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1sigfridsson · 1 year ago
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dazzlingpoppliolover · 9 months ago
Anthian 2: somebody tried to crawl on stage after somehow getting past security. Granted, they were good at dancing.
Rosecove: Water gun from a random Magikarp in the water to the face.
I'm gonna start documenting things that happen to me during the little tiny concerts I hold in Silvent and Anthian city every so often.
Silvent: Somebody threw a full can of Bepsi at me?? And told me it's for me since I like Bepsi??? Which I do but HUH????
Anthian: A Chatot flew on stage and started copying my notes but making them off tune. Absolutely unbearable but I did not do anything.
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thecollectivelens · 7 years ago
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Blueberry Mule #thecollective ... • • • • #mule #liquor #spirits #blueberry #ogunquitmaine #ogunquitbeach #drinks #drinklocal #beachvibes #rosecove (at Rose Cove Restaurant)
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smalltofedsblog · 5 years ago
Odyssey Of Armaments
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Image: “Rose Covered Glasses”
Ken Larson on the US Government Defense Industrial Complex.
“I have looked inward, wound down to a smaller perspective, taken care of my health and begun serving the little guy. Perhaps it is time for our country to consider a similar transition.”
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morganarts-blog · 5 years ago
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Aquí el típico tatuaje de un exnovio! Afortunadamente la cobertura fue total. Y tú, tienes algún tatuaje con el nombre de una expareja y deseas cubrirlo y dejar atrás esos recuerdos?.⠀ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Dime tu idea y buscaremos una solución! ⠀ ⁣ ⁣ Tienes un tatuaje feo, antiguo, decolorado o que simplemente quieres tapar y dejar atrás? Contáctame por DM o mail/Contact me by direct message or mail at [email protected] ⁣ ⁣⁣ Sígueme @sotomorgantattoo y mi cuenta alterna @morgansotoarts ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #barcelona #coveruptattoo #rosecover #rosetattoo (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAm4Z4UqEC3/?igshid=1gzeo6fkzwuyx
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manthequin · 2 years ago
thoughts on the dynamic that the player, the player's parents and cypress have?
TL;DR: Cypress did Some Things wrong maybe
Unnecessarily long answer: Unironically, looking back on some of the dialogue cypress was waaay more fucked up towards the protag pre-anthian than I remembered. Like a good chunk of his rosecove scene is just him blatantly using his authority to just lie to the player and the repeat of the ‘stay out of trouble’ line hits pretty different within the context of him being the main antagonist. I love him as a character but holy fuck dude. I don’t really know how the protagonist could feasibly come out of the plot of pbb without some horrible trust issues because of him.
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On the player’s parents and cypress, there’s just something intrinsically funny about discovering a legendary artifact and then taking it up to the worst possible person immediately after. that’s like easily in the top 5 funniest plot points in pbb. I don’t really have a lot to say about these 3 since the parents don’t get a lot of screen time but there’s a diary entry written by the protag’s dad in the team eclipse base that briefly touches upon cypress (+ jake) if you’re curious. It’s not archived on the wiki but you can find it in some YT videos if you’re determined enough. It’s a nice little easter egg that makes me mildly sad reading through it.
Thank you for the ask anon and i’m sorry this is completely unorganised lol.
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thatonethimbo · 2 years ago
PLZ PBB TESS X READER ONE SHOT/HCS I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER 🛐(not that i dont love u already ❤️❤️)
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How 'bout both? ;)
(which actually looks like a story on dot points, lol, I'm a 'bit' messy)
Okay, so the both of you lived at Rosecove.
Friends since the very start, when your parents came to Roria.
Tess, of course, got her Pokémon earlier than most trainers, something she did lightly tease you about once you finally got yours.
It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to sneak out when most people were asleep, especially when Tess' grandpa snored in his rocking chair.
Usually, it was to train her Pokémon, letting you watch as she did. Other times, you and she just hung out together to bond, sometimes sharing frustrations in rants about things that have happened.
Though these nights slowly dwindled in occurrence once people started figuring out what you two were doing at night, some even reporting spotting the two of you out of bed.
Consequentially, this in turn made it harder for the two of you to do your nightly ''adventures'' as Tess liked to call it, finding even a little bit of freedom in the crisp cold air of the night.
Though Tess... despite her recklessness, there were times when she did follow her grandfather's words, though no one ever says it's easy for her to do when she's in a specific mindset, leading to nights where you mistakenly sneak out, finding yourself alone in the night without Tess.
It started to feel like the two of you were slowly drifting apart, a concern that you raised to your parents, who then talked to Tess' grampa.
Things got a little less bad when they let you take once-a-week nightly sessions, however, they had to limit the time you had so you'd have a decent amount of sleep.
A few years passed and then the two of you were at the appropriate age of becoming a trainer.
(I much prefer them not being 10, instead 16 and up sort of since wynaut)
On the morning of her birthday, Tess became frustrated with her grandpa not allowing the two of you to go out to see the rest of Roria, then poured all of that frustration out with some training on some very unfortunate Krabby.
However, later...
The Blue Orb
Above all else, protecting this powerful artifact was left to the surviving lighthouse keeper of Rosecove. This was a rule passed down with the Orb, however, Tess' grandpa had a much different priority on his mind.
His granddaughter. And to some extent, you as well, knowing his granddaughter would not calm down until you were by her side in a hostile situation. However, Tess still wasn't pleased that she couldn't fight back against her grandfather's wishes.
''It isn't fair,'' She fell back onto her bed as it creaked under the sudden weight, strands of indigo hair spilling onto the covers while you sort of did the same, laying beside her. ''other people get to fight- I'm strong enough, aren't I?'' Her gaze flitted over to yours.
''Of course, you are. The time I've spent with you is proof enough of that.'' You attempted to affirm with a small smile. She exhaled, relaxing as she briefly closed her eyes. ''It's just hard for your grandpa to notice that when other things are at play.''
Rain began to pour outside, light from the window flickering with the storm that had come out of nowhere. Tess looked over at you, clearly confused as she lifted an eyebrow.
Both of you were interrupted as an ear-splitting sound of a blast sliced through the silence along with a flash of turquoise light. The two of you jolted upright, though Tess was quicker in doing so, sliding off the bed and rushing towards the door, with you stumbling and then following.
She stopped just as she was about to open the door before a call from outside prompted her to open it and step out, with you following.
''You don't need to talk to me like I'm a child, Grandpa, let alone treat me like one. I could have taken care of those men a long time ago if you would've just let me battle them.'' Tess asserted, her grandpa sighing at her words.
''I'm sorry, sweetie, I'm just afraid for you is all.'' He explained. ''You tend to be a little reckless at times.'' You decided to not comment, seeing as it was their conversation.
"Well, if you would just let us go have our own adventures, I wouldn't be so reckless." Tess refuted, glancing at you as your heart warmed slightly.
''You know what, Tess? You are right.'' Tess' grandpa told her, making the girl blink owlishly at him.
''Wait, really?" She questioned with disbelief clear in her voice.
Her grandpa nodded. ''Yes, I really haven't been very fair making you stay at home.'' He looked away, then met his granddaughter's gaze. ''I just worry for your safety. As young as you are, I wasn't sure if it was right for you to see the world yet.''
While he talked to the two people who had stopped Team Eclipse (for now), you and Tess looked at each other with wide grins on your faces. When the conversation had finished, both of you rushed past the group, laughing gleefully as you did, confusing onlookers as you passed.
Tess grabbed your hands, swinging you around, riding on the high of joy as she twirled you with her. ''We're finally going to see the rest of Roria!'' She squealed, then let you go to spin a few more times before you stopped.
Your friend's happiness was contagious, causing you to wrap your arms around her in a warm hug, Tess eagerly hugging back as the two of you stood there, thinking over her grandfather's words. You didn't want to let go, as a small part of you feared that this happiness would end once you did.
Though you had to close your eyes as a flash almost pierced your eyesight, a Shelgon appeared beside the pair of you. Tess softly huffed, pulling out of the hug while you were already missing her warmth.
She knelt to greet her Shelgon, the Endurance Pokémon staring up at her and then glaring at you as you approached, taking a defensive stance. Tess frowned slightly upon noticing this, recalling the Pokémon back into the Pokéball and placing it back onto her Pokéball belt.
''Now, we have to wait for the others.'' Tess looked over at you, a small smile reappearing on her features, no trace of annoyance present on her face.
The sun climbed higher into the sky as you waited.
Bonus HCs
Tess f'ing bites her ice cream when no one else is around.
Which is what she thought she was before you caught her doing it.
Now it's kind of one of the things you two joke about.
You also play with her Pokémon if they happen to get bored in your presence, following your finding out about the fact she bites ice cream, Tess has been wanting to get a bit of payback (and not in a bad way), she had once stumbled upon you laying on some grass asleep with her Pokémon carefully snuggling with you.
Tess liked that. She then snapped a photo for later, stifling a snicker.
At Anthian, when the floating city was falling, Tess grasped onto your hand and held it like it was a lifeline. She hardly spoke about it afterwards unless you approached her about it.
She was saddened when Jake was kidnapped, making it harder for you to talk to her about the topic, so you let it be for a while.
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inky-tries-her-best · 5 years ago
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fazzlisbeth · 5 years ago
Can’t help falling in love - Rosé Blackpink cover
#roseblackpink #parkchaeyoung #canthelpfallinginlove #rosecover
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myvisualist · 7 years ago
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For those of you who want to make an entry #myvisualist_inspiration 📷@siobhaise #london #rose #facade #brick #architecture #rosecovered #londonstreets #myvisualist
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1sigfridsson · 7 years ago
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thatonethimbo · 3 years ago
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''Double-Edged Fate''
Even when you're a kid, the world doesn't favour you. It'll kick you down like it does like everyone else. Especially with a whole damn group of vegan cult terrorists. Huh.
Hell, everything was way better before that brick came into Broze's possession. Almost like it was a curse. Even if it did summon the odd legendary or two... Would things be better off not having it?
I originally intended to make this piece with the other side displaying their problems that were beneath the surface. Tess' problem, of course, was her missing parents, but also the fact she had to stay at the lighthouse and not be allowed to leave Rosecove.
Jake's, obviously, was him having to join Team Eclipse, some of his dialogue from Route 14 was to be put in there but I figured I didn't have as much space as I needed.
(Even if I were to expand the canvas, there'd be some filling-in needed and moving the characters and their darker reflections, but it would be somewhat awkward as a result. Besides, I think I was coming at the end of my string of motivation.)
And last but certainly not least, we have Broze. Oh, trauma. Oh, Cypress- OH NO. Anyway, if you do take a quick look you'll have noticed something in his section that I won't feel the need to point out.
Broze's conflict is, of course, his parents being kidnapped right at the beginning of his journey, but it also includes the internal emotional turmoil he felt during it. Things can get messy. And they might just do that. So, don't be surprised if there's an epic smackdown involving this short king.
(5'7, btw, might just be the shortest of the group, hehe)
Anyway, that concludes my... essay after a piece of art, I guess I got onto a tangent, but oh well!
Peace. <3
(Rotate it to see the other side better, if you'd like!)
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thatonethimbo · 3 years ago
pbb hc ig lol
chad and quenton (or however you spell that dude's name, it still has that red line under it) are absolute bros
they chat on the weekend about their gym challengers or when they're free, sharing a joke or two
chad is like, the more hyper dude, but he can sit down and be quiet if need to
quenton is usually chill, but he does tend to get really excited when talking about water type pokemon, extra point if it's one of his teammembers
the two once had a battle, and chad put on a really nice remix he made himself, the kind that hypes you up but quenton couldn't stop jamming to it and so they just stopped the battle for a moment just to vibe w/ it until it was over
quenton then complained the next day about how it was stuck in his head for agesss
in response chad took a selfie of himself with the caption:
''imagine getting a song stuck in your head''
but really he had also fell to the c u r s e
dude secretly had the /hj tone tag imagined in the caption, though he thought it'd be better to not include that
and then quenton just didn't talk to him for some time :(
chad then realized he might've come across as rude, and so he just closes his gym for sometime, and decides to go to rosecove gym himself
when he arrives, he does all he can to get to quenton, before formally apologising to his bro himself
oh frick-
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thatonethimbo · 3 years ago
PBB + LL:VOS DentedDimensions!AU
One may be led to believe the universe they live in is the only one out there.
However, they eventually discover the truth.
And the truth's not always kind, is it?
(A whole lotta words under the cut lol)
You cannot hide forever.
Universes exist within an infinite space, some of which drift past others at different speeds. Some universes can overlap. Most never even brush past another.
But when universes briefly phase through each other, something happens. Flickering images of people not from the universe they appear in are an example of such.
Sometimes there are devastating effects. Whole chunks from universes can be displaced though those are very rare, or perhaps a person can be swapped with another not from that universe, briefly or... permanently. The latter is more common, it seems.
But they can also be destroyed. It seems all the universes of Pokémon Roria eventually vanish, almost as fast as they pop up.
Except for a select two. These have been around longer than the others, but the end will still approach, gripping their helpless forms in its savage maw and then crushing them slowly, until nothing remains...
And one of those two is where we begin.
Pokémon Brick Bronze
Professor J. Hawthorne, a mysterious and supposedly gone mad man, he speaks weirdly sometimes and does not always use normal terms. However, he is quite friendly, but seemingly a bit of a coward at times, he also speaks fondly of some unheard of people. He prefers staying out of sight most of the time and wears a purple dried flower in the breast pocket of his suit.
Noah Cypress
Noah happens to look up to Professor Hawthorne, despite his flaws as he acknowledges his professor's accomplishments. He is very fond of Pokémon and prefers to be around them rather than people, unlike his friend.
Bandhur Vanta
Bandhur is much more interested in helping others so they can benefit, so, one of his hobbies includes making small gadgets. Sometimes his parents help out, however, some of his projects don't always work how they're supposed to. He is much more of a people person than a Pokémon person.
Kassandra Faust (often shortened to Kass, or Kassie)
Originating from Rosecove, Kass specialises in Steel-Type Pokémon. Usually, she was the kind of person not to make herself known, Kass experienced a change of attitude when she saw the friendly old man over at the lighthouse being hassled over the legendary Blue Orb. Stepping in, Kass challenged the foes, taking them out except for one.
That last one was taken out by Bandhur, who was impressed by her skills and asked her to join them. Kass hesitated since she hadn't seen too much of the outside world, a bit afraid of what she would encounter.
However, Noah reminded her she took out most of the foes, and that those people were what she had to expect out there.
Kass then agreed, joining them.
(Of course, there's more to add in between but I'll spare you the details for now)
Loomian Legacy: Veils of Shadow
Dr T. Sable
(For future ref, maybe UnSable lmao)
Sable is a renowned inventor, known for bringing Sepharite City back from the brink of absolute despair, she is quite bold and works just as hard as her fellow colleagues. No one knows where she was born or came from, but no one ever asks, so she doesn't tell.
She sometimes wears a purple scarf with blue tassels over her clothes, as well as a special holographic visor and brown hat. She tends to like green, and unlike most of her workers, she uses Ancient-Type Loomians, except for her Vesperatu.
In the first encounter, this is not seen, however. She is not always quick to fight, though she will be a tough opponent to beat.
However, she seems to be missing someone dearly.
More to come if I want to write more, though I might just focus on Eclipsed rn.
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smalltofedsblog · 3 years ago
10 Reasons To Avoid The Next World War
10 Reasons To Avoid The Next World War
“ROSECOVERED GLASSES” By Ken Larson “Conflicting parties must recognize the following facts:1. The pace of technology, communication and weapons has now outpaced the necessity for war as a means of advancing progress. The threat is too great for mutually assured destruction. 2. We are on new ground, never experienced before in terms of being “Wired” as a world – economically, socially,…
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