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romeorevoarchive · 6 days ago
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Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: Revolution (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Charlie Matheson/Miles Matheson, Miles Matheson/Bass Monroe (past) Characters: Miles Matheson, Charlie Matheson, Bass Monroe, Nora Clayton, Rachel Matheson, Ben Matheson, Danny Matheson, Jeremy Baker, Jason Neville Summary:
There’s an old saying out there that time heals all wounds. People say that if you just wait long enough, your grief will start to fade, and you’ll start to live again. That you’ll want to live again.
What they don’t tell you is how much time it takes. Months? Years? Decades? Centuries?
Six months certainly aren’t enough.
And if he’s honest, Miles Matheson isn’t sure that a lifetime would be.
{A modern AU Revolution style retelling of The Beauty & the Beast} ~~~~~~~~~~
YOU GUYS, I FINALLY POSTED THE REST OF THIS FIC. Chapters 12-15 + the Epilogue are finally live. Sorry I suck so hard and took YEARS to post this. I had some revisions I really wanted to make it and got stuck trying to make them, and then I blinked, and it was 2025. 🥴 If you’re still reading, I apologize deeply and appreciate your patience. 
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lodessa · 2 years ago
Happy (almost) Birthday @romeorevoarchive!
(I made you a Marlie fic.)
Approximately fifteen years after the end of the show, Charlie rules over a Chicago that is granted power by the nano even though the rest of the world is still living with the Blackout. The only problem is that all of her success and power can't fix the aching sense of loneliness and futility that lives within her.
(Charlie Matheson/Miles Matheson, Explicit, 8204 word one shot)
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dj-hipstermiles · 7 years ago
I'm playing a gig this weekend! I need your hipster blessing!
May your audience always buy you local IPAs, your glasses be lensless and your music be hip before it’s cool. Ave Miles. Go in peace.
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hithelleth · 7 years ago
romeokijai replied to your post: December 8 is not too soon for Christmas winter...
Thank you for the reminder! I need a Christmas-themed icon.
Haha, no problem! :D
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jadedbirch · 7 years ago
romeokijai replied to your post: romeokijai replied to your post: ...
I would send you some of my rain if I could!
It's okay, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the Flood comes and drowns us all. :D
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discardedtwigs · 8 years ago
romeokijai replied to your post
Whoever told you that clearly doesn't have a refined enough sense to appreciate your beautiful work! You stuff is awesome!
ah, romeo, my sweet romeo, thank you for the kind words ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎  
I know i shouldn’t get bothered by it, it wasn’t even that mean or anything but... being told that what I write makes no sense is ugghhh. Plus i’ve always been the kind of writer that nobody pays attention to, so that means i’ve never really had to deal with upsetting comments like this. 
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thestateofardadreaming · 8 years ago
romeokijai replied to your post: It’s terrifying how fast I can switch from one OTP...
You’re giving me ALL the Charloe feels!
Oh I’m glad you’re enjoying the ride. :D I’ve been gorging in Charloe fanfics and digging out old edits. 
I don’t think I can ever get over them. They are so perfect for each other.
One of my other OTP became endgame, doesn’t change that Charloe will always be endgame in my mind.
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yourareunearthlything · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday @romeokijai ❣❣❣
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monroe-militia · 8 years ago
@romeokijai replied to your photo “By the way, this is my Femslash February bingo card. I’m thinking I’m...”
oh lords. the roommate prompt is looking at me, going, "why haven't you finished your Norloe roommates/neighbors AU still?!" which, incidentally, features a heavy dose of Charlie/Nora. but enough about me. best of luck with all the writing, lovely! hope you're able to meet your goal! :)
What a coincidence. I was actually thinking of making that one Charlie/Nora. Or possibly making bed-sharing them. Or both. But I was thinking college roommate Charlie and Nora OR Charlie and Nora sharing a room all the time in their travels and then when Miles finds out they’re a couple he’s all surprised and they’re like well why did you think we were sharing a room/bed all the time, dumbass? Possibly the first one for roommates and the second for bed-sharing.
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yatanis · 7 years ago
Ранвир и Акшай в 2016
for @romeokijai
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romeorevoarchive · 3 years ago
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Some simple updated artwork for my fic, Bad Advice (take it twice). 
Summary: When Miles refuses to give Charlie what she wants, she runs off to California for the summer, determined to get away from her uncle. Unfortunately, the universe decides it has something else in store for her when she meets a certain professor from UCLA.
Rating: E
Pairings: Charlie Matheson/Miles Matheson; Mitch Morgan/Charlie Matheson
Fandoms: Revolution, Zoo (crossover fic)
@lodessa @blue-charlotte
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lodessa · 8 years ago
  Accepting Drabble Prompts Right Now
Did you see my post yesterday about “sensual eating”? You can use that, if you’d like, for Marlie. :D
“Oh God... Holy shit! This. Is. SO. GOOD.”
The noise that Charlie makes as she puts another chip loaded with guacamole into her mouth does nothing to make her sound less like she’s orgasming, nor does the way her head rolls back in pleasure or the way she licks her salt crusted lips.
She sounds and looks like a damned Carl’s Jr. ad, Miles thinks restively, trying not to stare.  Of course he can’t say it. She was too young to remember… Oh and he probably shouldn’t call his niece even borderline pornographic.
His reaction inside is way past borderline.
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dj-hipstermiles · 8 years ago
Guess what? I wrote a song recently in which you (more or less) are the narrator. How do you feel about that?
As long as it’s subtle, then it’s edgy and badass. If it starts out with a twang and an introduction you’ve gone way too mainstream.
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hithelleth · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @eveningspirit to post the first lines of your last ten fics and then tag others to do the same
Thank you, dear, I do appreciate every opportunity for self-promotion even if my fic writing has been sparse over the last years (but hey, this year I’ve written two!)
Impasse (Revolution, CM2): 
Charlie finds Bass stretched all lion-like on the king-size bed, studying reports, when she enters the tent.
(Filling) Empty Spaces (Revolution, Charlie/Jeremy)
Charlie was just going to drop off the files Miles had forgotten again, but Jeremy waves her inside as he opens the door.
Only Human (The 100, Clarke/Roan, misc)
“You’re presenting a puzzle to Rani and Lana.”
Lost (Yellowstone)
The plaque on the wall is like a signpost.
Homework (Station 19)
[Homework: Write a 100 words about your family or about what you want to be when you grow up.]
Now Is Not the End (Station 19, vicley)
Vic waits with baited breath for that moment she is not ready for. Waits. Waits…
Thoughts on Future Pasts (Timeless, Emma Whitmore/Nicholas Keynes)
The future is... confusing.
Dominoes Falling (TVD/TO, Klaus/Elena/Elijah)
It turns out sometimes late is worse than never.
Close Encounters aka the bane of my existence (well, one of them) (Revolution, charm)
Bass gets to work well after midnight when the hotel at last falls silent, the partying vacationers having tired themselves out and the early-rising business people not yet up.
Reasons to Fight (The 100, Clarke/Roan)
Roan comes round to something tugging at his hand, constricting his movement.
(Oh, look, it’s only taken me 3 years back? (RtF was published in June ‘17.) Wow, so I’ve written more than I thought!)
Again, thanks for making me take a look back and now I feel rather good about my writing and like I could do some more of it soon-ish. ;)
Tagging: *sigh*, IDK who even writes still, in any case feel free to ignore as always (or maybe this will inspire you to want to write some more, like me?): @jadedbirch, @bea2me, @vesperass-anuna, @stargazerdaisy, @abedsmessedupmeta, @electricbluebutterflies, @ofwoodsandwaves, @serindiyoza, @dragormir, @faetlrae, @street-of-mercy, @romeokijai, @blue-charlotte because 13 is a nice number ;)
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jadedbirch · 7 years ago
romeokijai replied to your post: I never thought I’d say this, but thank god for my...
I went through the same thing earlier this summer. You have my sympathies! Hopefully you’ll get some rain sooner than later.
It doesn't look like it'll happen any time soon. At this point, I'd settle for Karl the Fog.
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discardedtwigs · 8 years ago
romeokijai replied to your post “if i made poetry writing exercises/prompts, would anyone be...”
I would be interested! Poetry and lyric writing are a bit different but also somewhat similar, so I could benefit from some poetry prompts (if I applied them to a songwriting context). :)
I’ve no idea how songwriting works tbh, I always feel like it’s something really complex because the writing alone isn’t enough, it has to flow and of course you need the music and all, but in the end writing is writing so i hope it'll inspire you :) 
appcllo said: yes!
Alright, imma post it really soon! ❤︎ (nice url btw)
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