#roomfriend conversations
fraddit · 7 years
New Girl Pandora Stations
I don’t know if anyone else remembers these, but I happened to still have them saved.  So I figured I’d share.  Back in like 2012, probably, Fox did a promotional thing with Pandora and made stations for each character.
Jess Nick Winston Cece Schmidt
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My favorite Ness kiss is at the end of Elaine's Big Day just because it's that patented Ness mix in between goofy and passionate, also that song in the background gives me all of the feels. So what is your favorite holiday tradition? -🎅
yo the part in that kiss where she’s giggling gives me LIFE. i love that kiss so much. that song is so good too. it’s so hard for me to pick favorites of things especially nick and jess things.
my favorite holiday tradition is after christmas dinner and dessert, when it’s like 9pm and the parents/aunts/uncles are going home, me and my cousins make toast and talk about the day’s events and usually play a board game. what about you? (and everyone else!)
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So it just hit me the other day that we’ll never have another Thanksgiving episode... This should not have been as shocking to me as it was, we’ve known NG wasn’t coming back until 2018 for awhile now. Besides, last season’s episode was literally called The Last Thanksgiving. Anyways it made me hella sad. 
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zobinclarke · 7 years
What is your favourite Nick and Jess moment and why? Go into as much depth as humanly possible.
The end of ‘Virgins’, ‘cause they bone.
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zooeyslaychanell · 7 years
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When you watch NG together over text. HAHAHAAHAH. @callmelauramiller Excuse our French but ya'll can relate, I KNOW you guys can lololol.
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cottoncandypancake · 7 years
Changed my name from bornatmidnight to itsjessnight (same as my twitter) just so nobody gets confused lol
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Do you think Nick and Jess will kiss in Season 6?
Follow up question: If yes, who initiates it? 
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kyn19 · 4 years
1 through 70, thanks.
Haha tall order, but I got you! All answers under the cut, to spare people’s dashes lmao
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes, my mom and I are close friends.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
I’ve said it to several of my friends today lol including @backwardswriter and @annamholla
03: Do you regret anything?
Pfft of course. I have nightly mental flashcards of my missteps forcibly played in my mind #anxiety
04: Are you insecure?
you betcha
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
Ideally frozen, so that nothing oozes or rots
07: What did you last eat?
Does coffee count?
08: Played any sports?
I played soccer for the first half of my life, but both my body and I are extremely unathletic lmao
09: Do you bite your nails?
Unfortunately yes
10: When was your last physical fight?
Any time I spend time with my brother
11: Do you like someone?
I assume this means romantically, so that’s a hard no. #aromantic
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
bahahaha hell yea. I think the longest I’ve gone without sleep is 3 days straight?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Oh definitely, so so sooooo many people. Have you seen that orange Jabba that claims to lead my country? #NotMyPresident
14: Do you miss someone?
Some friends and many dogs.
15: Have any pets?
Yes, I have a fur-daughter that lives with my grandparents :3
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Hungry lol
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Yeah, but honestly I try not to bc I’m really germophobic
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Deathly :(
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Oh hells yeah. Ya girl wanna be a pirate!!!
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
That person’s apartment
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Berry picking!!!! (weather permitting)
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Fuck no 
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Yes, I have standard ear piercings and (sadly now closed, but intending to get repierced) both nipples.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
My best subjects in grade school were English and Art. In college, probably my craft classes (I was a Writing major).
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
No, they’re in the past for a reason.
26: What are you craving right now?
Jamaican jerk chicken
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Lol yeah
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Yes, but I feel like the phrasing of this question insinuates that I made them cry because of something mean or wrong that I did, which was not the case.
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Racists ofc
31: Does somebody love you?
Yes I am very loved by my family & friends! (again, no romo)
32: What is your favourite color?
Black, followed closely by pink
33: Do you have trust issues?
lmao def
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I don’t remember my dream from last night, but the night before had lots of car chases in it
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My grandma. We both angry-cried after 1.5 hrs of trying to educate my grandfather about racial discrimination in America. It was like talking to a brick wall of ego and privilege.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
Yes, but with time I usually take it back.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
ooooo that’s a good and tough question. I think it’s easier to forgive. That being said, I would not say that I’m a forgiving person. Nor do I think it should be doled out easily, but I know forgiveness is a deeply personal matter. My whole philosophy on it is “even if you forgive, never forget.”
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
lmao not by a long shot. 2020 is wild bro
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
If we’re including VERY first kiss, even like as a little kid, then 4. If we’re talking like post-puberty, then 14.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
No, I do not like being nude.
51: Favourite food?
Horrible question. I don’t trust anyone who has a definitive answer to this. That being said, whenever people ask me, I just say cake or bread to make conversation easier.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
No, not really. I think a lot of things do, but definitely not everything or even most things.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Watched Eleanor Neale videos on YouTube (everyone should check her out if you like true crime; I’m obsessed with her, she’s been my nightly ritual for like a month now) #EleanorNeale
54: Is cheating ever okay?
(Again I’m assuming this is meant about romantic relationships) Unpopular opinion: I think revenge cheating is okay. Like, if your partner cheats on you, then I think you’re totally justified to cheat on them back. Outside of that, absolutely not.
55: Are you mean?
Ha honestly yeah. Like 50% of the time I am sweet as pie [insert gif of John Mulaney quote “You could spill hot soup on me and I’d probably apologize to you”], but the other 50% is just utterly Bitch
56: How many people have you fist fought?
I’ve slapped a few people and I regularly beat up my brother, but I’ve never been in a legit fistfight
57: Do you believe in true love?
lmao no
58: Favourite weather?
Just picture any Autumn day and you got it
59: Do you like the snow?
Yes! Very beautiful and honestly should be the only reason it’s that fuckin cold outside
60: Do you wanna get married?
As many of my friends know, I would marry any of them in a heartbeat for the tax benefits, the wedding, or other legal rule bending. But again, never in a romantic sense bc #aro
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
No I do not like it. “Babe” is great but never “baby” or worse “babygirl” 
62: What makes you happy?
Dog kisses, fresh food, media, my bffs, the pitter-patter of rain, justice, three margaritas into an evening, lots of stuff
63: Would you change your name?
Oh hells yeah. I love my name, but identity changes gets my motor running
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
No lol she hot
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Run screaming for the hills and have a funeral for our friendship
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Totes :)
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
My grandfather. Again, more brick-wall talks.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Either my mom or my roomfriend @backwardswriter!
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
Very yes (not necessarily romantic again; I think souls can be magnetized for all sorts of connections)
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Oh totes. I’m pretty much ready to throw myself on the pyre at any time lmaoo
Thanks for asks, this was fun!!
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mrstarkkk · 6 years
i was originally going to make an animation but that shit takes forever (but be on the lookout if you’re interested in my personal life since i’m incorporating ng in my demo reel lol). this post will do for now until the season finale. i just wanted to come on here and say a few things. i know it’s been ages but i still think about everyone i’ve met through this show. i’m so so so grateful for the friendships i’ve made and still laugh about those good ol days when the group-chat was just beginning and we were all lacking sleep. i still have dozens and dozens of screenshots of the most ridiculous conversations i’ve ever had in my twenty one years of living as well as the prettiest faces ( @zooeyslaychanell's wonderful snapchats). now you know me, i'm not tryna be all emotional and make this deep af but i'm truly thankful for this show and everything it has taught me and shown me about friendship and more. hell, i met the love of my life through this damn show and group chat, can you even believe that? that's max level cheesy and cringey but 100% true. just a thousand times thank you to you all. we've said what we've said to the creators, cast and crew but the most important thanks and appreciation is to all of you- my fellow roomfriends- packed with the gif talent, graphics, fanvideos, fanfiction, literally everything. i couldn’t talk about this show with anyone in real life because theyre all boring jk but truly they lack the knowledge when it comes to fandoms lol. so thank you thank you thank you! i should really be more active on here but you can always find me on twitter so there’s that. i hope everyone enjoyed/will enjoy the season premiere. gonna go re-watch it so i can memorize every single detail because it’s the last season premiere ever wow
also the ng theme song cover is from here. it’s so cute.
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fraddit · 7 years
Hey Roomfriends!
Does anyone know, off the top of their head, any scenes where Nick and Jess shake hands?
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So I hear you're all about that Ness, what would you like to see from them? -🎅
hello! i hope you are having a nice day, santa! honestly, i just love everything about them. i like nick and jess first and foremost HAPPY, but i love ness antics, like in pepperwood. truly, i like all the antics of the loft crew in general. and the will-they-wont-they nature of the ness relationship when they are leaning toward the side of “oh yeah they will”, like early days, rather than the s5-6 “WHAT IF THEY WON’T”. i just love their love??
i don’t know what you have in mind, but i will guarantee you that i will literally love it. also, especially if it’s a visual, it’s all about the hands 🖐🏼 😍
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youcantmakeme · 4 years
hey, maybe controversial opinion but i think nick&jess's breakup in mars landing made complete sense to me. They *were* sorta living on different planets. Afterwards, by the end, Nick had finally gotten more mature, so it made more sense. I can't think of any good reasons in favor of their relationship at that point.
Hey there :)
You know, I’ve been rewatching it with my husband and for the first time I got an opinion about it from someone who is not a fan of the show, just a casual viewer and we got a pretty interesting conversation about it.
When Nick and Jess got together I always knew the writers would break them up at some point. I was ready for that. And yeah, I agree. At that point they were both in different places in life and wanting different things.
But my issue is with the way that it was done. It didn’t feel back then, and still doesn’t feel organic to me. It’s not like they were noticing the issues they had day by day and then something happened and they realized it was better to be apart - like it usually happens in those situations.
They went from being the “power couple” one episode before, to taking care of each other while drunk to simply “I miss my friend lets break up”. What???
As for Nick...I wish I could feel like he was more mature. That was my hope at least...to see them both changing and growing to get to the point where they could be together again. But Nick literally had the worst break up in all seasons with Reagan. He knew he didn’t want to be with her anymore, and yet he said he would go to San Diego and just left her on that train??? And then hid in his bedroom when she got back? WHO DOES THAT???
At the end Nick and Jess breaking up just felt like the writers were tired of them as a couple, did whatever they felt like it and just made Nick a completely different character, from the grumpy guy in s1 to the dumb guy in s6. And Jess went from being the independent woman from s1 to a woman who chased a guy in a carwash in s5. And they were just back together at the end as a fan service.
Sigh...listen, I love them and they are my #1 OTP. But the plot has so many issues I can’t even defend them.
But thanks for your ask. I miss having theses conversations :D
Have a nice week!
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zooeyslaychanell · 8 years
New Girl Season 7 Mission
Thanks @msachsen for this great idea! 👏🏼✨ Ok, so we’re a couple of hardcore NG/ Ness fans who just came up with an idea on how to get FOX to renew the show. But we need help from you and your followers to spread the word! Here’s what we’ll do: Starting tomorrow Tuesday (which also is Valentine’s Day), and until this Thursday, you’ll tweet one of the following lines per day (or come up with your own), using the unique hashtag #reNewGirl: 1. The world needs love, laughter and HappiNess: a season 7 of New Girl. So #reNewGirl @FoxTV! 2. The world needs more laughter, and season 7 of New Girl! So #reNewGirl @FoxTV! 3. More HappiNess to the people! More New Girl to the people! So #reNewGirl @FoxTV! IMPORTANT NOTE: remember to only tag FOX on this tweet, and not Liz or any of the cast members- they can't do anything about it anyway and they might get annoyed instead. If you don’t have a Twitter account, put it on your Tumblr blog, or comment on New Girl’s official Instagram or Facebook posts. Also, retweet all the related tweets you get in your news flow. Hope you want to join the renew New Girl movement!
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hynohtz · 7 years
Okay ffffffffine. I was tagged by a couple of Roomfriends to complete one and I feel nothing but incredibly loved right now. I don't usually do these things but - this has been a fun one to get to know my buddies with so WHY NOT?! Honestly, this is not hard bc .... well, I'm weird. Bwahahaah!! I'm also not shy, especially when it comes to difficult conversations of confrontation. Buckle your seat belts. I'll try not to make it hardcore but all things are what make us , us , right?? I have enjoyed getting to know the fandom and feel like sharing, if it's with the right intentions, can only ever do good. Right? We'll see... Yeesh 😬 1) I'm a proud Lefty. It's cool functioning on the right side of our brains, in creativity and problem solving. It's not cool however when you have to dine at a large table or try to cut ... well, anything with a pair of scissors. I had a permanent pencil/ pen stain on my side palm for my entire school life. lol I assure you I am not from the devil. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard and I'm not particularly kind to those who have changed their children from left to right for these reasons. You'd be surprised how many, and how many ppl are AMAZED that you're a lefty. I swear it's about the equivalent of telling them you were a virgin. The wide eyes and gaps .. lol 2) I was an opera major in my undergrad. I say that as if I went on to get more degrees but I didn't hahaahaha. ( wait I can't stop laughing ) ..... Yes. I hold a Bachelors of Music in Vocal performance from Peabody Conservatory of Music of Johns Hopkins University @tuxedos-are-not-suits yup. No, I don't do it now. Funny thing about opera... you kind of have to like the city or traveling and if ur in just the chorus, it doesn't pay the bills. Insurance is also with the Union ... hrumph. I sing where I can, weddings, funerals, stage, and hold the occasional theater podcast or YouTube lessons (bwahaha, Roomfriends.) 3) I can't dive. I never learned. I found out the hard way had an eighth grade pool party with all the cool kids in my new hot two piece bikini, that placing both hands on your head in the manner of a shark fin and squatting to only then fall in the water ... is not diving. Feet first. Always. 4) I got to be the "surprise" witness in court to a man who was a notorious date-raper around campus and was counter suing his own victim for defamation of character. You should've seen the asshole's face when I showed up that day. Proud to tell the whole court and judge that I would've been one of his victims if I hadn't gotten away from him and called the campus shuttle to pick me up. I said "your honor, there is no counter sue needed as I was happy to tell everyone male and female months before this poor victim that he was dangerous, possibly mental, and to stay away from him." God that was an awesome day. I didn't tell my parents till 5 years later , for fear that my father would hunt him down and kill him 😂 5) I can talk through my nose. I don't think it's amazing but apparently everyone and their mother at a party does... lol I can say the ABCs and sing with my mouth closed. It's my stupid human trick. People love that shit for some reason... 6) I once lived with 3 guys in an apartment just like Jess. They weren't as cute , ( nor was I ) and ruined my furniture and left dishes rotting in the sink, ....but I look back on that experience and smile for the couple of mos it was a reality. Guys will do anything to protect and support the chick they live with. It's almost like a brother/sister thing. Maybe that is where my love for 4D comes from? 7) one night "my boys" went out drinking and left me at home alone. A man got into our apartment and then into my bedroom. He fired a gun behind my head to scare me and tied me up. He didn't hurt me but said he would if I screamed again. He took all my family heirloom jewelry ... and my trust in strangers. He made me lay on the bed on my stomach and left me to ransack the apartment. I made the decision to go over to my bedroom door close it and lock it in hopes that maybe if he came back to get me ...he would give up. The plastic phone that was on my bed was easy to get off the hook and I dialed 911 with my tongue. I subconsciously continued to recite the Lord's Prayer , even though I was not "saved" at the time. By the time the police had gotten there in about six of the longest minutes of my life, he was gone. The sound of the police radio was like heaven's choir singing to me. They then untied me and I dropped to my knees crying and the woman policeman told me to my face "we expected to find you dead." It's not pretty, and it took while to get over... but it makes me, me. 8) my two front teeth are veneers. yes. fake. I was born with the "Madonna" gap my mama had as well and I hated it. Almost every day I would try to place my white gum behind my two front teeth so I can make it look like they were too large teeth that went together seamlessly. When I was 15 and my mom was 40 something, we both got veneers, together. I will not disclose how many times I have cracked or chipped them, and on what foods. Let's just say I have the "teeth falling out dreams" all the time, and I don't have a great time in black lighted bars and clubs 😬 9) I was in an abusive marriage before I was reunited with my wonderful hubby. I didn't listen to the warning signs or tell myself the truth and went ahead with it, even though the first time he laid hands on me was 3 mos before the wedding. I was in a loveless and disrespectful marriage for 1.5 yrs. At the third time ( too many) I grabbed the dog and got the hell outta dodge ( or GA ). I keep some of the photos in a box in my closet, so I can tell my daughter about what every woman deserves and that we should always be honest with ourselves. She will always know and understand the true reasons you marry someone. Life isn't perfect, but it's makes me, me. 10) I say "reunited with my hubby" because kids, the fact is, my husband dated my best friend in college. I always thought he was the cutest and funniest and most caring boyfriend that she had ever dated, and when she broke his heart I thought she was friggin nuts. But God has a bigger plan. Nikki's suite mate in college asked her the first day why she had a picture of "Molly" on her desk and she said that's my best friend and the suitemate replied my mom works for her moms preschool. We were friends together for a long time. Fast forward to 10 years later when Nikki has 3 kids, Steph has two and I'm divorced and crying myself to sleep in the bathtub because all of my guy friends are married or short and bald, ....and my future hubbys mom moves ACROSS THE STREET from said Suitemate. She called me. I sped over and ... history was made. He's just as adorable today as he was when we were 19, and I adore him every day. We have two beautiful children ( a boy 3 and a girl 7 ) who are my world, and I thank God every day that fate revealed itself to me. 11) I was/AM a fierce daddy's girl. My father passed away when I was eight and a half months pregnant with my son. He had been sick with stage 4 lung cancer for 6 mos and in and out of the ICU. I watched him die on 9/29 and it was the most difficult and most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life. I was able to tell him everything I loved about him and that I will miss him every day of my life. It's been 3 years and I still cry almost once a day. My son is named after him and I will take great pride in teaching him about the man that never got to hold him. I occasionally see him in dreams... but let's be honest, it's never enough. Hug your daddies if u have them on earth still... for me, pls. If you see me preaching about the dangers of smoking, get mad. I don't care. No one else needs to die this way. Especially not those I love. F it. Shit. That's all? I could go on and on ... lol mmkay 11 random facts. Done. Please still be my friend, k? I hope instead of tagging everyone again, some followers will just do it... yasssss do it. You know u want to, and you know you can't be as fucked up as me, right?!? so just go for it!!! Hahaaha PS I love my Roomfriends Love and Life, Molls
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Ok Roomfriends, My OCD/organizational side is coming out.  I’m trying to map out the rest of the season but I need help because I’m sure I’m missing some information so please help me fill it in with what we know.  I believe I read somewhere that there are going to be 19 episodes this season, and that the finale will air on April 4.  If these air dates are correct, then there is going to be a hiatus most likely between ep 17 and ep 18.  Can anyone confirm or deny these details, as well as any other additional info, such as which episodes Megan Fox is expected to be in?  Thank you!
6x15 Glue
Air date: February 7
When Nick freaks out after Reagan lands him a book signing, Jess scrambles to boost his confidence and help it go smoothly. Meanwhile, Winston reveals to Schmidt and Cece that he’s proposing to Aly, but needs their help to execute the big plan
Guest stars include Megan Fox and Nasim Pedrad
6x16 Operation Bobcat
Air date: February 14
On Valentine’s Day, Jess tries to convince the gang that she is perfectly content being single. Meanwhile, Schmidt competes for a big promotion and Winston’s proposal plans to Aly are expedited
Guest stars include Megan Fox, Nasim Pedrad, and Gordon Ramsay
6x17 Rumspringa
Air date: February 21
When Jess gets nervous about starting her new position as principal, Nick and Schmidt decide to take her on a relaxing day trip to Solvang, which quickly goes “sideways.” Meanwhile, with Cece’s help, Winston tries to finalize his divorce from Rhonda, but finds that he and Aly are caught in a series of never-ending pranks.
Guest stars include Nasim Pedrad
6x18 Young Adult
6x19 Five Stars for Beezus
Air date: April 4?
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New Girl Positivity Post #3 - Season 6 Finale
For those of you out of the loop, basically:
Someone posted the cover of the script for New Girl 6x20 on Instagram.
Jake and the director of 6x19 said that 6x19 would be the finale though.
Apparently Megan Fox’s parking spot is still reserved, or something, or someone with super good eyes saw her name under the script cover. I don’t remember, shut up. But either way she is going to be in 6x20.
I know a lot of us are confuzzled about this, so let’s all just calm down.
It’s probably just the production order, dudes. Liz wrote 6x19, Sadie’s in it, Reagan is not. Also, 6x20 could be aired before 6x19 therefore making the latter still the season finale.
Liz hasn’t gotten sole writing credit for an episode since Season 3. I don’t think she’s going to relinquish that record on a random episode.
Nick and Jess are definitely going to end up together regardless of whether Reagan is there. It’s a given. This is what this season has been working towards. Reagan is not getting in the way. She might not even be there romantically.
We get more episodes! You know what that means. I don’t know what I’m insinuating here, but the point is that we get more time with the loft people.
All we can do is wait and see. Freaking out achieves nothing here. Let’s just go with the flow, man. I have faith in the writers, and even if you don’t, the alternative just takes so much more energy. Let’s be cops ahem lazy oh wait no Let’s just be chill, roomfriends. We’ll always have each other and that’s what matters :)
At the very least 6x19 sounds like a hella cool episode and we should all look forward to it in the meantime.
This was inspired by a conversation with @jmort124 wherein we were talking about everyone freaking out, and she said ‘how tf are you so positive’.
“How tf are you so positive”
- @jmort124
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