#pft he just ignored the rest of the points lol
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Anonymous asked:
It has everything to do with it, you can’t have him so you have something close. He didn’t want anything to do with you and handed off his quirk because he was afraid of what you might do. Shigaraki was an innocent child.
Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting
"Innocent child?" AFO laughed softly. "That's a funny way to say 'unrepentant murderer of a family of five'! He was smiling during his patricide, did you see that? Biggest grin I've ever seen on the boy."
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[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 25
Oh fuck, that means seijo lost their last chance to go up against shiratorizawa, oikawa lost his chance to go up against ushijima (yes had to search his name up). I... Don't know how to feel about that
The girls (kage & oikawa) are fighting again, but more subtle this time
Holy shit I still can't believe karasuno won against seijo
Oh god, yeah daichi receiving a spike like that, one where oikawa literally made a set that shouldn't be possible, yeah that gonna haunt iwa for a while
HHHHH GOD FUCK- this is what i mean when haikyuu makes you love basically the whole cast to some extent. I don't want seijo to go nooo
But I'm still so happy that karasuno won like! They trained so hard to get here, they deserve this win
Oh? Kage reuniting with his old teammates- EH, MY DUDE?? DON'T JUST IGNORE EM
Wow, that was anti-climactic, i was expecting some more yelling
Most probably a bit of both, hinata just has this way of pulling kage's attention
Lol kage's "HM??" HSKSHSK
Aight dude, chill, you don't need to tell him I'm pretty sure oikawa knows better than you
"what was it that you said about worthless pride? I can't recall" OOOOH SNAP, EAT YO WORDS USHI
Yeah ushi, better watch yourself, nothing's more dangerous than an opponent being underestimated
Everyone's fuckin passed out in the bus lol. Bruh wtf hskshsk kageyama can't even relax in his sleep LMAO
Awww yeah couch has a point, without club advisor karasuno wouldn't have been as good as they are rn. My guy just accept the compliment from your hypothetical husband HSKSHS
Oh hey its the volleyball captain on the girl's side! Aw the whole school's there cheering for them!!
Ofc the news focuses more on the popular schools still, even tho karasuno won. I wonder how it's explained in-story on how the news were able to get these specific shots, cuz technically they shouldn't have been able to
Cmon dadchi, you better that hinata never really has bad intentions whenever he says anything bout other volleyball players, he loves volleyball too much for that lol
GSAP OMG THE CINEMATIC PARALLELS!! Literally the same scene from season 1, but this time it's so much more positive
PFT LMAO BRUH THESE DUMBASSES, fuckin forgot yachi was there for real
Lmao kyoko having to be big sister to her very volleyball addicted lil bros
Oh come on could've shown kage giving even a slight twitch to his mouth, but eh I'll take him initiating the fist pump ig
After credit scene! Look at my boys walking in like a gang lol
Honestly surprised that the rest of karasuno aren't confused as to why hinata and kage seem to know ushi more personally lmao
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V’s Route but MC fell in love with Seven instead of V. What would it be like? What about twins reunion in this circumstances?
Ohh this is AMAZING and I love it, I actually wanted to write a fic about that lol (also I’m sorry it became like a whole fucking book at the end lmao)
Also I don’t know if it’s canon that he had feelings for the MC on V’s route and I accept it as canon because I like to suffer pft
Let’s assume this takes place in more than three days! And I added some bits of Saeran’s route too so you know, make it ✨DRAMATIC✨
First he’d be suspicious of you, but he doesn’t want to show it and I just ADORE that idea
Seven would joke around with the you while sneakily trying to figure out some info, but then you will turn it on him somehow, you will start to get serious and then BAM say it was a joke, or you’ll suddenly flirt with Seven which will make him go like ‘oh shit who gave you the right’
So the first days, you and Seven would probably joke around a lot in the chatrooms, at points you’d have serious talks.
I like to think that at one point Seven calls you when it’s late, and he starts talking about the stars, so you go out to your little balcony (lets just assume the room has a balcony lmao) and then you look up at the stars. And Seven gets super emotional but he can’t really explain why to you. But you don’t ask him to explain. You listen, and comfort him.
Then you will say something like at that one phone call “I want to grab all the stars from you” (not a direct quote) and Seven will be shocked and speechless. And that’s when he realizes. He’s in love with you.
But he knows that maybe V is falling a little for you too, he just doesn’t realize it yet. And V has done so much for him and Saeran, that he doesn’t want to intrude.
Besides, he doesn’t want you to get hurt. So he stops appearing in the chatroom so often and he never really answers your calls.
Then Ray took you to his room to take the elixir, and that’s when V came in like NO YOU DONT and it makes Ray break a bit.
But he breaks more when he figures out what’s happening. He’s heartbroken.
At one point he takes you out to the garden and tells you that he actually likes you a lot, and he holds you very close to his heart. And you reply that you too, but not in a romantic way, subtly rejecting his advances. Before you could explain to Ray, he runs away.
He’s never felt so much anger in his entire life.
Seriously he’s mad.
I mean, you’re the first person he has ever felt he actually loved...but you still chose that idiot over him!
He knows how much you like talking to him, he sees the little smile you make when you text him or call him, talking about spaceships and the stars, and who knows what else.
And at this makes him weak. Rika takes that chance to let Saeran out. He’s vulnerable and broken, and it’s the perfect chance.
Meanwhile V is trying to figure out how to get you out of there and Rika takes the chance that Saeran is making you weak to try and convince you to join Mint Eye.
She tells him to completely block your access, and, even if Saeran doesn’t want to, she forces him to bring you to her room.
There, she gives you a bit of food, and talks about her devil, but you keep defending V and the RFA. She tells you how she wants to make weak people happy, and how to get everyone in the RFA into Mint Eye.
You refuse, but Rika keeps trying to lure you in. At one point the two of you walk to the garden.
While you’re talking, you successfully do get some information out of her. Shes telling you a story about two boys, twins. They were from a broken family. Their dad wasn’t interested in them, wanted to ge them killed even, and their mom was an abusive alcoholic. One of them was strong, and the other one was a bit weaker. So once , when the strong one left, she took the weaker one, and made him the strongest.
You were...confused to say the least. And you were worried.
“So what happened to the two boys?” You asked.
But before Rika could answer a shadowy figure with mint colored hair made its way to you.
It was V.
Both Rika and V bickered for a while, but before you could pay attention to them you saw your phone blink. You quickly picked it up.
“Hey, Y/N,.......stay right there. I managed....now I can track you......pleas....safe....”
“Seven?!” But before you could say anymore, the call ended. You looked up to see V being taken away by two men in cloaks.
“Wait! What do you even think you’re doing?!” You asked, but Rika glared at you and tightly grabbed your hand, leading you once again to her room.
You were extremely worried. And Rika hated it. She hated how you didn’t understand, how you couldn’t see her point of view. She was mad, but she was trying to keep her cool.
Until you stood up, and confidently asked her to take you to V.
She was outraged. How could you still believe in him, defend him, when this was all his fault?! Why can’t you see she’s in the right?!
When you got into the cell, you saw Saeran...or was it Ray?
He was...he was acting strangely. When he saw you he shoved you into the cage, and locked it, but his face was one of guilt.
“I....Y/N....I....I....” he panted, and he looked around the room anxiously.
He was having a panic attack.
“Hey, hey, Ray listen-”
“Don’t call me that!!! That weakling he’s...he’s dead!!!” But then he stopped and his eyes widened. “N-no...I...Y/N...how could I do this....? I....” before he could say anything he ran away.
When you turned around, you saw V was laying, a bit unconscious on the ground. You quickly ran over to him, and tried your best to take care of him. He was sweating like crazy, and his words were slurred, so you couldn’t make sense of what he was saying.
After a few hours, you had fallen asleep, with V laying on your knees. You were finally getting some rest when....
“Y/N!!” Someone whispered (more like yelled.)
And you looked up.
Messy red hair....stripped glasses....that voice....
He nodded and looked over at V. He felt a pang in his chest as he saw how close you were, I mean he was laying on your lap. But he ignored it. He had to get the two of you out of there first.
Both of you helped getting V to stand up. Seven held V up, and told you to follow him.
But then you felt someone grab your hand, holding you tight and you yelped. Seven immediately turned, and put his hands in this pockets, ready to probably take out a weapon of some sort.
You struggled as you looked at the person who was holding you.
“Y/N. Where are you going? Why are you with that...that traitor? You promised me you would never leave me, you said that you would never leave me!!”
“Saeran...Ray, please listen to me. This is not safe, Rika is using you, please come with us, you can finally get rest, you can be free and!” But Saeran held you tighter.
Seven almost dropped V. He looked at Saeran up and down, his face filled with shock.
“Sae....ran...? Did they call you Saeran...?”
“My my. This isn’t how I intended your reunion to go. Now look what you’ve done V. I hope you’re proud of yourself.” A sinister voice said behind Saeran.
Seven became even more pale. “Ri....ka...? But...V said....you’re supposed to....”
“I see you’ve fallen for all his lies Saeyoung. Well, this just makes things easy for me. V lied about everything, about me, about Saeran. Do you know see him for what he is?? A liar. He didn’t want me, to be happy, to help others become happy, his love shone so bright, that it burned me. He didn’t want to love me, all of me! V is a traitor, and now I’ve come to take you out of that hell and bring you to paradise...!”
Saeyoung (?) looked at V. And then at Rika. And then at V once again. He...he didn’t know what to believe anymore...what the fuck was going on??
Then, V stirred and slowly looked up towards Rika.
“Rika....I’m really sorry. About all this, about everything. This was not how I wanted things to end...but you have to let it go...please. The love I gave you...it...it wasn’t real. We have to be honest Rika. We found comfort in each other, we used each other to try and fill the empty void we have. But it wasn’t the right thing...instead of healing, it destroyed us even more...”
“What are you saying V? Our love was real. You just didn’t give me enough, you didn’t love all of me.”
V sadly shook his head. “No Rika...I’m sorry. I...it wasn’t real. I didn’t love you. I was just looking for comfort, for someone to-”
“LIAR! LIAR LIAR! OUR LOVE WAS REAL V! IT WAS, I FELT IT!!! How could you...how could you even say that...it was real...it was all real it was real...” Tears started streaming down her face. Saeran quickly turned around and held you even tighter.
“HEY! The intruders are here! Come get them immediately!” He screamed. A few believes started coming down the stairs, and Saeran laughed maniacally, telling you that you were all finally going to get what you deserved.
Saeyoung finally snapped back to his senses. He was confused, of course, but right now you were in danger. “Saeran...please let them go...”
Saeran laughed. “Yeah right. No way I’m letting them get away with you. I finally have something you really want...and I’ll make sure to make it impossible for you to get it back...”
Fuck fuck fuuuuck.
You sighed and looked at Saeran.
“The fuck you looking at? You want to plead for your life maybe? Hahaha that’s hilarious. After all this I’ll make you my toy. You’ll never be able to get out of your room, and I’ll slowly watch as you break down, and that the only thing you feel is pain.”
“No Saeran...I’m...I’m sorry for this...”
Before Saeran could even ask you what the fuck you were doing, you bit him.
Seven and V watched you in surprise, but they snapped out of it once they heard you yell RUN and when they saw the believers following after you.
Seven carried V, and every five seconds he would look behind him to check you were fine. Saeran and the believers were behind you, and they kept coming closer and closer. You managed to finally get out of the building, and Seven screamed at you to get in the car, but before you could do so, Saeran appeared in front of you, blocking your path once again and laughing maniacally.
Of course that was before you heard a zap and he dropped to the ground.
A man with longish brown hair appeared behind him, an annoyed look on his face and he motioned for you to follow him.
You all got into the car and quickly drove away from the place. Seven was driving, while you were in the backseat with V and the mysterious man was in the front seat. He was grumbling a lot, and he kept cursing at Seven for making them come out all this way, that he had no business in this whole affair and that Seven just had to drag his fucking ass over here. He also promised to overwork him like hell when they came home.
After a few hours, you made it to this cabin hidden in the woods. All of you made your way out and helped place V on the bed.
It was about 2am. You were tired and hungry.
Thankfully both Seven and Vanderwood (that’s what he was called) gave you a few snacks. They stayed in the living room space while you sat besides V’s bed, trying to nurse him, and you also texted the RFA, trying to explain everything that was going on.
At one point you may have fallen asleep. But when you woke up it was almost 4am. You went out to the living room where you only found Vanderwood on the couch, smoking.
“Umm...Mr. Vanderwood?”
He sighed and looked up from his computer.
“What?” He asked.
“Uhm...I just wanted to know where Seven was? Is he in the kitchen?”
He shook his head. “He went outside for a bit, that little brat. I’m not complaining though, since I finally get to have a smoke.”
You nodded and went outside.
It was chilly. The sky was cloudy.
You walked straight ahead, and after a few minutes, when you were about to give up,you found him.
He was sitting on the ground, in front of a beautiful pond. He was currently throwing rocks, trying to make them skip, but he failed. So many times.
You sat next to him, but he didn’t even look at you.
Honestly neither of you had talked much. It was sort of awkward, after all, before you literally got locked in a cell and everything, he had ignored you the whole time.
No answer. But you still wanted to figure out what had happened back there. Why was he so shcoked when he found Saeran, and why did Saeran hate him so much?
“I...wanted to ask something. How do you...know Ray..uhm, well...Saeran? Was he close to you? And why does he...why does he want to hurt you...? And...why did Rika call you Saeyoung?”
Seven sighed, and you looked at him.
Actually....looking at him from this angle....
You slowly reached out your hand, startling Sven, but you slowly took off his glasses. He looked at you.
And then you realized....
“The...The twins from that story....it was you guys...his name is Saeran, and yours is Saeyoung...”
Saeyoung glared at you.
“Hmph. Seriously. I’m the one who should be asking the questions here...!! But...it’s not all your fault...it’s V’s...you just got dragged into this whole mess for no reason. Ugh, how dumb to you have to be for this to happen?”
Saeyoung said, angrily as he grabbed his glasses and put them back on. You were taken aback.
“E-excuse me? Saeyoung what do you.-”
“Don’t call me that! Seriously you come waltzing around, let someone take you to a place you don’t know, then you play along with what they tell you! Do you have a death wish?! And now you’re coming here and trying to get into my stuff! Don’t do that. Go away and mind your own business, you have nothing to do with this.” He stood up and cleaned imaginary dust from himself. You stood up too.
“Well, I want to help. I may not have been a part of this at the beginning, but I am now, and I want to do everything I can and help you all. Especially you and your brother, what Rika did was awful! And Saeran, he’s being exploited, he can’t be there anymore he will end up breaking sooner or later!!”
“Jesus fucking christ! Just shut up! Why don’t you just call someone, a friend or maybe your family or something, and leave. I’m serious, you can’t be here anymore. Now go back and take care of V. Maybe once this is all over you can go and ask him out.” He grumbled.
“Wha...ask V out? I-Seven I don’t like him! Besides weren’t you just telling me to leave a few seconds ago? I don’t get what you’re even trying to say!”
“Yeah right. I mean this whole time you’ve been flirting with him, and you’ve spent the whole time by his side!”
“Yes, because I want to help Saeyoung. Seriously what’s up with you, I’ve never seen you like this before!! If it’s about Saeran we can get him back, but please let me help!”
“Why are you still insisting on that!!! Stop being so freaking stubborn and leave!”
“NO!” You screamed. You wanted to cry. You wanted to...yell.
Maybe even punch him. Or at least throw some pie in his face.
“You have nothing to do with this!!! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!”
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SAEYOUNG! And I-I want to protect everyone, I want to protect you, the RFA,your brother! PLEASE, let me...let me help you all....”
Saeyoung looked at you, with his mouth open. You sniffed and tried to wipe the tears off your face.
Saeyoung slowly walked towards you, stopping mere inches away from your face.
“You...you love me...?” He asked.
You nodded and gently pushed him. “Which is why it hurts to see you say all those things you dumbass. I want to be there for you. For all of you.”
“Heh, the dumbass here is you. I...you know I’m dangerous right? I mean, do you even get the work I do? You could end up hurt...” he looked at the ground.
“I don’t care Saeyoung. As long as I get to be with you....I really love you, you know....and once all of this is over, and we get Saeran...I want to spend the rest of my time with you....”
Saeyoung looked at you and gently moved a strand of your hair away from your face. He smiled.
“Seriously...do you even know what you’re saying? You’re going to have to put up with a lot, you know.”
You smiled back. “I know. And I don’t care about how hard it gets, I’ll be with you the whole time.”
Saeyoung laughed. “That’s what she said.”
Before you could scream at him for that horrible joke he just said, Saeyoung grabbed you and kissed you; holding you tight. The kiss was messy, desperate, the two of you wanting more of each other.
But you pulled away when you heard your phone ring.
V was awake!
Saeyoung smirked and whispered you were going to continue later, and he grabbed your hand and quickly brought you to the cabin.
- So the whole thing became a bit of a blur.
V woke up, and he explained everything to you.
Saeyoung was mad. Really mad. You had to try and calm him down.
That night, when V went away for a walk and Vanderwood was in the other room, resting, Saeyoung explained to you more in depth about his situation. He told you about his father, a well known politician, and about his mom, how she would just drink and drink, and use him and his brother as blackmail.
He told you about his relationship with V and Rika. You immediately understood why he was angry at V. I mean, the man took his brother and then kind of helped his fiancée make him an angry ball of hate.
That wasn’t good.
You also explained about mint eye. Saeyoung was honestly heartbroken.
Your conversation was cut short though, as Vanderwood, who had at one point left to take a smoke, came back with a wounded V.
He had been stabbed.
All of you rushed to the hospital. On the way there, you got a phone call from Saeran, who was crying.
And he said....he said goodbye.
“Wait, Saeran, please wait!!!” But the call ended.
Saeyoung looked at you with a worried expression, and as soon as you dropped V off at the hospital, (where Jumin was waiting btw) Saeyoung got on the car. You got on after him, and he told you to leave, that it was fine. But you shook your head. You were going to do this together.
Saeyoung drove so fucking fast. He was nervous. You were too.
Then, as you came close to Mint Eye...you heard a loud bang, and you saw an explosion going off a few miles in front of you.
Saeyoung and you were speechless. You made your way to where Mint Eye was supposed to be, but you only found dust and debris.
You spent the whole night looking.
But you couldn’t find anything.
Thankfully, a few years later V had recovered. He was traveling around the world. Rika was caught and she got sent to a mental institution.
You never found Saeran’s body.
It was tough.
The first few weeks he didn’t talk at all. I mean, the encounter that he had with his brother after about 8 years was one where Saeran just hated him.
It hurt. Knowing that Saeyoung wasn’t able to explain everything, to beg for forgiveness.
Saeyoung was absolutely devastated. Thankfully, you were always there for him.
You stood beside him on all his sleepless nights, and whenever he had a panic attack you were there to comfort him.
Even if it hurt, Saeyoung was slowly recovering. A few months ago he managed to get out of the house. And he formally asked you out.
You were finally settling down. Some days would be hard, others not so much. But you always stood by his side.
At about your third RFA party, V suddenly appeared!
Everyone was happy and pretty shocked too!
Saeyoung didn’t want to say hi, so he sulked on the side.
But then, behind V came out a figure...a figure that you recognized.
“SAERAN!” You screamed and you ran over to him, giving him a big hug. Saeran was startled at first, but he slowly wrapped his arms around you and rubbed circles on your back while you sobbed.
Saeyoung he...he dropped his glass filled with PhD Pepper.
When you let go of Saeran, his twin quickly walked over to him, speechless.
Before Saeran could say anything though, his twin quickly held him tight. The two of them were sobbing, and Saeran hugged his brother back too.
It was beautiful.
After that, Saeran started living with the both of you. He apologized to you many times, but you told him that it was fine, that you should focus now on the present.
Saeran had such a soft spot for you, sometimes he’d get a bit cranky with Saryoung though, but it was funny lol.
He made a garden, and every day the three of you watched movies while eating ice cream, sometimes Vanderwood even joining you!
Thankfully Saeyoung had managed to get them out of the whole agency thing, so they were just chilling.
AsforV, thankfully he got the help he needed, along with all of the RFA members (though they would sometimes come to you.)
In the end, all of you ended up living happily...ever....after
I’m sorry pft
The end!
#mystic messenger#jihyun mysme#saeyoung choi#saeran choi#yoosung kim#jumin han#jaehee kang#choi bois#mysme
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ishqbaaz 22.01.18 lb
ugh let’s get this shitshow on the road. at this point, entertainment kam, homework waali feeling zyaada aati hai.
shivaay, bruh you srsly need to get over your fucking parivaaar already. like focus on omru, and that’s it. the rest of them can choke. they don’t deserve this kinda commitment from you. just ignore them enough and they’ll fucking go away. like prinku. 🙃🙃🙃
ok don’t even get me started on the “hum dono ek saath hai” nonsense. meeting you was the worst thing that could have ever happened to this girl. if only i could “kuch samay pehle” all back to june 2016, and prevented you two from ever crossing paths. 😑😑😑
shariffudddinnn!!!! looks confused and perplexed. as per usual. bro you’ve made a career of NOT GETTING WHAT YOU WANT, whether it be in the mughal era, or in present-day “chennai”. by now you should be used to it.
“tu karne kya waali hai?”
tu.... meaning veer is bade bhaiyya? hmm...
lololol also loving their sibling-ly fist bump. i guess veer is svetlana’s sibling of choice. tia who?
these two take their dushmani so seriously that they have a special framed photu of the ppl they hate to glare at. nafrat ho toh aisi! 😚😚😚
ugh not here for dadi’s nonsense. fwding!
where’s om? i don’t wanna stare at these two chilgozas.
ugh ok this scene is getting on my nerves, fucking FWD!!!
.... no srsly what’s the deal with them stressing heavily on bhavya’s lack of family these days.... i feel like it’s foreshadowing that she’s the third nafratbaaz sister and is kinda dropping hints that the oberois fucked her over, family-wise. 🤔🤔🤔
coz my heart eternally hopes that sumo is eventually gonna come back to save rudra’s ass and ruMya is end game.
oh. police. 😬😬😬
waah, goa police is as nikkami as mumbai police. good to know standards are maintained all over the country in these matters. 😌😌😌
meanwhile the murder sibs are staring down at... komal?? is that her name??? a veryyyy dead komal.
who btw, has zero nishaan of a person who DROWNED to death. or indeed any of the signs of being dead. her corpse has better skin than my bloody zinda body fml. 😓😓😓
lmao veer is typical domineering bade bhaiyya who’s like just shut up and work. and svetlana is typical bratty younger sister who is rolling her eyes in bg. i think these two might be my new brotp for the show. 😆😆😆😆
this police officer looks like discount sukhwinder singh no?
ok anika’s mental health is at the fucking brink and it is breaking my fuckingggggg heart. this girl needs extensive therapy. like... MASSIVE amounts of it. 😣😣😣
shivaay is suuper excited to introduce dadi to his crush. i haven’t seen him this enthu about ANY relationship in his life ever, till date.
dude no really i need some vital stats on nikitin dheer, coz he looks THE MOUNTAIN (from GOT) type massive. is he that gigantic, or is nakuul just that miniscule????? I NEED ANSWERS. GIVE ME DIMENSIONS FOR BOTH MEN, DOWN TO THE LAST CM. 😫😫😫
pfffffffft rudra thinking that bhavya’s talking about him. lord just give me 1% of his confidence.

gauri be like idk man i don’t see it. my hubs is more normal proportioned and hotter.
pft gauri, she’s getting married, not entering the convent. she’s still allowed to appreciate beauty where she sees it. taj mahal apne desh mein hai toh kya hum eiffel tower ko khoobsurat na bulaayein?
“woh samosa thodi hai jo HOT HOT keh rahi ho.”
lmaooooo gauri. 😂😂😂
also i am 86% certain that given the choice between a shirtless om and a samosa, she’d pick the latter. 😋😋😋
bhavyaaaaa is meeeeeeee. #1 creeper when it comes to beautiful ppl (irrespective of gender and/or mauke ki nazaakat. hot hai matlab hot hai. 😚😚😚)
rudra you’re not really kaabil-e-tareef. esp. compared to dr. veer here.




hahaha awwww the bhaabis and their hausla-afzaai of rudra. so cute.
lmao bhavya reallllllllllllllly getting carried away with the thirstttttt. never has her character been more relatable to me. ever 🤤🤤🤤🤤
khee khee khee anika and gauri’s smirks and giggles.
snort. bhavya really rubbing it in. i love it. it’s the least she can do after all the crap rudra put her through.
aaaand rudra is being an idiot again.
rudra just got bumped up to the top of shariffuddin!!!!!’s murder list.
wow for once, shivaay is holding one of his brothers accountable for bad behaviour. sun rose in the west, pigs flying, etc.
lmao “main bhaabi ka bhai hoon.” *tiniest tentative step in her direction*
lol i can’t get over how mad shivaay is rn. anika should def. feel a little threatened by this crush of his.



lololol anika frustratedly blaming her freudian slip on rudra. 😆😆😆
snort ruvya finally decide to go check out handsome hunk TOGETHER. now that’s a relationship goal. someone to check out hot ppl with together. find yourself a freak like that. 🙃🙃🙃
“haryana ka sher” lololololol bande ka confidence toh dekho. i like it.
i really like bhavya’s skirt.
my god rudra is the most persistent and annoying little brat.
waaah, shivaay has dhol playing skillz also. matlab, is there no end to his talents? what next, does he also do crochet?
ugh karwachauth waale kapde repeat kar diye. what a gareeb production house this is. 🙄🙄🙄
who are all these rando guests???? like, shivaay and anika literally know nobody here other than veeer and fam????
snortttttttt, dadi calling her bahuein “patola”, and gauri’s reaction:








god shivika, get a damn room. lookin at each other with such gandiiiiiiii nazrein out here, pffffft. 😏😏😏😏😏
lolllllllll anika trying to bring gauri into this whole thing but apni chirraiyya be like PLZ DON’T INVOLVE ME IN YOUR WEIRD KINKS. 😆😆😆




yupppp. moving outta that fucking hellhole has def. worked wonders for these two and their boinking. 12/10, recommend. (ARE YOU LISTENING RIKARA????? GET YO OWN DAMN PLACE AND GO TO TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 📢📢📢📢📢📢)
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