#rooted together stronger forever
helengie · 5 months
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Rooted Together Stronger Forever
In the mysterious world of the forest, there exists a hidden connection between mushrooms and tree roots 🌲✨. This symbiotic relationship, known as mycorrhiza, allows fungi to exchange nutrients with plants in exchange for sugars. Just like the intertwined roots of the trees, we as humans are also connected in a complex web of relationships with one another, impacting each other’s lives in ways we may not even realize 🌍❤️. Just like how the forest thrives through this interconnectedness, we too can flourish by fostering positive and supportive connections with those around us 🌿🌺. Let’s remember that we are all part of the same family tree, rooted in the shared experience of life 🌳🌟.
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Clothing and merchandise from these projects are published in HelenGie stores on Teepublic and Redbubble:
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idkyetxoxo · 11 days
Daeron Targaryen - Doomed
Summary - Star-crossed lovers, the only daughter of Rhaenyra and the youngest son of Alicent, destined to be together but doomed from the start, bound by love and fate to an end neither of them could escape.
Pairing - Daeron Targaryen x Velaryon reader
Warnings - Violence, injury
Word count - 3105
Based on this request (anon, I could kiss you! This is genuinely one of my favourite pieces I’ve ever written)
Masterlist for Daeron • House of the Dragon General Masterlist
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The only daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and the youngest son of Alicent Hightower, bound by fate in the midst of a war that had already claimed too much. 
From the start, our love was doomed a tragedy waiting to unfold—a match as forbidden as it was inevitable.
But how could I help it? How could I stop the wildfire that had taken root in my heart for him? 
His kindness, his tenderness—it was such a contrast to the cruelty of his family, a cruelty that echoed in the halls of the Keep, a place I had once called home before it became a den of enemies.
"You will accept the betrothal, Daeron. We need the allies, and you will forget that girl," Alicent's voice was cold, sharper than the blade of any sword. 
It had only been a week since Daeron returned from Oldtown, but in his absence, war had erupted like wildfire. 
The blood of family stained the earth, and still, his heart was torn, tainted by his mother's venomous words.
"She is not just some girl," he murmured under his breath, his hand running through his silver hair. 
His mind was awash with memories—each one sharper than the last, each one a wound he would never let heal.
We were children when we first met. Innocent, naive, unaware of the storm that would one day swallow us whole. 
We vowed to be friends forever back then as if we could somehow bend the future to our will. But as the years passed, the lines of that friendship blurred.
It was his mother who saw it first, the way Daeron and I gravitated toward each other, our bond deepening into something dangerous, something she could not control. 
She sent him to Oldtown to snuff out whatever flame had sparked between us, but the distance only fanned the embers. 
Letters smuggled by ravens, secret meetings in the dead of night—no wall was high enough, no ocean wide enough to keep us apart.
Every stolen laugh, every whispered promise only bound us closer. We defied the world, knowing it would condemn us if it knew, but caring so little for what came next. 
For us, there was only now.
I stared out across the turbulent sea from the window of Dragonstone, my heart heavy with longing. The sound of footsteps behind me broke the silence. 
Jace's voice was bitter, edged with anger. "You're crying again," he said, his frustration palpable.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, wiping the tears from my face, though it did nothing to hide the evidence.
"You have to let him go," Jace pressed, his voice sharper now, filled with a pain that mirrored my own. "Don't forget that his brother killed Luke—our Luke. How could you forget that?"
"I haven't," I replied, though my throat was tight, and the words felt like shards of glass. "I can't."
Jace's stare bore into me, but I could no longer meet his gaze. I stood, pushing past him, needing the sky, the wind, and the open air. 
Needing him.
It was madness, and I knew it. He knew it too. But the pull was stronger than reason, stronger than blood and betrayal. 
I had to see him, had to make sense of the storm of emotions that threatened to tear me apart.
I mounted my dragon, her wings catching the wind as we soared into the clouds. My heart raced as I flew toward him, knowing he would be there, knowing he was coming to me too.
Above the clouds, Tessarion's cry pierced the air—a streak of blue and copper, flying in tandem with me. I landed sharply on a sandy beach, the world around us a blur of wind and sea as I watched him dismount. 
My legs moved on their own, and before I knew it, I was in his arms, sobbing into his chest.
"Daeron," I choked out, my words lost between my gasps and the crash of waves. 
His arms tightened around me, his hand stroking my hair, shushing me as though we weren't standing on the precipice of destruction.
"My love, I've missed you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His violet eyes, the same eyes that haunted my dreams, shimmered with unshed tears. 
He looked more beautiful than I remembered, the time apart having only sharpened the features I loved.
"And I, you," I breathed, tilting my head up toward him.
In that moment, all the wars, all the betrayals melted away. His lips found mine in a kiss that stole my breath, a kiss that silenced every doubt, every fear. 
It was deep, desperate, a hunger that could never be sated—a love that could only end in ruin.
But we didn't care. Not then. Not yet. 
The world could burn around us, and still, it wouldn't matter.
The salty air clung to us as we stood there on the beach, the crashing waves a distant echo to the storm raging inside our hearts. 
Daeron held me close, his hand stroking my hair gently as I tried to steady my breath. 
I looked up at him, his face still so familiar, so achingly beautiful despite the chaos that surrounded us. 
I wanted to stay like this, frozen in time, but the reality of the war pressed down on us like a weight too heavy to ignore.
"The war..." I began, my voice trembling, "It's only getting worse, isn't it?"
Daeron's expression darkened, his jaw tightening as he nodded. 
"Yes," he whispered, "Aegon's grip is tightening, and my mother... she's more relentless than ever. She's pushing for more alliances, more battles. Rhaenyra..." He trailed off, unable to finish the thought, but I knew what he meant. 
My mother, our queen, wasn't backing down either. Blood had already been spilt, and it wouldn't stop. Not until the realm was torn apart.
"I can't bear it," I said, tears welling up again. "Every time I close my eyes, I see Luke. I see his face..." My voice cracked, and I could barely breathe. 
"And I can't stop thinking—what if it's you next, Daeron? What if they take you from me too?"
His grip on me tightened, his violet eyes filled with sorrow and determination. 
"They won't," he said firmly, though I could hear the fear beneath his words. "I won't let that happen. I've already lost so much... I can't lose you."
I buried my face in his chest, trying to drown out the images of war, of death. 
For a moment, I felt his heartbeat under my cheek, strong and steady, and I let myself believe we could outrun it all. But I had to know. I had to hear him say it. 
"Daeron, what are we going to do?" I asked, my voice small. "We can't keep meeting like this... sneaking around, hiding in the shadows. We're on opposite sides of a war that will destroy us both."
He was silent for a moment, the weight of the truth hanging in the air between us. "I know," he finally said, his voice barely a whisper. "I've been thinking... thinking about a way out."
I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. 
"What do you mean?" I asked, though part of me already knew. His gaze shifted as if he was afraid to say it out loud.
"We could run," he said quietly. "We could leave all of this behind—the war, the blood, the lies. We could go somewhere they'll never find us, live the life we should have had. Together."
My breath caught in my throat. The very idea seemed impossible, and yet, it was the only thing that made sense. The thought of running away, leaving behind the death and destruction, was like a lifeline in the storm.
"Run away?" I repeated, my voice shaking, not with fear, but with hope. "You really think we could?"
He nodded, his eyes lighting up with the spark of desperation, of a dream we had both silently shared but never dared speak. 
"Yes. There are places in Essos, far beyond the reach of the crown, where no one would know us. We could live quietly... peacefully. We wouldn't have to hide anymore."
For a moment, the image flickered in my mind—an open sky, a distant land, just the two of us, free from the chains of duty and war. No more dragons. No more crowns. Just Daeron and me, safe in each other's arms.
"But..." My voice wavered as the reality of the situation crept back in. 
"Would they ever stop looking for us? What if they find us? My mother—your mother they would never forgive us. They'd brand us traitors."
"I do not care," Daeron said fiercely, his eyes blazing. 
"Let them hate us. Let them curse our names. All I care about is you. If we stay, it will destroy us, one way or another. Either the war will tear us apart, or our families will. But if we leave now if we escape there's a chance we can build something new. Something they can't touch."
I stared at him, my heart torn between love and fear, between hope and duty. 
Could I really leave everything behind? Could I leave my family, my brothers, and the throne that my mother fought so hard to protect?
But then I thought of Jace's words, of the pain in his eyes when he spoke of Luke, of how this war had already taken so much from us. 
How much more would it steal before it was over? And for what? A crown? A seat of power that had cost us our innocence, our lives, our love?
The thought of abandoning my family felt like a knife in my gut. But the thought of losing Daeron again? It would shatter me in ways I couldn't even fathom.
"I want that too," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I want to leave, to be with you. But we need a plan, Daeron. We can't just fly away and hope they don't find us."
He nodded, his expression serious now. "I know. We'll need time to prepare. We'll need supplies and a place to go where no one will look for us. I will arrange everything on my end. I can slip away from court without raising suspicion."
"And I'll gather what I can from Dragonstone," I added. "But it has to be soon. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to escape."
"Agreed," he said, his eyes never leaving mine. "We'll meet again in a week's time, here, at dawn. Once everything is in place, we'll leave Westeros behind... forever."
My heart swelled with both fear and hope, but as I looked into his eyes, I knew there was no turning back. I would leave everything behind for him. For us.
"Promise me," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the waves. "Promise me you'll come."
"I swear it," Daeron replied, his voice as steady as his gaze. "I'll be here. Nothing will keep me from you."
We stood there in silence for a long moment, the weight of our vow sinking into the air around us. I knew the path we had chosen was dangerous, reckless even, but I also knew it was the only way we could truly be free.
"I love you," I whispered, my fingers brushing his cheek.
"And I love you," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "Always."
With one last kiss, full of the promise of the future we would build together, we parted, both knowing it could be the last time we ever saw each other in this world. But we vowed to return. We vowed to run.
And no matter what it cost us, we would be free.
─── ✦⋅♡⋅✦ ─── 
A week passed, each day slower than the last, each hour filled with the weight of what was to come. The war continued to rage around us, but I had clung to the hope of our escape, holding onto the dream of a life far away from the bloodshed and betrayal. 
I counted down the days until we could be together—until we could leave Westeros behind forever.
The night before our planned escape, the sea outside Dragonstone roared with fury, as if it sensed the storm building within me. 
I couldn't sleep, my thoughts too wild, too tangled with fear and hope. 
I kept thinking of Daeron—wondering if he, too, was awake, wondering if he was preparing to leave behind everything he'd ever known. Wondering if we could really do it.
As dawn broke, I mounted my dragon and flew to the place we had promised to meet—the same sandy beach where we had whispered our vows just days ago. 
The wind bit at my face, and my heart pounded with anticipation and fear. 
My mind conjured images of the future—of us living free, far away from this war, from the weight of our families. It felt so close as if I could reach out and touch it.
But as I landed on the beach, something was wrong. Tessarion was there, Daeron's dragon, but she seemed agitated, her blue and copper scales shimmering uneasily in the morning light. 
And then I saw him.
Daeron was there, dismounted from his dragon, but he was slumped against her side, barely holding himself upright. My heart dropped into my stomach.
I rushed toward him, panic clawing at my chest. "Daeron!" I called my voice already breaking. 
As I got closer, I saw the blood—too much blood. His tunic was soaked in it, a deep crimson spreading across his side.
"No," I whispered as I reached him, dropping to my knees beside him. "No, no, no..."
His face was pale, his eyes half-lidded, but they fluttered open when I touched his cheek. He tried to smile, but it was weak, a shadow of the smile I had known.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered, his voice rasping like it took everything in him to speak.
"Daeron, what happened?" I gasped, my hands shaking as I pressed them to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, though I knew it was useless. 
His body was cold, far too cold, and the blood kept flowing no matter how much pressure I applied.
"Aegon..." he choked, his breath laboured. "He found out... He knew I was planning to leave... He couldn't let me go... not after... after everything. We fought... but I couldn't..."
Tears streamed down my face as I shook my head, refusing to believe what was happening. "No. Don't. Don't say that. You're going to be fine, we're going to leave together. You're going to be fine, Daeron. I'll get help. Just—just stay with me. Please."
But his hand gripped mine weakly, and his violet eyes were already dimming. "It's too late," he said, his voice breaking. "I... I tried to make it, I had to see you one last time..."
"Stop it!" I cried, my voice hoarse. "Don't talk like that! We're supposed to leave together. You promised me, Daeron! You promised!"
His fingers brushed my cheek, his touch barely there. "I'm sorry," he whispered again, tears slipping from the corners of his eyes. "I love you. I always have."
I sobbed as I clutched him to my chest, rocking back and forth as if I could somehow hold him together, keep him alive through sheer will. 
His breath rattled like the wind before a storm, each exhale quieter than the last. I held him tighter, willing his heartbeat to stay steady, but it was fading beneath my hands. 
The coppery smell of blood filled the air, and the sand beneath us turned dark, soaking up the last of him.
"Please, don't leave me," I begged, my words choking in my throat. "Don't leave me alone. I can't do this without you. I can't..."
His breath hitched, his body shuddering in my arms. He tried to speak again, but the words were lost, swallowed by the blood that spilt from his lips. 
And then, with one final, broken breath, he was still.
I stared down at him, my heart shattered into pieces so small I could never put them back together. The world around me disappeared, the sound of the waves, the screeching of the dragons—none of it mattered. 
All I could see was Daeron's lifeless face, the warmth leaving his body, the dream we had shared slipping away like sand through my fingers.
"Daeron..." I whispered, my voice breaking under the weight of my grief. "You can't leave me. Please don't leave me."
But he was gone.
A sob tore from my throat, so raw it felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside. I held him tighter, as if holding him could bring him back as if the gods would take pity on us, but they didn't. 
They never did.
I looked around, my vision blurred with tears, and I saw the dagger at his side, stained with the blood of his final battle. My heart screamed in agony, the world spinning around me, dark and empty. I couldn't see a life without him. 
I couldn't bear to face this war, this world, without the one person I had lived for.
I pulled the dagger from his belt, the cold steel biting into my hand as I held it. My breath came in ragged gasps as I stared at the blade, the only escape from the pain that now consumed me. 
I had lost him—there was nothing left for me here. I had nothing without him.
"I can't," I whispered to the wind, my voice shaking. "I can't do this without you."
I pressed the dagger to my chest, right where my heart still ached for him, and closed my eyes. It felt cold against my chest, but nothing could match the chill that had already settled in my heart. 
In my mind, I saw the life we were supposed to have, the life we would never live. 
I saw us running through a field, laughing under the sun, free from the chains of duty and war. I saw his smile, felt his arms around me, and in that moment, I knew where I had to go.
"I'm coming," I whispered. "Wait for me."
And then, without another thought, I plunged the dagger deep into my heart.
The pain was brief, a sharp, searing agony that quickly faded, replaced by a strange sense of calm.
I collapsed beside him, my blood mixing with his in the sand, our bodies entwined as they always should have been. 
As the darkness crept in, my last thoughts were of him—of his smile, his laugh, his kiss. We had been doomed from the start, bound by love and fate to an end neither of us could escape. 
But now, in death, we would finally be free. Together. Forever.
And as my vision faded to black, the last breath leaving my body, I saw him—waiting for me, his hand outstretched, his smile warm, as if nothing had ever come between us at all.
A/n - This was so so fun to write!! I truly hope I did the req justice <3
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months
a (not entirely) comprehensive list of what i loved about the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie
(spoilers below)
i already gushed about it but the ENTIRE opening scene being shot for shot what happens in the first few pages of the book... like holy shit i was blown away
snow making the remark about the tessarae buttons reminding him of the maid's bathroom???? again directly from the book???
lucy gray's introduction, and her song!!!!
again this movie was... SO ridiculously faithful to the book it almost made me cry
tigris and snow's relationship was so beautifully portrayed, and knowing how they each end up makes it even more heartbreaking
sejanus always and forever my favorite character <3
the fact that they included arachne's death and kept it almost entirely identical to her book death?? and i'd argue that her death in the movie is more gruesome
the entire scene with reaper gathering up the bodies. it was my favorite scene in the book, and it's one of my favorite scenes in the movie. it's such a heartbreaking but powerful moment, like when peeta paints rue or when katniss gave rue a burial
the snake scene holy SHIT all the deaths destroyed me
but lucy gray singing??? and the snakes gathering around her like a dress??? and her voice just getting stronger and more steady as she realizes she won't die???
i might be wrong but i'm PRETTY sure that the first time we see lucy gray after the hunger games when she's singing in district 12 she's wearing mockingbird and jabberjay feathers in her hair!!!
and her snake bracelet that she wears!!
her smile when she saw snow in the crowd... if i didn't read the book i'd 100% be rooting for them
hearing lucy gray singing "hanging tree" was so haunting. i've seen people point out the difference in meaning in lucy vs. katniss' versions, and i'm definitely going to make a whole post abt lucy gray singing the song
omg the way people in my theater gasped SO loudly when lucy called the root "katniss"
while obviously not a good thing in context of the story, the way we could see snow slowly devolving and becoming more and more manipulative towards sejanus and lucy gray... absolutely terrifying storytelling
lucy's realization of what snow's done, and the way she holds herself together JUST enough to run away from him
the mockingjays and jabberjays coming together to sing "hanging tree"
tigris saying "you look just like your father" to snow at the end of the movie and us knowing that she also means the look of hatred in his eyes that she told snow she hoped she'd never see
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strangespector · 2 months
Heartbreak Anniversary
Summary: Love, break up and healing
Words: 873
A/N: Going through it right now
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Meeting Jenna Ortega felt like a scene out of a movie. We were introduced by a mutual friend at a small gathering in Los Angeles. I had always been a fan of her work, admiring her talent and charisma from afar. The moment our eyes met, it felt like destiny. We clicked instantly, laughing and sharing stories late into the night. Jenna’s warmth and kindness were intoxicating, and it wasn’t long before we became inseparable.
My past was a tapestry of pain, woven from a troubled childhood with abusive and distant parents. Having Jenna in my life felt like a blessing, a beacon of hope that illuminated my darkest days. Our love blossomed quickly, and we spent every waking moment together, filling the voids in each other’s hearts.
As months passed, our bond grew stronger. We were inseparable, sharing dreams and fears, building a sanctuary of love and trust. But as they say, good things don’t last forever. Jenna landed a role in a new TV show that required her to be abroad for almost a year. The thought of being apart was unbearable, but I was adamant that our love could withstand the distance. Jenna, however, had reservations about a long-distance relationship, yet she agreed, trusting my optimism.
From the beginning, Jenna insisted on keeping our relationship a secret. She was adamant that her public image remain untarnished by the complications of a personal relationship. I understood her reasons but felt the sting of being hidden away, a secret love that couldn't be shared with the world.
The first few months were filled with constant communication. We texted, called, and video chatted every chance we got. But as Jenna’s schedule became more demanding, the messages became sparse, and calls went unanswered. My mental health began to spiral as I grappled with the fear of losing her. The distance wasn’t just physical; it started to feel emotional too. Despite my pleas, Jenna never offered to fly me out to visit her. I felt like an afterthought, a hidden part of her life that she could easily compartmentalize.
Then came the rumors. Social media buzzed with speculation about Jenna and her co-star, Emma. Paparazzi photos showed them together, looking cozy on multiple occasions. My heart shattered. Was I not good enough? The tabloids only fueled my insecurities, and soon, the story was everywhere.
Jenna called, knowing I had seen the articles. She assured me they were just rumors, that Emma was a good friend who supported her on tough days. I wanted to believe her, but the growing distance and lack of communication made it hard. I felt like I was begging for her attention, for her love. Jenna promised things would get better once her schedule eased up, but deep down, doubt began to take root.
Weeks turned into months, and nothing changed. I was tired of being the one holding on. I stopped updating Jenna about my life, stopped sending her good morning texts and detailed paragraphs about my day. My silence was met with indifference. Jenna didn’t reach out to mend the growing rift between us. I began to disassociate from the relationship, protecting my heart from further pain.
Then one day, Jenna called. Her voice was calm but distant. She said she couldn’t give me what I needed and ended our relationship. My heart shattered into a million pieces. How could she give up so easily after a year of being together? The pain was unbearable, but I knew I had to respect her decision. Tears streamed down my face as I realized it was over.
Months passed, and Jenna returned home, her show finally wrapped. She tried to adjust to life without her co-stars, without the constant bustle of work. Alone with her thoughts, Jenna began to regret breaking up with me. She tried reaching out, but I didn’t respond. I had moved on, surrounding myself with friends and family, picking up new hobbies, and slowly piecing my life back together. It was a painful process, filled with nights of tears and self-doubt, but I was finally starting to feel like I could breathe again.
Then came the event. I was working backstage, busy with preparations, when I saw her. Jenna walked into the dressing room, and our eyes met. She came up to me and said hi, her voice filled with nostalgia and regret. She told me she missed me, and for a moment, the world stopped. I smiled, acknowledging her words. Jenna said I looked great and was happy to see me thriving. Little did she know, I had spent countless nights crying over her, battling my demons in silence. But I had emerged stronger.
I told Jenna I was proud of her, that I always knew she was destined for great things. We both smiled, a bittersweet acknowledgment of what we had and what we lost. We knew the road had ended there. With a final embrace, we parted ways, thankful for the love we shared when we needed it most.
Every story has an ending, and ours was no different. Jenna and I went our separate ways, carrying the memories of our love. It wasn’t a fairytale, but it was real. And sometimes, that’s enough. In another universe, we would have been together.
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triclitch · 1 year
Gojo isn't dead. Or we'll he's not gonna be dead.
1 Because in his fight with Toji, he stated that the only reason Toji didn't kill him was because he didn't cut of his head.
2 his head isn't cut off, he's just cut in half and as seen he can regrow limps. (Also, if he can't regrow it, I imagine Shoko can kinda put it back together. And as long as Gojo has enough curse energy. He can flow that shit back into his lower half like blood to make it usable. (Daddy needs his gun people)
3 Gojo also said bye to his dead friends, which tells me that he probably has something up his sleeve.
And when he said he enjoyed the fight.
I think that is him excepting he lost. But not died.
Also the rebirth flowers.
I think the flowers play a huge role, Gojo may not come back stronger but as Geto asked, is he satoru gojo because he's the strongest or is he the strongest because he is satoru gojo.
And I think he is going to realize who Satoru Gojo is without keeping the title 'the strongest'
4 sukuna said don't let me down. And how he will remember Gojo forever.
Sukuna the king of curses, should know about reverse curse technique. And I think it's known that Gojo was holding back due to sukuna being Megumi. (As stated in previous chapters.)
So while they were fighting fighting. Gojo) wasn't going all out.
And as seen through Sukuna's thoughts he does respect gojo.
So knowing this, even though Sukuna can't be trusted! I do think he holds strong loyalty for people who impress him.
(Uraume and now also gojo)
So I think he knows gojo will likely heal.
Now! DO I think gojo will remain a sorcerer? No!
Here's why.
I saw on a stream that while reverse CT flows through the brain, CE generates in the stomach and if that's true. Then that means Gojos MAIN source of CE is well... gone .
BUT!!Like Maki and Toji's weapons, we know things that allow others to see and interact with curse energy are imbued with it.
Like Maki's glasses. 👀👀(see where I'm going.)
Curse energy can be transfered and held.
The six eyes allow Gojo to see curse energy mainly the flow. Therefore the six eyes , must be a sort of pseudo generator of CE. That's why people can't just redirect curse energy to their eyes to be able to be on a six eyes user's level.
So having to use his last and only intact source of generating curse energy, Gojo will use reversal technique to heal himself. But end up leaving himself without six eyes and likely without curse energy like Toji.(the outfit has to mean something other then being Megumi's dads.)
Because although he can heal using six eyes it won't be actually healing from the root so once that input of curse energy is gone there will be no more.
Other theories.
1. We didn't resolve anything with kenjaku, and while sukuna is a villain, I don't think he was the main one. (Cuz how the fuck is Yuji gonna best this man if bro can cut through the world..like wtf Gege you killed gojo just to make another OP character concept qhehe)
So either 1. Kenjaku fucks shit up for everyone, either takes out Kuna, and by this time a healed Go jo jumps in the frey but since he had to literally reconstruct half his body, he will be severely weakened and due to this.
Personally I'd like to see him and sukuna fight side by side, both going all out. And if they lose they die together.
Because I feel if they weren't on opposing sides they'd actually get along.
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moooncats · 8 months
✿ PAC : Love Letter From Your Future Spouse ✿
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✿ Pile 1 ✿
Hello beautiful, did you miss me? I know that everything has been so hectic but I swear you are such a fighter. I love the way you have this no tolerance go getter attitude. You are truly my muse. You transform the most mundane things and make them into gold flecks that flutter into the air and it's just awe inspiring. I have searched all over the world, met many inspiring people in my life and none of them compare to you- you captivated me, lured me into your beautiful unique aura and I can never forget that moment. I knew then, that you had to be mine. I thank the heavens everyday because you are the person I get to wake up next to- what a blessing! I must have done a lot of good in my past life to meet you. It truly is a gift being in your presence! We mesh together perfectly, your hand in mine, our bodies intertwined. I can't believe that manifesting someone as yourself actually worked. Our vibrations match perfectly as we are in tuned with each other. Like a root deep underground, it's vast and everlasting. That is our love, we will grow stronger together and I am missing every second, minute, hour that I am away from you my love. I can't wait to make it back to you so we can start our forever life together, and we can do it all over again in another lifetime. Please wait for me goregous, I love you with all my hearts. Sending my love to you from every universe. I know you can feel its warmth. ♡ Yours truly. ♡
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✿ Pile 2 ✿
Hello goregous soulmate. I can't believe that it's that time of year again. I know you love letters from me and I've made you so many already but just know that every letter I write are my true authentic feelings. There is so much going on in my head everyday and most of it is because of you my goregous soulmate. You have encapsuled my love and intertwined it with your beautiful soul. I am forever grateful of your presence every day. You changed me so much and for the better. Before I was aimless in life, no drive, aspirations, no hope... then you came along. With your sunshine aura and I couldn't get enough of it. You are the light that guides my wandering soul out of the abyss. You are my forever muse. I can't wait to grow old with you and start that family we've always talked about, until then I have only my words to keep you going through these times. My will and determination to get us everything we deserve and need in life. You will never have to ask for more, anything you want you will have it my love. I love you so much goregous please don't ever change. ♡ Yours Truly. ♡
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✿ Pile 3 ✿
You're not mad at me are you? I know I've done a lot of things in this life that have made me feel regrettable, but this- this is the one that tops it all. I am human... we all make mistakes. Please don't fester any bad feelings for me my delicate little flower. You know I had you in mind the whole time and I thought it would be best for the both of us. Everything I ever do, my thoughts, my actions, my feelings; I always take you into consideration. You are my everything, my delicate flower that I must protect. I will do ANYTHING for you baby. You don't know how much you mean to me, the day we met was the best day of my life. I will never forget locking eyes with you for the first time. My heart instantly went into hyper drive, it just wouldn't stop. I knew then that you were the one. The way you move gracefully through the shit show that is life is just mesmerizing. Life has taken so much from you... from us. We are 2 souls who were once lost but when we get together, we become 2 partners intertwined and formed into 1 power couple. I know you know this my love, words can't express how much I feel about you. You are my muse, my world, my will to live. I won't lose you this time, not again. ♡ Yours Truly. ♡
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star1ight0 · 3 months
Dabi x Reader/Sibling PLATONIC.
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Quirk: Opposite of Dabi/Toya you had an ice quirk stronger than your mothers and the rest of your siblings, but your body had little to no resistance. It was built for extensive heat, causing you to get frostbite damaging your skin. 
You are the second oldest being born not long after your big brother Toya and he was your best friend.
Endevor quickly realized you were a “mistake” leaving you to a similar fate to your brother. You'd found peace with your body's scars by learning how to manage your power on your own and how to heal them properly.
You had run away awhile ago finding yourself resentful of your father and in turn hateful of the heroes who allowed you to be discarded and abused by the now number 1 hero. You had stumbled across the LOV a while ago and had been a help given your healing talent and had a mass interest in taking down endeavor. 
You sat at the bar with Kurogiri asking him to make you a drink before Dabi sat next to you taking it away. “You definitely look too young to be drinking kid” He said, pulling it further away from your reach. “Fuck off scar face” You spat reaching over him taking back your drink, his eyes looked so familiar, you couldnt help but stair “Got a problem, if so speak now or forever hold you peace” He said pushing you away and placing your drink Infront of you “If its about the drink i was just fucking with you, no need to get hostile” he said putting his hand above his head.
"No, you just look familiar. Not your face but your eyes, it's stupid.” You said taking your drink and walking away. “I'm going on a walk, tell crusty i'll be back” you said b-linging it for the door shaking.
“Nah he’ll be fine not knowing, I'll go with you kid” You finch at the sudden familiarity in his voice. “Don't fucking call me kid. I'm not your fucking kid.” You said snapping at him grabbing his wrist coving it in a thin layer of ice. He pulls away, raising his hand in a surrendering motion following you out the door.
You walked around for a while feeling the cold of the air around you, the weather app said it was going to freeze and snow but you’d honestly forgot it was starting to get cold, too cold. You started shaking and wrapped your arms around yourself refusing to go back to base yet. “Are you shaking because you're cold or because you think I'm gonna kill you?"
He said, crossing his arms. “The first one” you said while looking around for a store to buy a jacket. "Bit strange for someone with an ice quirk but okay."
You pulled out your phone. The lock screen was a photo of you and Toya side by side holding hands smiling at the camera. It was probably the only photo you had of the two of you together not covered in scars.
“Nice wallpaper for a villain” He said, snatching your phone to get a better look. You froze his feet in place reaching for the phone. “Give it back. I’m not fucking playing games with you Dabi” you said, he was taller than you but that didn't stop you from trying to jump to get the phone back. “Where the fuck did you get this photo.” he spat using his fire to break away the ice and grab your face. “It me and you brother fuck is it to you?” he put you down shoving your phone in your hands “You’ve go to be fucking shitting me ” You were about to yell at him again before he stopped you “All this time you must have thought i was dead huh?” you look at him confused “what..? I'm so confused” He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, it was the same photo but more crumbed and worn. You looked at him then at the subtle white roots of his hair. “Shit” you said, feeling the wave or realization hit you feeling tears form in your eyes “Who would've thought we both end up villains?” He said before seeing the tears falling from your face. “Hey, let's take down that shit stain of a hero together okay?” He took his jacket off, placing it on your shoulders.
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risuola · 4 months
satoru gojo character & story analysis — all of it began with a miracle.
it's a piece of writing i wanted to do for a long time. it's not fanfiction, there's no reader. it's just his story from beginning to an end ( which i refuse to believe it's the end), it's what i think he was going through, what i noticed and assumed.
contains spoilers. — wc. 2,6k
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It all began with a miracle.
A child is born, an anomaly, a little boy that in all helplessness and vulnerability is meant to be the strongest. A baby with hair as white as the snow and eyes as blue as the sky cries out loud, letting out his first few breaths and the balance of the world shifts.
Boy grows up, but without the warmth and love so needed and craved — he’s learning to survive in a world that doesn’t want him. He has looked death straght in the eyes more times than he's met the gaze of his own parents. With a bounty on his little head and with eyes filled with blooming resentment, he must keep his head high because he’s a pride. A treasure of his clan, a bearer of two techniques that did not appear together for hundreds of years. He’s blessed, but the blessing is nothing but a curse.
He knows about curses before he ever sees them. He knows about curses before he learns to write and he faces them while kids of his age are enjoying their time on the playground. It’s fine, his peers wouldn’t understand him anyway. He was fine alone. He was fine.
Years pass and he learns. With people around him, he’s lonely. A burden of power weighs him down, it swallows him whole and he feels alienated. The strongest sorcerer of the new era. The title feels strange on his tongue for years and he doesn’t feel the strongest. He’s a child, he wants to be— he can’t.
He grows arrogant, he grows distant and isolated. Directing his attention to things as trivial as gameboy games and playing cards, he leans towards normality that he craves so much. He finds joy and pleasure in sugary treats, because that’s what make him feel almost regular. But then, he meets someone special. Suguru Geto. A boy just like him, a boy with power that others do not understand. They become friends.
It’s the first time in Satoru’s life that he has a friend and he’s overwhelmed. He’s in love with the feeling of having someone, anyone, who understands him. He craves the time he spends with Suguru, he longs to see the black haired boy, he cannot get enough of him, always texting him, sending pictures, calling. And Geto wanted that too. The dynamic of friendship blooms into something beautiful, it roots deep within him and he wants nothing more, because with Suguru, he feels complete. Because with Suguru, he’s no longer alone.
The sky is blue. The bluest it’s ever been and the sun is so warm and pleasant. The days blend into each other, he doesn’t count them, he doesn’t care. He just wishes to be in this time forever, he wishes for this spring to stay like this because he’s there with him. And there are other people that care for him too? That are not afraid of him, that do not want him dead? He loves it. No matter the curses, he’s untouchable, he’s the strongest. They are the strongest.
But then, the blue sky turns red, the easy mission of protecting the star plasma vessel turns dark and bloody and Satoru dies for the first time. The sound of a blade cutting through his flesh, the feeling of it cutting the tissues and the warmth of his own blood made them dizzy. He falls to the ground and stills. Is it over? He doesn’t know. What’s with the balance of the world, what’s with his world, what’s with Geto?
Throughout heaven and hell, he alone becomes the honored one.
Everything shifts again. His body, as strong as ever becomes even stronger. Toji is gone and he doesn’t know what happened to Suguru. Riko is gone. It seems like he’s alone again but there’s a child on his mind now, a thought of a few-years-old boy somewhere alone. A child whose father he just killed.
He’s in crisis. Amanai’s body is light in his hands, cold against his warm body as he carries her out of the room full of simple humans, blinded by an ideology that is nothing but cruel. He sees the death of someone whom he grew to care about and he realizes that despite being the strongest, he simply cannot save people he wants to. And then, Suguru saves him. There’s no point in that, he says and Satoru listens. The sound of clapping makes him numb. Everything what happened made the shine of his eyes dull out. The blood in his hair feels foreign, the clothes on his body are trash. He’s dirty, he’s tired, he died just moments ago. But he listens. He knows better than to defy. He listens and leaves the cult behind.
The scale shifts again. Satoru is stronger. Suguru is left alone, Suguru feels abandoned and Gojo cannot help. His solo missions and the determination to master his techniques are driving him into oblivion. He still longs for his friend and in fact, there’s nothing else that motivates him than the wish to keep his close ones safe. He’s still himself, he picks all of him up soon, he throws himself into getting more out of what he inherited and he becomes the strongest. He saved Ijichi, but he couldn’t save Haibara.
And he couldn’t save Geto.
Is he the strongest because he’s Satoru Gojo or— what the hell does that even mean? He doesn’t know, but the sight of his closest friend, the one and only, the ride or die, turning around and disappearing into the crowd makes him want to scream. He grieves. He feels like he lost everything he had. The sky has never been so blue again.
He’s just a teenager. A young boy that never got to know love and care and yet, he decides to love and care for a boy, whose father took everything from him. It is, after all, Toji who turned his life into hell — taking the life of Riko, nearly killing Suguru and planting the seed of hatred into his mind. It is Toji who initiated Geto’s change, who initiated his own change. And the boy, Megumi, looks so similar. But Satoru takes him and his sister. Those kids are lucky. Satoru is not a father, but he gives his all to this new role. He doesn’t show it, but he cares.
Years pass by and he becomes a teacher. He wants to change the world he lives in, he wants to make sure the next generations are capable of protecting themselves. He doesn’t want anyone else to suffer as he did. He wants the kids to be strong, he trains them, nurtures them. He’s not the best teacher, he lacks qualities that make him likeable, but he does his best. He thrives in the way his students get better, he loves their smiles, he watches their friendships and he thinks that for as long as he is alive, he will not allow any kid to have its youth taken away. He lives by that statement.
He loses himself.
Lonely in the world, he realizes there’s a long-distant family around. Okkotsu. So Satoru saves him, trains him, loves him. And Yuta loves Satoru back. Things are good for a moment. Megumi grows good — he’s a troublemaker at school but to Gojo, he’s perfect. Tsumiki is in coma, but he cares about her as well, making sure she has the best medical attendance and conditions. For a moment, it’s perfect.
Until it’s not.
Until Suguru Geto appears at Jujutsu High after nearly a decade of absence, looking so familiar and yet so foreign. But his voice is the same, the tone in which he calls Satoru, it’s all so close to his heart. Satoru feels his heartbeat quicken, there’s a pressure in his throat and he wants to scream, but he can’t. Everyone is around, his kids are there, he can’t, he’s the strongest. So he stays there, focuses and he knows that after so many years, the time comes that he will have to make the sacrifice he wasn’t able to years ago.
Satoru blames himself. He did so for years, he felt lonely and guilty. But Suguru looks happy. Is he happy without him? The Night Parade happens. There’s trust. Despite everything that happened, Gojo trusts his one and only friend to not kill innocent young sorcerers because Gojo loves him still. It’s a feeling that’s always inside his chest, a friendship that will never be burned down. He wouldn’t be able to rid himself of it, no matter what happens.
But he kills him. The sight of Suguru so bloodied breaks his heart. The soft smile and light tone of his voice are etched into him and he knows that it is necessary to finish what he started that day in the past, in front of the fast food store. At this point, Satoru is so used to putting himself on the least important position, that he comes to terms with hurting himself if it means to protect his students, the youth.
There’s an importance to a body that he cannot deny. It is so undeniably human of him to want his closest friend to have a proper burial, to not be cut down and burnt as any other sorcerer. Satoru, egoistically, wants to have a place to come to, to talk to, to lay flowers at. He thinks that it’s alright, that it’s his own, that he’s allowed to do this because there’s no one stronger than him, right? He thinks that it’s alright to have Suguru’s grave to himself because that would feel like he still can talk to him, visit him. He takes care of it too. Flowers are always fresh, the candles are lit, the grave is clean and he feels him inside. The dead body filled with residuals so familiar, it puts Satoru at ease.
Until he doesn’t have that much time anymore. Because Sukuna awakens and he has yet another kid to take care of, to fight for. And he doesn’t know it yet, but nothing will be the same again.
Things go downhill from there. Where was he when Sukuna ripped his precious student’s heart out? As he sits in the mortuary, watching Shoko getting ready for the section, he cannot help but blame himself again. He promised to protect that child, he took him under his wing, he trained and taught him, ready to stand against the demon inside and still, he failed. And then, he laughs because this time, it seems like life is merciful. Because Sukuna allows Yuji to live.
Halloween night brings much less luck and he feels like a weapon again. Upon a curtain over Shibuya, he is sent alone because it is assumed that he’s gonna clean all the mess that unraveled. No matter how many people are there, how many curses and how dangerous. He’s the strongest, he’ll deal with it. He has to fight and he enjoys it even, for a moment, until he has to make sacrifice of people that, deep inside, he doesn’t care that much about? He cannot save everyone but there’s a promise in his actions, that he’ll at least exorcise the curses.
He makes a choice. Hanami first. He should’ve gone for Jogo. It’s chaos. And then…
The eyes he possesses tell him it’s Suguru Geto, but his soul knows otherwise. He’s sealed and he knows that he should’ve allow Shoko to dispose his friend’s body properly. But he didn’t want to. And now it was his fault.
It’s not that long for the world to go on without him and still, it seems like it’s close to ending. Satoru gets out but there’s no celebration, only grief. He has become a criminal. Most of his colleagues are dead. Is Nanami’s death his fault? Maybe if he’d exorcise the fire curse first— or Mahito. If not for Mahito both Nanami and Nobara wouldn’t—
Every choice he made in life, that prioritized his own well-being and happiness, backfired tremendously.
And Megumi. His babyboy, his stubborn son is now possessed by Sukuna? Why didn’t he see that coming? Tsumiki is gone too. And Yaga. He struggles to count the losses. A date is set and deep inside his gut he knows what will happen that day. He gives it his all. The mastery of his techniques. His fit body, his strength and all of the battle iq he has. He fights with everything he’s got, he bleeds and hurts, but it’s Megumi he fights for. It’s youth he tries to protect, it’s his son.
He feels alive for a moment, despite all, he thrives in the environment of battle so intense and extreme. He reaches the absolute top of his abilities; he gives it his absolute all. He wants to win, he wants to prove he’s the strongest, he wants to protect those who are important to him. But it’s not enough.
His fight is broadcasted and his death is too. Like a twisted reality show, an entertainment, with all the bloody detail and harsh reality of his situation. His last breath is shown through the screens. He thinks of his students a lot, he wants to show off for them, to teach them that there are levels of power that he wishes them to reach and yet, he fails. Because the levels of his power are simply not enough.
Satoru dies. Alone on the battlefield. He dies by the hand of his own boy, praised by the demon inside him and he wishes he could speak at the final moment. He knows what will happen next.
Five minutes.
He gave his permission. Used to treat himself as nothing but a weapon, he doesn’t care much what will happen to his body once he’s gone. The hope of resting next to his friend is long forgotten, he doesn’t dare to think wishfully, he doesn’t give into his egoism yet again. He wants his team to win and if that means they will use his lifeless body, throwing away his soul, then so be it.
Five minutes.
He doesn’t think much about it when Yuta brings up the topic. Frankly, he has no intention to lose the battle. He wants to take down Sukuna by himself, because if he does it, even if he dies in the process, his close ones will be safe. And he beliefs in them too. He hopes that everything he’s done in his short life is enough.
Five minutes.
That’s how long Yuta’s technique will work.
For five minutes, he’s still being used.
For five minutes, he still has to be the strongest.
It’s five minutes, and he’ll be able to rest.
The last five minutes of Satoru Gojo.
Satoru is a character deeply tragic but built so beautifully. He’s never had anything and yet he lost everything. One by one, he watched his close ones die, right in front of his eyes and he couldn’t do anything about it, even though he was the strongest. A title, almost mocking, stretched throughout his entire lifetime, marking him with powers that made him untouchable but rendering him unable to save people he cared about. His life was a trial, proving how resilient was his personality. Despite the arrogant, joyful mask, there was a deeply responsible man who dreamt big about changing the world but failed.
I’d like to think he’s got to know love, intimacy, the warmth of a touch even as gentle as a kiss to his temple but there’s nothing of such clues throughout the manga.
That is him. That is Satoru Gojo.
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a/n. if you made it through this entire text, congrats! i don't expect this post to be read many times, but i needed to get this off my chest because i'm the kind of person who likes to analyze the characters. i have thoughts about most of the characters in jjk, so if you're interested in reading my dissection of someone else, let me know.
also, let's make a biding vow to give our man the fluffiest fics ever, the happiest moments and the sloppiest heads, thanks.
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mayzi33 · 6 months
I have so much to say I'm afraid my brain might explode. So I'll try to keep calm despite still being at the verge of tears.
When I first started this book series, I thought it would be the usual light, cutesy fantasy about friendship and family. And oh boy, OH BOY WAS I WRONG.
On a side note, something I'd like to point out I noticed, from the first book to the third, the lighting on the cover progressively gets darker. Of course, representing the story itself as the plot gets darker as well. On the last book, it's still dark, but there's a light coming from Janner, Kalmar and Leeli, like they finally reached sunrise after a long, ruthless night. Something i'm pretty sure was said at some point on the books themselves, about no matter how long the night is the day will always come.
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Anyways. Back to the topic at hand. As the story progressed, I keep growing more and more connected to these characters, and each chapter I rooted more and more for the Jewels Of Anniera.
I'd like to add that I'm an only child, yet, somehow, I can tell Janner is one of the best eldest sibling characters ever written. My whole life I've only watched siblings around me and their relationship with eachother, especially on the eldest's side, and somehow, Janner reminded me of every friend, family member or random stranger I saw on the streets someday that have siblings.
Janner is such a complex character. He is by no means perfect, but he does have a golden heart. One of the things I was most impressed by was how the author described Janner's feelings, whatever it was the longing for his father, or just feeling burdened by his siblings. And yet, no matter what Janner is feeling, the narrator never invalidates his feelings or antagonize him. Janner is a child, a child who went through a lot. He is allowed to miss a father he never had just as he is allowed to sometimes be annoyed for always having to make sacrifices for his siblings. But one of the things I admired the most about Janner (along with everyone else I'm pretty sure) was his character development. At the first book, he'd roll his eyes at the mere thought of having to look after his siblings and saw them as a burden. At the second book, he learned the hard way how much Kalmar and Leeli matter to him, and how it hurts to be away from them. On the third book, he took pride on his title as Throne Warden and role as the eldest sibling, being devoted to protecting the High King and Song Maiden. And at last, on the last book, he leaves pride aside. He doesn't take care of Kalmar and Leeli because it's his duty, because it's honorable, neither because that's what he has always been told to do. He does it because he loves them above all else, because he finally sees how strong the bond the three of them share truly is, because he feels the blessing the Maker has gifted them, and how much stronger they are when they're together.
Janner is a kind, brave, clever, beautiful boy.
And I will forever believe that they managed to get him the water from the First Well to heal him. I will nor accept any other ending.
Kalmar. At first, the typical goofy, troublemaking sibling, more like a comic relief. But again, OHOHOHO BOY... DID THAT CHANGE.
I definetely did not expect for them to take the turn they did with Kalmar. I could tell that he would have some character arc mainly towards maturing and taking responsability, but I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO BE LIKE THAT. Seeing that bright, easy-going, smiley little boy loosing his usual joyful personality when he was fanged, slowly loosing his sanity and growing on his self loathing was really something painful yet beautiful to watch. Like Janner, he also had to learn his lesson on the hardest way possible. An extrovert kid like him, having everyone turning their backs on him and looking at him with hatred, and yet, he learned to keep his head high, like a High King. (the phrase "keep your head held high or else your crown will fall" is literally perfect for him.) And most of all, seeing him risk his life to aid a strange cloven, (that turned out to be his father) grant the Hollowsfolk his forgiveness despite everything they did to him, show mercy and compassion to the Fangs despite everything they did, all of these things make Kalmar an inspiring ruler, and leaves me assured that he will be a great king after all.
Now, Leeli, sweet, pure-hearted Leeli. I will be honest, at first I was afraid that they would make her the typical "overly nice and overly fragile female character", but again, BOY WAS I WRONG. (I don't know how many times I will repeat that, I apologize.) At some points in the books, she didn't have as much spotlight as her brother and I felt like she was kind of being thrown aside. But there's always a turn the books take that make her lack of spotlight at first worth it. So young, the youngest of the Jewels Of Anniera, yet she has seen and done so much. Has a bad leg, needed to use a crutch since she was little, yet that literally never stopped her. She strives to keep up with her brothers, and despite his kind personality she shows she can be festy and even scary when she wants to. (I will never forget that moment in the second book where she was yelling at the trolls and fangs and they were actually eager to obey her lol). She hates it when people assume she's weak and often refuses help, proving she's perfectly capable. But at times, she does need help, which shows us all it's okay to have someone to rely on. She was the link between Janner and Kalmar, no matter how much they argued nor how mad they were at eachother, she was always there for both of them and connecting them back together. She may not be able to fight like her brothers, but she found her own strenght. Her music, something that has always brought joy and hope to others turns out to be an ACTUAL weapon. She kicked a Green Fang to defend her puppy, she was the first one to see the pain and kindess through Peet, Nugget sacrificed himself for her showing how her strong her love for others really is, she stopped A FREAKING DRAGON from killing her grandpa, she led an army of dogs, she defeated countless fangs with nothing but her song. One of the best child female chracters I've seen in a while. She is feminine, has her weak points, but she finds her strenght, not in swords, punches or bows but on a whistleharp. I love her so much I can't describe it.
I love all of these kids so much. I am *proud* of them. I know it's a weird thing to say about fictional characters, but these books just make me feel this way. I can't name a single character I didn't connect or feel empathy with.
Nia, such a strong, independent woman, raising her children having lost her husband and kingdom, yet keep her head held high like the queen she is.
Podo, a man who has sinned, takes shame on them, yet shows that sinners can still be good people. Loves his family above all else, protected and took care of them until his last breath, might have been a little rough around the edges, but always showed a soft spot for his daughter and grandkids.
Artham, a broken man, haunted by the shame of loosing his brother, slowly, but surely, healing. Learning to move on by protecting his nephews and niece, making what was once a weakness a strenght.
Oskar, an old man that was always sitting on the library, letting go of his peaceful life and risking his life to accompany the Wingfeathers through thick and thin.
Sara, who was taken from her family, abused and had all her hope crushed, finding her courage back after meeting Janner and taking after him, being a sisterly figure, leader and queen ti billions of orphan children, and helping them find their strenght and fight for their freedom.
Maraly, a rude strander girl who was raised horribly her whole life by her abusive father, finally finding true love and a true father figure.
Everything about this story has touched me. A broken world taken by an evil monarch who turned to be just another broken soul, filled with hopeless people, people who had surrended to the darkness... Saved by three children, who brought light everywhere they went. A boy with scars, a boy inside a wolf, and a girl with a crutch. Kids who one day were mere peasants, the other were the Jewels Of Anniera, and a year later, heroes of Aerwiar.
I've smiled, I've laughed, I've been shocked, I've been scared, I've been mad, I've cried. I have red lots, and I mean LOTS of books. Different stories, different worlds, different characters. Yet none of them has touched me half as much as The Wingfeather Saga.
It has war, tears, bloodshed, betrayals, sacrifices and sorrow. But it also has love, joy, hope, laughter, wonder and light.
This story definetely deserves way more fans and recognition. I hope that with the new animated series (which I'll definetely watch later) it begins to gain more love.
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Anyways. I really love this in case y'all couldn't tell already. Have a good day/afternoon/evening.
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thejujvtsupost · 6 months
Hi! I saw your requests and can I just ask a little red riding hood au where reader is little red and geto/gojo/nanami/toji are the wolves that eat you (out).
[They don't have to be literal wolves but just as wild. U can pick one but if you want to write for more than one it would be great]
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Good Enough To Eat 18+ mdni
Anon your brain is beautiful! This was originally for Halloween, but my I present: full moon Nanami 😌
Notes: F!reader, sex in the woods, prey/predator play(+dom/sub?), oral (F receiving), light breeding kink bc it’s Nanami, minor injuries, reader is consenting/discussed beforehand- consent is v sexy!
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Someone did a public service and pulled an audio of Nanami’s heavy breathing and I need to be euthanized. I’d also like to dedicate this to @pseudowho because they’re always on top of the Kento Agenda and sharing the audio with them was a MUST. Like that’s literally our husband. 💗
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You weren’t sure how long you were running with your picnic basket but you couldn’t catch your breath.
You couldn’t stop, either.
What started out as a simple evening picnic in the woods with your lover turned into a chase, as you ran for your life.
Kento… Kento was different from other husbands…
His unique qualities weren’t a hindrance to your relationship aside from the few times a year his instincts took over- and the heightened senses around the full moon. Even then, you both were so careful to avoid any accidental injuries. His body was far stronger than yours, with his heightened strength and lack of restraint being around him during his most vulnerable moments was dangerous.
“You can’t run forever, my love. I can smell you…”
Despite his taunts you refused to respond. He would catch up eventually but you didn’t want to make things worse by alerting him with your voice.
Unfortunately, between the blood pounding in your ears and lack of oxygen in your lungs, you lost your balance and tripped over an exposed tree root- with a twisted ankle, you were now dinner.
“Poor thing, that looked painful. Let me see it.”
Kento sounded calm but you knew the truth. Inside he was a simmering, insatiable, beast that already expressed its intentions of eating you.
He was getting closer and closer with his inhuman speed, you tried to get up and run but he had you pinned face down to the forest floor in seconds. Fuck.
“Got you.”
His voice was raspy in your ear as he started mouthing at your neck, “Gonna take you apart right here, right now. Feel how ready I am to take you?”
And you did, his cock was straining in his pants when he harshly ground against your ass. Impatiently, he pulled your hips up and adjusted your legs, keeping a hand on your back to maintain a good arch. The draft of the cool night air hit the back of your thighs, reaching higher when Kento flipped your dress up.
“No panties huh? You like being a wet whore don’t you? Running through the woods from a beast and leaking from your cunt.” He leaned down to inhale your scent close to the source and growled. “This pretty cunt needs filled up.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit of shame at how turned on you were by all of it.
A high pitched mewl left you as his tongue flicked across your clit from the back, feeling the way it throbbed each time it lashed against you. His lips sealed around your sensitive nub, alternating between slurping up your growing arousal and suckling your clit.
Your body was on fire, pussy clenching, needy for him to fill you. “Kento please!”
With one last smack of his lips he moved his body over yours, completely dwarfing you under him and tangling your fingers together. “Gonna get you full of me, breed this pretty pussy.” His cock brushed against your folds for a moment before he thrusted into you in a single breath.
If you weren’t so wet, the stretch wouldn’t be as pleasant. Unlike now, when your eyes were rolling back from the feeling.
You could feel his cock grow harder, stretching you, his swollen tip rubbing against the spongy spot in your cunt, making you leak around him.
He’s panting in your ear, needing you to milk his cock, your whimpered moan of his name only spurring him on more. He moved your legs higher to fuck you deeper, thrusting into you in the most animalistic manner you’ve ever experienced with him. With every pass, he hit his target. You knew your knees would be bruised by morning and it would be a welcomed mark.
His grunting and panting rivaled your moans as you grew close to your peak- he wasn’t far behind you with the way your cunt was fluttering and slicking.
“Kento- gonna!” You couldn’t finish your sentence before you released around his cock, soaking the dirt beneath your bodies.
“Yeah that’s it, come baby.” He roared, spilling his spend into you with a few sloppy thrusts before stilling, his cock throbbing with its own heartbeat, an endless stream of cum filling your pussy.
He pulled out once his breath was even and carefully flipped you over, “Are you okay, sweetheart? Hurt anywhere?”
Your eyes were still glassed over when you smiled all dreamy at him. “We gotta do that again.”
Kento fixed his clothes with a chuckle and gathered you in his arms, putting the little picnic basket in your hands as he carried you back to the car.
He buckled you in and held your hand to his lips when he got in the drivers seat. “How about a hot bath and some ice for that ankle when we get home?”
While worth it, you’d definitely feel deliciously sore tomorrow, deciding then to take the day off work.
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avvail · 1 year
Enemies with benefits denial and yearning and lingering touches and heartaches
The hero’s breathing hitches as they feel the villain trail kisses down their throat. 
They left fire in their wake; burning through their skin with every little gentle caress along their sides, or every little brush of their fingers through their hair, down their chest, along their cheek. 
They loop their arms around their neck, drawing them closer to their body. The villain is so warm. Warm, and intoxicating, concocting a combination that the hero couldn’t escape from. They were trapped in the villain’s claws, so easily, and they couldn’t find the strength to claw their way out. 
“I haven’t got long,” the villain murmurs against their skin, and the hero shudders at their breath. They’re being gently laid down on their back, and they let their fingers scrape along the villain’s shoulder blades as they go. The villain fixes them with an intense look, one that has the hero’s stomach igniting with desire. 
They grip their shoulders, unwilling to let go. 
“It’s been weeks,” they whisper quietly, dipping their fingers under the collar of their suit. They want it off. “You don’t want to rush as much as I do.” 
The villain hums, leaning down to kiss that spot under their ear. It shuts the hero up, and they know it. 
There was something electric about doing this with their enemy; a palatable, forbidden excitement that made everything between them stronger than any feeling they’d ever experienced. Little flirtatious banter had expanded into something chaotic, something completely out of their control. They were wrapped around the villain’s finger, and in turn, the villain was wrapped around theirs. 
The hero could give everything up to experience this forever. 
That was more dangerous than this entire relationship.
“You’re greedy,” the villain hums, peeling their suit from their skin. The hero sucks in an excited breath, their heart hammering intensely in their ears. They shakily do the same, shedding the useless piece of fabric. They were desperate to feel the villain’s skin against theirs. They needed it; it was like a drug. They had been satiated with their one night stands for a while, but it had gradually evolved and slipped straight through their meticulous control. 
They needed more. They needed more than just this, and that was scary. 
The villain meets their eyes, as if they can sense their thoughts. The hero’s gaze flickers down to their lips. 
Despite the nature of the relationship, the hero had never kissed them. It had been the only rule the villain had; kissing was too intimate. It was too romantic, and what they had wasn’t romance. It was just desire, down to the very roots. 
It makes the hero’s heart ache. 
“You’re not,” they whisper quietly, sliding their hands through their hair. The villain hums softly under their breath, and they see their eyes drop to their own lips. They lick them instinctively, slipping their hand to their neck. The villain cranes their head forward, and the hero can feel the heat of it sparking between them. 
They would risk it all. They wanted to kiss them so desperately. 
It would be so easy to close that miniscule gap. To press their lips together, and fall into a new set of desires. The hero can see it in the villain’s eyes too; they know there’s something else there, something more than just this, and they need them. Incredibly so. 
But the villain put down this line and, fuck, the hero cares too much to cross that. They care too much about the villain to disrupt their clear boundary. They needed them to do it themselves, to initiate it, to show them how much they wanted this too. 
They press the kiss under their jaw. 
The hero swallows, their heart heavy in their chest. 
“I have to go,” they whisper, their words almost choking in their throat. Their brow furrows. “I’m sorry.” 
The hero feels them peeling away. They cling onto their hand as they go, until the last moment, when they’re forced to part ways. They hide away their face, ignoring the stinging sensation in their eyes. 
They loved them, and they knew the villain loved them back. 
But clearly, it wasn’t meant to be.
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teamsasukes · 1 year
ok in my opinion, many things are wrong with the idea that sakura viewed sasuke only as a prize to be won to boost her self-worth; that when it comes to sasuke, she's forever frozen in time as a 12-year-old girl who can't see beyond his good hair and great grades. this post is my attempt at thoroughly unpacking and refuting that notion
when we meet sakura in part 1, she is obsessed with societal standards and her admiration for sasuke is almost entirely rooted in that. he's the ideal future husband -- from an ancient clan, stoic, intelligent, skilled, and by sakura's own description, "cool" -- these are things that she has been conditioned to want! so this is the sasuke that she envisions, until...
until they get put on a team together, and sakura gradually comes to realize that perhaps sasuke is not what she's made him out to be in her mind. he talks about crying, about being afraid. he's paralyzed with fear in their first mission. naruto may very well be stronger and more capable than him! oh, and sasuke gets into silly fights with naruto all the time. none of that is "cool." suddenly he seems less like the ideal future husband and more like a real person with flaws and baggage of his own.
that sakura's view of sasuke changes is so apparent through how radically her behaviour around him shifts between the early formation of team 7 and the chunin exams (and any point after). sakura goes from being unable to listen to a bad word about sasuke (maybe even the ones that are deserved) to defying him when she deems fit. she even praises naruto at his expense, because societal views are not at the forefront of her mind when it comes to the two boys anymore -- they're just naruto and sasuke. they're her friends! she goes from calling kakashi out for bad-mouthing the uchiha clan because she's doesn't want to risk sasuke getting mad at her, to calling naruto out for a similar statement, not due to personal involvement in the equation, but simply because it's not right.
and people typically agree with me up to here. it's when we get to sakura cutting her hair in the forest of death that opinions diverge, and some people tend to think that sakura should have "gotten over" sasuke to propel her character development forward. i don't necessarily find this reading invalid -- it's certainly a more straightforward direction for her character to take. sakura's goal was sasuke, now sakura's goal is to be strong. the problem is that there was always more nuance to her goal of winning sasuke's heart than people afford it in fandom discussion, and similarly, i don't think that the progression needed to be as clear-cut as "sakura gets over sasuke" to still be meaningful. in this case, i feel like people's expectations about what should have happened following this scene might preclude them from seeing the growth that this moment did produce.
sakura cutting her hair in the forest of death is the critical point her arc built up to for all of part 1. sakura is insulted by the sound nin for pouring so much time into her appearance when her training is clearly not up to par, and she cuts her shiny and perfect hair in a declaration that she will no longer derive her self-worth from the validation that would come from romantic attachment (to sasuke, or anyone else). instead, it will be from standing shoulder-to-shoulder with (or even ahead of) her teammates in battle -- so that she can protect them rather than the other way around. then the flashbacks during her fight with ino make it explicit that sakura has wanted to become a skilled shinobi -- one who could match up to ino -- all along, but since that is not a socially acceptable goal from a girl, she instead declares them rivals over sasuke's heart. the boy is not important here (haha, it always sticks out to me that when she asks him out before the chunin exams, sakura is more bummed about sasuke's assessment of her skills than his rejection). she doesn't even think of sasuke while fighting ino, lol -- she grandstands about how only she can "get him," but that's for the purpose of riling up ino, so that there's no chance she'll go easy on sakura. sakura wants to know, definitively, that she can match up to ino. and she does.
in light of all of this, people often say sakura had "no reason" to like sasuke -- after all, i did spend the entire last paragraph establishing that sakura's pre-series crush on sasuke was an immature infatuation that had nothing to do with sasuke and everything to do with ino. but, again, team 7 spent months together on a team and sasuke and sakura became actual friends! he was a good teammate to both naruto and sakura, if a little rough around the edges. i don't think it's implausible for sakura to develop real feelings for sasuke during this time. and if that is not enough, if you need deeper, thematically fulfilling reasons -- well, i sort of object to that on principle. i think friendship, having fun with one another, being at ease around each other -- these are all perfectly good reasons to fall in love with someone. and you may say that naruto also fulfills this criteria, but if sakura was physically attracted to sasuke and not naruto -- well, i think that's fine too, and it certainly doesn't warrant any moral judgment. people say often that sakura should have ended up with lee or naruto -- the first of whom stated outright that he loved her because she was beautiful, and the latter who introduced her as a "pretty girl" -- but whether their feelings are shallow is not endlessly dissected. (it's not narusaku or leesaku i protest to here, just the double standard)
but for the record, i think kishimoto did write in enough for us to understand why sakura would fall for sasuke in particular. i discussed this in another post, but alongside ino, sasuke sparked the most significant character growth for sakura. he was the first to make her reevaluate her treatment of naruto (and by extension, her rose-tinted view of the world), he was the first (and only) of their teammates to express disappointment that she wasn't investing in her own skills, he figured out when she felt insecure and reminded her of the areas in which she was more proficient than the rest of the team. sakura's initial idealized view of sasuke does not endure for a number of reasons, one of which is that the real sasuke actually expects her to hold her own and sees potential in her. for sakura, whose main motivation as a character is to become stronger for her teammates, this must mean a great deal! we mostly lose track of this element of sasuke and sakura's dynamic in part 2, which is a shame, but when she cracks open the earth with only her fist, naruto and kakashi are utterly astonished, while sasuke just smiles -- like it is no surprise, like she's been capable of it all along -- so there is that, i guess.
(and for more on thematically fulfilling, see this post on what i think could have played out if sakura were not relegated to a side character in all but panel presence in part 2. but really, i find it so interesting that sasuke and sakura both repeatedly have a lot of trouble suppressing their compassion to do what is expected of them as shinobi. apart from sasuke, i think sakura is also the only character to express that human life has inherent value -- at least, she says something along those lines when she fights sasori.)
anyway, post-forest of death, sasuke version 1 has pretty much dissipated in sakura's mind -- the only place he ever existed -- and sakura's treatment of sasuke changes further. she stops intruding on his physical boundaries, stops flirting, stops asking him out -- she's there for him, but as a friend first. she hugs him in the hospital, but that's not necessarily a romantic gesture (she's physically affectionate by nature, which is why she ambushes naruto with a hug in the same manner at the end of the pain arc) and sasuke finds it comforting (signalled by many things, chief among which is that naruto leaves the room after observing sasuke's face). and yes, she confesses to being in love with him twice afterwards, years apart, but that is only because she is extremely stressed and panicked and wants him to stay for his own (and the second time around, add in naruto's) safety. her first confession is too centered on her own feelings, while the second is just woefully oblivious (through little fault of sakura's -- she doesn't know why sasuke is so intent on destroying the shinobi world), but neither of them come with the condition of sakura wanting sasuke to stay only so he can be with her. sakura wants sasuke to be safe! she wants him to be mentally sound! she lets him know that she cares about him!
i absolutely need to reiterate: at no point in part 2 does sakura display any sense of entitlement to sasuke. she always pleads with him to stay, rather than demanding anything of him. and even in the privacy of her own thoughts, sakura ponders bringing sasuke back in a few contexts: she wants sasuke to be okay, she is so sorry for burdening naruto, she needs to help naruto, and if sasuke comes back, they can all be a team again. romance does not even enter her mind. it is such a willfully egregious misread of the text to say that she only wanted sasuke back so they could be together.
moreover, it is honestly just nonsensical to me when people say sakura wanted sasuke as a prize, because it laughs in the face of her entire character arc and completely ignores why her pre-series crush existed at all. back then, sakura wanted sasuke as a status symbol. as of part 2, though, he is decidedly not what konoha's society would see as the ideal man. in the eyes of the state, he is a wanted criminal. sakura, meanwhile, is a student of the hokage, one of the most skilled medics in konoha at the ripe age of 16, and one of the most powerful shinobi of her generation (a feat achieved entirely through her own labour). she has stood next to her teammates in battle and helped take down a literal god. she does not need sasuke to feel fulfilled. nevertheless, she chooses, every day, to care about him, even though it would be infinitely easier not to. and if sakura wanted to haul around a status symbol in the form of a boyfriend, if only to bolster her already impressive profile (which she would not. that's the point!) -- naruto, konoha's new favourite traumatized teenager, is like. right there. but sakura loved naruto before he was proclaimed a hero by konoha, just like she continues to love sasuke even though he is very far from the coolest boy in their class.
my feelings on chapter 699 are... mixed, because the way things resolve for sasuke is just so sad, but what we see play out between him and sakura is: 1. sakura asks to come with him 2. sasuke is 100% comfortable saying no (how do the "sakura forced sasuke to be with her" truthers reconcile with that one, lol) 3. sakura appears mildly disappointed but like. she'll survive. that's it. then he thanks her, taps her on the forehead (but promises he'll see her soon, in an inversion of what that gesture meant from itachi), and we leave them in a pretty hopeful place, all things considered. there's room for reconciliation, for growth, for love. (and i don't want to hear about post-699 because i don't care. i don't consider it canon, and pretty much no one on tumblr does either, except to occasionally shit on ships they don't like)
this ended up being way too long, but i want to say: if you don't like sasusaku, that's your prerogative. i'm not here to change your mind. i certainly think they should have been written better in part 2 (but i'd argue that, like, 99% of those issues are just a natural consequence of sakura being continually sidelined by the narrative, rather than problems inherent to the relationship itself). regardless, i think too often people let their opinion of a ship impede character analysis. to claim that sakura relentlessly propositioned sasuke and that she saw him as a prize does such a huge disservice to how much she has grown and what she has accomplished over the course of the series.
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Hello! So for a character ask game (that you reblogged so I assume it’s okay that I ask) could you answer questions 2, 12, 17 and 25 about Halsin? 🐻
Thank you @obuoliukai so much for the ask!! ❤️ I always love these things so please never hesitate to ask! You can find the link to the ask game here.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
- I love that he is very vocal about his feelings in general, but specifically towards a romanced player. This man is absolutely in love with you and is never afraid to vocalize it. I love the greetings he gives a romanced player. “My heart soars just to look upon you.” “All of natures bounty pales next to you.” “Nature outdid itself with you.” And he always says it with a grin and goofy little heart eyes. And he says this followed by a quick pause before asking if you need something and I just assume it’s because he’s gotten lost gazing at you and forgot himself for a minute. This man is SMITTEN. This man is in LOVE. And I love that about him. I love that they gave the large, bulking man the ability to be so open and unabashedly proud of sharing his feelings about his partner to them. All too often male characters are depicted as being uncaring or aloof about love so the fact that they made this man be so casual about it fills me with so much joy.
12. What’s a headcanon that you have for this character?
- I like to think that Halsin secretly pines for the player after the tiefling party. Not when the player flirts at the party, but in the days following. Halsin is no stranger to casual sex, so you could have easily just tried to have a quick night together and then either carry on like normal or kind of toss him to the side because he’s already told you what the knows about the parasite. But I like to think that after he rejects you at the party and then sees that you continue to include him in the camp and in the journey that he starts to catch feelings. And it just progressively gets stronger as the story goes on and he has to struggle to keep it to himself.
- And I know that technically that sort of is canon considering the nature of his romance, but I mean just hardcore, hard to contain pining and longing. Staring at you on the sly while traveling the road, wanting to sit with you by the fire but not wanting to seem pushy given what he’s told you earlier, having thoughts of you keep him awake at night, dreaming of you when he finally does get sleep, feeling and possibly acting on the desire to pleasure himself alone while thinking of you. Longing to the point where it almost makes him stupid. Not enough to distract him from his duties, but enough to gnaw at his mind every day.
- And if you romance someone else or just a casual fling, he doesn’t feel jealousy because it’s not his nature, but just the desire to want to join. Join you alone or event with your partner, which again is canon, but having the “selfish” thoughts of wanting to spend at least one night with you and it’s just you and himself. So he can take a taste of just you even for one night.
- I love the line from him during his proposition scene when you’ve come back and said that you’ve broken up your relationship to be with him because your previous partner didn’t want to share (Gale, Wyll, etc.) and he says something along the lines of “I hate that it had to come at the heart break of another, but I want this. I want you.” Like you can’t tell me this man isn’t head over heels for you and hasn’t been thinking about you constantly for weeks.
- And for a headcanon that’s not rooted in canon, I absolutely think Halsin weaves his partners hair with his own in his little braids. I’ve posted about this before, but I’ll forever believe that.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
- Probably Shadowheart x Halsin. I don’t dislike it, but I also don’t actively think about it. Shadowheart in general isn’t my favorite character and I typically take a long time to get decent approval with her. Whereas Halsin is my favorite so I’d rather pair him with others that are higher on my list. But at the same time I do like the idea of the potential enemies to lovers thing they could have given she’s a current or potentially “recovering” Sharran and he has history with Shar worshippers. So im just indifferent towards it.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
- Not going to lie, Halsin was my least favorite companion before I actually started playing this game. I knew nothing of his personality and only knew he could turn into a bear and could potentially have sex with said bear. So, given that he’s so muscular, I just assumed they would make him the typical dumb jock character. Big, large, douche personality, (gender neutral) womanizer, someone who gets what he wants. Literally just a first impression based on his character model. So I wasn’t very interested.
- Now?? Oh my god now?? Favorite character. 12/10. I love him. I need this man in my actual life. I’m trying to convince other people who play this game to romance this man because he is so sweet and caring and a genuine gentle giant with his lover(s) and friends but also a power house in battle. I’ve posted about this before, but I’ve never been so wrong in my life about a character interpretation at first glance and I apologize for it.
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olivianott · 3 months
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Hello friends, I’m joining the @thatdammchickennugget and @finalgirllx ‘s Jinxed July challenge, because the prompts are so fun and I want to do so much more with it 😌.
And thank you to my bestie that told me about this 💋🖤😌🎀
✿ fluffy, suggestive, not for minors
✿ Panville, because it’s my comfort, I hope it’s alright
✿ The prompts: sunglasses, poolparty, “Can you handle the heat?”
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„I can’t believe you actually made me come here.“ Pansy huffs while she takes her bags out of the taxi's trunk.
“Oh, shut it Pandora. As if I could ever make you do something you didn’t want to. And let’s not pretend I am the reason for you being here.” Draco says in his pompous tone, with a stupid knowing smirk on his face.
She just rolls her eyes but stays quiet. No. She is over that delusional obsession.  
Since Draco and Hermione started working together in the ministry, and subsequently started dating each other, the two very different friend groups were not very willing to interact.
This “summer holiday trip” was supposed to change that apparently. We’ll see how that works.”
Draco invited everyone to one of his family's homes in the south of France. Prick. He knew how much she loved the region. Especially during the summer.
However, Pansy, being Pansy, complained a lot. She acted like she didn’t want to go, but her best friend obviously knew better. Draco was the only one in school who knew about her teenage obsession. Neville.
She was young, surrounded by darkness and cruelty, and he was the complete opposite. At least it looked like that to her. At first, she hated him for it, along with every other stupidly brave Gryffindor. But observing him every day, in class, the Great Hall, the corridors, it became an obsession. Unhealthy. Especially since he never even spared her a glance.
After the war, everything changed. She built even bigger and stronger walls around herself, and stayed at home, away from the judging, prying eyes, wanting to see her at her lowest. Just because of the world and society she was born into and was forced to grow up in and learn from, people viewed her as a villain, the bad guy, the selfish snake ready to betray anyone. If it wasn’t for Draco, maybe she would be exactly like that. He was the first and only one to realize how close to the edge she was and helped her. Made her go to the mind healer, forced her to go outside, reconnect with people again. She will be forever grateful to him for that.
Socializing with the “great brave lions” though? She could whack him on the head for that one.
She is a tiny bit curious about the Herbology professor. Yes, she researched a little bit about Neville, of course she wouldn’t come completely unprepared.
After putting their things away in their rooms, they are supposed to meet in the living room for the welcome drinks and introductions.
Pansy, absolutely not nervous at all, changed her outfit five times, before settling on a deep green, figure-hugging dress with a snake design traveling from her hip, up across her stomach and back, all the way to her shoulder. She is not gonna be hiding her Slytherin roots this week. Let them side eye her all they want.
As she exits her room, the door at the end of the hallway opens and Neville emerges from his room. FUCK.
He looks at her, eyes soft and expectant, until his eyes travel along her length, from head to toe. When his eyes meet hers again, they are hardened already.
“Hello.” She greets him with her head held high. She is not gonna get intimidated by his stare now. She is stronger than that. However, deep inside she felt giddy and vulnerable since she felt like this was the first time he even looked at her at all. She has to squash all those unwanted emotions down, to not make a fool out of herself.
With hard brown eyes staring at her, he only nods his head in greeting and walks around her to the stairs, leaving her rooted to the spot in front of her door.
With a few deep breaths, she convinces herself she doesn’t care about his opinion of her and goes to meet her friends downstairs.
When she enters the living room, everybody except Neville turns to look at her.
“So dramatic Pansy.” Draco says when he sees what she is wearing. Hermione is smiling over the drink in her hand while looking at Neville and then at her. The little prat told her.
After the first round of drinks instead of introductions, (they knew each other from school anyway, why make it even more awkward than it is?) Pansy went to the beach, her favorite part of this amazing mansion. The way the sun beaming down makes the water sparkle has always been her favorite view. She didn’t even mind going alone, no one else wanted to leave the air-conditioned safety of the house.
After a while of her lying on the beach, under the shade of a cliff and her favorite tree, she hears someone approaching.
Her eyes widen when she catches Neville walking to her. He is already wiping sweat off of his forehead as he stands over her. Merlin, he is tall. And big.
She lays on her lounger, content in her light blue daisy covered bikini, not acknowledging him at all.  
“Hey… Um, I didn’t know if you brought water with you. It’s dangerous not to drink in this heat.” He hands her a big glass filled with ice, water and lemon slices.
Pansy froze. Unbelieving. He was concerned about her?
“Oh. That’s … thank you.” She takes the cup from his hands. His hands. Her eyes catch on his veiny hands with thick fingers that she knows are more often then not working with soil in the Hogwarts greenhouses.
“Are you gonna drink, or…?” Neville raises an eyebrow at her and she finally tears her gaze away from his perfect hands.
She actually brought her own water bottle, so she doesn’t really need to drink, but.. well, he brought it for her and she is grateful and giddy again. She drinks while holding his gaze with her eyes over the top of the glass.
She sees how he looks at her lips and follows the drop of water that escaped from between her lips down her chin and in between her bikini-covered breasts. His cheeks start to look a little red.
He looks parched. Could he be…? Interesting. It gives her a bit of a boost in confidence. Not that she is shy normally anyway.
She offers him the cup with the remaining water. “You look like you could do with a cold drink also. You look parched and… very hot.” She says with a little smirk on her face.
He takes the drink from her and goes even more red in the face. But surprisingly, it doesn’t seem to faze him that much. Interesting. He drinks from the same cup while looking into her eyes intently.
“How can you handle this heat? I’m dying over here.” Neville asks and the staring contest ends.
“I love it when it’s hot. I’m a snake after all, haven’t you heard?” She smirks at him and watches for his reaction similar to the one in the hallway earlier that day.
But this time he just smiles. “Yeah, I’ve heard.” With that he grabs the bottom of his brown T-shirt and in one mesmerizing motion he takes it off over his head.
Pansy just sits there with her mouth open and thankful for the sunglasses she has on her wandering eyes. They travel along his chest, decorated with the perfect amount of hair, down over his stomach, no washboard abs in sight, but he looks manly, strong and bulky. Following the trail of hair on his lower stomach that disappears in his green swim trunks, she is interrupted by Neville clearing his throat. FUCK. Maybe the sunglasses were not enough to cover her reaction to his naked upper half.
He tosses his t-shirt onto the sand and takes off to the water, the sight of his broad back making her mouth dry.  
In her same favorite bikini, and beach cover up tied at her hip, she is sitting in a pool chair drinking her sweet pink concoction and looking at all the people having fun at their little pool party that night. Draco is the one coming to her as always.
“Why are you sulking, now?” He asks in his usual tone, but Pansy knows he means well.
“I’m not sulking.” Pansy retorts but looks into her drink again.
“Ok, you’re coming to dance with me. Right now.” With that he takes the drink from her to put it on the nearby table, drags her over to the pool deck, and starts dancing, twirling her around like she is five years old. Tall bastard.
She hates to admit it, but in a few minutes, she is having fun. And everyone around her is having fun also.
Suddenly Draco senses Hermione near him and turns over to grab her waist and pull her against him. Completely forgetting about Pansy. Asshole.
She takes one second to think about what to do next, go sulk into my drink or try to have fun by myself as a big girl that I am?
But she doesn’t have to decide. Strong arms circle her waist from behind and she stumbles into a hard chest.
Neville leans over and whispers into her ear. “I hope you are not going back to your chair. We are supposed to have fun on this trip and get to know each other.”
Her body shivers and of course he notices. “Are you cold?” He asks seriously. She can’t believe he doesn’t know what his whispering and his hands on her body are doing to her. Maybe it’s time to show him.
“No. But now I have to ask you. Can you handle the heat?” with that she starts swaying her hips against him. The music is very sensual and she uses it. She reaches up behind his neck and leans her head back against his shoulder, still pushing her ass into him. Before she closes her eyes she can see him watching her body move intently.
He speaks then, quiet but determined: “I can handle everything you give me, don’t worry Little flower.”
At the nickname she gets very emotional. That’s what she desperately needs in her life. Someone to care for her like he cares for his plants. Give her all the right care and nutrition for her to grow more and live her life finally. Not just survive on the minimum.
Her emotional meltdown is interrupted when she feels his hands on her hips. And it awakens different emotions in her.
His voice rumbles as he talks into her neck. “This little bikini almost killed me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I saw you in that skin tight snake dress in the hallway, but this? Daisies just became my favorite flower. Also, “ he traces his finger from her shoulder all the way down to her wrist, “did you know, daisies usually symbolize innocence?”
Pansy’s breath catches in her throat when he turns her around and snakes his hands behind her back.
Pansy smiles devilishly “Well I made a mistake choosing the flower then.” With that, she fists her hand in his soft short curls and crashes her lips on his. She doesn’t mind their friends seeing them kiss, she doesn’t care at all to be honest.
After the initial shock of her lips on his, he kisses her back. And he is not gentle. While he explores her mouth with his tongue, his hand goes to the back of her neck, the other one sliding down to her hip, his fingers playing dangerously with the exposed strings of her bikini. That, with his deep growl against her mouth when she tugged on his hair instantly made her pussy wet.
He was the first to break the kiss after almost passing out without the oxygen.
Looking down at her perked nipples visible in between the innocent daisies: “I guess doing this while still in our swimming suits was not a smart move.” He says breathlessly while holding her close to his body and letting her feel what the encounter did to him.
Pansy smiles up at him and without a word takes his hand and makes him follow her inside.
They don’t look at anyone, so they don’t see Hermione with a knowing and satisfied smirk on her face. 
“Congratulations darling, looks like your scheme worked perfectly.” Draco whispers into Hermione’s ear.
Hermione just smiles at him and says “Oh, but the trip wasn’t my idea. Certain professor basically bullied me into making it happen.”
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Hope you liked it guys 🖤
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Under the Tree
Finally my contribution for @thefreakandthehair spicy six winter challenge. This was a lot of fun, my prompt was “Um, I got you something.” / “You got me something?” Hope you enjoy!
The first Christmas after the defeat of Vecna was an important one. It was the first Christmas that they didn’t have to worry about seeing flickering lights or brandishing weapons. The kids could be kids, and the adults could be too.
Steve Harrington could count on one hand the number of good Christmas’ he could remember. He assumed that the Christmas’ before he was 5 were adequate enough, but, the year he turned 5 he remembers his mother baking gingerbread with him and his dad playing basketball with him out on the driveway Christmas morning. They never would again. When he was 19, he spent Christmas with the Buckley’s. It was a warm Christmas filled with love and laughter; one he’ll treasure forever. This year, age 20, Steve hopes to add another good Christmas to his collection.
Joyce insisted on hosting, and no one was going to tell her no. After all, the Hopper-Byers now lived in a beautiful house just on the edge of the woods, you could bike to Hopper’s old cabin which had now been turned into a sort of club house for the kids, Hellfire was regularly held there now that Eddie had graduated. Steve had spent all of November getting gifts for his family, not his parents, he hadn’t heard from them since they sold the house and moved to Washington after the earthquake. No, his real family, he spent weeks making sure everyone got the perfect gift. He had had to hide Robin’s gift at Dustin’s now that he shared an apartment with her and was quite the snoop, not that Steve minded, he liked how intertwined their lives were. He had thought of hiding it at Nancy’s new place, but she had become less tight-lipped about secrets since her and Robin had gotten together.
That was another new thing, Robin and Nancy, the two who fell together so perfectly after everything that happened. Steve was the least surprised, when they told him he’d claimed it made sense due to him having great taste in women, they knew he was joking. Steve knew because he could see how well the two of the complimented each other. Nancy was patient and happy to listen and let Robin work through a problem by rambling. Robin was supportive but tough when it came to both Nancy’s goals but also her health. They had both taken gap years to revaluate their goals and desires while also taking a well-deserved break. The future could wait another year for them to have time to heal hidden wounds.
Steve was glad there was no bad blood between them and Jonathan, they’d all repaired their relationships over the years, figuring out platonic and romantic loves and wants, Steve could call Jonathan his brother (he was suspicious that Joyce had filled out adoption papers somewhere) and let old demons lie. With Jonathan had come Argyle, someone Steve didn’t know how the party went so long without. Argyle was a steadying presence, reminding them that they’re not defined by what happened to them and telling deep truths, usually high but the fact still stood. Steve was glad the two of them had each other, he could see years of emotional weight be lifted off Jon’s shoulders whenever Argyle was around.
Even the kids had matured, and not just in the way that trauma matures someone. Steve could see them let go of childish desires like the first love romance between Mike and El that grew into more a relationship like Steve and Nancy, stronger as friends. Dustin still called Suzie every weekend but Steve knew they both had a good head on their shoulders, he liked to think any kid that came from them would probably solve all the world’s problems in a day. Lucas and Max had worked so much on their communication, understanding each other’s needs now more than ever.
Maybe it’s why Steve had spent so long making sure they all had the perfect gift. A small part of Steve that still held doubt, a grain of doubt so rooted inside of him from childhood that it may never leave. The part of him that worried about being forgotten and left behind, the part of him that drove him to always be useful. He’d gotten high with Eddie in the first week of December and poured his heart out to him about it, Eddie hadn’t said anything in reply, he hadn’t needed to, Steve could see in his eyes they shared the same fears.
Eddie’s gift had been the most important, for reasons Steve could only confront in the safety of his own apartment, huddled under blankets with Robin late at night. Reasons that simultaneously made him feel whole and completely exposed. In the end the gift had been a mixtape, a perfect blend of their music tastes woven together with Steve telling Eddie about how the songs make him feel, about life, about Eddie, ending with his final confession. Steve hopes he doesn’t hear it until he gets home.
The party is in full swing, it had snowed the night before leaving plenty of soft snow to play in, distracting the kids from asking about presents until after dinner. They had all gathered around the tree, slowly but surely passing out gifts. Hugs and thanks were shared amongst the group, Steve felt his heart fill with warmth with every piece of gratitude or handmade card sent his way. Eddie’s eyes had twinkled when he’d read the tape’s description as being “Eddie’s Mix”, a promise for later dancing across his features. Paper picked up and clothes changed, the kids had settled in front of the television with mattress’ pulled from every room. Joyce and Hopper had retired with promises of making breakfast in the morning. The remaining two couples had either joined the kids or disappeared for their own festive celebration, leaving only Eddie and Steve finishing the dishes in the kitchen.
“So, a mix tape, Stevie? Do I have to worry about an hour long “Last Christmas” brainwashing?”
Steve had laughed putting away the last plate, Eddie had come over to help wrap presents and Steve’s record had gotten caught on the same track, they both nearly lost their minds.
“I can’t promise no Wham! but I think Last Christmas has had enough of a turn this year, Eds.”
Eddie smiled and took the edge of Steve’s sweater in his hands, grabbing a blanket and leading Steve out onto the porch. The two boys sat in the cold, huddled together under the blanket, listening to the quiet of the woods. The quiet brought them so much peace, no calls for help, no creatures to go bump in the night, just them and their heartbeats.
“Um, I got you something.”
“You got me something?” 
Eddie chuckled, “Of course I did, sweetheart, just didn’t want to put it with the rest of the gifts, didn’t think it would fit.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at this, “What is it?”
Eddie looked nervous now, slowly he pulled off one of his rings, it was one of the simpler ones. Steve always thought it stood out against the skulls and horror of the others. A small black stone set in silver, vines slicing through the metal. Eddie took Steve’s hand and slid the ring onto his finger.
“You always play with this one when you’re upset about something, figured it’d be better if you had it even when I wasn’t around.”
Steve felt seen, Eddie had comforted him through a lot after March, offering words and touch and even his ring to make Steve feel better.
“Eddie. Thank you.”
“Of course, Stevie.”
“But wait, how couldn’t this fit under the tree?”
“Well, there’s a second part to it, if you want it.”
Steve had missed many things in his life, but he didn’t miss the question in Eddie’s eyes.
“I’d really like the rest of my gift, Eddie.”
Eddie leant in slowly, still giving Steve the opportunity to move away, to say no, to leave Eddie behind. Steve didn’t though, he was never going to leave Eddie behind, would never forget him. Their lips touched, cold from the night air, and it felt like the final puzzle slotting into place. Eventually, they pulled away, just enough to catch their breath, foreheads still touching.
“Yeah, you would’ve looked weird with a bow on your head under the tree.”
“Maybe next year I’ll do it just for you.”
Steve smiled, he couldn’t wait for next year, and every year after that he got to spend with Eddie.
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bthump · 3 months
I truly do not understand if we are meant to consider Casca and Guts as a romantic option. There are moments that are written in a way implying it, while other times Guts' behavior is dogshit. Even with the choking scene, he starts wondering if he truly wanted to do that I'm just. in disbelief lol. Does he resent her? I could see him feeling 'burdened' but atp he wanted to save her for his own gain and has shown violent tendencies so many times. And then we see Casca tearfully smiling while thinking of Guts when she comes back, as if nothing bad was done to her. I wonder wtf Miura intended with all this. His inner violence always linked to Griffith being a monster, but I do not understand why Guts would want to use Casca to reach him that way, even if he still wants his attention and love.
I mean yeah, one of the big reasons I dislike Guts/Casca is that it's written as a fucked up nightmare trainwreck but arguably not framed that way, and that really puts me off. Miura was clearly aware of many of the negative aspects of their relationship and wrote that darkness deliberately - I mean the fact that Casca is scared of Guts and now can't even look at him is pretty pointed - buuut it's still written as if we're meant to sympathize with Guts and want him and Casca to get back together despite that. Their relationship is written as one of the emotional hooks that propels the story. Casca may be scared of him, ruining their reunion, but it reads like we're meant to be disappointed by that the way Guts is and hope he can regain her trust, rather than eg wanting Casca to leave him and do her own thing.
Anyway as for Guts' motivation wrt his shittiness towards her on a character level, yeah I think he resents her. Both the responsibility of taking care of her, distracting him from his revenge quest (which he has mixed feelings on, because he knows revenge is bad for him, but he also really wants to stick a sword in Griffith regardless), and the fact that she's "just a husk" of her former self. And probably post-Elfhelm, the fact that she can't look at him, making him feel guilty and aimless, like the fix Casca quest was all for nothing.
And the way he attacks her to feel closer to Griffith is pretty badly written imo, but in theory I think it works on a thematic level. His obsession with Griffith, even post-Eclipse, boils down to wanting to be his equal. After Promrose Hall he was determined to find his own dream to be Griffith's equal and best friend forever, and after the Eclipse he's still pursuing that dream of fighting stronger and stronger enemies (monsters) and becoming the best to be Griffith's equal (note the flashback to Griffith's Promrose speech during Guts' war declaration in chapter 91, plus this.)
And the inevitable end goal of that dream is becoming a monster himself.
So to me it makes sense that the idea of becoming a monster just like Griffith is framed as a temptation.
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And it manifests in Guts assaulting Casca in a direct visual parallel to the Eclipse rape.
Raping Casca would make Guts a monster just like Femto, which is something Guts subconsciously wants, because it would be another step on the road to becoming his equal.
You can even take it a step further and make a case that Guts wanting to get together with Casca in the first place is rooted in his desire to be Griffith's equal.
(Which, now that I think about it, works with the fix Casca sidequest culminating in both Casca being unable to get back together with Guts AND Griffith being untouchable, sending Guts into a breakdown. Hmm...)
So yeah, I think those are all my thoughts on the subject. Thanks for the ask!
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