uses her migraines as a form of self harm
• 1987 Bea could be described as a Damsel in Distress with a mean streak.
• 87 Q.B. is called Bea by everyone except for Splinter and Donnie, who both call her Quinn.
• 2003 Q.B. is the most toxic person ever. She is not above manipulating people to get what she wants. A trait she got from her father 👀
• 03 Bea was (unknowingly) mutated by her father.
• Bayverse Bea is the first instance where Bea was a bee first.
• Bayverse Bea is the quietest of the Bea's. Not in voice, but due to the fact that she just will not talk. She communicates a lot via vibrations, sign language, and charades. She CAN talk, she just choses not to more often than not.
• 2012 Q.B. is a return to Bea's status as a Damsel in distress, but she quickly gains her mean streak.
• 12 Bea lives with her family even after her mutation, but they're eventually replaced by the Krang and she has to move in with the boys.
• MM Bea is the second time Bea was first a bee and not a human.
• Rise Q.B. is the only version to have her wings ripped off.
• In terms of most violent to least violent it would be: 2003, Rise, Bayverse, MM, 2012, 1987.
• 2003 Bea has kissed all of the brothers (she lived for the drama it stirred up, even if she hated the fallout-well well well, if it isn't the consequences of her actions) And she is closest with Leo.
• 2012 Bea is closest friends with Mikey
• Rise Bea would say her favorite brothers are Raph and Mikey
• 1987 and Bayverse Bea would say Donnie is her favorite
• MM Bea would say Leo and Donnie were her closest.
• 2003 Leo has tried SO many times to get Bea to be a good person. It does not work.
• Rise Bea is the only Bea to have chlorokinesis, BUT 2003, Bayverse, and MM Bea are all very proficient gardeners.
• 2012 Bea is more a chemist than a botanist. And she frequently has to remind Mikey of this when he makes bold assumptions about what her mutant abilities do and don't do.
• in terms of: "is Quintello Canon?"
- 1987: Very one-sided early on, but eventually develops into a mutual feelings thing. Confirmed.
- 2003: Yikes. They kiss and go on a few dates. But neither is mature enough to commit to anything serious. It's very casual.
- Bayverse: Yes. It started from a kiss-in-the-heat-of-the-moment thing and just kept going. Definitely had to have a "what are we" conversation bc neither has a lot of social graces.
- 2012: It's Complicated. But long story short, yes.
- Rise: Yes. If you're here reading this, you've probably read/are planning to read/are reading about it right now. Does this even count as a spoiler for you guys?
- MM: They are the dorkiest, most awkward lil things. Neither has had much in the ways of socialization. They're trying to convince everyone that they're just REALLY GOOD FRIENDS
• 1987, 2003, and MM Bea are all raised by a single father. A scientist. Who (typically) works for TCRI
• Bayverse and MM were both bees BEFORE they mutated. But Bayverse Bea was found and kept hidden by April and her family, and MM Bea was found and kept hidden by Dr. Barry D. Santos.
• 2012 saw the introduction of the Santos Family - Antonio, Beatriz, Miguel, Lina and Rita.
• 2003 and Rise Bea are the only ones with Weapons
• Rise Bea and 03 are Battle Nexus Champions
• in terms of names:
- 1987: As mentioned, everyone calls her Bea except for Splinter and Donnie, who call her Quinn
- 2003: Went by Quinn as a human, but goes mainly by Bea now. People only call her Quinn when they're serious about something.
- Bayverse: April decided to name her Bea, so that's what she goes by. The "Quinn" part of her name is gone for this iteration.
- 2012: Back to Quinn Bea. Only Leo and Splinter call her Quinn. Everyone else calls her Bea.
- Rise: Donnie calls her Querida because he has feelings for her. Most people either call her Q.B. or just Bea. But never call her Quinn or Quinn Bea unless you want to be kicked across the face. Most people have their own little name for her. Splinter is Yellow. Draxum is Ms. Santos. Raph is Lil Sis. Leo is Flower Power. Yadda Yadda
- MM: Dr. Barry thought the name Quinn was fine for a little girl, and when he needed to scold her "Bea" just kind of came out, so she became Quinn Bea. She goes by Quinn until she makes a social media page, then she starts going by Q.B., and when she befriends April (and then later the boys) she goes by Bea.
• All of the Bea's are excellent coders. (Hackers, in 2003 and Bayverse's cases, as in, they're definitely on some governments list kind of hacker)
• 1987, 2003, and 2012 Bea are all 15 when she meets the turtles.
• Bayverse, Rise, and MM Bea are all 14 when she meets the turtles.
• MM Bea and her dad take care of two stray cats. She has affectionately nicknamed them Huginn and Muninn 👀
• 1987 and MM Bea are the only ones with a semi-normal sleep schedule.
• If Q.B. had never mutated she would have grown up to be:
- 1987: a librarian
- 2003: a computer programer
- 2012: a computer programer
- Rise: an agrologist (person who studies the science and technology of producing and using plants for various purposes)
• Rise and Bayverse Bea both know rudimentary sign language
• 2003, Bayverse, 2012, and Rise Bea are all three-fingered
• 1987 and MM are both two-fingered
• 1987, 2003, and 2012 Bea does not have a second pair of arms. Bayverse, Rise, and MM do have the second pair.
• All Q.B.'s are (whether the art style permits it or not) furry. She is covered in fine, dark fur everywhere on her body.
• Bayverse, and MM Bea have eyes that look like compound eyes, but they have distinct human-like pupils.
• All of the Q.B.'s have such dark brown eyes that most people mistake them for black
• Dr. Barry (MM) is terrified of the idea of Q.B. flying
• It takes several seasons for Q.B. (2003) to forgive her father for mutating her.
• In the Bad Future (Rise) only Q.B.'s father survived the initial invasion. But he dies a few months before she can come topside.
• 2003 and Rise Bea are the only ones to have children/descendants
• 1987, 2003, and 2012 Bea wore glasses before mutating, but didn't need them after mutating
• Bayverse Bea wears glasses when she's working
• MM Bea doesn't need glasses
• Rise Q.B. did not need glasses before mutating. The UV and mystical sight she gained from her mutation caused her to need glasses (which Donnie kindly made her goggles...in his life color) and her human disguise has glasses.
And lastly, because this is honestly getting very long:
• Q.B. was originally going to be a villain related to Big Mama
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