aurumacadicus · 2 years
They are all Dragons, Steve and Bucky courting Tony but because they are from a different Dragon Tripe Tony doesn't get that they are courting him and think they are so nice to him, while Natasha watchs on she. She is courting Pepper and she told her she is courting her and things are moving along nicely between them
Natasha is from the same tripe as Steve and Bucky and they don't get how she is doing will with Pepper and they are not moving along with Tony (because they forgot to tell Tony they are courting him yheir way)
Just the most shenanigans between everyone :D
I love your work so much
Asdfksdjfh you know I’m always down to write them being idiots in love😂
Pepper frowned at Tony’s larder. It was much too full for one dragon--several bags of dehydrated meat, casks of beer and fruit wines, crates of fruit and vegetables. She’d watched him take the gifts happily, at first--he liked gifts, and he liked food, and gifts of food were the best of both. She knew he especially liked accepting gifts from Steve and Bucky, because he was carrying a torch for both of them, and it made him feel special.
But now his larder was too full, and winter was coming, and he wouldn’t be able to throw enough parties to get his friends to help him eat it. He was going to have to throw it out. And Steve and Bucky were planning to visit again--they’d certainly bring more.
Pepper turned, watching as Tony fussed with his human form, worrying over his hair and the way the scales still lingered around his eyes. ‘Like human wrinkles,’ he’d lamented, as if it didn’t make clear how self-conscious he was about being older than Steve and Bucky. She grabbed Natasha as she began to shuffle past her into the larder. “We need to talk to Steve and Bucky.”
“Why,” Natasha complained immediately.
Pepper slanted her a sharp look. She motioned at the larder.
Natasha looked, uncomprehending, before squinting back up at her. “I fail to see the problem? Unless you think this isn’t going to be enough for all three of them for the winter.”
“I am once again reminding you that our kind sleep more during the winter,” Pepper told her. “Also, Steve and Bucky won’t be staying the fucking winter if we don’t talk to them.”
Natasha blinked, absolutely confounded. “Why wouldn’t they? All this food gifting has led to this.”
“Do you remember the first time you brought me a side of beef, and I asked if you were calling me too skinny in a way that made you want to die?” Pepper asked her pleasantly.
Natasha preferred not to remember those times. “He’s got to gain weight for an egg,” she reasoned, a touch frantic at Pepper’s severe frown. “Even if you guys do sleep for a month.”
“We do not sleep for a whole month,” Pepper began, realized she was being derailed, and scowled, grabbing Natasha’s shoulder to drag her in close. “You know courting gifts in our colony are jewels. Tony has not received even a chip of sapphire, his family jewel. He doesn’t know he’s being courted, he doesn’t know Steve and Bucky expect to be invited to winter with him, and it’s going to hurt all of their feelings. And Tony hates waste, so you know he’s going to be upset when halfway through the winter, he has to throw out half this food, and Steve and Bucky are going to be hurt when they learn about it.”
“They could just ask him, like I asked you,” Natasha muttered petulantly.
“Steve and Bucky are fucking stupid,” Pepper whispered harshly, shaking her. “You know they’re fucking stupid. They started out posturing instead of giving him food, Natasha.”
Natasha winced, because Tony was oblivious even on the best of days, and posturing merited less than a short blink of confusion before he brushed it off. It had been Jim who had told them that posturing wouldn’t work, mostly because he felt bad after the second time Tony had responded to it with, “...Anyway.”
“Tell them to bring him a chip of sapphire,” Pepper hissed, danger dripping from each syllable.
“Pepper, I look old,” Tony whined, turning.
Pepper gave him an unimpressed frown even as she unclamped her hand from Natasha’s shoulder, ignoring the spots of blood that welled up from her claws. “Shut up, Tony. You still look like a lovable twink.”
“I can’t be a twink,” Tony exclaimed, offended, as she walked over to him. “I’m over three thousand years old!” He paused, then sagged again. “I’m old.”
“I’m telling Jim you said you were old,” Pepper said flatly.
“Noooo he’s five hundred years older than me he’s going to whack me with his tail,” Tony wailed.
Natasha took the opportunity to sneak to the front of Tony’s cave so she could intercept Steve and Bucky. She needed to tell them to get Tony the biggest fucking rock they could find so Tony could see they were earnest.
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theragingpan · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @insane-sociopath !
Here are my top 5 favorite AUs, in no particular order.
1. Canon divergence fix-it fics. Or, canon divergence salty fics. OR, canon divergence but gay. Very, very gay. 
2. Time travel fix-it AUs!!
3. Continuation of canon with whump and a happy ending. 
4. Soulmate AU, preferably with ‘these random marks don’t mean that if me and my soulmate don’t work out, I will never be in love ever again, these marks are just guidelines, and I make my own destiny.’
5. Completely disregards canon and gives me fluff, or whump and then fluff. There has to be fluff somewhere though. 
I’m tagging @loki--of--jotunheim, @lonegh0st, @salty-ironstrange-shipper, @rhodee, @roseroundglasses, @rabentochter, and @skeleton-hellflame
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aelaer · 5 years
8 people I’d like to get to know better...
Tagged by @amethyst-noir earlier this week, thank you. I think I did this some many moons ago but here it is again because I love these silly things.
1. Birthday: December
2. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
3. Height: 5'8 (juuusttt under but close enough. I'm probably exactly 172 cm, maybe plus .5).
4. The last song I listened to: According to Spotify... a song by an artist I've never heard of. It was on a random radio channel just for something different.
5. Hobbies: Writing and reading are the constant hobbies. The ones that rotate are drawing, gaming, and hiking. Would love to do part-time horseback riding but I don't want to pay for it right now xD Travel and photography while traveling is my "hobby that I do once a year if possible".
6. Favourite Colour: dark blue
7. Last Movie I Watched: Uh, fully? Uh... oh, Jojo Rabbit. Highly recommend, great movie.
8. Favourite Book: LOTR. Duh. Other than Tolkien, Good Omens comes next.
9. Dream job: Something similar to what I do now, with more competent management and paying me closer to what I'm worth. And a management that allows me to work while living abroad for like a month or two in a year.
10. Meaning behind my url: Tolkien nerd to the extreme. It's Sindarin and means "little summer bird". I've always had a version of the word summer, whether in Sindarin or Quenya, in my usernames since I was a teen. My old username started with A and when I made the switch from Quenya to Sindarin I wanted to still be at the front of the alphabet. And I found the word "aew", "little bird". And my username was born. I prefer to go by Laer though. (And the pronunciation is a bit complicated; it's like the two words 'aye-lyre', but the "l" should be part of the first syllable, so... 'ayl-ayr' sort of. Like the letter "i" for the first part with the "l" sound and the instrument for the second).
Tagging: Something different - tagging last 8 to follow me who aren't empty dashboards, look like real people, and can actually be tagged by tumblrs system. No obligation to play of course. @bookstorebunny @nekonome-lilyith @uselessmedudez @ladybirdcarina @roseroundglasses @wigettayrubelangelxd @notes-and-teablends (I like that username, good blog name), @lolii1654
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acklesangel97 · 5 years
Tagged by the lovely @ellawinchester-posts.
Rules: Answer the questions below and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: alone and totally happy with it
Top 3 ships: Destiel (Supernatural), Joanne(Joe Sugg/Dianne Buswell), Peraltiago (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick all the way
Favourite colour: blue
Last song listened to: mama’s house - Push Baby
Last movie watched: Captain Marvel
Currently reading: got like 30 ao3 tabs open in my safari and can’t decide which I want to read first so I just keep opening up more 😩
I just tagged people who I see often reblogging and liking stuff I reblog/post
@messy-haired-bum @suck-too-hard-on-your-lollypop @anxiouslesbiansblog @roseroundglasses @supernaturalrandomness @malevolent-dean @itsokaysammy @buckets-full-of-sarcasm @annalisasparkleshine
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
All this talk about pirates got me thinking of fearsome Omega Pirate Tony having somekinda of a thing for Alpha Pirate Bucky , or even Alpha Pirate Steve... Or BOTH
It could be as silly or horny as can be
Just A/B/O pirate Stuckony for the ask meme you made :D
Ohoho, pirates >:3c With badass Tony >:3c I’m love
Maidens refer to omegas and not just women fyi.
The White Wolf and the Shield limped into Tortuga together. They’d both been on the cannon-end of a fight with the Iron Maiden, on separate days, and they’d met up fifty miles from the island. Bucky had looked at the Shield, and Steve had looked at the White Wolf, and they’d both decided that their ships had been very, very lucky. If the Iron Maiden had been even a smidge more ardent in battle, they’d surely have lost their ships. As it stood, both of their crews were still jumpy, still feeling phantom swords to throats, still smelling gunpowder laced with sweet perfume. There was just enough in their coffers to pay for damages and get the crew some fun, the rest having been snatched by the well-manicured hands of the laughing, victorious Maiden crew.
The Iron Maiden had already left Tortuga. No message. Not even a vague ‘haha sold your loot’ that they had expected.
“See to the Shield,” Steve ordered, slapping a bag of gold into Sam’s hand for his share. He knew Bucky would be ordering the same thing to Clint on the White Wolf.
Sam watched him with knowing eyes. “One day you’re going to find a pup on that ship and then you’ll really be useless.”
Steve bared his teeth at him, then stalked down the gangway, rumbling low enough in his chest that any lingering crew scattered.
“One day he’s going to find a pup on that ship and he’ll finally bite the bullet and join Stark’s fleet,” Scott said, coming up to clap Sam on the shoulder. “I’ll go get the carpenters.”
“Yeah,” Sam sighed, rolling his eyes. “Thanks. Beer’s on Steve tonight.”
There was already a sloop moored at Aria Cove. The little ship had a faded Maria carved into the side. Steve and Bucky could see the warm glow of a fire in the cave. They didn’t bother to be quiet as they stepped into the water to tie their own sloop up. Their omega had invited them, after all.
“Whoa!” Steve yelped, ducking a rapier stabbed at him as soon as he cleared the mouth of the cave.
Bucky was there with his cutlass, parrying the move and twisting their swords so they were locked. Tony snarled, wordless, unseeing, and attempted to free his blade. Steve took the opportunity to tackle him, carefully planning the angle so Tony’s sword would go flying in an attempt to keep his arm from breaking under the force.
“Get off me!” Tony screeched, clawing at him, but Steve just pulled him in, pressing Tony’s face into his throat, his shoulder, until finally his shaking fingers went from clawing to clinging. “Steve,” he hiccuped weakly.
“Poor baby,” Bucky sighed as he watched Tony fall limp in Steve’s arms. “You were already on the cusp of heat when you attacked, weren’t you?”
“Please,” Tony whimpered, pawing at Steve’s shoulders. “Steve, Bucky, please!”
Steve sat up, pulling Tony into his lap, and the omega immediately began nuzzling at his throat, putting his own swollen bonding glands on display. “Oh, no, Sam and Scott were right,” he sighed as Bucky wedged himself against Tony’s trembling back.
Bucky blinked at him. “Right about what?”
“One day I’m gonna find a pup on Tony’s ship and I’m going to be useless or I’m finally gonna join his fleet.”
“Ha! Clint and Wanda said the same to me,” Bucky said, amused.
“A ship is no place for a pup,” Tony growled, then ground down on Steve’s lap, impatient. When that didn’t work, he arched back into Bucky with a needy whine.
Bucky and Steve stared at him a moment before they decided they should take a detour to visit the Stark Estate and see whether there might be a wide-eyed pup in the windows. Then Tony sort of softened, eyes going wet as he sighed, ‘please, I’m so empty,’ and they didn’t think about anything but Tony and his heat for the next two days.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Tony squawking is like the italicized oh when reading anything from you XD ... I love that part always
The "spirited away" AU is amazing i love it so much the absolute horror of having eggs with someone named Bucky XD poor Tony
Really do love you writing so much 💝
Assklgdjsdkghj "Tony squawking is like the italicized oh" I love it 😂 It's not his fault he has standards which include having a name he wouldn't mind screaming in bed, Bucky simply is not a sexy name but Bucky doesn't mind the opportunity to prove him wrong either, Bucky thinks it's hilarious.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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aurumacadicus · 4 years
Are you still doing the 5 headcanon ask?! .. if so A/B/O mafia Steve/Bucky/Tony
Love your works so much I think I'm addicted 💝
Oh??? Oh???????? 👀👀👀
The Stark née Carbonell family was one of the most powerful crime families in New York. Then Maria and Howard had their only son, an omega. Anthony’s a capable young man--quick, and clever, and handsome. But he is an omega, and the other crime families with single alphas come sniffing around quickly once it’s made known, because the Starks have money and power, for as small as they are. Some even offer up their best betas for a triad, which isn’t as common now these days, but for some of the older families, they’re willing to lean into it to gain the Starks’ favor. Tony snubs every single family’s offer by eloping with some upstart from a group that calls themselves the Avengers. The rest of the families clamor for the Starks to disown their son, because of his snub and because they can’t stand that some dinky little group will have the Stark fortune and power that the families had to earn when they came to America. “You will never speak of such nonsense to me again,” Maria says coldly at a meeting with the other family leaders. She is an omega, but she’s also from one of the oldest crime families, and each and every other family had once leaned on hers for support. Howard hovers behind her, a silent threat, and the rest of the families back down. “YOU COULDN’T EVEN GIVE ME A HEADS UP,” Maria roars back at home, and Steve and Bucky both duck their heads demurely. “I wanted Steve and Bucky and nothing was going to stop me,” Tony declares. Maria starts screaming at him in Italian, and Tony screams back, and then Maria grabs a wooden spoon and Howard hurriedly drags Steve and Bucky out of the kitchen because no one wants to be in the same room with Maria while she’s got a wooden spoon.
Everyone assumes that Bucky is the alpha and Steve is the beta in their triad (hell, some people assume that Tony’s the beta and Steve’s the omega if they don’t know who the Starks are). While Steve is small and thin, he is every inch an alpha, and he’s happy to prove it. He’d beaten the absolute shit out of an alpha who had grabbed Tony’s ass without permission in his bar, and Tony had immediately had heart eyes for him. He’d been hesitant when he’d seen that Steve already had Bucky, especially when triads were so uncommon now, but Bucky had given Tony one slow up-and-down and then grinned like a lecher and said he could see why the other alpha had followed him so long. Steve had growled, low and warning, from deep in his belly, and Bucky had immediately demurred and said that of course it wasn’t right that the alpha had touched him, and he shouldn’t have, and if he ever came back, Steve wouldn’t have the chance to do anything about it because Bucky would kill him. How was Tony not supposed to be smitten by that, what with the kind of family he’d come from? The courtship had been quick, because Tony was every inch a Carbonell and once he set his cap for someone, it was very hard to deter him. Steve and Bucky, who hadn’t been looking for a triad, are surprisingly on-board with having Tony as their omega. “You’re not worried they’re just in it for your name and money?” Natasha had asked. “Whose side are you on, theirs or the Stones?” Tony had scoffed. “Just curious. You’ve clearly been through this before. Wanted to know if there was something I should be looking for in a partner,” Natasha had said with a shrug. “Oh. No, I’m not worried, because every time I try to pay for dinner they won’t let me. One time Steve had Bucky bodily carry me out of the restaurant so I couldn’t pay,” Tony had said, and Natasha had snorted her beer out her nose, and that had been that.
Steve and Tony butt heads a lot. Just because he’d turned out to be an omega didn’t mean that his parents hadn’t raised him to lead their family when he came of age, and Steve had been the leader of his own cobbled-together family as well, and neither of them want to give up the role of leader. Tony accuses Steve of sexism because he believes he has more right to being the family’s leader simply because he pops a knot. Steve accuses Tony of classism because he believes he has more right to being the family’s leader simply because his family comes from wealth and power. “I’m staying out of it,” Bucky says, holding his hands up and walking toward the kitchen when they both whip toward him during an argument. “Who wants cake?” Steve and Tony compromise in that Tony’s people will follow his orders and Steve’s people will follow his, but it’s a tense decision. Bucky privately thinks it’s a stupid idea because it’ll breed distrust between the families they’re supposed to be merging, but when he brings it up, Steve and Tony just snarl at each other, so he throws his hands up in frustration and lets the chips fall where they may. Like Bucky expected, it doesn’t work out, because the Carbonell family distrusts Steve and the Avengers distrust Tony, especially since word got out that Tony called Steve sexist and Steve called Tony classist. Bucky tries to soothe their raised hackles but can’t manage it when both of their feelings are hurt, so much that they both storm out of the house. “Oh boy,” Thor says, more amused than anything. “You sure have your hands full, don’t you?” “I’m kicking both of their asses,” Bucky grumbles.
Bucky has a beautiful dinner on the table by the time Steve and Tony come back with their tails between their legs. “Oh, thanks, Bu--” Steve begins. Tony grabs Steve’s arm, looking properly terrified. “Oh no. There’s no poison in the wine is there?” “Tony are you telling me that your mother has attempted to poison your father,” Steve asks him, partly horrified but mostly impressed. Tony frowns at him, confused. “No, there was no attempt. She’s actually poisoned him.” “Tony what the fuck,” Bucky sputters, appalled. “He clearly got better,” Tony huffs. Steve and Bucky share a look. Suddenly, so many things about Tony and his relationship with his parents make sense. “There’s no poison in this wine,” Bucky assures him hastily when Tony looks like he’s gonna take a flying leap out the window. “And for the record, there better not be in the future.” “Oh, Mama said it would be foolish for any generation younger than hers to use poison. The doctors at the local hospital know when to keep their mouths shut for her and the women her age,” Tony replies. Steve and Bucky stare at him, too stunned to speak for a moment. Finally, though, Steve asks, voice strangled, “So what did she suggest for the younger generations?” “Psychological warfare,” Tony answers promptly. “LET’S ALL JUST ENJOY THIS LOVELY PASTA,” Bucky shouts, ushering them both into seats. Luckily, by dessert, he’s gotten them to apologize and promise to work on a partnership rather than one or the other having complete control. Bucky opens another bottle of wine just for himself and tries not to think about how terrifying Tony was for a moment.
Hydra attempts to kidnap Tony. Steve and Bucky have no idea where he is but it’s not with Hydra, and they are honestly somewhat horrified with the carnage Tony and his guards had left when Hydra had attempted to catch them. “He hasn’t contacted you at all?” Steve asks Maria over the phone, voice small, because no one’s been able to contact Tony, nor his bodyguards Happy or Rhodey. Maria had been the first person he thought of when he considered where a terrified Tony might go. “No. Why would he?” Maria asks incredulously. “This is no longer his home, and I am no longer his protector. Although I will see to it that Hydra suffers for offending the Starks like this,” she adds, and then hangs up without another word. “That’s fucking ominous,” Steve mutters, before he punches Bucky in the arm. “We need to check the penthouse again.” When they get back home, they take the stairs instead of the elevator, and they think that’s probably the only thing that saved them, because Happy and Rhodey are still aiming their guns at the metal doors when they stumble onto the floor. They spin to aim their weapons toward Steve and Bucky, instead, but luckily they realize it’s them before they can shoot. “We’ll just leave you three,” Rhodey says, and he and Happy immediately step onto the elevator to leave. Steve and Bucky stare, bewildered. “Where is he?” “Nesting,” Happy replies before the doors close on them. Steve and Bucky blink, then turn to look at each other, quietly asking, “Nesting?” Then they remember that Tony had had a doctors appointment that day. They bolt for the bedroom. Tony is there, carefully placing each and every blanket they own onto the bed. He is clearly wearing three sweaters. He does not look up from diligently making sure each blanket is just so. He considers a pillow, then flings it off of the bed with scowl. “Tony,” Steve breathes. “That wasn’t just the--the flu, or--” “There’s a bun in your oven,” Bucky cuts in, awed. Tony whips his head up to glare at them. “Don’t call it a bun. It’s a peanut.” “A peanut,” Steve repeats, and then adds, “Oh no. Here I go.” Bucky wraps an arm around Steve’s shoulders as he begins to blubber. “It’s okay, Steve.” “A peanut!” Steve wails. Tony returns to fixing the bed. He considers another pillow. Punches it a few times. Deems it perfect and places it carefully at a twelve degree angle. Suddenly, he looks up. “Oh. I left a mess for you to clean up with Hydra. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay,” Bucky says as Tony finally comes over to let Steve wrap around him. “We’re just happy you’re safe. You and the baby.” “It’s a peanut,” Tony barks at him. “You and the peanut then,” Bucky sighs, rolling his eyes. He looks down at Steve. “Steve. Pull yourself together.” “My pregnant mate is letting me hold him. I will not,” Steve tells him solemnly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. “You both are such fucking drama queens,” Bucky complains. He wouldn’t give them up for the world, though.
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aurumacadicus · 3 years
I wish you would write a story where A/B/O Steve and Bucky run a (mafia, kingdom, company, ... Something) but they are known to be the seconds and no one knows how is the head of (whatever you choose) but in reality it is Tony ... The cute (pet, slave, secretary, assestant)
Love your writing 💝
Thank you!!!! Also.....................secretsecretaryTony:
Technically, Steve and Bucky are the CEOs of their company. They’d started out in management and worked their ways up the ranks. Competitors want to accuse them of fucking their ways to the top, but basically the entire business world knows they’re absolutely and hopelessly devoted to each other. They got to the top by their own merit.
The only thing that people can say is that maybe they’re a little too close to their secretary, but honestly, with as much as they work, it’s no surprise. They call their secretary ‘Mr. Stark’ and there are no lingering touches or looks, and they’re never overly familiar with him. Mr. Stark seems entirely focused on his job, anyway--even when he gets hit on by other people, he doesn’t seem to notice.
“What do you mean, you have us scheduled for meetings for the next three days?” Bucky asks, dismayed.
Tony blinks at him placidly. “You said you wanted to push forward with that merger with Potts Industries. Ms. Potts is very discerning. You’ll need all of the extra time buttering her up as you can get.”
“Yes, but twelve hours a day? For three days?” Steve whines. “Tony! How are we supposed to--”
“We’re on the clock. It’s still Mr. Stark,” Tony cuts in.
“Tony,” Bucky scolds. “You know we can’t call you that after a night fucking your brains out.”
Tony continues to look unimpressed. “You fuck my brains out all the time. If I can look you in the eyes and call you Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes, you can call me Mr. Stark.”
Steve reaches out to place his hand on Tony’s rear and can’t help feeling smug when he yelps and skitters away. “Still sore, Mr. Stark?”
Tony shoots him a sour look. “You don’t want the blueprints I have for the new phone I had in mind, I take it.”
“If we’re going to be spending thirty-six hours with Ms. Potts over the next three days, you’re going to give us those blueprints,” Bucky cuts in. He gives Tony a long, slow up-and-down before he lets his lips twist into a smug grin. “And you’ll wear that lacy thing you keep for special occasions for us when we get home.”
Tony sputters at him, offended. “And what makes you think I’ll do that?”
“Because you want us to be good boys and get that merger with Potts Industries for you,” Steve answers, smiling as if he’s commenting on the weather and not Tony wearing a skimpy lace nightie. “Do you want that merger, or not?”
Tony mouths at them wordlessly, offended, before he finally, petulantly mutters, “I’ll wear the nightie. But!” He crosses his arms and huffs at them. “I’m bringing out the riding crop, too!”
“Oh no,” Bucky and Steve deadpan, because they love it when Tony is bossy in lace.
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