#roses artif
freytful · 1 year
sandman is really good at doing queer rep thats surprisingly good until the last two pages where its just. OH THAT SUCKS HUH
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saccharinescorpion · 1 year
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oh no, i was surprised when i saw the artifical sky too. you'd think they would've gone with something cheerier! still: *such* a beautiful wedding. loved the red rose motif. we even got a picture of the happy bride and groom.
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laurapetrie · 5 months
Could you recommend some books with old hollywood vibes?
I can indeed!
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day I Lost My Girlish Laughter. Definitive and delightful. The Last Tycoon, of course. Lady Rose and Mrs. Memmary - absolutely nothing to do with Hollywood, but it has the exact same vibe you get from watching a black and white movie. The Artifical Silk Girl Rules of Civility/Eve in Hollywood. Olivia de Havilland befriends the protagonist in the latter book. I think that's all that needs to be said. A Touch of Stardust. CAROLE FANFIC, MY BEST BELOVED! Ex-Wife Clothes-Pegs/Sally-Ann. Not my usual fare at all, but sometimes a girl just wants to turn off her brain and relax, and these are perfect 1930s rom-com confections. The Pursuit of Love, just for the vibes. I'm still waiting for Nancy to rise from the dead and write the Jassy-in-Hollywood sequel I so desperately need.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I need to see Selene having a sweet morning w her neighbor(wife) so bad. She's so cute?? I just wanna see her be happy and making breakfast for/with them while the vibes are good and sleepy. Let this woman get to sleep in and cuddle her lovely neighbor after brutally murdering her husband just the other night
Selene always wanted of a spring wedding.
Beyond being a child of the season, in her eyes it was to be the most romantic - symbolic of the growth between young lovers to lifelong partners. Furthermore, both mother and grandmother had spring weddings - passing their knowledge and the gift of their wedding gown onto the next generation. Its soft emerald hue matched her eyes and the season 0beautifully. She dreamed of walking down the aisle surrounded by love, the cool spring air, and blooming roses.
So why was she here now - cold and without an ounce of love to her name. The artifical bouquet in her hands scratched at the delicate parts of her skin and hair, autumn winds biting her exposed neck and arms. Spring was too much of an inconvenience for her soon to be husband. He hated the outdoors and insects that roamed freely, and so their wedding was set for October in the confines of an old church.
Selene told herself she could be happy. This was meant to be the happiest day of her life and the start of her days as a doting, loving wife, but as she entered the chapel she'd find someone else taking her place. A beautiful soul with a smile that encapsulated everything she loved about spring. Warm and inviting - impossible to forget or ever let go. Dressed in her best, she could never dream be to as angelic as the creature standing up there with her lover. She falls to her knees, begging to be taken instead. To be loved by that angel. To be chains to that demon so he can never hurt them like he's broken her.
She screams. Take me instead. Take me....
"Ms. Selene!"
Her eyes flutter open. No longer is she crying on the church floor. A gentle hand rubbing her back draws her from slumber, and the remaining tears from her eyes. The stiffness in her spine reminds her of the most uncomfortably comfort night she's had on someone else's couch.
"Ms. Selene, are you okay? You were crying in your sleep when I came to check on you."
Color darkens her pale face as she sits up, deepened by the hand that aids her. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I.... I'm normally not one to dream, and I believe that was the first nightmare I've had in... years.. "
"It's alright, Ms. Selene. You've had a rough night."
Recollection of the night prior barrel through her like a speeding train as she looks up at the face of her savior. She bawled her eyes out at your doorstep, pleading to stay just one night and be gone before down. Her husband had allegedly changed the locks before leaving town and it was too late for her to call anyone else. You offered your home and bed to her as any would do, but she settled for the couch not wanting to be more of a burden than she was.
You give her hand an affirming squeeze - unknowingly kickstarting the beat of her heart. "You have nothing to be sorry for, and you can stay here as long as you need. We'll call a locksmith later so you can get some of your belongings."
It's hard to believe someone that was a stranger only a few short months ago had shown her more kindness than her husband had in all of their years together. Your arm returns to her shoulder as more tears leak from her tired eyes, pulling her into embrace that wash decades of self loathing off her mind. All that lingers in its wake is how she'd kill to spend every morning in your arms - just like this. Even she had to relieve the pain of her past everyday, it would all be worth it to have you.
"Thank you, Y/n. I know we don't know each other well, but words can not describe how luck I am to have you. Without you I don't know where I'd be right now.."
"Ah, don't worry about it. I know you'd do the same for me. Are you hungry?"
She places a hand to her stomach, unsure when the last time she'd eaten. "Seems. Maybe i should make something for us. You've done enough for me already."
"Nah, don't think like that, we can do it together. I have some pancake mix and some fruit in the fridg if that sounds good."
Selene smiles. "That sounds wonderful, dear."
"Cool." Sporting a smile of your own, you lead Selene into the kitchen. You grab a cutting board and knife, placing both on the table as you digging around for the produce in your fridge. Cutting the fruit, Selene has never known more bliss from slicing anything than her husband's throat.
This truly was her new happiest day.
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ebaltika · 5 months
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The rose petal dance in the movie is usually compared to the ball dance scene in ep 3, but I still can't stop thinking about the parallels with the night arena scene in ep 36.
In both cases the night full of stars is artifical and can easily be changed, but if in first case it's Touga begging Utena spend a romantic night with him and her doing it reluctently, in the movie it's Utena crying because he will never do it and lashing out about it while Anthy CREATING THIS NIGHT FULL OF STARS FOR HER while being like "Hey don't cry Utena, the prince maybe dead but you still can have all that fairytale night with me, let's just dance together and enjoy what we have"
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pwlanier · 8 months
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Pair of white high heeled shoes for use with artificial/prosthetic legs used by Tracey Baynam, a teenager living with thalidomide impairments, Europe, 1975-1985
“The trouble was they were like an old comfy pair of shoes. By the time you’d got used to them and they were all comfortable you were too big for them and you’d got to have another pair.” Tracey Baynam, talking as part of the Thalidomide Society’s oral history project
Many children living with limb difference caused by thalidomide eventually rejected prosthetic or artificial limbs. For Tracey though,
“I wanted to [wear the limbs] because I was trying to be normal and a normal person wasn’t in a wheelchair, a normal person was standing upright”
As she grew up, she persuaded her limb fitter Fred to make a set of prosthetics to accommodate four-inch stilettos, which he did in his spare time. For each pair of artificial limbs, she had four or five sessions with her fitter, Fred Rose, accompanied by her mum when she was younger. The first task was to make plaster casts of her lower body for the limbs to be altered to fit her body shape. Over the course of the sessions, tweaks and adaptations would be made. However, they were still heavy and could be difficult to move.
“They were never comfortable even the best pair Fred ever made me in the world were never comfortable.”
After years of walking with sticks to help her balance on her artificial limbs, Tracey developed osteoporosis in her shoulders. She had also married and had an active young family and decided to use a wheelchair. Occasionally she still wore her prosthetic/artificial limbs while using her wheelchair, in her words to ‘appear normal.’ After a while though the prosthetics “hung around into the bedroom for ages and ages. Then they just got moved to the loft… It wasn’t done lightly… I needed to put them out of sight so that I’m not tempted because they hurt my shoulders.” After appearing on BBC programme, ‘Call the Midwife’, Tracey donated her artifical egs to the Science Museum.
Thalidomide was a compound found in drugs prescribed to people in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Although today it is associated primarily as a treatment for pregnancy related nausea, it was also prescribed to anyone experiencing symptoms of colds, flu, headaches, anxiety, and insomnia. Thalidomide causes nerve damage in the hands and feet of adults, but when taken in early pregnancy it causes impairments such as limb difference, sight loss, hearing loss, facial paralysis, and impact to internal organs. One tablet is enough to cause significant impairments. Researchers later identified that there was a link between the impairment a person is living with, and which day of the pregnancy thalidomide was taken. UK distributors withdrew the drug in 1961 and a government warning was issued in May 1962.
Science Museum
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 10 months
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I'm definitely missing a lot of characters but for now, this should suffice (What a coincide so many have gone through some form or trauma, the majority of the identity kind!)
Rose (Black and red furry): Homunculus shapeshifting mute doppelganger with an identity crisis [latchkey kingdom]
Noriel (Curly hair with feathers and scar): Homeless half-angel-demon, acts like a cat, also existential crisis [Wings: By Noa Start]
Tamberlane (Human girl at the bottom): Only human in the continent with a little bit of existential crisis [Tamberlane]
Ruby (Black and White person in the middle): A Squid person living among humans, clumsy but with a good heart, has a bit of an identity crisis [Ruby Gilman] Kinda a shame I only like the storyboards and fan content.
Luz Noceda (Crying girl with black hair): Creative, passionate, socially clumsy, and bullied high school girl who just wanted to belong somewhere [The Owl House]
Hilda (light blue hair and skin) a young adventurous kid who gets into maybe a little too many problems, saw herself die once, and also turned into an abominable troll once. [Hilda Netflix]
Vee the basilisk (Girl with white spots and blue sweater): Artifically born shapeshifting demon who just wanted a safe place to live [The Owl House]
Belle the Tinkered (Yes, the Sonic character): android whose creator/father died and went through a phase of existential crisis and isolation [Sonic IDW Comics]
Hunter the Grimwalker (Blonde boy with red eyes): Artificially born half-witch-human indoctrinated to be a child soldier, a lot of identity and existential crisis [The Owl House]
Belfy (Bat on the top): Clumpy single mother doing her best, prone to a lot of self-blame;-; [Tamberlane]
I have like a dozen more characters to share but for now, these are my favorites, nobody is above anyone... except you Vee, you are my favorite
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 months
Exceedingly perfect
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Day 1 of @smileformeweek 2024 :Begin
[ ID: Fanart of the game Smile For Me involving a young Dr.Habit and his father. It is from my AU Roseverse.
Habit as a child stands, grinning wide up at his father. He is made of artifical means. A split of his body shows his inner workings. His bones are made of reddish wood mixed with synthetic material. His eyes are a camera. His brain is a computer chip. His ears are a microphone. His teeth are blue. His voice box is a toy's speaker and windpipe is a air filter. Spine is a bendy straw. Lungs are plastic bags. Inside them, his plush heart nestles, with " I love you " written in Russian, in gold letters. Stomach is a microwave. Nerves are computer wires, paired with blood stained cotton everywhere. Incomplete hair is made of yarn spooling out into strands.
On the other side, we see him constructed as normal, looking muppet-like with green fur and complete curling rose-pink hair, freckled pink cheeks.
From above, numerous computer wires plug into his back, as well as blood bags with tubes attached to them, feeding into him. His father's hand, represented in grey like a shadow, rests on Habits shoulder. Bandages, cuts litters his hand from the blood he has donated.
The background is black. End ID]
My headcanon for Habits creation!!! Yeah boys, he isnt totally organic, one could say...a kind of DIY guy
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fiberturkey89 · 5 months
Crossroads/Crossroads Carnival AU headcanons(with some additional Skylor)
Skylor is the one who gives the pictures of the Ninja to the Memorial Tent. At the end of the week/night she'll come by and get the pictures back with her spirit, Umber( Utahraptor companion)
She's avoided being inside the Memorial Tent, for personal reasons that is. Even with some friends saying that she should at least see the guys there. She's politely declined always, saying she's busy with the shop or busy with personal chores.
(Before The Merge, her and Kai had shared a moment where they held hands- he offered her some of his power just in case she needed to defend others or herself.. he never came back, and she's refused to use fire, her ability to tap into it fading over the years. She's never been good with loss).
Brad Tudabone managed survive The Merge with his family, and they're the ones who bring the flowers- all of them a mix of different kinds. But generally most people will offer white and red roses. Though there are some other kinds in there too- he'll often stop by at Lloyds, talking for a little bit about what he's done and how he is... He doesn't stay long after that.
Any of the more elderly residents who survived The Merge came together, leaving photos and little statues of Wisp, Flame, Shard and Rocky. Each one by the respective Ninja(Jay, Kai, Zane and Cole) with Ultra Dragon resting underneath Lloyd's statue.
Pixal's there too, the little people of Ninjago recalling her- Skylor happily supplying a photo of her in the Samurai X gear. Her portrait beside Nya's, where lanterns with little notes sat, some hanging off and others surrounding her. For those that remember her too.. a water painted iteration of her Sea Dragons hangs below her.
Geckles primarily tell the story of Lilly, the hero of the Geckles and Munce who battled against Grief-Bringer with her Drake; Sierra. Using puppets hand crafted to tell the story to the kids who watch. The tale ends with the Drake succumbing to his wounds after the climax of his and Lilly's struggle- the hero leaving the mountain shortly after in grief and pain besides selling foods such as cave moss from artifical caves nearby they've managed to grow. Other Geckles hold trivia games for those that wish to test their memory.
Munce hold strength competitions in different games (as seen in the show), and most of their games are generally very action based much like the Formlings- who set up obstacles courses for humanoids and spirits alike. They share stories of their home realm, the spirits of the different regions and their experiences.
The few Ice Fisher's that ended up like many other factions tell their stories, of Wojira and more. Merlopians who managed to snag enough of a catch set them up in little kiddie pools where everyone can come get fish to either eat or keep as pets. (Merlopians do in fact make sure to inform the catchers however).
Serpentine hold plays and dances- in fact there's a whole outdoor stage at the Carnival grounds! Renacting event's and ficitonal stories, letting dancers and orchestra's come to show..
People post Merge were losing hope, those who knew the Ninja personally going, knocking- waiting for a response.. and leaving with none.
Skylor never visited The Monastery once.
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aeronbracken · 2 months
I hate when people eat bastardized version of Turkish food and declare its awful; for example, none of the rose flavored artifical Turkish Delights you buy can rival with the ones that made in here.
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Winged AU - Fantasy High
So I have a few scattered thoughts about this au, so I'm spewing them out here.
So let's start with Adaine. So her parents suck ass right? Well I bet that they would literally ground her by clipping her primary feathers after she didn't get into Hudol. I also think that her wings prior to her becoming the oracle were a grey color, but as new feathers come in as she molts her wings would look more and more like that of a Spix's Macaw. I fully believe that Her wings would be clipped again when she was held in Calethriel Tower and Gorgug carried her out as the Bad Kids flew away.
Next up: Gorgug! My man's wings are those of harpy eagle's. He is a big strong boy and needs big strong wings. I fully believe that growing up was clumsy as hell with those fuckers!! I think that at a certain point his parents were asked to have Gorgug bind his wings when he went to school. Instead, Wilma and Digby, being the loving parents that they are, artificed their boy a hoodie of wing holding so that he could just wear that and it would have an extra-dimensional space for his wings. A nice bonus was that the mean kids at school could no longer pull out his feathers.
My girl Fig was thought to have pheasant wings like her mom when she was growing and assumed to be an elf. Instead about the time her horns came in so did the talons on her wings. She has the wings of a Hoatzin. I personally believe that she keeps the little talons that actual Hoatzins lose when they become adults.
Fabian Aramais Seacaster has the wings of a snow petrel. A sea bird, just like his papa. They are just a little more elegant, which he gets from his mama. I fully believe that he learns to dance with them whilst in Kei Lumennura with his grandpapa and mama. I think that the persona who actually taught him to fly was Cathilda, icon that she is.
I fully believe that part of Kristen's whole being chosen by Helio was shown in her wings. I think that she got beautiful green wings like that of a corn husk (Green Jay) up until she switched to be Saint Kristen Applebees of Cassandra. Her wings switched to more closely resemble those of a Steller's Jay. I think that her parents did try to clip her wings before she finally moved in with Fig and Gilear at the Strongtower Luxury Apartments
One Mr. Riz Gukgak is a badass through and through just like his parents. And his wings are built for badassery. They are rose gold saker falcon wings. He is fast as hell and he had to be cause if he wasn't they ya know, bullies would be dicks to my guy.
That's all I have for now folks!! Feel free to add on if you wanna!!
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yumeko2sevilla · 10 months
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Phantoms existed long time ago, even during the Great Seven's Arc. They are dead spirits that can't be freed, forever wandered through the human world. Depending on their respective emotion, the Phantom can be weak or strong.
Phantoms hide inside one's darkest, deepest side of their soul, who we called the 'Host'. When the Host Overblot, it would be the root that 'shaped' the Phantom's appearance.
When the Host recalled their emotion- their Phantom's name, it would take one day at it's latest for the Phantom possessed it's Host completely. When that happened, the Host would enter a state similar to Overblot.
A Phantom can have two Hosts at once if they shared the same virtue.
Humanoids and AIs can also have their own Phantom, despise their artifical nature. But, unlike humans, their Phantom won't have a physical body, only appear in hologram or codes. Their virtues would be similar to self-awareness and existential crisis.
(Known) Phantoms:
Gibel Daseinzumtode, the Phantom of Rememberance_ Host: Yukiharu Shirokami
Anbelrona Gretel, the Phantom of Self-Reflection_ Hosts: Tsukuyomi and Ace Trappola
Anbelrona Hansel, the Phantom of Controlling_ Host: Amaterasu.
Hitori Yurari, the Phantom of Wandering_ Host: KAFU.
Purapura, the Phantom of Redemption_ Host: Deuce Spade
Fenris Gevaudan, the Phantom of Gluttony_ Host: Jack Howl
Madeline Amaris, the Phantom of Wrath_ Host: Minako Sakamaki
Machi, the Phantom of Rebellion_ Host: Epel Felmier
Namidia, the Phantom of Abnormality_ Host: Sebek Zigvolt
Perenelle Metrice, the Phantom of Nostalgia_ Host: Lilia Vanrouge
Tartarus, the 'Phantom' of Existance_ Host: Ortho Shroud
SEKAI, the 'Phantom' of Sentimental_ Host: Erin Asakura.
@anxious-twisted-vampire @achy-boo @starry-night-rose
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pearl484-blog · 2 years
Things you Can do with Senti-monsters
I am not a fan of the senti-monster theory because I feel as though it detracts from the realistic depictions of abuse done to Adrien from Gabriel. It’s rare to have such realistic depictions of abuse in media, especially done to one’s own biological child and not step-child, adopted child, or child who is under your care but not legally yours. 
That being said, it is very popular in fanfiction and might be the case in Miraculous Ladybug. Unfortunately, most of the stories I see are the traditional “angst over not being a real person” stuff I’ve seen a thousand times in Star Trek and other materials incolving artifical life forms or a new version of Hawk Moth/Gabriel uses an akuma to brainwash someone fic. That’s not to say that there aren’t dang good ones out there, Buggachat’s Drowning in Plain Sight or Wackus_Bonkus’s One Does Not Love Breathing are both amazing, but I’d like to introduce some variety. Here are some ideas you can use with senti-monsters in your fanfics. 
1. Adrien (or another senti-kid) was once alive and was recreated as a senti-monster using the creator’s memories after their death/dissapearance/etc. Here’s something interesting. How different are the people you know from the people you know them to be? Everyone has a warped view of everyone around them no matter how well they know them because they’re fundamentally different people. You never know exactly what is going on in someone’s head, and you’ll frequently forget or mess up small details about someone if you try to describe them with as many details as you can. 
I’ll be using Adrien in this example since he’s in the story more, and I feel as though I have a better grasp on his character than other senti-kid canidates. So imagine Adrien is a kid, and he tragically dies. Gabriel and Emilie can’t take the grief and make a replacement kid rebuilt to every single one of their memories of the kid. Using as many videos and photographs and momentos as they can. 
But, Adrien’s their kid. They’re most likely going to see their kid through rose colored glasses. Especially if they’re greiving. This kid is going to be different than the original, fit more to Emilie and Gabriel’s perception of Adrien, than the reality. After he’s replaced, he’s going to be different, act different, feel different. He won’t know the original Adrien’s secrets, and the people who knew the original Adrien might realize that he’s different, which could lead to them treating Senti!Adrien differently or they may not notice at all, which would really hurt the main Adrien if he isn’t dead.      
If Senti!Adrien realizes that he’s not the real one, he’s going to get curious about the original one. It doesn’t have to be in a “I’m not the real one” way. It could be in a “who was my father?” way or a way to find some way to find an identity different from the original. 
1a. If the original Adrien is alive, it’d be good to see how they diverged, the original Adrien from the senti-monster born of perception. How did Human!Adrien’s disappearance affect him? How does he treat his senti-monster? Does he accept him? Is he curious about the senti-monster? How does he feel about his senti-monster? Does he regret the life he didn’t live or feel a need to protect the younger more idealistic creation? Is he angry about the warped vision his parents had of him or does he empathize with their grief? Does he transfer his feelings about his parents’ actions onto Senti-Adrien?
1b. If the original Adrien is dead or otherwise does not appear in the story, how does Senti-Adrien realize that he’s just a collection of memories? Does he find a hidden secret of Adrien’s that he doesn’t know? Does someone he’s close to reveal it to him? Is it a slow reveal or a sudden revelation? Is he intially scared of the revelation and turn away or is he drawn in by the allure of figuring out the original Adrien? Does he grieve the original Adrien, a boy he never knew? If so, how does he honor his memory? ==========================================
2. Senti-monsters feel empty and unmotivated without their amok
This is more of an introspective angst piece, but you could make it so that senti-monsters basically have their “hearts” be their amoks. They may actively crave their hearts and feel different than other people without it. They have no strong emotional connection to anything and will follow the traditional “rules” they feel they should until instructed to by their amok. 
They may feel weak or no emotions, but may think this is normal and how most people are. They don’t get why people are so passionate and showy about their weird emotions, so they decide it must all be an act to communicate how much time and effort you are putting into/have put into a task and how much certain things inconvienance you. 
So, that leaves their amok, which lets them care. You could do the emotionally manipulative amok, where they love following orders from their amok -no matter how much it goes against their “normal” personality and may contridict their previous goals- because it’s something that they actually feel a legitimate passion and desire for, no matter how much they may “logically” recognize that their actions are stupid and against their own self-interest. Or you could do the physically controlling amok, where they are obedient and mostly apathetic, and only feel when they have their amok back.
With these types of senti-monsters, you can make it so that their relationship to their amok is complicated, because people’s relationships with their feelings are complicated. After all, it’d probably be scary to go from feeling almost nothing to suddenly feeling the most intense heartbreak you’ve ever felt over minor inconvienaces, and in that state even joy, pure simple joy can be terrifying. 
They might even reject their amoks, which might confuse the humans they interact with, because why wouldn’t you want to feel? Why wouldn’t you want your heart? Why wouldn’t you want to control your own actions? 
Even more complicated, they might draw the ire of other senti-monsters who want their amoks and are possibly keeping their own. These senti-monsters may not sympathize with the senti-monsters rejecting their amoks, because the rejections set a bad precedent. What if a human sees that and thinks that they shouldn’t give a senti-monster back their amok? They may see the rejection as a sign of weakness, immorality, or as a disgusting act. 
It’s a complicated mess, and therefore one that’d be interesting to explore. 
3. Adrien’s upset when he finds out he’s a senti-monster for unexpected reasons
Typically, the story goes that Adrien is angsts about whether or not he’s a real person when he finds out that he’s a senti-monster. But honestly? Considering his reaction to Sentibug, I don’t think that’s what he’d be upset about. So here are some alternatives:
3a. Adrien is upset because he may have been repeatedly unknowingly violated for years This is the most obvious option, but a good one. If you found out there was a handy dandy device that your parent had that made you obey your every order, you’d be rightly suspicious that they may have used it. Especially if that person is the control freak Gabriel Agreste. But you can go deeper than just having Adrien question which decisions of his his decisions were his father’s. 
3b. Have Adrien question whether or not he has ongoing commands, and try to decide whether or not he wants them rescinded, and how he would do that. You could just have a straight “don’t obey your father anymore”, command, but even that can have consequences as anyone rebelling can tell you. because sometimes, your abuser has a point. So, you can get creative and explore that possible consequences of it, and possible self-destruction as a result. 
3c. How much of Adrien’s personality is actually his or just the result of an order? It’s sort of like the conundrum of the brainwashed for the greater good or those brainwashed into loving their brainwashing. How much can they change without being someone entirely different? How much do they want to change? 
4. Have Marinette give Adrien a command for his own good
This is a prompt that should be done with caution as it could easily devolve into a salt fic, but you could easily create an entire fic where Marinette tries to help Adrien by essentially speedrunning him to whatever point she thinks he needs to go “for his own good” of course. She is a well-intentioned control freak who would naturally want to heklp her friend stop hurting, even when he needs to process what’s going on. 
Examples of this could be her making him forget a traumatic incident, or making him get over his angst over the trashfire that is his life, like by telling him to forget Gabriel is Hawk Moth if it isn’t publically exposed, or trying to comfort him about a death by telling him to “forget about the bad things they did and remember the good”, or telling him not to worry about Chat Noir and Ladybug after his father’s defeat. Then explore the consequences of that, as Adrien follows that command to his own detriment and Marinette’s peers discover what she has done.  
5. Senti-monsters are magical creatures
Alright, so let’s say that someone is a senti-monster. This is usually played as human but with an off switch, but why not switch it up a bit? Why not play it up as a magical monster shaped like a human? What does this mean in practice? Why the senti-monster would have different traits than a human, of course!
For example, let’s say that senti-monsters are more physically durable than their human counterparts and immune to mind-control spells (because only the amok can control them), but you’d need a counterbalance. For example, you could make it so senti-monsters get increasingly anxious when more and more people get brainwashed/have their emotions manipulated, making brainwashing/mob akumas even more dangerous than usual because you’ve got to keep the body count low. Or you could have them react more strongly to magic in the air, getting more unreliable the more magic there is around them, making longer fights more hazardous.  My favorite counter-balance with magic is madness, or perhaps you could call it fairy-tale logic. They concieve of the world in an entirely different way than most of the world and don’t seem to understand that what they are afraid of and what a human is afraid of are two very different things. 
IE. If Chat Noir is a “dark type” senti-monster, he might be extra observant of rituals about the dead, refusing to walk over graves (which considering the catacombs may be a problem), getting easily distracted by funerals, or pick fights with people who want to bring back the dead, but might make mistakes about human physiology that get him into trouble, like underestimating damage and recovery time or overestimating the average human’s capabilities. 
Just remember that as a general rule, for every strength, it’s a good idea to counterbalance it with a flaw, other wise you run the risk of unbalancing the character towards with too perfect (ie, no flaws to latch onto and relate to) or too flawed (nothing likable). If you go this route, it’s a good idea to decide the traits beforehand and write them down where it’s easy to quickly reference for consistency. It’s also good to look up traits of magical creatures to use as a template and/or make a list of beliefs (and why they exist) in a madness balanced monster. ===========================================
6. Senti-monsters are magical robots with a sliding scale of sentience/sapience
This may sound a bit counter-intuitive, given my opening rant, but please understand, I was trained in both psychology and computer science (it was a requirement for my psych degree, go figure). I also have a personal bias as this is what I’m doing with my senti-monsters in my fanfic Replay. 
So, as a brief starter, sentience is the ability to be self-aware, understand your surroundings and situation, and have an opinion about it. If I go into Skyrim though, and talk to an NPC, they will soon prove to me that they are not sentient. They are designed to only do a specific task at a specific prompt. So if I go and push them into a wall, and then try to sell them something, despite the fact that their entire torsos are stuck inside that wall, they will not notice and buy all my junk. They also will not notice any abnormalities in their shop and investigate unless programmed to, no matter how odd it is, so I can happily place a bucket in front of them, fill it with dragon scales and dragon bones, and throw it at their apprentice, and they will neither react or investigate, 
A squirrel though would most certainly notice being squished into a wall and let me know their opinion swiftly, and it would react immediately to me putting a bucket in front of them and scamper away before I could even begin to do anything else. It is sentient, even though I doubt a squirrel is comptemplating the meaning of life as it scampers up a tree, minding it’s own squirrely business.
Sapience is an even higher standard. It is the abilitiy to think and have wisdom. Unfortunately for our squirrel friend, squirrels have not yet demonstrated the ability to gain wisdom, and only humans fit into this category in the real world. We can solve puzzles, think abstractly, and communicate ideas that other creatures can’t like: “Tomorrow, I wanna go out to eat” or “When I was younger, I liked that, but I’ve outfrown it now.” (The ability to talk about times other than now is something that is either very rare or unheard of in any animals besides humans).   
So how would this relate to senti-monsters? Well, robots are a pretty good analogy to the sliding scale of sentience. We have everything from your standard automated machine that does literally one job over and over again like in an automated factory which has no sentience to a character like Data, from Star Trek: the Next Generation, who despite his struggles was an incredibly relatable humanoid and we even have robots that are almost indistishable from humans unless they are damaged in some way. 
Let’s have senti-monsters have the same range, with their sentience level ranging from “does a task on command or when certain predetermined conditions” to “can pass as completely human” similar to robots. Although unlike robots, there’d be a few differences. As a creature made of emotions, it would likely have an easier time determining the spirit of the instructions given to it instead of the typical stupidity a normal robot would, but it’d likely be tricky to get the exact amount of precision of a robot could, and may have unintended side effects from an unfocused mind or be influenced by the hidden desires of the wielder/creator. 
So in that way, you can explore the similiarities and differences between senti-monsters and robots and then use that to explore when a senti-monster is sentient/sapient enough to deserve the rights of an animal/person.  ============================================
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2lim3rz · 2 years
Eulogy of Brotherhood
Inspired by a post I saw reblogged from someone I follow of the cursed-40k-thoughts blog. Wanted to get in touch of Gulliman as well
It was once a cathedral, something he scorned and disdained. Something that contrasted every single belief in his trained mind. Something that stood as an idol to what had changed in the countless years he had been out of the picture.
Every archway, every door, even down to the service tunnels below were carefully made. Not a single detail skipped. He had seen the most lavish of buildings and yet none compared to the obvious.. love put into the manufacturing of the cathedral.
Including the presently mocking portraits and imagery of the Emperor and.. even himself. Some features were off. Too many ribs on the skeletalized 'God-Emperor'. Grossly extended distal phalanges, one of this past brothers in arms had a mustache he never wore before. He himself had longer hair than how he always kept it.
The wounding marks of the uneducated trading intelligence for religious fanaticism.
"Beautiful, isn't it, brother?" a voice spoke. Raising the hairs upon his flesh even though he felt no fear. It was as though something of the multi-voiced speaker put visceral disgust within him. Made him want to void his stomach of its contents while all the same battering it into nonexistence. It made him want to cheer and dance. To celebrate.
Too many conflicting feelings. He turned away from the malformed images to a malformed once-brother.
He should have felt joy to see someone he actually knew. Should have felt.. something. Hatred, sadness, disgust, he would have even accepted fear!
Instead it was cruel nothing.
Cold, cruel nothing as he stared at the bright shimmering form of his 'brother'. He was not truly there, something within told him. Even as his shining body walked through the cathedral, his hands knocking off intricately carved busts before picking some so-called artificed bust of the Emperor (as if there wasn't enough of those).
"Bring yourself here, wretch, and let us truly fight for once. We were once a glorious expanding empire. We had everything. Now you left me with ruins of what once-was. Was this how you pictured everything going? Is this the framework for what you set your perfect city to be?"
A low blow, so was the fights between siblings.
The horn-crowned head of Lorgar Aurelian turned towards him. Eyes quite literally blazing as his easy smile set to a tense line. His flattened nostrils flaring as the flames that surrounded his armored form seemed to flare brighter.
"You were always one of the favorites-"
"Do not spat more lies, heathen-" his words were clearly the wrong choice as the daemonic form before him threw his head back and laughed. Laughed and laughed and laughed until crystal tears bled from his ears and rose ethereal steam.
"You are one to talk of heathens! You did spend every waking moment trying to earn some degree of pride from those you cared and loved for! You did not have to tirelessly work to earn a simple gods-given thanks! Never! NEVER were you forced to your knees as one might force a criminal to bow low! You, Gulliman, you, were always one of the favorites. Never fragile Horus, never the mutant Angel, never even the Phoenix fallen. You! You who stands before me clad in the finest armors and jewels and every nick and knack, with all of the Imperium bowing to your every whim was the favorite. Even amongst the fowlest of xenos-"
"Do not mention them." Roboute's voice snapped out akin to a whiplash. It was not him who asked to be resurrected. The truth was, he could have truly died instead of being forced into overseeing his nightmares come true.
"Emotion, isn't it delicious?" Lorgar sneered, the fallen Primarch turning away once again to walk to the sculpture of the Emperor they once followed "You never showed it when he forced me to my knees. Do you think he is angry now?"
"I never thought-"
"That's right. But I won Roboute. I've been the winner the entire time."
He was silent as his maddened brother spoke. Throwing out his arms almost worshipful of the gold statue.
"I knelt in the ruination of his false path. I felt the screams of my peoples. I felt their pains and their woes. And look, I was right. He would be forced into accepting he was a god eventually."
Turning over his shoulder. Roboute swore he saw the portrait of his brother once-was. Sensitive, sadly smiling, Lorgar.
"We will see each other soon, dear Brother. And you will see how bright my victories shine."
As the shimmer-form of his brother disappeared, Roboute stood stoically as every glass, window, and even gemstone shattered to fragments. He was already aware of the countless scratches made across his face.
Instead of walking away, instead of doing anything to help attempt some form of rebuilding, Gulliman looked into a shattered skylight. Equally aware of the glass fragments falling from his hair.
He wish he was less human in thought. To yearn for what once-was.
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furnitureshoppingday · 8 months
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36/72/144pcs Foam Rose Artific ... Price 2.83$ CLICK TO BUY
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fwipination · 2 years
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Haha! I said I’d get to his art eventually!
Meet Artemis! Properly this time and not for a silly mermaid challenge. This art has been up on my artfight, but in my great mind fog of being overtaken by that event I completely forgot to put him anywhere else.
Artemis is a half-elf artificer, and a bloody good one at that. He makes his living building intricate prosthetics for folks in need- and dabbling with some black market goods that catch up to him now and again. He befriended our rag-tag adventurers and helped our one-legged dwarf find a bit more balance. They returned the favor by helping him escape capture by the notorious blackrose bandits by building a veritable steampunk iron man suit which he now takes on joy rides at every convenience. He lost his arm during an early job working on steam engines before they were as refined as modern fantasy tech is now. Artemis grew up in a country far removed from magic and distrustful at best of magic-users. His elvish blood however did inherit him some small use of the arcane which he honed in secret to use in his artificing, propelling his knowledge and refining his skill past much modern tech available. He quickly became a master and turned his attention toward prosthetics, at first spurred by his own accident to regain the efficiency he missed, and then afterwards by a genuine desire to help those in similar situations. His personal prothestic, 'A.R.M.temis', has its own A.I. (which can be somewhat sassy) and can fully detach and move on its own to complete tasks and orders. A.R.M.temis is undergoing continual upgrades, both large and minute, as Artemis perfects his craft and phases through different styles for fun. His tattoos are a reminder to himself of his more natural heritage. He finds himself almost always enthralled and captivated by his work, often losing perspective on much else. They are his personal reminders to ground himself from time to time, stop welding, tempering, and wiring, and go touch some grass. His most recent addition is a black blossoming rose on his right pectoral.
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