#rosalie cullen imagines
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halesinger · 2 years ago
⟡ 𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 when you give them fuck me eyes
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✦ jasper can definitely tell when you’re in the mood, since he’s very in tune with emotions. if you give him the eyes? he’s already dragging you away to a different room.
✦ alice is always one step ahead. if you’re in the mood, she is too. she’ll make up a very believable excuse so you two can have some fun time. ;)
✦ it would take rosalie a second to understand what you want, but as soon as she does, she is pulling you away - with or without an excuse.
✦ emmett is very oblivious. you would have to straight up tell him what you want. he would be so cute about it though, probably giving a small smile and a quick peck on the cheek, before taking you away.
✦ edward is an awkward old man. he would most definitely not know what to do if you gave him the eyes. he would probably make up an excuse so you two wouldn’t have fun time.
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↳ ahh i accidentally deleted this and had to rewrite it from memory :( also i added more characters bc this one is super short lol
⟡ likes and reblogs are appreciated !!
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vigilante-3073 · 4 months ago
Rosalie Hale x Emmett Cullen x Female Vampire Reader
Summary: Bella observes the relationship between Rosalie, Emmett and Y/N.
TW: Throuple, vampire mates, mentions of death and torture.
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In the time that Bella had spent as a human while dating Edward, she learned very little about the young vampire who Rosalie and Emmett shared as a mate. Y/N was quiet and reserved, which made her stand out in the relationship with her mates.
Rosalie had an anger that burned like the hottest flame and Emmett was always the loudest one in the room. Someone so calm and soft-spoken didn't seem to fit into their relationship dynamic.
Y/N almost seemed to get lost behind their big personalities, but they always saw her in a way that others didn't. Rosalie and Emmett always had some innate ability to sense their mate in every situation. They gravitated towards each other like magnets and could always be found together.
One thing Bella had come to notice about Y/N is that her love language was physical touch. Y/N was always touching one or both of her mates in some way. Bella was almost alarmed to see how different Rosalie could be when she was interacting with her young mate.
Rosalie tended to be a bit more protective than affectionate towards Y/N when Bella had first come around, but after some time she gradually started to see Rosalie soften.
Bella would always remember the day she saw them all together for the first time. She had walked into the living room with Edward only to find Y/N sitting sideways on the couch with her back leaned against Emmett's side and his arm wrapped around her body, a baseball game playing on the television. Rosalie sat next to Y/N with her mate's legs draped across her lap while she flipped through a magazine. The sight caught Bella off-guard, but then she started to notice it more and more.
On another day, Y/N was walking through the woods after a hunt with Emmett's arm wrapped around her waist and his hand slipped into the back pocket of her jeans. Her other hand was holding onto Rosalie's as they talked about whatever came to mind.
The day after that Bella saw Y/N sitting on Emmett's lap while she talked to Rosalie about a book that she had just finished. The blonde listened to her intently with a soft smile on her face as Emmett brushed his thumbs back and forth over her hip bones.
At first glance, they seemed like they would never fit together in a million years, but Bella had never seen a closer relationship in her lifetime. There was some unexpected gravitational pull that kept them orbiting around eachother. Y/N grounded the pair in a way that was necessary when they got riled up, bringing everything back into focus.
Bella learned that Y/N's human life had ended tragically like many of her family members. She wouldn't talk about it, but Edward knew about what she had endured.
He told Bella that he could feel it when her mind drifted to those memories. The first time it happened, he had frozen in his tracks and his body locked up in a way that he had never experienced before.
Y/N had been walking home after a closing shift at the diner she was working at. A car pulled up beside her and a man offered to drive her home, he pulled a gun on her when she refused. Y/N got into the car and it was definitely a decision that she would regret for the entirety of her human life.
Edward had never known someone who had experienced as much suffering as Y/N had. The man kept her chained up in his basement for weeks, he beat her, starved her, cut her, burned her and forced her to endure many other kinds of torture while under his imprisonment.
Y/N barely managed to escape with her life, her bones were broken and the blood loss had made her weak. She ran from the house until her body collapsed into unconsciousness. Y/N thought that she would die in her place on the damp grass, she could feel herself fading away and she decided that it wasn't the worst place to die.
Someone had found her in the morning and called the authorities, she was taken to the hospital and she would have died from her injuries if Carlisle hadn't been working that day. It took almost a week for her body to put itself back together after she had died.
Y/N's death was traumatic and she was never the same after she had reanimated. Y/N was quiet and reserved, slipping back into those dreadful memories.
She was terrified every day, especially around the men in the house and no one could question her reasons. She gradually formed a friendship with Rosalie, bonding over their shared trauma and Y/N slowly began to come out of her shell a bit.
No one could pinpoint when exactly Y/N and Rosalie's relationship had changed into a romantic one, but it had. Rosalie was Y/N's protector and they hardly ever spent any time apart.
Carlisle felt relieved to see the girls finding something in their lives that was worth carrying on for. They had both been through so much and their willingness to create a relationship let him know that they were adjusting to this new life.
Y/N and Rosalie spent every possible moment together and when Rosalie found Emmett, he was brought into their dynamic seamlessly. If anyone chose to question their relationship, Rosalie would be on them in a second.
Rosalie had a ferocious love that no one could ever mess with. She allowed herself to be used and walked over in her human life, the loss of that life made her stronger and showed her that nothing lasts forever.
Their relationship had endured years of traumatic experiences and bloodshed, built on the back of a curse that provided eternal life.
Hearing about their relationship from Edward's point of view gave Bella a better understanding of who they were to each other. Though no recognition could be given to their union at the time, they were all married to each other. It didn't matter to them that it wasn't legal, they knew that their bond ran deeper than any laws ever could.
Bella respected the love that they all had for each other, it was fierce and strong like nothing she had ever seen before. It made her look at the other relationships that had blossomed within the Cullen family and she quickly found that none of them were the same.
They may have had similar values, but their dynamics were all vastly different. Her own relationship with Edward was romantic, tumultuous and tragic. There would always be parts of their lives that would never be possible if they stayed together.
Edward had lived for many years before he met her, forming relationships and losing people that Bella would never know. Bella would likely never know who he was before he died, time changes so much and it would likely be impossible for him to remember now.
If Bella transformed into a vampire to stay at Edward's side, she would lose whatever future she could have had as a human. She would never be able to have children or grow old with her friends or family. Eveyone would die around her and she would remain unchanged with Edward and his family as her only solace in a changing world.
Her fascination with Y/N's relationship had served to put things in perspective for her regarding what she could gain and lose in this life. None of the Cullen children had a choice in whether or not they pursued this life. Bella seemed to have tunnel vision on the topic, always worrying about how much time she was wasting.
Every day that passed made her feel physically older, every scrape or bruise on her skin made her feel like her body would just crumble underneath her. Bella knew that her worries were nothing that a teenager should be concerned about, but she had seen what a future could look like.
Bella was staring down the finish line of a marathon that she had been treating as a sprint. She didn't have to rush, she didn't have to make a choice now.
Y/N, Rosalie and Emmett never would have found each other if it hadn't been for the horrific way that their human lives happened to end.
Bella felt like she could finally understand that this choice shouldn't be rushed, it needed to be carefully considered. Bella didn't need to push the envelope and choose a tragic end for herself when she had the luxury of time.
She would become a vampire, but she could definitely choose to enjoy her life as a human for a while.
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volturissideslut · 3 months ago
Hi! How do you think Jasper would behave if his human girlfriend caught a cold or an influenza? 💐
𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
Jasper strokes the sweaty top of you head as you lie in his bed, bundled in layers of his jumpers and blankets. Your face is flushed from the heat but you still shiver. He looks on with worry at the still full glass of water on his bedroom side, only a sip having been taken to help swallow some pain killers for your splitting headache.
In other words, he hates this. His gift is torn between being a nuisance and his guiding saviour right now as he can feel every bit of your pain and discomfort. He knows when to help you, yes, when you need another blanket, or a hot meal, or something. But for the most part? He's powerless. Sat here and watching his mate in pain with no real way to help other that watching you sweat it out.
He climbs into beed with you, silent and watchful, as icy lips press themself to your forehead. It cools your burning fever down some and unconsciously your body chases that. Half asleep you shuffle towards him.
Jasper chuckles and takes the outermost layer of your blanket burrito into his arms as an almost faux cuddle. You whine, waking up a bit now, and try and undo some layers so he can hold you.
He tuts, making your stop, and gives a gentle "you gotta keep warm darlin'". You disagree, but manage to find a comprimise.
Bundled up in several blankets, you lay on top of Jasper. At this point he becomes one with the burrito. One day, youll laygh at this, but for now he's just hoping that the mint cologne he's wearing is helping you breathe a bit better.
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lunajay33 · 9 months ago
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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I never thought much about the future until suddenly the friends I adored most started relationships and left me in the past as if our friendship never even mattered, like their boyfriend was the most important thing
My sister and I use to be close as kids but when she moved away with our mom and rarely visited me and dad, who she regularly called Charlie, we grew apart leaving me feeling like I lost all my friends and my sister, after a while I grew depressed and I never wanted to leave the house, dad grew concerned and after many absent calls from school he allowed me to start home schooling myself and my grades have never been better
Most nights it was just me and Charlie some days I’d get the courage to go down to the reserve hang out on the beach with Leah, Seth and Jake, sometimes I’d go for hikes in the forest behind the house just to clear my head, but other than that I’d stay in my room listening to music, reading the books dad would bring home for me, and doing school work
That’s how life was for so many years, it was routine and it never bothered me and dad loved having me around, after Bella and mom left he was so broken and with my help, even as a little girl, I pulled him out of that deep dark hole and he became that Charlie that joked around and made me smile
But then dad got the call that Bella was moving back for the rest of highschool since mom would be traveling with Phil for baseball, hopeful that I could reconnect with my sister again
Dad and I picked out a new bed spread for her hoping she’d love it, and he even let me pick out a new book as a thank you for helping him out with getting everything ready for her arrival, after a few days it was time for dad to go pick Bella up from the airport in port angeles, I was a nervous wreck which was crazy I mean she’s my sister why should I be nervous
Finally the familiar sheriff cruiser pulled up in the drive way, I walked out the door with an umbrella quickly shuffling over to Bella to cover her from the rain knowing how she favoured the warm dry weather, complete opposite of me
“Welcome home Bella!” I smiled as we walked back inside as dad got her bags following closely behind
She shook off her coat and placed her little cactus down on the counter
“You’ve grown so much you’re a year younger but you’re already taller than me” she said as she hugged me
“Come on bells we’ll show you your room!” Dad said as he walked up the stairs with her bags
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She settled in for the rest of the day until it was supper time, I set out the table and dished up our meal, dads game playing in the background as we ate
“So are you excited for school on Monday?” I asked
“Not really but atleast I’ll have you there”
“What? No im homeschooled remember”
“Well…..” dad drawled out
“Dad what did you do?” My heart was racing now at the implication
“I thought since Bella’s back now it would be good for you to get out there again, you need some experiences honey”
“But you know I have no one there, no one wants to be friends with me we’ve been over this”
“You might make new friends honey, give give it a chance for your old man” I sighed slumping back in my chair trying to wrap my head around having to socialize again
“Atleast you’ll be with me, dad said since your grades are so good you got bumped up a grade and can have some certain classes together, depending on our courses” that settled my anxiety a little
Bella and dad cleaned up from dinner as I sat out on the porch, in desperate need for fresh air to do its magic, only 2 more days and I’ll be back in a school again, who knows maybe some new kids have arrived and aren’t too set in their groups yet
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Monday came quickly and I was a ball of nerves, I glanced in the mirror as made sure my hair was just the way I wanted, wearing a casual outfit, simple flared black leggings, a dark rich blue longsleeve with my old worn out dark brown carhartt jacket, quickly spraying my vanilla perfume
I walked down stairs to meet Bella in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple as she picked up her backpack from the table
“Are you ready to go?” She asked
“Almost can I make a tea quickly?” She nodded and I quickly wiped together a chai tea latte, grabbing my lunch from the fridge and meeting her in the truck dad had gotten for us but since I didn’t have my license, seeing as I never needed one before now, she would be driving us
The drive to school was calming, hearing the steady rain fall against the windshield, pulling into the parking lot everyone stared until we got out, I kept my eyes down as Bella led me to the schools main office
“Okay here’s your schedule, we have math together at the end of the day, the bells about to ring so I gotta head to world history are you good to find your way to chemistry?”
“Oh ummm yeah I’ll be fine”
“Okay see you at lunch” she smiled gently before she left down the hall
Looking at my schedule I memorized the room number hoping it wouldn’t be too hard to find, turning the corner I rammed into what felt like a brick wall, dropping my books I look infront of me to see the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen, his eyes a golden amber, hair as dark as night and his skin as pale as snow
“Sorry about that, I haven’t seen you around before” he said soothingly as he handed me the books that had momentarily scattered the floor, not even realizing he had picked them up, too busy oogling him I suppose
“Oh yeah I’m just re-enrolling here again, just trying to find my class” he looked down at my schedule a striking smile adorning his face
“Come this way gorgeous, got the same class” walking along the mostly bare hallways I noticed his gentle glide, I’ve never seen such a…..well such a perfect human, obviously I was way out of my league if I could think he’d ever be interested in me, I mean I’m plain and simple what would he ever see in me, best I stay in my lane, but dad did want me to make friends so that couldn’t hurt….right?
We got to the classroom and the teacher assigned us to sit together, the class went by pretty boring, every now and then I’d take glances at Emmett and I swear he did the same but he was probably just looking at someone else, moments like this made me wish I was a beautiful as my sister, she never had a problem with guys wanting her, they basically drooled over her, even if she never acted on any offers she was still wanted
It felt like I was a living ghost most days, no one noticed me anywhere I’d go, a big reason I wanted to be homeschooled, now I’m thrown back into this miserable place, I’ll bet by lunch time Bella with have a table full of new friends while I sit alone, not even a second glance from anyone
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Lunch time rolled around and as I entered the cafeteria I searched for Bella and just as I guessed she was surrounded with bright smiles, excited to get to know her, she glanced my way and I waved hoping she’d wave me over to sit but she just gave a half assed smile and got back to talking with her new friends, I felt my heart rip at that, thinking things would be different this time with her here but I guess I was wrong
I found an empty table near the windows and made myself comfortable for another lonely lunch, I pulled out my bag from my backpack but my appetite was lost and I had no desire to eat so I just pushed my lunch to the side and looked out the window just wanting to go home
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{Emmett’s POV}
I couldn’t get her out of my head, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and her blood sings to me, when she bumped into me in the hallway I felt my whole world shift, she didn’t talk much but just being near her felt right
Lunch came, my least favourite part of the day, having to pretend for an hour, I glanced around the cafeteria hoping to catch a glimpse of my mate again, my eyes landed on her sat alone looking glum a few tables down, the others followed my gaze and smiled knowingly
“Who’s she?” Rosalie asked
“I think she’s my mate”
“Her thoughts are overwhelming loud” Edward stated
“What do you mean?” I asked nervously
“She’s not the happiest girl, I can hear how depressed she is, how unwanted she feels”
“I can feel how broken her heart is” Jasper added
This has to be the worst feeling knowing the one I’m suppose to love unconditionally and she is quite perfect in my eyes, has been broken and feels unloved
I got up from the table and made my way to her sliding in the seat across from her, her eyes were so glazed over with sadness she didn’t even realize I sat down
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{Normal pov}
“So how’s your first day?” I jumped snapping out of my thoughts noticing Emmett is sat across from me
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you, ummm today has been fine I guess, thanks again for helping me earlier”
“It’s not problem, umm I was wondering maybe if you’re not too busy this weekend if you’d wanna hang out?” My heart raced at this
“Really? You wanna hang out with me?”
“Yeah of course, who would wanna spend time with the most beautiful girl in the school” his smile warmed my heart but quickly faded at a realization
“Is this a prank, because if it is it’s cruel” I said as my bottom lip wobbled
“No what? I would never do something like that I really wanna get to know you, so how about after school on Friday I’ll meet you in the parking lot and we can go do something?”
“Okay……sure id really like that” his face beamed with excitement
“Perfect it’s a date then gorgeous”
This felt surreal there’s no way there wasn’t a catch here, how could someone wanna spend their free time with me, but like Charlie said it doesn’t hurt to try, I just hope this doesn’t break my heart more
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Part 2
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sivyera · 2 years ago
TWILIGHT characters as love tropes
ft. carlise, esme, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, leah, paul, charlie, bella
a/n: with songs to each character
⤷ Carlisle Cullen - rich love
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Carlisle is a very rich man which means he will spoil you a lot. Not only with expensive gifts but also with a lot of attention and affection.
Every time when he gets home from work, he welcomes you with a kiss and warm hug.
When he has a day off, he will cook with you (even tho he cannot eat it, it's just about the time he can spend with you) or you will lay on his lap with his hand stroking your hair and book in his other hand, reading to you.
Every Friday he will take you to a fancy restaurant and than for a slow walk around the nearest park.
On your birthday or on International Women's Day (or any other 'special' day) he will spoil you even more than on normal days. Expensive jewelry, perfumes, clothes, shoes,...
He will bring you flowers at least once every two weeks. And every July he will take you on vacation and you can choose where.
Lolita - Lana Del Rey
⤷ Esme Cullen - falling in love fast
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Esme is such a kind soul so it's no surprise that you two fell in love with each other fast.
She will take you on a date every Saturday. Mostly coffee dates are her favourite. The two of you can talk for hours while drinking delicious coffee.
She will also enjoy baking with you (even tho she cannot eat/taste them)
She has many polaroids with you on them or with the both of you on them and has them hang in her closet or the small table beside her bed.
She loves when you paint her nails and massage her legs and she will always return the favor.
She loves sunny days but because she's a vampire and her skin sparkle on the sun, she cannot go out where people can see her, BUT she can go somewhere private like meadow or forest where you two can be alone and on the sun!
Sofia - Clairo
⤷ Emmett Cullen - he fell first and harder
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Emmett was absolutely over the moon when you two started dating, because he knew from the start that you two are just meant to be.
He loves, loves, LOVES when you sit on his lap. He doesn't care if you are stroking his hair or doing make-up on him, he just want you in his lap, so he can embrace you with his big arms and muscular body.
He'll dance goofily around the bedroom with you to some catchy hip-hop songs he has found.
He loves cuddling with you especially when he can be the big spoon, because he likes how tiny you're compared to him.
Matching pyjamas and make polaroids in those pyjamas, which happens to be one of his favourite memory and polaroids.
He doesn't really like reading books but he always wants you to read to him, because he loves your voice.
She's Kinda Hot - 5 Seconds of Summer
⤷ Rosalie Cullen/Hale - you fell first but she fell harder
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Rosalie has trust issues and trauma because of her past so she wouldn't fall in love easily nor fast, but trust me when she does fall in love; she loves hard.
She loves having spa day with you which includes face masks, painting nails, shared warm bath and much more.
She will take you to the mail shopping almost every day and will buy you everything you look at.
She doesn't like much PDA but she will hold your hand in public but if she gets jealous, she will show the person she's jealous off who you belong to.
She doesn't show it to others just you, but she loves cuddles. She loves when you lay next to her, face to face so she can see your beautiful face.
She's also very protective over you, so if any guy or a girl makes you feel uncomfortable (or unsafe), tell her and she will make sure they won't approach you ever again.
Prey - The Neighbourhood
⤷ Edward Cullen - first and only love
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Edward waited so many years for you, but it was worth it because he finally got you.
He loves when you kiss his forehead even tho he has to lean down because of your height difference, it makes him feel safe. Still his favourite place to kiss you is on your lips.
Edward will write poets for you and about you on small piece of paper and then put them somewhere in your room where you will notice them like your closet or on your book, laptop, notebook, pillow,...and he will bring you your favorite flowers right after the previous ones he gave you have withered.
He will also write songs about you (or for you) and then play them to you on the piano. Which he absolutely loves because you sit right next to him and look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours full of love. Edward cannot read your mind but he can sure read your eyes, the small spark and the love in them when you look at him, he just loves it!
Loves cuddling with you, his favourite position is when you lay on his chest or when he's the big spoon, face to face or hugging you from behind.
He loves having deep talks with you and he'll tell you about his childhood or about the time he was born in.
Follow You - Imagine Dragons
⤷ Jasper Cullen/Hale - unconditional love
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Jasper can be sometimes insecure just as much as Edward, they even have similar reasons... Jasper is afraid of him hurting you, he's afraid that he won't be able to control himself around you, but your words of affirmation and gently touch will calm him down.
Jasper doesn't talk much, he rather listens and he loves listens to you. It doesn't matter what you are talking about, he just loves your voice.
He will take you for a horse ride because he loved it back when he was a human and because he was a cowboy, but you two will have to share the horse because he wants your arms around him.
At first he was a bit scared of cuddling with you (again because of his control) but soon as your hand went to his hair, he melted. Both of you realized how touch starved he's so now cuddling is an everyday thing.
Jasper is a gentleman like Edward or Carlisle so he will also bring you flowers every even week.
He'll read to you to make you fall asleep, because his smooth voice is like a lullaby to you. But if Jasper feels that you are anxious, he will calm you down with his gift and than talk to you what made you anxious, eventually he will cuddle you.
R U Mine? - Artic Monkeys
⤷ Alice Cullen - any universe
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Alice (because of her gift) always knew you were the one, her one and only true love. So when she first saw you, she couldn't help but babbling to her adoptive siblings all day how amazing you are and how she's already in love with you.
She'll go to the mail with you and make small fashion show with you in the cabins with all the cute outfits she found for you and you for her.
She's mostly the small spoon (sometimes she is the big spoon but depends on the situation) while cuddling because she loves when you hold her in your arms and stroke her back.
Outside, in front of other people, she will always hold your whole arm, not just palm.
If you have trouble falling asleep, she will gladly sing to you while stroking your hair.
She'll buy matching clothes, jewerly or nail polish, because she loves when you two match your outfits or other accesories.
i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red
⤷ Jacob Black - whatever it takes
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Jacob is willing to do anything and everything for you, his imprint. He will kill for you, he will die for you, he will do just everything.
Jacob can be sometimes insecure because he isn't that rich like the Cullens and he thinks you deserve someone who will treat you like a queen, so once again he's willing to prove you that he's worthy of your love.
He'll make you a small wolf and your favourite flower out of wood and attached it into a bracelet, which he will eventually give you to your birthday.
He's also a big cuddle bug, because he's so warm will make you comfortable enough to fall asleep. He's most of the time the big spoon because he feels like he's protecting you but he doesn't mind to be the little spoon. Cuddling also leaves his scent on you so every vampire or shape-shifter (wolf) can smell who you belong to.
He'll take you on motorcycle rides. Also he will drop you at your school on his motorcycle and then he will pick you up. Also he'll let you ride on his back while he's in his wolf form.
Jacob doesn't like fancy restaurants, he prefers his or your bed with some snacks and movies, cuddling of course!
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
⤷  Seth Clearwater - love at first sight
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Seth hoped that he will met his imprint someday and he heard from the others how amazing the feeling is to imprint on someone, but no one really prepared him to him because when he first saw you, your beauty hit him like a brick. And he finally understood the feeling because all he could see was you...
Seth will make sure you are always in a good mood with him, either he could tell you some stupid joke or cheesy pick-up line.
He maybe look like a cute baby but don't let his cute face fool you because he won't hesitate to kill for you, so it makes him really protective over you.
In his wolf form he's like a big puppy but only to you and he loves giving you piggy back rides in his wolf form.
Cuddling really depends on his mood; if he's in good mood he will be the little spoon with his head placed on your lap; if he's in a bad mood (mostly when he's jealous) he'll be the big spoon to show others that he can protect you.
He loves baking with you but he's clueless so he will just stand there and watch you or mix some ingredients, often sneaks up a kiss on the cheek while baking.
Dandelions - Ruth B.
⤷  Leah Clearwater - enemies to lovers
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At first Leah hated the fact that she actually had a imprint, so she would try to stay away from you as much as possible and when she couldn't; she would have some nasty comments towards you, but it hurt her as hell when she saw how sad she made you or worst insecure.
She tried hard to stay away from you but she failed, miserably. She needed you, she needed to be with you, so she will explain everything to you same as she would apologize for her acting.
Very protective of you, anyone could just try and test her patience.
At first she wouldn't want you to be near her while she was in her wolf form because she was much bigger and stronger so she was afraid that she could hurt you, but she became a sucker for scratches behind her ear.
Seth will often tease his big sister because she's really soft when it comes to you, which makes Leah give Seth few playful slaps.
When it comes to cuddling, Leah is the big spoon because she has the urge to protect you and being the big spoon makes her feel like she's protecting you in you sleep.
Running With The Wolves - AURORA
⤷  Paul Lahote - rough love
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With the term 'rough love' i mean that Paul is passionate lover and is willing to do anything for his imprint, you.
Paul isn't very patient when it comes to people but you are an exception. Still he's aggressive when someone push his buttons but you are always here to drag him away and calm him down.
Just a single touch and Paul's full attention is on you. Which brings me to the fact that he turns into a puppy when you touch him, your touch is just to comforting.
He's the big spoon because he feels like he protects you and it makes his scent stay on you.
He can get jealous very easily, he trusts you but he doesn't trusts the others and he doesn't want any boys or girls too close to his imprint.
Loves everything you cook or bake and will always eat everything.
Overprotective, if any vampire even dare to touch you, he'll kill him.
Little Freak - Harry Styles
⤷ Charlie Swan - old love
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Charlie is old school but still a huge gentleman.
He will bring you flowers every time you had a bad day and some chocolates when you had a good day to make it even better.
He loves watching old movies or crime/detective movies with you, with his arm around your shoulder.
When he has day off, you two will go on a picnic date which always ends up with you laying on his chest while he's telling you some stories from work.
Every time you bring him a lunch into his police office, he will welcome you with a warm, thankful smile and thank you with a kiss on your cheek.
He will protect you even more than before, when he finds out that there are vampires and werewolfs (shape-shifters).
Burning Love - Elvis Presley
⤷  Bella Swan - teenage love
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Bella will be awkward and nervous when she first spoke to you, because you were just too beautiful to be real. But to her surprise she made you fall in love with her which made her so, so happy.
First attempts of trying to cuddle with her or just show her simple romantic affection were awkward because she was just to nervous, eventually she will warm up and feel more comfortable.
She find our that you touch calms her anxiety and nervousness so whenever she's nervous or anxious she will just hold your hand and squeeze it gently.
Charlie was very happy that his daughter found someone like you, which made Bella even more happy when she saw how you, the love of her life and her father get along.
Often having sleepovers at her house when Charlie has night shifts, which always leads to matching face masks and cuddles.
Kisses on the cheek are her favourite, because she can easily turn and give you small peck on your cheek and visa versa.
Electric Love - BØRNS 
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xetlynn · 1 year ago
IMAGINES- Jasper x reader
My Star
(This was requested months ago and I’m so sorry I’m just now putting this out 😭)
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Twilight Masterlist
In which Jasper lost his “Star” before turning into a vampire and years later spots her with his new vegetarian family.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Carlisle asked Jasper whose eyes were widened already trying to control his thirst around all the humans.
He nodded his head.
Edward and Emmett stood on either side of him.
“If it gets too much let one of us know.” Alice stood in front of Jasper with a sweet smile on her face.
The family thought Alice and Jasper would end up together due to how much he trusted her but Alice knew she wasn’t the one for him.
He mourned for his lover before them.
Before turning.
She knew that was the only woman for him.
And he was glad she understand, not having to speak on it. The pain was too much for him to bare so he kept silent about it.
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles down at the girl, his hands laid behind him, clasped together.
“Alright, you got this.” She nods at him, getting out of their way and the three men enter together. The rest of the family behind them.
As they entered the loud building the energy switched.
Jasper focused on the music that played, watching the girls that kicked their feet and played with the bottoms of their dresses as they danced.
The men that encourage them, cheering them on.
He scanned the room, observing.
“I want to dance.” Rosalie stated behind them.
“Let’s dance then baby!” Emmett boomed.
Edward furrowed his brows trying to remind them of why they were here.
Alice placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let them have fun.” She nods her head to assure him.
Edward makes eye contact with Carlisle who also allows it, taking Esme’s hand and taking her to dance.
He scoffs, staying sternly next to Jasper.
Jasper still scanned the room, not paying attention to his new family. Alice joined Jasper’s other side and took his hand.
“Want to try to dance too?” She had a lot of hope and confidence in him.
Something he could say the same for.
The blood burning his nose as he tried his hardest to hold it in.
“I don’t know, honestly.” He answers her, his nose flaring but he tries to hold it in.
“You got this, trust me.” She pulls him onto the dance floor as well.
Alice begins to twist her hips, following the rhythm of the music.
“C’mon!” She encourages, now kicking her feet and moving his arms for him.
“I don’t know how to dance.” He begins to smile.
“Just follow my lead.” She gets more into and he finally follows suit, the burning in his nose still there but she distracts him from it.
Edward still stood there, solemnly.
Watching Jasper’s every move, making sure he doesn’t get caught up and switch like a light.
As Jasper dances, he glances around again.
A shine of a light flashes on a man and he stares at the guy for a little bit before moving alone onto the next thing.
This time his eyes spot a lady.
A lady who looks oddly familiar.
Her hair bouncing as she dances and laughs.
Time freezes for him. Alice notices his change in posture. His moves slow down.
“Jasper?” She turns to see what he’s looking at. Edward comes up to them, pulling them off the dance floor.
“What happened?” Edward aggressively questions.
“I- I don’t know.” Alice stammers, Jasper’s eyes don’t leave the girl he saw.
“Jasper, what’s going on?” Edward grabs onto the mans shoulders.
“I see her.” Is all that leaves his lips.
“See who?” Alice asks, gently pushing Edward out of the way.
“My star.” He whispers, shoving past Alice and Edward, the girl left the dance floor and to the bar.
He stays feet away but watch her every movement just like Edward was doing to him.
But for him, he was trying to see if it’s true.
If it’s his star. As she got her drink, Edward grabs onto him once again.
“Jasper, you can’t do that.” Glaring at the man who doesn’t seem to be there. Not paying attention to his “brother.”
She’s on the move once again, a man beside her this time. She’s flirting with him and Jasper feels a pang in his chest.
She laugh and he hears it for a split second. That’s how he knew, it’s her.
It’s his star.
She grabs onto the man’s shirt that she’s flirting with and guides him outside into the back of the building. Jasper realizes he needs to get Edward off of his back.
He looks around trying to find something to do so. Alice watches Jasper’s movements and then she gets a vision.
Holding onto the wall once it’s over.
She grins and goes over to Edward.
“Eddie!” She laughs vibrantly, grabbing onto the boy and spinning him around. “Please dance with me!” She then spins herself with his hand. “Alice, now’s not the time.”
“When ever is there a time, Edward.” She pouts, then glances at Jasper and widens her eyes, telling him to go as she distracts the boy.
He mouths a “thank you” before rushing off. Following who he believes is his lover.
He exits the building, now being quiet.
He looks around for her. Not spotting her as the wind blows in the air. The moon shining down on him and the body of water ahead.
He takes a few steps out, he hears some noises of a man whimpering, gargling his own blood.
The blood smell fills Jasper’s nostrils.
He feels enticed by it, his body moving slowly towards the dying body feet away from him. It’s the man that she came out with.
It’s the same man from before.
And before he can get any closer his body flies to the ground with a thud. Someone pinning him down. “Who are you?” A voice questions, shoving him further into the ground.
The lady not getting a look at him.
He grunts, trying to fight her off. Slowly he stops fighting, trying to get a good look at her face.
“My star.” He huffs out, his hands laid next to him and her strength weakens on him. Pulling her hands back.
“Jasper?” Her voice breaks, this time he flips them over and pins her down. Not harshly.
She laughs loudly.
“My Jasper!” She squeals, not able to do anything but she kicks her feet to the ground as he stares down at her with a grin.
“[Name], I thought you were dead.” He tells her, observing every feature upon her face.
“I thought you were dead.” She lifts her head up to tell him. He lets her arms go but still straddles her waist, slightly hovering above her though.
“You’re one of them too?” He notices the blood that drips from her mouth.
“I was turned after you left, they invaded our home.” She informs him, leaning up on her elbows. He closes his eyes, shaking his head.
“I should’ve been with you.” He mentally beats himself up.
“Hey! Who’s back here?!” A voice shouts and the two scramble up. Jasper grabs her hand, yanking her away from the scene. They hide behind a vehicle as a sheriff flashes a light around the area they were just at.
He finds the body and gasps. [Name] giggles to herself, watching from the window of the car.
She looks down at Jasper with a smile, gripping his hand and she guides him to the lake in a fast movement.
“You eat humans?” He suddenly asks her. She furrows her brows. “What else would I eat, darling?” She bends down, cleaning the blood off of her face. Luckily none of it got onto her dress.
“Animals.” He responds in a quiet tone.
“Your family’s one of the vegetarians?” She sat on her knees but turned her body to his direction.
“Your’s isn’t?” He tilts his head.
“I don’t have one. I’ve been alone since they killed everyone in our village.” She hums, playing with the water.
“Everyone?” He repeats.
She then realizes how insensitive she sounds, that was his family too. “The Volturi, since everyone grew in havoc they deemed us dead. No hope for any of us to be civil enough to live out in the world.” She thinks back to her memories of when it all happened, the fire.
“I escaped without anyone realizing. I’ve been on the run for a while.” She stands up.
“Before the village was turned they told me you died. I had no reason of living. But then I was turned and I couldn’t even kill myself. It was tragic.” She places a hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently.
“Did you ever return home?” She goes to take her hand back but he grabs it, keeping it on his face. Cradling her hand.
“No, she told me you were dead and I couldn’t bare to see your name on a grave.” He spoke softly.
“She?” She furrows her brows.
“Maria. She turned me. Made me her personal soldier after she told me you were dead.” He closes his eyes trying to fight back the memory of him falling to his knees when he found out his star was dead.
“I’ll kill her.” Venom laces in [Name]’s voice but Jasper chuckles.
“She’s dead, my Star.” He shakes his head.
“Good, she’ll never experience my torture.” She half-jokes. Knowing there’s some truth to it.
“Never leave my side again.” He kisses her hand, pulling her into his arms.
“Never again.” She agrees, laying her head on his chest. It was cut off by yelling.
“Jasper!” His siblings were looking for him, he grabbed [Name], holding her close to him as the family found the man.
“Who is this?” Rosalie was the first to question. Esme held Carlisle’s hand. Alice clapped her hands.
“It’s her!” She grinned. Jasper gave the shorter girl an earnest smile.
“Her?” Rosalie gave a dirty look, still confused. “It’s [Name], his passed lover.” Carlisle announces.
Edward then lets it all hit him.
That’s why he was acting weird in the building. Relief also hits him when he doesn’t see blood all over him. Just a little on the girl next to him.
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qdbs-writes · 2 years ago
How do you think the Cullens would act around a disinterested crush? Maybe they're fated but reader isn't having it lol
(I love your twilight writing btw thank God someone is still doing it 🤤🤤)
ah it has been many moons since I've gotten a twilight request yay!
Cullen Clan Reacting To Their Crush Being Disinterested In Them
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Carlisle Cullen
Being alive for just over 400 years tends to give one a good perspective on life and the bigger picture, and Carlisle sure has a pretty good idea of how all things pan out. So you're not interested in him? That's fine, Carlisle can wait for as long as you need to change your mind.
In the meantime, Carlisle will continue to maintain your friendship and continue to show just how hard he's worked to become the kind caring father figure he is. He knows you'll fall for him, eventually.
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Esme Cullen
Obviously, she's not going to stop caring about you just because you don't return her feelings. But she might switch up how she shows her affection.
Rather than flirty winks and suspiciously candle-lit wine tastings, she'll back up to more traditionally motherly affections. Making sure you're eating right, baking cookies, etc. And of course, giving you homemade soup when you're sick is still one of her favourite things to do, no need to stop now.
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Edward Cullen
Of course, you're not interested, how could anyone love a monster like him? Who did he think he was, thinking he was worthy of your love? Or so his inner monologue goes.
But it's really not that dramatic, it almost never is, Edward just sprung his crush on you suddenly and it caught you off guard. It was largely the excessively long preamble about how he was an irredeemable murderer that put you off first, but of course, he won't realise that until considerably later.
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Rosalie Hale
She's a little relieved actually. All her mortal and immortal life, Rosalie has been aggressively pursued by people she wasn't particularly interested in, so the fact that she can crush on someone who isn't really that interested is a wonderful change of pace.
For the first time ever, Rosalie has butterflies in her stomach, she fumbles with her words when she speaks to you, and she feels like a silly, mortal teenage girl again, begging her mother to let her go to the dance just so she can sneak away to catch a glimpse of someone just like you.
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Emmett Cullen
You and Emmett had been good friends for a while so when he casually drops a blissful "We should get married" into the conversation, you initially choke on your drink in laughter.
Emmett's a little heartbroken that you'd laugh at something like that, considering that he was being 100% serious. But since you've known him, the both of you have been constantly cracking up jokes, trying to get on each other's nerves, so no wonder you thought this was another one of his pranks. He decides to take this reaction as a blessing, you have no idea he's actually into you, now he knows he has to work out a different way to confess his feelings for you.
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Alice Cullen
She's a little confused obviously, having multiple visions of the two of you in a romantic relationship kind of gave her the impression that it might've been going to come true, but your disinterest says something else altogether.
But the worst part is that those damn visions of you and her together keep coming back, taunting her, luring her in deeper to despair with the thoughts of what might be. It's all getting so intense, so she decides to skip town for a bit, see if that changes anything, or at least helps her clear her head.
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Jasper Hale
Oh well, so you're not interested in a romantic relationship, so what? Doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Doesn't mean he can't be the charming Southern gentleman he is. Doesn't mean he can't still pull out chairs or open doors for you. Or send anonymous bouquets to your house. Or leave your favourite snacks in your locker when you're having a rough day. Of course not.
It doesn't mean he can't worry about other people who might want to date you. Doesn't mean he can't scare off people who'd be bad for you. I mean, what else are friends for?
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msfantasy-magic · 5 months ago
Return Home Visit
Paul Lahote x Cullen!Reader
Summary: Rosalie and Emmets daughter visits during college break.
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“I said get out of my house dog!” Rosalie spits venomously to Paul who stands awkwardly in the door way. “I don’t care if she’s your imprint, she’s not going to be with you! Over my dead body!”
“You can’t keep her from me forever.” Paul retorts edging in closer. “She deserve to know she’s my imprint, we’ll be together eventually whether you like it or not.” Rosalie pulls her fist back which Emmet lunges and grabs her arm before any damage is inflicted.
“Don’t, she’s almost here.” Emmet whispers. Everyone in the Cullen household listens to the echoing foot steps walking up the drive way.
“Leave before-“ Your voice cuts off Rosalie’s threat.
“Oh my god Paul?! Is that you? What are you doing here?” You squeaked excitedly, placing your bags down only to swing your arms around Paul’s neck pulling him into a tight hug. Leaning away, Paul looks down to your face, looking into your beaming eyes. God his heart yearns for your affection. He just wanted to look into your eyes forever, and hold you just like you are forever. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” But before Paul could utter another word, Rosalie interrupts.
“Uh - hello? Aren’t you going to greet your own mother first?” Rosalie snaps making you quickly withdrawal from Paul’s embrace, the warmth of embarrassment creeps along your cheeks.
You quickly pull your mother into a tight hug. “I missed you Ma.” Your sweet words of proclamation melt Rosalie’s soul into a puddle. Your presence always managed to soothe her nerves.
“My turn babygirl, come give your old man a hug.” Your hulking father doesn’t give you a chance to pull away. He just wraps his large arms around you and Rosalie. “Both my girls are here with me. The world feels right again.” His corny words only make you giggle.
“Come now, we have your favourite take away ready on speed dial.” Rosalie hoaxes making you giddy with excitement.
“Thank ma, I’m starving! What do you feel like Paul? They have an awesome burger that has your name all over it.” Paul sheepishly enters the house hesitant under Rosalie’s murderous gaze.
“Sweetness… I thought it would just be a family evening…” You look to your dad to sooth the vein popping out of your mothers forehead, but your father only folds to your mother. Typical.
“She’s right sweetheart, we just want to spend the night with our daughter, we haven’t seen you in so long. I’m sure you understand Paul.” He says amicably, but the strong push of Emmets hands are anything but as Paul goes tumbling out the door and thudding shut on your long time crush which only serves to anger you further with the rush of humiliation.
“What is up with you guys?! What’s your problem with Paul anyway?” Your cheeks begin flaring in humiliation at your parents not so subtle dislike. “Ever since I met Paul you’ve acted so hostile and unwelcoming towards him. He’s never even done anything to deserve your wrath.”
“He’s a turns into a dog! They’re slave to their emotions, what happens if he gets upset with you one day and you come out more disfigured than Emily?” The horror of your parents words and actions light your head on fire.
“Uncle Jasper almost wrote the end date on my gravestone once, or have you forgotten?” You spit angerily, Rosalie doesn’t flinch.
“I have never forgotten, it’s why we are so cautious.”
“Your caution is suffocating me! I cannot live a long a fulfilling life if you guys are protecting me at every moment. Besides it’s not life Paul and I are serious or anything.” Now Emmet twitches at your statement.
“What does that mean?” Your Pa’s jaw clenches at your insinuation.
“It doesn’t mean anything Pops, it just means you and Ma are so over protective that we haven’t gotten more serious.” Your voice waivers.
Too late the words have settled outside of your mouth and Emmet looks ready to commit murder.
“That filthy beast! I’ll kill him!” Emmet announces, trudging to the door with great anger and throwing open the glass door.
It took all members of the Cullen family to hold Emmet back from a rampage. The boys had no choice but to call in Bella for her new born strength to hold back the over protective papa bear.
But Rosalie stared at her daughter, ignoring her husband and his antics whilst Y/n yelled to calm down . It only felt like yesterday when Emmet and her picked up their new born adoptive daughter, enamoured with her tiny hands and squishy rounded cheeks. Now a grown woman yelling at her dad to back off her unlabelled lover.
Rosalie yearned to turn back time to relive the glory days of having a baby, but just like human life, time is flashy by too quickly and she just wasn’t ready to let her baby go.
But she had to, this was her baby’s rite of passage.
Y/n, is Rosalie’s and Emmets grown-up daughter, and it’s time Rosalie finally accepts it.
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mochikofi · 2 years ago
Jasper Hale being your boyfriend
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Boy let me tell you... This dude is a SIMP. He always wait for you after class and he always carry your things. He's basically your personal bodyguard and boyfriend.
He's not a fan of PDA that much but when you're both alone he will straight up hug you, but not too tight... He's afraid that he will hurt you.
He rarely gets jealous because he knows that your his soulmate but sometimes when boys gets touchy with you he will go to you and straight up say: "Darling, are they bothering you?" While glaring at them.
He knows that he will need to turn you into a vampire soon but he can't help but feel sad because he likes your eyes. But he doesn't have a choice so he's just enjoying the memories with you as a human.
Sometimes he sneaks in your room just because he misses you or when he's bored. He enjoys seeing your surprised face.
He decided that it's time for you to meet his family but he's kinda nervous lmao but in the end it worked out.
Esme LOVES you even when she just met you. She loves seeing your smile so she always finds a way to see you smile.
Carlisle just smiles at you and welcomes you in the family cuz he knows you're gonna get turned soon and He's glad that jasper finally have someone to love.
Alice, being the sweet girl she is hugs you and say "it's nice to finally meet you" and she keeps talking about fashions and how she loves your outfits.
Rosalie hated you at first but then warmed up to you and always hangs out with you. She always makes you sit in their table when it's lunch time. You're her favorite human and soon to be vampire.
Emmett was super excited to meet you, he wants to create chaos with you lmaooo. He always gives you stupid ideas to do with him, which leads to jasper saying: "No, not happening on my watch."
Edward and bella.. ehh their nice and welcomes you but their always lovely dovely with each other so you rarely interact with them, but you think their nice and they think you're nice too.
You always go to their house to hang out with them cuz who wouldn't want to be with them? Playing chess with edward, creating chaos with emmett, having fashion show with alice, cooking with esme, learning history with carlisle, having girl talks with rosalie, and cuddling with jasper.
You know who and what they are and you know you're gonna get turned into a vampire soon so you cherish all of your last moments with your human life.
And as soon as you turned into a vampire, jasper won't stay away from your side. He always admire you, staring at you like you're the only woman in his eyes.
When you're awake he calls Carlisle to help you control your thirst, and their actually shocked that you learned how to control it in a short time, but their proud of you especially emmett cuz.. chaos yk.
And having you as a vampire means he doesn't need to hold back. Kind of. But he can finally do things with you without holding himself back.
He always hunts with you to see how strong and fast you are. And he's not surprised you're stronger and faster now, it only made him fall inlove with you more.
Even if you're a vampire now, he still protects you and stay by your side. And again, he still carries your bag. But you won't complain, princess treatment is the best.
Edward is kind of annoyed cuz Jasper's mind is filled with you. Like literally every minute he thinks about you.
And when you both finally graduate, he plans on marrying you in like 3-4 months because yes he's been wanting to marry you.
And when you're both finally getting married he have the biggest smile on his handsome face. Makes you fall inlove with him more.
He literally can't wait so he straight up kissed you when it's just announcing lmaoooo.
But he's glad to finally have you in his life. He will protect you always and he will forever love you. Well, let's just say this is a "he fell first but she fell harder but he fell hardest." If hardest is even a word- but then again, it's cute.
movie masterlist. - navigation.
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cece693 · 2 months ago
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I Don't Need A Gentleman
pairing: edward cullen x gender neutral reader tags: edward is old fashioned and kinda a prude, the reader is not, reader doesn't want vanilla sex anymore, alice and rosalie are cool sister in laws
You lounge on the massive, cream-colored couch in the Cullens’ living room, scrolling absentmindedly through your phone as Alice and Rosalie flip through a stack of fashion magazines. It’s one of those rare, lazy evenings—no imminent threats, no pressing vampire drama—just the family scattered around the house doing their own thing. Alice bumps your foot with hers. “You’re weirdly quiet today. Seriously, what’s up?”
You look up, tapping the phone against your knee. “It’s kind of about Edward.”
Rosalie arches a perfectly groomed brow. “What did our golden boy do now?”
Your cheeks—if they still could—might blush. “He didn’t really do anything wrong, exactly. It’s just…” You pause, gathering your thoughts. Even though you’ve been married to Edward for a while, it can still be tough to put some things into words. “He’s super considerate, and I adore that about him. But sometimes—okay, a lot of times—I just wish he’d show a little more…passion? Fire?”
Alice makes a sympathetic face, setting her magazine aside. “He can be a bit old-school, yeah. He has that ‘eternally seventeen’ gentleman thing down to a T.”
“Tell me about it,” you huff. “I’m a vampire, too! I mean, I’m not exactly made of glass. But he keeps treating me like I’m this delicate flower that might crumble if the wind blows too hard. I swear, sometimes our kisses feel like little pecks—like he’s worried I’ll spontaneously combust if he lingers longer than three seconds.”
Rosalie leans back, crossing her arms. “Look, Edward’s always been overly cautious. It’s one of his most annoying…okay, fine, endearing qualities. But you can’t blame him for wanting to protect you. He’s basically built that way.”
You sit up straighter, pushing your hair out of your face. “Totally. I get it. I love how he’s protective, and, well, a total gentleman. But I need more of that oomph. Y’know, that feeling where you just can’t keep your hands off each other.”
Alice snorts a laugh. “I never thought I’d hear you say ‘oomph.’ You should definitely say that to Edward’s face. He’d probably blush so hard, if vampires could blush.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, rolling your eyes playfully. “But how do I bring it up without hurting his feelings? He’s so sensitive. The moment he thinks he’s made me even slightly uncomfortable, he clams up.”
Rosalie sets the magazine aside with a little thump. “You’re married. He can handle the conversation. Trust me, you should be honest about it. Being in love for, what, decades? That means talking about the hard stuff, or the passionate stuff.” She smirks at that last part.
Alice nods enthusiastically, tucking her legs up beneath her. “The best way is just to be straightforward. Tell him how you feel without making it sound like he’s doing something wrong. Emphasize that you love his old-fashioned side—it’s part of why you married him, right? But also make it crystal clear that you want him to dial up the heat. You’re a vampire, for crying out loud, not some breakable human.”
You exhale, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. “You guys are right. I’m probably overthinking it. I’m worried he’ll take it the wrong way, but I can’t just keep ignoring how frustrated I am.”
“Exactly.” Alice taps your knee again. “He’ll listen, especially if you remind him that you still love all the things that make him Edward. He just needs to hear that you want him to trust your strength, too.”
Rosalie stands, stretching with the fluidity of a cat. “And if that doesn’t work, just throw him up against a wall somewhere. That’ll get the point across.”
Alice gasps in mock horror. “Rosalie Hale! That’s your brother you’re talking about.”
She smirks. “Hey, I’m just saying, sometimes subtlety isn’t the answer.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Let me try talking first before I start tossing him around.”
Alice and Rosalie share amused glances as you stand, giving a quick wave. “Thanks for the advice, seriously.”
“Anytime,” Alice sings out.
“Go get ’em,” Rosalie adds, winking.
You head up the stairs to find Edward, heart fluttering in that familiar way only he can cause, despite both of you being, well, undead. He’s in his usual spot in the family’s library, flipping through a thick novel—something old and fancy, undoubtedly. The moment he senses you, he glances up with a small smile, eyes full of that unwavering devotion.
“Hey,” you say, crossing the room until you’re close enough to rest a hand on his shoulder. “Got a minute to talk?”
“Of course,” Edward responds softly, setting the book aside. He tilts his head, concern flickering in those golden eyes. “Is everything all right?”
“It is,” you reassure him, settling in beside him on the velvet couch. You can still hear Alice’s and Rosalie’s voices drifting faintly from downstairs, but you focus on Edward. “I just wanted to share something that’s been on my mind, and it’s really important to me.”
He nods earnestly. “You know you can tell me anything.”
Taking a breath, you gently place your hand over his. “So, we’ve been together for a long time. We’re married, and I’m a vampire—just like you, right? But sometimes I feel like you’re handling me with kid gloves. I love your gentlemanly side, and I’d never want you to completely lose that. But I want us to be able to express our love passionately, without you worrying so much that I’ll break.”
Edward’s gaze drops to your entwined hands. “I—I see,” he says quietly. “I never meant to make you feel like you weren’t my equal. It’s just…I can’t shake the habit of worrying you might be hurt or regret something if I let go too much. Even though you’re stronger than any human I once knew, it’s hard to override decades of caution.”
Leaning in, you brush a gentle kiss against his cheek. “I know. And I respect how deeply you care. But hey, my strength is legit.” You grin, flexing half-jokingly. “I promise, I can handle more. And if something’s too much, I’ll tell you.”
Edward’s lips curve into a small smile. “Thank you for being honest with me. I guess I needed a reminder that I’m not the only one in this relationship who has a say—especially when it comes to showing affection.”
Your heart (metaphorically) flutters at the genuine warmth in his voice. “Exactly. I love being with you, and I don’t want you to hold back. We can figure out the balance, you know, do the old-fashioned courting stuff, but also, I don’t know…maybe occasionally break the furniture?”
His eyes widen for half a second in surprise, then he laughs, the sound soft and musical. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he teases, sliding a hand around your waist to pull you closer. This time, when you tilt your head up for a kiss, you feel him lean in just a bit more—a tiny, tangible shift. His lips linger, his cool hand splaying across your back. The moment stretches on until you both draw away, contented smiles on your faces.
“That,” you whisper, thumb brushing against his jaw, “was exactly what I’ve been missing.”
Edward’s eyes shine with affection. “Then I’ll make sure you never miss it again.”
Downstairs, you can practically hear Alice’s “Yes!” whispered under her breath, and you know Rosalie is grinning in that smug way that says, “Told you so.” It makes you laugh softly. But that’s the beauty of this big, unconventional vampire family.
Edward gently presses his forehead against yours. Neither of you needs to breathe, but the moment feels like a breath of fresh air anyway. Old-fashioned or not, he’s all yours—and he’s finally letting you show him that you’re every bit the strong partner he deserves. And judging by the heat in his eyes, this is just the beginning.
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wendigo-volturi · 9 months ago
I...i don't even know what to say
Presenting Carl sullen (my brothers nickname for him)
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I've been laughing at this for 20 minutes 🤣
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halesinger · 1 year ago
⟡ 𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 making art with you <3
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✦ jasper is the type to put paint on your face instead of the canvas.
. you're painting your own canvas then out of nowhere you feel something cold and wet on your left cheek. you look over to jasper to see a shit-eating grin on his face and red paint smudged on his finger.
✦ rosalie is secretly a very talented artist.
. "your's is really pretty." rosalie's voice cut through your train of thought on what color you were going to use next. you smiled at her and gave a quiet 'thank you' in response. "i don't really like mine that much." you heard rosalie mutter. but when you look over the most gorgeous, realistic painting of the outside scenery is on her canvas.
✦ alice isn't the best painter but still enjoys it.
. she lightheartedly laughed at her poor excuse for a painting. you grinned along, still painting your own canvas of art. her laughter eventually died out so you looked over, catching her staring at you with a look of adoration across her features. "what?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. alice scooted closer and gave you a tight hug. "you're the best piece of art." she whispered.
✦ emmett is a messy painter.
. you were showing emmett techniques to make different textures on the canvases, but now he made it seem like he was just flinging the paint everywhere. "emmett!" you shrieked as he got some on your shirt. he laughed loudly at your reaction and continued shaking the brush. thank god you decided to place a towel down before this.
✦ edward would rather paint on your arm than the actual canvas.
. the canvases were long forgotten about, because edward wanted to see if the paint would look the same on your skin as the canvas. now it has just turned into him doodling on your arm. you giggled softly as the paint brush tickled a sensitive spot, causing edward to smile. "how does this look?" he asked quietly. you nodded in response and he continued moving up your arm to paint.
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↳ sorry jasper's is short, couldn't think of anything for him. hope you enjoyed! :)
⟡ likes and reblogs are appreciated !!
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vigilante-3073 · 24 days ago
Daddy's Credit Card
Cullen Family x Female Vampire Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Bella endures her transition to a Vampire while Y/N's condition continues to worsen.
TW: Mentions of death/injury/illness, lack of regard for the feelings of others, medical testing, needles, blood.
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The Cullen family was left unscathed after Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. The Wolves were forced to abandon their quest to kill the child, but tensions were still high. Y/N had been released from her quarantine and had finally been allowed to move about the house freely.
She took full advantage of her newfound freedom, but there were some things that Carlisle still wouldn't allow. Y/N was not to step foot outside the house unless someone was with her. She became quickly exhausted after any kind of physical activity and her heart beat would become irregular. Carlisle was strict about her having a companion in case something were to happen.
Y/N walked along the road with Jacob Black by her side. He had been focused on Renesmee since he had imprinted, Bella was still in transition and he felt responsible for the baby girl. Jacob had been incredibly tense as he watched over Renesmee and Carlisle encouraged him to take a moment away. Jacob went reluctantly and the pair walked in silence until he looked over at her.
"Why exactly do you need a babysitter?" Jacob asked.
"I'm dying," Y/N stated simply.
"What? I thought that Vampires couldn't die unless they're torn apart," Jacob said.
"Apparently they can... I bleed, I cry, I eat and my body is falling apart for no apparent reason," Y/N said.
"That sucks," Jacob said.
Y/N huffed a laugh, "Yeah, it does," She replied.
"Still doesn't really explain why I'm following you around though," Jacob said.
"Carlisle said that my heart beat is irregular. He's worried that something could happen to me while I'm alone," Y/N stated.
"Have you left your house at all since you started becoming human?" Jacob asked.
She glared at him, "I am not a human," She corrected quickly.
"Well, whatever you are then," He amended.
"No, you and your wolf friends had my house surrounded. Remember?" Y/N questioned.
"So, you're pretty new to not being a bloodsucker then, huh?" He asked.
"I guess you could say that," She replied.
"Do you want to go into town for a bit? Maybe we can get some actual food," He offered.
"I would do anything to leave that place right now. Since Bella died, Carlisle has devoted the entirety of his time to testing me for anything he can possibly think of. Then I have to sit there and watch Edward stay by his wife as she magically comes back from the dead. Don't even get me started on that rapidly growing demon that they produced... It's like my own personal hell," Y/N said.
Jacob laughed and Y/N shot him a serious look, "I didn't realize that I said something funny," Y/N said.
"It may not be funny, but it is ironic because I was in love with Bella and I was ready to kill Edward when she died. Then I went to get the baby to hand over to the pack and in some ridiculous twist of fate, I actually imprinted on her. Now I practically live in the house with the guy I hate, the girl I used to love and their daughter," Jacob said.
"If I weren't going to die horrifically, I might actually say that you have it worse," Y/N replied.
"We're just two of the luckiest people around, huh?" He questioned, she nodded.
"Where are you taking me then?" Y/N asked.
"A diner. I'm going to get you the biggest and most greasy burger they offer along with fries and a milkshake," Jacob listed.
"All of that sounds absolutely repulsive, but I'm excited to try it," She said.
"Good," Jacob nodded.
The pair returned to the house and Y/N went up to tell Carlisle that she was leaving. She returned after a few minutes with a pair of car keys dangling from her finger.
"He said no to the motorcycle," She stated.
"Maybe another day," Jacob replied, holding out his hand.
Y/N placed the keys into his palm, "I'm definitely riding on a motorcycle before I die. I'm trusting you to make that happen," She said.
"I can definitely do that for you," Jacob assured.
They made their way down to the garage and got into one of the cars. Jacob started the car and opened the garage before driving out onto the road.
Y/N settled back into her seat as she looked out the window, "Just for my own curiosity, how long does it usually take for someone to come back from the dead?" Jacob questioned.
"Usually takes about three days. The morphine that Bella had in her system could definitely have an effect on it though," Y/N stated.
"Three days of waiting," Jacob huffed.
"At least she's not awake and screaming like the rest of us were," Y/N said.
"It hurt that badly?" Jacob asked, glancing over at her.
"The worst pain I've ever felt. It was like every nerve being scorched and having your skin peeled from your body. It was misery," She said.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," He said.
"It gave me a lifetime of pain and loneliness like I have never known before. I would have chosen death a thousand times over," Y/N replied.
"Who was it?" Jacob asked.
"I don't know what you mean," Y/N said, looking over at him.
"Who was it that broke your heart?" Jacob clarified.
Y/N hesitated, "Carlisle first and Edward second," She answered.
Jacob scoffed, "Well, with that information, you definitely earned the title of having the worst situation possible," Jacob said.
"I've always been an overachiever," She deadpanned with a smirk.
Jacob smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner, "Ready to eat?" He asked.
"I'm absolutely ravenous," She replied.
The pair got out of the car and made their way into the restaurant, they were sat in a booth and given a moment to look over the menu.
Y/N stared at the laminated sheet with wide eyes, finding herself overwhelmed by the options as she slowly opened the menu.
"Wow, this is a lot of stuff," She mumbled.
"Do you want me to just order for you?" Jacob questioned.
"That would be lovely," Y/N replied.
"Do you have any preference on milkshake flavor?" He asked.
"The last meal that I had as a living person was probably boiled cabbage and stale bread. You can pick whatever you want and I'm sure it will be better than anything I've ever eaten," She replied, closing the menu and sliding it to the edge of the table.
"Point taken," He nodded.
The waitress returned to their table with her notepad and pen in hand, "What can I get for you two today?" She questioned.
"For drinks, we'd like one chocolate and one vanilla milkshake. And for food, we'll get two of the bacon cheeseburgers with fries," Jacob listed.
"Perfect, I'll get that going for you," The waitress nodded, collecting the menus and moving off to the kitchen.
"Why did you get two different flavor drinks?" Y/N asked.
"So you can try both and keep whichever one you like best," Jacob shrugged.
"That's very kind of you," She said.
"It's no big deal," He replied.
"It is to me," Y/N stated.
The drinks came out quickly and the food followed shortly after. Jacob put two plastic straws into the milkshakes and slid them across the table to her.
Y/N leaned forward, taking a sip of the vanilla milkshake before moving over to the chocolate and taking another sip.
"What's the verdict?" He questioned.
"I like the lighter one more," She said, tapping a finger against the side of the first glass.
Jacob slid the chocolate milkshake back over to his side of the table, "Good choice. The vanilla one is my personal favorite," He said, taking a sip from the same straw.
"You can have it if you like it more," Y/N said, moving to slide it over to him.
"You're the one who's new to human food. You get to keep the milkshake that you like best," Jacob said, resting his hand over hers and pushing it back over to her side of the table.
They ate and chatted about their lives before reluctantly returning to the Cullen house.
"I had fun tonight. You're pretty cool for an ex-bloodsucker," Jacob said.
"I had fun too and I suppose I should say thank you," Y/N replied.
"It was definitely meant as a compliment," Jacob assured, "And you can feel free to come find me whenever you want to go on another nature walk or do something ridiculously stupid just to cross it off your bucket list," He continued.
"I will definitely take you up on that," Y/N nodded.
"I'll see you tomorrow... Sleep well," He said.
"You too," Y/N replied, making her way up the stairs to her bedroom.
Y/N stood in the shower, lathering the shampoo into her hair before stepping under the water. She washed the soap from her scalp, allowing the warm water to run over her skin. Y/N lowered her arms as her heart began to race in her chest, she let out a shaky exhale and leaned into the wall.
Y/N suddenly felt lightheaded and exhausted, breathing heavily as she slid down the wall weakly. Her arms fell in front of her body limply as she leaned into the wall, eyelids fluttering as she struggled to remain conscious.
"Carlisle," She called softly, her voice was barely audible over the sound of the water.
The shower curtain was pulled back suddenly before Carlisle reached in and turned off the water. He stepped away, grabbing her robe before kneeling down next to the bathtub.
Carlisle maneuvered her body around easily, slipping her arms through the sleeves and wrapping the robe around her body. He tied the belt at her waist before slipping his arms underneath her and lifting her into his arms.
Y/N's head rested on his shoulder as she closed her eyes, head pounding as her heart raced in her chest. He carried her into her bedroom before carefully setting her down on her bed.
Carlisle brought over the vitals machine, wrapping the blood pressure cuff around her arm and placing the probe on her finger. Y/N grimaced as the cuff began to inflate, but she was far too exhausted to say anything.
"Your blood pressure is incredibly low," Carlisle stated, reaching over and resting his hand on the side of her neck.
His fingers found her pulse point easily, feeling the rapid pulsation of her heart against his fingertips.
"I don't feel good," She mumbled shakily.
"I'll get you on fluids and we'll see if that helps," Carlisle said.
Y/N closed her eyes, unable to do anything besides breathe as her body began to shiver. Carlisle returned with a bag of fluids and a primed line, hanging it up on the pole beside her bed.
"Are you cold?" He questioned, noticing the way her body trembled.
She nodded silently and Carlisle stepped into her closet, he returned with a long sleeved shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants.
"Not mine," Y/N mumbled.
"Alice thought that you should have something comfortable and warm to wear," Carlisle said, setting the items on the edge of her bed.
He helped her dry off and get dressed before getting her settled in the bed. Carlisle sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, tying the tourniquet around her arm and flexing her wrist as his eyes scanned her skin.
Carlisle cleaned her skin with an alcohol wipe before opening his needle and removing the cap. Y/N turned her head away as he pushed the needle into her vein, he held the cannula in place as he retracted the needle. He connected the tubing to the cannula quickly before laying a clear dressing on top of it.
Carlisle pressed the edges against her skin carefully before reaching up to grab his IV tubing and connecting it to her. Y/N looked over as he stood up, programming the machine and opening the roller clamps.
The fluid slowly began to drip as the infusion started, "You should try and get some rest. I'll be back to check on you in a bit," Carlisle said, she nodded.
Y/N drifted off into a dreamless sleep before Carlisle had even stepped foot into the hallway. She slept for hours, body shivering silently as she struggled to retain her warmth. Carlisle added a few more blankets on top of her, but nothing seemed to help with the icy chill that had come over her.
Carlisle slowly made his way into the living room where the family was sitting. Esme held Renesmee in her arms while Rosalie watched them with a fond smile.
"Jacob, could I borrow you for a moment?" Carlisle asked.
"Sure," He nodded, standing up from his seat and following Carlisle down the hallway.
"I have a bit of an odd request and you can refuse if it makes you uncomfortable," Carlisle said.
"What is it?" Jacob asked.
"Y/N had a bit of a medical episode tonight," Carlisle started.
"Is she okay?" Jacob questioned.
"She's fine, but she's incredibly cold and I can't seem to get her temperature up," Carlisle said.
"I can definitely help with that," Jacob nodded.
"Thank you," Carlisle replied, leading Jacob down the hallway to her bedroom.
He opened the door and stepped inside, allowing Jacob to make his way into the room before closing the door gently.
"Jeez, how many blankets do you have her buried under?" Jacob asked with a smile.
"Five, I believe," Carlisle stated.
Jacob moved around to the other side of the bed, stepping out of his boots before lifting the blankets and laying down beside her.
Jacob shifted closer to her and she turned towards him in her sleep, immediately drawn in by the heat he gave off. Jacob wrapped his arms around her and guided her body into his side.
Y/N let out a soft breath, her head resting on his chest as she soaked up his warmth, "She's freezing," Jacob muttered, rubbing his hand over her back gently.
"I'm not much help in that department, unfortunately," Carlisle said.
"Well, I got it from here," Jacob assured.
"Just be conscious of the IV and call for me if something happens," Carlisle said, Jacob nodded.
Carlisle made his way out of the bedroom, closing the door behind himself carefully. Jacob settled back into the pillows, brushing his hand over her back until he eventually drifted off to sleep beside her.
Jacob awoke when the sky was dark, he turned his head to see Carlisle standing at the bedside. He hung a new bag of fluids on the IV pole before connecting it and pressing a few buttons on the machine to restart the infusion.
Y/N stirred slightly in his arms as Carlisle programmed the pump, eyes fluttering open slowly. Her brows furrowed as she pulled away from him slightly.
"What's going on?" She mumbled.
"You were cold," Jacob replied.
"How are you feeling?" Carlisle questioned.
"I'm fine," Y/N replied, laying back down on her back beside Jacob.
"I can go if you want," Jacob offered.
"No, it's too cold in this place," She huffed, lifting the blankets up higher over her body as her teeth chattered slightly.
"Here," Jacob smiled, reaching out and pulling her closer to his side.
He wrapped his arm around her and she leaned her head back against his shoulder as his hand settled on her arm, "Better?" He questioned, she nodded and closed her eyes. Carlisle smiled softly to himself, quietly exiting the room and closing the door.
"I know you're not here for me, but I still appreciate it," Y/N said softly.
"You're probably one of the best living people in this house right now. Us humans need to stick together," Jacob said.
"Still not human," Y/N mumbled tiredly.
"Whatever you say," Jacob replied, rubbing his hand over her arm gently.
Carlisle opened the door to Y/N's bedroom and paused when he realized that the bed was empty. Jacob had stayed with her for a few hours before returning to the living room to be with Renesmee. She had been asleep when he last checked on her and the empty bed made him nervous.
"Y/N," Carlisle called.
"In here," Y/N replied softly.
He stepped over to the bathroom and pushed the door open, finding her sitting on the floor in front of the toilet with her back leaned against the wall. Y/N was incredibly pale with dark bags under her eyes, exhausted and weak as she looked up at him.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"I can't stop throwing up," Y/N mumbled.
"How long have you been in here?" Carlisle asked.
"An hour," She replied.
"Why didn't you call for me? I could've given you something to help with the nausea," He said gently.
"Feels like someone shoved a hot branding iron down my throat," She muttered.
"I could get you some water or tea to help," Carlisle offered.
"Just want to sleep," Y/N stated.
"Can you stand?" He questioned, looking down at her.
"No, everything hurts," She grumbled.
Carlisle nodded, kneeling down and sliding his arm underneath her body before lifting her up into his arms. Y/N let out a soft whimper, grimacing in pain and gripping onto him as he picked her up.
Carlisle turned around and set her down on the countertop. He prepared her toothbrush before passing it to her, wetting a cloth under some warm water as she brushed her teeth.
Y/N leaned over and spit into the sink, Carlisle took the toothbrush from her hand and offered her the cloth. Y/N wiped the cloth over her skin, arms falling limply in her lap as she breathed heavily, utterly exhausted from the simple act of wiping her face.
"Are you alright?" Carlisle asked.
"No, I'm not and I wish you'd stop asking me that," She snapped.
Carlisle didn't reply, giving her a moment to rest as he put everything away. He stepped back over to her when her breathing rate had returned to normal.
"Ready?" He asked, she nodded.
Carlisle lifted her into his arms carefully before he carried her into her room and placed her down on her bed. Y/N grimaced as she laid back, closing her eyes as she took a few shaky breaths.
"How bad is the pain?" Carlisle questioned.
"Terrible," She stated, growing irritated with his questions as she struggled to get comfortable.
"I'll get you something for the pain and the nausea," Carlisle said, standing up from the edge of the bed.
"Or you could just snap my neck now and put me out of my misery," Y/N offered.
"That's not an option and you know that," Carlisle replied gently.
"What quality of life do I have, Carlisle? My teeth are falling out, my body aches like I have broken glass flowing through my veins and I can't do simple tasks without feeling completely exhausted. I am miserable and it isn't going to get any better," She stated.
"There are still things we can try, Y/N. You were doing incredibly well a few days ago, we don't have to jump to extremes just yet. Pain medications, sedatives and anti-nausea drugs can drastically improve your comfort level," Carlisle said.
Y/N scoffed, "I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a narcotic haze as my body shuts down," She snapped.
"Dosages can be adjusted. It doesn't have to be that way," Carlisle assured.
"You've done as much as you can for me. It's time to give up," Y/N stated.
"That's not what you really want," He said.
"How would you know what I want? You haven't cared enough to know me for an incredibly long time, Carlisle," She said.
"You're right... I haven't been there for you in the way that you wanted, but I'm here now and I want to help you," Carlisle pressed.
"You can't help me," Y/N stated firmly, "But you can let me go," She continued.
"We can talk about our options tomorrow. You should try and get some rest," Carlisle advised.
Y/N shook her head, looking away as Carlisle made his way out of her bedroom and closed the door.
Edward stood in the hallway, "She wants to die?" He questioned.
"She does," Carlisle replied.
"We can't let that happen," Edward stated.
"I'm going to try and convince her to pursue alternative treatment options, but she doesn't seem optimistic," Carlisle said.
"I'll talk to her," Edward said, Carlisle shook his head.
"Bella could be waking up any moment now, she's going to need you. I can deal with Y/N for the time being," Carlisle assured.
"When Bella wakes up, Y/N is going to need someone with her at all times. The bloodlust could overwhelm Bella and Y/N wouldn't stand a chance," Edward said.
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Carlisle replied.
"Agreed," Edward nodded.
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volturissideslut · 1 year ago
Headcanons for Edward with a flirty s/o?
𝕰𝖉𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓
This was really fun to write. Reader is a vampire that's been with him for decades. Edward isn't moody and broody, he's in a happy relationship.
One thing that always managed to bring a smile to Edwards cold undead face was you. His mate. Decades into your relationship you somehow make the centuries old man still feel like a giddy teenager in his first relationship.
Even now, as he pulls into the garage at the Cullen house, you act as if its the first time you've ever seen him
"Hey hottie," your grin is teasing and although you're only just started, he's fighting back a laugh. "your should take me on a date sometime" you wink and spread your palm over his shoulder,biting your lip.
"maybe I should" he tries to sound cocky, like he usually is, but fails miserably. Grabbing your chin, he pulls you in for a big smooch and feels all warm and gooey inside.
You hand him a card. One with your number on it, he recognises, given that it's the one he uses most often, the one saved on his speed dial. He looks at you, only to be met with the sight on you walking away with a sway to your hips. Turning to the side, you gesture a phone with your hand and whisper a "call me"
It genuinely takes him a moment to compose himself, head down to hide the sunshine smile he's got right now.
Giggling like a school girl, he dials your number even though he knows youre upstairs in your shared room.
"hey hottie" he says this time when you pick up, listening to your laugh on the other side of the line and upstairs using his vampire hearing. "so when should I take you on this date, huh?"
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lunajay33 · 8 months ago
Waiting🖤 Part.2
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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Friday came and I was a nervous wreck, I didn’t care to tell Bella or dad about this seeing as Bella has already distanced herself from me and I didn’t wanna get dads hopes up, sitting in math class, the last class of the day I kept glancing at the clock ticking closer and closer to the final bell, trying to distract myself I delved back into the worksheet infront of me, soon enough the bell rang and my heart jumped
Anxiously I threw everything into my bag and left the school straight to the parking lot, where Emmett was leaned against his silver jeep, when his eyes landed on me that bright smile stretch across his face making his amber eyes shine
“Hey gorgeous you ready for the best night of your life?” I could feel the heat rush to my face only making his smirk widen
“Not like that y/n, not yet anyways, come on hop in” he said as he held the door open for me, quickly getting in the drivers seat next to me
“Sooo um what’re we doing?”
“Thought we could go hiking, maybe get out of the cloud bank into some sunlight”
“I love hiking! Sounds like fun” finally relaxing knowing now it’s something I’m use to doing
He drove for a while out of forks to a near by hiking trail not commonly used by the public, we got out and started our journey
“So tell me a bit about yourself Angel” he said breaking the silence
“Well there’s not much to know, I’ve lived here my whole life, my sister and mom left when I was young so it’s just been me and my dad, I became homeschooled until now and I usually just read and do homework”
“Not a big social butterfly I assume?”
“Not really, what about you? Tell me everything!”
“Well I have 4 adopted siblings, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Edward, you’ll love Alice she’s the sweetest, I like getting out into the forest, love music and working out”
“Yeah I can tell” I smiled glancing at his bulging muscles under his long sleeve shirt
“Woah she’s got some fire in her after all” he laughed nudging my arm
“What can I say you bring it out of me” his hand grazed against mine until he went for it and intertwined his fingers through mine
“Why so nervous pretty girl? Do I fluster you?”
“Maybe, I’ve never really done stuff like this but it’s nice” I saw his features soften as he looked down at me and gently squeezed my hand
“Really? A beautiful thing like yourself, I’m surprised you don’t have boys on their knees begging for your attention”
“I think you have me mixed up with my sister” I laughed nervously
“And who might that be because I don’t even need to see her to know your beauty is beyond anything of this world”
“Emmett stop you’re just trying to make me blush, and my sister is Bella, Bella swan she’s new to the school” he stopped dead in his tracks with a shocked expression
“Bella is your sister, like your actual sister?”
“So you already know her, not a surprise”
“No it’s not that, my brother Edward has been after her since she came at the start of the week, kind of funny how two brothers can like two sisters, but I must say I got the more beautiful”
“You’re too sweet Em, I can’t believe she hasn’t said anything”
“Edward is a very awkward secretive guy I’m sure Bella is the same way maybe that’s why she hasn’t said anything”
“Can’t say you’re wrong”
He looked me up and down trying to judge something, curious
“Do you trust me?”
“I only just meet you but yeah, I do”
In an instant he flung me over his back so I was clung to him like a monkey
“Hold on tight sunshine” everything flew by in a blur, there was no shape to anything with the speed he was going, but however he was doing this it didn’t scare me or make me wonder what the hell was happening, I actually felt at peace
Soon enough he stopped as we cleared the cloud bank and the sun was beaming, he placed me gently back down on my feet and turned around, his skin was like a million tiny crystals, I was in awe by how much more beautiful he became
“Are you scared?” He asked as his face scrunch with worry
I raised my hand and traced down his cheek feeling his hard cold skin
“No quite the opposite, you’re beautiful Emmett”
“Don’t you wanna know what I am?” He asked placing his hands on my hips
“Whatever you are I’d never judge, I feel you’d never hurt me so I don’t care what you are”
“How did I get so lucky” he stated as he lifted me like I weighed a feather, wrapping my legs around his waist
“What do you mean?”
“Us vampires have mates and the moment you bumped into me in the hallways I knew you were mine, the one I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with”
“But why me, you could have anybody”
“You’re everything I’ll ever need, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you Angel, and I’ll spend the rest of eternity showing you how amazing you are”
My heart swelled with the most love I’ve ever felt and I’m lucky enough to finally find the one who will brighten my life
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Taglist: @whit0912 @serenadingtigers @twilightlover2007
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writewithmiaaa · 10 months ago
Jasper Hale X reader
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Chapter one: Guarded Grace
Pairings: Jasper Hale x Female reader
Warnings: None 💗
Summary: When James runs into the ballet studio, there is a girl in there, practising her barre. How will Jasper react?
Type: Fluff and a pinch of angst💓
The ballet studio was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the faint glow of the streetlights outside. Y/N moved gracefully along the barre, her every movement fluid and precise. She had always found solace in ballet, a way to express herself and escape from the mundane worries of life. Tonight, the studio was her sanctuary, a place where she could lose herself in the dance.
As she executed a flawless arabesque, she heard the distant sound of a door creaking open. Pausing, she glanced toward the entrance of the studio, her heart skipping a beat. Her pulse quickened when a tall, menacing figure stepped into the room, his presence filling the space with an aura of danger. His blonde hair was long, and an evil grin plastered his chiseled jaw.
He moved with a predatory grace, his eyes locking onto her with an intensity that made her blood run cold. "What a delightful surprise," he said, his voice smooth and chilling. "I was looking for someone else, but you'll do nicely. I’m James."
Before she could react, another figure burst into the studio, moving with inhuman speed and precision. This time, the man had golden eyes which were fierce, and medium length hair. He smelt of oak and cinnamon. The mystery man quickly positioned himself between Y/N and the danger.
"Get behind me," he ordered, his voice low but commanding.
“What the hell is happening? You ruined my perfect barre.” Y/N sulked, a pout covering her pretty face.
“I said, get behind me.”
Y/N had no idea what was happening, and so she instinctively trusted the intensity in his gaze. She backed away, pressing herself against the mirrored wall as the man squared off against James.
James's smile widened, showing his sharp teeth. "Two for the price of one," he hissed. "This is going to be fun, isn’t it Jasper?"
Jasper's stance shifted, his body poised like a coiled spring ready to strike. "You won't touch her, she’s human.” he growled, his voice filled with quiet fury.
“Oh Jasper, but that’s half the fun.” James mock pouted. The two vampires began to circle each other, their movements a deadly dance. Y/N watched in a mix of terror and awe as Jasper's military precision met James's raw ferocity. The air crackled with tension, the threat of violence palpable.
Suddenly, James lunged, and the room exploded into a blur of movement. Jasper met him head-on, their clash echoing through the studio. The mirrors shook, reflecting the chaotic struggle as they grappled, each trying to gain the upper hand.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the fierce battle. She had never felt so helpless, so vulnerable. But then, in the midst of the chaos, she saw something extraordinary. Jasper's movements became more fluid, more controlled. A feeling of calm washed over the room. How did that happen?
With a final, powerful blow and barred teeth, Jasper sent James crashing into the barre, breaking it in half. The defeated vampire snarled but didn't attempt to rise. Instead, he slinked back, eyes burning with hatred.
"This isn't over," James spat, his gaze flickering to Y/N before he retreated, disappearing into the night.
The studio fell silent, the only sound the ragged breathing of the combatants. Jasper turned to Y/N, his expression softening.
"Are you alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.
Y/N nodded, her legs trembling from the adrenaline. "Yes, thank you. What was that about?”
Jasper offered a small, reassuring smile. "Don’t worry about it darlin’, you’re safe now. Want me to walk you home?”
As they stepped into the cool night air, Jasper stayed close to Y/N, his presence a comforting shield against the lingering fear. The streets were eerily quiet, the distant hum of traffic the only sound.
"Where do you live?" Jasper asked gently.
"Just a few blocks from here," Y/N replied, her voice still shaky.
They walked in silence for a while, the tension of the encounter gradually easing with each step. Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Jasper, still amazed by how he had come to her rescue.
"Thank you," she said finally, breaking the silence. "For everything."
Jasper looked at her, his eyes softening. "It's my duty to protect the innocent. I'm just glad I was there in time."
As they reached her apartment building, Y/N felt a pang of reluctance at the thought of parting ways. "Will I see you again?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jasper's smile was warm and reassuring. "I'll make sure of it. You're part of our world now, and we take care of our own.” He handed her a note with his number on it. “For emergencies ma’am.” He winked, and with a final nod, he watched as she entered her building, waiting until she was safely inside before turning away.
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