#romulus monster high
g1rlb4it · 3 months
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rulerofnerds · 2 years
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I made this for easy comparisons and thought i might share.
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 3 months
I don't know if you write Monster High, but if you do, could you write something where maybe Clawd and Draculaura are spending time with his family and a non-supportive family member says something around Draculaura, and she just gets quiet and avoids Clawd and Clawdeen for a bit? Then, a supportive family member who heard it says something to them, and Clawd talks to her. It can end smutty if you wish or fluffy, I'm honestly find with whatever you choose
A bit of a long one today but hey what can you do about it
Anyway I just want to preface this by saying that I’m not trying to villainize Romulus I just needed a ‘unsupportive’ family member
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayyy!!
Draculaura bounded in the car seat as Clawdeen pulled into the large driveway of the family house.
The family was standing outside waiting to greet them and Draculaura checked her hair in her hand mirror one more time.
Clawd went to open his girlfriends door before he was roughly clapped on the shoulder. “What’s up bro!”
Clawd beamed at his long time friend Romulus as he gave him a side hug. From the car Draculaura heard Clawdeen scoff as she got out.
Draculaura did the same and followed her ghoul friend to the house while also peeking back at her boyfriend.
He was still in a deep conversation with Romulus, who she thought for a second was looking her up and down in disgust.
“Draculaura?” She shook her head and turned to look at Clawdeen who was leading her to the living room.
“Oh sorry! What’s wrong?” They sat on a dark brown leather couch, clearly worn by time and love.
“Nothing… umm just to let you know meat will be served today because well you know.” Draculaura felt nausea rising but nonetheless nodded and shook her friend off.
She could handle a bit of bloody meat right? She’s lived for so many centuries anyway so what was a bit of blood.
“Clawdeen is that Draculaura?” Both girls turned to look at Cawdia who enveloped both girls in a tight hug.
“Sure is.” Draculaura smiled and hugged Clawdia back as they sat on back on the couch as someone placed a platter of meats on the table.
“You are so cute. No wonder Clawd likes you so much.” They heard a loud mocking scoff from behind as the said guy sunk in the seat next to her.
“Please. Not that much.” All the girls have him an exasperated look and Draculaura dug her elbow in his ribs.
“Care for some meat?” Seemingly out of nowhere Romulus stuck the platter in front of her face. She scrunched her face and tried to be polite as possible while turning the food away.
Luckily she didn’t have to say much as Clawdeen was growling at Romulus while handing the platter of to Howleen.
“You know she’s a vegetarian vampire!” Smirking he backed away while chuckling to himself. As he did they made eye contact and Draculaura thought for moment that she saw… a gleam in his eyes.
She brushed it of the next second as more and more werewolf’s filtered into the crowded room. Some of Clawds friends urging him to come play casket ball with them.
“No you guys. I’m staying here with Draculaura.” At any other point in time, she might have been swooning at his consideration .
But as she saw the annoyed and angry looks on his friends faces, she felt embarrassment creep up.
“No it’s ok! I have Clawdeen and Clawdia with me it’s fine! Go play.” She tried to push him of the couch but he didn’t budge.
“Come on Clawd. Afraid you’ve lost your touch.” Romulus stepped in front of the group of werewolves that were grounding the couple. A teasing smirk playing on his lips as he stared at the two.
Draculaura would have felt uneasy but whatever Romulus was doing was working because the next second Clawd had jumped up and was sizing Romulus up as they headed for the back door.
“Oh yeah! Come on then. I’ll show you if I’ve lost touch.”
“That’s the spirit! Now come I’ll race you there.”
Draculaura watched quietly as her boyfriend disappeared in the distance, suddenly snapping out her thoughts as she felt a hand in her shoulder.
“I have to go help prepare lunch. But feel free to go to my room if you get bored.” Before Clawdeen could finish her sentence, Draculaura was on her feet while pulling her friend to the kitchen.
“Don’t be silly! I’ll help.” In truth she just didn’t want to be left alone. Usually she’d have no problem going to Clawdeens room but that when it was only them.
With everyone here she was afraid to be seen as lazy or as if she was treating them like servants. Vampires didn’t really have the best reputation when it came to getting their hands dirty.
“Oh uhh ok but we’ll be preparing meat.” Draculaura gave an unbothered smile as they entered the kitchen.
And just as Clawdeen turned away, Draculaura plugged her nose as she took deep breathes from her mouth trying not look at the blood at covered every plate in sight.
Dizziness started to consume her and she felt her eyes getting heavy as one of Clawdeen aunts asked Draculaura to kneed a piece of meat that was oozing blood.
But what she didn’t realize as she held onto the kitchen table was the certain werewolf watching her with a smirk as he went of again.
Romulus nodded to a group of his friends as he urged them over while also being mindful of Clawd who luckily seemed oblivious.
“What’s up?” Romulus beckoned one of his friends to quiet down as they approached. He glanced once more at Clawd who waved at him.
He waved back as he his group further away, “how do you guys like Clawds little vampire girlfriend?” The boys erupted in answer each shouting one on top of the other.
“She’s hot for a vampire.”
“Seems like an easy score.”
“She’s got some big pouty lips.”
Romulus chuckled at the comments while stepping closer while whispering. “Yeah well she’s also the biggest fucking loser ever.”
They all gave him a rather confused look so he continued. “You know how vampires are supposed ravage for blood? Yeah well this chick faints at the sight of it.”
The boys again erupted in roars of comments before Romulus quieted them down while checking to see if Clawd was looking.
“Yeah I saw her in the kitchen. She was all like ‘oh blood!’ and ‘I’m going to faint.’ So embarrassing.” Romulus put on a higher pitch voice as he imitated Draculaura.
The group broke in a fit of laughter all making fun of her in some way before they froze. “Boys dinners is ready!” Her voice rang around the field before she quickly ran back in.
Because what they didn’t realize is that she’d heard every last word.
Draculaura sat at the table out in the front yard with miss maxed chairs and torn cushions on each chair.
She felt her eyes stinging as she saw Romulus and Clawd coming to sit down, clearly happily engaged in a conversation.
She didn’t know if she should tell Clawd or even Clawdeen about this. A part of her wanted but an other part didn’t want to be the reason a friendship was broken.
So as her boyfriend sat beside her and Romulus opposite, she forced a smile on her face as the food started to get served.
Throughout lunch, Draculaura didn’t speak or interact. Her resolve to embarrassed or perhaps too hurt to be her usual self.
She tried to be. She really did but she just couldn’t. And both Wolf siblings were starting to notice.
“Hey babe are you ok-“
“I’m going to the bathroom! Be back soon.”
She sprung out of her chair, making a beeline for the bathroom as she clenched and unclenched her hands.
Unbeknownst to her, Clawdia was following. A look of genuine concern on her face as she followed the vampire to the bathroom.
Before she could close the door, Clawdia had her foot at the entrance as she looked at Draculaura in the eyes.
“What’s wrong? And don’t tell me nothing.”
“But it’s really nothing.”
Clawdia gave her a stern look and she didn’t know what it was but it was like the damn broke.
“I feel like I don’t belong here or in vampire society. Here everyone thinks that a vampire has no place dating a werewolf, that I’m an embarrassment and I’m just an east score for Clawd. And it sucks because I really like him and I don’t want to hold him back.”
Clawdia let her cry it out as she offered a hug for her. Draculaura took it eagerly.
“And then in vampire society I’m an out cast. A vampire who faints at the sight of blood, the daughter of a reformer and just a pretty face to get her heart stolen.”
She sniffled and cried harder, Clawdia didn’t say anything for a while as she stroked Draculauras hair.
“You don’t have to feel like that Draculaura. Clawd isn’t dating you as an easy score and Clawdeen is your best ghoul friend because she likes who you are. So what if you’re vegetarian and little different? So am I. And so is everyone else. We’re not all the same.”
Draculaura listened intently a bubble of warmth in her chest rising. “You know I was considered an outcast by wolfs in my family because I wanted to become a writer and live in Londoom. But that doesn’t mean I let it break me, because at the end of the day I was happy with myself. And so should you Draculaura, because you are so much more than a few nasty words.”
As the words settled in Draculaura wiped her tears away just as Clawd and Clawdeen found the two in the bathroom.
“Everything fine?” Draculaura grabbed onto Clawds hand as she looked at Clawdia and nodded.
“Yes. Everything is fine now.”
Who wants to give the MH show runners an award of amazing representation of racism because I do
Anyway this was a difficult one to write idk because I’m just too used to writing eah characters but nonetheless I had fun
Hope you enjoyed and have a good dayy!!
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beef-unknwn · 8 months
Did someone order more toradeen angst? :)
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(part 1)
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I’m sorry but I prefer Gen1 Romulus over Gen3 Romulus.
Yeah Gen1 Rom looked like a poorly disguised undercover cop, but Gen3 Rom sounds like a 12 year old trying to make his voice deeper and looks like that werewolf man from Scary Godmother 💀
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pnuk-r0ck · 2 years
Why does Romulus have purple hair it just looks so off to me
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hexcellenteah · 1 year
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monsterhigh-world · 10 months
This got me by surprise and i love it, this is adorable and im glad they gave twyla, a autistic character a love interest and im officially shipping this, they are just too adorable
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ghostlyg0ssip · 1 year
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mh-midnight-wanderer · 3 months
[Conversation between G3 Clawdeen and werewolf gang]
Howleen: Hey you guys wanna go get some D-E-S-S-E-R-T?
Romulus: Yeah dude I need me a T-R-E-A-T.
Barkimedes: What'cha guys talking about?
Clawdeen: Yeah Why didn't you guys just spell desser-
Romulus: NO!
Howleen: Shut up, Don't say it!
Clawdeen: Ummm Why?
Romulus: Oh god. How do we tell you this...
Howleen: Barkimedes... Can't spell
Clawdeen: WHAT?!!
Romulus: He can't spell. So when we talk about something he wants. We spell it out loud so that he doesn't get too excited
Clawdeen: He's a grown werewolf! He can't handle hearing the word, Treat?!
Barkimedes: *gasp* Treat ?!
Howleen: No treat!
Barkimedes: TREAT!
Howleen: No treat!
Barkimedes: *disappointed* awwww...
Clawdeen: OK, What's happening?
Howleen: We told you! He gets excited when he hears the word T-R-E-A-T!
Barkimedes: What'cha talking about?
Howleen: Homework...
Barkimedes: Aww shucks...
Clawdeen: What? So you guys just treat him like a toddler?
Barkimedes: TREAT?!
Romulus: No treat!
Barkimedes: TREAT!
Romulus: No treat!
Barkimedes: *disappointed* awwww...
Romulus: Clawdeen, You gotta spell if you're talking about F-O-O-D
Clawdeen: Ok. So... Are we getting an S-N-A-C-K?
Barkimedes: SNACK!!!
Romulus: OH C'MON!!!
Howleen: Aww man...
Clawdeen: Oh c'mon I spelled it!
Romulus: Well, he knows how to spell snack!
Clawdeen: So he can spell snack? But he can't spell TREAT?!!!
Barkimedes: TREAT?!
Clawdeen: NO TREAT!
Barkimedes: TREAT!
Clawdeen: NO TREAT!!!
Barkimedes: NOT FAIR!!!
Howleen: OK, he's getting fussy. It is time for an N-A-P
Barkimedes: YEAH!!!
Clawdeen: What does N-A-P spell?
Barkimedes: Party!!!!
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g1rlb4it · 6 months
who's left? i think grown up clawd, maybe i should do howleen again..
also! thoughts on colors? i kinda hate it, kinda like it so idk
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Well they're going to exhaust skulltimate secret before they know it the rate they're going, 5th one already planned out?
But if they did an all mansters skulltimate that would be so cool. Ik they're scared the boys won't attract as strongly, but like give it a damn shot. Change it up. I'm not usually one for boy dolls but I do want to see some freaky fun ideas with the g3 boys.
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dxntloseurhead · 2 years
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glow up tbh
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beef-unknwn · 9 months
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My son rhombus. I hate him <3 i hope he explodes. He's a homophobic homosexual and should be tortured for a hundred years for his crimes of being a massive doodoohead
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If they don’t give Gen3 Romulus a sibling named Remus, I simply do not see the point in bringing him back
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timelinemh24 · 5 months
What are glasses like when a monster with dog or cat ears wears them!!???
I'm trying to draw Clawdeen and I want to add lenses but I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY STAND!!!
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