#romelza meta
seriouslysam8 · 10 months
One of the Romelza children will become a quidditch player with the personality of Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
The Potter house will have a statue of a hungarian horntail.
Gemma will be a fashion designer and become rivals with Pansy Parkinson.
Fudge, Umbridge and Percy will be street artists.
A meta one: When Romelza kiss happens, chernobyl will happen across platforms.
Ginny will blast the walls of Myrtle's bathroom in order to expose the chamber entrance.
Fred or George(The one that survives), after the war will create a campaign to eliminate Voldemort's influence. "If Voldemort is dead, we should act like it", they'll sell merch mocking Voldemort.
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romelza-poldark · 7 years
What was Ross thinking when he was at Dwight's home after he heard Elizabeth delayed the marriage? After the night with Elizabeth, if Ross had money to support Demelza and Elizabeth would he have left Demelza? What was Elizabeth thinking while she was waiting for Ross to return? I think these have been asked but would like your opinion. Tanya
I don’t remember this scene, will have to rewatch; but I think his general thoughts after the affair were pretty conflicted - he loves Demelza but he had betrayed her, he used to have feelings for Elizabeth at one time but he’s not sure what he feels now, he’s incredibly upset about George Warleggan x Elizabeth - he knows Demelza is angry and upset and he knows he loves her, which means he can’t leave her for Elizabeth. I don’t think he had thought of the consequences of his actions (when has he ever?). He intended to stop the GxE marriage but he hadn’t thought of how to go about it, he doesn’t know how The Incident will affect it. He expects Elizabeth to refuse George, but he’s also said “soon” when Elizabeth had been about to ask when they would talk next - he doesn’t know how to deal with it, what he would say to her, etc. Idk which specific scene you’re talking about, but I’m guessing he felt part relief because maybe George wouldn’t take over Trenwith, but maybe part confusion?
Nope. I firmly believe that while he did have feelings for Elizabeth (first love, no proper closure, etc.) he had also fallen completely in love with Demelza. His hatred for George Warleggan and the thought that Elizabeth had agreed to marry his worst enemy, the man he loathes, and that George would also soon be living in Trenwith, all of this combined makes Ross really angry and he is not thinking of Demelza at all at this point (in fact when Demelza tries to stop him saying he should wait till the morning, I believe if he had listened to her, what happened next might not have happened).He might have been confused about what to do, but if he had the money he might have offered to take care of Elizabeth and GC while married to Demelza? (idk, i might be talking out of ass, lol). Basically I don’t think he would have left Demelza.
As for what Elizabeth was thinking, I believe she was waiting for some sort of message from Ross - either an indication for her to let go of George, or to go ahead and marry him, preferably the former. She had waited for Ross before and ended up marrying Francis - which had some pretty bad moments and which she’d had second thoughts about later on. This was something she couldn’t talk to anyone about and she was probably hoping for a word from Ross - as he had said he would. I don’t think she expected Ross to leave her hanging the way he did.
Thanks for the question, Tanya! 
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moviestorian · 7 years
Poldark fan ask meme
I decided to create an ask meme specifically for us, Poldark fans. I was trying to make it as creative and challenging as possible, so I hope everybody will find questions they like. Enjoy! :)
1. How did you discover Poldark?
2. Have you read the books?
3. Books or series?
4. Favourite character?
5. Least favourite character? Why?
6. A character everyone loves but you don’t.
7. A character everyone hates but you love.
8. Favourite book - and why?
9. Favourite season/episode.
10. 1975 TV adaptation or 2015 TV adaptation?
11. Best written character.
12. Favourite Poldark place.
13. Your pet peeve about the books and/or the show.
14. One thing you would change about the Poldark saga (books or TV).
15. Best casting choice.
16. Worst casting choice.
17. Unpopular opinion.
18. Demelza or Caroline?
19. Ross or Dwight?
20. George or Francis?
21. A character that deserves more recognition.
22. Do you write fanfics about Poldark?
23. Romelza or Georgibeth?
24. Do you have any crackships?
25. Headcanon about X character?
26. Favourite cast member?
27. Have you ever had a fight/unpleasant experience with the fandom?
28. Have you ever met any of the cast members?
29. Why do you love Poldark?
30. Geoffrey Charles or Jeremy Poldark?
31. Verity or Morwenna?
32. A character you feel is strongly overlooked/underappreciated.
33. Your fancast for X character.
34. Who would win - Osborne Whitworth or George Warleggan?
35. Thoughts on Keren Daniel?
36. What do you think was Rowella’s main motive for seducing Osborne?
37. Your NOTP.
38. Rank the members of the Warleggan family from best to worst.
39. Do you contribute to the fandom very often?
40. The Paynters or the Gimletts?
41. A character that deserved a better fate.
42. Do you think that Valentine is Ross’ or George’s son?
43. The scene that made you pissed off.
44. The scene that made you happy.
45. The weirdest/worst moment.
46. Do you have any favourite quotes?
47. A character you most identify with.
48. I challenge you... to write a meta about X.
49. (For artists) I challenge you... to draw X.
50. If you had an opportunity to ask Winston Graham/Debbie Horsfield one question, what would it be?
51. What would you especially like to see in the next season?
52. Would you call yourself an obsessed fan, a moderate fan or a critical fan of Poldark?
53. A character you would like to marry.
54. A character you would like to have as a best friend.
55. If you could bring one character back from the dead, who would that be?
56. How long have you been in the Poldark fandom?
57. Have you ever regretted joining the fandom?
58. Would you say that Poldark is important to you?
59. Morwenna or Rowella?
60. Hugh Armitage or Malcolm McNeil?
61. What would you do if Whitworth offered you marriage?
62. What is your favourite of all Demelza’s songs?
63. Fuck, marry, kill game + 3 Poldark characters
64. Drake or Sam?
65. Would you rather: have your husband dying in the mine and marry George Warleggan; or return home just to discover your lover is being engaged to somebody else and live in poverty for years?
66. Thoughts on Elizabeth?
67. Please draw me...X?
68. Au Zone about...X
69. If you were to mix Poldark with another fictional world/universe, what would it be?
70. Which character do you most identify with?
71. What makes X a good character, in your opinion?
72. Three things you associate with X character.
73. Would you rather fight with Ross with your bare hands or “fight” with George over something at court?
74. If you were in the Poldark universe, who would be in your dream squad?
75. What scenes/characters from the books you would love to see in the series?
76. What bugs you most about character X?
77. Would you say that the series is a good adaptation?
78. What tumblr blogs would you recommend to a Poldark fan?
79. Anything outraged you when you were watching/reading Poldark?
80. If you were to write your master’s degree about Poldark, what topic would you choose?
81. What is the strongest part of Poldark novels/series?
82. What is the weakest part of Poldark novels/series?
83. Do you have a favourite costume from the series?
84. Has the Poldark fandom ever ruined something for you?
85. What role would you like to play if you were an actor?
86. List 5 best qualities of X character and their 5 worst qualities.
87. 3 OTPs
88. Have you read the books once or multiple times? Have you seen the series just once or you rewatch episodes every now and then?
89. Do you think that multiple viewing/reading of Poldark has changed your perception of some things/characters?
90. Do you think Poldark could be made into a good movie adaptation, or it requires a TV series due to book length? If there was a Poldark movie, what’s your dreamcast?
91. Favourite platonic relationship?
92. A Poldark thing you used to like but can’t really stand anymore.
93. Is there any song that reminds you of Poldark?
94. Imagine Poldark characters in modern times. What about them would change the most?
95. Your Poldark guilty pleasure.
96. The best Poldark-related experience.
97. Poldark characters + mbti, moral alignment & Hogwart houses
98. Any Poldark fanfiction recommendations?
99. What is, in your opinion, Poldark’s most significant message? What can we learn from it?
100. Do you collect Poldark merchandise?
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midgardiannerd · 7 years
A: Your current OTP. 
Fabien Marchal & Claudine Masson from Versailles. I was binge watching the two seasons since last week.
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Sherstrade. Actually, I was liking them as father/son dynamic but then I spot the Sherstrade fandom and the truth has been shown to me. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
Hartwin. Hartwin shippers are really creative and productive and as a Merlahad shipper, I’m jealous that they have so much to read or to enjoy when we have so few. Unfortunately, I can’t conceive Eggsy in a relationship with Harry other than mentor/protégé. 
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Fanfiction. I’m better with words than with pencils. Even if I would love to be a productive fan artist. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Sometimes I share silly head canons in the Kingsman fandom because that’s just an hilarious fandom. 
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?G: What was your first fandom?
5 years. Sherlock.
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
Real-life TV shows.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Sherlock. Mainly because the TJLC shippers. Johnlock has just become THE ship that even people outside the fandom are convinced that everyone ships it. And their agressive behavior is fucking exhausting. I’m just talking with Sherstraders now. Because Sherlock fandom is now TJLCers against everybody else. No anymore metas without ships involved. 
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
The West Wing.
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
I love Kingsman people. I love people in the Darkpilot fandom. And I love people in the Sherstrade fandom. They’re all great. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Writing an AU about one of my ships based on one of my fav films. 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
@sithofren dragged me in the Darkpilot fandom. I could never be thankful to anyone else than DC. 
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
I think it goes to Kingsman. Creative, funny and wonderful people. And maybe I’m not enough involved but ship wars in Kingsman are inexistant. 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Maybe I’m amazed_ Paul McCartney & The Wings. For Darkpilot. All the way.
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
A going alone to watch a movie at the theater. The room being crowed, A is obligated to take the only free seat next to B. The movie is bad and B is bitching all the way about it. A finds his reactions hilarious. Other people are enjoying the movie and not liking someone bitching about it so loudly. B is fired from the room. A is following B because A doesn’t want to waste any more time on this awful movie and is really interesting about what B was saying. 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Steve Rogers & Phil Coulson. Got over my MCU obsession. 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Paul & Steve from Fever Pitch. Blame my obsession with Firthstrong. Or better, blame Mark Strong & Colin Firth to have so much chemistry in every movie they play together. 
S: What's a headcanon you have?
Merlin & Harry are together since the 80s. Everybody suspects it and is acting like they’re in couple even when they never had the confirmation of it. 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Merlahad. Darkpilot. Benwash. Sherstrade. 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
Romelza. Abigail & John André. George Washington & Martha Washington. Fabien/Claudine. Mary Poppins/ Bert. 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
Not really. I’m not a poly or multi shipper and sometimes it really frustrates me. Maybe Merhartwin. Or Bucky/Sam/Nat.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Merlin from Kinsgman. Greg Lestrade from Sherlock. Kylo Ren from Star Wars. Benjamin Tallmadge from TURN amc. Lucille Sharpe from Crimson Peak.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Ardeth/ Jonathan from The Mummy movies. Gwaine/Leon from Merlin. Benjamin Tallmadge & George Washington from TURN amc.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Don’t know. I’m always ending with shipping. But in fact, I love when there is no romance in canon. 
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Lucille & Thomas Sharpe (Sharpecest) from Crimson Peak. I know how problematic it is with incest and abuse. But I ship it. I love their dynamic. 
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