Lauren's BnHA Multimuse
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Katsuki blinked at that. Shoto could be direct but that was a bit further than usual. He groaned, running a hand through his hair. "The fuck do you mean about rabbits now?" he sighed (but at least he was quieter about it).
“Shut up, you’re scaring Izuku” He said plainly but calmly. Polite if only because Izuku really would run off at that point. “And if you can’t shut up then stay away from the commons, rabbits have sensitive ears and I just got him to calm down before you made a racket”
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Izuku nodded, following confidently at her side. He knew pretty much where the rooms were, but it was polite to let her lead since it was kind of her house at that point, right?
"Here, I can help," he said, starting to put the groceries away with her. He could reach the top shelf~
Good! “That means you can stay here until whatever this is is fixed at least” Momo hummed, taking his hand to lead him to the dorms. They had two spare rooms in there so it would work out. “Let me put groceries away and I’ll show you, I think both rooms are on the top floor”
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Izuku thumped twice, but did run back under the couch, shaking. He was very stressed, poor thing.
Katsuki huffed as he got downstairs. "... The fuck are you sitting on the floor for, Icyhot?" he growled.
Well, if there was any doubt of it being Izuku, there was none now. Only he would be scared shitless and still so protective. “It’s ok” He assured, I’ll make sure you’re safe this time” He promised.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Izuku did, in fact, run back under the couch, staring out with his nose twitching. Shoto was coming with him, right? He would come to the safe place too? He needed to be safe!
After a moment he darted back out, grabbing Shoto's sleeve in his teeth and tugging.
"I know, I know. Here, you go back under the couch" He claimed that as a safe space and Shoto would know where to find him after scolding Katsuki. He put him on his feet gently.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Izuku hummed, looking at the gate. "You know, I'm not sure?" he said, tilting his head. "I know I'm allowed through in my time, and I think it uses the same permissions that I had when Nezu set the whole thing up in the first place..."
After considering for a minute, he stepped through the gate, thankfully not shut out.
Oh so Izuku was just walking around looking and sounding like that then? Ok. But also Aizawa lived which was good because my fucking god, he's walking a fine line as of recent. "Today's the fourth of September" She replied. "Can we get you inside?" Or would the gate reject him?
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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@thenihilistofthevoid liked for a Time Travelling Pro Deku starter!
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Izuku paused at the doorway to Saburo's office. Of course, when he had found out he had been shot through time and space, he was pretty sure the best possible move was to head to UA. And he was right! Nezu had talked to him, believed him, and even promised to help him work everything out.
... And then he had told him to get himself checked out to make sure there was no lasting damage from the time travel. Which was reasonable, sure, but Izuku was pretty sure Saburo would tell him off again. And future Saburo was already going to do that when he got back, which meant he was in for two scoldings, which frankly just wasn't fair.
Still, with a sigh, he knocked on the door. He just had to hope Nezu had told Saburo he was coming... which he almost certainly hadn't, in the name of fun.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Izuku slowly started to calm down, at least, leaning into Shoto. He was a tiny bunny, barely able to be draped over his shoulder like that. It would probably be easier to hold him in one hand. No wonder he was so scared when everything was so much bigger than him.
Of course, as soon as he calmed down there was the sound of loud stomping down the stairs. Something must have upset Katsuki again - not that Izuku realized that. He just knew there was danger!!!
"Oh, it's ok" He soothed, cradling Izuku so he was draped over his shoulder. "It's ok, it's just us here. I'm sorry you got scared but it's gone now" He promised, gently petting him.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Oh! That gave him a solid timeframe of three years he could be in! Also, his wife was there! Well- She wasn't his wife yet, of course, but he was relieved to see Momo anyway. He beamed, resisting the urge to hug her. Even if she seemed to recognize him, the Izuku of that time probably hadn't confessed anything to her yet.
"Momo! Yeah, he's usually upset with me," he chuckled. "Even in the future, too, he's always scolding me when we meet up. Um- By the way what's the date today?"
Pacing outside of the UA gates and mumbling to himself was a very Izuku thing to do, that and the fact his costume mostly stayed his same helped cement the fact it was him at least and not a weird guy cosplaying. Still, the first person to see him was Momo, having come back from a mid-week shopping trip. "Um...Hello?" She tilted her head, recognizing him but unsure if he needed help or not. "If you got in trouble again, Aizawa will be upset"
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Sometime Shoto's odd logical leaps were correct and helpful, actually.
Izuku hopped forward quickly, burying himself in Shoto's lap. He had been so scared! He had forgotten why, exactly, but he knew he was! His poor little heart was beating so fast.
"Oh, hello" Shoto tilted his head before sitting on the floor. Obviously the rabbit was Izuku, that explained why he was so quiet. "Do you want to come here or can I come closer?" Poor bun must've gotten spooked
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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@futurexheroes asked:
"Izuku?" Shoto hadn't seen his friend all day so, he was kind of worried-mostly because Katsuki yelling at him once a day was a part of a ecosystem. He looked around the commons before frowning. "Izuku? Cuddles?" That usually attracted him
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Izuku perked up at that. His brain was a little scrambled by the sudden transformation, so he was a little disoriented, but he knew that voice was safe!
He poked his nose out from under the couch, although he couldn't see who it was.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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@futurexheroes liked for a Time Travelling Pro Deku starter!
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Ah. Well, Izuku supposed it wasn't really unexpected to wind up where he was. He had known the villain's quirk before he had jumped in to help.
"So... time travel, then. Kinda," he sighed. "Or, an alternate reality that branches off from the moment I arrived, meaning I can go back to my own timeline without effect while functionally being able to make whatever changes I want here, even if it only alters thefuture of a different me. I theory..." He would still probably try to avoid changes, which was why he was pacing around outside of UA while he thought about what exactly to do.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
((Hmmmmm I'm thinking about... Pro Hero Deku. Possibly time travel? Most likely time travel.
Like for a starter?))
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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Anonymous asked:
M!a Bunny Deku, Deku is a bunny
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"Wait wh-?"
In a poof of green smoke, suddenly Izuku was replaced with a tiny green bunny. After a few moments of panicked stillness, he thumped and sprinted directly under the couch.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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AFO chuckled at that, nodding. "Yes, I had assumed as much," he said, nodding in approval. "Well then we'll have to start with what Tomura asked for me to speak to you about: How you're unwilling to make any direct kills."
He tilted his head as if looking Katsuki over for a moment before shrugging. "Although really, I'm not concerned. If you don't want to kill, just bring them back here to me. There are plenty of uses for live enemies here."
All for One liked to encourage Tomura to take on projects. And he could see the thought process that had led him to believe Bakugou Katsuki would be a good addition to their ranks! … Tomura was absolutely wrong in his assumptions, but All for One could at least see the thought behind it. Oh well. He supposed he could at least take a look at the boy himself, since Tomura wasn’t able to get him onside.
As the door opened, all a regular person would be able to see would be the boy haloed in light from the hall, without any lights inside the room to illuminate him from the front. It was probably symbolic in some way, not that All for One cared too much about that. After all, he didn’t see with any eyes anyway, so it hardly mattered to him.
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“Ah, Young Bakugo,” he hummed, waving him in. “Come, sit. We haven’t been properly introduced, but I’m sure we both know each other by now. So let’s skip all the little introductory nonsense, hm?”
He leaned back in his hair, watching to see which seat he would take - once was closer than the other to him, but bother were across the table from him.
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As much bravery as Katsuki tried to put on, the moment he actually got a decent look at the guy’s face, he paled a noticeable amount. Half the guy’s face looked melted off. Literally fuckin’ melted off like someone took a blowtorch directly to the asshole’s face. Could the guy even see? He didn’t see any eyes--
Shit. Fuck! Focus! 
Honestly, he hated how the villain addressed him. It was the same name All Might used for him. Hearing it leave AFO’s mouth made his skin crawl. 
“...Fine by me,” he grumbled after a minute. He tried to school his expression into something more neutral before taking a seat across from the older man. “Small talk gets on my nerves.” 
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
All for One liked to encourage Tomura to take on projects. And he could see the thought process that had led him to believe Bakugou Katsuki would be a good addition to their ranks! ... Tomura was absolutely wrong in his assumptions, but All for One could at least see the thought behind it. Oh well. He supposed he could at least take a look at the boy himself, since Tomura wasn't able to get him onside.
As the door opened, all a regular person would be able to see would be the boy haloed in light from the hall, without any lights inside the room to illuminate him from the front. It was probably symbolic in some way, not that All for One cared too much about that. After all, he didn't see with any eyes anyway, so it hardly mattered to him.
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"Ah, Young Bakugo," he hummed, waving him in. "Come, sit. We haven't been properly introduced, but I'm sure we both know each other by now. So let's skip all the little introductory nonsense, hm?"
He leaned back in his hair, watching to see which seat he would take - once was closer than the other to him, but bother were across the table from him.
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Katsuki's expression was dark as he followed a Noumu to All For One's lair. Up until now, AFO felt like some shadowy demon always out of reach and looming over his shoulders. He had been working with the League of Villains for two months now and had just failed--yet again--at actually taking a life.
He'd get damn near close to it, but his heroic sensibilities would prevent him from landing the finishing blow each and every time. He knew that some of the other villains likely deserved death, but as big of a talk he talked regarding "murder" and "killing," he was still just a bratty kid. He quickly learned that he wasn't truly capable of literal murder no matter how terrible the person was. The hero in him couldn't stand constantly having his hands stained with blood.
Katsuki assumed Crusty finally got fed up and made him AFO's problem to fix. He was already dreading this. Just being around a Noumu made his skin crawl. It was like looking into his future.
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When the doors opened to the lair, Katsuki immediately felt fifty kilograms heavier. The amount of bloodlust oozing out of the dark chambers was suffocating and it took everything in his being not to turn and run.
Gritting his teeth, he gathered up what was left of his scraps of pride and approached the true face of evil.
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Anonymous asked:
It has everything to do with it, you can’t have him so you have something close. He didn’t want anything to do with you and handed off his quirk because he was afraid of what you might do. Shigaraki was an innocent child.
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"Innocent child?" AFO laughed softly. "That's a funny way to say 'unrepentant murderer of a family of five'! He was smiling during his patricide, did you see that? Biggest grin I've ever seen on the boy."
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multi-scrapbook · 1 year ago
Anonymous asked:
AFO can’t tell me that Shigaraki doesn’t look like his brother, skinny, white/bluish hair.
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"Oh? Why would that be a factor in anything, hm? I don't see the relevancy."
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