#rose e evergreen
prettywomenlonglegs · 7 months
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mrlarkstin · 6 months
Eramus Larkstin
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Name: Eramus Larkstin
Nicknames: None
Age: 31 (Age he became an immortal dragon at)
Nameday: 29th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Gender: Transman
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Warrior of Light, Culinarian, Alchemist
Hair: A messy mop of dusty rose and dark red hair. The messy nature really shows just how busy he is. The feathers he braids into his hair are feathers from his lover Vrtra.
Eyes: Originally evergreen, the light poisoning turned his eyes a bright emerald, and now, thanks to joining with Azem, he has one orange eye and one green eye. Both his pupils are slit thanks to Vrtra's blood coursing through him.
Skin: Pale and covered in cream scales from Vrtra's blood that keeps him alive.
Tattoos/Scars: A red dragon in a tea cup sits on his left shoulder, a reminder of a friend who fell in the Calamity 5 years ago. He has scars all over his body, scars from his top surgery and scars from battles won and lost.
Parents: Biological mother has passed, his biological father lives in the Firmament in Ishgard. He was raised but a lovely Hyur couple called Marie and Fenris Furor. They are his entire world, he is working on his relationship with his biological father still.
Siblings: His adoptive sister Kaolin! Marie and Fenris' daughter!
Grandparents: N/A. He never met either set of his grandparents, hes not even sure if they are alive or not.
In-Laws/Others: Oh boy, lmao, he is married to both Vrtra and Estinien. So he has Alberic and all the remaining greatwyrms as well as Middie in his ear constantly lmao nothing worse then a father in law in your ear all the time!! He also has two kids as of 6.5! Harklan, his oldest son and Altan his youngest daughter!
Abilities: A skilled culinarian, there is nothing he cannot make. He is also an excellent Paladin and has been blessed by Halone (Oathbreaker), Hydaelyn (Hydaelyn's Chosen) and currently by Vrtra (Vrtra's Valiant).
Hobbies: He loves to read, bake and cook, shop and travel. And nothing brings him more joy then just curling up with his family and spending the evening reading or cooking with them!
Most Positive Trait: Die hard loyal.
Most Negative Trait: Quiet, baring sins of the past alone.
Colours: Whites, greens, reds and golds.
Smells: Fresh cut grass, the forest after a rain fall, the ocean and a bakery.
Textures: Comfortable and soft fabrics!
Smokes: Nope!
Drinks: Only in the bath or during a celebration.
Been Arrested: No, but he has killed a man and gotten away with it. He will take it to his grave.
Tagged By: @sundered-souls & @lilbittymonster Thank you!! This was fun!
Tagging: @ishgardenjoyer @weedsmokingcatgirl @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @ishgardmuffin @avalon821 @bnuuywol (No pressure to do it!)
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lostinfic · 10 months
Fic: Winter happens, like a secret
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Cesare x Lucrezia | Rated E | 3k words
Summary: Cesare has been gone for many weeks, fighting in the Romagna after the Sforza’s downfall, but one snowy Christmas Eve, he returns home to Lucrezia. Has she forgiven him for killing Alfonso?
The box was wrapped in a handkerchief, tied together with a velvet ribbon. Rather than look inside the box, she unravelled the red ribbon and slipped it around her brother’s neck. He chuckled. “What are you doing?” “You are my present this year,” she said. She pulled on the ribbon lightly, coaxing him closer though he could easily resist it if he so wished. He didn’t resist.
Loosely based on the infamous Folgers commercial, but set in Renaissance-era Italy.
Read on Ao3 or under the cut ↓
Lucrezia woke up in the middle of the night, her light slumber disturbed by a change in the luminosity beyond her eyelids. The night sky seemed aglow behind the curtains. The fire had faded down to embers, and warmth had seeped out of the room. She slipped on a red, fur-lined robe and went to the window. Outside, snowflakes drifted down from the sky, draping the garden in white. It was so bright, moonlight seemed to emanate from the ground itself.  
She laughed, delighted by the snow, though the feeling in her heart was closer to melancholy than joy. 
Tiptoeing down the stairs, she made her way to the kitchen. The cook and servants had been hard at work preparing food for tomorrow’s Vigila di Natale feast. Lucrezia filled a pot with water, added mint, honey, orange peels, ginger and tea leaves to it, then hung it above the fire in the hearth. Djem had introduced her to tea, and she was pleased to find some Asian ships, trading in the port of Naples, carried the leaves even though few locals drank it. She stirred the simmering water with a wooden spoon, and delicious aromas rose from the pot. She could have woken up a maid to make it, but she wanted to be alone. Admiring the falling snow through the frosted window, she warmed her hands on the earthenware cup and sipped her tea. 
Inevitably, her thoughts turned to Cesare.
Lucrezia had spent the Novena— the nine days before Christmas— reflecting on the Bible, singing carols and praying in St. Peter’s. The Pope had commissioned a splendid Nativity scene, and boughs of evergreen perfumed the space with their scent so deeply associated with Christmas. The populace filled the basilica with joyous hymns and brightly coloured attires, unlike Lucrezia who wore her widow’s blacks and whose heart was too heavy to be lifted by music. Six months had passed since Alfonso’s death, regrets rather than grief filled her heart now. Soon, her father would seek to marry her off again. Though who would take her, when rumours of Cesare’s hand in murdering Alfonso circulated around Rome which in turn reignited the gossip of an incestuous relationship. Had anyone heard the prayers she whispered in her mind, it would only have added fuel to the fire: she prayed to rid herself of this sinful desire for her brother, prayed to hate him, but in the same second, she prayed for his safety, his return and his eternal love. She promised God a life of holy devotion yet longed for her brother’s presence and dreamt of his lips at her neck. 
Cesare had been gone for months now, on some mission for the Holy Father— punishment for killing Alfonso and ruining their shaky alliance with Naples. Since capturing Caterina Sforza and killing her son and both her cousins, he had made many enemies. Yet he still pursued control over the Romagna. She and her parents hadn’t heard of him in a long time. And it seemed to Lucrezia that half her mind and heart were with him, somewhere beyond Rome. She willed each of her breaths to fill his lungs and each beat of her heart to push blood through his veins. In her darkest moments, she worried he had died, or worse, travelled back to France, to spend the holidays with his new family.  
Still, she had made garlands of dried citrus slices to hang around the house and infuse her gloomy mood with merriment, for Giovanni’s sake. The scent of lemon and firewood filled their home. Cousin Adriana would arrive soon with her family, as well as cousins from Spain, seeking some favour from the Pope, no doubt. Would she be able to keep a smile on until Epiphany? 
Lucrezia sighed. She’d drank half her tea without savouring it. Snow fell in big, fluffy clumps now. 
A man on horseback came through the gates. The horse’s clip-clopping disturbed the silent night, and hoofprints marred the pristine snow. Fear clutched her guts— at this hour, he could only bring bad news. Sweat beaded down her spine as she imagined he would tell her Cesare had died. 
The man appeared in no hurry to deliver the news. He stopped in the middle of the courtyard and waited for the stable boy to stumble out. She recognized the familiar grace with which he jumped off his horse, but she dared not hope. At last, the man lowered his hood and looked up in the direction of her bedroom window. Moonlight highlighted dark curls, stubbled cheeks and green eyes. Her heart leapt in her chest. 
Lucrezia rushed towards the kitchen door and yanked it open just as he was reaching it. 
“Cesare!” his name came out with a cloud on her breath. 
She jumped in his arms, and he caught her as he had so many times before. His cold nose tip pressed against her neck and sent a shiver through her. The snowflakes dusting his hair melted against her flushed cheeks. Her other half was back, and her whole body sang with relief. 
Holding her up, he carried her in, kicking the door close behind them with his foot. He murmured her name and sagged against her, tension released from his shoulders. 
“Why are you slipping in during the night like a phantom?”  
She kept her voice down. She should have woken up her mother who worried about Cesare too, but she wanted a moment alone with her dear brother. 
“I could not wait any longer,” he said. 
He slipped his hands under her dressing gown. However, the minute his frozen fingertips met her waist, she squirmed away with a squeal. He laughed at her reaction.  
She loved his laughter, she had missed it. The way it came out of his throat in a burst of giggles, more high-pitched than expected, and how he would try to contain it, pressing his lips together but a smile always remained, like a mischievous kid.  
Lucrezia took his large hands and rubbed them between her small palms, blowing warm breath on his fingers.  
“I have missed those hands,” she said. 
“And I have missed that face.” 
They took comfort in repeating those words they had said years ago, as if they could have their innocence back. In that moment, they could pretend their relationship had not changed, that despite sharing a bed and killing Juan and Alfonso, they were the same boy and girl who had once reunited in a deserted Apolostic palace. 
He kissed her hands, though with some restraint. His hasty departure, not long after Alfonso’s death, had left some things unresolved between them.   
“I’m starving,” he announced. 
Lucrezia lit a candle as he surveyed the food laid out in the kitchen.  
“Ah, good food, at last,” he said, picking candied fruits and chestnuts from a silver plate. 
She pushed his hand away. “It’s for the feast tonight.” 
With a cheeky grin, he popped a few honey-coated pistachios in his mouth. She offered him some tea which he sipped gratefully. The stone floor was cold under her feet, so she hopped up on the wooden counter, pushing aside a bouquet of dried rosemary. As he drank and warmed himself, he kept stealing glances at her, studying her reaction to his return. 
To be honest, Lucrezia was ambivalent. Though she was beyond happy to see him safe and home, of that there was no doubt, she questioned what form their relationship would take now. She knew what her body craved, what her heart hoped, but her rational mind cautioned her against it.  
“I brought you something, sis, from far away.” 
He should have waited until the 25th, but he never could restrain himself when he had an opportunity to cheer her up. And this proof that he had been thinking about her while he was away could only bring a smile to her lips. 
The box was wrapped in a handkerchief, tied together with a length of velvet ribbon. Rather than look inside the box, she unravelled the red ribbon and slipped it around her brother’s neck. 
He chuckled. “What are you doing?” 
“You are my present this year,” she said. 
She pulled lightly on both ends of the ribbon, coaxing him closer, though he could easily resist if he so wished— he didn’t resist. He stepped closer, leaning on his hands, placed each side of her knees. Sitting up on the counter, she was almost the same height as him. Suddenly serious, they looked into each other’s eyes, and she knew all too well these moments of tense silence in which one of them had to do the right thing. Neither of them looked away. She held onto the ribbon, and he stared at her, steadfast, intense. Anticipation made warmth pool low in her stomach. 
She had tried taking a lover, but quickly grew bored of the affair. Cesare had ruined her for other men, it seemed— and wouldn’t he like to know that. 
“You were my present too,” he said, in a low voice. “The day Mother put you in my arms, I had never held anything so precious.” He touched the ends of her loose blond waves as if it were spun gold. “I knew, even as a boy, that I would do anything to protect you…” 
She realized then, this was about Alfonso. 
“Do you forgive me?” he asked. 
“We are Borgias, brother, we never forgive.”  
He squeezed his eyes shut, pained to hear those words as much as she was to have voiced them. 
“And so, I cannot forgive even myself,” she continued, finally saying aloud the thoughts that had plagued her but which she could not share with anyone, “for I also am to blame for my husband’s death.” 
Cesare rested his forehead against hers, shaking his head in disagreement. She ran her fingers through his hair and gripped a fistful of curls. 
“It is the truth,” she said. 
“It was my fault. I wielded the blade and I—” 
“Yes, you wielded the blade,” Lucrezia said, working open his leather doublet, stiff with cold, “but I wield your heart.” She slipped her hands inside, spreading them over his chest. “As you do mine.”  
Under her palms, his heart was beating so fast it threatened to escape his ribcage. He could not deny the truth of her words.  
“Peace, brother,” she murmured soothingly, caressing his chest. His skin was damp under the leather. 
He rubbed his nose against hers, slowly, eyes closed, with none of the usual playfulness. He didn’t try to kiss her but neither did he step away. She tasted his honey-sweet sigh across her mouth. 
“Lucrezia,” he whispered her name with such adoration, but tainted with pain and reluctance. 
Why try to resist the inevitable? Was there virtue in a half-hearted effort? 
“Make me yours again.” 
His chest rumbled with something like a growl.  
When she brushed her lips against his, he captured her mouth. He kissed her deeply, hands tightening in the heavy fabric of her robe.  
Though she had not forgiven him in words, it was a kiss of absolution. Ardent and tender and so full of love, tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. 
She loved him, always, in spite of everything. He had made her that way, with his gentleness and indulgence, with his jealousy and adoring gaze. She could not even hold it against him. She had blossomed in his light and always would seek it. Nothing else would do. No one else would do.  
They broke the kiss well before they’d had their fill. 
Cesare searched her face for a sign of reluctance or regret, but he found the opposite. There was still time for one of them to pull away— usually Cesare. Instead, his hand slid up her back, along her spine, to cup the nape of her neck. That touch always filled her with such a delicious haze. Even back when she was too innocent to understand what it kindled in her, she sought it, luxuriated in it. And just like that, God was sitting in the room with them again. Her chest swelled with elation and the top of her head tingled from a shower of invisible, yet tangible light which descended upon them, shielded them. And the silence, only broken by the crackling fire, became almost musical. 
She touched Cesare’s chin, and he smiled. 
“I’ve missed this,” he whispered before kissing her again. 
She parted her lips for him, welcomed his tongue, and spread her legs. 
Hips cradled between her thighs, he assailed her neck with ravenous kisses. In his hunger, he nearly ripped open her shift. Her dressing gown slipped from her shoulders. Her short nails raked down his abdomen, towards his belt.  
The cold draught in the room was no match for the fever overtaking them. She made quick work of his codpiece, and he tugged her to the edge of the counter.  
He pushed her shift up her thighs and, for a moment, seemed lost in the softness of her skin and marvelled at how small she was next to him.  
Slipping her hand inside his pants, Lucrezia spurred him back into action. He bucked his hips into her palm with a ragged moan and found her wet and wanting under her bedclothes.  
Cesare sought her gaze then entered her in one long, luxurious thrust. Pleasure knocked the breath from their lungs as they clung to each other.  
She used to think time and longing had embellished her memory of their lovemaking. Surely, it could not have been as amazing as she made it out to be in her mind. But it was. A miracle. Rapture. She could not doubt they were two halves of the same whole, meant to be together lest they withered apart. 
Already pleasure made her toes curl and her core clench with each thrust. 
“Oh, God!” she moaned, throwing her head back. 
“I don’t think God wants anything to do with this,” he joked. 
“Then he should not have made you so well-endowed.” 
He grinned, and she kissed him, wanting to taste his joy, to take it inside herself. 
Laughter and sighs of pleasure mingled as they moved together. 
Anyone could have walked in on them, embracing passionately in the kitchen, but they were too far gone to care. 
Out of breath and utterly satisfied, Lucrezia slumped down on the counter, “Happy Christmas,” she said.  
He smiled, gazing down at her, admiring her body where her shift clung to her sweat-damp skin. The ribbon still hung around his neck, and she used it to pull him down to her for a kiss. 
“I think I’d better not let you get used to having me on a leash,” he said as if that had not already been the case for years. 
He removed the ribbon from his neck and tied it in a bow around hers. 
“Beautiful,” he said. 
He was still in her, half-hard, her legs locked around his hips. There was a risk, she knew, that she might become pregnant. Would the Pope believe it was another Immaculate Conception if she said so? The thought amused her rather than scare her. 
After gathering food and wine, they headed upstairs to her bedroom. 
Cesare put another log in the fireplace and stirred the embers. He spared a moment to check on his godson, sleeping in the adjoining room. 
“Giovanni asked for you yesterday,” she said. 
“Perhaps that’s why I was in such a hurry to come back and rode through the night.” 
“Or is there another reason, perhaps?” 
She tilted her head with an impish smile. 
He hooked a finger under the ribbon at her throat and brought her lips to his. His kiss warmed her to her toes. 
“Will La Befana bring your son sweets or coal?” he asked. 
“Sweets, of course. He’s a angel.” She smiled proudly. 
“And tell me, my love, what will she bring me?” 
“We shall make our own sweetness, Cesare.” 
She picked a sweet from a plate and fed it to him. He sucked the sugar from her fingertips and peppered kisses down her wrist. In one swoop, he picked her up and carried her to bed. 
They cuddled under the covers, and talked of nothing important until the room was warm enough they could undress completely. Skin to skin, bodies entwined, they reaffirmed their bond and commitment to each other. 
It was one of the longest nights of the year, but the sun seemed to dawdle beyond the horizon just for them. 
In the morning, he would pretend his room was too cold without a fire or that he’d lost his way in the dark palazzo after weeks away. Outside, snow still blanketed Rome, it would melt in the daylight, but for now, it protected them with its silence and purity. 
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username song game
my love to @anxiousotters and @nobie for tagging me. giving you both a little kiss on the forehead <3
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people
this nearly killed me btw ! my usernames too long.
f - first light (hozier)
r - ring of roses (the trials of cato)
i - in the woods somewhere (hozier)
e - envy green (the arcadian wild)
n - NFWMB (hozier)
d - driver 8 (rem)
l - liar (the arcadian wild)
y - you’ve got the love (florence + the machine)
n - nightswimming (rem)
e - e-bow the letter (rem)
i - inkpot gods (the amazing devil)
g - gilderoy (granny’s attic)
h - hallelujah (leonard cohen)
b - bird song (florence + the machine)
o - oak & ash & thorn (the longest johns)
u - under pressure (queen, david bowie)
r - radio song (rem)
h - hurricane drunk (florence + the machine)
o - orange crush (rem)
o - oh, sleeper (the arcadian wild)
d - drinking song for the socially anxious (the amazing devil)
e - evergreen (BROODS)
l - lay all your love on me (ABBA)
f - find the river (rem)
i’m tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it !!
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jaysgirlx · 6 months
If you made me a playlist, I would cherish it 😌😌😌😙
playlist for my dearest levi based on her amazing personality, how i see her and what i think she listens to. if any of my moots wants one, i will make one, just sent the 💿 emoji :)
* = my personal favs
— for the first time by mac demarco
— stayin' alive by bee gees
— girls just wanna have fun by cyndi lauper *
— 1985 by bo burnham *
— tainted love by soft cell
— uptown girl by billy joel
— what was i made for by billie eilish *
— another one bites dust by queen *
— wake me before you go by wham *
— everybody wants to rule the world by tears for tears *
— don't stop believin’ by journey *
— i'm still standing by elton john *
— from eden by hozier
— maneater by nelly furtado *
— we built this city by starship
— coraline by måneskin
— running up that hill by kate bush *
— bloody marry by lady gaga *
— riptide by vance joy
— smells like teen spirit by nirvana *
— ophelia by the lumineers
— edge of desire by john mayer
— telephone by lady gaga *
— jolene by dolly parton
— you give love a bad name by bon jovi *
— rolling in the deep by adele
— gravity by john mayer
— killer queen by queen
— no matter where you are by us the duo *
— jump by van halen
— don't go breaking my heart by elton john & kiki dee *
— fast car by tracy chapman *
— bad romance by lady gaga *
— money money money by abba *
— ghostbusters by ray parker jr *
— dream on by aerosmith *
— stop this train by john mayer
— september by earth, wind & fire *
— would that i by hozier
— should i stay or should i go by the clash *
— evergreen by richy mitch & the coal mine
— applause by lady gaga *
— billie jean by michael jackson *
— zitte e buoni by måneskin
— sweet child o' mine by guns n' roses
— cherry wine by hozier
— you make my dreams by daryl hall & john oates
— babooshka by kate bush
— summer of '69 by bryan adams
— dancing queen by abba *
50 songs
3h & 14m
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ladywatereton · 1 year
🇬🇧“In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends. We eat, drink, sing, dance, and flirt with them. We wed and christen with flowers. We dare not die without them. We have worshipped with the lily, we have meditated with the lotus, we have charged in battle array with the rose and chrysanthemum. We have even attempted to speak in the language of flowers. How could we live without them? It frightens one to conceive of a world bereft of their presence.”
🇧🇷“Na alegria e na tristeza, flores são nossas amigas constantes. Comemos, bebemos, cantamos, dançamos e flertamos com elas. Casamo-nos e batizamos com flores. Não ousamos morrer sem elas. Cultuamos com lírios, meditamos com lótus, investimos em formação de batalha com rosas e crisântemos. Tentamos até falar a língua das flores. Como poderíamos viver sem elas? Aterroriza-nos imaginar um mundo sem a sua presença.”
💐O Livro do Chá | The Book Of Tea, Okakura Kakuzō (1906).
🎥Films: Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987), Howard's End (1992), Pride&Prejudice (2005), Marie Antoinette (2006), Atonement (2007), Bright Star (2009), Anna Karenina (2012), La Belle et la Bête (2014), Emma (2020).
📺Series: North&South (2004), Anne With an E (2017), Sandition (2019), Bridgerton (2020).
📼Scenes: @greengableslover
🎶Music: Evergreen, Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners.
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critical-quoter · 5 months
April Books
Holy moly, I have surpassed the 50% mark of my reading goal for this year. BookTok still has a chokehold on me so my TBR on Goodreads on consistently over 1200 books, and constantly being increased.
Stay Over - Kaylee Ryan ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Warrior - A. M. Brooks ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wild Heart - Lacy Chantell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Spark of Obsession - Victoria Dawson ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Plus Size for the Billionaire - R. J. Stevens ⭐️ You Can Follow Me - Jo Brenner ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lose Me in the Shadows - Jo Brenner ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meet Me in the Dark - Jo Brenner ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Owned by a Sinner - Michelle Heard ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Siren - R. J. Lewis & A. R. Rose ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Savage Seduction - Didi Sands ⭐️⭐️ Sick Boys - Clarissa Wild ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Dreaming Forest - L. B. Black ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Where's Molly - H. D. Carlton ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Pieces Left Behind - Ryan Marie ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A Rebel's Promise - Sara Blackard ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brawler - Colleen Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thalia De Luca - Jaclin Marie ⭐️⭐️ When It Ends - Penelope Black ⭐️⭐️ Sorry. Not Sorry - Emily James ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My Anti-Hero - Titan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Axel - Samantha Whiskey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ To Wake A Kingdom - Nisha J. Tuli ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Butcher & Blackbird - Brynne Weaver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 'Til Encryption Do Us Part - Cathleen Cole & Frank Jensen ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Saved - Hazel James ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fearlessly Bound - Zainab Samba ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Piece That Breaks - N. J. Gray ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Easy Like Sunday Morning - Kenya Goree-Bell ⭐️⭐️ The Pucking Wrong Guy - C. R. Jane ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reckless Hands - T. L. Smith ⭐️⭐️ Resisting the Grump - Ashley Muñoz ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Pucking Wrong Date - C. R. Jane ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Blood of My Monster - Rina Kent ⭐️⭐️⭐️ In Your Wildest Dreams - Rebecca Jenshak ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Liees of My Monster - Rina Kent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Blood of My Monster - Rina Kent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fearless King - Zainab Samba ⭐️⭐️ Saving Vienna - Vikki Jay ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Evergreen Ivy - Ada Taylor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Payback - Mila Sin & Manuela Rouget ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fifty Shades of Grey - E. L. James ⭐️⭐️ Grey - E. L. James ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Welcome to Fae Cafe - Jennifer Kropf ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Born of Mist and Dragonfire - Ava Thorne ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Keeping My Bride - Angela Snyder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Battle Within - Christina Mattingly ⭐️⭐️ Dark Obsession - Hope Ford ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Small Town Swoon - Melanie Harlow ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hate Like Ours - Nikita ⭐️⭐️ The Deal Dilemma - Meagan Brandy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dig - L. A. Ferro ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rancher's Seduction - Nicole Simon ⭐️ I Almost Do - Evangeline Williams ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Plays Well With Others - Lauren Blakely ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Heart Trick - Kristen Granata ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A False Start - Elsie Silver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Falling for You - T. Thomas ⭐️⭐️ Mafia and Protector - Isa Oliver ⭐️⭐️ Recklessly You - J. Morales ⭐️⭐️⭐️ All Rhodes Lead Here - Mariana Zapata ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
61 total books read for April 2024!
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violettesiren · 1 year
O Red Rose of June, Like a lingering ember From fires of December Rekindled for boon, When a wild afternoon Like a grey ghost goes gliding And creeping and hiding From a sorrowful moon — A reproachful white moon!
O Red Rose of pain, Like the last spark that flashes From smouldering ashes Of love on the wane! Thro’ the pitiless rain, And the wind’s wistful sobbing A dead march is throbbing Again and again, And for ever again.
O Red Rose new born, Like a scimitar flaming And flashing and shaming Life’s fear and its scorn, Levin love-lilt new torn From storm-torrents sweeping From fountain heads leaping From lips of the morn — Of Hope’s evergreen morn!
Rekindled for boon, When the genii of sorrows Of all the to-morrows Combine and commune In a wild rebel rune, Bright symbol and token! — Full foreword fain spoken! — O Red Rose of June! Brave Red Rose of June!
June Roses by Marie E. J. Pitt
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tryst-art-archive · 2 years
Khra-nicles: Narrators Scrap
Condescending minutes slipped by in the conga line of time. I fidgeted unhappily; they were making me wait just for the sake of being rude; they always did.  They’d be hoping I would think and brood and make myself nervous. The fact that it was working only served to irk me.
              At length, the tall members of the Narrator’s Council slipped into the Audience Chamber, moving with a faint rush as of the wind through reeds. Surrounded by Dragonfolk eyes with their unnamable quality of Knowing, I rose from my chair and stared coolly down at them, my own Knowing eyes staring back, but from a Raethiann face.
              Well, “staring down” isn’t quite right. Sitting, they were at my eye level. Standing, they towered above me; I’m unusually short for a Narrator.
              The moderator of the Council, Mevit (whose name was half decent as far as Dragonfolk names go), presently opened the meeting with the traditional phrase: “I Know.” I shuddered inside at the sentence (spoken in the language of the Dragonfolk, of course); I had always been highly atypical of the Dragonfolk and had always been righteously proud of the fact. My long removal from the Verde Islands to the land of animal-men, Raeth, had further deteriorated the Dragonfolk thread in me. The Raethian “mellowness” (as they say in P’tak) had seeped into me and though I was pretentious for a Raethian, I was unduly casual for a Dragonfolk woman. The occasional trips to the human continent, Nassab, had striped away various Dragonfolk sensibilities, leaving me strange to humans, Raethians, and the Dragonfolk alike.
              But I hardly minded any of that; what bothered me now was the complacency in that single “I know.” There were undertones there. Tones of “I KNOW because I have been CHOSEN and you, who are so much more foolish than I, could never hope to KNOW AS I KNOW. I humbly request that you do not attempt to fool thineself.”
              “Rhawen Evergreen Fox,” Mevit said, saying the name like it was something foul. “Do you know why we have called you here?”
              “Not for tea and biscuits, I expect,” I replied, unamused. Vihemeth frowned at me, looking more like a person deserving such a godawful name in doing so. He’d just love it if I behaved myself and did as I was told, I thought. He’s a good man, but he’s still Dragonfolk in the end.
              Mevit had said something, but I’d missed it, calling attention to my ignorance with a distinctive “Wut?”
              It was hard not to laugh at Mevit when he was angry. “We have called you here,” he said slowly, “to discuss your latest Tale regarding one Kriamiss Orientere.”
              “Ah, yes. And I think it’ll be a good one, too. Perhaps you’d like to read what I have down so far?”  Oh, sarcasm! Truly, you are my friend.
              “That is unnecessary; we here have no desire to read code-breaking drivel.”
              “Oh,” I said. But what ran through my mind was righteous anger; such an insult! Me! A nearly-omniscient Narrator, charged (amongst others) with recording the great histories of the world, write drivel? Oh, there would be hell to pay.
              “‘Oh’, indeed.” Mevit glared over steepled fingers, trying too look menacing but really trying to hard for it to be effective. “Rhawen E. Fox, you are charged with the heinous crime of placing yourself in your own Tale and interfering with its natural flow.”
              “And for wearing that horrid form!” Glaivde added in her shrill voice. She had recently spent some time with a noble family on Nassab and wore a human form; she appeared as exactly the sort of wrinkled old woman to own such a nails-on-the-chalkboard voice. The stereotyping was rather comical.
              Ignoring Glaivde, I responded with my best scolding mother voice. “Why, Mevit, I’m surprised at you. How can you presume to know what the Creators intend for a Tale?” (Much to my pleasure, Vihemeth looked a bit like he was going to blow a gasket; how I do love vexing him.)
              I was rewarded with an affronted gasp on all sides; Mevit’s was followed by the spluttered statement, “W-we are omniscient, Rhawen, and—“
              “Nearly omniscient, Mevit,” I corrected. “And you forget that I share that same omniscience with you and the rest of those noble Narrators here gathered. If any Creator wished our omniscience to know their designs, I would know them as sure as you would. No Creator has condemned my action, though I have broken the rules and done so consciously.” Murmured disgust drifted through the room. Consciously neglecting the Narrator’s code?! Preposterous! Unthinkable!
              “Blasphemy!” was the particular adjective to fly from Glaivde. It summed up their mood nicely.
              Vihemeth rose, hands on table, leering over me. “What nonsense are you suggesting, Rhawen?” It was, perhaps, incredibly lucky that his posture prevented the others from getting a clear look at his face, for behind that queer Dragon quality in his eyes, his everlasting sympathy for me was plain to see and all the political maneuvering in the world would not have saved his reputation – that one thing that seemed to save me, again and again, from losing the station of Narrator, my reason for being.
              I dropped my eyes from his and looked toward Mivet instead. “I merely suggest that the rules be broken this once. After all, I have already taken up the Tale and must see it through to the end.”
              “That is as may be. We cannot argue the necessity of completing a Tale.” Mevit exchanged nods with his fellows. “However,” he said now, the old hatred flaring, “that still begs the question: what is to become of you and your Tale afterward? You have broken the rules, Rhawen. The impartiality of the Tale is tainted by your personal involvement, and the old rule that we never write of ourselves broken.”
              In a fit of frustration, Vihemeth threw out, “At least you haven’t written of one of our Council meetings!”
              A small smile slipped onto my face, just for Vihemeth to see, and he looked suddenly terribly afraid, breathing, “Oh, you wouldn’t… would you? No, Rhawen, don’t—“
              But I turned away from him; Mevit was jabbering again.
              “I believe it would be wise for us to revoke your right to Narrate and destroy the Tale in question upon its completion.”
              A stony cold silence entered the room; this was a radical move. Not unheard of, but still terribly harsh.
              Presently, the unthinkable happened; Glaivde spoke in my defense.
              “Mevit,” she began timidly. “Are you certain of the wisdom of this? Her crime is steep, indeed, but to both prevent her further Writing and destroy the Tale… well. That’s just… cruel, isn’t it?”
              Mevit began softly, gaining volume and passion as he spoke. “Need I remind you, Glaivde, that Rhawen has been a thorn in our side for many years now, constantly pushing against the limitations specified by the Narrator’s Code, constantly just being out of our judicial grasp. Well, not today.”
              “You look like Maroc.” The tyrant’s name slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it, and the silence that settled was the silence before the ice cracks and the frozen waters swallow you whole.
              “I am no tyrant, Rhawen.” It was a quiet phrase. Deadly quiet.
              Words tumbled out, unchecked and unstoppable. “No. At least, not in name. This Council eats from your hand, though. Surely you know that much. Surely you’ve learned to use it. And this is why you want me gone, isn’t it? It isn’t about the Narrators’ ideals or any thing else like them.” I could feel the horrified stares of my fellow Narrators. They knew all this, had known all this, but here I was, in ill graces, committing virtual or literal suicide by saying the things that were better left unsaid.
              Mevit and I stared at each other for a long time. At length, he said, “Go. You and your Tale are safe.” There was a tacit “for the time being,” understood by all.
              I bowed, and left the room. I could hear the clamor of their voices as I walked down the hall.
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scamanderscoat · 2 years
Tagged by @qquicksllver (thank you, love! 😊) Ooh, this looks fun, let’s gooo! 
Rules: Make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
s: Selfish - Madison Beer
c: Crying Over You - The Band CAMINO & Chelsea Cutler
a: Afterlife - Hailee Steinfeld
m: Match in the Rain - Alec Benjamin
a: Angel Baby - Troye Sivan
n: Not in the Same Way - 5 Seconds of Summer
d: Drunk Texts - New Rules
e: EVERGREEN - Scott Helman
r: rubberband - Tate McRae
s: Sight of You - Sigrid
c: Cold Killer - noelle
o: Obsessed - Dynoro & Ina Wroldsen
a: Alibi (Under the Starlight) - Eli Rose
t: Take You to Hell - Ava Max
I tried picking out songs that I think are severely underrated. Give them a listen if you’d like! 
I’m tagging @harrypotterr, @solariia, @steverogehr, @amberlouigi and @silverreiki. (I know I’m supposed to tag 14 people, but I’m breaking the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️) No pressure, guys, just if you want to 💕
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vanishinghost · 1 year
Best metabolism teas
Main Source
Earl Grey Tea: with its many polyphenols and antioxidants, may also support weight loss. It has bergamot extract, which is a type of orange that is found in the Mediterranean. Bergamot contains phytochemicals  and other components that help in boosting metabolism and helping to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the stomach (source)
Pu-erh Tea: Increases Metabolism, Digestion: In China, this is known as medicinal tea, but is apparently great for a hangover cure as well. Pu-erh increases metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and cholesterol, improves digestion and detoxifies the body. There are varying ways to brew Pu-erh tea.
Oolong Tea: can burn up to 157% more fat than green tea. Oolong tea increases metabolism, burns fat, and block fat absorption. Besides weight loss, it is also beneficial to type 2 diabetics, patients with heart diseases, reduces high blood pressure, tooth decay and improves your skin, thanks to the antioxidants. Some studies have found that oolong tea may reduce cholesterol and increases plasma adiponectin levels.
Rose Tea: Having a therapeutic effect on the body it also assists the body with clear toxins, beautifying the skin and also contains vitamins A, B3, C, D and E and is known to fight infections. It also prevents constipation and helps to lose weight.
Green Tea: Research has found that the chemical EGCG in green tea speeds up the body’s metabolism, and is responsible for helping individuals burn close to 70 calories per day. Green tea is also linked with significantly lowering blood sugar and raising levels of antioxidants within the body. It is believed that the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost metabolism and helps to burn fat
White Tea: made from the youngest leaves and buds, white tea has been found to reduce fluoride exposure compared to other teas. White tea has also been to be more effective in fighting germs than green tea. This tea stops the generation of new fat cells and at the same time stimulates the burning of fat. White tea is very delicate and can only stand a couple of minutes with much cooler water temperature than that of other teas.
Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea speeds up digestions and thus helps you burn more calories
Star Anise Tea: the fruit of a small evergreen tree, can be used in the treatment of digestive troubles such as upset stomach, diarrhea, and nausea.
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90363462 · 2 years
Here’s the complete list of 2023 Grammy nominees
The 2023 Grammy nominations were revealed today, in 91 categories. Beyoncé leads the field with 9 nominations.
Here is the list of nominees for the 65th Grammy Awards. The contenders were announced live at 9 a.m. PT from the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles by Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr., who was joined by artists such as Olivia Rodrigo, Machine Gun Kelly, John Legend, Jimmie Allen, Luis Fonsi, Ledisi, Smokey Robinson and "CBS Mornings" co-anchors Nate Burleson and Gayle King. 
The ceremony will air live on Feb. 5 from Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles and will be broadcast on CBS while streaming on Paramount+.
Jon Batiste took home multiple awards last year, including album of the year. Wins in the “big four” categories, which were increased from eight to 10 nominees, also included the Bruno Mars-Anderson .Paak-led Silk Sonic group for record and song of the year and Olivia Rodrigo for best new artist.
Superstars Beyoncé, Adele and Kendrick Lamar top nominees for 65th Grammy Awards
Record of the Year
"Don't Shut Me Down" — ABBA"Easy On Me" — Adele"BREAK MY SOUL" — Beyoncé"Good Morning Gorgeous" — Mary J. Blige"You And Me On The Rock" — Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius" Woman" — Doja Cat"Bad Habit" — Steve Lacy"The Heart Part 5" — Kendrick Lamar"About Damn Time" — Lizzo"As It Was" — Harry Styles
Album of the Year
"Voyage" — ABBA"30" — Adele"Un Verano Sin Ti" — Bad Bunny"RENAISSANCE" — Beyoncé"Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe)" — Mary J. Blige"In These Silent Days" — Brandi Carlile"Music Of The Spheres" — Coldplay"Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers" — Kendrick Lamar"Special" — Lizzo"Harry's House" — Harry Styles
Song of the Year
"abcdefu" — Sara Davis, GAYLE & Dave Pittenger, songwriters (GAYLE)"About Damn Time" — Melissa “Lizzo” Jefferson, Eric Frederic, Blake Slatkin & Theron Makiel Thomas, songwriters (Lizzo)"All Too Well" (10 Minute Version) (The Short Film) — Liz Rose & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)"As It Was" — Tyler Johnson, Kid Harpoon & Harry Styles, songwriters (Harry Styles)" Bad Habit" — Matthew Castellanos, Brittany Fousheé, Diana Gordon, John Carroll Kirby & Steve Lacy, songwriters (Steve Lacy)"BREAK MY SOUL" — Beyoncé, S. Carter, Terius "The-Dream" Gesteelde-Diamant & Christopher A. Stewart, songwriters (Beyoncé)"Easy On Me" — Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele)"GOD DID" — Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts & Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend &Fridayy)"The Heart Part 5" — Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)"Just Like That" — Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt)
New Artist
AnittaOmar ApolloDOMi & JD BeckMuni LongSamara JoyLattoMåneskinTobe NwigweMolly TuttleWet Leg
Pop Solo Performance
"Easy On Me" — Adele"Moscow Mule" — Bad Bunny"Woman" — Doja Cat"Bad Habit" — Steve Lacy"About Damn Time" — Lizzo"As It Was" — Harry Styles
Pop Duo/Group Performance
"Don't Shut Me Down" — ABBA"Bam Bam" — Camila Cabello Featuring Ed Sheeran"My Universe" — Coldplay & BTS"I Like You (A Happier Song)" — Post Malone & Doja Cat"Unholy" — Sam Smith & Kim Petras
Traditional Pop Vocal Album
"Higher" — Michael Bublé"When Christmas Comes Around..." — Kelly Clarkson"I Dream Of Christmas (Extended)" — Norah Jones"Evergreen" — Pentatonix"Thank You" — Diana Ros
Pop Vocal Album
"Voyage" — ABBA"2. 30" — Adele"Music Of The Spheres" — Coldplay"Special" — Lizzo"Harry's House" — Harry Styles
Dance/Electronic Recording
"BREAK MY SOUL" — Beyoncé"Rosewood" — Bonobo"Don't Forget My Love" — Diplo & Miguel"I'm Good (Blue)" — David Guetta & Bebe Rexha"Intimidated" — KAYTRANADA Featuring H.E.R."On My Knees" — RÜFÜS DU SOL
Best Dance/Electronic Music Album
"Renaissance" — Beyoncé"Fragments" — Bonobo"Diplo" — Diplo"The Last Goodbye" — ODESZA"Surrender" — RÜFÜS DU SOL
Contemporary Instrumental Album
"Between Dreaming And Joy" — Jeff Coffin"Not Tight" — DOMi & JD Beck"Blooz" — Grant Geissman"Jacob's Ladder" — Brad Mehldau"Empire Central" — Snarky Puppy
Rock Performance
"So Happy It Hurts" — Bryan Adams"Old Man" — Beck"Wild Child" — The Black Keys"Broken Horses" — Brandi Carlile"Crawl!" — Idles"Patient Number 9" — Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Jeff Beck"Holiday" — Turnstile
Metal Performance
"Call Me Little Sunshine" — Ghost"We'll Be Back" — Megadeth"Kill Or Be Killed" — Muse"Degradation Rules" — Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Tony Iommi"Blackout" — Turnstile
Rock Album
"Dropout Boogie" — The Black Keys"The Boy Named If" — Elvis Costello & The Imposters"Crawler" — Idles"Mainstream Sellout" — Machine Gun Kelly"Patient Number 9" — Ozzy Osbourne"Lucifer On The Sofa" — Spoon
Rock Song
"Black Summer" — Flea, John Frusciante, Anthony Kiedis & Chad Smith, songwriters (Red Hot Chili Peppers)"Blackout" — Brady Ebert, Daniel Fang, Franz Lyons, Pat McCrory & Brendan Yates, songwriters (Turnstile)"Broken Horses" — Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)"Harmonia's Dream" — Robbie Bennett & Adam Granduciel, songwriters (The War On Drugs)"Patient Number 9" — John Osbourne, Chad Smith, Ali Tamposi, Robert Trujillo & Andrew Wotman, songwriters (Ozzy Osbourne featuring Jeff Beck)
Alternative Music Performance
"There'd Better Be A Mirrorball" — Arctic Monkeys"Certainty" — Big Thief"King" — Florence + The Machine"Chaise Longue" — Wet Leg"Spitting Off The Edge Of The World" — Yeah Yeah Yeahs Featuring Perfume Genius
Alternative Music Album
"WE" — Arcade Fire"Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You" — Big Thief"Fossora" — Björk"Wet Leg" — Wet Leg"Cool It Down" — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
R&B Performance
"VIRGO’S GROOVE" — Beyoncé"Here With Me" — Mary J. Blige Featuring Anderson .Paak"Hrs & Hrs" — Muni Long"Over" — Lucky Daye"Hurt Me So Good" — Jazmine Sullivan
Traditional R&B Performance
"Do 4 Love" — Snoh Aalegra"Keeps On Fallin'" — Babyface Featuring Ella Mai"PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA" — Beyoncé"'Round Midnight" — Adam Blackstone Featuring Jazmine Sullivan"Good Morning Gorgeous" — Mary J. Blige
Progressive R&B Album
“New Light” — Eric Bellinger“Something to Say” — Cory Henry“Mood Valiant” — Hiatus Kaiyote“Table for Two” — Lucky Daye“Dinner Party: Dessert” — Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder & Kamasi Washington“Studying Abroad: Extended Stay” — Masego
R&B Song
"CUFF IT" — Denisia "Blu June" Andrews, Beyoncé, Mary Christine Brockert, Brittany "Chi" Coney, Terius "The-Dream" Gesteelde-Diamant, Morten Ristorp, Nile Rodgers & Raphael Saadiq, songwriters (Beyoncé)"Good Morning Gorgeous" — Mary J. Blige, David Brown, Dernst Emile II, Gabriella Wilson & Tiara Thomas, songwriters (Mary J. Blige)"Hrs & Hrs" — Hamadi Aaabi, Dylan Graham, Priscilla Renea, Thaddis "Kuk" Harrell, Brandon John-Baptiste, Isaac Wriston & Justin Nathaniel Zim, songwriters (Muni Long)"Hurt Me So Good" — Akeel Henry, Michael Holmes, Luca Mauti, Jazmine Sullivan & Elliott Trent, songwriters (Jazmine Sullivan)"Please Don't Walk Away" — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton)
Progressive R&B Album
"Operation Funk" — Cory Henry"Gemini Rights" — Steve Lacy"Drones" — Terrace Martin"Starfruit" — Moonchild"Red Balloon" — Tank And The Bangas
R&B Album
"Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe)" — Mary J. Blige"Breezy (Deluxe)" — Chris Brown"Black Radio III" — Robert Glasper"Candydrip" — Lucky Daye"Watch The Sun" — PJ Morton
Rap Performance
"GOD DID" — DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend & Fridayy"Vegas" — Doja Cat"pushin P" — Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug"F.N.F. (Let's Go)" — Hitkidd & GloRilla"The Heart Part 5" — Kendrick Lamar
Melodic Rap Performance
"BEAUTIFUL" — DJ Khaled Featuring Future & SZA"WAIT FOR U" — Future Featuring Drake & Tems"First Class" — Jack Harlow"Die Hard" — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Blxst & Amanda Reifer"Big Energy (Live)" — Latto
Rap Album
"GOD DID" — DJ Khaled"I Never Liked You" — Future"Come Home The Kids Miss You" — Jack Harlow"Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers" — Kendrick Lamar"It's Almost Dry" — Pusha T
Rap Song
"Churchill Downs" — Ace G, BEDRM, Matthew Samuels, Tahrence Brown, Rogét Chahayed, Aubrey Graham, Jack Harlow & Jose Velazquez, songwriters (Jack Harlow featuring Drake)"GOD DID" — Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts & Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend & Fridayy)"The Heart Part 5" — Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)"pushin P" — Lucas Depante, Nayvadius Wilburn, Sergio Kitchens, Wesley Tyler Glass & Jeffery Lamar Williams, songwriters (Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug)"WAIT FOR U" — Tejiri Akpoghene, Floyd E. Bentley III, Jacob Canady, Isaac De Boni, Aubrey Graham, Israel Ayomide Fowobaje, Nayvadius Wilburn, Michael Mule, Oluwatoroti Oke & Temilade Openiyi, songwriters (Future Featuring Drake & Tems)
Country Solo Performance
"Heartfirst" — Kelsea Ballerini"Something In The Orange" — Zach Bryan"In His Arms" — Miranda Lambert"Circles Around This Town" — Maren Morris"Live Forever" — Willie Nelson
Country Duo/Group Performance
"Wishful Drinking" — Ingrid Andress & Sam Hunt"Midnight Rider's Prayer" — Brothers Osborne"Outrunnin' Your Memory" — Luke Combs & Miranda Lambert"Does He Love You - Revisited" — Reba McEntire & Dolly Parton"Never Wanted To Be That Girl" — Carly Pearce & Ashley McBryde"Going Where The Lonely Go" — Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Country Album
"Growin' Up" — Luke Combs"Palomino" — Miranda Lambert"Ashley McBryde Presents: Lindeville" — Ashley McBryde"Humble Quest" — Maren Morris"A Beautiful Time" — Willie Nelson
Country Song
"Circles Around This Town" — Ryan Hurd, Julia Michaels, Maren Morris & Jimmy Robbins, songwriters (Maren Morris)"Doin' This" — Luke Combs, Drew Parker & Robert Williford, songwriters (Luke Combs)" I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)" — Lori McKenna & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)"If I Was A Cowboy" — Jesse Frasure & Miranda Lambert, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)"I'll Love You Till The Day I Die" — Rodney Crowell & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Willie Nelson)"'Til You Can't" — Matt Rogers & Ben Stennis, songwriters (Cody Johnson)
Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album
"Positano Songs" — Will Ackerman"Joy" — Paul Avgerinos"Mantra Americana" — Madi Das & Dave Stringer With Bhakti Without Borders"The Passenger" — Cheryl B. Engelhardt"Mystic Mirror" — White Sun
Improvised Jazz Solo
"Rounds (Live)" — Ambrose Akinmusire, soloist; Track from: New Standards Vol. 1 (Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens)"Keep Holding On" — Gerald Albright, soloist"Falling" — Melissa Aldana, soloist; Track from: 12 Stars"Call Of The Drum" — Marcus Baylor, soloist"Cherokee/Koko" — John Beasley, soloist; Track from: Bird Lives (John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren & SWR Big Band)"Endangered Species" — Wayne Shorter & Leo Genovese, soloist; Track from: Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival (Wayne Shorter, Terri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese & esperanza spalding
Jazz Vocal Album
"The Evening : Live At APPARATUS" — The Baylor Project"Linger Awhile" — Samara Joy"Fade To Black" — Carmen Lundy"Fifty" — The Manhattan Transfer With The WDR Funkhausorchester"Ghost Song" — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Jazz Instrumental Album
"New Standards Vol. 1" — Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens"Live In Italy" — Peter Erskine Trio"LongGone" — Joshua Redman, Brad Mehldau, Christian McBride & Brian Blade"Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival" — Wayne Shorter, Terri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese & esperanza spalding"Parallel Motion" — Yellowjackets
Large Jazz Ensemble Album
"Bird Lives" — John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren & SWR Big Band"Remembering Bob Freedman" — Ron Carter & The Jazzaar Festival Big Band Directed by Christian Jacob"Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra" — Steven Feifke, Bijon Watson, Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra"Center Stage" — Steve Gadd, Eddie Gomez, Ronnie Cuber & WDR Big Band Conducted By Michael Abene"Architecture Of Storms" — Remy Le Boeuf's Assembly Of Shadows
Latin Jazz Album
"Fandango At The Wall In New York" — Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra Featuring The Congra Patria Son Jarocho Collective"Crisálida" — Danilo Pérez Featuring The Global Messengers"If You Will" — Flora Purim"Rhythm & Soul" — Arturo Sandoval"Música De Las Américas" — Miguel Zenón
Gospel Performance/Song
"Positive" — Erica Campbell; Erica Campbell, Warryn Campbell & Juan Winans, songwriters"When I Pray" — DOE; Dominique Jones & Dewitt Jones, songwriters"Kingdom" — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin, Jonathan Jay, Chandler Moore & Jacob Poole, songwriters"The Better Benediction" — PJ Morton Featuring Zacardi Cortez, Gene Moore, Samoht, Tim Rogers & Darrel Walls; PJ Morton, songwriter"Get Up" — Tye Tribbett; Brandon Jones, Christopher Michael Stevens, Thaddaeus Tribbett & Tye Tribbett, songwriters
Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
"God Really Loves Us (Radio Version)" — Crowder Featuring Dante Bowe and Maverick City Music; Dante Bowe, David Crowder, Ben Glover & Jeff Sojka, songwriters"So Good" — DOE; Chuck Butler, Dominique Jones & Ethan Hulse, songwriters"For God Is With Us" — for KING & COUNTRY & Hillary Scott; Josh Kerr, Jordan Reynolds, Joel Smallbone & Luke Smallbone, songwriters"Fear Is Not My Future" — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin, Nicole Hannel, Jonathan Jay, Brandon Lake & Hannah Shackelford, songwriters"Holy Forever" — Chris Tomlin; Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, Jenn Johnson, Chris Tomlin & Phil Wickham, songwriters"Hymn Of Heaven (Radio Version)" — Phil Wickham; Chris Davenport, Bill Johnson, Brian Johnson & Phil Wickham, songwriters
Gospel Album
"Die To Live" — Maranda Curtis"Breakthrough: The Exodus (Live)" — Ricky Dillard"Clarity" — DOE"Kingdom Book One Deluxe" — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin"All Things New" — Tye Tribbett
Contemporary Christian Music Album
"Lion" — Elevation Worship"Breathe" — Maverick City Music"Life After Death" — TobyMac"Always" — Chris Tomlin"My Jesus" — Anne Wilson
Roots Gospel Album
"Let's Just Praise The Lord" — Gaither Vocal Band"Confessio - Irish American Roots" — Keith & Kristyn Getty"The Willie Nelson Family" — Willie Nelson"2:22" — Karen Peck & New River"The Urban Hymnal" — Tennessee State University Marching Band
Latin Pop Album
"AGUILERA" — Christina Aguilera"Pasieros" — Rubén Blades & Boca Livre"De Adentro Pa Afuera" — Camilo"VIAJANTE" — Fonseca"Dharma +" — Sebastián Yatra
Música Urbana Album
"TRAP CAKE, VOL. 2" — Rauw Alejandro"Un Verano Sin Ti" — Bad Bunny"LEGENDADDY" — Daddy Yankee"La 167" — Farruko"The Love & Sex Tape" — Maluma
Latin Rock or Alternative Album
"El Alimento" — Cimafunk"Tinta y Tiempo" — Jorge Drexler"1940 Carmen" — Mon Laferte"Alegoría" — Gaby MorenoLos Años Salvajes" — Fito Paez"MOTOMAMI" — Rosalía
Regional Mexican Music Album (including Tejano)
"Abeja Reina" — Chiquis"Un Canto por México - El Musical" — Natalia Lafourcade"La Reunión (Deluxe)" — Los Tigres Del Norte"EP #1 Forajido" — Christian Nodal"Qué Ganas de Verte (Deluxe)" — Marco Antonio Solís
Tropical Latin Album
"Pa'lla Voy" — Marc Anthony" Quiero Verte Feliz" — a Santa Cecilia"Lado A Lado B" — Víctor Manuelle"Legendario" — Tito Nieves" Imágenes Latinas" — Spanish Harlem Orchestra"Cumbiana II" — Carlos Vives
American Roots Performance
"Someday It'll All Make Sense (Bluegrass Version)" — Bill Anderson Featuring Dolly Parton"Life According To Raechel" — Madison Cunningham"Oh Betty" — Fantastic Negrito"Stompin' Ground" — Aaron Neville With The Dirty Dozen Brass Band"Prodigal Daughter" — Aoife O'Donovan & Allison Russell
American Roots Song
"Bright Star" — Anaïs Mitchell, songwriter (Anaïs Mitchell)"Forever" — Sheryl Crow & Jeff Trott, songwriters (Sheryl Crow)"High And Lonesome" — T Bone Burnett & Robert Plant, songwriters (Robert Plant & Alison Krauss)"Just Like That" — Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt)"Prodigal Daughter" — Tim O’Brien & Aoife O'Donovan, songwriters (Aoife O'Donovan & Allison Russell)"You And Me On The Rock" — Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius)
Americana Album
"In These Silent Days" — Brandi Carlile"Things Happen That Way" — Dr. John"Good To Be..." — Keb' Mo'"Raise The Roof" — Robert Plant & Alison Krauss"Just Like That..." — Bonnie Raitt
Americana Performance
"Silver Moon [A Tribute To Michael Nesmith]" — Eric Alexandrakis"There You Go Again" — Asleep At The Wheel Featuring Lyle Lovett"The Message" — Blind Boys Of Alabama Featuring Black Violin"You And Me On The Rock" — Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius"Made Up Mind" — Bonnie Raitt
Bluegrass Album
"Toward The Fray" — The Infamous Stringdusters"Almost Proud" — The Del McCoury Band"Calling You From My Mountain" — Peter Rowan"Crooked Tree" — Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway"Get Yourself Outside" — Yonder Mountain String Band
Traditional Blues Album
"Heavy Load Blues" — Gov't Mule"The Blues Don’t Lie" — Buddy Guy"Get On Board" — Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder"The Sun Is Shining Down" — John Mayall"Mississippi Son" — Charlie Musselwhite
Contemporary Blues Album
"Done Come Too Far" — Shemekia Copeland"Crown" — Eric Gales"Bloodline Maintenance" — Ben Harper"Set Sail" — North Mississippi Allstars"Brother Johnny" — Edgar Winter
Folk Album
"Spellbound" — Judy Collins"Revealer" — Madison Cunningham"The Light At The End Of The Line" — Janis Ian"Age Of Apathy" — Aoife O'Donovan"Hell On Church Street" — Punch Brothers
Regional Roots Music Album
"Full Circle" — Sean Ardoin And Kreole Rock And Soul Featuring LSU Golden Band From Tigerland"Natalie Noelani" — Natalie Ai Kamauu"Halau Hula Keali'i O Nalani - Live At The Getty Center" — Halau Hula Keali'i O Nalani"Lucky Man" — Nathan & The Zydeco Cha Chas"Live At The 2022 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival" — Ranky Tanky
Reggae Album
"The Kalling" — Kabaka Pyramid"Gifted" — Koffee"Scorcha" — Sean Paul"Third Time's The Charm" — Protoje"Com Fly Wid Mi" — Shaggy
Global Music Performance
"Udhero Na" — Arooj Aftab & Anoushka Shankar"Gimme Love" — Matt B & Eddy Kenzo"Last Last" — Burna Boy"Neva Bow Down" — Rocky Dawuni Featuring Blvk H3ro"Bayethe" — Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini & Nomcebo Zikode
Global Music Album
"Shuruaat" — Berklee Indian Ensemble"Love, Damini" — Burna Boy"Queen Of Sheba" — Angélique Kidjo & Ibrahim Maalouf"Between Us... (Live)" — Anoushka Shankar, Metropole Orkest & Jules Buckley Featuring Manu Delago"Sakura" — Masa Takumi
Children's Music Album
"Into The Little Blue House" — Wendy And DB"Los Fabulosos" — Lucky Diaz And The Family Jam Band"The Movement" — Alphabet Rockers"Ready Set Go!" — Divinity Roxx"Space Cadet" — Justin Roberts
Audio Book, Narration, and Storytelling Recording
"Act Like You Got Some Sense" — Jamie Foxx"All About Me!: My Remarkable Life In Show Business by Mel Brooks" — Mel Brooks"Aristotle And Dante Dive Into The Waters Of The World" — Lin-Manuel Miranda"Finding Me" — Viola Davis"Music Is History" — Questlove
Spoken Word Poetry Album
"Black Men Are Precious" — Ethelbert Miller"Call Us What We Carry: Poems" — Amanda Gorman"Hiding In Plain View" — Malcolm-Jamal Warner"The Poet Who Sat By The Door" — J. Ivy"You Will Be Someone's Ancestor. Act Accordingly." — Amir Sulaiman
Comedy Album
"The Closer" — Dave Chappelle"Comedy Monster" — Jim Gaffigan"A Little Brains, A Little Talent" — Randy Rainbow"Sorry" — Louis CK"We All Scream" — Patton Oswalt
Musical Theater Album
"Caroline, Or Change" — John Cariani, Sharon D Clarke, Caissie Levy & Samantha Williams, principal vocalists; Van Dean, Nigel Lilley, Lawrence Manchester, Elliot Scheiner & Jeanine Tesori, producers; Jeanine Tesori, composer; Tony Kushner, lyricist (New Broadway Cast)"Into The Woods (2022 Broadway Cast Recording)" — Sara Bareilles, Brian d'Arcy James, Patina Miller & Phillipa Soo, principal vocalists; Rob Berman & Sean Patrick Flahaven, producers (Stephen Sondheim, composer & lyricist) (2022 Broadway Cast)"MJ The Musical" — Myles Frost & Tavon Olds-Sample, principal vocalists; David Holcenberg, Derik Lee & Jason Michael Webb, producers (Original Broadway Cast)"Mr. Saturday Night" — Shoshana Bean, Billy Crystal, Randy Graff & David Paymer, principal vocalists; Jason Robert Brown, Sean Patrick Flahaven & Jeffrey Lesser, producers; Jason Robert Brown, composer; Amanda Green, lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)"Six: Live On Opening Night" — Joe Beighton, Tom Curran, Sam Featherstone, Paul Gatehouse, Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, producers; Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast)" A Strange Loop" — Jaquel Spivey, principal vocalist; Michael Croiter, Michael R. Jackson, Charlie Rosen & Rona Siddiqui, producers; Michael R. Jackson, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)
Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
"ELVIS" — (Various Artists)"Encanto" — (Various Artists)"Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Series, Season 4 (Vol 2)" — (Various Artists)"Top Gun: Maverick" — Harold Faltermeyer, Lady Gaga, Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe"West Side Story"" — (Various Artists)
Score Soundtrack for Visual Media (includes film and television)
"The Batman" — Michael Giacchino, composer"Encanto" — Germaine Franco, composer"No Time To Die" — Hans Zimmer, composer"The Power Of The Dog" — Jonny Greenwood, composer"Succession: Season 3" — Nicholas Britell, composer
Score Soundtrack for Video Games and Other Interactive Media
"Aliens: Fireteam Elite" — Austin Wintory, composer"Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn Of Ragnarok" — Stephanie Economou, composer"Call Of Duty®: Vanguard" — Bear McCreary, composer"Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy" — Richard Jacques, composer"Old World" — Christopher Tin, composer
Song Written for Visual Media
"Be Alive" [From "King Richard"] — Beyoncé & Darius Scott Dixson, songwriters (Beyoncé)"Carolina" [From "Where The Crawdads Sing"] — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Taylor Swift)"Hold My Hand" [From "Top Gun: Maverick"] — Bloodpop® & Stefani Germanotta, songwriters (Lady Gaga)"Keep Rising (The Woman King)" [From "The Woman King"] — Angelique Kidjo, Jeremy Lutito & Jessy Wilson, songwriters (Jessy Wilson Featuring Angelique Kidjo)"Nobody Like U" [From "Turning Red"] — Billie Eilish & Finneas O'Connell, songwriters (4*Town, Jordan Fisher, Finneas O'Connell, Josh Levi, Topher Ngo, Grayson Villanueva)"We Don't Talk About Bruno" [From "Encanto"] — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Carolina Gaitán - La Gaita, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz, Diane Guerrero, Stephanie Beatriz & "Encanto" Cast)
Instrumental Composition
"African Tales" — Paquito D'Rivera, composer (Tasha Warren & Dave Eggar)"El País Invisible" — Miguel Zenón, composer (Miguel Zenón, José Antonio Zayas Cabán, Ryan Smith & Casey Rafn)"Fronteras (Borders) Suite: Al-Musafir Blues" — Danilo Pérez, composer (Danilo Pérez Featuring The Global Messengers)" Refuge" — Geoffrey Keezer, composer (Geoffrey Keezer)"Snapshots" — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Tasha Warren & Dave Eggar)
Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
"As Days Go By" (an arrangement of "The Family Matters" theme song)" — Armand Hutton, arranger (Armand Hutton Featuring Terrell Hunt & Just 6)"How Deep Is Your Love" — Matt Cusson, arranger (Kings Return)"Main Titles (Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness)" — Danny Elfman, arranger (Danny Elfman)"Minnesota, WI" — Remy Le Boeuf, arranger (Remy Le Boeuf)"Scrapple From The Apple" — John Beasley, arranger (Magnus Lindgren, John Beasley & The SWR Big Band Featuring Martin Aeur)
Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals
"Let It Happen" — Louis Cole, arranger (Louis Cole)"Never Gonna Be Alone" — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier Featuring Lizzy McAlpine & John Mayer)"Optimistic Voices / No Love Dying" — Cécile McLorin Salvant, arranger (Cécile McLorin Salvant)"Songbird (Orchestral Version)" — Vince Mendoza, arranger (Christine McVie)"2 + 2 = 5 (Arr. Nathan Schram)" — Nathan Schram & Becca Stevens, arrangers (Becca Stevens & Attacca Quartet)
Recording Package
"Beginningless Beginning" — Chun-Tien Hsia & Qing-Yang Xiao, art directors (Tamsui-Kavalan Chinese Orchestra)"Divers" — William Stichter, art director (Soporus)"Everything Was Beautiful" — Mark Farrow, art director (Spiritualized)"Telos" — Ming Liu, art director (Fann)"Voyeurist" — Tnsn Dvsn, art director (Underoath)
Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
"Artists Inspired By Music: Interscope Reimagined" — Josh Abraham, Steve Berman, Jimmy Iovine, John Janick & Jason Sangerman, art directors (VariousArtists)"Big Mess" — Berit Gwendolyn Gilma, art director (Danny Elfman)"Black Pumas (Collector's Edition Box Set)" — Jenna Krackenberger, Anna McCaleb & Preacher, art directors (Black Pumas)"Book" — Paul Sahre, art director (They Might Be Giants)"In And Out Of The Garden: Madison Square Garden ’81 ’82 ’83" — Lisa Glines, Doran Tyson & Dave Van Patten, art directors (The Grateful Dead)
Album Notes
"The American Clavé Recordings" — Fernando González, album notes writer (Astor Piazzolla)"Andy Irvine & Paul Brady" — Gareth Murphy, album notes writer (Andy Irvine & Paul Brady)"Harry Partch, 1942" — John Schneider, album notes writer (Harry Partch)"Life's Work: A Retrospective" — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Doc Watson)"Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)" — Bob Mehr, album notes writer (Wilco)
Historical Album
"Against The Odds: 1974-1982" — Tommy Manzi, Steve Rosenthal & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer; Tom Camuso, restoration engineer (Blondie)"The Goldberg Variations - The Complete Unreleased 1981 Studio Sessions" — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner, mastering engineer (Glenn Gould)"Life’s Work: A Retrospective" — Scott Billington, Ted Olson & Mason Williams, compilation producers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Doc Watson)"To Whom It May Concern..." — Jonathan Sklute, compilation producer; Kevin Marques Moo, mastering engineer (Freestyle Fellowship)"Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)" — Cheryl Pawelski & Jeff Tweedy, compilation producers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Wilco)
Songwriter of the Year, Non-Classical
Amy AllenNija CharlesTobias Jesso Jr.The-DreamLaura Veltz
Engineered Album, Non-Classical
"Adolescence" — George Nicholas & Ryan Schwabe, engineers; Ryan Schwabe, mastering engineer (Baynk)"Black Radio III" — Daniel Farris, Tiffany Gouché, Keith Lewis, Musiq Soulchild, Reginald Nicholas, Q-Tip, Amir Sulaiman, Michael Law Thomas & Jon Zacks, engineers; Chris Athens, mastering engineer (Robert Glasper)"Chloë and the Next 20th Century" — Dave Cerminara & Jonathan Wilson, engineers; Adam Ayan, mastering engineer (Father John Misty)"Harry's House" — Jeremy Hatcher, Oli Jacobs, Nick Lobel, Mark "Spike" Stent & Sammy Witte, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Harry Styles)"Wet Leg" — Jon McMullen, Joshua Mobaraki, Alan Moulder & Alexis Smith, engineers; Matt Colton, mastering engineer (Wet Leg)
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Jack AntonoffDan AuerbachBoi-1daDahiDernst "D'mile" Emile II
Remixed Recording
"About Damn Time (Purple Disco Machine Remix)"" — Purple Disco Machine, remixer (Lizzo)"BREAK MY SOUL (Terry Hunter Remix)"" — Terry Hunter, remixer (Beyoncé)"Easy Lover (Four Tet Remix)" — Four Tet, remixer (Ellie Goulding)"Slow Song (Paul Woolford Remix)" — Paul Woolford, remixer (The Knocks & Dragonette)"Too Late Now (Soulwax Remix)" — Soulwax, remixers (Wet Leg)
Immersive Audio Album
"AGUILERA" — Jaycen Joshua, immersive mix engineer; Jaycen Joshua, immersive mastering engineer (Christina Aguilera)"Divine Tides" — Eric Schilling, immersive mix engineer; Stewart Copeland, Ricky Kej & Herbert Waltl, immersive producers (Stewart Copeland & Ricky Kej)"Memories...Do Not Open" — Mike Piacentini, immersive mix engineer; Mike Piacentini, immersive mastering engineer; Adam Alpert, Alex Pall, Jordan Stilwell & Andrew Taggart, immersive producers (The Chainsmokers)"Picturing The Invisible - Focus 1" — Jim Anderson, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive mastering engineers; Jane Ira Bloom & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive producers (Jane Ira Bloom)"Tuvayhun — Beatitudes For A Wounded World" — Morten Lindberg, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive producer (Nidarosdomens Jentekor & Trondheimsolistene)
Engineered Album, Classical
"Bates: Philharmonia Fantastique - The Making Of The Orchestra" — Shawn Murphy, Charlie Post & Gary Rydstrom, engineers; Michael Romanowski, mastering engineer (Edwin Outwater & Chicago Symphony Orchestra)"Beethoven: Symphony No. 6; Stucky: Silent Spring" — Mark Donahue, engineer; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)"Perspectives" — Jonathan Lackey, Bill Maylone & Dan Nichols, engineers; Joe Lambert, mastering engineer (Third Coast Percussion)"Tuvayhun - Beatitudes For A Wounded World" — Morten Lindberg, engineer; Morten Lindberg, mastering engineer (Anita Brevik, Nidarosdomens Jentekor & Trondheimsolistene)"Williams: Violin Concerto No. 2 & Selected Film Themes" — Bernhard Güttler, Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Christoph Stickel, mastering engineer (Anne-Sophie Mutter, John Williams & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Producer of the Year, Classical
Jonathan AllenChristoph FrankeJames GinsburgElaine MartoneJudith Sherman
Orchestral Performance
"Adams, John Luther: Sila - The Breath Of The World" — Doug Perkins, conductor (Musicians Of The University Of Michigan Department Of Chamber Music & University Of Michigan Percussion Ensemble)"Dvořák: Symphonies Nos. 7-9" — Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)"Eastman: Stay On It" — Christopher Rountree, conductor (Wild Up)"John Williams - The Berlin Concert" — John Williams, conductor (Berliner Philharmoniker)"Works By Florence Price, Jessie Montgomery, Valerie Coleman" — Michael Repper, conductor (New York Youth Symphony)
Opera Recording
"Aucoin: Eurydice" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Barry Banks, Nathan Berg, Joshua Hopkins, Erin Morley & Jakub Józef Orliński; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)"Blanchard: Fire Shut Up In My Bones" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Angel Blue, Will Liverman, Latonia Moore & Walter Russell III; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)"Davis: X - The Life And Times Of Malcolm X" — Gil Rose, conductor; Ronnita Miller, Whitney Morrison, Victor Robertson & Davóne Tines; Gil Rose, producer (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Odyssey Opera Chorus)
Choral Performance
"Bach: St. John Passion" — John Eliot Gardiner, conductor (English Baroque Soloists; Monteverdi Choir)"Born" — Donald Nally, conductor (Dominic German, Maren Montalbano, Rebecca Myers & James Reese; The Crossing)"Verdi: Requiem - The Met Remembers 9/11" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Donald Palumbo, chorus master (Michelle DeYoung, Eric Owens, Ailyn Pérez & Matthew Polenzani; The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
"Beethoven: Complete String Quartets, Volume 2 - The Middle Quartets" — Dover Quartet"Musical Remembrances" — Neave Trio"Perspectives" — Third Coast Percussion"Shaw: Evergreen" — Attacca Quartet"What Is American" — PUBLIQuartet
Classical Instrumental Solo
"Abels: Isolation Variation" — Hilary Hahn"Bach: The Art Of Life" — Daniil Trifonov"Beethoven: Diabelli Variations" — Mitsuko Uchida"Letters For The Future" — Time For Three; Xian Zhang, conductor (The Philadelphia Orchestra)"A Night In Upper Town - The Music Of Zoran Krajacic" — Mak Grgić
Classical Solo Vocal Album
"Eden" — Joyce DiDonato, soloist; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro)"How Do I Find You" — Sasha Cooke, soloist; Kirill Kuzmin, pianist"Okpebholo: Lord, How Come Me Here?" — Will Liverman, soloist; Paul Sánchez, pianist (J’Nai Bridges & Caen Thomason-Redus)"Stranger - Works For Tenor By Nico Muhly" — Nicholas Phan, soloist (Eric Jacobson; Brooklyn Rider & The Knights; Reginald Mobley)"Voice Of Nature - The Anthropocene" — Renée Fleming, soloist; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, pianist
Best Classical Compendium
"An Adoption Story" — Starr Parodi & Kitt Wakeley; Jeff Fair, Starr Parodi & Kitt Wakeley, producers"Aspire" — JP Jofre & Seunghee Lee; Enrico Fagone, conductor; Jonathan Allen, producer"A Concert For Ukraine" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; David Frost, producer"The Lost Birds" — Voces8; Barnaby Smith & Christopher Tin, conductors; Sean Patrick Flahaven & Christopher Tin, producers
Contemporary Classical Composition
"Akiho: Ligneous Suite" — Andy Akiho, composer (Ian Rosenbaum & Dover Quartet)"Bermel: Intonations" — Derek Bermel, composer (Jack Quartet)"Gubaidulina: The Wrath Of God" — Sofia Gubaidulina, composer (Andris Nelsons & Gewandhausorchester)"Puts: Contact" — Kevin Puts, composer (Xian Zhang, Time for Three & The Philadelphia Orchestra)"Simon: Requiem For The Enslaved" — Carlos Simon, composer (Carlos Simon, MK Zulu, Marco Pavé & Hub New Music)
Music Video
"Easy On Me" — Adele; Xavier Dolan, video director; Xavier Dolan & Nancy Grant, video producers"Yet To Come" — BTS; Yong Seok Choi, video director; Tiffany Suh, video producer"Woman" — Doja Cat; Child., video director; Missy Galanida, Sam Houston, Michelle Larkin & Isaac Rice, video producers"The Heart Part 5" — Kendrick Lamar; Dave Free & Kendrick Lamar, video directors; Jason Baum & Jamie Rabineau, video producers"As It Was" — Harry Styles; Tanu Muino, video director; Frank Borin, Ivanna Borin, Fred Bonham Carter & Alexa Haywood, video producers"All Too Well: The Short Film" — Taylor Swift; Taylor Swift, video director; Saul Germaine, video producer
Music Film
"Adele One Night Only" — Adele; Paul Dugdale, video director; Raj Kapoor & Ben Winston, video producers"Our World" — Justin Bieber; Michael D. Ratner, video director; Kfir Goldberg, Andy Mininger & Scott Ratner, video producers"Billie Eilish Live At The O2" — Billie Eilish; Sam Wrench, video director; Michelle An, Tom Colbourne, Chelsea Dodson & Billie Eilish, video producers"Motomami (Rosalía Tiktok Live Performance)" — Rosalía; Ferrán Echegaray, Rosalía Vila Tobella & Stillz, video directors"Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story" — (Various Artists); Frank Marshall & Ryan Suffern, video directors; Frank Marshall, Sean Stuart & Ryan Suffern, video producers"A Band A Brotherhood A Barn" — Neil Young & Crazy Horse; Dhlovelife, video director; Gary Ward, video producer
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In India, cotton anarkali suit for girls are among the most stunning ethnic wear. It is well-known among fashionistas and celebrities because of its latest designs. Movie actresses usually prefer the Anarkali suit types, and celebrities dance and perform in them, giving the whole thing a more modern look.
Everyone wants a piece like this in their closet. The beautiful craftsmanship, stunning artwork, and superb outfits come in various styles and patterns. You don't need to search further to seem like a celebrity, as the Cotton Anarkali suit for girls is fantastic and is adored by divas everywhere.
Occasionally, you can feel comfortable opting for an ethnic look rather than usually dressing in Western clothing. A typical Indian woman's wardrobe consists of two main parts, and along with her trendy Western clothing, she gathers some unique traditional pieces. Suppose you intensely love a specific kurta style, such as Anarkali. In that case, you have a lot of possibilities to test with your freshly acquired fashionable cotton anarkali suit for girls and Anarkali kurtas with various dupattas and bottoms.
Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls - The Timeless Beauty
One of the most famous traditional outfits is the everlasting beauty of the Mughal emperor's cotton anarkali suit for girls. Anarkali salwar suits, known as kameez, consist of three pieces: a dupatta and a flared Kurti churidar. Regardless of the situation, Anarkali outfits always make Indian ladies seem gorgeous and attractive.
Following the release of Madhubala, Indian ethnic fashion has become increasingly trendy. In Mughal e Azam, the actress was shown gracefully dancing to "Jab Pyar Kiya to Darna kya," performed by Rekha and others. The versatile administration has made a solid place for itself in every woman's closet.
Being Indian, we like being desi these days and probably must follow the customs and trends throughout the holiday season. The timeless beauty of the latest and most stylish Anarkali gown style will make you stand out. These are the best cotton Anarkali suit for girls designed for every occasion you need to show off because the trend for Anarkali dresses was and will continue to be evergreen.
Tips to Flaunt Your Trendy Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls
Put on as a formal outfit
Since Anarkali suits are heavy and have a gown-like appearance, women often buy anarkali outfits with heavy embroidery of actual zari motifs on the upper body and cuffs. You can still wear a basic cotton anarkali dress with a sanganeri design for workplace attire. To give your traditional dress a distinctive style, wear a more oversized belt and boots that complement the belt's color. Go through the exclusive collection of women's ethnic wear and buy designer suit set online only on The Jaipur Loom.
Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls to Attend a Party
Choose a stylish Anarkali heels dress if you're uncomfortable attending a party in your shorts or mini dress. Wear an ethnic dupatta and add some unique decorations to it. To give your nude makeup, Go for highlighting your lips with an extra coat of color.
Dress in a Comfortable Cotton Anarkali Suit to Attend a Wedding
Aside from sarees, lehengas, and salwar kameez, you can wear a trendy kaftan kurti with palazzos. However, a wonderfully made Anarkali dress can also help you look great at an Indian wedding. Choose an Anarkali dress in metallic gold, rose gold, or silver if you like metallic colors. If not, dress in your favorite black silk anarkali kurta and add a hefty gold necklace to complete the look. Wear heels to gain height. If you like, wear a golden dupatta or scarf.
Festivals Designer Cotton Anarkali Suit for Women
Despite Anarkali suits, many women wear dress-shaped anarkalis with bottoms, especially for festivals. Wear a dupatta as a turban or on one side for a more traditional look. When attending a religious celebration, such as Diwali or Eid, prioritize decorated works.
Unique Anarkali Suits Loved by Womens
Net Anarkali Dress
The Anarkali is a timeless tradition, with only the gorgeous designs or fashions changing over time. The Bollywood actress also likes walking the ramp in stunning Anarkali outfits since net Anarkali gowns are uniquely vibrant and fabulous. The salwar suits are creatively fashioned in net fabric with a touch of embroidery above the neck, giving a fantastic look to the weather. Something like the beach net Anarkali dress will transform you into a stunning diva and make you the focus of attention in no time.
Straight Anarkali
Full flare Anarkali is probably the most popular style among Indian women, but the easiest way to wear a cotton anarkali suit for girls is without flare. If you're wondering what it'll look like, the Anarkali design is worth trying.
Among the similar types of Anarkali, the Straight Anarkali suit will allow you to stand out from the crowd rather than blend in. Buy cotton straight kurti online at the best prices at The Jaipur Loom Kids.
Pakistani Abaya Style Anarkali
The most excellent thing about Pakistani Anarkali suits is that they have one motivating factor: the floor length, which is longer than any other Anarkali. Indian women of this generation enjoy wearing designer Anarkali dresses. From tiny Motifs to large ones, these embroidered outfits add a fresh touch to the festive style.
Embroidered Anarkali Suit
Try a fantastic style with a lovely embroidered Anarkali suit when you think simplicity is dull. The floor-length Anarkali suit of the Anarkali gown, with its entire thread embroidered work in floral designs, will enhance your beauty. You can also wear an Anarkali suit with stunning zardozi work sequins or polkis to make you stand apart in a crowd.
Buy ethnic suit for women at renowned online stores like The Jaipur Loom, which features the best collections of individually designed products. Only by purchasing these special dresses online can you see many new styles and select comfy fabrics at the most affordable costs. Keep an eye on the latest trends in ethnic dresses and shop accordingly.
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wausaupilot · 3 months
Wausau area obituaries July 1, 2024
Obituaries are a community service courtesy of Helke and Brainard Funeral Homes.
Rose M. Plano Rose Mary Plano, 103, of Sylvan Crossing on Evergreen, Wausau, died on Thursday, June 27, 2024.  Rose was born on March 26, 1921, in Merrill, WI. The daughter of Joseph P. and Anne E. Fischer. She married Franklin R. Plano on January 31, 1942. Rose enjoyed many activities including golf, bow hunting, fishing, traveling, and reading. She relished entertaining and hosted many…
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wjdexclusives · 1 year
0.62CTW Lab-Grown Diamond 14K Gold Yellow White Rose Square Halo Stud Earrings
0.62CTW Lab-Grown Diamond 14K Gold Yellow White Rose Square Halo Stud Earrings
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Adorn your ears with the timeless elegance of our 0.62CTW lab-grown diamond square halo earrings. Featuring a central square setting surrounded by a halo of shimmering diamonds, each earring captures and reflects light for a brilliant sparkle. Made with the highest quality lab-grown diamonds, these earrings offer a sustainable yet luxurious choice. Crafted in 14K gold, you can select from the evergreen charm of yellow gold, the crisp beauty of white gold, or the tender allure of rose gold to suit your individual style.
Note: Made-to-order (ships in 4 business days).
Product Specifics All specifications are approximate and may vary for the same model.
Yellow Gold, White Gold, Rose Gold
Metal Purity
High Polished
Earring Type
Earring Backing
Push Back
Total Stone Carat
Main Stone All specifications are approximate and may vary for the same model.
Lab-Grown Diamond
Not Enhanced
Secondary Stone All specifications are approximate and may vary for the same model.
Lab-Grown Diamond
Not Enhanced
Style ID: 12089 ZF-L (internal use only): WJDOVN-40933-3.5
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chorusfm · 9 months
Adam Grundy’s Top Albums of 2023
2023 was absolutely S-T-A-C-K-E-D from top to bottom with some incredible music from so many talented artists. Below is a collection of my favorite albums (which include several EPs, for the first time on my year-end list, because I adored them so much), a separate call out for EPs, a playlist of my favorite songs, the best concerts I attended, my favorite books I read during the year, as well as my favorite interviews I conducted. Also, be sure to check out my favorite movies and TV shows that kept my attention in 2023. I wish all of you a very happy New Year, and I’m thrilled to spend another year with everyone on this site and in the forums. My Top Albums of 2023 * Ratboys – The Window * The Maine – The Maine * M.A.G.S. – Destroyer * Foo Fighters – But Here We Are * The Menzingers – Some Of It Was True * Koyo – Would You Miss It? * Fall Out Boy – So Much (For) Stardust * Chase Tremaine – Accidental Days * Zach Bryan – Zach Bryan * The Gaslight Anthem – History Books * Olivia Rodrigo – GUTS * Taking Back Sunday – 152 * Yellowcard – Childhood Eyes (EP) * Thrice – The Artist In The Ambulance (Revisited) * The Struts – Pretty Vicious * The Japanese House – In The End It Always Does * Arrows In Action – Built To Last * Blink-182 – One More Time * AJR – The Maybe Man * Boys Like Girls – Sunday At Foxwoods * Sarah and the Safe Word – The Book of Broken Glass * Broadside – Hotel Bleu * Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit – Weathervanes * Record Heat – Welcome To Record Heat Country * PONY – Velveteen * Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness – Tilt At The Wind No More * Paramore – This Is Why * STMNTS – Tendencies (EP) * Boygenius – The Record * Greta Van Fleet – Starcatcher * Story of the Year – Tear Me To Pieces * Gorillaz – Cracker Island * Spiritbox – The Fear of Fear (EP) * Have Mercy – Numb * Bully – Lucky For You * Out of Service – Reflections and Refractions: Vol. 1 * Charlotte Sands – Good Now (EP) * Silent Planet – Superbloom * The National – First Two Pages of Frankenstein * Babyfang – In The Face Of (EP) * Cal Stamp – Leather (EP) * PVRIS – Evergreen * Anberlin – Convinced (EP) * Cold War Kids – Cold War Kids * The Rocket Summer – Shadowkasters * Vacationer – Cherish * The Aces – I’ve Loved You For So Long * White Reaper – Asking For A Ride * Post Malone – Austin * The Bouncing Souls – Ten Stories High My Favorite EPs of 2023 * Yellowcard – Childhood Eyes * STMNTS – Tendencies * Spiritbox – The Fear of Fear * Charlotte Sands – Good Now * Babyfang – In The Face Of * Cal Stamp – Leather * Anberlin – Convinced * Hawthorne Heights – Lost Lights * Arcane Ghosts – Distant Youth * Texas King – Capsize * Bad Suns – Infinte Joy * Nicotine Dolls – How Do You Love Me * Zach Bryan – Boys of Faith * MS MR – Saturn Return * Soccer Mommy – Karaoke Night * Boygenius – The Rest * Taylor Acorn – Certified Depressant * Better Lovers – God Made Me An Animal * Bad Luck. – Books On Tape * Palette Knife – DLC Pack 01 My Favorite Songs of 2023 * Olivia Rodrigo – “Vampire” * The Menzingers – “Come On Heartache” * Lily Meola – “Without You” * The Maine – “Blame” * Blink-182 – “One More Time” * Ratboys – “Morning Zoo” * Billie Eilish – “What Was I Made For?” * Zach Bryan ft. Kacey Muysgraves – “I Remember Everything” * PHNTMS ft. April Rose Gabrielli – “Lost On Your Love” * Spiritbox – “Jaded” * Chase Tremaine – “Settled in the Unsettled” * Boys Like Girls – “Blood and Sugar” * Fall Out Boy – “Heartbreak Feels So Good” * Record Heat – “Run” * Cal Stamp – “Radio is Dead” * Koyo – “Life’s a Pill” * Sarah and the Safe Word – “Sky On Fire” * Hawthorne Heights ft. Emo Orchestra – “The Storm” * The Maine – “How To Exit A Room” * Taking Back Sunday – “S’old” My Favorite Concerts I Attended in 2023 * The Maine – Sweet 16 Tour @ The Fillmore (Silver Spring, MD) * Silverstein – This is How The Wind Shifts Anniversary Tour @ The Fillmore (Silver Spring, MD) * Cal Stamp @ Pie… https://chorus.fm/blog/adam-grundys-top-albums-of-2023/
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