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nikkeisimmer · 8 months ago
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Now we are about to set up the Happiness points for Careers now that our individuals here have retired. Hey, they were in the military – they deserve some happiness. Yeah, Admirals get a lot of happiness points – that’s from their gigantic monthly salary and being able to be in command of things of strategic importance.
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If you’re wondering why Ensigns (2nd Lieutenants, USMC) through Lieutenants (Captains, USMC) don’t get any happiness points, well, 2nd and 1st Lieutenants (Ensign and LTJG) are too junior to have earned any happiness – they’re still trying to figure it all out while getting caca dumped on their heads and well Captains (LT, USN) are pretty much unhappy because they don’t have any power at all like the senior and flag officers, and they’re just in charge of scut-work. OK...maybe I’ll give them SOME happiness at having their rank and all that, like maybe about 10,000 happiness points. Maybe I’ll give 1st Lieutenants and Lieutenant Junior Grades about 2,500 happiness points...y’know, they’re happy that they’re no longer butterbars and politely told by non-commissioned officers to shut up and listen you Academy or Rotsee puke.
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Earlier that morning, Animal decided that he was going to put the RGB Gem Cutter to good use after conjuring a few gemstones.
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And Mac and Jugs decided they were going to work on the potion tables – hopefully they would come up with something useful rather than stink potions.
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Keeter headed to the dumpsters to look for things. Hopefully he would find things more useful than maggots or roaches. At least roaches could be turned into some pricey plasma bugs if someone was able to get their science skill level high enough.
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Meg was busy harvesting the lettuce and wondering why she wasn’t gaining any experience in the gardening skill. Well, it’s because harvesting doesn’t take skill. So better pull out that gardening skill book you bought and start reading up as well as doing your daily requisite handiness and inventing skill reading.
Meg: “Jeez, you’re pushy, Narrator!”
Narrator: “Well someone has to keep ya’ll motivated.”
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Metalman started working on an invention, not aware of the fact that these things can potentially combust and turn him into a flaming torch, though he would find out eventually

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Meanwhile Animal decided to head for the elixir shop to consign his gemstones.
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Animal (thinking): Jeez, civvie pukes are weird, sunglasses inside?
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Maegyn was working on the science station trying to get her skill level high enough that she could turn bugs into plasma bugs. Goodness knows that bugs don’t like being bombarded by radiation which is one of the key elements of turning an onrdinary insect into a radioactive super-bug.
Maegyn would find out they have a propensity to escape.
Narrator: “watch it...they bite”
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Jugs was trying her level best to ignore Maegyn.
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Well Monday didn’t start off great for Metalman. In a fit of rationality, went and paid off the semi-weekly bill (yes, that is the correct terminology, though we do not hear it very often – we have heard of the term semiannually – which means something that happens twice a year)
Animal had also returned and was working on the second inventing table.
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Metalman: Help, help...I’m on fire

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Animal: Go take a cold shower, Metalman.
The second attempt didn’t fare much better.
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Mac: That’s the second time he’s set himself on fire, sir. Is he normally that clumsy?
Animal: I presume so, Major, it’s not for the lack of trying. His last fitrep came in as. This officer has amazingly attained new heights of ineptitude never seen before in an officer of his calibre.
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Mac: Please don’t give him a command position, sir.
Animal: Not my call, if he gets recalled. That’s on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
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Metalman: I think I’m going to go read a book.
Instead of making himself an incendiary for the third time in as many minutes, he decided to park his butt in a chair and read the inventing book. Hopefully it will help him to not set himself ablaze, but well
that might be hoping for too much.
Animal: Try reading your handiness skill book. Commander, maybe that might help in keeping you from lighting yourself in flames a third time.
Metalman: What’s that saying about...oh, I forget.
They say three times the charm, but Metalman wasn’t about to take that risk – not if Animal could help it.
Animal: I wouldn’t count on that.
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Metalman: Hold on, I need to take a phone call. Oh, you need some plumbing cleared out? Sure, I can do that. Narrator (picturing a deluge thanks to a cracked water-main): Oh God...
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Animal: Bloody HELL! Keeter. How in the flaming blue blazes did you set the damned table on fire!
Keeter: I don’t know, I don’t know...it just went kablooey on me.
Harm (speechless)
Maegyn: Animal’s gonna go kablooey on you too in another minute! Haven’t you read the MSDS safety data sheet on Working With Combustibles?!
Keeter: Too many big words? Maegyn: How in the hell did you get through flight school?
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Jugs: That’s the last friggin’ time you get assigned to fly with me as my wingman, Keeter. I probably would end up getting my ass shot off.
Keeter: Aren’t we retired?
Jugs: I meant in the colloquial sense of the word.
Narrator: Yeah, after that, pretty much everybody decided that working at the Scraptonics Incendiary Workbench wasn’t the way to go to increase their invention skills though they’ll need it in order to put windows and doors in. Well hopefully no-one sets themselves on fire yet again.
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tagesnotizen · 2 years ago
10.7.2023 | Luzern | 15.35h
Es ist heiss, der Zug fĂ€hrt noch nicht, die Klimaanlage wird ihn erst spĂ€ter kĂŒhlen. Eine Frau ranzt einen Mann an, der sich zu ihr ins Abteil gesetzt hat: „Arrogantes Arschloch!“ Er ranzt zurĂŒck: „Schlampe!“ - „ZuhĂ€lter!“ - „Schnauze!“ Die Szene ist sehr unhelvetisch. Die anderen Passagiere schweigen betreten. Auf der Höhe des Rotsees hört das Gekeife auf.
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vincentbarletta · 1 month ago
Six Must-See Destinations for Rowing Enthusiasts
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Rowing is among the oldest water sports, although it originated as a means of transportation during ancient civilizations. The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used rowing for transportation and warfare. However, by the 18th and 19th centuries, it had evolved into a competitive sport in Europe.
Rowing became popular after several organized clubs were established in Britain, notably along the River Thames. It wasn’t long before the sport spread worldwide, reaching the United States, Australia, and Canada in the early 19th century. Today, rowing is a globally celebrated sport, with countless destinations offering unique and picturesque environments for enthusiasts. Below are six standout rowing destinations around the world.
Lake Bled, a glacial lake nestled in Slovenia’s Julian Alps, is one of the most idyllic rowing destinations. Boasting crystal-clear waters and the iconic Bled Island rising in its center, Lake Bled offers calm, sheltered waters that create perfect conditions for rowing. The lake attracts recreational rowers and elite athletes and hosts numerous international events, including the Bled International Regatta. Rowing enthusiasts enjoy the serene surroundings and the backdrop of Bled Castle, which adds a timeless charm to the rowing experience.
Henley-on-Thames in the United Kingdom is a symbol of the British rowing tradition. The Henley Royal Regatta, established in 1839, is among the most prestigious rowing events in the world. Held on the River Thames, the regatta is known for its strict dress code and exclusive social atmosphere. The river’s narrow course creates fierce competition, and its historic charm and lasting traditions continue to attract both seasoned rowers and newcomers.
In the United States, the Charles River in Boston is among the top rowing destinations. The location is home to the Head of the Charles Regatta, the world’s largest two-day rowing event, held annually since 1965. The river winds through Boston and Cambridge, offering a scenic route with challenging bends and varying currents that test the rowers’ skills. The lively atmosphere, with spectators lining the bridges and riverbanks, adds to the festive yet competitive spirit.
Lucerne, Switzerland, is another iconic rowing destination known for hosting the prestigious World Rowing Cup on the Rotsee. The Rotsee (Lake Rot) has unique geographical features, being long, straight, and sheltered by surrounding hills, which makes it ideal for rowing. The long rowing tradition in Lucerne itself, dating back to 1899, and the city’s beautiful medieval architecture and scenic views of the Swiss Alps continue to draw rowers to the annual three-day event.
Among the most recent additions to the list of iconic rowing destinations, Tokyo Bay in Japan has become an outstanding rowing venue after the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Sea Forest Waterway, formerly a shipping channel, is the only saltwater Olympic rowing venue, and features an innovative design in a distinctive industrial setting. In just a few years, Tokyo Bay has established itself as a top destination offering rowers a world-class experience in one of the world’s most vibrant metropolises.
Finally, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil concludes this list with a tropical destination for rowing devotees. Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas became a prominent venue in 2016 when it hosted the Summer Olympics. With challenging winds and breathtaking views of landmarks like Christ the Redeemer, the venue offers a unique experience where the sport meets the enthusiastic and colorful Brazilian culture.
Each of these six rowing destinations offers something unique, from lasting rowing traditions to modern venues and scenic natural landscapes. These are only a few of the many iconic rowing venues across the globe. Other locations worth exploring include Split in Croatia, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and Chungju in South Korea.
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drewginn · 1 year ago
Harmony on the Rotsee A Crew's Quest for Flow in Lucerne (Sympatico)
“Simpatico,” which derives from the Greek noun “sympatheia,” meaning “sympathy,” was borrowed into English from both Italian and Spanish. Sympatico is a word of Italian origins. Its definition means like-minded or likable. Meaning “sympathetic” in both Spanish and Italian, sympatico is rooted in the Greek sympathes, “fellow feeling. “sympathetic, understanding, congenial,” 1864 (in fem.

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biberklaus · 2 years ago
Kajak Rundfahrt auf dem Rothsee in Bayern/Franken ( Gumotex Seawave,) i.. Kajak tour  mit den beiden Luft / Schlauch  Kajaks  Gumotex Seawave und einer Itewit X500auf dem Rotsee in Franken beim Main-Donau- Kanal  höhe  schleuse EckersmĂŒhlen  .Mit Klaus Wojtek  und JĂŒrgen Teusch.  Der Start auf dem See war von der Segelschule Rothsee aus . Wo es auch ausreichend  ParkplĂ€tze vorhanden sind . Die Fahrt erfolgte rechtsherum  um dem See im anfĂ€nglich dichten Morgennebel .  Am oberen Ende  vom See haben wir noch einen schönen Biberdamm entdeckt . Anschließend wollten wir noch in den kleinen Rothsee umsetzen  . Der aber wegen Umweltschutz grĂŒnen fast Komplett gesperrt ist . Durch den Umstand haben wir das Umsetzen der beiden Schlauchboote bleiben lassen . Auf der RĂŒckfahrt mussten wir weit vom Ufer wegbleiben weil die Gestaden aus Vogelschutz grĂŒnden Gesperrt is
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thespecialview · 4 years ago
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Heute ein fotowalk um den Rotsee gemacht #rotsee #luzern #ebikon https://www.instagram.com/p/CSSV0DcjnRM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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artundfoto · 5 years ago
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Wasserturm ... #rotsee #rotseeregatta #turm #architektur #architekturfotografie #architecture #architecturephotography #stilleswasser #steg #artundfoto #sbf_member (hier: Rotsee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9gjazDwZj/?igshid=xhfnb7y6dksh
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commander-coppercogg · 3 years ago
How about đŸ’€đŸ€„đŸŒȘ for Gharavain!
Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever really talked about Gharavain before. He doesn’t get a lot of play time these days but he’s still around.
đŸ’€ SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Gharavain is the kind of person who rigidly goes to bed every night at 10:30 sharp with a cup of tea and then lies there struggling to fall asleep for an additional four hours. He usually gets up again after a while and works on paperwork until he literally can’t keep his eyes open anymore.
đŸ€„ LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Gharavain is honestly a really good liar and is very good at keeping his true emotions close to his chest. His one tell would be he tends to tap his foot if a lie goes on for a while.
đŸŒȘ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
This is a bit tricky since Gharavain’s my boyfriend’s character buuuut Gharavain was originally just created to play through Heart of Thorns with Wynoc. He didn’t really have much else going on besides just being a sylvari dude. So the biggest change would be the creation of his backstory and him evolving into a foil for Wynoc. Really quick backstory rundown: Gharavain’s pod on the Pale Tree was caught up in a Risen krait attack and flooded with water. He almost drowned in there before being rescued but it had some side effects. Gharavain is quite small and a bit
well soggy in comparison to other sylvari. Where other sylvari are vibrant plant grow, he is still water and stagnation. Because of this he was assigned as Trahearne’s squire while the Firstborn was exploring Orr. Gharavain was
less than thrilled by this and felt that the position,instead of an honor, was restricting and thankless. A bit of an “always a squire, never a knight” vibe. Which is where he starts the events of base game.
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happy-little-elf · 8 years ago
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Himmel ĂŒber Rotsee by  sacha woodtli
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arc-hus · 4 years ago
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Finnish Tower, Rotsee, Switzerland - Andreas Fuhrimann & Gabrielle HÀchler
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studebenaumm-blog · 5 years ago
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FS Atelier Meister >FS20 Bistro, Schauplatz, Badi, Rotsee, Luzern  Weiterentwicklung, Modulare Bauweise - Geschosshöhen  #20200417 >diu
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rowingpost · 7 years ago
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#lucerneregatta 13.-15. july 2018 // #wrclucerne #luzern #rotsee #worldcup #worldrowing #swissrowing #rowing #rudern #aviron #canottaggio #rowingrelated #rowingcelebration #just_rowing #rowingispassion #totalrowing #sportfotografie // © Bernhard Marbach Via @fotomarbach.ch__schweiz #rowingpost #rowingchannel
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dezeriell · 7 years ago
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Sunday walk... so pretty! ☀ . . . #sunday #april #nature #rotsee #luzern #instasunday #berlingirl #haveawalk #springhasarrived #sunny #lovely #thankful #missdeecee #spring #countdown (hier: Switzerland)
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deintrainerdave-blog · 8 years ago
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www.deintrainer.ch 076 320 50 50 #rotsee #sursee #kriens đŸ’ȘZeit fĂŒr verĂ€nderungđŸ’Ș
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olivierwalther · 5 years ago
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Morning Walk at Lake Rotsee with my Canon 1n and Kodak Portra 400
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spacedreamermx · 6 years ago
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Rotsee, Lucerne, Switzerland
© Fuhrimann HÀchler Architekten
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