#rose tico x dj
wordsmithie · 9 months
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"We had our meet-cute.” “It was not a meet-cute. It was a meet-a-dick.”  He chortled. “Which turned out to be to your immense satisfaction.” 
Rose receives an unexpected visitor after the turn of the new year.
an unexpected visitor
part ii of a waltz for christmas and new year
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haysianrose · 4 years
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JOHN BOYEGA, KELLY MARIE TRAN and BENICIO DEL TORO in Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017).
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We Met In A Jail Cell: Part 1
This was supposed to be a oneshot for DJ and then I went buckwild as the thirst increased.  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Character Pairing: DJ and OC from the Last Jedi.
Summary: DJ meets a woman in the jail cell before Rose and Finn arrive. He frees her, and stows her on board The Libertine.
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Her nails were filthy, as was the rest of her. The dirt her last cellmate flung at her was still sticking, and of course the guards wouldn’t let her wash it off. It had been a week. Her life had turned from blind rage to quiet introspection in this cell. Now, she had nothing else to do but train, and exercise. Every day she thought of how to murder the casino guards and finally escape, but that dream seemed more and more hopeless with each passing day.
Then, something interesting happened…something that would change her life for the better. The guards brought someone else into her cell.
A man staggered in beside the guards. From the brief look she got at him, he looked worse for wear, which was the way most casino patrons looked. He stumbled in and fell immediately on the cot next to hers. He smelled like liquor. She assumed he was just another drunk that needed to cool off from the casino upstairs. But after the guards left, he sat upright in bed rather abruptly.
“This place smells awful,” he said looking around. She couldn’t see his face very well, just the outline of it. His voice was low, but not sluggish in the way a drunk normally speaks.
“We’re near the stables,” she piped up from the darkness across from him.
He turned his head in her direction. “Oh, well hello t-t-there.”
“Hello,” she answered.
“I didn’t notice you there in the darkness.” He said, pointing a finger in her direction.  She instinctively put her long cloak over her arms, making sure he couldn’t really see her.
“Didn’t know if you were like my last cellmate, who was… rude,” she said.
“Ah, and w-w-what happened to this cellmate?” He said, taking his long boots off. He had holes in his socks. He probably hadn’t been a patron of the casino.
“Oh, he’s very dead,” she explained calmly. Her cellmate had been a nuisance. She didn’t regret killing him.
“Well, that’s good at least,” he said.
She heard footsteps approaching. The guards called out, “You put the drunk in the cell with her!” The ‘drunk’ went back to pretending to sleep, as the guards came to carry him out. Not before stunning her a few times to make sure she didn’t try anything. She took the hits and stayed down, not wanting to cause more trouble.
They moved him to the cell across from hers. After the guards left, he waited and then came up to the bars. She was still laying on the ground, but her cloak was covering her face. When she pulled herself up, she saw him staring at her dirty arms. She felt an intense amount of shame and quickly hid in the back of the cell.
He stared at her into the darkness for a moment, and then his attitude changed as he relaxed against the bars, inspecting the lock to the door.
She thought he must have been a smuggler or thief; he certainly looked the part. He still didn’t have his boots on, so his toes stuck out touching the cold floor, which made him look ridiculous. She thought about telling him how disgusting the floor had been, but decided to stay silent and watch him. His rough appearance conveyed poverty, though she told herself it could have been an act. He wasn’t as dirty as her, but he was maybe a little greasy. She couldn’t tell from this far away. She enjoyed watching him inspect the lock, though. He seemed to be playing with it. She couldn’t make out his face well from so far away, but she could tell his features were dark and perhaps even handsome. It threw her off a bit.
“Ya know, shadow-lady, I’ve been thinking,” he wondered, pointing a silver pick in her direction. “Why haven’t they killed you yet? I mean if you’re going around murdering people...what are you doing a-a-alive?” Maybe it was his strange way of speaking or the relaxed humor behind his eyes, but she found herself warming up to him very fast.
She chucked softly at his strange candor. “I wasn’t going to kill you.”
“Oh, I have no doubt in my mind, I would have been safe sleeping across from you, but it is a bit-t-t strange don’t you think?” He said while fiddling with the lock. He had an odd sort of stutter. It didn’t seem like one based on nervousness, or however stutters work. It was more like a tick, or like he was doing it for fun. Either way, for her it only added to his character.
“Not strange for Canto Bight,” she replied, “Murder isn’t exactly unheard of here, and they’re used to seeing me.”
“Well, I’m not going anywhere while this door is closed. You s-s-say they’re used to seeing you here? Are you a trouble maker, shadow-lady?” He picked something from his hat, and continued to fiddle with the lock. It didn’t look like he was trying to unlock it, more study it, as though he needed to understand it first.
She didn’t answer. Something about him relaxed her, which made her a bit wary of him. He looked up briefly into the darkness towards her.
“I like your voice shadow-lady. Can’t remember the last time I heard a thing so pleasant,” he said. She thought she saw him wink, but couldn’t be sure.
He had tried to reassure her, which she didn’t expect. It worked. She responded, “On Canto Bight if you don’t have the money, then you serve the money. I serve. His name means something. So, here I am… left to rot, until he picks me up.”
“And I was hoping you were single,” he said sardonically.
She shook her head even though he couldn’t see it. “It isn’t like that. I guard and kill people for him.” The words felt like poison on her lips.
He stopped again to look at the darkness where she hid, “And this killing, do you enjoy it?”
“Not particularly,” she admitted, “I’m sure I could find better people to kill.”
She saw him shrug his shoulders in agreement. “Then why not one day when someone g-g-goes to stab him, you just step aside and…let him get stabbed?” he asked. The man left the lock alone and went back to his cot.
Her hand went to her wrist. “He can kill me at any moment. If he died, his daughter would activate this wristband and kill me. I’m beginning to think he forgot about me.”
“Hmm…” the man said. Suddenly, the guards bring in what look like two very rowdy children. The man falls silent, and she assumes, goes back to pretending to be an asleep drunk. They place the two people in the cell with the thief. They’re a very talkative pair, and from what the woman can gather, members of the resistance. They make a deal with the smuggler, it sounds like…or maybe not. It’s hard to hear the conversation. Suddenly, his cell door opens, and he briskly walks out. The two resistance fighters leave in the opposite direction. The woman sighs, disappointed with the way this has turned out for her. If she had kept her mouth shut then the man wouldn’t have been moved and she could have escaped when he did.
“You know…” The man says as he briskly strolls back to her cell. “I’ve seen those devices before.” He opens her cell, walking toward her confidently. She’s still hidden in the darkness, but he can make an outline of her. He points to her left arm. She realizes he must have seen it when she was stunned on the ground.
A bunch of crashing sounds down the hallway. The woman is still hesitant as the man ignores the noise and continues to stare at her. She steps forward, extending her arm, but trying to cover her face with the cowl of her cloak. Before she covers her face, she sees him glance at her. Her cheeks turn red with embarrassment.
“I’m not actually this filthy.” She says, slowly extending her arm.
He takes her wrist in his hand, and pulls something out of his hat. He doesn’t seem bothered by her mud-covered arms, just focused on the device around her wrist.
“I didn’t believe you were,” he said. Suddenly a jolt of electricity goes through her arm, and the device powers down. He places a hand on her shoulder.
“Let’s get a ship with a good bath, eh?” He leaves the cell but doesn’t let go of her wrist, pulling her alongside him. Her heart racing, she follows the man. She wonders what is happening, as she has a short out of body experience. She looks at herself, following a stranger who’s just released her from this burden on her arm. She wonders if she’s allowing herself to be kidnapped. If he’s someone that works for her boss or one of his boss’s enemies and wants to take her to them. She stares at the device on her arm, still bewildered that it’s powered off. She lets go of his hand trying to slip it off, but finds though it’s loosened it still too tight to fit over her hand. He glances back to her. He pauses, waiting to see if she’s still following. When he notices she’s just trying to slip the wristband off, he rounds the corner.
After a stalemate battle with the wristband, she follows him around the corner and see’s he and a small droid. The droid was apparently responsible for the noise they heard earlier. She notices the guards have been tied up, or knocked out on the ground. The woman kicks a couple of them in the head, untying one who’d been particularly cruel, to fight him. The droid beeps at her, but the man shushes it. She quickly dispatches of the guard, spitting on his face. She turns back to them, to find the man looking nonplussed and the droid beeping angrily. She realizes fast, that the droid is very bossy. It seems the smuggler and the resistance fighters did make a deal, and the droid is with them. She didn’t know what she’d gotten herself into, but she didn’t have many more options now. If they were planning on leaving this planet, she wanted to be with them.
“Let’s take my boss’s ship.” She suggests as they argue about where the two fighters have gone. That seems to shut them up. They make way to the docking bay, with her leading the way, clearing out anyone in their path.
The guards outside the ship recognize her. They have wristbands on their arms like hers. She knocks them out, deciding not to kill them. She knows they don’t have much choice in the matter. Though their fate may be worse when her boss realizes his ship is gone.
The man looks impressed with her fighting skills. She’s familiar with the kind of look he gives her. Many of her boss’s partners offered to buy her from him, but he insisted she was indispensable. That had always given her a sense of pride. She knew it was a warped way to view herself, but she relied on any positivity in her life to survive…even if that was praise from her tyrannical boss. The way the man looked at her was different though. Not just entertained, but extremely impressed. There was a respect behind his eyes, and something else. She couldn’t place it yet.
Part 2
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thefudge · 7 years
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omg, i love u, anon!
all these headcanons!
it’s like that slytherin/hufflepuff meme I ADORE IT
also it’s so believable and in character that he’d be standing behind her, warning people off. i mean, rose can totally handle herself too but this is so cute! and then when she’s the one defending him with the taser? YES
also rose wearing his jacket!!!! *my wig’s gone*
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amazing-tozier · 7 years
Rey and Ben are going to get married on ahch-to because that was where their relationship bloomed into something more.
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myriadimagines · 5 years
Star Wars (Sequels) One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Finn
Other Characters: Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, DJ, Phasma, Armitage Hux, BB-8
Warnings: violence, mentions of death
Requester: anonymous
Request: “One-shot request for Finn (sw), where reader is part of the resistence, when Finn is joining and first reader is really wary of him, don't trust him, but Finn saves them on a mission and after that they are drifting closer and closer and it turns out they both have feelings for each other. Maybe they confess their feelings during a no more hope situation, but in the end it turns out just right? Thank you very much!! You are an amazing writer!!”
Word Count: 2,872
A/N: finn and john boyega deserve so much better. anyway i hope you like it and thank you so much for your kind message!!!! this is basically situated in the last jedi plot since i didn’t know where else in the timeline to put this, and i felt like i started off okay then just.......... went downhill
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
You became familiar with Finn’s name and story long before you ever met him, his controversial switching of allegiance a popular story within the Resistance. You’d hear his name in passing, while mechanics passed tools to each other over battered droids they were repairing, over tables in the cafeteria during lunch, between squads of pilots as they jogged towards the hanger with their helmets tucked under their arms. He had quickly garnered quite the reputation, a Resistance hero, his inside knowledge of the First Order making him a valuable asset.
It was Finn’s knowledge, after all, that helped the Resistance to destroy the Starkiller Base before the First Order could use it to destroy you all. Without him, you have no doubts that D’Qar, alongst with the entire Resistance, would’ve been blasted into pieces, nothing but debris floating amongst the galaxy. 
And yet, you still can’t seem to trust him.
You try and ignore your suspicions as your gaze fixates on Finn, who explains to Poe logistics of the tracker the First Order is using to follow the Resistance fleet, Rose interjecting into every other sentence with additional details. You perch on the edge of Leia’s bed, the leather of your jacket creaking ever so slightly as you fold your arms across your chest, watching as Poe slowly nods, absorbing the new information Finn rapidly throws at him. Poe gets up, walking over to you and Leia, raising his eyebrows at you as he asks, “What do you think?” 
You let out a heavy sigh, shaking your head as you cast a glance at Finn. He stares at you, his eyes desperate, and you turn your attention back to Poe as you say, “It’s not like we have any better ideas.”
Poe nods, tenderly placing his hand over Leia’s as C-3PO pipes up, “If I must be the sole voice of reason, Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan.” 
“Yeah, you’re right, Threepio.” Poe nods, before turning around to look at Poe and Rose. “It’s a need-to-know plan, and she doesn’t.” 
Ignoring C-3PO’s stammering, Poe waves you over as he orders, “Alright, you guys shut down that tracker, I’ll be here to jump us to lightspeed. The question is… how do we sneak the two of you onto Snoke’s Destroyer?” 
After a heated discussion with Maz, who insists the only way you can get onboard is by finding the Master Codebreaker on Canto Bight, the plan seems cemented in place. You watch as Finn and Rose quickly make their way to the main hangar to find a ship, and you frown as Poe shoots you a look before nodding in their direction, “You go with them.”
“They’re fine on their own.” you insist, shaking your head. “You need as much help as you can get here—”
“y/n, I know what this is really about.” Poe interrupts, and your lips flatten into a line as Poe takes a step towards you. His tone softens as he continues, “Finn is a good man, y/n, I swear on it, and I need you out there, helping him. You’re one of the best spies in the Resistance — him and Rose could use your help on this.”
“Fine.” you grit your teeth. Poe nods at you, and you head for the door as you add, “I’ll let you know when we get to Canto Bight. You better hope this plan works, Poe, for the sake of the Resistance.”
It seems no mission is complete without something going terribly wrong, you think, frustratedly pacing up and down the cell you, Finn and Rose have been thrown into simply because you parked in the wrong place. Despite its glittering, glamorous appearance, Canto Bight is anything but, rotting with corruption and ugliness below the surface. 
You step aside as the disheveled stranger you’re sharing the cell with leisurely walks up to the gate, and you frown as you watch him slip a card through the bars, somehow deactivating the lock as the bars slide open. You jolt just as Finn and Rose sit up from the bunk beds, and the stranger pushes the doors open before stalking off, offering you one last wave. You turn to Finn, eyes wide, and he looks back at you with a similar shock as he stammers, “Did he just…?”
You’re already running out into the hallway, and Finn and Rose quickly follow suit. Rose sprints ahead, urging, “We’ve got to get out of here, this way!” 
You and Finn run after her, ignoring the outstretched hands from other prisoners who shout at you as you pass. The three of you turn a corner, screeching to a halt as you’re confronted with a group of guards who stare at you in shock. Everyone freezes, before the guards quickly piece together the situation, aiming their blasters at you as they chorus, “Freeze!”
On instinct, Finn grabs your arm, dragging you in the opposite direction as the three of you run, desperately looking down every corridor for an exit. You come to a split in the corridor, and you jump down the right hallway as another group of guards confront you, dividing the three of you as Finn and Rose run down the left corridor. You hear Finn call out your name, but you don’t turn around, too focused on losing the guards closing in on you. 
Your heart drops as you duck into another hallway only to find yourself at a dead end. Before you can turn around to retrace your steps, you’re suddenly blinded by a flurry of flashlights, and you see the faint shadows of two guards as they instruct, “Hands above your head, and get down on your knees!”
You grit your teeth, desperately trying to look around for anything you can use for a weapon, but to no avail. Begrudgingly, you sink down to your knees, trying to plan a course of attack, and  you flinch as you hear the loud sound of a blaster being fired. One of the guards fall, crying out in pain as he clutches his leg, and you scramble to grab his fallen blaster just as someone knocks out the other guard. His unconscious body falls, and you look up to see Finn hovering above you, clutching a blaster he must’ve fought off another guard.
“You came back for me.” you stammer, and Finn blinks at you, as if confused by your surprise. “Th- thank you.”
“You would’ve done the same.” Finn responds, offering you his hand, and you can’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over you. You take his hand, ignoring how your heart skips a beat as his hand squeezes yours, and he pulls you to your feet as he urges, “Come on, we’ve got to find Rose — she found a way out of here.” 
“Do you think this is going to work?”
Finn flinches at your question, looking up at you with surprise as you lean back in your seat. Rose is in the cockpit, monitoring the course towards Snoke’s Destroyer, while DJ, your unexpected savior, the stuttering stranger from Canto Bight, rummages around the back of the ship he and BB-8 commandeered for anything he can steal. 
“It has to.” Finn simply replies, and you slowly nod, running a hand through your hair as you let out a distressed sigh. Finn moves to sit closer to you, giving you a small nudge, his eyes full of earnest as he reassures you, “We’ll make it work.”
You chuckle slightly, finally looking up to meet Finn’s gaze. You’ve always acknowledged Finn to be handsome, but he’s even more handsome up close, and the thought startles you as you quickly look away, embarrassed. He’s sitting so close to you, arm ever so slightly grazing yours, and you suddenly blurt, “I was wrong about you.”
Finn blinks at you as you finally muster up the courage to look up at him again. You gulp, feeling flustered as you continue, “You… you confused me, and you don’t trust people easily when you’re a spy. But… I misjudged you, and I’m sorry.”
“Hey, I get it.” Finn grins, shrugging slightly. “It’s not like you’ve got a lot of stormtroopers joining the Resistance, right? But I promise you, I’m done with the First Order. You can trust me on that.”
You nod, smiling at him. Your heart flutters in your chest as you begin to wonder if your suspicions of Finn stemmed from something else besides his past, perhaps a coping mechanism for others feelings you’re unprepared for. Pushing the thought out of your head, you respond, “I trust you.” 
Relief seems to spread through Finn’s expression, and the two of you beam at each other before a newfound awkwardness seems to descend upon the two of you. Clearing his throat, Finn confesses, “I’m glad you’re here with us. Poe’s told me a lot about you. Good things, of course.”
You feel your cheeks heat up as you attempt to be nonchalant. “Oh, thank you—”
You’re interrupted as Rose suddenly steps into the room, eyes full of determination as she looks between you and Finn. She pauses, sensing she’s disturbed something between the two of you, but she promptly ignores it as she says, “We’re almost here. We should get ready.”
You turn to Finn, and he nods at you as the two of you get to your feet. Squaring your shoulders, you say, “Alright, let’s do this.” 
You nervously watch as DJ fiddles with the wires of the control panel, and you almost crush the communications device in your hand out of anxiousness as you feel your time running out. Sneaking onto the Destroyer seemed almost too easy, and now it’s only a matter of disabling the tracker for the Resistance to escape. You and Finn lean up against the wall as a group of stormtroopers marches down the corridor, and you bow your head as to not draw attention to yourself.
“y/n?” you hear Poe’s panicked voice through the device, and you and Rose exchange an alarmed glance before you turn to DJ. “We’re ready to make the jump!”
Finn comes up behind you, urgently looking at DJ as he insists, “Now or never.”
DJ startles, looking up at Finn as if momentarily forgetting what he’s doing, before he suddenly says, “Now.” 
The doors slide open, and everyone peers inside, the tracker almost blindingly bright. Turning to Rose, you offer her an encouraging smile as Finn says, “You’re up.”
Rose takes the lead, jogging ahead while you and Finn trail behind her. Your eyebrows furrow upon hearing a low buzzing sound, and a black droid rolls in front of you, and you stagger back as you’re suddenly surrounded by stormtroopers, ordering you to put your hands up. Finn stiffens upon hearing heavy footsteps approaching, a sound he’s all too familiar with, and all three of you turn around to come face to face with Phasma, who taunts in her metallic voice, “FN-2187, so good to have you back.” 
You let out a low growl as a stormtrooper roughly grabs your arms, and you attempt to fight back before one kicks you at the back of your knees, and you cry out in pain as you collapse to the floor. Finn lunges to help you before he’s held back, his wrists shoved into handcuffs as you and Rose are quickly restrained, too. You’re yanked to your feet, and you’re defeatedly forced to walk forward, the three of you being lead to the main hangar, where squadrons after squadrons of stormtroopers line up. 
You’re shoved to your knees in between Finn and Rose, before General Hux, who’s irritatingly satisfied smug makes you want to burn the whole Destroyer down. He marches towards Finn, jaw clenched, and he reaches out to slap him. Finn flinches, and you snap, “Don’t touch him!”
Hux chuckles, shooting you a dismissive look before he says, “Well done, Phasma.” 
In response, she looks over her shoulder, remarking, “Your ship and payment, as we agreed.” 
To your horror, DJ appears, and your heart plummets to the floor as you realise you’ve been betrayed. Rose’s voice trembles as she tries to jump forward to attack him, spitting, “You lying snake!”
She struggles against the stormtrooper holding her down, and your gaze falls to the floor, a feeling of helplessness swallowing you whole. This is it, you think, the end of the Resistance. This mission was the last hope, and you’ve failed, and the overwhelming burden of the whole situation crushes down on your chest. You can barely breathe, can barely process everything around you, and you barely muster out the conversation on how DJ cut a deal by revealing the Resistance’s plan to the First Order. 
“No!” Rose shrieks as Hux orders to open fire on the fleeing Resistance ships, and you almost collapse into the floor, tears stinging your eyes as your breaths become ragged. The stormtrooper behind you yanks you upright by the back of your collar, forcing you to look up at Phasma, who condescending looks down upon the three of you.
“Execution by blaster is too good for them.” she sneers. “Let’s make this hurt.”
Three more stormtroopers march forward from behind her, and you’re shoved to the ground on your stomachs as they activate their laser axes. You turn your head to face Finn right before the lasers hover right by your cheek, the loud buzzing of electricity ringing by your ear.
“On my command.” Phasma instructs, and you gulp, mouth parted as if you want to say something. 
There’s too many words, and not nearly enough time to string them together, let alone say them all.
All you can manage to whisper to Finn is, “I’m sorry. I wish we had more time together.” 
Melancholy flashes through Finn’s expression, and he mouths back, “Me too.” 
It’s okay, you try to reassure yourself as Finn’s eyes search your own, you’re okay with this. There’s nothing you can do, and you’re glad Finn’s face will be the last thing you see, and Finn softens slightly upon seeing your sad smile. He wishes the two of you had a chance to be together, wishes this could all be different—
It’s the last thought that runs through Finn’s mind before the entire world goes white.
Finn startles awake, vision blurred before it finally comes into focus, and he can see your relieved smile as you cling to him, your face hovering over his. Finn can feel an unbearable heat on his skin, which is sticky with sweat, and he looks around to see his surroundings engulfed by flames. Your own face is dirty with soot, hair disheveled, and his ears are ringing from an explosion he didn’t even realise occured, and you help him sit up, clutching his arms as you say, “Oh, thank God. Come on, we’ve got to go! Rose found a shuttle back this way!” 
He staggers to his feet, your arm looped through his for support, and his head pounds with a disorienting headache. He has so many questions, mainly about how the three of you are somehow all still alive, but he’s forced to push them aside as the two of you start running after Rose, who heads towards the shuttle ahead of her. Your breath hitches as you see shadows through the smoke in front of you, and the three of you stop as you see Phasma and a group of stormtroopers appear. She aims her blaster, exclaiming, “Traitor!”
Before any of you can duck, a blast suddenly explodes behind her, and you look up to see an AT-ST firing at the stormtroopers. It goes rogue, firing relentlessly, and your eyes widen in surprise as it steps forward, ripping the top off to reveal BB-8 inside. Finn grabs your hand, pulling you to the ground, the both of you narrowly missing a blaster bolt as Rose slides you a weapon before loading her own. You grab it just as Finn grabs a Z6 baton strewn across the floor, the both of you feeling instantly more prepared to deal with whatever fight lies before you. You can hear Rose call out your names in alarm, and you slowly turn to see Phasma standing behind you. Finn gets to his feet, the baton sparkling with electricity, and he turns to you as he says, “Cover me!” 
Before he can lunge into action, you grab him, all your words jumbled on your tongue as you struggle to elaborate yourself again. You know now’s not the time, but it’s now or never as you start, “Finn, I—”
Finn places his hand over yours, stopping you. You trail off, smiling at him as he already knows everything you want to tell him, all the feelings and emotions you want to express, and from his smile, you know he feels the same way. “Don’t worry. I know.” 
You have to stop yourself from grabbing his face in your hands, from kissing him right in the middle of the battle, so you instead reach out to squeeze his hand before letting go. Raising your blaster bolt, you nod at him, “Let’s end this.”
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tag list: @proudchocolateaddict​ / @myfriendmagislit​ / @dragon4123​ / @fire--pheonix​ / @gofandomsandotherstuff​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever​ / @emmacata​ / @hauntedpocdreamer / @fangirlsarah16​ / @adaleya​ / @floup-doodles​ / @batfam16​ / @multifandomwriter121​
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storytellerren · 7 years
Star Wars: Episode IX - my anti-war headcanon
So ever since I emerged from the theatre in a daze after seeing The Last Jedi I’ve had this idea for a subplot in Episode IX. I haven’t heard much talk of anything like it, so I wanted to share it here with my tumblr family to see what you guys think.
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The much maligned Canto Bight storyline felt important to me, not only because it reinforced The Last Jedi’s theme of failure and contributed to Finn’s character arc. It felt important to me because it gave a behind the scenes look at war, specifically this never-ending “star” war.
The character of DJ (supremely acted by Benicio del Toro) represented a neutral voice, and though it turns out he lived by a rather lax moral code, he delivered what I think are some of the most important lines of the sequel trilogy.
Without the movie at hand, here are a few that I can find/remember:
“It’s all a machine, partner. Live free, don’t join.”
“They’ll blow you up today. You blow them up tomorrow.”
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The Lucasfilm story group revealed that DJ literally stands for Don’t Join. Sure, it might’ve started as a placeholder for a character who hadn’t yet been named, but I can’t think of a more perfect name for an outsider, a person with no allegiance to the dark or light.
So here’s what I’m getting at. I think the whole “balance the Force” idea has been gaining steam because people want a better notion of what it actually means. We know it doesn’t mean an equal number of light and dark users. And we know the Force isn’t really balanced when the good guys blow up all the bad guys. There are many ways they can go about conceptualizing this balance for the audience. As a Reylo stan I believe it will be through Rey and Kylo Ren coming together, but even their union is going to need some help moving the story and the other characters towards a place of balance.
So here’s my headcanon…
The Resistance has been utterly decimated. The only ship they have left is the Millennium Falcon and, let’s face it, that piece of junk isn’t going to be able to defeat the First Order by itself. So they need to replenish their arsenal.
Similarly, the First Order could stand to do some window shopping since their biggest weapon (Starkiller Base) and their biggest ship (the Supremacy) have been destroyed.
We already learned from DJ that the arms dealers we saw on Canto Bight sold to both the First Order and the Resistance, so it wouldn’t surprise me if each side bought new weapons from the same supplier.
So picture a suave and handsome arms dealer. A charmer, a salesman. Let’s call him Deacon.
Now Deacon wouldn’t care for the war to ever end because it would be against his best interest for it to end, and like DJ, Deacon has no real moral belief in either side. There’s only one thing Deacon believes in and that’s making as much money as he can off of the never-ending galactic war.
Every Star Wars movie introduces new characters and brings new actors on board. Here are a few I can picture playing our charismatic arms dealer Deacon.
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Of course it doesn’t have to be a British man. It doesn’t even have to be a singular person. Seems more likely that it would be an organization of some sort. A corporation, you could say. But I see Deacon as a white man, I just do. Think Wall Street douchebags.
I’m not exactly sure how the subplot would go, but I could see Deacon interacting with Hux and Kylo Ren and even more heavily with Poe and Finn (since the Resistance literally has nothing). But remember that Finn and Rose have seen where people like Deacon hang out and what they do with all the money they make off of both sides. They might see these artillery purchases as a necessary evil, part of facilitating a greater cause, but I think they’re smarter than that. Over time, dealing with Deacon would begin to make their skin crawl, it would begin to make them feel like pawns in a rich man’s game of chess. Perhaps Finn would learn that not only does the Resistance get their blasters from Deacon but the First Order gets Stormtrooper armor and weaponry from him as well. How would that make him feel? It wouldn’t make him feel like killing the Stormtroopers, it’d make him feel like freeing them and ending the whole bullshit cycle.
The First Order is bad and their ideology needs to end, but imagine that happening with a minimal death count. The Rebels might’ve been right ideologically but they still killed more than a million people blowing up the Death Star. And they did that twice.
Imagine both sides lowering their weapons, refusing to use them to kill and maim. Imagine them choosing not to blow each other up instead of perpetually trading short-lived victories while the greedy Deacons of the galaxy get rich. Imagine that kind of universe.
Maybe an anti-war message is a little too woke for a fantasy series. Maybe people like their Star Wars as black and white as possible and have little interest in probing the gray area and the rich well of story possibilities it contains, I don’t know. But I do know that a message like this in a larger than life movie franchise could be exactly what we need right now. Imagine kids seeing a story that’s about working to end wars instead of perpetuating them in the name of vague concepts like glory and honor. Imagine them seeing characters who value every human life, even the ones that seem like lost causes.
While The Last Jedi showed us a beautiful moment of self-sacrifice with Holdo’s light speed bomb, it also showed us that sacrifice isn’t how you win a war.
“That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, [but] saving what we love.”
Maybe the way you win a war is by not fighting it in the first place.
It isn’t impossible, especially in fiction. It can be accomplished by creating a world (or galaxy) that makes understanding the intricate interplay of light and dark a priority.
I can think of a whole cast of amazing characters who are up to the task.
Your ball, JJ.
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wordsmithie · 2 years
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“D-d-don’t tell me you’re scared. Miss Tico can face the big, scary First Order but is scared of a little kiss?”
She just stares at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Too afraid to go after what you want? Or too afraid to admit what you want?” An eyebrow lifts. 
She swallows. 
“I’m right, aren’t I?” he asks with a crooked smile. 
She’s not one to rise to taunting. She’s usually much more cautious. 
But above the crooked smile sits a gaze that’s watchful and calculating. He’s thrown out a casual question that hides serious accusations.
won't go seek you, won't let you go
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Congratulations to Clannibal shippers
Clannibal won with DJ x Rose in my one true ultimate shipping tournament and advanced to round two!    
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DJ/Rose fans, don’t weep, because your ship remains awesome!
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pileofsith · 6 years
STAR WARS RAREPAIR EXCHANGE pileofsith info link
If you’re not inspired by any of the below thoughts or ideas or links, feel free to do what you think is best - I’d like you to have fun!
Please please feel 100% free to message me if you have any questions, or are unsure about a topic, or want any information to help you while you create! <3
Stuff I like: hurt/comfort, mutual pining, black comedy/dark humour, focus on emotional connections and what the characters are as personalities/as a contrast/similarity to each other, character evolution, fluff/cosy moments mixed with darker settings, alternate timeline (what would happen if a character had made x choice instead of y), smut with a big basis on emotional connection, enemies-(to friends)-to lovers, gothic novel/victorian/edwardian au...
For Star Wars specifically, I adore when a little bit of world-building elements are added, like some local meal or street scene or silly alien critter, the kind of thing that has that ‘star warsy’ vibe of slightly dusty and quirky worlds or opulent space opera campiness. If that makes any sense?
Stuff I don’t mind: character death or explicit violence/gore, if angst-relevant and done in a morbidly interesting/artsy/dramatic way.
Stuff I don’t like: character bashing, noncon, everyday-type coffee shop or high school AUs (but good if combined with say a different genre plot, say a coffee shop AU that turns into a murder mystery or something like that IDK?), very very sweet fluff, cheating, focus on other pairings than main pairing, suave seducing or ‘cool’ romance stuff like that, tropes I don’t usually find interesting are porn-without-plot, soulmate au, sex pollen or similar tropes.
Rae Sloane/Gallius Rax
Link to my letter:
Hera Syndulla/Valen Rudor
Maketh Tua/Grand Inquisitor
Rose Tico/Finn/DJ - Rose Tico/Finn - Rose Tico/DJ
Padmé Amidala/Palpatine
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sleemo · 7 years
16 Fascinating Revelations About the Making of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
— io9 | Dec 19, 2017
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The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi is much more than a bunch of pretty pictures. Buried in Phil Szostak’s 256-page book are some fascinating insights into the production of the film. And while we highly recommend you flip through yourself, we picked out our favorites.
1) One of the earliest pieces of art for The Last Jedi was actually supposed to be in The Force Awakens. Designer Doug Chiang painted an image of Luke’s X-wing underwater in February 2013, but it got cut from that movie, and was used in TLJ instead.
2) A storyboarded version of the opening shot would have panned down from the crawl to reveal what at first looks like a huge planet, but was actually going to be the top of the tank Finn is recovering in.
3) The opening battle scene of the film wasn’t always directly after The Force Awakens above D’Qar. But choosing the location informed the design of the First Order’s Dreadnaught. The top was always flat, to allow for Poe’s heroics, but guns were added on its bottom, in order to fire at the planet below.
4) The Resistance bombers were a very early idea and a nod to how George Lucas was influenced by the planes of World War II. Also, while you may not be able to see it in the movie, some of the bombs have messages on them like “Hi Snoke” and “Han Says Hi.”
5) An early draft of The Last Jedi had Finn as the pilot of the bomber with Paige Tico, until writer-director Rian Johnson struck it down. “If Finn witnessed Paige’s death and didn’t know she was Rose’s sister that meant there would have to be a big scene after he found out,” Johnson says in the book. “If he did know Paige was Rose’s sister, there would either have to be a big ‘I saw your sister die’ scene, which I didn’t want to write and the movie would have come to a full stop to do, or he would be an asshole because he would never tell her. So ultimately it felt really right as a set-up but I realized there was no wood to burn in terms of a pay-off.”
6) There was a piece of concept art that would have had Rey abandon the Millennium Falcon in the waters of Ahch-To because she couldn’t find a place to land.
7) For Rey’s costume change after Han’s death, an early design had her directly influenced by the smuggler, with a short blue jacket and brown pants with red marks down the side.
8) The character of Rose came about because Johnson originally had Poe traveling with Finn to Canto Bight, “and it was so boring,” he says. “It was just these two dudes on an adventure... I realized I had to come up with something else. Finn needing somebody else to go with who would actually challenge him and push him and contrast with him was where Rose came from.”
9) The codebreaker storyline on Canto Bight was also much more complex in early drafts and designs. Originally, Finn and Rose were going to find him playing keyboards accompany a lounge singer. He was there “casing an insectoid warlord known as the Butcher of Brix” from whom he planned to steal “the blood jewels that finance his murderous regime.” The three would go on a journey to find a backpack with thieving tools, only to get caught on the roof and Finn and Rose put into prison.
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10) Late in the design process, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said that the design of Canto Bight didn’t feel “Star Wars” enough to her. So the team scrapped everything and ultimately drew inspiration from early Ralph McQuarrie drawing’s of Jabba’s Palace.
11) The whole Canto Bight scene originally started with Rose and Finn breaking into a clothing shop to put on fancy clothes to blend in. However, Finn would’ve put his tuxedo on backwards, and everyone was going to laugh at him.
12) There was a bathhouse sequence on Canto Bight that was designed and shot but not used in the movie. It’s not entirely clear how it would have played into the film, or why it was cut, but it seems like it may have been another elaborate, lavish location for the fathiers to smash through. It was a steamy place complete with aliens in all manner of dress, lounging around and sweating.
13) Before DJ was in the movie, Finn, Rose, and BB-8's arrival on Snoke’s ship started with several different gags. One was them following a trail of lint into a laundry room. Another was an homage to Han and Chewie running into a mass of Stormtroopers on the Death Star, except this time, all the suits would be empty.
14) At one point, there was a line in the movie where Snoke mentioned his gold slippers.
15) The three flashbacks in the film, which are an homage to Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa, were one of the final things to go into the script before shooting. Johnson saw them as a way to give Rey more emotional impact when leaving Ahch-To, by having Luke initially lie about what happened between him and Ben Solo.
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16) The Art of lists the various dates of the movie’s production, allowing us to put together a fascinating timeline of how it got made—and how early work began on it;
• January 9, 2013 - The first visual meeting about new Star Wars movies • May 16, 2014 - The Force Awakens begins filming • May 27, 2014 - Rogue One director Gareth Edwards’ first day at Lucasfilm • July 2, 2014 - Rian Johnson’s first day at Lucasfilm • August 2014 - The basic story for The Last Jedi is in place • November 12, 2014 - A production office for The Last Jedi opens in Burbank, CA • March 4, 2015 - The first draft of The Last Jedi is completed. • April 20, 2015 - Rian Johnson and his team present the film and early work to Disney executives. • July 29, 2015 - The second draft of The Last Jedi is submitted. • August 3, 2015 - Rogue One starts filming. • September 15-17, 2015 - Johnson and his crew capture the first footage for The Last Jedi on Skellig Michael in Ireland. This “preshoot” was to get outdoor shots before the weather changed. • December 11, 2015 - A third draft of The Last Jedi is complete. • December 18, 2015 - The Force Awakens opens in theaters. • February 1, 2016 - The first draft of the shooting script for The Last Jedi is completed. • February 11, 2016 - The Last Jedi begins principal photography. • July 29, 2016 - The Last Jedi finishes filming.
Honestly, we can’t recommend this book enough.
— io9
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Star Wars/ DJ Imagine We Met In A Jail Cell Part 4
This was supposed to be a oneshot for DJ and then I went buckwild as the thirst increased.
Character Pairing: DJ and OC from the Last Jedi. Summary: DJ meets a woman in the jail cell before Rose and Finn arrive. He frees her, and stows her on board The Libertine. I like to draw out my romances. I hope you enjoy it. Word Count: 15k in total. I’m uploading them in parts.  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
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She headed back to her boss’s daughter’s room to change back into her clothes. It might be her room for the time being, unless the man decided to leave her somewhere. She put her energy sword away, wondering what would be next for her.  
When she went to look for him, she found his workspace empty. The object he was building was missing too. He must have finished it. She eventually found him in the bar room. She’d never been allowed in here before. It was where her boss entertained important guests, and held a few meetings. The lights were out, save for the illumination the open door brought into the room.
He was surrounded by shadow. The single light shining on him, he didn’t seem to react as he relaxed on the couch. In one hand was a glass of brown liquor, and in his other what looked like a small pen, which she guessed must have been the item he was building. He didn’t look up when she entered.
Looking at him, she wondered if she’d interrupted some time he wanted to spend alone. When she began to turn to leave, she noticed him glance up at her. His eyes questioning, and soft.  Feeling drawn to him, she sat down. He gulped the last of the brown liquor in his glass. He looked rough, rougher than usual at least. His hair was still a black mess. Leaning in, he looked intently at her face, his dark eyes conveying something which excited her. No, his eyes weren’t dark, she realized. They were a light shade of hazel. They looked darker when he narrowed them, but his eyes were wide as he looked into hers. His breath smelled sweet from the drink. His presence felt intoxicating, as she felt trapped again in his gaze.
“When I look at you, I feel all my worries go away shadow-lady. How do you do that?” Her hand had been sitting on her leg, he put his hand over it. Her skin tingled as her breathing became slightly erratic. His touch sent a pleasant chill down her body. “I barely know you,” he said with a soft chuckle, picking up her hand and examining it.
He was so certain in his advances. Normally with men, they’re much more hesitant to even look at her because of how easily she could kill them. When he looked at her, he knew. He knew she felt something between them just as he did. He also knew she could kill him easily. She could see it in his eyes; it wasn’t fear. It was a craving. He wanted her, and she wanted him. She only hoped he wasn’t looking for someone to hit him, because she wasn’t into that.
He took the pen from his hand and placed it on her bracer, “Are you a jedi?” he jested, looking at her arm.
She scoffed, “I have an energy sword, not a laser sword.” The bracer snapped. At the same time, the door to the room automatically shut behind her, closing off the light and leaving them in total darkness. The man removed the bracer, and rubbed the spot where it had been. The woman felt her ears begin to ring, as the man continued to stroke her arm.
“That’s what you were building,” she said in a whisper.
“Mmhmm,” he said faintly. His large hands, continued to caress her arm. They felt more intimate in the darkness. She didn’t know where they might trail. She could hear his breathing….long deep breaths with a slight hoarseness to them, almost like a growl. The darkness had heightened her senses, making the moment seem to last forever. Her thoughts trailed in the way she hoped his hands would.
“Was I a part of that deal?” She asked. It was stupid question, but she wanted to hear the words from his lips.
“Of course,” he said with a whisper. It made her heart race. He let go of her arm and leaned away from her. She tried to relax. “Do you feel more comfortable in the dark, shadow-lady?” he sounded amused.
“Why?” she asked him, ignoring his question.
Suddenly, he leaned in towards her. “You know why,” he said with a low growl in her ear. He was so close she could feel his breath on her cheek.
“I’d like to hear a reason,” she said. After a moment, he leaned back again in his seat, laughing quietly to himself. She felt a little embarrassed. This was a game they were playing and she couldn’t tell when it ended…only that he was winning. He was teasing her, and she enjoyed it.
She was impetuous, and he made her feel so. When the woman wanted something, she normally went after it. But he was enjoying chase, and she didn’t want to take that from him. For a change she enjoyed being sought after. They sat in the darkness a moment more. Then he went to the wall and turned the lights on. He was wearing a loose brown shirt she hadn’t seen before, one perhaps that’d been on under his coat.
“Okay.” He said as he poured himself another glass.  “I’ve been t-t-thinking of hiring someone to protect me. I prefer to stay out of the fighting, and you seem to…” he pointed at her, “enjoy running into it.”
His response took her aback. “You put me in the deal because you wanted me to be your bodyguard?”
“Oh, I want more things from you than that.” He implied, locking eyes with her while taking a sip from his glass. She felt her cheeks turn red, as she clenched her thighs together instinctively. He noticed and smirked, turning to pour himself another glass. “But guarding seems like a good place to start,” he said.
She tried to compose herself, and get her head back in the game. This was her future, but she also wanted to play too. She didn’t want to tag along behind him. She stood up and gestured to his drink, which he happily gave to her. She took a big swig and coughed. It was stronger than what she was used too.
As he patted her on the back, he assured her, “I would pay you of course.”
She looked at the empty glass, pondering what to say. She wanted a bit more freedom than having to watch over someone. He watched her with amusement.
She then turned to him, offering a hand and said, “I’d rather be your partner.”
His eyes shined as she said this. He firmly grasped her hand, respecting the handshake. “Whatever you want-t-t, shadow lady.”
She nodded her head, and made herself another drink. As she went to take a swig she thought better and instead gave it to the man. He took her glass and poured it into his. Other than the extreme attraction between them, there was another elephant in the room. Neither of them knew one another’s names. She wondered how necessary it was to really know what his name was, and whether it’d make a difference. She had a name her boss had given her, and she didn’t know what her birth name had been or if she’d ever been named anything at all. The thought of him calling her shadow-lady made her smile.
“What?” he said peering at her, trying to read her expression. He had been watching her. He hardly took his eyes off her. He looked at her as if she were some work of art he couldn’t understand but was in marvel of. Usually, she’d mistrustful of a stare like that, but his eyes were genuine. She was beginning to get used to it.
“I was just thinking how insane all of this is. How different my life is right now in this moment.” She grabbed his glass and took a gulp. He patted her on the back again, as she continued “Where I was yesterday, who I was...My new name. It’s all changing, and I’m comfortable with it. I don’t know why I am…it should worry me but it doesn’t. I have the instinct to trust you, which makes no sense.”
The man took his drink back from her, taking a final swig from it. He stared at the bottom of his glass.
“If you ever want to leave. I won’t stop you. This ship can be ours.” As he said ours, he put his hand on her shoulder. She glanced at his hand, as a few of his fingers went to touch her hair. He had a knack for leaning the front of his head towards her, and almost seeming to peer through his raised eyebrows. It was a compelling way to look at someone, and it worked on her easily. She thought of kissing him, but she remembered she was trying to play the game.
“I don’t understand you,” she said plainly.
“Isn’t that part of the fun?” he said, lightly touching her hair. She moved his hand away from her. He didn’t seem offended. She went to the exit of the room.
“And I suppose I should call you Don’t Join?” she meant it jokingly. She hadn’t expected him to take her seriously.
“DJ.” But he did.
He had a devilish look on his face. She could tell he liked when she resisted him. In that moment, looking at him she realized he was looking for power, and he wanted her to give it willingly to him. He wanted her to fold under him, like a lamb before a wolf. She could finally see it in his eyes. The craving he had behind them intimidated her. She wasn’t sure if it was something she wanted, but she was intrigued. Maybe he needed her permission. She didn’t want to resist too much, but she didn’t want to throw herself at him. He still had to know she wanted him, but he needed to be certain. He didn’t seem the type to act on assumed feelings. Maybe he wanted to wait for the right moment. She wasn’t sure if she trusted him yet. At least that was what the woman told herself. Her thoughts raced, as she went back to her new room, and tried to sleep, unable to get his hungry eyes out of her mind. She imagined herself as a lamb caught in a wolf’s terrible embrace, and found she enjoyed the bite.
Part 5
if you made it this far, thank you so much. follow me. i made this tumblr just for fan fic. also if you have any advice thanks
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thefudge · 7 years
please consider: DJ/Rose
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magisterhego · 6 years
Star Wars Rarepair Exchange Letter
Rose Tico/Finn/DJ - Rose Tico/Finn - Rose Tico/DJ
About the characters as I see ‘em
I’m not going to go on about Finn and Rose too much since they’re key characters.
I love Finn because he’s a big ole hero without being macho at all. He’s loyal and kind, a sort of occasionally-goofy heartiness and good cheer to him, but a slightly haunted and cautious side too.
I love Rose because she’s also a big ole hero without being a typical action heroine. I like her practicality, emotional largeness, impulsive big decisions when it comes to concepts that matter to her, a kind of deeply-set anger at how things are, a kind of equally deeply-set softness that she sometimes lets out.
DJ is a untrustworthy, street-smart, level-headed opportunist, but pretty sloppy and has a bit of a downer of a personality. A grimy little side product of Canto Bight, great minor semi-villain. I liked that he seemed to have a few moments of genuine rapport with Rose and Finn, in his own way, but with survival being first he dropped what fragile trust they’d created - and I’d like to imagine some deeper regret about that because I feel he knew they were a cut above him when it came to character.
About the ships
I’m fond of all the combinations: Rose x Finn, Rose x Finn x DJ, Rose x DJ... But currently pretty interested in a OT3 sort of deal.
Rose/Finn is the sweetest version, but as both Rose and Finn have their personal suffering and insecurities, it’s interesting to see how they interact and find ideology conflicts or similarities due to their different sources of fears and pain.
Rose/Finn/DJ or Rose/DJ is... the Canto Bight shipping special offer I guess! I enjoyed the way they worked together, because the element of DJ’s matter-of-fact opportunism and self-aware greasiness just adds interesting spice to character interactions and reactions and discussions on morals.
Oddly specific stuff I’d like to see exist
(No particular nudging towards actually picking any of these topics, but they might serve as an idea jump point or a general sense of what I ‘imagine’ when I think of the pairing).
AU where Rose and Finn get stuck on Canto Bight for a longer amount of time and sort of end up tagging along with DJ and surviving day-to-day in Canto Bight’s bleak underbelly. Mutual pining maybe, becoming emotionally dependent on each other’s presence.
18th/19th century historic AU
Any kind of hurt/comfort, complex interpersonal evolution going on, perhaps where one of them feels inadequate somehow to their team, or feels the other two have a bigger chance together and thus feels yearning/jealousy/loneliness etc., but with ultimately a happy ending for the emotional woes.
Do not wants: no rape/non-con themes please + if DJ/Finn/Rose Tico is picked, to keep it in a polyamourous sense (so not a love triangle or cheating thing)*
*Only meaning, I’m not very interested in cheating topics or ‘will X character choose A or B person’ type of things. It’s totally fine if they’re all three of them figuring out their feelings
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spacebearviii · 7 years
The Last Jedi Act 1 Outline
Written on November 15, 2017.
We open on Ahch-To. Rey finally does what we’ve been waiting two years for: she gives Luke the lightsaber.
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But Luke is afraid. He doesn’t want more powerful Force users, as he’s seen what it did to the galaxy when Kylo Ren was turned to the dark side. We see a further flashback of Luke watching his temple burn down.
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This opening scene lasts for about 10 minutes.
After the destruction of Starkiller base, the First Order takes to locating the Resistance’s base on D’Qar and ambushing it. They send three warships, including at least one Dreadnought - a new terrifying class of Star Destroyer.
The Raddus is the Resistance’s main ship, and it’s fleeing the planet. On it now, Poe asks his commander to retaliate against this surprise attack.
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Poe: Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up?
Leia: Permission granted.
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Poe does just that.
The Resistance deploys bombers to attack the onslaught from the First Order’s fleet. They take heavy damage, but at least all the main characters have escaped.
The Supremacy
The Supremacy is Snoke’s personal ship, and it’s the only ship of the “mega-destroyer” class.
On it, Supreme Leader Snoke, clad in his gold robe, gives Kylo Ren his villainous pep talk: “When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special.”
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We are also shown that Captain Phasma did not die in the trash compactor - rather, she is alive, and out for revenge. There’s a special class of First Order Stormtrooper: the Executioners, which are tasked with killing any Trooper that shows signs of dissent. These special forces are Phasma’s posse throughout the movie.
The Raddus - Deep Space
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Finn finally awakes from his space coma, and he’s healthier than ever. He reunites with his fellow Resistance members - Leia, Poe, BB-8 and several new people, the sisters Paige and Rose Tico.
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Rose is no hero as of yet - she’s just a mechanic. She idolizes Finn because of how much she’s heard of his exploits on Starkiller base. When she meets him, though, he’s more concerned with running from the First Order than being a hero. This is a little disappointing for Rose to hear.
We also see Leia speak with one of her underlings in the Resistance: Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo.
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Played by Laura Dern, Holdo is aristocratic and fancy, but she’s got ambitions of ranking higher in the Resistance. These ambitions will make her an enemy in the future.
Luke and Rey walk to this mysterious object - known by fans as the Force Tree.
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In it is a small library of ancient books (paper hasn’t existed in the Star Wars universe for hundreds of years, which means these are really old). Rey reads one of them - maybe it’s the Journal of the Whills - and Luke tells her more of his beaten down worldview. He says these now famous words:
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“I only know one truth. It’s time for the Jedi to end.”
Unknown Location
Rose and Finn meet with Maz Kanata for information. The Resistance needs a splicer (basically a Star Wars hacker), and Maz knows just the guy and where he is. Be warned, though, he’s a good hacker, not necessarily a good person.
Canto Bight
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Finn and Rose come to this heavily policed casino city in search of DJ, the splicer that Maz told them about. BB-8 comes along on the mission. They learn that this city is proud of its Fathier races - Fathiers are space horses, and the citizens of Canto Bight bet on which horse will win the race.
Finn and Rose eventually find the jail where DJ is detained, and they bring a splicer of their own to help them break him out.
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But the police catch them in the act! Rose, Finn, and DJ flee through the city as the cops chase them on their speeders. Finn and Rose get on one of these Fathiers:
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Possibly to outrun the cops. It’s a tense chase full of crashes and explosions, but they get safely back to DJ’s ship.
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DJ really is a shady character. He profits off of this civil war, sometimes working for the Resistance, sometimes the First Order. But somehow Finn and Rose convince him to help on their mission.
Their mission? Infiltrating the Supremacy: Supreme Leader Snoke’s personal Star Destroyer.
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