#roswell nm 3x06
dayscrazed · 2 years
A continuation of my AU where Michael is adopted by the Evan’s instead of Max. 
Based on RNM 3x06. Max responds to Michael's Airstream being broken into and the Kyle and Maria mystery. Alex connects his work at Deep Sky with Max's theories and finds himself in a dangerous encounter. Liz's suspicions about Michael unravel at the hospital.
Differences from canon: Since Alex is dating Max, he checks in with him when he stays late at Deep Sky. Since Max is the cop, Michael calls him to "report" the break-in which happened at his Airstream (which as a reminder is parked at Bernhardt ranch). Max explains how he covered up Isobel helping Jones kill Jordan Bernhardt. Max and Michael's lines are somewhat swapped from canon. Michael not being pissed about his only possessions being trashed makes Liz suspicious. Her reminiscing about Henry IV reflects The Red Crayon 'verse's version of events (the Crashdown and a milkshake instead of prom night). Max had actual police reports to help him figure out the radio towers went down (instead of Sanders' police scanner) and his conversation with Alex at the tower reflects their relationship status. They also had a call instead of only texts. Because of Max's insistence and sympathy, Alex opens up about why he wants to work alone for now. Max has police reports that show him the tower locations and stumbles onto the infrared explanation. Max already knows about Deep Sky, so he makes the connection to Alex. The sheriff calls Max not Michael, obviously, and Max convinces her Michael is not suspicious. Max sends a group message to the group with what he finds, so Michael/Jones still gets the lead. Note: When Jones is Michael, his scenes are mostly similar to canon, because HIS experience isn't different. The difference is surrounding the fact that Michael is not a cop. Jones needs to be more sneaky at the hospital (rather than demanding records).
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Who: Tyler Blackburn as Alex Manes What: Dr. Martens 2976 Smooth Leather Chelsea Boots - $149.99. And HERE for $150.00 Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
Credit Pic: Costume Department
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metaphoric-aliens · 3 years
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frenziedblaze · 3 years
Malex fans right now:
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Things that did NOT Spark Joy-3x06
So there was SO MUCH about this episode that DID spark joy (found here), but there are still a few things I’m 😒😒😒 about. I know this looks long but it’s only a couple of bullet points and just me not being able to shut up. But overall I really did love this episode! Most of this is just some overarching issues with the show with 3x06-specific examples. So join me in the salt mine!
Soooo there has been an on-going issue this season where things are not being explained and leaving everyone confused, but not in a fun way like “oooh, let’s speculate on what’s happening!” and more in an “I can’t even speculate because I don’t know what’s happening” way. So we know by the end of the episode that Jones!Max was lying about what happened when he arrived home, but we still have no real idea what happened specifically to Kyle. We think he was kidnapped, but there’s a bloody shovel that everyone is assuming Kyle was wielding but we have no proof of that. m*ria says he wasn’t breathing, but she didn’t do CPR though she apparently had time to go to his bag, search to see if he was carrying any adrenaline with him, pull up a dose (does she even know how much to safely give someone?!) and carefully inject him with it, all while some creepy dude (possibly more than one?) were still hanging around waiting for her to do this? It’s not like Kyle had a quick-stab EpiPen or anything, what he gave her earlier in the season came from a vial and syringe that he’s still just...carrying around? Then Kyle tried to use the radio to call for help I guess (how did he switch it from “receiving” to “transmitting”? Hopefully we’ll find out when Kyle is around to tell us!) but it flew out the window and across the desert until it crashed into a tower? I think? I still have no clear idea on what happened there. And we know Kyle is missing, but it doesn’t look like the regiment dudes have him, but they DO have the alien sword that they pulled from that box. But who found the box or knew it was there besides Max and probably Jones if he pulled the info from Max’s head? We saw him driving at the time of the explosion and the men were gone when he got back to Max’s house so I’m guessing it wasn’t Jones!Max? And now apparently Eduardo got the signal to his radio that’s hidden in a cabinet even though he was with Alex when it went off and affected the bats, and then he went all the way out to Max’s too? And got there in time to run into Kyle? Was Kyle digging up the box? There was just SO much going on there, and without the audience SEEING what really happened and then getting several different and conflicting accounts, and weird pieces of information that don’t fit anywhere, it’s just a jumbled mess. I’m hoping when we find Kyle we will get to see or at least hear what really happened but right now I’m just scratching my head about that whole plot point.
Another on-going issue is how the narrative keeps centering itself and other characters around m*ria who is...NOT the lead for the show. Kyle is legitimately MISSING with no idea where he is, who took him (or even IF someone took him), or if he’s safe. They were just flaunting Kyle in Jordan’s face a few hours after Jordan thought he killed him or at the very least seriously injured him, enough for a hospital say. You think he didn’t mention that to any of his buddies? And they still think the vision is about Kyle’s death and yet for some reason, no one is frantic or freaking out about Kyle (MY MANS DESERVES BETTER!) not even Rosa, because they are all too busy reminding the audience they are so concerned about m*ria. Who may be in a coma, but is safe in a hospital under constant monitoring while Kyle is lord knows where, with lord knows who, and in lord even knows what condition. Why is Rosa not freaking out about Kyle, but she is freaking out about m*ria? Who we still have hardly seen anywhere near Rosa her supposed BFF whose grave she visited all the time, but can’t seem to be bothered with her now that she’s alive? And if they are trying to set up Kybel, they’re not doing it well because Isobel couldn’t seem to care less the Kyle is missing, because she’s too busy trying to find m*ria. Liz and Alex talk about how great Kyle is and they are looking into the blood samples, but the urgency isn’t quite there like I thought it would be, especially for those two, the closest to Kyle aside from Rosa. It just seemed like so much of the plot was around m*ria (who is oh so lonely, apparently even though everyone has been bending over backwards for her all season), and the rest of the people are looking into bats, or blood samples, or radio signals but it felt like they were more focused on those pieces as research, and not as much about getting to Kyle.
Speaking of centering things around m*ria when they shouldn’t be, this whole vision quest thing has taken up so much time when, as I said before, it could have been an email. They could have had ONE (1) vision with conflicting character reactions like we got and maybe with Liz still missing for added flavor and had everyone working on theories for that while exploring more about Deep Sky and Jones, and Kyle’s radio, and whatever Heath’s tie is to everything because I’m sure he fits in with that plot but they haven’t even given us a good hint about that yet and we are halfway through the season! There are so many things I want to see or that we could have gotten, and while the slower timeline is good, we should have gotten a jump between 3x04 and 3x05 where maybe Kyle was healing a little after Max mostly saved him so they don’t spark Jordan and his cronies curiosity, and we could have gotten Alex’s reaction to Kyle’s near death experience and allowed Malex some time to marinate after that 3x03 conversation and maybe start moving forward. There are a lot of really cool things happening that I want to see, and things I’m really confused about because the show didn’t take the time to explain them well, which maybe if we weren’t wasting so much time on Liz driving back and forth from CA, and all these side plots with m*ria and her vision quest, and then Isobel and m*ria’s “trip” that was a waste of time because we didn’t learn anything in that leadup to them seeing the “full” vision, and now with Isobel and Rosa trying to find m*ria in her mind, it’s all just focusing on the least interesting part of the season and not leaving time for the other, far more fascinating storylines that are centered around the actual main character, to breathe. Also I’m so fucking sick of m*ria. I did not start this season to watch the m*ria d*luca show, I came here to watch Liz be the lead, to see Alex and Michael grow and become friends and something more, alien shenanigans, and literally every other character BUT her. This episode was a step in the right direction though with Liz getting the bulk of the screen time but GOD am I tired.
Okay, last little bit of salt! Sooo, I’m a little confused on Alex’s short-tempered "I'm not doing this with you" when the last words we saw him share with Michael were "I would burn the world down first." This feels like such a big step backwards with again, NO information on when or if they are talking or have been over the past year or anything, especially from Alex to let us know where he’s at in regards to Michael. Alex being short or mean to Michael while Michael makes puppy eyes is just reverting back to their early season 1 dynamic and I’m soooo tired. And also, I'm just side-eyeing the writers SO HARD over this because after forcing Alex to be the biggest cheerleader for m*ria this season (while she's actively being awful to people and risking her life and the lives of others and risks exposing the alien’s powers), he's ONLY allowed to be angry and short with Michael. Like??? *screams into pillow* Alex not being Michael’s biggest fan right now is absolutely understandable and I could live with it if we were allowed to see anything from Alex’s perspective about what his feeling are. But all we gotten is a grand declaration, which Michael takes as a good sign, he calls up Alex, and now suddenly Alex doesn’t want to deal with him or work with him and he’s left feeling off-kilter and I’m SO TIRED of that. So tired. But on top of that, if Alex is going to be holding a bit of a grudge with Michael, why in the absolute fuck is he not allowed to hold one with m*ria?! Last season made it clear Alex just wanted Michael to be happy and he recognized that Michael was grieving and struggling and maybe coping in no so great ways, but m*ria had zero excuses to be going after Michael after she promised she wouldn’t, and then proceeding to rub that relationship in Alex’s face, and pull manipulative shit to prove that Michael was going to choose her over Alex. So please explain to me why Alex is calling m*ria his dr**m g*rl, but being snappy with Michael, because I just cannot. At this point, we will be lucky to see them even starting to build a friendship by the end of the season and anything more will feel “too soon” for that kind of growth if only a couple weeks ends up passing in show time, but also it’s already been 84 years! We have been dying of thirst since 1x03 back in 2019!! Enough is enough already. I can live with them being not quite in a relationship at the end of the season (I say that now but watch me have a meltdown about it anyway), as long as we get to see that friendship and growth and foundation being built so they can start something healthy that will last. That’s all Malex fans want and we are now halfway through yet another season where we were told that Malex would be “friends” and we haven’t even gotten to the friends part yet! And in fact, have only gotten 2 scenes of them together, and only 2 of Michael talking to anyone else about Alex, and one grand declaration from Alex but nothing else even giving us any clue that he has thought about Michael at all. Thank goodness for Vlamis and Tyler giving interviews and confirming Malex are still in love even if they aren’t together right now because the show sure AF doesn’t want to give us any information about them at all. I’m still hopeful and holding out for a Malex heavy back-half of the season but it’s getting a little hard to stay positive when we are right back into doing season 1 over again with them.
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space-malex · 3 years
Happy Roswell New Mexico Day!!
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roswellnmsource · 4 years
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@RoswellNMRoom: I am here in my mold But I'm a million different people From one day to the next I can’t change my mold 🎶
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I loved this episode SO MUCH. This season just keeps getting better. Everything is flowing AND MAKING SENSE. Props to the writers and the cast. They are delivering every week! 
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fandoms-galore-yall · 3 years
Greetings Roswell NM fans!
I’ve seen people talking about the 3x06 clip but I can’t find it on YouTube, does anyone have a link?
Thank you for your help!
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lastcallatrockysbar · 5 years
Five Shows
I was tagged by @deanscarlett , @sammit-janet and @femmedplume  - thanks, y’all, this seems fun!!
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Roswell, NM
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Phoebe. She was that rebellious wild child when she was young, loves fiercely, she’s funny, she’s independent, keeps going in spite of going through hell. 
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Ughhhhh, LUCIFER. If he comes back again in Season 15, Ima throw something.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
Oh, shit, this is HARD! And I definitely need a rewatch, I MISS this show. There could be so many, but since I have to pick one, I’ll say Band Candy. Love ‘teenage’ Giles and Joyce, Evil Willow - I mean, come on! :D
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Season 5, even though it broke me.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
SO HARD to pick just one!!! But I’ll say Max and Liz.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Wow. Y’all guys are mean. Ummm... Love Piper and Leo, loved Phoebe and Cole, but I’m gonna go with a not-so-obvious choice - Paige and Henry. 
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
DAMN it! sigh... Can I have a tie? Fuck the rules, 4-way tie between 2x20 What Is and What Should Never Be, 4x16 On the Head of a Pin, 11x04 Baby and 12x11 Regarding Dean. Y’all can’t fire me.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Again, I need a rewatch, but I’ll go with 3x06 Real Estate.
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
I’ll go with Season 3.
10. How long have you watched 1?
I think I started in 2012
11. How did you become interested in 3?
That’s easy, my friend @curlsandacowboyhat 
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Gotta be James Marsters - love me some Spike!!
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
1. Always, no matter what.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Definitely 1 (not really fair since 3 has only had 1 season LOL)
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Okay, easy answer is Buffy. Be besties with Willow, kick ass, ANGEL AND SPIKE, I mean... But I’d also love to be Oz, or like Oz, because he’s the coolest
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Ummm... I don’t think so
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Oh, God. Pretty sure every configuration of characters has been paired up somewhere at some point, and I’m not a shipper, so... I’ll pass. Besides, this show, to me, isn’t about that.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Well, like I said, 3 has only had one season, so I’ll go with 5.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
2, for that era, anyway
Okay, I’ll tag a few... @curlsandacowboyhat  @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan  @ackeviddlestan  @evansrogerskitten  
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Who: Michael Vlamis as Michael Guerin What: Levi's Military Style Hooded Jacket in Olive Green - Sold Out Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
Credit Pic: Costume Department
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Who: Tyler Blackburn as Alex Manes What: Dickies 873 slim straight work pants in charcoal gray - $65.00. And HERE for 59,99 € Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
Credit Pic: Costume Department
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Who: Tyler Blackburn as Alex Manes What: AllSaints Milo Leather Biker Jacket - £449.00 (xs) Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
Credit Pic: Costume Department
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Who: Lily Cowles as Isobel Evans What: Nocona Bone Collector Rounded Square Buckle - $27.98 Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
Worn with: Rachel Zoe jacket
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Who: Lily Cowles as Isobel Evans What: Agolde 90s Ripped Loose Fit Jeans - $188.00. HERE and HERE Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
Worn with: Rachel Zoe jacket and Rag & Bone boots
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Who: Jeanine Mason as Liz Ortecho What: M Missoni space dye cardigan - Sold Out Where: 3x06 “Bitter Sweet Symphony”
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