#roofing manufacturers canada
barrierboss · 7 days
Leading Fence, Siding, Roofing Manufacturers in Canada
Looking for reliable fence manufacturers in Canada? Barrierboss Fencing Ltd. has you covered! Specializing in metal fences, hog fences, siding, roofing, vinyl, and building materials, we deliver durable products designed to withstand Canada’s harsh weather. Whether you need fencing for agricultural, residential, or commercial purposes, Barrierboss provides reliable, cost-effective options. Trust us for all your fencing and building material needs!
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onyxisnotuniqueenough · 11 months
i have 35 followers on this account.
and while 35 is not a lot, this is the most amount of people i can reach. i should have been doing this sooner but have been FUCKING STUPID about it and have kept silent about it on tumblr to maintain some kind of semblance of escapism for myself here. but my escapism doesn't matter. can palestinians enjoy the luxury of escaping their situation right now? are they LITERALLY able to escape the bombing. nevermind escape, survive any of the tactics pulled by israel to ensure their genocide?
there's a sense of guilt looming over my head telling me that i should be doing more, but in truth, there is not much i can do to help. telling me that i shouldn't take for granted the roof over my head, the safety of my loved ones, food, water, electricity, the ability to literally communicate with the outside world. so let me do the best i can and spread the message with as many people i can.
if you're also wondering what you can do to help, here are some things i am doing and am in the process of doing :
- follow news about gaza through livestreams from the outside : multiple sources have provided access to a livestream of what's going on in gaza. israel has cut off all communication and electricity in gaza and i have a pit in my stomach telling me that they just want no eyes on them for whatever they want to do. all we can do is watch from afar. stay updated.
- watch tiktoks from people who have signed up for the creativity fund on tiktok or similar stuff on other platforms : if you're not able to donate yourself, you can find lots of creators on tiktok using their 5 seconds of YOUR watchtime to donate to help palestine.
- continue sharing, promoting, and "liking" content about palestine : israel is literally doing its best to keep us and palestinians in the dark, metaphorically and literally, from what's happening and what they're planning to do. raise palestinian voices, help them grow, share their stories. everything is forever on the internet ? great. take advantage of that. sharing is a way to ensure that all information we have on the situation stays alive and can't be shadowbanned or deleted or anything. the more people palestinian voices reach, the harder it would be to silence them. it also makes it accessible to anyone and everyone to see the horrors committed by the state of israel, and debunk any fucking idiotic shit their twitter accounts is trying to spew with their photoshopped cartons of milk, their very false infographics and their general flow of lies and propaganda.
- if you can, email or contact your elected representatives. they're...well...supposed to represent you, and their position is more advantaged to get something done. here's a video on tiktok that i found explaining the importance of emails (specifically in canada, bit i'm sure it applies to other places too) :
- boycott brands that support or fund israel. now first, let me tell you : the 729 or 871 you find at the beginning of a barcode is not a certain sign the product has been manufactured in israel. this has been debunked since the origin of this lie in 2021 :
if you have a doubt, fact-check whatever company owns the product to buy, it only takes a few clicks.
second, if you think that boycotting is useless because you're just a grain of sand in the universe : that's absolutely not true. humanity is just a bunch of grains of sand. humanity is a COLLECTIVE. stop thinking your actions don't have an impact. they absolutely do. that's how we've been capable of making such an imapct on companies' stock already!
you probably already know about Starbucks, McDonalds, and Disney. Here are some more companies and brands to stop giving your money to :
- HP : Hewlett Packard helps run the biometric ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement.
- Siemens : is complicit in apartheid Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise through its planned construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector. This will link Israel’s electricity grid with Europe’s, allowing illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land to benefit from Israel-EU trade of electricity produced from fossil gas.
- Puma : Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
- Sodastream (has been bought by Pepsico) : Soda Steam is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev). SodaStream have a long history of mistreatment of and discrimination against Palestinian workers.
- Ahava : Ahava cosmetics has its production site, visitor center and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement.
- Sabra : Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army.
these are the first results that popped up with a simple google search, but that's not all. There's also L'oréal, Garnier, Nestlé, and so many more. it's hard to keep track of all of them and jaw-dropping to see just how many of them are involved and actively supporting Israel.
here are some more links for brands and companies to boycott :
multiple instagram and tiktok pages also
if you've already purchased products from them, obviously, don't throw them away. If any product from one of these companies is absolutely essential or if you don't have any other viable choice, it's understandable. Do your best, and whatever effort you make on your scale is helpful. This is also an opportunity to support local shops and businesses, diy your own beauty products, cook more on your own, and instead of directing your money towards genocide, you could direct to donating to aid-to-palestine charities or literally to your pocket. but honestly, the idea of a 70+year ethnic cleansing and literal genocide should be enough.
- now this seems like the most obvious one so that's why it's the last bullet point : donate to charities that support palestine, sign petitions, etc.
there is footage out there of thousands of trucks that cannot cross palestine/"israel" borders because. well. of israel. these trucks contain food, water and hygiene products that donations were supposed to provide. this is heartbreaking that the help you hoped to provide couldn't reach the people it was supposed to reach. if you're thinking your donation is useless, well, i get it. i am having trouble even saying anything about that, because I myself am worried that it could be useless. But you have to stay hopeful, cause that's all most of us have right now. I would say to absolutely continue donating whatever you can to charities that support palestine, that provide water, food, shelter, and emergency medical care. You have to hope that it'll somehow reach them. You have to hope that it'll somehow stop.
At the time of writing, voting results at the UN General Assembly show a margin of 120!! to 14 (and 45 abstinents) for a ceasefire and immediate humanitarian truce between Palestine and israel. And now while that might seem like amazing news, let's remember that the General Assembly is for non-binding resolutions. FOR A BINDING RESOLUTION, the decision must be made by the Security Council. I'm not gonna explain everything, but the permanent members of the UN Security Council are fucking it over. here's full context :
Also, the letter tO THANK Biden that countless celebrities ??? disappointing too. some names on that list really surprised me, and i'm disappointed that people i have supprted in the past have turned around and thanked biden for supporting a genocide. it's so stupid and disappointing.
of course, feel free to tell me if i've cited the wrong sources, if i've missed something, or have said false info in anyway.
i'd also like to add that arab palestinians are not the only victims and that countless innocent jewish people have also been affected by the genocide. that the press vest has meant norhing so far. and that israel is not looking that closely into who they're killing. as Daniel Hagari said, Israel's method is "destruction, not accuracy."
BTW : I am not open to conversation with zionists or pro-israels. keep your anon asks very very very far away from me. i will not lend a ❤️listening ear❤️ to someone who ignores or defends genocide, and i don't see anything wrong with ignoring that kind of rhetoric. fuck you.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
VS-27 Grumman S2F-1 Tracker 136615 (AU-10) by Wing attack Plan R Via Flickr: Grumman S2F-1 (S-2A) Tracker/Bu.No. 136615 -Upgraded to S-2F. -1961: VS-27 as AU-10. -VS-32 as AT-42. - 1966: VS-32. -8/1966: Put into storage at MASDC. -Converted to US-2A. -1968: MCAS New River Base Flight. -11/19/1968: Written off. Photo Credit's: Unknown to me (Reprint). Photo date: 1961-62. Location: Aboard USS Essex (CV-9)? The Grumman S-2 Tracker (S2F prior to 1962) was the first purpose-built, single airframe anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft to enter service with the United States Navy. Designed and initially built by Grumman, the Tracker was of conventional design — propeller-driven with twin radial engines, a high wing that could be folded for storage on aircraft carriers, and tricycle undercarriage. The type was exported to a number of navies around the world. Introduced in 1952, the Tracker and its E-1 Tracer derivative saw service in the U.S. Navy until the mid-1970s, and its C-1 Trader derivative until the mid-1980s, with a few aircraft remaining in service with other air arms into the 21st century. Argentina and Brazil are the last countries to still use the Tracker. Design and development- The Tracker was intended as a replacement for the Grumman AF Guardian, which was the first purpose-built aircraft system for ASW, using two airframes for two versions, one with the detection gear, and the other with the weapon systems. The Tracker combined both functions in one aircraft. Grumman's design (model G-89) was for a large high-wing monoplane with twin Wright Cyclone R-1820 nine cylinder radial engines, a yoke type arrestor hook and a crew of four. Both the two prototypes XS2F-1 and 15 production aircraft, S2F-1 were ordered at the same time, on 30 June 1950. The first flight was conducted on 4 December 1952, and production aircraft entered service with VS-26, in February 1954. Follow-on versions included the WF Tracer and TF Trader, which became the Grumman E-1 Tracer and Grumman C-1 Trader in the tri-service designation standardization of 1962. The S-2 carried the nickname "Stoof" (S-two-F) throughout its military career; and the E-1 Tracer variant with the large overhead radome was colloquially called the "stoof with a roof.". Grumman produced 1,185 Trackers. At least 99 and possibly 100 aircraft carrying the CS2F designation were manufactured in Canada under license by de Havilland Canada. U.S.-built versions of the Tracker were sold to various nations, including Australia, Japan, Turkey and Taiwan. Sensors and armament- The Tracker had an internal torpedo bay capable of carrying two lightweight aerial torpedoes or one nuclear depth charge. There were six underwing hard points for rocket pods and conventional depth charges or up to four additional torpedoes. A ventrally-mounted retractable radome for AN/APS-38 radar and a Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) AN/ASQ-8 mounted on an extendable rear mounted boom were also fitted. Early model Trackers had an Electronic Support Measures (ESM) pod mounted dorsally just aft of the front seat overhead hatches and were also fitted with a smoke particle detector or "sniffer" for detecting exhaust particles from diesel-electric submarines running on snorkel. Later S-2s had the sniffer removed and had the ESM antennae moved to four rounded extensions on the wingtips. A 70-million-candlepower searchlight was mounted on the starboard wing. The engine nacelles carried JEZEBEL sonobuoys in the rear (16 in early marks, 32 in the S-2E/G). Early Trackers also carried 60 explosive charges, dispensed ventrally from the rear of the fuselage and used to create sound pulses for semi-active sonar (JULIE) with the AN/AQA-3 and later AQA-4 detection sets, whereas the introduction of active sonobuoys (pingers) and AN/AQA-7 with the S-2G conversion saw these removed. Smoke dispensers were mounted on the port ventral surface of the nacelles in groups of three each.
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fxdltc88 · 1 year
Prouty and Glass Carriage Factory which sat at the corner of Brush and Elizabeth st. Wayne Mi. Now occupied by Ford Michigan Assembly plant and Boise Cascade. Few know that Wayne was a major producer of sleighs and carriages until cars put them out of business.
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Wayne's First Manufacturing Company
The Prouty and Glass Carriage Company, built on Sophia Street in 1888, was the first manufacturing company in the city. The company had been organized in 1881 by Fayette Prouty and John S. Glass and manufactured, carriages and sleighs. They moved to Wayne in 1888 and by 1889 had employed about 50 men.
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The company underwent a reincorporation after a recession. George H. Stellwagen, became president; James R. Hosie; his business partner was treasurer; and William C. Prouty (the son of Fayette Prouty), was secretary and general manager. Augutus Stellewagen, replaced his brother as president, and was replaced himself by another brother, Jacob in until 1915. The company was in operation until 1915, when it was replaced by Harroun Motors, which produced automobiles from 1916 to 1920, when the factory was closed.
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The Harroun Motors Corporation raised $10,000,000 in stock to begin a car company. Harroun bought the buildings and equipment of the former Prouty and Glass Carriage Company in 1916 for $40,000. The old carriage factory was 80,000 square feet and used for paint and upholstery, and in 1917 Harroun built a new 1,220,000 square foot factory next door for all other processes. The company operated for 12–18 months producing 200 cars per day. There were three models offered, a roadster and a touring car (each priced at $595) and a sedan ($850), each powered by the company's own four-cylinder engine. Cars were only available with a green body, brown roof and black fenders and upholstery. The roadster was only available in midnight blue. The goal was to get the price of cars below $500 to remain profitable.
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In the spring of 1918 the company got a government contract to produce 200,000 artillery shells during World War I. The plan was to produce cars and artillery shells together in the factory, but the government sent an arbitrary order limiting the factory to only 25 cars per day. Harroun produced 23,899 155mm howitzer high explosive, Mark I, Type B shells for the war effort.
After the war, the company tried to get started again, creating a new model for 1920. Representatives took the car on a tour from Detroit to Montana and on to Denver to prove its reliability. The tour went well, but the company still closed in 1920. Fewer that 3,000 cars were built and two are known to survive. In 1923 the company assets were sold off and the factory bought by the Gotfredson Truck Company in 1924.
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1925 Gotfredson model 40
The Gotfredson & Joyce Company began in 1920 in Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. In 1923 the company moved to Wayne, MI and became known as the Gotfredson Truck Company.
In 1936, Gotfredson adopted GMC cabs for its trucks. These were ultra custom heavy duty vehicles produced in very small numbers, just five or six a year, and all for Detroit area customers. At the time, if a truck operator wanted a diesel-powered job, he had to go to a custom producer like Gotfredson to get it. The company continued to build these custom trucks in very small quantities until 1946 when production ended,
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acrylicplexiglass · 1 year
Unleashing Manufacturing Potential: The Strength of Materials.
Introduction: In the dynamic world of manufacturing, the choice of materials plays a vital role in delivering high-quality products quickly and flexibly. From acrylic/plexiglass to PETG, polycarbonate, polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, sheet metal, wire, wood, and printing, each material brings unique attributes to the production process. This blog post explores the power of these materials, housed under one roof, enabling companies to excel with short lead times and unparalleled adaptability.
Acrylic/Plexiglass: Acrylic, also known as plexiglass, is a lightweight, impact-resistant material used extensively for signage, display cases, and protective barriers. Its transparency and ease of molding make it perfect for complex designs.
PETG: PETG is a durable and transparent plastic with excellent impact resistance. Its versatility and chemical resistance make it a popular choice in packaging, displays, and medical devices.
Polycarbonate: Renowned for its outstanding impact resistance and transparency, polycarbonate finds applications in automotive parts, safety glasses, and architectural glazing. Its strength and aesthetic appeal are unmatched.
Polystyrene: With its lightweight nature and affordability, polystyrene is a go-to material for packaging, consumer electronics, and insulation. Its moldability and insulating properties are key advantages.
Polyethylene and Polypropylene: Polyethylene and polypropylene offer exceptional chemical resistance, durability, and flexibility. They are commonly used in food packaging, automotive components, medical equipment, and piping systems.
Sheet Metal and Wire: Sheet metal and wire provide structural integrity to machinery, enclosures, and architectural elements. Their strength and reliability are crucial for various manufacturing applications.
Wood: Wood adds warmth and aesthetic appeal to furniture, cabinetry, and other products. Its natural beauty, strength, and sustainability make it a popular choice.
Printing: Printing techniques enhance the appearance and functionality of manufactured goods. From branding to decorative elements, printing personalizes and differentiates products in the market.
Conclusion: In the manufacturing industry, the selection of materials can make all the difference. Acrylic, PETG, polycarbonate, polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, sheet metal, wire, wood, and printing enable companies to achieve short lead times and adapt to changing market needs. The power of these materials ensures the production of high-quality, customized products that meet customer demands efficiently. With a diverse range of materials under one roof, manufacturers can thrive in today's fast-paced environment.
Website:- https://acrylicplexiglass.ca/
Phone no.:- (647)774-7623, (647)825-1324
Address:- 622 Magnetic Dr, North York, ON M3J 3J2, Canada
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Artifact of the Month May
Willys Fire Jeep
A big favourite in the museum, this custom Jeep made for firefighting on the Esso Fort St. John Oilfield (British Columbia, Canada) is located in our lobby. It is equipt with a water pump on the front, a roof rack for holding hosing/piping, and an open back storage with wood paneling.
Vehicle Type: Jeep - 1/4 Ton Four Wheel Drive Vehicle Manufacturer: Willys Motors, Inc (Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.) Fire Apparatus Manufacturer: Howe Fire Apparatus Company (Anderson, Indiana, U.S.A.) Model number: HJ 10008 Road Speed: Transmission High Range Low Range High 60 m.p.h. 24 m.p.h. Intermediate 38 m.p.h. 16 m.p.h. Low 21 m.p.h. 9 m.p.h. Reverse 16 m.p.h. 6 m.p.h.
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researchvishal · 2 years
Rail Wheel and Axle Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends up to 2033
During the forecast period, the global rail wheel and axle market size is expected to expand at a steady CAGR of 5.6%. At its present growth rate, the global market for rail wheels and axles is expected to be worth $4,402.3 million by the year 2023. In 2033, the demand for rail wheel and axle is projected to reach US$ 7603.4 Mn.
Competitive Landscape
The global rail wheel and axle market is highly competitive, with many companies operating in this space. These companies are engaged in a range of activities, including the production of rail wheels and axles, the repair and maintenance of these products, and the supply of related services.
There are several key players in the global rail wheel and axle market, including Amsted Rail, ArcelorMittal, Bradken, GE Transportation, Klöckner Pentaplast, Lucchini RS, NSSMC, Vyatka, and Wabtec. These companies are well-established players with a strong presence in the market and a reputation for producing high-quality products.
Overall, the global rail wheel and axle market is highly competitive, with a diverse range of companies operating in this space. Companies in the market are constantly seeking ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors, such as through the development of new technologies or the expansion of their product offerings.
For more information: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/rail-wheel-and-axle-market
Due to the growing sophistication of rail networks and trains, as well as the present trend toward autonomous technology, train makers are devoting significant resources to R&D to develop lighter materials for wheels and axles for freight trains, passenger trains, and short-distance trains.
Nearly 7 billion people take trains each year, and they all want to travel as quickly, easily, and economically as possible. It's for this reason that the research and development of fully driverless trains is continuing to advance. Computerized monitoring systems installed on autonomous trains can detect problems with rail wheels and axles.
There are numerous benefits to using a solar rail system instead of traditional diesel trains. Diesel-powered trains usually have two engine cars. In contrast, solar-powered trains use solar gears in place of traditional gears. Solar panels have been put on the bogie roofs, and electric motors and batteries have been installed in the second diesel compartment.
The electrical needs of railway engines, which normally require 750 V to 800 V to move the rails, may be met by solar panels set atop trains providing voltages of 600 V to 800 V. Demand for these trains is likely to rise, which is good news for manufacturers of rail wheels and axles.
The rail wheel and axle market is an important segment of the global rail transportation industry. Rail wheel and axle products are essential components of rail vehicles, such as trains, trams, and subway cars, and are used to support and propel these vehicles. There are several factors that are driving the global rail wheel and axle market, including growth in rail transportation, urbanisation and population growth, environmental concerns, and technological advancements.
However, the demand for rail wheel and axle is also facing several restraints or challenges, including high capital costs, cyclical demand, a complex supply chain, competition from other modes of transportation, and regulatory challenges. Despite these challenges, the rail wheel and axle market is expected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for rail transportation and ongoing technological advancements in the industry.
Key Takeaways
It is estimated that the US market for rail wheel and axle will be worth $570.8 million in 2022.
Market value in China, the world's second largest economy, is projected to reach $878 million by 2026, expanding at a CAGR of 6% from 2023 to 2033.
Over the projection horizon, both Japan and Canada are predicted to grow at rates of 2.9% and 3.8%, respectively.
The demand for rail wheel and axle in Germany is projected to expand by 3.3% this year.
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aaluminum · 2 years
What is Aluminum Extrusion, and why is it important
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Aluminum extrusion is a process where aluminum is forced through a die of the desired cross-sectional shape. The aluminum extrusion process begins with a billet, a rectangular piece of aluminum placed in an oven to be heated to approximately 700 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the billet is heated, it is placed on a loading table and fed into the extruder.
The extruder contains a ram that applies pressure to the billet, forcing it through the die. As the aluminum is forced through the die, it takes on the shape of the cross-section of the die. After the aluminum has been extruded, it undergoes a cooling process before being cut to length. Aluminum extrusion can be used to create a variety of shapes and products, such as pipes, tubing, and window frames.
Aluminum extrusion has many advantages over other manufacturing processes, such as casting and stamping. Aluminum extrusions are stronger than castings and have a higher degree of precision. In addition, aluminum extrusions can be produced in various shapes and sizes.  Aluminum sheet panels for cars or aluminum siding for home’s walls and roofs.
Aluminum extrusions are also lightweight yet strong, making them ideal for aircraft and automobiles. Extruded aluminum also has good corrosion resistance and can quickly form complex shapes. These properties make aluminum extrusion an ideal choice for various applications.
Aluminum extrusion is a process by which aluminum is shaped into specific products. The aluminum is placed in a die, and a hydraulic press is used to push the aluminum through the die. This process can be used to create a variety of shapes and products, including pipes, tubing, rods, and more.
Aluminum extrusion has several advantages over other methods of shaping aluminum. For one, it is much faster than other methods. Additionally, it can create products with exact dimensions. The extrusion also allows for much customization, as different dies can create different shapes.
The Benefits of Aluminum Extrusion
There are many benefits to using aluminum extrusion. For one, it is a speedy process. In most cases, the entire process can be completed in just a matter of minutes. Additionally, extrusion allows for exact dimensional control. This means that products made via extrusion will always meet your specifications.
The extrusion also offers a great deal of customization potential. You can create products in nearly any shape or size using different dies. This flexibility makes extrusion ideal for applications requiring precise dimensions, but standard shapes will not suffice.
Finally, aluminum extrusion is relatively inexpensive compared to other methods of shaping aluminum. This makes it an ideal choice for applications where cost is a significant concern.
Aluminum extrusion is a versatile manufacturing process that offers many advantages over other methods, such as casting and stamping. Aluminum extrusions are solid yet lightweight, precise, and resistant to corrosion. In addition, they can be easily formed into complex shapes. These properties make aluminum extrusion an ideal choice for various applications ranging from plumbing to aircraft construction.
Who are we?
We are an aluminum enthusiast, a surplus aluminum supplier in Canada and the USA.
Furthermore, we have extensive blogs about aluminum metals and their benefits. Some examples are:
Are aluminum canoes good?
Does aluminum help with soundproofing?
How To Make Your Aluminum Product Look Like New Again?
Are aluminum bats better than wood?
What Is The Difference Between Aluminum And Anodized Aluminum?
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Call us at  905-764-2245 if you ever need premium aluminum metals in Toronto, Canada and the USA.
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gfs-tanks · 10 days
Anti-adhesion glass-fused-to-steel Tanks for Potable Water, Sludge, Anaerobic Digestion, and Bulk Storage
Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd is renowned for its high-quality bolted steel tanks, making it a leading bolted steel tank manufacturer. With over 30 years of experience and expertise in enameling technology, we offer Glass-Fused-to-Steel (GFS) tanks that are ideal for various applications, including potable water storage, sludge storage, anaerobic digestion, and bulk storage.
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As a leading storage tank manufacturer in China. At Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd., we excel in providing high-quality bolted steel tanks tailored for the diverse needs of fish farming. Our extensive range of bolted steel tanks includes Glass-Fused-to-Steel (GFS) tanks, fusion bonded epoxy tanks, stainless steel tanks, and galvanized steel tanks, each designed to offer exceptional durability, efficiency, and adaptability for aquaculture applications.
Configuration of Customized Storage Tanks
Storage tanks
Design Requirements
GFS Tanks
SS Tanks
Fusion Bonded Epoxy Tanks
Galvanized Steel Tanks
Welded Steel Tanks
ADR Roof
GFS Roof
Membrane Roof
FRP Roof
Trough Deck Roof
Wastewater Treatment Project
Drinking Water Project
Municipal Sewage Project
Biogas Project
Fire Water Storage Project
Oil Storage Project
Water Supply & Drainage System
Seismic Design
Wind Resistant Design
Lightning Protection Design
Tank Insulation Design
WasteWater Treatment Project Equipment Supply
Pretreatment Equipment
Resource Utilization System
Sludge Treatment System
Other Equipment
Mechanical Bar Screen
Solid-liquid Separator
Submersible Mixer
Gas Holder
Boiler System
Boost Fan
Biogas Generator
Torch System
Dehydration and Desulfurization Tank
PAM Integration Dosing Device
Screw Sludge Dewatering Machine
Slurry Separation Centrifuge
Sewage Pump
Mud Scraper
Submersible Sewage Pump
Three-phases Separator
Why Choose Anti-Adhesion GFS Tanks?
Our Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks are designed with a special anti-adhesion coating, preventing materials from sticking to the tank walls. This makes them highly efficient for industries where cleanability and hygiene are paramount, such as potable water and sludge management.
Potable Water Tanks: GFS tanks are widely used for potable water storage due to their non-reactive and corrosion-resistant properties. The anti-adhesion coating ensures that the tank remains free from contamination, maintaining water purity and quality.
Sludge Storage Tanks: Our sludge storage tanks are designed to handle high loads of sludge in wastewater treatment plants. The anti-adhesion feature ensures smooth operation by preventing the buildup of sludge on tank walls, reducing maintenance and cleaning costs.
Anaerobic Digestion Tanks: Our Anaerobic Digestion (AD) tanks are equipped with airtight properties that enhance biogas production. The anti-adhesion coating further facilitates smoother digestion processes and easy maintenance.
Bulk Storage Tanks: For industries requiring bulk storage of materials like grain or dry goods, our GFS tanks offer superior durability and protection against corrosion and adhesion, ensuring that materials remain uncontaminated and easy to manage.
Certified to International Standards
Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd adheres to strict engineering design and quality standards, including AWWA D103-09, OSHA, ISO 28765, CE, NSF/ANSI 61, and NFPA. This guarantees the highest level of quality and safety for all tank applications, from potable water storage to anaerobic digestion processes.
Leading Bolted Steel Tanks Manufacturer
As the leading bolted steel tanks manufacturer in China, our GFS tanks are used in over 100 countries, including the USA, Australia, Canada, and Russia. Our proven track record with top corporations like Paques, Veolia, and PetroChina highlights our capability to deliver exceptional storage solutions globally.
Whether for potable water, sludge storage, anaerobic digestion, or bulk storage, Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd provides the most reliable and efficient bolted steel tanks. Our anti-adhesion GFS tanks reduce maintenance costs, ensure operational efficiency, and meet the highest international standards.
For more information on our products and services, or to discuss your project requirements, please contact us today.
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trendingrepots · 19 days
Facades Market - Forecast (2024 - 2030)
Facades Market size is forecast to reach $242 billion by 2025, after growing at a CAGR of 5.6% during 2020-2025. With rise in Building and construction industries, the Facades Market is witnessing an increase in demand. Growing public interest towards environment-friendly façade (i.e green façade) will further enhance the overall market demand for Facades during the forecast period. 
𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞
Report Coverage
The report: “Facades Market – Forecast (2020-2025)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Facades Industry. 
By Materials – Wood, Cement (Fibre Cement, Portland Cement, Pulverized Limestone, Concrete, Others), Polymers (Resin, Polyamide, EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer), Others), Glass (Float glass, Sheet glass, Patterned glass, Wired glass), Metal (Steel, Aluminium, Copper, Others).
By Application – Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Others.
By Geography – North America, South America, Europe, APAC, RoW.
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Key Takeaways
Asia-Pacific dominates the Facades Market owing to increasing demand from applications Buildings and Construction industries. 
The growing corporate industries, is likely to aid in the market growth of facades.
Increasing adoption of sustainable and environment friendly products such as green façade, which will increase the market demand for Facades in the near future.
Wooden facade is much more flammable, which will create hurdles for the Facades Market. 
Material - Segment Analysis
Glass façade holds the largest market share in the Facades Market due to increase in overall construction activities due to urbanization is a major factor for the growth of Facades Market. Rise in Consumer spending power and demand for a secured and protected workplace environment is growing demand for facades globally. Facades are vital components of the building & covers roof, street awnings, and ventilation louvers, along with the vertical and horizontal aspects of the building. Facades provides durability, safety & aesthetic feel, and focuses on energy efficiency and interior comfort requirements of the building. Increasing adoption of facades in rapidly growing construction industry for commercial and residential projects is expected to boost demand for facades and drives growth of the global market over the forecast period. 
Application - Segment Analysis
Commercial sector has been the primary market for Facades, due to the rise in the number of commercial buildings, such as retail stores, hotels, medical centers, warehouses, and garages. Corporates offices are highly dependent on façade as, it is one of the most integral pieces to the overall design of the structure, as it adds a unique personality and character to it. There is ‘n’ number of buildings that settle for standard designs and perfectly meet the structural regulations but always lack their identity, character, and personality. A Façade can play a huge role in this as it imparts that uniqueness to the structure which negates the detrimental effect of the building which lacks that something special. So, facades are very important and integral part in commercial sector which will drive the market demand for Facades.  
Geography - Segment Analysis
North America dominated the Facades Market with a share of more than 30%, followed by Europe and APAC. Countries such as US, Canada are the major market for facades in this region as, most of the world’s biggest companies’ headquarters are situated there such as google, apple, along with many other IT industries. Whereas the increase in number of skilled professionals that includes- qualified architects, consultants and manufacturers in construction industry, who possess in-depth knowledge about facade market and know their better usage in construction industry, has brought more professionalism to the industry and hence have contributed to their significant rise.
Drivers – Facades Market
Growing demand and Innovations in facades
Facades Market has a promising future because energy conservation is the need of the hour and facades have the potential to generate as well as restore renewable energy. The scope of advancements in facades to produce electronically controlled facades, automation in facades and use of advanced photovoltaic cells and heat filters in facades are also some of the promising factors for future growth of Facades Market. With innovative new materials and traditional materials animated by new technologies, façades now offer a cutting-edge visual experience – but at the heart of these advancements lies the endeavour to create environments that will be comfortable for the end-user.
Implementation of Stringent Environment Regulations
Increasing adoption of sustainable and environment friendly products such as green façade, which will increase the market demand for Facades in the near future. The concept of Green Building, to be specific, Green Facade is one of the most promising ways to ensure energy savings in buildings nowadays. It contributes to the reduction of the urban heat island effect in the hinterland. The shadow effect provided by the plants on the facade is the most significant parameter that serves the purpose of controlling the heat wave and pollution.
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Metal Buildings: The Smart Choice for Versatile and Durable Construction in Ontario
Metal buildings have become increasingly popular in Ontario, Canada, as property owners and businesses seek reliable, cost-effective, and versatile construction solutions. With their unmatched durability, energy efficiency, and ease of customization, metal buildings are transforming the landscape of construction across the province. Companies like Prestige Steel are leading the charge, offering top-notch metal building solutions that cater to a wide range of needs.
What Makes Metal Buildings Stand Out?
Metal buildings are more than just a modern alternative to traditional construction materials like wood or brick—they offer a host of benefits that make them an ideal choice for various applications. Here’s why metal buildings are gaining traction in Ontario:
Exceptional Durability
One of the primary reasons metal buildings are favored in Ontario is their durability. Metal, particularly steel, is resistant to many of the issues that plague traditional structures, such as rotting, warping, and pest infestations. Metal buildings can easily withstand harsh Canadian weather conditions, including heavy snowfall, strong winds, and freezing temperatures, providing long-term structural integrity that other materials simply can't match.
Metal buildings are known for their cost-effectiveness, both in terms of initial investment and long-term maintenance. The materials are generally more affordable, and the speed of construction significantly reduces labor costs. Additionally, the low maintenance requirements of metal buildings mean that property owners save money over the lifespan of the structure, avoiding costly repairs and upkeep associated with wood and masonry buildings.
Versatility and Customization
Metal buildings are incredibly versatile and can be customized to suit any need or aesthetic preference. Whether you need a warehouse, workshop, agricultural building, or even a residential structure, metal buildings offer endless possibilities. With a variety of design options, including custom colors, finishes, and architectural styles, metal buildings can be tailored to blend seamlessly with existing surroundings or stand out as a unique, modern addition.
Energy Efficiency
Modern metal buildings are designed with energy efficiency in mind. Insulated panels, reflective roofing, and advanced sealing techniques help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing heating and cooling costs. In Ontario’s variable climate, this energy efficiency is a significant advantage, helping property owners save on energy bills while maintaining a comfortable environment year-round.
Quick and Efficient Construction
Time is a crucial factor in any construction project, and metal buildings offer a much faster build time compared to traditional methods. Prefabricated components can be manufactured off-site and quickly assembled on-site, reducing construction timelines dramatically. This efficient process minimizes disruptions, making it ideal for businesses that need to expand quickly or get back to operations without extended downtime.
Sustainability and Environmental Benefits
Metal buildings are an eco-friendly choice, as metal is one of the most recyclable materials available. Using recycled steel reduces the environmental impact of mining and manufacturing new materials. This sustainability factor aligns with the growing emphasis on green building practices in Ontario, making metal buildings a smart choice for environmentally conscious builders and property owners.
Applications of Metal Buildings in Ontario
Metal buildings serve various industries in Ontario, proving their versatility and adaptability in meeting different needs. Some common applications include:
Commercial Buildings
Metal buildings are a popular choice for commercial properties, including retail stores, office spaces, and showrooms. Their open floor plans and customizable layouts allow businesses to create a space that meets their specific needs, whether it’s for customer-facing areas or behind-the-scenes operations.
Agricultural Structures
Ontario’s agricultural sector relies heavily on metal buildings for barns, equipment storage, and livestock shelters. Metal buildings protect valuable assets from weather damage, providing a safe and secure environment that enhances farm efficiency.
Industrial Facilities
The industrial sector benefits greatly from the large, open spaces that metal buildings provide. From manufacturing plants to warehouses, these buildings can accommodate heavy machinery, storage racks, and production lines without the need for interior columns, allowing for maximum usable space.
Residential Metal Buildings
While traditionally associated with commercial and industrial use, metal buildings are also making their mark in residential construction. Homeowners are increasingly choosing metal buildings for garages, workshops, and even full-scale homes due to their modern look, low maintenance, and superior strength.
Prestige Steel: Ontario’s Leading Metal Building Expert
Prestige Steel, based in Ontario, Canada, is a leader in designing, manufacturing, and installing high-quality metal buildings. With a reputation for excellence, Prestige Steel offers comprehensive services that cater to a wide range of clients, from farmers and industrial operators to homeowners and commercial businesses.
The team at Prestige Steel works closely with clients to develop custom solutions that meet specific needs and budgets. Using state-of-the-art technology and the finest materials, they ensure that every metal building not only meets but exceeds industry standards for quality and performance.
Metal buildings are reshaping the construction landscape in Ontario, providing a sustainable, versatile, and cost-effective alternative to traditional structures. With benefits like durability, energy efficiency, and rapid construction, it's no wonder that more property owners are turning to metal buildings for their next project. Prestige Steel stands out as a trusted provider of metal building solutions, delivering exceptional quality and service that sets them apart in the Ontario market.
For more information on how Prestige Steel can help you with your metal building needs, visit prestigesteel.ca.
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Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market ruling majority of the Aftermarket Automotive Accessories Market
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The Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market is a dominant force within the broader Aftermarket Automotive Accessories Market, driven by the increasing demand for enhanced vehicle functionality, safety and aesthetics. With the rising global fleet of commercial vehicles, particularly in emerging economies, the demand for specialized accessories such as telematics systems, cargo management solutions, lighting and safety features is rising. This market encompasses various products and services, including vehicle tracking systems, custom interiors, performance-enhancing parts and external accessories like mud flaps and roof racks.
The Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market has skyrocketed to a market cap of USD 94.88 Billion last year in 2023. This market is experiencing a CAGR of 6.30% which has driven its potential by the increase in demand for essential accessories such as interior upgrades, safety equipment and technological advancements in commercial vehicles.
Some of the Prominent Companies in the Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market are :-
Robert Bosch - Europe (Germany)
Denso - Asia (Japan)
Magna International - North America (Canada)
ZF Friedrichshafen - Europe (Germany)
Hyundai Mobis - Asia (South Korea)
Aisin Seiki - Asia (Japan)
Faurecia - Europe (France)
Lear - North America (USA)
Valeo - Europe (France)
Thyssenkrupp - Europe (Germany)
BASF - Europe (Germany)
Panasonic Automotive - Asia (Japan)
Gestamp - Europe (Spain)
Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market Segmentation
Product by Type Coverage (Includes Market Size, Products by Segment, its Type and Influence) :-
Driveline & Powertrain
Interiors & Exteriors, Electronics
Bodies & Chassis
Wheel & Tires
Market Application in Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market:-
The Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market is segmented by Type and by Application, actors, stakeholders and the other members associated with the Commercial Vehicle Accessories Marketplace who can benefit from consuming the included content as a useful and powerful resource. The report consists of 162 pages of comprehensive data points that are segregated from different key regions around the world.
When it comes to commercial vehicles, the right accessories can make all the difference. Whether it's boosting performance, enhancing safety, or just making the ride more comfortable, the Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market offers a wide range of products designed to meet the unique needs of different industries.
Applications: OEMs vs. Aftermarket
Let’s start by breaking down where these accessories come from. There are two main sources:
OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers): These are the accessories that come directly from the vehicle’s manufacturer. They’re built to fit perfectly and work seamlessly with your vehicle. Think of these as the “official” parts that come pre-installed when you buy a new truck or van.
Aftermarket: This is where things get interesting. The aftermarket offers a huge variety of accessories that you can add or upgrade after you’ve bought your vehicle. Whether you’re looking for a better sound system, stronger tyres, or a high-tech navigation system, the aftermarket has it all. Plus, it often offers more options and better prices than OEMs.
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Metal Roofing Market Key Companies Profile, Supply, Demand and SWOT Analysis
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The Insight Partners stands out as a reliable ally in the syndicated market research and consultation through its steadfast commitment to the market research industry. With extensive experience and proven dedication, we have been delivering outstanding outcomes. With a team of researchers catering to distinct business requirements, we can emerge as a trusted research partner in the past decade.
By prioritizing precision and trust ahead, we are proud to announce the addition of the latest offering titled “Metal Roofing Market Growth Outlook to 2031”. This report ensures spotless coverage of recent updates and a range of business environment factors impacting the Metal Roofing market growth. The meticulous approach opted by our researchers can assist companies in transforming business space into the Metal Roofing market.
Metal Roofing market report offers a comprehensive analysis of regional and global scenarios. The scope of the market report extends to the competitive landscape, cost analysis, key players, specific market regions, profit margin, and market situation. A glance at wide-ranging factors restricting Metal Roofing market growth is deliberately included in this study.
Objectives of Metal Roofing Market Report
To deliver a detailed market overview by integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis
To unveil growth strategies by evaluating the competitive landscape and examining key companies against their position and strategic advantage
To offer estimates on sales volume, market share, size, and CAGR for the projected period.
To offer segment wise insights
This detailed report on Metal Roofing market size is heavily based on verified information and authoritative sources. The study intended to offer market players an overview of market opportunities in the coming period. This report helps clients as a first-hand source of knowledge on the market while providing a full-fledged analysis of each segment.
The study contains details on frontrunners in the market along with their recent collaborations, segments, revenues, product launches, and Metal Roofing market trends. It projects the competition in the Metal Roofing market for an estimated duration. This research further looks at industry channels and the performance of key market players to help businesses stay ahead in the market.
Our Report Sample May Brief On:
Scope of Metal Roofing market report
Brief introduction of Metal Roofing market and Industry Overview
Table of Contents
Top market players covered in this report
Report Structure
Research Methodologies by The Insight Partners
Regional Insights:
This section includes insights on different regions and key players present in the region. This section attempts to analyze the growth of a specific regional market based on economic, technological, and environmental factors. Readers may expect revenue-based data and sales insights gathered by our team after comprehensive research. This informative chapter remains an absolute perk for investors, as it will help them to understand potential investment value and expected returns in specific regions.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Metal Type
Steel Roofing
Copper Roofing
Aluminum Roofing
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Ideal Roofing Co. Ltd
ATAS International Inc.
Reeds Metals Inc.
Jinhu Color Aluminum Group
DECRA Roofing Systems Inc.
BlueScope Steel Limited
Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation
Firestone Building Products
The OmniMax International Inc
Carlisle SynTec Systems
Other key companies 
Why The Insight Partners?
Proven Expertise: The Insight Partners comprises expert market research analysts who have extensive industry-specific knowledge. Through this report, our team is bringing years of experience to the table while safeguarding the accuracy of insights.
Actionable Insights: TIP relies on a combination of primary and secondary research methodologies that drive tangible results. We are committed to keeping our offerings clear, accessible, and concise to guide businesses in the decision-making process.
Integration of Technology: We embrace technology in all its forms as the core of our research tactics. We use various tools and platforms to analyze and interpret the data. This allows timely results.
Current and Future Market Estimates- Metal Roofing Market Share, and Size | 2031
Market Dynamics – Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Competition Matrix – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation contributing Market Growth
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
Contact Us: www.theinsightpartners.com
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trendingreportz · 2 months
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Overview
The Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market size is estimated to reach US$86.2 billion by 2027, after growing at an estimated CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) resin is a thermoplastic resin manufactured by polymerization of vinyl chloride monomers. It is extensively used over polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene owing to its superior impact strength and stiffness. The PVC resin has major utilization in the building and construction sector due to superior features such as strength, preference over metal materials, lightweight, durability and non-toxicity, thereby driving the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin market. In addition, the rise in medical and healthcare projects is fueling its demand for a wide range of applicability in blood transfusion sets, emergency burns treatment, bedding covers and others, thereby offering growth in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin industry. The major disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak impacted the growth of the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin market due to disturbance in manufacturing, closure of construction sites, falling vehicle production, supply chain disruption and other lockdown restrictions. 
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Report Coverage
The “Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Report – Forecast (2022-2027)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Industry.
By Type: Rigid and Flexible.
By Application: Dashboards, Consumer Electronics, Sealants, Electric Wires, Flooring, Pipes, Cable Insulation and Others.
By End-use Industry: Automotive (Passenger Vehicles [PVs], Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs]), Building & Construction (Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructural), Electrical & Electronics (Computer, Fuse Boxes and Others), Medical & Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Goods and Others.
By Geography: North America (the USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (the UK, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and the Rest of South America) and the Rest of the World [the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel and Rest of the Middle East] and Africa (South Africa, Nigeria and the Rest of Africa)].
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Key Takeaways
North America dominates the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market, owing to growth factors such as the flourished base for the construction sector, rising healthcare spending and urbanization. They would continue to boost the market in this region.
The flourishing building & construction sector across the world is propelling the demand for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin for various applications such as flooring, pipes & fittings, roofing and others, thereby influencing the growth in the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin market size.
The growing demand for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin over polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate and others for medical applications in blood sets, coverings and others is fueling the growth in the market.
However, the environmental threats associated with PVC act as a challenging factor in the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin industry.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Segment Analysis – by Type
The flexible segment held a significant Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market share in 2021 and is forecasted to grow at an estimated CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period 2022-2027. The demand for flexible PVC resin type is growing due to factors such as strong application scope over rigid type, excellent insulation, non-toxicity and stability. The applicability of flexible polyvinyl chloride is surging in the residential construction sector for roofing, home flooring, sealants and others. In addition, increasing usage of electrical wires and cables in electronics is also boosting its demand. Thus, with established utilization across major end-use sectors, the flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin type is anticipated to grow rapidly during the forecast period.
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Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Segment Analysis – by End-use Industry
The building & construction segment held a significant Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market share in 2021 and is forecasted to grow at an estimated CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period 2022-2027. The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin has major applications over other resins such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate and others in the building and construction sector. It is mainly used for flooring, roofing, sealants, pipe & fittings, cladding and others due to its superior strength, versatility, lightweight and durability. For instance, according to Oxford Economics, the global construction output in 2020 accounted for US$10.7 trillion and is projected to grow by 42% to reach US$15.2 trillion between 2020 and 2030. According to European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC), construction activity increased by 10.3% in volume in France for the year 2021 compared to 2020. According to the National Investment Promotion & Facilitation Agency, the construction sector in India is projected to reach US$1.4 trillion by the year 2025. With the established base for construction activities, the applicability of this thermoplastic resin for flooring, home roofing and others is risin. These are the reasons why the production and growth scope for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin is projected to rise rapidly during the forecast period.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Segment Analysis – by Geography
North America held a significant Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market share of up to 17.6% in 2021. The lucrative growth scope for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin in this region is influenced by the flourished base for the construction sector, rising healthcare production and rapid urbanization. For instance, according to the United States Census Bureau, the total privately-owned housing units completed in the U.S rose from 1,326 thousand units in December 2021 to 1,465 thousand units in May 2022. According to the Conference Board of Canada, the residential construction investment rose by 7.6% in March 2021 to US$10.99 billion over the past 11 months. According to the International Trade Administration (ITA), the forecasted construction value in Mexico increased from US$72.89 billion in 2020 to US$82.56 billion in 2022. Furthermore, the new housing construction is expected to hold 22% of the housing investment through 2024. Thus, with an increase in construction production and investment activities in North America, demand and production for PVC resins are growing, which, in turn, is anticipated to boost the growth scope for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin market in North America during the forecast period.
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Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Drivers
Rapid Growth of the Automotive Industry :
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Thermoplastic Resins have significant demand in the automotive sector for applications in automotive door panels, seat covering, coatings and others. The automotive industry is rapidly flourishing owing to growth factors such as a rise in passenger vehicle demand, vehicle electrification, growing public transportation and rising income level. For instance, according to the European Automobile Manufacturer Association, South America car production grew by 11% while US car production grew by 3.1% in 2021. According to the China Association of Automotive Manufacturers (CAAM), the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 1.29 million units and 1.25 million units in the quarter 1st of 2022 respectively, marking a rise of 140% year-on-year. According to the International Organization of Motor Vehicles Manufacturers (OICA), the global production of passenger cars increased from 55,834,456 units in 2020 to 57,054,295 units in 2021. With the increase in automotive vehicle production, the utilization of PVC resin in the vehicle body, seating and others is rising, which, in turn, is driving the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin industry.
Flourishing Growth of the Electrical & Electronics Industry:
The Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin is widely used in the electrical and electronics sector for applicability in wires and cables, computers, lighting and others, owing to superior insulation and durability. The lucrative growth in the electronics sector is influenced by growth factors such as robust demand for consumer electronic devices, soaring production base and urbanization. According to the LG Electronics annual report, the sales of electronic appliances increased by 28.7% to reach US$65.32 billion in 2021 over 2020. According to OBERLO, the total revenue of consumer electronics in the US is expected to increase by 7.5% in 2023. According to the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA), the production of consumer electronic equipment in Japan increased from US$215 million in January 2022 to US$230 million in March 2022. With the rise in electronics device production and growth scope, the utility and production of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin for applications in electrical appliances are rising, thereby driving the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin industry.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market Challenge
Harmful Impacts of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin on Environment :
Polyvinyl Chloride Resin, which is used in making PVC plastic, poses severe toxicity. The PVC resin plastic is produced through chlorine-based chemicals and releases toxic fumes in the environment, which creates an environmental hazard. The PVC releases a large number of dioxins, hydrocarbons, phthalates and other harmful substances during production and waste disposal, thereby leading to air pollution and human health threat. Moreover, PVC is non-biodegradable and leads to soil, air and water damage. Thus, owing to such harmful effects on the environment, the utilization and applicability of PVC face slowdown. Due to this reason, the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin industry anticipates major obstacles in its growth.
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Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Industry Outlook
Technology launches, acquisitions and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market. The 10 companies in the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin Market are:
LG Chem
Kem One
Cires SA
SCG Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Shin-Etsu Chemical
Recent Developments
In July 2022, Meghmani Finechem Limited commissioned the largest chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin plant. The latest CVC unit has a capacity of up to 40,000 TPA which fulfills the demand in the PVC business.
In April 2021, LG Chem announced the production of sustainable materials, including polyvinyl chloride, at its polymerization plant in Yosu and Iksan.
In October 2020, AGR resin, which is a modified polyvinyl chloride resin of Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Fukang Energy Company, passed the Standard Project Evaluation to offer excellent durability and strength.
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businessindustry · 3 months
Sealing Coatings Market Industry Competition Analysis, Revenue and Forecast Till 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Sealing Coatings Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Sealing Coatings Market Trends share, size, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Sealing Coatings Market?
The sealing coatings market size reached US$ 14.9 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 21.4 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.1% during 2024-2032.
What are Sealing Coatings?                                                                                                                                                                            
Sealing coatings are substances applied to surfaces to form a protective layer that guards against moisture, chemicals, corrosion, and other environmental factors. They are utilized on various surfaces like concrete, metal, and wood to prevent harm and prolong the lifespan of the substrate. Commonly used in construction, automotive, and industrial sectors, these coatings enhance durability and preserve the aesthetic appeal of surfaces.
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What are the growth prospects and trends in the Sealing Coatings industry?
The sealing coatings market growth is driven by various factors. The sealing coatings market is experiencing consistent growth due to rising demand for protective coatings across industries like construction, automotive, and manufacturing. These coatings safeguard surfaces against corrosion, moisture, and environmental damage, boosting the longevity of materials. As technology advances and sustainability gains importance, the sealing coatings market is poised for further expansion, offering a variety of solutions to meet the diverse needs of various industries. Hence, all these factors contribute to sealing coatings market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
Resin Type:
Concrete & Masonry
End-Use Industry:
Building & Construction
Electrical & Electronics
Walls & Ceilings
Windows & Doors
Tank Linings
Sales Channel:
Direct Sales
Distributor Sales
Online Sales
Price Range:
Corrosion Resistance
Thermal Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Curing Type:
Air Cure
Heat Cure
Moisture Cure
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
3M Company
Akzo Nobel N.V.
Axalta Coating Systems
Dow Inc.
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Hempel A/S
Jotun Group
Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd.
PPG Industries, Inc.
RPM International Inc.
Sherwin-Williams Company
Sika AG
Tikkurila Oyj
Wacker Chemie AG
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Sealing Coatings-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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yourusatoday · 4 months
Owens Corning: Global Locations and Facilities
Owens Corning, a leader in building materials and composite solutions, operates a vast network of facilities worldwide. This article provides an extensive overview of Owens Corning's global locations, highlighting key manufacturing sites, regional offices, and research centers that drive the company's innovation and market reach.
North America
United States
Owens Corning's presence in the United States is extensive, with numerous facilities dedicated to manufacturing, research, and corporate operations.
Key Locations:
Toledo, Ohio: Headquarters and central hub for Owens Corning's corporate operations, housing executive management and key administrative functions.
Granville, Ohio: Science and Technology Center, a cornerstone for research and development activities focused on advancing insulation and composite materials.
Kansas City, Missouri: Major manufacturing site for roofing materials, serving both residential and commercial markets.
Fort Smith, Arkansas: Production facility specializing in insulation products, pivotal for energy efficiency solutions.
Owens Corning maintains a significant footprint in Canada, with facilities supporting the production of insulation and roofing materials.
Key Locations:
Toronto, Ontario: Regional office and distribution center, coordinating operations across Canada.
Candiac, Quebec: Manufacturing plant for insulation products, catering to the Canadian market's demand for energy-efficient building materials.
Owens Corning operates several key facilities in France, central to its European operations.
Key Locations:
Chambery: Manufacturing site for composite materials, supplying advanced solutions for various industrial applications.
Laval: Insulation production facility, crucial for meeting the energy efficiency needs of the European market.
Germany hosts important Owens Corning facilities that contribute to its European market leadership.
Key Locations:
Apeldoorn: Production plant for insulation materials, supporting the regional demand for sustainable building solutions.
Birkenfeld: Manufacturing site specializing in composite materials, serving automotive and industrial sectors.
Owens Corning has established a robust presence in China, with facilities that bolster its market penetration in the Asia-Pacific region.
Key Locations:
Shanghai: Regional headquarters and innovation center, focusing on strategic growth and technological advancements.
Jiangsu: Major manufacturing site for composite materials, supporting the construction and automotive industries.
India is a growing market for Owens Corning, with facilities aimed at expanding its footprint in the region.
Key Locations:
Taloja, Maharashtra: Production plant for insulation and roofing materials, addressing the needs of the Indian construction market.
Latin America
Owens Corning's operations in Brazil are essential for serving the Latin American market.
Key Locations:
Rio Claro: Manufacturing facility for insulation products, catering to regional demand for energy-efficient building solutions.
São Paulo: Regional office, coordinating operations and strategic initiatives across Latin America.
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
In the Middle East, Owens Corning focuses on addressing the region's unique building and industrial requirements.
Key Locations:
Dammam: Manufacturing site for composite materials, crucial for infrastructure projects and industrial applications in the region.
South Africa
Owens Corning's presence in Africa is marked by key facilities supporting regional growth.
Key Locations:
Johannesburg: Regional office and distribution center, managing operations and logistics across the African continent.
Research and Innovation Centers
Owens Corning places a strong emphasis on research and innovation, with dedicated centers worldwide.
Granville, Ohio, USA
The Science and Technology Center in Granville is a pivotal site for Owens Corning's research and development efforts. It focuses on advancing materials science and developing innovative solutions for insulation, roofing, and composites.
Shanghai, China
The Innovation Center in Shanghai is instrumental in driving technological advancements and product development tailored to the Asia-Pacific market. It fosters collaboration with local industries and academic institutions.
Owens Corning's extensive network of global locations underscores its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and market leadership. By strategically positioning its facilities worldwide, the company ensures efficient production, distribution, and customer service, meeting the diverse needs of its global clientele.
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