#rotb elena
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dat-lil-shark · 11 months ago
Finished colouring the Pixie Kids!!
I finished coloruing my Pixie Verse Jack, Miko, and Raf.
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And at the same time, since my family had lately descided to rewatch ROTB, I also deiced to designe out the Pixie version of Noah, Kris, and Elena from it!
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(And yes Mirage totally had put Pixie Noah in a jar at least once (the first time they met) and yes I will draw that out once I get to this weekend)
Either way, if you're new here and don't know what the Pixie AU is, it is essentially a transformer AU(s) of mine where all the bots become humans, but to keep the size difference and the majority of the relationships between bots and humans the same, the canon humans wil become even smaller Pixies.
No major plots will ever be changed in any Pixie AUs, except maybe the bot characters will now be the main characters, on top of just being humans, and a lot more stories would be told from their point of views jnstead. (If you are curious about how some events would have gone in the Pixie AU, DO NOT EVER BE AFRAID TO ASK ME, in comments, reblogs, or the ask box. I LOVE READER INTERACTIONS AND THEY FUEL ME TO DRAW MORE THAN ANYTHING. PLEASE BE SURE TO BOTHER ME)
And final note:
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sweet--sweet--muffin · 2 years ago
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There's barely any fanart for these lovely gals together soooooo have a lil doodle of them
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kairukitsuneo · 2 years ago
⚠️Spoiler for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts & Transformers: Prime⚠️
Nobody speaks until all coast is clear.
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If every time the transformers' human companion(s) had to sneak into the museum to get some alien artifact, I would have two nickels.
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It's been a minute since I made one of these long boi posts, so here goes:
Things I want to see in the next Steven Caple Jr/Knightverse Transformers G.I. Joe crossover movie:
Decepticons!!! Oh how I've missed them! I want to see some new badass Decepticons make an appearance and be scary af and cause drama for the Autobots, and what I assume will be their new allies, the Joes.
GENTLE TOUCHES BETWEEN NOAH AND MIRAGE! I don't give a FUCK if they're both dudes or whatever! GIVE US SOME GENTLE TOUCHES, GODDAMMIT! Remember the cute little finger grasping thing that Charlie did after she calmed Bee down when he went into his kill mode? Give us something like that where Noah wraps his tiny fingers around Mirage's HUGE digits.
Give us some hugs! I want to see Noah and Mirage hug affectionately, not minding the size difference at all. Either a full body hug or a face hug works, or both. Both is good.
Can we please have Noah boop Mirage's nose as a joke or for funsies? 🥺 I would love to see how Mirage would react to that touch.
Noah placing his tiny hand on Mirage's faceplate! Gahh! If Charlie can do it, so can Noah! 😤 Could happen in a reassuring/comforting scene.
Hand holding or grabbing. Like Noah grab's one of Mirage's digits with his tiny hand or Mirage holds Noah's tiny hand in his massive servo. Just hand touching in general please! 🥺
More teasing and flirting from Mirage. Since the PCS basically hinted that Miroah is a done deal, I would like to see how Mirage would up his game. Like what if he increased his teasing and flirting with Noah and says something even more outrageous than, "You've been inside me!"? What if him and Noah are having a casual convo (ideally in front of a small audience, like other Autobots for dramatic effect and added wow factor) and in response Mirage says something like, "That's not what you said last night, babe. 😉" Imagine Noah's reaction and the audience's reaction. 🤣🤣 Though, considering how hard the studio had to fight to keep the inside me joke in, that particular line may be "too spicy" for Hasbro. But something more mild or along those lines would be greatly appreciated.
MIRAGE'S KILL MODE!!!! I WANT TO SEE MIRAGE GO INTO BERSERKER MODE because someone had the audacity to harm or attempt to harm Noah!!!! Battle mask on and weapon charged! I want to see him absolutely enraged and start shooting up the place. But in a controlled rage like Bee had where he aimed at vehicles instead of people. Maybe Mirage could aim at Decepticons or some other enemy. Point is, I want to see Mirage use his battle mask and go to town blasting! And then I want to see Noah gently calm him down and give him a gentle touch or say something soothing to help calm him down.
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Give us this Mirage right here! Battle mask on, weapon charged and ready to fight everybody!
Or instead it could be Mirage just naturally protecting Noah from an enemy that triggers his kill mode. But this could be Noah's first time seeing Mirage like that, so we could still get that delicate, gentle moment between those 2 once Mirage calms down.
CHARLIE AND BUMBLEBEE REUNION!!!! I had a dream recently about Charlie playing a sort of game of tag that was an extension of the ending scene in Bumblebee, when Bee scans his new alt mode and Charlie is amazed by it and then Bee drives off. In my dream Charlie is running in front of Bee laughing while he drives very slowly behind her to chase her. I have no idea where that dream came from since Miroah has been living rent free in my brain for months, but it makes me want a Charlie/Bee reunion extra bad now!
More Mirage and Arcee sibling energy! I think we were absolutely ROBBED of Mirage and Arcee moments in ROTB, so I want more in the next movie! Big sister Arcee scolding or teasing Middle child Mirage about something. It would be glorious! 🤩
Mirage introducing Noah to new Autobots and being all proud like. Like, "Yup! That's my human! He's mine." or whatever the robot equivalent would be. I don't know why, but every time I read a Miroah fic that has Mirage refer to Noah as his human, my heart swells a little. It's just so cute. It's giving cat owner energy for some reason. 🤣
A Mirage and Noah mission scene where they're officially partners. All the jokes, all the teasing, all the flirting, just all the general Miroah shenanigans. But now they are officially on an Autobot/G.I. Joe mission together.
I want Breanna Diaz to meet Mirage! I need to know if she will pull out a chancleta and try to strike Mirage with it. 🤣 'Cause you know the Diaz family loves to resort to violence whenever they first see Mirage. Noah with the metal pipe and Kris with the baseball bat. I need to know what Breanna's weapon of choice is. 🤣 But also, I want to see her warm up to Mirage and him being all charming and kind towards her.
I would love to see some Mirage and Bee shenanigans. The 2 Autobots with human companions need a scene together! Maybe even give us some Mirage and Bee sibling energy. And maybe even a double team up with Mirage and Noah as partners and Bee and Charlie as partners.
A Mirage pamper scene or flashback or mention of how Noah pampered him up real good to make him look all shiny and brand new. A perfect chance to slip in some flirting from Mirage praising Noah for a job well done. 😏
MORE ELENA!!!! Elena is also a queen and I want her in the next movie coming in with that artifacts knowledge and general warm-hearted and caring Elena energy that we all know and love! 🥺
This might be a stretch, but what about Arcee becoming fond of a human and she ends up getting her own human companion? It could be Elena or another female character. That would be so cool!
The main reason why I made this post is because A LOT of the stuff I wanted to see in Transformers EarthSpark S1C actually happened (I still need to make a post about that) and it makes me feel like if I keep making these long boi posts, I can continue to manifest my own desires and head canons. *cue maniacal laughter* No, but for real, can we please get a Noah/Mirage centric animated series?? It would be wonderful! 🙏🏾
Okay, that's all for now. If I can think of anything else, I will definitely edit this post. Thanks for reading! ~
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celestite-caroline · 1 year ago
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dizzydaikon · 2 years ago
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that-glitter-chick · 2 years ago
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Totally here for Noah/Mirage, Optimus having an emotional arch, and the Maximals, but can we spare some time to give our girl Elena some love? She’s brilliant, brave, compassionate, observant, gentle and wise. She seriously needs to be celebrated!💕
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huanted-dennys · 2 years ago
all i’m saying
is that elena and airazor could’ve been girlfriends
wives if u will
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hah-studios · 2 years ago
Okay folks let's start a Rise of the Beast sequel!
Several months after the events of Rise of the Beasts, a former Unicron follower arrives on Earth. This starts a catalyst: -Noah and the Autobots meet the former follower, a creature called Dinobot looking for the Maximals to atone for his past sins. But how could they trust him with the battle of Scourge still a shadow in their minds? -Elena is with the Maximals in Peru when they reunite with old friend, Tigatron. But when he learns of Airazor's death, Tigatron will appear more enemy than ally. -Charlie Watson will find herself thrown back into the world of Cybertronians and unknowingly has an odd relix that is not of any of their worlds. -The Predacon, Tarantulas, will start up his latest science project, fully attending to leave bodies in his wake during the process. -A mysterious and threatening prescience will slip into the Earth's very seams, and our heroes may not even know of it until it is too late.
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creativitysparks4everxoxo · 2 years ago
Alternate ending:
Noah: Hey.
Mirage: *looks back*
Noah: *sticks out fist for a fist bump*
Mirage: *sticks out fist ready to give a fist bump*
Noah: *grabs Mirage's fist* Come back to me! Don't die!
Elena: Now kiss.
Okay, that was so lame but it just popped up in my head. 🤭
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TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS 2023, dir. Steven Caple Jr.
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cinderoo · 2 years ago
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doomed yuri vs plot armor yaoi inspired by this funny tweet on twitter: x
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creativitysparks4everxoxo · 2 years ago
Can you imagine if Elena interacted with Mirage in ROTB? If you thought Mirage and Noah's interactions were funny, then I can just imagine the shit Mirage would have said to Elena to make her laugh, and it would have been wonderful!
I did think it was hilarious when Elena turned to look at Mirage during Stratosphere's introduction scene and he said, "Yeah, I'm walking to Peru." 🤭
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creativitysparks4everxoxo · 2 years ago
And the fact that Anthony Ramos said in an interview, "It took us 7 movies but we finally did it" just makes it even better! Like fucking FINALLY we get POC main human leads in a Transformers movie and they're both super great! ❤❤❤ And it was so nice learning more about Peruvian culture and seeing the lively festival take place. Such a breathtaking scene!
I’m just glad that Michael Bay’s racism didn’t persist into Rise of the Beasts and we got to have two POC main characters.  Also we need more opportunities to use Inca culture in movies.  Seeing them in Peru was super cool.
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j-em-g · 1 year ago
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Horror movie night!!
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zeddimusprime · 2 years ago
Elena: Cool exosuit, Noah, what’s it made out of?
Noah: Oh, actually it’s-
Mirage: It’s Boyfriend Material
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poorchoicesarebettr · 2 years ago
Humans and their robots💕
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