#rose mary pizza
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just-an-emily-existing · 4 months ago
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I’m so tired so I drew a doodle of Rose in a more realistic style, hope she doesn’t give you nightmares!
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abbyroseflame24 · 1 year ago
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Me and @marclef did some Magma drawings last night. And this one is one of the ones I came up with as a prompt.
Noise and Rose get along, but Noise wants to see his former partner in crime keep in touch with her feral side.
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thebestandworstdayofjune · 7 months ago
snapdragons mean i'm sorry
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summary: you own a flower shop down the street from Wade and Althea, and now Logan's apartment. You and Logan had grown quite close, until you hear him complaining about you through the door. A week later, he shows up at the shop, groveling wc: 2.0 k a/n: sorry about the delay with this one, things have been a bit crazy! I really enjoyed writing for worst!Logan, I think I'm considering a part two for this as well. This fic is based on this request! warnings: lots of hurt and comfort, reader uses she/her pronouns, confused and groveling Logan, Wade being a meddler, slight spoilers for the end of Deadpool and Wolverine
You were two seconds away from chucking the bouquet that you were working on clear across the room. Instead, you gently set the flowers down on your workbench and tightened your pony tail. Heaving a sigh, you snatched the broom out of it’s place leaning up against the doorway and made you way to the front of store. 
Usually, being surrounded by all of your flowers and specially curated knickknacks brought you a sense of peace. But so far today you’d broken two vases and stabbed your thumb on rose thorns maybe more than you’d ever done in your entire life. 
Being friends with a superhero (singular) was much less stressful than you’d thought it would be. Wade would stop in to the shop around once a week to buy flowers for Vanessa, always with a quick joke or two before being on his way. It wasn’t until he’d saved you from an attempted mugging a few years back that you’d really become close. And you’d been there for a lot. Through his break up with Vanessa, when he was nonstop moaning about how deeply he hated selling lightly used cars, and whenever he needed a second opinion about a new hair system he was perched on a second stool that now had permanent residence behind the counter, right next to yours. 
Being friends with superheroes (plural) was bringing a new host of issues. Namely, an accelerated heart rate and trouble forming your words in front of Wade’s new roommate. Wade had warned you that his new acquisition was prickly when he’d stopped over to invite you to the Welcome Home Pizza Party Palooza, according to the hand drawn invitation he’d proudly presented you. He’d lured you in with promises of meeting his new dog before dropping the bomb that there was an introduction to his roommate included in the package deal. You’d already agreed, and Wade was too busy rambling about how you were being moved up to from side character status for you to intercede with a made up reason you could no longer attend. 
You historically didn’t do well with meeting new people, and someone who was likely to snap at you at some point throughout the evening, by Wade’s estimations, was an even bigger hurdle. Even though you had worked yourself up enough to feel slightly sick to your stomach, you’d arrived at the party, armed with flowers for the new roommate and a mini bouquet of dog treats for Mary Puppins. Wade and Al’s apartment was full of familiar faces when you’d arrived. You were caught up in a conversation with Peter and Yukio for a few minutes before they’d asked about the flowers all but forgotten in your hands. You admitted they were a welcome home present, and Peter kindly pointed out where Logan was standing across the room. You’d thanked him, and made your way across the room. 
When you reached him in the kitchen, you stood quietly behind him, working up the courage to make your presence known. Ultimately, it was unnecessary, because he quickly turned around and greeted you with a crinkly-eyed smile that made your heart flutter against your better judgement. You’d shyly handed over the flowers, stuttering through the explanation of owning the shop down the street and apologizing preemptively if he didn’t like them, expecting a strong rebuttal. He certainly looked like the type of man to rebuff the offer of flowers in fear of appearing unmanly or some other nonsense. Instead, he took the flowers from you gently, thanking you. He turned away, searching through the cabinets before pulling out a novelty beer stein decorated with My Little Pony characters with a huff. Logan made quick work of depositing the bouquet in the beer stein, but he frowned at his work, clearly unhappy with the vase options. “So you’re the florist that he’s obsessed with.” 
You smiled to yourself, glad to hear that Wade wasn’t only kind to your face. “Are you kidding me?” Speak of the devil. Wade slung an arm around your shoulders, depositing your typical drink of choice in your hand. “More like worship the ground you walk on. I may be Marvel Jesus but I’m your disciple. The things she can do with a chrysanthemum.” He moaned in a way you had never heard someone while talking about a flower, of all things.
Logan shook his head, but before either of you could respond, Wade noticed Vanessa coming through the door and was at her side in an instant. You’d stood with him in the kitchen for a few moments, silent but comfortable. It wasn’t long before Althea had called everyone to the table, where you took your usual seat next to Althea and Vanessa. The evening had been comfortable and you couldn’t help but notice how naturally Logan and his daughter Laura fit into your strange little family. 
The next day, you’d stopped by their apartment armed with another bouquet, this one beautifully arranged in one of your favorite vases you kept in stock. You couldn’t shake the image of how disappointed Logan had looked with his options the previous night. Al had ushered you inside quickly, letting you know that the rest of the roommates had left her in the name of picking up some necessities for Logan. You’d dropped the vase on the kitchen counter, ruffled Mary Puppins’ hair and saw yourself out. 
Logan had come by to thank you at the store, startling you where you were working in the back. You’d fumbled one of your vases, sending it crashing to the ground. Logan was quick to usher you onto a stool, locating a broom and making quick work of the glass. You’d insisted you could take care of it, but he’d shot your down insisting that he would heal right up if he managed to cut himself and he didn’t feel like a trip to the ER. It should have stung, but there was a lightness to his voice and a twinkle in his eyes that instead had you fighting down the hear rising to your cheeks. 
After a few weeks, it was routine for you to stop by a couple nights a week after work, armed with a fresh set of flowers for the vase and some take out. Logan very well could have taken some home with him, as often as he was stopping by, but somehow you’d always get to talking and forget to bundle some up for him. He was immensely helpful around the shop, able to reach things on high shelves and move heavy pallets you would get in much more easily than you were able to. Wade’s stool had quickly become Logan’s but you didn’t much mind. 
Your hand had settled on the doorknob to their apartment, when two familiar voices faded in through the closed door. It was instinct to pause, you hand’t really meant to snoop. But the words hurt all the same. “I really am fond of her, but she could really stand to let up on how often she’s hanging around me.” Your heart started to hammer, frozen in the hallway. 
“I hear you peanut,” Wade was quick to respond. “Cling-ville USA, population her, amiright?” 
“Fuck off, you’ve been obsessed with her as long as I’ve known you.” Your heart sunk. Isn’t that what Logan had said, the first night you met? Wade was obsessed with you? As quietly as you could, you dropped your hand from the doorknob and backed away down the hall, hoping that their conversation was loud enough to drown out the sound of your retreating footsteps. You’d retreated down the hallway, quickly shooting Wade a text that you weren’t feeling well and wouldn’t be able to make it. 
You hadn’t seen them since. You knew it shouldn’t have mattered, but it stung. You’d moved their stool into the far back corner of the shop because as silly as it sounded, it made you sad to look at him. Thankfully, there had been a steady stream of customers to keep you busy for a while. But now, you were dead and your thoughts were drifting when the bell on the front door rang. You sent a silent thank you to the universe and rushed out to the front of the store. But the customer waiting for you was the only one you were reluctant to see. 
You hated to admit it, but the image of Logan standing in the middle of your showroom, shoulders slumped and one of the most regretful looks you’d ever seen on anyone was almost enough for you to forgive him on sight. Close but no cigar, one could say.   
“Hey, sweetheart” he said sheepishly, hands shoved into this pockets. 
If this is how he was going to play it, so be it. “Hey, Lo. Where’ve you been?”
“Laura needed some help at the mansion, and they roped us into a mission. Meant to call but,” he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “Got a bit busy.” You nodded, doing your best to remember that you were mad at him. Stopped by for some flowers, if you have a minute.”
You nodded curtly, shocked that he wasn’t bringing up the obvious tension. He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. “What kind are you looking for?” 
“Eh, whatever you think says ‘Sorry, I fucked up’ the best” he shrugged, making his way behind the counter. 
“Who else did you piss off?” You asked, arranging a few more pieces of greenery into the bouquet he had requested. Even if you were frustrated and moody, you couldn’t bring yourself to make something you weren’t proud of. 
“Where’s my seat sweetheart?” He asked, before taking a pause. “What do you mean who else?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. 
“What do you mean ‘where’s my seat’?” You mocked, doing a poor imitation of his gruff voice. 
“Okay, you’ve gotta catch me up here, sweetheart because I clearly missed something.” 
“Wouldn’t wanna cling on too hard, are you sure you want me to do that?” You snarked, dropping the bouquet on the table and storming over to him, poking your finger into his chest. “I heard the both of you complaining about me last week.” 
Logan’s hand wrapped around yours, drawing it closer to his chest. “I was coming in here to apologize for being gone for a week. But I’m happy to double the order to make up for the confusion. If my math is right, bub, you overheard me complaining about that fucking dog insisting on sleeping on my bed. Even after I told Wade to keep her out of my room.” 
“You love her.” 
“Yeah, you know me too well sweetheart.” 
You smiled up at him, soaking in the warmth of having him this close, when something clicks in your head. “Are you telling me that you waltzed in here and asked me to make my own apology flowers?” If you hadn’t already decided he was off the hook, the way his mouth turned down into a little pout would have sealed the deal. 
He hesitates for a few moments, eyes glancing around the shop seemingly in search of an answer. “Didn’t want to give the business to someone else.” He shrugged, bashfully.  
Against your better judgement, a few giggles slipped past your lips, which had been firmly pressed together. A few more, and then you were laughing so hard you were having trouble breathing. You leaned your head against his chest, taking measured deep breaths to curve the laughter “I can’t believe this,” you gasped, wiping a few tears away that had spilled onto your cheeks.  You grinned up at him through the tears, taking in the way his eyes warmed when he smiled. 
“Could have been worse,” he shrugged, mischief making his eyes sparkle. “Could have gone with Wade’s suggestion.”
“I have to know.” 
He slipped both his arms around you, pulling you in close. “Wanted me to jump out of a cake.” 
You snuggled in close, leaning your head on his chest. “I would like to see it.” 
“Then we’ll have to see what we can do about that.” 
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jazzy11scorpio · 2 months ago
The Black Rose and the Star
Chapter 1 Unspoken Words
Description: Landing a job at SNL is huge for you as photographer, but the real surprise comes in when you met ridiculously charming actor [Pedro Pascal]. From secret studio dances to late-night pizza and poetry, your connection is undeniable. Turns out, the best things in life are totally unplanned.😉 It's a slow burn and so fluffy. For now 🫣
I think we all have delulu dreams of Pedro so here is mine 😊
Pairing: You / Pedro Pascal
Word count: 2,319
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It was Friday, you were in studio finishing your work, you were happy, you are going to rest finally. When your phone rings. It was your boss. SHIT you thought.
"Ugh, seriously?" you groaned, already picturing your relaxing Friday night going up in smoke. Your boss's voice on the other end of the phone wasn't promising anything good. "What's the fire drill this time?" you ask him.
"Lorne Michaels' office called," he explained "They need a new photographer. Mary Ellen's sick."
Your heart skipped a beat. Mary Ellen Matthews. The legendary SNL photographer. "And…?" you prompted, barely daring to breathe.
"Lorne's seen your work," your boss continued. "He specifically requested you."
Your breath hitched. Whoa.
Lorne Michaels himself had seen your work? That was…insane. "Okay," you managed, trying to sound cool and collected when inside you were freaking out.
"Oh, and there's one tiny detail," your boss added, and you could practically hear the smirk. "You'll be working with Pedro Pascal."
Your brain short-circuited. Pedro Pascal. Pedro Pascal. The name echoed in your head like a beautiful melody. You loved his work. You loved his everything, honestly. The thought of actually meeting him, working with him… it was too much. A giggle threatened to escape, and you bit your lip to keep it in. "Okay, cool," you mumbled, trying to play it cool.
"Be at Studio 8H at NBC on Monday," your boss instructed.
"Will do," you replied, your mind already a million miles away. Studio 8H. SNL. Him. It was all so ridiculously exciting. You hung up, a huge grin spreading across your face. Friday night plans? Forget about it. Monday couldn't get here fast enough. You were going to meet him.
The whole weekend was a wash. Sleep? Forget about it. Your brain was a non-stop party of "OMG I'm meeting him" on repeat. Monday morning finally rolled around, and you practically bounced out of bed, dragging your assistant along for the ride. The studio was buzzing, the kind of organized chaos that comes with live TV. You met the producers, the crew – everyone was super nice and professional. And then… he walked in.
Holy crap.
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Your brain just��froze. He was even more amazing in person. Seriously, spectacular. He said hi to everyone, that smile of his making your heart do a weird little flip-flop. Then he vanished into an office with the producers, and you tried to, you know, breathe again.
A few minutes later, he came back out, and one of the producers waved you over.
"Pedro, this is the photographer," he said.
You stuck out your hand, trying so hard not to be a total mess. "Hi, I'm…," you managed, getting your name out without too much stammering. He shook your hand, and whoa, that touch. Electric.
"Nice to meet you," he said, and his voice was just as warm and charming as you'd hoped.
"You two are working together tomorrow," the producer said. "We're shooting the promo pics."
"Alright," you replied, trying to play it cool. Inside, you were screaming. He smiled again, and you were pretty sure your knees almost gave out.
Then he turned to the crew, and they all started talking about the script. The vibe shifted, everyone getting down to business. You watched him chat with everyone, so relaxed and enthusiastic. You couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would be like.
Shoot day 📸
That day was a trip. You were floating, high on the excitement of him, and trying to play it cool. Today was that day – the photoshoot. You practically leaped out of bed (okay, maybe you snoozed the alarm once or twice), picked out your best outfit (but, like, a cool, casual best), showered, and even put on some makeup (but, you know, the "I woke up like this" kind).
When you arrived at the studio, he was already there. Coco, his groomer and friend, was working on his hair. You introduced yourself to her; she was lovely. Then, you told him you'd wait until he was ready.
Half an hour later, you were setting up your camera, a little shaky despite having worked with big names before. This was different. This was him. And then he walked in.
Oh. My. God.
He was…gorgeous. His hair… you had a sudden, almost overwhelming urge to run your fingers through it. That cute face tucked between my… "Girl, are you alright?" Emma, your assistant, nudged you, her eyes wide. "Yeah, fine," you mumbled, but you knew she'd never seen you like this.
You started shooting, and he was a total pro. So talented, so gorgeous. It was easy, actually. He listened to your directions, and the camera just loved him.
Finally, the shoot was done. You walked over, thanking him.
"I'd love to see the pics," he said.
You showed him your laptop, and as you scrolled through the photos, he leaned in close.
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His cologne smelled insane, and you were trying really hard not to just melt on the spot. "These are awesome," he said, grinning. "I love them."
And then, he put his hand on your shoulder. Fuck. You were pretty sure you were melting. "You did an amazing job," he whispered in your ear.
"Well," you managed, your voice a little husky, "it was you. You're incredible. It was pleasure working with you."
And then he left winking at you, leaving your heart pounding like a drum solo. You were officially a mess.
You sat at your table, fingers flying across the keyboard as you edited the photos. He was close by, at the next table, going over the script with the crew. Emma, your ever-attentive assistant, came over. "Need anything?"
"The strongest coffee you can find," you groaned, rubbing your burning eyes.
"And an energy drink. I haven't slept in days."
"That's not healthy," she scolded gently.
"Well, I've gotta die from something," you mumbled, only half-joking.
She giggled. "What kind of coffee?"
"Black as my soul and cold as ice," you replied.
Emma, being the absolute gem she was, turned to Pedro and the crew. "Anyone else need anything?"
"I'll have what she's having," he said, looking over at you and smiling.
You were like Wait, did that just happen? He smiled at me?
Emma brought the coffees, and you thanked her profusely.
"Seriously," she said, giving you a concerned look. "You need to do something about this insomnia. Have you tried sleep pills?"
"Yeah, they don't really work," you sighed.
"What about tea?" she asked.
You gave her a look. "Do I look like tea is going to calm me down?"
She laughed. "Good point."
"I hate tea," you confessed.
"Okay, okay," she said, still chuckling. "Just trying to help."
"I know, and I appreciate that thank you." you said, giving her a grateful smile. She was the best.
About an hour after Pedro was leaving with his friend, he strolled back in. And, to your surprise, he actually said goodbye to you. You felt your cheeks warm up a little. Right then, the producer showed up. "Hey, those photos and videos," he said. "Think you can get them to us by morning? We need them for tomorrow."
"Yep, I can do that," you said. "Just gotta finish up here."
"Awesome! Thanks," he replied, looking relieved.
Hours later, you were finally almost done. The program was rendering, and you were just chilling, waiting for it to finish up so you could send everything off. You were beat, but figured you'd put on some tunes to keep you going. A few minutes later, you were totally in your zone, dancing and belting out the lyrics, not a care in the world. You were alone, after all, and enjoying the moment.
Then, boom, he was just there. Pedro. He was cracking up.
"Those are some serious moves," he said, grinning. "Uh, I just forgot my glasses and script."
You froze, totally embarrassed. "Oh my god," you mumbled, your face getting hot. "I didn't realize anyone was around."
"No worries," he chuckled. "Your secret's safe with me. Unless… you want to give me a lesson?" He gestured playfully. "I've always wanted to learn how to… uh… do that." He attempted a little hip swivel, which came out more like a shimmy, and you couldn't help but laugh.
Your heart did a little flutter-kick. "Oh, please," you said, trying to play it cool. "You'd probably break something."
"Hey, I'm a fast learner," he protested, grinning. He was already shuffling closer, trying to copy your earlier moves, though not quite as gracefully. "Come on, show me what you got."
"Okay, fine," you laughed, showing him a basic step. He was actually into it, and before you knew it, you were both laughing and twirling around the studio to the beat of the song."Wow," you said, impressed. "You've got some serious rhythm. Those hips don't lie." He was a good dancer, you had to admit.
"You know," he said, his voice a little breathy, "for someone who claims to be tired, you've got a lot of energy." He moved even closer, a playful glint in his eyes. "And," he murmured, his voice dropping, "you smell amazing."
Fuck, you thought. I really want this man.
"It's called the power of RUN-DMC," you replied, trying to sound casual even though your insides were doing a wild dance.
He was so close, and at one point, he lightly touched your waist as he spun you, and whoa. "You dance like this always?" he asked, his eyes locking with yours. "You're good."
"No," you replied, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Only when I'm alone."
He grinned, a genuine, warm smile that made your heart melt. He was enjoying this moment with you, you could tell.
It was a perfect, crazy, unexpected moment… until your phone rang, totally killing the vibe.
Your phone wouldn't stop buzzing. "You should probably answer that," he said, nodding towards the insistent ringing.
You sighed and picked up. After a brief, tense exchange, you hung up, but the conversation clearly wasn't over. He left to find his glasses and script, but he came back just as your ex’s voice boomed from your phone.
"I told you, we are done. Don't call me ever again!" you snapped, your voice rising. Pedro’s face creased with worry as he overheard the shouting.
You slammed the phone down on the table, fuming. "Everything okay?" he asked, his brow furrowed. "Who was that?"
"My ex," you said, still trying to control your anger. "Long story..I don't want to mention him."
"Ok," he said, shaking his head. "You shouldn't be treated like that. Seriously. If you need anything, anything at all, I'm here."
"Thank you," you said, the sincerity in your voice palpable. "That means a lot." You glanced at the time. "I should probably get going. I'm finally done here."
You both left the building together. "Thanks again for the dance," you said, a small smile playing on your lips. "I actually had fun." He says "I enjoyed too."
You started to walk away, but he called after you. "Hey, where's your car?"
"It's in the repair shop," you explained.
"Oh," he said. "It's pretty late. I don't want you taking the bus alone. Let me give you a ride."
"Really? You don't have to—"
"No, I insist," he said. "It's the least I can do."
You got in the car, and the ride was comfortable, easy. You chatted about everything, the earlier tension fading away. When you pulled up to your apartment building, you thanked him for the ride.
As you reached for your stuff in the backseat, he was already opening the door for you.
"Allow me," he said, flashing that charming smile.
Such a gentleman, you thought. "Thank you," you said, feeling a little flustered. Then, a slightly crazy thought popped into your head.
"Hey," you blurted out, "are you hungry? I was planning to make a pizza." You were immediately nervous that you were being too forward.
He chuckled, noticing your hesitation. "Actually," he said, "I'm starving. And pizza sounds perfect. I'm a sucker for a good pizza." He grinned. "Especially when someone else is preparing it."
"Great!" you said, relief washing over you. "Come on in." And just like that, you were walking into your apartment with him.
You get into your apartment. "Make yourself at home," you said. "I'll grab you something to drink while I prepare the pizza."
He wandered over to the bookshelves that lined one wall. "Wow, you've got quite a collection," he commented, running a hand along the spines. "You're a reader?"
"Yeah, books and movies are my two favorite things," you replied.
He chuckled, his eyes landing on a shelf crammed with everything from classic literature to steamy romance novels.
"Crime and Punishment right next to… those," he said, a playful smirk on his face. "I like your range."
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"Hey, a girl's gotta have options," you said, grinning."Sometimes you need Dostoevsky, sometimes you need..well, you know spicy stuff."
"I get it," he said, still chuckling.
His gaze drifted to the small table by the wall, where a single black rose stood in a glass vase. "Wow," he said, his voice softer now.
"That's… striking. A black rose. I've never seen one before."
"They're my favorite," you said, walking over to the rose. "They're from Türkiye. They're unique. And so beautiful to me." You say "They just feel…special."
"They are special," he agreed, coming to stand beside you. "They suit you."
You looked up at him, surprised. "Really?"
"Yeah," he said, his eyes meeting yours.
"They're beautiful, a little mysterious… just like you."
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words. "Thank you," you whispered.
"That's… really nice of you to say."
"I mean it," he said, his voice low. "Everything about this place…it feels like you.It's… I don’t know… comfortable."
So, you are movie buff too? What are some favorites?"
"Ugh, that's the hardest question ever," you groaned. "I love anything with a good story, but I'm a sucker for good comedy and, you know, movies with twists that make your jaw drop."
You hoped he wouldn't pull out one of the spicier books, but of course, he did. He picked up one with a particularly intriguing title and flipped it open. He read a few lines, his eyebrows shooting up. "Whoa," he said, a grin spreading across his face. "This is…descriptive"
"Put that down," you said, laughing and playfully swatting his arm.
"You're going to corrupt my innocent image."
"Too late," he said, still grinning. "The image has been corrupted."
"Pizza will be ready in about fifteen minutes," you announced, settling on the sofa next to him. He was still holding the book.
"So," he said, flipping through the pages. "This one's yours?" He pointed to a slim volume bound in soft leather.
"Yeah," you said. "It's my… poetry journal. I write all my favorite poems in there."
"Mind if I take a peek?" he asked.
"Sure," you said, a little nervous. It felt weirdly intimate, sharing your favorite poems with him. He flipped through the pages and then stopped. "This one," he said. "Read this one to me."
You took the book, your heart pounding a little. You cleared your throat and read him your favorite poem, the words flowing easily off your tongue, even with him sitting right next to you, listening intently.
"All I want, is to lose myself in your eyes, to forget the world and feel like I belong to something real, something I can't escape, even if I wanted to."
You finished the poem, your voice soft.
"That's… really beautiful," he said, his gaze fixed on you.
"This one's my absolute favorite," you said, turning the page.
"It's called 'I Love You From Afar.'" And then you began to read:
"I love you from afar
without being able to smell your scent
to embrace your nape
to feel your face
I merely love you
from afar, I just love you
not holding your hand
without touching your heart
nor dissolving in your eyes
in spite of today’s three-day love fads
not wildly but like a woman, I love you
I just love you from afar
without wiping off the two tears running down your cheeks
not joining you in your heartiest laughs
nor crooning together with you your most favorite song
from afar, I just love you
without disappointing,
not pouring out anything
without destroying
not making sad,
nor causing a cry, I love you from afar
I just love you like that from afar;
by shredding in my tongue
every word I want to tell you
I love you
I love you on a white piece of paper
while my words fall down, drop by drop…"
When you finished, there was a comfortable silence. He was looking at you, his expression thoughtful. "That's… intense," he said, a small smile playing on his lips. "Really beautiful, though." He paused. "It's, like, really vulnerable, too."
You shrugged a little. "Yeah, well," you said. "Poetry. It's kind of my thing."
You paused, then added, "I think that kind of love, the 'from afar' kind, is the purest, biggest love a human being can feel. But also the one that's hurts the most. It's all about the heart, no expectations, no conditions."
He nodded slowly. "I can see that," he said. "There's a certain… power in that kind of selfless love, isn't there?"
You nodded back. "Yeah." You felt a little exposed, but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. It was… nice.
You stood up and checked on the pizza. Perfect. You set the table, and he came over, a smile on his face."Smells amazing," he said.
He took a bite, his eyes widening. "Wow," he said. "This is… seriously good. Best pizza I've had in ages." He polished off a slice.
"You've got some serious culinary skills."
"Thanks," you said, pleased. "It's my secret recipe."
You grabbed a beer from the fridge, handing it to him. "Perfect pairing," he declared. You shook your head, still a little in disbelief.
"I still can't believe I'm sitting here, eating pizza with you," you said, laughing a little. "This has been the best night. Thank you for keeping me company.”
"The pleasure was all mine," he said, his eyes meeting yours. "I really enjoyed tonight, too. The dancing, the poetry… the pizza." He grinned. "It was all perfect."
After you finished eating, he picked up the poetry book again. "Mind if I borrow this?" he asked. "I'd love to read some more of these poems."
"Of course," you said. "Just promise you'll give it back."
"Wouldn't dream of keeping it," he said, carefully tucking the book into his jacket.
As he stood at the door, ready to leave, he turned back to you. "Thank you again for tonight," he said, his voice warm. He stepped closer and, before you knew it, he pulled you into a hug. It was quick, but it was…..AMAZING.
His arms around you, the scent of his cologne… it was the best feeling ever. "Good night," he whispered.
"Good night," you replied, your heart still doing a little happy dance.
He was gone, and you were left standing in your apartment, a dazed smile on your face. It was late, you were exhausted, but you couldn't quite believe what had just happened. Pizza, poetry, dancing, a hug… with him. It felt like a dream.
The next two days were a blur of rehearsals and prep for Saturday's show. Friday was pretaping, and you mostly tried not to just stare at him the whole time. Seriously, he was so captivating to watch. Just pure talent.
After filming wrapped, he came over to you, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I've been reading your poems," he said. "They're… really something. You should publish them. Seriously."
You felt a blush creeping up your neck. "Oh, come on," you said, trying to downplay it. "They're not that good."
"They are," he insisted. "They're honest and raw and… beautiful. You have a real gift." He paused, a playful glint in his eyes. "And," he added, "I was thinking… maybe we could have a pizza and poetry night sometime? Just the two of us?"
"Sure," you said, trying to sound all chill. "Sounds fun. But next time, we're watching a movie. My pick."
"Okay, deal," he said. "I'm down for that." He leaned in a little. "You know," he murmured, "it's been really nice getting to know you. I feel… comfortable around you. It's cool."
"Yeah, thank you" you said, your heart doing a little flutter-kick. "I'm glad to hear that." You were trying so hard to play it cool, but inside you were doing a happy dance. You couldn't wait for that movie night.
Saturday night was electric. The studio buzzed with energy, and you were right in the thick of it, helping the crew wherever you could, but mostly, let's be honest, you were watching him.
He walked in, all in black, those gorgeous curls framing his face, that "dad bod" he rocked so perfectly… you couldn't take your eyes off him.
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"Honey, you are so in love," Emma whispered, nudging you playfully.
"I mean, who wouldn't be?" you replied, only half-joking. "That man is a Zaddy."
Emma laughed. You started humming.
Sex bomb, sex bomb, you're my sex bomb
And, baby, you can turn me on.
And before you knew it, you and Emma were belting out the song, doing a little impromptu dance party.
Then, the stream ended, and he walked up, having clearly heard your little performance. His face was serious. "Who's the sex bomb?" he asked, his voice low.
Oh crap you thought. Emma froze, her eyes wide. You turned around, and there he was.
"I… I'm sorry," you stammered. "I just… couldn't help myself."
He burst out laughing. "I'm just kidding," he said. "I love that song. And, if I may say…" He touched your shoulder lightly. "You're the one."
Your mind went blank. Did he just…?
You managed a "Thank you," your voice a little shaky.
"Are you coming to the after-party?" he asked.
"Nah," you said. "I'm not really a big party person."
"Me neither," he said. "But… would you come with me? Just for a little while?"
Oh my god, is he… asking me out?
"Yes," you managed, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'd love to."
After everything wrapped up, he came over. "Come on," he said, taking your hand. "Let's go."
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Walking into the after-party with him was surreal. Everyone was looking at you, and you suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious. He got you a drink, and then, he asked you to dance. It was a slow song, and when he took your hand and pulled you close, his hand resting on your waist, you thought you might actually melt. Oh my god. His body was so close to yours, and you felt your heart pounding in your chest.
What is this man doing to me? You had never felt like this before.
Pedro POV ❤️‍🔥
The music swirled around us, a slow, pulsing beat. She moved with a quiet grace, her body swaying in time with the rhythm. God, I thought, she’s stunning. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but there was something about her… something mysterious, intriguing. I’d been drawn to her from the moment I’d seen her .
And then I’d heard her poetry…raw, honest, beautiful. Even her slightly awkward, goofy humor. And her food. Everything about her was captivating me in a way I didn’t quite understand.
I pulled her a little closer, my hand resting lightly on her waist. Her perfume was intoxicating. Damn, I thought. I wanted her. Badly. But I didn't want to rush things. There was something special about her, something I didn't want to mess up. Her eyes… those intense eyes, and that soft hair… and that silly, unguarded side of her, the way she’d just been dancing and singing without a care in the world. It was captivating.
"I think you're gorgeous," I murmured, my voice low. "I haven't met anyone like you before."
"Thank you," she said, a little breathless. "You're pretty incredible yourself. Seriously, this week has been amazing."
"Mine too," I said, my eyes locking with hers.
When the song ended, a wave of nervousness washed over her. "I should probably get going," she said, suddenly feeling shy.
"I'll drive you," I offered.
She nodded, grateful.
At your apartment door, he handed you back your poetry book. "Thanks for the dance," he said, a warm smile gracing his lips. "And for a beautiful night."
"It was… the best night ever," you blurted out, then immediately cringed. Smooth.
He hesitated, his breath catching a little. You saw something shift in his expression. Then, he leaned in, cupped your cheek in his hand, and kissed you. It was a sweet, tentative kiss, like he was testing the waters. He pulled back a little, looking almost nervous. "I'm sorry," he stammered. "I didn't mean to—"
Before he could finish, you grabbed him and kissed him again, harder this time, all that pent-up energy finally finding an outlet. You didn't want him to apologize. You wanted this. You pulled him inside, kicked the door shut, and suddenly, it was just the two of you. The air between you was electric.
Thanks for the reading ❣️ Please like, reblog or comment. I appreciate it alot. 💖
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
@pedrohub @pedgito @littlemisspascal
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the-pizza-parlour · 2 months ago
Welcome in-a! What can we get-a for you?
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Peppino Romeo Spaghetti Sr. ---- $10.99
Emily (I'm not putting my full name lol) ---- $9.99
Peppino Romeo Spaghetti Jr. ---- $???
Rose Mary Spaghetti ---- $???
Samuel Snitch Stick ---- $21.99
Prince Presley Pepper ---- $15.99
Vincent Cheddar Cheese ---- $14.99
Totino Roll Pizzahead ---- $20.99
Snick the Hedgehog ---- $5.99
Combo Deals:
Gustavo Marco DeBianchi ---- $5.99 Brick the Rat ---- $4.99
Theodore James Noisester ---- $7.99 Hazelle Juliette Chapelle ---- $6.99
Sides (Can only be ordered with respective Mains):
Peppino's Lore ---- $3.99
Gustavo and Brick's Lore ---- $4.99
Mr. Stick's Lore ---- $8.99
Emily's Lore ---- $2.99
Pepperman's Lore ---- $5.99
Vigilante's Lore ---- $4.99
Noise and Noisette's Lore ---- $5.99
Peppino Jr's Lore ---- $???
Rose's Lore ---- $???
Pizzahead's Lore ---- $7.99
Peppino x Emily ---- $7.99
Gustavo x Mr. Stick ---- $9.99
Brick x Snick ---- $4.99
Pepperman x Vigilante ---- $6.99
Noise x Noisette ---- $5.99
Peppino Jr x Rose ---- $???
😋All You Can Eat Challenge😋
The Full Pizza Tower Story
Price if not completed ---- $29.99
I don't remember adding these to the menu…
Tomatoman ---- $???
The Ransomer ---- $???
The Scream ---- $???
The Screamette ---- $???
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gabessquishytum · 1 year ago
Just so you know,,,,,,,I'm starting to think (more) Valentine's Day prompts!!! 🤗
Mr. Gadling's students wanted to do something nice for their favorite teacher for Valentine's Day -- so they (with Ms. Joanna and Ms. Unity's help) proposed marriage to Mr. Gadling's favorite actor, Dream Endless, for him.
They wrote letters and pooled their allowances to buy a nice band and sent it all with flowers to Dream Endless.
Matthew was new to the Endless team and wanted to distinguish himself, so when he saw the super cute (viral potential in) 5th graders asking Dream to marry their Elementary school teacher he pitched to Jessamy and Lucienne that while Dream shouldn't actually marry the guy, it would be a good Valentine's Day press story for Dream to visit the teacher -- he could do it up "romantically", flowers & chocolate & flirty.
Matthew figures Dream can bring the kids pizza and be charming for 2 hours for some good press. It would be like those kids who ask a star to take them to the prom or something.
Dream thinks it's a dumb idea, then the team (well really Dream's sister Death) finds a TikTok of "Hob Gadling" reading the classics in Old English (he might just teach Elementary school, but he studied to teach history to college students,,,,he likes to keep his hand in). Dream is entranced by the beautiful man with the dangerous mouth. Dream agrees to the roses and truffles visit.
With Joanna and Unity's adult help, and permission of the school, they plan to surprise Mr. Gadling (and his 5th grade class) with Action Star Dream Endless for Valentine's Day.
Hob gets a date with hot movie star Dream,,,,and the school gets a massive pizza party.
This is so cute. I love the idea of the kids setting their "sad lonely old teacher" up with a hot movie star! Hob would like it to be known that he is not sad, lonely OR old... but he is super into Dream Endless.
Dream shows up to the school in a suit (playing into the "wedding" thing), trying to act like he's not excited. Joanna and Unity quietly let him into the library where Hob is doing story hour for his own class and a bunch of others too. It's only when Hob looks up from "mary poppins" that he finally notices that they have a guest. Several cameras catch the way Hob’s face turns bright red, and his eyes immediately sparkle and hes gets this flirty kind of look. Dream offers up his flowers and humbly asks if Hob will join him for lunch?
It's perfect for the video that Matthew intends to make. What's even more perfect is the very real chemistry between Dream and Hob. They immediately seem to be in their own little world. Hob cracks open the chocolates and offers one to Dream; Dream allows Hob to pop the chocolate into his mouth for him. It's so adorable. The kids are more interested in the pizza delivery, but the adults are all side eyeing each other. This is DEFINITELY more than a PR stunt now.
Especially when Hob and Dream mysteriously disappear for half an hour and return with red, swollen lips. They're holding hands. It's enough to make even Joanna believe in true love.
A week later the kids are fascinated to see their lonely sad old teacher all over social media, as he leaves a very expensive restaurant on Dream Endless's arm. Hob waves to the cameras like he's a natural. Is that....... a ring on his finger?!?!?
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i-love-yoi · 9 months ago
What gifts do they usually give you?
TW:GN!Reader, romantic relationship, takes place after the incident with Mari.
Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Kel, Hero,(HS)Mari. (All RW)
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Okay, I didn’t write anything because I was busy studying, and fortunately, I don’t have a single C grade for the year.
•In general, Sunny is quite a jack of all trades, he just quickly gives up what he just started.
•One mistake is enough, and he will abandon this matter.
•It would have been the same with playing the violin, but the parents were already spending money on training, and the older sister was not allowing it (until the day of the concert.)
•Although, I would say that he clearly has a rich imagination, especially after 4 years of literally living in dreams and fantasies.
•I also think he has good motor skills, so he really likes to do things by hand.
•For example, while Kel was buying figurines of his favorite characters, Sunny was just printing out diagrams and assembling them in the form of origami.
•But he did not resort to this often, since his family was quite well off, and he could easily buy the same figurine from the store.
•So, based on all this, I think he would give you some small but very cute fakes with different and interesting mechanics that you would think would be difficult to make with your hands.
•And if you don’t have money, or for some reason you can’t buy a figurine of your favorite character, then consider that you already have this figurine, but in the form of paper.
•Oh, and I could definitely say that he has his own hand-made paper figurine in the shape of you.
•I think everyone here has already guessed what will happen to Basil.
•Exactly, Basil would often give you bouquets of flowers!
•Of course, he understood that not everyone likes flowers, and some consider them useless, but clearly not him.
•Although, of course, he will respect his partner’s preferences.
•For him, flowers are something tender and pleasant, a way to express great respect and love for his partner.
•Moreover, since the past, respectful men have done this, wanting to charm the lady of their heart and show their respect for her.
•And he obviously doesn’t buy them, but grows them himself.
•Honestly, it’s more pleasant for him to grow scarlet roses like blood himself, watching how this sprout grows, turning into a lovely flower.
•Also, he will always attach a photo of a beautiful sunset or field to the bouquets, with a beautiful and sweet inscription, for example: “These roses are as fragrant and beautiful as you.”
•I think she would despise all those flowers and paper things and those candies.
•The most important thing for her is that she can spend time with her love partner, hear his voice, feel his partner physically, and understand that she is not alone.
•Aubrey generally does not like to be alone, especially at home, with her mother.
•So you often either go for walks or go every now and then for pizza, to a secret place on the lake, or to your house if you're not as bad as she is and you're comfortable there.
•Ultimately, this helps her take her mind off the all-consuming thoughts about the situation with her parents about the incident.
•Although, of course, if you want candy or flowers, she will give them to you, but more often she still likes to share some moments with you, for example, the same sunset or to greet the sunrise.
•She collects flowers from the street, so they can be simple daisies or clover flowers, or maybe bells (flowers).
•Although, I don’t argue that she can sometimes quietly steal a flower from someone else’s flowerbed from a bush.
•In fact, Aubrey relies on “Whatever you ask, I will take,” since she, firstly, wants to get to know you more, the point is clear, and does not want to give any useless gifts.
•What is more important to her is that you are happy and comfortable.
•But it’s quite difficult with this guy.
•So, he quickly acquires many hobbies, including cooking, embroidery, gardening and much more.
•However, he does not succeed in all areas, and he quickly abandons some, and some simply become boring to him and he abandons them.
•And if Sunny could compensate for this with money due to the financial situation of his family, then Kel cannot even compensate for this.
•Kel already has a fairly large family, so the money first went to his talented older brother Hero, and now it goes to his little sister Sally.
•So Kel doesn't have much money to buy you gifts.
•Well, that’s okay, he could save up, but he has no patience or financial literacy at all.
•Therefore, sometimes he can’t restrain himself and buys some kind of garbage, even which he doesn’t need at all.
•The main thing is that it brings him pleasure, the same feeling of pride of a collector with a complete collection or something like that.
•So his skillful and not so skillful hands often come into play.
•So, Kel has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, and in his fantasies they all look simply gorgeous.
•And either he has thought too much of himself, or his arms do not quite grow from his shoulders (Here, most likely, the second option).
•So when he gives you a gift, he is either shy or too happy. (The second option is very rare.)
•Basically, he is very disappointed that what turned out to him is clearly not what he came up with in his head, and is quite self-critical in this regard.
•I think he would have thought something like: “But my brother would have done better.”, “But there’s too much glue here.”, “But here it’s already peeling off.” And much more like that.
•So it’s with shame, but he gives it to you, he’s already spent time and materials on it.
•But he will bring you some wild flowers, or not very expensive ones.
•Just remember that he is already in a large family, and not a very rich one, so just don’t discuss him for this, he deliberately denied himself his favorite figurine for your sake.
•In any case, I think he has something homemade, but made with soul, albeit with glue around the edges.
•Oh, check, her baskets have everything you want.
•Do you want some fruit? Already here.
•Do you want some candy? Please!
•Do you want flowers? The most recent?
•Do you want a cat? Somewhere in the depths there will also be...
•It may seem to you that you just robbed her, but in reality it is not so.
•Mari likes to pamper you, even if you yourself are ashamed of it.
•She loves to see you blush, gobbling up the sweetness on both cheeks.
•In fact, Mari just really likes to embarrass you and make you feel good.
•We can say that if it’s pleasant and joyful for you, then she’s happy too.
•So Mari often takes care of you, and also, thanks to her basket, pampers you with something.
•Understand that she likes it herself.
•Especially when she is alone, and her little brother and a group of friends are looking... Looking? No, you're wrong, they're just walking.
•They have no one to look for.
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quibbs126 · 10 months ago
I am curious about the three new dragon ships in your inbox (and your current fankid list as a whole! Would you share them with the us?
I mean, I can tell you the three I mentioned, but as for the whole list
That’s uh
That’s kind of a long list
I mean I’ll do it though. Under the cut at least
But to answer your first question, the three dragon ships were
Lotus Dragon/Rambutan
Sea Fairy/Longan Dragon
Lychee Dragon/Stardust
As for the rest of my “requested but haven’t finished yet”, we have
Red Velvet/Crunchy Chip (Blackout)
Twizzly Gummy/Currant Cream (Gooseberry but looking to change)
Mint Choco/Rockstar (Mint Toothpaste, may be tweaked)
Pomegranate/Affogato (Pomegranate Sundae)
Dark Cacao/Affogato (Dark Cream)
Cherry Blossom/Herb (Myrtle)
Latte/Eclair (Beignet, but I think I was going to change it?)
Cherry Blossom/Black Raisin (Grape Vine)
Clotted Cream/Black Raisin (Scotch Bun)
Macaron/Cinnamon (Snickerdoodle)
Licorice/Capsaicin (Star Anise)
Popcorn/Banana (Banana Chip)
Kumiho/Crunchy Chip (Mallow Fudge)
Hollyberry/Pitaya Dragon (Red Pitaya)
Scorpion/Prune Juice (Juniper Berry, but looking to change)
Pizza/String Gummy (String Cheese)
Note on that last one, it’s a double, and I completed the first one months ago, that being Croissant/Roguefort (Beaufort), but I’m unable to show him bc it’s a double
Tea Knight/Vampire, though I’m strongly considering striking that one. I considered it because I assumed that the anon assumed Vampire was immortal and actually closer to Tea Knight’s age, but I now feel like that’s not much of an excuse
Peach/Banana (Pink Banana)
Milk/Purple Yam (Ube Ice Cream)
Red Velvet/Dark Choco (Cocoa Powder, also Strawberry Choco, we’ll see who I make first)
Clover/Carol (Pine Needle, maybe change to Fir?)
Captain Ice/Almond (Tortoni)
Pomegranate/Hydrangea (Spider Lily)
Kumiho/Snake Fruit (Ambrosia)
Abyss Monarch/Dino-Sour (Gummy Shark)
Wind Archer/Fire Spirit (Smoke Watcher)
Abyss Monarch/Black Pearl (Deep Turquoise)
Baguette/Coffee Candy (Coffee Bun)
Golden Cheese/Ananas Dragon (Golden Kiwi)
Truffle/Almond (Black Walnut, might change)
Longan Dragon/Pure Vanilla (Langsat)
Moonlight/Dark Cacao (Midnight Choco)
Red Velvet/Licorice (Black Velvet)
Almond/Latte (Almond Milk)
Blackberry/Adventurer (Blackberry Scone)
Red Velvet/Earl Grey (Teacake)
Herb/Currant Cream (Blackcurrant)
Shining Glitter/Herb (Bouquet)
Herb/Black Lemonade (Mint Lemonade)
Licorice/Royal Margarine (Butterscotch)
Dark Choco/Fire Flower (Choco Cosmos)
Electric Eel/Box Jellyfish (Blue Bottle, but it has to be changed now)
Ninja/Sakura (Mochi)
Burnt Cheese/Black Raisin (Raisin Bun)
Black Pearl/Frost Queen (Sugar Pearl)
Mocha Ray/Starfruit (Espresso Romano)
Raspberry/Chili Pepper (Raspberry Chipotle)
Financier/Pistachio (Florentine)
Milk/Black Raisin (Sweet Milk)
Blue Lily/Bellflower (Canterbury Bell)
Aquamarine/Herb (Sea Kelp)
Dark Enchantress/Timekeeper (Day Lily)
Espresso/Latte (Dalgona)
Starfruit/Stardust (Starflower)
Prune Juice/Capsaicin/Kouign Amann (Bloody Mary)
Black Pearl/Oyster (Pearl Oyster)
Raspberry Mousse/Rose (Raspberry Rose)
Longan Dragon/Dark Enchantress
Wildberry/Chili Pepper (Spiceberry)
Moonlight/Matcha (Moon Drop, but I’m not sure on it)
Matcha/Sea Fairy (Green Tea)
Raspberry/Caramel Arrow
Coffee Candy/Cherry Ball (Cherry Candy)
Golden Cheese/Pure Vanilla/Corpse Flower (Baklava Cheesecake)
Licorice/Black Raisin (Grape Licorice)
Roguefort/Pastel Meringue (Mascarpone)
Stardust/Cream Unicorn (Unicorn Ice Cream)
White Lily/Pomegranate (Amaranth)
Dark Cacao/Frost Queen (Hoarfrost)
Affogato/Cream Unicorn (Coffee Pavlova)
Fig/Cotton Candy (Candy Fig)
Custard III parent (Custard Sauce)
Cream Puff/Walnut (Pecan Pie)
Dark Choco/Clotted Cream (Ganache)
Affogato/Sweet Cream (Bitter Cream)
Dark Cacao parent (still working on the new names)
Sandwich/Hero (White Tomato)
Shadow Milk/Moonlight
Shadow Milk/Cinnamon
Choco Ball/Cream Ball
Goblin/Pimento Cheese
Energy Drink/Jelly Sludge
Electric Eel/Lamprey (Moray Eel)
Royal Margarine/Grey Heron
String Gummy/Brunsgiver
Captain Caviar/Rocky Wolf
Shadow Milk/Lychee Dragon (Lychee Boba)
Cream Unicorn/Choco Ball (Cosmic Brownie)
Energy Drink/Ninja (Rice Milk)
Peeled Carrot/Host
Pastel Meringue/Popping Candy (Meringue Pop)
DJ/Pink Choco (Choco Blast)
Kumiho & Vagabond parent
Cappuccino/Truffle (Reishi)
Cocoa/Black Pearl (Cocoa Bomb)
Matcha/Baneberry (Teaberry)
Rye/Black Raisin (Raisin Swirl)
Cinnamon/Blackberry Tart (Cinnamon Tart)
Raspberry/Bumbleberry (Razzleberry)
Shining Glitter/Stardust (Shining Star)
Kumiho/Cherry Blossom (Mallow)
Tiger Lily/Pomegranate (Açaí Berry)
Rye/Hero (Graham Cracker)
Dark Choco/Sour Butter (Butter Fudge)
Dark Choco/Pastry (Violet Creams)
Crimson Coral/Stardust (Star Sapphire)
Eclair/Adventurer (Shortbread)
Licorice/Caramel Arrow (Swirl Taffy)
Mala Sauce/Bellflower (Horseradish)
The three listed above
Dark Choco alone
Espresso/Eclair (Coffee Cream)
Mala Sauce/Timekeeper
Frilled Jellyfish/Mystic Flour
Twizzly Gummy/Mozzarella
And I think that’s all of them. Unless I missed one that came in my inbox today
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monkeytrick · 1 year ago
This is my weekend as a 28-year-old living in Chicago. Started my day off with a Guru and making my bed. It was mental health awareness day at my company, so I got brunch with my friend Lizzy and had a few drinks. Then I met up with Evelyn and we kayaked to the Chicago river. It was actually pretty dope. Priscilla had never been to the field museum, so we had to check it out. Then we headed to El Paraiso for some drinks and vibes. The tacos were scrumptious. We also got a margarita tower? So… yeah. After that I had to take my forerunner to the shop to get a new transmission, then I then I came home and just chilled a little, before going to see Bill Maher at the Chicago Theatre. He absolutely crushed it. After the show, I met up with Lindsey Jacobellis and her sister, Malmo, for tequila shots, and yet another marg tower. It was so much fun. Then we went to Rind for their stuffed pineapple which was absolutely to die for. And their snow crab is pretty good too. Here’s a brow brow in Tomlin Square, with Jake, Ben, and Jordan - my friends are the craziest. More drinks, then we went to Rose Mary for small bites, and somehow we ended up going to Medieval Times. I don’t know, the rest of the night was kind of a blur. Woke up Saturday and took Lunch for a waltz, we found a cicada skin and I tried to get him to eat it, but he didn’t. Another Guru, then a much needed pork chop from the Golden Nugget. Rosie invited me to The Museum of Ice Cream, which was actually pretty dope. She’s so precious. Then we got hungry, so I made pesto aioli to put on some Italian hoagies. After a couple rounds of Zathuro, we went to the world’s largest Starbucks, then met up with McKenzie and Marvin at The Museum of Ice Cream, which was actually pretty dope. Got a marg tower, then I had a dessert date with Kara at The Museum of Ice Cream, and then we got hungry so we grabbed a bite at Wendell’s. Me and Gira had reservations at HideSeek for their alpana, and then got lomo at Tanta, which I highly recommend. I was pretty wiped, so then I just chilled for a few. Met up with my girlfriend Darla at Legoland, then caught a rooftop movie with our friend, K.P., and stopped at Target on the way to Bobobo for drinks, then stopped at Target before going to Cafe Menu at the east loop for Georgina’s 45th. I got the #6, which includes pizza, salad, stir fry, and pasta. Which I highly recommend. Tyler had an acoustic set at the plunge hole, so I stopped by that, and then went to Ben’s performance at a docuragan restaurant. Then it was time for dinner at D’Angelo’s, where you have to get the cheeseburger egg rolls tacos and tacos. I got a spare of marg towers, then I totaled one in linkin park and had a beautiful drive home. I spent the night teaching guitar online and watched Trumblo for like the billionth time. Woke up on Sunday and hit T.J.’s in Phillis with Alice and Peckler, my wife and husband thought it would be a good day for a hike, so we… did that. After that, I ranked every girl I know on a scale of 1-10, then wrote apology letters to the sub-4s. Yet another marg tower. Went on a hike with Erin, then Friendsgiving at Lina’s condo. And we played some VR and made hot dogs and saw a comedy show and saw a comedy show and made some aioli. So I guess that was my weekend
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whatifimthestrange1 · 1 year ago
ARG/Unfiction Personal Tier List
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just because i want to share some great series + i'd love some recommendations! //and i can keep track of the ones i've seen this way//
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these is a personal ranking, so you won't like the same thing I do!
marble hornets (.)
daisy brown (.)
don't hug me im scared (.)
pizza time pizza (.)
echo rose (.)
weird birds (.)
chainmail chasers (.)
everymanhyrbid (.)
local58 (.)
hi im mary mary (.)
omega mart (.)
lasagna cat (.)
lacey games (.)
how-to-henry (.)
tulpa effect (.)
cat ghost (.)
i am sophie (.)
seventybroad (_)
generation loss (.)
dad (.)
petscop (.)
angel hare (.)
unedited footage of a bear (.)
gilbert garfield (.)
2h32 (.)
teeny toys (.)
mandela catalog (.)
shipwreck 64 (.)
welcome home (.)
catastrophe crow (.)
pbhere (.)
meatsleep (_)
10tapes (.)
short wars (.)
alan tutorial (.)
pbhere (.)
happy meat farms (.)
wilbur soot arg (.)
paranormal paranoids (.)
ash vlogs (.)
sabrina miller (.)
gemini home entertainment (.)
rhees rapture (.)
a/s/l (.)
poppy (.)
the sun vanished (.)
hiding in my home(.)
eckva (.)
peaceful watcher (.)
cut dat (.)
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pongonn · 1 year ago
hellooo! I'm Pongonn!
I'm a teen minor, They/he/she, genderqueer
I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual, but I'm still questioning so don't quote me on that
I also have mental issues, be wary- I do get suicidal at times, sorry☹️
Yes, I'm a yumeshipper, but I'm not open abt it🤷 SORTA non-sharing tbh but not really,,
Series I like!
(Bolded = current hyperfixation)
Pizza Tower
Block Tales
Object Shows
Hello John Doe
The Stanley Parable
Wii Deleted You
Helluva Boss
Sugary Spire
Dream Game(Roblox)
Dave And Bambi
Rayman(every game)
Lethal Company
Smiling Friends(omfg I love Smiling Friends sm)
Sam & Max
Lethal League(and Lethal League Blaze too)
Murder Drones
Raggedy Ann and Andy:A musical adventure
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Welcome Home
Spooky Month
Sally Face
Newsies the musical(underrated movie fr)
All Mean Girls movies
Gregory Horror Show
Castle Crashers
Wander Over Yonder
BattleBlock Theatre
DHMIS(I started tweaking when they posted a whole season)
South Park
Neon Genesis Evangalion
Sonic.exe in general
Mandela Catalogue
The Walten Files
Shovelware's Brain Game
Lucky Star
Gravity Falls
aannd that's all I can think of!
Musical Artists and people I like!
Rio Romeo
Destroy Boys
Gezebelle Gaburgably
Alex G
Tyler The Creator
Go Hang Music
That Handsome Devil
Stomach Book
Graham Kartna
Jack Stauber
Lemon Demon
Caravan Palace
Crystal Castles
System Of A Down
They Might Be Giants
Malice Mizer
Tv Girl
and that's also all I can think of!
Character's I love!
Cupcakes C00lkidd skin(Forsaken)
Mafioso(Dream Game)♥️
1x1x1x1 (Forsaken)
John Doe(Forsaken, Hello John Doe FNF mod)
Griefer(Block tales)♥️
Cruel King(Block tales)♥️ I want that old man
N(Murder Drones)
Home(Welcome Home)
Barnaby(Welcome Home)
Poppy Partridge(Welcome Home)
Streber(Spooky Month)
Ethan(Spooky Month)
Leon(Spooky Month)
Bon(Walten Files)
Sha(Walten Files)
Banny(Walten Files)
Henry(Wii Deleted You)
Infected (Regretevator)
Randy Jade(Dialtown)
Wally(Welcome Home)
Oliver Swift(Dialtown)
Karl(Law of Talos)
Climber(Endzone&Law of Talos)
Chimbley(Endzone&Law of Talos)
Cat Butler(Omori)(I LOVE HIM SM)
Glamrock Chica
Amy Rose
Sally Face
That fucking robot on Caravan Palace's MVs and Album Covers
Red Guy
Benzene (LoT)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Dipper Pines
Bill Cipher
Phone guy(FNAF)
and that's about it!(there's more I can't think of)
DNI and INT!
Andy and Leyley fans
JustAMinx fans
Trump supporters bsf
Period cramps😕/silly
basic dni
if u like any of the stuff I like!
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emmysinni · 1 year ago
Why Hello There, Old Sport !! ^_^
emerson (or rose's) writer blog kiddie strangler intro V1! :)
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about me, before writers
most importantly, starting with the name.
i am EmersonGem, or just Emerson! (or Marie)
now for regions/about me.
NOT stating age, taken, 🇯🇵🇲🇽, Atheist, 5'0. and i wish to be a doctor or surgeon, i am a artist and a editor, too
favorite music artists.
Soddiken, Cigarettes After Sex, Alex G, Cavetown, Mitski, Beabadoobee, Rio Romeo, Beach Bunny, Clario, Kero Kero Bonito, TEMPOREX, yungatita, Steve Lacy, Mr.Kitty (i dont support him) Sohodolls, Pastel Ghost, Eyedress, Marina, Toby Fox, Weezer, LUCI4, Odetari, Tally Hall, Lemon Demon, Bo Burnham, merrliee, Kikuo, SEGA SOUND TEAM, The Living Tombstone, Graham Kartna, Oliver Buckland, Fishcracks, Zkevin, Metaroom, Tupperwave, Tv Girl, Vacations, Salvia Path, Datfootdive, Goreshit (i don't support him)
and now, fandoms.
DSAF, dialtown, FNAF, deltarune, undertale, sonic the hedgehog (all games and comics), sonic.exe, JJK, homestuck, ranfren (i don't support the creator), little witch academia, mystic maze, days union, Soddiken song meanings, Deltarune: Chapter Rewritten, CRK, CR: OB, Phighting, TF2, Murder Drones, Regretevtor, cry of fear, sugary spire, pizza tower, cuphead, BATIM, vocaloid, valorant, south park and hellpark, overwatch, underverse, Laws Of Talos, Endzone, HJFONE, BFDI, BFB, TPOT, Eddsworld, and lastly mad father!
comfort characters.
matt virginia, dave miller, jack kennedy, steven stevenson, peter kennedy, roger jones, Uzi Doorman, Scout/Jeremy, Spamton G. Spamton, Jevil, Scampton The Great, Phone Guy, C.C (crying child) The Chimbley Sweep, Karl, Climber, Steffi, Tom, and lastly Boombox!
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now, time for writers!
what i will write:
fluff, normal, yandere, platonic, doomed, angst !! :3 (and X reader, i can try to make slightly suggestive..)
what i won't write:
incest, problematic stuff
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xoxo-susu · 1 year ago
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Coquettifying this semester ⋆。·˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
Hello loves ♡
My first class of the semester starts this week, so I thought I'd make a lil post on my favorite school tips and tricks for Spring 2024 :)
Studying and homework ⋆。·˚ʚ 🩰 ɞ˚‧。⋆
🩰 White noise. If you struggle with zoning off while you work, white noise is exactly what you need. I personally prefer pink or brown noise because it's a little deeper and softer and white noise just makes me think of falling sand.
🩰 Stay on top of your assignments. In the beginning for me especially, it's so easy to let things slip. Do not do it. It will impact your grade for the rest of the semester. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. Try and do your homework right when you get home. That way, you maximize relaxed time without worrying about assignments.
🩰 Keep your study space clean and cute. You're not going to feel motivated sitting at some grungy old cardboard box that smells like leftover pizza! Try and make your study place somewhere you enjoy to be. And keep it clean!
🩰 Pomodoros. I love love love pomodoros. They help me stay so much more focused because it's like a challenge to study through the whole time. If you don't know what a pomodoro is, this link explains it pretty well ♡
🩰 Find what works for you. I find I focus best in the morning. Some people feel like they're at their sharpest at 2:15 PM. Experiment a little with a low-pressure assignment and figure out when you work best. Once you do, schedule your assignments accordingly. The hardest go during that time, but the easiest go when you're least motivated. Also try and go to a coffee shop or the library! It's sooo motivational.
🩰 All nighters. These are great for romanticization purposes and nothing else. Get. Your. Eight. Hours. Of. Sleep! Unless you only found out about an assignment the night before its due and there's no other option, do not do it! You need rest for your brain to function properly. There was a study I remember hearing about where one group of students crammed for a test the night before and the others slept well, and the well-rested ones got higher scores.
🩰 Study groups. If you work well with other people, do this! But if you get too distracted, don't do it.
🩰 NOTION!!!! Notion is SUCH a great and aesthetic website to get organized.
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At school ⋆。·˚ʚ 🎀 ɞ˚‧。⋆
🎀 Ribbons. Ribbons are such a coquette staple. Put them on everything! Especially your hair.
🎀 Take cute notes. Make them something you'd like to look back on! Buy yourself a new pack of pink highlighters, write in juicy black pen, doodle bows, use washi tape, whatever you think looks best. Even try and make your homework look pretty. My spanish midterm project was a coquette work of art.
🎀 Look your prettiest. Again with the ribbons--put them in your hair! Wear cute mary janes. Brush your hair. Take a shower before, if you can. Wear a vanilla or rose scented body mist. Put on some cute rings. If you have a uniform, wear a cozy scarf and as much jewelry as you can.
🎀 Books. Bring a book with you everywhere. It will make you look so educated and elegant. Some of my favorites are Little Women, Heaven to Betsy and Betsy in Spite of Herself, Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility, Sad Cypress, Death on the Nile, Anne of Green Gables, and Betsy was a Junior and Betsy and Joe. The Betsy books are perfect because each one is about a year in highschool, and they're so coquette and vintage and she's such a study icon and ugh.
🎀 Make good friends. Having a good group of people to motivate and uplift you is sosososo important. Get rid of the ones who hate to see you succeed. And it will make school feel like someplace you're genuinely excited to go to.
🎀 Don't skip classes. Just don't. It's not the vibe.
🎀 Be nice to your teachers. If they really suck then they really suck. But your school year will be so much easier if your teachers like you and know of you as a good student.
🎀 Try and find 'your place'. Not like that. Literally. Try and find a little nook you and your group can claim as your favorite.
🎀 Make your supplies as cute as possible! Get a cute bag or backpack if you can. Pretty stationary will help you romanticize so much. Get rid of the ugly neon yellow pencils.
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Coquettifying ⋆。·˚ʚ 💌 ɞ˚‧。⋆
This is the best part!
💌 Watch GRWMS and coquette school vlogs.
💌 tie a bow on everything.
💌 Lipgloss, lipgloss, lipgloss! Pale pink and shimmery.
💌 Make a coquette academia pinterest board, like mine.
💌 In the words of our icon @coqxettee, "Study and work hard. Being intelligent is attractive, gorgeous and most of all, one of the keys to success." Read her posts too, all of them are just lovely for romanticizing.
💌 Take care of yourself. Face masks while studying, matchas on the way to school, gua sha before going to sleep. AND STAY HYDRATED!!!!
💌 Get a cute lotion for school. The glossier one is great but a bit on the pricier side. Bath and Body Works has a lot of great alternatives (but some of their stuff has been said to cause cancer so mb look into that)
💌 Cute little claw clips in your hair or on your bag. Emijay has an ADORABLE one, but there's also a really cute temu dupe.
💌 Find your signature scent, or make it seasonal like I do!
💌 Keep a diary. Fill it with sweet memories, funny pictures of you and your friends, deep quotes, and lipstick kisses.
💌 Mary Janes. Period.
💌 Get cute frilly socks and dainty jewelry.
💌 Shower every day.
💌 Go thrifting.
💌 Try and take a walk every day, even if it's just up and down your street.
💌 Keep a bouquet of fresh flowers in your room.
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Okkkkk that's the end! I hope this helped out with any coquette issues. ily all smmmm byee! ⋆。·˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
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roseofithaca · 6 months ago
A New Day
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(Set after @idiotwithanipad 's "Breaking Down Ancient Walls")
Perhaps he hadn't needed to get there quite so early.
Moonah Girl did not always wake at the same time every month. It all depended on how late in the hour the sun set for the moon to truly 'rise'. At Midsummer, she sometimes wouldn't rise until gone ten at night, whereas at Midwinter she'd be up and about as early as dinner time. For that reason, she preferred the darker time of year, as did Robin.
It's not the first time she hasn't slept on her bed of blue flowers. Alison say they flowers of corn but he always call them Moonah flowers, ever since he lay down Nah...A couple of times, when Mary was still around, she had slept her month away beside her adopted mum for one reason or another. If nightmares came to torment her before the new moonah, they would bring her inside so she wasn't alone. Stompy's idea.
That's how he'd found Body holding her that month. Stubbornness had kept him from checking on her, letting her have her big exile, thinking they'd sort it out next month as Pat advised. Then two weeks passed and Moonah was invisible in the sky. He'd remembered how Silver sometimes twitched and wept and screamed from lack of good light.
How could he stand to stay away? He'd had to go check. When he hadn't found her on her bed, there'd been a terrifying moment of panic. Had she gone up to stars before he could say sorry? Or, worse, had bad ghost or demon dragged her off somewhere bad? It not too crazy a thought...
It hadn't been a demon who was keeping her. Not quite. It took less than ten minutes for him to find Body bit sat upon that log, still as statue, holding her on his lap. It look a bit like famous image he see of Fanny and Mary's dead god being cradled in arms of his mother. The....pizza? That what it called?
That burning jealous sensation had flickered in his chest again, instead of relief and gratitude that Silver hadn't been asleep out here alone.
"Ey. You can let go now. Me will take her. You free." He tried to explain to the body.
In response he got a broken nose after a rapid punch to his face.
Robin groaned, feeling it click back into place in three seconds. Been a while since anyone had hurt him like that.
Silver continued to sleep peacefully, cheek rested against his cloak.
"Hey! She not your Moonah Girl, hear? Well, you no hear, you not one with ears." He grunted; "But still listen! She not your Stompy. She my..."
He bit his lip. My Moonah Girl.
The words sounded less...possessive in his heart than they did in his head.
A stern huff rose in the body's chest as its arms encircled Silver tighter, like a mama wolf curling around her cub. There was no way it was going to let Robin lay a hand on its "daughter".
And perhaps it was right to feel that way.
Stompy had appeared in his dreams not long after. And spooked the sense he needed back into his fuzzy old head.
This time, as he waits for the full moonah to rise, he doesn't attempt to take Silver from the arms of Humphrey's body.
Instead, he takes a seat against a tree close by. And he waits.
"Will be here, Moonah Girl. Will be right here when you wa-."
A month of sleepless nights and regrets hit his head like a speeding truck, and he slumped back against the bark, eyelids falling shut, jaw slack.
Her eyes open. The moon shines down from above.
Silver laughs.
Leaping to her feet, adrenaline rushed through her bloodstream, as if she had just consumed twenty Mango Locos (Was that how it worked? Ames?). She twirled and giggled, bathed in moonlight, before sending a kiss up to the gorgeous orb illuminating the sky.
"Praise be to Artemis! You beautiful fucking bitch!" She called, throwing her hands up into the air, imagining that divine essence pouring into her.
She heard a rustle behind her and turned to see Humphrey's headless body get to his feet, knees creaking slightly. He was having to stretch them out and pat them down to wake them up from where they'd gone numb.
"Aww! Did you stay with me this whole month?" She cooed, covering her mouth.
Throwing her arms back around the body's neck, it felt pleasantly surprised to have another hug, despite only having a minute break from the month long embraced she'd slept through.
"You might just be the sweetest creature without a brain. Hehehe, you're like my own Scarecrow!" The Pagan grinned and took its hands, twirling underneath them, as if leading it in a waltz.
It was more than happy to comply, though obviously confused. "Daughter" was hardly the ballroom dancing type. Perhaps it was other girl with the frilly dress? Not that he seemed to mind who was holding onto him.
"C'mon! We gotta get back to those lazy buggers before they fall asleep." She says with determination, "Wanna race?"
She stops and pats the body's wrist steadily, as she once saw Amy do before they set off for a game of chase.
"Three...two...one...Go!" Silver sprinted off as quick as she could towards the mansion, the body hot on her heels.
In the shadows of the forest, she'd failed to spot the caveman asleep against the tree close to where she'd awoken. Robin startled awake at the sound of high pitched laughter.
"Moo-Moonah Girl?!"
"And that is why I believe High School Musical to be a butchered remake of the far superior Grease." Kitty finished with a curtsey.
Everyone gave a half hearted applause.
"Thank you, Kitty. Very...detailed. Next time maybe let us know if your talk is going to take longer than two hours, pet?" Said Pat, as nice as he could.
"EVENIN' LOSERS!" Silver chimed, making everyone straighten in their seats as she leapt through the door; "Miss me?!"
"Silvy!" The Georgian clapped. "Oh, you look much better!"
"Better? Babe, I am walking on starlight right now, you have no idea!" She gushed.
"Ah, see? Told you that a good, long sleep would be what the child needed to sort out her mood." Fanny commented.
"And right you were, as always, Lady B! Come 'ere!"
Silver then made everyone stare in horror as she threw her arms around the matriarch and gave her a big, wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek, as if she were her own dear grandmother.
None were more shocked than Fanny herself.
"Good Heavens, I...." She looked as though she'd never received such affection from her own family. It was enough to make Silver laugh.
"Well young lady, I am glad to see that you're in better spirits than our last meeting. Hopefully we'll have no more sulking and poor choices from you." Captain remarked, his back straight.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Jimmy." She smirked, and when Cap's eyes widened at her audacity, she tackled him with a hug too; "Oh, just stop being a prat for five minutes and give us a cuddle!"
"I'm terrified. Is anyone else terrified?" Thomas mumbled from the side.
"Ooh, me next! Me next!" Kitty rushed forward, arms outstretched.
Obviously, Silver indulged her best girlfriend who still remained on this plane of existence and turned to hug her tight.
"Eyy, you know I'm always up for physical affection." Julian reached out.
"Piss off, Thatcher scum." Silver laughed, her head still on Kitty's shoulder.
"Fair enough." The MP stepped back, head bowed, "At least we know she hasn't completely lost her marbles."
"Actually, before I forget, I need you to do me a favour." She asked without excusing the casual insult she'd thrown at him just before, "Can you text Alison and ask her to come visit while I'm awake? I need to talk to her."
"No need. She's just getting out of the bath." Remarked Thomas, to which everyone glared at him; "Uh, I only heard her get out! I haven't peeked my head in, honest!"
Right on cue, the door to the ensuite opened and Alison stepped out in her dressing gown, rubbing her wet, greying hair with one of the complimentary towels.
"What you all chattering abou- Oh! You alright, Silver?" She gave the Pagan a friendly smile.
"Yes! I'm great! Flippin' fantastic!" She bounced on her feet, looking more excited than Mia when being told she's going to Disneyland; "Alison, I need you to do something for me. Can you...Can you change my name? Make me Silver Guppy?"
"I...You sure? When I offered before, you said..."
"I know. But it's different now. I know that it's what Mary wants as much as I do." Silver grinned, "She told me herself."
Everyone went quiet and looked at each other.
"You...You spoke to Mary?" Alison asked, dubious.
"Yes. Well, not quite. I spoke to Amy and she passed on the message from Mary." She tried to explain, "They're together now. All of them. In the....In the next layer."
At the Georgian's gasp, Silver turned to her friend.
"You got it right, Kitty! They are ghost-ghosts. And they're always close to us, kinda like how we're close to Livings, except they're not trapped in one place, I think..."
Tears of joy sprung to Kitty's eyes; "Oh I knew it! I just knew it! Hello, Amy! Hello, Mary and Annie and Eleanor, Mama and Papa, if you're there!"
"Uhm, just to clarify...did you happen to be dreaming when you 'spoke to' Amy?" Asked Cap.
They all exchanged looks again, most of them pursing their lips.
"You all don't believe me? I get it! Just another of Silver's crazy dreams, yeah?" She smirked; "But I can prove it!"
She pointed her finger at Cap.
"Two weeks ago. Karaoke night. You sang My Heart Belongs To Daddy."
The solder went white as a sheet; "Who told-."
"Thomas, you and Kitty did a duet of Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now." She said to the poet.
Thomas rolled his eyes; "If one could call it a duo, when only one of us seemed to put in the effort."
Silver ignored Kitty's disgusted look towards the man so she could turn to Fanny.
"Mrs. B, you and Alison watched Fifty Shades of Grey together."
"I would never degrade myself to watching such filth!"
"Fanny, I was there. And it was your request." Alison said, folding her arms; "I think you've convinced us all, Silv."
"Aww, but I wanted to shame Julian for what Amy caught him doing in the women's spa." Silver raised an eyebrow.
The Tory gulped; "She....She's still following me? Jesus, not even second death stops her!"
"But this is wonderful!" Pat chirped; "A little creepy, sure, but oh what a relief to know our Amy and Mary are okay and still with us, in a sense. Humphrey will be chuffed to bits."
Silver couldn't help but notice that the head was the only ghost absent from the room. Was he still isolating himself in Amy's room? The body also hadn't followed her, despite having won their race to the front door.
"As much as I would like to believe it, I admit I'm a little skeptical. How do we know these aren't things you heard us get up to while you slept?" Cap asked.
Before Silver could open her mouth, a rough voice cut in.
"Moonah Girl tell truth."
Eyes all turned to the caveman in the corner. How long had he been there? Silver hadn't seen him enter.
"Stompy visit me in dream too." Robin explained; "Mention old friend of mine she met who I not tell her about before. Has to be real."
"Have you ever seen this before, Robin? Had someone...come back from the other side in some way?" Asked Pat.
He shook his head; "Never. Stompy very special."
Silver allowed herself a tiny smile. He wasn't wrong there.
"Oh, I do hope she'll come to visit me sometime! And Mary and Annie and we can all have a ghost-ghost sleepover." Kitty sighed, wishful.
"It's just Amy who can see us, babe. She kind of acts as a mediator between the next world and ours." Silver tried to explain; "But she can pass on messages from the others and send them back. I'm sure she'll come visit your dreams at some point, she's still adjusting to it all, I think. She missed us all loads to start but...at least she's got Mary helping her."
"Oh, Silv, it must have meant the world for you to hear that from her, even if it was through Amy." Alison smiled, "I know I always told you what she said to me about you but I know it's another to hear it confirmed for yourself."
Silver nodded, touching her pentacle, "It's finally made me feel like...I know who I really am. Hehehe. Which is fucking amazing, especially after..."
Her eyes went over to Robin, her smile fading as she was suddenly reminded of their last confrontation in this very room. The caveman ducked his head and rubbed at his fur.
It was Julian who cleared his throat and stepped close to the Pagan.
"Hey...feel free to ignore this Thatcher scum, but...the poor guy's been torturing himself over what happened for a month. Can you just give him two minutes? Please?" He whispered, a tentative hand on Silver's arm.
She took a breath, steeling herself; "Sure. Robin, you got something to say to me?"
The feral man looked up, eyes wide, like the quiet kid in class being picked on by the teacher to answer a question he didn't study for.
"I....Uhh...Y-yes, but..." He waved his fur covered hand to the others in the room.
"Oh, we can all give you guys a moment-." Alison began.
"Nope! No, you all stay put." Silver said, crossing her arms, "Not sure if you're aware, Alison, but this is how we do these sort of things now, for all our friends to see. Ain't that right, Robin?"
"Ouch..." Thomas hissed from the edge of the room.
The caveman blushed, suddenly looking tiny.
"Well?" Silver prompted.
He raised his eyes to her, looking so sad and old that it nearly caused her to melt. Biting the inside of her mouth, she remained firm, Mary's words of encouragement in her head, acting like a supportive hand on her back.
Robin stepped forward.
"Me sorry. Sorry made Moonah Girl cry and leave. Sorry...embarrassed Moonah Girl in front of friends-."
"And Humphrey. You apologised to him too?" Asked Silver.
He nodded; "And said sorry to Stompy...And ask Stompy to send sorries to Mary for breaking promise..."
That was something then. She would have to wait until she slept again to ask Amy if Mary had forgiven him.
The others all remained quiet, looking awkward, but feeling compelled to stay. It was only fair.
"Tell us why you did it." Silver ordered. "Tell me and them why you broke your promise."
Robin cringed, then abandoned the last of his pride.
"Three reason. One...might not have got over losing Stompy as well as appear." He sighed, scratching at his arm; "Not always deal with pain good. Two...me angry. Angry for Humphrey. He say to me how he feel...Dad to Dad. Me know how it hurt to lose babies. False hope be big cruel. Made me cross with Moonah Girl."
Silver nodded. That was a point she would allow him. That had been her mistake. Her carelessness. But it was a hurt she'd caused Humphrey. It hadn't been Robin's to avenge.
"Any other reason?" She asked.
He nodded; "Three....Me big jealous. Moonah Girl get close with Hump body and...seem like not need Robin. Already lose Stompy...got scared me lose Moonah Girl too..."
Both Cap and Fanny gasped a little at that, whereas the others just looked disappointed at the caveman.
"Kind of self-fulfilled your own prophecy there, hmm? Idiot." She tutted.
He nodded, bashful.
"But you accept...apothecary?" He cringed and shook his head; "Mean, apology."
"Actually, both would have been fine." She gestured to herself as she glanced at the others looking confused; "Witch, remember?"
Both Robin and the others all nodded.
"But sure. Yeah. Apology accepted." She said, blandly.
A smile twitched at the corner of the caveman's lips. He opened his paws and stepped forward, as if to dare for a hug.
Silver turned her back on him.
"For what it's worth...I'm sorry too." She said to the others; "What I said about Alison getting away from you all, that wasn't fair and I was just lashing out. I'm really sorry."
"No, no, it's fine!" They all chorused.
"It's basically what we said to get her to leave!" Pat admitted.
Alison chuckled; "You guys know that's not why I left! Well...not completely." She winked at Silver.
"And perhaps we all could have been a tad more sympathetic to your own grief." Cap admitted with a solemn nod, the others all copying in agreement.
The Pagan smiled, grateful; "I still need to talk to Humphrey. He's gotta be emotional if Amy's been visiting him too."
As she went to leave, Kitty reached for her.
"Oh, don't be too late! You just missed my Grease essay, I'd be happy to repeat it for you!"
Everyone let out a groan but Silver laughed.
"Wouldn't miss it. I won't be long." She walked through the wall and left the room.
It didn't surprise her to hear the thudding of fur boots following her down the corridor.
"Moonah Girl! Wait..."
Silver stopped. She clenched her fists at her sides and breathed deep.
"...We cool?" He asked, hesitantly.
"Like I said. Apology accepted."
"That not what me ask." He said.
Fucking hell...
Silver took another breath, wishing that all the anger and hurt would leave her heart as swift as the air could exit her non-corporeal lungs.
She turned around.
"You broke my heart. Scratch that, you tore it out and stomped on it like it was made of glass." She said to him; "So no. We're not cool."
"But...you said..." He frowned.
"I said I accept your apology. That doesn't mean I have to forgive you right away. Or stop feeling hurt." She told him, trying not to raise her voice or get too emotional.
His large brow furrowed with confusion and a touch of frustration.
"You hug Fanny and Cap? They say mean things too but-."
"They're not my best friends, dude. I can take whatever crap they wanna say about me. But having someone you really love betray you? That's a wound that takes a lot longer to heal. And time doesn't exactly work on my side like it does the rest of you, as we've all seen."
That silenced him again. In the dim light of the partially lit hall, those ancient eyes shone with regret.
"If it hadn't been for Amy, I'd still be in that forest right now, with no one but Humphrey's body. I'd still be wondering if Mary ever loved me or if it was all some act, or having nightmares about waking up on fire at her hands! You put those images in my head. You tried to take my mum's love away from me without her here to speak for herself."
Tears began to spill down his cheeks and it took every ounce of strength for her not to just pretend everything was fine.
Fuck. She hated this.
It's not like she wanted to still be mad at him. But she owed it to their friendship not to lie.
"Thank you for apologising and thank you for explaining why you did it. But I dunno if I can trust you again."
That wounded him, worse than the slap she'd delivered a month earlier.
"Wha...What can me do...?" He asked, looking desperate, ready to fall on his knees and beg. Fuck, she hoped he wouldn't.
She shook her head; "I dunno. Maybe I just need time, or...maybe it's like when you all thought a song would be all it took to apologise to Alison? It's not always that easy."
"....Can try Sorry Song if want?" He offered.
That almost made her smile. She shook her head; "Don't. Just. Leave me alone for a bit, okay? I gotta focus on making things up to Humphrey and deal with if he's ready to forgive me or not. But even if he doesn't, I promised Amy to look after him, while I'm awake."
"I make promise to Stompy too. But to look after Moonah Girl." He said.
"I don't need you to look after me anymore, Robin. I've got Mum." She said, pointing upward, imagining Mary watching over her.
He shrank back at that, dejected. Part of her knows that struck him. It's what keeps him going after all, feeling needed. Wanted.
"I'll see you around." She said, amicably, before leaving him with his remorse.
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shiftingwithmars · 7 months ago
Mary Macdonald Headcanons
She likes Guns N’ Roses music
her favorite colors are red and brown
she wears doc martens
she likes cherries
she likes making pizzas herself and cooking them into heart shapes (very specific ik)
sleeps with a teddy bear
her favorite flowers are Forget-Me-Nots (Iykyk)
she likes to braid little beads into her hair
she likes to skateboard
she likes art
she has a camera and she likes to record everything
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rosetheex-editor · 1 year ago
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins from the front jacket pocket as someone sits at a table seemingly waiting on something, or someone. After another minute some can be heard humming a song identified as “Sympathy for the devil.” Then seconds later. A pair of legs in bloody cut up jeans pop into frame.]
?: You've seen better days! Huh Rosie?
[Voice identified: Emi Henderson.]
Em: So bitch, shall we march to your death yet?
?: Sit down. We have a few minutes, so sit down.
[Voice identified: Rose Elizabeth Henderson.]
Em: Sure, why not.
[Emi sits down at the same makeshift table, her pink hair hanging down her shoulders. Her eye focused on Rose, a look of success shining across her face.]
R: You’re mad I killed you right?
Em: Yuh huh.
R: I'm sorry, genuinely I am so so so fucking sorry… If I could go back, stop what I did… I would.
[Emi's smile fades, she looks at Rose. Anger now boiling over, though she remains able to keep her cool.]
Em: Too bad you can't, it was too late to apologize years ago Rose. Now today is the day this all ends.
R: Emi… Please listen to m-
[Rose is cut off by the sound of an alarm going off on Rose's side, after a few seconds it shuts off and Emi stands up. As does Rose.]
Em: Grab the kid.
?: I…
[Voice identified: Sparrow.]
[Rose turns to face the voice, a child with medium length brown hair sitting in a red wagon. They are holding a purple music box in their hands.]
R: Come on kid… You're going to see Jenny, I promised.
Sp: What about you..?
R: I'll be fine ok? I promise you.
Em: Hurry up stupid.
[Rose grabs the handle of the wagon beginning to follow Emi who stops at the exit.]
R: W- What?
Em: You first.
R: I… Um
Em: Oh please, I know you aren't scared.
R: Right… I uh… Sorry.
[Rose walks past Emi, it’s unclear if she's actually following behind. The sound of Sparrow's wagon tones out the footsteps as they are seemingly sped up by Sparrow themselves.]
R: Sparrow calm down.
Sp: Don't trust her. Neither should you.
R: I don't fucking trust her Sparrow. I never said that.
Sp: Then why apologize?
R: I can apologize and not trust someone all the same.
Sp: No. Not her.
R: Sparrow it's going to be fine. Nothing bad will happen… At least not to you.
Sp: Please. Don't die here.
R: I won't… Not here.
Sp: That's good… Don't want to tell Jenny that. No way.
R: Yeah uh… Yeah.
[The two move in silence for a few seconds. Before Sparrow sighs.]
Sp: If anything happens. I'll find Mari and the others while you run to get the window open.
R: Sparro-
Sp: You heard me. Do what you have to do.
[Rose sighs, seemingly annoyed.]
R: Fine. Whatever.
Sp: Thank you, I appreciate it.
R: So… What are you going to do when you get out?
Sp: Give mama a hug, ask for a sandwich. Probably take a nap. Beds seem comfy.
R: Fair honestly.
Sp: You?
R: Order pizza, maybe ask Edgar if he wants to watch a movie. Dunno.
[The two continue moving through the mall for a few seconds until they reach a darker area, Rose begins moving slowly.]
R: Sparrow slow your breathing for a second…
[A very faint humming is heard, the song cannot be identified. It is seemingly not heard by Rose. She keeps walking very slowly, after a few seconds the humming stops.]
R: Nothing… Nothing at all…
[It remains quiet as Rose continues walking, the only sounds from the wagon and Rose's breathing that’s until… A loud scream is heard from Sparrow, followed by Sparrow attempting to speed off ripping Rose down to the ground. Sparrow gets free and can be heard rolling their wheels to get away from someone running. The sound of someone being chased is heard as Sparrow screams at Rose.]
R: [Pained.] S- Sparrow… I- I…
Sp: RUN!
[The wagon and the other person seemingly continue moving away until they can't be heard as Rose quickly gets up and repositions the camera.]
R: Run… Run…
[Rose slowly begins running the way she was going, a limp in her run as she gains speed and gets back into an area with some light. No words spoken for 3 minutes as she runs.]
[Rose continues to run, passing multiple blurry areas as she does. This lasts for 5 minutes until Rose seemingly sees someone stopping.]
R: Sparrow doesn't know…
[Rose slowly begins running again, this time a set of blurry people are in frame. Seemingly 5 people, Rose runs up to the group. making it close enough to see a child with curly blue hair.]
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