#purple diamond au art
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myrandomsuaus Ā· 2 years ago
So I got this ask awhile back and itā€™s been rattling around in my brain
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At the time I had no clue on how to answer the question because I hadnā€™t checked out the bpau in some time since I hadnā€™t been keeping up with the su fandom. However, now I have a bit more of an answer and Iā€™ll be putting that here.
Firstly, I donā€™t have a lot of details on how it would go, but I do know that Purple would be existing on earth with her pearl and the two would be known as Amy and Aubie, two rouge gems not apart of any of the courts. The two would meet and befriend Pink/Rose and Pearl and join their rebellion because of their shared love of the earth. However, just like the AU goes, the rebellion fails and is cut short. Rose is revealed to be Pink and Amy ends up revealed as Purple, who confuses all except White (and Aubie). Earth is taken away from Pink, Pearl and Aubie are punished (Pearl losing her ability to speak and Aubie being rejuvenated), and Purple is reintroduced to Homeworld. A new era is brought in to celebrate the return of the diamond that had ā€œdisappearedā€, which is Whiteā€™s way of treating the little rebellion as just another tantrum of Pinkā€™s while forcing Purple back into a role she didnā€™t enjoy (because she felt all gems should be treated equal, but White never agreed with this). Purple to satisfy White and to keep from losing her pearl (since White had intended to take her away just like Pink Pearl, but Purple begged to keep her pearl since she was only doing what she was told by her) went along with Whiteā€™s plans, she even changed her form to look similar to White to also satisfy White (since the two have a history).
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Here is Purpleā€™s reform. I tried making it similar to Whiteā€™s form while making it different to fit Purple, plus making it darker to show that she may look similar to White, but they are different. Sheā€™d much rather treat all gems as equals and show that each gem is their own not what their gem is (ex. A pearl may be a pearl, but theyā€™re more than just a pearl).
Secondly, idk if Iā€™ll actually make my own bpau because Iā€™m trying to focus more on my main AU, but Iā€™m down with making what if designs for the AU. I thought about making Sophie a design for the potential AU, but I havenā€™t. Though sheā€™ll look similar to Purple and her canon design (aka my current design for Sophie). I will say as a random thing for the potential BPAU is that Sophie is the daughter of a poly ship (Purple, Thomas [her dad] and Janice [her step mom in canon au]) and will end up with a younger sibling from her dad and mama (what Sophie calls Janice). [this is all just silly hypothetical stuff because idk if Iā€™ll actually make this an au]
Lastly, remember this is all just random and for fun. It was something Iā€™ve talked about with some friends, but Iā€™m not taking this seriously because like I said itā€™s just for fun. I honestly just love coming up with random story ideas because thereā€™s just so much that could happen and Iā€™ve been told that I have a very active imagination (Iā€™ve been told this by my mom since I was a kid, like three years old or so) lol. Anyways, this is just a silly lil suau idea that probably wonā€™t go anywhere. If people enjoy the idea enough maybe it could just be a silly random AU I occasionally talk about and develop. Otherwise itā€™ll just be some random thing that exists on my blog lol.
Likes are nice, but reblogs are appreciated.
Thatā€™s all for now. Stay creative my friends ^w^
~Mod Art
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brightgoat Ā· 1 year ago
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[ Standverse AU ] - Hall of Crusaders
Star and Hermit take the trio on a little family history trip
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lucyjung Ā· 10 months ago
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TP au doodles (with just orca)
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my-fantasy-art Ā· 6 months ago
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Behold! The lustrous, dazzling Purple Diamond!
She symbolizes culture, and high class. While White is the one in charge of creating pearls, Purple also helps design appearance modifiers for them. She likes to spend her time on moon bases. Purple's cape purposely hides her appearance, to make herself look mysterious. The fact that you only see her silhouette is an artistic choice. She still wears the outfit on the left under her cape though.
Green Diamond is seen here
Orange Diamond is seen here
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shreddheir Ā· 18 days ago
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This is what they look like stuck together, forever :3
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crybaby-purplediamond-16 Ā· 3 months ago
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Star ruby & sapphire
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blueyseasakalemon Ā· 5 months ago
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Purple Diamond au
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theforgottendiamondau Ā· 2 days ago
It's been a bit since I last posted, but it's because I've been working on character designs. Specifically the Crystal Gems!
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Garnet is made more obvious to be a fusion, showing it with pride (plus I thought it'd be cool to have it be more obvious).
Amethyst's design remained mostly similar to her canon counterpart because I didn't feel like she needed much change for her first form of the au.
Pearl's design was just a fun thing to come up with since I wanted to show that Pearl is still dependent on Rose, but is also finding herself.
Rose's design is just to mimic a flower blooming, but also to show she has layers - that there's more to her than what she shows. I also changed a bit of her hair to tie into something planned for later on >:3c
Steven's design really has the least amount of change. Mostly because I didn't feel like he really would be too much different physically - only being more red to hint at what his gem is. I did draw him with the cheeseburger backpack, but I probably won't draw him with it too often.
There is another Crystal Gem I haven't drawn (well technically two, but don't worry about it), but that's because I don't know when I'll be introducing her and I probably will be keeping the previous design of her as her first form of the au since it's the only one I didn't plan on changing. (but will get there when we get there)
For now I'm still working on timeline stuff so it may be a bit before I draw for the au again. However, I'm not against doing more art if anyone wants to see it.
That's all I have for now. Hope you enjoy the art :3
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dannye404 Ā· 8 months ago
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Pi, the First Pearl
A Broken Pearl
Pi, was Purple Diamond's first pearl, hand-picked despite being defective. Purple Diamond chose her by doing a simple calculation for the perfect Pearl, choosing Pi (Ļ€), lap she named as the result of her calculation.
Despite being defective, Purple Diamond treats it very well and the same as other pearls, perhaps even better, as Diamond herself says "Walks like a pearl, talks like a pearl, and looks like a pearl, you're sure a Purple Pearl"
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v-albion Ā· 23 days ago
Disclaimer. Steven Universe AU lore. Iā€™m just gonna lore drop about my boys and some basic infos. You gotta wait for the others if they even wanna post it.
With that out of the way, hereā€™s a timeline
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@dianagj-art @intotheelliwoods @less-depresso-more-espresso @tangledinink @bluesgras @teaableu @3lectricinsomnia
So basic info, instead of the Diamonds working together like in SU, here theyā€™re divided into 4 clans/court
Diamond Authority:
Foot Clan ā€”-Red Diamond, Oroku Saki, Lord
Big Mama ā€”- Purple Diamond, Big Mama, Mother, Mama
Draxum ā€”- Pink Diamond, Father, Boss, Commander
Hamatos ā€”- Green Diamond, Splinter, Lou Jitsu (fake form ala rose quartz), Father
Gems call their diamonds Father/Mother or Commander
The timeline is divided into 3 (maybe 4 now) era: Before, During, and After the Gem War, the fourth one is after the invasion and homeworl shenanigans
Kinda s1 big bad is Draxum and s2 big bad is Big Mama
Gem War is when the Red Court (the Foot Clan) led by Oroku Saki attacked the Green Court (the Hamatos). Nearing the end of the War, Oroku Saki gets shattered on Earth. The other Diamonds, (Big Mama and Draxum) corruption beamed the Earth to get rid of the mess, and left Earth to rot. The War ended. The rest of the Foot Clan scattered, some staying in the Homeworld and integrated into the other courts and some snuck away to try and revive Saki. (Guess whats the Shredder gonna be). The Hamatos remnant are roaming the earth in their corrupted forms. Life continued on, Big Mama and Draxums influence grew and took over Hamato and Foot Clan territories
So Cerulean:
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ā— Lee was created on the reef as part of Big Mamaā€™s court. His batch came out really high quality. All of them are distributed to high ranking army commanders.
ā— Lee was given to a Demantoid Garnet Commander and joined the shipā€™s crew. There, he learnt about battle strategy and planning, how to distribute armies, how to expand the empire, how to fight and how to defend.
ā— The Demantoid Commander was shattered by someone Earth. Lee was devastated because said commander was kind enough to him, and even taught him a lot. He kept a few of the Commanderā€™s shards
ā— Since some of their army still alive, Lee included, theyā€™re all brought back to Homeworld. Most lower ranks were culled. While the higher ranking ones were repurposed.
ā— Lee was supposed to be shattered too, but he managed to curry favour with one of the higher rank gems (maybe Frida), that gives him a chance to prove himself to BM. He did manage to earn her curiosity.
ā— Lee became BMā€™s personal pearl, now basically doubling as her secretary and negotiator. Got preferential treatment most of the time.
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ā— Angelo emerged early post war, perfect in cut and colour ala Jasper in SU.
ā— After oneion is dicovered as a spy and was rejuvenated by 1D, Angelo took over his spot as a commander while Oneion was bubbled and kept away somewhere.
ā— During his off time not out conquering planets for the glory of the empire, he frequents the Battle Nexus, now turned to a punishment zone instead of just an entertainment sport. Saying hi to the geminis while they enact their punishment to the traitors
ā— He also visits and hangs out with Fatherā€™s personal weapon maker, a hidden gem called Ronin and his bodyguard Red. Sometimes One even joins them
Getting sent to Earth (listen this lore is developed a few hours ago lmao)
2D was given a chance to redeem himself by Draxum, so he was sent to Earth to check on the remaining corrupted Hamato gems. Lee was sent along to monitor him as a gesture of friendship from Big Mama. 2D and Lee do not get along at all. Their ship malfunctioned (or did it?) and they crashlanded on Earth. After roaming around for a bit, bitching all the while, they were found by Oneion, who was sent to rescue them. Oneion took them to the Avocado Temple, where they met One, Poptart, and Sproutā€¦. Who lookedā€¦ familiar. Wait. This is Leeā€™s commanderā€™s shatterer. Lee pulled his weapon out and swung. A fight broke out.
One day Ronin and the now halfway corrupted 1D stumbled into the temple. Ronin snuck out by ship from homeworld and 1D was playing around with a corrupted gem shard so he got infected, they met in the wilderness somewhere
Even if Lee hates Sprouts guts they gotta stay together cause thereā€™s corrupted gems outside and Lee doesnt wanna get shattered. Days passed, and Lee noticed Oneion keeps sneaking out of camp when no one noticed. He followed him and saw that surprise, surprise, Oneionā€™s reporting to Draxum. Thereā€™s a gem in his ship that has a direct line to the Diamonds. The next day Lee asked what did Oneion report and Oneion have no idea what Lee is talking about. Turned out the gold rim around one and oneions gems have a nefarious purpose. Lee called BM from the gem line, and with Draxum there with her during a Diamond meeting, told them everything.
Running away Ronin, theres still some uncorrupted remnants of Hamatos, Oneions betrayal and Sprout shattering his commander, so boom Draxum decided to come to Earth himself
Thereā€™s still a ton of other lore for each characters like I said, 10 pages or more now, of combined lore lmao. I might draw the sprout confrontation and the diamond call later, who knows
Thanks for the asks āœØ
@thankchaosforspellcheck @theoneandonlyjambalia @exhaustedwriterartist
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myrandomsuaus Ā· 2 years ago
So I came across @forlorn-gems on my feed on my main account and saw that they had a non-canon Violet Diamond character. Instantly my mind was like "I need to draw their Violet Diamond with my Purple Diamond doing the Spider-Man pointing meme" and so I did just that. I wasn't sure how Violet completely looked so I just made it up. I also didn't feel like completely coloring it so I just did this. It's a silly lil drawing that I made for the fun of it. (I was going to add both of their pearls since they are both aubergine pearls, but I forgor lol)
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Not the best sketch drawing, but that's okay.
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brightgoat Ā· 1 year ago
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[ Standverse AU ]
*all star battle announcer voice* ROUND ONE - FIGHT!!
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lucyjung Ā· 1 month ago
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SU AU doodles 2
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lexirosewrites Ā· 23 days ago
I can't remember if I already sent in an ask abt nugget #6 in my new years birth AU but if I did ignore tht one
NUGGET #6 is, surprisingly, early. Not dangerously early, but it catches everyone off guard & his first 24 hours involve him being hooked up to oxygen. He's born dual sexed but there's no scent.
Steve & Eddie panic bc they haven't talked abt it much w their other pups, but nugget #6 is a rainbow baby. Steve experienced his first ever miscarriage 8 months before he conceived nugget #6. Steve was safe but devastated. The doctor explained tht it might b considered rare for an omega, either man or woman, to have a miscarriage but it does happen.
(In my world building I maintain tht omegas would have very quick labor but also the genetics have evolved in a way tht omegas aren't known for being particularly high risk of a miscarriage. Also, I maintain tht omegas would have mostly home births. But this is an AU where the upside down did happen so I think all the trauma Steve's body went through might make labor & delivery a little more complicated so when they were awaiting nugget #1 it was decided tht Steve would give birth in the hospital.)
Nugget #6 is born so much smaller than his siblings & he doesn't have a strong scent for the first 24 hours. When Eddie voices their shared worry as their son is put on oxygen the doctor reassures them; when a pup is born early it isn't unusual for them to not have a particularly noticeable scent. The nurses & doctors monitor the pup tht is barely technically considered a preemie & everyone is relieved when he is strong enough after just 24 hours to be taken off oxygen. His scent developed overnight as he got used to being outside the womb earlier than anyone expected. The blood test they'd taken already confirmed it but it's a good sign tht he has a milky puppy scent tht is noticeably sweet,
little Samwise Wayne Munson is a boy omega, born at 2:55PM February 14, 2000. Wayne is old & tired from a lifetime of hard labor & no one says it but they're all thinking abt how Wayne might not b around in a decade or so, Eddie cries abt it when Wayne thanks him (while holding Wayne Jr) for naming his bby after him & Steve makes both men cry harder when he says samwise needed strength his first 24 hours & they couldn't think of anyone else stronger
Not even 2 days later, February 16, 2000 at 3PM O!Max safely delivers an alpha boy, the throuples 2nd child. They name him Eric William Hopperfield-Sinclair, Eric is more than the male form of Erica it's also Max's bio dads name; a 2 for 1 special
Erica makes a joke at the gathering tht the Hopperfield-Sinclairs host when their new baby comes home: tht the two will grow up & fall in love w eachother, they all laugh
((They all laugh about it once more in 2024 after Eric gets down on one knee with a cherry red velvet ring box to propose to Samwise in the middle of their huge family Christmas dinner, hosted in the gorgeous actual literal chateau in the Austrian countryside tht was among the assets steve inherited when Amelia passed away in 2018.
Samwise laughs and pulls his own deep purple velvet ring box out of his pocket. They both say yes))
((Eric got Samwise a lab grown pink diamond princess cut into a heart surrounded by small pink pearls on a rose gold band, his Sammy loves pink & maximalism. While Samwise got Eric a lab grown amethyst set into an art deco white gold band, his Eric loves green & art deco.))
(Funny side story in this AU: B!Murray (& his amused mate the Russian ex-pat O!Alexei) made everyone they could guilt into visiting hide in Murray's new & improved apocalypse housing on December 31st 1999. Dustin & Suzie were exempt because they were some of the unsung heroes working overtime to code computers all over the world to NOT glitch out at midnight new years eve 1999. El was also involved but she was mostly a last resort worst case scenario option. Baby Jim was extremely confused abt spending his birthday in the middle of nowhere, but he was also barely 4 so he was easily distracted with the cake grandma Joyce baked)
THATS ALL FOLKS, might end up submitting a few more anecdotes abt this AU for Sunday this week but consider this ask the concluding chapter of a story!!!
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karticatyt Ā· 5 months ago
Next gen AU character roster!! This is mostly just an attempt to practice formatting posts and figure out how to use this app um ANYWAY
(heads up, this wonā€™t be extremely in depth about lore or backstories, just simple introductions!)
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This is the main roster in a row next to each other, along with their ages. Some of the art here is older than othersā€¦ Iā€™ll explain them in some more detail.
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This here is Amber Gleam and her sister, Comet Trail! Long story short, Amberā€™s ā€˜realā€™ name is Cicada, and she is actually an adopted changeling, raised by Princess Twilight and later on her stepdad, Sunburst. Comet is her younger sister. Comet is competing with their cousin, Flurry Heart for royal guard status. Iā€™ll talk more about Flurry later. Amber has been raised in the shadows for most of her life to hide her identity, which has led to issues socializing as well as a harsh reputation among the public as opposed to her sister.
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Racing Heart isnā€™t actually the offspring of any canon characters, but she is an old OC that I love too much to remove, so sheā€™s a part of my AU because she can. Sheā€™s a hopeless romantic lesbian who constantly crushes on all kinds of characters, but her eye is primarily set on Cotton Bow, who Iā€™ll talk about next. I accidentally made her with lesbian colors back in 5th gradeā€¦ I didnā€™t even know the word lesbianā€¦ wowā€¦
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Cotton Bow is the daughter of Mayor Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak. She is best friends with Amber and they both bond over the issues that come from being the daughters of well known political figures and just wanting to be average, normal ponies. Although, Cotton doesnā€™t know about Cicadaā€™s secret. Cottonā€™s special talent is knitting/crocheting (to her parentsā€™ dismay) and sheā€™s an introvert who doesnā€™t want to follow her familyā€™s legacy.
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Koi Concord is the son of Discord and Fluttershy. He has some powers from his father but they mainly remain limited to nature. He obtained his motherā€™s ability to speak to animals, but his favorites are sea creatures. He spends majority of his time swimming in rivers and creeks with little fishy friends, and keeps to himself for the most part. (Amber doesnā€™t like him very much as she deems his introversion as a waste of his ability to coexist with ponies as a mix breed/foreign species unbothered, unlike her who has to stay a secret)
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Marigold Peaberry! The daughter of Rarity and Joe, she actually was really difficult to make a solid design for because I made her before picking her parents and then I had to redesign her to make her look relatedā€¦ it was a whole mess. She still doesnā€™t really have any personality or official role in the story.
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Now weā€™re getting into old art territoryā€¦ Startrix have 2 kids! Epitome Dusk and her brother Jinx Nightfall. Jinx is magically disabled and cannot use his horn without causing any accidents.This made his family incredibly heartbroken, but they all love him nonetheless. I imagine that these two hang out with Concord the most, since heā€™s the youngest of my next gen main characters.
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Now time for Flurry! In my next gen AU, they are actually nonbinary and are dating Luster Dawn! I had a little bit of a poll/vote among my friends over if Luster should have been with Flutty or Comet and Flurry won! They donā€™t have a large role.
You might be wondering why that purple one at the end of the roster hasnā€™t appeared, and thatā€™s because they arenā€™t canon. at least, I havenā€™t decided if they should be or not. Sunrise is a next gen for pinkiedash, but theyā€™re merely a design concept for now. Iā€™ll probably answer any questions people have about these guys if i have any answers. i doubt iā€™ll be getting any for a WHILE.
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crybaby-purplediamond-16 Ā· 3 months ago
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Yellow and Blue bell Diamond
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