#rose and jason are great badasses together
onnahu · 3 months
There's nothing so fun as watching Slade shipping Rose and Jason in dceased. He literally set them up. What a dork.
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littlefankingdom · 2 months
I just finished Future State: Gotham and here are my final thoughts.
Things I hated:
Jason being a cop (at the beginning, it made sense because he was manipulated to be. At the end, nope, he should have resigned)
[SPOILER] The lack of reaction from the Batfam to Dick's sacrifice??? Only Barbara speaks about it with him, but Bruce is right there. You're telling me Bruce Wayne would not lose his marbles at Dick sacrificing himself for Gotham and Damian??? You're lying. He would not be okay with it! Especially when he said just a couple of pages earlier that Dick was the heart of the Batfam! And the lack of grief in the story afterward??? Bruce would not be fine if Dick was dead! He would not be okay! That's his firstborn!
Things I loved:
Talia's characterization was gold. She is badass, she is a caring mother, she is a Batfam's member, she is not evil. I love it so much. There's one moment when she stabbed Jason, but she explains herself later as being so preoccupied with Damian, she wasn't thinking, she had no time to lose, and apologizes. She's great. (Her and Bruce aren't together, btw)
Bruce and Jason's relationship. They love each others so much, they cannot communicate for shit. Jason being like "I will beat the shit out of Hush for impersonating my father, even if it's the last thing I do!" when he was like "Bruce is not my dad!" to Rose earlier. Bruce being like "Jason, my son, I'm so happy to see you!" when he sees Jason. Jason, half dying, accepting to stop fighting with the others to assist Bruce, also half dying, the parallel between father and son. Bruce leaving Gotham for Jason to protect. Jdizbztcforc, finally some good food about them FROM DC.
Bruce not being able to be a vigilante anymore at the end, after all the fights and the torture, with a cane, looking at his baby with pride.
Dick being fucking nuts. It's so funny to me, the man loses it when his dad is dead. He is also such his father's son, to the point that other batfam's members LITERALLY tell him "You are acting just like Bruce rn, and you know that's not a good thing." but he refuses to listen. He's high on drugs, fr.
Actually, all Bruce's sons lose their mind when their father dies. They all go "I'm gonna do something so stupid because I miss my dad, watch me". Batshit insane family over here.
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shadamyheadcanons · 7 months
I saw a while back you were asked what your favorite interpretations of Shadow and Amy were.
While I don’t disagree (haven’t played heroes so can’t comment there, but have beat SA2) I was curious on your views over Sonic 06 version of Shadow? Ignoring the heavy problems with the game itself, I’m personally a heavy fan of the VA and how he acts.
It may be selfish of me… but I kinda wish Amy got more interactions with Shadow instead of Silver. I get WHY they did it, but I feel like it could of been nice to have them reunite and maybe even contrast the end of SA2 y’know?
First post about my favorite Shadow & Amy portrayals, SA2 and Heroes
Follow-up about Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles
I love both Shadow AND Amy in that game!
06 Shadow in particular has been getting a ton of interest in the past few years, and it’s wonderful to see. I considered including it in that first post about my favorites. 06 being such a failure gameplay-wise really screwed things up for the series for a long time. Sega learned all the wrong lessons. No more humans apart from Eggman. No more dark, serious plotlines. One-dimensional characters. No playable characters apart from Sonic in mainline games. None of the others can talk to anyone but Sonic. Obviously there were exceptions to this, but the series lost so much. Sonic 06 is older than most Sonic fans, but we’re only just now getting all of that back with Frontiers, IDW, etc.
This would have been bad enough on its own, but coming off the heels of Sonic 06, it hurt that much more. Sega decided Team Dark weren’t friends directly after their most poignant interactions. Shadow knew who he was. He knew what was important. And he knew he could trust the best friends by his side. When’s the last time he was so self-assured? That’s the downside of the 06 timeline being erased in the end. We know Shadow and Team Dark’s potential, but he doesn’t remember any of it.
That said, I’m ultimately still glad it’s erased. I’d hate for Shadow to go through life knowing the humans would reprogram his own best friend to hunt him down and lock him up forever. It says great things about Shadow, but it makes me like the humans a lot less.
It’s thanks to 06 that I consider Shadow to be the biggest hero in the franchise. This clip encompasses everything that makes his heroism unique:
“If the world chooses to become my enemy...I will fight like I always have.”
Iconic. Badass. I love the way he drops his inhibitors as he talks. This is Jason Griffith’s delivery at its best.
Sonic fights to protect his friends and the planet he calls home, along with the humans and Mobians who all love him, but there are SO MANY people who’ve treated Shadow like filth, and he still protects them. There’s no one else in canon who’s that selfless, and I also like that 06 doesn’t lean on Maria as the reason he does all this. Shadow himself is a good person and does good things for his own reasons, not just because she told him to.
Heroes proved this, too. Shadow didn’t even remember Maria in that game, but he still made the right call. Maria’s important, but she’s not the only reason he’s a good person.
Jason Griffith does a very good job as Shadow here and elsewhere, but David Humphrey is and always will be my favorite Shadow VA. If Jason is an A-rank, David is S-ranked. I’d be thrilled to have either of them back.
You’ll never see me judge anyone for wanting more Shadow/Amy interactions. I’ve thought the same thing with 06, and I love the Silver/Amy bits, too. She has an adorable scene with him AND starts him on the path to redemption. It’s the Amy Rose Special. I also like how she and Shadow inadvertently worked together to turn him around. Amy raised a question Silver hadn’t thought to ask, and Shadow showed him the answer.
But what this demonstrates to me is that this didn’t have to be an either/or situation.
It would’ve been nice for Amy to reunite with Silver and see how he turned things around. They were both there for the final battle, but they didn’t speak to each other. What if they’d had a scene with all three of them together? I hypothesized about that possibility in headcanon #99.
Side note: I just want to say that I think Amy is great in 06. She has the same cute accidental hug/elevator speech combo she used to turn Shadow around in SA2, but people sleep on it in 06 for some reason. On top of that, a lot of fans willfully misinterpret one particular line of hers. And anyone who knows Sonic 06 knows which one that is.
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“If I had to choose between the world and Sonic, I would choose Sonic!”
I’ve seen so many people say she’s a dumb, ridiculous fangirl for this, and I can’t stand it. She’s not saying the rest of the world doesn’t matter, she’s saying that she has so much faith in Sonic as a person that she’d take his side even if the rest of the world said he was wrong. And, uh...she has good reason to! It’s not the first time he’s been falsely accused of something. It’s like these fans conveniently forgot what happened in SA2 the second they saw an opportunity to hurl insults at Amy.
You know what Amy’s line reminds me of most?
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“Even if you believe everyone in the world will be against you, know that I’ll always remain by your side. Remember that.”
Yeah. That line everyone loves about ultimate loyalty for someone you care about. The line that many consider to be Rouge’s best. The only difference is that Rouge is a calm young adult talking about a friend, while Amy was an upset young girl whose feelings were too big for careful phrasing and restraint. Combine that with how much hate there was for her at the time, and you have a great, dedicated line absolutely drowned in ice-cold, bad faith takes from the fandom. And Silver needed that fervor to make him question Mephiles, too! It had to be her! It was because he saw how strongly she felt about Sonic that he started having second thoughts. You think a calm statement like Rouge’s could have made him back down from attempted murder?
Much like with Shadow in SA2, it had to be Amy. 06 did a great job with her. Some fans still need to wise up about it. They’ve been recognizing how awesome 06 Shadow is, so maybe, just maybe, they’ll do the same for Amy someday.
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Hello Rae! First of all, spoilers for the "Three Jokers" comic, but I just finished reading it, and I'm so confused about the whole Jason and Barbara thing😭 How did DC sweep under the rug Jason's (love?) letter to Barbara at the end?? I think I might misremember things, but I don't recall their relationship being mentioned ever again. In a way, it does make sense, as their relationship can be built on their shared traumas and the whole 'making each other a better person' so I'm a bit dumbfounded that DC? didn't? At the very least, give them a chance? What are your thoughts on this if you've read the comics and would you change it?
Hi, nonnie! Ah, I'm so glad you asked! Jason's love letter literally got swept under the rug. Like actually, after he went and taped it to the door, it fell off. A panel later, we see a janitor come by with a broom and sweep it away with a bunch of trash and dust.
It never gets brought up again because in the letter, Jason says something along the lines of 'if you ignore this, I'll know how you feel and we never have to talk about it. I'll understand and pretend this didn't happen' and something self-deprecating. (From what I remember I read it a few years ago)
Now, my thoughts on Jason and Barbara being together, I don't love it. It's nothing against Barbara, and it's nothing against Jason. I'll elaborate under the cut.
I absolutely see them bonding over their shared trauma, but I've always seen it as a friend way or even as family. (I also don't think trauma is a great thing to build a romantic relationship from, but that's neither here nor there)
Anyway, Barbara was already a teenage/adult (depending on the universe) by the time Jason came around as Robin. So I definitely see him having a childhood crush on her. She's badass and awesome and extremely intelligent.
But when it comes to them actually dating, it's not for me. I really prefer when they have their own cast of characters. (i.e., Jason dating Artemis or Rose Wilson or Isabel)
It's also the fact that Barbara has dated/married Dick Grayson in so many lifetimes. When you think of Dick Grayson and a romantic interest, you either think Starfire or Batgirl, and that's something that won't change. To have her date Jason feels like a disservice to both of their characters.
Once again, Jason is getting Dick's 'leftover support cast'. (Babs is a main character in her own right but I digress) and Babs is once again being used as some kind of 'Fridge Wife'.
Maybe if I saw it written well, it would change my mind, but I really can't see them together, especially for the long term. Especially if Jason is running with The Oulaws and Barbara is running the Birds of Prey (a comic run I actually adored, they were so cool)
Please feel free to convince me otherwise, but that is a ship I don't really see happening, as a fan, and if I try thinking from a creators perspective.
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headspacedad · 2 years
I leaped head-first into the rabbit hole that is all things Jason Todd and found myself woefully unprepared for the horror that is the more cruel portrayals of his and Bruce's relationship
Safe to say I'm glueing myself in the corner where everything is sunshine and roses and Bruce is a actual good parent, can I have that? T^T
First off - welcome to the rabbit hole! Its always nice to find friends in one of these. And second -
just -
I too was pretty unprepared for the absolutely horrid mess that is the Batman and Jason relationship. I'm not quite sure in what world slitting your own son's throat is considered okay. I'm guessing a LOT of comic book writers have shitty relationships with their fathers and don't realize that's Not Standard Practice, nor does it make Bruce look like a 'badass'. It just makes him look bad.
I mean, I'm used to a bit of comic book whiplash. I used to get all four Spider-man comics every month back in the Way Back Times and I remember there were absolutely times you could tell the writers weren't on the same page about how things were supposed to go. In fact, before my time, the story was that MJ and Peter only got married because Stan Lee wrote it happening in the Sunday newspaper comic and surprised more than a few writers who were working on comic books for the character. So I thought I was used to things varying from point to point but - DANG! I was not prepared for the amount of 'Bruce is a supportive dad who still shares burgers with Jason' to 'Bruce beats the shit out of his son to a level he won't even use on the Joker'. Some people who are claiming to be professional writers need to figure out how to make a character bad ass and put conflict in a relationship WITHOUT just resorting to senseless physical violence every single time.
Now fandom - fandom's always been about exploring the side angles and reconstructing things. And I do think a lot of people are either 1. working through their own family trauma in a cathartic safe way through fiction 2. are absolutely disgusted with the way Jason and Bruce's relationship has been treated in canon and just went 'fuck it' and figured if that was what canon was going to give them then fine, that's how canon would get treated and 3. hates either Bruce or Jason and needs to punch downward on the one in order to make the other look better (that last one is a sign of poor writing and a personal pet peeve of mine that's way too common in fanfiction). From what I've seen at least in the corners I lurk in, its usually the first two though and I can respect both of those. I can even enjoy reading both of those if they deal with what that kind of relationship means and does to the characters (usually Jason).
But God bless the writers who look at canon, reach down and pick up Bruce and Jason and carefully wash the yuck off them like they're little fairy penguins caught in an oil spill. Who get them scrubbed clean of canon yuck and then put them in little cute knit sleeveless sweaters somewhere safe where they can recover and feed them tasty things so they thrive together. Bless the Wayne Family Adventures comic creators for it, bless every single one of the fanfic writers for it, bless the fan artists for it and bless the meta writers too. Bless every single person that looks at the mess canon is and goes 'not on my watch'. And bless them for sharing so the rest of us can read something that's healing for our souls and gives us some respite from the world outside our doors. Sometimes all we want to read is the dream of a good father and its wonderful that fandom gives us so many great fics and art of that. Canon may not give it to us but
We can have that.
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shieldagent93 · 4 years
I was wondering, can you tell me your favorite OTPs and BroTPs and total NoTPs? I'm curious about your opinion.
Oohh, good question. This one's gonna be a long post, so I’ll put a line break here.
1. Phil Coulson/Melinda May (Agents of SHIELD)
One of my favorite ships of all time. The slowest of slow burns. They just kept missing each other. A ship full of amazing chemistry, but devastating tragedy. May had said that they got more than she thought they would, but they got less than I hoped they would.
Also, the holographic shield kiss was the most iconic kiss of the show. I said what I said.
2. Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa (Agents of SHIELD)
This ship was a big selling point for me that not all great ships have to be friends for years before they get together. Sometimes you just meet someone, you get a good feeling, and you form a connection. It was probably the last ship I'd have ever expected to ship (especially since I was lukewarm about Peggy/Sousa), but boy do I ship it.
Sousa’s caring and supportive and always wants to be there to pick Daisy back up, while Daisy is fierce and compassionate and isn’t afraid to say what she thinks (even if that’s teasing him for being such a square).
And Daisy finally has a love interest who doesn’t die on her cause he’s already legally dead!
3. Avatar Korra/Asami Sato (The Legend of Korra)
The Korra/Mako/Asami love triangle was dragged out way longer than it should have been, but once it was finally done away with, these two's amazing friendship rose from the ashes. With them quickly getting the awkwardness of both having dated Mako out of the way quickly, it didn’t feel forced at all. And soon, friendship transformed into love and the duo went off into the Spirit World hand in hand to an beautiful score by Jeremy Zuckerman.
Wow, I sounded like a poet. I’m gonna tone it down and try and sound like a real live girl for the rest of this.
Honorable Mentions: Janet/Jason Mendoza (The Good Place), Lexie Grey/Mark Sloan (Grey’s Anatomy), Kara Zor-El Danvers/Kate Kane (Arrowverse)
1. Kara Zor-El Danvers and Alex Danvers (Supergirl)
I love them. The Danvers Sisters own my heart and they should come with a warning. Is there really any more I have to say? That really sums it up perfectly.
2. Daisy Johnson and Melinda May (Agents of SHIELD)
They’re my favorite AoS characters, so you know they’d be my favorite AoS duo. I love how much their journey has evolved, from (mostly) civil teammates for Coulson’s sake, to mentor and mentee, to mother figure and daughter. I love seeing badass women supporting each other.
We even got to see May be the one to surprise Daisy with a hug for like the first time ever. That was adorable.
3. Daisy Johnson and Alphonso Mackenzie (Agents of SHIELD)
It’s hard to imagine that when it all began, Mack was one of the leading voices in SHIELD about how Daisy (then Skye) was dangerous. It’s really amazing how much those two have grown since then.
I dunno who thought to make those two partners during the search for new inhumans (I suspect it was Coulson), but I am grateful because these two turned into my second favorite BroTP of AoS. He’s calm and collected and supportive and she’s strong and stubborn and wouldn’t leave him to fight alone.
I mean, Mack gave Sousa the shovel talk on Daisy’s behalf. I usually have mixed feelings on shovel talks, but I thought it was done beautifully and helped reinforce the truth that Mack and the rest of the team were Daisy’s family.
(Also, Mack and Daisy hugs are love. Mack and Daisy hugs are life.)
Honorable Mentions: Arizona Robbins and April Kepner (Grey's Anatomy), Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow (Arrowverse), Melinda May and Alphonso Mackenzie (Agents of SHIELD)
Get ready for some ranting and negativity. I have got some very strong feelings in this segment.
1. Daisy Johnson/Grant Ward (Agents of SHIELD)
Ward’s HYDRA. He kidnapped Daisy like three times. He gave Fitz brain damage, killed Eric Koenig and Victoria Hand and Rosalind Price, tried to murder Andrew Garner. Was trying to rebuild HYDRA, which is, you know, a terrorist organization. Whether they have nice chemistry or not (I was kinda meh on them even before the Ward reveal), you will not see me shipping those two. Ever.
2. Kara Zor-El Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supergirl)
I actually used to be super (no pun intended) interested in these two together. And then, well, Lena went off the rails and I looked back at their earlier interactions without the rose covered glasses. It wasn’t good.
It was full of Kara constantly being the one to support Lena instead of a more balanced dynamic. There was Lena making Kryptonite, which was a huge no no from me. There was Lena almost outing Kara’s identity at the Pulitzer Prize Party, another huge no no.
And then the worst offender, Lena going to the Fortress of Solitude (aka the one big piece of Krypton Kara has left on Earth) and programming it to attack Kara, locking Kara (who is claustrophobic) in an ice cube and surrounded by kryptonite (whose affects have been likened to neurotoxins), yelling about how her feelings were hurt, and leaving her there with no way to escape. Kara could have died there.
Lena might have (finally) apologized in the finale, but it doesn’t undo all the bad that happened before. Not shipping them now and I don’t think I’m shipping them ever again.
3. Jackson Avery/Maggie Pierce (Grey’s Anatomy)
Just... who thought that was a great idea when her dad and his mom have been together for years? Yeah, that’s a no from me.
Fingers crossed for Maggie and Winston since they seem pretty sweet so far.
(Dis)Honorable Mentions: Daisy Johnson/Deke Shaw (Agents of SHIELD), Izzie Stevens/George O’Malley (Grey’s Anatomy), Ray Palmer/Kendra Saunders (Legends of Tomorrow)
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Survey #330
“and i don't want ya  /  and i don't need ya  /  don't bother to resist, or i'll beat ya  /  it's not your fault that you're always wrong  /  the weak ones are there to justify the strong”
If you have a job, do you like it? I'm unemployed. Do you like any kinds of fruit? Well of course. Are you waiting for something right now? Covid and this headache to fuck off, May for my tattoo, to be paid to take some pictures again... What is your favorite kind of animal? Kind, not the actual animal itself? In that case, social species, usually mammals. What kind of Dippin' Dots do you like? Holy shit, I haven't had that in like a damn decade or something. I don't know, I barely remember the taste. Who is the most badass woman that you can think of? My mom. My mother is a fucking warrior. Do you have a Pinterest account? Yeah. I get a lot of photography ideas from there, as well as base pictures to make Mark icons, haha. If you were to write a book, what would it be about? The stories I and my friends have weaved in RP. Have you ever seen the television show The Munsters? AHHHHH YES!!!!! Mom loves that show, so I used to watch it with her growing up. Have you ever written one of those 'Roses are red...' valentines? I don't think so. Would you/have you spent more than $200 on any one person for a holiday? I haven't, but I would for certain people. Do you have a favorite Robin Williams movie? Probably Night at the Museum. Thoughts on Slender Man? Have you even heard of him? I think it's a cool creepypasta; he does look pretty unnerving with his height and especially lack of a face. The movie was good too, btw. Do you know what the Tardis is? I think almost everyone does in this generation, haha. Doctor Who ain't no joke to a whole lot of people. Are there any children's shows that you'd watch today if they were on? Sure, like Pokemon or Avatar: The Last Airbender, among others. I wouldn't at all be opposed to watching The Lion Guard, either. I actually want to, with my whole TLK love. I'm not embarrassed to watch "kids" shows or movies at all. What would you call yourself the King or Queen of? Having not an ounce of knowledge on how to love things in moderation/avoid total obsession with things, haha. If I paid for you to take karate lessons, would you? No, especially not now with my legs. Do you read more fiction or non-fiction? Almost solely fiction. What modern technology are you especially grateful for? Laptops, ig. Do you have a favorite science topic? Genetics. Very fascinating stuff. Have you ever read any Sherlock Holmes stories? No. What is the saddest movie that you've ever seen? Either Johnny Got His Gun or Boy in the Striped Pajamas. What's your most popular post? On what? If Facebook, I don't really know. Possibly my "coming out" one or a lovey-dovey essay when Sara and I were together. On Tumblr, it's definitely the gif I made of Mark and Chica (his dog) with I think over 10k notes. Manga or anime? Anime. I don't read manga, though I've been tempted with Deadman Wonderland since the show only had one season and ends on a ginormous cliffhanger, but there's more story to be had. A card game that you're good at? None, really. A popular book you haven't read yet? To Kill a Mockingbird. I feel like every school student has read it at some point. Favorite Mean Girls quote? I don't know any. It's a fine movie, but I've never understood the hype. Name your top 3 albums from your favorite band/artist. Black Rain, Ozzmosis, and... then I can't choose. I love so, so many very dearly. Name your top 5 music videos. I don't really watch music videos, so I definitely can't name five. My #1 favorite is probably "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch; I absolutely cannot watch it without crying. What are you most passionate about? How did this passion develop? Animals. I was born simply adoring animals and have always wanted to protect them and their environment. Do you like monkeys? Do you believe in evolution? Yes and yes. We've literally watched it in action. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people? Discussing RP if you're not involved in it. I'm terrified of people thinking I'm weird. Have you considered running for president? Absolutely not. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? I'd say Mark, but I'd be way too interested in dating him instead of being just friends, haha... So with that said, maybe Bindi Irwin? Would you ever go skinny dipping with the last person who commented you? Lyndsey would be that person, so no. She's a great friend of mine, but realistically I'd probably only ever - if ever - do that with the company of my s/o. Are you still friends with the last person who broke your trust? No. How long did your last relationship last? Around two years. Have you ever been banned from anywhere? Online, yes, as a little kid on the Animal Planet forum, haha... Has anyone kissed you when you weren't expecting it? Yeah, Juan. Did you like it? It was a sweet moment, but I didn't want it. Does your dad smoke? Like a chimney. Is your mom over 50? Yeah. Are you currently listening to anything? Yeah, kinda hooked on "The Horrible People" by Manson. I've found a lot of great music lately. Would you ever consider getting breast implants? No, but once (if...) I lose all the weight I want, it's going to be a moderate priority to get a breast lift. I've hated my body way too fucking long and am dying to be satisfied with it again, and with how much weight I need to lose, I would essentially have grandma tits. :x Do you know anyone who is bisexual? Me, haha. Among some friends. Who would you tell, or who did you tell when you lost your virginity? That's not something I'd just go to tell someone afterwards for no reason... I'd only ever mention having lost my virginity if I was actually asked or if it was relevant to a conversation. Is there something you have been trying to learn lately? I'm really trying to practice opposite action and behavioral activation, among other things I've learned in group therapy. When you think about your future career, do you envision yourself becoming the head honcho or CEO? If not, why not? Well, I want to be my own boss as a freelance photographer. In any other job, I definitely wouldn't want that. Too much responsibility and leadership skills. Can you think of a time when you seriously misjudged a music artist based on their name? I don't think so? Have you ever kissed someone that you didn’t really want to kiss (not assault, just indifference)? Why did you go along with it and how did you feel after? Yes, Tyler. I felt like I was "supposed to." I felt really uncomfortable afterwards. If you have to wake up early for something, what time is just TOO early for you to be there and be presentable and sentient? Have you ever had to be somewhere that early? Probably like, 5:00. No. Have the majority of your romantic relationships started with a physical attraction or a deeper connection? Always an emotional connection. Did you ever write a fan letter to a celebrity? How about submit something to a magazine? No to both. What hair color is the most attractive on the opposite sex? Of natural colors, black, but I like unnaturally dyed hair most. Where do you like to go to when you are stressed? On a carride, so long as I'm controlling the music nice and loud and not talking. Where do you go to get your hair cut/dyed? To a family friend's little salon/small business. Why do you want the career that you want? Because I adore art and think it's pretty darn magical that you can freeze a moment forever to not just remember in your head, but actually see. Have you ever watched iCarly? Yeah, I enjoyed it when I was younger. What was your favorite class during your sophomore year of high school? Art. Do you wear bandanas in your hair? No. Have you ever been on a blind date? No, not interested. How many living grandparents do you still have? None. Have you ever worked in an office? No. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? Mom. Have you ever stayed in a hotel without your parents or older relatives? No. Did you have an Easy-Bake oven when you were little? Sure did. Have you ever seen a donkey? Yeah. Have you ever made out in a hot tub? Pretty sure no. Do you always flush the toilet after you use it? Yes. What were the last words you said to your dad? Probably "bye, love you." Have you cuddled with someone you weren’t dating? Nah. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? JASON. Are you a really understanding person? Yeah, very. Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs? Yes. When’s the last time you wore a wig? For a witch costume many years ago. Why were you last hospitalized? Suicide attempt. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without food? At least 12 hours, but I think I almost went a day once back when recovery started and my appetite was non-existent. What was the last name of your third grade teacher? Mrs. Britt. How was the last chicken you ate cooked? They were chicken tenders. What is your favorite kind of chip? Hot crunchy Cheetos. What grade did you have your first boyfriend? 7th. Have you ever been told that you’ve lost weight? Yeah, back when I actually WAS losing loads of weight. >> Do you have the same political views as your parents? Some things, but definitely not all. Does anyone call you babe/baby? No. Have you ever made a significant other cry? Sadly. If you could make your lips bigger, would you? Maybe just a teeeeny bit. Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters? Yep. Fuck them prices. Are you prone to illness? Definitely not. What races do you usually date? History says Caucasian, but I have no actual preference. I'll date any race. What’s your cup size? C. Ever flirted with a teacher? Yikes, no thanks. Who was the main cook of your Thanksgiving meal last year? My older sister made the most stuff. Have you ever been dumped really harshly? Well, considering it literally traumatized me... Do you have any ex’s you can’t stand anymore? No. Are you more of a phone or a computer person? Computer, definitely. When was the last time you made a sandwich? What did you put on it? Yesterday for lunch. Ham, American cheese, and mustard. Have you ever made friends with someone that you didn’t expect to get along with? Yeah. Do you own any accessories with your name on? No. What brand of eyeliner do you use? I pay no attention to this. Have you ever been sexually harassed? No. Have you ever sent a naughty text message? Suggestive ones, yes. How long have you had your pets? Roman, around two years. Venus, around three or four years. Who was the last person to tell you that they love you, other than family? Sara. Has one of your friends ever tried to hook you up with someone? Colleen tried obnoxiously hard to push Girt and me together. We all went out to eat pizza once just as friends hanging out, and this bitch prefaced an uncomfortable and nosy question to him with an even more uncomfortable "because I'm trying to get you in her pants...", and that, my friends, was the closest occasion I've ever come to slapping someone right across the face. I looked at her in absolute disgust, and Girt was clearly thinking "what the actual fuck" as well. I do not miss her feral mouth. Are you good at staring contests? No. Eye contact is very difficult for me to maintain. Do you like peanut butter? I love peanut butter. When was the last time you had to present something to your class? In this mandatory but entirely pointless entry class at my last college, we all had to do like this PowerPoint introducing ourselves. I hated it. Who was the last person that told you they missed you? I think my friend Chelsea. What store is your favorite shirt from? It's not a real store, but rather an online brand: Cloak. Mark is one of the owners/creators so I obviously support them intensely. Have you ever fell off your bed while you were sleeping? No, thankfully. Do you have something you’re supposed to tell someone, but you haven’t yet? No. What type of food do you never really eat? Vegetables, oops. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? No. Do you like going to weddings? Not really, if I'm being honest. I'm only interested in photographing weddings for the only the couple pictures and pay, really. I'm not big on formal events. What’s your favorite flavor squash? I don’t like squash. Do you or anyone in your house have a severe allergy? No. Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? Our landlord/family friend, just to hang out for a little bit and chat with Mom. What fad were you actually into? Hm. What was the last spontaneous thing you did? I'm not a very spontaneous person, so I really don't know.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Titans S2E2: Rose, a review, I guess.
Here, have another bullet-pointed, kinda-review. Spoilers ahead!
This episode has awesome stuff, but it’s kind of choppy. We flash pretty quickly from scene to scene between pretty much all the Titans. We get Dick with the kiddos at the tower, Kori and Donna going after Shimmer, Hank and Dawn at their ranch in Wyoming. And then there’s the occasional jump to Rose or Dr. Light. It didn’t jump so much that it was confusing but it gave me the feeling that as soon as I was really into what was happening the scene moved on to something else and that left me disappointed. Luckily everyone seems to be coming together by the end of the episode so hopefully this won’t be an issue going forward.
Dick is getting super into the Big-Bro/Dad/Mentor thing and it’s kind of hilarious. After spending all last season trying to get rid of as much responsibility as possible he’s gone all-in on the mentorship thing to the point that it’s funny to me. He’s over here being super serious with his “Even your eyes can be taken from you!” sensei-thing, and having them read Sun Tzu, and making them food that is apparently terrible. No wonder he goes to that coffee shop all the time, his food is inedible I guess. Like, he’s trying so hard it’s a little manic, but endearing.
Dick is actually pretty great with Jason. Sending Jason with Dick was probably the best thing Bruce could have done because it’s clear that Dick is starting to get Jason where Bruce seemingly didn’t. Jason is complaining about being stuck in Cali and wants to go home to Gotham and Dick’s like, “Me and Bruce don’t think you’re ready, you were joyriding in the batmobile and the thing with the motorcycle and using the batcomputer inappropriately (seems like a porn reference), yada yada,” And Jason seems a bit dejected and upset. And you can see Dick looking at him, seeing how disheartened he is and he seems to get an idea and is like, “and besides, I could really use your help around here, you’re more skilled than the others, they don’t have your experience, everyone looks up to you, etc.” And like, yeah the first part is true, but it’s clear by the others reaction that they really don’t like Jason much or look up to him, Dick is just trying to cheer him up. Jason wants praise and recognition so bad. Even when he’s obviously being manipulated he just wants to believe it so much. That leads me to think this Bruce has been doing typical Bruce-things and maybe not giving Jason much positive reinforcement, which is probably contributing to Jason acting out.
I like Jason but it’s clear the Titans don’t. Last episode we saw bits of Donna and Hank and Dawn not exactly giving Jason a warm reception even though he really didn’t do anything to deserve it. And now in this one Gar and Rachel are icing him out a bit (referring to how he basically adopted Gar and Rachel, Dick says, “but I didn’t help Jason,” and Rachel rolls her eyes and says, “can anyone help Jason?”). Dick said they look up to Jay but that doesn’t seem like the case, I felt like he was just handling Jason. Do they defer to him when it comes to vigilante things, well yeah, maybe, but that’s not quite the same thing. I’m really hoping this isn’t the comics all over again, where everyone was said to pretty much universally dislike him outside of Donna and Eddie (after Jason’s character was rebooted). I know I’m a Jay-fan so I might be biased but aside from being a little cocky and mischievous there’s nothing we’ve seen him do to anyone that really warrants this kind of dislike, IMO. I’m hoping over the course of the season he proves himself to Gar and Rachel at least and they get along better. I want everyone to like Jason but even if they didn’t I would be fine with it if they at least disliked him for good reasons, and right now I haven’t seen anything to suggest their reasons are anything but shallow.
Kori and Donna interacting are a treasure. Kori and Donna clearly bonded over being badass chick who like to beat people up and have the same sassy sense of humor. They are constantly bickering but you get the impression they are loving every second of their verbal repartee. They are so hilarious. It’s interesting to see Kori interact with someone who is an ‘adult’ and isn’t Dick. I feel like with Donna more of that zest that Kori has in the comics but didn’t really last season, comes out. Before she was so focused on her mission she didn’t have time for herself and now she does and it’s great seeing her do Earth-things and finding them fun or interesting and enjoying herself. Kori loving Disco and Donna liking Madonna is so damn appropriate.
Roy foreshadowing!!! Donna’s contact that sent her after Shimmer is shown to be Roy Harper from her phone call. I have to wonder what version of Roy we are getting here. OG Roy-fans and Titans purists are probably going to hate me for this but hear me out...I want it to be the new version of Roy, in terms of personality and looks. Goofy genius-dumbass hillbilly with a heart of gold Roy. Look, I just feel like the other version of his character overlaps way too much with characters we already have, especially Donna. Say what you will about New 52 Roy, but he’s got character and personality, he stands out in a way I feel the other Roy didn’t, especially alongside Wally and Dick, who had very similar personalities, I feel. I’ll be happy with either version because it’s Roy but I think it would be interesting to see the New 52 alongside these characters, with his trucker hat and gadgets. Or maybe they could do a fusion, at least have his aesthetic. Everyone in this show kind of has a sameness that could be shaken up. We could use some comic relief, honestly. I hope we actually do see him this season though and it isn’t just foreshadowing something for next season.
The stuff with Hawk and Dawn was...fine. Basically after getting that ranch, Hank getting clean and presumably getting his surgery and retiring from heroing like they always dreamed/planned it all went up in smoke. I guess it was probably inevitable, to be honest. But there was this whole thing where Hank caught Dawn going out as Dove behind his back after they’d decided to stop and they were having a big important fight about it--and then it’s all rendered moot when Dr. Light destroys their whole life and they have to go to Cali and meet up with Dick. It just kind of seems like too easy of a way for the writers to resolve the situation. I hope this isn’t the end of Hank and Dawn’s argument because it was a really big deal. Hank was giving Dawn a break-up ultimatum if it’s never brought up again I’m going to be annoyed.
Rose has potential. I felt like the actress’s acting was a little stiff but that might have just been the choppiness of the scenes she was in, the sections were too small to get a real feel for her. I like her looks, she’s awesome in the action scenes and she has her powers/healing factor and all her comic abilities which is great. I feel like her writing is good though, and I’m interested to see is she’s actually on her own like she seems or if she’s a mole for her dad (I kind of feel like she’s a mole...). I hope we see JayRose though. I think him being interested in her is just a given, he called her a badass from seeing her fight. Whether she will have any interest in him back is more of a question, but I’m hopeful.
I wanted more Deathstroke. Not gonna lie, I wanted more Deathstroke. We saw a scene at the end where Jason found the connection between Rose and Slade, but that’s it. I have a feeling he’ll be in the next episode though.
Seriously, Ian Glenn is an awesome Batman. We got another great conversation between Bruce and Dick and I loved it so much, you guys. Give Ian Glenn a chance, people. I’m telling you the writing for Bruce is on point and the acting is great. He feels a lot like the DCAU-version to me, the one voiced by Kevin Conroy. I actually really like his voice in particular because it’s sort of deep like Conroy’s is, and he manages to put a lot of buried emotion into more or less flatly spoken words. The writing and the acting absolutely has that Bruce-thing where gives you answers in the most concise but cryptic way possible, acts all dramatic and he’ll seem unhelpful and kind of like a jerk and then he’ll say something profound and meaningful to let Dick know he actually does care about him a lot and it’s like...yeah, that’s the Bruce I’ve wanted, guys. he’s an asshole without really meaning to be but his intentions are good. It’s just so nice to have Titans!Bruce when comics!Bruce is such a nightmare right now...I really hope people who don’t like or doubt him will give Ian Glenn’s Bruce another chance, because I love him so much already. Yeah, his looks aren’t quite right but I’m getting used to it. The core of Bruce is there and that’s what’s really important.
And those were my main thoughts watching this episode. I loved it and it left me wanting more. It had some issues but nothing deal-breaking.
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madlori · 6 years
So last night I watched “The Meg”
...and it surprised me. Sometimes. 
Main Character (Jason Statham) deep-sea rescue diver Jonas is of course Haunted by an Incident that happened 5 years ago in which he had to cut a rescue short and leave some people to die or else they all would have died, and he saw the Really Big Shark but nobody believed him so now he’s Bitter and Drunk. This is all pretty bog-standard Action Movie fare. 
Oh hey look at that, he’s pulled back into the fray because his ex-wife is part of an expedition to the bottom of the Marianas Trench AND BENEATH BECAUSE IT’S ACTUALLY DEEPER OMG and her vessel got trapped after being attacked by totally not the giant shark that nobody believed him about
OH LOOK HIS EX WIFE IS PRETTY AND BLONDE now this whole adventure is gonna be one long set up to get them back together hey I saw “The Abyss” you can’t fool me
EXCEPT WAITAMINNIT MAYBE YOU CAN because Blonde Ex-Wife after being rescued is barely in the movie and is a Love Interest Red Herring
AND she’s played by a Chinese actress who is actually being allowed to speak non-perfect accented English
ok you have my attention
Wow this is a motley crew of various characters all here for this action movie 
Wow a surprisingly small percentage of them are white
ONE OF THEM’S RUBY ROSE? And she designed this high-tech underwater research habitat? You have more of my attention.
I always forget how charming and naturalistic Rainn Wilson is an actor when he’s not being Dwight Schrute
I should write down right now how many and which of these people are gonna die
Okay there’s a Funny Black Man on the crew, the rules state that he is gonna die (sigh)
Sunyin (Smart Chinese Lady)’s emotionally remote father is also along on this adventure, he is DEFINITELY gonna die
Basically I predict that everyone not-white will die. This prediction is based on every other action movie ever. Except Sunyin, she’s subject to the Love Interest Exception Clause of the Everyone-Not-White-Dies Action Movie Bylaws because they have to kiss at the end.
Is Rainn Wilson evil or not? That affects his Dying Likelihood. He’s a tech billionaire so that could really go either way depending on how the filmmakers feel about Elon Musk
I’m kind of appreciating the way they keep emphasizing how messed up everyone is that one of their friends died in the trench during the rescue and don’t let it be a thing that happened and is never mentioned again as would be the usual thing
Okay wow they did that Sexual Tension Trope thing there a guy opens the door for a woman and she barges right in and somehow doesn’t look at him while she’s talking a mile a minute just so they can then have her suddenly notice that he is Only in a Towel With Abs A-Poppin and then get all flustered, like who actually does that, barge in talking without looking at the other person, but in this case I’m Here For It because this actress is so charming she’s selling it. 
Okay wow they just actually made a joke about how racism is why black people often don’t know how to swim, that’s...surprisingly woke for this setting
A shockingly low number of people have died by the halfway point.
Wow they killed the shark like an hour in, gee, do you think there’s maybe ANOTHER SHARK and WAY BIGGER
also it’s refreshing that the heroes made a plan, executed the plan, and the plan worked. it’s not their fault that there was a Second Bigger Shark corollary that rendered their plan moot
Okay, Sunyin’s father did die, called that one. It’s surprisingly moving. And they did his entire death scene in Mandarin, subtitled. 
This just in: Rainn Wilson’s evil. Definitely dying. I guess that answers the question of how the filmmakers feel about Elon Musk.
Chomp chomp karma’s a bitch, baby
Sunyin is a badass, yo. They gave HER the “insanely dangerous doomed to failure endgame kill-the-monster” task that would usually go to the hero
To be fair, the hero does get to hero it up too
they’re leaning into the Jaws parallels here
The big beach of people swimming that the heroes have Got To Warn is entirely non-Caucasian and I am all about it
Another plus: they definitely rammed home the whole “humans suck and generally destroy everything about the natural world and discovery is great but also terrible” Ian Malcolm message
Okay the Huge Megashark is finally dispatched by an absolute horde of regular-sized non-prehistoric sharks who descend on its bleeding form and devour it and I’m kind of emotional about Our Shark Friends saving the day right now
WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOBODY ELSE DIED? Just the dad and the bad guy and that one white dude plus Hiro from Heroes who sacrificed himself in the first ten minutes? EVERYONE ELSE LIVES? Surely that’s some kind of violation of the Action Movie Bylaws. Oh no wait, the Jerky Doctor also died. But heroically.
Science nonsense: a creature that has lived for millions of years at insane Marianas Trench pressure couldn’t just...come to the surface. It would explode into gloop. But you know...big shark.
Jason Statham is pleasingly craggy in his advancing years. 
THEY DIDN’T KISS AT THE END? How Pacific Rim of them.
I liked this movie. If you enjoy this kind of thing.
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fairietale · 5 years
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this  is  a  starter  call  for  all  unfinished   /   wip  characters  who  don’t  have  separate  starter  calls  yet:
laena  talila  stone,     elf.  was  cast  out  by  her  family  for  refusing  to  partake  in  a  dangerous  ritual  and  marrying  an  outcast  in  the  elven  kingdom.  sister  to  zinnia. +   generous.  mild  mannered.  stands  up  for  what  she  believes  in.  sweet.  loyal. -   melodramatic.  stubborn.  impulsive.  indecisive.  skeptical. 
fox  lyari  stone,     elf.  daughter  of  laena.  sister  of  kymil  silveril  stone  and  vissera  silvyr  stone.  niece  of  zinnia.  cousin  to  elora  azraiah,  zelphar  axilia,  rathiain  fenain,  ellisar  folen,  tsar  eroan,  and  emalia  jade  storm. +  witty.  dependable.  independent.  compassionate.  ambitious. -   distrusting.  stubborn.  suspicious.  self  -  absorbed.  willful.
vissera  silvyr  stone,     elf.  daughter  of  laena.  sister  of  kymil  siveril  stone  and  fox  lyari  stone.  niece  of  zinnia.  cousin  to  elora  azariah,  zelphar  axilia,  rathiain  fenain,  ellisar  folen,  tsar  eroan,  and  emalia  jade  storm. +   independent.  funny.  caring.  loyal.  adaptable. -   vengeful.  drama  queen.  impatient.  clingy.  spoiled.
emalia  jade  storm,     elf.  went  off  on  her  own  against  her  mother’s  advice  to  reunite  with  her  family.  niece  of  laena  talila  stone.  niece  of  zinnia.  cousin  to  fox  lyari  stone,  kymil  siveril  stone,  and  vissera  silvyr  stone.  cousin  to  elora  azariah,  zelphar  axilia,  rathiain  fenian,  tsar  eroan,  and  ellisar  folen. +   independent.  marches  to  the  beat  of  her  own  drummer.  kind.  loyal.  persistent. -   temperamental.  moody.  uncompromising.  oversensitive.  impatient.
rathiain  fenain,     elf.  was  spared  by  viviana  deluca  in  the  uprising.  son  of  zinnia.  brother  to  elora  azrariah,  zelphar  axilia,  tsar  eroan,  and  ellisar  folen.  nephew  of  laena  talila  stone.  cousin  to  kymil  siveril  stone,  fox  lyari  stone,  vissera  silvry  stone,  and  emalia  jade  storm. +   compassionate.  has  a  heart  of  gold.  helpful.  brilliant.  generous. -   weak  willed.  easily  manipulated.  shy.  quirky.  submissive.
aurelia  arwen,     fae  /  vampire  hybird.  bastard  daughter  of  the  seelie  queen.  true  neutral. +   clever.  quick  -  thinking.  logical.  honest  to  the  point  of  being  blunt.  intuitive.  -   secretive.  untrusting.  obsessive.  withdrawn.  pretentious. 
jason  “jase”  valois,     king  of  france.  married  to  viviana  deluca.  brother  of  maragux  valois,  jenna  valois,  rafael  valois,  lucas  valois,  theodore  valois,  and  martin  valois. +   a  king  of  the  people.  generous.  fair.  kind.  strong. -   easily  manipulated.  willful.  obsessive.  passive.  thoughtless. 
margaux  valois,     french  princess.  more  badass  than  all  her  brothers  put  together.  elder  sister  of  jase  valois,  jenna  valois,  rafael  valois,  theodore  valois,  and  martin  valois. +   strong.  intuitive.  brilliant.  fiesty.  wise. -   stubborn.  paranoid.  nagging.  opinionated.  overly  critical  and  judgemental.
kieran  nox,     death.  the  leader  of  the  four  horsemen  of  the  apocalypse. +   non  judgemental.  willful.  strong.  wise.  confident. -   narcissistic.  arrogant.  stubborn.  willful.  uncompromising
erika  queen,     conquest.  the  victor  of  the  four  horsemen  of  the  apocalypse. +   witty.  adventurous.  passionate.  fearless.  charming. -   always  has  to  be  right.  blunt.  arrogant.  shameless.  sly.
grace  gold,     ice  dragon.  daughter  of  the  earth  and  moon.  sister  to  tara  gold. +   warm.  sweet.  thoughtful.  caring.  loyal. -   passive.  rash.  judgy.  touchy.  sanctimonious.
azriel  eldrin,     elf.  the  queen’s  personal  guard. +   loyal  to  death.  rational.  quick  thinking.  courteous.  brave. -   obsessive.  prim  and  proper.  arrogant.  vain.  rigid.
lana  zenovia,     the  key.  she  is  the  key  that  opens  other  dimensions,  along  with  the  gates  of  hell   /   hades  and  the  pearly  gates  themselves.  constantly  reincarnated. +   hopeful.  optimistic.  generous.  kind.  strong. -   opinionated.  paranoid.  secretive.  nervous.  touchy.
ripley  savage,     princess  and  the  last  daughter  of  the  planet  ragnum.  she  goes  by  the  alias  ghost  or  ghost  slayer.  after  the  death  of  her  planet,  she  became  an  intergalactic  outlaw. +   clever.  witty.  keen.  intuitive.  resourceful. -   uncompromising.  judgemental.  touchy.  thoughtless.  vain.
commander  cleo,     commander  of  caelesti’s  armies.  works  directly  under  a  the  god  malicious.  the  best  of  the  best  of  the  second  dimension’s  soldiers. +   strong.  brave.  unwavering.  heroic.  loyal. -   ruthless.  vengeful.  arrogant.  stubborn.  tactless. 
arden  ignatius,     phoenix.  prometheus  stole  fire  from  mount  olympus  and  gave  it  to  humanity,  and,  from  that  fire,  he  created  the  first  ever  phoenix  to  watch  over  humanity. +   wise.  caring.  strong.  brave.  loyal. -   prim.  lazy.  tactless.  vague.  self  -  indulgent. 
natharia,     kelpie.  travels  through  dimensions. +   wise.  brilliant.  clever.  witty.  funny. -   selfish.  thoughtless.  uncaring.  passive.  sly.
kendall  constance,     newborn  vampire.  after  the  disappearance  of  her  boyfriend,  valentino  xavier  reyes,  kenall  went  searching  for  him  only  to  find  herself  in  trouble  and  a  vampire!  +   loyal.  caring.  blunt.  resourceful.  tough. -   selfish.  arrogant.  temperamental.  judgy.  rash.
joy  “jj”  jenner,     heretic.  part  of  zarya  angelov’s  growing  coven  of  heretics. +   honest.  actual  royalty.  brilliant.  daring.  straight  -  forward. -   narcissistic.  vain.  thoughtless.  spoiled.  petty.    
harlow  reid,     hybird.  the  first  hybrid  that  was  turned  by  niklaus  mikaelson  using  the  blood  of  the  doppelganger  that  came  before  katherine  pierce. +   curious.  loyal.  clever.  quick  -  witted.  warm. -   secretive.  passive.  sly.  guarded.  willful.
fleur  bellerose,     empathic  vampire.  she  was  trying  to  find  a  cure  for  her  dying  mother  when  she  learned  of  viviana  deluca’s  true  identity,  but  viviana  was  too  late  getting  there  to  save  fleur’s  mother,  so  she  offered  to  turn  fleur  instead.  fleur  has  always  been  empathic.  +   caring.  loving.  kind.  positive.  genuine. -   withdrawn.  impatient.  neurotic.  nosy.  obnoxious.
caterina  gabrielle  deluca,     light  made  flesh.  she  was  a  gift  from  the  heavens  for  her  mothers,  vienna  and  briar  deluca.  niece  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  sister  to  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,  avery  mae  deluca,  archer  vincenzo  deluca,  and  lucia  violetta  quintana  -  deluca.  cousin  to  too  many  to  count. +   compassionate.  all  heart.  accepting.  warm.  caring. -   quick  to  judge  sometimes.  assuming.  stubborn.  willful.  extreme  in  everything.
valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,     werewolf.  accidentally  killed  his  best  friend  in  a  car  crash  and  triggered  his  werewolf  gene.  was  found  scared  and  alone  by  vienna  deluca  after  his  first  full  moon,  and  she  brought  him  home.  adoptive  son  of  vienna  and  briar  deluca.  adoptive  brother  to  caterina  gabrielle  deluca,  avery  mae  deluca,  archer  vincenzo  deluca,  and  lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca.  adoptive  nephew  to  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  too  many  adoptive  cousins  to  count. +   sweet.  caring.  compassionate.  generous.  genuine. -   quick  to  temper.  touchy.  hesitant.  nervous.  overly  cautious.
avery  mae  deluca,     angel   /   warlock  hybird.  in  avery’s  warlock  bloodline,  twins  have  to  merge  at  the  age  of  twenty  one,  with  the  stronger  twin  winning.  avery  is  the  twin  to  archer  vincenzo  deluca.  avery  has  a  growing  darkness  in  her  that  will  end  up  in  her  overtaking  her  brother  in  the  merging  and  avery  turning  full  -  demon,  unless  the  merging  is  stopped  by  her  adoptive  sister,  caterina  gabrielle  deluca,  because  caterina  is  made  of  pure  light.  also  the  addoptive  sister  of  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca  and  lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca.  adoptive  niece  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  also  has  too  many  cousins  to  count. +   witty.  resourceful.  rational.  confident.  independent. -   dark.  sly.  secretive.  hot  tempered.  vain.
archer  vincenzo  deluca,     angel   /   warlock  hybrid.  in  archer’s  warlock  bloodline,  twins  have  to  merge  at  the  age  of  twenty  one,  with  the  stronger  twin  winning.  archer  is  the  twin  to  avery  mae,  and  will  end  up  losing  in  the  merge  unless  it  can  be  stopped  by  his  adoptive  sister,  caterina  gabrielle  deluca.  archer  is  being  hunted  by  his  demon  grandfather.  archer  is  the  adoptive  son  of  vienna  and  briar  deluca,  nephew  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  archer’s  other  adoptive  siblings  are  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,  and  lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca.  archer  has  too  many  cousins  to  count. +   sweet.  thoughtful.  quiet.  trustworthy.  polite. -   carries  around  a  dark  secret.  neurotic.  pessimistic.  weak  willed.  depressed.
lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca,     demigod.  lucia  is  the  biological  daughter  of  neptune,  the  god  of  the  sea.  since  lucia’s  mother  was  a  practicing  wiccan  and  dabbled  in  witchcraft,  though  not  a  full  witch,  lucia's  demigod  powers  are  used  in  witch  -  like  ways.  lucia’s  mother  dies,  and  she  ends  up  in  briar  deluca’s  foster  care  system  for  supernatural  children,  and  vienna  and  briar  decide  to  adopt  her.  she  is  the  adoptive  sister  of  caterina  gabrielle  deluca,  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,  avery  mae  deluca,  and  archer  vincenzo  deluca.  she  is  the  adoptive  niece  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  she  has  too  many  adoptive  cousins  to  count. +   peppy.  bright.  brave.  honest.  energetic. -   vain.  vengeful.  insecure.  jealous.  overly  critical. 
guiliano  luther  rose  -  deluca,     elf   /   vampire  hybird.  almost  a  thousand  years  after  having  their  daughters,  rowan  alessia  and  stella  viktoria,  viviana  deluca  and  alyssandra  rose  decide  they  want  one  more  child,  and,  thus,  guilano  is  born. +   kind.  gentle.  thoughtful.  free  -  spirited.  curious. -   quick  to  anger.  stubborn.  willful.  arrogant.  moody.
rosalie  saito,     vampire   /   forest  nymph  hybird.  before  she  turned,  rosalie  was  unaware  that  she  had  any  forest  nymph  in  her  because  it  was  her  great  -  great  grandmother  who  was  the  nymph,  and  her  families  powers  had  dwindled  with  every  generation.  but  when  viviana  deluca  sired  rosalie,  her  nymph  abilities  were  supercharged,  and  now  she  has  the  power  to  control  and  communicate  with  not  only  nature,  but  animals,  as  well. +   witty.  loyal.  logical.  protective.  responsible.  -   withdrawn.  quiet.  depressed.  shy.  vague. 
devyn  zezza,     vampire.  devyn  was  the  cast  out  of  her  village,  as  she  was  tall  and  large  and  manly.  but  viviana  deluca  found  her  fascinating,  and  devyn  became  the  first  vampire  viviana  turned.  ever  since  then,  devyn’s  gone  by  many  aliases,  but  she  keeps  her  last  name,  zezza,  as  it’s  italian,  in  appreciation  of  her  italian  sire  and  mentor. +   deathly  loyal.  protective.  fierce.  strong.  unwavering. -   vengeful.  ruthless.  bloodthirsty.  cruel.  a  real  predator. 
theon  chevalier,     vampire.  theon’s  was  a  french  lord,  but  was  unsuited  for  royal  life,  so  his  mother  sought  out  viviana  deluca  and  paid  her  handsomely  to  kill  her  son.  and  she  was  in  the  middle  of  doing  so  when  theon  awoke,  and,  there  was  something  in  his  eyes  that  made  her  change  her  mind.  he  was  an  awful  man,  a  whore,  a  pig,  but  he  looked  at  her  with  such  understanding  that  he  was  going  to  die,  and  he  told  her  he  knew  it  was  his  mother’s  doing,  and  she  just.  she  couldn’t  kill  him.  so,  she  turned  him  on  a  trial  basis.  and,  ever  since,  he’s  been  blindingly  loyal  to  her,  despite  continuing  with  his  drunken,  whorish  ways. +   loyal.  protective.  courageous.  never  gives  up.  witty. -   weasly.  alcoholic.  man  whore.  melodramatic.  moody.
aria  alleva,     seelie  princess.  in  seelie  custom,  the  twelfth  born  to  the  seelie  queen  and  king  is  the  official  heir  to  the  seelie  throne.  and,  in  this  generation,  aria  is  the  twelfth  born.  and  she  put  up  with  her  royal  duties  for  awhile,  but  she  so  loathed  them,  and  the  idea  of  being  queen  made  her  miserable.  all  she  wanted  to  be  was  free,  so,  one  day,  she  ran  away. +   sweet.  naive.  wise.  compassionate.  free. -   insecure.  cowardly.  moody.  gullible.  easily  manipulated. 
elizabeth,     the  first  witch.  fearing  the  darkness  and  magick  that  filled  the  land,  the  first  people  got  together  and  voted  a  sacrifice.  that  sacrifice  was  elizabeth   (  or  so  she  is  now  known  )   and,  together,  they  gathered  up  all  the  magick  and  darkness  in  the  land  and  sealed  it  in  the  body  of  this  one  girl.  elizabeth  is  the  most  powerful  being  that  walks  the  earth,  but  the  amount  of  power  has  driven  her  completely  insane,  so  she  cannot  use  it  all. +   wise.  thoughtful.  genuine.  blunt.  strong. -   unstable.  speaks  in  riddles.  terrifying.  shy.  unable  to  control  her  magick.
logan  hunter,     hellhound.  logan  was  hailed  the  most  vicious  and  bloodthirsty  hellhound  the  devil  had  ever  trained,  and,  after  five  thousand  years  of  loyal  service,  he  granted  her  a  retirement.  though,  she  sees  it  more  as  a  snub  than  a  gift.  now,  she  works  as  a  supernatural  bounty  hunter,  and  she’s  trying  so  hard  to  return  to  hell  where  she  belongs. +   loyal.  protective.  principled.  strong.  fearless. -   surly.  vain.  ruthless.  cruel.  shoots  first,  asks  questions  later.
griffin  brooks,     hunter.  there  are  many  kinds  of  supernatural  hunters.  griffin’s  line  is  somewhat  supernatural  themselves,  gaining  supernatural  strength,  speed,  reflexes,  ect  when  they  come  of  age  at  sixteen  years  old.  they  also  gain  a  spirit  animal  that  looks  after  and  protects  them  on  hunts,  and  they  take  on  aspects  of  their  animal  depending  on  what  animal  it  is.  since  griffin’s  is  a  fox,  she  is  especially  charming  and  clever.  +   strong.  fiesty.  brave.  true.  noble. -   impatient.  arrogant.  vain.  cunning.  irrational.
cosima  nightly,     spirit  kitsune.  a  mixture  of  teen  wolf  and  japenese  mythology  with  a  little  mythology  of  the  chinese  huli  jing  mixed  in.  very,  very  old.  has  nine  tales. +   wise.  honest.  advisor.  spiritual.  strong  in  body,  mind,  and  soul. -   sly.  secretive.  cunning.  aloof.  patronizing.
garrick,     wrath.  personification  of  one  of  the  seven  deadly  sins. +   protective.  resourceful.  smart.  witty.  resilient. -    filled  with  constant  rage.  arrogant.  temperamental.  judgemental.  ruthless.
nyx,     the  goddess  of  night.  in  this  portrayal,  nyx  is  also  the  mother  of  monsters. +   loyal.  wise.  honest.  profound.  brilliant. -   dark.  mysterious.  easily  angered.  protective  to  a  fault.  cruel.
siena  orlena,     innocence.  she  is  the  previously   human  personification  of  innocence,  and  she  was  a  scottish  princess  in  her  human  life,  but  she's  evolved  to  be  immortal  like  most  personifications.  she  likes  going  back  to  school  every  now  and  again  to  keep  up  with  modern  culture.  very  soft.  very  pure. +   innocent.  pure.  soft  spoken.  kind.  wise. -   prim  and  proper.  pretentious.  pompous.  ignorant.  easily  manipulated. 
chase  cody,     tragedy  in  human  form.  new  york  socialite  and  budding  actress  and  model.  daughter  to  two  of  the  biggest  names  in  hollywood.  at  the  start  of  her  career   (  15  y/o  or  so  )   she  started  getting  creepy  letters  from  a  fan  who  eventually  evolved  into  a  stalker.  he  became  so  obsessed  with  her  that  he  killed  everyone  he  thought  was  standing  in  the  way  of  their  “relationship"  including  both  her  parents,  her  sister,  her  boyfriend,  and  two  of  her  friends.  so  chase  moved  to  try  and  escape  him  because  no  matter  how  hard  the  police  and  fbi  tried,  they  couldn't  capture  him  so  they  put  her  in  protective  custody.   +   generous.  gracious.  compassionate.  animal  lover.  media  darling. -   rebellious.  depressed.  withdrawn.  guarded.  shy.
falcon  arcane,     “genie.”  everyone  is  born  with  a  gene  that  gives  them  what  can  only  be  described  with  superhero  or  supernatural  powers.  some  are  born  with  this  gene  activated  already,  but  most  aren’t.  genies  spent  centuries  and  centuries  in  hiding  until  world  war  two  when  nazi  scientists  started  experimenting  on  some  they  found,  and  they  learned  that  this  gene  can  be  activated  with  brain  alteration.  they  were  shut  down  after  the  war,  and  genies  went  back  into  hiding,  but  falcon’s  mother  picked  the  experiments  back  up  after  her  twins,  falcon  and  vincent,  showed  signs  of  being  genies.  her  experiments  targeted  her  children,  and  how  to  make  them  even  more  powerful.  she  built  an  empire  on  these  experiments  after  being  successful  with  her  children,  and  started  activating  others  genie  genes.  falcon  has  spent  most  of  her  life  rebelling  against  her  mother,  while  her  twin  brother  is  their  mother’s  pride  and  joy.  so,  falcon  is  under  constant  supervision  and  imprisonment,  until  she  agrees  to  work  with  her  mother  and  bring  in  the  “nobodies”  of  the  world  for  the  experiments. +   quick  -  witted.  resourceful.  charming.  compassionate.  tough. -   manipulative.  rebellious.  stubborn.  willful.  paranoid.  cold.
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onnahu · 3 months
So i'm reading dceased, and it's really fun and all, but pairings are just so out of pocket everytime one is revealed i'm just there mouth hanging open.
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
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This week the spotlight is on Anna ( @writeradamanteve )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper
Anna | @writeradamanteve
Name: Anna 
Age: 40
Location: New Jersey
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: Filipino.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: Aside from Betty and Jughead, I do love the awfulness of Cheryl Blossom and spitfire that is season 1 Veronica.
Cheryl Blossom is unapologetically terrible, and in real life, I would absolutely HATE her, but there’s something to be said about a woman who just goes all in. I get that hardness in her, and I like it that she admires others for it, too. That Toni brings out her soft side is a plus, but I would prefer that she stays true to her character outside of her romantic relationship. 
Season 1 Veronica Lodge was a champion of women. I loved that about her. I may not have bought the whole “Betty is my best friend” assertion, but I did like that she was doing it to make amends for her past. S1!Veronica wanted to do better and she looked at Betty and thought Betty was a good person to hang out with to further that. Veronica as a person is methodical. Deliberate. And those are characteristics that can be both good and bad. I like it that Veronica can go both ways. I also mean that in a very gay way. No amount of her sleeping with Archie will convince me that her character can’t be bi. I can’t even say I hate her in season 2. She seemed a little lost there, but she was deciding between her family and her principles. For a while she thought that both could coexist, but when she realized in the end that it couldn’t, she broke away. That’s badass. 
As for Betty and Jughead, I have at least 500K worth of words in fanfic that expresses the many ways I love them. But to be clear: 
I love Betty for being so steadfast in her beliefs. She may have her insecurities when it comes to how she looks and what her mother may think of her, but when it comes injustice and friends endangering themselves for sex, she isn’t going to let anyone prevent her from doing the right thing. She is a go-getter, from saving Pop’s to saving her relationship (especially when Jughead was pulling away from her). She is a master at wielding household items — a skill, we learned, she got from Alice, who’s clearly handy with a lamp. She’s kinky, and she can be scary stone cold — forcing Cheryl to testify the truth with blackmail, watching Jughead punch Chic in the face without flinching, drowning a man to get him to confess to his sins (although ask me some other time about the morality and racial undertones of that, as that is an entirely different conversation). But she also deeply values her relationships. She cares for her loved ones so much, friend or family. That makes her so strong.
Let me tell you the many Jugheads I love: Soft!Jughead, Smughead Jones, Curious Jones, Snowflake!Jughead, ProudBF!Juggie, and even HaplessSerpent!Jughead. I like him best when he’s writing and when he’s making literary references in regular conversation. I love how sarcastic he could be and how his transition from loner weird kid in Riverdale High to popular serpent prince in Southside High tugs at my heartstrings and makes me mad, too. Like Betty, he cares fiercely for the people he loves. His need to belong becomes real to him, after he tried to deny it for so long. As much as we all have our issues with Season 2 Jughead, it added certain dimensions to Jughead that I love to write about in fanfic.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: I think I loved most of season 1, but the moments that stood out to me most were these: When Betty was dancing happily in her Cheerleading uniform, when Betty and Jughead were searching Jason’s room and got caught, when Jughead and Betty went to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy together, when Betty rushed to SSH to save Jughead only to find him laughing at the lunch tables with his newfound friends, when Veronica stood up for Betty at the tryouts, when Veronica showed Cheryl compassion, when the girls all banded together to make Chuck suffer the consequences of his misogyny (again, I have words for this, but mostly — why only him? His wasn’t the only name on that playbook), when Cheryl calls people names, when Jughead protected Betty from her vandalized locker, and of course, when Jughead climbed Betty’s bedroom window.  While I can’t get enough of Jughead throwing Betty against the kitchen counter, I have to admit I still loved those other scenes a whole lot more. That said, I will still hope for what I mention in question #7.
Season 2 — ah, my goodness. I don’t need to explain how S2 broke my heart in so many good and bad ways. While there were some golden moments, I think most of us are in agreement that there were so many things that could’ve been done better. However, I STILL do have favorite scenes in this Hell Season: Jughead running the gauntlet was amazing, Betty working on Reggie’s car, the entire street race sequence, every time Betty uses a household object to save people (a shovel, a rolling pin, a poker), Jughead and Betty disposing of the car--from her house to the swamp, that entire episode of “The Wicked and the Divine”, Cheryl and Toni finding one another, and the hunger strike scenes.
What are your hopes for S3?:
Bughead summer sex montage. 
MOAR Bughead Detective Agency. 
A slammin’ Riverdale Parents Flashback episode. 
Joaquin stays and Kevin gets better with love and BDE.  
Kevin and Josie becoming step-siblings.
Reggie and Sweetpea being half-brothers.
Veronica being the Speakeasy Queen.
Cheryl stirring trouble (even if I know I’ll hate her for it).
Archie getting a clue.
Other fandoms you’re into?: My thing is that I don’t usually fan hard on more than one thing. My past fandoms were Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Anime (many of them at once), Cowboy Bebop, X-Files, Star Trek Voyager, and Firefly. At present, I love Star Wars (all of them — eh, except maybe for Episodes 1, 2, and 3), Wonder Woman, and all the Marvel movies.  
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: Classics: Galaxy Quest, Tropic Thunder, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Forest Gump, The Matrix, Constantine, Clueless, The Breakfast Club, Transformers: The Animated Movie, Snatch, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Supernatural (Seasons 1 - 5), X-Files; 
Most Recent: Pacific Rim, Black Panther, Wonder Woman, Rogue One, Ready Player One, Anne with an E, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Anthony Bourdaine’s old and new series. 
Favourite books?: There are so many, fam, but here are the ones that first come to mind:
Harry Potter 1 - 6 (yeah, sorry, not a huge fan of the 7th)
Emma by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
All of Louisa May Alcott’s books
All of Sharon Shinn
All of L.M. Montgomery
Anne Marston’s Rune Blade Trilogy
Barb and J.C. Hendee’s Noble Dead Saga
The Infernal Devices Trilogy (Cassandra Clare)
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
All of Zilpha Keatley Snyder books
All of Paula Danziger books
Juliet Naked by Nick Hornby
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi
The Terror by Dan Simmons
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Misery by Stephen King
Favourite bands/musicians?: I shall date myself, thanks:
Guns & Roses
Nikki Minaj
Cardi B
Imagine Dragons
One Republic
The Killers
Lily Allen
Amy Winehouse
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: Harry Potter, no doubt. I would like to live in a world that relies on magic. I would like to go to a magical school like Hogwarts. I would love to fight in a resistance to overthrow an evil sorcerer. Plus, I would really, really love to meet Hermione.
Favourite food?:
Ramen (the real stuff, not the dried instant ones)
Banh Mi
Bun bo Hue
Filipino Food — particularly Adobo
Mangos and strawberries
Favourite season?: Summer.
Favourite plant?: This is an odd question to me as I don’t have a favorite plant. They are just there and sometimes they give me grief when I have to tend to the outside of my house because they’ve gotten unruly on some level (like — Fall, why do you have to discard your leaves all over my grounds?)
Favourite scent?: Baby’s breath, food, and freshly changed bed sheets.
Favourite colour?: Victorian pink.
Favourite animal?: Cats and Owls (I am definitely a witch by heart).
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: I sleep late and wake up early. I am an old person who can go on 5 hours of sleep.
Place you want to visit?: Portugal or Prague is next on my list.
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I have two pets. Pootie is a cat. He is a gray tuxedo. He loves me best, but he also hangs around my eldest child a lot. Every once in a while, he bothers my husband. Bob is a hermit crab. Bob bores the hell out of me and I am equal parts terrified that I will find him dead in his cage and tired that I am still taking care of him. His previous companions, Larry and Curly, have perished. When I found them dead, I screamed. Hermit crabs are creepy as fuck when they leave their shells, like I can’t stand them that way. I don’t know why I am stuck taking care of Bob, but he’s here, he is under my care, and God help me, he’s a stubborn bastard.
Tell us a little about yourself?: 
For work, I’m a web producer/web developer, and I maintain about 20 sites for my company.  
I used to work in publishing.
I went to law school and quit.
I eventually married my high school sweetheart and now we have 3 children.
I was always attracted to women, too, but growing up, I was too afraid to come out as bi. It still intimidates me, coming out to new people now. Most times, I just let them draw their own conclusions.
Fun or weird fact about you?: There’s nothing weird about me that you don’t already know. Fun fact: I kickbox in the nearby UFC gym, and one time, I was practicing with Tai pads with a dude who kicked me in the leg by accident — he just “grazed” me, really. I TRIED VERY HARD to pretend that I was alright. That night, my leg was swollen, and three months later, I saw that same dude fighting in the octagon on TV.
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: 20 years.
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: That is impossible to answer. Truly. So I’m going to close my eyes over a list of my stories and where my finger lands, that’s my fave. It’s Drive.
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: This is even harder. 
Polly’s character arc in Wicked. I really love how I fleshed her out in that story
The development of Kevin and Jughead’s friendship in Harvest to Home
Jughead’s relationship with Archie and Jellybean in Drive.
Betty’s story arc in Drive.
The twists and turns of Wicked.
The rich ambience of Harvest to Home.
Betty and Cheryl’s friendship in Harvest to Home.
The text conversation in Drive.
Sweet Pea’s background character in Drive.
Cheryl’s character in Wicked.
The car chase scene in Drive.
The hotel scene in Cowboy Jones.
The Peitho kitchen scene in Cowboy Jones.
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: Wicked was hard to write. I had set out to write this story with the twists and turns in mind, and those twists were interlaced. I had to set stuff up all throughout the beginning and middle so that the end would make sense. It was also harder because of Season 2. The background of those episodes in contrast with what I had in mind tended to make me nervous about reader expectations. Like when Hal was suddenly the Black Hood on Riverdale, it felt odd to not make him so terrible in Wicked. 
One of the hardest chapters I had to write was a chapter written in Cheryl’s POV. Delving into her psyche was a difficult switch to turn on and at some point, I was doubting whether I can do it, but I did it and there it was. And I don’t regret it at all.
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: Inspiration is different every time. 
For Harvest to Home, I wanted to write a fic about a very domestic Betty who made beautiful things. While I was writing that fic, I was deeply into the show Fixer Upper because we had just moved into our own new home. I was absolutely inspired by the designs I saw on TV and our need to decorate our home. I wanted Betty to be so good at it that she wrote a blog about home making. I had a lot of inspiration for that as well, since in the publishing company I used to work for, I worked with a lot of chefs and homemakers who published books. 
For Drive, I was inspired by images of Mechanic!Betty at the start of Season 2. I think I may have seen a couple of fics inspired by the movie Baby Driver, where Jughead drove the getaway cars, and honestly, I got a little mad that Betty was never the driver. So I wrote the damn thing, and suddenly, Jughead was drag racing in Season 2. I wrote that fic with a lot of alternative music in the background. I usually started my chapters with the lyrics of those songs that inspired me.
For Wicked, I started writing it for Halloween and it basically grew too large of an idea to make it to Halloween of that year. I was also hesitant about how the fandom would receive a fic where Betty was a witch. Then there came that article about how Alice was possibly a Spellman. WELL THEN. 
Cowboy Jones was absolutely inspired by the Camp Bughead prompts. I figured since I hadn’t been driven out of the fandom by torches and pitchforks because of Wicked, I’d try for some sci-fi, a genre I really love. I aimed to misbehave with Cowboy Jones, so I told myself that this was going to be my smuttiest work yet. I had also put out an X-Files inspired bughead short called The Truth is Here for that same prompt. 
I answered the question about my writing process here and some more about character development here. 
Idea that you always wanted to write?: Kitchen Confidential type story, where Jughead is an asshole chef who is determined to make his restaurant succeed. Betty becomes his sous chef and shows him a thing or two about cooking and about life.
Favourite character to write?: Betty and Jughead, no doubt.
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: Well, there are so many commenters who have been so fantastic, but my favorite comments come from those who want to have a discussion with me, mostly because I like to reply to all commenters to express my gratitude and it’s easier to reply when I can pick up a conversation.
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: Best part is finishing a chapter and posting it. Worst part is getting flamed. I have been fortunate enough to have a welcoming group of readers here, but I’ve had my share of flames in other fandoms. I always try to dig deep for something constructive in them — there always is something that can be so useful to my writing, but man, those are TOUGH to handle sometimes.
Do you have any advice to offer?: Few things:
Don’t let fear rule your life. Embrace that fear and get to know it. Find out what makes it frightening, then overcome it. 
Practice. That is the only thing that will make you better at anything. 
Learn from failure. It’s a bitch of a teacher but it’s the best lesson you’ll ever have.
Find work that you love. It always pays.
This is the eleventh installment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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I was pretty much all in for this movie the minute I saw the first preview. The book series its based on happens to be a series I love when I’m looking for some fast paced, entertaining kind of ridiculous reading. It’s a bit like the printed equivalent of Doritos.  I mean, it’s a giant shark movie, so I’m pretty well going to be enthusiastic anyway, but then, I find out Jason Statham is going to be the dude going up against the shark and my level of interest goes up exponentially.
Statham plays Jonas, a rescue diver/general action movie badass who is living in disgrace after a rescue incident went wrong and he claimed to have been attacked by a giant creature in the ocean.  His wife survived the expedition and is now working on a huge scientific research station.  When the science team dives in a submersible to study the ocean floor, they encounter the monster to nearly disastrous results.  Jonas is recruited for this new rescue, and when he brings the team up, the Meg follows.  Chaos ensues and Jonas, Dr. Suyin, and Mac have to kill the creature before it does too much damage.
The science in this movie is astonishingly bad. Marine biology doesn’t work like that. Physics doesn’t work like that. The ocean itself doesn’t work like that. And while I have low tolerance for horrible science presented in places claiming to support STEM and purporting to enlighten us, I have very different standards for fiction. “The Meg” is pure, hot, buttered satisfyingly popcorn crunchy fiction. I will continue to giggle about the entire mechanics of getting the megalodon into our world probably for the rest of my life, especially when an amateur like me can call out the flaws in their science easily.  
However, the story is great. It’s action-plot paced, so, while it pays homage to many, may films (not just “Jaws”, but “the Abyss”, “Deep Star Six”, and “Finding Dory”) there aren’t some of the dead spots that drag on the original “Jaws” (to be clear, I LOVE “Jaws”, but there are some boring places).  I wanted a high-octane shark movie and that’s exactly what I got.
One of the things I loved was Li Bingbing as Dr. Suyin.  She’s presented as a brilliant scientist, deserving of respect she’s justifiably earned.  Over the course of the movie, she’s snarky and fiery, and, above all, she’s solution-oriented. There’s no waffling or wilting in the face of this seemingly impossible monster presented to her, she sees it for the threat it is and acts accordingly.  Of course, there’s got to be the little sideline for a romance subplot, and Dr. Suyin has a kid (the kid, by the way, gets some pretty hilarious scenes in some non-standard comedic relief for movies of this type), but she’s shown to be multifaceted, instead of just some kind of prop for the men to play off to forward their scenes. 
Cliff Curtis’s Mac is a guy in charge. He’s organizing and coordinating and he can tell immediately everything just went to hell in a sharkskin handbasket. Curtis gives Mac a sense of urgency without ever veering towards unhinged or frantic. He’s leading by example, things will hold together because he is determinedly holding together. All in all, he shows us a man we can believe would play a major role in getting his people home safely.
Ruby Rose plays Jaxx, who engineered the systems on board. She’s full of swagger and presents a world-weary air of a woman who’s had to take way too much crap from an industry that’s anxious to marginalize her. She doesn’t back down from being a badass, even when survival is on the line, but she’s also not stupid about it. There’s no moment in the movie where she does something so monumentally idiotic that you stop rooting for her to survive.
Jason Statham is, well, pretty much exactly what you’d expect Jason Statham to be in a movie like this, which is not actually a criticism. He’s grumpy, he mumbles and sneers and gripes, but he also gets the job done with near manic efficiency. Somehow, in all of it, he manages to make Jonas likeable. The dude is flawed, no question, but he’s not the kind of asshole you don’t want to see in the last scenes of the movie.
“The Meg” hit all the tropes I wanted it to hit and it took some things in surprising directions, mostly in terms of the characters I got to see on screen. It’s enjoyable summer schlock.  I did really enjoy it, despite all that horrible science, and it’s one that’s going on my “add to the collection” pile.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
A prompt where the JL is considering asking Raven to join the league and they are currently holding a meeting about it (and Nightwing is present since he's leader of the Titans). I think its a good chance to see what people think of her development at that point and what they think of her connection to Red Hood.
Okay, I know this didn’t go how you wanted it to go but I hope you enjoy! =)
Dick was not the best at doing comparisons, be that sizingup people or just looking at people and comparing them. He found it a pain inthe ass.
Like Kori and Babs! God those two could drive him nuts, but,Kori wanted to know what Babs had that she didn’t have and Babs wanted to knowwhat Kori had that she didn’t have. And It Drove Him Nuts.
They were two different girls, two different personality,with only him and red hair as the common denominator. It was that simple.
Besides, Kori was WAY better for him as a lover, and Babswas WAY better for him as a friend.
Sometimes he’d entertain the idea of getting them to agreeto a polygamous relationship and just end his own misery, he was sure if thetwo girls weren’t so keen on getting him they’d get along splendidly. And therewas enough Dick to go around (pun totally intended).
Anyways, he still felt comparisons were pointless, whichbrought him to this drab meeting of the JL (of which he still was not a member,nor did he intend to become a member of it), as they looked through the filesfor new recruits.
Obvious people who would be joining the ranks:
-Kong Kenan
-Jefferson Pierce
Well, one got the idea.
Not obvious picks:
Dick actually had been shocked by this discussion, as Jason was…well, Jason. And Raven’s epic: Fuck. You. to the JL still had sore points forthe JL. But Raven, being Raven, had raised valid points as to how his own teamsin the Titans operated.
Dick’s own Titans, Donna, Lilith, Garth, Roy, and Wally,they were seamless but they were pretty close, and great friends. Running amission with them was easy, and rarely ended in failure, the only times that ithad ended in failure was when the JL got involved.
Babs’ Birds of Prey was a group of badass women who made theJL look like pussies; and yes, he could say that with ease. Helena, Dinah, andBabs had all straight up told the JL to kiss their very fine asses if the JLeven thought to come for them.
Tim’s Young Justice team was tightknit, but then, Conner,Cassie, Bart, Cissy, and Jaime were always close. The teamwork between the membersof the YJ team was flawless. Stunningly flawless, they had a higher rate ofsuccess on their missions than most JL teams.
And then there was the disaster of Damian’s Teen Titans, afailure from the start with him kidnapping and forcing the members to worktogether. Kori, Garth, and Kaldur’ahm were all vastly unamused, Jon was too usedto Damian’s tactics, and Raven… Well, Raven didn’t put up with ANYONE’Sbullshit and Damian had learned this the hard way.
Raven was now a member of the Outlaws, with Jason, Artemisof Bana-Mighdall, Koriand’r (she’d quit right after Raven and walked onto theOutlaws again) and Bizarro. Hell, even Roy was thinking to leave for theOutlaws again; which had Dick a bit envious because when Roy talked of theOutlaws he talked of a foreign dynamic they all wanted and couldn’t get. Not tomention, Kyle Rayner, Eddie Bloomberg, Rose Wilson, Conner Hawke, and one Alicehad also joined the Outlaws recently; upping the danger factor.
The Outlaws, were just that, outlaws, but they weresomething more. Where the JL and everyone fought for the greatest good of humanity,and stood as change, the Outlaws were known to do some of the dirtiest of dirtywork; truly grim and terrible, even law breaking shit. They operated outside oflaws and were both hated and loved, a necessary evil according to Diana Prince(Wonder Woman).
“So should we ask her?” J’onn asked him which snapped Dickout of his stupor.
“I don’t think Rae will see this as an olive branch,” Vicstarted. Dick was actually inclined to listen to him because Vic and Raven werepractically siblings.
“We are asking Nightwing for his opinion as a man who hadbeen a leader on her team before.” Clark started and Dick sighed.
“No, I don’t think Raven would join this even if we offeredher a reprieve from Hell. She tried to get the JL’s help before and wasrebuffed. I know she came to you guys first, because it’s Raven and even as achild she was annoyingly realistic about her situation, and you rebuffed herbased on her demon heritage.
“She’s dangerous!” Zatanna started.
“I’m not done,” Dick snapped. “Then the JL, rather thanacknowledging that Robin was a terrible, and is still a terrible leader for ateam, proceeded to berate her and cut her down for failing to save everyone inthe city from a tsunami. Raven is powerful, more powerful than any of us here,and she’s more dangerous than all of us, and yes, that power, yes she couldhave saved everyone, or lost control and destroyed everyone, and rather thanher team being responsible, and accepting that, they dumped it all on her whilethey battled a monster.
“I’ve also heard she prefers working with Jason, and no, I’mstill not on speaking terms with Raven because she has refused to speak toanyone associated with the JL who isn’t Vic, because Jason accepts her. Asidefrom when she was on my team everyone shuns her for simply being a demon; shecan’t help it! So yes it’s a terrible, bad idea and she won’t join us. I think,like with Red Hood, you damaged the relationship beyond repair this time.”
“And you are content to leave her on the Outlaws?” Zatannasneered.
“I’m content not having a pissed of demon with the mostdangerous human come barreling up my ass. Because Hood is way more dangerousthan B ever could be, and if you think for a moment he’ll let Raven come at usalone, I’m sorry you’re wrong.”
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #189 - Spy
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. #358
Format: Blu-ray
1) So the movie starts by introducing us to a sort of typical white guy spy. A James Bond type, but without the British accent (for some reason). It starts with the familiar, the usual tropes, before really fucking them over when Jude Law (who for some reason is trying to do an American accent and he’s not doing it well) sneezes and accidentally kills a guy.
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Which is an excellent joke to introduce is into the film’s wonderfully strong sense of humor. If you think you know how a trope is going to play out, you’re probably wrong. In fact, the entire opening sequence is a strong representative of how the film blends quality action with quality humor which will be consistent throughout the film.
2) Melissa McCarthy as Susan Cooper.
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McCarthy is the foundation on which the rest of the film is built. From the very first minute we spend with her character she is established as not only good at her job but incredible at it. It is easy in spy spoofs for the main spy to be a bumbling idiot, but Susan’s continued competence is in fact one of the key factors which makes this film as incredible as it is. Especially considering the fact she does have some insecurities at the beginning, insecurities which are largely unfounded because she is fucking good at her job. McCarthy is able to have incredible warmth, heart, and vulnerability as Susan which she doesn’t always show in her film roles. But also when the script calls for it she can have this amazing brashness and humorous loudmouth/angry quality. Susan goes through an incredible transformation from the moment we meet her to the moment we leave her and McCarthy is able to play that absolutely perfectly. It’s HER story, it’s HER movie, and we are just along for the ride in an amazing way.
3) “Who Else Can You Trust?” is abbreviated in the film’s opening credits (I own the full version found on the album) but feels like a real Bond song with the opening credits feeling like a real Bond opening credits. This is part of the reason Spy is able to differentiate itself from other spy comedies like Austin Powers. It takes the genre, action, and stakes seriously throughout. This is real danger and true villains who are trying to get their hands on a nuke. It’s not like “oh, it’s funny because the spy is stupid and the bad guy’s want to kill all cats” or something like that. This sort of silly comedies can and have worked in the past, but Spy’s comedy is born out of its strong sense of characters and performances from the actor. Not by making fun of the genre, but embracing it in a wonderfully fun and funny way.
4) Jude Law’s Bradley Fine often times steps over the line which divides nice guy from Nice Guy™.
Susan: “Could you imagine me as a spy?”
[Fine, who has seen how badass she was in training, laughs at the idea.]
He’s an idiot and kind of a jackass. He may not actively be trying to belittle her but that’s what he does in pretty much 99% of their conversations. He’ll talk about how great she is but he gives her chores which she is overqualified for like picking up his laundry. It’s frustrating but then it’s supposed to be. It’s one of the key conflicts in the film that Susan is underestimated and belittled by all those around her because she’s not what a spy is “supposed” to be like.
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5) This film is pretty freaking great, but it could’ve used a little more Morena Baccarin.
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Honestly, everything could use a little more Morena Baccarin.
6) What the fuck is this bullshit? He’s secretly SLEEPING with this bad guy and yet…
Fine [upon being caught by villainess Rayna with a gun]: “An awfully big gun for such a little girl.”
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7) Allison Janney is someone who I love in literally everything I’ve seen her in. Even when she’s pretty much the straight man in this, the CIA director, I am just drawn to her. I just really fucking love Allison Janney.
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8) Jason Statham as Ford.
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Holy fucking shit. Somehow Jason Statham is in a movie with modern day comedic legend Melissa McCarthy and ends up being the funniest person in the film. He is totally committed to Ford’s arrogance, jackass qualities, intensity, and hyper masculinity in a way which is 100% hysterical! It’s a tricky business because Ford doesn’t think he’s funny. Ford doesn’t think he’s weird or an idiot, and Statham plays it like that knowing it will derive the most laughs. Ford is basically the super testosterone filled action hero in every movie ever and Statham doubles that while stealing every single fucking scene he’s in. And his chemistry with McCarthy is off the charts funny! Melissa McCarthy is the bedrock this film rests upon but Jason Statham is the fucking cherry on top (I think I’m mixing my metaphors but whatever), he is absolutely amazing.
9) I love this because it makes me angry.
CIA Director Elaine Crocker [about why Fine pressured Susan to stay out of the field]: “Yeah, he sniped you.”
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THIS IS REAL! THIS IS FUCKING REAL! MEN IN CHARGE KEEPING WOMEN DOWN BECAUSE THEY’RE WOMEN, WHETHER THEY KNOW THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE DOING OR NOT! GAH! I mean, the film including it is fucking awesome and handled really fucking well but holy shit it pisses me off that this is even a thing.
10) I find it endlessly frustrating (and I think I’m supposed to) that all of Susan’s aliases and spy gear are not the “sexy” stuff but things which could be considered “frumpy”. Why can’t she be a gorgeous baroness with a super slick ride and men on her shoulders? Have you seen Melissa McCarthy? She’s fucking gorgeous.
11) Melissa McCarthy has a very strong chemistry with Miranda Hart, who plays Susan’s best friend Chummy in the film. Their relationship in many ways is much more important than the ones Susan has with any other character in the film, including Fine. And you understand how good friends they are with each other as the movie continues. It’s really great.
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12) Ugh.
Ford [after McCarthy points out he didn’t even like Fine]: “It’s called the rivalry of men!”
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As a man I can say, “The rivalry of men,” is the equivalent of, “who’s dick is bigger,” because society has convinced us that we’re not a “real man” unless we’re the “biggest” man in the room. It’s fucking stupid.
13) One of the key things that makes Susan as strong a character as she is are her motivations. You understand what is driving her VERY clearly: her memory of Fine. It evolves into more than that as the film goes, it evolves into her just doing her job, but you understand why she does things which are outside of her norm. It’s because she is in pain over Fine’s (supposed) death and needs to make right by him. It’s clear and powerful and helps make the film as good as it is.
14) Aldo - as portrayed by Peter Serafinowicz (legendary character actor who can be found in Shaun of the Dead, Guardians of the Galaxy, the voice of Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I, and most recently “The Tick” on Amazon) is incredibly funny. Every overly sexualized moment with him & just his general chemistry with McCarthy makes him a worthy addition to the already stellar ensemble cast.
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15) As I mentioned in note #10, I don’t understand why McCarthy is given all the frumpy gadgets and covers when she can pull this off:
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She’s fucking gorgeous.
16) I’ve mentioned this with a few pairings before, but McCarthy and Statham have this intense/incredible comedic chemistry which is born out of their strong bickering. This is most plainly seen when they're both at the hotel/casino arguing and I think the fact I’ve mentioned it so often is just a sign of how well put together this fucking cast is.
17) There is an incredible sense of tension that plays through most scenes (for example: when Chummy is trying to kill power to the casino) which ties into what I mentioned in note #3: it helps elevate the film over silly spy spoof into this engaging and riveting action comedy.
18) Rose Byrne as Rayna.
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Rayna was apparently originally written as a 19 year old girl (this according to IMDb’s trivia section), which makes a LOT of sense considering how much of a BRAT she is. Don’t get me wrong, Byrne is absolutely excellent at giving of the appearance of this elegant and sophisticated socialite. But that’s where the humor is from. The juxtaposition between what you expect from her (a refined Bond villainess) and what she actually is: a moronic spoiled brat. Byrne plays the humor and juxtaposition perfectly. The key part is that - like Statham - she’s not actively going for laughs. She’s not hyping up the stupidity or the silliness, acting like Rayna knows she’s stupid, but instead trusting the script and playing it in a way where Rayna takes herself seriously. And THAT’S the gag! And it’s great!
19) At this point Rayna has called Susan a child multiple times, compared her to a depress homeless clown, and insulted her ability to address herself.
Susan [to Rayna]: “Why are you being so nice to me?”
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20) I’m starting to sound like a broken record but McCarthy’s ability to hold her own against how Byrne plays Rayna’s horridness is a testament to her talents as an actress and the chemistry between the pair. God, this movie is just so fucking funny.
21) I mentioned earlier that McCarthy gets the chance to play Susan as both more reserved and brash. It is when McCarthy is acting like “Amber Valentine” (the cover Susan uses to make Rayna trust her) that she gets to show off this aggression WONDERFULLY. It’s also wildly cathartic because a lot of people - including Rayna - have just been consistently putting Susan down for the ENTIRE film. Now she gets to go off on them and it’s amazing.
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22) I’d like to point out that very few women die or get “fridged” in this film, not when compared to the men. I think during the entire movie only one woman dies but that’s a nice proportion swap to most male dominated action films. (How many women have died on Bond movies versus the men?)
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
23) The Budapest car chase scene is one of the strongest action set pieces in the film. It’s filled with this intense and enjoyable action, sprinkled with just enough jokes to make it hysterical, it’s well choreographed, and just altogether a fun ride.
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24) But even the Budapest car chase can’t compare with the kitchen fight.
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The action is INCREDIBLY well done. The fight choreography and energy throughout is just truly kinetic and it just grabs your attention and NEVER lets go. It’s just insanely well done and by far the best scene of the film.
25) I would like to point out - similarly as I did in note #4 - that Fine is kind of a jerk to Susan. He attributes her continued success to Rayna’s inexperience just casually, like it’s no big deal, not realizing he just undermined all the amazing things she just did in this film. Meanwhile the creepy sexpot of Aldo supports Susan and reminds her she’s been doing an incredible job in this film.
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26) When Susan learns that Fine is alive, her entire initial motivation for going the distance of being a spy is gone. But that doesn’t matter because she’s not doing this for any man anymore. She’s doing this because it’s the right thing to do and because she knows she CAN do it. I love that. And when Susan embraces this and kicks some serious ass, Fine sees her for who she is.
27) Wait…I just realized that Ford didn’t actually DO anything in this film. He just kept getting caught and screwing up.
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I love that! It’s so much funnier for me that way! :D
28) I love that it’s Chummy who saves Susan in the end. Not Fine, not Ford, but her best gal pal. Friendship over romance/sexual attraction is something I really appreciate.
29) And by the time the film ends, all three of the main guys - Aldo, Fine, and Ford - want Susan now. But she doesn’t chose a guy, she choses Chummy. She choses a night out with her girls instead of even Fine, the guy she’s been pining over FOREVER. I love that.
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Spy is an incredibly funny and heartfelt film with a powerful message about competence/self worth. Melissa McCarthy gives an absolutely stellar performance and is surrounded by a just as strong supporting cast, with Jason Statham being a particular stand out. The action is crazy, the humor is spot on, the characters are well developed, and the relationships are pure. All in all, it’s just a really freaking good movie I think everyone should see.
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lollipop1141 · 4 years
🎶 music box asks 🎶
1)   a song you can listen to on repeat
Dumb Dumb Dumb - Red Velvet
Rhythmically, there’s just something addicting about this song that you can’t help but replay several times just to figure out what’s going on in the music
2)   a song from one of your favorite albums
Missing You - All Time Low (Future Hearts)
Their songs are great, but this song stood out to me during my dark times
3)   a song you loved when you were a teenager or kid
Love Story - Taylor Swift
I was obsessed with this song when it first came out and I quickly indulged in all of her songs. But as I grew older, I don’t listen to much modern songs anymore, thus revoking my Swiftie status I guess (cuz I have yet to listen to her latest album)
 4)   a song that makes you feel strong
Cry Me A River - Michael Buble
Badass song. But it’s most probably the bass, strings and the brass. and the guitar. and Mr.Buble’s voice.
 5)   a song that makes you sad 
For Forever - Dear Evan Hansen
That moment where you don’t really have a best friend, so you make a makebelieve one and making yourself think it’s reality..
 6)   a song that cheers you up 
Mune ga dokidoki - Detective Conan Opening 1
Childhood right there. I can’t help but smile.
7)   a song that reminds you of your friend(s)
If I Ruled The World - Big Time Rush
It reminds me of the school fair and me and my best friends danced to this song
8)   a song that reminds you of an ex partner or crush
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
He liked the band so I listened to it, but then we broke things off and now it’s just a bittersweet memory
 9)   a song that reminds you of yourself
12 Variations of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Mozart
From when we were young, we were simple and looked at the world with the eyes of a child. But as we grew up, we know more, we gain influence from our surroundings, we become more complex. But in the end, we are still who we are deep inside.
  10)  a song that brings back bad memories 
Sorry - Nothing But Thieves 
I was in a low place during this time and my self-esteem was nonexistent. 
 11)  a song that brings back good memories 
The Second Star To The Right - Disney Soundtrack
I grew up with Disney and one of my favorite movies was Peter Pan. It just reminds me that even in the darkest places, there is still a star that shines for you.
 12)  a song that grew on you 
Wolf - EXO
CHOGIWA. I heard this song when it came out. The cringe was real. But as I returned to it 8 years later with better ears, I came to appreciate its creativity. the CHOGIWA is still cringe, but a good cringe. 
 13)  a song from a musical
Room Where it Happens - Hamilton
This is a bop and the brass is a delicious flavor.
  14)  a song with a great music video
Basically any kpop music video out there
  15)  a song that’s better as a cover
Moon River - Jacob Collier
As a musician, this is the breaking the rules of music theory and doing it excellently
  16)  a song that’s better acoustic
Shake It Out - Florence + The Machines
It’s more peaceful and hits more on a personal level, me thinks
  17)  a song with great lyrics
The Technicolor Phase - Owl City
“I am the red in the rose, the flowers on the blankets on your bedroom floor. And I am the gray in the ghost that hides with your clothes behind your closet door.  
I am the green in the grass that bends back From underneath your feet.  And I am the blue in your back alley view Where the horizon and the rooftops meet.”
  18)  a song for summer
What Time Is It? - High School Musical 2
 19)  a song for heartache 
Love Of My Life - Queen
it hurts my heart.
20)  a song for car rides 
Smile - McFly
Old but gold. You can’t help but jam to this song.
21)  a song for the rain
Coffee - Lu Han & Kris Wu
The chill beats and it’s in chinese, so you can vibe to it without having to concentrate too much on the lyrics. But the lyrics are pretty good too. Also, it makes you drink coffee on rainy days.
  22)  a song for dancing 
Might as Well Dance - Jason Mraz
Just as the title says, might as well dance.
 23)  a song for making out 
I’ll Make Love To You - Boyz II Men
umm...y’know, it’ll lead to more..but the harmonies make the kisses much better..(I’ve also never made out with any one so take this song suggestion with a grain of salt)
24)  a song for a lover
For Life - D.O. (EXO) English Version
tbh, I want to play this song on my wedding day. It’s such a beautiful song and the melody is sublime
  25)  a song from before you were born 
Mamma Mia - ABBA
My dad loves ABBA so we’d have ABBA songs and those old time bands playing in my house
 26)  a song from a band that’s no longer together
Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
the Beatles were the og boy band fight me
 27)  a song you’ve seen live
Rhapsody in Blue - Gershwin (Yuja Wang as soloist and Vienna Philharmonic with Gustavo Dudamel)
Best concert in my life. Nothing can top that experience.
  28)  a song you want to see live 
Green Day (all of their songs)
Green Day was supposed to come to my area in 2020. I was saving up for the concert. But then covid-19 happened so...bummer
29)  a song by a band you don’t usually like
Lie - Jimin (BTS)
Before ARMY starts pouring in here, lemme just tell you that people can have different tastes in music. I’m pretty sure a majority of ya’ll gonna fall asleep on my favorite classical pieces. So, even if BTS’s music isn’t my style, I do like Jimin’s Lie. As a musician, this is a good example of text painting.
30)  a song you recommend
Last Night on Earth - Green Day
My favorite song of Green Day. It’s a beautiful rock ballad. 
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