#rose suau
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ask-whitepearl-and-steven · 10 months ago
You seem to know quite alot of Steven AUniverses so i was wondering if you know Fracture au and if so, what you think of it
Yes, of course! :) If you were around for the SUAU Fanartapalooza, you may remember me doing fanart for @fractureau!
It's a really fun alternate-timeline story, and I greatly admire the ways it explores Rose and Pearl and Ruby's motivations and characters. And of course, I've always been a sucker for more Rebellion-era stories.
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guillemelgat · 1 year ago
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Torno amb una altra traducció d'una cançó tradicional en anglès, aquest cop "Lowlands", també coneguda com "Lowlands Away", que és un capstan shanty o una cançó que es cantava mentre els mariners feien aixecar una àncora o un altre gran pes. Els capstan shanties solen ser molt lents i suaus, ideals per la feina ponderada de fer girar l'argue o cabrestant. Aquesta té nombroses versions, però en general explica la història d'un mariner a qui se li mor la nòvia, i arriba a saber de la seva mort a través d'un "somni estrany", com diu la cançó. Jo ho he invertit, per cap raó a part de la facilitat de fer la lletra, però crec que el sentiment es manté igual. També val a dir que he triat la del cançoner que la meva família té a casa i gràcies al qual vaig arribar a conèixer la cançó en primer lloc, però que té la curiositat de que l'arranjament és en clau menor, tot i que en la gran majoria de les versions és en tonalitat major. Dit això, podeu triar el que us agradi més—la lletra val per a les dues.
I aquí, com amb l'altra, teniu una carpeta amb la imatge de dalt en forma de PDF, l'àudio, i el fitxer de Musescore, per si de cas els voleu!
(Com amb "Brindem pels companys/Here's a Health", cal dir que vinc de l'anglès i això només ha estat un exercici en ampliar i treballar el meu català, així que segurament podria ser millor 😅)
Lletra a sota / Lyrics & English translation below
Lletra original en anglès (Fireside Book of Songs)
I dreamed a dream the other night Lowlands, lowlands away my John My love she came all dressed in white My lowlands away
She came to me by my bedside Lowlands, lowlands away my John All dressed in white like some fair bride My lowlands away
And buried in her bosom fair Lowlands, lowlands away my John A red, red rose my love did wear My lowlands away
She made no sound, no word she said Lowlands, lowlands away my John And then I knew my love was dead My lowlands away
Un somni estrany tenia anit Ai las, ai las estimat meu El meu amor, de blanc vestit Ai las, amor meu
Venia a seure al meu costat Ai las, ai las estimat meu Blanc com la neu dels peus al cap Ai las, amor meu
Premuda fort al seu ventrell Ai las, ai las estimat meu Duia una flor color vermell Ai las, amor meu
En un moment, m’assabentí Ai las, ai las estimat meu Que no el tindria més amb mi Ai las, amor meu
English Translation
I had a strange dream last night Alas, alas my beloved My love dressed in white Alas, my love
He came and sat by my side Alas, alas my beloved White as snow from feet to head Alas, my love
Pressed hard to his stomach Alas, alas my beloved He carried a flower, red in color Alas, my love
In a moment, I realized Alas, alas my beloved That I wouldn’t have him with me anymore Alas, my love
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detournementsmineurs · 2 years ago
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"Broche" de René Lalique en or jaune et rose, émail et tourmalines (circa 1899-1903), épingle "Papillon Articulé" d'Enguerrand du Suau de la Croix en métal et émail (1900), peigne "Cigales" de Gaston Chopard en écaille, émail, or et perles (circ 1903), broche "Libellules" de René Lalique en or, émail, diamants et aigues-marines (circa 1903-04), "Broche" d'Henri Preysler en argent martelé et ciselé et turquoises (1908) devant un encrier "Insectes" et des vases "Chardons", "Escargots" et "Oeillets" de Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer et Clément Massier en grès émaillé (1887-96) au vernissage de l'exposition "Un Art Nouveau. Métamorphoses du Bijou, 1880-1914" à L’École des Arts Joailliers, juin 2023.
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myrandomsuaus · 2 years ago
So I got this ask awhile back and it’s been rattling around in my brain
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At the time I had no clue on how to answer the question because I hadn’t checked out the bpau in some time since I hadn’t been keeping up with the su fandom. However, now I have a bit more of an answer and I’ll be putting that here.
Firstly, I don’t have a lot of details on how it would go, but I do know that Purple would be existing on earth with her pearl and the two would be known as Amy and Aubie, two rouge gems not apart of any of the courts. The two would meet and befriend Pink/Rose and Pearl and join their rebellion because of their shared love of the earth. However, just like the AU goes, the rebellion fails and is cut short. Rose is revealed to be Pink and Amy ends up revealed as Purple, who confuses all except White (and Aubie). Earth is taken away from Pink, Pearl and Aubie are punished (Pearl losing her ability to speak and Aubie being rejuvenated), and Purple is reintroduced to Homeworld. A new era is brought in to celebrate the return of the diamond that had “disappeared”, which is White’s way of treating the little rebellion as just another tantrum of Pink’s while forcing Purple back into a role she didn’t enjoy (because she felt all gems should be treated equal, but White never agreed with this). Purple to satisfy White and to keep from losing her pearl (since White had intended to take her away just like Pink Pearl, but Purple begged to keep her pearl since she was only doing what she was told by her) went along with White’s plans, she even changed her form to look similar to White to also satisfy White (since the two have a history).
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Here is Purple’s reform. I tried making it similar to White’s form while making it different to fit Purple, plus making it darker to show that she may look similar to White, but they are different. She’d much rather treat all gems as equals and show that each gem is their own not what their gem is (ex. A pearl may be a pearl, but they’re more than just a pearl).
Secondly, idk if I’ll actually make my own bpau because I’m trying to focus more on my main AU, but I’m down with making what if designs for the AU. I thought about making Sophie a design for the potential AU, but I haven’t. Though she’ll look similar to Purple and her canon design (aka my current design for Sophie). I will say as a random thing for the potential BPAU is that Sophie is the daughter of a poly ship (Purple, Thomas [her dad] and Janice [her step mom in canon au]) and will end up with a younger sibling from her dad and mama (what Sophie calls Janice). [this is all just silly hypothetical stuff because idk if I’ll actually make this an au]
Lastly, remember this is all just random and for fun. It was something I’ve talked about with some friends, but I’m not taking this seriously because like I said it’s just for fun. I honestly just love coming up with random story ideas because there’s just so much that could happen and I’ve been told that I have a very active imagination (I’ve been told this by my mom since I was a kid, like three years old or so) lol. Anyways, this is just a silly lil suau idea that probably won’t go anywhere. If people enjoy the idea enough maybe it could just be a silly random AU I occasionally talk about and develop. Otherwise it’ll just be some random thing that exists on my blog lol.
Likes are nice, but reblogs are appreciated.
That’s all for now. Stay creative my friends ^w^
~Mod Art
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strangesuau · 2 months ago
Hopefully tomorrow, I can spend time cementing the alphabet. I've spent way too long lolligagging on it.
I'm also thinking, how would people feel if I wrote some short excerpts from different parties? There's mainly the Discolored (an undercover rebel group), the Ruby Moonstone Band (a homeworld operative), and the Sunstone Incident (a corrupted fusion on earth). But!! There's also all the projects I mentioned before. What better food for worldbuilding thought than writing a short story from the perspective of the project's development??
I ask like I actually want permission to post these. I'm gonna post them anyways, no stopping me tehee. Visual medium (art) can only convey so much!! Actually, maybe that is something I could publish to AO3, for archival reasons?
In the same boat, I'm going to be recording established information on my website!! On AHEM https://strangeverse.uwu.ai AHEM, if you scroll down to the projects button, then SUAU button, and then to the very bottom of the page, I will be recording concise and formatted information on the SUAU there. Stay tuned for updates!!
also, for everyone who isn't infesting my brain, the Discolored are a roaming group of rebels who stay on the outskirts of gem society. They pilot a pirated ship, which they have made changes to, and pose as merchant gems. Their leader is a bismuth, with the other members being 2 amethysts, 3 rubies, an aquamarine, a peridot, and a lapis. The Ruby Moonstone Band is a group of five rubies and their moonstone. The lead ruby was rewarded a moonstone for their diligent efforts. They do mostly mercenary-type work for other gems. The Sunstone Incident refers to )what started this entire AU!!( three gems who were in a corrupted fusion after the Earth Civil War. Composed of a sapphire, ruby, and rose quartz, they were caught in the fighting, and abandoned. Synopsis is, Ruby and Rose Quartz' gems are fused together through natural processes, and when Sapphire stumbles across these two after reforming on the battlefield, she tries to help them. In a last desperate attempt, she fuses with them, which ensares her inside of the corrupted mind, thus making Sunstone!!
Seriously, should I post the shortstories to AO3-
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gemkidsau · 3 years ago
How Smoky Quartz 1.0 (Kid Amy and Kid Rose) would look like in this AU? Also, why the anons are off? ;_;
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It's been a while since I've done a fusion.
Anon is off because it invites trouble.
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Steven Into The Alternative Universe part 6!
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felipesnowflake · 4 years ago
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the promised neverland x steven universe
sister rose
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pearlplusau · 4 years ago
Pearlplusau Chapter 7 Part 3 – Tower of mistakes I
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Back to the kindergarten, where earth life failed to re-take what was theirs, preserved its gloominess even after the only living being that left came back a few moments ago.
The Crystal Gems, Rose, Garnet, Pearl and Coral materialized from the temple and on to the shiny warp pad. The four commenced their search in the vast range of the kindergarten.
The eerie and unsettling kindergarten had seen better days, with the abducted nutrients and life of the place, it seemed to be getting worse and worse every time they visited.
The gems considered checking the holes one by one, just to see if Amethyst was hiding in any of them.
As Pearl leaped onto one of the holes on the wall, she encountered the hole filled with a cloud of dust blown into her face. She quickly retreated and exclaimed, “Gah! *cough cough* Ughh!” as she jumped back down with the others covered in dust.
As Pearl dusted herself off, she informed her findings to the group, “Look at all these *cough* dust, they’re everywhere! How can you even see with all this smoke everywhere? It didn’t use to look like this when we came here last time-”
Coral thought about it and suggested, “Well, it has been a very long time since we’ve visited this place. The situation became worse with time, look! All the life from this land got sucked away-
The gem leader interrupted the pearl’s observation, “And it’s all our fault, those diamonds knew about it too. We weren’t creating life from nothing, we were taking life from this beautiful land, and leaving nothing behind…
The fusion approached the closest wall and brushed it with her fingers. Dusts and grime were removed where Garnet interceded. “This is not a safe place for gems, especially gems without training, there could be gem monsters lurking around, and if they find her at the end, things will not go well for anyone.”
Just the thought of Amethyst being at risk and exposed to this place, this root of all their problems, this place where it all started. The giant pink gem couldn’t bear to imagine the dangers lurking around this place, much less how the little gem would have kept herself safe for much longer!
“Come on gems,” Rose led the way deeper into the kindergarten, “Let’s find Amethyst and get out of here.”
As the gems ventured, they did a quick review on the Injectors, making sure none of them were activated since the entire operation was shut down. Most of them were immediately deemed as untouched as evident by the layers of dust accumulated on the machines themselves.
While they searched, Rose asked the fusion for any possible outcomes from her future vision. “Do you see anything regarding us finding Amethyst? Preferably being very quick and easy?”
The fusion was trying her best, but she was unable to search for a possibility of them finding the gem without knowing the gem.
“Unfortunately, no. I can’t exactly predict someone’s future if I have no clue what she’s like. If you can let me know what her way of thinking is, then maybe there might be a chance to get to her faster.” The fusion suggested.
“Her way of thinking?” Rose echoed and took some time to properly consider and recall her interactions with the little gem, “To be completely honest with you Garnet, I’ve only found her for less than a day. I got so caught up in trying to protect her and have her join the Crystal Gems, I wasn’t exactly paying much attention to what she was trying to show me, not to mention the things she was trying to tell me!”
“Then this search party,” Garnet informed, “Might take a while.”
The four gems looked around the first few segments of the kindergarten, until Rose led them to where she found her.
The pink figure peeked around into the hole, but saw no Amethyst inside.
“This is where I found her, it’s the only hole that can be easily differentiated from the others.” She backed out from the hole and tried to think, “She did show me a bunch of other places, pretty sure there was this… rock collection? Something about a sitting rock?”
As the leader wracked her brain, trying to figure out the possible hiding places the little gem could be. A boulder appeared on the edge of the wall above them, slowly it was pushed off the edge of the wall, and it was about to land right on top of the gems.
As the boulder’s shadow grew, Garnet immediately noticed the upcoming danger and shouted to the group, “Gems! Scatter!”
Just as the boulder was about to come in contact with Rose’s scalp, the four gems leaped into all directions away from the boulder as it crashed into the space in front of Amethyst’s hole.
Coral tumbled and landed the furthest away from the boulder, and saw a figure on top of the wall, along with multiple boulders lined up along the edge. “Look! Someone’s pushing boulders off the edge of the wall!”
The gems immediately gathered to see who it was, Rose was the first to realize and gasped, “I-its Amethyst! What is she doing up there!?”
Just as she questioned it, the purple gem was attempting to push another boulder directing to the gems once more, her expression filled with rage and anguish, with no showcase of sympathy for the gems she was about to injure.
“Amethyst No!” Rose shouted as she shook her arms, hoping to get her attention before her next push. “Stop this! What are you doing!? You’re gonna get hurt!”
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On top of the wall, Amethyst was grunting and using all her might to shove the boulder over the edge, trying to ignore Rose’s pleads.
When the boulder finally reached the edge of the wall, it plummeted straight down but failed to land further than the previous rock. The giant stone landed right next to boulder number 1 and made no more attempts to move after the fall.
Amethyst saw the little impact of the second boulder and stomped at the edge, proceeding with boulder number 3.
“No! Amethyst! Stop! “Amethyst please! This isn’t a safe place for you! We have to leave, let’s get out of the kindergarten and go back home!”
Rose was pulling out all the stops, but it only made things worse.
Amethyst heard the plea this time, but she made no effort in stopping as she grumbled loud enough for Rose to hear, “Nononononono! Stopstopstopstop!”
As Rose was trying to get through the little gem, Garnet quickly gathered the two pearls and tried to come up with ideas for their situation. “Something’s not right.”
Pearl threw her arms to the sky and exclaimed, “Of course something’s not right! That little twerp is causing mayhem by trying to crush us with giant boulders! How did she even get them up there?!”
Coral was looking back and forth between Rose and Amethyst, “We have to do something! One of them could get hurt! Do you guys understand anything she’s screaming about?”
On que, Amethyst cried out even louder than before, “No! No go back! Kindergarten home! KINDERGARTEN HOME!”
“Ahh, guess someone’s not ready for change in her life.” She commented before the trio got back to their leader.
A few miles away from the kindergarten, existed a burrow with a giant slumbering red snake gem taking residence. The snake was as large as a typical gem monster (about the size of the centipeetle) with red scales and something attached to its end that makes a rattling sound ever so often. A bright red gem was located on the chest area, as well as a pale yellow rattle at the end of its tail.
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Unfortunately for the untimely contraptions caused by a stubborn purple gem in the distance, the borrow shook from every boulder that crashed into the ground, causing dirt and dust to splatter onto the snake monster, which rudely woke up the monster from its slumber. Additionally, the repetitive protests of the purple gem became louder and louder, and ultimately it became so loud that even beings underground were unable to tune it off.
The combination of the shaking burrow and loud screaming got the snake gem enraged, it snapped its bright yellow eyes open and directly slithered towards the kindergarten.
Above the slithering snake monster, Rose was trying her best to discourage the purple gem’s choice of action. Unfortunately, either the gem above didn’t want to listen, or there was something else that’s overpowering her.
Pearl stood next to her leader, trying to get her out of harm's way. “Rose, she’s not listening. This is a really dangerous situation we’re in, maybe we should let it out of her system and come back later!”
Rose refused to leave her, not again. “No! We can’t give up yet! I just need to get through her! That’s all!”
As the four gems evaded all the boulders that could potentially crush them if not paid attention, they failed to register the idea that the contraptions would attract a nearby corrupted gem monster.
Garnet was the only one feeling something moving beneath her. She noticed the being travelling from the ground level and slowly making its way upwards towards Amethyst and her row of boulders.
“There’s something going after her.” The fusion concluded.
The snake reached to the top of the wall, it cautiously broke out of the dirt and approached the purple gem with no more than a peep. The monster sneaked up on the unaware gem and readied its stance.
The monster loomed over with great height, narrowed its eyes, bared its fangs, and made one last move before it attacked. “You have awakened me from my slumber,” it seemed to say as it rose behind the gem, “and now, you will shatter.”
The purple gem’s next push was interrupted by the unexpecting snake guest. She turned around just in time to see the maw of the snake as it lunged towards her face. On instinct, Amethyst leaped backwards to avoid the snake monster’s bite, but in exchange, she tripped and fell over the edge of the wall.
The momentum of the snake lunging into Amethyst did not stop, therefore it proceeded to fall with the said gem over the cliff.
The gems below screamed in horror as both figures fell right in front of them. Rose summoned a giant protective bubble around her and the gems just in time!
Both Amethyst and the snake monster landed with a loud crash. When the mayhem and cloud dusts subsided, the purple gem looked unhurt, but so was the monster as it shook off the debris on its head and found Amethyst behind!
Amethyst was between the wall and the monster, so the only method of escape was to hide in the hole of the wall.
The small sized hole did not stop the monster’s pursuit as it smacked itself into the wall. The stubborn snake was persistent as it proceeded to smash itself head first into the hole. Fortunately, its head was too big to even fit into the hole. Unfortunately for the wall, its consistent smashing was causing various rocks to fall off, causing more destruction to the wall than it has already endured.
Pearl, being one of the gems to witness the whole thing, turned to her leader and demanded, “Rose! What should we do?”
Unfortunately, Rose was being too fixated on Amethyst to get the question.
The fusion Garnet being logical, suggested their next move, “We have to get that monster's attention! Rose! Any ideas?”
As Rose watches the monster repeatedly slamming itself into Amethyst's hiding, she notices the walls were cracking and were not going to last long, she released the bubble and charged straight into the chaos! “Amethyst! Stay right there! I’ll save you!”
Coral tried to take hold of Rose, but she was out of reach of her grasp, “Rose wait!”
Rose dove into the chaos without taking in the monster’s size. Just when she was at reach of Amethyst’s hiding, the monster swung its rattle tail, smacked the leader and got her flying into the air!
The three gems gasped as their leader flung overhead, who looked to be in shock from the impact.
The pink figure slammed head first into the opposing wall, promptly collapsing from the impact, leaving giant cracks left on the wall as the indication of how much force was in that knockout.
The three gems shrieked in terror of their leader's collapse. They recalled immediate flashbacks to the horrid war and a similar situation such as this.
Garnet took immediate charge, “Coral! Get Rose out of here! Pearl! I hope you’re ready, we need someone with a giant mallet to take care of that thing!”
“Got it!”
Coral ran towards their leader while Pearl took Garnet’s hands and performed a quick fusion dance of ballet, twirling and mystic hip moves.
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The first thing Coral had to check was the gemstone, and sure enough, it was undamaged, which gave out a huge relief. The next thing she had to do was to take her somewhere out of danger. Luckily, there were various walls and rocks to take cover, so Coral did the next best thing: dragged her leader by the arms towards the nearest cover until she woke up, and believe her, Rose was not someone you would want to be passing out or even passing around in a battlefield.
The fusion dance ended in both gems syncing into a single form with a single goal, to take care of the gem monster.
It has only been a few times since the two gems tried fusing, but the fusion was well established on her role and literal character trait. She still retained the round shoulder pads and light blue suit from her respective counterparts, as if she has yet to establish her own outfit.
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“Gooooood Evening everyone!” The giant fusion generously announced as she took in the situation. “Looks like we have a little surprise guest! Why don’t you turn your head for a change and pay attention to the cam- to me?”
The entrance did not however, capture the monster’s attention as it persistently focused on the hole that was way too small to fit into.
The fusion was very much offended, but still maintained her showmanship for the audience. “Seriously? Nothing? There was that bright ray of stage light that shouldn’t even be possible under all these gloomy clouds. I even used my loud and charming voice to announce my amazing entrance!”
The corrupted snake monster proceeded to ignore Sardonyx’s demand and presumed to snake its way into Amethyst’s hole at the base of the wall.
The fusion recalled her goal of temporary existence, to save the little gem in the hole and get the monster’s attention.
She summoned Pearl’s spear and Garnet’s gauntlets. She chuckled as she combined the two weapons, forming it into a giant mallet. “Hmm, mayybeee this will get your attention!” She said as she twirled to get that extra spinning hit!
“Hammer time!” she exclaimed as she whooped the monster with her mallet.
With one hit, the monster finally turned its head around and was immediately met with a second hit into the wall. The damage might not be as one might expect but taking it out before it takes out the entire wall seemed like a plan.
While Sardonyx does a number on the gem monster, Amethyst was trembling in her hiding place, trying her best not to cry out of fear. When the monster was repeatedly slamming itself into her hiding, she could see the cracks on the walls getting bigger and bigger, with a few more hits, the hole might not be able to maintain its form and collapse from the effort. Potentially poofing and shattering the gem within.
Amethyst wasn’t sure what would happen next, but the fear made her realize what she might miss if she gets trapped forever.
She would miss her little playground she called home, her officially claimed rock titles, and her rock family she gathered! But what surprised her was that she would also miss the sunshine on the other side of her world, those flowers she pranced over like a baby goat, and most of all, she would miss the nice lady that brought her there! Even if she wasn’t exactly the happiest gem in her place of home, she was still the nicest being she’s ever met!
As the purple gem went through her thoughts, she hugged her legs and curled into a ball within the deepest part of the hole she emerged from. Hoping that if she had to go, she would go back to where she came from…
End of Part 3
(A/N: If you noticed, the title of the chapter is "Tower of Mistakes I", marking it being part 1 of the part 3...chapter...
Tbh I couldnt think of a better name since i had "Tower of Mistakes" as the entire end of the chapter until I had to split it into two parts.
Anyways, one of the artwork up there might look more like a doodle, but its not traced so i guess its still something! Also that snake trace was from my internship, which I'll let you guys check it out later with the references.
I gave some friends of mine early access to the story till the finale and they've loved it and commented it being heartwarming. Hopefully thats gonna be your reaction as well when we reach the finale!
Again, this is mostly a writing blog, so if you have a critique about the story that could make it better, I'll be more than happy to take a look and possibly even adjust the story accordingly! Questions and asks are welcome! Just not about Tripixle again, She's long retired and I've tagged our last interaction together at the pinned post.
If you've read till the end, thank you for reading what I have to say, i respect that!
See you guys next week! )
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diamonds-day · 5 years ago
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They grow up so fast...
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invaderakirasu · 4 years ago
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Different pieces that I've done over the past week
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bluesttears · 5 years ago
Part 7
First | Previous | Next
accidents happen...
(edit: there were supposed to be rocks in the last drawing- no blue didn’t crack herself on grass skdmdk)
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rubinaitoart · 4 years ago
IARQ References - Steven
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suau-grey · 5 years ago
So if the working pieces of Rose went into Steven, then what happened to the dead pieces of Rose?
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seeingdoublesu · 4 years ago
So how exagtly were the two Stevens born in this au? (If it was explained before then sorry for asking.)
It is in the FAQ page, but for those on mobile:
Instead of one child like they were expecting, Rose and Greg found out that she was carrying twins. Just like any other pregnancy, the got an ultras sound and such becuse I seriously doubt Rose was able to replicate the entire female reproduction system without some sort of medical guidance.
So they find out during an appointment with a private physician. Soon after, the twins were born. But of course, Rose only has One Gem. So Steve got gained the power of the diamonds, all of it, right off the bat. And so all of the “Rose was Pink” drama doesn’t really happen, but the boys are born into her problems right off the bat. 
Steven doesn’t have any magic, but he trains with Connie and the two are still a great team! (Yes Steven is dating Connie, Steve is a lonesome turtle who loves them both very much.) 
So yeah! That’s how that came to be! Hope that helps! I’ll add this to this to the FAQ tag for mobile users!
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gemkidsau · 3 years ago
I Found Some Old Ass Drawings
These are all from before I actually started writing the AU and it was a very new idea.
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Except this one, which is dated:
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