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nuravity · 2 years ago
continued from here
Ochako had tried - she had truly tried to save them...but before she could even get close to Shigaraki...
The heroine took in a deep breath, eyes not straying from the villain's fingers and the remains that still clung to them. Her fingers dug into dirt before they clenched to fists.
The smile that was directed at her was eerie - like a foreshadowing of something far more cruel to happen. But Ochako tried to ignore that feeling and slowly got to her feet. She met his gaze with one of determination. She was a hero - just like Deku - just like she wanted to be! So why couldn't she save the ones that were now being carried away by the gentle breeze blowing between them?
Shigaraki once again directed his words - maybe his hate - at her. He was manic with hate and his words even sent a small chill through the heroine.
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"Nothing is my fault! I tried to save them!" Her eyes widened for a moment and her determination faltered for a second. She had just tried to. But she had failed! "I...I want to help people - it doesn't matter if they are hero, villain or civilian! I'm Uravity...and I want to help as many people as I can." She froze for a second. But she couldn't save them!
His laughter rang out through her surrounding and she felt boiling anger run through her. Like a fire that burned her from the inside!
He repeated the same words to her again and she sneered. "I am a hero! And I will save everyone I can reach!" she shouted at him, trying to remember why she became a hero. Whatever Shigaraki said didn't matter! She had to focus on her own words! Her hand moved to touch a bike before it floated in the air. "I am Uravity and I will defeat you!" she growled before letting the bike fly straight at him! But a small part of her was already believing his words - she couldn't defeat him if she couldn't save anyone!
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ofdualism · 2 years ago
@rottingpath - starter
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"Ugh." The groan left him as he walked into the hideout. His hand lifted to pull his hood off of his head as he shut the door behind him. The look of annoyance on his face, his hand moving to his neck to scratch at it.
Red hues looked around, it was abnormally quiet. He walked further in, still digging his nails into his flesh as he looked around. Coming to a stop once his eyes landed on Spinner. His scratching halting for a moment as he just stared at the other for a good solid minute.
"Where the hell is everyone?" He finally asked. "And secondly, what are you doing?"
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un-chained-a · 2 years ago
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"Interesting.. So anything you touch dies?" Narinder asks, looking to his own hand, grinning with amusement. "I too can absorb life and kill anything I want, just by a touch. But it seems where we differ in that, is I can control it, while it seems you cannot.." The god was curious of what power this human posses, he's heard things of 'quirks' in this world, which he has concluded as unnatural powers of some kind with how people phrase it.
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"I have no qualms with destroying this world.. As long as you don't destroy what little imprint I have here so far.." A small base that he settled his loyal followers at. The ones he brought from his own world. Though they were managing to convert some quirkless folks to their cult.
"I am very good at spreading death.. and I am all in as long as you agree to not touch what belongs to me.."
given the fact the cat demon-like creature could read his mind, he did his best to keep his true purpose under wraps. it's not exactly a secret to him now anyway that tomura wished to destroy absolutely everything, make it ruined beyond imagination. all he was built, born and raised to do was to destroy.
" then it seems like we can strike an accord. " he muses. now his thoughts were clear: they could work together. the cat's unstoppable might and his decay quirk. " — in order to bring this pathetic planet to it's knees. i'd shake your hand on it, but i kill things i touch."
he rises from his slouch, arms leaning against his knees, inspecting the other.
" what say you then ? "
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multi-scrapbook · 2 years ago
@rottingpath || Continued
Dabi's eyes raked up and down over Shigaraki's form, assessing just how far he could push that day. Obviously something had pissed the guy off, the question was if he was over his tantrum at that point. He seemed like it, but even to Dabi it could be hard to tell, some days. And he had no intention of pissing Shigaraki off too much - the League was damn useful to Dabi, and damn loyal to Shigaraki. That meant a certain amount of caution was needed.
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He snickered a little at Shigaraki's (accurate) assessment of him. "Guess we're a pair, then," he said, heading over to the bar and grabbing two shot glasses. Kurogiri could be pissed about him fucking with his shit later. "You gonna tell my why you look like you just stepped out of a snowstorm, or am I meant to ignore the dust?"
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nuravity · 2 years ago
Ochako heaved a sigh. Finally she was done with homework! Closing her notebook, the middle school girl stretched her arms and flexed her fingers before going to the kitchen. It was then that the slowly forming smile faltered for a moment.
That's right! It was once again a really busy day for them. Them coming home late was happening so often by now that Ochako should've long since gotten used to it. But sometimes, she still thought as if things had been like the way they were back all those years ago. They were working so hard and Ochako wanted to help them have an easier life. And she knew she had to be a hero to do that. Though, she wasn't sure to which school she'd apply yet.
Her hand reached out for the handle of the fridge before the door rang. Who could this be? The school girl made her way towards the door and immediately brightened up when seeing who it was. "Uncle Hisashi!" she beamed. "It's been awhile! Ah, please come in!" she said politely and stepped aside before gesturing to the small couch in their small living room.
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"My parents aren't home yet but I'll let them know you visited. Uh, do you want something to drink?" she offered. It was always nice when Hisashi came over.
Did he bring her another present this time? He did it quite often, especially when she was younger.
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nuravity · 2 years ago
@rottingpath @burnrite
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EP 119 promo sketch by Akiyama Yoco
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nuravity · 2 years ago
(for sinday yes i know its monday) he's gonna reach and grip her costume. oh no. poof. what a terrible outcome. he's grinning like a fucking clown.
Send random sinday asks!
Panic spread in her as she saw him reach for her and before she could get away, his hand managed to grab her uniform before it disintegrated into dust and vanished.
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Ochako squeaked, face flushing like a strawberry before she tried to cover herself as best as she could. Luckily, he left her underwear intact at least. "I-I'll wipe that grin off your face!" she stammered and her leg shot upwards, hoping to hit him where it hurt him most.
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nuravity · 2 years ago
🐝  *  ―  let’s bring some more positivity to the rpc by brightening someone’s day ! anonymously or not, send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly pick one of my mutuals and write at least two things about why i love seeing them on my dash, writing with them, talking to them, etc.
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@rottingpath - I had to include you because your writing is just amazing! Why? Because you can set the atmosphere and you know your characters. Shigaraki is indeed the hateful creep he is in canon and his interactions make me smile and giddy with excitement (much to the shock of Ochako lol). We just talk recently but when we did, it was funny and pleasant. You seem like a cool person and I can't wait to write more chaos with you.
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nuravity · 2 years ago
@rottingpath (I just thought of you first when I saw this) @oncforallxbroccoli @kibouhero
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multianime · 2 years ago
That was probably some bad choice of wording on his part. Though hopefully Shigaraki wouldn't really catch on with the state that he was in right now. Whenever Shigaraki speaks up again he lets out a small sigh. Glad that the other didn't seem to notice his slight mess up.
"Hmm, interesting. So something else seems to be trying to take over then?" Keigo asked the other. Trying his best to get some more information without really pushing it.
"Not too much to report back. It doesn't seem like they've got onto what you're planning. I know that much."
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check if he was alright ... ? that didn't seem like something shigaraki would ask for, but letting on his memory was as worse than it already seemed wouldn't be good, even to a supposed ally. fuck, his head was splitting apart.. he didn't even remember what the fucking year was anymore. he pinched the bridge of his nose.
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it's not like he could hide after an outburst like that, leaning heavily on the chair he brings himself with a great heave to sit on it, grunting in pain and nursing his forehead with his three-digit hand, the two that had been removed during the fight with re-destro sealed with a metal clasp.
" it's none of your concern . . . " shigaraki mutters lowly. " -- the power i've obtained ... comes with an annoying .. side downgrade. it's a fucking .. fight ... every waking moment. "
he shakes his head. he's already said too much.
" did you have anything to report back to me regarding the heroes and their movements, hawks. "
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roguesenses · 2 years ago
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It was him.
But Shigaraki Tomura didn't feel like a villain at the moment. He was a tiny child with huge eyes, curious at first, now hesitant. It was difficult to look at this little one and imagine him as an individual full of hate and capable of mass destruction.
Izuku had no idea why he was here, how he was here, but he knew what he must do. The only issue was he didn't know how to convince the child to come with him for his own safety.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Izuku," he introduced himself with a smile, wanting to befriend the young, innocent Tomura and build trust. "I see you also have red sneakers. Really cool."
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"Look, I have some too." Izuku wigged his feet, demonstrating their similar fashion choice. "Is red your favorite color?"
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the mention of his parents didn't seem to do well for the child. he let his sleeve drop, awkwardly fidgeting with his hands as he stared down at his bright red sneakers. he isn't sure what he's supposed to say. he itches.. the question makes him itch and his head hurt and where was his parents.. ? his hands rose and he began to scratch at his neck.
" mmm --- " he whined. why did it feel like his head was splitting apart when he tried to remember? what happened..? tenko started to tremble a little, before his brain happily supplied: the mistman. of course... that's what the kid must be asking.
the itch abated, and his headache subsided, but he still didn't have an answer. he uselessly shrugged at that part, but.. name..?
"t.. ten.." wait.. no.. father -- not father -- gave him a new name. it took a while for him to parse it out, battling against his nonverbalness.
"... t.. tom.. tomu ... ra."
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eraseur-a · 2 years ago
So many questions, and so many options. Kill Detain him right now, while he's helpless. Try to form a healthy bond with this child and save him while he can. Connect with him to try and learn some intel that could benefit their fight. Pause and assess the properties of the quirk first. Hm.
Eraser's brain is whirring as he tries to come up with the most logical answer, and it's evident in his furrowed brows and clenched fists. But then this child asks if he's a hero, and his mind and demeanor falter.
"Yes," he replies simply, voice awkwardly hushed. "I'm a hero."
Everyone tells him he's good with kids. He isn't. When it comes to kids, he's only good with teaching them, and with rescuing them. He just has to choose which situation this is.
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The hero kneels down so he can look the child in the eye. "My name is Eraser Head. I'm here to help. Are you alright?"
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quirk shenanigans it seemed like. there wasn't the terrible infamous tomura shigaraki standing.. no, in his place was clearly a five year old kid. the adult sized coat decorated with the hands of his family dropped and clattered around him, leaving the boy in his usual plain black clothing. he didn't seem to see the embalmed dead hands.. or maybe was actively avoiding them.
tenko blinked a little before he looked around. his attention snapped away towards one of the men and instead towards ... a hero..? maybe..? his hair was up and his eyes were red.. like his..! so cool..
" h.. hero.. ?"
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nuravity · 2 years ago
The shopping center was bustling and lively, full of people running errands and Ochako had just finished running her own as the small, pink bag in her hand contained a new notebook for herself and Deku as well as glasses for Iida since he broke his during a mission. She stretched a bit before muttering that it was time to get up before the sun went down.
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But then, a very familiar voice rasped close to her ear and the hand that gripped her neck had made her flinch a little. She even dropped her small bag but quickly reached her hand out so people wouldn't get suspicious. This was oddly familiar. Hadn't Shigaraki been with Deku in this same shopping center before? Her thoughts came to a halt as his middle finger and one of his other fingers alternated in gripping her neck and she could feel her heart skip once or twice.
"W-what are you doing here?" she growled low. He called her name in that same way he had several times during their last encounter and Ochako met his crimson gaze with a glare of her own. No, her senses have only sharpened since then. And now they were on edge, sharper than they have ever been! "What do you want from me? Let me go before I make you!" she warned, her own hand coming to rest on his lap.
Of course, Shigaraki saw her intent and his warning made Ochako realize what was at stake and her hand quickly slipped away. Her gaze turned to disbelief. A date? He wasn't serious, was he? "You're making fun of me! What are you really after?" she asked as her other hand came to rest on the strap of her backpack next to her. He'd see if she tried to get to her phone. What could she do?
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" . . . got you. "
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having stalked the hero in plain sight, it was an eerie callout to a time where she'd found her friend in the same precarious situation. he draped at her side so that passerby's might mistake him as being her boyfriend or something of the sort than the notorious league of villains, arm circling around her shoulders to have his four-fingered grip nestled around her neck. his middle finger wavered dangerously, slowly pressing down at the same time one of his other fingers lifted to give her the sense of danger without actually hurting her.
" . . your senses haven't dulled the last we met, have they, o - cha - ko? " that same, horrid raspy voice sung out, breath hot at the side of her face as he leaned his head down. only she would be able to see past the white hair to his red eyes, confirming just who he was whilst everyone else was blissfully unaware.
" remember .. if you make a scene.. i can kill this entire shopping district before you can even scream for help . . . so be a good girl . . let's go on a 'date.' " he mocked, having no intention of doing such thing, only saying such things to unnerve her. " i wanted to check up on how you were last we .. met. "
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nuravity · 2 years ago
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Ochako beamed at the black cat hiding behind the tree. "You know everyone's been missing you?" she asked as if the cat could answer her and she crouched down to pick it up gently.
Ochako was smiling down that the now purring cat, stroking its fur but the peace was interrupted when a familiar voice sounded.
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"Huh?" She blinked for a moment as the cat used its chance to escape from her before Ochako pouted, making herself indeed look more like Kirby. "I don't know why Toga is obsessed with me but why does everybody call me Kirby? I don't look anything like him!" she retorted, glaring daggers at Shigaraki. Also, Toga wouldn't really love a video game character.
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there was that annoying bubbly .. pink .. round ... oh my god, it hit him.
whilst his mind was happily dragging out all sorts of insults as he spied the hero, he realised that she fit the description of one thing: she was fucking kirby. those big round cheeks, the abundance of pink.. it all made sense. to what? he didn't know. but shigaraki hated it.
" i understand why toga likes you. " he says ominously. " you're a fucking kirby. "
@nuravity ( starter icon. )
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un-chained-a · 2 years ago
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"It's not a delusion, mortal one. It is what I am.." Oh, Narinder is definitely reading Tomura's thoughts. "I am not from this realm, I am from a different plain entirely. Though a false idol took over my own, and I cam currently seeking a new one to take as my own," the god replies.
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"Is that an invitation to kill you?" Narinder asks the young adult. "You can die once.. I am death itself.. I will always come back because I control it. The siblings could not kill me so they bound me in the In-Between.. A realm that was not life nor death.."
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"I was sincerely looking for more followers of this world... Though if you wish to fight, I'll be happy to oblige to kill you.. I am not going anywhere because some dirty mortal tells me to. That's not what a GOD does, GODS don't listen to mere mortals telling them what to do."
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what kind of deluded npc was this guy.. ? his heteromorphic quirk was unusual, he'd give him that ( .. if.. it was a quirk at all ) but to think himself a god made him scoff out a laugh. it made him think of people like overhaul, whose egos were so inflated it ran right into delusion.
" is that so? " he drolled out. " a god of death. that's funny. people have called me that before ... weirdo fanatics who think throwing themselves at my feet would let them live. i don't think this world's big enough for two of them. "
he cocks his head to the side, eying him.
" so scram. this isn't your world. " blunt as ever, tomura.
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un-chained-a · 2 years ago
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He notes the stranger looking towards him. Even though the other had his hood up, Narinder could read his thoughts and tell that the young man had his eyes on him.
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"Curious of who I am, mortal human?" the god ask in a rather deep rumble voice. The crown upon his head looked down with its single eye at Tomura.
"I am Narinder... known as the Freed One.. Previously the One Who Waits.. Ah, but you wouldn't know any of those names now.. You're not from my original realm.. To put it in simple words-- I am a god.. the God of Death.. and I am seeking a world to make my own," he declares with a sharp grin.
cult of the freed one ... ?
it wasn't the first time he's heard of a cult — a lot of villain groups were up and about before the league's rise and systematic take over, but this is the first time tomura has come across evidence of such a thing. god. he hates cults. he's surprised all for one never started one.
still, he might as well try and learn more about it's teachings. he'll have his hood up and identity obscured to see who the hell this cult leader was.
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